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Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay
Five hundred billion used globally and one hundred billion of them end up in U.S. landfills, taking
about one thousand years to decompose, but only 5.2 percent were recycled (Borrud, 2007, p.75).–
These are the figures plastic bags have produced every year. Human beings invented plastic bags for
the convenience of carriers and packers. However, just as other great inventions, say, nuclear energy
and biotechnology, plastic bags are causing serious issues like global warming, environment
pollution and energy consumption. They are gradually becoming sword towards ourselves. In
responding to this problem, the city of San Francisco has become the trail blazer to prohibit non–
biodegradable plastic bags in its large supermarkets and pharmacies. ... Show more content on ...
In other words, in this era of high oil prices and energy scarcity, petroleum–based bags are costing
considerable natural resources, and ultimately turn them into a huge pile of useless garbage.
Actually, significant energies like fuel, from which ethylene gas is obtained and plastic bags are
made, are nonrenewable, while human beings are still consuming these precious treasures
recklessly. What's more, the plastic bags easily catch wind and blow, causing the difficulty of
confining it to where disposed of (Borrud, 2007, p.75). This leads to the difficulty in recycling,
which hinders the circulation and reuse of the material to a large extent. Moreover, Ross Mirkarimi,
the author of the ban, also notes that the only 1% of the plastic bags in San Francisco is recycled, in
spite of the city's perfect local recycling system ("100 Billion Reasons," 2007, p.77). People's poor
awareness on energy–saving has brought the oil–shortage crisis one step further. A prohibitory edict
on petroleum–based bags might be a right way out before we ultimately realize that the last calorie
on the earth comes from our body temperature.
Another reason of supporting the prohibition on petroleum–based bags is that they are economically
inefficient. Angela Spivey reports the city of New York once suspended their services in plastic
recycling, which
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Marketing Analysis : Lululemon Manufacturers And Sells...
Introduction lululemon manufacturers and sells high quality running, yoga and training apparel.
Lululemon was founded in 1998 and as of 2016 has 354 stores worldwide.Lululemon designs high
end leggings that are lightweight and made to maximise comfort.They provide a wide range of
colours , styles, materials and feels, to suit every individual.Different to other brands, they base their
tights off feel and sensation to give the buyer a customized product. Leggings and all other products
are sold exclusively in Lululemon stores only. The brand receives low cost free publicity through its
brand ambassador program , which makes the brand visible throughout the community.
Target Market
Lululemon products are geared towards "sophisticated and ... Show more content on
All of these things are telling you how you're interacting with the world. For us, understanding
sensation is really about understanding how your body is moving and what you make that
mean".The sensations include ;Held–in sensation , hugged sensation , naked sensation, reakaxed
sensation , tight sensation. These sensations depend on the fabric used . Overall lululemon are
providing a eccentric experience when a consumer is wearing their tights.
The exact raw materials lululemon use to make their leggings is keep under strict confidentiality but
the main fabric used is often released as it is a point of difference from other brands. The unique
sensations the leggings provide all depends on the fabrics used. Lululemon employs designers that
are designated to advancing fabric technology used in the creation of their leggings. These fabrics
are Luon,luxtreme,swift, nulu,silverescent and nulux but no one knows how these fabrics are created
or what other materials are used to prevent rival companies being able to created sensation fitted
tights because it would eliminate the originality of their leggings.By employing these ingenious
designers , it is an extra cost to lululemon so this also impacts the final high price the final product
Lululemon 's main competition are Nike and under armour they provide similar products that are of
mid –high quality but do not include the unique fabrics lululemon produces but are well known
established and
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Plastic Bags Should Be Substitued By a More...
1.0 Introduction Plastic bags are widely used as an easy medium for packaging items purchased
from groceries and shopping outlets. However, the irresponsible use of plastic bags has led to a
number of impacts; particularly towards the environment. The negative implications on the use of
plastic bags causes conflict where there is a need for the manufacture of plastic bags, especially the
usual conventional bags used for shopping, to be reduced or banned. This brings up questions on
whether the roles of these plastic bags should be substituted with a product that is more
environmental–friendly such as reusable grocery bags as part of the solution for the banning of
plastic bags. 2.0 Chemical Background 2.1 Background of Plastic Bags ... Show more content on ...
Polyethylene pellets are first melted, and then transferred through a die unit where the melted
polymer is transformed into a circular tube bubble. Once cooled the bubble is destroyed in half at
the end of nip rolls. The destroyed bubble later revolves to become rolls of polyethene film.[2][3]
The films are then distributed to be coloured, labeled, cut and sealed into different kinds of plastic
bags, which includes being manufactured into shopping plastic bags.[3] 2.2 Background of Re–
usable Grocery Bags Re–usable grocery bags are considered as a substitute for plastic and paper
bags. These grocery bags can be produced from a different range of materials, though they are
commonly made from fabric such as canvas or woven synthetic fibers.[4] Due to their larger weight
and endurance, re–usable grocery bags are manufactured from the use of more resources compared
to plastic bags.[5] However, these bags were designed to be used repetitively by consumers and can
even be continuously reused for a long period of time if the bags are properly maintained.[4] 3.0
Critical Evaluation and Findings 3.1 Reasons for Discouraging the Use of Plastic Bags The
advantages of using plastic bags include the fact that they are light in weight but durable, affordable
and are easy sanitary mediums to utilise in carrying groceries or other suitable purchases.[2]
However, plastic bags
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Informative Speech On Plastic Bags
A. As Susan Freinkel once said "The plastic bag has come to represent the collective sins of the age
of plastic". (Freinkel) B. As in many other countries, USA can institute rules to prevent or prohibit
the use of plastic and paper bags. C. Plastic bags are very convenient for shoppers and store owners,
but they are hard to recycle and have damaging impacts on animal, human and environmental
health, sometimes even fatal. D. Plastic bags come with a high cost in manufacturing for users and
the environment, they have bag consequences in our nature and also they are very expensive for
consumers to buy and recycle. II. Body A. Plastic bags are very expensive to create. 1. The
manufacture and shipment of paper bags in the US creates more pollution than plastic bags a. Paper
bags' production requires 14 million trees each year according to the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) statistics. 2. The fabrication of our regular plastic bags requests billions of pounds of
fossil fuels and also billions of gallons of fresh water and produce solid waste and CO2. a.
According to the EPA it requires 2.2 billion pounds of fossil fuel and 3.9 billion gallons of fresh
water to produce 100 billion plastic bags the US consumes each year. b. The manufacture of these
bags produces a billion pounds of solid waste and 2.7 million tons of CO2 per year according to the
EPA. It requires vast amounts of natural resources, water, and energy to make and ship disposable
bags. B. Plastic bags can have
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Explain How The Way Plastic And Paper Bags Negatively...
Article 2: The way plastic and paper bags negatively affect our environment. Summary: Plastic bags
disturb the environment in a very serious way. The plastic bags get into the soil and as time passes
they slowly release toxic chemicals. Eventually the plastic bags break down into the soil and the
unfortunate consequence is that the animals will eat the plastic, choke on it and then die! The
petroleum and gas used to create plastic bags is a limited source, it is non–renewable. We already
have a problem with petroleum to do in the next 50–100 years so why are we wasting it by
compounding it? Extracting petroleum causes enough environmental issues and that is not including
the compounding! The even bigger problem is that plastic bags consume
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The Harmful Effects Of Plastic Attacks On The Environment
For my project, I will refuse to use plastic bags and I will use reusable bags instead. I am aware of
the harmful effects plastic bags have on the environment, specifically in the ocean, and I want to do
my part to help reduce this harm. Whenever I go grocery shopping, or just shopping in general, I
will bring my own reusable bags to the store and refuse any plastic bags if they are offered to me. I
do not go shopping very often (maybe once every two weeks), but when I do, I will be sure to
always have a reusable bag with me. I plan to start now and carry this project on as long as I can, but
it will most likely only last for the semester, as once I go home I will probably not be grocery
shopping for myself. The main issue with plastic bags is not the bags themselves, but where they
end up. "An estimated 300 million plastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone" (Wagner).
Littering and human carelessness causes these bags to end up in places they should not be. Plastic
bags only serve to cause harm as "any hunting mammal can easily mistake the size, shape and
texture of the plastic bag for a meal and find its airway is cut off" (Wagner). For example, albatross,
a type of bird found on Midway Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean "have been found dead by rescue
workers on Midway due to ingesting substantial amounts of plastic bag remnants" ("What's So Bad
About Plastic Bags?"). The largest population of these birds could now be at risk, all due to plastic
bags. Something must be done to control problem, before it is too late. Albatross are only one of
many species affected by plastic bags. "Dolphins, seals, sharks, flamingos, seagulls, pelicans, and
other animals and birds have been found dead in large numbers due to plastic bags" ("What's So Bad
About Plastic Bags?"). Plastic bags are not just harmful to one species, they are harmful to a variety
of animals. "As one species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the
waterway is impacted" (Wagner). The hazards created by plastic bags trigger a chain reaction that
could destroy an entire ecosystem. The rate at which animals are dying off due to plastic bag
consumption is concerning. One such species that is in
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Plastic Waste Of Plastics
Plastic waste Americans are generating more plastic trash than ever, and very little of it gets
recycled. Plastics and their byproducts are littering our cities, oceans, and waterways, and
contributing to health problems in humans and animals.Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats
to ocean health worldwide. In spite of society's many efforts to properly dispose of plastic waste,
between 4 and 12 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the ocean each year enough to cover
every foot of coastline on the planet. And that amount is expected to more than double in the next 10
years Stop using plastic straws, even in restaurants. If a straw is a must, purchase a reusable stainless
steel or glass straw.
How can you stop plastic waste
One of the easiest ways to keep plastic out of the landfill is to refuse plastic straws. Simply inform
your waiter or waitress that you don't need one, and make sure to specify this when ordering at a
drive–thru. Can't fathom giving up the convenience of straws? Purchase a reusable stainless steel or
glass drinking straw. Restaurants are less likely to bring you a plastic one if they see that you've
brought your own.The things about plastic bags that there are 1 million plastic bags are used every
minute, and a single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade. If you're already bringing reusable
bags to the grocery store, you're on the right track, but if you're still using plastic produce bags, it's
time to make a change. Purchase some
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Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned From Store
Picture this: A person goes out to the store to purchase a couple of necessities. Those necessities
then get put into a plastic bag as per usual. They get home and take everything out of the bag. They
then trash the bag because it is no longer needed. The plastic bag, then ends up in some landfill
where it is blown away in the middle of the ocean. The plastic bag then goes on to danger the marine
animals. Plastic bags should be banned from stores because there are other ways people can carry
their things, they are dangerous to marine animals, and cause pollution. Plastic bags are not needed
to carry items people buy from the stores. There are plenty of other ways to carry items that are
bought from the store. For example, people can bring their own bags from home. They can also use
tote bags instead that can be reused. Tote shopping bags are a more efficient way to carry items. Tote
shopping bags made of canvas or jute which is a natural fiber. There are also times when people go
to the store and only buy a couple of things. Therefore, they don't need a bag because they can carry
their items with their hands. Plastic bags cause a massive amount of pollution to the earth. It lets out
lots of CO2 into the air with the production of it. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that if let out too much at
one time can hurt the planet. Not only do plastic bags produce pollution while being made, but also
when they are decomposing. Plastic bags go on to last for up to 10–1000 years.
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Sustainability On Brevard College Campus
Sustainability on Brevard College Campus
Environmental sustainability is the ability to be able to continue a certain process or use a certain
resource indefinitely (Mason). For example, if you're using a certain resource and you know it's
going to run out one day, that resource is unsustainable. Sustainability is important because a lot of
the practices that we do in modern society from agriculture, to energy source, and even
development, are completely depleting our resources. This practices were also made to
accommodate our fast pace lifestyle, everything is built and made to be fast and cheap, nothing is
made to last anymore. Many people are realizing the importance of being sustainable and the world
is slowly changing to sustainable practices like Renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, while
also changing the fast and easy mind set to a more "reusable" one. Brevard College has boarded the
sustainable train of the world by making several additions to the school like solar panels, alternative
transportation options, a Fair trade and organic Coffee shop, and several environmental based clubs.
Although they are heading in the right direction, many changes still need to be made in order to
achieve a well–developed sustainable campus.
Like states above, one of the changes made in the past couple years had been the addition of solar
panels on top of the campus cafeteria. Although they're small, it's a step into the right direction
towards renewable energy powering
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Plastic Bags Do Not Biodegrades
By going to a website called, "," I found out that, " Plastic bags don't biodegrade,
they photodegrade– breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and
waterways. They then enter the food web when animals accidentally ingest them,"( admin, para.8 ).
In case you didn't know, the meaning of biodegrade is to decay and to become absorbed by the
environment, while photodegrade is to be decomposed by the action of light, especially sun light.
Plastic bags are very common in grocery stores. Sure they help us carry items, but plastic bags can
do a lot of harm to the environment and to living animals, such as creating land fills and
endangering six of seven species of sea turtles. Where I'm getting at is that ... Show more content on ...
That we don't have to worry if we lose any of them. Sure it makes our lives easier, but we need to
stop thinking of ourselves and start looking for ways we could use to replace plastic bags, without it
causing any harm to the environment and wild life. For example," But the problems surrounding
waste plastic bags starts long before they photodegrade. Our planet is becoming increasingly
contaminated by our unnecessary use of plastic bags,"( Sharon Jacobsen, para.4). Sharon Jacobsen is
explaining in this quote that plastic bags are, basically, unnecessary. For another example," Big
black bin liners, plastic carrier bags carrying advertising logos, clear sandwich bags and a variety of
other forms are all polluting our environment. They're lightweight, handy and easily discarded. Too
easily discarded,"( Sharon Jacobsen, para.5). By saying this, she meant since plastic bags are easy to
get rid of, this is how problems are created, problems such as landfills and destroying marine life.
What we need to start improving is to not think about our selves entirely and discuss what should do
to help the things around
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Three Ways in Which a Business or Corporation and the...
Many parents work to provide their children with the latest gadgets, vacations, and the best
education. Ironically, they don't think about the environmental state that they are leaving their
children and grandchildren. Not only would going green leave a healthier environment to their heirs,
going green can be financially rewarding providing additional money support other luxuries. The
Natural Science Class at Spring Arbor University, challenged me to identify three ways in which I, a
business or corporation, and the government can reduce environmental waste. Each solution must
contain supporting documentation pertaining to the feasibility, cost, and estimated reduction. The
solutions I have identified are:
Not using plastic ... Show more content on ...
The U.S. uses 84 billion plastic bags, out of the 500 billion used worldwide. These facts alone
should convince everyone to purchase and use reusable shopping bags. How am I going to
incorporate the reusable bags in my household? The reusable bags range in price from $.99 to $5.00
depending on the bags quality and design. To alleviate excuses "I forgot the bags" or "I didn't go to
that store" and "I didn't have enough bags", I decided that I would not purchase reusable bags
consisting of a stores logo. To avoid my husband not wanting to use re–usable Meijer bags at
Kroger, I will purchase Michigan State reusable grocery bags. The most difficult task will be
remembering to take the reusable bags when we go grocery shopping or having them with us if we
stop to buy a few things on the way home from work. Placing bags between the passenger seat and
console will both remind and condition myself and husband to use the recyclable bags rather than
the plastic. I am certain this simple solution will become second nature within a few weeks. "They
say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." –Andy Warhol
Business or Corporation Environmental Reduction Technology improvements and rising education
costs alone justify eliminating text books both economical and environmental friendly. Would
providing students an electronic reader ultimately save school districts money
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Littering the The World
As you walk down the packed streets of New York City, 8.3 million people are out and about. Its
7pm and you're eating a granola bar headed to see the newest big hit on Broadway. Once you finish,
you look around and realize there is no garbage pails anywhere nearby. So you toss your wrapper in
the street and think nothing of it and casually walk away and go on with your evening......
As a matter a fact, many people do this every day all around the world. And there is a name for it
too, litter. Litter is trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles that is left out in an open or public place.
There are many effects that litter can do. Litter that is lying in the streets gets blown into sewers and
clogs the sewers and waterways. From there, it flows into bodies of water. Chemicals and toxins
from plastic bottles escape into water systems. Animals get cut on sharp metal or broken glass and
get stuck inside bins and containers. When food litter is littered from a vehicle, it brings animals to
the road, and then they run onto incoming traffic and quickly become road kill, that can hurt your
car. These are some environmental effects that litter can do.
There is also an economic aspect to the harms of litter. Houses in littered neighborhoods sell for less
money, and much of what is thrown away or littered could have been recycled and could have been
made into something new. But surprisingly, the most littered item in the world is a cigarette butt.
They may be small, but there harm is much
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Persuasive Essay On Plastic Bags
There are stores placed throughout the world, many in which people buy food, toys, or types of
entertainment from. People spend seconds or even hours shopping for the products they want. We go
through the checkouts, scan our cards or hand money to the cashiers, to pay for our items. The items
are then placed into thin, plastic to go bags with handles. Usually the store's logo is imprinted on the
bag as well. We never think about the bags that our purchases are placed in, but what if the
government began to tax us twenty–five cents for each and every one of those bags? Bag taxes
would not be an ideal law to pass for they would harm animals, people would be in debt, and chaos
would rise. Charging bags would harm animals, and is definitely not acceptable for society to
persue. Of course, there is a handful of people that do not abide by the law, therefore litter. With this
in mind, there are high chances of people littering these thin and flimsy plastic bags. This being said,
animals could get caught in the bags, potentially suffocate, and die. The littering of bags may also
end up in the ocean, which can cause sea creatures to become extinct. Taxing bags may cause people
to do outrageous acts, littering being one of them. It could be done through an act of riot over the
taxation of the bags. Not only does littering affect animals, but it affects us as well. Without animals
how are we going to have food? We won't have meat, milk, or even fur from some of the animals
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Puma Clever Little Bag : A Firm Led By Yves Behar- Yves Behar
Client– Puma
Project– Puma clever little bag
Designer– Fuse project, a firm led by Yves Béhar– YVES BEHAR
Puma is a Germany–based company that is famous for sophisticated sportswear in the world. The
leaping puma logo depicts the dashing corporate image of the company. The logo is the sign of
courage, challenge and stability. The power and energy is reflected in all the products of puma. It
showcases the reliability and its reputation. The black color used in the puma logo is the depiction of
company's supremacy and self–belief. It evokes the confidence in the heart of the athletes in the
world. The bold font in the puma logo depicts the company's stability and dominance. Though the
brand is very well established in the ... Show more content on ...
Along with these aims they wanted to show their commitment towards environment.
The insight
The previous puma box was already sustainable however it was still a box, which created large
amount of waste. The packaging was not only aimed at the end product but also its process. It was
important to examine the new system and its effects on the stakeholders from start to end. Through
the examinations a new innovative was created – abandoning the shoebox and thinking outside the
The things to be considered were the design had to be functional, protective; it should work on
existing shelves and displays. It should not require a new process. The cost could be the same or less
but not more.
The research
Puma underwent a life cycle analysis to figure out what was working and what were the problems
with the packaging. It was important to identify the problems and improve the experience of the
The design team travelled to the manufacturing, distribution and retail centers all over the world to
see the way the previous packaging process of production, transport, and storage takes place.
Research was done on material, which was flexible and sustainable. This was done in partnership
with Material ConneXion. They discovered new material with less environment harm.
The development– Smart and Simple solution
They had to reduce material and shipping cost. The design team thought for 21 months, over 2000
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The Impact Of Plastic Shopping Bags And Environmental Impact
Plastic Shopping Bags & Environmental Impact
Disposable bags may seem convenient but have proven to be a huge source of pollution. According
to research conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, somewhere between five hundred
billion and one trillion disposable bags are used each year around the world. Plastic bags, while only
used for an average of about twelve minutes, remain in landfills, oceans, and other places for
thousands of years.
Plastic bags are created using fossil fuels and also require vast amounts of water and energy in order
to have them manufactured and shipped. The production of plastic bags requires the use of billions
of pounds of fossil fuels as well as billions of gallons of fresh water. The manufacturing ... Show
more content on ...
While plastic pollution continues to be a huge problem globally, there are some steps being taken to
reduce the use of disposable bags. Many individuals and businesses have begun switching to
reusable bags in an effort to save money and protect the environment. Some businesses even offer a
small discount for utilizing reusable bags instead of plastic. Many places are also beginning to create
laws that either ban plastic bags entirely or place a fee on them, and these laws have proven to be
effective in reducing plastic bag pollution. With more laws being enacted and the shift to reusable
bags continuing, plastic pollution can be decreased. To learn more about plastic pollution, consult
the resources listed below.
Are Plastic Grocery Bags Sacking the Environment? – An article from National Geographic that
explores the environmental impact of plastic bag use.
Reducing Disposable Bag Pollution – An article explaining how disposable bags cause pollution and
what is being done to reduce the problem.
The Environmental Impacts of Plastic Bag Use – A list of the negative environmental impacts of
using plastic bags.
Marine Debris Impacts – An overview of the impact of marine debris on the environment from the
Environmental Protection Agency.
Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Plastic Bags and Wrap – A page that provides education on what
can be down to reduce plastic bag use and increase recycling.
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The Pros And Cons Of Plastics
Did you know that plastic bags remain noxious even after it breaks down? Billions of plastic bags
are given out daily to consumers by the stores to carry their purchases in. They are additionally light,
water resistant, and easy to carry in. Most of the plastic bags are made out from High Density
Polyethylene (HDPE), and these bags end up in landfills or waterways after using them (Plastic
Rubbish, 2008). In addition, these plastic bags are non–biodegradable. There has been a new
creation of plastic bags that are made from chicken feathers (Greene, 2015). Therefore, plastic bags
would be able be to break down when disposal. Plastic bags should be limited due to their high
negative impact on the environment that leads to pollution, danger to wildlife, and health problems.
Our planet is turning out to be progressively contaminated by our pointless utilization of plastic
packs. The major part of our rubbish in landfills is plastic bags. The lightweight of plastic bags
allow them to fly in the air, tangle up in trees, and float on the rivers and oceans. ... Show more
content on ...
Well, using a cloth bag would be a good solution and would save our environment as well. Cloth
bags can be washed, fixed, and a lot harder to tear than plastic shopping bags. Some would say that
plastic bags are much cheaper than cloth bags. Well, even if they are a bit expensive than plastic
bags, cloth bags last longer and would also cost you less if you think of a longer period of time.
Others would say that we could use plastic bags as long as they are recyclable. The answer is it is
not as easy as you think. Plastic bags take so much power and energy in order to be recycled. Plastic
bags pieces get stuck in the machines, causing these machines to stop working and hands of the poor
workers can only remove these tiny pieces. As well as some of the recycling factories refuse to
recycle plastic
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The Big Picture of Littering
In most places as people look around they would see lots of litter. The litter that people see is not
just there it affects them. Littering looks dirty and costs money to clean up. People litter and make
places look dirty which costs people in a couple of ways. Littering is making a place untidy with
trash such as paper, cans, bottles, and any other items that are left in public (Google). Littering is a
major world problem because of people being irresponsible, where it comes from, disintegration,
pollution affects, health effects, economy affects, how it affects people, and statistics.
People litter because they're lazy and they throw it out of their car on the freeway (R. W. Beck).
Litter also happens because people don not care about littering. The main causes are that litter is
already there or they assume someone else will pick it up for them (Litter... It Just Isn't Natural).
Litter does not just come from people throwing it in a place it does not belong. Litter comes from
improperly handled garbage and commercial refuse. Construction sites, demolition sites, loading
areas and delivering areas often leave materials that become litter. Uncovered trucks, motorists, and
garbage collectors do not often clean up everything that they use and it get left behind (Litter... It
Just Isn't Natural). People do not think enough about litter and the cause and effects of litter. That is
probably the biggest problem that leads to litter being left behind. Disintegration is another
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What Are the Main Problems Associated with Using Plastic...
Module code: FC 5012T
Title: Skills for Study 1
Assignment question:
What are the main problems associated with using plastic bags? Identify solutions to reduce these
Word count: 742
Tutor name: Bird, Marianne
City University Number: 110065767
Submission Date: 26/10/2011
Plastic bags have been used on a daily basis since 1977 (Williamson, 2003) as a means of carrying
items such as groceries as they are not only convenient but also cheap. However, the over–use of
plastic bags has posed significant threats to the environment in recent times as they are non–
biodegradable and also a threat to wildlife. The primary reason for this concern is that plastics bags
are not re–used, but simply disposed of in landfills. ... Show more content on ...
Each year there is an increase in demands for plastic bags, and therefore more are shipped, creating
further environmental pollution concerns. This increase in demand has lead to the phenomenal
upsurge in the use and misuse of plastic bags globally, both in developed and developing countries.
Statistics show that 4 to 5 trillion plastic bags are produced per annum, whereby North America and
Western Europe account for nearly 80% (Geographical, 2005; Reusable Bags, 2005). Cheeseman
(2007) states that approximately "380 billion plastic shopping bags are used in the United States
annually"; in turn, only 0.6% of this is recycled.
Almost 96% of plastic bags are disposed of in landfills (Williamson, 2003). This leads up to another
problem as plastic bags are non–biodegradable – in other words, plastic bags do not biodegrade for
over a thousand years (Stevens 2001). Plastic bags may also land in farms and in oceans which have
an impact on the wildlife. Livestock such as cows may eat plastic bags while grazing. These pose a
threat if ingested as they may tangle in their stomachs, causing serious injuries and potentially death
(Dreyer et al, 1999; Rasmussen 1999). Each year over a billion birds and mammals die due to the
ingestion of plastic bags (Baker, 2002).
Many of these issues however, can be addressed and even resolved in several ways. Nowadays, a
number of countries have begun to impose taxes on plastic bag consumption, with few even banning
the use of plastic
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Double Bottom Line Sustainability, Materials And Provide A...
Contents Introduction 2 Triple Bottom Line 2 Environmental 2 Economical 2 Social 2 Materials
Chart 3 Recommendation 5 Bibliography 5 Introduction As the world's population slowly increases,
the need to recycle becomes more evident to safeguard the future of the environment for future
generations. With Australia using 3.92 billion single use plastic bags each year of which 50 million
ending up in Australia's litter system, green–minded Australians have started using the green
reusable shopping bags (Plastic as a Resource, 2015). Although some people switched over to using
the green bags, there is evidence that suggest they are not as environmentally friendly as some
people might think. This report will investigate triple bottom line sustainability, materials and
provide a recommendation for future shopping bags. Triple Bottom Line The commonly known
"phrase triple bottom line" stands for the three things that make a product sustainable. These three
things are: how environmentally friendly the product is, how economical it is and how socially
acceptable this product is (Slaper & Hall, 2011). Environmental How environmentally friendly are
green shopping bags?? Well most green shopping bags are made from non–woven polypropylene or
NWPP for short. Polypropylene is a by–product of petroleum. During the process of refining oil
propylene gas is produced. The gas is put into a reactor then becoming propylene powder. Stabilisers
are mixed with the powder and the combined
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Pros And Cons Of Ban Plastic Bags
Perhaps one of the most commonly questions in the past, is now rarely heard by consumers. Four
out of five grocery bags in the US are now plastic ( However, the answer should
not be merely plastic, the real answer is neither. Plastic bags are very harmful for the environment,
and paper bags even more so. The best alternative is a reusable bag, which can save thousands of
plastic bags over its lifetime. Plastic bags are everywhere. We see them anywhere from the town
grocery market to the convenience store down the street. Admittedly, plastic bags are very
convenient. They are a cheap, hygienic way to transport one's purchases. However, once they get
home, there is not much use for the piece of plastic. Sure, some reuse them ... Show more content on ...
While the population would not be using plastic bags, they would be using paper. As we can see,
paper bags are even worse for the environment than the plastic ones. Also, the ban on plastic bags
will not cause people to start using reusable bags; it may actually cause a shift of the production to
other use–and–toss bags ( The ban on the plastic bags had not worked out for
places nearly as well as the PlasTax. Ireland, for example, imposed the PlasTax, which is a tax on
plastic bags. However, there are some exemptions to the tax, which include heavier weight reusable
plastic bags; bags used for meat, fish, or poultry; bags for unpackaged produce, ice, or other foods
without packaging ( The PlasTax worked so incredibly well, that plastic bag
consumption was reduced by a whopping 90 percent, and approximately one billion fewer plastic
bags were used. The amount of litter was dramatically reduced, and eighteen million liters of oil
were saved. Several other countries and cities around the world are now considering implementing a
similar tax, including UK, Australia and New York City
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Environment Issues Of Hong Kong Essay
Environment Issues in Hong Kong
Waste has been a common problem in most of the developed regions. Hong Kong is not an
exception; the problem has been deteriorating as the society develops and its population grows. The
country produces waste huge amount every day and it is estimated to be increasing by 3 percent in
every year. According to the research conducted by Ambrose and Harris (2011), most of the waste in
this nation is handled by land–filling. Young (2014) expressed a similar idea where he claimed that
in 2003 the land is approximated to have received average daily waste of 17757 tonnes. However,
the existing landfills are anticipated to be filled within 8–10 years if the current trend of waste
generation continues. However, Hong Kong has a limited land resource, and it 's hard to find new
land–filling sites. This raises the need to improve the situation ensuring continuous development.
One of the most notable types of waste is the waste resulting from packaging material. Packing is
done basically to protect products from damaging thus ensuring the quality of the product is
preserved. Yucel and Ozkan (2015)by summarizing the work of many others claims that over the
years, consumerism has become more apparent influencing packaging to come up with various
complex designs with a motive of attracting consumers. Cela and Kaneko(2013) claimed that most
of the packaging waste result from domestic activities accounting for 43 percent, followed by
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Eassy On Plastic Pollution
Shelby Cailteux
Mrs. Phegley
English II
11 December 2017
Plastic Pollution in the Environment Plastic pollution is a major threat to our environment and
continues to get worse every day. We live in a disposable society where fast food is served in plastic
or Styrofoam containers and discarded instead of glass dishes. Many people use plastic water bottles
instead drinking from the tap. Plastic soda bottles are used instead of glass returnable bottles. Plastic
grocery bags have replaced the brown paper grocery bags. Unfortunately, not enough people
properly dispose so all this plastic ends up as plastic pollution by littering road ways, parks, beaches,
and oceans, or it gets buried in landfills. For many years scientists tried to develop plastic instead of
using natural made products such as ivory from elephant tusks and tortoise shells from turtles.
Finally, in 1862 and English inventor named Alexander Parkes invented the first plastic called
Parkesine (Knight 8). The first truly synthetic plastic was developed in 1907 which was called
Bakelite and was made from coal tar (9). At the time it was used for jewelry, telephones, clocks, and
radios (9). Over the years improvements have been made in the production of plastic.
Plastic is used in almost everything we use on a daily basis such as shoes, cars, clothes, computers,
furniture, windows, and many other things. Plastic has made our lives more convenient but it is also
a high price to pay for the convenience considering
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Bag Conversion Advantages And Disadvantages
Bag Conversion:–
Bag Conversion:–
High speed bag conversion are used for producing bottom folded bag manufacturing and These new
generations machines are suitable for conversional bag uses and designed for cross cutting the
tubular fabric and bottom folding and sewing and stacking sewn woven sack made from roll of
tubular woven pp/Hdpe fabric. Their state of the art automated functions results in quality cut of
sewn bags. Bag Conversion of pp woven fabric/Hdpe
Multi Filament Yarn:–
Multi–filament yarn spin–draw–wind line used offer highly flexible concept of compact melt
spinning lines. Each is uniquely suited to address strategic and operational needs at optimal cost.
They are ideal for production of high tenacity, medium to heavy denier yarn in small ... Show more
content on ...
Krishnan as a private firm and was engaged in the manufacture of woven bags. In 1983 it was taken
over by an entrepreneur the leadership of Mr. Vimal Sipani assumed the mantle as Managing
Director and continued the business and transformed it into a profit making venture with promotion
of the sale of HDPE/PP woven bags in entire southern region of the sub–continent.
The major decision by current organization head of Managing Director in the year 1990 in introduce
the manufacturing of polypropylene Fabrics and marketing of woven fabric as saleable product was
the preeminent one in the sub–continent woven sack industrial market, which laid down the
foundation for not only the expansion of company's business but in the emergence of numerous
small /medium scale entrepreneurs, and till date the company is good example for other companies
to follow the footsteps. expand its business base the company took it second major decision to take
over another running unit in Jigani namely M/S Hoysala Blow Moulders at Bangalore and
expansion and achieved the status of largest manufacturer in country in HDPE/PP woven fabric
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Speech On Plastic Bag Bags
According to some estimates, between 500 billion and a trillion plastic grocery bags are used
globally each year. The WorldWatch Institute states it takes 430,000 gallons of oil to produce 100
million plastic bags – so that comes to a staggering 4,300,000 gallons or 16,277,270 liters of oil to
make a trillion bags. It's been great to see a concerted effort by many individuals, some towns and
states to ban disposable plastic shopping bags; but even if you have e started to kick the disposable
plastic bag habit, chances are you may still have a few dozen or hundred floating around the place.
Plastic bag litter isn't just unsightly, in a marine environment plastic bags are particularly
destructive, killing at least 100,000 birds, whales, seals and turtles every year according to
PlanetArk. Many sea animals mistake the bags for jellyfish, part of their diet. Professional fishermen
can ... Show more content on ...
This is an old superstition, which says that we should not keep our handbags on the floor, if we want
to have money coming in. The problem is in both physical and symbolical manner, by putting our
money on the dirty floor down by our feet, which can be interpret as we are disrespecting our
wealth. People believe if you want to keep your money, you have to respect them. A symbolic way
of respecting wealth is to put our purses in a nice place like on the table, on a chair or on our lap.
Are people from Colombian heritage more superstition then others? For example, there is the
magical realism exhibited by Gabriel Garcia Marquez's writing. But what I have come to realize is
that this superstition is deeply rooted in many other cultures. I remember upon first meeting, when
my co–workers who have Colombian and Jamaican roots, and how both girls lunged for their purses
when a waiter wanted to move them from a chair to the floor. We all looked at each other and
laughed by saying "purse on the floor is bad
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Items and the Resources behind Them
Items and the Resources Behind Them People all over the world are using resources every day that
they do not even think about. People are not aware of where things come from or what happens to
those things after they are no longer in their possession. In the following paragraphs, I will look into
five specific things I make common use of in a week. I chose to conduct my research on plastic
water bottles, mechanical pencils, plastic grocery bags, cell phones, and ear phones. I will expand on
the materials that go into making these items, and where they come from. Additionally, I will look
into what happens after they have fulfilled their purpose and whether they are recyclable or not.
Each type of water bottle has a different story. For the most part however, they are made up of
similar materials. It is common that they are made using Polyethylene terephtalate plastics, which
are also known as virgin plastics. The plastic is made by mixing hydrocarbons that are extracted
from crude oil with chemical catalysts. The manufacturing process is described as each bottle being
sterilized, filled, capped, labeled, packed into cases, and prepared for shipping. Transporting and
distributing these bottles consists of shipping them in lightweight materials which are good for the
environment since it cuts down on fuel costs. Most people only use water bottles until that 1 serving
is gone. But they may be reused or recycled. When they are recycled, the plastic bottles are shredded
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Santa Cruz EF: Helpful Or Successful?
After reviewing the history of the Santa Cruz EF, they have very little success rate, but they are
indeed very persistent about environmental justice. Starting off with the Mcdonald's demonstration
to ban plastic packaging, the Santa Cruz EF did successfully completed their task. Mcdonald,
currently on Mission boulevard, is not using plastic packaging and has substitute plastic for a
material that is less harmful to the environment. In addition, their demonstration were indeed
effective because Santa Cruz community is now plastic bag free and now enforces reusable bags
instead. In addition, their first meeting and training for demonstrations were successful. They had an
attendance of forty individuals who came to participate and learned about ... Show more content on ...
Yes, I would because the environment has been serving earth's life since before human dating. Earth
First has some core values that I admire and wish to live and abide by. Earth First believes that
mother earth is the most important life to protect. Second, it is a necessity to protect Earth because
the way we treat Earth, Earth will treat us the same way. So for instance, if we only pollute and kill
Earth, Earth will stop producing the necessary things the human race needs for survival. Therefore,
causing the end of the Human race. Continuing on, I would love to just participate and get hands on
experience with environmental injustice activism. My goal as an environmental studies
undergraduate is to help spread awareness about environmental injustice and animals injustice. My
main focus would be on protecting endangered animals and animals that have been corrupted by the
human race. For instance, humans have adopted wild animals and made them domesticated animals
which is bad because the animal was not born to be cage and isolated from their natural habitats. In
order for me to accomplish my dream, I want to adopt some of Earth First and Santa Cruz Earth
First values. First, I want to start a webpage where people can help lists or report endangered species
locations. This will help me pinpoint different locations where endangered animals live. Second, I
want to incorporate biocentrism as a main value. Therefore, the
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Seafood Dishes Using Saltwater Fish
Here are three tasty seafood dishes using saltwater fish often available fresh in the Carolinas:
bluefish, croaker, and red drum. Also try these Easy Fried Flounder, Southern Style recipes! Baked
Bluefish 2 lb bluefish fillets 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons
lime juice 1 teaspoon combined salt and pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon minced onion olive
oil Place fillets in a baking dish greased with olive oil. Combine remaining ingredients and pour
over bluefish. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until fish is done. Serves 6. Beer Battered
Croaker 8 whole croaker, dressed 1⁄2 cup butter, melted 1⁄2 cup beer 2 eggs 1 cup flour 1⁄2 cup
cornstarch veggie oil Beat eggs and mix with butter and beer. Stir in flour and cornstarch. Heat oil
on high in deep fryer. Dip each fish in batter and then fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels
and serve. Serves 3 to 4. Red Drum Chowder 1 lb red drum fillets, cut into 1–inch pieces 4 slices
bacon 1 onion, chopped 1 lb potatoes, cooked and diced 1 lb tomatoes, chopped 1 tablespoon lemon
juice 1⁄2 teaspoon pepper 1⁄2 teaspoon thyme 1 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup tomato sauce Fry bacon until
crisp, remove and set aside. In bacon drippings cook onions until tender. Add remaining ingredients,
cover and simmer 12–15 minutes. Add crumbled bacon and serve. Serves 6. For more delicious
seafood recipes see my blog A Dash of Salty
It may
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The Effects Of Plastic Pollution On California
Plastic Pollution in California The beauty of California is slowly fading away and as
environmentalists would say, "There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed
to live in harmony with its surrounding" (Carson, 366). According to the findings revealed by
research foundations in California, marine life is and has been in great danger as a result of plastic
remains that accumulates in the Ocean. In his article Daniel Woods states, "Approximately eighty
percent of remains found in Oceans are made of plastic that originates from urban runoffs such as
plastic trash carried away from landfills, trucks, as well as garbage containers, marinas, ports and
construction trash" (Wood, 20). Furthermore, these results also revealed that marine remains where
made up of disposable plastic products that constitute food packaging as well as containers that are
ever present and contain precious resources that can be used unsustainably. These issues have
affected the state critically and have lead me to research the reasons behind the banning of plastic
pollution, their economic impact, harm resulting from plastic pollution, as well as federal concerns
on plastic contamination.
The reason behind banning plastic pollution in California was triggered by the fact that disposable
plastic bags as well as food containers were filling Oceans with a lot of plastic remains.
Additionally, California's tourism economy has suffered tremendously interfering with the forty
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The Environmental Effects Of Plastic Shopping Bags
Originally patented in 1965, the single–use plastic shopping bag has since become ubiquitous in
America and around the world. Plastic bags were first introduced in grocery stores in 1977, and by
the early 2000s they constituted 80% of the market for shopping bags (Laskow). These bags caught
on because they were stronger, lighter, waterproof, and many people found them easier to carry than
paper. Most importantly though, they were cheaper, meaning retail stores had strong incentives to
make them available to customers and promote their use (Petru). In other words, plastic bags
became popular, and remain so today, because they are convenient. However, this convenience does
not take into account the environmental effects associated with their production, distribution, and
disposal. Once these aspects of their use are considered, it is clear that the convenience of plastic
shopping bags do not justify the harms to the ecosystem caused by their existence.
Plastic bags are usually made out of high–density polyethylene (HDPE), a strong, durable plastic
made from ethylene monomers (Clark). 134 million metric tons of ethylene are produced each year
as of 2014, with 28% of that production going towards the manufacture of HDPE (Lazonby,
"Ethene"). Ethylene is produced from oil and natural gas, and in the process has significant
environmental consequences. According to a 2013 study by Ghanta, Fahey, and Subramaniam
published in the journal Applied Petrochemical Research, "For ethylene produced from naphtha and
ethane [the two main sources of ethylene], the energy expended during the extraction and ocean–
based transportation of fossil fuel sources (crude oil and natural gas) contributes significantly to
adverse environmental impacts such as GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions, acidification, and eco–
toxicity." To make ethylene, fossil fuels must be extracted, transported, and processed (Lazonby,
"Ethene"). Then the ethylene must be processed to make HDPE (Lazonby, "Poly(Ethene)"). HDPE,
in the form of plastic pellets, is then transported to the plastic bag manufacturer. The manufacturing
process of Novolex, a maker of plastic packaging products that sells bags under the brand name
Hilex Poly ("Company Overview"), is described
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The Success Of Spinneys
Spinneys are a word that you hear in almost every Lebanese household nowadays. Before getting so
popular, Spinneys have paved its way through the Lebanese market throughout history. In 1948,
Spinneys opened its doors to the Lebanese public in the old Beirut Souks. 1967 Spinneys started
opening in Raouche, Verdun and Jnah selling high quality fresh products, grocery, and baked goods
at a fair price and in a fresh and friendly shopping environment. Yet unfortunately, in the early
1970's Spinneys closed its doors due to the civil war in Lebanon. After an absence which lasted for
30 years, Spinneys reopened its doors in Dbayeh with a fresh new vibrant concept in the year 1998.
The success during that year was enormous, Spinneys has created a new ... Show more content on ...
4) Imports The Imports range is one of the major points differentiating Spinneys among other
retailers in the region, and has successfully positioned itself as a need to most customers. Spinneys
can, at any rate, satisfy your appetite by importing products from any country you come from. With
its wide range of international and ethnic products, Spinneys makes you feel at home. Enjoy the
products you are familiar with, that are accessible only at Spinneys while you are visiting Lebanon
and experience the great tastes and pleasures of your all time favorite products brought to Lebanon
especially by Spinneys! 5) "What's for food today?'' Believe it or not, Spinneys can be your Chef
and advice you what to cook today and provide you with all ingredients and process of the
international cuisine menu plates, and yes for free! 6) Rewards Program "Spend, earn and win".
Now you can join Spinneys loyalty program for points' collection and rewards, and benefit from the
exclusive gifts carefully selected and chosen for you III.
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Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned
Plastic bags
Recently, there has been a lot of fuss over the ban of plastic bags in Australia. Here is an article on
why we should have a ban on plastic and non–reusable bags.
In 1960, the recyclable paper bags, were replaced by single–use plastic bags, which means that they
are for carrying shopping from the shop to a home. When they replaced the bags around 60 years
ago, businesses found it a lot cheaper to have plastic bags instead of paper. However, plastic bags
pollute, and take about 1 thousand years to break down!
What we use today for carrying is very different to what consumers were using 57 years ago. In
!960, when plastic bags became most popular, all the people buying groceries and food decided to
switch to plastic bags instead of paper because paper rips, and the plastic bags are a lot stronger.
Nearly 60 years later, we are starting to discover that plastic bags are not what we thought they
Plastics and plastic bags take along time to break down. The reason that it takes so long to break
down, is that the atoms are hexagonally arranged, so that the atoms take to 500–1000 years, to
disintegrate, depending on the plastic. Once the atoms have been split apart, it pollutes the ozone
layer. The ozone layer acts like sunscreen to the earth, so when it gets polluted, it gets damaged so
there is a hole in the ozone layer (which absorbs uv rays), which is really bad for the environment
and us. This can affect consumer choice because if a consumer knows about
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Case Analysis : Eagle Drug Store
Eagle Drug Store will not successfully defend the false imprisonment claim because the court will
likely not consider both the manner and length of time of the detention to be reasonable. A
shopkeeper is entitled to protection against false imprisonment claims pursuant to section 51–7–60
when the store had reasonable grounds to believe shoplifting had occurred, and the "manner of the
detention...and the length of time" are both found to be reasonable. Ga. Code Ann. § 51–7–60 (West,
Westlaw through Act 566, §§2–4, effective July 1, 2014). The manner in which the search is
conducted becomes unreasonable when it exceeds "mere embarrassment" by subjecting customers to
"gratuitous and unnecessary indignities," comments wholly unrelated to ... Show more content on ...
Id. Similarly, in Jackson, defendant told plaintiff that "he could make a pass at plaintiff...[and] he
wished she was white, because...shoplifting always involved blacks." Jackson, 390 S.E.2d at 135.
The court held the manner was unreasonable, reasoning that the defendant's imprudent sexual and
racial remarks amounted to "gratuitous and unnecessary indignities". Jackson, 390 S.E.2d at 136.
Conversely, in Mitchell, defendant, after grabbing plaintiff's shopping bags, exhibited "gruff, loud,
[and] rude behavior" in his public search. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 632. The court held that "causing
embarrassment" does not constitute unreasonable manner, reasoning that although being subjected
to a search in the view of others is an unpleasant experience it does not expressly violate the terms
of the statute. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 633. The presence of physical touching on the part of the
defendant toward the plaintiff will generally be deemed unreasonable. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 633;
Brown, 477 S.E.2d at 840. For example, in Mitchell, defendant stopped plaintiff by grabbing her
shopping bags as she was exiting the store and then searched her in the open. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at
632. The court held that this manner was reasonable because defendant only touched the shopping
bag, "never plac[ing] a hand of plaintiff's person," and thus no unwanted physical touching occurred.
Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 633. Id. Conversely, in Brown,
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Speech On Plastic
Plastic bags are hurting our environment and killing the wildlife. Plastic bags are taking over the
oceans. "It is now believed that there are 5.25 Trillion pieces of plastic debris in our oceans"
( The equivalent of one dumb truck full of plastic enters the ocean about
every minute. Scientists now estimate that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the
year 2020. For this reason alone, making the switch from plastic, to paper or cloth reusable, bags are
so important. The average American Family takes home almost 1,500 plastic shopping bags a year
( "Even though plastic bags are recyclable, about 5 percent of them are
recycled. Most plastic bags eventually end up in landfills, where that can remain for as long as 1,000
years. But first, or instead, many plastic bags become litter." To encourage more recycling, some
cities and states are passing laws requiring stores to provide recycling bins for plastic bags. Plastic
bags are destroying our environment and killing our Wildlife. "Tens of thousands of Whales, Birds,
Seals and Turtles are killed every year from plastic bags" (www.prijatelji– They are
mistaking these plastic bags as their food source. Turtles think they are jelly fish floating in the
water. Whales consume them as they are eating the krill and other fish that they eat. In 1998, a
pelican was found dead with 17 plastic bags in its stomach. Another example of plastic bags killing
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The Solution Of Plastics And Pollution
In today's time we are facing the problem of pollution, and dirty water, which is affecting our sea
life as well as human life. It is a concerning problem. And although many don't infact believe in
global warming, muck and smog is becoming a worsening problem as the years go on. If there is
any way to overall help to decrease the amount of pollution that is is being put out, it would be a
necessary option. the government is proposing a plastic bag fee that will range about 25 cents for
each plastic bag.The hopeful outcome of this would be to see people bring reusable bags rather than
paying for the 25 cent bag. Which would be a greater outcome in decreasing pollution in some slice
of a matter way. Essentially, eliminating plastic bags over time would be necessary. If everyone
were to use reusable bags to go shopping, we could seriously see a dent in the pollution amount.
Plastic is so bad for our planet, it does not biodegrade and it adds harsh chemicals to our soil and
water. Plastic can last in water for thousands of years, what can be seen is disrupted marine life
habitats, and well as poison wildlife due to the consumption of of the chemically processed plastic.
As well as seeing a increasing problem with our sea life and even our wildlife we could see a
concerning problem facing pollution of our soil, due to the landfills that carry an enormous amount
of plastic and littering that can be seen in larger areas. Initially, what the theory is, is the chemicals
of the
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Informative Speech On Plastic Bags
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to use plastic bags less and tote bags more General
Purpose: To Persuade Introduction: Have you ever wanted to help the environment, but you just
didn't know how? When we go shopping we see a lot of people carrying bags made of plastic. I must
admit; plastic bags can be very convenient at times, but the use of plastic bags has it disadvantages.
If you knew about the dangers of the use of plastic bags, then I'm sure you will think twice about
using plastic bags and use tote bags instead. I. Plastic bags are convenient when it comes to carrying
our items. A. In the article, "Plastic bags are killing us", the author Katharine Mieszkowski stated,
"The plastic bag is an icon of convenience culture, by some estimates the single most ubiquitous
consumer item on Earth, numbering in the trillions." B. Using these plastic bags are increasing the
dangers of thing that are happening in the world. C. Ten percent of the annual oil supply is with the
use of plastic bags. i. Only a few of that number is recycled. ii. "Only 1 percent of plastic bags are
recycled worldwide –– about 2 percent in the U.S", also stated in the article by Katharine
Mieszkowki. iii. Meaning most of our planet's natural resources are being used for it. D. The
resources and things that go into making plastic bags can be used for other important things. i. The
resources used for plastic bags is a waste of our resources. ii. It is difficult to recycle and takes a
very long
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The Ban Of Plastic Bags
California endorsed parliament bans on the use of plastic bags, if the case project turned into a law it
will be the first of its kind in the United States. The prohibition of a number of cities and counties in
California and other states, including Maui County in Hawaii, the use of plastic bags in grocery
stores. However, at the state level it prevailed in opposition to this ban plastic bags manufacturers.
the Senate voted in California by 22 votes in favor and 15 opposed to the bill, which must be ratified
by the Democratic Governor Jerry Brown by September 30, to become valid. Brown did not
announce his position on the bill. One of the supporter of the bill said that the plastic bags once used
not only contaminate our shores, but also contaminate our mountains and rivers and the lakes as
well. Under the law, which was approved by the Governor of the state, located in the western United
States, would ban single–use plastic bags in butcher shops and pharmacies, with effect from the first
of July 2015, and in neighborhood shops and department stores a year from now. The law allows
stores to impose a price 10 cents for paper bags or midwife for multiple uses. The Republicans
oppose the law, arguing that it is a very strong government intervention in the affairs of small and
medium–sized companies, while manufacturers of plastic bags stressed that this may lead to the
exchange workers. The progress of civilization and technological which every country lives now, it
gave us the
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Plastic as a Commodity
Silverman (2007), states that, "Plastic constitutes 90 percent of all trash floating in the world's
oceans". Plastic has become a well–known and wanted commodity around the world. It is a
commodity that is involved in most things that we use; however, we are oblivious of its bad effects.
In the article "Plastic is rubbish" it shows that in 2010 alone, Americans created 31 million tons of
plastic waste such as containers, appliances, and cups (n.d.). When plastic is used this excessively it
acts as a hazard and a harmful commodity, since it endangers the lives of many creatures including
humans. The way this commodity is disposed off should be efficient and should not result in
harming the environment either. To solve this problem, all governments should take action and
improper plastic disposal should be made illegal and its production should be moderated to lessen its
effect on the environment, human health, and overall on the economy worldwide. Governments
around the world respond differently to the issue of plastic bags, some are in the view that plastic
bags are harmful both to the environment and to human beings while others are in complete support
of their use. Single use plastic shopping bags are the most common types of plastic bags around the
world (Plastic Statistics, n.d). In most cases, these bags are distributed to customers free of charge
by shopping malls, supermarkets and other shopping places after purchasing goods. One
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Persuasive Essay On Plastic Waste
Monday mornings, you're tired, you're hungry and you just want it to be Friday evening already. You
grab your takeaway coffee on the way to school and some pieces of fruit from the supermarket
which you chuck in one of those plastic bags for fruit and then another plastic bag at the checkout.
The issue is that too much waste is being produced in Australia and it is negatively impacting the
environment and people need to think about the waste they are producing, in particular single use
plastics; including plastic bags, plastic packaging and take away coffee cups. Many people are
unaware of the vast amount of waste which they produce every day. The average family in Australia
produces 2.25 kg of waste daily, placing Australia as the second highest generator of waste in the
world. The two plastic bags you used will take longer than the rest of your life time to fully
decompose, and they could be floating on the ocean with over 13 thousand other pieces of plastic
litter found within one square km of the ocean's surface. Shocking isn't it? Did you know that your
take away coffee cups which so many of you recycle, just end up in landfill? We all need to be more
aware of the consequences of our thoughtless wasteful habits and the urgent need to change those
habits. Single–use, light–weight plastic bags are already banned in some Australian states which is a
great start yet other state governments are not even taking this straightforward/simple first step.
Putting a ban on
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Data Collection And Analysis : Analysis Essay
Data Collection and Analysis The behavior was observed from a large sample of people. This
included twenty people shopping alone and twenty people shopping in a group, for a total of forty
subjects, each ranging in ages from approximately 19 to 40 years old. The subjects were observed
from the time they entered the store until the time they left. The reasoning behind this was to see the
buying behavior differences for the whole experience and figure out which areas of the store could
be improved in order to appeal to groups of people shopping. The behaviors observed included the
amount of time spent inside the store, the amount of money spent, the interactions with associates,
and the areas of the stores that were navigated. Originally, the research was going to be conducted in
large–scale departments stores found at malls such as Nordstrom or Macys. It was thought that
sampling in stores such as these were a great way to gain more data on both females and males,
along with families and friends because department store environments were ideal to see a multitude
of social situations between varying people. These bigger stores ideally would have many people
shopping alone and in a group so comparisons can be made between the two, while also allowing a
large enough environment where changes could be made to cater to people shopping in a group.
However, the pilot study conducted was vital in seeing what worked and what did not. It was
essential to change the plan from
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Plastic Bags Should Be Banned Essay

  • 1. Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay Five hundred billion used globally and one hundred billion of them end up in U.S. landfills, taking about one thousand years to decompose, but only 5.2 percent were recycled (Borrud, 2007, p.75).– These are the figures plastic bags have produced every year. Human beings invented plastic bags for the convenience of carriers and packers. However, just as other great inventions, say, nuclear energy and biotechnology, plastic bags are causing serious issues like global warming, environment pollution and energy consumption. They are gradually becoming sword towards ourselves. In responding to this problem, the city of San Francisco has become the trail blazer to prohibit non– biodegradable plastic bags in its large supermarkets and pharmacies. ... Show more content on ... In other words, in this era of high oil prices and energy scarcity, petroleum–based bags are costing considerable natural resources, and ultimately turn them into a huge pile of useless garbage. Actually, significant energies like fuel, from which ethylene gas is obtained and plastic bags are made, are nonrenewable, while human beings are still consuming these precious treasures recklessly. What's more, the plastic bags easily catch wind and blow, causing the difficulty of confining it to where disposed of (Borrud, 2007, p.75). This leads to the difficulty in recycling, which hinders the circulation and reuse of the material to a large extent. Moreover, Ross Mirkarimi, the author of the ban, also notes that the only 1% of the plastic bags in San Francisco is recycled, in spite of the city's perfect local recycling system ("100 Billion Reasons," 2007, p.77). People's poor awareness on energy–saving has brought the oil–shortage crisis one step further. A prohibitory edict on petroleum–based bags might be a right way out before we ultimately realize that the last calorie on the earth comes from our body temperature. Another reason of supporting the prohibition on petroleum–based bags is that they are economically inefficient. Angela Spivey reports the city of New York once suspended their services in plastic recycling, which ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Marketing Analysis : Lululemon Manufacturers And Sells... Introduction lululemon manufacturers and sells high quality running, yoga and training apparel. Lululemon was founded in 1998 and as of 2016 has 354 stores worldwide.Lululemon designs high end leggings that are lightweight and made to maximise comfort.They provide a wide range of colours , styles, materials and feels, to suit every individual.Different to other brands, they base their tights off feel and sensation to give the buyer a customized product. Leggings and all other products are sold exclusively in Lululemon stores only. The brand receives low cost free publicity through its brand ambassador program , which makes the brand visible throughout the community. Target Market Lululemon products are geared towards "sophisticated and ... Show more content on ... All of these things are telling you how you're interacting with the world. For us, understanding sensation is really about understanding how your body is moving and what you make that mean".The sensations include ;Held–in sensation , hugged sensation , naked sensation, reakaxed sensation , tight sensation. These sensations depend on the fabric used . Overall lululemon are providing a eccentric experience when a consumer is wearing their tights. The exact raw materials lululemon use to make their leggings is keep under strict confidentiality but the main fabric used is often released as it is a point of difference from other brands. The unique sensations the leggings provide all depends on the fabrics used. Lululemon employs designers that are designated to advancing fabric technology used in the creation of their leggings. These fabrics are Luon,luxtreme,swift, nulu,silverescent and nulux but no one knows how these fabrics are created or what other materials are used to prevent rival companies being able to created sensation fitted tights because it would eliminate the originality of their leggings.By employing these ingenious designers , it is an extra cost to lululemon so this also impacts the final high price the final product has. Lululemon 's main competition are Nike and under armour they provide similar products that are of mid –high quality but do not include the unique fabrics lululemon produces but are well known established and ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Plastic Bags Should Be Substitued By a More... 1.0 Introduction Plastic bags are widely used as an easy medium for packaging items purchased from groceries and shopping outlets. However, the irresponsible use of plastic bags has led to a number of impacts; particularly towards the environment. The negative implications on the use of plastic bags causes conflict where there is a need for the manufacture of plastic bags, especially the usual conventional bags used for shopping, to be reduced or banned. This brings up questions on whether the roles of these plastic bags should be substituted with a product that is more environmental–friendly such as reusable grocery bags as part of the solution for the banning of plastic bags. 2.0 Chemical Background 2.1 Background of Plastic Bags ... Show more content on ... Polyethylene pellets are first melted, and then transferred through a die unit where the melted polymer is transformed into a circular tube bubble. Once cooled the bubble is destroyed in half at the end of nip rolls. The destroyed bubble later revolves to become rolls of polyethene film.[2][3] The films are then distributed to be coloured, labeled, cut and sealed into different kinds of plastic bags, which includes being manufactured into shopping plastic bags.[3] 2.2 Background of Re– usable Grocery Bags Re–usable grocery bags are considered as a substitute for plastic and paper bags. These grocery bags can be produced from a different range of materials, though they are commonly made from fabric such as canvas or woven synthetic fibers.[4] Due to their larger weight and endurance, re–usable grocery bags are manufactured from the use of more resources compared to plastic bags.[5] However, these bags were designed to be used repetitively by consumers and can even be continuously reused for a long period of time if the bags are properly maintained.[4] 3.0 Critical Evaluation and Findings 3.1 Reasons for Discouraging the Use of Plastic Bags The advantages of using plastic bags include the fact that they are light in weight but durable, affordable and are easy sanitary mediums to utilise in carrying groceries or other suitable purchases.[2] However, plastic bags ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Informative Speech On Plastic Bags A. As Susan Freinkel once said "The plastic bag has come to represent the collective sins of the age of plastic". (Freinkel) B. As in many other countries, USA can institute rules to prevent or prohibit the use of plastic and paper bags. C. Plastic bags are very convenient for shoppers and store owners, but they are hard to recycle and have damaging impacts on animal, human and environmental health, sometimes even fatal. D. Plastic bags come with a high cost in manufacturing for users and the environment, they have bag consequences in our nature and also they are very expensive for consumers to buy and recycle. II. Body A. Plastic bags are very expensive to create. 1. The manufacture and shipment of paper bags in the US creates more pollution than plastic bags a. Paper bags' production requires 14 million trees each year according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) statistics. 2. The fabrication of our regular plastic bags requests billions of pounds of fossil fuels and also billions of gallons of fresh water and produce solid waste and CO2. a. According to the EPA it requires 2.2 billion pounds of fossil fuel and 3.9 billion gallons of fresh water to produce 100 billion plastic bags the US consumes each year. b. The manufacture of these bags produces a billion pounds of solid waste and 2.7 million tons of CO2 per year according to the EPA. It requires vast amounts of natural resources, water, and energy to make and ship disposable bags. B. Plastic bags can have ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Explain How The Way Plastic And Paper Bags Negatively... Article 2: The way plastic and paper bags negatively affect our environment. Summary: Plastic bags disturb the environment in a very serious way. The plastic bags get into the soil and as time passes they slowly release toxic chemicals. Eventually the plastic bags break down into the soil and the unfortunate consequence is that the animals will eat the plastic, choke on it and then die! The petroleum and gas used to create plastic bags is a limited source, it is non–renewable. We already have a problem with petroleum to do in the next 50–100 years so why are we wasting it by compounding it? Extracting petroleum causes enough environmental issues and that is not including the compounding! The even bigger problem is that plastic bags consume ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Harmful Effects Of Plastic Attacks On The Environment For my project, I will refuse to use plastic bags and I will use reusable bags instead. I am aware of the harmful effects plastic bags have on the environment, specifically in the ocean, and I want to do my part to help reduce this harm. Whenever I go grocery shopping, or just shopping in general, I will bring my own reusable bags to the store and refuse any plastic bags if they are offered to me. I do not go shopping very often (maybe once every two weeks), but when I do, I will be sure to always have a reusable bag with me. I plan to start now and carry this project on as long as I can, but it will most likely only last for the semester, as once I go home I will probably not be grocery shopping for myself. The main issue with plastic bags is not the bags themselves, but where they end up. "An estimated 300 million plastic bags end up in the Atlantic Ocean alone" (Wagner). Littering and human carelessness causes these bags to end up in places they should not be. Plastic bags only serve to cause harm as "any hunting mammal can easily mistake the size, shape and texture of the plastic bag for a meal and find its airway is cut off" (Wagner). For example, albatross, a type of bird found on Midway Atoll in the North Pacific Ocean "have been found dead by rescue workers on Midway due to ingesting substantial amounts of plastic bag remnants" ("What's So Bad About Plastic Bags?"). The largest population of these birds could now be at risk, all due to plastic bags. Something must be done to control problem, before it is too late. Albatross are only one of many species affected by plastic bags. "Dolphins, seals, sharks, flamingos, seagulls, pelicans, and other animals and birds have been found dead in large numbers due to plastic bags" ("What's So Bad About Plastic Bags?"). Plastic bags are not just harmful to one species, they are harmful to a variety of animals. "As one species begins to die off at an abnormal rate, every other living organism in the waterway is impacted" (Wagner). The hazards created by plastic bags trigger a chain reaction that could destroy an entire ecosystem. The rate at which animals are dying off due to plastic bag consumption is concerning. One such species that is in ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Plastic Waste Of Plastics Plastic waste Americans are generating more plastic trash than ever, and very little of it gets recycled. Plastics and their byproducts are littering our cities, oceans, and waterways, and contributing to health problems in humans and animals.Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats to ocean health worldwide. In spite of society's many efforts to properly dispose of plastic waste, between 4 and 12 million metric tons of plastic waste enter the ocean each year enough to cover every foot of coastline on the planet. And that amount is expected to more than double in the next 10 years Stop using plastic straws, even in restaurants. If a straw is a must, purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass straw. How can you stop plastic waste One of the easiest ways to keep plastic out of the landfill is to refuse plastic straws. Simply inform your waiter or waitress that you don't need one, and make sure to specify this when ordering at a drive–thru. Can't fathom giving up the convenience of straws? Purchase a reusable stainless steel or glass drinking straw. Restaurants are less likely to bring you a plastic one if they see that you've brought your own.The things about plastic bags that there are 1 million plastic bags are used every minute, and a single plastic bag can take 1,000 years to degrade. If you're already bringing reusable bags to the grocery store, you're on the right track, but if you're still using plastic produce bags, it's time to make a change. Purchase some ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned From Store Picture this: A person goes out to the store to purchase a couple of necessities. Those necessities then get put into a plastic bag as per usual. They get home and take everything out of the bag. They then trash the bag because it is no longer needed. The plastic bag, then ends up in some landfill where it is blown away in the middle of the ocean. The plastic bag then goes on to danger the marine animals. Plastic bags should be banned from stores because there are other ways people can carry their things, they are dangerous to marine animals, and cause pollution. Plastic bags are not needed to carry items people buy from the stores. There are plenty of other ways to carry items that are bought from the store. For example, people can bring their own bags from home. They can also use tote bags instead that can be reused. Tote shopping bags are a more efficient way to carry items. Tote shopping bags made of canvas or jute which is a natural fiber. There are also times when people go to the store and only buy a couple of things. Therefore, they don't need a bag because they can carry their items with their hands. Plastic bags cause a massive amount of pollution to the earth. It lets out lots of CO2 into the air with the production of it. CO2 is a greenhouse gas that if let out too much at one time can hurt the planet. Not only do plastic bags produce pollution while being made, but also when they are decomposing. Plastic bags go on to last for up to 10–1000 years. ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Sustainability On Brevard College Campus Sustainability on Brevard College Campus Environmental sustainability is the ability to be able to continue a certain process or use a certain resource indefinitely (Mason). For example, if you're using a certain resource and you know it's going to run out one day, that resource is unsustainable. Sustainability is important because a lot of the practices that we do in modern society from agriculture, to energy source, and even development, are completely depleting our resources. This practices were also made to accommodate our fast pace lifestyle, everything is built and made to be fast and cheap, nothing is made to last anymore. Many people are realizing the importance of being sustainable and the world is slowly changing to sustainable practices like Renewable energy and sustainable agriculture, while also changing the fast and easy mind set to a more "reusable" one. Brevard College has boarded the sustainable train of the world by making several additions to the school like solar panels, alternative transportation options, a Fair trade and organic Coffee shop, and several environmental based clubs. Although they are heading in the right direction, many changes still need to be made in order to achieve a well–developed sustainable campus. Like states above, one of the changes made in the past couple years had been the addition of solar panels on top of the campus cafeteria. Although they're small, it's a step into the right direction towards renewable energy powering ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Plastic Bags Do Not Biodegrades By going to a website called, "," I found out that, " Plastic bags don't biodegrade, they photodegrade– breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways. They then enter the food web when animals accidentally ingest them,"( admin, para.8 ). In case you didn't know, the meaning of biodegrade is to decay and to become absorbed by the environment, while photodegrade is to be decomposed by the action of light, especially sun light. Plastic bags are very common in grocery stores. Sure they help us carry items, but plastic bags can do a lot of harm to the environment and to living animals, such as creating land fills and endangering six of seven species of sea turtles. Where I'm getting at is that ... Show more content on ... That we don't have to worry if we lose any of them. Sure it makes our lives easier, but we need to stop thinking of ourselves and start looking for ways we could use to replace plastic bags, without it causing any harm to the environment and wild life. For example," But the problems surrounding waste plastic bags starts long before they photodegrade. Our planet is becoming increasingly contaminated by our unnecessary use of plastic bags,"( Sharon Jacobsen, para.4). Sharon Jacobsen is explaining in this quote that plastic bags are, basically, unnecessary. For another example," Big black bin liners, plastic carrier bags carrying advertising logos, clear sandwich bags and a variety of other forms are all polluting our environment. They're lightweight, handy and easily discarded. Too easily discarded,"( Sharon Jacobsen, para.5). By saying this, she meant since plastic bags are easy to get rid of, this is how problems are created, problems such as landfills and destroying marine life. What we need to start improving is to not think about our selves entirely and discuss what should do to help the things around ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Three Ways in Which a Business or Corporation and the... Many parents work to provide their children with the latest gadgets, vacations, and the best education. Ironically, they don't think about the environmental state that they are leaving their children and grandchildren. Not only would going green leave a healthier environment to their heirs, going green can be financially rewarding providing additional money support other luxuries. The Natural Science Class at Spring Arbor University, challenged me to identify three ways in which I, a business or corporation, and the government can reduce environmental waste. Each solution must contain supporting documentation pertaining to the feasibility, cost, and estimated reduction. The solutions I have identified are: Not using plastic ... Show more content on ... The U.S. uses 84 billion plastic bags, out of the 500 billion used worldwide. These facts alone should convince everyone to purchase and use reusable shopping bags. How am I going to incorporate the reusable bags in my household? The reusable bags range in price from $.99 to $5.00 depending on the bags quality and design. To alleviate excuses "I forgot the bags" or "I didn't go to that store" and "I didn't have enough bags", I decided that I would not purchase reusable bags consisting of a stores logo. To avoid my husband not wanting to use re–usable Meijer bags at Kroger, I will purchase Michigan State reusable grocery bags. The most difficult task will be remembering to take the reusable bags when we go grocery shopping or having them with us if we stop to buy a few things on the way home from work. Placing bags between the passenger seat and console will both remind and condition myself and husband to use the recyclable bags rather than the plastic. I am certain this simple solution will become second nature within a few weeks. "They say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." –Andy Warhol Business or Corporation Environmental Reduction Technology improvements and rising education costs alone justify eliminating text books both economical and environmental friendly. Would providing students an electronic reader ultimately save school districts money ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Littering the The World As you walk down the packed streets of New York City, 8.3 million people are out and about. Its 7pm and you're eating a granola bar headed to see the newest big hit on Broadway. Once you finish, you look around and realize there is no garbage pails anywhere nearby. So you toss your wrapper in the street and think nothing of it and casually walk away and go on with your evening...... As a matter a fact, many people do this every day all around the world. And there is a name for it too, litter. Litter is trash, such as paper, cans, and bottles that is left out in an open or public place. There are many effects that litter can do. Litter that is lying in the streets gets blown into sewers and clogs the sewers and waterways. From there, it flows into bodies of water. Chemicals and toxins from plastic bottles escape into water systems. Animals get cut on sharp metal or broken glass and get stuck inside bins and containers. When food litter is littered from a vehicle, it brings animals to the road, and then they run onto incoming traffic and quickly become road kill, that can hurt your car. These are some environmental effects that litter can do. There is also an economic aspect to the harms of litter. Houses in littered neighborhoods sell for less money, and much of what is thrown away or littered could have been recycled and could have been made into something new. But surprisingly, the most littered item in the world is a cigarette butt. They may be small, but there harm is much ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Persuasive Essay On Plastic Bags There are stores placed throughout the world, many in which people buy food, toys, or types of entertainment from. People spend seconds or even hours shopping for the products they want. We go through the checkouts, scan our cards or hand money to the cashiers, to pay for our items. The items are then placed into thin, plastic to go bags with handles. Usually the store's logo is imprinted on the bag as well. We never think about the bags that our purchases are placed in, but what if the government began to tax us twenty–five cents for each and every one of those bags? Bag taxes would not be an ideal law to pass for they would harm animals, people would be in debt, and chaos would rise. Charging bags would harm animals, and is definitely not acceptable for society to persue. Of course, there is a handful of people that do not abide by the law, therefore litter. With this in mind, there are high chances of people littering these thin and flimsy plastic bags. This being said, animals could get caught in the bags, potentially suffocate, and die. The littering of bags may also end up in the ocean, which can cause sea creatures to become extinct. Taxing bags may cause people to do outrageous acts, littering being one of them. It could be done through an act of riot over the taxation of the bags. Not only does littering affect animals, but it affects us as well. Without animals how are we going to have food? We won't have meat, milk, or even fur from some of the animals being ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Puma Clever Little Bag : A Firm Led By Yves Behar- Yves Behar Client– Puma Project– Puma clever little bag Designer– Fuse project, a firm led by Yves Béhar– YVES BEHAR Introduction Puma is a Germany–based company that is famous for sophisticated sportswear in the world. The leaping puma logo depicts the dashing corporate image of the company. The logo is the sign of courage, challenge and stability. The power and energy is reflected in all the products of puma. It showcases the reliability and its reputation. The black color used in the puma logo is the depiction of company's supremacy and self–belief. It evokes the confidence in the heart of the athletes in the world. The bold font in the puma logo depicts the company's stability and dominance. Though the brand is very well established in the ... Show more content on ... Along with these aims they wanted to show their commitment towards environment. The insight The previous puma box was already sustainable however it was still a box, which created large amount of waste. The packaging was not only aimed at the end product but also its process. It was important to examine the new system and its effects on the stakeholders from start to end. Through the examinations a new innovative was created – abandoning the shoebox and thinking outside the box. The things to be considered were the design had to be functional, protective; it should work on existing shelves and displays. It should not require a new process. The cost could be the same or less but not more. The research Puma underwent a life cycle analysis to figure out what was working and what were the problems with the packaging. It was important to identify the problems and improve the experience of the customer. The design team travelled to the manufacturing, distribution and retail centers all over the world to see the way the previous packaging process of production, transport, and storage takes place. Research was done on material, which was flexible and sustainable. This was done in partnership with Material ConneXion. They discovered new material with less environment harm. The development– Smart and Simple solution
  • 28. They had to reduce material and shipping cost. The design team thought for 21 months, over 2000 ideas ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Impact Of Plastic Shopping Bags And Environmental Impact Plastic Shopping Bags & Environmental Impact Disposable bags may seem convenient but have proven to be a huge source of pollution. According to research conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, somewhere between five hundred billion and one trillion disposable bags are used each year around the world. Plastic bags, while only used for an average of about twelve minutes, remain in landfills, oceans, and other places for thousands of years. Plastic bags are created using fossil fuels and also require vast amounts of water and energy in order to have them manufactured and shipped. The production of plastic bags requires the use of billions of pounds of fossil fuels as well as billions of gallons of fresh water. The manufacturing ... Show more content on ... While plastic pollution continues to be a huge problem globally, there are some steps being taken to reduce the use of disposable bags. Many individuals and businesses have begun switching to reusable bags in an effort to save money and protect the environment. Some businesses even offer a small discount for utilizing reusable bags instead of plastic. Many places are also beginning to create laws that either ban plastic bags entirely or place a fee on them, and these laws have proven to be effective in reducing plastic bag pollution. With more laws being enacted and the shift to reusable bags continuing, plastic pollution can be decreased. To learn more about plastic pollution, consult the resources listed below. Are Plastic Grocery Bags Sacking the Environment? – An article from National Geographic that explores the environmental impact of plastic bag use. Reducing Disposable Bag Pollution – An article explaining how disposable bags cause pollution and what is being done to reduce the problem. The Environmental Impacts of Plastic Bag Use – A list of the negative environmental impacts of using plastic bags. Marine Debris Impacts – An overview of the impact of marine debris on the environment from the Environmental Protection Agency. Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling Plastic Bags and Wrap – A page that provides education on what can be down to reduce plastic bag use and increase recycling. Environmental ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Pros And Cons Of Plastics Did you know that plastic bags remain noxious even after it breaks down? Billions of plastic bags are given out daily to consumers by the stores to carry their purchases in. They are additionally light, water resistant, and easy to carry in. Most of the plastic bags are made out from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), and these bags end up in landfills or waterways after using them (Plastic Rubbish, 2008). In addition, these plastic bags are non–biodegradable. There has been a new creation of plastic bags that are made from chicken feathers (Greene, 2015). Therefore, plastic bags would be able be to break down when disposal. Plastic bags should be limited due to their high negative impact on the environment that leads to pollution, danger to wildlife, and health problems. Our planet is turning out to be progressively contaminated by our pointless utilization of plastic packs. The major part of our rubbish in landfills is plastic bags. The lightweight of plastic bags allow them to fly in the air, tangle up in trees, and float on the rivers and oceans. ... Show more content on ... Well, using a cloth bag would be a good solution and would save our environment as well. Cloth bags can be washed, fixed, and a lot harder to tear than plastic shopping bags. Some would say that plastic bags are much cheaper than cloth bags. Well, even if they are a bit expensive than plastic bags, cloth bags last longer and would also cost you less if you think of a longer period of time. Others would say that we could use plastic bags as long as they are recyclable. The answer is it is not as easy as you think. Plastic bags take so much power and energy in order to be recycled. Plastic bags pieces get stuck in the machines, causing these machines to stop working and hands of the poor workers can only remove these tiny pieces. As well as some of the recycling factories refuse to recycle plastic ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. The Big Picture of Littering In most places as people look around they would see lots of litter. The litter that people see is not just there it affects them. Littering looks dirty and costs money to clean up. People litter and make places look dirty which costs people in a couple of ways. Littering is making a place untidy with trash such as paper, cans, bottles, and any other items that are left in public (Google). Littering is a major world problem because of people being irresponsible, where it comes from, disintegration, pollution affects, health effects, economy affects, how it affects people, and statistics. People litter because they're lazy and they throw it out of their car on the freeway (R. W. Beck). Litter also happens because people don not care about littering. The main causes are that litter is already there or they assume someone else will pick it up for them (Litter... It Just Isn't Natural). Litter does not just come from people throwing it in a place it does not belong. Litter comes from improperly handled garbage and commercial refuse. Construction sites, demolition sites, loading areas and delivering areas often leave materials that become litter. Uncovered trucks, motorists, and garbage collectors do not often clean up everything that they use and it get left behind (Litter... It Just Isn't Natural). People do not think enough about litter and the cause and effects of litter. That is probably the biggest problem that leads to litter being left behind. Disintegration is another ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. What Are the Main Problems Associated with Using Plastic... Module code: FC 5012T Title: Skills for Study 1 Assignment question: What are the main problems associated with using plastic bags? Identify solutions to reduce these problems. Word count: 742 Tutor name: Bird, Marianne City University Number: 110065767 Submission Date: 26/10/2011 Plastic bags have been used on a daily basis since 1977 (Williamson, 2003) as a means of carrying items such as groceries as they are not only convenient but also cheap. However, the over–use of plastic bags has posed significant threats to the environment in recent times as they are non– biodegradable and also a threat to wildlife. The primary reason for this concern is that plastics bags are not re–used, but simply disposed of in landfills. ... Show more content on ... Each year there is an increase in demands for plastic bags, and therefore more are shipped, creating further environmental pollution concerns. This increase in demand has lead to the phenomenal upsurge in the use and misuse of plastic bags globally, both in developed and developing countries. Statistics show that 4 to 5 trillion plastic bags are produced per annum, whereby North America and Western Europe account for nearly 80% (Geographical, 2005; Reusable Bags, 2005). Cheeseman (2007) states that approximately "380 billion plastic shopping bags are used in the United States annually"; in turn, only 0.6% of this is recycled. Almost 96% of plastic bags are disposed of in landfills (Williamson, 2003). This leads up to another problem as plastic bags are non–biodegradable – in other words, plastic bags do not biodegrade for over a thousand years (Stevens 2001). Plastic bags may also land in farms and in oceans which have an impact on the wildlife. Livestock such as cows may eat plastic bags while grazing. These pose a threat if ingested as they may tangle in their stomachs, causing serious injuries and potentially death (Dreyer et al, 1999; Rasmussen 1999). Each year over a billion birds and mammals die due to the ingestion of plastic bags (Baker, 2002). Many of these issues however, can be addressed and even resolved in several ways. Nowadays, a number of countries have begun to impose taxes on plastic bag consumption, with few even banning the use of plastic
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  • 39. Double Bottom Line Sustainability, Materials And Provide A... Contents Introduction 2 Triple Bottom Line 2 Environmental 2 Economical 2 Social 2 Materials Chart 3 Recommendation 5 Bibliography 5 Introduction As the world's population slowly increases, the need to recycle becomes more evident to safeguard the future of the environment for future generations. With Australia using 3.92 billion single use plastic bags each year of which 50 million ending up in Australia's litter system, green–minded Australians have started using the green reusable shopping bags (Plastic as a Resource, 2015). Although some people switched over to using the green bags, there is evidence that suggest they are not as environmentally friendly as some people might think. This report will investigate triple bottom line sustainability, materials and provide a recommendation for future shopping bags. Triple Bottom Line The commonly known "phrase triple bottom line" stands for the three things that make a product sustainable. These three things are: how environmentally friendly the product is, how economical it is and how socially acceptable this product is (Slaper & Hall, 2011). Environmental How environmentally friendly are green shopping bags?? Well most green shopping bags are made from non–woven polypropylene or NWPP for short. Polypropylene is a by–product of petroleum. During the process of refining oil propylene gas is produced. The gas is put into a reactor then becoming propylene powder. Stabilisers are mixed with the powder and the combined ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Pros And Cons Of Ban Plastic Bags Perhaps one of the most commonly questions in the past, is now rarely heard by consumers. Four out of five grocery bags in the US are now plastic ( However, the answer should not be merely plastic, the real answer is neither. Plastic bags are very harmful for the environment, and paper bags even more so. The best alternative is a reusable bag, which can save thousands of plastic bags over its lifetime. Plastic bags are everywhere. We see them anywhere from the town grocery market to the convenience store down the street. Admittedly, plastic bags are very convenient. They are a cheap, hygienic way to transport one's purchases. However, once they get home, there is not much use for the piece of plastic. Sure, some reuse them ... Show more content on ... While the population would not be using plastic bags, they would be using paper. As we can see, paper bags are even worse for the environment than the plastic ones. Also, the ban on plastic bags will not cause people to start using reusable bags; it may actually cause a shift of the production to other use–and–toss bags ( The ban on the plastic bags had not worked out for places nearly as well as the PlasTax. Ireland, for example, imposed the PlasTax, which is a tax on plastic bags. However, there are some exemptions to the tax, which include heavier weight reusable plastic bags; bags used for meat, fish, or poultry; bags for unpackaged produce, ice, or other foods without packaging ( The PlasTax worked so incredibly well, that plastic bag consumption was reduced by a whopping 90 percent, and approximately one billion fewer plastic bags were used. The amount of litter was dramatically reduced, and eighteen million liters of oil were saved. Several other countries and cities around the world are now considering implementing a similar tax, including UK, Australia and New York City ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Environment Issues Of Hong Kong Essay Environment Issues in Hong Kong Introduction Waste has been a common problem in most of the developed regions. Hong Kong is not an exception; the problem has been deteriorating as the society develops and its population grows. The country produces waste huge amount every day and it is estimated to be increasing by 3 percent in every year. According to the research conducted by Ambrose and Harris (2011), most of the waste in this nation is handled by land–filling. Young (2014) expressed a similar idea where he claimed that in 2003 the land is approximated to have received average daily waste of 17757 tonnes. However, the existing landfills are anticipated to be filled within 8–10 years if the current trend of waste generation continues. However, Hong Kong has a limited land resource, and it 's hard to find new land–filling sites. This raises the need to improve the situation ensuring continuous development. One of the most notable types of waste is the waste resulting from packaging material. Packing is done basically to protect products from damaging thus ensuring the quality of the product is preserved. Yucel and Ozkan (2015)by summarizing the work of many others claims that over the years, consumerism has become more apparent influencing packaging to come up with various complex designs with a motive of attracting consumers. Cela and Kaneko(2013) claimed that most of the packaging waste result from domestic activities accounting for 43 percent, followed by ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Eassy On Plastic Pollution Shelby Cailteux Mrs. Phegley English II 11 December 2017 Plastic Pollution in the Environment Plastic pollution is a major threat to our environment and continues to get worse every day. We live in a disposable society where fast food is served in plastic or Styrofoam containers and discarded instead of glass dishes. Many people use plastic water bottles instead drinking from the tap. Plastic soda bottles are used instead of glass returnable bottles. Plastic grocery bags have replaced the brown paper grocery bags. Unfortunately, not enough people properly dispose so all this plastic ends up as plastic pollution by littering road ways, parks, beaches, and oceans, or it gets buried in landfills. For many years scientists tried to develop plastic instead of using natural made products such as ivory from elephant tusks and tortoise shells from turtles. Finally, in 1862 and English inventor named Alexander Parkes invented the first plastic called Parkesine (Knight 8). The first truly synthetic plastic was developed in 1907 which was called Bakelite and was made from coal tar (9). At the time it was used for jewelry, telephones, clocks, and radios (9). Over the years improvements have been made in the production of plastic. Plastic is used in almost everything we use on a daily basis such as shoes, cars, clothes, computers, furniture, windows, and many other things. Plastic has made our lives more convenient but it is also a high price to pay for the convenience considering ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Bag Conversion Advantages And Disadvantages Bag Conversion:– Bag Conversion:– High speed bag conversion are used for producing bottom folded bag manufacturing and These new generations machines are suitable for conversional bag uses and designed for cross cutting the tubular fabric and bottom folding and sewing and stacking sewn woven sack made from roll of tubular woven pp/Hdpe fabric. Their state of the art automated functions results in quality cut of sewn bags. Bag Conversion of pp woven fabric/Hdpe Multi Filament Yarn:– Multi–filament yarn spin–draw–wind line used offer highly flexible concept of compact melt spinning lines. Each is uniquely suited to address strategic and operational needs at optimal cost. They are ideal for production of high tenacity, medium to heavy denier yarn in small ... Show more content on ... Krishnan as a private firm and was engaged in the manufacture of woven bags. In 1983 it was taken over by an entrepreneur the leadership of Mr. Vimal Sipani assumed the mantle as Managing Director and continued the business and transformed it into a profit making venture with promotion of the sale of HDPE/PP woven bags in entire southern region of the sub–continent. The major decision by current organization head of Managing Director in the year 1990 in introduce the manufacturing of polypropylene Fabrics and marketing of woven fabric as saleable product was the preeminent one in the sub–continent woven sack industrial market, which laid down the foundation for not only the expansion of company's business but in the emergence of numerous small /medium scale entrepreneurs, and till date the company is good example for other companies to follow the footsteps. expand its business base the company took it second major decision to take over another running unit in Jigani namely M/S Hoysala Blow Moulders at Bangalore and expansion and achieved the status of largest manufacturer in country in HDPE/PP woven fabric ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Speech On Plastic Bag Bags According to some estimates, between 500 billion and a trillion plastic grocery bags are used globally each year. The WorldWatch Institute states it takes 430,000 gallons of oil to produce 100 million plastic bags – so that comes to a staggering 4,300,000 gallons or 16,277,270 liters of oil to make a trillion bags. It's been great to see a concerted effort by many individuals, some towns and states to ban disposable plastic shopping bags; but even if you have e started to kick the disposable plastic bag habit, chances are you may still have a few dozen or hundred floating around the place. Plastic bag litter isn't just unsightly, in a marine environment plastic bags are particularly destructive, killing at least 100,000 birds, whales, seals and turtles every year according to PlanetArk. Many sea animals mistake the bags for jellyfish, part of their diet. Professional fishermen can ... Show more content on ... This is an old superstition, which says that we should not keep our handbags on the floor, if we want to have money coming in. The problem is in both physical and symbolical manner, by putting our money on the dirty floor down by our feet, which can be interpret as we are disrespecting our wealth. People believe if you want to keep your money, you have to respect them. A symbolic way of respecting wealth is to put our purses in a nice place like on the table, on a chair or on our lap. Are people from Colombian heritage more superstition then others? For example, there is the magical realism exhibited by Gabriel Garcia Marquez's writing. But what I have come to realize is that this superstition is deeply rooted in many other cultures. I remember upon first meeting, when my co–workers who have Colombian and Jamaican roots, and how both girls lunged for their purses when a waiter wanted to move them from a chair to the floor. We all looked at each other and laughed by saying "purse on the floor is bad ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Items and the Resources behind Them Items and the Resources Behind Them People all over the world are using resources every day that they do not even think about. People are not aware of where things come from or what happens to those things after they are no longer in their possession. In the following paragraphs, I will look into five specific things I make common use of in a week. I chose to conduct my research on plastic water bottles, mechanical pencils, plastic grocery bags, cell phones, and ear phones. I will expand on the materials that go into making these items, and where they come from. Additionally, I will look into what happens after they have fulfilled their purpose and whether they are recyclable or not. Each type of water bottle has a different story. For the most part however, they are made up of similar materials. It is common that they are made using Polyethylene terephtalate plastics, which are also known as virgin plastics. The plastic is made by mixing hydrocarbons that are extracted from crude oil with chemical catalysts. The manufacturing process is described as each bottle being sterilized, filled, capped, labeled, packed into cases, and prepared for shipping. Transporting and distributing these bottles consists of shipping them in lightweight materials which are good for the environment since it cuts down on fuel costs. Most people only use water bottles until that 1 serving is gone. But they may be reused or recycled. When they are recycled, the plastic bottles are shredded into ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Santa Cruz EF: Helpful Or Successful? After reviewing the history of the Santa Cruz EF, they have very little success rate, but they are indeed very persistent about environmental justice. Starting off with the Mcdonald's demonstration to ban plastic packaging, the Santa Cruz EF did successfully completed their task. Mcdonald, currently on Mission boulevard, is not using plastic packaging and has substitute plastic for a material that is less harmful to the environment. In addition, their demonstration were indeed effective because Santa Cruz community is now plastic bag free and now enforces reusable bags instead. In addition, their first meeting and training for demonstrations were successful. They had an attendance of forty individuals who came to participate and learned about ... Show more content on ... Yes, I would because the environment has been serving earth's life since before human dating. Earth First has some core values that I admire and wish to live and abide by. Earth First believes that mother earth is the most important life to protect. Second, it is a necessity to protect Earth because the way we treat Earth, Earth will treat us the same way. So for instance, if we only pollute and kill Earth, Earth will stop producing the necessary things the human race needs for survival. Therefore, causing the end of the Human race. Continuing on, I would love to just participate and get hands on experience with environmental injustice activism. My goal as an environmental studies undergraduate is to help spread awareness about environmental injustice and animals injustice. My main focus would be on protecting endangered animals and animals that have been corrupted by the human race. For instance, humans have adopted wild animals and made them domesticated animals which is bad because the animal was not born to be cage and isolated from their natural habitats. In order for me to accomplish my dream, I want to adopt some of Earth First and Santa Cruz Earth First values. First, I want to start a webpage where people can help lists or report endangered species locations. This will help me pinpoint different locations where endangered animals live. Second, I want to incorporate biocentrism as a main value. Therefore, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Seafood Dishes Using Saltwater Fish Here are three tasty seafood dishes using saltwater fish often available fresh in the Carolinas: bluefish, croaker, and red drum. Also try these Easy Fried Flounder, Southern Style recipes! Baked Bluefish 2 lb bluefish fillets 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 teaspoon combined salt and pepper 1 teaspoon paprika 1 teaspoon minced onion olive oil Place fillets in a baking dish greased with olive oil. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over bluefish. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until fish is done. Serves 6. Beer Battered Croaker 8 whole croaker, dressed 1⁄2 cup butter, melted 1⁄2 cup beer 2 eggs 1 cup flour 1⁄2 cup cornstarch veggie oil Beat eggs and mix with butter and beer. Stir in flour and cornstarch. Heat oil on high in deep fryer. Dip each fish in batter and then fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towels and serve. Serves 3 to 4. Red Drum Chowder 1 lb red drum fillets, cut into 1–inch pieces 4 slices bacon 1 onion, chopped 1 lb potatoes, cooked and diced 1 lb tomatoes, chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1⁄2 teaspoon pepper 1⁄2 teaspoon thyme 1 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup tomato sauce Fry bacon until crisp, remove and set aside. In bacon drippings cook onions until tender. Add remaining ingredients, cover and simmer 12–15 minutes. Add crumbled bacon and serve. Serves 6. For more delicious seafood recipes see my blog A Dash of Salty It may ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Effects Of Plastic Pollution On California Plastic Pollution in California The beauty of California is slowly fading away and as environmentalists would say, "There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surrounding" (Carson, 366). According to the findings revealed by research foundations in California, marine life is and has been in great danger as a result of plastic remains that accumulates in the Ocean. In his article Daniel Woods states, "Approximately eighty percent of remains found in Oceans are made of plastic that originates from urban runoffs such as plastic trash carried away from landfills, trucks, as well as garbage containers, marinas, ports and construction trash" (Wood, 20). Furthermore, these results also revealed that marine remains where made up of disposable plastic products that constitute food packaging as well as containers that are ever present and contain precious resources that can be used unsustainably. These issues have affected the state critically and have lead me to research the reasons behind the banning of plastic pollution, their economic impact, harm resulting from plastic pollution, as well as federal concerns on plastic contamination. The reason behind banning plastic pollution in California was triggered by the fact that disposable plastic bags as well as food containers were filling Oceans with a lot of plastic remains. Additionally, California's tourism economy has suffered tremendously interfering with the forty ... Get more on ...
  • 58.
  • 59. The Environmental Effects Of Plastic Shopping Bags Originally patented in 1965, the single–use plastic shopping bag has since become ubiquitous in America and around the world. Plastic bags were first introduced in grocery stores in 1977, and by the early 2000s they constituted 80% of the market for shopping bags (Laskow). These bags caught on because they were stronger, lighter, waterproof, and many people found them easier to carry than paper. Most importantly though, they were cheaper, meaning retail stores had strong incentives to make them available to customers and promote their use (Petru). In other words, plastic bags became popular, and remain so today, because they are convenient. However, this convenience does not take into account the environmental effects associated with their production, distribution, and disposal. Once these aspects of their use are considered, it is clear that the convenience of plastic shopping bags do not justify the harms to the ecosystem caused by their existence. Plastic bags are usually made out of high–density polyethylene (HDPE), a strong, durable plastic made from ethylene monomers (Clark). 134 million metric tons of ethylene are produced each year as of 2014, with 28% of that production going towards the manufacture of HDPE (Lazonby, "Ethene"). Ethylene is produced from oil and natural gas, and in the process has significant environmental consequences. According to a 2013 study by Ghanta, Fahey, and Subramaniam published in the journal Applied Petrochemical Research, "For ethylene produced from naphtha and ethane [the two main sources of ethylene], the energy expended during the extraction and ocean– based transportation of fossil fuel sources (crude oil and natural gas) contributes significantly to adverse environmental impacts such as GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions, acidification, and eco– toxicity." To make ethylene, fossil fuels must be extracted, transported, and processed (Lazonby, "Ethene"). Then the ethylene must be processed to make HDPE (Lazonby, "Poly(Ethene)"). HDPE, in the form of plastic pellets, is then transported to the plastic bag manufacturer. The manufacturing process of Novolex, a maker of plastic packaging products that sells bags under the brand name Hilex Poly ("Company Overview"), is described ... Get more on ...
  • 60.
  • 61. The Success Of Spinneys Spinneys are a word that you hear in almost every Lebanese household nowadays. Before getting so popular, Spinneys have paved its way through the Lebanese market throughout history. In 1948, Spinneys opened its doors to the Lebanese public in the old Beirut Souks. 1967 Spinneys started opening in Raouche, Verdun and Jnah selling high quality fresh products, grocery, and baked goods at a fair price and in a fresh and friendly shopping environment. Yet unfortunately, in the early 1970's Spinneys closed its doors due to the civil war in Lebanon. After an absence which lasted for 30 years, Spinneys reopened its doors in Dbayeh with a fresh new vibrant concept in the year 1998. The success during that year was enormous, Spinneys has created a new ... Show more content on ... 4) Imports The Imports range is one of the major points differentiating Spinneys among other retailers in the region, and has successfully positioned itself as a need to most customers. Spinneys can, at any rate, satisfy your appetite by importing products from any country you come from. With its wide range of international and ethnic products, Spinneys makes you feel at home. Enjoy the products you are familiar with, that are accessible only at Spinneys while you are visiting Lebanon and experience the great tastes and pleasures of your all time favorite products brought to Lebanon especially by Spinneys! 5) "What's for food today?'' Believe it or not, Spinneys can be your Chef and advice you what to cook today and provide you with all ingredients and process of the international cuisine menu plates, and yes for free! 6) Rewards Program "Spend, earn and win". Now you can join Spinneys loyalty program for points' collection and rewards, and benefit from the exclusive gifts carefully selected and chosen for you III. ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned Plastic bags Recently, there has been a lot of fuss over the ban of plastic bags in Australia. Here is an article on why we should have a ban on plastic and non–reusable bags. In 1960, the recyclable paper bags, were replaced by single–use plastic bags, which means that they are for carrying shopping from the shop to a home. When they replaced the bags around 60 years ago, businesses found it a lot cheaper to have plastic bags instead of paper. However, plastic bags pollute, and take about 1 thousand years to break down! What we use today for carrying is very different to what consumers were using 57 years ago. In !960, when plastic bags became most popular, all the people buying groceries and food decided to switch to plastic bags instead of paper because paper rips, and the plastic bags are a lot stronger. Nearly 60 years later, we are starting to discover that plastic bags are not what we thought they were. Plastics and plastic bags take along time to break down. The reason that it takes so long to break down, is that the atoms are hexagonally arranged, so that the atoms take to 500–1000 years, to disintegrate, depending on the plastic. Once the atoms have been split apart, it pollutes the ozone layer. The ozone layer acts like sunscreen to the earth, so when it gets polluted, it gets damaged so there is a hole in the ozone layer (which absorbs uv rays), which is really bad for the environment and us. This can affect consumer choice because if a consumer knows about ... Get more on ...
  • 64.
  • 65. Case Analysis : Eagle Drug Store Eagle Drug Store will not successfully defend the false imprisonment claim because the court will likely not consider both the manner and length of time of the detention to be reasonable. A shopkeeper is entitled to protection against false imprisonment claims pursuant to section 51–7–60 when the store had reasonable grounds to believe shoplifting had occurred, and the "manner of the detention...and the length of time" are both found to be reasonable. Ga. Code Ann. § 51–7–60 (West, Westlaw through Act 566, §§2–4, effective July 1, 2014). The manner in which the search is conducted becomes unreasonable when it exceeds "mere embarrassment" by subjecting customers to "gratuitous and unnecessary indignities," comments wholly unrelated to ... Show more content on ... Id. Similarly, in Jackson, defendant told plaintiff that "he could make a pass at plaintiff...[and] he wished she was white, because...shoplifting always involved blacks." Jackson, 390 S.E.2d at 135. The court held the manner was unreasonable, reasoning that the defendant's imprudent sexual and racial remarks amounted to "gratuitous and unnecessary indignities". Jackson, 390 S.E.2d at 136. Conversely, in Mitchell, defendant, after grabbing plaintiff's shopping bags, exhibited "gruff, loud, [and] rude behavior" in his public search. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 632. The court held that "causing embarrassment" does not constitute unreasonable manner, reasoning that although being subjected to a search in the view of others is an unpleasant experience it does not expressly violate the terms of the statute. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 633. The presence of physical touching on the part of the defendant toward the plaintiff will generally be deemed unreasonable. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 633; Brown, 477 S.E.2d at 840. For example, in Mitchell, defendant stopped plaintiff by grabbing her shopping bags as she was exiting the store and then searched her in the open. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 632. The court held that this manner was reasonable because defendant only touched the shopping bag, "never plac[ing] a hand of plaintiff's person," and thus no unwanted physical touching occurred. Mitchell, 477 S.E.2d at 633. Id. Conversely, in Brown, ... Get more on ...
  • 66.
  • 67. Speech On Plastic Plastic bags are hurting our environment and killing the wildlife. Plastic bags are taking over the oceans. "It is now believed that there are 5.25 Trillion pieces of plastic debris in our oceans" ( The equivalent of one dumb truck full of plastic enters the ocean about every minute. Scientists now estimate that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish by the year 2020. For this reason alone, making the switch from plastic, to paper or cloth reusable, bags are so important. The average American Family takes home almost 1,500 plastic shopping bags a year ( "Even though plastic bags are recyclable, about 5 percent of them are recycled. Most plastic bags eventually end up in landfills, where that can remain for as long as 1,000 years. But first, or instead, many plastic bags become litter." To encourage more recycling, some cities and states are passing laws requiring stores to provide recycling bins for plastic bags. Plastic bags are destroying our environment and killing our Wildlife. "Tens of thousands of Whales, Birds, Seals and Turtles are killed every year from plastic bags" (www.prijatelji– They are mistaking these plastic bags as their food source. Turtles think they are jelly fish floating in the water. Whales consume them as they are eating the krill and other fish that they eat. In 1998, a pelican was found dead with 17 plastic bags in its stomach. Another example of plastic bags killing ... Get more on ...
  • 68.
  • 69. The Solution Of Plastics And Pollution In today's time we are facing the problem of pollution, and dirty water, which is affecting our sea life as well as human life. It is a concerning problem. And although many don't infact believe in global warming, muck and smog is becoming a worsening problem as the years go on. If there is any way to overall help to decrease the amount of pollution that is is being put out, it would be a necessary option. the government is proposing a plastic bag fee that will range about 25 cents for each plastic bag.The hopeful outcome of this would be to see people bring reusable bags rather than paying for the 25 cent bag. Which would be a greater outcome in decreasing pollution in some slice of a matter way. Essentially, eliminating plastic bags over time would be necessary. If everyone were to use reusable bags to go shopping, we could seriously see a dent in the pollution amount. Plastic is so bad for our planet, it does not biodegrade and it adds harsh chemicals to our soil and water. Plastic can last in water for thousands of years, what can be seen is disrupted marine life habitats, and well as poison wildlife due to the consumption of of the chemically processed plastic. As well as seeing a increasing problem with our sea life and even our wildlife we could see a concerning problem facing pollution of our soil, due to the landfills that carry an enormous amount of plastic and littering that can be seen in larger areas. Initially, what the theory is, is the chemicals of the ... Get more on ...
  • 70.
  • 71. Informative Speech On Plastic Bags Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience to use plastic bags less and tote bags more General Purpose: To Persuade Introduction: Have you ever wanted to help the environment, but you just didn't know how? When we go shopping we see a lot of people carrying bags made of plastic. I must admit; plastic bags can be very convenient at times, but the use of plastic bags has it disadvantages. If you knew about the dangers of the use of plastic bags, then I'm sure you will think twice about using plastic bags and use tote bags instead. I. Plastic bags are convenient when it comes to carrying our items. A. In the article, "Plastic bags are killing us", the author Katharine Mieszkowski stated, "The plastic bag is an icon of convenience culture, by some estimates the single most ubiquitous consumer item on Earth, numbering in the trillions." B. Using these plastic bags are increasing the dangers of thing that are happening in the world. C. Ten percent of the annual oil supply is with the use of plastic bags. i. Only a few of that number is recycled. ii. "Only 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled worldwide –– about 2 percent in the U.S", also stated in the article by Katharine Mieszkowki. iii. Meaning most of our planet's natural resources are being used for it. D. The resources and things that go into making plastic bags can be used for other important things. i. The resources used for plastic bags is a waste of our resources. ii. It is difficult to recycle and takes a very long ... Get more on ...
  • 72.
  • 73. The Ban Of Plastic Bags California endorsed parliament bans on the use of plastic bags, if the case project turned into a law it will be the first of its kind in the United States. The prohibition of a number of cities and counties in California and other states, including Maui County in Hawaii, the use of plastic bags in grocery stores. However, at the state level it prevailed in opposition to this ban plastic bags manufacturers. the Senate voted in California by 22 votes in favor and 15 opposed to the bill, which must be ratified by the Democratic Governor Jerry Brown by September 30, to become valid. Brown did not announce his position on the bill. One of the supporter of the bill said that the plastic bags once used not only contaminate our shores, but also contaminate our mountains and rivers and the lakes as well. Under the law, which was approved by the Governor of the state, located in the western United States, would ban single–use plastic bags in butcher shops and pharmacies, with effect from the first of July 2015, and in neighborhood shops and department stores a year from now. The law allows stores to impose a price 10 cents for paper bags or midwife for multiple uses. The Republicans oppose the law, arguing that it is a very strong government intervention in the affairs of small and medium–sized companies, while manufacturers of plastic bags stressed that this may lead to the exchange workers. The progress of civilization and technological which every country lives now, it gave us the ... Get more on ...
  • 74.
  • 75. Plastic as a Commodity Silverman (2007), states that, "Plastic constitutes 90 percent of all trash floating in the world's oceans". Plastic has become a well–known and wanted commodity around the world. It is a commodity that is involved in most things that we use; however, we are oblivious of its bad effects. In the article "Plastic is rubbish" it shows that in 2010 alone, Americans created 31 million tons of plastic waste such as containers, appliances, and cups (n.d.). When plastic is used this excessively it acts as a hazard and a harmful commodity, since it endangers the lives of many creatures including humans. The way this commodity is disposed off should be efficient and should not result in harming the environment either. To solve this problem, all governments should take action and improper plastic disposal should be made illegal and its production should be moderated to lessen its effect on the environment, human health, and overall on the economy worldwide. Governments around the world respond differently to the issue of plastic bags, some are in the view that plastic bags are harmful both to the environment and to human beings while others are in complete support of their use. Single use plastic shopping bags are the most common types of plastic bags around the world (Plastic Statistics, n.d). In most cases, these bags are distributed to customers free of charge by shopping malls, supermarkets and other shopping places after purchasing goods. One ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Persuasive Essay On Plastic Waste Monday mornings, you're tired, you're hungry and you just want it to be Friday evening already. You grab your takeaway coffee on the way to school and some pieces of fruit from the supermarket which you chuck in one of those plastic bags for fruit and then another plastic bag at the checkout. The issue is that too much waste is being produced in Australia and it is negatively impacting the environment and people need to think about the waste they are producing, in particular single use plastics; including plastic bags, plastic packaging and take away coffee cups. Many people are unaware of the vast amount of waste which they produce every day. The average family in Australia produces 2.25 kg of waste daily, placing Australia as the second highest generator of waste in the world. The two plastic bags you used will take longer than the rest of your life time to fully decompose, and they could be floating on the ocean with over 13 thousand other pieces of plastic litter found within one square km of the ocean's surface. Shocking isn't it? Did you know that your take away coffee cups which so many of you recycle, just end up in landfill? We all need to be more aware of the consequences of our thoughtless wasteful habits and the urgent need to change those habits. Single–use, light–weight plastic bags are already banned in some Australian states which is a great start yet other state governments are not even taking this straightforward/simple first step. Putting a ban on ... Get more on ...
  • 78.
  • 79. Data Collection And Analysis : Analysis Essay Data Collection and Analysis The behavior was observed from a large sample of people. This included twenty people shopping alone and twenty people shopping in a group, for a total of forty subjects, each ranging in ages from approximately 19 to 40 years old. The subjects were observed from the time they entered the store until the time they left. The reasoning behind this was to see the buying behavior differences for the whole experience and figure out which areas of the store could be improved in order to appeal to groups of people shopping. The behaviors observed included the amount of time spent inside the store, the amount of money spent, the interactions with associates, and the areas of the stores that were navigated. Originally, the research was going to be conducted in large–scale departments stores found at malls such as Nordstrom or Macys. It was thought that sampling in stores such as these were a great way to gain more data on both females and males, along with families and friends because department store environments were ideal to see a multitude of social situations between varying people. These bigger stores ideally would have many people shopping alone and in a group so comparisons can be made between the two, while also allowing a large enough environment where changes could be made to cater to people shopping in a group. However, the pilot study conducted was vital in seeing what worked and what did not. It was essential to change the plan from ... Get more on ...