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• Name : Booshi Shailaja
• College: KGR Institute of technology and Management
• University : OU
• Hall Ticket No : 256821887001
• Supervisor: Dr.Nagaraju M Kulkarni
• Title : Assistant Professor
 Indian system of medicine
 Ayurvedic medicines
 Unanii system of medicine
 Homeopathic system of medicine
 Aroma theraphy
 Siddhha system of medicine
 Kidney
 Function of the kidney
 Diseases of urinary system
 Diuretics and its importance
 Plant profile
 Appropriation
 Chemical constituents
 Therapeutic properties
 Conventional use
 Aim
 Objectives of the study
 need for the study
 References
Indian system of
• . India has the rich legacy of customary
medication and the conventional
medicinal services framework
• Ayurvedic arrangement of drug built up a
broad utilization of pharmaceutical from
plants dating from no less than 1000 B.C.
• Western pharmaceutical consistent to
demonstrate the impact of old practices.
Ex: cardiovascular
glycoside from Digitalis pup urea, Morphine
from Papavera samnifera.etc
• Ayurvedic medication (likewise called Ayurveda) is one of
the world's most seasoned therapeu¬tic frameworks
• It began in India and has advanced there more than a
large number of years
• In the United States, Ayurvedic prescription is viewed as
correlative and elective drug
• Advancement in various societies and separated from
regular drug
• Precedents of entire therapeutic frameworks incorporate
conventional Chinese pharmaceutical, Ayurvedic
prescription, Homeopathy and Naturopathy
• Utilized through home grown back rub, squeezing,
rubbing, and moving muscles and other delicate tissues
of the body, utilizing the hands and fingers
• The treatment expanded the stream of blood and oxygen
to the rubbed territory
Ayurvedic Medicine in
• Ayurvedic medication, as honed in India, is one of the most seasoned frameworks of solution on the planet
• Numerous Ayurvedic rehearses prior composed records and were passed on by listening in on others' conversations
• Two old books, written in Sanskrit over 2,000 years prior, are viewed as the pharmaceutical—Caraka Samhita and Sushruta
• writings portray eight parts of Ayurvedic solution
• Internal medicine
• Surgery
• Treatment of head and neck disease
• Gynaecology, obstetrics, and paediatrics
• Toxicology
• Psychiatry
• Care of the elderly and rejuvenation
• Sexual vitality.
• Unani arrangement of solution is begun in Greece by the Greek scholar,
doctor Hippocrates (460-377 B.C)
• The hypothetical casing work of Unani solution depends on the lessons of
• After him, various other Greek researchers took after the framework consider.
Among them Galen (131-212 A.D) was one to settle its establishment, on
which Arab doctors like Razzes (850-925 A.D) and Avicenna (980-1037 A.D)
built as forcing structure
• Unani drug got its significance among alternate frameworks of medication in
Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, India, China and other Middle East and Far East
• In India, Arabs presented Unani arrangement of solution, and soon it advanced
in India
• Unani drug trusts in advancement of wellbeing, anticipation of sickness and fix
• Soundness of human depends on the six basics
• environmental air, beverages and sustenance, rest and alertness,
discharge and maintenance, physical movement and rest and mental
action and rest.
• Homeopathy may be a specialised system of medicine,
developed by Dr prophetChristian Friedrich Hahnemann
(1755- 1843),
• A general MD, chemist and a health care
provider, supported concept of healing:
• similia similibus curantur, which suggests ‘Likes are cured by
likes’. Homois suggests that like (similar) and pathos suggests
• Homeopathy as a science of medical treatment has a
philosophy of its own
• Therapeutics is based on certain fundamental principles that
are quite distinct and different between from those of other
school of medical science
• These fundamental principles were discussed by Hahnemann in
different sections of his medicine and philosophy.
They are as follows:
 Law of similia.
 Law of simplex.
 Law of minimum.
 Drug proving.
 Drug dynamization or potentiation.
 Vital force.
 Acute and chronic disease.
 Individualization.
 Direction of cure.
• The word Aroma theraphy implies treatment utilizing
• It alludes to the utilization of fundamental oils in
Holistic mending
• it enhance wellbeing and enthusiastic prosperity, and
in reestablishing harmony to the body
• Fundamental oils are sweet-smelling characters
removed from plants, blooms, trees, natural product,
bark, grasses and seeds
• There are in excess of 150 kinds of oils that can be
• Fundamental oils get assimilated into our body and
apply an impact on it. The deposit gets scattered
from the body normally. They can likewise influence
our brain and feelings
• They enter the body in three different ways: by
inward breath, assimilation and utilization.
Synthetically, fundamental oils are a blend of natural
mixes like ketones, terpenes, esters, liquor, aldehyde
and 100 of other natural atoms which are to a great
degree hard to order, as they are little and complex
Some of the common essential oil
used in Aroma-therapy
 Clary-sage (saliva scared)
 Eucallyptus (eucalyptus
 Geraanium (pelargonium
 Lavvender (citrus lemon)
 Pepppermint (mentha pipertia)
• Siddha medication is drilled in southern India. The source of the
Tamil dialect is credited to the sage Agasthya, and the root of
Siddha solution is likewise ascribed to him
• There is say of mercury, sulfur, copper, arsenic and gold utilized a
helpful operators
• There are 5 Major components : Mann (strong), Neer (liquid),
Thee (radions), Vaayu (gas) and Agasum (ether)
• Earth, water, fire, air and ether are indication of five components
• The individuals made up these five components detached mix,
the physiological capacity in the body is interceded by three
substances (dravyas), which are comprised of the five
• They are vatham, pitham and karpam
• In every last cell of the body these three doshas exist together
and work agreeably.
The seven dhatus are as follows:
 Rasa (lymph).
 Kurudhi (blood).
 Tasai (muscle).
 Kozhupu (adipose tissue).
 Ezhumpu (bone).
 Majjai (marrow).
 Sukkilam and Artavam (male and
female hormones)
• Kidney is a vital organ that removes waste products in the blood and
also regulates fluid volume in the body
• The basic entities of the kidneys are called nephrons, which filter the
blood and remove the waste products through urine
• The body’s urinary system is made together with the two ureters,
bladder, the single urethra and the kidneys
• Human beings, and all other vertebral species, typically have two
• In the body kidneys are dark red in colour and have a shape of beans in
which one side is convex, or rounded, and the other is concave
• The adult human kidneys are about 10 to 13 cm (4 to 5 inches) long
and about 5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 inches) wide with the size of a computer
• Kidney is present in a thin fibrous capsule which is adherent at hilum
• Cut surface of the kidney is made up of well
demarcated peripheral cortex and inner
medulla in which the cortex is 1.2 to 1.5 cm
in thickness showing striations called
medullary rays formed by the collecting
tubules, ascending limbs and straight
portions of the proximal convoluted tubules
• The medulla is composed of several cone
shaped renal pyramids, whose apex is called
papilla is related to a calyx
• 2 to 3 major calyces form funnel shaped
dilated proximal part of the ureter called
• Major calyce is subdivided into 3 to 4 minor
calyces into which the papillae project
Function of the
• The kidneys primary function is to eliminate the poisonous wastes from
the blood
• The nitrogen containing compounds urea and uric acid are chief among
these waste products
• Life threatening diseases occur when large quantities of waste products
accumulate in the blood Stream
• Fortunately, a healthy kidney can easily clear the body of these
Kidneys serve multiple functions, including the following:
 Excretion of metabolic waste products and foreign chemicals
Regulation of water and electrolyte balance
 Regulation of body fluid osmolarity and electrolyte concentrations
Regulation of arterial pressure
 Regulation of acid –base balance
 Secretion ,metabolism and excretion of hormones
 Gluconeogenesis
Diseases of urinary system
Pyelonephritis Glomerulonephritis Kidney stones
Polycystic kidney
Acute renal failure
Chronic renal failure
End stage renal
disease (ESRD):
Papillary necrosis
Kidney cancer
Interstitial nephritis
Minimal change
diabetes insipidus
Renal cyst: Hydronephrosis Nocturnal enuresis
Cystitis Crystalluria
Painful bladder
/interstitial cystitis
Urinary retention or
Diuretics and its importance
Diuretics are agents which are acts on kidney to
promote the excretion of sodium and water in
Diuretics promote the removal from the body
of excess water, salts, poisons, and
accumulated metabolic products for water and
ionic balance
Diuretics not only alter the excretion of Na+
but also may modify renal handling of other
cations ( K + , H+ , Ca2
+ and Mg2
+), anions ( Cl-,
– and H2PO4
- ), and uric acid. In addition,
diuretics may alter renal hemodynamics
activation on indirectly
They serve to rid the body of excess fluid
(edema) that accumulates in the tissues owing
to various disease states
Diuretics are involved some pathological
condition such as Lower high blood pressure,
Reduce fluid retention, edema, swollen ankles,
provide relief from the pain, burning sensation
associated with cystitis, Heart Failure,
Hypertension, Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney Diseases,
Pulmonary and Systemic Edema
They decrease the reabsorption of Na+ and
(usually) Cl from the filtrate, increased water
loss being secondary to the increased excretion
of NaCl (natriuresis)
This can be achieved by: a direct action on the
cells of the nephron indirectly, by modifying
the content of the filtrate Classes of diuretics
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors e.g.
Acetazolamide, Dichlorphenamide Loop
Diuretics e.g. Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid
Thiazides e.g. Chlorothiazide, Benzthiazide
Potassiumsparing diuretics e.g. Spironolactone
Osmotic e.g. Mannitol, Glycerol.
The well documented uses of plants and its
formulated poly herbal products are used as
Diuretics for various clinical condition such as
Lower high blood pressure, Reduce fluid
retention, edema, swollen ankles, provide
relief from the pain, burning sensation
associated with cystitis, Heart Failure,
Hypertension, Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney Diseases,
Pulmonary and Systemic Edema.
Pathophysiology of Diuresis
Diuretics play an important
role in the management of
oedema and hypertension
This function is mainly an
increases the excretion in net
negative water in urine and
maintain solute balance in
The proximal convoluted
tubule reabsorbs about 50-66
% of fluid by both active and
passive processes
The thin descending limb of
Loop of Henle allows osmotic
water abstraction as it is
highly permeable to water
and impermeable to solutes
The reduced water
absorption from the
descending limb of Loop of
Henle has an important role
in over-all enhanced
condition of diuresis.
The thin ascending limb of
Loop of Henle is
impermeable to water and
highly permeable to chloride
and sodium therefore
diuretics show no effects.
• Tinospora cordifolia is a glabrous, succulent, woody climbing bush local
to India
• It flourishes well in the tropical district, frequently accomplishes an
extraordinary tallness and ascensions up the storage compartment of
vast trees
• The stem of Tinospora cordifolia is dark and rich white, profoundly split
spirally and longitudinally, with the space between spotted with vast
rosette like lenticels
• The wood is white and permeable and the crisply cut surface expect a
yellow tint when presented to air.
• Leaves are basic, exstipulate, long petiolate, substitute, chordate fit as a
fiddle demonstrating multicoated reticulate venation
• Long string like airborne roots come up from the branches.
• Blossoms are little and unisexual
• Male blooms are in groups, Six sepals masterminded in two whorls,
female blossoms are singular, they are obovate and membranous
• Total natural product is red, plump with numerous drupelets on thick
stalk with subterminal style scars, red hued.
• The Ayurvedic tranquilize Guduchi or Amrita is the most critical restorative
arrangement specified in different writings of Ayurvedic arrangement of
pharmaceutical viz: Charak, Sushrut and Ashtang Hridaya under different
names viz: Amara, Amritvalli, Chinmarrhuha, Chinnodebha and Vatsadani
and so on, 11-15.
• In Sushurta Samhita, it is specified under Tikta-Saka Varga and asserted tobe
helpful in treating infection, fever, asthma and Aruci (anorexia)
• In different settlements like Charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya, it has
been shown in ailments like jaundice, fever and gout. It is considered as
unpleasant tonic, astringent, diuretic and potential love potion and remedial
against skin contaminations, jaundice, diabetes, interminable loose bowels
and dysentery
• In Dhanvantri Nighantu, its therapeutic properties are specified for fix of
draining heaps, advancing life span, restoring tingling and erysipelas
• It is accounted for to be an intense vegetable tonic.
• Tonic, antiperiodic and diuretic properties of this plant grabbed the eye of
European specialists in India as a particular and it was incorporated into
Bengal Pharmacopeia of 1868
 Tinospora cordifolia is said in Ayurvedic writing as a constituent of a few
definitions utilized in debility, dyspepsia, fever and urinary sicknesses. A
portion of the essential details are:
 Guduchyadi churna, Guduchi taila, Sanjavani vati, and so forth.
• The plant mostly contains alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, sesquiterpenoids,
aliphatic mixes, fundamental oils, blend of unsaturated fats and
• The alkaloids incorporate berberine, unpleasant gilonin, non-glycoside
gilonin gilosterol
• The major phyto-constituent in Tinospora cordifolia incorporate
tinosporine, clerodane furano diterpene, tinosporide,
tinosporaside,choline and tinosporin are accounted for from the stem of
the plant
• Phytochemical examination of the methanol concentrate of Tinospora
cordifolia flying parts prompted the separation of four new and seven
known mixes. The structure of the new aporphine alkaloids, N-
formylasimilobine 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl – (1-2)- β-D-glucopyranoside
(tinoscor¬side An) and N-acetylasimilobine 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl – (1-
2)- β-D-glucopyranoside (tinoscor-side B), another clerodane diterpene,
tinoscorside C and another phenylpropanoid , sinapyl 14-O-β-D-
apiofuranosyl-(1-6)- O-β-D-glucopyranoside (tinoscorside D) 32
• Tinospora cordifolia is most usually utilized restorative
plant in Ayurvedic framework for its general tonic,
antiperiodic, against convulsive, mitigating, antipyretic,
hostile to ligament, against lepritic, against unfavorably
susceptible and against diabetic properties 33
• The plant is utilized to enhance the invulnerable
framework and the body opposition against contami-
nations. The base of this plant is known for its enemy of
stress and hostile to malarial exercises. The stem is
severe, stomachic, diuretic, fortifies bile emissions,
alleviates thirst, advances the blood and fixes jaundice.
The concentrate of the stem is valuable in skin issues.
The root and stem of Tinospora cordifolia is
recommended in blend with different medications as an
antitoxin to snakebite and scorpion
• The plant is additionally utilized in the treatment of
wounds, pneumonia, asthma and hack. Tinospora
cordifolia has against malignancy, safe invigorating,
nerve cell ensuring, hostile to diabetic, cholesterol-
bringing down and liver-defensive activities. Tinospora
cordifolia is additionally in charge of diminishing the
tissue harm caused by radiation, the reactions of a few
types of chemotherapy and speeding mending of dia-
betic foot ulcers 34
Conventional use
• The tribals cast , living in the inside regions of different piece
of U.P. make the glue of stem of the Guduchi (T. cordifolia)
and the underlying foundations of Bhatkatiaya (Solanum
surattense). The pills are arranged and utilized in the
treatment of fever for three days
• The tribals of Mumbai and its neighboring zones and the
anglers along the ocean drift utilize cordifoliaas medicate in
the treatment of fever, jaundice, unending the runs and
looseness of the bowels 21
• The tribals of Khedbrahma district of North Gujarat utilize the
plant in their everyday life as nourishment or drug
• They utilize powdered root and stem bark of T. cordifolia with
drain for the treatment of malignancy; decoction of root is
utilized for the fix of looseness of the bowels and the runs and
decoction of old stems is favored in the treatment of
intermittent fever 22
• Decoction of stem is managed orally by the general
population of Jammu (J and K) and Bigwada (Rajasthan) for
the treatment of fever23
• The occupants of Bhuvneshwar (Orissa) utilize the warm
squeeze of foundation of T. cordifolia orally for the treatment
of fever 21
 Juice or decoction of leaves is managed orally with nectar in fever by the nearby individuals of Patiyala
(Punjab) 21.
 The Muslim tribals of Rajouri, Jammu (Tawi) including Gujjar and Backwals utilized the plant in bone
crack 24.
 In Dahanu forest division of Maharashtra, innate races, viz. Agaris, Bhils, Dhodias, Dublas, Khakaris,
Rimoshis, Thakurs, Vardaris, Vagharis and Varlis use the stem decoction with cool or high temp water
(around 3-4 gm) in morning in an empty stomach as a tonic when all is said in done debility 25.•Shirt of
kid is colored in juice of Guduchi and worn in balashosha (skinniness in youngsters) by the occupants
of Banka (Bihar) 23.
 Paste or juice of Amrita (T. cordifolia) leaves and Sarsapa beeja churna (seed powder of Brassica
campestris) is connected locally if there should be an occurrence of Daha (Burning sensation) 23.
 Powder of Terminalia chebula(Haritaki), Tinospora cordifolia (Amrita) and Trachyspermum ammi
(Ajwain) in break even with amount is regulated orally, once day by day early morning with salt for the
treatment of Kasa (hack). Decoction of these medications is additionally to be taken in dosage of 50 ml
for the treatment of Kasa (hack) by the general population of Dhurala (Haryana) 23.
 Two drops of leaf juice of united types of Guduchi is dropped in the ear for the treatment of Karna
Shula (torment in ear) by the nearby individuals of Patiyala (Punjab) 23.
 Paste of Guduchi ( cordifolia) and 5 seeds of Krishna marich (Piper nigrum) is managed orally once
day by day in morning in rakta pradar (leucorrhoea) by the nearby ladies of Arjunpura (Rajasthan) 23.
 The occupants of Badala (U.P.) take the juice of stem orally with nectar for the treatment of swasa
(Asthma) 23.
• The present study is done for
phytochemical investigation
and evaluation of diuretic
activity of Tinospora
cardifolia on these plants.
The objectives of the present study are:
The extensive review of literature on Tinospora
Successive solvent extractions of Tinospora cardifolia
Systematic phytochemical investigation of Tinospora
Acute toxicity studies of all extracts.
Detailed study of the diuretic activity of the root of
Tinospora cardifolia.
• In spite of tremendous advances in the
field of medicine there is no truly
satisfactory drug for the treatment of
kidney disorders. The possible treatment
would be either being surgical and
allopathic treatment. But this treatment
exhibits some serious side effects
(including reoccurrence in case of renal
calculi), thereby keeping the problem
unsolved. Moreover this treatment is
relatively costly and requires expert hands
and availability of appropriate equipments.
This has given rise to stimulation in the
search for investigating natural resources
showing diuretic and nephroprotective
To explore the possibility of using the traditional medicines as diuretic agents with scientific
1) The modern medicine does not have satisfactorily control over kidney disorders.
2) The survey of literature reveals that the medicinal plant, Tinospora cardifolia has been used
traditionally for cramps, inflammatory tumour, convulsions.
3) However, the diuretic activity of Tinospora cardifolia has not been scientifically investigated.
Hence, the present study is undertaken for the phytochemical investigation of the root of
Tinospora cardifolia and to evaluate its traditionally claimed activities in Wistar albino rats.
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  • 1. PHARMACOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF DIURETIC ACTIVITY OF TINOSPORA CARDIFOLIA IN SWISS ALBINO RAT BY • Name : Booshi Shailaja • College: KGR Institute of technology and Management • University : OU • Hall Ticket No : 256821887001 • Supervisor: Dr.Nagaraju M Kulkarni • Title : Assistant Professor
  • 2. INDEX  Indian system of medicine  Ayurvedic medicines  Unanii system of medicine  Homeopathic system of medicine  Aroma theraphy  Siddhha system of medicine  Kidney  Function of the kidney  Diseases of urinary system  Diuretics and its importance  Plant profile  Appropriation  Chemical constituents  Therapeutic properties  Conventional use  Aim  Objectives of the study  need for the study  References
  • 3. Indian system of medicine • . India has the rich legacy of customary medication and the conventional medicinal services framework • Ayurvedic arrangement of drug built up a broad utilization of pharmaceutical from plants dating from no less than 1000 B.C. • Western pharmaceutical consistent to demonstrate the impact of old practices. Ex: cardiovascular glycoside from Digitalis pup urea, Morphine from Papavera samnifera.etc
  • 4. AYURVEDIC MEDICINES • Ayurvedic medication (likewise called Ayurveda) is one of the world's most seasoned therapeu¬tic frameworks • It began in India and has advanced there more than a large number of years • In the United States, Ayurvedic prescription is viewed as correlative and elective drug • Advancement in various societies and separated from regular drug • Precedents of entire therapeutic frameworks incorporate conventional Chinese pharmaceutical, Ayurvedic prescription, Homeopathy and Naturopathy • Utilized through home grown back rub, squeezing, rubbing, and moving muscles and other delicate tissues of the body, utilizing the hands and fingers • The treatment expanded the stream of blood and oxygen to the rubbed territory
  • 5. Ayurvedic Medicine in India • Ayurvedic medication, as honed in India, is one of the most seasoned frameworks of solution on the planet • Numerous Ayurvedic rehearses prior composed records and were passed on by listening in on others' conversations • Two old books, written in Sanskrit over 2,000 years prior, are viewed as the pharmaceutical—Caraka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita • writings portray eight parts of Ayurvedic solution • Internal medicine • Surgery • Treatment of head and neck disease • Gynaecology, obstetrics, and paediatrics • Toxicology • Psychiatry • Care of the elderly and rejuvenation • Sexual vitality.
  • 6. UNANII SYSTEM OF MEDICINE • Unani arrangement of solution is begun in Greece by the Greek scholar, doctor Hippocrates (460-377 B.C) • The hypothetical casing work of Unani solution depends on the lessons of Hippocrates • After him, various other Greek researchers took after the framework consider. Among them Galen (131-212 A.D) was one to settle its establishment, on which Arab doctors like Razzes (850-925 A.D) and Avicenna (980-1037 A.D) built as forcing structure • Unani drug got its significance among alternate frameworks of medication in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Persia, India, China and other Middle East and Far East nations • In India, Arabs presented Unani arrangement of solution, and soon it advanced in India • Unani drug trusts in advancement of wellbeing, anticipation of sickness and fix • Soundness of human depends on the six basics • environmental air, beverages and sustenance, rest and alertness, discharge and maintenance, physical movement and rest and mental action and rest.
  • 7. HOMEOPATHIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE • Homeopathy may be a specialised system of medicine, developed by Dr prophetChristian Friedrich Hahnemann (1755- 1843), • A general MD, chemist and a health care provider, supported concept of healing: • similia similibus curantur, which suggests ‘Likes are cured by likes’. Homois suggests that like (similar) and pathos suggests thattreatment. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOPATHY • Homeopathy as a science of medical treatment has a philosophy of its own • Therapeutics is based on certain fundamental principles that are quite distinct and different between from those of other school of medical science • These fundamental principles were discussed by Hahnemann in different sections of his medicine and philosophy.
  • 8. They are as follows:  Law of similia.  Law of simplex.  Law of minimum.  Drug proving.  Drug dynamization or potentiation.  Vital force.  Acute and chronic disease.  Individualization.  Direction of cure.
  • 9. AROMA THERAPHY • The word Aroma theraphy implies treatment utilizing fragrances • It alludes to the utilization of fundamental oils in Holistic mending • it enhance wellbeing and enthusiastic prosperity, and in reestablishing harmony to the body • Fundamental oils are sweet-smelling characters removed from plants, blooms, trees, natural product, bark, grasses and seeds • There are in excess of 150 kinds of oils that can be separated • Fundamental oils get assimilated into our body and apply an impact on it. The deposit gets scattered from the body normally. They can likewise influence our brain and feelings • They enter the body in three different ways: by inward breath, assimilation and utilization. Synthetically, fundamental oils are a blend of natural mixes like ketones, terpenes, esters, liquor, aldehyde and 100 of other natural atoms which are to a great degree hard to order, as they are little and complex
  • 10. Some of the common essential oil used in Aroma-therapy  Clary-sage (saliva scared)  Eucallyptus (eucalyptus globules)  Geraanium (pelargonium graveolens)  Lavvender (citrus lemon)  Pepppermint (mentha pipertia)
  • 11. SIDDHHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINE • Siddha medication is drilled in southern India. The source of the Tamil dialect is credited to the sage Agasthya, and the root of Siddha solution is likewise ascribed to him • There is say of mercury, sulfur, copper, arsenic and gold utilized a helpful operators PRINCIPLE OF SIDDHA SYSTEM OF MEDICINE • There are 5 Major components : Mann (strong), Neer (liquid), Thee (radions), Vaayu (gas) and Agasum (ether) • Earth, water, fire, air and ether are indication of five components • The individuals made up these five components detached mix, the physiological capacity in the body is interceded by three substances (dravyas), which are comprised of the five components • They are vatham, pitham and karpam • In every last cell of the body these three doshas exist together and work agreeably.
  • 12. The seven dhatus are as follows:  Rasa (lymph).  Kurudhi (blood).  Tasai (muscle).  Kozhupu (adipose tissue).  Ezhumpu (bone).  Majjai (marrow).  Sukkilam and Artavam (male and female hormones)
  • 13. KIDNEY • Kidney is a vital organ that removes waste products in the blood and also regulates fluid volume in the body • The basic entities of the kidneys are called nephrons, which filter the blood and remove the waste products through urine • The body’s urinary system is made together with the two ureters, bladder, the single urethra and the kidneys • Human beings, and all other vertebral species, typically have two kidneys • In the body kidneys are dark red in colour and have a shape of beans in which one side is convex, or rounded, and the other is concave • The adult human kidneys are about 10 to 13 cm (4 to 5 inches) long and about 5 to 7.5 cm (2 to 3 inches) wide with the size of a computer mouse. • Kidney is present in a thin fibrous capsule which is adherent at hilum
  • 14. • Cut surface of the kidney is made up of well demarcated peripheral cortex and inner medulla in which the cortex is 1.2 to 1.5 cm in thickness showing striations called medullary rays formed by the collecting tubules, ascending limbs and straight portions of the proximal convoluted tubules • The medulla is composed of several cone shaped renal pyramids, whose apex is called papilla is related to a calyx • 2 to 3 major calyces form funnel shaped dilated proximal part of the ureter called pelvis. • Major calyce is subdivided into 3 to 4 minor calyces into which the papillae project
  • 15. Function of the kidney • The kidneys primary function is to eliminate the poisonous wastes from the blood • The nitrogen containing compounds urea and uric acid are chief among these waste products • Life threatening diseases occur when large quantities of waste products accumulate in the blood Stream • Fortunately, a healthy kidney can easily clear the body of these substances. Kidneys serve multiple functions, including the following:  Excretion of metabolic waste products and foreign chemicals Regulation of water and electrolyte balance  Regulation of body fluid osmolarity and electrolyte concentrations Regulation of arterial pressure  Regulation of acid –base balance  Secretion ,metabolism and excretion of hormones  Gluconeogenesis
  • 16. Diseases of urinary system Pyelonephritis Glomerulonephritis Kidney stones Nephrotic syndrome Polycystic kidney disease Acute renal failure Chronic renal failure End stage renal disease (ESRD): Papillary necrosis Diabetic nephropathy Hypertensive nephropathy Kidney cancer Interstitial nephritis Minimal change disease Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus Renal cyst: Hydronephrosis Nocturnal enuresis Cystitis Crystalluria Urethral obstruction Painful bladder syndrome /interstitial cystitis (PBS/IC) Urinary retention or Bladder-emptying problems Urinary incontinence
  • 17. Diuretics and its importance Diuretics are agents which are acts on kidney to promote the excretion of sodium and water in urine Diuretics promote the removal from the body of excess water, salts, poisons, and accumulated metabolic products for water and ionic balance Diuretics not only alter the excretion of Na+ but also may modify renal handling of other cations ( K + , H+ , Ca2 + and Mg2 +), anions ( Cl-, HCO3 – and H2PO4 - ), and uric acid. In addition, diuretics may alter renal hemodynamics activation on indirectly They serve to rid the body of excess fluid (edema) that accumulates in the tissues owing to various disease states Diuretics are involved some pathological condition such as Lower high blood pressure, Reduce fluid retention, edema, swollen ankles, provide relief from the pain, burning sensation associated with cystitis, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney Diseases, Pulmonary and Systemic Edema They decrease the reabsorption of Na+ and (usually) Cl from the filtrate, increased water loss being secondary to the increased excretion of NaCl (natriuresis) This can be achieved by: a direct action on the cells of the nephron indirectly, by modifying the content of the filtrate Classes of diuretics Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors e.g. Acetazolamide, Dichlorphenamide Loop Diuretics e.g. Furosemide, Ethacrynic acid Thiazides e.g. Chlorothiazide, Benzthiazide Potassiumsparing diuretics e.g. Spironolactone Osmotic e.g. Mannitol, Glycerol. The well documented uses of plants and its formulated poly herbal products are used as Diuretics for various clinical condition such as Lower high blood pressure, Reduce fluid retention, edema, swollen ankles, provide relief from the pain, burning sensation associated with cystitis, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Liver Cirrhosis, Kidney Diseases, Pulmonary and Systemic Edema.
  • 18. Pathophysiology of Diuresis Diuretics play an important role in the management of oedema and hypertension This function is mainly an increases the excretion in net negative water in urine and maintain solute balance in body The proximal convoluted tubule reabsorbs about 50-66 % of fluid by both active and passive processes The thin descending limb of Loop of Henle allows osmotic water abstraction as it is highly permeable to water and impermeable to solutes The reduced water absorption from the descending limb of Loop of Henle has an important role in over-all enhanced condition of diuresis. The thin ascending limb of Loop of Henle is impermeable to water and highly permeable to chloride and sodium therefore diuretics show no effects.
  • 19. PLANT PROFILE • Tinospora cordifolia is a glabrous, succulent, woody climbing bush local to India • It flourishes well in the tropical district, frequently accomplishes an extraordinary tallness and ascensions up the storage compartment of vast trees • The stem of Tinospora cordifolia is dark and rich white, profoundly split spirally and longitudinally, with the space between spotted with vast rosette like lenticels • The wood is white and permeable and the crisply cut surface expect a yellow tint when presented to air. • Leaves are basic, exstipulate, long petiolate, substitute, chordate fit as a fiddle demonstrating multicoated reticulate venation • Long string like airborne roots come up from the branches. • Blossoms are little and unisexual • Male blooms are in groups, Six sepals masterminded in two whorls, female blossoms are singular, they are obovate and membranous • Total natural product is red, plump with numerous drupelets on thick stalk with subterminal style scars, red hued.
  • 20. • The Ayurvedic tranquilize Guduchi or Amrita is the most critical restorative arrangement specified in different writings of Ayurvedic arrangement of pharmaceutical viz: Charak, Sushrut and Ashtang Hridaya under different names viz: Amara, Amritvalli, Chinmarrhuha, Chinnodebha and Vatsadani and so on, 11-15. • In Sushurta Samhita, it is specified under Tikta-Saka Varga and asserted tobe helpful in treating infection, fever, asthma and Aruci (anorexia) • In different settlements like Charak Samhita and Ashtang Hridaya, it has been shown in ailments like jaundice, fever and gout. It is considered as unpleasant tonic, astringent, diuretic and potential love potion and remedial against skin contaminations, jaundice, diabetes, interminable loose bowels and dysentery • In Dhanvantri Nighantu, its therapeutic properties are specified for fix of draining heaps, advancing life span, restoring tingling and erysipelas • It is accounted for to be an intense vegetable tonic. • Tonic, antiperiodic and diuretic properties of this plant grabbed the eye of European specialists in India as a particular and it was incorporated into Bengal Pharmacopeia of 1868  Tinospora cordifolia is said in Ayurvedic writing as a constituent of a few definitions utilized in debility, dyspepsia, fever and urinary sicknesses. A portion of the essential details are:  Guduchyadi churna, Guduchi taila, Sanjavani vati, and so forth.
  • 21. Chemical Constituents • The plant mostly contains alkaloids, glycosides, steroids, sesquiterpenoids, aliphatic mixes, fundamental oils, blend of unsaturated fats and polysaccchrides • The alkaloids incorporate berberine, unpleasant gilonin, non-glycoside gilonin gilosterol • The major phyto-constituent in Tinospora cordifolia incorporate tinosporine, clerodane furano diterpene, tinosporide, tinosporaside,choline and tinosporin are accounted for from the stem of the plant • Phytochemical examination of the methanol concentrate of Tinospora cordifolia flying parts prompted the separation of four new and seven known mixes. The structure of the new aporphine alkaloids, N- formylasimilobine 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl – (1-2)- β-D-glucopyranoside (tinoscor¬side An) and N-acetylasimilobine 2-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl – (1- 2)- β-D-glucopyranoside (tinoscor-side B), another clerodane diterpene, tinoscorside C and another phenylpropanoid , sinapyl 14-O-β-D- apiofuranosyl-(1-6)- O-β-D-glucopyranoside (tinoscorside D) 32
  • 22. Therapeutic Properties • Tinospora cordifolia is most usually utilized restorative plant in Ayurvedic framework for its general tonic, antiperiodic, against convulsive, mitigating, antipyretic, hostile to ligament, against lepritic, against unfavorably susceptible and against diabetic properties 33 • The plant is utilized to enhance the invulnerable framework and the body opposition against contami- nations. The base of this plant is known for its enemy of stress and hostile to malarial exercises. The stem is severe, stomachic, diuretic, fortifies bile emissions, alleviates thirst, advances the blood and fixes jaundice. The concentrate of the stem is valuable in skin issues. The root and stem of Tinospora cordifolia is recommended in blend with different medications as an antitoxin to snakebite and scorpion • The plant is additionally utilized in the treatment of wounds, pneumonia, asthma and hack. Tinospora cordifolia has against malignancy, safe invigorating, nerve cell ensuring, hostile to diabetic, cholesterol- bringing down and liver-defensive activities. Tinospora cordifolia is additionally in charge of diminishing the tissue harm caused by radiation, the reactions of a few types of chemotherapy and speeding mending of dia- betic foot ulcers 34
  • 23. Conventional use • The tribals cast , living in the inside regions of different piece of U.P. make the glue of stem of the Guduchi (T. cordifolia) and the underlying foundations of Bhatkatiaya (Solanum surattense). The pills are arranged and utilized in the treatment of fever for three days • The tribals of Mumbai and its neighboring zones and the anglers along the ocean drift utilize cordifoliaas medicate in the treatment of fever, jaundice, unending the runs and looseness of the bowels 21 • The tribals of Khedbrahma district of North Gujarat utilize the plant in their everyday life as nourishment or drug • They utilize powdered root and stem bark of T. cordifolia with drain for the treatment of malignancy; decoction of root is utilized for the fix of looseness of the bowels and the runs and decoction of old stems is favored in the treatment of intermittent fever 22 • Decoction of stem is managed orally by the general population of Jammu (J and K) and Bigwada (Rajasthan) for the treatment of fever23 • The occupants of Bhuvneshwar (Orissa) utilize the warm squeeze of foundation of T. cordifolia orally for the treatment of fever 21
  • 24.  Juice or decoction of leaves is managed orally with nectar in fever by the nearby individuals of Patiyala (Punjab) 21.  The Muslim tribals of Rajouri, Jammu (Tawi) including Gujjar and Backwals utilized the plant in bone crack 24.  In Dahanu forest division of Maharashtra, innate races, viz. Agaris, Bhils, Dhodias, Dublas, Khakaris, Rimoshis, Thakurs, Vardaris, Vagharis and Varlis use the stem decoction with cool or high temp water (around 3-4 gm) in morning in an empty stomach as a tonic when all is said in done debility 25.•Shirt of kid is colored in juice of Guduchi and worn in balashosha (skinniness in youngsters) by the occupants of Banka (Bihar) 23.  Paste or juice of Amrita (T. cordifolia) leaves and Sarsapa beeja churna (seed powder of Brassica campestris) is connected locally if there should be an occurrence of Daha (Burning sensation) 23.  Powder of Terminalia chebula(Haritaki), Tinospora cordifolia (Amrita) and Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwain) in break even with amount is regulated orally, once day by day early morning with salt for the treatment of Kasa (hack). Decoction of these medications is additionally to be taken in dosage of 50 ml for the treatment of Kasa (hack) by the general population of Dhurala (Haryana) 23.  Two drops of leaf juice of united types of Guduchi is dropped in the ear for the treatment of Karna Shula (torment in ear) by the nearby individuals of Patiyala (Punjab) 23.  Paste of Guduchi ( cordifolia) and 5 seeds of Krishna marich (Piper nigrum) is managed orally once day by day in morning in rakta pradar (leucorrhoea) by the nearby ladies of Arjunpura (Rajasthan) 23.  The occupants of Badala (U.P.) take the juice of stem orally with nectar for the treatment of swasa (Asthma) 23.
  • 25. AIM • The present study is done for phytochemical investigation and evaluation of diuretic activity of Tinospora cardifolia on these plants.
  • 26. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of the present study are: The extensive review of literature on Tinospora cardifolia Successive solvent extractions of Tinospora cardifolia Systematic phytochemical investigation of Tinospora cardifolia Acute toxicity studies of all extracts. Detailed study of the diuretic activity of the root of Tinospora cardifolia.
  • 27. NEED FOR THE STUDY • In spite of tremendous advances in the field of medicine there is no truly satisfactory drug for the treatment of kidney disorders. The possible treatment would be either being surgical and allopathic treatment. But this treatment exhibits some serious side effects (including reoccurrence in case of renal calculi), thereby keeping the problem unsolved. Moreover this treatment is relatively costly and requires expert hands and availability of appropriate equipments. This has given rise to stimulation in the search for investigating natural resources showing diuretic and nephroprotective activity.
  • 28. NEED FOR THE STUDY To explore the possibility of using the traditional medicines as diuretic agents with scientific validation: 1) The modern medicine does not have satisfactorily control over kidney disorders. 2) The survey of literature reveals that the medicinal plant, Tinospora cardifolia has been used traditionally for cramps, inflammatory tumour, convulsions. 3) However, the diuretic activity of Tinospora cardifolia has not been scientifically investigated. Hence, the present study is undertaken for the phytochemical investigation of the root of Tinospora cardifolia and to evaluate its traditionally claimed activities in Wistar albino rats.
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