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;/sf/n] g} jl9 dfqfdf ;'rf??kn] sfof{lGjt ug{ ;St5 eGg] jf To;sf] sfd k/f e};s]sf] 5
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-s_ ;ldltsf] ;a} xs hfohft / C0f g]kfn ;/sf/sf] x'g]5 .
-v_ ;ldlt;Fu lnPsf ;a} 7]Ssfx? g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu lnO{Psf dflgg]5g .
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ug]{ s'/fsf ;DaGwdf p7g] emu8fnfO{{ lg0f{osf] nflu dWo:y 5]p k7fpg' kg]{ u/L ;f] ;Demf}tfdf
Aoa:yf ePsf]df ;f]xL ;Demf}tf cg';f/ lgo'Qm ePsf] dWo:yn] To:tf] emu8fnfO{ x]g]{ / l5Gg]
clwsf/ s'g} cbfntnfO{ x'g] 5}g .
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k|df0f a'emg], ;fIfLx?nfO{ pkl:ylt u/fpg] / lnvtx? k]z u/fpg] clwsf/ lghnfO{ x'g]5 .
-#_ dWo:ysf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 / b'a} kIfx? pk/ dfGo x'g]5 .
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u/L a]l7s lg0f{o u/]sf] jf dgdfgL u/]sf] eGg] :ki6 b]lvg cfPdf jf,

s]xL g]kfn sfgg -;zf]wg / k'gM Joj:yfkg_ P]g, @)@) åf/f ;+zf]lwt .
t]f] ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h .

bf]f] ;+zf]wgåf/f bkmf ( yk ePsf] / ;fljssf] bkmf ( nfO{ bkmf !) ul/Psf] .

Gofo k|zf;g P]g, @)$* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .
-v_ dWo:ytsf] lg0f{o ;/f;/ sfgg lj?2 ePdf .
-$_ To:tf lg0f{onfO{ 
k'g/fj]bg cbfntaf6 /2 ul/Psf] v08df emu8fnfO{ lg0f{osf
;f] cbfntsf dVo Gofoflwzjf6 lgo'Qm csf]{ dWo:y 5]p k7fO{g]5 .
-%_ dWo:yåf/f ePsf] lg0f{onfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/jf6 tf]lsPsf] txl;n jf txl;nsf] sfd ug]{
c•fn] tf]lsP adf]lhd sfof{lGjt ug]{5 .
-^_ o; bkmfsf] p2]Zo sfof{lGjt ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgod agfpg ;Sg]5 .

!)= nfu gx'g] sfggx?
nfu gx'g] sfggx?
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/sd aGbf]a:t jf sfuh hf+rsf] jf axL a'emg]sf] dxnx? ;ldltsf] sfd sfhdf nfu x'g] 5}g .

Gofo k|zf;g ;'wf/ P]g, @)#! åf/f ;+zf]lwt .

bf]f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;fljssf] bkmf ( nfO{ bkmf !) ul/Psf] .
b|i6Jo M g]kfn cGtl/d zf;g ljwfg -rf}yf] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)!% åf/f ?kfGt/0f ePsf] zAbx? M
æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ jf æ;/sf/Æ sf] ;§f æL % sf] ;/sf/Æ .

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  • 3. -@_ g]kfn ;/sf/ jf c? s'g} ljb]zL Ph]G;Lsf :yfoL clws[tx?sf] ;]jf s]xL ;dosf] nflu :jLsf/ ug'{ ;ldltsf] lgldQ sfggL x'g]5 / ;ldltsf] sfd sfh ubf{ To:tf clws[tx? ;ldltsf] k|zf;sLo lgoGq0fdf /xg]5g . t/ To;/L vl6Psf sf/0faf6 ltgsf] ;flassf] gf]s/Lsf] zt{x?df s'g} c;/ kg]{ 5}g . = cfb]z lgod hf/L ug]{ cfb]z lgod hf/L ug]{ cfb]z lgod hf/L ug]{ cfb]z lgod hf/L ug]{ g]kfn ;/sf/ g]kfn ;/sf/ g]kfn ;/sf/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] clwsf/ sf] clwsf/ sf] clwsf/ sf] clwsf/ M ;ldltsf] sfd sf/jfO{sf] ljifodf ;/sf/n] ;do ;dodf lgod jf cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;Sg]5 / To:tf lgod jf cfb]zx? kfng ug'{ To; ;dltsf] st{Jo x'g]5 . *= ;ldltsf] la36g M ;ldltsf] la36g M ;ldltsf] la36g M ;ldltsf] la36g M -!_ ;ldltn] sfof{lGjt ug{ nfu]sf] s'g} lasf; of]hgf jf lasf; sfo{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] g} jl9 dfqfdf ;'rf??kn] sfof{lGjt ug{ ;St5 eGg] jf To;sf] sfd k/f e};s]sf] 5 eGg] g]kfn ;/sf/nfO{ nfu]df g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;lrt cfb]zåf/f ;ldltnfO{ la36g ug{ ;Sg]5 . -@_ ;ldlt la36g ePsf] v08df M— -s_ ;ldltsf] ;a} xs hfohft / C0f g]kfn ;/sf/sf] x'g]5 . -v_ ;ldlt;Fu lnPsf ;a} 7]Ssfx? g]kfn ;/sf/;Fu lnO{Psf dflgg]5g . -u_ ♠ ===== (= dWo:ytfåf/f emu8fsf] lg0f{o x'g] M dWo:ytfåf/f emu8fsf] lg0f{o x'g] M dWo:ytfåf/f emu8fsf] lg0f{o x'g] M dWo:ytfåf/f emu8fsf] lg0f{o x'g] M -!_ ;ldlt;+u ePsf] s'g} ;Demf}tf / To;nfO{ sfof{lGjt ug]{ s'/fsf ;DaGwdf p7g] emu8fnfO{{ lg0f{osf] nflu dWo:y 5]p k7fpg' kg]{ u/L ;f] ;Demf}tfdf Aoa:yf ePsf]df ;f]xL ;Demf}tf cg';f/ lgo'Qm ePsf] dWo:yn] To:tf] emu8fnfO{ x]g]{ / l5Gg] clwsf/ s'g} cbfntnfO{ x'g] 5}g . -@_ lg0f{osf] nflu pkbkmf -!_ cGtu{t dWo:y 5]p k7fO{Psf] emu8fsf] ;DaGwdf ;fIfL, k|df0f a'emg], ;fIfLx?nfO{ pkl:ylt u/fpg] / lnvtx? k]z u/fpg] clwsf/ lghnfO{ x'g]5 . -#_ dWo:ysf] lg0f{o clGtd x'g]5 / b'a} kIfx? pk/ dfGo x'g]5 . t/ dsf{ kg]{ kIfsf] lga]bg k/]df k'g/fj]bg cbfntn] b]xfosf ca:yfdf ;f] lg0f{onfO{ /2 ug{ ;Sg]5 M– -s_ dWo:yn] lg0f{o ubf{ cg'lrt cfr/0f b]vfPsf] jf vf; ablgot b]lvg] u/L a]l7s lg0f{o u/]sf] jf dgdfgL u/]sf] eGg] :ki6 b]lvg cfPdf jf, s]xL g]kfn sfgg -;zf]wg / k'gM Joj:yfkg_ P]g, @)@) åf/f ;+zf]lwt . ♠ t]f] ;+zf]wgåf/f vf/]h . bf]f] ;+zf]wgåf/f bkmf ( yk ePsf] / ;fljssf] bkmf ( nfO{ bkmf !) ul/Psf] . Gofo k|zf;g P]g, @)$* åf/f ;+zf]lwt .
  • 4. -v_ dWo:ytsf] lg0f{o ;/f;/ sfgg lj?2 ePdf . -$_ To:tf lg0f{onfO{ k'g/fj]bg cbfntaf6 /2 ul/Psf] v08df emu8fnfO{ lg0f{osf lgldQ ;f] cbfntsf dVo Gofoflwzjf6 lgo'Qm csf]{ dWo:y 5]p k7fO{g]5 . -%_ dWo:yåf/f ePsf] lg0f{onfO{ g]kfn ;/sf/jf6 tf]lsPsf] txl;n jf txl;nsf] sfd ug]{ c•fn] tf]lsP adf]lhd sfof{lGjt ug]{5 . -^_ o; bkmfsf] p2]Zo sfof{lGjt ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] lgod agfpg ;Sg]5 . !)= nfu gx'g] sfggx? nfu gx'g] sfggx? nfu gx'g] sfggx? nfu gx'g] sfggx? MMMM -!_ z+sf lgjf/0fsf] nflu :ki6 ul/G5 ls d'n'sL ;jfn jf d'n'sL P]gsf] /sd aGbf]a:t jf sfuh hf+rsf] jf axL a'emg]sf] dxnx? ;ldltsf] sfd sfhdf nfu x'g] 5}g . Gofo k|zf;g ;'wf/ P]g, @)#! åf/f ;+zf]lwt . bf]f] ;+zf]wgåf/f ;fljssf] bkmf ( nfO{ bkmf !) ul/Psf] . b|i6Jo M g]kfn cGtl/d zf;g ljwfg -rf}yf] ;+zf]wg_ P]g, @)!% åf/f ?kfGt/0f ePsf] zAbx? M æg]kfn ;/sf/Æ jf æ;/sf/Æ sf] ;§f æL % sf] ;/sf/Æ .