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Unit -2
Introduction and theory of sound

Acoustics – definitions, terms related to acoustics.
Theory of sound : generation, propagation, transmission, reception of
sound, sound waves, frequency, intensity, wavelength, sound pressure,
measurement of sound, scales- decibel scale

•   Characteristics of speech
•   Music and hearing
•   Distribution of energy in speech
•   Music frequencies
•   Intelligibility of speech, high fidelity reproduction of music
•   Human ear characteristics- making of sound
•   Binomial hearing  g
•   Behavior of sound in enclosed spaces.
                              STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                                HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

    STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
• What is Acoustics ?

   – Acoustics is defined as the
     science that deals with the
     production           control,
     transmission, reception, and
     effects of sound.

   – The physical principles of
     this science are utilized in
     architecture    to     attain
     distinct hearing conditions
     in enclosed spaces.

                        STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                          HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• The study of acoustics helps

  – To appreciate and analyse
    the problems involved in
    the propagation of sound
    in these enclosures.

  – To suggest ways and
    means of producing
    optimum conditions of

  – To obtain both subjective
    and objective assessments
    of the results achieved.
                     STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                       HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• What is resonance ?

• resounding or reechoing

• i
  increasing the intensity of sounds by sympathetic
          i  th i t    it f       d b        th ti

        – Eg) Put two tuning forks of equal
          frequencies side by side, but not
          touching. Strike one tuning fork so that
                  g                    g
          you can hear its tone, and then suddenly
          silence it. You can still hear a faint tone.
          This is because the second tuning fork
          has started vibrating sympathetically.
                STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                  HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
•   What is Reverberation?
    – It is the persistence of sound in a
      particular space after the original sound
      is removed.

    – A reverberation, or reverb, is created
      when a sound is produced in an
      enclosed space causing a large number
      of echoes to build up and then slowly
      decay as the sound is absorbed by the
      walls and air.

    – This is most noticeable when the sound
      source stops but the reflections
      continue, decreasing in amplitude, until
      they can no longer be heard.
                             STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                                                HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• What is Reverberation time?
  – Standard reverberation time has been
    defined as the time for the sound to die
    a a to a le el 60 decibels belo
                  level              below its
    original level. The reverberation time can
    be modeled to permit an approximate

                 STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                   HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
•   The reverberant sound in an auditorium dies away     y
    with time as the sound energy is absorbed by
    multiple interactions with the surfaces of the room.
    In a more reflective room, it will take longer for the
    sound to die away and the room is said to be 'live'.

•    In a very absorbent room, the sound will die away
    quickly and the room will be described as acoustically
    'dead'. But the time for reverberation to completely
    die away will depend upon how loud the sound was
    to begin with, and will also depend upon the acuity
    of the hearing of the observer

                           STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                             HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• What is echo?    DEFINITIONS
  – In audio signal
    processing and acoustics
    an echo (plural echoes) is
    a reflection of sound,
    arriving at the listener
    some time after the direct

     • Typical examples are the
       echo produced by the
       bottom of a well by a
       building, or by the walls of
       an enclosed room. A true
       echo is a single reflection
       of the sound source.
                           STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                             HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

1. A sound is a vibration in an
   elastic medium, which may be y
   a solid, liquid, or gas, which
   can be registered by the ear.

2. It can be pleasant or
   unpleasant, loud or soft, high
   or low. Sound is made b
       l   S    di     d by
   vibrations, something moving
   back and forth. Stretch a
   rubber band tightly between
   your fingers, and pluck it. You
   can see it quiver and hear the
   sound it makes.
                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Sounds are generally audible to
the human ear if their frequency
(number of vibrations per second)
lies b t
li between 20 and 20,000
                   d 20 000
vibrations per second, but the
range varies considerably with the
The range of audible sound is also differentiated into 3
main categories. Subsonic or low frequency sound is
defined in the range of 20Hz to about 500Hz.
Midrange frequencies inhabit the realm of 500Hz to
         g     q
6KHz (6000Hz)
With high frequency sound defined in the remaining
6KHz to 20KHz
                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Those with frequencies above the audible
range are called ultrasonic.
A sound wave is usually represented
graphically by a wavy, horizontal line; the
upper part of the wave (the crest) indicates a
             f h        (h       ) i di
condensation and the lower part (the
trough) indicates a rarefaction.

                            STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                              HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA


                                            Sound waves are generated by any
                                            vibrating body. For example, when a
                                            violin string vibrates upon b i
                                             i li     i      ib            being
                                            bowed or plucked, its movement in
                                            one direction pushes the molecules of
                                            the air before it crowding them
                                            together in its path.

When it moves back again past its original position and on to the
other side, it leaves behind it a nearly empty space, i.e., a space with
relatively few molecules in it In the meantime however the molecules
                            it.       meantime, however,
which were at first crowded together have transmitted some of their
energy of motion to other molecules still farther on and are returning
to fill again the space originally occupied and now left empty by the
         g         p       g     y     p                      py y
retreating violin string.
                           STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                             HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
•In other words, the vibratory motion set up by
the i li t i
th violin string causes alternately i a given
                           lt   t l in     i
space a crowding together of the molecules of
air (a condensation) and a thinning out of the
molecules (a rarefaction).

                  STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                    HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
•Taken together a condensation and a
rarefaction make up a sound wave; such a
wave      is    called   longitudinal, or
compressional, because the vibratory
motion is forward and backward along the
direction that the wave is following.

•Because such a wave travels by disturbing
the particles of a material medium, sound
waves cannot travel through a vacuum.

                STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                  HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

1. Sound is propagated in air,
   much like blowing up a large
   balloon which expands equally
   in all directions. For sound to
   be generated and heard it must
   have a source, a medium
   through which to pass and a

2 Propagation means "movement
   through“ Sound will propagate
   through air and water.
                    STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
All media have three properties which affect the
behavior of sound propagation:

      A relationship between density and pressure.
      This relationship, affected by temperature,
      determines the speed of sound within the
              i                f        i i

      The motion of the medium itself, e.g., wind.
      Independent of the motion of sound through the
      medium if the medium is moving, the sound is
      further transported.

      The viscosity of the medium. This determines
       Th i        i   f h     di    Thi d      i
      the rate at which sound is attenuated. For many
      media, such as air or water, attenuation due to
      viscosity is negligible.
                      STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                        HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

There are three requirements for
sound to "occur" in an environment:

 (1) A vibrating source to initiate
 (2) A medium to transmit sound
vibrations throughout the
environment and
 (3) A receiver to hear or record sound
Sound is initiated in an environment
by a vibrating source.

                         STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                           HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Water is a more efficient transmitter of sound compared to
air as sound travels faster and further in water.

The movement of the gas or liquid medium is identical to
surface waves found on any large body of water

The wavelengths of speech are of the size of ordinary
objects, unlike light, whose wavelengths are extremely small
.Because of this, sound does not ordinarily cast "acoustic
shadows" but, because its wavelengths are so large, can be
transmitted around ordinary objects

                      STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                        HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
 For example, if a light is shining on a person, and a
book is placed directly between them, the person will
no longer be able to see the light (a shadow is cast by
the book on the eyes of the observer).

However, if one person is speaking to another, then
placing a book between them will hardly affect the
      g                                 y
sounds heard at all; the sound waves are able to go
around the book to the observer's ears.

On the other hand, placing a high wall between a
highway and houses can greatly decrease the sounds of
the traffic noises if the dimensions of the wall (height
 h     ffi    i        h di     i     f h     ll (h i h
and length) are large compared with the wavelength of
the traffic sounds. 

                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

 Th ear consists of three basic
  The          i t f th     b i
 The outer ear serves to collect and
  channel sound to the middle ear.
 The middle ear serves to
  transform the energy of a sound
  wave into the internal vibrations
  of the bone structure of the
  middle ear and ultimately
  transform these vibrations into a
  compression wave in the inner
 The inner ear serves to transform
  the energy of a compression wave
  within the inner ear fluid into
  nerve impulses that can be
  transmitted to the brain.

                            STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                              HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Sound waves enter your outer ear and
travel through your ear canal to the
middle ear.
The ear canal channels the waves to
your eardrum, a thin, sensitive membrane
stretched tightly over the entrance to your
middle ear. The waves cause your eardrum
to vibrate.
 It passes these vibrations on to the
hammer, one of three tiny bones in your                               Inside the cochlea,
ear. The hammer vibrating causes the                                 there are hundreds of
anvil the small bone touching the                                    special cells attached to
hammer, to vibrate.                                                  nerve fibers, which can
The anvil passes these vibrations to the                            transmit information to
stirrup another small bone which touches                             the brain.
                                                                     The brain processes
the anvil. From the stirrup, the vibrations
                                                                     the information from the
pass into the inner ear.                                             ear                   and   lets  us
The stirrup touches a liquid filled sack
            p               q                                        distinguish                  between
and the vibrations travel into the cochlea,                          different                 types   of
which is shaped like a shell.                                        sounds.
                           STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Monaural and Binaural hearing 
• Monaural‐ Hearing with one ear
• Binaural‐Hearing with both the ears.

In open air as well as in enclosures, the hearing is direct and
binaural (i.e.with both the ears). This helps to localize sound and
obtain a correct idea of the sound perspective.

Binaural hearing could be easily compared to binocular vision. Just
as an observer gets an impression of direction and distance or depth
with two eyes, similarly his two ears enable him to appreciate the
direction of sound and to a certain extent, the distance of sound as

It is quite easy to imagine how the two ears enable him to see the
direction of sound which is primarily due to the difference in the
intensity of the two sounds reaching the two ears It is the depth or
the perspective of sound.
                           STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                             HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
It may be observed that the reflected sound varies much weakened
in intensity as the recede from the speaker Consequently the ratio of
direct to the reflected sound varies considerably.

It is for this reason that as we go farther from the speaker the direct
sound is weakened while the reflected or reverberant sound
becomes more and more noticeable. It is this factor which permits
binaural hearing to appreciate distance or depth.

 It is not difficult to appreciate how monaural hearing causes loss of
direction. It is common experience to observe that the two ears
enable the person consciously to suppress sounds coming from one
direction and to concentrate on desired sound from a given direction.

Single ear is unable to do this and consequently the noises and the
reverberation present in the room or apparently increased.

                            STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                              HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Behavior of sound in enclosed places 
Behavior of sound in enclosed places

               STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                 HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Behavior of sound in enclosed places 
 Behavior of sound in enclosed places
1. Sound is absorbed in the                  5. Sound is emitted by the 
   air also appreciable to                      resonance of the wall in 
   reflected sound.                             both directions.
2. Sound in reflected at the 
2 S      di    fl t d t th                   6. Sound is inter‐reflected 
                                             6 S      di i t     fl t d
   wall surface.                                between bounding surface 
3. Sound is absorbed from                       setting at reverberation.
   the wall surface or its                   7. Resonance of the enclosed 
   surface finished.                            volume of air by direct cross 
4. Sound is conducted by the 
4 S       di     d     db h                     reflection. 
   wall to other part of the 

                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

• Any audible sound has three important
 1. Frequency(Pitch)
 2 Loudness
 3. Tonal quality

                  STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                    HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• What is Frequency?
             q     y
• The number of cycles per unit of time is called the frequency. For
  convenience, frequency is most often measured in cycles per
  second ( ) or th i t h
       d (cps)    the interchangeable H t (H ) (60 cps = 60 H )
                                   bl Hertz (Hz)                Hz),
  named after the 19th physicist.

                         STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                           HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Characteristics of speech 
 It is independent of intensity of loudness of sound.
 Pitch is a psychological phenomenon determined by
   frequency of a sound wave whereas frequency is a
   physical quantity and can be measured .
 Sound is called a pure tone when it consists a single
   frequency and when two or more frequencies are
   present it is called a complex tone.

             Pure tone                                                   complex tone
                         STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                           HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Characteristics of speech 
       Characteristics of speech
–   Loudness is a physiological effect of sensation produced 
    through the ear and depends on the intensity of sound 
    or amount of energy present in sound waves while 
    or amount of energy present in sound waves while
    entering it. 

–    In oat , Loudness falls down as distance increases
    “Loudness is inversely proportional the the square of the
     distance from source “(Not applicable for semi closed

                         STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                           HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Tonal quality or timbre

Timbre is a general term for the distinguishable
characteristics of a tone. Timbre is mainly determined
by the harmonic content of a sound.

 timbre is what makes a particular musical sound
different from another, even when they have the
same pitch and loudness.

                     STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                       HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• What is wavelength?
•   The wavelength of sound is the
    distance between analogous
    points of two successive waves.

           λ = c / f
λ = wavelength (m)
c = speed of sound (m/s)
f = frequency 

                            STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                              HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• Sound Intensity.
  – The sound intensity in a specified direction is the 
    amount of sound energy flowing through a unit 
    area normal to that direction. The sound intensity 
    is normally measured in watt per square metre
    is normally measured in watt per square metre

  – The scale for measuring intensity is the decibel 

                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
• Sound pressure
            Sound pressure or acoustic pressure is 
  the local pressure deviation from the ambient 
  (average, or equilibrium) atmospheric pressure 
  (average or equilibrium) atmospheric pressure
  caused by a sound wave. 
            Sound pressure can be measured using 
            Sound pressure can be measured using
  a microphone in air and a hydrophone in water. 
  The SI unit for sound pressure p is the Pascal.

                      STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                        HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

High fidelity—or hi‐fi—reproduction is a term 
used by home stereo listeners and h
    db h               li        d home 
audio enthusiasts (audiophiles) to refer to high‐
quality reproduction of sound [ or i
    li        d i        f   d     images, to 
distinguish it from the poorer quality sound 
produced by inexpensive audio equipment. 
    d db i              i   di       i

Ideally, high‐fidelity equipment has minimal 
Id ll hi h fid li         i      h    i i l
amounts of noise and distortion and an 
accurate f
      t frequency response.
                  STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                    HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
Frequency Ranges
Frequency Ranges

      STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
The threshold of audibility at any specified frequency is
the minimum value of sound pressure of a pure tone of
that frequency which is just audible The term is used for
complex waves such as speech and music . It is
measures in dynes per sq cm ( dynes – cgs‐force)

Sound pressure that can cause discomfort and pain. It is
situated around 120 dB above the threshold of hearing. It is
measures in dynes per sq cm and also in watts per sq cm.

                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
A unit of apparent loudness equal in number to the
intensity in decibels of a 1,000‐hertz tone perceived to
be as loud as the sound being measured.

The hang over effect of one syllable on the next
         g                          y
distorts the speech by blending the end of the first
with the beginning of the second so as to mask the
second syllable completely. Th
      d      ll bl         l t l     The reverberation
                                                 b ti
characteristics may give an effect of frequency
distortion because of reverberation time being
different for various frequencies. The effect of both will
depend upon position of the observer .

                       STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                     
                         HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA

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Part 1

  • 1. Unit -2 Introduction and theory of sound Acoustics – definitions, terms related to acoustics. Theory of sound : generation, propagation, transmission, reception of sound, sound waves, frequency, intensity, wavelength, sound pressure, measurement of sound, scales- decibel scale , • Characteristics of speech • Music and hearing • Distribution of energy in speech • Music frequencies • Intelligibility of speech, high fidelity reproduction of music • Human ear characteristics- making of sound • Binomial hearing g • Behavior of sound in enclosed spaces. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 3. DEFINITIONS • What is Acoustics ? – Acoustics is defined as the science that deals with the production, production control, control transmission, reception, and effects of sound. – The physical principles of this science are utilized in architecture to attain distinct hearing conditions in enclosed spaces. p STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 4. • The study of acoustics helps to – To appreciate and analyse the problems involved in the propagation of sound in these enclosures. – To suggest ways and means of producing optimum conditions of hearing – To obtain both subjective and objective assessments j of the results achieved. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 5. DEFINITIONS • What is resonance ? • resounding or reechoing • i increasing the intensity of sounds by sympathetic i th i t it f d b th ti vibration – Eg) Put two tuning forks of equal frequencies side by side, but not touching. Strike one tuning fork so that g g you can hear its tone, and then suddenly silence it. You can still hear a faint tone. This is because the second tuning fork g has started vibrating sympathetically. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 6. DEFINITIONS • What is Reverberation? – It is the persistence of sound in a particular space after the original sound is removed. – A reverberation, or reverb, is created when a sound is produced in an enclosed space causing a large number of echoes to build up and then slowly decay as the sound is absorbed by the walls and air. – This is most noticeable when the sound source stops but the reflections continue, decreasing in amplitude, until they can no longer be heard. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 7. DEFINITIONS • What is Reverberation time? – Standard reverberation time has been defined as the time for the sound to die away a a to a le el 60 decibels belo level below its original level. The reverberation time can be modeled to permit an approximate calculation. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 8. DEFINITIONS • The reverberant sound in an auditorium dies away y with time as the sound energy is absorbed by multiple interactions with the surfaces of the room. In a more reflective room, it will take longer for the g sound to die away and the room is said to be 'live'. • In a very absorbent room, the sound will die away room quickly and the room will be described as acoustically 'dead'. But the time for reverberation to completely die away will depend upon how loud the sound was to begin with, and will also depend upon the acuity of the hearing of the observer STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 9. • What is echo? DEFINITIONS – In audio signal processing and acoustics acoustics, an echo (plural echoes) is a reflection of sound, arriving at the listener some time after the direct sound. • Typical examples are the echo produced by the bottom of a well by a well, building, or by the walls of an enclosed room. A true echo is a single reflection g of the sound source. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 10. SOUND 1. A sound is a vibration in an elastic medium, which may be y a solid, liquid, or gas, which can be registered by the ear. 2. It can be pleasant or unpleasant, loud or soft, high or low. Sound is made b l S di d by vibrations, something moving back and forth. Stretch a rubber band tightly between your fingers, and pluck it. You can see it quiver and hear the sound it makes. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 11. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOUND WAVES Sounds are generally audible to the human ear if their frequency (number of vibrations per second) lies b t li between 20 and 20,000 d 20 000 vibrations per second, but the range varies considerably with the individual. The range of audible sound is also differentiated into 3 main categories. Subsonic or low frequency sound is defined in the range of 20Hz to about 500Hz. Midrange frequencies inhabit the realm of 500Hz to g q 6KHz (6000Hz) With high frequency sound defined in the remaining 6KHz to 20KHz 20KHz. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 12. Those with frequencies above the audible range are called ultrasonic. A sound wave is usually represented graphically by a wavy, horizontal line; the upper part of the wave (the crest) indicates a f h (h ) i di condensation and the lower part (the trough) indicates a rarefaction. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 13. GENERATION OF SOUND WAVES GENERATION OF SOUND WAVES Sound waves are generated by any vibrating body. For example, when a violin string vibrates upon b i i li i ib being bowed or plucked, its movement in one direction pushes the molecules of the air before it crowding them it, together in its path. When it moves back again past its original position and on to the other side, it leaves behind it a nearly empty space, i.e., a space with relatively few molecules in it In the meantime however the molecules it. meantime, however, which were at first crowded together have transmitted some of their energy of motion to other molecules still farther on and are returning to fill again the space originally occupied and now left empty by the g p g y p py y retreating violin string. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 14. •In other words, the vibratory motion set up by the i li t i th violin string causes alternately i a given lt t l in i space a crowding together of the molecules of air (a condensation) and a thinning out of the molecules (a rarefaction). STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 15. •Taken together a condensation and a rarefaction make up a sound wave; such a wave is called longitudinal, or compressional, because the vibratory compressional motion is forward and backward along the direction that the wave is following. •Because such a wave travels by disturbing the particles of a material medium, sound waves cannot travel through a vacuum. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 16. THE PROPAGATION OF SOUND 1. Sound is propagated in air, much like blowing up a large balloon, balloon which expands equally in all directions. For sound to be generated and heard it must g have a source, a medium through which to pass and a receiver. 2. 2 Propagation means "movement movement through“ Sound will propagate through air and water. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 17. All media have three properties which affect the behavior of sound propagation: A relationship between density and pressure. This relationship, affected by temperature, determines the speed of sound within the i f i i medium. The motion of the medium itself, e.g., wind. Independent of the motion of sound through the medium, medium if the medium is moving, the sound is moving further transported. The viscosity of the medium. This determines Th i i f h di Thi d i the rate at which sound is attenuated. For many media, such as air or water, attenuation due to viscosity is negligible. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 18. TRANSMISSION OF SOUND TRANSMISSION OF SOUND There are three requirements for sound to "occur" in an environment: (1) A vibrating source to initiate sound, sound (2) A medium to transmit sound vibrations throughout the environment and (3) A receiver to hear or record sound vibrations. Sound is initiated in an environment by a vibrating source. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 19. Water is a more efficient transmitter of sound compared to air as sound travels faster and further in water. The movement of the gas or liquid medium is identical to surface waves found on any large body of water water. The wavelengths of speech are of the size of ordinary objects, unlike light, whose wavelengths are extremely small .Because of this, sound does not ordinarily cast "acoustic shadows shadows" but, because its wavelengths are so large, can be transmitted around ordinary objects STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 20.  For example, if a light is shining on a person, and a book is placed directly between them, the person will them no longer be able to see the light (a shadow is cast by the book on the eyes of the observer). However, if one person is speaking to another, then p placing a book between them will hardly affect the g y sounds heard at all; the sound waves are able to go around the book to the observer's ears. On the other hand, placing a high wall between a highway and houses can greatly decrease the sounds of the traffic noises if the dimensions of the wall (height h ffi i h di i f h ll (h i h and length) are large compared with the wavelength of the traffic sounds.  STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 21. RECEPTION OF SOUND – HEARING MECHANISMS - HUMAN EAR CHARACTERISTICS- MAKING OF SOUND  Th ear consists of three basic The i t f th b i parts  The outer ear serves to collect and channel sound to the middle ear.  The middle ear serves to transform the energy of a sound wave into the internal vibrations of the bone structure of the middle ear and ultimately transform these vibrations into a compression wave in the inner ear.  The inner ear serves to transform the energy of a compression wave within the inner ear fluid into nerve impulses that can be transmitted to the brain. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 22. Sound waves enter your outer ear and travel through your ear canal to the middle ear. The ear canal channels the waves to y your eardrum, a thin, sensitive membrane stretched tightly over the entrance to your middle ear. The waves cause your eardrum to vibrate.  It passes these vibrations on to the hammer, one of three tiny bones in your  Inside the cochlea, ear. The hammer vibrating causes the there are hundreds of anvil, anvil the small bone touching the special cells attached to hammer, to vibrate. nerve fibers, which can The anvil passes these vibrations to the transmit information to stirrup, stirrup another small bone which touches the brain. The brain processes the anvil. From the stirrup, the vibrations the information from the pass into the inner ear. ear and lets us The stirrup touches a liquid filled sack p q distinguish between and the vibrations travel into the cochlea, different types of which is shaped like a shell. sounds. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 23. Monaural and Binaural hearing  • Monaural‐ Hearing with one ear • Binaural‐Hearing with both the ears. In open air as well as in enclosures, the hearing is direct and binaural (i.e.with both the ears). This helps to localize sound and obtain a correct idea of the sound perspective. Binaural hearing could be easily compared to binocular vision. Just as an observer gets an impression of direction and distance or depth with two eyes, similarly his two ears enable him to appreciate the direction of sound and to a certain extent, the distance of sound as well. It is quite easy to imagine how the two ears enable him to see the direction of sound which is primarily due to the difference in the intensity of the two sounds reaching the two ears It is the depth or ears. the perspective of sound. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 24. It may be observed that the reflected sound varies much weakened in intensity as the recede from the speaker Consequently the ratio of speaker. direct to the reflected sound varies considerably. It is for this reason that as we go farther from the speaker the direct sound is weakened while the reflected or reverberant sound becomes more and more noticeable. It is this factor which permits binaural hearing to appreciate distance or depth.  It is not difficult to appreciate how monaural hearing causes loss of direction. It is common experience to observe that the two ears enable the person consciously to suppress sounds coming from one direction and to concentrate on desired sound from a given direction. Single ear is unable to do this and consequently the noises and the reverberation present in the room or apparently increased. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 25. Behavior of sound in enclosed places  Behavior of sound in enclosed places STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 26. Behavior of sound in enclosed places  Behavior of sound in enclosed places 1. Sound is absorbed in the  5. Sound is emitted by the  y air also appreciable to  resonance of the wall in  reflected sound. both directions. 2. Sound in reflected at the  2 S di fl t d t th 6. Sound is inter‐reflected  6 S di i t fl t d wall surface. between bounding surface  3. Sound is absorbed from  setting at reverberation. the wall surface or its  7. Resonance of the enclosed  surface finished. volume of air by direct cross  4. Sound is conducted by the  4 S di d db h reflection.  reflection wall to other part of the  surface. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 27. CHARACTERISTICS OF SPEECH • Any audible sound has three important characteristics 1. Frequency(Pitch) 2. 2 Loudness 3. Tonal quality STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 28. DEFINITIONS • What is Frequency? q y • The number of cycles per unit of time is called the frequency. For convenience, frequency is most often measured in cycles per second ( ) or th i t h d (cps) the interchangeable H t (H ) (60 cps = 60 H ) bl Hertz (Hz) Hz), named after the 19th physicist. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 29. Characteristics of speech  Frequency(Pitch)  It is independent of intensity of loudness of sound.  Pitch is a psychological phenomenon determined by frequency of a sound wave whereas frequency is a physical quantity and can be measured .  Sound is called a pure tone when it consists a single frequency and when two or more frequencies are present it is called a complex tone. Pure tone complex tone STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 30. Characteristics of speech  Characteristics of speech Loudness: – Loudness is a physiological effect of sensation produced  through the ear and depends on the intensity of sound  or amount of energy present in sound waves while  or amount of energy present in sound waves while entering it.  – In oat , Loudness falls down as distance increases “Loudness is inversely proportional the the square of the distance from source “(Not applicable for semi closed enclosures) STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 31. Tonal quality or timbre Timbre is a general term for the distinguishable characteristics of a tone. Timbre is mainly determined by the harmonic content of a sound.  timbre is what makes a particular musical sound different from another, even when they have the same pitch and loudness. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 32. DEFINITIONS • What is wavelength? g • The wavelength of sound is the distance between analogous p points of two successive waves. λ = c / f where λ = wavelength (m) c = speed of sound (m/s) f = frequency  STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 33. • Sound Intensity. – The sound intensity in a specified direction is the  DEFINITIONS amount of sound energy flowing through a unit  area normal to that direction. The sound intensity  is normally measured in watt per square metre is normally measured in watt per square metre (W/m2). – The scale for measuring intensity is the decibel  scale. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 34. DEFINITIONS • Sound pressure p Sound pressure or acoustic pressure is  the local pressure deviation from the ambient  (average, or equilibrium) atmospheric pressure  (average or equilibrium) atmospheric pressure caused by a sound wave.  Sound pressure can be measured using  Sound pressure can be measured using a microphone in air and a hydrophone in water.  The SI unit for sound pressure p is the Pascal. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 35. HIGH FIDELITY REPRODUCTION OF MUSIC High fidelity—or hi‐fi—reproduction is a term  used by home stereo listeners and h db h li d home  audio enthusiasts (audiophiles) to refer to high‐ quality reproduction of sound [ or i li d i f d images, to  distinguish it from the poorer quality sound  produced by inexpensive audio equipment.  d db i i di i Ideally, high‐fidelity equipment has minimal  Id ll hi h fid li i h i i l amounts of noise and distortion and an  accurate f t frequency response. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 36. Frequency Ranges Frequency Ranges STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 37. THRESHOLD OF AUDIBILITY The threshold of audibility at any specified frequency is the minimum value of sound pressure of a pure tone of that frequency which is just audible The term is used for complex waves such as speech and music . It is measures in dynes per sq cm ( dynes – cgs‐force) cm. THRESHOLD OF FEELING Sound pressure that can cause discomfort and pain. It is situated around 120 dB above the threshold of hearing. It is measures in dynes per sq cm and also in watts per sq cm. STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA
  • 38. PHON A unit of apparent loudness equal in number to the loudness, intensity in decibels of a 1,000‐hertz tone perceived to be as loud as the sound being measured. EFFECT OF REVEBRATION ON HEARING The hang over effect of one syllable on the next g y distorts the speech by blending the end of the first with the beginning of the second so as to mask the second syllable completely. Th d ll bl l t l The reverberation b ti characteristics may give an effect of frequency distortion because of reverberation time being different for various frequencies. The effect of both will depend upon position of the observer . STUDY OF SOUND ‐ ACOUSTICS                                      HANDLED BY G.YOGAPRIYA