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Paraphilias In Pedophilia
According to the McGraw– Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine (2002), sexual deviancy is
a psychiatric sexual excitement to the point of erection or orgasm when the article of that
stimulation is considered abnormal and unconventional in the constructs of societal norms. It is
believed that paraphilia has efficiently replaced the earlier term of 'sexual deviancy' so for the
purpose of this paper paraphilia will be used.
In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–IV) paraphilias are
characterized by recurrent, intense sexual urges and fantasies or behaviours in response to sexual
objects or situations that are not part of normative arousal patterns involving the use of nonhuman
objects (Munroe, Gauvain, 2001). More ... Show more content on ...
The judgment of the intentions or motives is generally based on the judgment of the actions of the
individual and what he/she may potentially do. A study done by Van Vugt, Asscher, Stams,
Hendriks, Bijleveld and van der Laan (2011) examined the differences in the moral judgments of
young sex offenders with and without intellectual disabilities who had a history of sexual offending.
It was found in a previous study by Van Vugt, Stams, Dekovic, Brugman, Rutten and Hendriks
(2008) that immature moral judgment strongly related to delinquent behaviour. It was considered
that individuals with intellectual disabilities may be at an increased risk for offending behaviours as
their cognitive impairments could be problematic in the development of moral judgment. Van Vugt
et al., (2008) had found that moral judgment is in fact an important risk factor for offending and
reoffending behaviours in adolescent and adult offenders. This study used the Sociomoral Reflection
Measure– Short Form (SRM–SF) to assess the moral judgment with an extension to questions that
referred to general sexual situations and to the offenders' victims. The expectation was that the
young sex offenders with intellectual disability would show low moral judgments in all of the three
moral judgment situations: general life, sexual and own abuse victim
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The issue of homosexuality is gaining ground and spreading like wild fire in this modern age both in
the political, social spheres and not sparing the church. It has come out as the term goes, left its
closet, and it is knocking on different doors ranging from homes to schools and surprisingly even on
the Christian institutions. The advocates of homosexuality have gone to the extent of preaching their
doctrine of love, tolerance, equality, and justice through television channels, radio programmes,
newspapers, and magazines and going to the point of demonstrating with their banners flying high in
different cities of the world and not excluding the major cities of this nation, United Kingdom. The
activists of ... Show more content on ...
There are notable numbers of heterosexual men who engage in homosexual acts for an assortment of
reasons, such as once being a prisoner or anywhere where heterosexual sex is unavailable. Also, it
could be wrong to believe that a youngster who is seen to be engaged in homosexual deeds during
his or her early years of his or her life will inevitably become homosexual unless these actions
satisfy needs which are being depraved somewhere in other ways, such as needs for love,
acceptance, safety and significance. When it comes to these cases, the youngster's participation in
the act is perceived as a replacement for the needs which does not involve sex he or she is getting. It
is possible that the act and the fulfilled needs may become synonymous, which could lead to the
development of a homosexual orientation. Nevertheless, it has been proved statistically that most
children who undergo homosexual acts forget all these deeds and mature to lead a normal
heterosexual life. And the second component to be scrutinized in relation to homosexuality is what
we call psychic response: in brief we could define this term as sexual stimulation influenced by
visual perception or fantasy speculation. This mental response is sometimes known by certain
groups of people as homosexual orientation. Despite the claim by several people that they have
passed through an experience of visual or sexual attraction for the
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Sociological Approach To Gender Essay
There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which
aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and inherent. The first of these is the effect of
hormones, more specifically testosterone, which causes male behaviour patterns such as aggression,
competitiveness and a higher sexual drive. Testosterone also helps in the development of the brain.
The brain is divided into two hemispheres, a left and a right. The left side of the brain is specialised
in language skills whereas the right hand side of the brain is used for more non–verbal such as
spatial awareness skills. Shaywitz et al (1995) used MRI scans to examine the brain whilst males
and females carried out language tasks of varying difficulties. It was found that females used both
hemispheres of the brain to complete the task whereas males only used the ... Show more content on ...
The approach, first coined by Albert Bandura in 1977, regards gender and gender specific
behaviours as something that is learnt from the environment around us (McLeod, 2011). The theory
states that children observe behaviour seen by influential people in their lives of the either gender
(parents for example), and then at a later time imitate the behaviour they observed. A child is more
likely to imitate a person they see as similar to themselves. This can explain why it is more likely for
a child to reproduce behaviours seen as gender specific. Another reason for gender specific
behaviour is the reinforcement and/or punishment that a child may receive for acting a certain way.
For example, a boy may be punished for playing with dolls. A study by Fagot (1978) confirmed that
both boys and girls and praised for gender appropriate behaviour and punished for gender
inappropriate behaviour. Fagot observed children and their parents playing with a range of toys and
recorded the reinforcements and punishments made by the parents (Sammons,
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Sigmund Freud And The Pychoanalytic Theory Of Development
Noted by Sigmund Freud (1894,1896) and further developed and elaborated on by Anna Freud
(1937), defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious level preventing an individual from
experiencing unpleasant feelings and making good things better for the individual. The defense
mechanisms or ego defense mechanism as it is sometimes called, stems from the psychoanalytic
theory of development. Founded by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), the psychoanalytic theory of
development argues the notion that interactions among three components (the id, ego and superego)
of the mind result in human behaviour. The theory emphasizes the role of the unconscious
psychological conflict in shaping human behaviour and personality. It is believed that these
fundamental parts of the mind, through dynamic interactions progresses through five psychosexual
stages of development.
Prior to the development of the psychoanalytic theory of development, several factors occurred
which contributed to and influenced Freud in the development of the psychoanalytic theory of
development and defense ... Show more content on ...
Freud studied the cause of posttraumatic disorders and observed an increasing desire by the mind of
these individuals to replay this traumatic experience. After further examinations, Freud noted that
human cells had an instinctual energy which caused them to return to the state of nonexistence
which he later called the death drive (Thanatos). In 1936, Freud's youngest child Anna Freud (1895–
1982) elaborated on her father's ideas after his death. The defense mechanisms or ego defense
mechanisms though were referred throughout Freud's works, it was his daughter Anna who
elaborated on and expanded the list. The ego defense mechanisms according to Freud was primarily
considered to be repression which is the rejecton of thoughts, impulses or fantasies from conscious
awareness (W.Crain, 2014,
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Mink Stereotypes
Mink (Neovison vison) Introduction Mink (Neovison vison previously Mustela vison)(Ahola et al.,
2011) are semi–aquatic carnivorous mammals (Heyen et. al., 2011). In the wild they are a solitary
and very territorial species some some aspects of their way of living in the wild have been replicated
for use in mink farming (Pedersen et al., 2003) for example breeding stock are housed individually
(Meagher et al., 2014) however juveniles may be housed in groups (Alumu et al., 2014),
individually (Pedersen et al., 2003) or more likely in male–female pairs (Hänninen et al., 2008).
Other aspects of their natural habitats have been excluded from their farm habitats, such as access to
a swimming area, in the wild mink habitats are close to water since ... Show more content on ...
During the year mink will be moved into other cages four to six times with their identities given by
cards attached to their cages that are moved with them (Meagher et al., 2014). As they are solitary
and territorial creatures, breeding stock are housed individually and brought together for mating in
February/March, then pregnant females are moved into whelping pens just before giving birth in
April/May (Meagher et al., 2014). After birth the juveniles live with their mothers for approximately
two months before being weaned (Meagher et al., 2014) then after weaning the juvenile mink are
kept in male–female pairs until they are approximately six months old (Hänninen et al., 2008). Then
some mink are selected to be used as breeding stock and are housed individually while the rest are
killed for their pelts (Meagher et al., 2014). Another form of housing that is becoming increasingly
more common for juvenile mink is group housing as it decreases the cost of housing the mink by
increasing the stocking density (Alumu et al., 2014) and group–housed juveniles may be less
stressed than pair housed juveniles and they show
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Does The Parental-Manipulation Hypothesis That Stem From...
Another hypothesis that stems from the theory of inclusive fitness is the parental–manipulation
hypothesis. Instead of helping to increase the reproductive success of one's siblings, the existence of
homosexual individuals may serve to help their parents. The parental–manipulation hypothesis
suggests that parents manipulate their children to become homosexual, sacrifice their reproduction
and assist in raising offspring of relatives in exchange for inclusive fitness benefits (Trivers, 1974).
If the hypothesis holds true, parents may manipulate selected offspring to become homosexual and
take non–reproductive roles, and assist in raising siblings or the offspring of siblings. This
hypothesis is only supported by anecdotal evidences. In the early days, parents castrated their sons
in order for them to serve as eunuchs in courts (Ringrose, 1996), encouraged their sons to have
homosexual relations with influential leaders in Florence (Rocke, 1996), and in classical Athens and
in Melanesia, fathers played a part choosing male patrons for their sons. In parts of North and South
America, parents were critically involved in shortlisting children for apprenticeship as transgender
shamans (Williams, 1986; e.g. Devereux, 1937; Falkner, ... Show more content on
In accordance to this theory, homoerotic behaviour demonstrated by young males towards older
males with an ultimate goal of obtaining increased sexual access to females. Hence, this hypothesis
holds that homosexual behaviour is a survival strategy used by younger males to gain allies and to
boost their status up the social hierarchy, so that they can increase their reproductive success in the
end (. However, this theory would not be supporting homosexual orientation, but be more inclined
towards bisexual orientations, or temporary homosexual
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Psychology Is The Study Of The Mind And Behavior
Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. Since Psychology first emerged there has been
,many differing schools of Psychology each with different theories in which to understand human
behaviour. In this essay I will explain the four major schools of psychology including
psychoanalysis, behaviourism, biological and cognitive, and the major influences behind each such
as Freud.
Psychoanalysis is a school of thought first developed by Sigmeund Freud(1856–1939) one of the
most influential psychologists to date. Although Psychoanalysis has been developed over years since
Freud's death mainly by Erik Erikson, there are still key elements which remain the same. Freud's
approach to the human mind mainly focused on the unconscious ... Show more content on ...
The id develops as a newborn baby and is driven by the libido and aggression, linked to psycho
sexual development. The id is unconscious it is not driven by morality or logic and therefore must
be satisfied immediately . The id receives gratification based purely on pleasure with no thought for
consequences. The ego; is learned at a later stage around four years old. The ego brings more
reasoning to our behaviour. The ego still intends to satisfy the ids needs however without
consequences. The ego looks more at societies "norms" and influences from others in . "like a man
on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse ' (S. Freud,The ego and the
id, SE, 1923, p.15). The ego therefore is trying to control the powerful id. The superego; is the last
part of our behaviour to develop. The superego attempts to suppress the desires of the id, the
superego focuses primarily on perfect ideals of morality instead of realism in dealing with desires
and aggressions. Psychoanalytic therapy looks at the unconscious mind and how repressed
memories and thoughts can become present in behaviour. In psychotherapy people mainly talk to a
psychotherapist or psychologist however music or other arts can be used. Psychotherapy can be used
to treat depressions, drug abuse, anxiety disorders and many others. There are many strengths and
weaknesses in psychoanalysis some key strengths in psychoanalysis are that Freud brought
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Psychopathology and Individual Differences Essay
Individual differences – Psychopathology Definitions of Abnormality– 1. DEVIATION FROM
SOCIAL NORMS: Deviation refers to dominant behaviour – 'Behaviour which is considered
undesirable by the majority' – For example; Talking to yourself in public LIMITATIONS: The
definition is susceptible to abuse: Diagnosing someone with a mental illness could just be a way to
exclude non conformists from society For example, homosexuality was considered a 'mental
disorder' in the USA until 1970s also anyone who disagreed with the state could be regarded as
insane in Russia in the 1960s Doesn't take into account context and degree – How badly does
someone need to deviate from the norm to be considered 'Abnormal' For example, someone in a ...
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Electric current passing through brain; resetting electrical circuits 2. Mental and physical exam – IV
sedation – Electrodes attached to temples – Electric current passes through – 2 or 3 treatments over
a couple of weeks (then monthly) 3. Used to treat severe depression NEUROTRANSMITTER
IMBALANCE: Chemicals carry information around nervous system Too much or too little can lead
to psychopathy Schizophrenia – too much dopamine, depression, little serotonin POSTPARTUM
DEPRESSION as there's sudden change in hormones/neurochemistry PSYCHOSURGERY–
Lobotomy Lobotomy: patient put under anaesthetic – ice picks put through top of the eye and
wiggles around Changes structure of the brain GENETICS: Individuals may inherit a predisposition,
or it's carries in genes through DNA passing on generations EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL
of social control CHEMOTHERAPY – Side effects of sickness, weight loss or gain, dependency
Symptoms can return WHO (2001) found relapse rates were higher when a placebo was used (55%)
compared to drugs (25%) GOTTESMAN AND SHIELDS (1976) – There isn't 100% concordance
between twins so abnormality is caused by other factors too ECT – CROMER – 60–70% of patients
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Do Pheromones Affect Sexual Behavior?
To understand whether the pheromones affect sexual behaviour, first it is necessary to understand
what pheromones are and how they are recognized by our body. Pheromones are chemicals secreted
by animals that allow beings of the same species recognize and interact with each other. The word
pheromone is derived from Greek and means something like "that conveys excitement". These
substances are secreted by mammals and insects in order to boost sexual attraction between
intraspecific individuals, triggering physiological and behavioural responses. However, although
there is evidence of pheromones action between animals and insects, the idea that humans can also
be influenced by pheromones is great subject of controversy among researchers.
Four certain substances have been identified as potential human pheromones: androstenone,
androstenol, androstadienone and estratetraenol (Lubke & Pause, 2015; Mostafa et al., 2012 and
Wyatt, 2015). Although perceived by smell, in fact ... Show more content on ...
As a result, more pheromone users than placebo users showed an increase over intercourse,
affection, kiss, informal date, but not in masturbation or formal date, demonstrating a possible
influence of the pheromone in sexual behaviour. On the other hand, other study (Wyatt, 2015)
argues that it is still not possible to assert that the 4 molecules mentioned above (androstenone,
androstenol, androstadienone and estratetraenol) are human pheromones, as it was just
demonstrated, for example, that androstenone and androstenol have pheromonal effect in pigs, and
as these substances were also found in human armpits, it was enough to some scientists assert that
these molecules also would be human pheromones, which is not true, considering that it is not
because a specie uses one molecule as a pheromone, the other specie, necessarily, also will use it.
Therefore, more studies are needed to know exactly what human pheromones
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Population Differences In Prairie Voles
Dispersal and alloparental behaviour is an important feature of cooperative breeding. Field data
suggest that prairie vole populations in Illinois, but not Kansas, prairie voles may live in communal
groups. Kansas voles also show more exploratory behaviour than Illinois voles in the exposed arm
of an elevated plus maze (Dharmadhikari et al. 1997), and are less likely than Illinois voles to spend
time in contact with a sibling versus a stranger (Lee 1996). Taken together, these findings support
the hypotheses that Illinois prairie voles tend to be philopatric, and that prairie voles from Kansas,
and especially females, are less likely to approach young and perhaps are more likely to disperse
from the family. A stable population difference in ... Show more content on ...
In Kansas, scarce food resources and ephemeral moisture can lead to a midseason cessation of
breeding (Rose & Gaines 1978). Under these conditions, the opportunity for philopatric off– spring
to gain alloparental experience may be less likely due to the failure of the dam to produce a
subsequent litter. Furthermore, there may be insufficient food resources in the immediate vicinity to
support a large family group and, with lower population densities, opportunities might exist to
acquire an independent territory nearby. Thus, under these conditions, dispersal and independent
breeding might be favoured over philopatry in the Kansas habitat. Population variation in parental
behaviour has been identified in another Microtus species, the meadow vole, M. pennsylvanicus.
Male meadow voles originating from Canada (Manitoba and Ontario) show paternal behaviour
(Storey & Snow 1987), but male meadow voles originating from the United States are typically not
paternal and are excluded by females from entering the nest (Oliveras & Novak
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Chew Persuasive Speech
It will play:
Play is important because it is how your puppy will develop its co–ordination, learn who is boss and
how to relate to others in its "pack", whether that's other dogs or humans.
If your puppy doesn't have enough play, it might get bored and start to be uncontrollable.
It will wee:
Especially if your puppy is young, it won't have full control over its bladder and might wee in the
house. You need to make sure the puppy goes outside regularly to urinate so that it learns not to wee
in the house.
It will chew:
Chewing is a way your puppy gets to know its environment, using its sight and smell to explore the
As with a baby, chewing can help to ease pressure on your puppy's sore gums
But your puppy will chew inappropriate items unless it is taught not to do so.
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Chewing helps to reduce the dog's stress but might increase yours if he doesn't learn not to destroy
It will dig:
Digging is normal for dogs eg to hoard food (even though they are well fed) or to make a den.
But it might be something your puppy does because it has nothing else to do or to try to escape from
its yard. So again, the key is lots of activity.
It might gobble its food:
Your puppy might gobble its food especially if there are other animals about because he might think
he has to compete for limited resources. Best to give him confidence that he will have food by
separating him from other dogs at feeding time, training him to eat from his own bowl and feeding
him at regular times.
It might eat things you'd rather it didn't!:
Your puppy might roll in or pick up faeces or other strong smelling animal smells. This is normal
behaviour although we don't quite know why. The best way to deal with it is to teach your dog to
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Sexual Acts And Its Effects On Society
Many libertarians, if asked what sexual acts should be considered as morally wrong, would reply
that the only morally wrong act is one which lacks universal informed consent. In this day and age
of sexual liberty, most people would agree. However, within philosophy it is not always seen as so
straight forward as some philosophers argue that consent alone is not sufficient to determine the
morality of sex. Some moral views, such as moral perfectionism, believe it is wrong for one person
to harm another. Even if this act if freely and willingly consented to. This would result in
sadomasochistic sexuality dubbed morally wrong. Other moral philosophies hold further conditions
on a sexual acts morality. Aquinas for example believes that a sexual act is only morally right if
abides by natural law and does not violate God's design. By comparison with lower animals,
Aquinas came to the conclusion that the sexual impulse that humans feel has been implanted within
them in order to reproduce. God created the genitals to facilitate heterosexual intercourse,
mechanism of the penis depositing sperm into the vagina as a means of procreation. Any sexual acts
that do not use this mechanism, with a male depositing his sperm in anywhere other than a vagina
such as homosexual intercourse, masturbation and oral sex are deemed unnatural. Due to the
violation of God's design, these unnatural acts are morally wrong. Even though by many people
standards this view is dated, there are some
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Buddhism Research Paper
Pre–stunning to prevent pain t don't share the same view because of reincarnation and karma, the
good part is "The positive
Buddhism requires us to treat animals kindly:
Buddhists try to do no harm (or as little harm as possible) to animals
Buddhists try to show loving–kindness to all beings, including animals
The doctrine of right livelihood teaches Buddhists to avoid any work connected with the killing of
The doctrine of karma teaches that any wrong behaviour will have to be paid for in a future life – so
cruel acts to animals should be avoided
Buddhists treat the lives of human and non–human animals with equal respect
Buddhists see human and non–human animals as closely related: both have Buddha–nature both
have the possibility of ... Show more content on ...
The doctrine of karma implies that souls are reborn as animals because of past misdeeds. Being
reborn as an animal is a serious spiritual setback.
Because non–human animals can't engage in conscious acts of self–improvement they can't improve
their karmic status, and their souls must continue to be reborn as animals until their bad karma is
exhausted. Only when they are reborn as human beings can they resume the quest for nirvana.
This bad karma, and the animal's inability to do much to improve it, led Buddhists in the past to
think that non–human animals were inferior to human beings and so were entitled to fewer rights
than human beings.
Early Buddhists (but not the Buddha himself) used the idea that animals were spiritually inferior as a
justification for the exploitation and mistreatment of animals.
Experimenting on animals
Buddhists say that this is morally wrong if the animal concerned might come to any harm. However,
Buddhists also acknowledge the value that animal experiments may have for human
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The Feminist Theory Of Animal Studies
Feminist scholars are concerned with a broad range of issues and topics for discussion. Taking this
into consideration, animal studies is a new and edgy field, especially in the context of feminist
theory. The general findings of this paper include patriarchal establishments, and speciesism as an
institution of oppression influencing and interconnected with sexism. However, this literature review
will not explore the connections of animal studies within queer theory due to insufficient research,
though the connections among homophobia, speciesism, and animality are abundant and relevant to
the discussions presented in this essay. While there are notable authors and scholars within the field
of animal studies in feminist theory (see Carol Adams and Josephine Donovan), it is still relatively
unestablished. This theoretical paper will examine the prominent discourses in animal and feminist
theories. An analysis of the literature reveals that animal studies is an integral, though often ignored,
component of contemporary feminist theory due to its capabilities to enhance human and animal
relations and understand human and animal parallels while diminishing needless suffering and
First, I will explore the historic and contemporary connections of animal studies within feminist
waves and discussions. Next, this paper will address speciesism as a system of oppression and
infrahuman prejudices – animals as less than human – and I will discuss the interconnectedness of
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The Character of Linda Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of...
The Character of Linda Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman
Linda is the heart of the Loman family in Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman. She is wise,
warm, and sympathetic. She knows her husband's faults and her son's characters. For all her frank
appraisals, she loves them. She is contrasted with the promiscuous sex symbolized by the Woman
and the prostitutes. They operate in the world outside as part of the impersonal forces that corrupt.
Happy equates his promiscuity with women to taking manufacturer's bribes, and Willy's Boston
woman can "put him right through to the buyers." Linda Loman holds the family together – she
keeps the accounts, encourages her husband, tries to protect him from heartbreak. She ... Show more
content on ...
They are thus in an objective rather than subjective category. In any case what feel is always more
"real" to us than what we know, and we feel the family relationship while we only know, and we feel
the family relationship while we only know the social one. (Arthur Miller, "The Family in Modern
If Willy is not totally unsympathetic (and he is not), much of the goodness in him is demonstrated in
his devotion to his wife, according to his lights. Though he is often masterful and curt, he is still
deeply concerned about her: "I was fired, and I'm looking for a little good news to tell your mother,
because the woman has waited and the woman has suffered." Biff is attached to his mother, and
Happy's hopelessness is most graphic in his failure to be honest with, or concerned about, his family.
The family's devotion to one another, even though misguided, represents a recognizable American
Linda, for all her warmth and goodness, goes along with her husband and sons in the best success–
manual tradition. She tries to protect them from the forces outside and fails. The memory of her
suffering and her fidelity does not keep Willy and Happy from sex or Biff from wandering. Miller's
irony goes still deeper. While Linda is a mirror of goodness and the source of the family's sense of
identity, she is not protection
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Two Approaches In Psychology Essay
Two Approaches In Psychology In 1900, Sigmund Freud, a neurologist living in Vienna, first
published his psychoanalytic theory of personality in which the unconscious mind played a crucial
role. Freud combined the then current cognitive notions of consciousness, perception and memory
with ideas of biologically based instincts, to make a bold new theory of psychodynamics. Freud's
theory, which forms the basis of the psychodynamic approach, represented a challenge and a major
alternative to behaviourism. Freud's theory of personality was based on the assumption that all our
behaviour stems from the unconscious processes. He divided the personality into three different
parts. The id, the ... Show more content on ...
Freud believed infants derived pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces. At the age of three
the child derives pleasure from fondling his or her genitals. Freud called this the phallic stage.
During the phallic stage the child reaches a conflict called the Oedipal conflict. He describes this in
the case of a boy whose sexual impulses are directed towards his mother. This leads him to perceive
his father as a rival for affections. The boy fears the father will retaliate by castration. This anxiety is
thought to be the basis of all later anxieties. The Oedipal conflict resolves at the latency period,
which lasts from the age of seven to twelve. During this time children become less concerned with
their bodies and turn their attention to life skills. Finally, adolescence and puberty bring about the
genital stage, the mature phase of adult sexuality. Freud's theory of child development seems to put
to much importance on body–parts and the sexual nature of child development. In particular he
seems to have put to much importance on the Oedipus conflict. Freud conducted a case study in a
five–year–old boy named Hans. Hans had a phobia of being bitten by a horse. Freud used his theory
of the Oedipus conflict to interpret his phobia as an unconscious fear of being castrated by his father.
It is worth mentioning that Hans father was a follower and supporter of Freud's ideas.
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Why Humans And Animals Are Similar? Essay
Humans and animals are similar, yet differ in various ways. Both need food and water to survive,
use language to communicate, and so forth. However, one thing that humans are able to do that
animals cannot is to associate meaning to different objects and symbols. For instance, a red octagon
in many cultures signifies stop. Humans can also associate meanings to actions, for example, sex
and making love. However, in western culture, this association is not as important as it used to be. In
modern society, young adults have created and engaged in a new practice known as "Hookup
culture". "Hooking up" or "hookup" is a broad term containing different meanings to different
people, but in this case, the definition within the Encyclopedia of Gender and Society will be used.
Hunter (2009) defines hookups as any kind of sexual activity that takes place without any form of
romantic relationship established. They are casual sexual encounters that do not involve finding a
husband or wife (Hunter 2009). This new culture allows young individuals to rid themselves of their
sexual urges, without the commencement of a personal and emotional relationship established with
the other party (Hunter, 2009). Not only does it allow sexual gratification, but it permits individuals
to explore their sexuality (Hunter 2009). Not only has hookup culture become more and more
prevalent. Hooking up appears to have become the norm in contemporary society, especially within
millennials and college
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Sexual Selection And Gender Selection
Name: Chloe Mulqueen Lecturer: Grace McCormack
ID: 14470708 Module: Evolutionary Biology
Sexual selection in fish inhabiting great lakes
Sexual selection can best be described by the definition given by Darwin himself. Sexual selection is
"the advantage which certain individuals have over other individuals of the same species solely in
respect of reproduction" (Hosken et al, 2011). Sexual selection occurs throughout the animal
kingdom, where male frogs dominate through the depth of their croak, and certain peacocks reign
superior based on the colour and intricate detail on their tails. They remain superior to their lesser
counterparts as they bear more admirable characteristics, from which they are chosen by females of
the same species.
Intersexual selection describes one sex (commonly females) choosing male partners for copulation.
Females tend to choose the males based on secondary sexual characteristics. Intrasexual selection,
on the other hand, is competition within the same sex, in the hope of gaining access to the other sex
for reproduction (Eberhard, 1996). It is commonly male species competing against each other for
female partners. These two forms of sexual selection results in more developed offspring, as the
fitter male will out–compete other males and also is more likely to be chosen be
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Masculinity And Masculinity : A Patriarchal Society
In the past Britain used to be a patriarchal society, however, now it is hypothetically equal. The
gender–role identity is the extent of masculine or feminine self–appreciation of an individual
(McNeill & Petersen, 1985, cited in Fromme & Eccles, 1996). Masculinity and femininity described
by Deaux (1984) as personal characteristics, activities, behaviours, dispositions, appearances which
are acceptable for males or females and established by sociocultural factors, while sex refers only to
the physiological dissimilarities. Per biological supposition, gender is fully defined by biology,
particularly, by the physiology (work of the nervous system) and inheritance (genetic factor)
(McLeod, 2014). On contrast, psychodynamic paradigm primarily focused on conscious and
unconscious stimuli within the individual and psychosexual development with an emphasis on early
childhood experiences, like the main factor of gender formation (Brannon, 2016). In this essay,
biological psychological approach to the formation of an individual's gender role identity compared
with the psychodynamic approach.
Biological psychology signified the importance of hormonal processes, which are unlike for males
and females, in a creation of gender identity (Rogers & Rogers, 2001). For example, high level of
male hormone testosterone was linked to the behaviour considered masculine (Dabbs and Morris,
1990, cited in Rogers & Rogers, 2001). This study showed that individuals with testosterone levels
in the
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Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning
In this booklet you will find an overview of all the different approaches to psychology. This will
consist of the key assumptions, examples of the relevant psychologists and examples of their work,
as well as an exploration into the advantages and disadvantages that some of these approaches
Behaviourism is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviours are attained through
conditioning. Behaviourists believe conditioning occurs when we interact with the environment and
that the environment we are in determines the way we respond to a stimulus. The behaviourist
approach believes we learn behaviours through association between response and consequence. For
instance, by touching a hot iron you will feel pain. Therefore, we learn from this, and know not to
touch a hot iron as we associate feeling pain as a consequence of this action. There are two forms of
conditioning within the behaviourist approach; classical conditioning and operant conditioning.
Behaviourists believe that individuals are born without built–in mental content, known as a 'blank
slate' and that all behaviours arise from experience or perception.
Classical conditioning says that we learn behaviours by associating the response to the stimulus. An
example of this can be found from the work of Ivan Pavlov. In the 1890s Pavlov, a Russian
physiologist, carried out some experiments with a dogs. He noticed that when a dog eats food, they
salivate: this is an unconditional response to an
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Research Paper On Sexual Masochism
Sexual Masochism It is a rare when an opportunity to speak of sadism and masochism presents
itself. However, it is not that long ago that the Canadian public was inundated with the headlines of
a celebrated CBC Radio host, who allegedly presented himself to several women as what would
seem to be a sadist. Having engaged in rough sex, inflicting physical harm on his sexual partners, I
was left to wonder if Gian Gomeshi would not have been better served to seek out a sexual
masochist. To fully appreciate how having a sexual partner, who subscribes to and would have been
very desirous of such degradation and pain, we should develop our knowledge and understanding of
masochism, from its definition, to diagnosis, to therapies. Sexual masochism ... Show more content
on ...
One type of treatment is aversive conditioning. This method uses some negative stimuli to begin to
reduce the behaviour, with the view to ultimately bringing it an end to it completely. In some cases,
patients are guided in relaxation, asked to visualize a fantasy, a deviant behaviour. Once the patient
has done so, he/she then experiences a negative stimulus, such as a foul order being pumped into the
room. The goal is to connect the negative stimuli with the fantasy, thereby making it less desirable.
Patients might even watch a video of deviant behaviour, but then being subjected to the victim's
voicing their desired revenge, or perhaps watching a surgical castration. Sometimes, empathy
training is employed. This involves helping the patient see the impact of their actions on the victim
and thereby helping to identify with the victim. It gives a better understanding of the harm being
done, not just physically but psychologically too. The prognosis is hopeful! That said, there is
always a chance that other issues might surface once the behaviours are extinguished. However,
given the patient is already in treatment, it is reasonable that what ever the other issues might be,
they can be worked through as
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Is Gender Identity the Result of Biology?
Human beings are born sexual. They develop a strong sense of being male and female, the human
behaviour of being a man or a woman is called gender identity. The characteristics of being a man or
a woman involve biological, psychological, and sociological factors.
People from all cultures have acted in relationships in different ways that are influenced by their
cultural traditions and laws about sex. Human sexuality and how males and females act within the
relationship can be considered as physically influenced by biology, for example hormones, brain
centres, networks of nerves, and sex organs all shape the character of the male and female. However
there are various arguments to this. hjwatson24, please do not redistribute this paper. ... Show more
content on ...
They state that hormones are linked to the activity of the brain, which can influence the nervous
system, which can in turn influence behaviour, personality and emotions. This has been tested
through animal experimentation. Some studies showed a link between testerone levels in human
males and aggression. Others showed how castrated male rats tend to fight less, while female rats
given extra hormones are more aggressive in life than those who have not been given them. This has
been criticised by Ruth Bleier (1984), who states that there are numerous flaws in animal
experiments, because it would be dangerous to assume that humans behave exactly like animals,
furthermore the experiments that were carried out where under un–natural circumstances (laboratory
conditions). Anne Oakly agrees with this argument and backs up the criticism of the hormonal
explanations by referring to a study she carried out consisting of a boy who underwent an operation
at seven months so that she took on the appearance of a girl. At seventeen months old her name was
changed from a boy to a girl and later she was dressed in girls clothes. Afterwards her mother
commented on how feminine she had become. This strongly suggests that it is environmental
influences that have changed her behaviour and not biological matters, because no changes to
hormones in the brain were made.
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How Does Enright Present Gender Inequality In Blackrock
Blackrock by Nick Enright, presents gender inequality in Australian society in the twentieth century.
It is based on the horrifying rape and murder of a teenage girl, Leigh Leigh. Enright presents various
aspects of Australian culture including the youths' sexual and verbal violence, patriarchal society
and culture of misogyny. The importance of masculinity and physical competition is evident
Blackrock boys. The objectification of women is demonstrated by Ricko towards Tiffany, and
Rachel by Jared. Verbal violence is evident in the derogatory language used by the boys to describe
the female characters, revealing their perspective regarding the inferiority of girls.
Physical violence is a significant issue in Blackrock that illustrates the ... Show more content on ...
The boys' requirements are considered paramount but the girls' desires are neglected this shows the
gender inequality by the patriarchal society. She was blamed because her attire was too revealing
which attracted the boys. Jared says why didn't she act like a virgin to which Rachel asks how does a
virgin act? He replies, not dress and look like a moll and dance like – a moll. Tracy was allowed to
wear her desirable clothes and if boys were attracted, it is clearly their responsibility. Her virginity
was questioned over news and she was treated with lack of respect and this is mainly because she
was a girl. The blaming is evident through Glenys' statement, You douse yourself in kero, [playing
with matches], you can't blame anyone else, when you set yourself on fire. This statement reflects
that Glenys believes Tracy was at fault. Marian says to Rachel Toby's eighteen, at the beginning of
his life. This dialogue portrays her defensive behaviour towards her son but ignoring the fact that
Tracy was fourteen; raped and killed. Marian can change the mentality of the society and create
respect for women by surrendering her son to the police and allowing justice to
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Oxytocin And Vasopressin Research
The Individual Systems of the Oxytocin and Vasopressin Affect Prosocial Behaviours Involving
Bonding Patterns.
Identifying the involvement of neuropeptides in prosocial behaviours by, identifying what prosocial
behaviour involves. Understanding that these neuropeptides play a role in many types of responses,
this essay will focus on bonding behaviours and identifying the importance of bonding between
animals and humans. Followed by identifying the individual systems involved in vasopressin and
what impact this has on bonding behaviours and the effect of oxytocin on bonding behaviours.
Finishing with an overall conclusion, regarding the findings and possible adaptions to future
Prosocial behaviour refers to behaviours that benefit ... Show more content on ...
This mate selection compares with socially monogamous mammals. However, monogamy
behaviours were not found in experimental laboratory species such as rats and mice. However, pair
bonding in monogamous species has been associated with prairie voles(Carter, DeVries & Getz,
1995). Identifying maternal bonding from pair bonding by blocking oxytocin receptors that inhibit
maternal bonding in female prairie voles found that maternal bond inhibits partner preference and
pair bonding (Carter, DeVries & Getz, 1995; Stoop, 2012). Identifying high levels of oxytocin in the
prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens in the prairie vole, suggests that neuropeptides
influence the pathways that are involved in reward (Stoop, 2012) and reinforcement, therefore,
control the process of social information. Increased levels of vasopressin increased bonding in
voles(Carter, DeVries & Getz, 1995). Blocking of vasopressin receptor V1aR in voles showed a
reduced time in social interaction. However, blocking V1aR in mice had a severe social impairment
as they showed no general recollection of previous interaction with other mice. These experiments
give reason to suggest that there are distinct roles for oxytocin and vasopressin between species,
implying that genetic variation and vasopressin influences social behaviours, combined with
oxytocin indicate how modulation of social behaviour occurs. Vasopressin
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A Critical Examination of the Sexual Life of Man In...
A Critical Examination of the Sexual Life of Man In Sigmund Freud
It is a word that rings a bell, it penetrates all cultures and overwhelms all humanity. It means many
things to many people; to some, it is sacred and should be treated with respect. To others, it is
pleasurable and should be lured to without repression; expressed it is worded "human sexuality".
Reiterating the central place which sexuality occupied in the life of man, Dietrich writers:
Sex … as contrasted with other departments of bodily
Experience is essentially deep. Every manifestation
of sex produces an effect which transcends the physical
sphere and in a fashion quite unlike the other ... Show more content on ...
For him then, there is no reason why sexual satisfaction should be repressed because of moral
principles since it does not cause pain but pleasure. The acme of his whole doctrine of the libido is
that he considered man as a libidinal being. He also conceived the spiritual activities as being rooted
in instincts. The gross reduction of man to the instinctive level is precisely the point of concern in
this work
Within the panorama of rational analysis as well as the biological framework of man and his
psychological responsiveness, it is expedient to say without qualms of conscience that man is a
sexual being. Therefore the ambiguous interrogative remains: when and how is sexual expression
permissible to man? So, contrary to the age–long view that sexuality develops only at puberty, Freud
identifies that sexuality has its arche from the earliest days of infancy and only undergoes
transformation at puberty. For Freud, man is a being unto sex. All the nature of human activities and
desires from cradle to the grave are directly or indirectly traceable to his sexual nature. Elucidating
the veracity of this inborn infantile sexual pleasure, David said:
Parents in some culture are well aware of the
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Darwin's influence on psychoanalysis
Darwin's Primal Influence on Psychoanalysis
Charles Darwin's substantially influential writing examines a vast rang of topics that were brought
to the attention of many leading scholars throughout history. Darwin preceded Sigmund Freud and
the invention of psychoanalysis by approximately 50 years. Through the exploration of Darwinian
theory and the later development of psychoanalysis, it is clear that Charles Darwin's theories had a
profound influence of the development of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory. This becomes
clear after analyzing such themes as sexual motivation through evolution, the Freudian ego, the
connection between human and animal emotion, adaptive responses and the ... Show more content
on ...
The infant will "cry out loudly, like the young of other animals, partly as a call to their parents for
aid and partly from any great exertion"(Darwin, 174). Darwin's observations of emotion, particularly
that of a child resembles very closely to Freud's id. The id represents the most basic inherited
instincts that are most obvious during childhood and expressed through emotion. "The infant,
possessing no ability to delay release, demands immediate gratification"(Cordon, 223). The newborn
would then be "a creature entirely governed by the id...demanding food, drink, eliminating bodily
waste and affection"(Cordon, 223). Once the child's needs are met, they are content. This theory
contributes to the desire for pleasure and the distaste for anything uncomfortable or as Freud
described it, the pleasure principle. Darwin is related this behaviour and expression for emotion as a
survival tactic in order to have the infants needs met through communication.
Morality and the Ego Darwin and Freud's theories both weighed heavily on the similarity between
man and animal. There is a primal urge exhibited through emotion, sexual motivation and the search
for pleasure as seen in Freud's id and Darwin's observations of adolescents. But what did these men
say about censoring that primal behaviour to live in harmony with others? It appears that Darwin
had an influence over Freud's explanation of morality as well. There was a
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Othello: Iago's Deceitful Language
Incorporating Mythology, Demonology and Witchcraft into Shakespeare's Text
Iago's deceitful language presents us with an obvious example of devilish behaviour. From his first
spoken word on stage – ''Sblood' (1.1.4), which is omitted in the folio version of the text in
accordance with the censorship of profanities – to his talk of playing the devil, 'When devils will the
blackest sins put on, / They do suggest at first with heavenly shows / As I do now' (2.3.318–320).
There is no doubt that Iago is aware of the demonic influence which colours his words. Yet it is
within his descriptions of Othello and Desdemona that we truly see the influence of mythology laid
out. Shakespeare works alongside the Ovidian topoi of human sexual desire placed ... Show more
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Iago refers to himself as a dog, 'As my young mistress' dog' (2.3.43). The allocation of dog–like
behaviour appears frequently throughout the play, often referring to the loyal behaviour. However,
Bate again draws our attention the Ovidian tropes apparent. Iago transforms from the ever–loyal
servant to, as Lodovico accuses, a 'Spartan dog' (5.2.371). Bate draws our attention to an earlier
example, when Shakespeare had wanted a dog in Merry Wives of Windsor, 'with Ringwood at [his]
heels' (2.1.114) refers to Actaeon in Golding's translation of Ovid. Ringwood refers to Actaeon's
hounds, the first of which is Melampus, a dog 'of Spart' (3.247). Here Shakespeare plays with the
classical myth of Actaen whose loyal dogs became traitors and tore him apart. The association with
Iago, the seemingly loyal servant who inflicts the same fate upon Othello. Actaeon 'stands for all
who are destroyed sexually'. The link of the physical metamorphosis in Ovid's text manifests within
Othello's mind; 'I have a pain upon my forehead here' (3.3.288). Shakespeare manipulates this image
however, Othello tears himself apart, so much so that the transitions compels him to tear apart
Desdemona, for Othello is both Actaeon and the
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Sexism In Sociology
and women sexual agency. Overall, sexual consent is represented in different forms regarding both
males and females and plays a role in sexual violence. Secondly, the role of rape culture in sexual
violence in today society. Fraser (2015) writes that to understand rape culture is to understand the
concept of ambivalent sexism that is composed of two types of sexism: hostile and benevolent
sexism. Understanding these types of sexism is crucial to understand rape culture because of the
structure allows sexual violence against women, like benevolent sexism and misogyny is associated
with sexism. Benevolent sexism is the foundation of how the rape culture put women in a position
of low agency and it continued to be put there. Fraser (2015) defines ... Show more content on ...
The nature of ambivalent sexism is opposing the components that stem for the assumptions that is
vital to rape culture and finds a ways to favour and protect women as a class. Fraser (2015) declares
that to trace back of rape culture it to go back to source and make more capable to treat because
benevolent sexism is favourable to women and complements hostile sexism the helps with the
resistance of women and gender inequality. Fraser (2015) argues that man's ambivalent treatments
towards women underlines rape culture and create a paradigm where men assume agency for the
women. Men usually dehumanized women and associated women with animals and objects. The
association of women and animal allows for men to make the association and are more likely to rape
or sexually harass a woman. They are most likely to express victim–blaming or attitude toward
women who have survived rape. Fraser (2105) confirms that "participants did not generally show a
tendency to associated women with objects, when men did harbor this association, they also
reported a greater willingness to engage in rape" (p. 152). Fraser (2015) observes that the behaviours
and attitude that influence rape culture is relate to dehumanization of women. Fraser (2015) defines
dehumanization "treating women as tool for women own purposes, as if there is no need to show
concern for women feeling and experiences" (p.
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Project Nim
The psychological phenomenon explored in the film Project Nim is Chimpanzees language
acquisition. For decades, psychologists have explored the question as to whether chimps can learn a
human language. It is thought that one of the basic differences in language between humans and
animals is to ability to perceive and process speech. There are said to be many differences in human
and animal's communication such as the meaning, structure and adaptability of language. However,
now scientist believe that common ancestors evolve with the capacity of speech and it's due to
exposure to language not the innate ability.
Project Nim is a documentary of the life story of a chimpanzee called Nim Chimsky. film aimed to
discover whether a chimp could ... Show more content on ...
He is eventually imprisoned and involved in rehabilitation via controversial psychological
conditioning. In the film Alex is injected each day with a drug that is designed to cause extreme
nausea. He is then strapped to a chair and forced to watch a series of extremely violent movies,
including everything from rapes to genocide. As he watches the films he begins to feel nauseas from
the injections. Resulting in successful classical conditioning and aversion therapy. Alex now
associates any form of violence with feeling ill therefore rehabilitating him.
Many studies evaluate the effectiveness of this therapy. For instance, Jan ter Mors et al (2012)
admitted aversion therapy on a 40 year old man who sustained a serve traumatic brain injury in a
traffic accident leaving him with server cognitive impairments including aggression and
inappropriate sexual behaviour. Results concluded a significant reduction in target behaviour and
inappropriate sexual behaviour due to brain damage. Therefore, can be considered as an effective
form of treatment for these criteria which supports the claims made in the
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Nature Vs Nurture And Gender Identity Essay
Nurture plays a greater role than nature on the formation of an individual's gender identity,
influenced by: parental, environmental experiences and taught behaviours through media. Family
guidance proves to influence one's individuality throughout the early years of childhood. New–borns
require billions of nerve cells primarily made in the first three years of a human's life; making the
important connection, which determines a person's intellectual, emotional, and social make–up.
These connections are the fundamental bases, influencing an individual's gender identity and
whoever and whatever comes in contact with the child will have an effect on them. Similarly to how
family influences the early stages of a child's brain development, environmental
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Motivated Behaviour and the Role of the Hypothalamus
The behaviours of eating and sexual activity in humans are regarded in terms of motivated
behaviour such that they appear to be purposeful and directed toward a goal. The hypothalamus is a
brain structure located deep within the brain that, although small in size less than 1% of the brains
total mass, is largely responsible for and controls a wide variety of human behaviour including
motivation, eating, sexual activity and emotion. However in trying to understand this role it is
important to first investigate the fundamental reasons and causes behind motivated behaviour. One
apparent reason for behaviour is that we act out of free will however this is not a viable cause of
behaviour as sometimes the central nervous system produces ... Show more content on ...
This is known as homeostasis and involves "the maintenance of the body's internal environment
within a narrow physiological range" (Bear, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001, p. 500). Another more
principal function of the hypothalamus is to control the pituitary gland. The pituitary has two lobes
– the posterior pituitary and the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus controls bodily functions
and behaviour through these two lobes in very different ways. Active neurons in the hypothalamus
cause the release of peptides, which are stored in the posterior pituitary and these then travel through
the blood stream to targets in the body where they have their intended effects. For example,
oxytocin, a type of peptide, controls uterine contractions. On the other hand anterior pituitary
hormones are controlled by the hypothalamus through ‘releasing hormones'. These releasing
hormones act to either increase or decrease the release of anterior pituitary hormones, which in turn
allows the brain to take control of other parts of the body. The hypothalamic mechanism of
homeostasis plays a key role in generating motivated behaviour. Any deviations from the optimal
range of a regulated parameter are detected and corrected by neurons located in the periventricular
zone of the hypothalamus. This was first demonstrated by studies in which electrical stimulation of
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Does Welfare And Abnormal Behaviors Caused By Elephants?
List of Contents Page
1.0 Introduction 4
2.0 Welfare Issues for Elephants 4
3.0 Potential Solutions 6
4.0 Conclusion 6
List of references ... Show more content on ...
As they do not have the same freedom they would do in the wild, they show behaviours such as
head weaving and bobbing (Maple, 2013). These show a more precise indication of poor welfare
(Kleiman, 2010). The constant movements in their bodies can cause implications such as arthritis
and joint pressure (Rees, 2013). However, being kept in zoos means that they do not face the daily
issues that occur in the wild (Maple, 2013); drought, poaching, starvation, predation, illness and loss
(Wemmer, 2008). The stereotypic behaviours that Elephants show are caused by the area lacking the
correct enrichment and space (Kleiman, 2010). However, it can also be related to the amount of
stress due to noise pollution of human interaction around the enclosed area (Rees, 2013). In the
wild, elephants can live up to the age of 50, where–as in zoos; they do not live long (Allen, 2010).
Another issue is that in the wild, if an elephant saw someone or something they did not like, they
have the chance to escape or move, where as in captivity they are secured into one place and so can
become highly stressed (Maple,
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Unnatural Offences : Section 377 Of Ipc Essay
III. UNNATURAL OFFENCES: SECTION 377 OF IPC 'Unnatural' sexual offence is a consensual
sexual act between its players, active or passive. Section 377 of IPC prohibits a consensual
homosexual act between two adults even if it is done in private. Roots of this section are biblical and
based on the principle that sexual activity is for procreation only. Any sexual act, therefore, not
fitting that role is considered unnatural and against the order of nature.
3.1 Legislative paradigm Section 377 IPC deals with unnatural carnal intercourse against the order
of nature. It consists of penetration per anus. Consent of the parties here is immaterial and the party
consenting is equally liable as an abettor.
The unnatural offences discussed under this section are:
i. Sodomy, and ii. Bestiality
Sodomy: The word sodomy generally connotes to intercourse per anum by a man with a man or a
woman. Sodomy may either be homosexual or heterosexual. Consent is not a defense to the charge
under this section.
Bestiality: Bestiality means the sexual intercourse either by man or by woman carried out in a way
with a beast (animal) or a bird. This section is gender neutral and is applicable on women as well.
However, this section is not attracted if the act is done either by a man or a woman with an
inanimate object. It is important to note a few distinct aspect of unnatural offence criminalized under
Section 377 IPC.
 First, it is a consensual sexual act between its players, active or passive.
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Domestic Violence In Canada
Domestic Violence is a major issue in today's rapidly changing society. Domestic Violence falls
under the banner of Family law, which controls acts to do with family and marriage. This
presentation will help to develop a clearer understanding of Domestic Violence and make
evaluations and recommendations in determining the changes in the law necessary in today's society.
Domestic Violence in Queensland, is described explicitly by the Family Law code as One person in
a relationship controlling the other sexually, physically, economically and/or socially in a
relationship. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together,
separated or dating. Examples of applicable concepts to the issue of Domestic Violence ... Show
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Even though Domestic Violence fits under the Family Law banner of the law, this, in my opinion, is
too light and instead falls under the Criminal Code – Assault definition:
(1) A person who strikes, touches, or moves, or otherwise applies force of any kind to, the person of
another, either directly or indirectly, without the other person's consent, or with the other person's
consent if the consent is obtained by fraud, or who by any bodily act or gesture attempts or threatens
to apply force of any kind to the person of another without the other person's consent, under such
circumstances that the person making the attempt or threat has actually or apparently a present
ability to affect the person's purpose, is said to assault that another person and the act is called an
(2) In this section– applies force includes the case of applying heat, light, electrical force, gas,
odour, or any other substance or thing whatever if applied in such a degree as to cause injury or
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Religion Vs Hook Up Culture
Humans and animals are similar, yet differ in various ways. Both need food and water to survive,
use language to communicate, and so forth. However, one thing that humans are able to do that
animals are incapable of doing is associate meaning to different objects and symbols, for instance, a
red octagon in many cultures signify stop. Humans can also associate meanings to action, for
example, sex and making love. However, in western culture, this association is not as important as it
used to be. In modern society, young adults have created and engaged in a new practice known as
"Hookup culture".
The term "hooking up" or "hookup" is a broad term containing different meanings to different
people, but in this case, the definition of found within ... Show more content on ...
In the case of Farmer et al. (2008), the researchers looked at different religious affiliation and sexual
behaviour. They point of interest were the different subtypes of religions that existed and sexual
behaviours. Four subtypes of religiosity were studied: paranormal belief, fundamentalism,
spirituality and intrinsic religiosity. To begin with, paranormal activity encompasses everything that
is supernatural in both religious world (angels, after life) and in the non–religious world
(superstition) (Farmer et al., 2008). Fundamentalism believed in an absolute religious authority
figure, which means that sacred texts were followed thoroughly (Famer et al., 2008). Spirituality can
be explained by a personal experience in which a person believes in a divine being. Finally, intrinsic
religiosity is characterized by its infusion of adding religious meanings to daily life (Farmer et al.,
2008). Scholars theorized that fundamentalism and intrinsic religiosity would not be less likely to
engage in pre–marital sex, while spirituality and paranormal activity would have the exact opposite
effect, and overall, those who were not religious were more likely to engage in premarital sex
(Farmer et al.,
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Evolutionary psychology is a field of study that has...
Evolutionary psychology is a field of study that has revolutionised how we understand human
psychological systems and how they interact with social, cultural, and ecological factors to produce
manifest behaviour. The main assumption of evolutionary psychology is that most human
behaviours today, were once essential for survival and reproduction (Buss & Schmitt, 2011). Despite
the fact that the world has changed, humans have still retained those behaviours (Cross & Campbell,
2011). Therefore, to understand modern crime, one needs to understand the contexts in which they
evolved (Buss & Schmitt, 2011). For example, violence between men was once essential for
acquiring resources, to make sure one's genes were passed down, and to deter enemies ... Show
more content on ...
Evolutionary psychology is just one of many sciences that are bringing human nature back onto the
scene of understanding human behaviour (Archer, 2013). As such, evolutionary psychology can give
us an insight into Mary's past, Mary's criminal behaviour, as well as the current situation that she is
in by looking at the behaviours of our ancestors. Mary's Past
Evolutionary psychology can give us an insight into Mary's past by looking at the behaviours of our
ancestors. According to evolutionary theory, Mary's childhood is a case of neglect and abuse
fostered by limited resources and a broken home (Archer, 2013). Mary grew up with three other
siblings, a neglectful mother, and an absent father. Such parents are characteristic of r–strategists
who produce more offspring than they can support (Bugental, Corpuz, & Samec, 2013). Those who
are characterised as r–strategists care very little about their offspring and reproduce as many times
as possible to ensure their legacy's survival (Bugental et al., 2013). Furthermore, Mary's father left
when she was very young. As such, her father can be characterised as a cad. A cad father is depicted
as a non–involved father who is unreliable as a long–term relationship partner; he provides the
sperm but does not stay around to support his offspring (Durante, Griskevicius, Simpson, Cantu, &
Li, 2012). Moreover, he was a violent man, who drank heavily, and subjected all members of the
family to regular and
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Theories Of Contemporary Psychology
There are various different approaches in contemporary psychology. It is important to be informed
about the 3 contemporary approaches that will be investigated in this Essay. This essay will provide
basic assumptions, one major theory of each contemporary approach and Include strengths and
weaknesses of the three approaches; Psychodynamic, Behaviourism, and Humanistic. Each of these
approaches studies psychology from a different perspective. The psychodynamic approach studies
the personality in terms of conscious and unconscious forces, such as unconscious desires and
beliefs. The behaviourist approach is concerned primarily with the observable and measurable
aspects of human behaviour. human behaviour is learned, thus all behaviour can be ... Show more
content on ...
Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist and a founder of humanistic psychology who
developed the Hierarchy of needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a description of the needs that
motivate human behaviour. In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed five different kinds of human
needs, beginning with the most basic: survival. Physiological needs, such as food and shelter, are
followed by needs related to safety. Next, there are needs of love and belonging. Fourth, humans
have needs of esteem, such as the need for being respected. The final need in the hierarchy is the
need for self–actualization (fulfilling one's potential). The hierarchy suggests that basic needs must
be met prior to less basic needs; for example, a starving person will seek food before self–
Assumptions: One of the main assumptions of the humanistic approach is that humans have free
will; not all behavior is determined, while the Behaviourism approach is concerned with observable
behaviour. Therefore, people have no free will.
Strengths: Behaviorism is based upon observable behaviors, so it is easier to quantify and collect
data and information when conducting research.
Weakness: a weakness of the Humanism approach is that it does not have a very scientific basis
compared to the behaviorism
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Nature Vs Nurture Gender Essay
Gender can be defined as the personal identity of an individual that they express outwardly, despite
the persons actual biological sex and sexual preference. Put simply, gender is 'the state of being male
or female' (Oxford Dictionary, 2015). The academic study of gender first emerged in the 1960's,
alongside the rise of second wave feminists and women's movements. Over the years, research has
developed in many ways – with people beginning to study how gender differs from sex and
developing that research into what causes people to defy their gender norms and how gender and sex
can be completely unrelated.
This ongoing research has led to a 'nature vs nurture' debate on whether you are born a gender as
well as sex, or whether your gender is taught and learned through your environment (your family,
your culture, your experiences etc.). Most people agree that we are shaped as a person by both
natural and social influences. (Holmes, 2007, pg18)
Section 1 – science – 560 words
There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which
aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and inherent. The first of these is the effect of
hormones, specifically testosterone. ... Show more content on ...
Klinefelter's syndrome affects 1 in approximately every 600 males. Sufferers of Klinefelters have
both an additional X and Y chromosome, which leads to an XXY arrangement. Sufferers will
physically still appear male, although most have less male pattern body hair and under–developed
sex organs. The condition often becomes apparent during early childhood, as sufferers usually have
poor or later developing language skills. The temperament of males with Klinfelters' is described as
passive, calm and even shy (, 2015). This could suggest that level of aggression in males
is caused more primarily by biological factors rather than their environment or social
... Get more on ...
Essay On A Streetcar Named Desire
Have you seen the plays Skin of Our Teeth, Home of the Brave, All My Sons, or Lost in the Stars?
Probably not. Why is it that today, it is still common to hear references to Stanley's "STELL–
LAHHHHH" in a Streetcar Named Desire, while few other plays of the 1940s remain relevant?
First, Streetcar dared to delve into sensitive social topics, from mental illness to homosexuality to
addiction, and even mortality. Tennessee Williams' story of a young couple, Stanley and Stella,
whose seemingly happy marriage is disrupted when Stella's sister, Blanche, comes to town and
brings her disastrous history with her, has captivated audiences throughout time with its highly
developed characters, thoughtful stage directions, and intense dialogue. ... Show more content on ...
To Blanche and Stanley, masculinity is defined purely by forceful actions and sexuality. Societal
pressures on men forced Stanley to grow up with little ability to express himself without the use of
force and a constant urge to display and promote his sexual prowess. Through the character of
Stanley, Williams highlights the pressure men feel to be aggressive and active in sex.
On the contrary, the expectations and double standards of society pressure Blanche to behave
prudently and conservatively, against her nature. Blanche admits to Stella the pressure she feels to
appear demure when she shares, "It isn't enough to be soft. You've got to be soft and attractive. And
I – I'm fading now! I don't know how much longer I can turn the trick" (92). Throughout Blanche's
stay with her sister, it becomes apparent that though she desperately attempts to appear a
quintessential "southern belle," it goes against her truest nature.
Beyond admitting she feels pressure to behave modestly, Blanche also lies about her alcohol use,
sexual past, and potential suitors. Her attempts to conceal her inappropriate behaviors make further
evident the pressure she feels to appear as dainty, pure and desirable as possible. After insisting to
Mitch that the stories about her are nothing but rumors, Blanche momentarily admits, "Yes, I had
many intimacies with strangers. After the death of Allan– intimacies with strangers was all I seemed
able to fill my empty heart with... hunting
... Get more on ...

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Paraphilias In Pedophilia

  • 1. Paraphilias In Pedophilia According to the McGraw– Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine (2002), sexual deviancy is a psychiatric sexual excitement to the point of erection or orgasm when the article of that stimulation is considered abnormal and unconventional in the constructs of societal norms. It is believed that paraphilia has efficiently replaced the earlier term of 'sexual deviancy' so for the purpose of this paper paraphilia will be used. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–IV) paraphilias are characterized by recurrent, intense sexual urges and fantasies or behaviours in response to sexual objects or situations that are not part of normative arousal patterns involving the use of nonhuman objects (Munroe, Gauvain, 2001). More ... Show more content on ... The judgment of the intentions or motives is generally based on the judgment of the actions of the individual and what he/she may potentially do. A study done by Van Vugt, Asscher, Stams, Hendriks, Bijleveld and van der Laan (2011) examined the differences in the moral judgments of young sex offenders with and without intellectual disabilities who had a history of sexual offending. It was found in a previous study by Van Vugt, Stams, Dekovic, Brugman, Rutten and Hendriks (2008) that immature moral judgment strongly related to delinquent behaviour. It was considered that individuals with intellectual disabilities may be at an increased risk for offending behaviours as their cognitive impairments could be problematic in the development of moral judgment. Van Vugt et al., (2008) had found that moral judgment is in fact an important risk factor for offending and reoffending behaviours in adolescent and adult offenders. This study used the Sociomoral Reflection Measure– Short Form (SRM–SF) to assess the moral judgment with an extension to questions that referred to general sexual situations and to the offenders' victims. The expectation was that the young sex offenders with intellectual disability would show low moral judgments in all of the three moral judgment situations: general life, sexual and own abuse victim ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Religion HOMOSEXUALITY The issue of homosexuality is gaining ground and spreading like wild fire in this modern age both in the political, social spheres and not sparing the church. It has come out as the term goes, left its closet, and it is knocking on different doors ranging from homes to schools and surprisingly even on the Christian institutions. The advocates of homosexuality have gone to the extent of preaching their doctrine of love, tolerance, equality, and justice through television channels, radio programmes, newspapers, and magazines and going to the point of demonstrating with their banners flying high in different cities of the world and not excluding the major cities of this nation, United Kingdom. The activists of ... Show more content on ... There are notable numbers of heterosexual men who engage in homosexual acts for an assortment of reasons, such as once being a prisoner or anywhere where heterosexual sex is unavailable. Also, it could be wrong to believe that a youngster who is seen to be engaged in homosexual deeds during his or her early years of his or her life will inevitably become homosexual unless these actions satisfy needs which are being depraved somewhere in other ways, such as needs for love, acceptance, safety and significance. When it comes to these cases, the youngster's participation in the act is perceived as a replacement for the needs which does not involve sex he or she is getting. It is possible that the act and the fulfilled needs may become synonymous, which could lead to the development of a homosexual orientation. Nevertheless, it has been proved statistically that most children who undergo homosexual acts forget all these deeds and mature to lead a normal heterosexual life. And the second component to be scrutinized in relation to homosexuality is what we call psychic response: in brief we could define this term as sexual stimulation influenced by visual perception or fantasy speculation. This mental response is sometimes known by certain groups of people as homosexual orientation. Despite the claim by several people that they have passed through an experience of visual or sexual attraction for the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Sociological Approach To Gender Essay There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and inherent. The first of these is the effect of hormones, more specifically testosterone, which causes male behaviour patterns such as aggression, competitiveness and a higher sexual drive. Testosterone also helps in the development of the brain. The brain is divided into two hemispheres, a left and a right. The left side of the brain is specialised in language skills whereas the right hand side of the brain is used for more non–verbal such as spatial awareness skills. Shaywitz et al (1995) used MRI scans to examine the brain whilst males and females carried out language tasks of varying difficulties. It was found that females used both hemispheres of the brain to complete the task whereas males only used the ... Show more content on ... The approach, first coined by Albert Bandura in 1977, regards gender and gender specific behaviours as something that is learnt from the environment around us (McLeod, 2011). The theory states that children observe behaviour seen by influential people in their lives of the either gender (parents for example), and then at a later time imitate the behaviour they observed. A child is more likely to imitate a person they see as similar to themselves. This can explain why it is more likely for a child to reproduce behaviours seen as gender specific. Another reason for gender specific behaviour is the reinforcement and/or punishment that a child may receive for acting a certain way. For example, a boy may be punished for playing with dolls. A study by Fagot (1978) confirmed that both boys and girls and praised for gender appropriate behaviour and punished for gender inappropriate behaviour. Fagot observed children and their parents playing with a range of toys and recorded the reinforcements and punishments made by the parents (Sammons, ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Sigmund Freud And The Pychoanalytic Theory Of Development Noted by Sigmund Freud (1894,1896) and further developed and elaborated on by Anna Freud (1937), defense mechanisms operate at an unconscious level preventing an individual from experiencing unpleasant feelings and making good things better for the individual. The defense mechanisms or ego defense mechanism as it is sometimes called, stems from the psychoanalytic theory of development. Founded by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939), the psychoanalytic theory of development argues the notion that interactions among three components (the id, ego and superego) of the mind result in human behaviour. The theory emphasizes the role of the unconscious psychological conflict in shaping human behaviour and personality. It is believed that these fundamental parts of the mind, through dynamic interactions progresses through five psychosexual stages of development. Prior to the development of the psychoanalytic theory of development, several factors occurred which contributed to and influenced Freud in the development of the psychoanalytic theory of development and defense ... Show more content on ... Freud studied the cause of posttraumatic disorders and observed an increasing desire by the mind of these individuals to replay this traumatic experience. After further examinations, Freud noted that human cells had an instinctual energy which caused them to return to the state of nonexistence which he later called the death drive (Thanatos). In 1936, Freud's youngest child Anna Freud (1895– 1982) elaborated on her father's ideas after his death. The defense mechanisms or ego defense mechanisms though were referred throughout Freud's works, it was his daughter Anna who elaborated on and expanded the list. The ego defense mechanisms according to Freud was primarily considered to be repression which is the rejecton of thoughts, impulses or fantasies from conscious awareness (W.Crain, 2014, ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Mink Stereotypes Mink (Neovison vison) Introduction Mink (Neovison vison previously Mustela vison)(Ahola et al., 2011) are semi–aquatic carnivorous mammals (Heyen et. al., 2011). In the wild they are a solitary and very territorial species some some aspects of their way of living in the wild have been replicated for use in mink farming (Pedersen et al., 2003) for example breeding stock are housed individually (Meagher et al., 2014) however juveniles may be housed in groups (Alumu et al., 2014), individually (Pedersen et al., 2003) or more likely in male–female pairs (Hänninen et al., 2008). Other aspects of their natural habitats have been excluded from their farm habitats, such as access to a swimming area, in the wild mink habitats are close to water since ... Show more content on ... During the year mink will be moved into other cages four to six times with their identities given by cards attached to their cages that are moved with them (Meagher et al., 2014). As they are solitary and territorial creatures, breeding stock are housed individually and brought together for mating in February/March, then pregnant females are moved into whelping pens just before giving birth in April/May (Meagher et al., 2014). After birth the juveniles live with their mothers for approximately two months before being weaned (Meagher et al., 2014) then after weaning the juvenile mink are kept in male–female pairs until they are approximately six months old (Hänninen et al., 2008). Then some mink are selected to be used as breeding stock and are housed individually while the rest are killed for their pelts (Meagher et al., 2014). Another form of housing that is becoming increasingly more common for juvenile mink is group housing as it decreases the cost of housing the mink by increasing the stocking density (Alumu et al., 2014) and group–housed juveniles may be less stressed than pair housed juveniles and they show ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Does The Parental-Manipulation Hypothesis That Stem From... Another hypothesis that stems from the theory of inclusive fitness is the parental–manipulation hypothesis. Instead of helping to increase the reproductive success of one's siblings, the existence of homosexual individuals may serve to help their parents. The parental–manipulation hypothesis suggests that parents manipulate their children to become homosexual, sacrifice their reproduction and assist in raising offspring of relatives in exchange for inclusive fitness benefits (Trivers, 1974). If the hypothesis holds true, parents may manipulate selected offspring to become homosexual and take non–reproductive roles, and assist in raising siblings or the offspring of siblings. This hypothesis is only supported by anecdotal evidences. In the early days, parents castrated their sons in order for them to serve as eunuchs in courts (Ringrose, 1996), encouraged their sons to have homosexual relations with influential leaders in Florence (Rocke, 1996), and in classical Athens and in Melanesia, fathers played a part choosing male patrons for their sons. In parts of North and South America, parents were critically involved in shortlisting children for apprenticeship as transgender shamans (Williams, 1986; e.g. Devereux, 1937; Falkner, ... Show more content on ... In accordance to this theory, homoerotic behaviour demonstrated by young males towards older males with an ultimate goal of obtaining increased sexual access to females. Hence, this hypothesis holds that homosexual behaviour is a survival strategy used by younger males to gain allies and to boost their status up the social hierarchy, so that they can increase their reproductive success in the end (. However, this theory would not be supporting homosexual orientation, but be more inclined towards bisexual orientations, or temporary homosexual ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Psychology Is The Study Of The Mind And Behavior Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. Since Psychology first emerged there has been ,many differing schools of Psychology each with different theories in which to understand human behaviour. In this essay I will explain the four major schools of psychology including psychoanalysis, behaviourism, biological and cognitive, and the major influences behind each such as Freud. Psychoanalysis is a school of thought first developed by Sigmeund Freud(1856–1939) one of the most influential psychologists to date. Although Psychoanalysis has been developed over years since Freud's death mainly by Erik Erikson, there are still key elements which remain the same. Freud's approach to the human mind mainly focused on the unconscious ... Show more content on ... The id develops as a newborn baby and is driven by the libido and aggression, linked to psycho sexual development. The id is unconscious it is not driven by morality or logic and therefore must be satisfied immediately . The id receives gratification based purely on pleasure with no thought for consequences. The ego; is learned at a later stage around four years old. The ego brings more reasoning to our behaviour. The ego still intends to satisfy the ids needs however without consequences. The ego looks more at societies "norms" and influences from others in . "like a man on horseback, who has to hold in check the superior strength of the horse ' (S. Freud,The ego and the id, SE, 1923, p.15). The ego therefore is trying to control the powerful id. The superego; is the last part of our behaviour to develop. The superego attempts to suppress the desires of the id, the superego focuses primarily on perfect ideals of morality instead of realism in dealing with desires and aggressions. Psychoanalytic therapy looks at the unconscious mind and how repressed memories and thoughts can become present in behaviour. In psychotherapy people mainly talk to a psychotherapist or psychologist however music or other arts can be used. Psychotherapy can be used to treat depressions, drug abuse, anxiety disorders and many others. There are many strengths and weaknesses in psychoanalysis some key strengths in psychoanalysis are that Freud brought ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Psychopathology and Individual Differences Essay Individual differences – Psychopathology Definitions of Abnormality– 1. DEVIATION FROM SOCIAL NORMS: Deviation refers to dominant behaviour – 'Behaviour which is considered undesirable by the majority' – For example; Talking to yourself in public LIMITATIONS: The definition is susceptible to abuse: Diagnosing someone with a mental illness could just be a way to exclude non conformists from society For example, homosexuality was considered a 'mental disorder' in the USA until 1970s also anyone who disagreed with the state could be regarded as insane in Russia in the 1960s Doesn't take into account context and degree – How badly does someone need to deviate from the norm to be considered 'Abnormal' For example, someone in a ... Show more content on ... Electric current passing through brain; resetting electrical circuits 2. Mental and physical exam – IV sedation – Electrodes attached to temples – Electric current passes through – 2 or 3 treatments over a couple of weeks (then monthly) 3. Used to treat severe depression NEUROTRANSMITTER IMBALANCE: Chemicals carry information around nervous system Too much or too little can lead to psychopathy Schizophrenia – too much dopamine, depression, little serotonin POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION as there's sudden change in hormones/neurochemistry PSYCHOSURGERY– Lobotomy Lobotomy: patient put under anaesthetic – ice picks put through top of the eye and wiggles around Changes structure of the brain GENETICS: Individuals may inherit a predisposition, or it's carries in genes through DNA passing on generations EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL APPROACH EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL THERAPIES SZASZ – Could be seen as a form of social control CHEMOTHERAPY – Side effects of sickness, weight loss or gain, dependency Symptoms can return WHO (2001) found relapse rates were higher when a placebo was used (55%) compared to drugs (25%) GOTTESMAN AND SHIELDS (1976) – There isn't 100% concordance between twins so abnormality is caused by other factors too ECT – CROMER – 60–70% of patients show ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Do Pheromones Affect Sexual Behavior? To understand whether the pheromones affect sexual behaviour, first it is necessary to understand what pheromones are and how they are recognized by our body. Pheromones are chemicals secreted by animals that allow beings of the same species recognize and interact with each other. The word pheromone is derived from Greek and means something like "that conveys excitement". These substances are secreted by mammals and insects in order to boost sexual attraction between intraspecific individuals, triggering physiological and behavioural responses. However, although there is evidence of pheromones action between animals and insects, the idea that humans can also be influenced by pheromones is great subject of controversy among researchers. Four certain substances have been identified as potential human pheromones: androstenone, androstenol, androstadienone and estratetraenol (Lubke & Pause, 2015; Mostafa et al., 2012 and Wyatt, 2015). Although perceived by smell, in fact ... Show more content on ... As a result, more pheromone users than placebo users showed an increase over intercourse, affection, kiss, informal date, but not in masturbation or formal date, demonstrating a possible influence of the pheromone in sexual behaviour. On the other hand, other study (Wyatt, 2015) argues that it is still not possible to assert that the 4 molecules mentioned above (androstenone, androstenol, androstadienone and estratetraenol) are human pheromones, as it was just demonstrated, for example, that androstenone and androstenol have pheromonal effect in pigs, and as these substances were also found in human armpits, it was enough to some scientists assert that these molecules also would be human pheromones, which is not true, considering that it is not because a specie uses one molecule as a pheromone, the other specie, necessarily, also will use it. Therefore, more studies are needed to know exactly what human pheromones ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Population Differences In Prairie Voles Dispersal and alloparental behaviour is an important feature of cooperative breeding. Field data suggest that prairie vole populations in Illinois, but not Kansas, prairie voles may live in communal groups. Kansas voles also show more exploratory behaviour than Illinois voles in the exposed arm of an elevated plus maze (Dharmadhikari et al. 1997), and are less likely than Illinois voles to spend time in contact with a sibling versus a stranger (Lee 1996). Taken together, these findings support the hypotheses that Illinois prairie voles tend to be philopatric, and that prairie voles from Kansas, and especially females, are less likely to approach young and perhaps are more likely to disperse from the family. A stable population difference in ... Show more content on ... In Kansas, scarce food resources and ephemeral moisture can lead to a midseason cessation of breeding (Rose & Gaines 1978). Under these conditions, the opportunity for philopatric off– spring to gain alloparental experience may be less likely due to the failure of the dam to produce a subsequent litter. Furthermore, there may be insufficient food resources in the immediate vicinity to support a large family group and, with lower population densities, opportunities might exist to acquire an independent territory nearby. Thus, under these conditions, dispersal and independent breeding might be favoured over philopatry in the Kansas habitat. Population variation in parental behaviour has been identified in another Microtus species, the meadow vole, M. pennsylvanicus. Male meadow voles originating from Canada (Manitoba and Ontario) show paternal behaviour (Storey & Snow 1987), but male meadow voles originating from the United States are typically not paternal and are excluded by females from entering the nest (Oliveras & Novak ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Chew Persuasive Speech It will play: Play is important because it is how your puppy will develop its co–ordination, learn who is boss and how to relate to others in its "pack", whether that's other dogs or humans. If your puppy doesn't have enough play, it might get bored and start to be uncontrollable. It will wee: Especially if your puppy is young, it won't have full control over its bladder and might wee in the house. You need to make sure the puppy goes outside regularly to urinate so that it learns not to wee in the house. It will chew: Chewing is a way your puppy gets to know its environment, using its sight and smell to explore the world. As with a baby, chewing can help to ease pressure on your puppy's sore gums But your puppy will chew inappropriate items unless it is taught not to do so. ... Show more content on ... Chewing helps to reduce the dog's stress but might increase yours if he doesn't learn not to destroy things! It will dig: Digging is normal for dogs eg to hoard food (even though they are well fed) or to make a den. But it might be something your puppy does because it has nothing else to do or to try to escape from its yard. So again, the key is lots of activity. It might gobble its food: Your puppy might gobble its food especially if there are other animals about because he might think he has to compete for limited resources. Best to give him confidence that he will have food by separating him from other dogs at feeding time, training him to eat from his own bowl and feeding him at regular times. It might eat things you'd rather it didn't!: Your puppy might roll in or pick up faeces or other strong smelling animal smells. This is normal behaviour although we don't quite know why. The best way to deal with it is to teach your dog to "leave ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Sexual Acts And Its Effects On Society Many libertarians, if asked what sexual acts should be considered as morally wrong, would reply that the only morally wrong act is one which lacks universal informed consent. In this day and age of sexual liberty, most people would agree. However, within philosophy it is not always seen as so straight forward as some philosophers argue that consent alone is not sufficient to determine the morality of sex. Some moral views, such as moral perfectionism, believe it is wrong for one person to harm another. Even if this act if freely and willingly consented to. This would result in sadomasochistic sexuality dubbed morally wrong. Other moral philosophies hold further conditions on a sexual acts morality. Aquinas for example believes that a sexual act is only morally right if abides by natural law and does not violate God's design. By comparison with lower animals, Aquinas came to the conclusion that the sexual impulse that humans feel has been implanted within them in order to reproduce. God created the genitals to facilitate heterosexual intercourse, mechanism of the penis depositing sperm into the vagina as a means of procreation. Any sexual acts that do not use this mechanism, with a male depositing his sperm in anywhere other than a vagina such as homosexual intercourse, masturbation and oral sex are deemed unnatural. Due to the violation of God's design, these unnatural acts are morally wrong. Even though by many people standards this view is dated, there are some ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Buddhism Research Paper Pre–stunning to prevent pain t don't share the same view because of reincarnation and karma, the good part is "The positive Buddhism requires us to treat animals kindly: Buddhists try to do no harm (or as little harm as possible) to animals Buddhists try to show loving–kindness to all beings, including animals The doctrine of right livelihood teaches Buddhists to avoid any work connected with the killing of animals The doctrine of karma teaches that any wrong behaviour will have to be paid for in a future life – so cruel acts to animals should be avoided Buddhists treat the lives of human and non–human animals with equal respect Buddhists see human and non–human animals as closely related: both have Buddha–nature both have the possibility of ... Show more content on ... The doctrine of karma implies that souls are reborn as animals because of past misdeeds. Being reborn as an animal is a serious spiritual setback. Because non–human animals can't engage in conscious acts of self–improvement they can't improve their karmic status, and their souls must continue to be reborn as animals until their bad karma is exhausted. Only when they are reborn as human beings can they resume the quest for nirvana. This bad karma, and the animal's inability to do much to improve it, led Buddhists in the past to think that non–human animals were inferior to human beings and so were entitled to fewer rights than human beings. Early Buddhists (but not the Buddha himself) used the idea that animals were spiritually inferior as a justification for the exploitation and mistreatment of animals. Experimenting on animals Buddhists say that this is morally wrong if the animal concerned might come to any harm. However, Buddhists also acknowledge the value that animal experiments may have for human ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Feminist Theory Of Animal Studies Feminist scholars are concerned with a broad range of issues and topics for discussion. Taking this into consideration, animal studies is a new and edgy field, especially in the context of feminist theory. The general findings of this paper include patriarchal establishments, and speciesism as an institution of oppression influencing and interconnected with sexism. However, this literature review will not explore the connections of animal studies within queer theory due to insufficient research, though the connections among homophobia, speciesism, and animality are abundant and relevant to the discussions presented in this essay. While there are notable authors and scholars within the field of animal studies in feminist theory (see Carol Adams and Josephine Donovan), it is still relatively unestablished. This theoretical paper will examine the prominent discourses in animal and feminist theories. An analysis of the literature reveals that animal studies is an integral, though often ignored, component of contemporary feminist theory due to its capabilities to enhance human and animal relations and understand human and animal parallels while diminishing needless suffering and torture. First, I will explore the historic and contemporary connections of animal studies within feminist waves and discussions. Next, this paper will address speciesism as a system of oppression and infrahuman prejudices – animals as less than human – and I will discuss the interconnectedness of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Character of Linda Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of... The Character of Linda Loman in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Linda is the heart of the Loman family in Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman. She is wise, warm, and sympathetic. She knows her husband's faults and her son's characters. For all her frank appraisals, she loves them. She is contrasted with the promiscuous sex symbolized by the Woman and the prostitutes. They operate in the world outside as part of the impersonal forces that corrupt. Happy equates his promiscuity with women to taking manufacturer's bribes, and Willy's Boston woman can "put him right through to the buyers." Linda Loman holds the family together – she keeps the accounts, encourages her husband, tries to protect him from heartbreak. She ... Show more content on ... They are thus in an objective rather than subjective category. In any case what feel is always more "real" to us than what we know, and we feel the family relationship while we only know, and we feel the family relationship while we only know the social one. (Arthur Miller, "The Family in Modern Drama") If Willy is not totally unsympathetic (and he is not), much of the goodness in him is demonstrated in his devotion to his wife, according to his lights. Though he is often masterful and curt, he is still deeply concerned about her: "I was fired, and I'm looking for a little good news to tell your mother, because the woman has waited and the woman has suffered." Biff is attached to his mother, and Happy's hopelessness is most graphic in his failure to be honest with, or concerned about, his family. The family's devotion to one another, even though misguided, represents a recognizable American ideal. Linda, for all her warmth and goodness, goes along with her husband and sons in the best success– manual tradition. She tries to protect them from the forces outside and fails. The memory of her suffering and her fidelity does not keep Willy and Happy from sex or Biff from wandering. Miller's irony goes still deeper. While Linda is a mirror of goodness and the source of the family's sense of identity, she is not protection ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Two Approaches In Psychology Essay Two Approaches In Psychology In 1900, Sigmund Freud, a neurologist living in Vienna, first published his psychoanalytic theory of personality in which the unconscious mind played a crucial role. Freud combined the then current cognitive notions of consciousness, perception and memory with ideas of biologically based instincts, to make a bold new theory of psychodynamics. Freud's theory, which forms the basis of the psychodynamic approach, represented a challenge and a major alternative to behaviourism. Freud's theory of personality was based on the assumption that all our behaviour stems from the unconscious processes. He divided the personality into three different parts. The id, the ... Show more content on ... Freud believed infants derived pleasure from withholding and expelling faeces. At the age of three the child derives pleasure from fondling his or her genitals. Freud called this the phallic stage. During the phallic stage the child reaches a conflict called the Oedipal conflict. He describes this in the case of a boy whose sexual impulses are directed towards his mother. This leads him to perceive his father as a rival for affections. The boy fears the father will retaliate by castration. This anxiety is thought to be the basis of all later anxieties. The Oedipal conflict resolves at the latency period, which lasts from the age of seven to twelve. During this time children become less concerned with their bodies and turn their attention to life skills. Finally, adolescence and puberty bring about the genital stage, the mature phase of adult sexuality. Freud's theory of child development seems to put to much importance on body–parts and the sexual nature of child development. In particular he seems to have put to much importance on the Oedipus conflict. Freud conducted a case study in a five–year–old boy named Hans. Hans had a phobia of being bitten by a horse. Freud used his theory of the Oedipus conflict to interpret his phobia as an unconscious fear of being castrated by his father. It is worth mentioning that Hans father was a follower and supporter of Freud's ideas. ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Why Humans And Animals Are Similar? Essay Humans and animals are similar, yet differ in various ways. Both need food and water to survive, use language to communicate, and so forth. However, one thing that humans are able to do that animals cannot is to associate meaning to different objects and symbols. For instance, a red octagon in many cultures signifies stop. Humans can also associate meanings to actions, for example, sex and making love. However, in western culture, this association is not as important as it used to be. In modern society, young adults have created and engaged in a new practice known as "Hookup culture". "Hooking up" or "hookup" is a broad term containing different meanings to different people, but in this case, the definition within the Encyclopedia of Gender and Society will be used. Hunter (2009) defines hookups as any kind of sexual activity that takes place without any form of romantic relationship established. They are casual sexual encounters that do not involve finding a husband or wife (Hunter 2009). This new culture allows young individuals to rid themselves of their sexual urges, without the commencement of a personal and emotional relationship established with the other party (Hunter, 2009). Not only does it allow sexual gratification, but it permits individuals to explore their sexuality (Hunter 2009). Not only has hookup culture become more and more prevalent. Hooking up appears to have become the norm in contemporary society, especially within millennials and college ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Sexual Selection And Gender Selection Name: Chloe Mulqueen Lecturer: Grace McCormack ID: 14470708 Module: Evolutionary Biology ZO317 Sexual selection in fish inhabiting great lakes Sexual selection can best be described by the definition given by Darwin himself. Sexual selection is "the advantage which certain individuals have over other individuals of the same species solely in respect of reproduction" (Hosken et al, 2011). Sexual selection occurs throughout the animal kingdom, where male frogs dominate through the depth of their croak, and certain peacocks reign superior based on the colour and intricate detail on their tails. They remain superior to their lesser counterparts as they bear more admirable characteristics, from which they are chosen by females of the same species. Intersexual selection describes one sex (commonly females) choosing male partners for copulation. Females tend to choose the males based on secondary sexual characteristics. Intrasexual selection, on the other hand, is competition within the same sex, in the hope of gaining access to the other sex for reproduction (Eberhard, 1996). It is commonly male species competing against each other for female partners. These two forms of sexual selection results in more developed offspring, as the fitter male will out–compete other males and also is more likely to be chosen be ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Masculinity And Masculinity : A Patriarchal Society In the past Britain used to be a patriarchal society, however, now it is hypothetically equal. The gender–role identity is the extent of masculine or feminine self–appreciation of an individual (McNeill & Petersen, 1985, cited in Fromme & Eccles, 1996). Masculinity and femininity described by Deaux (1984) as personal characteristics, activities, behaviours, dispositions, appearances which are acceptable for males or females and established by sociocultural factors, while sex refers only to the physiological dissimilarities. Per biological supposition, gender is fully defined by biology, particularly, by the physiology (work of the nervous system) and inheritance (genetic factor) (McLeod, 2014). On contrast, psychodynamic paradigm primarily focused on conscious and unconscious stimuli within the individual and psychosexual development with an emphasis on early childhood experiences, like the main factor of gender formation (Brannon, 2016). In this essay, biological psychological approach to the formation of an individual's gender role identity compared with the psychodynamic approach. Biological psychology signified the importance of hormonal processes, which are unlike for males and females, in a creation of gender identity (Rogers & Rogers, 2001). For example, high level of male hormone testosterone was linked to the behaviour considered masculine (Dabbs and Morris, 1990, cited in Rogers & Rogers, 2001). This study showed that individuals with testosterone levels in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Classical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning In this booklet you will find an overview of all the different approaches to psychology. This will consist of the key assumptions, examples of the relevant psychologists and examples of their work, as well as an exploration into the advantages and disadvantages that some of these approaches possess. Behaviourism is a theory of learning based upon the idea that all behaviours are attained through conditioning. Behaviourists believe conditioning occurs when we interact with the environment and that the environment we are in determines the way we respond to a stimulus. The behaviourist approach believes we learn behaviours through association between response and consequence. For instance, by touching a hot iron you will feel pain. Therefore, we learn from this, and know not to touch a hot iron as we associate feeling pain as a consequence of this action. There are two forms of conditioning within the behaviourist approach; classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Behaviourists believe that individuals are born without built–in mental content, known as a 'blank slate' and that all behaviours arise from experience or perception. Classical conditioning says that we learn behaviours by associating the response to the stimulus. An example of this can be found from the work of Ivan Pavlov. In the 1890s Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, carried out some experiments with a dogs. He noticed that when a dog eats food, they salivate: this is an unconditional response to an ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Research Paper On Sexual Masochism Sexual Masochism It is a rare when an opportunity to speak of sadism and masochism presents itself. However, it is not that long ago that the Canadian public was inundated with the headlines of a celebrated CBC Radio host, who allegedly presented himself to several women as what would seem to be a sadist. Having engaged in rough sex, inflicting physical harm on his sexual partners, I was left to wonder if Gian Gomeshi would not have been better served to seek out a sexual masochist. To fully appreciate how having a sexual partner, who subscribes to and would have been very desirous of such degradation and pain, we should develop our knowledge and understanding of masochism, from its definition, to diagnosis, to therapies. Sexual masochism ... Show more content on ... One type of treatment is aversive conditioning. This method uses some negative stimuli to begin to reduce the behaviour, with the view to ultimately bringing it an end to it completely. In some cases, patients are guided in relaxation, asked to visualize a fantasy, a deviant behaviour. Once the patient has done so, he/she then experiences a negative stimulus, such as a foul order being pumped into the room. The goal is to connect the negative stimuli with the fantasy, thereby making it less desirable. Patients might even watch a video of deviant behaviour, but then being subjected to the victim's voicing their desired revenge, or perhaps watching a surgical castration. Sometimes, empathy training is employed. This involves helping the patient see the impact of their actions on the victim and thereby helping to identify with the victim. It gives a better understanding of the harm being done, not just physically but psychologically too. The prognosis is hopeful! That said, there is always a chance that other issues might surface once the behaviours are extinguished. However, given the patient is already in treatment, it is reasonable that what ever the other issues might be, they can be worked through as ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Is Gender Identity the Result of Biology? Human beings are born sexual. They develop a strong sense of being male and female, the human behaviour of being a man or a woman is called gender identity. The characteristics of being a man or a woman involve biological, psychological, and sociological factors. People from all cultures have acted in relationships in different ways that are influenced by their cultural traditions and laws about sex. Human sexuality and how males and females act within the relationship can be considered as physically influenced by biology, for example hormones, brain centres, networks of nerves, and sex organs all shape the character of the male and female. However there are various arguments to this. hjwatson24, please do not redistribute this paper. ... Show more content on ... They state that hormones are linked to the activity of the brain, which can influence the nervous system, which can in turn influence behaviour, personality and emotions. This has been tested through animal experimentation. Some studies showed a link between testerone levels in human males and aggression. Others showed how castrated male rats tend to fight less, while female rats given extra hormones are more aggressive in life than those who have not been given them. This has been criticised by Ruth Bleier (1984), who states that there are numerous flaws in animal experiments, because it would be dangerous to assume that humans behave exactly like animals, furthermore the experiments that were carried out where under un–natural circumstances (laboratory conditions). Anne Oakly agrees with this argument and backs up the criticism of the hormonal explanations by referring to a study she carried out consisting of a boy who underwent an operation at seven months so that she took on the appearance of a girl. At seventeen months old her name was changed from a boy to a girl and later she was dressed in girls clothes. Afterwards her mother commented on how feminine she had become. This strongly suggests that it is environmental influences that have changed her behaviour and not biological matters, because no changes to hormones in the brain were made. There ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. How Does Enright Present Gender Inequality In Blackrock Blackrock by Nick Enright, presents gender inequality in Australian society in the twentieth century. It is based on the horrifying rape and murder of a teenage girl, Leigh Leigh. Enright presents various aspects of Australian culture including the youths' sexual and verbal violence, patriarchal society and culture of misogyny. The importance of masculinity and physical competition is evident Blackrock boys. The objectification of women is demonstrated by Ricko towards Tiffany, and Rachel by Jared. Verbal violence is evident in the derogatory language used by the boys to describe the female characters, revealing their perspective regarding the inferiority of girls. Physical violence is a significant issue in Blackrock that illustrates the ... Show more content on ... The boys' requirements are considered paramount but the girls' desires are neglected this shows the gender inequality by the patriarchal society. She was blamed because her attire was too revealing which attracted the boys. Jared says why didn't she act like a virgin to which Rachel asks how does a virgin act? He replies, not dress and look like a moll and dance like – a moll. Tracy was allowed to wear her desirable clothes and if boys were attracted, it is clearly their responsibility. Her virginity was questioned over news and she was treated with lack of respect and this is mainly because she was a girl. The blaming is evident through Glenys' statement, You douse yourself in kero, [playing with matches], you can't blame anyone else, when you set yourself on fire. This statement reflects that Glenys believes Tracy was at fault. Marian says to Rachel Toby's eighteen, at the beginning of his life. This dialogue portrays her defensive behaviour towards her son but ignoring the fact that Tracy was fourteen; raped and killed. Marian can change the mentality of the society and create respect for women by surrendering her son to the police and allowing justice to ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Oxytocin And Vasopressin Research The Individual Systems of the Oxytocin and Vasopressin Affect Prosocial Behaviours Involving Bonding Patterns. Identifying the involvement of neuropeptides in prosocial behaviours by, identifying what prosocial behaviour involves. Understanding that these neuropeptides play a role in many types of responses, this essay will focus on bonding behaviours and identifying the importance of bonding between animals and humans. Followed by identifying the individual systems involved in vasopressin and what impact this has on bonding behaviours and the effect of oxytocin on bonding behaviours. Finishing with an overall conclusion, regarding the findings and possible adaptions to future research. Prosocial behaviour refers to behaviours that benefit ... Show more content on ... This mate selection compares with socially monogamous mammals. However, monogamy behaviours were not found in experimental laboratory species such as rats and mice. However, pair bonding in monogamous species has been associated with prairie voles(Carter, DeVries & Getz, 1995). Identifying maternal bonding from pair bonding by blocking oxytocin receptors that inhibit maternal bonding in female prairie voles found that maternal bond inhibits partner preference and pair bonding (Carter, DeVries & Getz, 1995; Stoop, 2012). Identifying high levels of oxytocin in the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus accumbens in the prairie vole, suggests that neuropeptides influence the pathways that are involved in reward (Stoop, 2012) and reinforcement, therefore, control the process of social information. Increased levels of vasopressin increased bonding in voles(Carter, DeVries & Getz, 1995). Blocking of vasopressin receptor V1aR in voles showed a reduced time in social interaction. However, blocking V1aR in mice had a severe social impairment as they showed no general recollection of previous interaction with other mice. These experiments give reason to suggest that there are distinct roles for oxytocin and vasopressin between species, implying that genetic variation and vasopressin influences social behaviours, combined with oxytocin indicate how modulation of social behaviour occurs. Vasopressin ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. A Critical Examination of the Sexual Life of Man In... A Critical Examination of the Sexual Life of Man In Sigmund Freud 1.0 INTRODUCTION It is a word that rings a bell, it penetrates all cultures and overwhelms all humanity. It means many things to many people; to some, it is sacred and should be treated with respect. To others, it is pleasurable and should be lured to without repression; expressed it is worded "human sexuality". Reiterating the central place which sexuality occupied in the life of man, Dietrich writers: Sex … as contrasted with other departments of bodily Experience is essentially deep. Every manifestation of sex produces an effect which transcends the physical sphere and in a fashion quite unlike the other ... Show more content on ... For him then, there is no reason why sexual satisfaction should be repressed because of moral principles since it does not cause pain but pleasure. The acme of his whole doctrine of the libido is that he considered man as a libidinal being. He also conceived the spiritual activities as being rooted in instincts. The gross reduction of man to the instinctive level is precisely the point of concern in this work 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM Within the panorama of rational analysis as well as the biological framework of man and his psychological responsiveness, it is expedient to say without qualms of conscience that man is a sexual being. Therefore the ambiguous interrogative remains: when and how is sexual expression permissible to man? So, contrary to the age–long view that sexuality develops only at puberty, Freud identifies that sexuality has its arche from the earliest days of infancy and only undergoes transformation at puberty. For Freud, man is a being unto sex. All the nature of human activities and desires from cradle to the grave are directly or indirectly traceable to his sexual nature. Elucidating the veracity of this inborn infantile sexual pleasure, David said: Parents in some culture are well aware of the
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  • 52. Darwin's influence on psychoanalysis Darwin's Primal Influence on Psychoanalysis Charles Darwin's substantially influential writing examines a vast rang of topics that were brought to the attention of many leading scholars throughout history. Darwin preceded Sigmund Freud and the invention of psychoanalysis by approximately 50 years. Through the exploration of Darwinian theory and the later development of psychoanalysis, it is clear that Charles Darwin's theories had a profound influence of the development of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory. This becomes clear after analyzing such themes as sexual motivation through evolution, the Freudian ego, the connection between human and animal emotion, adaptive responses and the ... Show more content on ... The infant will "cry out loudly, like the young of other animals, partly as a call to their parents for aid and partly from any great exertion"(Darwin, 174). Darwin's observations of emotion, particularly that of a child resembles very closely to Freud's id. The id represents the most basic inherited instincts that are most obvious during childhood and expressed through emotion. "The infant, possessing no ability to delay release, demands immediate gratification"(Cordon, 223). The newborn would then be "a creature entirely governed by the id...demanding food, drink, eliminating bodily waste and affection"(Cordon, 223). Once the child's needs are met, they are content. This theory contributes to the desire for pleasure and the distaste for anything uncomfortable or as Freud described it, the pleasure principle. Darwin is related this behaviour and expression for emotion as a survival tactic in order to have the infants needs met through communication. Morality and the Ego Darwin and Freud's theories both weighed heavily on the similarity between man and animal. There is a primal urge exhibited through emotion, sexual motivation and the search for pleasure as seen in Freud's id and Darwin's observations of adolescents. But what did these men say about censoring that primal behaviour to live in harmony with others? It appears that Darwin had an influence over Freud's explanation of morality as well. There was a ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Othello: Iago's Deceitful Language II Incorporating Mythology, Demonology and Witchcraft into Shakespeare's Text Iago's deceitful language presents us with an obvious example of devilish behaviour. From his first spoken word on stage – ''Sblood' (1.1.4), which is omitted in the folio version of the text in accordance with the censorship of profanities – to his talk of playing the devil, 'When devils will the blackest sins put on, / They do suggest at first with heavenly shows / As I do now' (2.3.318–320). There is no doubt that Iago is aware of the demonic influence which colours his words. Yet it is within his descriptions of Othello and Desdemona that we truly see the influence of mythology laid out. Shakespeare works alongside the Ovidian topoi of human sexual desire placed ... Show more content on ... Iago refers to himself as a dog, 'As my young mistress' dog' (2.3.43). The allocation of dog–like behaviour appears frequently throughout the play, often referring to the loyal behaviour. However, Bate again draws our attention the Ovidian tropes apparent. Iago transforms from the ever–loyal servant to, as Lodovico accuses, a 'Spartan dog' (5.2.371). Bate draws our attention to an earlier example, when Shakespeare had wanted a dog in Merry Wives of Windsor, 'with Ringwood at [his] heels' (2.1.114) refers to Actaeon in Golding's translation of Ovid. Ringwood refers to Actaeon's hounds, the first of which is Melampus, a dog 'of Spart' (3.247). Here Shakespeare plays with the classical myth of Actaen whose loyal dogs became traitors and tore him apart. The association with Iago, the seemingly loyal servant who inflicts the same fate upon Othello. Actaeon 'stands for all who are destroyed sexually'. The link of the physical metamorphosis in Ovid's text manifests within Othello's mind; 'I have a pain upon my forehead here' (3.3.288). Shakespeare manipulates this image however, Othello tears himself apart, so much so that the transitions compels him to tear apart Desdemona, for Othello is both Actaeon and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Sexism In Sociology and women sexual agency. Overall, sexual consent is represented in different forms regarding both males and females and plays a role in sexual violence. Secondly, the role of rape culture in sexual violence in today society. Fraser (2015) writes that to understand rape culture is to understand the concept of ambivalent sexism that is composed of two types of sexism: hostile and benevolent sexism. Understanding these types of sexism is crucial to understand rape culture because of the structure allows sexual violence against women, like benevolent sexism and misogyny is associated with sexism. Benevolent sexism is the foundation of how the rape culture put women in a position of low agency and it continued to be put there. Fraser (2015) defines ... Show more content on ... The nature of ambivalent sexism is opposing the components that stem for the assumptions that is vital to rape culture and finds a ways to favour and protect women as a class. Fraser (2015) declares that to trace back of rape culture it to go back to source and make more capable to treat because benevolent sexism is favourable to women and complements hostile sexism the helps with the resistance of women and gender inequality. Fraser (2015) argues that man's ambivalent treatments towards women underlines rape culture and create a paradigm where men assume agency for the women. Men usually dehumanized women and associated women with animals and objects. The association of women and animal allows for men to make the association and are more likely to rape or sexually harass a woman. They are most likely to express victim–blaming or attitude toward women who have survived rape. Fraser (2105) confirms that "participants did not generally show a tendency to associated women with objects, when men did harbor this association, they also reported a greater willingness to engage in rape" (p. 152). Fraser (2015) observes that the behaviours and attitude that influence rape culture is relate to dehumanization of women. Fraser (2015) defines dehumanization "treating women as tool for women own purposes, as if there is no need to show concern for women feeling and experiences" (p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Project Nim The psychological phenomenon explored in the film Project Nim is Chimpanzees language acquisition. For decades, psychologists have explored the question as to whether chimps can learn a human language. It is thought that one of the basic differences in language between humans and animals is to ability to perceive and process speech. There are said to be many differences in human and animal's communication such as the meaning, structure and adaptability of language. However, now scientist believe that common ancestors evolve with the capacity of speech and it's due to exposure to language not the innate ability. Project Nim is a documentary of the life story of a chimpanzee called Nim Chimsky. film aimed to discover whether a chimp could ... Show more content on ... He is eventually imprisoned and involved in rehabilitation via controversial psychological conditioning. In the film Alex is injected each day with a drug that is designed to cause extreme nausea. He is then strapped to a chair and forced to watch a series of extremely violent movies, including everything from rapes to genocide. As he watches the films he begins to feel nauseas from the injections. Resulting in successful classical conditioning and aversion therapy. Alex now associates any form of violence with feeling ill therefore rehabilitating him. Many studies evaluate the effectiveness of this therapy. For instance, Jan ter Mors et al (2012) admitted aversion therapy on a 40 year old man who sustained a serve traumatic brain injury in a traffic accident leaving him with server cognitive impairments including aggression and inappropriate sexual behaviour. Results concluded a significant reduction in target behaviour and inappropriate sexual behaviour due to brain damage. Therefore, can be considered as an effective form of treatment for these criteria which supports the claims made in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Nature Vs Nurture And Gender Identity Essay Nurture plays a greater role than nature on the formation of an individual's gender identity, influenced by: parental, environmental experiences and taught behaviours through media. Family guidance proves to influence one's individuality throughout the early years of childhood. New–borns require billions of nerve cells primarily made in the first three years of a human's life; making the important connection, which determines a person's intellectual, emotional, and social make–up. These connections are the fundamental bases, influencing an individual's gender identity and whoever and whatever comes in contact with the child will have an effect on them. Similarly to how family influences the early stages of a child's brain development, environmental ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Motivated Behaviour and the Role of the Hypothalamus The behaviours of eating and sexual activity in humans are regarded in terms of motivated behaviour such that they appear to be purposeful and directed toward a goal. The hypothalamus is a brain structure located deep within the brain that, although small in size less than 1% of the brains total mass, is largely responsible for and controls a wide variety of human behaviour including motivation, eating, sexual activity and emotion. However in trying to understand this role it is important to first investigate the fundamental reasons and causes behind motivated behaviour. One apparent reason for behaviour is that we act out of free will however this is not a viable cause of behaviour as sometimes the central nervous system produces ... Show more content on ... This is known as homeostasis and involves "the maintenance of the body's internal environment within a narrow physiological range" (Bear, Connors, & Paradiso, 2001, p. 500). Another more principal function of the hypothalamus is to control the pituitary gland. The pituitary has two lobes – the posterior pituitary and the anterior pituitary and the hypothalamus controls bodily functions and behaviour through these two lobes in very different ways. Active neurons in the hypothalamus cause the release of peptides, which are stored in the posterior pituitary and these then travel through the blood stream to targets in the body where they have their intended effects. For example, oxytocin, a type of peptide, controls uterine contractions. On the other hand anterior pituitary hormones are controlled by the hypothalamus through ‘releasing hormones'. These releasing hormones act to either increase or decrease the release of anterior pituitary hormones, which in turn allows the brain to take control of other parts of the body. The hypothalamic mechanism of homeostasis plays a key role in generating motivated behaviour. Any deviations from the optimal range of a regulated parameter are detected and corrected by neurons located in the periventricular zone of the hypothalamus. This was first demonstrated by studies in which electrical stimulation of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Does Welfare And Abnormal Behaviors Caused By Elephants? List of Contents Page Summary 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 Welfare Issues for Elephants 4 3.0 Potential Solutions 6 4.0 Conclusion 6 List of references ... Show more content on ... As they do not have the same freedom they would do in the wild, they show behaviours such as head weaving and bobbing (Maple, 2013). These show a more precise indication of poor welfare (Kleiman, 2010). The constant movements in their bodies can cause implications such as arthritis and joint pressure (Rees, 2013). However, being kept in zoos means that they do not face the daily issues that occur in the wild (Maple, 2013); drought, poaching, starvation, predation, illness and loss (Wemmer, 2008). The stereotypic behaviours that Elephants show are caused by the area lacking the correct enrichment and space (Kleiman, 2010). However, it can also be related to the amount of stress due to noise pollution of human interaction around the enclosed area (Rees, 2013). In the wild, elephants can live up to the age of 50, where–as in zoos; they do not live long (Allen, 2010). Another issue is that in the wild, if an elephant saw someone or something they did not like, they have the chance to escape or move, where as in captivity they are secured into one place and so can become highly stressed (Maple, ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Unnatural Offences : Section 377 Of Ipc Essay III. UNNATURAL OFFENCES: SECTION 377 OF IPC 'Unnatural' sexual offence is a consensual sexual act between its players, active or passive. Section 377 of IPC prohibits a consensual homosexual act between two adults even if it is done in private. Roots of this section are biblical and based on the principle that sexual activity is for procreation only. Any sexual act, therefore, not fitting that role is considered unnatural and against the order of nature. 3.1 Legislative paradigm Section 377 IPC deals with unnatural carnal intercourse against the order of nature. It consists of penetration per anus. Consent of the parties here is immaterial and the party consenting is equally liable as an abettor. The unnatural offences discussed under this section are: i. Sodomy, and ii. Bestiality Sodomy: The word sodomy generally connotes to intercourse per anum by a man with a man or a woman. Sodomy may either be homosexual or heterosexual. Consent is not a defense to the charge under this section. Bestiality: Bestiality means the sexual intercourse either by man or by woman carried out in a way with a beast (animal) or a bird. This section is gender neutral and is applicable on women as well. However, this section is not attracted if the act is done either by a man or a woman with an inanimate object. It is important to note a few distinct aspect of unnatural offence criminalized under Section 377 IPC.  First, it is a consensual sexual act between its players, active or passive.  ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Domestic Violence In Canada Domestic Violence is a major issue in today's rapidly changing society. Domestic Violence falls under the banner of Family law, which controls acts to do with family and marriage. This presentation will help to develop a clearer understanding of Domestic Violence and make evaluations and recommendations in determining the changes in the law necessary in today's society. Domestic Violence in Queensland, is described explicitly by the Family Law code as One person in a relationship controlling the other sexually, physically, economically and/or socially in a relationship. Partners may be married or not married; heterosexual, gay, or lesbian; living together, separated or dating. Examples of applicable concepts to the issue of Domestic Violence ... Show more content on ... Even though Domestic Violence fits under the Family Law banner of the law, this, in my opinion, is too light and instead falls under the Criminal Code – Assault definition: (1) A person who strikes, touches, or moves, or otherwise applies force of any kind to, the person of another, either directly or indirectly, without the other person's consent, or with the other person's consent if the consent is obtained by fraud, or who by any bodily act or gesture attempts or threatens to apply force of any kind to the person of another without the other person's consent, under such circumstances that the person making the attempt or threat has actually or apparently a present ability to affect the person's purpose, is said to assault that another person and the act is called an assault. (2) In this section– applies force includes the case of applying heat, light, electrical force, gas, odour, or any other substance or thing whatever if applied in such a degree as to cause injury or personal ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Religion Vs Hook Up Culture Humans and animals are similar, yet differ in various ways. Both need food and water to survive, use language to communicate, and so forth. However, one thing that humans are able to do that animals are incapable of doing is associate meaning to different objects and symbols, for instance, a red octagon in many cultures signify stop. Humans can also associate meanings to action, for example, sex and making love. However, in western culture, this association is not as important as it used to be. In modern society, young adults have created and engaged in a new practice known as "Hookup culture". The term "hooking up" or "hookup" is a broad term containing different meanings to different people, but in this case, the definition of found within ... Show more content on ... In the case of Farmer et al. (2008), the researchers looked at different religious affiliation and sexual behaviour. They point of interest were the different subtypes of religions that existed and sexual behaviours. Four subtypes of religiosity were studied: paranormal belief, fundamentalism, spirituality and intrinsic religiosity. To begin with, paranormal activity encompasses everything that is supernatural in both religious world (angels, after life) and in the non–religious world (superstition) (Farmer et al., 2008). Fundamentalism believed in an absolute religious authority figure, which means that sacred texts were followed thoroughly (Famer et al., 2008). Spirituality can be explained by a personal experience in which a person believes in a divine being. Finally, intrinsic religiosity is characterized by its infusion of adding religious meanings to daily life (Farmer et al., 2008). Scholars theorized that fundamentalism and intrinsic religiosity would not be less likely to engage in pre–marital sex, while spirituality and paranormal activity would have the exact opposite effect, and overall, those who were not religious were more likely to engage in premarital sex (Farmer et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Evolutionary psychology is a field of study that has... Evolutionary psychology is a field of study that has revolutionised how we understand human psychological systems and how they interact with social, cultural, and ecological factors to produce manifest behaviour. The main assumption of evolutionary psychology is that most human behaviours today, were once essential for survival and reproduction (Buss & Schmitt, 2011). Despite the fact that the world has changed, humans have still retained those behaviours (Cross & Campbell, 2011). Therefore, to understand modern crime, one needs to understand the contexts in which they evolved (Buss & Schmitt, 2011). For example, violence between men was once essential for acquiring resources, to make sure one's genes were passed down, and to deter enemies ... Show more content on ... Evolutionary psychology is just one of many sciences that are bringing human nature back onto the scene of understanding human behaviour (Archer, 2013). As such, evolutionary psychology can give us an insight into Mary's past, Mary's criminal behaviour, as well as the current situation that she is in by looking at the behaviours of our ancestors. Mary's Past Evolutionary psychology can give us an insight into Mary's past by looking at the behaviours of our ancestors. According to evolutionary theory, Mary's childhood is a case of neglect and abuse fostered by limited resources and a broken home (Archer, 2013). Mary grew up with three other siblings, a neglectful mother, and an absent father. Such parents are characteristic of r–strategists who produce more offspring than they can support (Bugental, Corpuz, & Samec, 2013). Those who are characterised as r–strategists care very little about their offspring and reproduce as many times as possible to ensure their legacy's survival (Bugental et al., 2013). Furthermore, Mary's father left when she was very young. As such, her father can be characterised as a cad. A cad father is depicted as a non–involved father who is unreliable as a long–term relationship partner; he provides the sperm but does not stay around to support his offspring (Durante, Griskevicius, Simpson, Cantu, & Li, 2012). Moreover, he was a violent man, who drank heavily, and subjected all members of the family to regular and ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Theories Of Contemporary Psychology There are various different approaches in contemporary psychology. It is important to be informed about the 3 contemporary approaches that will be investigated in this Essay. This essay will provide basic assumptions, one major theory of each contemporary approach and Include strengths and weaknesses of the three approaches; Psychodynamic, Behaviourism, and Humanistic. Each of these approaches studies psychology from a different perspective. The psychodynamic approach studies the personality in terms of conscious and unconscious forces, such as unconscious desires and beliefs. The behaviourist approach is concerned primarily with the observable and measurable aspects of human behaviour. human behaviour is learned, thus all behaviour can be ... Show more content on ... Abraham Maslow, an American psychologist and a founder of humanistic psychology who developed the Hierarchy of needs. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a description of the needs that motivate human behaviour. In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed five different kinds of human needs, beginning with the most basic: survival. Physiological needs, such as food and shelter, are followed by needs related to safety. Next, there are needs of love and belonging. Fourth, humans have needs of esteem, such as the need for being respected. The final need in the hierarchy is the need for self–actualization (fulfilling one's potential). The hierarchy suggests that basic needs must be met prior to less basic needs; for example, a starving person will seek food before self– actualization. Assumptions: One of the main assumptions of the humanistic approach is that humans have free will; not all behavior is determined, while the Behaviourism approach is concerned with observable behaviour. Therefore, people have no free will. Strengths: Behaviorism is based upon observable behaviors, so it is easier to quantify and collect data and information when conducting research. Weakness: a weakness of the Humanism approach is that it does not have a very scientific basis compared to the behaviorism ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Nature Vs Nurture Gender Essay Gender can be defined as the personal identity of an individual that they express outwardly, despite the persons actual biological sex and sexual preference. Put simply, gender is 'the state of being male or female' (Oxford Dictionary, 2015). The academic study of gender first emerged in the 1960's, alongside the rise of second wave feminists and women's movements. Over the years, research has developed in many ways – with people beginning to study how gender differs from sex and developing that research into what causes people to defy their gender norms and how gender and sex can be completely unrelated. This ongoing research has led to a 'nature vs nurture' debate on whether you are born a gender as well as sex, or whether your gender is taught and learned through your environment (your family, your culture, your experiences etc.). Most people agree that we are shaped as a person by both natural and social influences. (Holmes, 2007, pg18) Section 1 – science – 560 words There are many theories and approaches to gender in terms of biology and science in general, which aim to suggest or prove that gender is natural and inherent. The first of these is the effect of hormones, specifically testosterone. ... Show more content on ... Klinefelter's syndrome affects 1 in approximately every 600 males. Sufferers of Klinefelters have both an additional X and Y chromosome, which leads to an XXY arrangement. Sufferers will physically still appear male, although most have less male pattern body hair and under–developed sex organs. The condition often becomes apparent during early childhood, as sufferers usually have poor or later developing language skills. The temperament of males with Klinfelters' is described as passive, calm and even shy (, 2015). This could suggest that level of aggression in males is caused more primarily by biological factors rather than their environment or social ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Essay On A Streetcar Named Desire Have you seen the plays Skin of Our Teeth, Home of the Brave, All My Sons, or Lost in the Stars? Probably not. Why is it that today, it is still common to hear references to Stanley's "STELL– LAHHHHH" in a Streetcar Named Desire, while few other plays of the 1940s remain relevant? First, Streetcar dared to delve into sensitive social topics, from mental illness to homosexuality to addiction, and even mortality. Tennessee Williams' story of a young couple, Stanley and Stella, whose seemingly happy marriage is disrupted when Stella's sister, Blanche, comes to town and brings her disastrous history with her, has captivated audiences throughout time with its highly developed characters, thoughtful stage directions, and intense dialogue. ... Show more content on ... To Blanche and Stanley, masculinity is defined purely by forceful actions and sexuality. Societal pressures on men forced Stanley to grow up with little ability to express himself without the use of force and a constant urge to display and promote his sexual prowess. Through the character of Stanley, Williams highlights the pressure men feel to be aggressive and active in sex. On the contrary, the expectations and double standards of society pressure Blanche to behave prudently and conservatively, against her nature. Blanche admits to Stella the pressure she feels to appear demure when she shares, "It isn't enough to be soft. You've got to be soft and attractive. And I – I'm fading now! I don't know how much longer I can turn the trick" (92). Throughout Blanche's stay with her sister, it becomes apparent that though she desperately attempts to appear a quintessential "southern belle," it goes against her truest nature. Beyond admitting she feels pressure to behave modestly, Blanche also lies about her alcohol use, sexual past, and potential suitors. Her attempts to conceal her inappropriate behaviors make further evident the pressure she feels to appear as dainty, pure and desirable as possible. After insisting to Mitch that the stories about her are nothing but rumors, Blanche momentarily admits, "Yes, I had many intimacies with strangers. After the death of Allan– intimacies with strangers was all I seemed able to fill my empty heart with... hunting ... Get more on ...