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1937/11 YEAR 11 J417 YEAR 10 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 9 th  June 2010
Learning Outcome By the end of this session you will have..... Improved your chances of success on Paper I by focussing on topics and tactics......
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Table task...
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1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3 rd  June 2009 2 hours Section A Two picture sources – CHOOSE  ONE  TO ANSWER (i) International Relations pre-1939 – i.e. TOV (ii) International Relations post-1945 – i.e. Cold War – Berlin Airlift, Vietnam  Answer two questions:-  [6] [9] marks [6] What is the message......?  START your answer “The message of this cartoon/source is.......” [9] Explain why....... START your answer by REWORDING THE QUESTION Recommended time:-  15-20 minutes
1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section B CHOOSE ONE QUESTION – with  3 parts (a)(b)(c)  Questions are always [4] [6] [10] [4] Describe or What. List facts in coherent sentence....REWORD THE QUESTION [6] Explain question. Facts BUT YOU MUST EXPLAIN / EXPAND [10] How far....? BALANCED ANSWER. SUPPORTED CONCLUSION ETC.  In 2008 – it gave you three choices – ONLY WRITE ABOUT THESE THREE and remember to PERSONALISE YOUR START TO THE QUESTION ATFQ RTTQ AT THE END OF EACH PARAGRAPH/POINT. IF IT’S NOT RELEVANT – NO NEED TO PUT IT ALWAYS PUT A BRIEF BACKGROUND PARAGRAPH TO THE TOPIC AREA IN Recommended time:-35-40 mins
1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section B Topics from:-  BUT REMEMBER YOU ONLY HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE QUESTION Int. Relations pre-1939Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations in 1920-30s, Build up to War in 1930s – Appeasement Int. Relations post 1945 -Post WW2 – Iron Curtain, Potsdam/Yalta, Start of Cold War, Iron Curtain Cold War – disputes: Korea, Cuba, Vietnam Détente in 1970s 1980s Reagan and Gorbachev 1989 End of Cold War
1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section C:  German Depth Study: Weimar + Hitler basically..... 3 x sources first, maybe one a picture [7] [6] [7] about each source.  Last question = How far.......? BALANCED ANSWER. Examine details in the sources – WHY – “This source was published because.....” Recommended:-  60 mins
1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section C:  German Depth Study: Choose ONE of TWO questions but answer (a) (b) (c)  The questions will be [4] [6] [10] They will be from :- Weimar, Hitler’s rise to power, Securing total power, Hitler’s Germany..... [4] Describe [6] Explain – more detail needed  [10] How far.....? Balanced answer
1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Give yourself the first 5 minutes to  READ  through the paper & make notes  ONTO THE QUESTION PAPER Make an essay plan Pick points out on the source – draw on the paper! How Far Questions -  Agrees  Disagrees
G.c.s.e. Modern World History
Paper I Wednesday 9 th  June 2010
A.T.F.Q. R.T.T.Q.
Sample questions Section A
Sample questions Section A
Sample questions Section A
Sample questions Section A
Sample questions Section A
Sample questions Section B Section B You are advised to spend about 35 minutes on this section. Answer ONE question from this section. You must answer ALL parts of the question you choose. 3 (a)  What did Lloyd George hope to achieve from the Treaty of Versailles? [4] (b)  Explain why Germany was made to pay reparations. [6] (c)  The following were all  equally important  reasons why Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles: (i)  limitations on its armed forces; (ii)  the loss of raw materials and industries; (iii)  the loss of land. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer, referring only to  (i) ,  (ii)  and  (iii) . [10]
Sample questions Section B
Sample questions Section B
7 (a) What were the main features of the Weimar Constitution?  [4] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE WEIMAR CONSTITUTION. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL.  [4] e.g. 'All Germans could vote (1); set up a system of proportional representation' (1) e.g. 'Set up a system of proportional representation - if a party gained 20 percent of the votes, they gained 20 percent of the seats' (2).
(b) Explain why the Weimar Republic faced opposition between 1919 and 1923.  [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ASSERTION. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE.  [1 ] e.g. 'Weimar government was weak.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S)/GROUPS OR DESCRIBES.  [2-3] ONE REASON (2 MARKS). TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'The German signing of the Treaty of Versailles was unpopular/ e.g. The communists did not like democracy in Germany.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S).  [3-6] ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). E.g. The Spartacists were Communists who argued strongly against Ebert's plans for a democratic Germany. They wanted Germany ruled by workers councils and started a rebellion.'
(c)  ‘The most important reason for the success of the Weimar Republic between 1924 and 1929 was US loans.’  Do you agree with this statement?  Explain your answer.  [10] LEVEL 1 ; GENERAL AGREEMENT THAT US LOANS WERE IMPORTANT. OR SUGGESTS ANOTHER REASON, BUT WITH NO EXPLANATION.  [1] e.g. US loans.' LEVEL 2 : AGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS OR DISAGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS ANOTHER IMPORTANT REASON.  [2-4] e.g. Explains US loans OR explains the leadership of Stresemann. N B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 3 MARKS). EXPLAINS ONE REASON AND IDENTIFIES ANOTHER (MAXIMUM 4 MARKS). LEVEL 3:  EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF REASONS AND MAY CONCLUDE THAT ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS.  [5-7] e.g. Explains why 'the leadership of Stresemann' brought success to the Weimar Republic; US loans; Germany's admission to the League of Nations.' LEVEL 4-  CONSIDERS A VARIETY OF REASONS, EXPLAINS WHY ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS, OR WHY OTHERS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE CHOSEN (MUST COMPARE).  [7-9] e.g. The leadership of Stresemann brought success to Germany between 1924 and 1929 as he settled the Ruhr Crisis and brought financial stability- He also negotiated international agreements that raised Germany's world status. This brought about an era of peace and prosperity to Germany. Other reasons were not so important' (explained). LEVEL 5 : CONSTRUCTS AN EXPLANATION WHICH CONSIDERS THE INTER-RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN A RANGE OF REASONS, AND WHICH ILLUSTRATES THAT ONE 'MOST IMPORTANT REASON ON ITS OWN COULD NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION.  [9-10] e.g. The leadership of Stresemann brought success to Germany between 1924 and 1929 as he settled the Ruhr Crisis and brought financial stability. He also negotiated international agreements that raised Germany's world status. However, Stresemann could not have solved Germany's economic and financial problems alone and here the loans offered by the Dawes Ran helped tremendously in allowing the Germans to pay off reparations and refloat industry. In the international arena attitudes towards the Germans softened and they were eventually allowed into the League of Nations in 1926. These three reasons together accounted for the era of peace and prosperity in Germany between 1924 and 1929' (fully explained).
SOURCE E Goering’s press officer describing his conversation with Goering shortly after the Reichstag Fire on 27 February 1933. 7(c) Study Source E. In what ways is this source useful to an historian studying Hitler's rise to power? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer .  [7] Level 1: GENERAL ANSWER NOT USING THE SOURCE [1] e.g. 'One source by itself is of no use.'  'It is very useful it tells you lots of things about how he came to power.' Level 2: ASSERTIONS THAT THE REICHSTAG FIRE HELPED HITLER [2-3] e.g. ‘The Nazis blamed the Fire on the Communists.’ Level 3: CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE USED TO EXPLAIN LIMITATIONS OF THE SOURCE OR USES CONTENT OF SOURCE TO EXPLAIN THAT NAZIS WANTED TO FRAME THE COMMUNISTS  [4-5] e.g. 'This source is not very useful because it does not tell you about how Hitler came to power in the first place. By this time Hitler had already done well in the elections and had been appointed as Chancellor. So this source does not tell you much about his rise to power.' ‘ Hitler wanted to blame the Communists and so the information was being doctored such as the number of sacks.’ Level 4: CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE USED TO EXPLAIN SIGNIFICANCE OF POINTS IN SOURCE [5-7] e.g. 'This source is very useful because it shows that Goering was keen to put the blame for the fire on the Communists. He says it must have been 10 or 20 men because he wants people to believe that it was a Communist uprising. This was a good move by the Nazis because it gave them the excuse to arrest Communist leaders and get rid of their opposition and to pass an emergency law which banned freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It allowed the police to ban meetings and arrest anyone they wanted. This virtually gave the Nazis total power. This is why they wanted to blame the Fire on the Communists.' I showed my report to Goering.  ‘That’s sheer rubbish’, he said.  ‘One sack of firelighting material!  No, we must say one hundred sacks.’ ‘ But that’s impossible, Minister.  No one can believe that a single man can have carried all that.’ ‘ Nothing is impossible.  We must say there were ten or even twenty men.  The whole thing was the signal for a Communist uprising.  They must have come through the tunnel’
8 (a) Briefly describe the Hitler Youth movement.  [4] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE 'HITLER YOUTH' MOVEMENT. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL.  [4] e.g. 'Youth organisations set up by Hitler (1); taught youth loyalty to Hitter" (1) e.g. The Hitler Youth Movement was made up of five organisations, one of which was the German Girls' League' (2).
(b) Explain why women were an important part of Hitler's plans for Germany.  [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ASSERTION. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE.  [1] e.g. 'Hitler saw women as important for the future of Germany.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S) OR DESCRIBES-  [2-3] ONE REASON (2 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'Women produced the children.' e.g. 'Women could help Nazi indoctrination.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S).  [3-6] ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). e.g. 'Women were to support the Nazi state by bearing pure Ayran children, at least four. These children would provide the second generation of the Nazi regime.'
(c) Did everyone In Germany benefit from Nazi rule? Explain your answer.  [10] LEVEL 1 : GENERAL ASSERTION THAT SOME BENEFITED/SOME DID NOT BENEFIT. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE.  [1] e.g. 'Some people in Germany benefited from Nazi rule/ LEVEL 2:  AGREES OR DISAGREES WITH THE STATEMENT WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION. SPECIFIC GROUPS NOT IDENTIFIED. OR IDENTIFIES SPECIFIC GROUPS WHO BENEFITED/DID NOT BENEFIT (WITHOUT EXPLANATION).  [2-4] ONE GROUP (2 MARKS). TWO OR MORE GROUPS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'Some people in Germany benefited because they got jobs.' e.g. 'Some people did not benefit because they were persecuted.' OR The unemployed benefited; the businessmen benefited; some workers benefited.' N.B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 3 MARKS). LEVEL 3 : BALANCED ANSWER WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION.  [4-6] SPECIFIC GROUPS NOT IDENTIFIED.  e.g. Uses BOTH of the LEVEL 2 explained examples. LEVEL 4:  ANSWERS WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION AND IDENTIFYING EITHER SPECIFIC GROUPS WHO BENEFITED OR DID NOT BENEFIT (ONE GROUP - MAXIMUM 5 MARKS).  [5-7] e.g. The unemployed benefited because they got jobs on public works programmes and in the armed services. Business made more profits and their workers were more disciplined' (explained). N.B, IF ONE ELEMENT EXPLAINED AND OTHER IDENTIFIED ALLOW TOP OF LEVEL 4. LEVEL 5: BALANCED ANSWER WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION AND IDENTIFYING BOTH SPECIFIC GROUPS WHO BENEFITED AND DID NOT BENEFIT.  [8-10] e.g. The unemployed benefited because they got jobs on public works programmes and in the armed services. Businessmen made more profits and their workers were more disciplined. However, free trade unions were banned and trade unionists were persecuted if they spoke up for their rights. Professional women were stopped from working in order to stay at home with their families, which many resented as a restriction of their freedom' (fully explained).
8 (a) Briefly describe the methods used by the Nazis to deal with their opponents within Germany.  [4 ] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE NAZI METHODS USED TO DEAL WITH THEIR OPPONENTS. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL.  [4] e.g. The SA (1); the SS (1); concentration camps (1); propaganda' (1). e.g. 'Concentration camps were used to imprison millions of opponents to the Nazi regime' (2) N.B. ANSWERS LIMITED TO SS, SA AND GESTAPO (MAXIMUM 2 MARKS).
(b) Explain why different groups opposed Nazi rule.  [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ASSERTION. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE. [1 ] e.g. They opposed Nazi rule because they did not like them.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S)/GROUPS OR DESCRIBES-  [2-3] ONE REASON (2 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'Resented Nazi control over the church.' e.g. 'Resented the brutality of the Nazi police state.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S).  (3-6] ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). e.g. 'Many Protestant clergy opposed Nazi rule because they resented Nazi brutality and control over the church. They objected to the setting up of the German Faith Movement, which they saw as anti-Christian.'
(c) The most important factor enabling the Nazis to control the German people was their use of propaganda.' Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.  [10] LEVEL 1: GENERAL AGREEMENT THAT PROPAGANDA WAS IMPORTANT. OR SUGGESTS ANOTHER FACTOR, BUT WITH NO EXPLANATION.  [1] e.g. 'Propaganda.' LEVEL 2: AGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS OR DISAGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS ANOTHER IMPORTANT FACTOR.  [2-4] e.g. Explains Nazi use of propaganda OR explains the Nazi use of persecution. N.B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 3 MARKS). EXPLAINS ONE FACTOR AND IDENTIFIES ANOTHER (MAXIMUM 4 MARKS). LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF FACTORS AND MAY CONCLUDE THAT ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS.  [5-7] e.g. Explains why the use of persecution; the use of propaganda;  the Nazi education system enabled the Nazis to control the German people. LEVEL 4: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF FACTORS. EXPLAINS WHY ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS, OR WHY OTHERS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE CHOSEN (MUST COMPARE).  |7-9] e.g. 'Persecution was important in keeping opponents quiet, but propaganda was more important because that was how the Nazis instructed/persuaded the mass of people in what was expected of them. You cannot make people support you through persecution, but you can through propaganda' (explained). LEVEL 5: CONSTRUCTS AN EXPLANATION WHICH CONSIDERS THE INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN A RANGE OF FACTORS AND WHICH ILLUSTRATES THAT ONE -MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR ON ITS OWN COULD NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION.  [9-10] e.g. The Nazis used different instruments of control over different sections of German society. Persecution was needed to deal with opponents. People like the Communists hated the Nazis; no amount of propaganda would win the support of opponents, so they had to be kept quiet. Propaganda was how adults were told to think, and how the ideas and image of the Nazi Party could be spread. Education was how children would become good Nazis. So none of these methods were more important than the others; they were all part of the Nazi system of control' (fully explained).
Choose ONE of the following two questions. You must answer ALL parts of the question you choose. 8 (a)  What were the main features of the Weimar Constitution? [4] (b)  Explain why 1923 was a difficult year for the Weimar Republic. [6] (c)  How far was the Weimar Republic a failure? Explain your answer. [10] 9 (a)  Briefly describe the work of Goebbels. [4] (b)  Explain how the events of 1930–1933 resulted in Hitler becoming Chancellor. [6] (c)  ‘The most important reason why Hitler was able to strengthen his control over Germany during 1933 and 1934 was the “Night of the Long Knives”.’ Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [10]
Sample questions Section c
QUESTION 7 SOURCE C Dr Kapp explains the situation in Germany in 1919. 7 (a) Study Source C.  Do you think this source was published by a supporter or opponent of the Weimar government? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer.  [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER  [1] e.g. 'The government lacks authority.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES DR KAPP AS AN OPPONENT OF THE WEIMAR GOVERNMENT- NO EXPLANATION.  [2] e.g. 'Dr Kapp was always against the Weimar government in its early years.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS SOURCE OR EXPLICIT CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE DEMONSTRATED.  [3-4] The source is obviously anti-Weimar government as it outlines the country's problems - social, economic and political and states that the government is incapable of overcoming them.' LEVEL 4: BOTH ELEMENTS OF LEVEL 3.  [5-6] e.g. 'Dr Kapp was a right-wing politician during the early 1920s who was always critical of the Weimar government and this is made clear by the source that explains that the government is incapable of overcoming internal and external threats to Germany.' Prices are rising.  Hardship is growing.  Starvation threatens.  The government lacks authority and is incapable of overcoming the danger.  From the east we are threatened with destruction by communism.
SOURCE D A French soldier guarding a train full of German coal from the Ruhr in 1923. 7 (b) Study Source D. Explain why the German people were angered by events in the Ruhr in 1923. Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer.  [7] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER OR DESCRIBES SURFACE FEATURES OF THE PHOTOGRAPH.  [1-2] e.g. 'The German people were angered about events in the Ruhr in 1923 because they felt that they were unfairly treated.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES SPECIFIC REASONS IN THE SOURCE OR CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE ONLY. AWARD 3 MARKS FOR ONE POINT, 4 MARKS FOR TWO POINTS.  [3-4] e.g. 'The German people were angered about events in the Ruhr because the French took their coal.' LEVEL 3: USES CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO EXPLAIN THE POINTS IN THE SOURCE.  [4-6] e.g. 1n 1923 the French took coal from the Ruhr because the Germans could not pay their reparations. This angered the Germans.' LEVEL 4: AS FOR LEVEL 3, BUT IN ADDITION EXPLAINS OTHER REASONS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN IN THE SOURCE.  [7] e.g. 'French and Belgians invaded the Ruhr.' 'They took in goods and raw materials owed to them.' 'industrial production collapsed.'
SOURCE E A photograph taken in 1923 of children using German banknotes as toys   7 (c) Study Source E. How far does this photograph explain why Germany faced difficulties in 1923? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer.  [7] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER OR DESCRIBES SURFACE FEATURES OF THE PHOTOGRAPH.  [1-2] e.g. The Germans had financial difficulties.' N.B. INCLUDE IN THIS LEVEL GENERAL ASSERTIONS ABOUT THE RELIABILITY OF THE SOURCE. LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES SPECIFIC REASONS IN THE SOURCE OR CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE OR VALID INTERPRETATION.  [3-4] e.g. 'Money was worthless.' LEVEL 3: USES CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO EXPLAIN WHY THE GERMANS FACED DIFFICULTIES FROM POINTS SHOWN IN THE SOURCE  [5-6] e.g. 'German children were using banknotes as toys because they were otherwise worthless. Germany was suffering from hyperinflation.' OR EXPLAINS OTHER REASONS (NOT MENTIONED IN THE SOURCE). LEVEL 4: BOTH ELEMENTS OF LEVEL 3.  [7] e.g. The photograph gives part of the explanation in that German banknotes were worthless because Germany was suffering from hyperinflation. However, Germany faced other difficulties in 1923 like the foreign occupation of some of its territory, which caused economic and social problems.'
8 (a) What were the main features of the Nazi police state?  [4] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE NAZI POLICE STATE. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL. e.g. 'Control of the police' (1); 'control of the courts' (1); 'the SS' (1); 'the Gestapo' (1). 'A main feature of the Nazi police state was the Death's Head Units which were responsible for the concentration camps' (2).
8 (b) Explain why the 'Night of the Long Knives' took place.  [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE.  [1] e.g. 'Hitler organised the 'Night of the Long Knives' to get rid of opposition.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S) OR DESCRIBES. ONE REASON (2 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS).  [2-3] e.g. 'Hitler was suspicious of the SA.' The SA was undisciplined.' 'Hitler saw Rohm as a personal rival.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S). ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS).  [3-6] e.g. 'Hitler became increasingly suspicious of Rohm who as leader of the SA controlled about four million men. He therefore acted quickly and ruthlessly to rid himself of this threat by arresting and executing Rohm and his main followers.'
8 (c) The most important factor enabling the Nazis to control the German people was their use of terror.' Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.[10] LEVEL 1: DISAGREES/AGREES BUT WITH NO EXPLANATION.  [1 -2] e.g. 'Propaganda.' LEVEL 2: AGREES WITH STATEMENT AND EXPLAINS OR DISAGREES AND EXPLAINS ANOTHER' MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR.  [3-5] e.g. Explains 'the Nazi use of terror' OR  explains 'the Nazi use of propaganda.' N.B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 4 MARKS). LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF FACTORS AND MAY CONCLUDE THAT ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS.  [6-8] e.g. Explains 'the Nazi use of propaganda; explains use of terror; explains control of education.' LEVEL 4: CONSIDERS A VARIETY OF FACTORS, EXPLAINS WHY ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS, OR WHY OTHERS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE CHOSEN (MUST COMPARE).  [8-9] e.g. Terror was important in keeping opponents quiet, but propaganda was more important because that was how the Nazis instructed/persuaded the mass of people in what was expected of them. You cannot make people support you through terror, but you can through propaganda.' LEVEL 5: CONSTRUCTS AN EXPLANATION WHICH CONSIDERS THE INTER-RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A RANGE OF FACTORS, AND WHICH ILLUSTRATES THAT ONE 'MORE IMPORTANT' FACTOR ON ITS OWN COULD NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION.  [9-10] e.g. The Nazis used different instruments of control over different sections of German society. Terror was needed to deal with opponents. People like the Communists hated the Nazis; no amount of propaganda would win the support of these opponents, so they had to be kept quiet. Propaganda was how adults were told to think, and how ideas and image of the Nazi Party could be spread. Education was how children would become good Nazis. So none of these methods were more important than the others; they were all part of the Nazis' system of control' (fully explained).

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  • 1. 1937/11 YEAR 11 J417 YEAR 10 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 9 th June 2010
  • 2. SC CK “ “ TLP Are you Surprised? MEB or WEB RTTQ / BALANCE ATFQ - PERSONALISE
  • 3. Learning Outcome By the end of this session you will have..... Improved your chances of success on Paper I by focussing on topics and tactics......
  • 4.  
  • 7.
  • 8. 1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3 rd June 2009 2 hours Section A Two picture sources – CHOOSE ONE TO ANSWER (i) International Relations pre-1939 – i.e. TOV (ii) International Relations post-1945 – i.e. Cold War – Berlin Airlift, Vietnam Answer two questions:- [6] [9] marks [6] What is the message......? START your answer “The message of this cartoon/source is.......” [9] Explain why....... START your answer by REWORDING THE QUESTION Recommended time:- 15-20 minutes
  • 9. 1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section B CHOOSE ONE QUESTION – with 3 parts (a)(b)(c) Questions are always [4] [6] [10] [4] Describe or What. List facts in coherent sentence....REWORD THE QUESTION [6] Explain question. Facts BUT YOU MUST EXPLAIN / EXPAND [10] How far....? BALANCED ANSWER. SUPPORTED CONCLUSION ETC. In 2008 – it gave you three choices – ONLY WRITE ABOUT THESE THREE and remember to PERSONALISE YOUR START TO THE QUESTION ATFQ RTTQ AT THE END OF EACH PARAGRAPH/POINT. IF IT’S NOT RELEVANT – NO NEED TO PUT IT ALWAYS PUT A BRIEF BACKGROUND PARAGRAPH TO THE TOPIC AREA IN Recommended time:-35-40 mins
  • 10. 1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section B Topics from:- BUT REMEMBER YOU ONLY HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE QUESTION Int. Relations pre-1939Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations in 1920-30s, Build up to War in 1930s – Appeasement Int. Relations post 1945 -Post WW2 – Iron Curtain, Potsdam/Yalta, Start of Cold War, Iron Curtain Cold War – disputes: Korea, Cuba, Vietnam Détente in 1970s 1980s Reagan and Gorbachev 1989 End of Cold War
  • 11. 1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section C: German Depth Study: Weimar + Hitler basically..... 3 x sources first, maybe one a picture [7] [6] [7] about each source. Last question = How far.......? BALANCED ANSWER. Examine details in the sources – WHY – “This source was published because.....” Recommended:- 60 mins
  • 12. 1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Section C: German Depth Study: Choose ONE of TWO questions but answer (a) (b) (c) The questions will be [4] [6] [10] They will be from :- Weimar, Hitler’s rise to power, Securing total power, Hitler’s Germany..... [4] Describe [6] Explain – more detail needed [10] How far.....? Balanced answer
  • 13. 1937/11 PAPER I REVISION Wednesday 3rd June 2009 2 hours Give yourself the first 5 minutes to READ through the paper & make notes ONTO THE QUESTION PAPER Make an essay plan Pick points out on the source – draw on the paper! How Far Questions - Agrees Disagrees
  • 15. Paper I Wednesday 9 th June 2010
  • 23. Sample questions Section B Section B You are advised to spend about 35 minutes on this section. Answer ONE question from this section. You must answer ALL parts of the question you choose. 3 (a) What did Lloyd George hope to achieve from the Treaty of Versailles? [4] (b) Explain why Germany was made to pay reparations. [6] (c) The following were all equally important reasons why Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles: (i) limitations on its armed forces; (ii) the loss of raw materials and industries; (iii) the loss of land. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer, referring only to (i) , (ii) and (iii) . [10]
  • 26. 7 (a) What were the main features of the Weimar Constitution? [4] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE MAIN FEATURES OF THE WEIMAR CONSTITUTION. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL. [4] e.g. 'All Germans could vote (1); set up a system of proportional representation' (1) e.g. 'Set up a system of proportional representation - if a party gained 20 percent of the votes, they gained 20 percent of the seats' (2).
  • 27. (b) Explain why the Weimar Republic faced opposition between 1919 and 1923. [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ASSERTION. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE. [1 ] e.g. 'Weimar government was weak.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S)/GROUPS OR DESCRIBES. [2-3] ONE REASON (2 MARKS). TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'The German signing of the Treaty of Versailles was unpopular/ e.g. The communists did not like democracy in Germany.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S). [3-6] ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). E.g. The Spartacists were Communists who argued strongly against Ebert's plans for a democratic Germany. They wanted Germany ruled by workers councils and started a rebellion.'
  • 28. (c) ‘The most important reason for the success of the Weimar Republic between 1924 and 1929 was US loans.’ Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [10] LEVEL 1 ; GENERAL AGREEMENT THAT US LOANS WERE IMPORTANT. OR SUGGESTS ANOTHER REASON, BUT WITH NO EXPLANATION. [1] e.g. US loans.' LEVEL 2 : AGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS OR DISAGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS ANOTHER IMPORTANT REASON. [2-4] e.g. Explains US loans OR explains the leadership of Stresemann. N B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 3 MARKS). EXPLAINS ONE REASON AND IDENTIFIES ANOTHER (MAXIMUM 4 MARKS). LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF REASONS AND MAY CONCLUDE THAT ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS. [5-7] e.g. Explains why 'the leadership of Stresemann' brought success to the Weimar Republic; US loans; Germany's admission to the League of Nations.' LEVEL 4- CONSIDERS A VARIETY OF REASONS, EXPLAINS WHY ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS, OR WHY OTHERS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE CHOSEN (MUST COMPARE). [7-9] e.g. The leadership of Stresemann brought success to Germany between 1924 and 1929 as he settled the Ruhr Crisis and brought financial stability- He also negotiated international agreements that raised Germany's world status. This brought about an era of peace and prosperity to Germany. Other reasons were not so important' (explained). LEVEL 5 : CONSTRUCTS AN EXPLANATION WHICH CONSIDERS THE INTER-RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN A RANGE OF REASONS, AND WHICH ILLUSTRATES THAT ONE 'MOST IMPORTANT REASON ON ITS OWN COULD NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION. [9-10] e.g. The leadership of Stresemann brought success to Germany between 1924 and 1929 as he settled the Ruhr Crisis and brought financial stability. He also negotiated international agreements that raised Germany's world status. However, Stresemann could not have solved Germany's economic and financial problems alone and here the loans offered by the Dawes Ran helped tremendously in allowing the Germans to pay off reparations and refloat industry. In the international arena attitudes towards the Germans softened and they were eventually allowed into the League of Nations in 1926. These three reasons together accounted for the era of peace and prosperity in Germany between 1924 and 1929' (fully explained).
  • 29. SOURCE E Goering’s press officer describing his conversation with Goering shortly after the Reichstag Fire on 27 February 1933. 7(c) Study Source E. In what ways is this source useful to an historian studying Hitler's rise to power? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer . [7] Level 1: GENERAL ANSWER NOT USING THE SOURCE [1] e.g. 'One source by itself is of no use.' 'It is very useful it tells you lots of things about how he came to power.' Level 2: ASSERTIONS THAT THE REICHSTAG FIRE HELPED HITLER [2-3] e.g. ‘The Nazis blamed the Fire on the Communists.’ Level 3: CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE USED TO EXPLAIN LIMITATIONS OF THE SOURCE OR USES CONTENT OF SOURCE TO EXPLAIN THAT NAZIS WANTED TO FRAME THE COMMUNISTS [4-5] e.g. 'This source is not very useful because it does not tell you about how Hitler came to power in the first place. By this time Hitler had already done well in the elections and had been appointed as Chancellor. So this source does not tell you much about his rise to power.' ‘ Hitler wanted to blame the Communists and so the information was being doctored such as the number of sacks.’ Level 4: CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE USED TO EXPLAIN SIGNIFICANCE OF POINTS IN SOURCE [5-7] e.g. 'This source is very useful because it shows that Goering was keen to put the blame for the fire on the Communists. He says it must have been 10 or 20 men because he wants people to believe that it was a Communist uprising. This was a good move by the Nazis because it gave them the excuse to arrest Communist leaders and get rid of their opposition and to pass an emergency law which banned freedom of speech and freedom of the press. It allowed the police to ban meetings and arrest anyone they wanted. This virtually gave the Nazis total power. This is why they wanted to blame the Fire on the Communists.' I showed my report to Goering. ‘That’s sheer rubbish’, he said. ‘One sack of firelighting material! No, we must say one hundred sacks.’ ‘ But that’s impossible, Minister. No one can believe that a single man can have carried all that.’ ‘ Nothing is impossible. We must say there were ten or even twenty men. The whole thing was the signal for a Communist uprising. They must have come through the tunnel’
  • 30. 8 (a) Briefly describe the Hitler Youth movement. [4] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE 'HITLER YOUTH' MOVEMENT. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL. [4] e.g. 'Youth organisations set up by Hitler (1); taught youth loyalty to Hitter" (1) e.g. The Hitler Youth Movement was made up of five organisations, one of which was the German Girls' League' (2).
  • 31. (b) Explain why women were an important part of Hitler's plans for Germany. [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ASSERTION. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE. [1] e.g. 'Hitler saw women as important for the future of Germany.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S) OR DESCRIBES- [2-3] ONE REASON (2 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'Women produced the children.' e.g. 'Women could help Nazi indoctrination.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S). [3-6] ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). e.g. 'Women were to support the Nazi state by bearing pure Ayran children, at least four. These children would provide the second generation of the Nazi regime.'
  • 32. (c) Did everyone In Germany benefit from Nazi rule? Explain your answer. [10] LEVEL 1 : GENERAL ASSERTION THAT SOME BENEFITED/SOME DID NOT BENEFIT. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE. [1] e.g. 'Some people in Germany benefited from Nazi rule/ LEVEL 2: AGREES OR DISAGREES WITH THE STATEMENT WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION. SPECIFIC GROUPS NOT IDENTIFIED. OR IDENTIFIES SPECIFIC GROUPS WHO BENEFITED/DID NOT BENEFIT (WITHOUT EXPLANATION). [2-4] ONE GROUP (2 MARKS). TWO OR MORE GROUPS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'Some people in Germany benefited because they got jobs.' e.g. 'Some people did not benefit because they were persecuted.' OR The unemployed benefited; the businessmen benefited; some workers benefited.' N.B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 3 MARKS). LEVEL 3 : BALANCED ANSWER WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION. [4-6] SPECIFIC GROUPS NOT IDENTIFIED. e.g. Uses BOTH of the LEVEL 2 explained examples. LEVEL 4: ANSWERS WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION AND IDENTIFYING EITHER SPECIFIC GROUPS WHO BENEFITED OR DID NOT BENEFIT (ONE GROUP - MAXIMUM 5 MARKS). [5-7] e.g. The unemployed benefited because they got jobs on public works programmes and in the armed services. Business made more profits and their workers were more disciplined' (explained). N.B, IF ONE ELEMENT EXPLAINED AND OTHER IDENTIFIED ALLOW TOP OF LEVEL 4. LEVEL 5: BALANCED ANSWER WITH SUPPORTING EXPLANATION AND IDENTIFYING BOTH SPECIFIC GROUPS WHO BENEFITED AND DID NOT BENEFIT. [8-10] e.g. The unemployed benefited because they got jobs on public works programmes and in the armed services. Businessmen made more profits and their workers were more disciplined. However, free trade unions were banned and trade unionists were persecuted if they spoke up for their rights. Professional women were stopped from working in order to stay at home with their families, which many resented as a restriction of their freedom' (fully explained).
  • 33. 8 (a) Briefly describe the methods used by the Nazis to deal with their opponents within Germany. [4 ] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE NAZI METHODS USED TO DEAL WITH THEIR OPPONENTS. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL. [4] e.g. The SA (1); the SS (1); concentration camps (1); propaganda' (1). e.g. 'Concentration camps were used to imprison millions of opponents to the Nazi regime' (2) N.B. ANSWERS LIMITED TO SS, SA AND GESTAPO (MAXIMUM 2 MARKS).
  • 34. (b) Explain why different groups opposed Nazi rule. [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ASSERTION. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE. [1 ] e.g. They opposed Nazi rule because they did not like them.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S)/GROUPS OR DESCRIBES- [2-3] ONE REASON (2 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). e.g. 'Resented Nazi control over the church.' e.g. 'Resented the brutality of the Nazi police state.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S). (3-6] ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). e.g. 'Many Protestant clergy opposed Nazi rule because they resented Nazi brutality and control over the church. They objected to the setting up of the German Faith Movement, which they saw as anti-Christian.'
  • 35. (c) The most important factor enabling the Nazis to control the German people was their use of propaganda.' Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [10] LEVEL 1: GENERAL AGREEMENT THAT PROPAGANDA WAS IMPORTANT. OR SUGGESTS ANOTHER FACTOR, BUT WITH NO EXPLANATION. [1] e.g. 'Propaganda.' LEVEL 2: AGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS OR DISAGREES WITH THE QUESTION AND EXPLAINS ANOTHER IMPORTANT FACTOR. [2-4] e.g. Explains Nazi use of propaganda OR explains the Nazi use of persecution. N.B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 3 MARKS). EXPLAINS ONE FACTOR AND IDENTIFIES ANOTHER (MAXIMUM 4 MARKS). LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF FACTORS AND MAY CONCLUDE THAT ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS. [5-7] e.g. Explains why the use of persecution; the use of propaganda; the Nazi education system enabled the Nazis to control the German people. LEVEL 4: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF FACTORS. EXPLAINS WHY ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS, OR WHY OTHERS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE CHOSEN (MUST COMPARE). |7-9] e.g. 'Persecution was important in keeping opponents quiet, but propaganda was more important because that was how the Nazis instructed/persuaded the mass of people in what was expected of them. You cannot make people support you through persecution, but you can through propaganda' (explained). LEVEL 5: CONSTRUCTS AN EXPLANATION WHICH CONSIDERS THE INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN A RANGE OF FACTORS AND WHICH ILLUSTRATES THAT ONE -MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR ON ITS OWN COULD NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION. [9-10] e.g. The Nazis used different instruments of control over different sections of German society. Persecution was needed to deal with opponents. People like the Communists hated the Nazis; no amount of propaganda would win the support of opponents, so they had to be kept quiet. Propaganda was how adults were told to think, and how the ideas and image of the Nazi Party could be spread. Education was how children would become good Nazis. So none of these methods were more important than the others; they were all part of the Nazi system of control' (fully explained).
  • 36. Choose ONE of the following two questions. You must answer ALL parts of the question you choose. 8 (a) What were the main features of the Weimar Constitution? [4] (b) Explain why 1923 was a difficult year for the Weimar Republic. [6] (c) How far was the Weimar Republic a failure? Explain your answer. [10] 9 (a) Briefly describe the work of Goebbels. [4] (b) Explain how the events of 1930–1933 resulted in Hitler becoming Chancellor. [6] (c) ‘The most important reason why Hitler was able to strengthen his control over Germany during 1933 and 1934 was the “Night of the Long Knives”.’ Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. [10]
  • 38. QUESTION 7 SOURCE C Dr Kapp explains the situation in Germany in 1919. 7 (a) Study Source C. Do you think this source was published by a supporter or opponent of the Weimar government? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER [1] e.g. 'The government lacks authority.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES DR KAPP AS AN OPPONENT OF THE WEIMAR GOVERNMENT- NO EXPLANATION. [2] e.g. 'Dr Kapp was always against the Weimar government in its early years.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS SOURCE OR EXPLICIT CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE DEMONSTRATED. [3-4] The source is obviously anti-Weimar government as it outlines the country's problems - social, economic and political and states that the government is incapable of overcoming them.' LEVEL 4: BOTH ELEMENTS OF LEVEL 3. [5-6] e.g. 'Dr Kapp was a right-wing politician during the early 1920s who was always critical of the Weimar government and this is made clear by the source that explains that the government is incapable of overcoming internal and external threats to Germany.' Prices are rising. Hardship is growing. Starvation threatens. The government lacks authority and is incapable of overcoming the danger. From the east we are threatened with destruction by communism.
  • 39. SOURCE D A French soldier guarding a train full of German coal from the Ruhr in 1923. 7 (b) Study Source D. Explain why the German people were angered by events in the Ruhr in 1923. Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER OR DESCRIBES SURFACE FEATURES OF THE PHOTOGRAPH. [1-2] e.g. 'The German people were angered about events in the Ruhr in 1923 because they felt that they were unfairly treated.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES SPECIFIC REASONS IN THE SOURCE OR CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE ONLY. AWARD 3 MARKS FOR ONE POINT, 4 MARKS FOR TWO POINTS. [3-4] e.g. 'The German people were angered about events in the Ruhr because the French took their coal.' LEVEL 3: USES CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO EXPLAIN THE POINTS IN THE SOURCE. [4-6] e.g. 1n 1923 the French took coal from the Ruhr because the Germans could not pay their reparations. This angered the Germans.' LEVEL 4: AS FOR LEVEL 3, BUT IN ADDITION EXPLAINS OTHER REASONS WHICH ARE NOT SHOWN IN THE SOURCE. [7] e.g. 'French and Belgians invaded the Ruhr.' 'They took in goods and raw materials owed to them.' 'industrial production collapsed.'
  • 40. SOURCE E A photograph taken in 1923 of children using German banknotes as toys 7 (c) Study Source E. How far does this photograph explain why Germany faced difficulties in 1923? Use the source and your knowledge to explain your answer. [7] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER OR DESCRIBES SURFACE FEATURES OF THE PHOTOGRAPH. [1-2] e.g. The Germans had financial difficulties.' N.B. INCLUDE IN THIS LEVEL GENERAL ASSERTIONS ABOUT THE RELIABILITY OF THE SOURCE. LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES SPECIFIC REASONS IN THE SOURCE OR CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE OR VALID INTERPRETATION. [3-4] e.g. 'Money was worthless.' LEVEL 3: USES CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE TO EXPLAIN WHY THE GERMANS FACED DIFFICULTIES FROM POINTS SHOWN IN THE SOURCE [5-6] e.g. 'German children were using banknotes as toys because they were otherwise worthless. Germany was suffering from hyperinflation.' OR EXPLAINS OTHER REASONS (NOT MENTIONED IN THE SOURCE). LEVEL 4: BOTH ELEMENTS OF LEVEL 3. [7] e.g. The photograph gives part of the explanation in that German banknotes were worthless because Germany was suffering from hyperinflation. However, Germany faced other difficulties in 1923 like the foreign occupation of some of its territory, which caused economic and social problems.'
  • 41. 8 (a) What were the main features of the Nazi police state? [4] AWARD ONE MARK FOR EACH RELEVANT POINT MADE ABOUT THE NAZI POLICE STATE. AWARD ONE ADDITIONAL MARK TO EACH POINT FOR SUPPORTING DETAIL. e.g. 'Control of the police' (1); 'control of the courts' (1); 'the SS' (1); 'the Gestapo' (1). 'A main feature of the Nazi police state was the Death's Head Units which were responsible for the concentration camps' (2).
  • 42. 8 (b) Explain why the 'Night of the Long Knives' took place. [6] LEVEL 1: GENERAL ANSWER. ANSWERS LACK SPECIFIC CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE. [1] e.g. 'Hitler organised the 'Night of the Long Knives' to get rid of opposition.' LEVEL 2: IDENTIFIES REASON(S) OR DESCRIBES. ONE REASON (2 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (3 MARKS). [2-3] e.g. 'Hitler was suspicious of the SA.' The SA was undisciplined.' 'Hitler saw Rohm as a personal rival.' LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS REASON(S). ONE REASON (3-4 MARKS), TWO OR MORE REASONS (4-6 MARKS). [3-6] e.g. 'Hitler became increasingly suspicious of Rohm who as leader of the SA controlled about four million men. He therefore acted quickly and ruthlessly to rid himself of this threat by arresting and executing Rohm and his main followers.'
  • 43. 8 (c) The most important factor enabling the Nazis to control the German people was their use of terror.' Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.[10] LEVEL 1: DISAGREES/AGREES BUT WITH NO EXPLANATION. [1 -2] e.g. 'Propaganda.' LEVEL 2: AGREES WITH STATEMENT AND EXPLAINS OR DISAGREES AND EXPLAINS ANOTHER' MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR. [3-5] e.g. Explains 'the Nazi use of terror' OR explains 'the Nazi use of propaganda.' N.B. DESCRIPTION ONLY (MAXIMUM 4 MARKS). LEVEL 3: EXPLAINS A VARIETY OF FACTORS AND MAY CONCLUDE THAT ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS. [6-8] e.g. Explains 'the Nazi use of propaganda; explains use of terror; explains control of education.' LEVEL 4: CONSIDERS A VARIETY OF FACTORS, EXPLAINS WHY ONE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE OTHERS, OR WHY OTHERS ARE LESS IMPORTANT THAN THE ONE CHOSEN (MUST COMPARE). [8-9] e.g. Terror was important in keeping opponents quiet, but propaganda was more important because that was how the Nazis instructed/persuaded the mass of people in what was expected of them. You cannot make people support you through terror, but you can through propaganda.' LEVEL 5: CONSTRUCTS AN EXPLANATION WHICH CONSIDERS THE INTER-RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A RANGE OF FACTORS, AND WHICH ILLUSTRATES THAT ONE 'MORE IMPORTANT' FACTOR ON ITS OWN COULD NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY EXPLANATION. [9-10] e.g. The Nazis used different instruments of control over different sections of German society. Terror was needed to deal with opponents. People like the Communists hated the Nazis; no amount of propaganda would win the support of these opponents, so they had to be kept quiet. Propaganda was how adults were told to think, and how ideas and image of the Nazi Party could be spread. Education was how children would become good Nazis. So none of these methods were more important than the others; they were all part of the Nazis' system of control' (fully explained).