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Our World 
Revision Guide 
1. Key words 
2. Place and Purpose for Humans (using talents) 
3. Creationism (Literalists and Non-literalists) 
4. Evolution and The Big Bang Theory 
5. Animal Rights 
6. Stewardship 
Key Words 
The human race 
The art of making 
Having control over an area 
Responsibility given by God to look 
after the planet 
The spiritual form of a persons 
identity or personality 
The surroundings or conditions in 
which a person, animal, or plant lives.
The place and purpose for Humans 
What is the place and purpose of humans? 
Make sure you understand the relationship 
between God/ Allah and Humans. 
Make sure you understand God’s/Allah's 
expectations of Humans. 
The place and purpose for Christians 
•To serve God and live for him (this includes telling others about and 
sharing ones faith) 
•To obey God (following the way of life his commandments show and 
which Jesus taught) 
•To enjoy the world, it’s fruits and resources (they are a gift from God) 
•To look after the world for God (Stewardship). (This includes sensible 
use of resources and trying to conserve nature) 
•To look after and live in harmony with others 
•To have sexual relationships and children. 
The place and purpose for Muslims 
• To serve Allah and live for him (There is no God but Allah) 
• To respect other human beings and animals (there is one creator 
of us all) 
• To act as KHALIFAHS or guardians of the planet (Allah gave this 
responsibility to humans) 
• To have sexual relationships and children. (this is a natural part of 
life and a gift from Allah) 
Natural resources of the 
world are there for us to 
enjoy and to make life better 
God gave humans the 
responsibility of caring for the 
world. So we should natural 
resources wisely. 
How should we use 
natural resources? 
Natural Resources are limited 
so we should be careful with 
how we use them as they can 
not be replaced. 
We can not just take – we 
have to put back too. 
God gave us our talents so we 
should be thankful and use it 
Why should we use our 
to benefit others. 
Failing to use an ability is a 
waste and an insult to others 
and God. 
It is important to share our 
different skills and talents 
with each other. 
Not everyone can do 
everything for themselves so 
they rely on others to provide 
a skill they have not got. 
Possible questions 
a)Explain what is meant by Humanity (2 marks) 
b)Explain how religious believers feel we should use our 
talents (4 marks) 
c)‘Life has no built in purpose, you make it yourself’ Give to 
reasons why a religious believer might agree or disagree with 
this statement. (4 marks) 
d)Explain the teaching about looking after the world in one 
religious tradition (6 marks)
Some Christians regard the 
Genesis story as 100% true, 
God created everything that is in the heavens and the earth 
There were six 'days' or periods of creative activity; and a seventh of rest – a pattern 
to be copied in life 
The order of creation was – 
- light and darkness 
- sea and sky 
- land and sea, and plants 
- sun, moon and stars 
- birds and fish 
- animals and human beings 
they take it literally. 
Humans were the only ones created 'in the image' of God; and were given special 
responsibility for the earth 
Everything was created 'out of nothing' (ex nihilo) 
Some regard the story as literal truth, others as not strictly literal but 
containing truths; and others as entirely poetic and/or mythical 
Accept references to the 'big bang' only if related to God as the cause. 
Some Christians believe that the Genesis story contains some truths but is not 
100% as it is written in Genesis. (For example, they believe the world was 
created in six periods of time rather than six 24 hour periods of time) 
•Allah made heaven and earth, and all the animals, birds and 
fish; the sun, moon and stars; the plants and the rain; the 
•The angels were sent to being seven handfuls of earth – each 
of a different colour. 
• From these the first man Adam, was made; and from his side, 
Eve – the first woman. 
•They lived in Paradise – a beautiful garden; where they could 
eat anything, except the fruit of one tree 
•On disobeying Allah, after being tempted by Iblis (he 
serpent/snake), they were placed outside the garden as a 
Muslims believe… 
Human beings were given the role of khalifah or guardian/steward to 
look after the earth and treat it with respect. 
This responsibility is binding on the ummah (community of Muslims), 
and all believers on the Day of Judgement will be judged for their 
part in looking after Allah's creation. 
“He as made you His ruling 
agents in the earth, and has 
given some of you higher rank 
than others, so that He might 
test you in the gifts. 
(Surah 6:165)” 
Humans are 
the ruling 
agents on 
Humans have 
higher rank than 
others on the 
The test is how 
well the planet is 
cared for and if 
you pass the test 
you go to Paradise 
for eternity 
The gifts are the 
gift of life, and 
the gift of al 
Allah’s creation
- Created by Charles Darwin 
- 19th Century 
- He noticed how animals adapt to their environment in 
order to survive (survival of the fittest) 
He believes 
- Over millions of years changes have occurred and 
animals today have evolved from, simpler and earlier 
life forms. 
BBC news… 
The Theory of Evolution 
Important to note…. 
-The theory has not been proved 
-The theory only describes a 
process of development within a 
species BUT does not explain the 
transformation from one species 
to another (for example; Ape to 
A group of distinguished scientists is calling on the government to require that 
every school in Britain should teach the theory of evolution, and to ban the 
teaching of Creationism "as a scientific theory" in all publicly-funded schools. 
The list of signatories includes some of the country's best-known scientists, 
and the organisations associated with the petition include both the British 
Humanist Association and Ekklesia, the Christian public theology think-tank. 
Creationism and 'intelligent design' are not scientific theories, but they are 
portrayed as scientific theories by some religious fundamentalists who 
attempt to have their views promoted in publicly-funded schools. There 
should be enforceable statutory guidance that they may not be presented as 
scientific theories in any publicly-funded school of whatever type. But this is 
not enough. An understanding of evolution is central to understanding all 
aspects of biology. The teaching of evolution should be included at both 
primary and secondary levels in the National Curriculum and in all schools." 
Oldest footprints on Earth found 
The oldest 'footprints' ever made on Earth by an animal have 
been discovered in Poland, in Eastern Europe. 
The tracks were made by an unknown creature, which scientists 
think would have looked a bit like a crocodile, and lived 397 
million years ago. Scientists are really excited about the 
discovery, because it shows animals were walking on Earth 
millions of years earlier than they thought. It's hoped the tracks 
can teach them more about how animals have developed. The 
tracks were found on rocks in a quarry in southeast Poland. They 
are so detailed that scientists can even make out dents made by 
the creatures' toes when walking. 
Muddy Beach 
When the animals were alive the quarry would have been a 
muddy, tropical beach. Scientists can make out 'toes' on the 
ancient footprints called Nature. 
Scientists think these crocodile-like animals were some of the first 
creatures that adapted to live on dry land. 
Little is known about how creatures developed from living 
underwater to walking on land, and it's hoped these footprints 
will teach scientists more about this bit of evolution. 
According to the theory of evolution, today's animals got here 
after millions of years of growing and changing. 
The research was published in a science magazine
Most astronomers believe the Universe began in a Big Bang about 14 
billion years ago. At that time, the entire Universe was inside a bubble that 
was thousands of times smaller than a pinhead. It was hotter and denser 
than anything we can imagine. 
Then it suddenly exploded. The Universe that we know was born. Time, 
space and matter all began with the Big Bang. In a fraction of a second, the 
Universe grew from smaller than a single atom to bigger than a galaxy. And 
it kept on growing at a fantastic rate. It is still expanding today. 
As the Universe expanded and cooled, energy changed into particles of 
matter and antimatter. These two opposite types of particles largely 
destroyed each other. But some matter survived. More stable particles 
called protons and neutrons started to form when the Universe was one 
second old. 
Over the next three minutes, the temperature dropped below 1 billion 
degrees Celsius. It was now cool enough for the protons and neutrons to 
come together, forming hydrogen and helium nuclei. 
After 300 000 years, the Universe had cooled to about 3000 degrees. 
Atomic nuclei could finally capture electrons to form atoms. The Universe 
filled with clouds of hydrogen and helium gas. 
Important to note… 
-It is only a theory and some scientists don’t accept some f the 
evidence and question its accuracy. 
-There are some questions which cannot be answered about 
the theory such as “what caused the Big Bang?” and “where 
did the matter come from in the first place?”
Christians think…. 
Animals are different from 
human beings. 
Only Humans are made in the 
image of God. 
Animals are for humans to rule 
and control. 
Human beings have a soul, 
animals do not. 
The Christian scriptures look 
forward to a perfect world in 
which human beings and animals 
co-exist side by side. 
Jesus said that even the death of 
a small sparrow does not go 
unnoticed by God. 
God made every beast for Adam 
Most Christians are happy 
to eat meat for food, 
although some are vegetarians. 
They believe all animals are part of God’s creation and 
should be respected. 
God did give Adam control over animals but as humans 
we must exercise that control carefully. 
Genesis 2:19-20 
“He brought them to the man to see what he would call 
them. Whatever the man called every living creature, that 
was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, every 
bird of the sky, and every animal of the field.” 
They warn their members not to give too 
great an importance to animals. 
People are still suffering in the world and 
they should be given the focus and help 
over animals. 
Animals however, should not be treated 
All churches believe that experiments carried out for 
essential medical research are acceptable. 
Because: the value of animal life is less that that of 
human life. And sometimes it is necessary. 
However: Experiments should not be carried out to 
improve cosmetics or for other trivial reasons. The 
animals must be treated humanely. 
(story of creation) 
• Humans are more important than animals 
• God gave humans responsibility to rule over them 
• Only humans can go to heaven 
• Animals do not have souls 
• Animals do not have the same relationship with God 
As humans do 
• Jesus healed a man possessed by a demon and sent 
It to live in a herd of pigs. 
• If you rule animals you can use them for human benefit 
• Responsibility = ensured the animals are not abused or 
Mistreated because everything belongs to God and 
Suffering should be kept to a minimum. 
PSALM 24:1 
The Earth is the 
Lord’s and 
everything in it, the 
world and all who 
live in it 
God blessed them and said to them ‘Be 
fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and reign 
over it. Rule over the dish of the sea and the 
birds of the air and over every living 
creature that moves 
Acts 10:10 
Peter was hungry and 
he dreamed sheet 
came down from 
heaven. A voice said 
‘Get up Peter. Kill and 
Peter protested he had 
never eaten anything 
unclean under Jewish 
law. But the voice said 
‘Don’t call anything 
unclean that God has 
Cattle market. One-third of 
A good deed done to a beast is as good as doing good to a human being: while an 
act of cruelty to a beast is as good as an act of cruelty to a human being” 
Prophet Muhammad PBUH 
• Allah created all life for human beings to 
treat with great respect and care. 
• Muslims are allowed to hunt animals but 
only for food, not for sport. 
• If someone has killed an animal 
unnecessarily, then the animal will testify 
against that person on the Day of 
• That person will be refused entry in to 
• Experiments on animals are allowed as long 
as they are important in the battle against 
human disease. 
• Suffering of the animal must be reduced to 
a minimum. 
• Animal experiments for cosmetic purposes, 
or any other trivial reason, are strictly 
Ihram is the practice of undertaking a hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). The pilgrimage ends with the 
celebration of the festival of Eid-ul-Adha, at which animals are slaughtered and their meat is 
distributed to everyone. 
There are two rules laid down about the slaughter of animals. 
1. An animal must not be slaughtered in front of other animals 
2. A person must not slaughter an animal that he or she has bred. 
the animal’s meat is 
consumed by direct family, 
while the other two-thirds are 
given away to friends and the 
poor Islamic residents of the 
community, respectively 
An ox is readied for the slaughter 
during the Muslim high celebration of 
Eid al-Adha, also known as the 
Festival of Sacrifice. This day caps 
off the hajj, a traditional religious 
pilgrimage to Mecca that occurs on 
the 10th day of the last month of the 
Islamic calendar. This is usually 
during the months of November or 
• Being a steward or guardian for the world brings with it responsibility to be 
careful in using the resources the world contains. 
• Natural resources are limited so we should be careful with what we have 
and make sure what we use we replace for the future 
• God has given humans responsibility of caring for the world, so we should 
use those natural resources carefully 
• The natural resources are there for us to use, enjoy and make life better 
• We can not just take, we have to put back too 
Humans are to: 
•Serve God and live for him 
•Obey God 
•Enjoy the world, and it’s fruits/ resources 
•Look after the world for God 
•Have sexual relationships and children 
•Take responsibility for the world and others in it 
•Live lives that are useful and worthwhile 
•Use their talents to care for others and the 
Humans should: 
• Live in partnership with God 
• Exercise responsibility given by God to look 
after the world 
• Preserve and conserve the resources of the 
world and the environment 
• Give thanks to God for his provision 
• Animals are living creatures and should be treated with respect like any 
other living being 
• Animals are a lower form of life, but should still be treated well 
• An animals life is valuable; but should never be placed above the value 
of human life. 
• God created animals and gave humans the responsibility of caring for 
• Humans have dominion over animals so they are there to serve ad be of 
use to humans. 
•Animals are part of God’s creation and should be treated with respect and 
•Although humans were given dominion over animals (Genesis 1) humans 
should carry out their stewardship responsibilities carefully and not abuse 
•Showing kindness and treating animals well is part of a general lifestyle of 
gratitude and thankfulness for God’s provision
Why should Christians care for the world? 
Chico Mendes 
In Brazil there had been environmental problems. Trees were 
being chopped down t make furniture and buildings. Mercury 
was being used to separate the gold from the land and mercury is 
very poisonous for humans and animals. 
Many people living there were being affected and wanted the 
area to be left alone. 
Who was Chico Mendes? 
Chico was the leader of the rubber tappers. He had been a 
rubber tapper since he was 9. As a rubber tapper he had not 
been able to go to school. Later in his life he organised the 
rubber tappers to defend their homes from cattle ranches 
(farms). He organised non-violent protests and found ways to use 
Amazonian resources to support the economic benefit for the 
local people and to protect the rainforest. 
In 1988 he won the rights to stop cattle ranchers developing and 
deforesting the area. 
Chico was killed later that year 
In his memory, the land he lived and died for was named the 
Chico Mendes Reserve and is now protected land. 
Responsibility given by God to look 
after the planet 
Christians believe 
-God did not only create the world in the beginning but that his hand is still at 
work in the world. 
-They remind themselves of God’s work and worship him (harvest, 
thanksgiving, grace before meals) 
-There are organisations and charities which protect the earth and wellbeing 
of animals. 
Why should Muslims care for the world? 
Muslims believe 
- Allah created owns and sustains the world and all its creatures. 
- Every human has a special role as a KALIFAH which is to protect 
the environment. 
Agent or steward working for Allah 
Muslims believe 
- They have a duty to use their skills to help 
keep the balance which Allah created. 
On the day of judgment all Muslims will 
stand before Allah and have to explain 
how they have treated the earth and all 
living creatures. 
Prophet Muhammad set an example of 
the care that should be given to the 
- He showed kindness to animals 
- He showed kindness to humans 
- He spoke of the importance of 
planting trees and gardens so birds. 
Humans, and animals can benefit.
We are here because: 
God/Allah put us on the world 
To try and make the world a better place 
To get the most out of life 
To care for the world and its creatures 
To know and love God/Allah 
To reproduce 
OR we don’t know – we should just live life as we want 
Live for Allah alone 
Respect other human beings 
and animals 
Act as Khalifahs of the planet 
Serve God and live for him 
Obey God 
Enjoy the world and its 
Are stewards – look after the world 
for God 
We are HUMAN not ANIMALS: 
Thoughts and experience 
Mix of body, mind, personality and soul 
We are made in the image of God/Allah – animals weren’t 
Conscience – we know the difference between right and wrong 
BUT Animal like (evolution suggests we descend from monkeys) 
The worlds resources: 
Should be used – we were put in charge; Dominionship 
The resources are here for us to enjoy 
We are we given responsibility for the world as Stewards/Khalifahs 
We can’t just take – we have to put something back 
Resources are not limitless so we have to be careful for future 
Part of Allahs creation and 
should be cared for 
We are Khalifahs of Allahs world 
and caring for animals is part of 
that responsibility 
The Hadith has examples of the 
prophet being kind to animals 
Part of Gods creation and should 
be treated with care and respect 
Although given dominionship 
(Genesis 1) we are also stewards 
God has provided so we should be 
respectful and grateful by treating 
animals with kindness 
Animals should be treated: 
With respect as should all living things 
God/Allah created them so we should look after them as stewards/khalifahs 
We have dominionship over animals so they should be useful to us 
Animal life is valuable but should never be placed above humans 
Care for world & environment: 
We are Khalifahs and should look after the 
Important to preserve Fitrah (balance) in 
the world 
All that lives or exists on the world is Allahs 
creation and so should be respected 
Care for world & environment: 
Live in partnership with God and creation 
Exercise responsibility as stewards to look 
after the world 
Preserve and conserve the resources of the 
world and environment 
Give thanks to God for provision 
We should care for the world because: 
It’s our responsibility 
Future generations will loose out if we don’t 
Good way to live – be kind and thoughtful to others 
Natural resources will run out otherwise – so we must do things like recycle and replant 
Positive Example: GUNUNG LEUSER: 
Working to identify issues in the 
Placed cameras in forests to provide 
knowledge and training 
“Operation Khalifah” 
Works on TV teachings others about bad 
effects on the environment 
Positive Example: CHICO MENDES: 
Working against deforestation 
Organised non-violent resistance 
Concerned for livelihoods of those 
depending on forests 
Protected reserve set up 
Big Bang started the world 
Evolution has shown that life gradually evolved over thousands of years 
How it happened: 
God created the world and “it was good” 
There is a purpose to existence – 
Human beings have a special relationship to 
God and to the world 
How it happened: 
Allah made the world and everything in it 
Humans were given the role of khalifahs 
and have a binding responsibility to look 
after the world and treat it with respect 
On the day of judgement Muslims will be 
called into account for how they have 
looked after Allahs creation

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Our world revision guide

  • 1. Our World Revision Guide Topics 1. Key words 2. Place and Purpose for Humans (using talents) 3. Creationism (Literalists and Non-literalists) 4. Evolution and The Big Bang Theory 5. Animal Rights 6. Stewardship Key Words Humanity The human race Creation The art of making Dominion Having control over an area Stewardship Responsibility given by God to look after the planet Soul The spiritual form of a persons identity or personality Environment The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives.
  • 2. The place and purpose for Humans What is the place and purpose of humans? Make sure you understand the relationship between God/ Allah and Humans. Make sure you understand God’s/Allah's expectations of Humans. The place and purpose for Christians •To serve God and live for him (this includes telling others about and sharing ones faith) •To obey God (following the way of life his commandments show and which Jesus taught) •To enjoy the world, it’s fruits and resources (they are a gift from God) •To look after the world for God (Stewardship). (This includes sensible use of resources and trying to conserve nature) •To look after and live in harmony with others •To have sexual relationships and children. The place and purpose for Muslims • To serve Allah and live for him (There is no God but Allah) • To respect other human beings and animals (there is one creator of us all) • To act as KHALIFAHS or guardians of the planet (Allah gave this responsibility to humans) • To have sexual relationships and children. (this is a natural part of life and a gift from Allah) Natural resources of the world are there for us to enjoy and to make life better God gave humans the responsibility of caring for the world. So we should natural resources wisely. How should we use natural resources? Natural Resources are limited so we should be careful with how we use them as they can not be replaced. We can not just take – we have to put back too. God gave us our talents so we should be thankful and use it Why should we use our talents?? to benefit others. Failing to use an ability is a waste and an insult to others and God. It is important to share our different skills and talents with each other. Not everyone can do everything for themselves so they rely on others to provide a skill they have not got. Possible questions a)Explain what is meant by Humanity (2 marks) b)Explain how religious believers feel we should use our talents (4 marks) c)‘Life has no built in purpose, you make it yourself’ Give to reasons why a religious believer might agree or disagree with this statement. (4 marks) d)Explain the teaching about looking after the world in one religious tradition (6 marks)
  • 3. Literalists Some Christians regard the Genesis story as 100% true, CHRISTIANITY God created everything that is in the heavens and the earth There were six 'days' or periods of creative activity; and a seventh of rest – a pattern to be copied in life The order of creation was – - light and darkness - sea and sky - land and sea, and plants - sun, moon and stars - birds and fish - animals and human beings they take it literally. Humans were the only ones created 'in the image' of God; and were given special responsibility for the earth Everything was created 'out of nothing' (ex nihilo) Some regard the story as literal truth, others as not strictly literal but containing truths; and others as entirely poetic and/or mythical Accept references to the 'big bang' only if related to God as the cause. Non-literalists Some Christians believe that the Genesis story contains some truths but is not 100% as it is written in Genesis. (For example, they believe the world was created in six periods of time rather than six 24 hour periods of time) Creationism ISLAM: •Allah made heaven and earth, and all the animals, birds and fish; the sun, moon and stars; the plants and the rain; the angels. •The angels were sent to being seven handfuls of earth – each of a different colour. • From these the first man Adam, was made; and from his side, Eve – the first woman. •They lived in Paradise – a beautiful garden; where they could eat anything, except the fruit of one tree •On disobeying Allah, after being tempted by Iblis (he serpent/snake), they were placed outside the garden as a punishment Muslims believe… Human beings were given the role of khalifah or guardian/steward to look after the earth and treat it with respect. This responsibility is binding on the ummah (community of Muslims), and all believers on the Day of Judgement will be judged for their part in looking after Allah's creation. “He as made you His ruling agents in the earth, and has given some of you higher rank than others, so that He might test you in the gifts. (Surah 6:165)” Humans are the ruling agents on earth Humans have higher rank than others on the earth The test is how well the planet is cared for and if you pass the test you go to Paradise for eternity The gifts are the gift of life, and the gift of al Allah’s creation
  • 4. - Created by Charles Darwin - 19th Century - He noticed how animals adapt to their environment in order to survive (survival of the fittest) He believes - Over millions of years changes have occurred and animals today have evolved from, simpler and earlier life forms. BBC news… The Theory of Evolution Important to note…. -The theory has not been proved absolutely -The theory only describes a process of development within a species BUT does not explain the transformation from one species to another (for example; Ape to Human) A group of distinguished scientists is calling on the government to require that every school in Britain should teach the theory of evolution, and to ban the teaching of Creationism "as a scientific theory" in all publicly-funded schools. The list of signatories includes some of the country's best-known scientists, and the organisations associated with the petition include both the British Humanist Association and Ekklesia, the Christian public theology think-tank. Creationism and 'intelligent design' are not scientific theories, but they are portrayed as scientific theories by some religious fundamentalists who attempt to have their views promoted in publicly-funded schools. There should be enforceable statutory guidance that they may not be presented as scientific theories in any publicly-funded school of whatever type. But this is not enough. An understanding of evolution is central to understanding all aspects of biology. The teaching of evolution should be included at both primary and secondary levels in the National Curriculum and in all schools." Oldest footprints on Earth found The oldest 'footprints' ever made on Earth by an animal have been discovered in Poland, in Eastern Europe. The tracks were made by an unknown creature, which scientists think would have looked a bit like a crocodile, and lived 397 million years ago. Scientists are really excited about the discovery, because it shows animals were walking on Earth millions of years earlier than they thought. It's hoped the tracks can teach them more about how animals have developed. The tracks were found on rocks in a quarry in southeast Poland. They are so detailed that scientists can even make out dents made by the creatures' toes when walking. Muddy Beach When the animals were alive the quarry would have been a muddy, tropical beach. Scientists can make out 'toes' on the ancient footprints called Nature. Scientists think these crocodile-like animals were some of the first creatures that adapted to live on dry land. Little is known about how creatures developed from living underwater to walking on land, and it's hoped these footprints will teach scientists more about this bit of evolution. According to the theory of evolution, today's animals got here after millions of years of growing and changing. The research was published in a science magazine
  • 5. Most astronomers believe the Universe began in a Big Bang about 14 billion years ago. At that time, the entire Universe was inside a bubble that was thousands of times smaller than a pinhead. It was hotter and denser than anything we can imagine. Then it suddenly exploded. The Universe that we know was born. Time, space and matter all began with the Big Bang. In a fraction of a second, the Universe grew from smaller than a single atom to bigger than a galaxy. And it kept on growing at a fantastic rate. It is still expanding today. As the Universe expanded and cooled, energy changed into particles of matter and antimatter. These two opposite types of particles largely destroyed each other. But some matter survived. More stable particles called protons and neutrons started to form when the Universe was one second old. Over the next three minutes, the temperature dropped below 1 billion degrees Celsius. It was now cool enough for the protons and neutrons to come together, forming hydrogen and helium nuclei. After 300 000 years, the Universe had cooled to about 3000 degrees. Atomic nuclei could finally capture electrons to form atoms. The Universe filled with clouds of hydrogen and helium gas. Important to note… -It is only a theory and some scientists don’t accept some f the evidence and question its accuracy. -There are some questions which cannot be answered about the theory such as “what caused the Big Bang?” and “where did the matter come from in the first place?”
  • 6. Christians think…. Animals are different from human beings. Only Humans are made in the image of God. Animals are for humans to rule and control. Human beings have a soul, animals do not. The Christian scriptures look forward to a perfect world in which human beings and animals co-exist side by side. Jesus said that even the death of a small sparrow does not go unnoticed by God. God made every beast for Adam Most Christians are happy to eat meat for food, although some are vegetarians. They believe all animals are part of God’s creation and should be respected. God did give Adam control over animals but as humans we must exercise that control carefully. Genesis 2:19-20 “He brought them to the man to see what he would call them. Whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle, every bird of the sky, and every animal of the field.” They warn their members not to give too great an importance to animals. People are still suffering in the world and they should be given the focus and help over animals. Animals however, should not be treated cruelly. All churches believe that experiments carried out for essential medical research are acceptable. Because: the value of animal life is less that that of human life. And sometimes it is necessary. However: Experiments should not be carried out to improve cosmetics or for other trivial reasons. The animals must be treated humanely. CHRISTIAN VIEWS TOWARDS ANIMALS Genesis (story of creation) CHRISTIAN BELIEFS: • Humans are more important than animals • God gave humans responsibility to rule over them • Only humans can go to heaven • Animals do not have souls • Animals do not have the same relationship with God As humans do • Jesus healed a man possessed by a demon and sent It to live in a herd of pigs. • If you rule animals you can use them for human benefit • Responsibility = ensured the animals are not abused or Mistreated because everything belongs to God and Suffering should be kept to a minimum. PSALM 24:1 The Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world and all who live in it GENESIS 1:28 God blessed them and said to them ‘Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and reign over it. Rule over the dish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves Acts 10:10 Peter was hungry and he dreamed sheet came down from heaven. A voice said ‘Get up Peter. Kill and Eat.’ Peter protested he had never eaten anything unclean under Jewish law. But the voice said ‘Don’t call anything unclean that God has made’.
  • 7. Cattle market. One-third of A good deed done to a beast is as good as doing good to a human being: while an act of cruelty to a beast is as good as an act of cruelty to a human being” Prophet Muhammad PBUH (Hadith) MUSLIM VIEWS TOWARDS ANIMALS • Allah created all life for human beings to treat with great respect and care. • Muslims are allowed to hunt animals but only for food, not for sport. • If someone has killed an animal unnecessarily, then the animal will testify against that person on the Day of Judgement. • That person will be refused entry in to heaven. • Experiments on animals are allowed as long as they are important in the battle against human disease. • Suffering of the animal must be reduced to a minimum. • Animal experiments for cosmetic purposes, or any other trivial reason, are strictly forbidden. Ihram Ihram is the practice of undertaking a hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca). The pilgrimage ends with the celebration of the festival of Eid-ul-Adha, at which animals are slaughtered and their meat is distributed to everyone. There are two rules laid down about the slaughter of animals. 1. An animal must not be slaughtered in front of other animals 2. A person must not slaughter an animal that he or she has bred. the animal’s meat is consumed by direct family, while the other two-thirds are given away to friends and the poor Islamic residents of the community, respectively An ox is readied for the slaughter during the Muslim high celebration of Eid al-Adha, also known as the Festival of Sacrifice. This day caps off the hajj, a traditional religious pilgrimage to Mecca that occurs on the 10th day of the last month of the Islamic calendar. This is usually during the months of November or December MUSLIM VIEWS TOWARDS ANIMALS
  • 8. HOW SHOULD WE TREAT OUR NATURAL RESOURCES • Being a steward or guardian for the world brings with it responsibility to be careful in using the resources the world contains. • Natural resources are limited so we should be careful with what we have and make sure what we use we replace for the future • God has given humans responsibility of caring for the world, so we should use those natural resources carefully • The natural resources are there for us to use, enjoy and make life better • We can not just take, we have to put back too TEACHINGS OF HUMAN KIND IN THE WORLD CHRISTIAN Humans are to: •Serve God and live for him •Obey God •Enjoy the world, and it’s fruits/ resources •Look after the world for God •Have sexual relationships and children •Take responsibility for the world and others in it •Live lives that are useful and worthwhile •Use their talents to care for others and the world. TEACHINGS OF CARING FOR THE WORLD AND THE ENVIRONMENT CHRISTIAN Humans should: • Live in partnership with God • Exercise responsibility given by God to look after the world • Preserve and conserve the resources of the world and the environment • Give thanks to God for his provision HOW SHOULD ANIMALS BE TREATED? • Animals are living creatures and should be treated with respect like any other living being • Animals are a lower form of life, but should still be treated well • An animals life is valuable; but should never be placed above the value of human life. • God created animals and gave humans the responsibility of caring for them • Humans have dominion over animals so they are there to serve ad be of use to humans. RELIGIOUS TEACHING ON HOW ANIMALS RIGHTS •Animals are part of God’s creation and should be treated with respect and care •Although humans were given dominion over animals (Genesis 1) humans should carry out their stewardship responsibilities carefully and not abuse animals •Showing kindness and treating animals well is part of a general lifestyle of gratitude and thankfulness for God’s provision
  • 9. Why should Christians care for the world? Chico Mendes Situation: In Brazil there had been environmental problems. Trees were being chopped down t make furniture and buildings. Mercury was being used to separate the gold from the land and mercury is very poisonous for humans and animals. Many people living there were being affected and wanted the area to be left alone. Who was Chico Mendes? Chico was the leader of the rubber tappers. He had been a rubber tapper since he was 9. As a rubber tapper he had not been able to go to school. Later in his life he organised the rubber tappers to defend their homes from cattle ranches (farms). He organised non-violent protests and found ways to use Amazonian resources to support the economic benefit for the local people and to protect the rainforest. In 1988 he won the rights to stop cattle ranchers developing and deforesting the area. Chico was killed later that year In his memory, the land he lived and died for was named the Chico Mendes Reserve and is now protected land. Stewardship Responsibility given by God to look after the planet Christians believe -God did not only create the world in the beginning but that his hand is still at work in the world. -They remind themselves of God’s work and worship him (harvest, thanksgiving, grace before meals) -There are organisations and charities which protect the earth and wellbeing of animals. Why should Muslims care for the world? Muslims believe - Allah created owns and sustains the world and all its creatures. - Every human has a special role as a KALIFAH which is to protect the environment. Kalifah Agent or steward working for Allah Muslims believe - They have a duty to use their skills to help keep the balance which Allah created. On the day of judgment all Muslims will stand before Allah and have to explain how they have treated the earth and all living creatures. Prophet Muhammad set an example of the care that should be given to the world - He showed kindness to animals - He showed kindness to humans - He spoke of the importance of planting trees and gardens so birds. Humans, and animals can benefit.
  • 10. We are here because: God/Allah put us on the world To try and make the world a better place To get the most out of life To care for the world and its creatures To know and love God/Allah To reproduce OUR WORLD CHEAT SHEET OR we don’t know – we should just live life as we want CHRISTIANITY Islam Humans: Live for Allah alone Respect other human beings and animals Act as Khalifahs of the planet Humans: Serve God and live for him Obey God Enjoy the world and its fruits/resources Are stewards – look after the world for God We are HUMAN not ANIMALS: Thoughts and experience Mix of body, mind, personality and soul We are made in the image of God/Allah – animals weren’t Conscience – we know the difference between right and wrong BUT Animal like (evolution suggests we descend from monkeys) The worlds resources: Should be used – we were put in charge; Dominionship The resources are here for us to enjoy BUT We are we given responsibility for the world as Stewards/Khalifahs We can’t just take – we have to put something back Resources are not limitless so we have to be careful for future generations CHRISTIANITY Islam Animals: Part of Allahs creation and should be cared for We are Khalifahs of Allahs world and caring for animals is part of that responsibility The Hadith has examples of the prophet being kind to animals Animals: Part of Gods creation and should be treated with care and respect Although given dominionship (Genesis 1) we are also stewards God has provided so we should be respectful and grateful by treating animals with kindness Animals should be treated: With respect as should all living things God/Allah created them so we should look after them as stewards/khalifahs BUT We have dominionship over animals so they should be useful to us Animal life is valuable but should never be placed above humans CHRISTIANITY Islam Care for world & environment: We are Khalifahs and should look after the world Important to preserve Fitrah (balance) in the world All that lives or exists on the world is Allahs creation and so should be respected Care for world & environment: Live in partnership with God and creation Exercise responsibility as stewards to look after the world Preserve and conserve the resources of the world and environment Give thanks to God for provision We should care for the world because: It’s our responsibility Future generations will loose out if we don’t Good way to live – be kind and thoughtful to others Natural resources will run out otherwise – so we must do things like recycle and replant CHRISTIANITY Islam Positive Example: GUNUNG LEUSER: Working to identify issues in the environment Placed cameras in forests to provide knowledge and training “Operation Khalifah” Works on TV teachings others about bad effects on the environment Positive Example: CHICO MENDES: Working against deforestation Organised non-violent resistance Concerned for livelihoods of those depending on forests Protected reserve set up Creation Science: Big Bang started the world Evolution has shown that life gradually evolved over thousands of years CHRISTIANITY Islam How it happened: God created the world and “it was good” (Genesis) There is a purpose to existence – dominion/stewardship Human beings have a special relationship to God and to the world How it happened: Allah made the world and everything in it Humans were given the role of khalifahs and have a binding responsibility to look after the world and treat it with respect On the day of judgement Muslims will be called into account for how they have looked after Allahs creation