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The Theory of Evolution Essay
The theory of evolution by natural selection does not interfere with the Judeo–Christian view of god
as the creator, based on multiple sources including statements from the Pope himself. Although
throughout history there are many instances of conflict between people, science, and the Catholic
Church, there has recently been a widespread acceptance for science and many even say it does not
interfere with the Judeo–Christian view of god as the creator. This essay will discuss the different
types of views there are on evolution and creation, as well as go in depth to prove how evolution by
natural selection does not interfere with the Judeo–Christian view on evolution. There are many
different views on evolution. The first is more content...
(Akin) Galileo was a prime example of a conflict between the Catholic Church and science. He
was a devout roman catholic, however a great scientist. Galileo had many contributions to the
world such as the telescope and his many discoveries in outer space. However one of the more
widely recognized was his support to Copernicus' theory of heliocentricity. Before this the church
had stated that the sun revolved around the earth, known as the theory of geocenctricity. Galileo's
teachings were consequently banned by the church, and Galileo himself imprisoned. However, in
1992 the Vatican under Pope John Paul II held a ceremony to proclaim that Galileo was right in his
findings and support of Copernicus. (Tracts) This shows that the present day church does not see
science as a threat or interference to its teachings. The present day church actually supports science,
as well as the theory of evolution by natural selection. However, although evolution is widely
accepted by many Popes, as well as the Catholic Church, many things are still maintained. It is still
maintained that Adam was the first human and all life originated from him. The church still says
that all humans have souls. The church insists that a soul is unobservable; therefore it is untestable
by science since it has no effect on the natural world, and science cannot confirm or deny its
existence. The big bang theory is
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Evidence Of Evolution
Nora Lyang
AP Bio Pd. 3
2 January 2016
Evidence of Evolution The theory of evolution is the process how organisms on Earth change over
time by natural selection. The theory of evolution is so widely known that it is almost universally
accepted, except for a few people that think otherwise. For a theory to become so widely known
and established, there has to have been evidence to back it up. The most prominent pieces of
evidence for evolution are often cited as biogeography, homology, analogy, direct evidence, and
paleontology. Each of these pieces of evidence provide indication for evolution. Biogeography is
the study of where life is found and where their descendants were living in the past. Before Darwin,
all scientists believed in more content...
Analogous structures have similar structures, but a different origin. They also have similar functions.
An example of analogy that supports the theory of evolution is speciation. Speciation is defined as
the biological change over time by which new species arrive. Some might wonder how analogous
structures come to be. Different species usually become more alike because of convergent evolution.
For example, two species can live in different but similar environments and need to fill the same
niche in different places on Earth. Because natural selection is the same around the world, the
species will go through similar styles of adaptations. Animals with advantageous adaptations will
be able to pass on their genes through reproduction. Reproduction continues until the advantageous
adaptation is the only one left. Occasionally, the favorable variation can change the structure of
the species. Limbs can be lost, gained, or changed, creating analogous structures in diverse
species that live in similar niches and surroundings, but don't live in the same places. A more
specific example is the similarity between the wings of birds and bats. A widespread adaptation for
many species, the wings of birds and bats are analogous as flight structures. The wings of both
animals have developed by different paths. In bats, the surface of the wing is a membrane without
feathers whereas birds have wings covered in feathers. Although both animals can fly and have
wings, they are different in many other places. Birds and bats just happen to fill the flying niche of
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The Future Of Human Evolution Essay
The Future of Human Evolution
Evolution, the science of how populations of living organisms change over time in response to their
environment, is the central unifying theme in biology today. Evolution was first explored in its
semi–modern form in Charles Darwin 's
1859 book, Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. In this book, Darwin laid out a strong
argument for evolution. He postulated that all species have a common ancestor from which they are
descended. As populations of species moved into new habitats and new parts of the world, they faced
different environmental conditions. Over time, these populations accumulated modifications, or
adaptations, that allowed them and their offspring to survive better in more content...
The question is can humans evolve (physically), that is through changes of some sort to the general
human gene pool, enough to be considered a different species sometime in the future. The answer to
this is tricky. The answer is
"yes" if there is no human intervention and "not likely" (or atleast
controlled) if there is human intervention. The more interesting answer is the latter. The first answer
deserves some mention. Through the subtraction or addition (that is through chance changes of
some sort) of alleles (different forms of a characteristic gene) from the overall gene pool until homo
sapiens are no longer is feasible. One might ask how and were this is occurring. The answer is
human genes are changing all the time through radiation and spontaneous mutations (the latter more
rapidly no than ever since the human population is now larger than ever) and one can see these
changes to the overall gene pool in the disappearance of certain human tribes within parts of Africa
and South America..
These tribes unfortunately take exclusive alleles with them. What about Natural
Selection in present human culture. Some peoples are growing faster than others, for
example–Chinese faster than any other in the present world, thus the large
Chinese population.
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Why Does Evolution Happen
The theory of evolution is a change over time to help the species survive due to natural selection.
(survival of the fit) I believe that evolution and change over time does happen, but it happened
after a creation. I will use the evidence to describe why evolution happens and how it happens.
Adaptation is the act of changing the way you look or the way you act in order to survive and
reproduce. Physical change is a type of adaptation. An example of a physical adaptation is the size
of the finches beaks, or the whale's nostrils turning into a blow hole. Next, behavioral change is the
other type of adaptation. Whales used to be land animals, but eventually changed their behavior and
became water animals so they could find food. more content...
The whales couldn't find any food on land so they adapted their behavior and eventually the way
they look to survive in water. Each couple million years the fossils change. Whales started off
looking sort of like a wolf. Then, after a while their back bone started to change. At one point
whales almost looked like a seal. () Whales over time lost most of their fur, changed from paws to
webbed feet to fins, and their nostrils changed into a blow hole. Whales probably adapted early on
because some of them were dying off of they needed food so they went in the water to hunt some
fish. They were most likely successful at this so they continued to do this, and evolved to make it
easier. Whale evolution supports the theory of evolution because you can see the fossils, and how
they changed. Also, you see the fossil record and timeline of the organisms. Because of this you
see what they looked like, where they lived, and how the adapted. Scientists can make a fossil record
of whales because of the rock layers and fossil record. The law of superposition says that any
undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, which means scientists can look at those
layers to create a fossil record. You can use absolute and relative dating to find the age of any fossil.
Scientists used half life of some type of chemical to find the absolute age of a whale fossil. Also,
they looked at fossils and whale relatives to find relative age, like some
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Evolution Essay
Evolution is a complex process by which the characteristics of living organisms change over many
generations as traits are passed from one generation to the next. Many scientists agree on that
concept. They have been trying to develop this theory over hundreds of years to make it reasonable
and beliveable to people. But is evolution the reason that humans are on earth?
People that are not quite religious and have little faith in God believe in evolution. Those who
strongly stand by their beliefs supporting evolution, in my opinion, think they know enough about
science and biology and all the complexities of the cell and the human being that they forgot who
actually created all this. In the Bible, the Quran and most more content...
This is prohibited genetically since all of the information for the development of an organism has
already been encoded in the DNA of its parent. Variation to organisms must remain within its basic
kind...evolutionists have tried to explain that natural selection happened in conjunction with
mutations to the genetic code. This could not produce evolution, however, since mutations do not
create new genetic potential, they just alter what is already there."3 Now genetic alteration, or
mutation is being taken place on animals like pigs and mice to try to have human DNA in their
cells. The chances of this taking place successfully is again very low.
Some evolutionists argue that anti–evolutionists' only sources are either religous or weak scientific
facts. The second law of thermodynamics is broadly accepted by many scientists and states that,
"...anything which is organized , tends with time, to become disorganized. Any physical system left
to itself will decay, or, lose energy and organization within the system...In other words, this law says
that the increase of information required for a life form to evolve could not happen as this increase
in information by itself violates the law."4 This disorganization is also called entropy.
"Measurements of the sediment deposited each year as a result of the Nile River's overflow shows
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Essay on human evolution
The central purpose of this essay is to critically discuss the importance of understanding human
evolution and the history of psychology for the modern psychologist. For the human evolution, the
essay will be addressing on how we and other species descended from our ancestors and how the
different environment has helped to us to become more adaptable. Regarding the history of
psychology, the essay will be discussing on how psychology branched off from the philosophy
approach to become its own science. The essay will then go on discussing how the understanding of
both human evolution and history of psychology would be used by modern psychologist.
Every story has a beginning and an end. To be able to understand the importance of
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They were full bipedal and their brain size and brain patterns evolved by increasing (590–687 cc).
Their diet was mainly meat which might have an influence on their rapid growth of their brains.
(Tobias 1987).
The next species to appear were the Homo erectus which might have descended from Homo habilis.
They were the first human whose fossils were found outside of Africa. They also had larger brain
than the species before them. Homo sapiens sapiens came after the Homo Neanderthalensis; they are
the only human species around. This could have been due to the result of increase brain sizes that
allows more cognitive abilities that help them adapt to different environment changes and hence
survive. Global evidence have been found of art, music, and culture and advanced tool making. In
Mithen's 3 phase of mind proposes that the shape of the Neanderthals' frontal lobe was similar to the
one of the modern Homo sapiens and this indicated that they were able to cope with complex
cognitive functioning. Evidence for this could be explained using the phonological approach by
Frank Gall (1758–1828).
Human evolution links with the history of psychology through Thomas Wynn's cognitive
archaeology. Thomas Wynn (1979) wanted to find the link between archaeology and psychology. He
used Piaget's theory of development to argue that old humans had functional operational intelligence
which requires for
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The Theory of Evolution Essay
The ongoing scientific investigation of how exactly evolution occurred and continues to occur has
been an argumentative idea amongst society since Darwin first articulated it over a century ago. The
scientific basis of evolution accounts for happenings that are also essential concerns of religion; both
religion and science focus on the origins of humans and of biological diversity. For instance, in the
reading "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth," Pope John Paul II, addressing the Pontifical Academy of
Science, discussed the matter of God as creator of man. The Pope explains that men cannot relate to
animals because men are superior. The reasoning for that is because God created humans under his
likeness. What the church is saying about more content...
"If no such variations exist, the population rapidly goes extinct because it cannot adapt to a changing
environment" (O'Neil, 1998–2013). Scientists call this reproductive success. "Within a specific
environment context, one genotype will be better than another genotype in survival or reproduction
for certain reasons having to do with the way its particular features relate to the environment or relate
to other organisms within the population" (Futuyma, 2000–2014). The theory of evolution is
explicable through various kinds of scientific research. In the science of paleontology, the history of
life is studied. Paleontologists study fossils to learn the past ecologies, evolution, and the origins of
humans. In order to understand the processes that have led to both the origination and destruction of
organisms since life began, paleontologists incorporate both scientific knowledge and studies. Fossil
findings are critically important for confirming predictions of evolution theory. Of the many
discoveries that are made yearly to add depth to the understanding of evolution, an example is a
recent discovery of a creature they named Tiktaalik. The Tiktaalik was uncovered to be a transitional
animal between shallow–water fishes and limbed animals. The creature supports the idea that it
emerged from both mammals and reptiles, suggesting that the two are related. These findings
support prediction of evolution, contradicting the belief that God
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Essay on Evolution
Essay on Evolution
There are many mechanisms that lead to evolutionary change. One of the most important mechanism
in evolution is natural selection which is the differential success in the reproduction of different
phenotypes resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment. Natural selection
occurs when a environment makes a individual adapt to that certain environment by variations that
arise by mutation and genetic recombination. Also it favors certain traits in a individual than other
traits so that these favored traits will be presented in the next generation. Another mechanism of
evolution is genetic drift. Genetic drift is a random change in a small gene pool due to sampling
errors in propagation of alleles more content...
Some bacteria had genes that coded for enzymes that specifically destroyed certain antibiotics such
as ampicillin. From this incident, scientists were able to deduce that natural selection helped the
bacteria to inherit the genes for antibiotic resistance. Scientists have also been able to use
biochemistry as a source of evidence. The comparison of genes of two species is the most direct
measure of common inheritance from shared ancestors. Using DNA–DNA hybridization, whole
genomes can be compared by measuring the extent of hydrogen bonding between single–stranded
DNA obtained from two sources. The similarity of the two genes can be seen by how tightly the
DNA of one specie bonds to the DNA of the other specie. Many taxonomic debates have been
answered using this method such as whether flamingos are more closely related to storks or geese.
This method compared the DNA of the flamingo to be more closely related to the DNA of the stork
than the geese. The only disadvantage of this method is that it does not give precise information
about the matchup in specific nucleotide sequences of the DNA which restriction mapping does.
This technique uses restriction enzymes that recognizes a specific sequence of a few nucleotides
and cleaves DNA wherever such sequences are found in the genome. Then the DNA fragments are
separated by electrophoresis and compared to
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Essay about Evidence for Evolution
Evolution and Diversity

Evolution and DiversityThe foundation for the theory of evolution was laid by Charles Darwin
(Rose, n.d.). He developed hypotheses about natural selection which helped scientists develop the
theory. Evolution is a theory and not a hypothesis because evolution has been proven by vast
amounts of scientific data, research, and testing. The definition of a hypothesis is an educated
explanation that needs to be researched and tested but has not yet been proven (Earman, 1984).
There has been no scientific evidence to disprove the theory of evolution. The fossil record is
evidence of evolution. Fossils are often fingerprints of evolution. They help scientists track how
species more content...
Many die before they are born or hatched depending on species, while many others don't survive
infancy and ultimately into their reproductive years. A portion of those that reach reproductive age
will never reproduce due to sterility or other factors. This is a part of the natural selection process. It
is often referred to as the, "survival of the fittest" (Frederic, 2011). It is hard to truly estimate
what fraction of offspring will survive to reproduction. There are always obstacles to survival for
an organism. Climate, food, habitat, and illness are just a few factors which affect natural
selection. Ultimately we know that some traits can increase survival rates for individuals such as
their color. We know from Darwin's research that a certain beak length was favorable in finches but
that was also dependent on yearly weather (Petren, 2005). Offspring that possess favorable traits are
more capable of surviving into adulthood and thus reproducing. We know from genetics that there is
an increased likelihood that their offspring would also possess that desirable trait. The population of
individuals possessing the trait would increase as more individuals possessing the trait survived to
reproductive years, and fewer without the trait did not. Natural selection can help prevent a species
from going extinct if they were to face adverse conditions that
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The Theory of Evolution Essay
Biological evolution is the name for the changes in gene frequency in a population of a species from
generation to generation. Evolution offers explanation to why species genetically change over years
and the diversity of life on Earth. Although it is generally accepted by the scientific community,
Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has been studied and debated for several decades. In 1859,
Darwin published On The Origin of Species, which introduced the idea of evolutionary thought
which he supported with evidence of one type of evolutionary mechanism, natural selection. Some of
the main mechanisms of evolution are natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift. The idea that all
life on Earth shares a common ancestor has been around more content...
Over time the beak would become longer and those birds would survive. The next mechanism,
genetic drift, happens by chance. For example, a bug that is either red or green. If a large portion
of the red bug happens to get stepped on, the gene frequency for this species is now changed.
Mutation is another evolutionary mechanism that happens by chance. Mutation is when the
genetic material of an organism is altered. An example of this is albinism which has altered the
genes of several different animals. Evolution has been debated for many years. Most scientists
assume evolution to be true, but it is not officially proven. Evolution is known as "fact and
theory," because it is a fact that organisms have changed over time, but the mechanism that
changes those organisms is uncertain. One of the major debates regarding evolution is the belief
in creationism. Creationists believe that the Universe and organisms on Earth were all created by
a divine power. There are also some theories in which creationism and evolution coexist. One idea
is that the divine being who created the world used evolution as a method. Another idea is that
science and religion are actually the same thing and religion explains the unknown parts of science.
For example, science says that the world couldn't have been created in seven days, but one of God's
days may not be the same length
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Creationism vs. Evolution Essay
Where we come from is a question as old as mankind itself. There are countless numbers of
religions, each with their own twist on the origins of earth and mankind, but one of the most highly
visible debates would be creationism vs. evolution. Depending on where your beliefs lie, the Earth
has been around somewhere in the neighborhood of 6,000 years to 4.5 billion years. One would tend
to believe that this vast difference in time would make it impossible to have 2 "theories" that are
so widely accepted. However this debate gives you just that. Each argument has its variations,
however it comes down to either God created the Earth and all things in it as they are now or that
life today has evolved from more content...
Under the same idea, the "Old Earth" train of thought is that the "days" mentioned in Genesis were
actually up to many millions of years each. This is one of many "theories" that justifies the actual
age of the Earth being around 4.5 billion years old. The third view states that the story of creation
contained in Genesis is not a literal or even a chronological account of happenings. It is instead a
guide promoting a six–day workweek with the seventh day a day of worship to God. The last view is
much like the second, in that it considers the "days" to be God's workdays, which may or may not
be equal to an Earth calendar day. Each day represents a period of time that God performed a major
task. Each view has the same underlying concept that God created everything, and the way it is
today, it the way it was when it was created.
Webster's Dictionary defines evolution as a theory that the various types of animals and plants have
their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modification
in successive generations. Like creation, evolution is not immune from differing of opinions.
Evolution is split between two frames of though, naturalistic and theistic.
Naturalistic evolution is pretty much cut and dry. It simply states that life started as a single
one–celled organism. The universe was created 14 billion years ago, and the Earth was
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Why Do You Believe In The Theory Of Evolution
Do you believe in the theory of evolution? There are many people who believe evolution is how
humans came to be in today's world. Charles Darwin was the first to publish work on the theory
in 1859, concluding it is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes
in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Over the years scientists have began trying to prove this
theory is real. The theory has two main points, all life is connected and related to each other and the
diversity is a product of modifications of populations by natural selection. Modern scientists have
gone even further to branch off of the theory to make more points of the theory such as natural
selection, origin of species, and modern more content...
In today's society there are a strong number of individuals who strongly believe it is true. The
theory is untrue from the majority's point of view. This is because there are no hard facts to
prove we have all evolved from the same specimen. The only type of evolution is how animals
adapt to an environment over time, but to say we all came from the same cell is just not
provable. To see that a lot of people believe in a loosely supported and the theory was created by
man when there was little to no religion. There's more proof in the religion of Christianity than
evolution because of religious sites and the places that are spoken of in the bible are actual cities.
There's nothing but the words of a man that came from his imagination. Charles Darwin made a lot
of valid points but he did not know what modern people know today. Darwin did not know about
DNA and the specifics of each species. If Darwin had all the details of today's scientists, he would
have not believed in evolution.
The theory of evolution is a debatable topic. It can go either way depending on the person, but the
simple fact is that there is no proof to support the theory. Scientists have tried to find any realism in
the theory but it is just too far fetched to have any concrete evidence. It is a personal opinion in
whether someone believes in evolution or not but it is almost more
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Evolution Essay

  • 1. The Theory of Evolution Essay The theory of evolution by natural selection does not interfere with the Judeo–Christian view of god as the creator, based on multiple sources including statements from the Pope himself. Although throughout history there are many instances of conflict between people, science, and the Catholic Church, there has recently been a widespread acceptance for science and many even say it does not interfere with the Judeo–Christian view of god as the creator. This essay will discuss the different types of views there are on evolution and creation, as well as go in depth to prove how evolution by natural selection does not interfere with the Judeo–Christian view on evolution. There are many different views on evolution. The first is more content... (Akin) Galileo was a prime example of a conflict between the Catholic Church and science. He was a devout roman catholic, however a great scientist. Galileo had many contributions to the world such as the telescope and his many discoveries in outer space. However one of the more widely recognized was his support to Copernicus' theory of heliocentricity. Before this the church had stated that the sun revolved around the earth, known as the theory of geocenctricity. Galileo's teachings were consequently banned by the church, and Galileo himself imprisoned. However, in 1992 the Vatican under Pope John Paul II held a ceremony to proclaim that Galileo was right in his findings and support of Copernicus. (Tracts) This shows that the present day church does not see science as a threat or interference to its teachings. The present day church actually supports science, as well as the theory of evolution by natural selection. However, although evolution is widely accepted by many Popes, as well as the Catholic Church, many things are still maintained. It is still maintained that Adam was the first human and all life originated from him. The church still says that all humans have souls. The church insists that a soul is unobservable; therefore it is untestable by science since it has no effect on the natural world, and science cannot confirm or deny its existence. The big bang theory is Get more content on
  • 2. Evidence Of Evolution Nora Lyang AP Bio Pd. 3 2 January 2016 Evidence of Evolution The theory of evolution is the process how organisms on Earth change over time by natural selection. The theory of evolution is so widely known that it is almost universally accepted, except for a few people that think otherwise. For a theory to become so widely known and established, there has to have been evidence to back it up. The most prominent pieces of evidence for evolution are often cited as biogeography, homology, analogy, direct evidence, and paleontology. Each of these pieces of evidence provide indication for evolution. Biogeography is the study of where life is found and where their descendants were living in the past. Before Darwin, all scientists believed in more content... Analogous structures have similar structures, but a different origin. They also have similar functions. An example of analogy that supports the theory of evolution is speciation. Speciation is defined as the biological change over time by which new species arrive. Some might wonder how analogous structures come to be. Different species usually become more alike because of convergent evolution. For example, two species can live in different but similar environments and need to fill the same niche in different places on Earth. Because natural selection is the same around the world, the species will go through similar styles of adaptations. Animals with advantageous adaptations will be able to pass on their genes through reproduction. Reproduction continues until the advantageous adaptation is the only one left. Occasionally, the favorable variation can change the structure of the species. Limbs can be lost, gained, or changed, creating analogous structures in diverse species that live in similar niches and surroundings, but don't live in the same places. A more specific example is the similarity between the wings of birds and bats. A widespread adaptation for many species, the wings of birds and bats are analogous as flight structures. The wings of both animals have developed by different paths. In bats, the surface of the wing is a membrane without feathers whereas birds have wings covered in feathers. Although both animals can fly and have wings, they are different in many other places. Birds and bats just happen to fill the flying niche of their Get more content on
  • 3. The Future Of Human Evolution Essay The Future of Human Evolution Evolution, the science of how populations of living organisms change over time in response to their environment, is the central unifying theme in biology today. Evolution was first explored in its semi–modern form in Charles Darwin 's 1859 book, Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection. In this book, Darwin laid out a strong argument for evolution. He postulated that all species have a common ancestor from which they are descended. As populations of species moved into new habitats and new parts of the world, they faced different environmental conditions. Over time, these populations accumulated modifications, or adaptations, that allowed them and their offspring to survive better in more content... The question is can humans evolve (physically), that is through changes of some sort to the general human gene pool, enough to be considered a different species sometime in the future. The answer to this is tricky. The answer is "yes" if there is no human intervention and "not likely" (or atleast controlled) if there is human intervention. The more interesting answer is the latter. The first answer deserves some mention. Through the subtraction or addition (that is through chance changes of some sort) of alleles (different forms of a characteristic gene) from the overall gene pool until homo sapiens are no longer is feasible. One might ask how and were this is occurring. The answer is human genes are changing all the time through radiation and spontaneous mutations (the latter more rapidly no than ever since the human population is now larger than ever) and one can see these changes to the overall gene pool in the disappearance of certain human tribes within parts of Africa and South America.. These tribes unfortunately take exclusive alleles with them. What about Natural Selection in present human culture. Some peoples are growing faster than others, for example–Chinese faster than any other in the present world, thus the large Chinese population. Get more content on
  • 4. Why Does Evolution Happen The theory of evolution is a change over time to help the species survive due to natural selection. (survival of the fit) I believe that evolution and change over time does happen, but it happened after a creation. I will use the evidence to describe why evolution happens and how it happens. Adaptation is the act of changing the way you look or the way you act in order to survive and reproduce. Physical change is a type of adaptation. An example of a physical adaptation is the size of the finches beaks, or the whale's nostrils turning into a blow hole. Next, behavioral change is the other type of adaptation. Whales used to be land animals, but eventually changed their behavior and became water animals so they could find food. more content... The whales couldn't find any food on land so they adapted their behavior and eventually the way they look to survive in water. Each couple million years the fossils change. Whales started off looking sort of like a wolf. Then, after a while their back bone started to change. At one point whales almost looked like a seal. () Whales over time lost most of their fur, changed from paws to webbed feet to fins, and their nostrils changed into a blow hole. Whales probably adapted early on because some of them were dying off of they needed food so they went in the water to hunt some fish. They were most likely successful at this so they continued to do this, and evolved to make it easier. Whale evolution supports the theory of evolution because you can see the fossils, and how they changed. Also, you see the fossil record and timeline of the organisms. Because of this you see what they looked like, where they lived, and how the adapted. Scientists can make a fossil record of whales because of the rock layers and fossil record. The law of superposition says that any undisturbed sequence of rocks deposited in layers, which means scientists can look at those layers to create a fossil record. You can use absolute and relative dating to find the age of any fossil. Scientists used half life of some type of chemical to find the absolute age of a whale fossil. Also, they looked at fossils and whale relatives to find relative age, like some Get more content on
  • 5. Evolution Essay Evolution Evolution is a complex process by which the characteristics of living organisms change over many generations as traits are passed from one generation to the next. Many scientists agree on that concept. They have been trying to develop this theory over hundreds of years to make it reasonable and beliveable to people. But is evolution the reason that humans are on earth? People that are not quite religious and have little faith in God believe in evolution. Those who strongly stand by their beliefs supporting evolution, in my opinion, think they know enough about science and biology and all the complexities of the cell and the human being that they forgot who actually created all this. In the Bible, the Quran and most more content... This is prohibited genetically since all of the information for the development of an organism has already been encoded in the DNA of its parent. Variation to organisms must remain within its basic kind...evolutionists have tried to explain that natural selection happened in conjunction with mutations to the genetic code. This could not produce evolution, however, since mutations do not create new genetic potential, they just alter what is already there."3 Now genetic alteration, or mutation is being taken place on animals like pigs and mice to try to have human DNA in their cells. The chances of this taking place successfully is again very low. Some evolutionists argue that anti–evolutionists' only sources are either religous or weak scientific facts. The second law of thermodynamics is broadly accepted by many scientists and states that, "...anything which is organized , tends with time, to become disorganized. Any physical system left to itself will decay, or, lose energy and organization within the system...In other words, this law says that the increase of information required for a life form to evolve could not happen as this increase in information by itself violates the law."4 This disorganization is also called entropy. 1. "Measurements of the sediment deposited each year as a result of the Nile River's overflow shows that Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on human evolution The central purpose of this essay is to critically discuss the importance of understanding human evolution and the history of psychology for the modern psychologist. For the human evolution, the essay will be addressing on how we and other species descended from our ancestors and how the different environment has helped to us to become more adaptable. Regarding the history of psychology, the essay will be discussing on how psychology branched off from the philosophy approach to become its own science. The essay will then go on discussing how the understanding of both human evolution and history of psychology would be used by modern psychologist. Every story has a beginning and an end. To be able to understand the importance of more content... They were full bipedal and their brain size and brain patterns evolved by increasing (590–687 cc). Their diet was mainly meat which might have an influence on their rapid growth of their brains. (Tobias 1987). The next species to appear were the Homo erectus which might have descended from Homo habilis. They were the first human whose fossils were found outside of Africa. They also had larger brain than the species before them. Homo sapiens sapiens came after the Homo Neanderthalensis; they are the only human species around. This could have been due to the result of increase brain sizes that allows more cognitive abilities that help them adapt to different environment changes and hence survive. Global evidence have been found of art, music, and culture and advanced tool making. In Mithen's 3 phase of mind proposes that the shape of the Neanderthals' frontal lobe was similar to the one of the modern Homo sapiens and this indicated that they were able to cope with complex cognitive functioning. Evidence for this could be explained using the phonological approach by Frank Gall (1758–1828). Human evolution links with the history of psychology through Thomas Wynn's cognitive archaeology. Thomas Wynn (1979) wanted to find the link between archaeology and psychology. He used Piaget's theory of development to argue that old humans had functional operational intelligence which requires for Get more content on
  • 7. The Theory of Evolution Essay The ongoing scientific investigation of how exactly evolution occurred and continues to occur has been an argumentative idea amongst society since Darwin first articulated it over a century ago. The scientific basis of evolution accounts for happenings that are also essential concerns of religion; both religion and science focus on the origins of humans and of biological diversity. For instance, in the reading "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth," Pope John Paul II, addressing the Pontifical Academy of Science, discussed the matter of God as creator of man. The Pope explains that men cannot relate to animals because men are superior. The reasoning for that is because God created humans under his likeness. What the church is saying about more content... "If no such variations exist, the population rapidly goes extinct because it cannot adapt to a changing environment" (O'Neil, 1998–2013). Scientists call this reproductive success. "Within a specific environment context, one genotype will be better than another genotype in survival or reproduction for certain reasons having to do with the way its particular features relate to the environment or relate to other organisms within the population" (Futuyma, 2000–2014). The theory of evolution is explicable through various kinds of scientific research. In the science of paleontology, the history of life is studied. Paleontologists study fossils to learn the past ecologies, evolution, and the origins of humans. In order to understand the processes that have led to both the origination and destruction of organisms since life began, paleontologists incorporate both scientific knowledge and studies. Fossil findings are critically important for confirming predictions of evolution theory. Of the many discoveries that are made yearly to add depth to the understanding of evolution, an example is a recent discovery of a creature they named Tiktaalik. The Tiktaalik was uncovered to be a transitional animal between shallow–water fishes and limbed animals. The creature supports the idea that it emerged from both mammals and reptiles, suggesting that the two are related. These findings support prediction of evolution, contradicting the belief that God Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Evolution Essay on Evolution There are many mechanisms that lead to evolutionary change. One of the most important mechanism in evolution is natural selection which is the differential success in the reproduction of different phenotypes resulting from the interaction of organisms with their environment. Natural selection occurs when a environment makes a individual adapt to that certain environment by variations that arise by mutation and genetic recombination. Also it favors certain traits in a individual than other traits so that these favored traits will be presented in the next generation. Another mechanism of evolution is genetic drift. Genetic drift is a random change in a small gene pool due to sampling errors in propagation of alleles more content... Some bacteria had genes that coded for enzymes that specifically destroyed certain antibiotics such as ampicillin. From this incident, scientists were able to deduce that natural selection helped the bacteria to inherit the genes for antibiotic resistance. Scientists have also been able to use biochemistry as a source of evidence. The comparison of genes of two species is the most direct measure of common inheritance from shared ancestors. Using DNA–DNA hybridization, whole genomes can be compared by measuring the extent of hydrogen bonding between single–stranded DNA obtained from two sources. The similarity of the two genes can be seen by how tightly the DNA of one specie bonds to the DNA of the other specie. Many taxonomic debates have been answered using this method such as whether flamingos are more closely related to storks or geese. This method compared the DNA of the flamingo to be more closely related to the DNA of the stork than the geese. The only disadvantage of this method is that it does not give precise information about the matchup in specific nucleotide sequences of the DNA which restriction mapping does. This technique uses restriction enzymes that recognizes a specific sequence of a few nucleotides and cleaves DNA wherever such sequences are found in the genome. Then the DNA fragments are separated by electrophoresis and compared to Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Evidence for Evolution Evolution and Diversity
 Evolution and DiversityThe foundation for the theory of evolution was laid by Charles Darwin (Rose, n.d.). He developed hypotheses about natural selection which helped scientists develop the theory. Evolution is a theory and not a hypothesis because evolution has been proven by vast amounts of scientific data, research, and testing. The definition of a hypothesis is an educated explanation that needs to be researched and tested but has not yet been proven (Earman, 1984). There has been no scientific evidence to disprove the theory of evolution. The fossil record is evidence of evolution. Fossils are often fingerprints of evolution. They help scientists track how species more content... Many die before they are born or hatched depending on species, while many others don't survive infancy and ultimately into their reproductive years. A portion of those that reach reproductive age will never reproduce due to sterility or other factors. This is a part of the natural selection process. It is often referred to as the, "survival of the fittest" (Frederic, 2011). It is hard to truly estimate what fraction of offspring will survive to reproduction. There are always obstacles to survival for an organism. Climate, food, habitat, and illness are just a few factors which affect natural selection. Ultimately we know that some traits can increase survival rates for individuals such as their color. We know from Darwin's research that a certain beak length was favorable in finches but that was also dependent on yearly weather (Petren, 2005). Offspring that possess favorable traits are more capable of surviving into adulthood and thus reproducing. We know from genetics that there is an increased likelihood that their offspring would also possess that desirable trait. The population of individuals possessing the trait would increase as more individuals possessing the trait survived to reproductive years, and fewer without the trait did not. Natural selection can help prevent a species from going extinct if they were to face adverse conditions that Get more content on
  • 10. The Theory of Evolution Essay Biological evolution is the name for the changes in gene frequency in a population of a species from generation to generation. Evolution offers explanation to why species genetically change over years and the diversity of life on Earth. Although it is generally accepted by the scientific community, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution has been studied and debated for several decades. In 1859, Darwin published On The Origin of Species, which introduced the idea of evolutionary thought which he supported with evidence of one type of evolutionary mechanism, natural selection. Some of the main mechanisms of evolution are natural selection, mutation, and genetic drift. The idea that all life on Earth shares a common ancestor has been around more content... Over time the beak would become longer and those birds would survive. The next mechanism, genetic drift, happens by chance. For example, a bug that is either red or green. If a large portion of the red bug happens to get stepped on, the gene frequency for this species is now changed. Mutation is another evolutionary mechanism that happens by chance. Mutation is when the genetic material of an organism is altered. An example of this is albinism which has altered the genes of several different animals. Evolution has been debated for many years. Most scientists assume evolution to be true, but it is not officially proven. Evolution is known as "fact and theory," because it is a fact that organisms have changed over time, but the mechanism that changes those organisms is uncertain. One of the major debates regarding evolution is the belief in creationism. Creationists believe that the Universe and organisms on Earth were all created by a divine power. There are also some theories in which creationism and evolution coexist. One idea is that the divine being who created the world used evolution as a method. Another idea is that science and religion are actually the same thing and religion explains the unknown parts of science. For example, science says that the world couldn't have been created in seven days, but one of God's days may not be the same length Get more content on
  • 11. Creationism vs. Evolution Essay Where we come from is a question as old as mankind itself. There are countless numbers of religions, each with their own twist on the origins of earth and mankind, but one of the most highly visible debates would be creationism vs. evolution. Depending on where your beliefs lie, the Earth has been around somewhere in the neighborhood of 6,000 years to 4.5 billion years. One would tend to believe that this vast difference in time would make it impossible to have 2 "theories" that are so widely accepted. However this debate gives you just that. Each argument has its variations, however it comes down to either God created the Earth and all things in it as they are now or that life today has evolved from more content... Under the same idea, the "Old Earth" train of thought is that the "days" mentioned in Genesis were actually up to many millions of years each. This is one of many "theories" that justifies the actual age of the Earth being around 4.5 billion years old. The third view states that the story of creation contained in Genesis is not a literal or even a chronological account of happenings. It is instead a guide promoting a six–day workweek with the seventh day a day of worship to God. The last view is much like the second, in that it considers the "days" to be God's workdays, which may or may not be equal to an Earth calendar day. Each day represents a period of time that God performed a major task. Each view has the same underlying concept that God created everything, and the way it is today, it the way it was when it was created. Webster's Dictionary defines evolution as a theory that the various types of animals and plants have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modification in successive generations. Like creation, evolution is not immune from differing of opinions. Evolution is split between two frames of though, naturalistic and theistic. Naturalistic evolution is pretty much cut and dry. It simply states that life started as a single one–celled organism. The universe was created 14 billion years ago, and the Earth was Get more content on
  • 12. Why Do You Believe In The Theory Of Evolution Introduction Do you believe in the theory of evolution? There are many people who believe evolution is how humans came to be in today's world. Charles Darwin was the first to publish work on the theory in 1859, concluding it is the process by which organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits. Over the years scientists have began trying to prove this theory is real. The theory has two main points, all life is connected and related to each other and the diversity is a product of modifications of populations by natural selection. Modern scientists have gone even further to branch off of the theory to make more points of the theory such as natural selection, origin of species, and modern more content... In today's society there are a strong number of individuals who strongly believe it is true. The theory is untrue from the majority's point of view. This is because there are no hard facts to prove we have all evolved from the same specimen. The only type of evolution is how animals adapt to an environment over time, but to say we all came from the same cell is just not provable. To see that a lot of people believe in a loosely supported and the theory was created by man when there was little to no religion. There's more proof in the religion of Christianity than evolution because of religious sites and the places that are spoken of in the bible are actual cities. There's nothing but the words of a man that came from his imagination. Charles Darwin made a lot of valid points but he did not know what modern people know today. Darwin did not know about DNA and the specifics of each species. If Darwin had all the details of today's scientists, he would have not believed in evolution. Conclusion The theory of evolution is a debatable topic. It can go either way depending on the person, but the simple fact is that there is no proof to support the theory. Scientists have tried to find any realism in the theory but it is just too far fetched to have any concrete evidence. It is a personal opinion in whether someone believes in evolution or not but it is almost more Get more content on