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     18(3) 2010
                                 Occupational Therapy News

                                                                             ISSN 0969-5095
               published by the College of Occupational Therapists

      The breakfast club
                  Using cooking with adolescents with eating disorders
                             to improve social engagement

                                                          Are you
                                                         engaged in
                                                        Come forward with
                                                           your ideas

        Helping clients arrive
            at a chosen

Cover.indd 1                                                             23/02/2010 11:20


Contents.indd 2   23/02/2010 10:54
CONTACTS                                                                                      EDITORIAL

                                                                                          Last month, OTnews was joined by a new permanent
                                                                                      part-time journalist, Andrew Mickel, who kicks off this issue
                                                              by looking at Unison’s critical response to last month’s
                                                                                      Conservative Party health manifesto, which plans to put more
      Occupational Therapy News is published on the 1st of each month by the          attention into prevention, and for all providers to operate on
      College of Occupational Therapists Ltd, a registered charity in England
      and Wales (275119) and in Scotland (SCO39573), 106-114 Borough                  a payment by results system through the whole of the NHS.
      High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1LB.                                             A letter by Karen Jennings, national secretary of the                    Tracey Samuels

                                                                                      union’s health group, claims that many policies on choice
      Contacting OTN                                                                  and payment by results are already being pursued by the
                                                                                      current government, and that that rather than axing all
      For all EDITORIAL enquiries                                                                                                                        If you have any
      tel: 020 7450 2339 or email:                                targets, the Conservatives still plan to measure outcomes.         feedback about
                                                                                      Turn to page 6 to find out more.                                   this issue of OTnews,
      For all ADVERTISING enquiries                                                                                                                      or would like to
                                                                                          Also in the news this month, the government has
      tel: 020 7450 2341 or email:                                                                                                 contribute a short
                                                                                      announced its proposed changes to the Medical Statement,           article or feature
                                                                                      to come into force from April this year. I talk to Anne Byrne,     for a future
      Contacting BAOT or COT                                                                                                                             publication, please
                                                                                      chair of the COT Specialist Section – Work about the
                                                                                                                                                         email me at:
      For all GENERAL enquires                                                        College’s response to the original consultation.                   editorial@
      tel: 020 7357 6480                                                                                                                       
                                                                                          Individual budgets are undoubtedly high on the
      For all MEMBERSHIP or SUBSCRIPTION enquiries                                    government’s agenda, with personalistion in health being
      tel: 020 7450 2348 or email:                               widely propelled forward. So a survey by disability charity
                                                                                      Livability that says nine out of 10 disabled young people have
      For all Unison enquiries
      tel UNISONdirect: 0845 355 0845                                                 never heard of individual budgets and, more worryingly, 54
                                                                                      per cent of those surveyed do not even know which local
      OTN staff                                                                       authorities provide their services, will likely raise some
                                                                                      eyebrows (page 7).
      Editor Tracey Samuels
                                                                                          In features this month, OT Nicola Carlyle, on the contract
      Journalist/Assistant editor Andrew Mickel                                       monitoring team at Caerphilly County Borough Council,
      email:                                                  makes a plea for all ‘OTs, budding entrepreneurs and kindred
      Production and design officer Marianne Taylor
                                                                                      spirits’, involved in the commissioning process, to come
      Production and design officer Suzanne Jefferson                                 forward and share ideas about innovative practice concerning
      email:                                              commissioning operations (page 24).
      Advertising manager Katy Eggleton
                                                                                          Then, on page 40, Marietta Birkholtz and Cara Lovell look
                                                                                      at the factors that influence people’s ability to get back to
      British Journal of Occupational Therapy                                         work after accident or illness, focusing on specific return to
                                                                                      work models that can help OTs to help clients arrive at their
                                                                                      chosen vocation.
      Copyright of the magazine is held by the College of Occupational Therapists.        Still with vocational rehabilitation, on page 32, research
      No part of Occupational Therapy News may be reproduced in any material          OT Joanna Sweetland says that there is growing concern that
      form (including photocopying, storing in any medium by electronic means or      vocational rehabilitation services are inaccessible for people
      transmitting) without the written permission of the copyright owner except
      in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents         with long-term neurological conditions.
      Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing          She is about to embark on a study, led by Dr Diane
      Agency Ltd, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Visit: or         Playford and Dr Kate Radford, and funded by the National
                                                                                      Institute for Health Research, to identify existing services and
      Disclaimer:                                                                     consider how they fit published recommendations, and
      The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily         would like to hear from members.
      reflect those of the British Association/College of Occupational Therapists.
      The publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsement of the
      advertised products, services or events by the British Association/College of
      Occupational Therapists.

      A guide for contributors is available on request or on the website.

      (Editorial): 10th month prior (Advertising):14th month prior

      Pre-press and printed in England by:
      The Lavenham Press Ltd
      Tel: 01787 247436

                                                                                                                                                         Cover: Özgür Donmaz
                                                                                                          Tracey Samuels, Editor                         ©

Contents.indd 3                                                                                                                                                        23/02/2010 10:54
College of Occupational Therapists
                                                  34th Annual Conference and Exhibition
                                                                  PLUS TWO
                                                  Specialist Sections’ Annual Conferences:
                                             HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care
                                                     and Older People
                                                   22–25 June 2010, Brighton Centre, Brighton, Sussex

                                                                        College highlights
                               • Hear how to develop care for older people             • Find out how personal health budgets will affect
                                 as life expectancy increases from Heléna Herklots,      you and how it can enhance your role
                                 Service Director, Age Concern and Help the Aged

                                                           HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care
                               • Prof. Sheila Payne, Vice President, European          • Discover the implications concerning assessment
                                 Association of Palliative Care will reveal how          and treatment for HIV-related neuro-cognitive
                                 OTs can support families and carers in providing        impairment from Camilla Hawkins, OT from
                                 palliative care                                         Mildmay UK

                                                                          Older People
                              • Learn about the opportunities for OTs as a result     • Find out from Dr Dawn Skelton, a leading light
                                of the national dementia strategy from Prof.            on falls prevention, how OTs can contribute to
                                Jane Gilliard from the DH.                              healthy ageing and falls prevention

Continuing                         Continuing
Professional                       Professional                                                                                                     N208
Development                        Development
Continuing       Enjoy huge savings – book the early bird rate by 16th April 2010 and receive TWO FREE publications
Professional                       Professional
Development                   Provisional Programme available NOW –
Continuing                         Continuing
Professional                       Professional
Development                        Development                                                                       Specialist Sections

                                                                                                                     HIV/AIDS, Oncology,
                                   Professional             Brighton                                                 Palliative Care
Development                        Development
                                                                                                                     Older People
Continuing                         Continuing
Professional                       Professional
Development                        Development
ContinuingContents.indd   4
                                   Continuing                                                                                               23/02/2010 10:54

Professional                       Professional


                              06 News

                              ABOUT COT
                              13   Policy Mental capital and wellbeing
                              14   Council Future proofing headquarters
                              16   Guidance Online assistive technology tool
                              18   Awards COT award reports

                              19   BAOT/Unison Personal care issues and pay freeze concerns
                              20   Member activities Launch of a dementia cafe

                                                                                                             ABOUT COT
                              22   Member activities Campaign for greener healthcare
                              23   Member achievements Raising money for spinal injury

                              PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING
                              44   Networking Professional networking opportunities

                              24   Those all important performance indicators
                                   Nicola Carlyle calls on OTs in commissioning to come forward
                              25   The twists and turns of road safety assessments

                                   Paula O’Neill and Colette Hughes look at road safety assessments
                              26   Development of a breakfast group
                                   A breakfast group for young adolescents with eating disorders
                              28   The role of art in recovery
                                   Barbara Philipsz shares service user feedback from an arts group
                              30   Motivating clients to return to work
                                   Helping OTs to help clients arrive at their chosen vocation
                              32   Vocational rehabilitation survey
                                   Helping people with long-term neurological conditions into work
                              34   Developing a new model of practice
                                   Andy Smith’s model of integrated vocational rehabilitation

                              36   Walking on the road to mental health recovery
                                   Helping patients in a low secure mental health setting to recover

                              46   Back in my day
                                   Jill Wilson reflects on her personal journey since qualifying in 1959

                              38   Striding into the next decade – clowns and all
                                   Are we fit for purpose, fit for practice? Peggy Frost reports
N208                          40   COT study days

                                   Facilitating group work and cycling for health
s                             41   Promoting the profession throughout Europe
                                   Kate Sheehan reports from the autumn COTEC meeting in Malta
                              42   Clinical academic training pathway
                                   Elizabeth White reports from the NIHR workshop
                              43   Promoting social inclusion
                                   Jane Melton reports on a royal event

       Contents.indd 5                                                                               23/02/2010 10:54

        Fit notes to replace sick notes from April 2010
         Following last year’s                 be able to state this in the

                                                                                                                                                              © Hohenhaus
         consultation on replacing ‘sick       comments box.
         notes’ with ‘fit notes’, the              It seems that the onus will be
         government has announced              on the employer to make a
         that, subject to Parliamentary        decision as to whether they can
         approval, it will be                  accommodate any changes to
         implementing a number of              facilitate a return to work.
         changes to the Medical                    Anne Byrne, chair of the
         Statement from April this year.       COT Specialist Section – Work,
              In its formal response to the    helped COT to inform its
         consultation, published on 29         response to the consultation.
         February, the Department for          She told OTnews: ‘The main
         Work and Pensions (DWP) says          points of my submission were         list of “common types of work/            ‘In order to be seen as a
         it will remove the option for a       directed at the vagueness of the     job changes” that may facilitate      leader we need to take
         doctor to state that their patient    statement “maybe fit for work”,      return to work, with the more         opportunities such as this
         is ‘fit for work’; instead the new    as I felt that [this] would only     specific recommendation for an        consultation to indicate what we
         format notes will have two            be an effective addition to the      assessment of the patient’s           have to offer in this area of
         options, ‘unfit for work’ or ‘may     existing “unfit/fit” statements if   functional abilities and the job      practice, and also to give an
         be fit for some work taking           it was qualified with additional     demands’.                             informed opinion on changes
         account of the following advice’.     advice, or led to a further              ‘Occupational therapy             that may affect our practice. The
              In the case of the latter, the   appropriate assessment of the        should have a leading role in         fact that some of the changes to
         form allows doctors to suggest        individual that would facilitate     the assessment, rehabilitation        the proposed new statement
         various adaptations such as a         a safe, suitable and sustained       and the provision of advice to        reflect our comments highlights
         phased return to work, altered        return to work.’                     both employers and those              the importance of participating
         hours, amended duties and                 Anne said she also indicated     workers who are off work and          in such consultations.’
         workplace adaptations. Where a        that ‘occupational health, or        are returning to work following
         doctor considers another option       better still, occupational           injury, illness or disability,’ she   ●● Tracey Samuels, editor,
         is more appropriate, they will        therapy, had to be added to the      stressed.                             OTnews

         Parties put out their election stalls on health and social care
         People aged over 65 will be           to be released before the            manifesto, which planned to           scrap [health secretary] Andy
         given up to six weeks’ support        election.                            put more attention into               Burnham’s recent “preferred
         in their own homes after                  The national care service        prevention, and for all providers     provider” pledge, moving
         being discharged from                 would form part of a plan to         to operate on a payment by            instead to an “any willing
         hospital or residential care,         shift more NHS treatment to          results system through the            provider” model of provision,
         under plans unveiled by               being delivered in people’s          whole of the NHS.                     which would inevitably create
         Labour for if they win a fourth       homes, alongside a pledge to            A letter by Karen Jennings,        many more opportunities for
         term.                                 provide one-to-one nursing care      national secretary of the union’s     private sector incursion into
            The policy would form part         for the estimated 1.6 million        health group, claimed that            the NHS.’
         of a national care service,           who have, or have had, cancer        many policies on choice,                 Anna Dixon, the acting chief
         which would also fund home            in the next five years.              payment by results, and               executive of health think tank
         care for the most vulnerable              The Conservatives claimed        focusing on cancer, stroke and        the King’s Fund, welcomed the
         people.                               that more details were needed        infection were already being          party’s manifesto more warmly.
            However, over half of the          on how it would be funded.           pursued by the government. Ms         She said: ‘An independent
         councillors in England who                The launch is just part of a     Jennings added that rather than       board, changes to the way that
         lead on adult social care             flurry of activity about the         axing all targets, as had             drugs are approved and paid
         co-wrote a letter to the Times        shape of health and social care      previously been claimed, ‘the         for, and real budgets in the
         claiming the plans were               services after the election,         Tories still plan to measure          hands of GPs could
         ‘unclear, unfunded and are            expected in May.                     outcomes and now only speak           significantly change the way in
         likely to have a significant              The COT’s own manifesto is       of scrapping “politically             which the NHS operates. But
         impact on existing local              in the draft stage and will be       motivated process targets”.’          more detail is needed before
         services’.                            released by the next issue of           The letter also said: ‘The         the impact of such policies can
            The details of a potential         OTnews.                              document confirms that the big        be properly understood.’
         national care service will be             Elsewhere, Unison                dividing line between Labour
         included in the green paper on        responded critically to last         and the Conservatives on the          ●● Andrew Mickel, journalist,
         adult social care, which is due       month’s Conservative health          NHS is that the Tories would          OTnews

        6               March 2010

News.indd 6                                                                                                                                            23/02/2010 10:49

     Nine out of 10 disabled young adults have ‘never heard
     of individual budgets’

                                                                                                                                                                                © Rohde
     Nine out of 10 disabled young         use an individual budget to           telephone
     adults have never heard of            access services they currently        in 103 local
     individual budgets, according to      cannot access, while only 24 per      authorities.
     a survey commissioned by              cent said they would not want a       Forty five
     disability charity Livability.        personal assistant.                   per cent of
         This was despite 46 per cent          Julia Skelton, head of            local
     of respondents claiming they          professional practice at COT,         authority
     would be interested in having an      said: ‘I’m disappointed that          websites
     individual budget if offered it.      people have not heard of              had no
     The survey of 500 disabled            individual budgets, but on the        information
     adults aged 16 to 24, conducted       other hand there’s a lot of           at all, while
     by nfpSynergy in September            different terminology used            half of telephone enquiries were                            Mark Harper, shadow minister
     2009, also showed that 54 per         that’s confusing, such as direct      misdirected.                                            for disabled people, said: ‘There is
     cent of the people surveyed did       payments, personal budgets,               The City of London and                              a clear role here for central
     not even know which local             and self-directed support.’           Portsmouth City Council were                            government to show more
     authority provided their services.        However, she added that the       the only two authorities to get                         leadership and to impress upon
         The findings are a knock to       differences between social care       perfect tens in each score, while                       local authorities the importance
     local government’s ambitions to       and health mean that the results      14 local authorities failed to                          of making these opportunities
     provide individual budgets, as        do not necessarily bode badly         provide any information by                              available for disabled people.’
     younger disabled adults have          for personalisation in health         either medium.                                              Livability is calling on the

     been considered a forerunner          care: ‘People are more aware              The results also showed that                        government to launch a
     group in their uptake. As part of     where their hospital is than          the individual budget pilot                             national campaign to raise
     the Putting People First agenda,      where their local authority is so     sites, which have offered the                           awareness, and for local
     30 per cent of those who are          I don’t think it’s the same.’         budgets the longest, did not                            authorities and PCTs to consult
     eligible for social care support          In a separate systematic          necessarily have higher levels                          and engage with disabled
     should have an individual             review by Livability, a mystery       of awareness. Original pilot site                       people about what they want.
     budget by 2011.                       shopper rated the information         East Sussex County Council
         Fifty three per cent of           available about individual            came 77th out of the 103 local                          ●● Andrew Mickel, journalist,
     respondents said they would           budgets on the internet and by        authorities.                                            OTnews

     Parents of disabled children not getting support for children’s emotional and mental problems
     A third of parents with disabled      ‘COT is pleased to welcome the        independent review of CAMHS                             staff, long waiting lists, and
     children do not get the support       release of this report that clearly   (Keeping children and young                             children not fitting into any
     they want for their children’s        shows that disabled children          people in mind 2010), which                             criteria of support.
     emotional and mental problems,        frequently experience additional      describes how professionals can                             Parents felt that there was
     a new survey has shown.               emotional and mental health           work together to improve                                little professional help
        The survey of over 100             problems. It is saddening to          responses, will rectify this                            available to create strategies to
     parents, conducted by                 hear that parents either do not       situation.’                                             deal with their children’s
     children’s mental health charity      receive help or feel this help is         Barriers to accessing services                      problems. Strategies used
     YoungMinds, found that 87 per         lacking. We would hope that           mentioned by respondents                                included reward charts and
     cent of parents felt there were       the recently-released                 included a lack of available                            visual cues, identifying
     barriers to accessing help for        government response to the            services, uncaring attitudes of                         calming activities for their
     them, while only 68 per cent                                                                                                        child, and using distraction,

     received any help. Less than                                                                                                        relaxation and exercise
     two thirds of those who did                                                                                                         techniques.
     receive help found it useful,                                                                                                           One respondent said: ‘Social
     while one parent claimed that                                                                                                       services need to be able to react
     CAMHS (child and adolescent                                                                                                         when problems are still small,
     mental health services) told her                                                                                                    not to wait until it has been
     to ignore her son’s self-harming                                                                                                    worked up into a major issue. I
     and depression until his                                                                                                            don’t know if it really is due to a
     behaviour reached crisis point.                                                                                                     lack of resources or the mindset
        Genevieve Smyth,                                                                                                                 of wait and see, but it’s wrong
     professional affairs officer, said:                                                                                                 and people suffer.’

                                                                                                                                            March 2010                     7

News.indd 7                                                                                                                                                              23/02/2010 10:49

         COT boss advises                                 Invest in people’s independence to save
         on formation of
         new national                                     future costs, warn two major studies
         college of social                                Health and social care systems       preventing repeated admissions       lead to costs doubling in the
         work                                             need to focus on supporting          of older people and reducing         next decade.
                                                          people’s independence to cope        their length of stay in hospitals.       The case for social care reform
                            Julia Scott,                  with pressures on their budgets,         The report also said that        – the wider economic and social
                            chief                         two separate major reviews have      more work was needed on              benefits said a more preventative
                            executive                     warned.                              safeguarding and training,           service was needed, and
                            of COT,                          The first annual review of        noting that providing                attributed the failure to create
                            has been                      health and social care in            mandatory training had the           one so far to many factors
                            advising                      England by the Care Quality          lowest compliance of all NHS         including the long-term
                            the Social                    Commission (CQC) said that           standards.                           outcomes of prevention not
                            Care                          1.7 million more adults will             Julia Skelton, COT head of       matching shorter term political
                            Institute                     need care and support by 2030.       professional practice, welcomed      timescales, and the difficulties of
                            for                           Dame Jo Williams, interim chair      the report and said: ‘The            proving the efficacy of
        Excellence on the setting up of                   of CQC, said that delivering         College has long advocated           prevention.
        a national college of social                      changes to support those people      more integration of services,            The study suggested that
        work (OTnews October 2009,                        would require ‘helping people        following Interface to integration   strategic commissioning,
        page 14).                                         maintain their independence          [the College’s strategy to           collaboration between health
           The college of social work is                  and health’.                         integrate health and social care     and social care, more
        being developed from a                               While the report said there       in 2002]. We would support it        personalisation, better use of IT
        recommendation by the Social                      have been improvements in the        where it is appropriate along the    and assistive technology and
        Work Task Force, which was                        last year, it claimed that future    lines of increased productivity      workforce reform could allow
        set up in the aftermath of the                    pressures on finances will           and better services for users.’      spending to stay near current
        Baby Peter case to examine the                    require reforms to be sped up.           The CQC report also urged        levels, even with an ageing
        work of the profession.                              It cited the rapid expansion of   the acceleration of person-          population.
                                                          services to prevent unnecessary      centred care, stating that               In addition to saved social
                                                          emergency admissions as a            billions could be saved by           care costs, the report said that
                                                          positive area, with the number of    enabling people to manage            billions would be saved in
                                                          people accessing such services       long-term conditions at home,        knock-on effects to other

                                                          up from 80,000 in 2004 to            which Julia said OTs were ‘well-     services, such as reduced
                                                          148,000 in 2009.                     placed to deliver’.                  emergency admissions, and
                                                             However, there is a wide              A separate report, sponsored     reduced benefits to both service
                                                          variation in how well services       by the Department of Health          users and carers if they were
                                                          are applied – the review             and written by Professor Jon         supported in employment.
                                                          estimates that £2 billion a year     Glasby at Birmingham
                                                          could be saved if all the country    University, warned that failure      ●● Andrew Mickel, journalist,
                                                          was as good as the best areas at     to reform adult social care could    OTnews

           To support the
        developments of a new
        structure, Scott has held
        ongoing meetings to advise
        about governance. She said: ‘In
        the spirit of partnership
        working the College [of
        Occupational Therapists] is
        pleased to support the
        development of the college of
        social work, which will

        support a group of
        professionals who work closely
        with OTs in the field.’

        8             March 2010

News.indd 8                                                                                                                                                     23/02/2010 10:49

                                                                               tand E0
                                                                           a tS

                                                                    s  u

                          We will be exhibiting our new huggle
                          range at the Kidz in the Middle
                          exhibition at the Ricoh Arena in
                          Coventry on the 11th March.

                          Please come and visit us on stand E0

      CareFlex Ltd 2010

News.indd 9                                                                              23/02/2010 10:49

                           Equipment amnesty
                           launched in Norfolk
                                                           First of community equipment scheme
                           to save cash                    sites starts work
                     An amnesty of equipment has           A new method of providing
                     been launched by Norfolk              community equipment has
                     County Council adult social           begun in the London Boroughs
                                services to try and        of Barking and Dagenham and
                                   recoup the value of     Havering.
                                   items that have been        Previously, an OT would
                                 provided and not          assess a user’s needs, and then
                                 returned.                 arrange for equipment to be
                                       The first two of    supplied by council-run

                                                                                                                                                                © Legg
                                  five amnesty sessions    services.
                                  have so far yielded 25       Users will continue to have
                                  items.                   an OT visit, but they will now
                                        In 2009, the       get a prescription that they can

                                   Community               use to get equipment free of
                                    Equipment Service      charge from retailers. The plan
                                     delivered 66,000      is intended to provide users
                                      items of equipment   with greater choice from the 34      Dagenham, told OTnews that          of the delivery of items to a
                                     and collected         trained and accredited retailers     the new system will allow them      retail model in England. The
                     33,000 items, from which £3.2         across both boroughs, which          to focus on more complex cases.     project started in September,
                     million worth was reused.             includes two mobile shops.           She said: ‘It’s still early days.   with the first new prescriptions
                         Sarah Ellis, head of                  Users will get                   We’ve done in the region of 40      written in January.
                     occupational therapy for              demonstrations of the                to 50 prescriptions so far, but         People not eligible for
                     Norfolk County Council, said:         equipment in store. A follow-up      we’ve got positive feedback         council help can also use shops,
                     ‘Many people might think that         phone call after they have used      from the service users who have     while users who do get council
                     it isn’t important to return          the items will replace the           it in their homes.’                 assistance can ‘top up’ their own
                     equipment or might not know           previous system of having a              Barking and Dagenham and        allocation to get better
                     how to. Sometimes people hang         second visit by an occupational      Havering are two of the leading     equipment.
                     on to items after they have           therapist.                           sites in the Department of              It is estimated that around

                     recovered from an illness or              Gillian Perkins, team            Health’s work on Transforming       80 per cent of equipment will
                     operation ‘just in case’ they         manager for the community            Community Equipment                 be issued under the new
                     might need them again.’               disability service in Barking and    Services, which will move much      scheme.

                      Independent OTs may need to register with Vetting and Barring scheme
                     Self-employed and private             self-employed and private            registered. I believe
                     occupational therapists may be        practitioners would need to          that this is the correct
                     required to register with the         register with the scheme. The        approach given the
                     Vetting and Barring Scheme.           Department of Health has             nature of the
                         The scheme requires people        confirmed that review will           intervention that we
                     who regularly work with               include OTs, although there is       offer.
                     children or vulnerable adults in      no timetable for when the                The original plan
                     England, Wales and Northern           review will be concluded.            would have required
                     Ireland to register with the              Sharmin Campbell, chair of       an estimated 11
                     Independent Safeguarding              the COT Specialist Section –         million people to
                     Authority. However, a review of       Independent Practice, says that      register, while the
                     the new scheme before                 she does not believe independent     revised plans will
                     Christmas by Sir Roger Singleton      OTs should need to register:         require around nine
                     concluded that the scheme was         ‘Most self-employed                  million people to do
                     too extensive, echoing sweeping       occupational therapists working      so.
                     public criticism of the new           with children and vulnerable             OTs who are
                     required checks.                      adults will offer a service in the   employed by local

                         All recommendations made          home and through private             authorities or the NHS
                     by Sir Roger Singleton were           arrangement, and therefore as        will also be required to
                     accepted by government,               the law currently stands, there is   register with the
                     including a review of whether         no requirement for them to be        scheme.

                     10               March 2010

News.indd 10                                                                                                                                                  23/02/2010 10:50

     National Cancer Action Team launches                                                                                                              Number of people
                                                                                                                                                       with dementia
     cancer rehabilitation pathways                                                                                                                    estimated up to

     New care pathways for cancer
     rehabilitation were launched in                                                                                                                   The number of people in the
     January this year, and represent                                                                                                                  UK with dementia has been
     the culmination of a great deal                                                                                                                   estimated up to 820,000. The
     of hard work to improve                                                                                                                           figures, compiled by the
     services for people with cancer.                                                                                                                  Alzheimer’s Research Trust,
         The incidence of cancer is                                                                                                                    had previously stood at
     rising, partly due to an ageing                                                                                                                   700,000. The number of
     population and partly due to the                                                                                                                  people with a cognitive
     good news that many more                                                                                                                          impairment, which is typically
     people are surviving with a                                                                                                                       caused by dementia, is
     diagnosis of cancer. This means                                                                                                                   expected to reach 765,000 by
     that rehabilitation is playing an                                                                                                                 2031.
     increasingly important role.                                                                                                                         The statistics were released
         Rehabilitation care pathways    together in a ‘user friendly’ way    will help to improve                                                     shortly after the government’s
     have been developed for both        and will be a useful resource for    commissioning of cancer                                                  public spending watchdog, the
     specific cancers and for            occupational therapists..            rehabilitation services.                                                 National Audit Office, released
     symptoms, and provide a useful          The overall aims of the          Information was also given on                                            a critical review of the first
     demonstration of how various        National Cancer Action               the development of a workforce                                           year of England’s dementia
     professionals, including            Programme are to prevent             model, which should help to                                              strategy. Audits of how well

     occupational therapists, work       cancer, to maximise the quality      identify the additional                                                  the money allocated by central
     together to provide high quality    of life for those with a diagnosis   workforce, which will be                                                 government to implement the
     care.                               of cancer and to manage the          needed to deliver the                                                    strategy has been spent will be
         The pathways were               long-term consequences of            rehabilitation pathways.                                                 released this month. There
     welcomed by participants at the     cancer. The launch event                The draft pathways are                                                will be a full update of
     event, since they make the roles    therefore included presentations     available at:                                         progress on the dementia
     of different allied health          on other aspects of this work.       rehabilitation/rehab_pathways.                                           strategy in the next edition of
     professionals clear, but also           An update was provided on        html. If you would like further                                          OTnews.
     reflect a certain amount of         the evidence base for                information on these subjects,                                              The Scottish Government is
     flexibility within those roles.     rehabilitation, which is             please contact: amy.edwards@                                             also due to reveal its dementia
     The pathways have been put          currently being developed. This                                                               strategy next month.

     Autism services in Wales gets                                            …while Scotland considers getting
     £1.7 million…                                                            an autism strategy
     The Welsh Assembly                  focus on designing appropriate       A member’s bill has been                                                 intended to ensure national
     Government will invest £1.7         housing will be key in enabling      proposed in Scotland to create                                           standards of service.
     million in adult autism services    independence and workable            an autism strategy for the                                                   Liberal Democrat MSP Hugh
     over the next three years.          environments for people.’            nation. A consultation around                                            O’Donnell, who proposed the
         The plans will introduce a          Gwenda Thomas, deputy            the proposed bill is being held                                          bill, told OTnews that it has so
     diagnostic framework for            minister for social services in      to establish if there is a need                                          far been well-received, and that
     autism in the next two years;       Wales, said: ‘This money will        for a strategy, which is                                                 responses are coming in ‘fast
     extend awareness campaigns at       make a real                                                                                                   and furious’ ahead of the 30
     employers and in JobCentre          difference to the lives                                                                                       March deadline.
     Pluses; and fund building           of all those affected                                                                                             Scotland is the only UK
     design research for housing.        by [Autistic                                                                                                  nation with no autism plan, but
         Ruth Crowder, COT policy        Spectrum Disorder]                                                                                            O’Donnell says that while other
     officer for Wales, said: ‘What is   by improving                                                                                                  nations’ experience can be
     new and really excellent from       diagnosis provision                                                                                           helpful, ‘just because something
                                                                                                                         © Gunkel

     an occupational therapy             and employment                                                                                                may have worked elsewhere
     perspective is the focus on         opportunities, as well                                                                                        doesn’t mean that it is
     employment, so occupational         as widening the                                                                                               necessarily right for the Scottish
     therapists attempting to get        range of services                                                                                             system.’
     people into work should find        available consistently                                                                                            Submissions can be made at:
     this support invaluable and the     across Wales.’                                                                                      

                                                                                                                                                        March 2010                    11

News.indd 11                                                                                                                                                                         23/02/2010 10:50

                              Informatics                         AHPF takes stock and outlines future plans
                              reference manual

                                                                  The Allied Health Professions
                              for OTs                             Federation (AHPF) represents
                              The final draft of the COT          the 12 professional bodies for
                              Informatics Reference Manual        AHPs, including COT, and
                              (COTIRM) was circulated ‘for        director Paul Hitchcock talks to
                              comment’ as COTIM 100.              OTnews about the federation’s
                              COTIM is the regular COT            recent activity and future
                              newsletter covering all issues      challenges, focusing on
                              relevant to occupational            England.
                              therapy in the information age          ‘Looking back over the last      had been expected that this         with delivering services for
                              (eHealth, eCare, information        six months, the AHPF has been        project would have been             patients, clients, users and their
                                                 management       involved in a number of              sufficiently far advanced to        carers, he believes.
        © Pohl

                                                 etc), focusing   initiatives to ensure that AHPs      enable data collection to               ‘In the immediate short term,
                                                 on               have a voice and are being           become mandatory in April           improving quality has to be the
                                                 developments     heard,’ he says. ‘There has been     2010, but this will now be on a     watchword,’ he says, ‘while at
                                                 that will        an emphasis on engaging with         voluntary basis until next year,’   the same time ensuring it is
                                                 impact on        the health care agenda, [as] we      he says.                            delivered at a price that ensures
                                                 occupational     have had to prioritise where we         ‘This data is important for      the service is sustainable in the
                              therapy practice, management,       can have maximum impact.’            AHPs as it enables effective        overall context of care…
                              education, and research.                The Transforming                 influencing of commissioners        integration and working across
                                  Members can subscribe to        Community Services (TCS)             and hence the commissioning of      boundaries are part of the
                              receive COTIM by email by           initiative will continue to have     appropriate services. While the     expertise and experience of
                              contacting: lesley.gleaves@cot.     the potential for major impact       AHPF continues to influence         many AHPs and the AHPF will
                     Back issues are available     upon the way that services are       nationally on this agenda, your     push to ensure that these
                              on the COT website.                 delivered, following the             local influence to ensure the       strengths are recognised as
                                  COTIRM will be updated at       publication of the NHS               voluntary collection of this data   employer organisations look to
                              least quarterly, based on the       Operating Framework for the          will be key to ensuring the         enhance their service delivery.’
                              content of COTIM, which             coming year, he says. ‘The           future development of this              In the longer term, as part of
                              provides more timely                AHPF meets regularly with            work.’                              a three-year plan, the AHPF will
                              information. COTIRM is              members of the TCS team and             Through the professional         be highlighting the role of AHPs

                              designed as an electronic           is part of the TCS expert            bodies, the AHPF has                in improving health and
                              resource and is not intended to     advisory group.’                     contributed examples of good        prevention services.
                              be printed. Additional                  The federation has been part     practice to inform the QIPP1        ‘Throughout 2010 and onwards
                              contributors would be very          of the stakeholder panel for         agenda and is involved in an        the AHPF will continue to
                              welcome; and draft content          reform of the care and support       ongoing dialogue with Jim           develop its role and profile as a
                              should be submitted to: chris.      system and, led by Julia Scott,      Easton and his team. ‘We will       federation working alongside
                                       has produced a detailed              be producing a “manifesto” to       your professional body,’ he
                                  There is some national          response to Shaping the future of    ensure that the importance of       ends.
                              interest in publishing an           care together, the green paper on    AHPs and what they can add to           ‘Its aim will continue to be to
                              equivalent resource for the         care and support.                    the productivity agenda is          engage with those issues and
                              allied health professions, or           ‘We have been working with       highlighted,’ he points out.        opportunities that cross uni-
                              perhaps even for all health care    the expert reference group on           Looking forward, there are       professional boundaries and
                              professions, so watch this          data collection for referral to      likely to be some significant       most impact upon you and your
                              space.                              treatment times for AHPs. It         challenges to everyone involved     service.’

                                    Treatment time data collection under way in pilot areas
                              Data collection on times from       as part of the AHP Referral to       how they are going to be               She added that where IT
                              referral to treatment by AHPs       Treatment Data Collection            ready for this. Letters have        systems may not be capable of
                              has begun in 11                                       Project.           been going to chief executives      generating the right data, paper

                              pilot sites in                                           Genevieve       from [chief executive of the        collection may be necessary in
                              England.                                              Smyth, COT         NHS in England] David               some areas.
                                 All AHPs in                                        professional       Nicholson so OTs need to get           The initiative from the
                              England will                                          affairs officer,   in touch with them, push from       Department of Health was
                              need to collect                                       said: ‘People      the bottom up and ask: how are      outlined in 2008’s Framing the
                              the information                                       need to think      you going to work together to       contribution of allied health
                              from April 2011                                       now about          do this?’                           professionals.

                              12              March 2010

News.indd 12                                                                                                                                                          23/02/2010 10:50
policy ABOUT COT

     Mental capital and wellbeing

     COT recently attended an event      discover a physical activity you    childhood maltreatment and
     run by the Inclusion Institute      enjoy and that suits your level     supervision neglect increase
     to discuss how to best use the      of mobility and fitness.            the risk of personality
     results of the influential                                              disorder.
     Foresight report to provide         Take notice: Be curious. Catch          The rates of mental
     social inclusion and meaningful     sight of the beautiful. Remark on   illness in the population are
     occupation for the UK               the unusual. Notice the changing    generally stable, but there
     population. The links between       seasons. Savour the moment,         will be increasing numbers
     occupation and health are           whether you are walking to          of people with dementia
     implicit within some of the         work, eating lunch or talking to    because of the ageing
     report findings and articulated     friends. Be aware of the world      population. Risk factors that
     as the need to promote              around you and what you are         reduce mental capital and
     meaning and purpose for             feeling. Reflecting on your         wellbeing are summarised as
     people through, for example,        experiences will help you           debt, unemployment, poor
     employment, social                  appreciate what matters to you.     housing, lone parenthood,
     participation and networks.                                             victimisation, and
         The project defines mental      Keep learning: Try something        experiences of abuse.
     capital as a person’s cognitive     new. Rediscover an old interest.        Moving from the evidence in      ●● strengthen  parenting capacity
     and emotional resources –           Sign up for that course. Take       the Foresight report to practical       and increase in peri-natal
     almost a ‘bank account’ of the      on a different responsibility at    action will be vital as there are       mental health services;
     mind – while mental wellbeing       work. Fix a bike. Learn to play     significant social and economic      ●● checking children, adults and
     is a dynamic state in which         an instrument or how to cook        costs of ignoring mental                older adults have a secure

                                                                                                                                                                          ABOUT COT
     people can achieve their            your favourite food. Set a          wellbeing. So can OTs use               foundation through income
     potential, fulfil their goals and   challenge you enjoy achieving.      these research findings for             maximisation, housing,
     have a sense of purpose.            Learning new things will make       everyday practice?                      literacy and numeracy skills;
         Both concepts are               you more confident as well as           The report and the event         ●● promote meaning and
     interlinked and there is a need     being fun.                          held by the Inclusion Institute         purpose through
     to nurture them both in the                                             make several suggestions:               employment, social
     general population and in           Give: Do something nice for a       ●● be alert to the risk factors to      participation, networks and
     vulnerable groups. The report       friend, or a stranger. Thank           mental capital and wellbeing         personal development;
     particularly concentrates on        someone. Smile. Volunteer              with any group you work           ●● using interventions that
     childhood adolescence, mental       your time. Join a community            with;                                address both physical and
     ill health, adult learning, adult   group. Look out, as well as in.     ●● early intervention with              mental health needs together;
     working life and older adults       Seeing yourself, and your              children is vital to establish    ●● preventing and addressing
     and makes key                       happiness as linked to the             resilience including                 violence and abuse; and
     recommendations about how to        wider community can be                 treatments for emotional,         ●● tackling all forms of stigma
     achieve our ‘five a day’ – most     incredibly rewarding and               physical or sexual abuse;            and discrimination.
     of which will be achieved by        creates connections with the        ●● flexible working patterns for         The Inclusion Institute is
     activity and occupational           people around you.                     adults can promote work/life      currently writing a guide for
     engagement.                                                                balance and prevent               commissioners of health and
         The report sets out these          The report also states that:        absenteeism or presenteeism;      social care services to help
     five ways to mental wellbeing       10 per cent (all figures are as     ●● protect the mental capital of     them develop the mental
     as:                                 per 100,000 of population) of          older adults through exercise     capital and wellbeing of local
     Connect: With family, friends,      children in the UK have                and learning from middle          populations. With our inherent
     colleagues and neighbours, at       dyslexia and/or dyscalculia; 10        age;                              understanding of the inter-
     home, work, and school or in        per cent of children have a         ●● use social prescribing to         relationship between how we
     your local community. Think         mental illness, and additional         facilitate activity and social    spend our time and our health
     of these as the cornerstones of     factors will contribute to a           connection, eg time banks,        and wellbeing, occupational
     your life and invest time in        cycle of disadvantage,                 exercise, green activity, arts;   therapists can be key to deliver
     developing them. Building           including living in a single        ●● carry out lifestyle               the results of the Foresight
     these connections will support      parent family, low income, and         interventions to target           Report.
     and enrich you every day.           maternal depression; 45 per            alcohol use and hazardous
                                         cent of looked after children          drinking;                         ●● Genevieve Smyth, COT
     Be active: Go for a walk or run.    have a mental illness, and a        ●● early intervention with adults    professional affairs officer for
     Step outside. Cycle. Play a         third of prisoners are looked          to decrease the risk of job       mental health and learning
     game. Garden. Dance.                after children; and 4 per cent of      loss and unemployment             disabilities. For more information
     Exercising makes you feel           the population have a                  particularly between primary      please contact: genevieve.smyth@
     good. Most importantly,             personality disorder and               care and the employer;  

                                                                                                                   March 2010                    13

About COT.indd 13                                                                                                                               23/02/2010 10:47
ABOUT COT council

             Future proofing headquarters
             £2 million has been allocated         mechanism reaching the end of       building’s value. These essential
             by Council to conduct major           their working life.                 maintenance works also give
             building work on COT’s                    Plans for the reconstruction    the organisation the
             headquarters in London.               of the ground floor – which are     opportunity to undertake a
                £1.5 million is needed for         being improved to become more       space planning exercise to help
             essential building work,              DDA (Disability Discrimination      with future proofing and
             including replacing all heating,      Act) compliant – will include       improving the College’s
             lighting, and air conditioning        new AV technology in the three      professional image.
             systems, as well as ageing            meeting rooms, to allow                 While the work is being
             windows, and lift and front           members to access events online     done, COT’s headquarters will
             doors. An extra £500,000 was          without visiting the building.      be temporarily relocating to
             authorised by Council to                  The funding for the project     160-166 Borough High Street, a
             reconstruct the ground floor to       comes from existing reserves        few doors down from its main
             offer better facilities, build a      built up over a number of years     premises. However, all
             roof terrace to provide an extra      from surpluses created by           telephone and email addresses
             venue for use, and improve the        advertising revenue. The            will remain the same and post
             façade.                               funding has been capped at £2       to the normal address will be        while the work is being carried
                The building is the largest        million to prevent overspends,      redirected, although members         out and no meeting rooms are
             tangible asset that the               with the essential building         are asked to be patient during       available, meetings can be
             organisation owns, and COT            works taking priority.              the move in case of any              organised elsewhere around the
             has a long-term obligation to             The ground floor                unexpected problems.                 country.
             maintain and improve it. Over         reconstruction, roof terrace and        Members will not be able to         The move is currently
             the last few years, the building      improved façade were approved       visit the temporary                  scheduled for the middle of
             has steadily deteriorated, with       to stop any further deterioration   headquarters other than the          April, and the return to the
             the original heating and              in the infrastructure of the        library, which will operate at a     revamped building is scheduled
             ventilation systems and lift door     building, and to add to the         reduced size. It is hoped that       for autumn.

             COT fellowship awards 2010
             COT is delighted to announce          The involvement of people who       internationally as a leader in OT    nationally and internationally.
             the award of three fellowships,       use mental health services is       education and for her significant    In addition, he is an innovator,
             to Dr Sarah Cook, Paraig              paramount in her research and       contributions to the profession      an advocate for continuing
             O’Brien and Professor Gaynor          her work.                           and its members. She has led the     education and research and
             Sadlo, and two honorary                  Paraig O’Brien currently         way in the implementation of         development and an active
             fellowships to James Leckey and       works as the housing                problem-based learning in the        supporter of charitable
             Dr Frances Reynolds, in               adaptations liaison manager,        UK and has contributed to the        organisations.
             recognition of the outstanding        DHSSPS/NIHE in Northern             development of the European             Dr Frances Reynolds is a
             contribution they have all made       Ireland. He is held in high         Master of Science in                 senior lecturer in health
             to the profession during their        esteem by colleagues and            Occupational Therapy. She is an      psychology at Brunel University.
             career.                               service users whom he puts at       experienced researcher whose         She has provided a major
                 These awards are the highest      the heart of his work. His          findings have been published,        contribution to the education of
             honours that COT can bestow           professional leadership and         disseminated and implemented         OTs and OT students through
             on one of its professional            collaborative approach to           and an inspiration for others to     her teaching and authorship.
             members and on non-OTs.               partnership working with            undertake research.                  She has generated solid
                 Dr Cook is senior lecturer at     colleagues in health, social care       James Leckey, founder and        evidence for practice and an
             the Centre for Health and Social      and housing is highly valued.       CEO of James Leckey Design           important resource and support
             Care Research, Sheffield Hallam          His research and his work        Ltd, is the first industrialist to   for the profession through her
             University. She is committed to       on policy have had a                be nominated for an honorary         extensive research, most
             the development of OT practice,       tremendous impact nationally        fellowship. He was honoured          notably in creativity, occupation
             particularly in the field of mental   in many areas, but more             for his work in designing            and chronic ill health.
             health, and she is a wonderful        specifically in housing. In         equipment for children with             The awards will be formally
             ambassador for COT and the            addition, his contribution to       disabilities, which is used on a     presented to the new fellows at
             profession. Her leadership as         the work of the COT Specialist      worldwide basis, and for             the COT’s annual conference in
             educator, researcher and author is    Section – Housing has been          enhancing the working                Brighton in June 2010, and a
             widely acknowledged by her peers      valued for many years.              practices and education of           full write-up on the awardees
             and she gives her time generously        Professor Gaynor Sadlo is        OTs. He is a committed               will appear after the
             in supporting colleagues’ research.   renowned nationally and             ambassador for the profession        presentation in BJOT.

             14              March 2010

About COT.indd 14                                                                                                                                     23/02/2010 10:47
council ABOUT COT

                                                                                                                                                        © Slobodkin
     Great news about funding
     The United Kingdom                     the commissioning of                   external sponsorship
     Occupational Therapy Research          occupational therapy services.         from the Institute of
     Foundation (UKOTRF) is                 Look out for information about         Social Psychiatry and
     delighted to announce that             the 2011 funding round that            Pressalit Care Ltd.
     council, at its October 2009           will be accessible on the website         COT hopes that
     meeting, agreed further funding        from July.                             more members will
     for the UKOTRF to support the              The UKOTRF would like to           support the valuable
     OT research agenda and to              take this opportunity to thank         work of the UKOTRF
     build research capacity within         all those who supported its            during the
     the profession.                        range of activities during the         forthcoming year. Two
        The new support will double         last year by: applying for the         events that are already
     the funds that have been               available funding grants and           planned include
     available from COT, and will           supporting applicants;                 ‘Outcome measures
     offer up to £200,000 a year for        supervising UKOTRF grant-              and effective practice’,
     five years commencing in 2011.         winning PhD students; advisory         a one-day workshop
     This excellent news represents a       group members; attending or            being held at COT on 11            sponsored research projects,
     real investment in the future of       speaking at our the UKOTRF             March. Contact Caroline.grant@     will be the speaker at the
     the profession, funding much-          events; attending the fund-   for further              UKOTRF lunch at conference
     needed research to develop the         raising lunch at COT’s annual          information. Dr Diane Playford,    this year on 24 June in
     evidence-base that underpins           conference; donating speaker           COT honorary fellow and PhD        Brighton. For more information
     both professional practice and         fees; individual donations; and        supervisor for two of the          contact:

                                                                                                                                                                                          ABOUT COT
        Chairman’s view                                             From vice-chairman Sara Blackbourn

     Merit awards 2010 agreed by council
     I am delighted to inform you              Applications are                   they have overcome and the          you who know the building you
     that a good number of                  independently scored and then         partnerships that have been         will appreciate that this is a long
     applications were received for         discussed by the awards panel,        formed; demonstrate a political     overdue piece of work.
     consideration for this year’s          members of which are all              awareness of their contribution        Early proposals include
     merit awards. This is only the         members of council. This              in the wider world of healthcare;   reconfiguring the downstairs
     third year these awards have           year’s applications ranged from       and make sure that the verifier     accommodation to enhance
     been given so they are still a         therapists who are designing                                              flow and space utilisation,
     relatively new initiative.             and undertaking new and                                                   significant improvement to the
         The merit awards are open to       innovative ways of working, to           ‘The merit awards                pavement level façade to
     all members of BAOT with a             therapists who are teaching                are open to all                improve the image and market
     minimum of two full consecutive        and supporting students in the                                            the profession more explicitly,
                                                                                     members of BAOT
     years of membership. This              UK and overseas. The                                                      utilising the roof space over the
     includes student and associate         successful nominees will
                                                                                      with a minimum                  existing ground floor extension,
     members as well as practitioners,      receive their award at this                  of two full                  and finally, if there is any
     researchers, managers and              year’s annual COT conference            consecutive years of              money left, then to ‘tidy up’ the
     educators. The only criterion for      in Brighton.                               membership.’                   front of the building above
     the award is that nominees are            If you are thinking of                                                 street level (see page 14).
     recognised by their peers in the       nominating someone for a merit                                               This is an exciting project
     occupational therapy community         award then I would recommend          knows what is on the                and while council is mindful of
     for excellence in their sphere of      that you: provide actual              application form, as they may be    the expenditure in the present
     work.                                  examples of their contribution        contacted to confirm their          financial climate it was agreed
         So if you know someone who         to occupational therapy, do not       support of the application or to    that the benefits of this work
     meets this criterion all you have      just state that they do; use the      give further information.           outweigh the risks and will
     to do is nominate him or her on        full word count allowed within           On a different note, I am very   undoubtedly benefit the
     an application form, which you         each of the five sections and for     pleased to inform you that          profession, the members and the
     get from COT. Remember, this           the supporting statement; use a       council has approved some           staff who work at headquarters.
     award is open to all members of        variety of evidence in each           additional spending to enhance      We will keep you posted on
     BAOT.                                  section; illustrate the challenges    COT headquarters. For those of      progress.

       Sara Blackbourn, COT vice-chairman, can be contacted by email at:

                                                                                                                       March 2010                    15

About COT.indd 15                                                                                                                                   23/02/2010 10:47
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OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
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OTnews March 2010
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OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010
OTnews March 2010

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OTnews March 2010

  • 1. OTnews 18(3) 2010 March Occupational Therapy News ISSN 0969-5095 published by the College of Occupational Therapists The breakfast club Using cooking with adolescents with eating disorders to improve social engagement Are you engaged in commissioning? Come forward with your ideas Vocation unwrapped Helping clients arrive at a chosen vocation Cover.indd 1 23/02/2010 11:20
  • 2. N201 N207 Contents.indd 2 23/02/2010 10:54
  • 3. CONTACTS EDITORIAL WELCOME Last month, OTnews was joined by a new permanent part-time journalist, Andrew Mickel, who kicks off this issue by looking at Unison’s critical response to last month’s Conservative Party health manifesto, which plans to put more Occupational Therapy News is published on the 1st of each month by the attention into prevention, and for all providers to operate on College of Occupational Therapists Ltd, a registered charity in England and Wales (275119) and in Scotland (SCO39573), 106-114 Borough a payment by results system through the whole of the NHS. High Street, Southwark, London SE1 1LB. A letter by Karen Jennings, national secretary of the Tracey Samuels union’s health group, claims that many policies on choice Contacting OTN and payment by results are already being pursued by the current government, and that that rather than axing all For all EDITORIAL enquiries If you have any tel: 020 7450 2339 or email: targets, the Conservatives still plan to measure outcomes. feedback about Turn to page 6 to find out more. this issue of OTnews, For all ADVERTISING enquiries or would like to Also in the news this month, the government has tel: 020 7450 2341 or email: contribute a short announced its proposed changes to the Medical Statement, article or feature to come into force from April this year. I talk to Anne Byrne, for a future Contacting BAOT or COT publication, please chair of the COT Specialist Section – Work about the email me at: For all GENERAL enquires College’s response to the original consultation. editorial@ tel: 020 7357 6480 Individual budgets are undoubtedly high on the For all MEMBERSHIP or SUBSCRIPTION enquiries government’s agenda, with personalistion in health being tel: 020 7450 2348 or email: widely propelled forward. So a survey by disability charity Livability that says nine out of 10 disabled young people have For all Unison enquiries tel UNISONdirect: 0845 355 0845 never heard of individual budgets and, more worryingly, 54 per cent of those surveyed do not even know which local OTN staff authorities provide their services, will likely raise some eyebrows (page 7). Editor Tracey Samuels In features this month, OT Nicola Carlyle, on the contract email: Journalist/Assistant editor Andrew Mickel monitoring team at Caerphilly County Borough Council, email: makes a plea for all ‘OTs, budding entrepreneurs and kindred Production and design officer Marianne Taylor spirits’, involved in the commissioning process, to come email: Production and design officer Suzanne Jefferson forward and share ideas about innovative practice concerning email: commissioning operations (page 24). Advertising manager Katy Eggleton Then, on page 40, Marietta Birkholtz and Cara Lovell look email: at the factors that influence people’s ability to get back to British Journal of Occupational Therapy work after accident or illness, focusing on specific return to email: work models that can help OTs to help clients arrive at their chosen vocation. Copyright: Copyright of the magazine is held by the College of Occupational Therapists. Still with vocational rehabilitation, on page 32, research No part of Occupational Therapy News may be reproduced in any material OT Joanna Sweetland says that there is growing concern that form (including photocopying, storing in any medium by electronic means or vocational rehabilitation services are inaccessible for people transmitting) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents with long-term neurological conditions. Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing She is about to embark on a study, led by Dr Diane Agency Ltd, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Visit: or Playford and Dr Kate Radford, and funded by the National email: Institute for Health Research, to identify existing services and Disclaimer: consider how they fit published recommendations, and The views and opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily would like to hear from members. reflect those of the British Association/College of Occupational Therapists. The publication of advertisements does not constitute endorsement of the advertised products, services or events by the British Association/College of Occupational Therapists. A guide for contributors is available on request or on the website. Deadlines: (Editorial): 10th month prior (Advertising):14th month prior Pre-press and printed in England by: The Lavenham Press Ltd Tel: 01787 247436 Cover: Özgür Donmaz Tracey Samuels, Editor © Contents.indd 3 23/02/2010 10:54
  • 4. College of Occupational Therapists 34th Annual Conference and Exhibition PLUS TWO Specialist Sections’ Annual Conferences: HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care and Older People 22–25 June 2010, Brighton Centre, Brighton, Sussex College highlights • Hear how to develop care for older people • Find out how personal health budgets will affect as life expectancy increases from Heléna Herklots, you and how it can enhance your role Service Director, Age Concern and Help the Aged HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Palliative Care • Prof. Sheila Payne, Vice President, European • Discover the implications concerning assessment Association of Palliative Care will reveal how and treatment for HIV-related neuro-cognitive OTs can support families and carers in providing impairment from Camilla Hawkins, OT from palliative care Mildmay UK Older People • Learn about the opportunities for OTs as a result • Find out from Dr Dawn Skelton, a leading light of the national dementia strategy from Prof. on falls prevention, how OTs can contribute to Jane Gilliard from the DH. healthy ageing and falls prevention Continuing Continuing Professional Professional N208 Development Development Continuing Enjoy huge savings – book the early bird rate by 16th April 2010 and receive TWO FREE publications Continuing Professional Professional Development Provisional Programme available NOW – Development Continuing Continuing Professional Professional Development Development Specialist Sections HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Continuing Professional Continuing Professional Brighton Palliative Care 2010 Development Development Older People Continuing Continuing Professional Professional Development Development ContinuingContents.indd 4 Continuing 23/02/2010 10:54 Professional Professional
  • 5. CONTENTS NEWS NEWS 06 News ABOUT COT 13 Policy Mental capital and wellbeing 14 Council Future proofing headquarters 16 Guidance Online assistive technology tool 18 Awards COT award reports MEMBERS 19 BAOT/Unison Personal care issues and pay freeze concerns 20 Member activities Launch of a dementia cafe ABOUT COT 22 Member activities Campaign for greener healthcare 23 Member achievements Raising money for spinal injury PROFESSIONAL NETWORKING 44 Networking Professional networking opportunities FEATURES 24 Those all important performance indicators Nicola Carlyle calls on OTs in commissioning to come forward 25 The twists and turns of road safety assessments MEMBERS Paula O’Neill and Colette Hughes look at road safety assessments 26 Development of a breakfast group A breakfast group for young adolescents with eating disorders 28 The role of art in recovery Barbara Philipsz shares service user feedback from an arts group 30 Motivating clients to return to work Helping OTs to help clients arrive at their chosen vocation 32 Vocational rehabilitation survey Helping people with long-term neurological conditions into work 34 Developing a new model of practice Andy Smith’s model of integrated vocational rehabilitation NETWORKING PROFESSIONAL 36 Walking on the road to mental health recovery Helping patients in a low secure mental health setting to recover PROFILES 46 Back in my day Jill Wilson reflects on her personal journey since qualifying in 1959 REPORTS 38 Striding into the next decade – clowns and all Are we fit for purpose, fit for practice? Peggy Frost reports N208 40 COT study days FEATURES Facilitating group work and cycling for health s 41 Promoting the profession throughout Europe Kate Sheehan reports from the autumn COTEC meeting in Malta 42 Clinical academic training pathway Elizabeth White reports from the NIHR workshop 43 Promoting social inclusion Jane Melton reports on a royal event Contents.indd 5 23/02/2010 10:54
  • 6. NEWS Fit notes to replace sick notes from April 2010 Following last year’s be able to state this in the © Hohenhaus consultation on replacing ‘sick comments box. notes’ with ‘fit notes’, the It seems that the onus will be government has announced on the employer to make a that, subject to Parliamentary decision as to whether they can approval, it will be accommodate any changes to implementing a number of facilitate a return to work. changes to the Medical Anne Byrne, chair of the Statement from April this year. COT Specialist Section – Work, In its formal response to the helped COT to inform its consultation, published on 29 response to the consultation. February, the Department for She told OTnews: ‘The main Work and Pensions (DWP) says points of my submission were list of “common types of work/ ‘In order to be seen as a it will remove the option for a directed at the vagueness of the job changes” that may facilitate leader we need to take doctor to state that their patient statement “maybe fit for work”, return to work, with the more opportunities such as this is ‘fit for work’; instead the new as I felt that [this] would only specific recommendation for an consultation to indicate what we format notes will have two be an effective addition to the assessment of the patient’s have to offer in this area of options, ‘unfit for work’ or ‘may existing “unfit/fit” statements if functional abilities and the job practice, and also to give an be fit for some work taking it was qualified with additional demands’. informed opinion on changes account of the following advice’. advice, or led to a further ‘Occupational therapy that may affect our practice. The In the case of the latter, the appropriate assessment of the should have a leading role in fact that some of the changes to form allows doctors to suggest individual that would facilitate the assessment, rehabilitation the proposed new statement various adaptations such as a a safe, suitable and sustained and the provision of advice to reflect our comments highlights phased return to work, altered return to work.’ both employers and those the importance of participating hours, amended duties and Anne said she also indicated workers who are off work and in such consultations.’ workplace adaptations. Where a that ‘occupational health, or are returning to work following doctor considers another option better still, occupational injury, illness or disability,’ she ●● Tracey Samuels, editor, is more appropriate, they will therapy, had to be added to the stressed. OTnews NEWS Parties put out their election stalls on health and social care People aged over 65 will be to be released before the manifesto, which planned to scrap [health secretary] Andy given up to six weeks’ support election. put more attention into Burnham’s recent “preferred in their own homes after The national care service prevention, and for all providers provider” pledge, moving being discharged from would form part of a plan to to operate on a payment by instead to an “any willing hospital or residential care, shift more NHS treatment to results system through the provider” model of provision, under plans unveiled by being delivered in people’s whole of the NHS. which would inevitably create Labour for if they win a fourth homes, alongside a pledge to A letter by Karen Jennings, many more opportunities for term. provide one-to-one nursing care national secretary of the union’s private sector incursion into The policy would form part for the estimated 1.6 million health group, claimed that the NHS.’ of a national care service, who have, or have had, cancer many policies on choice, Anna Dixon, the acting chief which would also fund home in the next five years. payment by results, and executive of health think tank care for the most vulnerable The Conservatives claimed focusing on cancer, stroke and the King’s Fund, welcomed the people. that more details were needed infection were already being party’s manifesto more warmly. However, over half of the on how it would be funded. pursued by the government. Ms She said: ‘An independent councillors in England who The launch is just part of a Jennings added that rather than board, changes to the way that lead on adult social care flurry of activity about the axing all targets, as had drugs are approved and paid co-wrote a letter to the Times shape of health and social care previously been claimed, ‘the for, and real budgets in the claiming the plans were services after the election, Tories still plan to measure hands of GPs could ‘unclear, unfunded and are expected in May. outcomes and now only speak significantly change the way in likely to have a significant The COT’s own manifesto is of scrapping “politically which the NHS operates. But impact on existing local in the draft stage and will be motivated process targets”.’ more detail is needed before services’. released by the next issue of The letter also said: ‘The the impact of such policies can The details of a potential OTnews. document confirms that the big be properly understood.’ national care service will be Elsewhere, Unison dividing line between Labour included in the green paper on responded critically to last and the Conservatives on the ●● Andrew Mickel, journalist, adult social care, which is due month’s Conservative health NHS is that the Tories would OTnews 6 March 2010 News.indd 6 23/02/2010 10:49
  • 7. NEWS Nine out of 10 disabled young adults have ‘never heard of individual budgets’ © Rohde Nine out of 10 disabled young use an individual budget to telephone adults have never heard of access services they currently in 103 local individual budgets, according to cannot access, while only 24 per authorities. a survey commissioned by cent said they would not want a Forty five disability charity Livability. personal assistant. per cent of This was despite 46 per cent Julia Skelton, head of local of respondents claiming they professional practice at COT, authority would be interested in having an said: ‘I’m disappointed that websites individual budget if offered it. people have not heard of had no The survey of 500 disabled individual budgets, but on the information adults aged 16 to 24, conducted other hand there’s a lot of at all, while by nfpSynergy in September different terminology used half of telephone enquiries were Mark Harper, shadow minister 2009, also showed that 54 per that’s confusing, such as direct misdirected. for disabled people, said: ‘There is cent of the people surveyed did payments, personal budgets, The City of London and a clear role here for central not even know which local and self-directed support.’ Portsmouth City Council were government to show more authority provided their services. However, she added that the the only two authorities to get leadership and to impress upon The findings are a knock to differences between social care perfect tens in each score, while local authorities the importance local government’s ambitions to and health mean that the results 14 local authorities failed to of making these opportunities provide individual budgets, as do not necessarily bode badly provide any information by available for disabled people.’ younger disabled adults have for personalisation in health either medium. Livability is calling on the NEWS been considered a forerunner care: ‘People are more aware The results also showed that government to launch a group in their uptake. As part of where their hospital is than the individual budget pilot national campaign to raise the Putting People First agenda, where their local authority is so sites, which have offered the awareness, and for local 30 per cent of those who are I don’t think it’s the same.’ budgets the longest, did not authorities and PCTs to consult eligible for social care support In a separate systematic necessarily have higher levels and engage with disabled should have an individual review by Livability, a mystery of awareness. Original pilot site people about what they want. budget by 2011. shopper rated the information East Sussex County Council Fifty three per cent of available about individual came 77th out of the 103 local ●● Andrew Mickel, journalist, respondents said they would budgets on the internet and by authorities. OTnews Parents of disabled children not getting support for children’s emotional and mental problems A third of parents with disabled ‘COT is pleased to welcome the independent review of CAMHS staff, long waiting lists, and children do not get the support release of this report that clearly (Keeping children and young children not fitting into any they want for their children’s shows that disabled children people in mind 2010), which criteria of support. emotional and mental problems, frequently experience additional describes how professionals can Parents felt that there was a new survey has shown. emotional and mental health work together to improve little professional help The survey of over 100 problems. It is saddening to responses, will rectify this available to create strategies to parents, conducted by hear that parents either do not situation.’ deal with their children’s children’s mental health charity receive help or feel this help is Barriers to accessing services problems. Strategies used YoungMinds, found that 87 per lacking. We would hope that mentioned by respondents included reward charts and cent of parents felt there were the recently-released included a lack of available visual cues, identifying barriers to accessing help for government response to the services, uncaring attitudes of calming activities for their them, while only 68 per cent child, and using distraction, © received any help. Less than relaxation and exercise two thirds of those who did techniques. receive help found it useful, One respondent said: ‘Social while one parent claimed that services need to be able to react CAMHS (child and adolescent when problems are still small, mental health services) told her not to wait until it has been to ignore her son’s self-harming worked up into a major issue. I and depression until his don’t know if it really is due to a behaviour reached crisis point. lack of resources or the mindset Genevieve Smyth, of wait and see, but it’s wrong professional affairs officer, said: and people suffer.’ March 2010 7 News.indd 7 23/02/2010 10:49
  • 8. NEWS COT boss advises Invest in people’s independence to save on formation of new national future costs, warn two major studies college of social Health and social care systems preventing repeated admissions lead to costs doubling in the work need to focus on supporting of older people and reducing next decade. people’s independence to cope their length of stay in hospitals. The case for social care reform Julia Scott, with pressures on their budgets, The report also said that – the wider economic and social chief two separate major reviews have more work was needed on benefits said a more preventative executive warned. safeguarding and training, service was needed, and of COT, The first annual review of noting that providing attributed the failure to create has been health and social care in mandatory training had the one so far to many factors advising England by the Care Quality lowest compliance of all NHS including the long-term the Social Commission (CQC) said that standards. outcomes of prevention not Care 1.7 million more adults will Julia Skelton, COT head of matching shorter term political Institute need care and support by 2030. professional practice, welcomed timescales, and the difficulties of for Dame Jo Williams, interim chair the report and said: ‘The proving the efficacy of Excellence on the setting up of of CQC, said that delivering College has long advocated prevention. a national college of social changes to support those people more integration of services, The study suggested that work (OTnews October 2009, would require ‘helping people following Interface to integration strategic commissioning, page 14). maintain their independence [the College’s strategy to collaboration between health The college of social work is and health’. integrate health and social care and social care, more being developed from a While the report said there in 2002]. We would support it personalisation, better use of IT recommendation by the Social have been improvements in the where it is appropriate along the and assistive technology and Work Task Force, which was last year, it claimed that future lines of increased productivity workforce reform could allow set up in the aftermath of the pressures on finances will and better services for users.’ spending to stay near current Baby Peter case to examine the require reforms to be sped up. The CQC report also urged levels, even with an ageing work of the profession. It cited the rapid expansion of the acceleration of person- population. services to prevent unnecessary centred care, stating that In addition to saved social emergency admissions as a billions could be saved by care costs, the report said that positive area, with the number of enabling people to manage billions would be saved in people accessing such services long-term conditions at home, knock-on effects to other NEWS up from 80,000 in 2004 to which Julia said OTs were ‘well- services, such as reduced 148,000 in 2009. placed to deliver’. emergency admissions, and However, there is a wide A separate report, sponsored reduced benefits to both service variation in how well services by the Department of Health users and carers if they were are applied – the review and written by Professor Jon supported in employment. estimates that £2 billion a year Glasby at Birmingham could be saved if all the country University, warned that failure ●● Andrew Mickel, journalist, was as good as the best areas at to reform adult social care could OTnews © To support the developments of a new structure, Scott has held ongoing meetings to advise about governance. She said: ‘In the spirit of partnership working the College [of Occupational Therapists] is pleased to support the development of the college of social work, which will © support a group of professionals who work closely with OTs in the field.’ 8 March 2010 © Ca News.indd 8 23/02/2010 10:49
  • 9. N212 tand E0 a tS s u Visit We will be exhibiting our new huggle range at the Kidz in the Middle exhibition at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry on the 11th March. Please come and visit us on stand E0 © CareFlex Ltd 2010 News.indd 9 23/02/2010 10:49
  • 10. NEWS Equipment amnesty launched in Norfolk First of community equipment scheme to save cash sites starts work An amnesty of equipment has A new method of providing been launched by Norfolk community equipment has County Council adult social begun in the London Boroughs services to try and of Barking and Dagenham and recoup the value of Havering. items that have been Previously, an OT would provided and not assess a user’s needs, and then returned. arrange for equipment to be The first two of supplied by council-run © Legg five amnesty sessions services. have so far yielded 25 Users will continue to have items. an OT visit, but they will now In 2009, the get a prescription that they can © Community use to get equipment free of Equipment Service charge from retailers. The plan delivered 66,000 is intended to provide users items of equipment with greater choice from the 34 Dagenham, told OTnews that of the delivery of items to a and collected trained and accredited retailers the new system will allow them retail model in England. The 33,000 items, from which £3.2 across both boroughs, which to focus on more complex cases. project started in September, million worth was reused. includes two mobile shops. She said: ‘It’s still early days. with the first new prescriptions Sarah Ellis, head of Users will get We’ve done in the region of 40 written in January. occupational therapy for demonstrations of the to 50 prescriptions so far, but People not eligible for Norfolk County Council, said: equipment in store. A follow-up we’ve got positive feedback council help can also use shops, ‘Many people might think that phone call after they have used from the service users who have while users who do get council it isn’t important to return the items will replace the it in their homes.’ assistance can ‘top up’ their own equipment or might not know previous system of having a Barking and Dagenham and allocation to get better how to. Sometimes people hang second visit by an occupational Havering are two of the leading equipment. on to items after they have therapist. sites in the Department of It is estimated that around NEWS recovered from an illness or Gillian Perkins, team Health’s work on Transforming 80 per cent of equipment will operation ‘just in case’ they manager for the community Community Equipment be issued under the new might need them again.’ disability service in Barking and Services, which will move much scheme. Independent OTs may need to register with Vetting and Barring scheme Self-employed and private self-employed and private registered. I believe occupational therapists may be practitioners would need to that this is the correct required to register with the register with the scheme. The approach given the Vetting and Barring Scheme. Department of Health has nature of the The scheme requires people confirmed that review will intervention that we who regularly work with include OTs, although there is offer. children or vulnerable adults in no timetable for when the The original plan England, Wales and Northern review will be concluded. would have required Ireland to register with the Sharmin Campbell, chair of an estimated 11 Independent Safeguarding the COT Specialist Section – million people to Authority. However, a review of Independent Practice, says that register, while the the new scheme before she does not believe independent revised plans will Christmas by Sir Roger Singleton OTs should need to register: require around nine concluded that the scheme was ‘Most self-employed million people to do too extensive, echoing sweeping occupational therapists working so. public criticism of the new with children and vulnerable OTs who are required checks. adults will offer a service in the employed by local © All recommendations made home and through private authorities or the NHS by Sir Roger Singleton were arrangement, and therefore as will also be required to accepted by government, the law currently stands, there is register with the including a review of whether no requirement for them to be scheme. 10 March 2010 News.indd 10 23/02/2010 10:50
  • 11. NEWS National Cancer Action Team launches Number of people with dementia cancer rehabilitation pathways estimated up to 820,000 © New care pathways for cancer rehabilitation were launched in The number of people in the January this year, and represent UK with dementia has been the culmination of a great deal estimated up to 820,000. The of hard work to improve figures, compiled by the services for people with cancer. Alzheimer’s Research Trust, The incidence of cancer is had previously stood at rising, partly due to an ageing 700,000. The number of population and partly due to the people with a cognitive good news that many more impairment, which is typically people are surviving with a caused by dementia, is diagnosis of cancer. This means expected to reach 765,000 by that rehabilitation is playing an 2031. increasingly important role. The statistics were released Rehabilitation care pathways together in a ‘user friendly’ way will help to improve shortly after the government’s have been developed for both and will be a useful resource for commissioning of cancer public spending watchdog, the specific cancers and for occupational therapists.. rehabilitation services. National Audit Office, released symptoms, and provide a useful The overall aims of the Information was also given on a critical review of the first demonstration of how various National Cancer Action the development of a workforce year of England’s dementia professionals, including Programme are to prevent model, which should help to strategy. Audits of how well NEWS occupational therapists, work cancer, to maximise the quality identify the additional the money allocated by central together to provide high quality of life for those with a diagnosis workforce, which will be government to implement the care. of cancer and to manage the needed to deliver the strategy has been spent will be The pathways were long-term consequences of rehabilitation pathways. released this month. There welcomed by participants at the cancer. The launch event The draft pathways are will be a full update of event, since they make the roles therefore included presentations available at: progress on the dementia of different allied health on other aspects of this work. rehabilitation/rehab_pathways. strategy in the next edition of professionals clear, but also An update was provided on html. If you would like further OTnews. reflect a certain amount of the evidence base for information on these subjects, The Scottish Government is flexibility within those roles. rehabilitation, which is please contact: amy.edwards@ also due to reveal its dementia The pathways have been put currently being developed. This strategy next month. Autism services in Wales gets …while Scotland considers getting £1.7 million… an autism strategy The Welsh Assembly focus on designing appropriate A member’s bill has been intended to ensure national Government will invest £1.7 housing will be key in enabling proposed in Scotland to create standards of service. million in adult autism services independence and workable an autism strategy for the Liberal Democrat MSP Hugh over the next three years. environments for people.’ nation. A consultation around O’Donnell, who proposed the The plans will introduce a Gwenda Thomas, deputy the proposed bill is being held bill, told OTnews that it has so diagnostic framework for minister for social services in to establish if there is a need far been well-received, and that autism in the next two years; Wales, said: ‘This money will for a strategy, which is responses are coming in ‘fast extend awareness campaigns at make a real and furious’ ahead of the 30 employers and in JobCentre difference to the lives March deadline. Pluses; and fund building of all those affected Scotland is the only UK design research for housing. by [Autistic nation with no autism plan, but Ruth Crowder, COT policy Spectrum Disorder] O’Donnell says that while other officer for Wales, said: ‘What is by improving nations’ experience can be new and really excellent from diagnosis provision helpful, ‘just because something © Gunkel an occupational therapy and employment may have worked elsewhere perspective is the focus on opportunities, as well doesn’t mean that it is employment, so occupational as widening the necessarily right for the Scottish therapists attempting to get range of services system.’ people into work should find available consistently Submissions can be made at: this support invaluable and the across Wales.’ March 2010 11 News.indd 11 23/02/2010 10:50
  • 12. NEWS Informatics AHPF takes stock and outlines future plans reference manual © The Allied Health Professions for OTs Federation (AHPF) represents The final draft of the COT the 12 professional bodies for Informatics Reference Manual AHPs, including COT, and (COTIRM) was circulated ‘for director Paul Hitchcock talks to comment’ as COTIM 100. OTnews about the federation’s COTIM is the regular COT recent activity and future newsletter covering all issues challenges, focusing on relevant to occupational England. therapy in the information age ‘Looking back over the last had been expected that this with delivering services for (eHealth, eCare, information six months, the AHPF has been project would have been patients, clients, users and their management involved in a number of sufficiently far advanced to carers, he believes. © Pohl etc), focusing initiatives to ensure that AHPs enable data collection to ‘In the immediate short term, on have a voice and are being become mandatory in April improving quality has to be the developments heard,’ he says. ‘There has been 2010, but this will now be on a watchword,’ he says, ‘while at that will an emphasis on engaging with voluntary basis until next year,’ the same time ensuring it is impact on the health care agenda, [as] we he says. delivered at a price that ensures occupational have had to prioritise where we ‘This data is important for the service is sustainable in the therapy practice, management, can have maximum impact.’ AHPs as it enables effective overall context of care… education, and research. The Transforming influencing of commissioners integration and working across Members can subscribe to Community Services (TCS) and hence the commissioning of boundaries are part of the receive COTIM by email by initiative will continue to have appropriate services. While the expertise and experience of contacting: lesley.gleaves@cot. the potential for major impact AHPF continues to influence many AHPs and the AHPF will Back issues are available upon the way that services are nationally on this agenda, your push to ensure that these on the COT website. delivered, following the local influence to ensure the strengths are recognised as COTIRM will be updated at publication of the NHS voluntary collection of this data employer organisations look to least quarterly, based on the Operating Framework for the will be key to ensuring the enhance their service delivery.’ content of COTIM, which coming year, he says. ‘The future development of this In the longer term, as part of provides more timely AHPF meets regularly with work.’ a three-year plan, the AHPF will information. COTIRM is members of the TCS team and Through the professional be highlighting the role of AHPs NEWS designed as an electronic is part of the TCS expert bodies, the AHPF has in improving health and resource and is not intended to advisory group.’ contributed examples of good prevention services. be printed. Additional The federation has been part practice to inform the QIPP1 ‘Throughout 2010 and onwards contributors would be very of the stakeholder panel for agenda and is involved in an the AHPF will continue to welcome; and draft content reform of the care and support ongoing dialogue with Jim develop its role and profile as a should be submitted to: chris. system and, led by Julia Scott, Easton and his team. ‘We will federation working alongside has produced a detailed be producing a “manifesto” to your professional body,’ he There is some national response to Shaping the future of ensure that the importance of ends. interest in publishing an care together, the green paper on AHPs and what they can add to ‘Its aim will continue to be to equivalent resource for the care and support. the productivity agenda is engage with those issues and allied health professions, or ‘We have been working with highlighted,’ he points out. opportunities that cross uni- perhaps even for all health care the expert reference group on Looking forward, there are professional boundaries and professions, so watch this data collection for referral to likely to be some significant most impact upon you and your space. treatment times for AHPs. It challenges to everyone involved service.’ Treatment time data collection under way in pilot areas Data collection on times from as part of the AHP Referral to how they are going to be She added that where IT referral to treatment by AHPs Treatment Data Collection ready for this. Letters have systems may not be capable of has begun in 11 Project. been going to chief executives generating the right data, paper © pilot sites in Genevieve from [chief executive of the collection may be necessary in England. Smyth, COT NHS in England] David some areas. All AHPs in professional Nicholson so OTs need to get The initiative from the England will affairs officer, in touch with them, push from Department of Health was need to collect said: ‘People the bottom up and ask: how are outlined in 2008’s Framing the the information need to think you going to work together to contribution of allied health from April 2011 now about do this?’ professionals. 12 March 2010 News.indd 12 23/02/2010 10:50
  • 13. policy ABOUT COT Mental capital and wellbeing © COT recently attended an event discover a physical activity you childhood maltreatment and run by the Inclusion Institute enjoy and that suits your level supervision neglect increase to discuss how to best use the of mobility and fitness. the risk of personality results of the influential disorder. Foresight report to provide Take notice: Be curious. Catch The rates of mental social inclusion and meaningful sight of the beautiful. Remark on illness in the population are occupation for the UK the unusual. Notice the changing generally stable, but there population. The links between seasons. Savour the moment, will be increasing numbers occupation and health are whether you are walking to of people with dementia implicit within some of the work, eating lunch or talking to because of the ageing report findings and articulated friends. Be aware of the world population. Risk factors that as the need to promote around you and what you are reduce mental capital and meaning and purpose for feeling. Reflecting on your wellbeing are summarised as people through, for example, experiences will help you debt, unemployment, poor employment, social appreciate what matters to you. housing, lone parenthood, participation and networks. victimisation, and The project defines mental Keep learning: Try something experiences of abuse. capital as a person’s cognitive new. Rediscover an old interest. Moving from the evidence in ●● strengthen parenting capacity and emotional resources – Sign up for that course. Take the Foresight report to practical and increase in peri-natal almost a ‘bank account’ of the on a different responsibility at action will be vital as there are mental health services; mind – while mental wellbeing work. Fix a bike. Learn to play significant social and economic ●● checking children, adults and is a dynamic state in which an instrument or how to cook costs of ignoring mental older adults have a secure ABOUT COT people can achieve their your favourite food. Set a wellbeing. So can OTs use foundation through income potential, fulfil their goals and challenge you enjoy achieving. these research findings for maximisation, housing, have a sense of purpose. Learning new things will make everyday practice? literacy and numeracy skills; Both concepts are you more confident as well as The report and the event ●● promote meaning and interlinked and there is a need being fun. held by the Inclusion Institute purpose through to nurture them both in the make several suggestions: employment, social general population and in Give: Do something nice for a ●● be alert to the risk factors to participation, networks and vulnerable groups. The report friend, or a stranger. Thank mental capital and wellbeing personal development; particularly concentrates on someone. Smile. Volunteer with any group you work ●● using interventions that childhood adolescence, mental your time. Join a community with; address both physical and ill health, adult learning, adult group. Look out, as well as in. ●● early intervention with mental health needs together; working life and older adults Seeing yourself, and your children is vital to establish ●● preventing and addressing and makes key happiness as linked to the resilience including violence and abuse; and recommendations about how to wider community can be treatments for emotional, ●● tackling all forms of stigma achieve our ‘five a day’ – most incredibly rewarding and physical or sexual abuse; and discrimination. of which will be achieved by creates connections with the ●● flexible working patterns for The Inclusion Institute is activity and occupational people around you. adults can promote work/life currently writing a guide for engagement. balance and prevent commissioners of health and The report sets out these The report also states that: absenteeism or presenteeism; social care services to help five ways to mental wellbeing 10 per cent (all figures are as ●● protect the mental capital of them develop the mental as: per 100,000 of population) of older adults through exercise capital and wellbeing of local Connect: With family, friends, children in the UK have and learning from middle populations. With our inherent colleagues and neighbours, at dyslexia and/or dyscalculia; 10 age; understanding of the inter- home, work, and school or in per cent of children have a ●● use social prescribing to relationship between how we your local community. Think mental illness, and additional facilitate activity and social spend our time and our health of these as the cornerstones of factors will contribute to a connection, eg time banks, and wellbeing, occupational your life and invest time in cycle of disadvantage, exercise, green activity, arts; therapists can be key to deliver developing them. Building including living in a single ●● carry out lifestyle the results of the Foresight these connections will support parent family, low income, and interventions to target Report. and enrich you every day. maternal depression; 45 per alcohol use and hazardous cent of looked after children drinking; ●● Genevieve Smyth, COT Be active: Go for a walk or run. have a mental illness, and a ●● early intervention with adults professional affairs officer for Step outside. Cycle. Play a third of prisoners are looked to decrease the risk of job mental health and learning game. Garden. Dance. after children; and 4 per cent of loss and unemployment disabilities. For more information Exercising makes you feel the population have a particularly between primary please contact: genevieve.smyth@ good. Most importantly, personality disorder and care and the employer; March 2010 13 About COT.indd 13 23/02/2010 10:47
  • 14. ABOUT COT council Future proofing headquarters £2 million has been allocated mechanism reaching the end of building’s value. These essential by Council to conduct major their working life. maintenance works also give building work on COT’s Plans for the reconstruction the organisation the headquarters in London. of the ground floor – which are opportunity to undertake a £1.5 million is needed for being improved to become more space planning exercise to help essential building work, DDA (Disability Discrimination with future proofing and including replacing all heating, Act) compliant – will include improving the College’s lighting, and air conditioning new AV technology in the three professional image. systems, as well as ageing meeting rooms, to allow While the work is being windows, and lift and front members to access events online done, COT’s headquarters will doors. An extra £500,000 was without visiting the building. be temporarily relocating to authorised by Council to The funding for the project 160-166 Borough High Street, a reconstruct the ground floor to comes from existing reserves few doors down from its main offer better facilities, build a built up over a number of years premises. However, all roof terrace to provide an extra from surpluses created by telephone and email addresses venue for use, and improve the advertising revenue. The will remain the same and post façade. funding has been capped at £2 to the normal address will be while the work is being carried The building is the largest million to prevent overspends, redirected, although members out and no meeting rooms are tangible asset that the with the essential building are asked to be patient during available, meetings can be organisation owns, and COT works taking priority. the move in case of any organised elsewhere around the has a long-term obligation to The ground floor unexpected problems. country. maintain and improve it. Over reconstruction, roof terrace and Members will not be able to The move is currently the last few years, the building improved façade were approved visit the temporary scheduled for the middle of has steadily deteriorated, with to stop any further deterioration headquarters other than the April, and the return to the the original heating and in the infrastructure of the library, which will operate at a revamped building is scheduled ventilation systems and lift door building, and to add to the reduced size. It is hoped that for autumn. ABOUT COT COT fellowship awards 2010 COT is delighted to announce The involvement of people who internationally as a leader in OT nationally and internationally. the award of three fellowships, use mental health services is education and for her significant In addition, he is an innovator, to Dr Sarah Cook, Paraig paramount in her research and contributions to the profession an advocate for continuing O’Brien and Professor Gaynor her work. and its members. She has led the education and research and Sadlo, and two honorary Paraig O’Brien currently way in the implementation of development and an active fellowships to James Leckey and works as the housing problem-based learning in the supporter of charitable Dr Frances Reynolds, in adaptations liaison manager, UK and has contributed to the organisations. recognition of the outstanding DHSSPS/NIHE in Northern development of the European Dr Frances Reynolds is a contribution they have all made Ireland. He is held in high Master of Science in senior lecturer in health to the profession during their esteem by colleagues and Occupational Therapy. She is an psychology at Brunel University. career. service users whom he puts at experienced researcher whose She has provided a major These awards are the highest the heart of his work. His findings have been published, contribution to the education of honours that COT can bestow professional leadership and disseminated and implemented OTs and OT students through on one of its professional collaborative approach to and an inspiration for others to her teaching and authorship. members and on non-OTs. partnership working with undertake research. She has generated solid Dr Cook is senior lecturer at colleagues in health, social care James Leckey, founder and evidence for practice and an the Centre for Health and Social and housing is highly valued. CEO of James Leckey Design important resource and support Care Research, Sheffield Hallam His research and his work Ltd, is the first industrialist to for the profession through her University. She is committed to on policy have had a be nominated for an honorary extensive research, most the development of OT practice, tremendous impact nationally fellowship. He was honoured notably in creativity, occupation particularly in the field of mental in many areas, but more for his work in designing and chronic ill health. health, and she is a wonderful specifically in housing. In equipment for children with The awards will be formally ambassador for COT and the addition, his contribution to disabilities, which is used on a presented to the new fellows at profession. Her leadership as the work of the COT Specialist worldwide basis, and for the COT’s annual conference in educator, researcher and author is Section – Housing has been enhancing the working Brighton in June 2010, and a widely acknowledged by her peers valued for many years. practices and education of full write-up on the awardees and she gives her time generously Professor Gaynor Sadlo is OTs. He is a committed will appear after the in supporting colleagues’ research. renowned nationally and ambassador for the profession presentation in BJOT. 14 March 2010 About COT.indd 14 23/02/2010 10:47
  • 15. council ABOUT COT © Slobodkin Great news about funding The United Kingdom the commissioning of external sponsorship Occupational Therapy Research occupational therapy services. from the Institute of Foundation (UKOTRF) is Look out for information about Social Psychiatry and delighted to announce that the 2011 funding round that Pressalit Care Ltd. council, at its October 2009 will be accessible on the website COT hopes that meeting, agreed further funding from July. more members will for the UKOTRF to support the The UKOTRF would like to support the valuable OT research agenda and to take this opportunity to thank work of the UKOTRF build research capacity within all those who supported its during the the profession. range of activities during the forthcoming year. Two The new support will double last year by: applying for the events that are already the funds that have been available funding grants and planned include available from COT, and will supporting applicants; ‘Outcome measures offer up to £200,000 a year for supervising UKOTRF grant- and effective practice’, five years commencing in 2011. winning PhD students; advisory a one-day workshop This excellent news represents a group members; attending or being held at COT on 11 sponsored research projects, real investment in the future of speaking at our the UKOTRF March. Contact Caroline.grant@ will be the speaker at the the profession, funding much- events; attending the fund- for further UKOTRF lunch at conference needed research to develop the raising lunch at COT’s annual information. Dr Diane Playford, this year on 24 June in evidence-base that underpins conference; donating speaker COT honorary fellow and PhD Brighton. For more information both professional practice and fees; individual donations; and supervisor for two of the contact: ABOUT COT Chairman’s view From vice-chairman Sara Blackbourn Merit awards 2010 agreed by council I am delighted to inform you Applications are they have overcome and the you who know the building you that a good number of independently scored and then partnerships that have been will appreciate that this is a long applications were received for discussed by the awards panel, formed; demonstrate a political overdue piece of work. consideration for this year’s members of which are all awareness of their contribution Early proposals include merit awards. This is only the members of council. This in the wider world of healthcare; reconfiguring the downstairs third year these awards have year’s applications ranged from and make sure that the verifier accommodation to enhance been given so they are still a therapists who are designing flow and space utilisation, relatively new initiative. and undertaking new and significant improvement to the The merit awards are open to innovative ways of working, to ‘The merit awards pavement level façade to all members of BAOT with a therapists who are teaching are open to all improve the image and market minimum of two full consecutive and supporting students in the the profession more explicitly, members of BAOT years of membership. This UK and overseas. The utilising the roof space over the includes student and associate successful nominees will with a minimum existing ground floor extension, members as well as practitioners, receive their award at this of two full and finally, if there is any researchers, managers and year’s annual COT conference consecutive years of money left, then to ‘tidy up’ the educators. The only criterion for in Brighton. membership.’ front of the building above the award is that nominees are If you are thinking of street level (see page 14). recognised by their peers in the nominating someone for a merit This is an exciting project occupational therapy community award then I would recommend knows what is on the and while council is mindful of for excellence in their sphere of that you: provide actual application form, as they may be the expenditure in the present work. examples of their contribution contacted to confirm their financial climate it was agreed So if you know someone who to occupational therapy, do not support of the application or to that the benefits of this work meets this criterion all you have just state that they do; use the give further information. outweigh the risks and will to do is nominate him or her on full word count allowed within On a different note, I am very undoubtedly benefit the an application form, which you each of the five sections and for pleased to inform you that profession, the members and the get from COT. Remember, this the supporting statement; use a council has approved some staff who work at headquarters. award is open to all members of variety of evidence in each additional spending to enhance We will keep you posted on BAOT. section; illustrate the challenges COT headquarters. For those of progress. Sara Blackbourn, COT vice-chairman, can be contacted by email at: March 2010 15 About COT.indd 15 23/02/2010 10:47