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The Effect of Managerial Ability on
Farm Financial Success
Stephen A. Ford and J. S. Shonkwiler

The effects of managerial ability on farm financial success are analyzed for a 1990 sample of
Pennsylvania commercial dairy farms using structural latent variable techniques. Latent factors
related to dairy, crop, and financial management are used with herd size to explain farm
financial success, measured by net farm income. Results indicate the relative importance of
each management variable toward farm financial success.

Introduction                                                          efficiency of input use (Patrick and Eisgruber),
                                                                      profitability (Musser and White), expert opinion
Agricultural professionals have long recognized (Antle and Goodger), and business motivations
that differences in managerial ability will result in (Young, et al.).
differences in financial success of farms with sim-                      Dairy farms, in particular, require broad mart-
ilar resource bases under the same production con- agement expertise in managing the dairy herd, the
ditions. Managerial ability is quite difficult to mea- crop program, and farm finances. The complexity
sure, however, when trying to determine its effect of these farm operations may make it difficult for
on farm financial performance. Its omission from dairy farm managers to excel in all three manage-
the specification of economic models results in ment areas, The relative importance and contribu-
bias in estimated parameters. Measurement errors tion of the farm operator’s managerial ability in
lead to the same problem when efforts are made to each area is of interest to researchers investigating
include the managerial ability variable in a model determinants of dairy farm financial success.
 specification. Historically, the accounting for Many studies have related dairy farm production
managerial ability in production functions and es- practices, farmer age and experience, and effi-
timates of technical efficiency in published re- ciency measures to farm profitability measures
 search has rarely led to specific prescriptions for an through regression analysis (Carley and Fletcher;
 agricultural industry. The magnitude of (ineffic- Haden and Johnson; Kauffman and Tauer;
 iency is determined, but specific recommenda- McGilliard, et al.; Williams, et al.). Sometimes,
 tions for any improvement in efficiency, and farm relative measures of dairy farm efficiency are re-
 profitability, are often beyond the scope and level lated to farm characteristics in an effort to identify
 of detail of estimated models.                                       determinants of efficiency. Again, production
     The effect that management has in biasing esti- practices, farm facilities, and farmer demographic
 mated technical and economic relationships has information were used as measures of managerial
 been recognized by economists for many years ability (Bailey, et al.; Kumbhakar, et al.; Stefanou
 (Griliches; Mundl&, Dawson). Managerial ability and Saxena). Several studies have gone further to
 has been included in a number of studies of agri- relate technical and/or allocative efficiency to spe-
 cultural producers. Typically, managerial ability cific farm characteristics and production efficiency
 was represented in regression models as a set of measures (Weersink, et al.; Tauer and Belbase;
 demographic variables or production practices as Tauer; Bravo-Ureta and Riegeu Grisley and Mas-
 proxies for unobserved managerial ability (Bigras- carenhas). These studies have generally found that
 Poulin et al.; Sumner and Leiby; Bailey, et al.; these measures explain only a small portion of total
 Mykrantz, et al.). Other studies have incorporated variability in efficiency for the dairy farms in-
 management levels into simulation models through cluded in the respective studies.
                                                                          There is no clear consensus arising from previ-
 AssistantProfessor,Department f Agricultural conomics Rural ous research on what variables represent manage-
                                   o              E         and
 Sociology,The Pennsylvania State University and Professor, Depmt-     ment or whether they accurately measure ability in
 mentof Agricultural conomics, niversity Nevada,Reno. The mr- herd, crop, and financial management. Further,
                       E           U        of
 thors gratefully acknowledge the comments of three anonymous leview-
 ers.                                                                  there has been no strong link made between man-
Ford and Shonkwiler                                                  Managerial Ability and Financial Success   151

agerial ability and farm financial success or effi-      indicators and latent variables. Using this struc-
ciency. Typically, measurement error still existsin      ture, the second moments of equation (1) are com-
these model specifications. These concerns are ad-       pletely specified and maximum likelihood methods
dressed in this study through a model relating farm      can be used to estimate the Vi.
financial success to managerial ability using a             The confirmatory factor analysis approach can
1990 sample of Pennsylvania dairy farms. A meth-         be represented as:
odology is developed that relates latent manage-
ment variables to net farm income and evaluates                               X=kg+e,                           (2)
their individual impacts on financial success. The       or
relative impacts of three types of managerial abil-
ity are assessed, as are the individual impacts of

the observed indicators of these latent variables.

Model Development
                                                         where the observational subscript has been sup-
The primary objective of this analysis is to relate a    pressed. Here, the k variables in the x vector serve
measure of dairy farm financial success, y, to un-       as indicators of the latent variable of factor & The
observed measures associated with financial man-         elements of the h vector are termed factor loadings
agerial ability, &f,dairy managerial ability, &, and     or structural coefficients. The contribution of the
crop managerial ability, &,. The structural latent       ith indicator toward explaining ~ depends on the
variable approach is used for two reasons. First,        magnitude of hi and the variance of ~i. This can be
there are numerous economic, accounting, and ef-         seen by forming the second moment of (2), i.e.
ficiency variables which could represent the mea-
sures of interest. Second, if a multiple regression                cm(x) = )@A’ +        v,   =   z= (6)        (3)
approach is used to try to infer the interrelation-      where + is the variance of ~ and
ships among these related variables, it is likely that
the high intercorrelations among variables would
yield puzzling, inconclusive or contradictory re-
sults. The attraction of structural latent variable
analysis stems from its ability to exploit the inter-
relationships among variables which are thought to
indicate some underlying component or factor             XU(0), then, represents the covariance of the x
(Goldberger).                                            matrix in terms of all of the unknown parameters in
   The model to be developed represents the rela-        equations (1), (2), and (3). Note that each xi is an
tionship between dairy net farm income, y, and           imperfect indicator of ~ as long as Uii > 0. Also,
factors associated with financial, dairy and crop        since scale rather than location is of interest, the
management, i.e.,                                        indicators are typically centered about zero and
                                                         one of the Ai is normalized to unity.
          Y = ?’l~f +       +
                        ~2td ‘Y3&      +   c       (1)
                                                            Estimation of the loadings and variances (the
Estimation of the unknown parameters, Yi, is not         elements in 0) uses the second moment formula-
straightforward since the independent variables are      tion in (3) where the observed second moments of
not directly observed; hence, minimization of the        the indicators are equated to the unknown param-
(squared) residual, ~, using ordinary regression         eters of X(6). The log likelihood function under the
techniques is not a feasible method for obtaining        assumption of normally distributed data is (Bollen,
parameter estimates.                                     p. 133)
   Instead, confirmatory factor analysis (Bollen;
                                                              – .5Nln[det(&   (0))1 – .5 Ntr(& (8) - lSM)
Kim and Mueller) is used to specify the relation-
ships among indicators of the latent variables.
Confirmatory factor analysis differs from explor-        where N is the sample size, h is the natural loga-
atory factor analysis in that a structure of underly-    rithm, det is the determinant of a matrix, tr is the
ing relationships is imposed on the data instead of      trace of a matrix, and S= is Cov(x), the covariance
letting the data define the relationships. Although      matrix of the observed indicators.
we do not observe the independent variables di-             Generalization of (2) through (5) to more than
rectly, we do observe indicators of these variables.     one factor is straightforward. For the case of g
We can then infer factors of proportion between          factors, h becomes a kxg matrix, E is gxl, and @
152 October 1994                                                              Agricultural and Resource Economics Review

is gxg. The latent variable model in equation (1)                resented by the equity to asset ratio (EA), the gross
also requires the estimation of a regression with                profit margin (MARG), interest expense as a pro-
latent variables as regressors. This is accomplished             portion of total cash expenses (INT), and debt per
by noting that:                                                  cow (DEBT). EA is calculated as farm net worth
                                                                 divided by total assets, both valued at market
                     y=.g’y+{                              (6)   value. MARG is calculated by dividing total cash
The second moment of (6) is                                      sales into total cash expenses and subtracting that
                                                                 proportion from one. INT and DEBT are self-
            Var(y) = fE(&’)y              + ~              (7)   explanatory. It is hypothesized that the relation-
                                                                 ships between financial managerial ability and EA
where E is the expectation operator and T is the                 and MARG will be positive, while those between
variance of ~. Substitution of the second moment                 financial managerial ability and INT and DEBT
of y implied by equation (1) yields                              will be negative, i.e., AZ,A3<0.
                                                                     The dairy management factor, Ed, is indicated
     Var(y) = SYy = y’@y + W = ~                    Jo)
                                                                 by the dairy efficiency factors: milk sold per cow
                                                                 (MCOW), veterinarian expenses per cow (VET),
  Estimation of all the parameters in the system                 heifers and calves per milk cow (CALF), and milk
can be achieved by generalizing (5).                             sold per man (MMAN). Dairy managerial ability is
                                                                 expected to vary directly with all four indicators.
Let S =                                                          Summary analysis suggests that net farm income
  sYY Syx                                                        increases with milk per cow, while veterinary costs
  Sq s= and~(’)=E:
Recognizing that
                                                    ~::1         and the ratio of youngstock to cows increase with
                                                                 milk sold per cow (Ford and McSweeny). How-
                                                                 ever, VET and CALF may be inversely related to
                                                                 dairy management on some farms.
                 Syx =   A@y    =   x,x   (e)              (9)       The crop management factor, ~,, is indicated by
permits writing the log likelihood function as                   the variables: crop acres per cow (ACOW), crop
                                                                 acres per man (AMAN), crop expense per acre
      – .5Nln[det(2(0))] – .5iVtr(Z(f3)-lS).                     (EXP), and a constructed relative yield index for
                                                          (lo)   each farm (YLDS). Crop acres used to calculate
                                                                 ACOW and AMAN are acres planted. EXP in-
                                                                 cludes only the direct variable crop expenses of
Model Specification                                              fertilizer, seed, and chemicals. The yield index
                                                                 constructed for this model, YLDS, reflects the fact
                                                                 that not all farmers grow the same crops. Direct
A statistical model was developed to determine the
impact of managerial ability in three management                 crop yields cannot be used since any farm not
                                                                 growing a specific crop would show a yield of
areas (finance, dairy, and crops) on net farm in-
come. The three unobserved factors ~f, Ed, and &                 zero. Consequently, an index was constructed
are related to respective unobserved indicators ac-              where com grain, corn silage, and all hay yield
                                                                  indices were calculated for each farm as a propor-
cording to the specification presented in (11).
                                                                 tionate difference from the average yield of those
                                                                 farms that produced those respective crops. The
                                                                 result is a measure relating to the sample average
                                                                 for each crop grown on each farm. These crop
                                                                  indices were then weighted by the acres for each
                                                                 crop grown on the farm to arrive at the final aver-
                                                                  age yield index for that farm. A measure of
             .                                  +         (11)     – 0.20, for example, means that the crop yields on
                                                                 that farm were 20 percent below the average for
  ACOW                                                            the sample, while a measure of 0.20 indicates that
                                                                 the yields on that farm were 20 percent above the
   EXP                                                            sample average. It is expected that the indicator
   YLDS                                                          variables ACOW, AMAN, and YLDS will vary
                                                                  directly with crop managerial ability, since the
     The financial management factor, ~f, is indi-                ability to provide adequate feed, labor efficiency,
cated by the degree of leverage employed, as rep-                 and crop productivity are all associated with good
Ford and Shonkwiler                                                         Managerial Ability and Financial Success       153

management. Weather, of course, will also affect                data were gathered through a tax and record-
crop yields implying that the yield index is not a              keeping service provided by Pennsylvania Farm-
perfect indicator of crop managerial ability. No                ers’ Association. The data are not statistically rep-
hypothesis is made regarding the relationship of                resentative of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry, how-
EXP to managerial ability, since both high and low              ever they do represent a wide range of dairy farms
expenditures per acre cart be associated with poor              in the state. The farms included in the sample have
management.                                                     at least 20 milk cows and at least 50 percent of
   The interpretation of the latent factors, &i,will            gross farm income coming from milk sales. The
be determined by the pattern of signs of the factor             average contribution of dairy to gross sales is 93.2
loadings, Ai, which establishes the relationship be-            percent for the sample. The sample means of the
tween the factors and their indicators. The inter-              variables specified in the model presented in the
pretation of the estimated loadings of the indicators           previous section are presented in Table 1.
on their respective management factors will be dis-                The maximum likelihood estimator of the struc-
cussed in the results section. The impacts of the               tural latent variable model presented was derived
three management factors on dairy farm financial                under the assumption of normally distributed data.
success can then be assessed using equation (1),                Clearly many measures of farm finances and op-
   A final specification issue relating to size effects         erating characteristics are not normally distributed,
needs to be considered. To account for the effect of            and no such claim is made for the data used in the
firm size on net farm income, the size of the dairy             analysis. Instead, pseudo-maximum likelihood es-
operation should be introduced. Herd size (HS) is               timation (Gourieroux, et al.) is used to obtain pa-
therefore included in equation (1) as an additional             rameter estimates. The conditions under which
regressor giving                                                pMLE estimation is valid require only that the con-
                                                                ventional normal log likelihood function produce
     Y = %~~ +        ~2~d 73&+ 7417s &(1*)
                         +          +                           consistent estimators. Then, the variances for these
The system of equations including (1*) and (11)                 estimators must be adjusted to account for the fact
can be estimated by maximizing the full informa-                that the true underlying distribution is not normal
tion log likelihood function given by (10).                     (White; Gourieroux, et al.).
                                                                  Browne    has shown      that the normal     MLE       esti-
                                                                mator  of the structural latent variable model is con-
Data and Model Estimation                                       sistent under distributional misspecification. Fuller
                                                                (p. 347) notes that normal distribution maximum
The statistical model developed in this study was               likelihood procedures possess desirable asymptotic
estimated using data from a sample of 880 Penn-                 properties for a wide range of distributions, To
sylvania commercial dairy farms for 1990. The                   compute the covariance matrix of the estimated

Table 1.     Variable Names, Definitions, and Sample Means*

Variable Name                                      Definition                    Sample Mean           Standard Deviation
Dependent Variable
NFI                                     Net farm income                          $32,597                  $36,190
Financial Management Indicators
EA                                      Equity to asset ratio                         74%                         23%
MARG                                    Operating margin                              26%                         13%
INT                                     Interest as a % of cash expenses               8.8%                        7.0%
DEBT                                    Debt per cow                              $2,234                      $2,000
Dairy Management Indicators
MCOW                                    Milk sold per cow (Ibs)                   15,603                       2,664
VET                                     Vet expenses per cow                         $44.75                      $33.95
CALF                                    Heifers and Calves per cow                       .78                         .26
MMAN                                    Milk sold per man (lbs)                  489,655                     187,406
Crop Management Indicators
ACOW                                    Crop acres per cow                             3.3                         1.6
AMAN                                    Crop acres per man                            99.2                        48.4
EXP                                     Crop expenses per acre                      $155.46                      $75.84
YLDS                                    Farm Relative Crop Yield Index               –0.019                        3.130
Scale/Size Measure
HS                                      Herd size (cows)                                70.8                      43.9

*Source: Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association, 1990, 880 farms.
154 October 1994                                                                   Agricultural and Resource Economics Review

pMLE parameters only requires the first and sec-                  cent level), the covariance between the financial
ond derivatives of the normal log likelihood func-                and crop management factors, @ls, and the param-
tion (White).                                                     eter estimate for crop management, & Calculated
                                                                  standard errors use White’s formula so that they
Empirical Results                                                 are robust to distributional misspecifications. The
                                                                  estimated model explains 43 percent of the varia-
The 35 parameters for the complete structural la-                 tion in net farm income in the sample. This is
tent variable model were estimated using pMLE                     substantially better than the proportion of efficien-
methods and are presented in Table 2. All param-                  cies explained in previous work (Tauer and Bel-
eter estimates are significantly different from zero              base; Tauer; Grisley and Mascarenhas), but equal
at the five percent level with the exception of the               to the explanatory power of the model developed
covariance between the financial management fac-                  by Weersink, et al,. An examination of the esti-
tor and herd size, @14, (significant at the ten per-              mated parameters for the management factors in-

Table 2.      Maximum Likelihood Estimation Results

                                                                    Asymptotic                                        Correlation
                     Estimated               Estimated               Standard                  Implied                of Indicator
Variable             Parameter                 Value                  Error                    T-Value                with Factor

ff                       71                     0.396                   0.048                    8.18*                    —
k.                       ‘Y3                    4,394                   0.877                    5.01*
kc                       73                   –0.189                    0.748                  –0.25                      —
HS                       ?’4                    4.161                   0.469                    8.87*                    —
EA                       N’                     1                        —                       —                         .901
MARG                     Al                     0.209                   0.023                    9.02*                     .332
INT                      A2                   –0.266                    0.013                 –20.11*                    – .798
DEBT                     A,                   – 0.093                   0.004                 –22.71*                    – .981
MCOW                     N                      1                                                                          .855
VET                      A.                     0.676                   0.091                    7.46*                     .454
CALF                     A5                     0.296                   0,049                    6.03”                     .262
MMAN                     k6                     3.742                   0.844                    4.43*                     .455
ACOW                     N                      1                        —                                                 .930
AMAN                     A,                     0.246                   0.019                   12.91*                     .740
EXP                      A5                   –2.421                    0.359                  –6.75*                    – .464
YLDS                     A,                   –0.554                    0.116                  –4,78*                    – .258
v .11                    —                    101.99                   13.00                     7.84*                    —
v ,22                    —                    155.35                   12.38                    12.55*                    —
v .33                    —                     17.79                    1.46                    12.22*                    —
v ,44                    —                      0.15                    0.08                     1.81*                    —
v .55                                           1.91                    0.90                     2.11*                    —
v ,66                                           9.14                    2.58                     3.55*                    —
v ,77                    —                      6.14                    0.46                    13,25*                    —
v .88                    —                    278.22                   23.43                    11,87*                    —
v .99                    —                      0.33                    0.17                     1.92*                    —
v .1010                  —                      0.11                    0.01                     8,89*                    —
v .1111                                        45.06                    4.78                     9,43*                    —
v ,1212                  —                      9.13                    0.55                    16,74*                    —
a,,                      —                    441.78                   29.51                    14,97*                    —
Q,,                      —                    –5.83                     2.25                   –2,59*                     —
Q,,                                           – 1.40                    1.52                   –0.92                      —
a,.                                             4.69                    2.44                     1,93**                   —
B,,                      —                      5.19                    0.95                     5.43*
a,,                      —                    –0.41                     0.16                   –2,59*                     —
Q*                                              1.49                    0.68                     2,20*                    —
Q33                                             2.11                    0.31                     6,80*                    —
Q34                                           –0.60                     0.24                   – 2,49*                    —
@&b                      —                     19.27                     —                                                —
T                                             753.70                   82.15                     9.17*
 *Denotes that the estimated parameter is significant at the five percent level. Variances are evaluated with one-sided tests.
**Denotes that the estimated parameter is significant at the ten perCent level.
‘N denotes that the factor loading was normalized to unity.
~he sample variance of the herd size variable.
Ford and Shonkwiler                                                 Managerial Ability and Financial Success   155

 dicates that herd size, financial management, and      Table 3. Elasticity of Net Farm Income with
 dairy management are highly significant regressors     Respect to Management Indicators (Evaluated
 in explaining dairy net farm income. The sign of       at Sample Means)
the estimated crop management parameter is neg-
 ative, though quite insignificant. The interpreta-     Indicator                                       Elasticity
 tion of the crop management factor will be dis-        EA                                                0.111
cussed later.                                           MARG                                              0.005
    An implied correlation coefficient is also pre-     INT                                             –0.020
 sented in Table 2 (Bollen, p, 288) to show how         DEBT                                            –0.220
                                                        MCOW                                              1.306
closely the indicators are related to the correspond-   VET                                              0.053
ing factor. The correlations of the financial man-      CALF                                             0.060
agement indicators with their factor exhibit theex-     MMAN                                             0.105
petted signs. Equity and profit margin are posi-        ACOW                                           –0.028
tively associated with financial management and         AMAN                                           – 0.007
                                                        EXP                                              0.002
debt and interest payments are negatively associ-       YLDS                                             0.00003
ated with financial management. The correlation         HS                                               0.922
of debt per cow with the financial management
factor has the largest magnitude of the four indi-
cators. This result suggests that farm financial        is used because the latent factors are correlated.
structure is more important than profit margin as       That is, @ is specified to be non-diagonal and a
an indicator of financial management.                   change in an indicator can affect all latent factors.
    The loadings and correlations of the dairy man-     In fact, the correlation b~twqen & and ijCis esti-
agement indicators are also what were expected a        mated to be –. 125 (@2@@33)11z) which implies
priori. All are positively associated with dairy        that increases in dairy management are associated
management, Milk sold per cow has the strongest         with decreases in crop efficiency (Table 4). This
correlation with the dairy management factor, but       relates directly to the likely difficulty for farmers
milk sold per man has the largest factor loading        to manage both a high producing dairy herd and
(3.742), indicating the importance of labor effi-       the production of high quality feed for the dairy
ciency in dairy operations. The parameter esti-         operation. Note, however, that most of the indica-
mates for some crop management indicators ap-           tors of ~c have little direct effect on net farm in-
pear to have signs that are in disagreement with a      come,
priori expectations. The positive loadings on acres        Milk per cow has the largest effect on net farm
per cow (ACOW) and acres per man (AMAN) and             income of all indicators with an elasticity of 1.306.
negative loadings on crop yields (YLDS) and crop        Note that this response is even greater than chang-
expense per acre (EXP) show that the crop man-          ing herd size (O.992). In fact, the elasticity of herd
agement factor varies positively with extensive         size at less than unity suggests that this sample of
crop operations and is inversely related to intensive   dairy farms exhibits decreasing economies of size.
crop operations. However, this does not suggest         Weersink and Tauer found that increasing herd
that larger crop operations relative to herd size and   size causes productivity increases (milk per cow)
labor tend to increase dairy profitability, because     on dairy farms, although the causal effect was in-
the estimated parameter on the crop management          significant for Pennsylvania farms. While no cau-
factor is negative, through insignificant. Hence,       sal relationship between herd size and dairy man-
there is inconclusive evidence that intensive as op-    agement can be developed from this research, the
posed to extensive crop operations are associated       results suggest that increasing milk per cow and
with greater dairy farm profitability y.                consequently dairy management has a greater pro-
    The effects of the indicators on the financial      portional impact on net farm income than does
success variable, net farm income, can also be          herd size. The importance of debt management on
shown as elasticities. These elasticities, evaluated    farm financial success is seen in the magnitude of
at sample means, are presented in Table 3. They         the effects of the equity to asset ratio (O.111) and
are assessed using Thomson’s method of factor           debt per cow ( – 0.220). Increases in crop manage-
score estimation (Bollen, p. 304). In the case of       ment indicators have little effect on net farm in-
the indicators of the & latent factors, the formula     come, but an increase in labor efficiency (MMAN)
                                                        has a modest effect,
                                                           Correlations among the management factors and
                                                        herd size are presented in Table 4. All correlations
                                                        are significantly different from zero at the five per-
156 October 1994                                                              Agricultural and Resource Economics Review

cent level except for the correlation between finan-          The analysis of this farm records data set also il-
cird and crop management and the correlation be-              lustrates the difficulty dairy farm managers have in
tween herd size and dairy management (significant             managing all facets of the farm business. The re-
at the ten percent level). All of the correlations are        sults indicate that dairy, financial, and crop man-
relatively low and are negative with two excep-               agement abilities are all negatively correlated with
tions. The correlation between financial manage-              one another. Consequently, an appropriate man-
ment and herd size and the correlation between                agement strategy may be to put less managerial
dairy management and herd size are both positive.             effort into crop production and more into dairy
These results seem to support the notion that it is           activities. This approach is consistent with farming
difficult for dairy farmers to be successful manag-           practices on large dairies in the southern and west-
ers in the three managerial areas examined in this            ern regions of the United States.
research: financial, dairy, and crop management.                 The results of this analysis are dependent on
However, the positive correlations between herd               cross-sectional data for 1990. It is possible that a
size and financial management and dairy manage-               similar analysis for another year may generate dif-
ment suggest that financial success on large farms            ferent results. Changes in milk prices and interest
occurs only with good financial management. One               rates, for example, may alter the relative magni-
can also draw the conclusion that large farms are             tudes of the management factors. However, dairy
successful if they have good dairy management.                farmers have organized their farm operations in
                                                              response to historical patterns in price levels and
                                                              any future changes in price levels will likely be
Conclusions                                                   uniform across the farms in this dataset.
                                                                 The structural latent variable approach shows
The structural latent variable approach using con-            great promise for disentangling management from
firmatory factor analysis allows the estimation of            other farm measures in determining the factors that
underlying relationships among unobserved vari-               are necessary for farm financial success. The re-
ables and their observed indicators. The use of this          sults of this analysis also point to the most impor-
approach has yielded several interesting insights             tant managerial abilities for the farm manager and
into the relationships among dairy farm financial             which indicators of those abilities are most likely
success and managerial ability in farm finances,              to result in the financial success of the dairy farm.
the dairy operation, and crop production for a sam-           Further, these methods can be applied to other
ple of Pennsylvania dairy farms.                              types of farms and businesses to assess determi-
   Dairy management and herd size have been de-               nants of financial success.
termined to be more important determinants of
farm financial success than financial or crop man-
agement. In fact, indicators of crop managerial               References
ability have a relatively low impact on farm suc-             Antle, J.M., and W,J. Goodger. “Measuring Stochastic Tech-
cess. Debt per cow is strongly negatively related to               nology: The Case of Tulare Milk Production. ” American
financial success. The result indicating decreasing                Journal of Agricultural Economics 66(August 1984):342-
economies of herd size suggests that increasing                    350.
efficiency (dairy managerial ability) will have               Bailey, D.V., B. Biswas, S.C, Kumbhakar, and B.K. Schul-
greater relative payoff than increasing herd size.                 thies. “An Analysis of Technical, Allocative, and Scafe
                                                                   Inefficiency: The Case of Ecuadorian Dairy Farms. ”
Table 4. Correlations Among Management                             Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 14(July 1989):
Factors and Herd Size (standard errors                             3637.
                                                              Bigras-Poulin, M., A.H. Meek, and S.W. Martin. “Attitudes,
in parentheses)
                                                                   Management Practices, and Herd Performance-A Study
                                                                   of Ontario Dairy Farm Managers. 11.Associations. ” Pre-
                 &                L                 &    HS
                                                                   ventive Veterinary Medicine 3(1984/85):241-250.
~f           1                                                Bollen, K.A. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New
                                                                   York John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
(d         – .122*            1                               Bravo-Ureta, B.E., and L. Rieger. “Dairy Farm Efficiency
            (,061)                                                 Measurement Using Stochastic Frontiers and Neoclassical
[=         – .046           –.125*              1                  Duality. ” American Journal of Agricultural Economics
            (.052)           (.060)                                73(May 1991):421428.
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Organizational Behavior

  • 1. The Effect of Managerial Ability on Farm Financial Success Stephen A. Ford and J. S. Shonkwiler The effects of managerial ability on farm financial success are analyzed for a 1990 sample of Pennsylvania commercial dairy farms using structural latent variable techniques. Latent factors related to dairy, crop, and financial management are used with herd size to explain farm financial success, measured by net farm income. Results indicate the relative importance of each management variable toward farm financial success. Introduction efficiency of input use (Patrick and Eisgruber), profitability (Musser and White), expert opinion Agricultural professionals have long recognized (Antle and Goodger), and business motivations that differences in managerial ability will result in (Young, et al.). differences in financial success of farms with sim- Dairy farms, in particular, require broad mart- ilar resource bases under the same production con- agement expertise in managing the dairy herd, the ditions. Managerial ability is quite difficult to mea- crop program, and farm finances. The complexity sure, however, when trying to determine its effect of these farm operations may make it difficult for on farm financial performance. Its omission from dairy farm managers to excel in all three manage- the specification of economic models results in ment areas, The relative importance and contribu- bias in estimated parameters. Measurement errors tion of the farm operator’s managerial ability in lead to the same problem when efforts are made to each area is of interest to researchers investigating include the managerial ability variable in a model determinants of dairy farm financial success. specification. Historically, the accounting for Many studies have related dairy farm production managerial ability in production functions and es- practices, farmer age and experience, and effi- timates of technical efficiency in published re- ciency measures to farm profitability measures search has rarely led to specific prescriptions for an through regression analysis (Carley and Fletcher; agricultural industry. The magnitude of (ineffic- Haden and Johnson; Kauffman and Tauer; iency is determined, but specific recommenda- McGilliard, et al.; Williams, et al.). Sometimes, tions for any improvement in efficiency, and farm relative measures of dairy farm efficiency are re- profitability, are often beyond the scope and level lated to farm characteristics in an effort to identify of detail of estimated models. determinants of efficiency. Again, production The effect that management has in biasing esti- practices, farm facilities, and farmer demographic mated technical and economic relationships has information were used as measures of managerial been recognized by economists for many years ability (Bailey, et al.; Kumbhakar, et al.; Stefanou (Griliches; Mundl&, Dawson). Managerial ability and Saxena). Several studies have gone further to has been included in a number of studies of agri- relate technical and/or allocative efficiency to spe- cultural producers. Typically, managerial ability cific farm characteristics and production efficiency was represented in regression models as a set of measures (Weersink, et al.; Tauer and Belbase; demographic variables or production practices as Tauer; Bravo-Ureta and Riegeu Grisley and Mas- proxies for unobserved managerial ability (Bigras- carenhas). These studies have generally found that Poulin et al.; Sumner and Leiby; Bailey, et al.; these measures explain only a small portion of total Mykrantz, et al.). Other studies have incorporated variability in efficiency for the dairy farms in- management levels into simulation models through cluded in the respective studies. There is no clear consensus arising from previ- AssistantProfessor,Department f Agricultural conomics Rural ous research on what variables represent manage- o E and Sociology,The Pennsylvania State University and Professor, Depmt- ment or whether they accurately measure ability in mentof Agricultural conomics, niversity Nevada,Reno. The mr- herd, crop, and financial management. Further, E U of thors gratefully acknowledge the comments of three anonymous leview- ers. there has been no strong link made between man-
  • 2. Ford and Shonkwiler Managerial Ability and Financial Success 151 agerial ability and farm financial success or effi- indicators and latent variables. Using this struc- ciency. Typically, measurement error still existsin ture, the second moments of equation (1) are com- these model specifications. These concerns are ad- pletely specified and maximum likelihood methods dressed in this study through a model relating farm can be used to estimate the Vi. financial success to managerial ability using a The confirmatory factor analysis approach can 1990 sample of Pennsylvania dairy farms. A meth- be represented as: odology is developed that relates latent manage- ment variables to net farm income and evaluates X=kg+e, (2) their individual impacts on financial success. The or relative impacts of three types of managerial abil- ity are assessed, as are the individual impacts of N=EI’ the observed indicators of these latent variables. Model Development where the observational subscript has been sup- The primary objective of this analysis is to relate a pressed. Here, the k variables in the x vector serve measure of dairy farm financial success, y, to un- as indicators of the latent variable of factor & The observed measures associated with financial man- elements of the h vector are termed factor loadings agerial ability, &f,dairy managerial ability, &, and or structural coefficients. The contribution of the crop managerial ability, &,. The structural latent ith indicator toward explaining ~ depends on the variable approach is used for two reasons. First, magnitude of hi and the variance of ~i. This can be there are numerous economic, accounting, and ef- seen by forming the second moment of (2), i.e. ficiency variables which could represent the mea- sures of interest. Second, if a multiple regression cm(x) = )@A’ + v, = z= (6) (3) approach is used to try to infer the interrelation- where + is the variance of ~ and ships among these related variables, it is likely that the high intercorrelations among variables would yield puzzling, inconclusive or contradictory re- sults. The attraction of structural latent variable analysis stems from its ability to exploit the inter- relationships among variables which are thought to indicate some underlying component or factor XU(0), then, represents the covariance of the x (Goldberger). matrix in terms of all of the unknown parameters in The model to be developed represents the rela- equations (1), (2), and (3). Note that each xi is an tionship between dairy net farm income, y, and imperfect indicator of ~ as long as Uii > 0. Also, factors associated with financial, dairy and crop since scale rather than location is of interest, the management, i.e., indicators are typically centered about zero and one of the Ai is normalized to unity. Y = ?’l~f + + ~2td ‘Y3& + c (1) Estimation of the loadings and variances (the Estimation of the unknown parameters, Yi, is not elements in 0) uses the second moment formula- straightforward since the independent variables are tion in (3) where the observed second moments of not directly observed; hence, minimization of the the indicators are equated to the unknown param- (squared) residual, ~, using ordinary regression eters of X(6). The log likelihood function under the techniques is not a feasible method for obtaining assumption of normally distributed data is (Bollen, parameter estimates. p. 133) Instead, confirmatory factor analysis (Bollen; – .5Nln[det(& (0))1 – .5 Ntr(& (8) - lSM) Kim and Mueller) is used to specify the relation- (5) ships among indicators of the latent variables. Confirmatory factor analysis differs from explor- where N is the sample size, h is the natural loga- atory factor analysis in that a structure of underly- rithm, det is the determinant of a matrix, tr is the ing relationships is imposed on the data instead of trace of a matrix, and S= is Cov(x), the covariance letting the data define the relationships. Although matrix of the observed indicators. we do not observe the independent variables di- Generalization of (2) through (5) to more than rectly, we do observe indicators of these variables. one factor is straightforward. For the case of g We can then infer factors of proportion between factors, h becomes a kxg matrix, E is gxl, and @
  • 3. 152 October 1994 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review is gxg. The latent variable model in equation (1) resented by the equity to asset ratio (EA), the gross also requires the estimation of a regression with profit margin (MARG), interest expense as a pro- latent variables as regressors. This is accomplished portion of total cash expenses (INT), and debt per by noting that: cow (DEBT). EA is calculated as farm net worth divided by total assets, both valued at market y=.g’y+{ (6) value. MARG is calculated by dividing total cash The second moment of (6) is sales into total cash expenses and subtracting that proportion from one. INT and DEBT are self- Var(y) = fE(&’)y + ~ (7) explanatory. It is hypothesized that the relation- ships between financial managerial ability and EA where E is the expectation operator and T is the and MARG will be positive, while those between variance of ~. Substitution of the second moment financial managerial ability and INT and DEBT of y implied by equation (1) yields will be negative, i.e., AZ,A3<0. The dairy management factor, Ed, is indicated Var(y) = SYy = y’@y + W = ~ Jo) by the dairy efficiency factors: milk sold per cow (8) (MCOW), veterinarian expenses per cow (VET), Estimation of all the parameters in the system heifers and calves per milk cow (CALF), and milk can be achieved by generalizing (5). sold per man (MMAN). Dairy managerial ability is expected to vary directly with all four indicators. Let S = Summary analysis suggests that net farm income sYY Syx increases with milk per cow, while veterinary costs Sq s= and~(’)=E: [1 Recognizing that ~::1 and the ratio of youngstock to cows increase with milk sold per cow (Ford and McSweeny). How- ever, VET and CALF may be inversely related to dairy management on some farms. Syx = A@y = x,x (e) (9) The crop management factor, ~,, is indicated by permits writing the log likelihood function as the variables: crop acres per cow (ACOW), crop acres per man (AMAN), crop expense per acre – .5Nln[det(2(0))] – .5iVtr(Z(f3)-lS). (EXP), and a constructed relative yield index for (lo) each farm (YLDS). Crop acres used to calculate ACOW and AMAN are acres planted. EXP in- cludes only the direct variable crop expenses of Model Specification fertilizer, seed, and chemicals. The yield index constructed for this model, YLDS, reflects the fact that not all farmers grow the same crops. Direct A statistical model was developed to determine the impact of managerial ability in three management crop yields cannot be used since any farm not growing a specific crop would show a yield of areas (finance, dairy, and crops) on net farm in- come. The three unobserved factors ~f, Ed, and & zero. Consequently, an index was constructed are related to respective unobserved indicators ac- where com grain, corn silage, and all hay yield indices were calculated for each farm as a propor- cording to the specification presented in (11). tionate difference from the average yield of those EA farms that produced those respective crops. The MARG result is a measure relating to the sample average INT for each crop grown on each farm. These crop DEBT indices were then weighted by the acres for each MCOW crop grown on the farm to arrive at the final aver- VET age yield index for that farm. A measure of . + (11) – 0.20, for example, means that the crop yields on CALF MMAN that farm were 20 percent below the average for ACOW the sample, while a measure of 0.20 indicates that AMAN the yields on that farm were 20 percent above the EXP sample average. It is expected that the indicator YLDS variables ACOW, AMAN, and YLDS will vary directly with crop managerial ability, since the The financial management factor, ~f, is indi- ability to provide adequate feed, labor efficiency, cated by the degree of leverage employed, as rep- and crop productivity are all associated with good
  • 4. Ford and Shonkwiler Managerial Ability and Financial Success 153 management. Weather, of course, will also affect data were gathered through a tax and record- crop yields implying that the yield index is not a keeping service provided by Pennsylvania Farm- perfect indicator of crop managerial ability. No ers’ Association. The data are not statistically rep- hypothesis is made regarding the relationship of resentative of Pennsylvania’s dairy industry, how- EXP to managerial ability, since both high and low ever they do represent a wide range of dairy farms expenditures per acre cart be associated with poor in the state. The farms included in the sample have management. at least 20 milk cows and at least 50 percent of The interpretation of the latent factors, &i,will gross farm income coming from milk sales. The be determined by the pattern of signs of the factor average contribution of dairy to gross sales is 93.2 loadings, Ai, which establishes the relationship be- percent for the sample. The sample means of the tween the factors and their indicators. The inter- variables specified in the model presented in the pretation of the estimated loadings of the indicators previous section are presented in Table 1. on their respective management factors will be dis- The maximum likelihood estimator of the struc- cussed in the results section. The impacts of the tural latent variable model presented was derived three management factors on dairy farm financial under the assumption of normally distributed data. success can then be assessed using equation (1), Clearly many measures of farm finances and op- A final specification issue relating to size effects erating characteristics are not normally distributed, needs to be considered. To account for the effect of and no such claim is made for the data used in the firm size on net farm income, the size of the dairy analysis. Instead, pseudo-maximum likelihood es- operation should be introduced. Herd size (HS) is timation (Gourieroux, et al.) is used to obtain pa- therefore included in equation (1) as an additional rameter estimates. The conditions under which regressor giving pMLE estimation is valid require only that the con- ventional normal log likelihood function produce Y = %~~ + ~2~d 73&+ 7417s &(1*) + + consistent estimators. Then, the variances for these The system of equations including (1*) and (11) estimators must be adjusted to account for the fact can be estimated by maximizing the full informa- that the true underlying distribution is not normal tion log likelihood function given by (10). (White; Gourieroux, et al.). Browne has shown that the normal MLE esti- mator of the structural latent variable model is con- Data and Model Estimation sistent under distributional misspecification. Fuller (p. 347) notes that normal distribution maximum The statistical model developed in this study was likelihood procedures possess desirable asymptotic estimated using data from a sample of 880 Penn- properties for a wide range of distributions, To sylvania commercial dairy farms for 1990. The compute the covariance matrix of the estimated Table 1. Variable Names, Definitions, and Sample Means* Variable Name Definition Sample Mean Standard Deviation Dependent Variable NFI Net farm income $32,597 $36,190 Financial Management Indicators EA Equity to asset ratio 74% 23% MARG Operating margin 26% 13% INT Interest as a % of cash expenses 8.8% 7.0% DEBT Debt per cow $2,234 $2,000 Dairy Management Indicators MCOW Milk sold per cow (Ibs) 15,603 2,664 VET Vet expenses per cow $44.75 $33.95 CALF Heifers and Calves per cow .78 .26 MMAN Milk sold per man (lbs) 489,655 187,406 Crop Management Indicators ACOW Crop acres per cow 3.3 1.6 AMAN Crop acres per man 99.2 48.4 EXP Crop expenses per acre $155.46 $75.84 YLDS Farm Relative Crop Yield Index –0.019 3.130 Scale/Size Measure HS Herd size (cows) 70.8 43.9 *Source: Pennsylvania Farmers’ Association, 1990, 880 farms.
  • 5. 154 October 1994 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review pMLE parameters only requires the first and sec- cent level), the covariance between the financial ond derivatives of the normal log likelihood func- and crop management factors, @ls, and the param- tion (White). eter estimate for crop management, & Calculated standard errors use White’s formula so that they Empirical Results are robust to distributional misspecifications. The estimated model explains 43 percent of the varia- The 35 parameters for the complete structural la- tion in net farm income in the sample. This is tent variable model were estimated using pMLE substantially better than the proportion of efficien- methods and are presented in Table 2. All param- cies explained in previous work (Tauer and Bel- eter estimates are significantly different from zero base; Tauer; Grisley and Mascarenhas), but equal at the five percent level with the exception of the to the explanatory power of the model developed covariance between the financial management fac- by Weersink, et al,. An examination of the esti- tor and herd size, @14, (significant at the ten per- mated parameters for the management factors in- Table 2. Maximum Likelihood Estimation Results Asymptotic Correlation Estimated Estimated Standard Implied of Indicator Variable Parameter Value Error T-Value with Factor ff 71 0.396 0.048 8.18* — k. ‘Y3 4,394 0.877 5.01* kc 73 –0.189 0.748 –0.25 — HS ?’4 4.161 0.469 8.87* — EA N’ 1 — — .901 MARG Al 0.209 0.023 9.02* .332 INT A2 –0.266 0.013 –20.11* – .798 DEBT A, – 0.093 0.004 –22.71* – .981 MCOW N 1 .855 VET A. 0.676 0.091 7.46* .454 CALF A5 0.296 0,049 6.03” .262 MMAN k6 3.742 0.844 4.43* .455 ACOW N 1 — .930 AMAN A, 0.246 0.019 12.91* .740 EXP A5 –2.421 0.359 –6.75* – .464 YLDS A, –0.554 0.116 –4,78* – .258 v .11 — 101.99 13.00 7.84* — v ,22 — 155.35 12.38 12.55* — v .33 — 17.79 1.46 12.22* — v ,44 — 0.15 0.08 1.81* — v .55 1.91 0.90 2.11* — v ,66 9.14 2.58 3.55* — v ,77 — 6.14 0.46 13,25* — v .88 — 278.22 23.43 11,87* — v .99 — 0.33 0.17 1.92* — v .1010 — 0.11 0.01 8,89* — v .1111 45.06 4.78 9,43* — v ,1212 — 9.13 0.55 16,74* — a,, — 441.78 29.51 14,97* — Q,, — –5.83 2.25 –2,59* — Q,, – 1.40 1.52 –0.92 — a,. 4.69 2.44 1,93** — B,, — 5.19 0.95 5.43* a,, — –0.41 0.16 –2,59* — Q* 1.49 0.68 2,20* — Q33 2.11 0.31 6,80* — Q34 –0.60 0.24 – 2,49* — @&b — 19.27 — — T 753.70 82.15 9.17* *Denotes that the estimated parameter is significant at the five percent level. Variances are evaluated with one-sided tests. **Denotes that the estimated parameter is significant at the ten perCent level. ‘N denotes that the factor loading was normalized to unity. ~he sample variance of the herd size variable.
  • 6. Ford and Shonkwiler Managerial Ability and Financial Success 155 dicates that herd size, financial management, and Table 3. Elasticity of Net Farm Income with dairy management are highly significant regressors Respect to Management Indicators (Evaluated in explaining dairy net farm income. The sign of at Sample Means) the estimated crop management parameter is neg- ative, though quite insignificant. The interpreta- Indicator Elasticity tion of the crop management factor will be dis- EA 0.111 cussed later. MARG 0.005 An implied correlation coefficient is also pre- INT –0.020 sented in Table 2 (Bollen, p, 288) to show how DEBT –0.220 MCOW 1.306 closely the indicators are related to the correspond- VET 0.053 ing factor. The correlations of the financial man- CALF 0.060 agement indicators with their factor exhibit theex- MMAN 0.105 petted signs. Equity and profit margin are posi- ACOW –0.028 tively associated with financial management and AMAN – 0.007 EXP 0.002 debt and interest payments are negatively associ- YLDS 0.00003 ated with financial management. The correlation HS 0.922 of debt per cow with the financial management factor has the largest magnitude of the four indi- cators. This result suggests that farm financial is used because the latent factors are correlated. structure is more important than profit margin as That is, @ is specified to be non-diagonal and a an indicator of financial management. change in an indicator can affect all latent factors. The loadings and correlations of the dairy man- In fact, the correlation b~twqen & and ijCis esti- agement indicators are also what were expected a mated to be –. 125 (@2@@33)11z) which implies priori. All are positively associated with dairy that increases in dairy management are associated management, Milk sold per cow has the strongest with decreases in crop efficiency (Table 4). This correlation with the dairy management factor, but relates directly to the likely difficulty for farmers milk sold per man has the largest factor loading to manage both a high producing dairy herd and (3.742), indicating the importance of labor effi- the production of high quality feed for the dairy ciency in dairy operations. The parameter esti- operation. Note, however, that most of the indica- mates for some crop management indicators ap- tors of ~c have little direct effect on net farm in- pear to have signs that are in disagreement with a come, priori expectations. The positive loadings on acres Milk per cow has the largest effect on net farm per cow (ACOW) and acres per man (AMAN) and income of all indicators with an elasticity of 1.306. negative loadings on crop yields (YLDS) and crop Note that this response is even greater than chang- expense per acre (EXP) show that the crop man- ing herd size (O.992). In fact, the elasticity of herd agement factor varies positively with extensive size at less than unity suggests that this sample of crop operations and is inversely related to intensive dairy farms exhibits decreasing economies of size. crop operations. However, this does not suggest Weersink and Tauer found that increasing herd that larger crop operations relative to herd size and size causes productivity increases (milk per cow) labor tend to increase dairy profitability, because on dairy farms, although the causal effect was in- the estimated parameter on the crop management significant for Pennsylvania farms. While no cau- factor is negative, through insignificant. Hence, sal relationship between herd size and dairy man- there is inconclusive evidence that intensive as op- agement can be developed from this research, the posed to extensive crop operations are associated results suggest that increasing milk per cow and with greater dairy farm profitability y. consequently dairy management has a greater pro- The effects of the indicators on the financial portional impact on net farm income than does success variable, net farm income, can also be herd size. The importance of debt management on shown as elasticities. These elasticities, evaluated farm financial success is seen in the magnitude of at sample means, are presented in Table 3. They the effects of the equity to asset ratio (O.111) and are assessed using Thomson’s method of factor debt per cow ( – 0.220). Increases in crop manage- score estimation (Bollen, p. 304). In the case of ment indicators have little effect on net farm in- the indicators of the & latent factors, the formula come, but an increase in labor efficiency (MMAN) has a modest effect, Correlations among the management factors and herd size are presented in Table 4. All correlations are significantly different from zero at the five per-
  • 7. 156 October 1994 Agricultural and Resource Economics Review cent level except for the correlation between finan- The analysis of this farm records data set also il- cird and crop management and the correlation be- lustrates the difficulty dairy farm managers have in tween herd size and dairy management (significant managing all facets of the farm business. The re- at the ten percent level). All of the correlations are sults indicate that dairy, financial, and crop man- relatively low and are negative with two excep- agement abilities are all negatively correlated with tions. The correlation between financial manage- one another. Consequently, an appropriate man- ment and herd size and the correlation between agement strategy may be to put less managerial dairy management and herd size are both positive. effort into crop production and more into dairy These results seem to support the notion that it is activities. This approach is consistent with farming difficult for dairy farmers to be successful manag- practices on large dairies in the southern and west- ers in the three managerial areas examined in this ern regions of the United States. research: financial, dairy, and crop management. The results of this analysis are dependent on However, the positive correlations between herd cross-sectional data for 1990. It is possible that a size and financial management and dairy manage- similar analysis for another year may generate dif- ment suggest that financial success on large farms ferent results. Changes in milk prices and interest occurs only with good financial management. One rates, for example, may alter the relative magni- can also draw the conclusion that large farms are tudes of the management factors. However, dairy successful if they have good dairy management. farmers have organized their farm operations in response to historical patterns in price levels and any future changes in price levels will likely be Conclusions uniform across the farms in this dataset. The structural latent variable approach shows The structural latent variable approach using con- great promise for disentangling management from firmatory factor analysis allows the estimation of other farm measures in determining the factors that underlying relationships among unobserved vari- are necessary for farm financial success. The re- ables and their observed indicators. The use of this sults of this analysis also point to the most impor- approach has yielded several interesting insights tant managerial abilities for the farm manager and into the relationships among dairy farm financial which indicators of those abilities are most likely success and managerial ability in farm finances, to result in the financial success of the dairy farm. the dairy operation, and crop production for a sam- Further, these methods can be applied to other ple of Pennsylvania dairy farms. types of farms and businesses to assess determi- Dairy management and herd size have been de- nants of financial success. termined to be more important determinants of farm financial success than financial or crop man- agement. In fact, indicators of crop managerial References ability have a relatively low impact on farm suc- Antle, J.M., and W,J. Goodger. “Measuring Stochastic Tech- cess. Debt per cow is strongly negatively related to nology: The Case of Tulare Milk Production. ” American financial success. The result indicating decreasing Journal of Agricultural Economics 66(August 1984):342- economies of herd size suggests that increasing 350. efficiency (dairy managerial ability) will have Bailey, D.V., B. Biswas, S.C, Kumbhakar, and B.K. Schul- greater relative payoff than increasing herd size. thies. “An Analysis of Technical, Allocative, and Scafe Inefficiency: The Case of Ecuadorian Dairy Farms. ” Table 4. Correlations Among Management Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 14(July 1989): Factors and Herd Size (standard errors 3637. Bigras-Poulin, M., A.H. Meek, and S.W. Martin. “Attitudes, in parentheses) Management Practices, and Herd Performance-A Study of Ontario Dairy Farm Managers. 11.Associations. ” Pre- & L & HS ventive Veterinary Medicine 3(1984/85):241-250. ~f 1 Bollen, K.A. Structural Equations with Latent Variables. New York John Wiley & Sons, 1989. (d – .122* 1 Bravo-Ureta, B.E., and L. Rieger. “Dairy Farm Efficiency (,061) Measurement Using Stochastic Frontiers and Neoclassical [= – .046 –.125* 1 Duality. ” American Journal of Agricultural Economics (.052) (.060) 73(May 1991):421428. HS .051* 149** – .094” 1 Browne, M.W. ‘‘Asymptotically Distribution-Free Methods (.026) (.088) (.034) for the Analysis of Covariance Structures. ” British Jour- *Statistically significant at the five percent level. nal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 37(1984): **Statistically significant at the ten percent level. 62-83.
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