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Nyu Mba Essays
Crafting an essay on the topic of "Nyu MBA Essays" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly,
delving into the intricacies of the NYU MBA program requires a comprehensive understanding
of its distinct features, values, and expectations from prospective candidates. This demands
extensive research to gather up-to-date information on the program's curriculum, faculty, and any
recent developments that might influence the essay content.
Moreover, writing about oneself in the context of pursuing an MBA at NYU necessitates a
delicate balance. On one hand, the essay should reflect a genuine and compelling personal
narrative that aligns with NYU's values. On the other hand, it must avoid sounding overly self-
promotional or clichГ©d. Striking this balance requires self-reflection and the ability to articulate
one's aspirations, experiences, and qualifications in a way that resonates with the admissions
The essay prompts themselves may pose additional challenges. NYU MBA essays often address
specific aspects of a candidate's profile or seek insights into their motivations and goals.
Responding effectively to these prompts requires a thoughtful and strategic approach, ensuring
that each word contributes meaningfully to the overall narrative.
Furthermore, the competitive nature of MBA admissions adds an extra layer of complexity.
Admissions committees at top-tier institutions like NYU seek candidates who not only meet
academic and professional criteria but also bring a unique perspective to the cohort. This raises
the stakes for the essay, as it becomes a crucial tool for standing out among a pool of highly
qualified applicants.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "Nyu MBA Essays" is a challenging endeavor that demands a
combination of in-depth research, self-reflection, and strategic storytelling. It requires not only a
clear understanding of NYU's MBA program but also the ability to craft a compelling narrative
that distinguishes the candidate from the competition.
For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore resources like to access professional guidance and support in navigating the intricacies of
MBA application essays.
Nyu Mba Essays Nyu Mba Essays
Ddpwm20 Unit 5
The impact of the proposed sequences has been simulated for 0.4 modulation index
with a 0.5 lagging power factor load (power factor angle 60В°). The simulation
setup consists of the following software: 1) MATLAB/Simulink used to implement
the modulation strategies and switching sequences, and 2) PSIM used to simulate
the T NPC inverter running with an R L load and to provide conduction and
switching losses of each switch. The inverter switching pulses were generated within
Simulink and were fed to PSIM through sim coupler module which provides a link
between PSIM and simulink for the purpose of co simulation [29]. Three types of
modulation strategies are compared initially (i) conventional SVPWM, ... Show more
content on ...
Thus, there are no switching instances around the current peak. The line current
distortion is 3.6%, similar to DPWM20 sequence.
Fig. 11 shows a comparison of DPWM2O, DPWMLPF2 and GDPWMO at 0.4
modulation index. The inverter is operating with 160 Hz fundamental frequency and
7.68 kHz switching frequency. The output power factor angle is 45В°. It can be seen
that each strategy produces 32 pulses in one cycle. However, the clamping interval of
the GDPWMO strategy is perfectly aligned with the line current peaks, whereas the
DPWM2O and DPWMLPF2 strategies incurs switching instances around the current
Fig. 12 shows the switching loss reduction using the DPWM2O, DPWMLPF2 and
GDPWMO sequences in comparison to the conventional SVPWM strategy for
30В° 60В° power factor angle range. It can be seen that the DPWM2O and
DPWMLPF2 sequences provide maximum switching loss reduction only at 30В°
and 60В°, respectively. In other power factors, their loss reduction capability
reduces. On the other hand, the GDPWMO strategy reduces switching losses around
50% over the entire range of power factor angle, similar to the analytical results
shown in Fig.
The Importance Of A Quality Project At An Early Stage
Briefing is the process by which a client informs others of his or her needs,
aspirations and desires, either informally or formally, and a brief is a formal
document which sets out a client s requirements in detail (CIB, 1999, p.5). As OP
has a vast amount of experience of erecting towers in Toronto they should be more
than capable of outlining their explicit requirements accurately in a project brief.
They will also be well aware that any changes during detailed design, or even worse
during construction, could have a detrimental effect on the project, possibly
extending the project competition date or even requiring a revised planning
application and will almost certainly carry an extra cost (see Figure 2). Figure 2:
Changes during later stages of the project are likely to be more costly than at the
outset. (CIB, 1999, p.8). This being said, OP must realise the importance of
supplying a quality project brief to their consultants at an early stage. This will
require them to commit a lot of upfront resources to the project to ensure the design
matches the client s vision. The process will begin with a statement of need , which
will outline vaguely the aims and objectives of the project. For example, OP would
have outlined at this stage their desire to construct a tower in the heart of Toronto s
financial district. They may have approached the market with the opportunity to
tenant the property. The statement of need is then developed through to a strategic
Algorithm Essay
@summary: To remove keywords that are similar. This is to bring more diversity
to the top ranked keywords. We use an algorithm called K means for grouping.
This algorithm is implemented and have not used third party library other than
numpy (for computation) and gensim (loading of data set) Each word in the
keyword list is converted to a vector using word2vec. We use GoogleNews pre
trained dataset to get vector of word. Then, we divide the n keywords into k
clusters. Initially, we randomly choose k centroids. The euclidian distance of each
vector is calculated from the centroid. Each cluster is formed with a centroid and
vectors which are closest to it. Once cluster is formed, a new centroid is found for
each cluster. Based on the... Show more content on ...
centroid_list = random.sample(X,
I Am Sam Psychology
I Am Sam is a touching film that incorporates psychology into modern day society
into terms that the common person could empathize with. Sam Dawson, played by
Sean Penn is a mentally challenged man raising his beloved daughter Lucy
(Dakota Fanning) in the heart of Los Angeles. As a single father, Sam has support
from many of his mentally challenged friends to raise Lucy. Sam works at the local
Starbucks where his job is to bus the tables and clean up after customers. His
neighbor Annie who experiences agoraphobia and will not leave her
apartment,agrees to babysit and care for Lucy while teaching Sam the basics to
parenting. As Lucy progresses in age, she fears being smarter than her father, Lucy s
increasing academic ability becomes an issue... Show more content on ...
According to an Oxford journal about autism, affected children or adults almost
always show evidence of restricted imagination and predilection for rigid routines
(O Callaghan, 2002).The need for a set routine is demonstrated when Sam
becomes extremely upset when Lucy suggests they go to Big Boy instead of
IHOP; Afterwards when he agrees to go, he starts screaming and acting out
because the restaurant did not have the same pancakes as IHOP. Also Sam and his
friends have a set weekly schedule of Wednesday at IHOP, Thursdays are movie
night, and Friday is Karaoke. When one of the plans is changed it causes high
anxiety and angst among the group. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental
disorder that affects a persons ability to socialize and communication with others
(NAMI, 2011). The difficulty with communication is shown throughout the movie.
In one scene, Sam was helping Lucy with her schoolwork and he came across
problem could not solve he mentally shut down and changed the subject. The
absence of social normalities is shown when baby Lucy accidentally makes a woman
spill her drink, Sam then try to help the woman by picking up ice that dropped in the
woman cleavage. The unawareness of the social limitations and personal boundaries
is absent, which reinforces the diagnosis for autism. Research by the National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes concluded that people with autism
Oedipus The King Teiresias Analysis
In the play, Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus spends all his life trying to
prevent a prophecy he had heard from coming true. To prevent it, Oedipus goes to
Thebes and on his way, Oedipus kills a man who turns out to the king of Thebes,
Laius. Thebes is under a curse and the control of a Sphinx, and if Oedipusanswers the
riddle of the Sphinx then he can free Thebes and become the king. Oedipus
answers the riddle correctly and becomes the savior of Thebes and marries the
queen, Jocasta, who was the wife of Laius. Because he marries Jocasta and killed
Laius, the prophecy comes true; however, Oedipus does not know that the
prophecy is true until later in the play. Teiresias is a blind prophet, who Oedipus
asks to come to Thebes to see who the killer of Laius is. After Teiresias comes to
visit Oedipus, he then spends the rest of his life in denial of what really happened. In
Oedipus the King, Teiresias plays the role of showing Oedipus arrogance and
ignorance through foreshadowing and dramatic irony.
In the scene where Oedipus forces Teiresias to visit him, Teiresias proves Oedipus
arrogance when Teiresias declares, You are the cursed polluter of this land (353).
Teiresias reveals how arrogant and ignorant Oedipus actually turns out to be when
he says this to Oedipus. Oedipus acts surprised and exclaims, Have you no shame at
all? (354), which reveals how Oedipus believes Teiresias is wrong and that he is not
the reason for why Thebes is cursed. However, through
Factors That Affect the Academic Performance of the...
Chapter 1
Introduction Student s academic performance occupies a very important place in
education as well as in the learning process. So to have better classroom
performance and lower drop out incidence, many colleges require students to stay in
school dormitories especially those students who live far from school like Cavite,
Tarlac, Laguna, Batangas etc. It is widely believed that living in campus dormitory
can acquire some benefits in their academic performance. Large universities provide a
number of academic services in dormitories such as tutoring and student organizations
that encourage an environment conducive to learning.
Residence halls have served as an essential aspect of collegiate life ... Show more
content on ...
2013 14 (1st Semester)?
3. What are the factors that affects the class performance of correspondents in
relation to: 4.6 Family Factor; 4.7 Health Factor; 4.8 School Rules and Regulation
Factor ; 4.9 School Amenities; 4.10 Teaching Method and Strategy; and 4.11 Study
Habits Factor? 4. Is there significant relationship between the correspondents
academic performance and the condition of PIC dormitory?
There is no significant relationship between the correspondents academic
performance and the condition of PIC dormitory.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study focused on finding out the factors
affecting the academic performance of Students staying at PIC dormitory from 2nd
semester AY.2012 13 and 1st semester AY. 2013 14. Findings, conclusions,
recommendations would apply only to the students staying at PIC dormitory.
Significance of the Study The outcomes of this study will benefits the following
STUDENTS: The result of the study will benefit them for further improvement in
their style of studying and lifestyle at the PIC dormitory. And will motivate them to
extend their territory for schoolwork.
TEACHERS: The teachers will be more aware about the student s problem regarding
their study and they will know how to deal with the student s need.
SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION: The findings of this study would encourage them to
improve the school amenities.
Definition of terms
A World Of Complete Surveillance
Do we want to live in a world of complete surveillance? Well we don t have a choice
it seems. In a world of cameras monitoring our every move in the streets and in
every establishment, we are on camera 99% of the time once we leave the house.
With all our privacy being stripped away in the name of €OUR€ safety, it
seems that things will just continue to get worse. I m sure we all are aware of
drones and their capabilities, but do we realize what this means for a society we live
in? We would think that 99% of the population is against this kind of move forward
in our surveillancesociety. Here are some stats on the current drone status in America.
We like to think of the drone war as something far away, fought in the deserts of the
middle east or the mountains of Afghanistan. But we now know it is closer than we
thought. There are 64 drone bases on American soil. That includes 12 locations
housing Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles, which can be armed.
Public Intelligence, a non profit that advocates for free access to information,
released a map of military UAV activities in the United States on Tuesday.
Assembled from military sources € especially this little known June 2011 Air
Force presentation (.pdf) it is arguably the most comprehensive map so far of the
spread of the Pentagon s unmanned fleet. What exact missions are performed at
those locations, however, is not clear. Some bases might be used as remote cockpits
to control the robotic aircraft
Essay on The Popularity of Seinfeld
The Popularity of Seinfeld
Add a dash Elaine, a spoonful of Jerry, a pinch of George, and handful of Kramer
and you end up with a perfectly seasoned spicy sitcom that Americans just can not
get enough of. Seinfeld, featuring the hilarious stand up comedian Jerry Seinfeld
himself, is dear to many of our hearts and the show plays an essential part in
satisfying our constant quest for humor. The show focuses on real life situations and
problems such as romance, friends, careers, and adventures that everyone can relate
to. I believe that Seinfeld is attractive to most people for a variety of reasons. For
these reasons the shows success was inevitable. Each of the characters has it s own
unique personality and by using this formula ... Show more content on ...
Jerry s contribution to the fearsome four is as important as the peanut butter in a
peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It s great by itself, but even better with its
complements. His character appeals to the sensible and laid back audience
because they can relate. However, the complete opposite types swoon over him
because they envy the qualities that they would like to possess. I would have to
say that Jerry is mostly responsible for the shows immediate fame and without him
Seinfeld just wouldn t be Seinfeld. Jason Alexander, who plays George, has a
unique combination of traits that make him irresistibly hilarious. He pulls off the
sympathetic and charming sort while other times he s purely devious and radical.
He plays Jerry s sidekick and together they foolishly run around New York City like
kids in a candy store. Jason also has his share of accomplishments such as two
Emmy nominations, a Golden Globe nomination and two American Comedy
Awards for best supporting actor in a television series. George portrays the
baldheaded stingy mastermind who s always stirring up trouble and brewing up
schemes to make him look cooler than we all know he really is. His tendency to
become easily red faced and throw random tantrums captures viewer s attention.
Because of George s love/hate relationship with his friends he is always a focal point
for the show. His short,
Swot Analysis Of Sony
Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corp, was founded in 1946 and has
changed its name to Sony in 1958.
Sony has established globally recognized brands for its products such as VAIO,
Walkman and Play Stations.
Sony is a conglomerate company. It has expanded its business segments in
electronics, entertainments and financial services and continues restructuring. Figure
10 illustrates revenue by Sony s segments. Data is mainly taken from Bloomberg (for
standardized values) but with adjustment from data in IR website to project revenue
under new segments. Description of each business segment is available in Appendix 1.
Revenue and operating income in FY3/13 have returned to the same level in FY3/08.
... Show more content on ...
oCosts are incurred from establishment of power supply and camera module
businesses in Device.
Sony s commitment to R D and innovation enabled the company to offer products
with top quality helping to maintain the strong Sony s brands.
Pictures, Music and Financial Service have been stable revenue contributors, which
are able to compensate loss made in electronics to some extent.
Sony lacks in foresight as suggested by Euromonitor International (2013) that its
delayed entry to the market has resulted in difficulty to take away the market share
from its competitors.
Sony focuses on producing high quality products, which essentially requires high
costs according to Euromonitor International (2013).
A large amount of assets are with risks of impairment loss as identified in the
Structural Reform section.
Combination of gaming and network service is a new and unique idea, which is only
possible in a conglomerate company like Sony, and it can potentially be a large profit
contributor in the medium
Best Man Wedding Speech Essay example
Best Man Wedding Speech
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen I d like to start by saying that what a genuine
honor it is to be part of Rick s wedding.
Rick certainly is handsome tonight, with his fine rented tux and shoes. On a gala
evening such as this, you may find it hard to believe that Rick has not always been
so handsome. The truth is, Rick was so ugly at birth, the doctor slapped his mother!
The nurses were no more sympathetic, they diapered poor little Rick s face. The fact
is, his parents were so embarrassed of Rick that they borrowed another baby for the
baptism ceremony. When little Rick went to school, the situation didn t improve at
all. Yes, it is true that Rick was the teacher s pet but that was just because the... Show
more content on ...
You should have seen the outfit he wore to his bachelor s party (stag night). I told
him that he should hang on to it it might come back into style someday. He said that
the outfit was new, he paid the clown over $20.00 for it!
I first met Rick many years ago when he came to work with me. I remember one of
my first impressions of Rick was someone that tried to dress well. He seemed to
have a sense for fashion...and not being a very fashionable guy myself, I started to
copy him in the sort of things he used to wear until my mother got mad at me for
taking clothes from her wardrobe...
But when it came to finding a wife, I don t think Rick could ve been luckier. Marty
is a fantastic person and, as I m sure you will all agree, looks absolutely stunning
My first impression of Marty was that she was a beautiful, witty, charming, clever,
friendly and a thoughtful person... And it just goes to prove that old saying that
opposites really do attract...
I do want to Thank Rick Marty for allowing me to be involved in their Wedding
Day, and in their wedding party...It is an honour and a priviledge to be a part of this
special day with them...
Marriage in this day and age is far from easy. With all the external pressures of day to
day life, you need to grow together in mutual trust and understanding, while not
forgetting what first brought you together. In other words, may your love be modern
enough to survive the times, yet old fashioned enough to
Dynacorp Organizational Structure
Dynacorp had been a leading information systems and communications company
globally. They were pioneers in developing high technology applications that were
highly commended in the industry. As the company grew and expanded, the
innovative processes slowed down and the current organization structure was believed
to be the root of the problem. The existing organization structure shown in Figure 1
shows that Dynacorp is structured functionally. The three line divisions, each led by
an executive vice president, were engineering, manufacturing, and marketing. These
were supported by a number of corporate staff divisions, including finance, human
resource management, and corporate affairs. [1]
If I were on the Dynacorp task force, my first choice for an alternative organisational
structure design would be the product division structure as shown in Figure 2 with
each division for each business led by a chief manager. This scheme is proposed to
tackle the company s two major issues, communication among each divisions and the
company s retardation to the market. This structure organizes on the basis of the
service or product provided. [1] Everyone works on different tasks contributing to the
same final output. This structure has two major advantages. First is transparency of
performance: it makes the ... Show more content on ...
The proposed structure s strengths encourages most large American corporations in
the 1980s employ this structure as the dominent form[1]. Unorthodoxly, the basic
structure is insuffiecient to be an effective solution for enterprise as large and
complex as Dynacorp.The change would mean a few years of organisational shift that
would profit the company or bring loss to it. By meticulously comprehending the
companies workflow and the humans, who are part of the machine, can the company
benefit from the big
Compare And Contrast American Sports Vs Soccer Essay
21 professional leagues, 234 countries, tens of thousands of professional teams,
265 million players, and just one sport that ties all these people around the world
together. Soccer truly is a universal language spoken by most, and has brought
masses of people together in time of despair, and tragedy. While it might not be
America s favorite sport, the game of soccer has a major impact on almost every
other country. Soccer is the best professional sport to participate in because it receives
the most support from fans globally, does not require outrageous physical
requirements, and soccer provides players with the most opportunities to compete
nationally and represent their country. Soccer is the most popular sport around the
world. Because... Show more content on ...
Every four years, the most watched tournament in the whole world is played. 32
national teams compete to win the World Cup, but over 200 try to qualify. The
extravagant amount of countries trying to win the tournament makes winning it
extremely special. Countries also have tournaments with other countries in their own
continent. The winners of each continent play in another tournament called the
Confederations Cup. National teams also play many games to try to qualify for both
the World Cup, and that countries continental cup. Some readers might say all sports
have national teams that compete against others, but this is not true because in
football, there is no national team, and for basketball the World Cup is almost
always dominated by they USA so there really isn t that much competition. Also, in
basketball many top players from the USA decided not to play with that national
team because of fear of injury and because they know they will win, but in soccer
you almost never see a player reject playing with their national team because in
soccer, representing your country is the ultimate honor and is viewed as one of the
highest achievements one can earn during their
Analysis Of Harvey Mann s Will And Revoke All Prior
I, HARVEY MANN (Harvey) of Deerfield Illinois, make this my Will and revoke all
prior Wills and codicils.
Article 1
1.1My Family. My spouse is ERIN MANN (Erin). I have three (3) children now
living, namely JASON MANN (Jason) who is 37, HILARY JACOBS (Hilary) who is
35, and MARK MANN (Mark) who is 32. I intend by this instrument to provide for
all my children, including any born or adopted in the future.
Article 2
Gifts to Revocable Trust
I give my tangible personal property and the rest of the property I own at my death
(excluding any property over which I have a power of appointment) to the trustee of
the Harvey Mann Trust dated April 26, 2017 previously signed by me, as in effect at
my death ... Show more content on ...
To sell at public or private sale, contract to sell, grant options to buy, convey,
transfer, exchange, or partition any real or personal property of my estate for such
price and on such terms as my executor sees fit;
(c)Real and Tangible Personal Property. To make leases and subleases and grant
options to lease, although the terms thereof commence in the future; to purchase,
operate, maintain, improve, rehabilitate, alter, demolish, abandon, release, or
dedicate any real or tangible personal property; and to develop or subdivide real
property, grant easements, and take any other action with respect to real or tangible
personal property that an individual owner thereof could take;
(d)Borrowing. To borrow money from any lender (including my executor
individually), extend or renew any existing indebtedness, and mortgage or pledge any
(e)Investing. To invest in bonds, common or preferred stocks (including securities of
any corporate fiduciary or of any affiliated corporation), notes, options, common trust
funds, mutual funds, shares of any investment company or trust or other securities,
life insurance, partnership interests, general or limited, limited liability company
interests, joint ventures, real estate, or other property of any kind, regardless of
diversification and regardless of whether the property would be considered a proper
estate investment;
(f)Distribution; Determination of Value. To distribute my estate in cash or in kind, or
Yellow Sun Conflict
Throughout Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the narrator s
surroundings force her to evolve. The story begins with the country of Biafra
announcing their secession from Nigeria. Soon after, a civil war begins and Nigerian
soldiers advance on the narrator s home, forcing her family to evacuate. As a result,
the plot is mainly focused around the narrator adjusting to the unfamiliar feeling of
being a refugee. The narrator s personality and her interactions with those around her
dramatically change throughout the story. Due to the war between Biafra and Nigeria,
the narrator s hopeful outlook for her future gradually disintegrates and leaves her as
the despondent shell of the lively girl she once was.
In the beginning of Half ... Show more content on ...
The narrator learns to adapt to poverty and her new surroundings. When Nnamdi,
the narrator s fiance, comes back from fighting in the war, the narrator relishes the
attention he gives her. She wishes in a twisted way that the war would never end
so that [their sexual relationship] would always have this quality, like nutmeg, tart
and lasting (5).The reader can infer that her character is slightly immature and
childish. She values the addicting quality of recklessness. As the story goes on,
she begins to realize that she might never return home. However, she still
fantasizes about her old community. She remembers how strange it seemed to have
a crystal salt shaker back home. That [she d] even wasted salt (7). The narrator
slowly realizes how extravagant her life was back in Enugu. She took things for
granted back there, and now she is finally aware of the idea that she might not ever
have the luxury of salt again. Later, due to the lack of food and the creeping feeling
of helplessness, the narrator s and her mother s pent up anger unleashes itself after
they visit a priest who tells them of the suffering children who need help. Their boxed
in emotions turn into a shouting match, the narrator screaming, Why the hell did
Father Damian tell us about those dying children, anyway?
Dramatic Change In Night By Elie Wiesel
In Elie Wiesel s memoir, Night , readers see a dramatic change from the young,
sensitive and spiritual individual to a, boy with the mindset of an adult that is
spiritually dead and is unemotional. Elie shows this in his memoir by rewriting what
he saw, thought, or what he heard while in concentration camps, this occurs, in the
three sections of the memoir.
In the first section of the book, Eile begins the transformation from a sensitive and
spiritual boy to the opposite. Elie starts describes the first night, he was in a
concentration camp, and how that affected him through sight, by saying Never shall
I forget the little faces of the children whose bodies I saw turn into wreaths of smoke
beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those... Show more content on ...
As Elie describes what occurred after his father s death, There were not prayers at
his grave. No candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A
summons, to which I did not respond (Wiesel, 106). In this, Elie describes what
happened after his father died, and how he was religiously summoned, but there
was no faith left in him to respond. I believe this is this is the ultimate low in Elie s
religion, seeing that he could not even pray over his father, or respond to the
summons. This might be the low of his religion, the low of Elie s emotion is quite
horrible. Elie sees himself for the first time after being liberated, From the depths
of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they sated into
mine, has never left me (Wiesel, 109). This is the most powerful phrase from the
book that describes how he felt, about himself. This is clearly shown through the
use of his instead of my, he had to describe the look in his eyes as someone else s.
Thus showing, the distaste of his own self as he came out of the Holocaust and
wanting to now live a normal life. Through Elie s use of a 3rd person possessive
pronoun, he is able to create such meaning behind only a singular word. Elie also
uses such harsh situations to point out the loss of faith or
A Research On Investment Portfolio Project
Investment Portfolio Project
Five companies have been chosen in order to conduct research into the securities that
they use within their company. The five companies are: Oracle, Disney, Cisco, Wal
mart and a general electric company. The companies chosen span over various
industries starting with Oracle and Cisco which are technology companies, Disney
which is in the movie industry, Wal Mart which is a supermarket and lastly an
electricity service industry company. This gives us a better view of how the securities
change depending on not only the company but also the industry which they are
involved in.
For each company we will be looking into the 10K and investment reports, general
economic data and Federal Reserve data. 10K reports are an annual comprehensive
summary report of a company s performance (Investopedia, 2015). Investment reports
on the other hand, highlight the investments the company has made into other
companies or vice versa. General economic data is what it says on the tin it focuses
on the economic status of the country and the industry. And lastly, Federal Reserve
data provides us with information from their innovative research on a broad range of
topics in economics and finance. (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Oracle Corporation (NYSE: ORCL) based out of Redwood Shores, CA is a
technology company providing hardware, software, cloud, and corporate services
(Forbes, 2015). In addition to being one of the most
Zoom Quotes
I was a man broken down who gained these extraordinary powers to become free.
You. You are the opposite. You were a free man who was given extraordinary powers
and now you must be broken down. said Zoom, to the Flash. This quote expresses and
emphasizes the importance of circumstances to shaping an individual s character, as
it shows that although the heroFlashBarry Allen and Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) faced
similar experience, one individual became a hero a symbol of hope and justice
while the other became a notorious killer. The difference between Zoom and The
Flash s circumstances was that The Flash didn t witness the murder of his mother
and his father wasn t the cause of the murder. Although his father was falsely
accused and did get sentenced to life imprisonment, Barry had a place to live with a
caring father figure and sister who was... Show more content on ...
Within Zooms life, he has only experienced negative experiences and as a
consequence, his mind and perception were influenced to adjust to his experiences
and so his perception of right is the opposite of individuals and protagonists. He
thinks that creating an absence of hope, creating negative circumstances empowers
individuals to become stronger but he doesn t understand that the idea of love,
friendship, and hope inspires individuals to become stronger and empowers them
which is an effect due to the instability of good and bad experiences in his life.
Under positive circumstances, Hunter (Zoom) could have become a heroic figure
such as Barry, his speed and abilities were greater or equal to Barry s and he was
high intelligent possessing advanced scientific knowledge which he utilized to make
himself stronger and
Copper Iodide Synthesis Lab Report
Before the synthesis of the Copper Iodine Compound, the identities provided
(CuNO3)2 and Nal weighed 1.65 g and 4.7 g, respectively. After being weighed, the
(CuNO3)2 exhibited a blue color, while the Nal, through observation, was a white
color. However, when both identities were combined, the product turned into a
brown and red rocky material. Once 20 mL of deionized water was added, the
product quickly turned pale pinkpaste. After the solution was repeatedly washed
with a total of an additional 100 mL of deionized water, the product was powdery
and pink with small grains, and was left to air dry. Once the product was air dried,
it was observed to be a pale pink color, while the filter paper was stiff as the product
was hard and dry. Therefore, the solid was scraped off onto a recrystallizing dish.
However, the mass of an empty recrystallizing dish needed to be recorded in order
to compare how much of the synthesized copper iodide was obtained. Within this
case, the empty recrystallizing dish used weighed 32.01 g, the product on the empty
dish weighed 1.03 g, having a total weight of 33.04 g.
Subsequently, two porcelain crucibles were used, weighed, and heated for about 10
minutes and then placed into a desiccator to cool. The two empty porcelain
crucibles were first heated because the heat would vaporize any impurities that were
originally on the crucible. The first crucible weighed 11.9047 g and the second
crucible weighed 12.3735 g. Once the mass of the two crucibles
Essay on Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise
Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise Booker T. Washington believed that
blacks should not push to attain equal civil and political rights with whites. That it
was best to concentrate on improving their economic skills and the quality of their
character. The burden of improvement resting squarely on the shoulders of the black
man. Eventually they would earn the respect and love of the white man, and civil
and political rights would be accrued as a matter of course. This was a very non
threatening and popular idea with a lot of whites. For two decades Washington
established a dominant tone of gradualism and accommodationism among blacks,
only to find in the latter half of this period that the leadership was passing to more...
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Others advocated struggle for civil rights, specifically the right to vote, on the theory
that economic and social rights would follow. Most agreed that solutions would come
gradually. Negro leadership near the turn of the century was divided between these
two tactics for racial equality, which may be termed the economic strategy and the
political strategy. The most heated controversy in Negro leadership at this time raged
between two remarkable black men Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois. The
major spokesman for the gradualist economic strategy was Washington. DuBois was
the primary advocate of the gradualist political strategy. Washington learned the
doctrine of economic advancement combined with acceptance of disfranchisement
and conciliation with the white South from Armstrong. His rise to national
prominence came in 1895 with a brief speech, which outlined his social philosophy
and racial strategy. Washington was invited to speak before an integrated audience at
the opening of the Cotton States and International Exposition held in Atlanta in
September 1895. He was the first Negro ever to address such a large group of
southern whites Washington is remembered chiefly for this Atlanta Compromise
address. In this speech, he called on white America to provide jobs and industrial
agricultural education for Negroes. In exchange,
HIV In Prisons
In the US prison system an estimated 1 in 7 HIV infected individuals pass through
correctional faculties each year without being identified as having HIV (Beckwith
et al. 183). In prison, out of 2.2 million people incarcerated, 1.5% have HIV or AIDS
(21,987 people) (Lovinger 1). This number is four times the HIVprevalence rate in
the non institutionalized population. If an inmate is released back into his or her
community with an untreated HIV virus it puts the community at risk and
themselves in greater danger. The inequity exists in this situation because HIV
positive incarcerated individuals are receiving worse and delayed care in prison
compared to out of prison. My research question being, to what extent does the
quality and access of... Show more content on ...
A way to stop this would be to continue to promote programs like Project START,
which focuses on educating HIV infected individuals released from prison, into
better communities. By imposing this on a national and community level scale
you will be able to account for people who may have not received quality care in
prison. We are doing some of this right as we have programs that help with this like
the Returning Home Ohio program, which accepts HIV positive individuals form
Cuyahoga County released from jail. To continue to impose these and to get prisons
to take advantage of the many HIV centers in their community would help efficiently
fight the HIV crisis in prison. A way to fund these would be to get volunteers to help
run these programs and try to get donations. A way to know this is working would be
to survey the amount of HIV ex convicts joining these
Avenue Q Monologue
Daniella Owusuwaah
Ashley Dunn
THE 191: Section K
28, April 2015
Avenue Q:
Sesame Street Meets South Park Avenue Q is a laugh out loud, fast moving musical
that is an adult version of Sesame Street that address racism, pornography,
homophobia, and the parable of finding one s purpose in life through satirical songs.
On Friday, April 17, I saw Miami s production of Avenue Qdirected by Ms. Saffron
Henke at the Gates Abegglen Theatre. This unique show uses puppets as a shield to
explore issues that are often hard and sensitive to talk about; it s easy to talk about
racism when it s through a puppet. I believe that the goal of Miami s production of
Avenue Q was to present and educated to the community and the students about
issues such as ... Show more content on ...
The satirical songs help to address the realities of life, social issues that plague
society, and makes digs at adolescent pains. As a straight production addressing
sensitive issues such as racism would be hard to do, but with the puppets singing
about such issues it s not as uncomfortable and it s a little cartoonish. For example,
in the song Everyone s a Little Bit Racist (Dusing, p. 5) where racism is satire. The
song points out the fact that everyone makes judgements based on a person s race. It
s a truth that is hard to comprehend but everybody is in fact a little racist because
they have unconscious biases towards races. Furthermore, the songs are sung when
the characters are feeling emotional or addressing a political issue. Often the move
towards the center and the have a spotlight focused on them. The songs are catchy
and funny but afterwards the words of the song resonates with you. In addition, the
songs allows the audience to sympathize with what the characters are going through.
Overall, the twenty plus songs help to develop the story. They are not merely to
entertain the audience but to shine to light the issues the experiences that many
people face in
Similarities Between Egyptian And Israelites
At first glance, the idols of Egypt and the God of Israel appear utterly different,
similarities bleed through as we investigate the history of the Egyptians and the
Israelites. Some differences leap out. The Egyptians were polytheistic, and the
Israelites were monotheistic. The Egyptian gods had human traits and could die,
whereas Godwas fully God and could not die. To get to heaven, the Egyptians
believed they needed to do good works, but the Israelites believed they needed
faith. Looking deeper, we see some similarities. Both groups of people worshipped
their gods. Also, the creators spoke through priests and prophets. The last major
similarity is that each god had their own group of chosen people. The gods of the
Egyptians had similar and different characteristics to the God of Israel. One of the
main similarities between the Egyptian gods and Israelite God is the way they
worshipped them. Both peoples sacrificed to their god. The Egyptians sacrificed
kittens and cattle, and the Israelites sacrificed lambs and cattle. The sacrifices were
made to cleanse the people of their sins. Another form of worship was songs. The
Egyptians sung songs like, Exalted art thou on thy throne, O Osiris! Thou hast
heard fair things, O Osiris! Thy strength is vigorous, O Osiris! to their gods.
Similarly, the Israelites sang to their God, I will sing to the Lord! He has done
great things. The Lord is my strength. He saves me, and I sing songs of praise to
him. Similarly, the Egyptians and the Israelites worshipped their gods with
sacrifices and songs. Another similarity is the way that the gods spoke to people.
Both the Egyptian creator gods and the Israelite Creator God spoke through
prophets or priests. God spoke through prophets, such as Moses, to the Israelites.
The Egyptian gods spoke through oracles, priests and pharaohs to talk to the
Egyptians. Some of the pharaohs even thought that they were reincarnations of the
god Horus. Both the Egyptians and the Israelites had a creator god who spoke to
them through prophets and priests. The last main similarity is that each god had
their own group of chosen people. The Egyptian idol s chosen people were, not
surprisingly, the Egyptians. The gods provided for the
Mama’s Gone Essay examples
Mama s Gone
She had been sick for a year, at least. The reason for her illness went undiagnosed,
that is, until three days before she went away. A doctor finally said, Osteoarthritis it
s treatable. We blew a sigh of relief. Three days later relief was nullified forever. I
discovered my mother gone, and her leaving left a hole in my life, heart, and soul.
Saturday, July 25, 1998, started out with a drive to Eckerd Drug across the city of
Norman to pick up more prescriptions for my mother, who had been throwing up
and suffering from diarrhea all night long. When I returned home she took all five
of her medications plus the three new ones. I went back to bed and tried to sleep,
since I had had ... Show more content on ...
For some reason, I looked at Erin s digital clock in her car at 8:13 p.m. and said to
Erin, Mom s been so sick, and I m so scared that she s not going to live much longer.
Don t say that. I m sure she ll be fine, said Erin.
But I m really scared.
It ll be okay, Erin tried to reassure me. Little did we know.
We drove around for an hour longer, became bored and went home. When we got
back to my house, Erin, Lisa, and Gavin stayed in the living room as I went down
the hall to let Powder, our dog, outside to go to the bathroom. I walked around my
mother s bed to the patio door and opened it and called for Powder to go out. He
was lying on my mother s bed at her feet. I called to him, Come on, Powder, go out.
I was calling as quietly as I could; since, I didn t want to wake up my mom. She
needed her rest after last night. But he just whined and wouldn t move. I finally went
over to him, picked him up, and put him outside. He just sat outside the door and
stared in at me.
I thought his behavior was weird but turned to exit her bedroom, walking
cautiously in the dark, trying not to wake her. As I got about five steps across the
room, at the foot of her bed I realized she wasn t snoring. I stopped, stood perfectly
still, and held my breath so I could hear her breathing. Nothing. I quietly crossed to
the other side of
Arguments Against Birth Order
For almost half a century, birth order has been viewed as key in determining
individual personality traits. Psychologists such as Alton Adler and Francis Galton
spearheaded research on this topic, and their conclusions are cited as references for
those who support the idea. There recently have been studies conducted that strive to
overturn this theory by showing how different variables can affect the results of our
development. (Beck) There are those who stand by early research and support
distinct groups of characteristics only being exhibited by people sharing a certain
birth order. There are others; however, who oppose this idea and instead favor growth
as an individual experience not limited by expectations. With two very different
approaches to this matter, the question remains,... Show more content on ...
There are factors to consider regarding personality such as family environment,
genetics, cultural background, and financial disposition. These factors were not
included in the primary research of both Alton Adler and Francis Galton. (Beck)
Since there were no control factors placed in the early research, the findings can be
viewed as biased by some since they only represented a small percentage of the
population. One author, Julie Beck, took notice of how low insight was given to
such a broad claim. She states, The idea that birth order determines siblings
personality and intelligence remains entrenched in society, even as modern scientific
findings on the matter have historically been inconsistent (Beck). Those who are
against the birth order theory claim these inconsistencies occur because the idea is
being presented as fact on a scale larger than its original base. Opposers to this
theory agree that for this claim to hold more validity, there would have to be more
evidence given than what was presented in the original
Diary Of A Warrior Diary Entries
Diary of a Warrior
It was just any other day in the office that I work at. I got a call from my assistant
at the front desk saying there was a student here and he wants to see me. I ask her
what he wanted to see me for and she said he found an old war Diary of a warrior in
Alexander the Greats army. When I heard this i didn t believe it but I told my
assistant to bring the student up. I heard a knock on the door and when I opened
it, there was a kid holding a book that looked very old and ancient like. He handed me
this book and asked me what I thought about it. I looked over it and saw that this
diary was over a middle aged man during the classical Greece era who was in the
army of Alexander the Great. I couldn t believe what I was ... Show more content on ...
Entry 2
I knew my mother would not like the fact that I would be going off to war but my
father knew it was the right thing for me to do. My father knew it was the right
thing for me to do because he knew I would be a great infantry man in the army.
Because my dad thought this I did not want to let him down so I knew right there
and then that I was going into the army and fighting for King Philip.
Entry 3
Out of the blue we all got word that king Philip was assonated, when we heard this
we all didn t know what would happen. Then we learned that his son Alexander
took over and he was going to lead people into war. So when I got called on to go
into the army I did and we started to train. The training was very intense. It was
nothing like I have experience before, right off the bat they told us if we did not
die in batter we better be wounded because if not then we did not fight hard
enough. Another part of our training was how to wield a sword and fight with a
sword and shield. I have never done this before and I was super excited. I
remember how heavy the sword and shield was and how easy it was to swing when
you had the momentum going with it. After training for a couple of months we were
ready to go into war and fight.
Entry 4
In the spring of 334 B.C.E we entered the Asia Minor to attack and by the following
spring we had conquered the entire western half of Asia
Why Do Parents Shouldnt Spy On Their Kids
Parents shouldn t spy on their kiDS because that is bad because they need to have a
private life with their friends or girlfriend because that can be uncomfortable for
their kids and parents can shouldn t trust on their kids. Because that can make feel
made to the kids and too they can do something to hidden of their parents like buy
drugs or gather with guns that may happen sometimes the kids just are doing things
to hidden of their parents because they can talk with their friends like on mediasocial
the adolescents needs privacy
In the article, Parents shouldn t spy on their kids by [Kristin weir] Ebrings up the
point that parents shouldn t spy on their kids because they need privacy. She writes,
privacy isn t just important
The Value Of Ancient Greek Culture
Greece is a country with a very rich history, interests and diverse cultures. They are
particularly proud of their culture, and speak of their country with an intense
passion. Ancient Greece was the basis of much of Western culture today. Tragedy
and philosophy are just some of the key values of the culture of Greecethat has
helped us survive, honor, and create our world what it is today. Tragedy is a major
composite of the Greek culture, they thought it was extremely important for everyone
to witness a certain sort of tail they called Tragedy; popular and influential plays
performed in theaters at their annual spring festival in theatres across Ancient Greece
(Sowerby page 108). In these tragedies people were seen to break
Marketing Management Kotker
Internet Banking in Terms of Profitability: The Case of Northern Cyprus Banks Jude
Chimezie Nwobodo Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research In
Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in
Banking and Finance Eastern Mediterranean University June 2011 GazimaДџusa,
North Cyprus Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research Prof. Dr.
Elvan YД±lmaz Director I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a
thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Banking and Finance. Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Salih Katircioglu Chair, Department of Banking and Finance We certify that we have
read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and... Show more
content on ...
Dr. Glen for his support; and more thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Majid Hashemipour, the
Vice Rector for International Affairs for his Divine Assistance all through my year in
Cyprus, May the good Lord bless you sir. Finally I owe an extreme thanks to my late
Father, Chief Mmeziamaka Nwobodo, Ogbuefi (Onyemalu ife ga eseokwu), My
dearest Mum, Lolo Eriko Nwanyi and Brothers, Prince Valentine Nwanwelugo and
Prince Churchill Omekannaya who encouraged me to travel all the way from Nigeria
to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and supported me earnestly all throughout
my studies. I would love to dedicate this study to them as my sincere love and an
indication of their significance in this study as well as in my life. v I dedicate this
work to my Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Prince of peace and The
Lord of lords, for He made a way where there seems to be no way for me. vi TABLE
OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................... iii
OZ ............................................................................................... iv
TABLE ................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES
.............................................................................xi 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO
INTERNET BANKING....................................1 1.1 Background of the Study
..............................................................1 1.2 Definition of internet banking
.........................................................2 1.3 The Aim of the Study
.................................................................5 1.4 The Scope of the Study
................................................................5 2 LITERATURE REVIEW
....................................................................7 3 INTERNET
The Role Of Privilege In Health Care
Power, privilege, and health all mean three different things and are probably
thought of as unrelated; however, in the health care arena, these three words are
significantly correlated. In the article, Levels of racism: A theoretic framework
and a gardener s tale by Phyllis Jones, she describes a gardener planting red flowers
and pink flowers. The gardener prefers the color red, so he plants the red flowers in
rich and fertile soil, while planting the pink flowers in rocky, old soil. When the red
flowers grow nice and beautiful, they appear more beautiful than the pink, thus
causing them to think they are better, if human. The pink flowers, if human, then feel
ashamed and less worthy. The moral of the article was to draw attention to the... Show
more content on ...
Amongst Healthy People 2020 s goal planning, they created social determinants,
which are ... conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn,
work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and
quality of life outcomes and risks (Social Determinants of Health, 2017). Power,
privilege, and health all play a role in these social determinants. For example, one of
the determinants is Availability of community based resources in support of
community living and opportunities for recreational and leisure time activities
(Social Determinants of Heath, 20175). If a community has more power, that
increases their chance for bringing in more money. If a community has more money,
they can afford to have all these community resources mentioned. According to the
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone s health can benefit from
physical activity (Physical Activity and Health, 2015). So having the power and
privileges helps communities with maintaining overall good health. However,
communities that do not have the power or privileges to afford these community
based resources that promote activity are at a risk of not having the best health. In
order to fix this problem, the government would have to get in control and help the
communities that are lacking the resources or privileges
Kant Causality
When Hume writes that causality is not real and that we cannot know the cause of
anything because the cause cannot be seen, Kant takes notice. Hume believed that we
can see two events, in which one follows the other, but we cannot connect these two
events in any causal relationship (Kant, 7.) We are not able to say one event was the
cause of another, instead, we can only say that the two events happened in sequence.
Hume believes that because there are no causal connections, and because metaphysics
deals with these causal connections, there can be no metaphysics. Kant is now
awakened from his dogmatic slumber and wants to correct Hume s critique on
causality. Kant believes that Hume s critique does not just destroy metaphysics, but
the... Show more content on ...
Kant is not looking to take any part of what the historical philosophers posited for
granted, instead, he wants to clear the slate and be able to create a new era of
epistemological thought. He wants to delve into what knowledge is and be able to
prove the possibilities and limitations of knowledge. Kant realizes that his project
has never been attempted before and Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Hume, Descartes,
and others believed that knowledge about the world was possible, but Kant was
now going to question this notion (Kant, 6.) It must be asked if anything like
metaphysics can be a real body of knowledge? Can the human mind really pronounce
supersensible creatures before we analyze the mind that is doing the pronouncing?
Kant would say that we have entered into a region of subjectivity that has not been
seriously contemplated in the past and that all reason is limited, therefore we cannot
know certain metaphysical concepts (Kant, 27.) He believes that the mind is finite
and therefore cannot proclaim anything that is beyond what is experienced, all we
can know is what is in the realm of our experience. Classical metaphysics, according
to Kant, is a pretense to wisdom but is not wisdom itself because Kant s wisdom is to
understand the human mind and its limitations, which classical metaphysics does
Similarities Between The Wars Of European Religion
The Wars of Religion were a series of conflicts in Europe due to the spread of
Protestantism. These conflicts were due in particular, to the intense resentment of
Protestantism as a religion and a fear of providing freedom of religion. These
conflicts were very violent and were cause for a lot of change religiously in Europe.
Although the Wars were very different throughout the various countries in Europe,
there were also many similarities and I will explore these in this essay. The primary
similarity between the Wars of Religionin Europe was the presence of a final
compromise to end the conflict. However the main theme was that one group was
always excluded from the compromise. For example, Lynn Hunt stated, ... he[Henry
IV] made peace
Greater Collaboration In School
I have been asked by Principal Smith to suggest ways in which teachers at our school
might work more effectively together.
Collaboration is certainly an important goal. It can foster greater cooperation among
teachers and promote mutually beneficial interaction between us. It will encourage
sharing of the best methods we know, which ultimately will allow us provide our
students the best educational opportunities we can offer.
Here are a few suggestions for how we might accomplish the goal of greater
collaboration. Increasing communication between us is a large component of this
goal, and by using our most powerful communication tool, the school intranet, we can
share recent ideas and our most successful methods. This will encourage a dialogue
Batanes, Causes And Effects Of World War II In The...
Historical Essay: World War II in Philippines
World War II has a great impact on the Philippines. This essay is going to study the
causes, courses and effects of World War II in the Philippines. The purpose of this
essay is also to look at how Batanes was involved in the World War II and how the
war impacted the island. This essay will also analyze the immediate affects and the
long term effects of the war.
The Province of Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines and is the
smallest province in the country with a population of 16,604 (Conesus 2010) people
and land area of 219.01 km2. The capital of Batanes is Basco, 280 kilometers north
of Apari, Cagayan. The island is approximately 162 kilometers north of Luzon and
190 kilometers south of Taiwan. This island province comprises of ten small
islands; out of which, Batan, Sabtang and Itabayat are the mainly inhabited islands
and are the most visited because of its scenic beauty. A few of the must visit places
are: Vayang Rolling Hills; The Light Houses of Batanes; Morong Beach and The...
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On example is the Bataan death march, it is estimated that about 10,000 troops died
even before reaching the destination. The Manila American Cemetery Memorial,
located in Taguig, Metro Manila. This cemetery and memorial is a resting place of
17,202 American soldiers who died fighting in the war. It is built in the honor of the
soldiers died in battles in the Philippines and New Guniea. However, this war made
US and Philippines relationship stronger; resulting in a huge support from the United
States to the Philippines. As for the Ivatans in Batanes, after the Japanese left because
of the Battle of Batanes, it took the Ivatans time to recover from the happenings. The
Ivatans managed to restore the Basco lighthouse that had gotten destroyed by the
Japanese in the Battle of
Tony Kushner s Angels Of America
According to Tony Kushner in his dramatic play, Angels of America, Kushner uses
angels and religion to help develop the characters afflicted by it as well carry them
through the entire play and reach some sort of enlightenment. Spirituality is a big
thing within Angels in America, and Angels are one of them. Harper: When you
look at the ozone layer, from outside, from a spaceship, it looks like a pale blue halo
[...]. It s a gift, from God, the crowning touch to the creation of the world: guardian
angels, hands linked [...] a shell of safety for life itself. (Kushner) To Harper, the
Angel s are there to protect and watch over us. Being raised Mormon, Harper sees
things through a spiritual lens. The ozone is not just a scientific fact but
something that God gave to us as a gift, and the halo are not only gases but angels.
Yet, to Prior, they re a symbol of death. When Prior reveals his lesion he calls them,
the wine dark kiss of the angel of death (Kushner). It s a complete contrast to what
Harper believes, it could be that fact Prior is not religious or because of the
circumstance Prior is in. In general, angels are so far portrayed as protects and
destroyers of mankind.... Show more content on ...
Joe uses the story of Jacob wrestling the Angel as a metaphor for the turmoil he
feels within. Joe is a devoted Mormon, believes that homosexuality is a sin in fact
they do not even recognize it. So within Joe his personal identity and his spiritual
identity are constantly at war with each other. They are wrestling within him
trying to dominate each other. Joe: I had a book of Bible stories when I was a kid.
There was a picture I d look at twenty times every day: Jacob wrestles with the
angel. [...] Jacob is young and very strong. The angel is... a beautiful man, with
golden hair and wings, of course. (Kushner). Also this could be why when Joe was
little he had much interest with the
The Renaissance Era The Baroque Era And The Baroque
Constantly, music has been a part of everyday life for centuries, dating back to the
earliest Biblical records. But over the years there have been many ages contributing
to music. All of them were significant to history, but only three were the most
inspiring. All three discovered new ways to compose melodies people around the
world still listen to and perform. These influential eras in music are: the Renaissance
era, the Baroqueperiod, and the Classical era. The subjects will be in order from
earliest and so on, starting with the Renaissance.
The Renaissance Era
Dating back to the 1400s, the Renaissance era started at the end of the medieval era.
The era had many major composers and came up with an abundance of new
instruments. Most composers had been involved in the church because secular music
was not as popular at that time.
Music was difficult to distribute to people in the early 1400s. Consequently, the
development of the printing press in the early 1400s, made it easier to deliver
music to a more broad scale of people. One composer who took advantage of the
printing press was Thomas Tallis. He used it to make his own music sought after
by the public. He was allowed exclusive rights to use England s printing press to
publish music (Green 1). Tallis specialized primarily in choir like music. He was
the most well known Renaissance artists of his time. A few of his works included
Salve intemerata virgo, Ave rosa sine spinis, and Ave Dei patris filia. Tallis even
American Colonists Justified
The British and American colonists are justified who are going to war against the
French and Natives for the reasons that the colonists needed to expand their nation,
defend their colony, and a chance to cripple france. The British and American
colonists was justified going to war against the French and Natives because back
then, land was everything to the colonists, and the more land you owned the more
power you would have. For instance, Canassatego presents that the valley was of
great value to the native tribe. In Canassatego speech, he says ... We know our lands
are now more valuable... but we are sensible that the land is everlasting, and the few
goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone. This means that the French and
Penis Care Research Paper
An growing quantity of guys are recognizing the importance of day to day care on
the subject of the health and performance of their penis, and plenty of are turning to
products like penis health creams to support healthy, supple penile tissue. For many
who are because utilizing a penis cream, but who have questions about what they can
relatively count on, the answers to the following FAQ must furnish priceless
perception about correct peniscare.
1) what s a penis cream? Greater than just a body lotion, a penis wellbeing cream is
formulated with distinctive components that target the penile tissue, with the operate
of the penis and customary issues in mind. A excellent cream comprises amino acids
that help healthy nerve operate and mobile ... Show more content on
A small amount adequate to quilt a fingertip is ordinarily sufficient verify the
package deal directions for specifics on individual products. It s not useful to use
greater than the recommended quantity, because it may not be wholly absorbed and
can depart the dermis sticky.
6) How do I follow it? For highest absorption, a penile cream should be utilized after
a bathe or tub, when the epidermis is warm and the pores are open. The cream must
be massaged gently into the epidermis until it s thoroughly absorbed.
7) Is it alright to have intercourse after applying it? The cream will have to be
absolutely absorbed into the epidermis, so that it is now not sticky or damp, earlier
than any intimate contact takes place. If a accomplice is touchy to any of the
constituents, it is exceptional to clean the discipline completely earlier than having
Eight) What about oral intercourse? The same ideas follow here allow the product to
be totally absorbed, and wash the subject if a accomplice has a sensitivity or
hypersensitive reaction to any ingredients in the
Charles Darwin s Theory Of The Creation Of Species
Seth Justus
English 2
Mr. Johnson
Project Eagle Final Paper: Charles Darwin Charles Darwin has become Christianity
s greatest enemy with his theories of the creation of species and has caused people
to turn their backs on faith and look to science to be their religion. The way in which
Darwin describes the creation of species in The Origin of Species does not agree with
how species are created in Christian teachings. Charles Darwin s theories have
impacted so many different aspects of life from what we teach our children in school
to our chosen faith.
Charles Darwin explains his theories on how different species are created in The
Origin of Species. Darwin tells us that different species are created for a few
different reasons. Darwin tells us that specie s struggle for existence plays a major
part in the creation of species. The struggle for existence is if a variation is helpful
then it will probably reappear in future generations, but if it is unhelpful the species
will have a harder time surviving and then reproducing. When offspring that have
these helpful variations continuously reproduce this is known as Natural selection,
nature is selecting the useful variations and getting rid of the non helpful ones.
The struggle for existence is the accumulation of variations until a new species is
created, but how do variations occur? Darwin explains that scientist thought that there
are variations in species because of environmental reasons like climate,
Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And The Great
The cinematic philosophy and techniques used by Baz Luhrmann show that his
films are not merely adaptations of the stories, but are rather a recreation of the
original author s work. In Baz Luhrmann s Romeo and Juliet and The Great Gatsby
it is clear that he has not attempted to stay as true to the originals as possible, but
has modernized them in order to get the same response from his audience that
William Shakespeare and Scott F. Fitzgerald got from their audiences. His first film,
Strictly Ballroom can also be described as a re imagining not only of the play but
also of his own personal background of ballroom dancing. He has created these re
imaginings with his unique cinematic language, using many techniques to create
exaggerated worlds that keep audiences captivated.... Show more content on ...
In the times that this play and novel were written they received a massive response
from their audiences as being controversial and full of new and exciting ideas, which
is partially why they are still so popular in the world today. Baz Luhrmann, when
recreating these two tragic stories focussed on the response he would get from his
audience instead of adapting the original author/playwright s works to how they were
originally intended to be. Luhrmann achieved this by using many cinematic
techniques which include lighting, use of colour, costumes and camera techniques
such as zooming and zipping, many of these techniques which feature in his first film
Strictly Ballroom as
Analysis Of Hesiod s The Vase Essay
A)The excerpt from Hesiod s text illustrates different characters who serve a myriad
of purposes. There are 3 main characters in the text Zeus, Hephaestus and Hermes.
Zeus orders the creation of the first woman, Pandora, and commands Olympians to
present Pandora with gifts. Hephaestus crafts Pandora because of Zeuss orders.
Hermesprovided Pandora with a deceitful nature, (Hesiod) and delivered her to
Epimetheus. There are other characters with minor roles in the text. The most
important character is Zeus, because he was orchestrating the whole event. He
assigned tasks to the Olympians and all the other characters were just following his
B)The scene on the vase shows only a part of the woman present on the far right.
Additionally, this woman is wearing a crown. The person who is holding the
hammer seems to be moving his arm towards the woman. The person left of center
is facing the man on the far left and it looks like they are conversing. On the basis
of Hesiod s text people depicted on this vase, from right to left, are Pandora,
Hephaestus, Hermes and Zeus. There are numerous attributes that allow the
identification of these characters. Pandora in Hesiod s text is being made using
mud, which might answer why only a part of the woman is shown on the vase.
Furthermore, the woman depicted on the vase is wearing a crown and Hesiod s text
mentions crowned her (Pandora) head with spring flowers, (Hesiod) these two things
allow me to identify this woman as
Tattoos In Western Culture
Tattoos in Western Culture The art of tattooing has changed in modern times quite
drastically. It is slowly becoming more acceptable to own and display tattoos on one
s body. In more conservative times, those with tattoos were looked on as social
outcast, turned down for jobs and seen as strange outsiders. However, within the past
half century, tattoos have steadily become more acceptable. Millions of people in
America now proudly tattoo their skin, with everything from religious symbols to
naked women. There is a whole industry based around tattoos, tattoo care, and
basically everything tattoo. There are now expensive clothing lines that base their
imagery on tattoo art, such as the Ed Hardy brand (no matter how stupid the clothes...
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With that high of a percentage, the popularity of memorial tattoos obviously has a
direct impact on the overall popularity and acceptance of tattoos in general. All of
these are possible reasons as to why tattoos have become more popular in recent
years. However, the most likely reason for the spike in popularity is not one, but
all of these reasons. They all increase the number of people willing to go out and
get tattoos, and all of them are responsible for making tattoos more acceptable by
society. The rise in popularity has created a community for those associated with the
art form. There are conventions, shows, magazines, and websites dedicated solely to
the art of tattooing. Not only is there a community for those who adorn tattoos, but
that community is broken up into different classes. There are three separate sub
classes of this tattoo community. The first is the biker/working class. These people
are often poorer and have cheaper tattoos. They are looked down upon by the highest
class as being losers and outsiders, and the high class in the tattoo community feels no
connection with them. The next class is the young punks. This young class is
obviously made up of young members, a lot of them involved in some other sub
culture, music, MMA fighting, etc. There is some overlap between this class and the
other classes, since some of them are richer and some are poorer. At the
Essay about iran contra scandal
Iran Contra Scandal
The Cold War peaked the interest of the entire globe. Each threat, policy and action
that took place had ramifications far more reaching then ever imaginable. The world
sat on edge because it feared its own destruction, after the introduction of nuclear
warfare at the close of World War II, another World War could result in the Earth s
demise. This fear ran through the hearts and minds of citizens of both the United
States and the Soviet Union, but it is the citizens elsewhere that had to pay the
consequences for these fears. The race to become the premier superpower of the
world between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. did not always remain as subsided as many
like to believe. Many regions of the world were held accountable ... Show more
content on ...
To understand the Iran contra Affair it is necessary to understand American Iranian
relations leading up to the scandal. Since the origin of both major powers, Iran had
managed to to maintain its independence as a nation state by playing the two
superpowers against one another. And it was when the two rivals came to an
understanding that, Iranian leaders saw their country s independence and identity in
serious jeopardy. [2] The turning point in the relationship between the Iran and the
United States began after [the United States] part in the overthrow of Muhammad
Musadiq in 1953, the United States found itself the object of growing Iranian
criticism. [3] Moderate, nationalistic opposition forces and radical leftist began to
refer to the United States as an imperialistic, oppressive external force, all as Shi i
religious leaders begun condemning America and their policies. Iranians of all
political persuasions increasingly formed a negative image of the United States. [4]
America exposed itself as no longer an external liberating force that was held
responsible for protecting Iran from Great Britain and the Soviet Union, and instead,
became the exploiter.
Throughout the 1970 s the United
Why Is Socrates My Teacher
Socrates was the first Athenian philosopher and he is very interesting figure, not
only of his teaching methods, but also of his whole life and way of thinking. In the
centre of Socrates philosophy is human being but, first of all, he sees a human as
moral being. According to Socrates, learning process is closely connected with
relations which will be build between the teacher and a student and he as a teacher
should give to the student all accumulated experience of previous older generations. I
want to have Socratesas my teacher, because of the fact that, all his philosophyand
teaching methods are relevant and important nowadays too, even if he was living in
Ancient Greece many years ago. Unfortunately, today many of us forget about the
main aims and principles of life which every of us had studied in elementary school,
such as moral self improvement and as it known, Socrates was one of the founders of
the doctrine of human kindness, about which our... Show more content on ...
This quote explains to us Socrates wisdom or so called Socratic paradox. He means
by this phrase, that we must question all what we taught, understand or already know,
the doubts is the background of wisdom and for one hundred percent we can know
only that we know nothing, so we need to question everything. Furthermore, Socrates
as philosopher is famous for his work on logic and epistemology. Epistemology is a
part of philosophy about the nature of knowledge and explains what knowledge
exactly is. In addition in today s world people deviate from the norms of morality
and forget about kindness, honesty, tolerance, all are just trying to survive in
cruelty and all think only about themselves. If we will have the teacher as Socrates
we can avoid this way of living and became again more virtuous and kind as it used
to be. According to Plato , Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.
But we can
The Tragelaphus Is The Second Largest Antelope Just
The Tragelaphus strepsiceros is the second largest antelope just behind the giant
Eland. With strips down its back and large spiral horns around three ft. in length
make the kudu easily distinguishable. Males tend to be much larger than females,
ranging from 200 850 pounds, reaching heights of around five feet and lengths
almost eight feet long. Females are much smaller, weighing 260 460 lbs. standing
around four feet and lengths six seven feet. With them being that size they seem to
not have a large number of predators; lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs as well as
humans for the larger ones, with the young s having predators from cheetahs, eagles,
and snakes. Greater Kudus have been known to clear lengths 8+ feet and heights of 6
feet... Show more content on ...
With gestation being 9 months, babies are usually seen between February and
March when the grass tends to be at its highest. Greater Kudus tend to have one
calve, rarely two; mothers suckle for 7 minutes at a time until calf is nearly 3
weeks old. Hiding for 2 weeks calves join the herd but continue to lie out at least at
night for an additional 4 5 weeks. Vocal communication is common with a gruff bark
is one of the loudest noises antelope make. Males grunt loudly when rutting and
fighting, with a suppressed whine during courtship. The greater kudu does have a SSP
with Dennis Charlton as the SSP and studbook coordinator. The main goal for the
greater kudu is to maximize genetic diversity in the captive population to maintain it
as genetically diverse as possible this provides for sustainable and cooperative zoo
populations of kudu to avoid having to pull animals from the wild. Originally
establish as a PMP (Population Management Plan) in 1995 as kudu were not
necessarily endangered in the wild but the AZA community wanted to manage
captive species for sustainability in the long run. The PMP title dropped off in
2012 and all programs earned the SSP designation (just on different tiers based on
sustainability parameters.) The greater kudu has been in US zoos since the early
1900 s! There are certain protected preserves where kudu would be relatively safe
from poaching but they would
Compare And Contrast Worldview Essay
As written in our textbooks the term worldview is defined as the perception of the
self, society and the world around us , so on this very basis alone, I would say
everyone in the world has a different worldview. Although two people may be very
much alike and share similar opinions or outlooks, no people look at everything the
same way. So many factors are involved in shaping our personalities and views
including relationships, environment and culture, and even if two people grow up
with the same people in the same place with the same society, they will always be
different in some way. The way each individual perceives each and every detail of
our lives is unique to that person; therefore there are innumerable differences between
all human
The Energy Supply Of India Essay
Abstract The development of a nation is also measured on the parameters like the
adequacy of electrical energy. To make a nation as the developed nation, the
energy supply should have a reach to the extreme parts too. As India is an
agricultural nation and so sorts of agricultural left outs are accessible here. Along
these lines, this immense measure of agricultural wastes can be an input resource
for power production in Indian villages. Rice husk is one of the potential
agricultural wastes which can be utilized as an input source to generate electricity,
conditioned that it will be handled and processed effectively. The reason for this
paper is to bring the focus on the alternative power generation methods in the rural
part. The rice husk plants are generally small and medium scaled efficient enough
to supply or to meet the basic need of a village. In this piece, the main focus is to
show the available rice husk in India, the distinctive possibilities and the procedure
with which it can be utilized to generate power. Finally, a decrease in competition
in supply by the larger plant may lead to the decrease in the cost. But various issues
related to investment as the risk of failing of plant, monopoly on the supply side of
husk from various rice mills, institutional challenges related to the distributional area.
1. Introduction Even with the increase in the demand for electricity globally, India s
peak demand of electricity is 165253 MW and we have a surplus supply.
Bell Hooks Admire Is My Father
The most traits bell hooks admire about her father is although he was not educated
she admired his diligence and hard work, approaching tasks with a seriousness of
concentration she admired how hard working and serious was about his job and
family. also later on her paragraph bell hooks says I work to mirror and develop with
a discipline I struggle to maintain, hooks father lived by a disciple which she applied
to her academic life, also in the long run which it has helped her because as a writer
and a teacher bell hooks needed the patience and the discipling in order for her to
succeed. in college. A person I admire is my Motherbecause she is a fighter, hard
worker, caring, loving and selfless. Even thought my mother is a single mother,
Choose The Appropriate Joinery Technique When
To: ENGL 315 45 Classmates
From: CJ Peterson
Subject: How to Choose the Appropriate Joinery Technique when building wood
Date: April 6, 2016
Many people want to build their own furniture and other wood projects, but aren t
sure how to start. Different types of projects require different types of joinery, but
your average Do It Yourselfer (DIYer) can do most beginner projects.
It may seem overwhelming to many of you to take on a new task such as building
your very own furniture. Choosing the wrong joint could lead to additional
unnecessary steps, weaken the object, and cause premature failure of the furniture.
Alternatively, it could just plain look unattractive a thing to be avoided for sure.
Choosing the appropriate joinery technique is quite simple as long as you follow the
appropriate steps. I have been building furniture and remodeling homes for eight
years, which means I have done quite a bit of woodworking. I am hoping to share this
experience with my classmates so that they can reach the very attainable goal of
building their own furniture.
A good place to begin is to identify the main joints, consider what uses each is best
used for, and examine your own ability to execute each. These joints have all been
around for a long time; they have been tested in numerous applications. In this report,
I highlight some of the main joints and their applications.
Joint Options and Selecting the Correct Joint For Your Project
The Theme Of Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird
Innocence Lost
To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in a tiny southern town in Alabama in 1932. The
tiny town of Maycomb was home to deep rooted racism. Two children named Scout
and Jem live in this town with their father Atticus and when their father is sent to
defend a black man their lives see a dramatic change. The children soon learn the
harsh truth of their little town and lose a childhood full of innocence. In her novel To
Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper Lee foreshadows a loss of innocence through the
symbolic significance of building a snowman, a harsh fire, and a mockingbird. First,
Harper Lee uses the building of a snowman to foreshadow the loss of innocence. Jem
and Scout Finch were two kids living in the tiny isolated town ... Show more content
on ...
Scout and Jem were given air rifles by their uncle Jack. With these new toys Jem
started to have an interest in guns but Atticus wanted no part in the whole ordeal.
Atticus says, Mockingbirds don t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy.
They don t eat up people s gardens, don t nest in corncribs, they don t do one thing
but sing their hearts out for us. That s why it s a sin to kill a mockingbird (90). Lee
uses this to point out the symbolic mockingbird and its deeper meaning of true
innocence. When Atticus tells the children that it s a sin to kill a mockingbird
because they do no harm it can be traced to Tom. Tom had been falsely accused of
rapping a woman and when a mocking bird dies so does its its innocence. As time
swifts buy the children still have dirt on them because of the trial, this dirt causes
both Jem and Scout to get attacked but luckily they are saved by a man known as
Arthur boo Radley. This man had been cooped up in his house his whole life so
when Atticus finds out what he killed the children s attacker he didn t know what to
do. Scout says, Well it d be sort of of like shooting a mockingbird (276). Scout was
replying to the ideas of not telling the town what Mr.Radley had done. When Scout
says this it shows that she understands the depth behind this issue and the fact that
she understood shows that this childhood blindness and innocence she had once had
was now gone in a
Current Marketing Strategy Paper
12. What is the current marketing (functional) strategy? Alcoa s current marketing
strategy is working to shed underperforming parts of the company and decrease
employees. So far, Alcoa has divested from assets in Europe and South America,
and cut 8000 employees. Alcoa believes this will help to focus on new products
such as R D for improved aluminum for aerospace and automotive industries. 13.
What is the financial position and (functional) strategy of the organization? Alcoa
just finalized a split in the company, which will allow for targeted investment
opportunity. (Reuters 2016) Alcoa will continue to work on smelting and refining
and the new company, Arconic Inc. will focus on products for the automotive and
aerospace industries. In this way they hope to pull the profitable side of the business
out and work to expand it. Focusing on R D will help Alcoa plan... Show more
content on ...
What are the current strategies in other functional areas such as HR and info
systems? Alcoa has lain off 8000 workers in order to reduce overhead costs, as well
as closing smelters. They have also worked to reorganize their operating structure for
greater efficiency. Alcoa has been working on employee incentives, recruitment and
retention. 16. What strengths exist for the organization? Alcoa has the opportunity to
work on R D such as the inert anode. The U.S. government has been giving
considerable support to the U.S. aluminum companies attempts to achieve success
with the inert anode, which would not only improve efficiency, but also reduce
carbon emissions . Being number one has advantages, as Alcoa has a name brand
they can capitalize on with their
Annotated Bibliography on Infidelity
Annotated Bibliography
Carnes, Patrick. Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction
Minneapolis: CompCare, 1983. Patrick Carnes book offers a real life look at the
problem of sexual addiction. He used the past experiences of others to write a book
detailing the causes and effects of sexual addiction. Carnes explains how sexual
addiction is a huge problem to all involved, not just the offender . He also explains
how the addiction is a problem just like any other addictions. The book describes the
danger of addictions to humans by stating, Because our sexuality is one of our most
fundamental life processes, sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening to all of
us (Carnes page 5). Carnes uses fictionalized ... Show more content on ...
Web. 5 Feb. 2014. In Othniel Seiden s article, he discusses some of the reasons for
infidelity. He lists twenty reasons that people have given as to why they have
cheated on a spouse or significant other. Seiden goes on to say that many people
have unrealistic views or expectations on a marriage and states, Romance novels,
movies, TV shows, may give couples a false sense of what marriage is all about .
(Seiden) This article also discusses the common differing reasons women and men
cheat. Seiden s article tells many reasons people would commit adultery. The
article is very informative on how marriages work and what one needs to do to
help keep their spousal relationship alive. Many people believe that affairs are
strictly physical, but affairs come in many forms. This article illustrates the
different types and what can be done to try and avoid them. It will also be used to
help interpret what one would need to do to prevent the distasteful human action of
infidelity. It will also be used to show the differences between the types of affairs.
The author s conclusions are interesting and will make valuable points in a research
University of Montreal. Infidelity Dissected: New Research On Why People Cheat.
ScienceDaily. 13 September 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. The University of Montreal
performed four different studies to help prove the assumption that people with evident
Vaccinations and Autism…Connected Essay examples
Every child born in America is unique: whether it be because of skin color, hair
color, birth weight, complications while still in the womb, or difficulties at birth.
Yet when it comes to vaccinations they are all treated equal and are expected to
follow the government recommended vaccination schedule. Once these vaccinations
have been given, they cannot be removed from a child s body. The harm they may
have caused a child, cannot be reversed. Parents need to be aware of what is in these
vaccines and the possible harmful effects they can have on their child. While the
official cause of autismhas not been clearly determined, parents of young children and
expecting parents need to be aware that research shows a definite link between...
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Seven vaccines injected into a 13 pound, two month old infant are equivalent to 70
doses in a 130 pound adult (Miller).
The recommended vaccination schedule becomes questionably when looked at like
this. The comparison between seven vaccines in an infant and seventy in a small
adult is surprising. How can it be considered safe to assume every young child s
body can handle this; without looking at the individual child? Not all children are the
same, nor is their situation. It seems logical to think it would be better to look at the
individual child and their case to determine what is best for them. In order to better
understand why vaccinations should not be given the same for every child, it is
important to know what is in them. The CDC reassures parents all over their website
that vaccination is safe. Many physicians recommend vaccination for their patients,
without hesitation. Vaccination is the thing to do . Going through medical school,
physicians are taught the practice of vaccinating children. The CDC and the Food and
Drug Administration both report they continue to do studies to ensure the safety of
vaccinations. However, Dr. Mercola, a board certified osteopathic physician, points
out that these groups have NEVER
Brown 3 proven that it is safe to inject the number and volume of vaccines that we
do in the United States (Mercola). Child vaccinations used to be filled with a toxin
known as

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  • 1. Nyu Mba Essays Crafting an essay on the topic of "Nyu MBA Essays" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, delving into the intricacies of the NYU MBA program requires a comprehensive understanding of its distinct features, values, and expectations from prospective candidates. This demands extensive research to gather up-to-date information on the program's curriculum, faculty, and any recent developments that might influence the essay content. Moreover, writing about oneself in the context of pursuing an MBA at NYU necessitates a delicate balance. On one hand, the essay should reflect a genuine and compelling personal narrative that aligns with NYU's values. On the other hand, it must avoid sounding overly self- promotional or clichГ©d. Striking this balance requires self-reflection and the ability to articulate one's aspirations, experiences, and qualifications in a way that resonates with the admissions committee. The essay prompts themselves may pose additional challenges. NYU MBA essays often address specific aspects of a candidate's profile or seek insights into their motivations and goals. Responding effectively to these prompts requires a thoughtful and strategic approach, ensuring that each word contributes meaningfully to the overall narrative. Furthermore, the competitive nature of MBA admissions adds an extra layer of complexity. Admissions committees at top-tier institutions like NYU seek candidates who not only meet academic and professional criteria but also bring a unique perspective to the cohort. This raises the stakes for the essay, as it becomes a crucial tool for standing out among a pool of highly qualified applicants. In conclusion, writing an essay on "Nyu MBA Essays" is a challenging endeavor that demands a combination of in-depth research, self-reflection, and strategic storytelling. It requires not only a clear understanding of NYU's MBA program but also the ability to craft a compelling narrative that distinguishes the candidate from the competition. For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore resources like to access professional guidance and support in navigating the intricacies of MBA application essays. Nyu Mba Essays Nyu Mba Essays
  • 2. Ddpwm20 Unit 5 IV.SIMULATION IMPLEMENTATION RESULTS The impact of the proposed sequences has been simulated for 0.4 modulation index with a 0.5 lagging power factor load (power factor angle 60В°). The simulation setup consists of the following software: 1) MATLAB/Simulink used to implement the modulation strategies and switching sequences, and 2) PSIM used to simulate the T NPC inverter running with an R L load and to provide conduction and switching losses of each switch. The inverter switching pulses were generated within Simulink and were fed to PSIM through sim coupler module which provides a link between PSIM and simulink for the purpose of co simulation [29]. Three types of modulation strategies are compared initially (i) conventional SVPWM, ... Show more content on ... Thus, there are no switching instances around the current peak. The line current distortion is 3.6%, similar to DPWM20 sequence. Fig. 11 shows a comparison of DPWM2O, DPWMLPF2 and GDPWMO at 0.4 modulation index. The inverter is operating with 160 Hz fundamental frequency and 7.68 kHz switching frequency. The output power factor angle is 45В°. It can be seen that each strategy produces 32 pulses in one cycle. However, the clamping interval of the GDPWMO strategy is perfectly aligned with the line current peaks, whereas the DPWM2O and DPWMLPF2 strategies incurs switching instances around the current peaks. Fig. 12 shows the switching loss reduction using the DPWM2O, DPWMLPF2 and GDPWMO sequences in comparison to the conventional SVPWM strategy for 30В° 60В° power factor angle range. It can be seen that the DPWM2O and DPWMLPF2 sequences provide maximum switching loss reduction only at 30В° and 60В°, respectively. In other power factors, their loss reduction capability reduces. On the other hand, the GDPWMO strategy reduces switching losses around 50% over the entire range of power factor angle, similar to the analytical results shown in Fig.
  • 3. The Importance Of A Quality Project At An Early Stage Essay Briefing is the process by which a client informs others of his or her needs, aspirations and desires, either informally or formally, and a brief is a formal document which sets out a client s requirements in detail (CIB, 1999, p.5). As OP has a vast amount of experience of erecting towers in Toronto they should be more than capable of outlining their explicit requirements accurately in a project brief. They will also be well aware that any changes during detailed design, or even worse during construction, could have a detrimental effect on the project, possibly extending the project competition date or even requiring a revised planning application and will almost certainly carry an extra cost (see Figure 2). Figure 2: Changes during later stages of the project are likely to be more costly than at the outset. (CIB, 1999, p.8). This being said, OP must realise the importance of supplying a quality project brief to their consultants at an early stage. This will require them to commit a lot of upfront resources to the project to ensure the design matches the client s vision. The process will begin with a statement of need , which will outline vaguely the aims and objectives of the project. For example, OP would have outlined at this stage their desire to construct a tower in the heart of Toronto s financial district. They may have approached the market with the opportunity to tenant the property. The statement of need is then developed through to a strategic brief.
  • 4. Algorithm Essay @summary: To remove keywords that are similar. This is to bring more diversity to the top ranked keywords. We use an algorithm called K means for grouping. This algorithm is implemented and have not used third party library other than numpy (for computation) and gensim (loading of data set) Each word in the keyword list is converted to a vector using word2vec. We use GoogleNews pre trained dataset to get vector of word. Then, we divide the n keywords into k clusters. Initially, we randomly choose k centroids. The euclidian distance of each vector is calculated from the centroid. Each cluster is formed with a centroid and vectors which are closest to it. Once cluster is formed, a new centroid is found for each cluster. Based on the... Show more content on ... centroid_list = random.sample(X,
  • 5. I Am Sam Psychology I Am Sam is a touching film that incorporates psychology into modern day society into terms that the common person could empathize with. Sam Dawson, played by Sean Penn is a mentally challenged man raising his beloved daughter Lucy (Dakota Fanning) in the heart of Los Angeles. As a single father, Sam has support from many of his mentally challenged friends to raise Lucy. Sam works at the local Starbucks where his job is to bus the tables and clean up after customers. His neighbor Annie who experiences agoraphobia and will not leave her apartment,agrees to babysit and care for Lucy while teaching Sam the basics to parenting. As Lucy progresses in age, she fears being smarter than her father, Lucy s increasing academic ability becomes an issue... Show more content on ... According to an Oxford journal about autism, affected children or adults almost always show evidence of restricted imagination and predilection for rigid routines (O Callaghan, 2002).The need for a set routine is demonstrated when Sam becomes extremely upset when Lucy suggests they go to Big Boy instead of IHOP; Afterwards when he agrees to go, he starts screaming and acting out because the restaurant did not have the same pancakes as IHOP. Also Sam and his friends have a set weekly schedule of Wednesday at IHOP, Thursdays are movie night, and Friday is Karaoke. When one of the plans is changed it causes high anxiety and angst among the group. Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that affects a persons ability to socialize and communication with others (NAMI, 2011). The difficulty with communication is shown throughout the movie. In one scene, Sam was helping Lucy with her schoolwork and he came across problem could not solve he mentally shut down and changed the subject. The absence of social normalities is shown when baby Lucy accidentally makes a woman spill her drink, Sam then try to help the woman by picking up ice that dropped in the woman cleavage. The unawareness of the social limitations and personal boundaries is absent, which reinforces the diagnosis for autism. Research by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes concluded that people with autism
  • 6. Oedipus The King Teiresias Analysis In the play, Oedipus the King by Sophocles, Oedipus spends all his life trying to prevent a prophecy he had heard from coming true. To prevent it, Oedipus goes to Thebes and on his way, Oedipus kills a man who turns out to the king of Thebes, Laius. Thebes is under a curse and the control of a Sphinx, and if Oedipusanswers the riddle of the Sphinx then he can free Thebes and become the king. Oedipus answers the riddle correctly and becomes the savior of Thebes and marries the queen, Jocasta, who was the wife of Laius. Because he marries Jocasta and killed Laius, the prophecy comes true; however, Oedipus does not know that the prophecy is true until later in the play. Teiresias is a blind prophet, who Oedipus asks to come to Thebes to see who the killer of Laius is. After Teiresias comes to visit Oedipus, he then spends the rest of his life in denial of what really happened. In Oedipus the King, Teiresias plays the role of showing Oedipus arrogance and ignorance through foreshadowing and dramatic irony. In the scene where Oedipus forces Teiresias to visit him, Teiresias proves Oedipus arrogance when Teiresias declares, You are the cursed polluter of this land (353). Teiresias reveals how arrogant and ignorant Oedipus actually turns out to be when he says this to Oedipus. Oedipus acts surprised and exclaims, Have you no shame at all? (354), which reveals how Oedipus believes Teiresias is wrong and that he is not the reason for why Thebes is cursed. However, through
  • 7. Factors That Affect the Academic Performance of the... Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Student s academic performance occupies a very important place in education as well as in the learning process. So to have better classroom performance and lower drop out incidence, many colleges require students to stay in school dormitories especially those students who live far from school like Cavite, Tarlac, Laguna, Batangas etc. It is widely believed that living in campus dormitory can acquire some benefits in their academic performance. Large universities provide a number of academic services in dormitories such as tutoring and student organizations that encourage an environment conducive to learning. Residence halls have served as an essential aspect of collegiate life ... Show more content on ... 2013 14 (1st Semester)? 3. What are the factors that affects the class performance of correspondents in relation to: 4.6 Family Factor; 4.7 Health Factor; 4.8 School Rules and Regulation Factor ; 4.9 School Amenities; 4.10 Teaching Method and Strategy; and 4.11 Study Habits Factor? 4. Is there significant relationship between the correspondents academic performance and the condition of PIC dormitory? Hypothesis There is no significant relationship between the correspondents academic performance and the condition of PIC dormitory. Scope and Delimitation of the Study This study focused on finding out the factors affecting the academic performance of Students staying at PIC dormitory from 2nd semester AY.2012 13 and 1st semester AY. 2013 14. Findings, conclusions, recommendations would apply only to the students staying at PIC dormitory. Significance of the Study The outcomes of this study will benefits the following people: STUDENTS: The result of the study will benefit them for further improvement in their style of studying and lifestyle at the PIC dormitory. And will motivate them to extend their territory for schoolwork. TEACHERS: The teachers will be more aware about the student s problem regarding their study and they will know how to deal with the student s need. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION: The findings of this study would encourage them to improve the school amenities. Definition of terms These
  • 8. A World Of Complete Surveillance Do we want to live in a world of complete surveillance? Well we don t have a choice it seems. In a world of cameras monitoring our every move in the streets and in every establishment, we are on camera 99% of the time once we leave the house. With all our privacy being stripped away in the name of €OUR€ safety, it seems that things will just continue to get worse. I m sure we all are aware of drones and their capabilities, but do we realize what this means for a society we live in? We would think that 99% of the population is against this kind of move forward in our surveillancesociety. Here are some stats on the current drone status in America. We like to think of the drone war as something far away, fought in the deserts of the middle east or the mountains of Afghanistan. But we now know it is closer than we thought. There are 64 drone bases on American soil. That includes 12 locations housing Predator and Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles, which can be armed. Public Intelligence, a non profit that advocates for free access to information, released a map of military UAV activities in the United States on Tuesday. Assembled from military sources € especially this little known June 2011 Air Force presentation (.pdf) it is arguably the most comprehensive map so far of the spread of the Pentagon s unmanned fleet. What exact missions are performed at those locations, however, is not clear. Some bases might be used as remote cockpits to control the robotic aircraft
  • 9. Essay on The Popularity of Seinfeld The Popularity of Seinfeld Add a dash Elaine, a spoonful of Jerry, a pinch of George, and handful of Kramer and you end up with a perfectly seasoned spicy sitcom that Americans just can not get enough of. Seinfeld, featuring the hilarious stand up comedian Jerry Seinfeld himself, is dear to many of our hearts and the show plays an essential part in satisfying our constant quest for humor. The show focuses on real life situations and problems such as romance, friends, careers, and adventures that everyone can relate to. I believe that Seinfeld is attractive to most people for a variety of reasons. For these reasons the shows success was inevitable. Each of the characters has it s own unique personality and by using this formula ... Show more content on ... Jerry s contribution to the fearsome four is as important as the peanut butter in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It s great by itself, but even better with its complements. His character appeals to the sensible and laid back audience because they can relate. However, the complete opposite types swoon over him because they envy the qualities that they would like to possess. I would have to say that Jerry is mostly responsible for the shows immediate fame and without him Seinfeld just wouldn t be Seinfeld. Jason Alexander, who plays George, has a unique combination of traits that make him irresistibly hilarious. He pulls off the sympathetic and charming sort while other times he s purely devious and radical. He plays Jerry s sidekick and together they foolishly run around New York City like kids in a candy store. Jason also has his share of accomplishments such as two Emmy nominations, a Golden Globe nomination and two American Comedy Awards for best supporting actor in a television series. George portrays the baldheaded stingy mastermind who s always stirring up trouble and brewing up schemes to make him look cooler than we all know he really is. His tendency to become easily red faced and throw random tantrums captures viewer s attention. Because of George s love/hate relationship with his friends he is always a focal point for the show. His short,
  • 10. Swot Analysis Of Sony COMPANY DESCRIPTION Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corp, was founded in 1946 and has changed its name to Sony in 1958. Sony has established globally recognized brands for its products such as VAIO, Walkman and Play Stations. Sony is a conglomerate company. It has expanded its business segments in electronics, entertainments and financial services and continues restructuring. Figure 10 illustrates revenue by Sony s segments. Data is mainly taken from Bloomberg (for standardized values) but with adjustment from data in IR website to project revenue under new segments. Description of each business segment is available in Appendix 1. PAST PERFORMANCE Revenue and operating income in FY3/13 have returned to the same level in FY3/08. ... Show more content on ... oCosts are incurred from establishment of power supply and camera module businesses in Device. COMPANY ANALYSIS STRATEGY ANALYSIS SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH Sony s commitment to R D and innovation enabled the company to offer products with top quality helping to maintain the strong Sony s brands. Pictures, Music and Financial Service have been stable revenue contributors, which are able to compensate loss made in electronics to some extent. WEAKNESS Sony lacks in foresight as suggested by Euromonitor International (2013) that its delayed entry to the market has resulted in difficulty to take away the market share from its competitors. Sony focuses on producing high quality products, which essentially requires high costs according to Euromonitor International (2013). A large amount of assets are with risks of impairment loss as identified in the Structural Reform section. OPPORTUNITY Combination of gaming and network service is a new and unique idea, which is only possible in a conglomerate company like Sony, and it can potentially be a large profit contributor in the medium
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  • 12. Dynacorp Organizational Structure Dynacorp had been a leading information systems and communications company globally. They were pioneers in developing high technology applications that were highly commended in the industry. As the company grew and expanded, the innovative processes slowed down and the current organization structure was believed to be the root of the problem. The existing organization structure shown in Figure 1 shows that Dynacorp is structured functionally. The three line divisions, each led by an executive vice president, were engineering, manufacturing, and marketing. These were supported by a number of corporate staff divisions, including finance, human resource management, and corporate affairs. [1] If I were on the Dynacorp task force, my first choice for an alternative organisational structure design would be the product division structure as shown in Figure 2 with each division for each business led by a chief manager. This scheme is proposed to tackle the company s two major issues, communication among each divisions and the company s retardation to the market. This structure organizes on the basis of the service or product provided. [1] Everyone works on different tasks contributing to the same final output. This structure has two major advantages. First is transparency of performance: it makes the ... Show more content on ... The proposed structure s strengths encourages most large American corporations in the 1980s employ this structure as the dominent form[1]. Unorthodoxly, the basic structure is insuffiecient to be an effective solution for enterprise as large and complex as Dynacorp.The change would mean a few years of organisational shift that would profit the company or bring loss to it. By meticulously comprehending the companies workflow and the humans, who are part of the machine, can the company benefit from the big
  • 13. Compare And Contrast American Sports Vs Soccer Essay 21 professional leagues, 234 countries, tens of thousands of professional teams, 265 million players, and just one sport that ties all these people around the world together. Soccer truly is a universal language spoken by most, and has brought masses of people together in time of despair, and tragedy. While it might not be America s favorite sport, the game of soccer has a major impact on almost every other country. Soccer is the best professional sport to participate in because it receives the most support from fans globally, does not require outrageous physical requirements, and soccer provides players with the most opportunities to compete nationally and represent their country. Soccer is the most popular sport around the world. Because... Show more content on ... Every four years, the most watched tournament in the whole world is played. 32 national teams compete to win the World Cup, but over 200 try to qualify. The extravagant amount of countries trying to win the tournament makes winning it extremely special. Countries also have tournaments with other countries in their own continent. The winners of each continent play in another tournament called the Confederations Cup. National teams also play many games to try to qualify for both the World Cup, and that countries continental cup. Some readers might say all sports have national teams that compete against others, but this is not true because in football, there is no national team, and for basketball the World Cup is almost always dominated by they USA so there really isn t that much competition. Also, in basketball many top players from the USA decided not to play with that national team because of fear of injury and because they know they will win, but in soccer you almost never see a player reject playing with their national team because in soccer, representing your country is the ultimate honor and is viewed as one of the highest achievements one can earn during their
  • 14. Analysis Of Harvey Mann s Will And Revoke All Prior Wills... WILL OF HARVEY MANN I, HARVEY MANN (Harvey) of Deerfield Illinois, make this my Will and revoke all prior Wills and codicils. Article 1 Introduction 1.1My Family. My spouse is ERIN MANN (Erin). I have three (3) children now living, namely JASON MANN (Jason) who is 37, HILARY JACOBS (Hilary) who is 35, and MARK MANN (Mark) who is 32. I intend by this instrument to provide for all my children, including any born or adopted in the future. Article 2 Gifts to Revocable Trust I give my tangible personal property and the rest of the property I own at my death (excluding any property over which I have a power of appointment) to the trustee of the Harvey Mann Trust dated April 26, 2017 previously signed by me, as in effect at my death ... Show more content on ... To sell at public or private sale, contract to sell, grant options to buy, convey, transfer, exchange, or partition any real or personal property of my estate for such price and on such terms as my executor sees fit; (c)Real and Tangible Personal Property. To make leases and subleases and grant options to lease, although the terms thereof commence in the future; to purchase, operate, maintain, improve, rehabilitate, alter, demolish, abandon, release, or dedicate any real or tangible personal property; and to develop or subdivide real property, grant easements, and take any other action with respect to real or tangible personal property that an individual owner thereof could take; (d)Borrowing. To borrow money from any lender (including my executor individually), extend or renew any existing indebtedness, and mortgage or pledge any property; (e)Investing. To invest in bonds, common or preferred stocks (including securities of any corporate fiduciary or of any affiliated corporation), notes, options, common trust funds, mutual funds, shares of any investment company or trust or other securities, life insurance, partnership interests, general or limited, limited liability company interests, joint ventures, real estate, or other property of any kind, regardless of diversification and regardless of whether the property would be considered a proper estate investment;
  • 15. (f)Distribution; Determination of Value. To distribute my estate in cash or in kind, or
  • 16. Yellow Sun Conflict Throughout Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the narrator s surroundings force her to evolve. The story begins with the country of Biafra announcing their secession from Nigeria. Soon after, a civil war begins and Nigerian soldiers advance on the narrator s home, forcing her family to evacuate. As a result, the plot is mainly focused around the narrator adjusting to the unfamiliar feeling of being a refugee. The narrator s personality and her interactions with those around her dramatically change throughout the story. Due to the war between Biafra and Nigeria, the narrator s hopeful outlook for her future gradually disintegrates and leaves her as the despondent shell of the lively girl she once was. In the beginning of Half ... Show more content on ... The narrator learns to adapt to poverty and her new surroundings. When Nnamdi, the narrator s fiance, comes back from fighting in the war, the narrator relishes the attention he gives her. She wishes in a twisted way that the war would never end so that [their sexual relationship] would always have this quality, like nutmeg, tart and lasting (5).The reader can infer that her character is slightly immature and childish. She values the addicting quality of recklessness. As the story goes on, she begins to realize that she might never return home. However, she still fantasizes about her old community. She remembers how strange it seemed to have a crystal salt shaker back home. That [she d] even wasted salt (7). The narrator slowly realizes how extravagant her life was back in Enugu. She took things for granted back there, and now she is finally aware of the idea that she might not ever have the luxury of salt again. Later, due to the lack of food and the creeping feeling of helplessness, the narrator s and her mother s pent up anger unleashes itself after they visit a priest who tells them of the suffering children who need help. Their boxed in emotions turn into a shouting match, the narrator screaming, Why the hell did Father Damian tell us about those dying children, anyway?
  • 17. Dramatic Change In Night By Elie Wiesel In Elie Wiesel s memoir, Night , readers see a dramatic change from the young, sensitive and spiritual individual to a, boy with the mindset of an adult that is spiritually dead and is unemotional. Elie shows this in his memoir by rewriting what he saw, thought, or what he heard while in concentration camps, this occurs, in the three sections of the memoir. In the first section of the book, Eile begins the transformation from a sensitive and spiritual boy to the opposite. Elie starts describes the first night, he was in a concentration camp, and how that affected him through sight, by saying Never shall I forget the little faces of the children whose bodies I saw turn into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky. Never shall I forget those... Show more content on ... As Elie describes what occurred after his father s death, There were not prayers at his grave. No candles were lit to his memory. His last word was my name. A summons, to which I did not respond (Wiesel, 106). In this, Elie describes what happened after his father died, and how he was religiously summoned, but there was no faith left in him to respond. I believe this is this is the ultimate low in Elie s religion, seeing that he could not even pray over his father, or respond to the summons. This might be the low of his religion, the low of Elie s emotion is quite horrible. Elie sees himself for the first time after being liberated, From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they sated into mine, has never left me (Wiesel, 109). This is the most powerful phrase from the book that describes how he felt, about himself. This is clearly shown through the use of his instead of my, he had to describe the look in his eyes as someone else s. Thus showing, the distaste of his own self as he came out of the Holocaust and wanting to now live a normal life. Through Elie s use of a 3rd person possessive pronoun, he is able to create such meaning behind only a singular word. Elie also uses such harsh situations to point out the loss of faith or
  • 18. A Research On Investment Portfolio Project Investment Portfolio Project Five companies have been chosen in order to conduct research into the securities that they use within their company. The five companies are: Oracle, Disney, Cisco, Wal mart and a general electric company. The companies chosen span over various industries starting with Oracle and Cisco which are technology companies, Disney which is in the movie industry, Wal Mart which is a supermarket and lastly an electricity service industry company. This gives us a better view of how the securities change depending on not only the company but also the industry which they are involved in. For each company we will be looking into the 10K and investment reports, general economic data and Federal Reserve data. 10K reports are an annual comprehensive summary report of a company s performance (Investopedia, 2015). Investment reports on the other hand, highlight the investments the company has made into other companies or vice versa. General economic data is what it says on the tin it focuses on the economic status of the country and the industry. And lastly, Federal Reserve data provides us with information from their innovative research on a broad range of topics in economics and finance. (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2015). Oracle Oracle Corporation (NYSE: ORCL) based out of Redwood Shores, CA is a technology company providing hardware, software, cloud, and corporate services (Forbes, 2015). In addition to being one of the most
  • 19. Zoom Quotes I was a man broken down who gained these extraordinary powers to become free. You. You are the opposite. You were a free man who was given extraordinary powers and now you must be broken down. said Zoom, to the Flash. This quote expresses and emphasizes the importance of circumstances to shaping an individual s character, as it shows that although the heroFlashBarry Allen and Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) faced similar experience, one individual became a hero a symbol of hope and justice while the other became a notorious killer. The difference between Zoom and The Flash s circumstances was that The Flash didn t witness the murder of his mother and his father wasn t the cause of the murder. Although his father was falsely accused and did get sentenced to life imprisonment, Barry had a place to live with a caring father figure and sister who was... Show more content on ... Within Zooms life, he has only experienced negative experiences and as a consequence, his mind and perception were influenced to adjust to his experiences and so his perception of right is the opposite of individuals and protagonists. He thinks that creating an absence of hope, creating negative circumstances empowers individuals to become stronger but he doesn t understand that the idea of love, friendship, and hope inspires individuals to become stronger and empowers them which is an effect due to the instability of good and bad experiences in his life. Under positive circumstances, Hunter (Zoom) could have become a heroic figure such as Barry, his speed and abilities were greater or equal to Barry s and he was high intelligent possessing advanced scientific knowledge which he utilized to make himself stronger and
  • 20. Copper Iodide Synthesis Lab Report Before the synthesis of the Copper Iodine Compound, the identities provided (CuNO3)2 and Nal weighed 1.65 g and 4.7 g, respectively. After being weighed, the (CuNO3)2 exhibited a blue color, while the Nal, through observation, was a white color. However, when both identities were combined, the product turned into a brown and red rocky material. Once 20 mL of deionized water was added, the product quickly turned pale pinkpaste. After the solution was repeatedly washed with a total of an additional 100 mL of deionized water, the product was powdery and pink with small grains, and was left to air dry. Once the product was air dried, it was observed to be a pale pink color, while the filter paper was stiff as the product was hard and dry. Therefore, the solid was scraped off onto a recrystallizing dish. However, the mass of an empty recrystallizing dish needed to be recorded in order to compare how much of the synthesized copper iodide was obtained. Within this case, the empty recrystallizing dish used weighed 32.01 g, the product on the empty dish weighed 1.03 g, having a total weight of 33.04 g. Subsequently, two porcelain crucibles were used, weighed, and heated for about 10 minutes and then placed into a desiccator to cool. The two empty porcelain crucibles were first heated because the heat would vaporize any impurities that were originally on the crucible. The first crucible weighed 11.9047 g and the second crucible weighed 12.3735 g. Once the mass of the two crucibles
  • 21. Essay on Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBoise Booker T. Washington believed that blacks should not push to attain equal civil and political rights with whites. That it was best to concentrate on improving their economic skills and the quality of their character. The burden of improvement resting squarely on the shoulders of the black man. Eventually they would earn the respect and love of the white man, and civil and political rights would be accrued as a matter of course. This was a very non threatening and popular idea with a lot of whites. For two decades Washington established a dominant tone of gradualism and accommodationism among blacks, only to find in the latter half of this period that the leadership was passing to more... Show more content on ... Others advocated struggle for civil rights, specifically the right to vote, on the theory that economic and social rights would follow. Most agreed that solutions would come gradually. Negro leadership near the turn of the century was divided between these two tactics for racial equality, which may be termed the economic strategy and the political strategy. The most heated controversy in Negro leadership at this time raged between two remarkable black men Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. DuBois. The major spokesman for the gradualist economic strategy was Washington. DuBois was the primary advocate of the gradualist political strategy. Washington learned the doctrine of economic advancement combined with acceptance of disfranchisement and conciliation with the white South from Armstrong. His rise to national prominence came in 1895 with a brief speech, which outlined his social philosophy and racial strategy. Washington was invited to speak before an integrated audience at the opening of the Cotton States and International Exposition held in Atlanta in September 1895. He was the first Negro ever to address such a large group of southern whites Washington is remembered chiefly for this Atlanta Compromise address. In this speech, he called on white America to provide jobs and industrial agricultural education for Negroes. In exchange,
  • 22. HIV In Prisons In the US prison system an estimated 1 in 7 HIV infected individuals pass through correctional faculties each year without being identified as having HIV (Beckwith et al. 183). In prison, out of 2.2 million people incarcerated, 1.5% have HIV or AIDS (21,987 people) (Lovinger 1). This number is four times the HIVprevalence rate in the non institutionalized population. If an inmate is released back into his or her community with an untreated HIV virus it puts the community at risk and themselves in greater danger. The inequity exists in this situation because HIV positive incarcerated individuals are receiving worse and delayed care in prison compared to out of prison. My research question being, to what extent does the quality and access of... Show more content on ... A way to stop this would be to continue to promote programs like Project START, which focuses on educating HIV infected individuals released from prison, into better communities. By imposing this on a national and community level scale you will be able to account for people who may have not received quality care in prison. We are doing some of this right as we have programs that help with this like the Returning Home Ohio program, which accepts HIV positive individuals form Cuyahoga County released from jail. To continue to impose these and to get prisons to take advantage of the many HIV centers in their community would help efficiently fight the HIV crisis in prison. A way to fund these would be to get volunteers to help run these programs and try to get donations. A way to know this is working would be to survey the amount of HIV ex convicts joining these
  • 23. Avenue Q Monologue Daniella Owusuwaah Ashley Dunn THE 191: Section K 28, April 2015 Avenue Q: Sesame Street Meets South Park Avenue Q is a laugh out loud, fast moving musical that is an adult version of Sesame Street that address racism, pornography, homophobia, and the parable of finding one s purpose in life through satirical songs. On Friday, April 17, I saw Miami s production of Avenue Qdirected by Ms. Saffron Henke at the Gates Abegglen Theatre. This unique show uses puppets as a shield to explore issues that are often hard and sensitive to talk about; it s easy to talk about racism when it s through a puppet. I believe that the goal of Miami s production of Avenue Q was to present and educated to the community and the students about issues such as ... Show more content on ... The satirical songs help to address the realities of life, social issues that plague society, and makes digs at adolescent pains. As a straight production addressing sensitive issues such as racism would be hard to do, but with the puppets singing about such issues it s not as uncomfortable and it s a little cartoonish. For example, in the song Everyone s a Little Bit Racist (Dusing, p. 5) where racism is satire. The song points out the fact that everyone makes judgements based on a person s race. It s a truth that is hard to comprehend but everybody is in fact a little racist because they have unconscious biases towards races. Furthermore, the songs are sung when the characters are feeling emotional or addressing a political issue. Often the move towards the center and the have a spotlight focused on them. The songs are catchy and funny but afterwards the words of the song resonates with you. In addition, the songs allows the audience to sympathize with what the characters are going through. Overall, the twenty plus songs help to develop the story. They are not merely to entertain the audience but to shine to light the issues the experiences that many people face in
  • 24. Similarities Between Egyptian And Israelites At first glance, the idols of Egypt and the God of Israel appear utterly different, similarities bleed through as we investigate the history of the Egyptians and the Israelites. Some differences leap out. The Egyptians were polytheistic, and the Israelites were monotheistic. The Egyptian gods had human traits and could die, whereas Godwas fully God and could not die. To get to heaven, the Egyptians believed they needed to do good works, but the Israelites believed they needed faith. Looking deeper, we see some similarities. Both groups of people worshipped their gods. Also, the creators spoke through priests and prophets. The last major similarity is that each god had their own group of chosen people. The gods of the Egyptians had similar and different characteristics to the God of Israel. One of the main similarities between the Egyptian gods and Israelite God is the way they worshipped them. Both peoples sacrificed to their god. The Egyptians sacrificed kittens and cattle, and the Israelites sacrificed lambs and cattle. The sacrifices were made to cleanse the people of their sins. Another form of worship was songs. The Egyptians sung songs like, Exalted art thou on thy throne, O Osiris! Thou hast heard fair things, O Osiris! Thy strength is vigorous, O Osiris! to their gods. Similarly, the Israelites sang to their God, I will sing to the Lord! He has done great things. The Lord is my strength. He saves me, and I sing songs of praise to him. Similarly, the Egyptians and the Israelites worshipped their gods with sacrifices and songs. Another similarity is the way that the gods spoke to people. Both the Egyptian creator gods and the Israelite Creator God spoke through prophets or priests. God spoke through prophets, such as Moses, to the Israelites. The Egyptian gods spoke through oracles, priests and pharaohs to talk to the Egyptians. Some of the pharaohs even thought that they were reincarnations of the god Horus. Both the Egyptians and the Israelites had a creator god who spoke to them through prophets and priests. The last main similarity is that each god had their own group of chosen people. The Egyptian idol s chosen people were, not surprisingly, the Egyptians. The gods provided for the
  • 25. Mama’s Gone Essay examples Mama s Gone She had been sick for a year, at least. The reason for her illness went undiagnosed, that is, until three days before she went away. A doctor finally said, Osteoarthritis it s treatable. We blew a sigh of relief. Three days later relief was nullified forever. I discovered my mother gone, and her leaving left a hole in my life, heart, and soul. Saturday, July 25, 1998, started out with a drive to Eckerd Drug across the city of Norman to pick up more prescriptions for my mother, who had been throwing up and suffering from diarrhea all night long. When I returned home she took all five of her medications plus the three new ones. I went back to bed and tried to sleep, since I had had ... Show more content on ... For some reason, I looked at Erin s digital clock in her car at 8:13 p.m. and said to Erin, Mom s been so sick, and I m so scared that she s not going to live much longer. Don t say that. I m sure she ll be fine, said Erin. But I m really scared. It ll be okay, Erin tried to reassure me. Little did we know. We drove around for an hour longer, became bored and went home. When we got back to my house, Erin, Lisa, and Gavin stayed in the living room as I went down the hall to let Powder, our dog, outside to go to the bathroom. I walked around my mother s bed to the patio door and opened it and called for Powder to go out. He was lying on my mother s bed at her feet. I called to him, Come on, Powder, go out. I was calling as quietly as I could; since, I didn t want to wake up my mom. She needed her rest after last night. But he just whined and wouldn t move. I finally went over to him, picked him up, and put him outside. He just sat outside the door and stared in at me. I thought his behavior was weird but turned to exit her bedroom, walking cautiously in the dark, trying not to wake her. As I got about five steps across the room, at the foot of her bed I realized she wasn t snoring. I stopped, stood perfectly still, and held my breath so I could hear her breathing. Nothing. I quietly crossed to the other side of
  • 26. Arguments Against Birth Order For almost half a century, birth order has been viewed as key in determining individual personality traits. Psychologists such as Alton Adler and Francis Galton spearheaded research on this topic, and their conclusions are cited as references for those who support the idea. There recently have been studies conducted that strive to overturn this theory by showing how different variables can affect the results of our development. (Beck) There are those who stand by early research and support distinct groups of characteristics only being exhibited by people sharing a certain birth order. There are others; however, who oppose this idea and instead favor growth as an individual experience not limited by expectations. With two very different approaches to this matter, the question remains,... Show more content on ... There are factors to consider regarding personality such as family environment, genetics, cultural background, and financial disposition. These factors were not included in the primary research of both Alton Adler and Francis Galton. (Beck) Since there were no control factors placed in the early research, the findings can be viewed as biased by some since they only represented a small percentage of the population. One author, Julie Beck, took notice of how low insight was given to such a broad claim. She states, The idea that birth order determines siblings personality and intelligence remains entrenched in society, even as modern scientific findings on the matter have historically been inconsistent (Beck). Those who are against the birth order theory claim these inconsistencies occur because the idea is being presented as fact on a scale larger than its original base. Opposers to this theory agree that for this claim to hold more validity, there would have to be more evidence given than what was presented in the original
  • 27. Diary Of A Warrior Diary Entries Diary of a Warrior It was just any other day in the office that I work at. I got a call from my assistant at the front desk saying there was a student here and he wants to see me. I ask her what he wanted to see me for and she said he found an old war Diary of a warrior in Alexander the Greats army. When I heard this i didn t believe it but I told my assistant to bring the student up. I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, there was a kid holding a book that looked very old and ancient like. He handed me this book and asked me what I thought about it. I looked over it and saw that this diary was over a middle aged man during the classical Greece era who was in the army of Alexander the Great. I couldn t believe what I was ... Show more content on ... Entry 2 I knew my mother would not like the fact that I would be going off to war but my father knew it was the right thing for me to do. My father knew it was the right thing for me to do because he knew I would be a great infantry man in the army. Because my dad thought this I did not want to let him down so I knew right there and then that I was going into the army and fighting for King Philip. Entry 3 Out of the blue we all got word that king Philip was assonated, when we heard this we all didn t know what would happen. Then we learned that his son Alexander took over and he was going to lead people into war. So when I got called on to go into the army I did and we started to train. The training was very intense. It was nothing like I have experience before, right off the bat they told us if we did not die in batter we better be wounded because if not then we did not fight hard enough. Another part of our training was how to wield a sword and fight with a sword and shield. I have never done this before and I was super excited. I remember how heavy the sword and shield was and how easy it was to swing when you had the momentum going with it. After training for a couple of months we were ready to go into war and fight. Entry 4 In the spring of 334 B.C.E we entered the Asia Minor to attack and by the following spring we had conquered the entire western half of Asia
  • 28. Why Do Parents Shouldnt Spy On Their Kids Parents shouldn t spy on their kiDS because that is bad because they need to have a private life with their friends or girlfriend because that can be uncomfortable for their kids and parents can shouldn t trust on their kids. Because that can make feel made to the kids and too they can do something to hidden of their parents like buy drugs or gather with guns that may happen sometimes the kids just are doing things to hidden of their parents because they can talk with their friends like on mediasocial the adolescents needs privacy In the article, Parents shouldn t spy on their kids by [Kristin weir] Ebrings up the point that parents shouldn t spy on their kids because they need privacy. She writes, privacy isn t just important
  • 29. The Value Of Ancient Greek Culture Greece is a country with a very rich history, interests and diverse cultures. They are particularly proud of their culture, and speak of their country with an intense passion. Ancient Greece was the basis of much of Western culture today. Tragedy and philosophy are just some of the key values of the culture of Greecethat has helped us survive, honor, and create our world what it is today. Tragedy is a major composite of the Greek culture, they thought it was extremely important for everyone to witness a certain sort of tail they called Tragedy; popular and influential plays performed in theaters at their annual spring festival in theatres across Ancient Greece (Sowerby page 108). In these tragedies people were seen to break
  • 30. Marketing Management Kotker Internet Banking in Terms of Profitability: The Case of Northern Cyprus Banks Jude Chimezie Nwobodo Submitted to the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Banking and Finance Eastern Mediterranean University June 2011 GazimaДџusa, North Cyprus Approval of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research Prof. Dr. Elvan YД±lmaz Director I certify that this thesis satisfies the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Master of Science in Banking and Finance. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salih Katircioglu Chair, Department of Banking and Finance We certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and... Show more content on ... Dr. Glen for his support; and more thanks to Assoc. Prof. Dr. Majid Hashemipour, the Vice Rector for International Affairs for his Divine Assistance all through my year in Cyprus, May the good Lord bless you sir. Finally I owe an extreme thanks to my late Father, Chief Mmeziamaka Nwobodo, Ogbuefi (Onyemalu ife ga eseokwu), My dearest Mum, Lolo Eriko Nwanyi and Brothers, Prince Valentine Nwanwelugo and Prince Churchill Omekannaya who encouraged me to travel all the way from Nigeria to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and supported me earnestly all throughout my studies. I would love to dedicate this study to them as my sincere love and an indication of their significance in this study as well as in my life. v I dedicate this work to my Heavenly Father, Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Prince of peace and The Lord of lords, for He made a way where there seems to be no way for me. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ................................................................................... iii OZ ............................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................xi 1 AN INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET BANKING....................................1 1.1 Background of the Study ..............................................................1 1.2 Definition of internet banking .........................................................2 1.3 The Aim of the Study .................................................................5 1.4 The Scope of the Study ................................................................5 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................................7 3 INTERNET
  • 31. The Role Of Privilege In Health Care Power, privilege, and health all mean three different things and are probably thought of as unrelated; however, in the health care arena, these three words are significantly correlated. In the article, Levels of racism: A theoretic framework and a gardener s tale by Phyllis Jones, she describes a gardener planting red flowers and pink flowers. The gardener prefers the color red, so he plants the red flowers in rich and fertile soil, while planting the pink flowers in rocky, old soil. When the red flowers grow nice and beautiful, they appear more beautiful than the pink, thus causing them to think they are better, if human. The pink flowers, if human, then feel ashamed and less worthy. The moral of the article was to draw attention to the... Show more content on ... Amongst Healthy People 2020 s goal planning, they created social determinants, which are ... conditions in the environments in which people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcomes and risks (Social Determinants of Health, 2017). Power, privilege, and health all play a role in these social determinants. For example, one of the determinants is Availability of community based resources in support of community living and opportunities for recreational and leisure time activities (Social Determinants of Heath, 20175). If a community has more power, that increases their chance for bringing in more money. If a community has more money, they can afford to have all these community resources mentioned. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone s health can benefit from physical activity (Physical Activity and Health, 2015). So having the power and privileges helps communities with maintaining overall good health. However, communities that do not have the power or privileges to afford these community based resources that promote activity are at a risk of not having the best health. In order to fix this problem, the government would have to get in control and help the communities that are lacking the resources or privileges
  • 32. Kant Causality When Hume writes that causality is not real and that we cannot know the cause of anything because the cause cannot be seen, Kant takes notice. Hume believed that we can see two events, in which one follows the other, but we cannot connect these two events in any causal relationship (Kant, 7.) We are not able to say one event was the cause of another, instead, we can only say that the two events happened in sequence. Hume believes that because there are no causal connections, and because metaphysics deals with these causal connections, there can be no metaphysics. Kant is now awakened from his dogmatic slumber and wants to correct Hume s critique on causality. Kant believes that Hume s critique does not just destroy metaphysics, but the... Show more content on ... Kant is not looking to take any part of what the historical philosophers posited for granted, instead, he wants to clear the slate and be able to create a new era of epistemological thought. He wants to delve into what knowledge is and be able to prove the possibilities and limitations of knowledge. Kant realizes that his project has never been attempted before and Aristotle, Socrates, Plato, Hume, Descartes, and others believed that knowledge about the world was possible, but Kant was now going to question this notion (Kant, 6.) It must be asked if anything like metaphysics can be a real body of knowledge? Can the human mind really pronounce supersensible creatures before we analyze the mind that is doing the pronouncing? Kant would say that we have entered into a region of subjectivity that has not been seriously contemplated in the past and that all reason is limited, therefore we cannot know certain metaphysical concepts (Kant, 27.) He believes that the mind is finite and therefore cannot proclaim anything that is beyond what is experienced, all we can know is what is in the realm of our experience. Classical metaphysics, according to Kant, is a pretense to wisdom but is not wisdom itself because Kant s wisdom is to understand the human mind and its limitations, which classical metaphysics does
  • 33. Similarities Between The Wars Of European Religion The Wars of Religion were a series of conflicts in Europe due to the spread of Protestantism. These conflicts were due in particular, to the intense resentment of Protestantism as a religion and a fear of providing freedom of religion. These conflicts were very violent and were cause for a lot of change religiously in Europe. Although the Wars were very different throughout the various countries in Europe, there were also many similarities and I will explore these in this essay. The primary similarity between the Wars of Religionin Europe was the presence of a final compromise to end the conflict. However the main theme was that one group was always excluded from the compromise. For example, Lynn Hunt stated, ... he[Henry IV] made peace
  • 34. Greater Collaboration In School I have been asked by Principal Smith to suggest ways in which teachers at our school might work more effectively together. Collaboration is certainly an important goal. It can foster greater cooperation among teachers and promote mutually beneficial interaction between us. It will encourage sharing of the best methods we know, which ultimately will allow us provide our students the best educational opportunities we can offer. Here are a few suggestions for how we might accomplish the goal of greater collaboration. Increasing communication between us is a large component of this goal, and by using our most powerful communication tool, the school intranet, we can share recent ideas and our most successful methods. This will encourage a dialogue
  • 35. Batanes, Causes And Effects Of World War II In The... Historical Essay: World War II in Philippines Introduction World War II has a great impact on the Philippines. This essay is going to study the causes, courses and effects of World War II in the Philippines. The purpose of this essay is also to look at how Batanes was involved in the World War II and how the war impacted the island. This essay will also analyze the immediate affects and the long term effects of the war. The Province of Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines and is the smallest province in the country with a population of 16,604 (Conesus 2010) people and land area of 219.01 km2. The capital of Batanes is Basco, 280 kilometers north of Apari, Cagayan. The island is approximately 162 kilometers north of Luzon and 190 kilometers south of Taiwan. This island province comprises of ten small islands; out of which, Batan, Sabtang and Itabayat are the mainly inhabited islands and are the most visited because of its scenic beauty. A few of the must visit places are: Vayang Rolling Hills; The Light Houses of Batanes; Morong Beach and The... Show more content on ... On example is the Bataan death march, it is estimated that about 10,000 troops died even before reaching the destination. The Manila American Cemetery Memorial, located in Taguig, Metro Manila. This cemetery and memorial is a resting place of 17,202 American soldiers who died fighting in the war. It is built in the honor of the soldiers died in battles in the Philippines and New Guniea. However, this war made US and Philippines relationship stronger; resulting in a huge support from the United States to the Philippines. As for the Ivatans in Batanes, after the Japanese left because of the Battle of Batanes, it took the Ivatans time to recover from the happenings. The Ivatans managed to restore the Basco lighthouse that had gotten destroyed by the Japanese in the Battle of
  • 36. Tony Kushner s Angels Of America According to Tony Kushner in his dramatic play, Angels of America, Kushner uses angels and religion to help develop the characters afflicted by it as well carry them through the entire play and reach some sort of enlightenment. Spirituality is a big thing within Angels in America, and Angels are one of them. Harper: When you look at the ozone layer, from outside, from a spaceship, it looks like a pale blue halo [...]. It s a gift, from God, the crowning touch to the creation of the world: guardian angels, hands linked [...] a shell of safety for life itself. (Kushner) To Harper, the Angel s are there to protect and watch over us. Being raised Mormon, Harper sees things through a spiritual lens. The ozone is not just a scientific fact but something that God gave to us as a gift, and the halo are not only gases but angels. Yet, to Prior, they re a symbol of death. When Prior reveals his lesion he calls them, the wine dark kiss of the angel of death (Kushner). It s a complete contrast to what Harper believes, it could be that fact Prior is not religious or because of the circumstance Prior is in. In general, angels are so far portrayed as protects and destroyers of mankind.... Show more content on ... Joe uses the story of Jacob wrestling the Angel as a metaphor for the turmoil he feels within. Joe is a devoted Mormon, believes that homosexuality is a sin in fact they do not even recognize it. So within Joe his personal identity and his spiritual identity are constantly at war with each other. They are wrestling within him trying to dominate each other. Joe: I had a book of Bible stories when I was a kid. There was a picture I d look at twenty times every day: Jacob wrestles with the angel. [...] Jacob is young and very strong. The angel is... a beautiful man, with golden hair and wings, of course. (Kushner). Also this could be why when Joe was little he had much interest with the
  • 37. The Renaissance Era The Baroque Era And The Baroque Era Constantly, music has been a part of everyday life for centuries, dating back to the earliest Biblical records. But over the years there have been many ages contributing to music. All of them were significant to history, but only three were the most inspiring. All three discovered new ways to compose melodies people around the world still listen to and perform. These influential eras in music are: the Renaissance era, the Baroqueperiod, and the Classical era. The subjects will be in order from earliest and so on, starting with the Renaissance. The Renaissance Era Dating back to the 1400s, the Renaissance era started at the end of the medieval era. The era had many major composers and came up with an abundance of new instruments. Most composers had been involved in the church because secular music was not as popular at that time. Music was difficult to distribute to people in the early 1400s. Consequently, the development of the printing press in the early 1400s, made it easier to deliver music to a more broad scale of people. One composer who took advantage of the printing press was Thomas Tallis. He used it to make his own music sought after by the public. He was allowed exclusive rights to use England s printing press to publish music (Green 1). Tallis specialized primarily in choir like music. He was the most well known Renaissance artists of his time. A few of his works included Salve intemerata virgo, Ave rosa sine spinis, and Ave Dei patris filia. Tallis even
  • 38. American Colonists Justified The British and American colonists are justified who are going to war against the French and Natives for the reasons that the colonists needed to expand their nation, defend their colony, and a chance to cripple france. The British and American colonists was justified going to war against the French and Natives because back then, land was everything to the colonists, and the more land you owned the more power you would have. For instance, Canassatego presents that the valley was of great value to the native tribe. In Canassatego speech, he says ... We know our lands are now more valuable... but we are sensible that the land is everlasting, and the few goods we receive for it are soon worn out and gone. This means that the French and Indians
  • 39. Penis Care Research Paper An growing quantity of guys are recognizing the importance of day to day care on the subject of the health and performance of their penis, and plenty of are turning to products like penis health creams to support healthy, supple penile tissue. For many who are because utilizing a penis cream, but who have questions about what they can relatively count on, the answers to the following FAQ must furnish priceless perception about correct peniscare. 1) what s a penis cream? Greater than just a body lotion, a penis wellbeing cream is formulated with distinctive components that target the penile tissue, with the operate of the penis and customary issues in mind. A excellent cream comprises amino acids that help healthy nerve operate and mobile ... Show more content on ... A small amount adequate to quilt a fingertip is ordinarily sufficient verify the package deal directions for specifics on individual products. It s not useful to use greater than the recommended quantity, because it may not be wholly absorbed and can depart the dermis sticky. 6) How do I follow it? For highest absorption, a penile cream should be utilized after a bathe or tub, when the epidermis is warm and the pores are open. The cream must be massaged gently into the epidermis until it s thoroughly absorbed. 7) Is it alright to have intercourse after applying it? The cream will have to be absolutely absorbed into the epidermis, so that it is now not sticky or damp, earlier than any intimate contact takes place. If a accomplice is touchy to any of the constituents, it is exceptional to clean the discipline completely earlier than having sex. Eight) What about oral intercourse? The same ideas follow here allow the product to be totally absorbed, and wash the subject if a accomplice has a sensitivity or hypersensitive reaction to any ingredients in the
  • 40. Charles Darwin s Theory Of The Creation Of Species Seth Justus English 2 Mr. Johnson 2/16/15 Project Eagle Final Paper: Charles Darwin Charles Darwin has become Christianity s greatest enemy with his theories of the creation of species and has caused people to turn their backs on faith and look to science to be their religion. The way in which Darwin describes the creation of species in The Origin of Species does not agree with how species are created in Christian teachings. Charles Darwin s theories have impacted so many different aspects of life from what we teach our children in school to our chosen faith. Charles Darwin explains his theories on how different species are created in The Origin of Species. Darwin tells us that different species are created for a few different reasons. Darwin tells us that specie s struggle for existence plays a major part in the creation of species. The struggle for existence is if a variation is helpful then it will probably reappear in future generations, but if it is unhelpful the species will have a harder time surviving and then reproducing. When offspring that have these helpful variations continuously reproduce this is known as Natural selection, nature is selecting the useful variations and getting rid of the non helpful ones. The struggle for existence is the accumulation of variations until a new species is created, but how do variations occur? Darwin explains that scientist thought that there are variations in species because of environmental reasons like climate,
  • 41. Similarities Between Romeo And Juliet And The Great Gatsby The cinematic philosophy and techniques used by Baz Luhrmann show that his films are not merely adaptations of the stories, but are rather a recreation of the original author s work. In Baz Luhrmann s Romeo and Juliet and The Great Gatsby it is clear that he has not attempted to stay as true to the originals as possible, but has modernized them in order to get the same response from his audience that William Shakespeare and Scott F. Fitzgerald got from their audiences. His first film, Strictly Ballroom can also be described as a re imagining not only of the play but also of his own personal background of ballroom dancing. He has created these re imaginings with his unique cinematic language, using many techniques to create exaggerated worlds that keep audiences captivated.... Show more content on ... In the times that this play and novel were written they received a massive response from their audiences as being controversial and full of new and exciting ideas, which is partially why they are still so popular in the world today. Baz Luhrmann, when recreating these two tragic stories focussed on the response he would get from his audience instead of adapting the original author/playwright s works to how they were originally intended to be. Luhrmann achieved this by using many cinematic techniques which include lighting, use of colour, costumes and camera techniques such as zooming and zipping, many of these techniques which feature in his first film Strictly Ballroom as
  • 42. Analysis Of Hesiod s The Vase Essay A)The excerpt from Hesiod s text illustrates different characters who serve a myriad of purposes. There are 3 main characters in the text Zeus, Hephaestus and Hermes. Zeus orders the creation of the first woman, Pandora, and commands Olympians to present Pandora with gifts. Hephaestus crafts Pandora because of Zeuss orders. Hermesprovided Pandora with a deceitful nature, (Hesiod) and delivered her to Epimetheus. There are other characters with minor roles in the text. The most important character is Zeus, because he was orchestrating the whole event. He assigned tasks to the Olympians and all the other characters were just following his command. B)The scene on the vase shows only a part of the woman present on the far right. Additionally, this woman is wearing a crown. The person who is holding the hammer seems to be moving his arm towards the woman. The person left of center is facing the man on the far left and it looks like they are conversing. On the basis of Hesiod s text people depicted on this vase, from right to left, are Pandora, Hephaestus, Hermes and Zeus. There are numerous attributes that allow the identification of these characters. Pandora in Hesiod s text is being made using mud, which might answer why only a part of the woman is shown on the vase. Furthermore, the woman depicted on the vase is wearing a crown and Hesiod s text mentions crowned her (Pandora) head with spring flowers, (Hesiod) these two things allow me to identify this woman as
  • 43. Tattoos In Western Culture Tattoos in Western Culture The art of tattooing has changed in modern times quite drastically. It is slowly becoming more acceptable to own and display tattoos on one s body. In more conservative times, those with tattoos were looked on as social outcast, turned down for jobs and seen as strange outsiders. However, within the past half century, tattoos have steadily become more acceptable. Millions of people in America now proudly tattoo their skin, with everything from religious symbols to naked women. There is a whole industry based around tattoos, tattoo care, and basically everything tattoo. There are now expensive clothing lines that base their imagery on tattoo art, such as the Ed Hardy brand (no matter how stupid the clothes... Show more content on ... With that high of a percentage, the popularity of memorial tattoos obviously has a direct impact on the overall popularity and acceptance of tattoos in general. All of these are possible reasons as to why tattoos have become more popular in recent years. However, the most likely reason for the spike in popularity is not one, but all of these reasons. They all increase the number of people willing to go out and get tattoos, and all of them are responsible for making tattoos more acceptable by society. The rise in popularity has created a community for those associated with the art form. There are conventions, shows, magazines, and websites dedicated solely to the art of tattooing. Not only is there a community for those who adorn tattoos, but that community is broken up into different classes. There are three separate sub classes of this tattoo community. The first is the biker/working class. These people are often poorer and have cheaper tattoos. They are looked down upon by the highest class as being losers and outsiders, and the high class in the tattoo community feels no connection with them. The next class is the young punks. This young class is obviously made up of young members, a lot of them involved in some other sub culture, music, MMA fighting, etc. There is some overlap between this class and the other classes, since some of them are richer and some are poorer. At the
  • 44. Essay about iran contra scandal Iran Contra Scandal The Cold War peaked the interest of the entire globe. Each threat, policy and action that took place had ramifications far more reaching then ever imaginable. The world sat on edge because it feared its own destruction, after the introduction of nuclear warfare at the close of World War II, another World War could result in the Earth s demise. This fear ran through the hearts and minds of citizens of both the United States and the Soviet Union, but it is the citizens elsewhere that had to pay the consequences for these fears. The race to become the premier superpower of the world between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. did not always remain as subsided as many like to believe. Many regions of the world were held accountable ... Show more content on ... To understand the Iran contra Affair it is necessary to understand American Iranian relations leading up to the scandal. Since the origin of both major powers, Iran had managed to to maintain its independence as a nation state by playing the two superpowers against one another. And it was when the two rivals came to an understanding that, Iranian leaders saw their country s independence and identity in serious jeopardy. [2] The turning point in the relationship between the Iran and the United States began after [the United States] part in the overthrow of Muhammad Musadiq in 1953, the United States found itself the object of growing Iranian criticism. [3] Moderate, nationalistic opposition forces and radical leftist began to refer to the United States as an imperialistic, oppressive external force, all as Shi i religious leaders begun condemning America and their policies. Iranians of all political persuasions increasingly formed a negative image of the United States. [4] America exposed itself as no longer an external liberating force that was held responsible for protecting Iran from Great Britain and the Soviet Union, and instead, became the exploiter. Throughout the 1970 s the United
  • 45. Why Is Socrates My Teacher Socrates was the first Athenian philosopher and he is very interesting figure, not only of his teaching methods, but also of his whole life and way of thinking. In the centre of Socrates philosophy is human being but, first of all, he sees a human as moral being. According to Socrates, learning process is closely connected with relations which will be build between the teacher and a student and he as a teacher should give to the student all accumulated experience of previous older generations. I want to have Socratesas my teacher, because of the fact that, all his philosophyand teaching methods are relevant and important nowadays too, even if he was living in Ancient Greece many years ago. Unfortunately, today many of us forget about the main aims and principles of life which every of us had studied in elementary school, such as moral self improvement and as it known, Socrates was one of the founders of the doctrine of human kindness, about which our... Show more content on ... This quote explains to us Socrates wisdom or so called Socratic paradox. He means by this phrase, that we must question all what we taught, understand or already know, the doubts is the background of wisdom and for one hundred percent we can know only that we know nothing, so we need to question everything. Furthermore, Socrates as philosopher is famous for his work on logic and epistemology. Epistemology is a part of philosophy about the nature of knowledge and explains what knowledge exactly is. In addition in today s world people deviate from the norms of morality and forget about kindness, honesty, tolerance, all are just trying to survive in cruelty and all think only about themselves. If we will have the teacher as Socrates we can avoid this way of living and became again more virtuous and kind as it used to be. According to Plato , Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. But we can
  • 46. The Tragelaphus Is The Second Largest Antelope Just Behind... The Tragelaphus strepsiceros is the second largest antelope just behind the giant Eland. With strips down its back and large spiral horns around three ft. in length make the kudu easily distinguishable. Males tend to be much larger than females, ranging from 200 850 pounds, reaching heights of around five feet and lengths almost eight feet long. Females are much smaller, weighing 260 460 lbs. standing around four feet and lengths six seven feet. With them being that size they seem to not have a large number of predators; lions, leopards, hyenas, wild dogs as well as humans for the larger ones, with the young s having predators from cheetahs, eagles, and snakes. Greater Kudus have been known to clear lengths 8+ feet and heights of 6 feet... Show more content on ... With gestation being 9 months, babies are usually seen between February and March when the grass tends to be at its highest. Greater Kudus tend to have one calve, rarely two; mothers suckle for 7 minutes at a time until calf is nearly 3 weeks old. Hiding for 2 weeks calves join the herd but continue to lie out at least at night for an additional 4 5 weeks. Vocal communication is common with a gruff bark is one of the loudest noises antelope make. Males grunt loudly when rutting and fighting, with a suppressed whine during courtship. The greater kudu does have a SSP with Dennis Charlton as the SSP and studbook coordinator. The main goal for the greater kudu is to maximize genetic diversity in the captive population to maintain it as genetically diverse as possible this provides for sustainable and cooperative zoo populations of kudu to avoid having to pull animals from the wild. Originally establish as a PMP (Population Management Plan) in 1995 as kudu were not necessarily endangered in the wild but the AZA community wanted to manage captive species for sustainability in the long run. The PMP title dropped off in 2012 and all programs earned the SSP designation (just on different tiers based on sustainability parameters.) The greater kudu has been in US zoos since the early 1900 s! There are certain protected preserves where kudu would be relatively safe from poaching but they would
  • 47. Compare And Contrast Worldview Essay As written in our textbooks the term worldview is defined as the perception of the self, society and the world around us , so on this very basis alone, I would say everyone in the world has a different worldview. Although two people may be very much alike and share similar opinions or outlooks, no people look at everything the same way. So many factors are involved in shaping our personalities and views including relationships, environment and culture, and even if two people grow up with the same people in the same place with the same society, they will always be different in some way. The way each individual perceives each and every detail of our lives is unique to that person; therefore there are innumerable differences between all human
  • 48. The Energy Supply Of India Essay Abstract The development of a nation is also measured on the parameters like the adequacy of electrical energy. To make a nation as the developed nation, the energy supply should have a reach to the extreme parts too. As India is an agricultural nation and so sorts of agricultural left outs are accessible here. Along these lines, this immense measure of agricultural wastes can be an input resource for power production in Indian villages. Rice husk is one of the potential agricultural wastes which can be utilized as an input source to generate electricity, conditioned that it will be handled and processed effectively. The reason for this paper is to bring the focus on the alternative power generation methods in the rural part. The rice husk plants are generally small and medium scaled efficient enough to supply or to meet the basic need of a village. In this piece, the main focus is to show the available rice husk in India, the distinctive possibilities and the procedure with which it can be utilized to generate power. Finally, a decrease in competition in supply by the larger plant may lead to the decrease in the cost. But various issues related to investment as the risk of failing of plant, monopoly on the supply side of husk from various rice mills, institutional challenges related to the distributional area. 1. Introduction Even with the increase in the demand for electricity globally, India s peak demand of electricity is 165253 MW and we have a surplus supply.
  • 49. Bell Hooks Admire Is My Father The most traits bell hooks admire about her father is although he was not educated she admired his diligence and hard work, approaching tasks with a seriousness of concentration she admired how hard working and serious was about his job and family. also later on her paragraph bell hooks says I work to mirror and develop with a discipline I struggle to maintain, hooks father lived by a disciple which she applied to her academic life, also in the long run which it has helped her because as a writer and a teacher bell hooks needed the patience and the discipling in order for her to succeed. in college. A person I admire is my Motherbecause she is a fighter, hard worker, caring, loving and selfless. Even thought my mother is a single mother,
  • 50. Choose The Appropriate Joinery Technique When Building... To: ENGL 315 45 Classmates From: CJ Peterson Subject: How to Choose the Appropriate Joinery Technique when building wood furniture Date: April 6, 2016 Many people want to build their own furniture and other wood projects, but aren t sure how to start. Different types of projects require different types of joinery, but your average Do It Yourselfer (DIYer) can do most beginner projects. It may seem overwhelming to many of you to take on a new task such as building your very own furniture. Choosing the wrong joint could lead to additional unnecessary steps, weaken the object, and cause premature failure of the furniture. Alternatively, it could just plain look unattractive a thing to be avoided for sure. Choosing the appropriate joinery technique is quite simple as long as you follow the appropriate steps. I have been building furniture and remodeling homes for eight years, which means I have done quite a bit of woodworking. I am hoping to share this experience with my classmates so that they can reach the very attainable goal of building their own furniture. A good place to begin is to identify the main joints, consider what uses each is best used for, and examine your own ability to execute each. These joints have all been around for a long time; they have been tested in numerous applications. In this report, I highlight some of the main joints and their applications. Joint Options and Selecting the Correct Joint For Your Project The
  • 51. The Theme Of Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird Innocence Lost To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in a tiny southern town in Alabama in 1932. The tiny town of Maycomb was home to deep rooted racism. Two children named Scout and Jem live in this town with their father Atticus and when their father is sent to defend a black man their lives see a dramatic change. The children soon learn the harsh truth of their little town and lose a childhood full of innocence. In her novel To Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper Lee foreshadows a loss of innocence through the symbolic significance of building a snowman, a harsh fire, and a mockingbird. First, Harper Lee uses the building of a snowman to foreshadow the loss of innocence. Jem and Scout Finch were two kids living in the tiny isolated town ... Show more content on ... Scout and Jem were given air rifles by their uncle Jack. With these new toys Jem started to have an interest in guns but Atticus wanted no part in the whole ordeal. Atticus says, Mockingbirds don t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don t eat up people s gardens, don t nest in corncribs, they don t do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That s why it s a sin to kill a mockingbird (90). Lee uses this to point out the symbolic mockingbird and its deeper meaning of true innocence. When Atticus tells the children that it s a sin to kill a mockingbird because they do no harm it can be traced to Tom. Tom had been falsely accused of rapping a woman and when a mocking bird dies so does its its innocence. As time swifts buy the children still have dirt on them because of the trial, this dirt causes both Jem and Scout to get attacked but luckily they are saved by a man known as Arthur boo Radley. This man had been cooped up in his house his whole life so when Atticus finds out what he killed the children s attacker he didn t know what to do. Scout says, Well it d be sort of of like shooting a mockingbird (276). Scout was replying to the ideas of not telling the town what Mr.Radley had done. When Scout says this it shows that she understands the depth behind this issue and the fact that she understood shows that this childhood blindness and innocence she had once had was now gone in a
  • 52. Current Marketing Strategy Paper 12. What is the current marketing (functional) strategy? Alcoa s current marketing strategy is working to shed underperforming parts of the company and decrease employees. So far, Alcoa has divested from assets in Europe and South America, and cut 8000 employees. Alcoa believes this will help to focus on new products such as R D for improved aluminum for aerospace and automotive industries. 13. What is the financial position and (functional) strategy of the organization? Alcoa just finalized a split in the company, which will allow for targeted investment opportunity. (Reuters 2016) Alcoa will continue to work on smelting and refining and the new company, Arconic Inc. will focus on products for the automotive and aerospace industries. In this way they hope to pull the profitable side of the business out and work to expand it. Focusing on R D will help Alcoa plan... Show more content on ... What are the current strategies in other functional areas such as HR and info systems? Alcoa has lain off 8000 workers in order to reduce overhead costs, as well as closing smelters. They have also worked to reorganize their operating structure for greater efficiency. Alcoa has been working on employee incentives, recruitment and retention. 16. What strengths exist for the organization? Alcoa has the opportunity to work on R D such as the inert anode. The U.S. government has been giving considerable support to the U.S. aluminum companies attempts to achieve success with the inert anode, which would not only improve efficiency, but also reduce carbon emissions . Being number one has advantages, as Alcoa has a name brand they can capitalize on with their
  • 53. Annotated Bibliography on Infidelity Annotated Bibliography Carnes, Patrick. Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction Minneapolis: CompCare, 1983. Patrick Carnes book offers a real life look at the problem of sexual addiction. He used the past experiences of others to write a book detailing the causes and effects of sexual addiction. Carnes explains how sexual addiction is a huge problem to all involved, not just the offender . He also explains how the addiction is a problem just like any other addictions. The book describes the danger of addictions to humans by stating, Because our sexuality is one of our most fundamental life processes, sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening to all of us (Carnes page 5). Carnes uses fictionalized ... Show more content on ... Web. 5 Feb. 2014. In Othniel Seiden s article, he discusses some of the reasons for infidelity. He lists twenty reasons that people have given as to why they have cheated on a spouse or significant other. Seiden goes on to say that many people have unrealistic views or expectations on a marriage and states, Romance novels, movies, TV shows, may give couples a false sense of what marriage is all about . (Seiden) This article also discusses the common differing reasons women and men cheat. Seiden s article tells many reasons people would commit adultery. The article is very informative on how marriages work and what one needs to do to help keep their spousal relationship alive. Many people believe that affairs are strictly physical, but affairs come in many forms. This article illustrates the different types and what can be done to try and avoid them. It will also be used to help interpret what one would need to do to prevent the distasteful human action of infidelity. It will also be used to show the differences between the types of affairs. The author s conclusions are interesting and will make valuable points in a research paper. University of Montreal. Infidelity Dissected: New Research On Why People Cheat. ScienceDaily. 13 September 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. The University of Montreal performed four different studies to help prove the assumption that people with evident
  • 54. Vaccinations and Autism…Connected Essay examples Every child born in America is unique: whether it be because of skin color, hair color, birth weight, complications while still in the womb, or difficulties at birth. Yet when it comes to vaccinations they are all treated equal and are expected to follow the government recommended vaccination schedule. Once these vaccinations have been given, they cannot be removed from a child s body. The harm they may have caused a child, cannot be reversed. Parents need to be aware of what is in these vaccines and the possible harmful effects they can have on their child. While the official cause of autismhas not been clearly determined, parents of young children and expecting parents need to be aware that research shows a definite link between... Show more content on ... Seven vaccines injected into a 13 pound, two month old infant are equivalent to 70 doses in a 130 pound adult (Miller). The recommended vaccination schedule becomes questionably when looked at like this. The comparison between seven vaccines in an infant and seventy in a small adult is surprising. How can it be considered safe to assume every young child s body can handle this; without looking at the individual child? Not all children are the same, nor is their situation. It seems logical to think it would be better to look at the individual child and their case to determine what is best for them. In order to better understand why vaccinations should not be given the same for every child, it is important to know what is in them. The CDC reassures parents all over their website that vaccination is safe. Many physicians recommend vaccination for their patients, without hesitation. Vaccination is the thing to do . Going through medical school, physicians are taught the practice of vaccinating children. The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration both report they continue to do studies to ensure the safety of vaccinations. However, Dr. Mercola, a board certified osteopathic physician, points out that these groups have NEVER Brown 3 proven that it is safe to inject the number and volume of vaccines that we do in the United States (Mercola). Child vaccinations used to be filled with a toxin known as