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Promo ng equality • challenging discrimina on • upholding human rights
Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb • herio camwahaniaethu • ategu hawliau dynol
NWREN has had a posi ve and produc ve year. As ever, the con nued work
of our Board and staff has enabled us to take posi ve ac on in comba ng
unacceptable discriminatory a tudes and behaviours.
Dr Victor Babu - Chair
The fight against discrimina on is a social responsibility and we need to demonstrate our commitment and
individual support towards promo ng equality in all spheres of life, at all mes. NWREN is a catalyst for change,
a leader in the field of equality related informa on, research and ac vity. In the context of North Wales NWREN
is a key player in the challenge to make equality a reality.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Director Tue Hong-Baker,rr for her commitment and work
in moving NWREN forward and wish her all the best for the future and take this opportunity to welcome our new
Chief Execu ve Officer Mohammed Dhalech.
Bu eleni’n flwyddyn gynhyrchiol a chadarnhaol i NWREN. Fel ag erioed, mae gwaith parhaus ein Bwrdd a’n staff
wedi’n galluogi i fynd i’r afael ag agwedd ac ymddygiad gwahaniaethol mewn ffordd gadarnhaol.
Dr Victor Babu - Cadeirydd
Mae’r frwydr yn erbyn camwahaniaethu yn gyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol ac mae angen inni ddangos ein hymrwymiad
a’n cefnogaeth i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd bob amser.rr Mae NWREN yn sbarduno newid
ac ar flaen y gad o ran gwybodaeth, ymchwil a gweithgarwch yn ymwneud â chydraddoldeb. Yng ngogledd Cymru
mae gan NWREN ran allweddol i’w chwarae yn y frwydr dros ennill cydraddoldeb yng ngwir ystyr y gair.rr
Fe hoffwn i gymryd y cyfle yma i ddiolch i Tue Hong-Baker,r sy’n ildio’r awenau fel cyfarwyddwr,r am ei gwaith a’i
hymroddiad yn symud NWREN yn ei flaen ac i ddymuno’r gorau iddi at y dyfodol. Fe hoffwn i hefyd groesawu ein
Prif Swyddog Gweithredol newydd Mohammed Dhalech.
We are now in the second year of Community Voice, a por olio partner project funded for four years by the Big
Lo ery,yy which aims to encourage local people in Conwy and Anglesey to become more involved in designing and
delivering services for their communi es.
The Community Voice por olio project is managed by the local Voluntary Services Councils of CVSC in Conwy and
Medrwn Môn on Anglesey and includes the following third sector organisa ons: Age Cymru, Gwynedd & Môn,
Conwy ToTT gether: (Cartrefi Conwy,yy Clwyd Alyn and North Wales Housing), Digartref Ynys Môn, Estyn Llaw,w
Gingerbread, Groundwork North Wales, Llais Ni-Anglesey YoYY uth Forum, North Wales Advice & Advocacy
Associa on, North Wales Deaf Associa on,
Porthyfelin Community Partnership, Ynys Môn
Ci zens Advice Bureau, and of course the North
Wales Regional Equality Network.
For this project NWREN employs two
Development Officers and an Administrator.rr We
have developed local service user focus groups,
a Baseline Study for a Community Engagement
and Par cipa on Framework, a Skills ToTT olbox
and confidence building skills training
workshops. We are currently iden fying and
highligh ng work that service provider
organisa ons have developed to increase local
involvement and par cipa on.
Rydym ni bellach yn ail flwyddyn prosiect Lleisiau Lleol,
prosiect por folio cydweithredol wedi ei ariannu am bedair
blynedd gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr.rr Diben y prosiect ydy annog
trigolion Conwy ac Ynys Môn i chwarae mwy o ran yn dylunio
a darparu gwasanaethau ar gyfer eu cymunedau.
Mae prosiect por folio Lleisiau Lleol yng ngofal Cynghorau
Gwirfoddol Sirol lleol CVSC yng Nghonwy a Medrwn Môn ar
Ynys Môn ac mae’n cynnwys yr asiantaethau trydydd sector
canlynol: Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn, Conwy Gyda’n Gilydd:
(Cartrefi Conwy,yy Clwyd Alyn a Thai Gogledd Cymru),
Cymdeithas Cyngor ac Eiriolaeth Gogledd Cymru, Cyngor ar
Bopeth Ynys Môn, Cymdeithas y Byddar Gogledd Cymru,
Digartref Ynys Môn, Estyn Llaw,w Gingerbread, Groundwork
Gogledd Cymru, Llais Ni - Fforwm Ieuenc d Môn,
Partneriaeth Gymunedol Porthyfelin, ac wrth gwrs,
Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru
Gyda’r prosiect yma mae NWREN yn cyflogi dau Swyddog
Datblygu a gweithiwr gweinyddol. Rydym ni wedi datblygu
grwpiau ffocws lleol ar gyfer defnyddwyr gwasanaeth, Astudiaeth Sylfaenol ar gyfer Fframwaith Cyfranogaeth a
Chyd-drafod Cymunedol, Pecyn Sgiliau a gweithdai sgiliau magu hyder.rr Rydym ni ar hyn o bryd yn adnabod ac yn
amlygu’r gwaith mae mudiadau eraill wedi ei ddatblygu eisoes i annog pobl i chwarae mwy o ran ym mywyd eu
The Drop-in Centres have been NWREN’s flagship service for a number of years. It is frequently the first point of
entry for a significant number of our beneficiaries and is a cri cal springboard into other NWREN services and
projects. Drop in centre beneficiaries o en become beneficiaries on one of the numerous NWREN projects.
The Drop in a racts beneficiaries who are new arrivals into the area (including, but not exclusively; migrant
workers, students, their spouses and family members) and any minority individuals/groups that find access to
informa on and services difficult. Beneficiaries include people from culturally and linguis cally diverse
backgrounds; Black minority ethnic and migrant workers; single parents; individuals with long term health
condi ons; individuals experiencing discrimina on; individuals experiencing bullying in the work place; local
communi es and individuals with complex needs.
The NWREN Drop in provides informa on, signpos ng and support which results in posi ve and specific changes
for beneficiaries. This includes feeling more supported and empowered to: tackle and / or report discrimina on
and bullying; access appropriate benefits; maintain or improve health through accessing appropriate health
services and support; maintain or change immigra on status through signpos ng to appropriate immigra on
advice; gain employment through support and accessing the employment market; gain access to educa on and
training through signpos ng and support; have their voices heard and support to join community forums. The
feedback from clients a er using the Drop in Centre said they felt more confident and be er informed about rights
and responsibili es.
The hate crime outreach officers have liaised with third
sector organisa ons and service users, in order to raise
awareness and support individuals who wish to speak
with someone about their experiences, and to
encourage people to stand up against discrimina on and
A fresh approach to engaging with people on the ground,
the number of hate crime and incidents disclosures has
seen an increase and the project is progressing very well
towards achieving its outcomes.
Some of the venues used to engage with organisa ons
and individuals include visi ng cafes, restaurants, shops,
places of worship, visi ng drop in sessions at other organisa ons and speaking with people 1:1. Other venues and
approaches also included delivering training and workshops to service users, volunteers and staff in organisa ons,
diversifying the ac vi es and materials used for delivering the sessions, and also being crea ve and flexible in the
length of the sessions, informa on included, language used etc. in order to meet the needs of the organisa ons,
groups and individuals.
Social media has been an important venue that the ac vi es, news and successes of the project have been used
to engage with the public as well, and especially through Facebook, hundreds of people have been reached and
made aware of the support available through the Hate Crime project. The collabora on between MEEA, Iden ty
and Hate Crime projects with regards to arranging joint ac vi es, visits and sharing resources and knowledge has
proved greatly beneficial.
All in all the year has proved to be very successful, with many organisa ons, individuals and people in key posi ons
learning about NWREN and the support that can be offered through the project, giving communi es an opportunity
to learn how NWREN can benefit them, and about the way it is contribu ng to making North Wales be er,r fairer
and more equal.
Bu’r canolfannau Galw Mewn yn brif wasanaeth NWREN ers sawl blwyddyn. Yn aml iawn dyma’r cyswllt cyntaf i
nifer fawr o bobl sy’n elwa ar ein gwasanaethau ac mae hefyd yn gyfrwng pwysig o ran cyfeirio pobl at wasanaethau
a phrosiectau eraill NWREN. Yn aml mae pobl sy’n dod i’r canolfannau galw mewn yn elwa yn eu tro o un o
brosiectau niferus NWREN.
Mae’r Ganolfan Alw Mewn yn denu pobl sydd newydd symud i’r ardal (yn cynnwys ond ddim yn gyfyngedig i
weithwyr mudol, myfyrwyr,r eu partneriaid a’u teuluoedd) ac unrhyw berson/grŵp lleiafrifol sy’n ei chael hi’n
anodd manteisio ar wasanaethau a gwybodaeth. Ymysg y bobl hyn mae pobl o wahanol gefndiroedd diwylliannol
ac ieithyddol; pobl dduon o leiafrif ethnig; gweithwyr mudol; rhieni sengl; pobl gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir;pobl
sy’n dioddef anffafriaeth; pobl sy’n cael eu bwlio yn eu gwaith neu yn eu
cymuned a phobl gydag anghenion cymhleth.
Mae Canolfan Alw Mewn NWREN yn cynnig gwybodaeth, cefnogaeth a
gwasanaeth cyfeirio sy’n arwain at newidiadau penodol a chadarnhaol ym
mywydau’r bobl sy’n troi atom ni. Mae hyn yn cynnwys teimlo mwy o
gefnogaeth ac yn fwy abl i: fynd i’r afael ag / cwyno am gamwahaniaethu a
bwlio; manteisio ar y budd-daliadau priodol; cynnal neu wella eu hiechyd
drwy fanteisio ar y gwasanaethau a’r gefnogaeth iechyd briodol; cynnal neu
newid eu statws mewnfudo drwy eu cyfeirio at gyngor perthnasol am
fewnfudo; cael cymorth a manteisio ar y farchnad waith i gael swydd;
manteisio ar addysg a hyfforddiant drwy gyfeirio a chefnogi; cael
gwrandawiad teg a help i ymuno â fforymau cymunedol. Ar ôl defnyddio’r
Ganolfan Alw Mewn fe ddwedodd sawl un eu bod yn teimlo’n fwy hyderus a
gwybodus ynghylch hawliau a chyfrifoldebau.
Mae’r swyddogion allestyn sy’n ymdrin â throseddau casineb wedi bod yn trafod gyda mudiadau’r trydydd sector
a’r bobl hynny sy’n defnyddio’u gwasanaethau er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth a chefnogi pobl i siarad efo rhywun
am eu profiadau, ac annog pobl i sefyll yn erbyn camwahaniaethu a chasineb.
Gyda ffordd newydd o weithio gyda phobl ar lawr gwlad bu cynnydd yn y cwynion swyddogol am droseddau
casineb ac achosion eraill. Mae’r prosiect yn gwneud cynnydd da tuag at gyflawni ei nodau.
Caiff sawl lleoliad ei ddefnyddio i drafod gyda mudiadau ac unigolion gan gynnwys caffis, bwytai, siopau, mannau
addoli, sesiynau galw i mewn yn swyddfeydd gwahanol fudiadau a sesiynau 1 i un. Defnyddiwyd dulliau a lleoliadau
eraill hefyd, gan gynnwys darparu hyfforddiant a gweithdai i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth, gwirfoddolwyr a staff
mewn mudiadau, amrywio’r gweithgareddau a’r deunyddiau a chai eu defnyddio i gyflwyno’r sesiynau, a bod yn
greadigol a hyblyg gyda hyd y sesiynau, yr wybodaeth a’r iaith ac a er mwyn cwrdd ag anghenion grwpiau a
Mae’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi bod yn gyfrwng pwysig i roi gwybod i bobl am weithgareddau, newyddion a
llwyddiannau’r prosiect. Drwy Facebook yn arbennig, rydym ni wedi cyrraedd
cannoedd o bobl a rhoi gwybod iddyn nhw am y gefnogaeth sydd ar gael drwy gyfrwng
ein prosiect Troseddau Casineb. Mae’r cydweithio rhwng Prosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn
o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig, Hunaniaeth a phrosiectau ynglŷn â Throseddau Casineb o ran
trefnu digwyddiadau ac ymweliadau ar y cyd a rhannu adnoddau wedi bod yn fuddiol
Rhwng popeth bu hi’n flwyddyn lwyddiannus iawn gyda phobl a mudiadau dylanwadol
yn dysgu am NWREN a’r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael drwy’r prosiect. Mae hyn yn ei dro
yn rhoi cyfle i gymunedau ddysgu sut y gall NWREN eu helpu, a chlywed am y ffyrdd
mae’n cyfrannu at wneud gogledd Cymru yn lle gwell, tecach a mwy cyfartal.
The iDENTiTY project has had a very exci ng first year of
opera on and many young people across Gwynedd and
Wrexham in par cular have benefi ed from the ac vi es of
Over the past year,r the cohort of iDENTiTY clients in Bangor has
also been working on an an -discrimina on video project, which
is now near comple on. YoYY ung people from Gwynedd and
Wrexham have filmed 30 second pieces of themselves to
demonstrate how LGBT young people have a similar day to day
life as heterosexual young people. Using the video as a tool, the
young people will be taking a session out to other young people
and professionals to educate around LGBT equality,yy helping
those young people overcome their own confidence issues in
the process.
In collabora on with the Minority Ethnic Elders Advocacy
(MEEA) project, iDENTiTY clients had the opportunity to a end
an intergenera onal day out across Anglesey learning about
local archaeology from a professional archaeologist, finding sea
creatures in a rock pooling ac vity organised by the iDENTiTY
worker and discovering the works of Kyffin Williams in Oriel
Llangefni. The day was a big success, and all the a endees
enjoyed learning about their local area.
The young people are now beginning to organise their own
ac vi es between each other,r and the connec ons forged
between other LGBT young people has given the less confident
young people a boost in their self-ff esteem. A contribu ng factor
to increased self-ff esteem has been shared interest par cularly
around photography,yy therefore LDHT Enfys LGBT will be forming
a photography sub group hopefully leading towards an
exhibi on of the young people’s work.
Bu blwyddyn gyntaf y prosiect HUNANIAETH yn un
gyffrous iawn gyda llawer o bobl ifanc ar draws
Gwynedd a Wrecsam yn arbennig yn elwa o
weithgareddau’r prosiect.
Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf mae cleien aid
HUNANIAETH ym Mangor wedi bod yn gweithio ar
brosiect fideo gwrth-wahaniaethu sydd bron â’i
gwblhau. Mae pobl ifanc o Wynedd a Wrecsam wedi
ffilmio darnau 30 eiliad ohonyn nhw eu hunain i
ddangos sut mae pobl ifanc lesbaidd, hoyw,w
deurywiol a thrawsrywiol yn byw bywyd beunyddiol
tebyg iawn i fywydau pobl ifanc heterorywiol. Gan
ddefnyddio’r fideo fel adnodd bydd y bobl ifanc yn
mynd â sesiwn allan at bobl ifanc eraill i’w haddysgu
ynghylch cydraddoldeb pobl ifanc lesbaidd, hoyw,w
deurywiol a thrawsrywiol. Bydd hyn yn fodd i’r bobl
ifanc oresgyn eu problemau hyder ar yr un pryd.
Ar y cyd efo’r prosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o
Leiafrifoedd Ethnig (MEEA), cafodd cleien aid
HUNANIAETH y cyfle i fwynhau diwrnod ar Ynys
Môn yng nghwmni pobl o bob oed. Fe ddysgon nhw
am archeoleg yr ardal gan archeolegydd
proffesiynol, mi fuon nhw’n chwilota am greaduriaid
y môr mewn pyllau creigiau – gweithgaredd wedi ei
drefnu gan weithiwr HUNANIAETH ac fe aethon nhw
i weld gweithiau KyKK ffin Williams yn Oriel Llangefni.
Roedd y diwrnod yn llwyddiant mawr gyda phawb yn mwynhau dysgu am eu hynys.
Mae’r bobl ifanc bellach yn dechrau trefnu eu gweithgareddau eu hunain ymysg ei gilydd. Mae’r cysyll adau hyn
gyda phobl LHDT eraill wedi rhoi hwb i hunan-werth y rhai llai hyderus. Un peth sydd wedi cyfrannu at hyn yn
arbennig ydy’r diddordeb mae llawer yn ei rannu mewn ffotograffiaeth. Yn hyn o beth bydd LHDT Enfys LGBT yn
ffurfio is-grŵp ffotograffiaeth fydd gobeithio yn arwain at arddangosfa o waith y bobl ifanc.
It has been a very busy year for the NWREN MEEA project. With the Happy
Choir as a key focus for ac vi es, a great deal of quality,yy meaningful
engagement work has taken place across the North Wales region.
The NWREN MEEA Language Report.
The Advocacy Officer produced a report of the key findings from last year’s
research, with recommenda ons for change.
The Flag of Flags.
A series of two tex les workshops were held with North Wales ar st Suze e
Smart, during which project beneficiaries from Bangor and Wrexham
planned, designed and produced their own version of their culture’s flag or
important cultural symbol. The des na on for all these flags was a Flag of
Flags, suggested by a MEEA volunteer champion, comprising of a giant
Welsh Flag adorned with the flags and symbols made by the beneficiaries.
The Happy Choir!
The choir have recorded the first out of five loca on shoots for the Happy
Video. The first shoot was from the Llangollen Interna onal Eisteddfod,
culmina ng in a ending the Opening Gala of the Eisteddfod week. The
choir are now working on an interna onal version of Amazing Grace.
Mi fu hi’n flwyddyn brysur i brosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o Leiafrifoedd Ethnic
NWREN. Gyda’r gweithgareddau’n troi o amgylch y Côr Hapus, bu llawer iawn
o waith trafod ystyrlon o safon ar draws gogledd Cymru.
Adroddiad Iaith Prosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig NWREN.
Bu i’r Swyddog Eiriolaeth Lunio adroddiad ar brif ganfyddiadau ymchwil y
llynedd, gan argymell newidiadau.
Baner y Baneri.
Cynhaliwyd cyfres o ddau weithdy tecs lau gyda’r ar st Suze e Smart o ogledd Cymru. Bu i’r rheini ddaeth i’r
gweithdy gynllunio, dylunio a chynhyrchu eu fersiwn eu hunain o faner eu diwylliant neu symbol diwylliannol o
bwys. Byddai’r baneri hyn yn cael eu defnyddio wedyn i lunio Baner y Baneri, ar awgrym un o gefnogwyr
gwirfoddolwyr y prosiect eiriolaeth pobl hŷn o leiafrifoedd ethnig, sef darlun anferth o faner Cymru ac arni’r holl
faneri a’r symbolau wedi eu gwneud gan y bobl ddaeth i’r gweithdai.
Y Côr Hapus!
Mae’r côr wedi recordio’r cyntaf o bump clip lleoliad ar gyfer y fideo hapus. Ffilmiwyd y darn cyntaf yn Eisteddfod
Ryngwladol Llangollen gan orffen drwy fynd i Gala Agoriadol wythnos yr Eisteddfod. Ar hyn o bryd mae’r côr yn
gweithio ar fersiwn ryngwladol o Amazing Grace.
Through united vision this partnership exemplifies
transi on from a regional to a na onal all Wales asset
and brings together a collabora on and partnership
with specific skill bases and collec ve exper se. The
purpose of WEG is:
• ToTT consolidate and improve the strategic working
rela onship between the 4 Councils / Networks,
presen ng a united vision on all race and
equality issues within all public forums
• ToTT raise public awareness of the issues, concerns
and expecta ons of the communi es served by the 4 Councils / Networks in their respec ve areas
• ToTT address concerns raised by community groups and third sector organisa ons
• ToTT deliver projects that fall within the Welsh Government’s strategic framework and within the interests and
objec ves of the 4 Councils / Networks, including responding to consulta ons, reports, reviews and changes
to public services that affect the communi es the Councils / Networks serve and the third sector
• ToTT iden fy opportuni es for collabora ve work between the Councils / Networks, including joint
funding applica ons
• ToTT encourage, share and promote good prac ce in advancing equality and especially race equality issues
Who we are:
North Wales Regional Equality Network (NWREN)
Race Equality First (REF)
South East Wales (SEWREC)
Swansea Bay Regional Equality Council (SBREC)
10 WEG
Mae’r bartneriaeth hon yn seiliedig ar weledigaeth unedig ac yn enghraifft o bartneriaeth yn trawsffurfio o fod yn
ased rhanbarthol i fod yn un sy’n gwasanaethu Cymru gyfan. Yn hyn o beth mae’r bartneriaeth yn gyfuniad o
sgiliau penodol a sawl gwahanol fath o arbenigedd. Ei enw yw Grŵp Cydraddoldeb Cymru, a’i fwriad yw:
• I gadarnhau a gwella’r berthynas waith strategol rhwng y 4 Cyngor / Rhwydwaith gan gyflwyno gweledigaeth
unedig ar bob agwedd yn ymwneud â hil a chydraddoldeb ym mhob fforwm cyhoeddus
• I godi ymwybyddiaeth pobl o broblemau, pryderon a gobeithion y cymunedau mae’r 4 Cyngor / Rhwydwaith
yn eu gwasanaethu yn eu hardaloedd eu hunain
• Mynd i’r afael â’r problemau mae grwpiau cymunedol a mudiadau’r trydydd sector yn sôn amdanyn nhw
• Rhoi prosiectau ar waith sy’n cydymffurfio â strategaeth fframwaith Llywodraeth Cymru a chyda diddordebau
ac amcanion y 4 Cyngor / Rhwydwaith, gan gynnwys ymateb i ymgynghoriadau, adroddiadau a newidiadau i
wasanaethau cyhoeddus fydd yn effeithio ar y cymunedau mae’r Cyngor / Rhwydwaith yn eu gwasanaethu
ynghyd â’r trydydd sector.rr
• I adnabod cyfleoedd lle gall y Cynghorau / Rhwydweithiau gydweithio, gan gynnwys gwneud ceisiadau
am arian ar y cyd.
• I annog, rhannu a hyrwyddo ymarfer da o ran gwthio am fwy o gydraddoldeb, yn arbennig chydraddoldeb
o ran materion hil
Pwy ydym ni:
Cyngor Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Bae Abertawe (SBREC)
Cyngor Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol De Ddwyrain Cymru (SEWREC)
Race Equality First (REF)
Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru (NWREN)
The North Wales Regional Equality Network (NWREN)
works across all areas of equality with a range of partners.
As a charity we are commi ed to:
• Work towards the elimina on of discrimina on and disadvantage in all its forms
• ToTT promote equality of opportunity and good rela ons between all persons
through understanding and addressing issues of discrimina on and inequality
• ToTT work towards upholding the human rights of all people
NWREN services include:
• Drop in centres
• Awareness raising training on equality,yy diversity and hate crime
• Consulta on, Community Engagement and Research
• Provide training at all levels
• Deliver interac ve sessions and workshops for staff,ff volunteers and the community
• Recording, monitoring and responding to hate crime
• Support with strategic and policy development and impact assessments
We are a charitable organisa on that seeks to eliminate discrimina on in all its forms.
If you feel that you have been treated unfairly,yy you can talk to us in confidence.
Please contact NWREN for further informa on of services offered.
Mae Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru (NWREN) yn gweithio ym mhob maes
cydraddoldeb gydag amryw o bartneriaid. Fel elusen rydym ni wedi ymrwymo:
• I weithio tuag at ddileu camwahaniaethu ac anffafriaeth o bob math
• I hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb a pherthnasau da rhwng pawb drwy ddeall a mynd i’r afael ag
achosion o gamwahaniaethu ac anghydraddoldeb
• I weithio tuag at gynnal hawliau pob person
Rhai o wasanaethau NWREN:
• Canolfannau Galw Mewn
• Hyfforddiant i godi ymwybyddiaeth am gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a throseddau casineb
• Ymgynghori, Ymgysylltu Cymunedol a Ymchwil
• Darparu hyfforddiant ar bob lefel
• Darparu sesiynau a gweithdai rhyngweithiol ar gyfer staff,ffff gwirfoddolwyr a chymunedau
• Cofnodi, monitro ac ymateb i droseddau casineb
• Cefnogaeth gyda datblygu strategaethau a pholisïau a llunio asesiadau effaith
Rydym ni’n fudiad elusennol sydd eisiau rhoi terfyn ar gamwahaniaethu o bob math.
Os ydych chi’n teimlo ichi gael eich trin yn annheg, fe gewch chi siarad â ni yn gyfrinachol
Cysylltwch â NWREN i wybod mwy am ein gwasanaethau. 01492 622 233
Promo ng equality • challenging discrimina on • upholding human rights
The Equality Centre Bangor Road Penmaenmawr Conwy LL34 6LF
Company No.: 5843319 Charity Registra on No.: 1116970
Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb • herio camwahaniaethu • ategu hawliau dynol
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NWREN Report 2015

  • 1. Promo ng equality • challenging discrimina on • upholding human rights Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb • herio camwahaniaethu • ategu hawliau dynol NWREN ANNUAL REPORT 2015
  • 2. NWREN has had a posi ve and produc ve year. As ever, the con nued work of our Board and staff has enabled us to take posi ve ac on in comba ng unacceptable discriminatory a tudes and behaviours. Dr Victor Babu - Chair The fight against discrimina on is a social responsibility and we need to demonstrate our commitment and individual support towards promo ng equality in all spheres of life, at all mes. NWREN is a catalyst for change, a leader in the field of equality related informa on, research and ac vity. In the context of North Wales NWREN is a key player in the challenge to make equality a reality. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing Director Tue Hong-Baker,rr for her commitment and work in moving NWREN forward and wish her all the best for the future and take this opportunity to welcome our new Chief Execu ve Officer Mohammed Dhalech. Bu eleni’n flwyddyn gynhyrchiol a chadarnhaol i NWREN. Fel ag erioed, mae gwaith parhaus ein Bwrdd a’n staff wedi’n galluogi i fynd i’r afael ag agwedd ac ymddygiad gwahaniaethol mewn ffordd gadarnhaol. Dr Victor Babu - Cadeirydd Mae’r frwydr yn erbyn camwahaniaethu yn gyfrifoldeb cymdeithasol ac mae angen inni ddangos ein hymrwymiad a’n cefnogaeth i hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb ym mhob agwedd ar fywyd bob amser.rr Mae NWREN yn sbarduno newid ac ar flaen y gad o ran gwybodaeth, ymchwil a gweithgarwch yn ymwneud â chydraddoldeb. Yng ngogledd Cymru mae gan NWREN ran allweddol i’w chwarae yn y frwydr dros ennill cydraddoldeb yng ngwir ystyr y gair.rr Fe hoffwn i gymryd y cyfle yma i ddiolch i Tue Hong-Baker,r sy’n ildio’r awenau fel cyfarwyddwr,r am ei gwaith a’i hymroddiad yn symud NWREN yn ei flaen ac i ddymuno’r gorau iddi at y dyfodol. Fe hoffwn i hefyd groesawu ein Prif Swyddog Gweithredol newydd Mohammed Dhalech. 2 SUMMARISED ACCOUNTS / CYFRIFON CRYNO
  • 3. We are now in the second year of Community Voice, a por olio partner project funded for four years by the Big Lo ery,yy which aims to encourage local people in Conwy and Anglesey to become more involved in designing and delivering services for their communi es. The Community Voice por olio project is managed by the local Voluntary Services Councils of CVSC in Conwy and Medrwn Môn on Anglesey and includes the following third sector organisa ons: Age Cymru, Gwynedd & Môn, Conwy ToTT gether: (Cartrefi Conwy,yy Clwyd Alyn and North Wales Housing), Digartref Ynys Môn, Estyn Llaw,w Gingerbread, Groundwork North Wales, Llais Ni-Anglesey YoYY uth Forum, North Wales Advice & Advocacy Associa on, North Wales Deaf Associa on, Porthyfelin Community Partnership, Ynys Môn Ci zens Advice Bureau, and of course the North Wales Regional Equality Network. For this project NWREN employs two Development Officers and an Administrator.rr We have developed local service user focus groups, a Baseline Study for a Community Engagement and Par cipa on Framework, a Skills ToTT olbox and confidence building skills training workshops. We are currently iden fying and highligh ng work that service provider organisa ons have developed to increase local involvement and par cipa on. Rydym ni bellach yn ail flwyddyn prosiect Lleisiau Lleol, prosiect por folio cydweithredol wedi ei ariannu am bedair blynedd gan y Gronfa Loteri Fawr.rr Diben y prosiect ydy annog trigolion Conwy ac Ynys Môn i chwarae mwy o ran yn dylunio a darparu gwasanaethau ar gyfer eu cymunedau. Mae prosiect por folio Lleisiau Lleol yng ngofal Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol lleol CVSC yng Nghonwy a Medrwn Môn ar Ynys Môn ac mae’n cynnwys yr asiantaethau trydydd sector canlynol: Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn, Conwy Gyda’n Gilydd: (Cartrefi Conwy,yy Clwyd Alyn a Thai Gogledd Cymru), Cymdeithas Cyngor ac Eiriolaeth Gogledd Cymru, Cyngor ar Bopeth Ynys Môn, Cymdeithas y Byddar Gogledd Cymru, Digartref Ynys Môn, Estyn Llaw,w Gingerbread, Groundwork Gogledd Cymru, Llais Ni - Fforwm Ieuenc d Môn, Partneriaeth Gymunedol Porthyfelin, ac wrth gwrs, Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru (NWREN.) Gyda’r prosiect yma mae NWREN yn cyflogi dau Swyddog Datblygu a gweithiwr gweinyddol. Rydym ni wedi datblygu grwpiau ffocws lleol ar gyfer defnyddwyr gwasanaeth, Astudiaeth Sylfaenol ar gyfer Fframwaith Cyfranogaeth a Chyd-drafod Cymunedol, Pecyn Sgiliau a gweithdai sgiliau magu hyder.rr Rydym ni ar hyn o bryd yn adnabod ac yn amlygu’r gwaith mae mudiadau eraill wedi ei ddatblygu eisoes i annog pobl i chwarae mwy o ran ym mywyd eu bröydd. 3COMMUNITY VOICE PROJECT / PROSIECT LLEISIAU LLEOL
  • 4. The Drop-in Centres have been NWREN’s flagship service for a number of years. It is frequently the first point of entry for a significant number of our beneficiaries and is a cri cal springboard into other NWREN services and projects. Drop in centre beneficiaries o en become beneficiaries on one of the numerous NWREN projects. The Drop in a racts beneficiaries who are new arrivals into the area (including, but not exclusively; migrant workers, students, their spouses and family members) and any minority individuals/groups that find access to informa on and services difficult. Beneficiaries include people from culturally and linguis cally diverse backgrounds; Black minority ethnic and migrant workers; single parents; individuals with long term health condi ons; individuals experiencing discrimina on; individuals experiencing bullying in the work place; local communi es and individuals with complex needs. The NWREN Drop in provides informa on, signpos ng and support which results in posi ve and specific changes for beneficiaries. This includes feeling more supported and empowered to: tackle and / or report discrimina on and bullying; access appropriate benefits; maintain or improve health through accessing appropriate health services and support; maintain or change immigra on status through signpos ng to appropriate immigra on advice; gain employment through support and accessing the employment market; gain access to educa on and training through signpos ng and support; have their voices heard and support to join community forums. The feedback from clients a er using the Drop in Centre said they felt more confident and be er informed about rights and responsibili es. The hate crime outreach officers have liaised with third sector organisa ons and service users, in order to raise awareness and support individuals who wish to speak with someone about their experiences, and to encourage people to stand up against discrimina on and hate. A fresh approach to engaging with people on the ground, the number of hate crime and incidents disclosures has seen an increase and the project is progressing very well towards achieving its outcomes. Some of the venues used to engage with organisa ons and individuals include visi ng cafes, restaurants, shops, places of worship, visi ng drop in sessions at other organisa ons and speaking with people 1:1. Other venues and approaches also included delivering training and workshops to service users, volunteers and staff in organisa ons, diversifying the ac vi es and materials used for delivering the sessions, and also being crea ve and flexible in the length of the sessions, informa on included, language used etc. in order to meet the needs of the organisa ons, groups and individuals. Social media has been an important venue that the ac vi es, news and successes of the project have been used to engage with the public as well, and especially through Facebook, hundreds of people have been reached and made aware of the support available through the Hate Crime project. The collabora on between MEEA, Iden ty and Hate Crime projects with regards to arranging joint ac vi es, visits and sharing resources and knowledge has proved greatly beneficial. All in all the year has proved to be very successful, with many organisa ons, individuals and people in key posi ons learning about NWREN and the support that can be offered through the project, giving communi es an opportunity to learn how NWREN can benefit them, and about the way it is contribu ng to making North Wales be er,r fairer and more equal. DROP IN4 HATE CRIME
  • 5. The Bu’r canolfannau Galw Mewn yn brif wasanaeth NWREN ers sawl blwyddyn. Yn aml iawn dyma’r cyswllt cyntaf i nifer fawr o bobl sy’n elwa ar ein gwasanaethau ac mae hefyd yn gyfrwng pwysig o ran cyfeirio pobl at wasanaethau a phrosiectau eraill NWREN. Yn aml mae pobl sy’n dod i’r canolfannau galw mewn yn elwa yn eu tro o un o brosiectau niferus NWREN. Mae’r Ganolfan Alw Mewn yn denu pobl sydd newydd symud i’r ardal (yn cynnwys ond ddim yn gyfyngedig i weithwyr mudol, myfyrwyr,r eu partneriaid a’u teuluoedd) ac unrhyw berson/grŵp lleiafrifol sy’n ei chael hi’n anodd manteisio ar wasanaethau a gwybodaeth. Ymysg y bobl hyn mae pobl o wahanol gefndiroedd diwylliannol ac ieithyddol; pobl dduon o leiafrif ethnig; gweithwyr mudol; rhieni sengl; pobl gyda chyflyrau iechyd tymor hir;pobl sy’n dioddef anffafriaeth; pobl sy’n cael eu bwlio yn eu gwaith neu yn eu cymuned a phobl gydag anghenion cymhleth. Mae Canolfan Alw Mewn NWREN yn cynnig gwybodaeth, cefnogaeth a gwasanaeth cyfeirio sy’n arwain at newidiadau penodol a chadarnhaol ym mywydau’r bobl sy’n troi atom ni. Mae hyn yn cynnwys teimlo mwy o gefnogaeth ac yn fwy abl i: fynd i’r afael ag / cwyno am gamwahaniaethu a bwlio; manteisio ar y budd-daliadau priodol; cynnal neu wella eu hiechyd drwy fanteisio ar y gwasanaethau a’r gefnogaeth iechyd briodol; cynnal neu newid eu statws mewnfudo drwy eu cyfeirio at gyngor perthnasol am fewnfudo; cael cymorth a manteisio ar y farchnad waith i gael swydd; manteisio ar addysg a hyfforddiant drwy gyfeirio a chefnogi; cael gwrandawiad teg a help i ymuno â fforymau cymunedol. Ar ôl defnyddio’r Ganolfan Alw Mewn fe ddwedodd sawl un eu bod yn teimlo’n fwy hyderus a gwybodus ynghylch hawliau a chyfrifoldebau. Mae’r swyddogion allestyn sy’n ymdrin â throseddau casineb wedi bod yn trafod gyda mudiadau’r trydydd sector a’r bobl hynny sy’n defnyddio’u gwasanaethau er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth a chefnogi pobl i siarad efo rhywun am eu profiadau, ac annog pobl i sefyll yn erbyn camwahaniaethu a chasineb. Gyda ffordd newydd o weithio gyda phobl ar lawr gwlad bu cynnydd yn y cwynion swyddogol am droseddau casineb ac achosion eraill. Mae’r prosiect yn gwneud cynnydd da tuag at gyflawni ei nodau. Caiff sawl lleoliad ei ddefnyddio i drafod gyda mudiadau ac unigolion gan gynnwys caffis, bwytai, siopau, mannau addoli, sesiynau galw i mewn yn swyddfeydd gwahanol fudiadau a sesiynau 1 i un. Defnyddiwyd dulliau a lleoliadau eraill hefyd, gan gynnwys darparu hyfforddiant a gweithdai i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth, gwirfoddolwyr a staff mewn mudiadau, amrywio’r gweithgareddau a’r deunyddiau a chai eu defnyddio i gyflwyno’r sesiynau, a bod yn greadigol a hyblyg gyda hyd y sesiynau, yr wybodaeth a’r iaith ac a er mwyn cwrdd ag anghenion grwpiau a mudiadau. Mae’r cyfryngau cymdeithasol wedi bod yn gyfrwng pwysig i roi gwybod i bobl am weithgareddau, newyddion a llwyddiannau’r prosiect. Drwy Facebook yn arbennig, rydym ni wedi cyrraedd cannoedd o bobl a rhoi gwybod iddyn nhw am y gefnogaeth sydd ar gael drwy gyfrwng ein prosiect Troseddau Casineb. Mae’r cydweithio rhwng Prosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig, Hunaniaeth a phrosiectau ynglŷn â Throseddau Casineb o ran trefnu digwyddiadau ac ymweliadau ar y cyd a rhannu adnoddau wedi bod yn fuddiol iawn. Rhwng popeth bu hi’n flwyddyn lwyddiannus iawn gyda phobl a mudiadau dylanwadol yn dysgu am NWREN a’r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael drwy’r prosiect. Mae hyn yn ei dro yn rhoi cyfle i gymunedau ddysgu sut y gall NWREN eu helpu, a chlywed am y ffyrdd mae’n cyfrannu at wneud gogledd Cymru yn lle gwell, tecach a mwy cyfartal. 5GALW MEWN TROSEDDAU CASINEB
  • 6. The iDENTiTY project has had a very exci ng first year of opera on and many young people across Gwynedd and Wrexham in par cular have benefi ed from the ac vi es of iDENTiTY.YY Over the past year,r the cohort of iDENTiTY clients in Bangor has also been working on an an -discrimina on video project, which is now near comple on. YoYY ung people from Gwynedd and Wrexham have filmed 30 second pieces of themselves to demonstrate how LGBT young people have a similar day to day life as heterosexual young people. Using the video as a tool, the young people will be taking a session out to other young people and professionals to educate around LGBT equality,yy helping those young people overcome their own confidence issues in the process. In collabora on with the Minority Ethnic Elders Advocacy (MEEA) project, iDENTiTY clients had the opportunity to a end an intergenera onal day out across Anglesey learning about local archaeology from a professional archaeologist, finding sea creatures in a rock pooling ac vity organised by the iDENTiTY worker and discovering the works of Kyffin Williams in Oriel Llangefni. The day was a big success, and all the a endees enjoyed learning about their local area. The young people are now beginning to organise their own ac vi es between each other,r and the connec ons forged between other LGBT young people has given the less confident young people a boost in their self-ff esteem. A contribu ng factor to increased self-ff esteem has been shared interest par cularly around photography,yy therefore LDHT Enfys LGBT will be forming a photography sub group hopefully leading towards an exhibi on of the young people’s work. IDENTITY PROJECT6
  • 7. Bu blwyddyn gyntaf y prosiect HUNANIAETH yn un gyffrous iawn gyda llawer o bobl ifanc ar draws Gwynedd a Wrecsam yn arbennig yn elwa o weithgareddau’r prosiect. Dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf mae cleien aid HUNANIAETH ym Mangor wedi bod yn gweithio ar brosiect fideo gwrth-wahaniaethu sydd bron â’i gwblhau. Mae pobl ifanc o Wynedd a Wrecsam wedi ffilmio darnau 30 eiliad ohonyn nhw eu hunain i ddangos sut mae pobl ifanc lesbaidd, hoyw,w deurywiol a thrawsrywiol yn byw bywyd beunyddiol tebyg iawn i fywydau pobl ifanc heterorywiol. Gan ddefnyddio’r fideo fel adnodd bydd y bobl ifanc yn mynd â sesiwn allan at bobl ifanc eraill i’w haddysgu ynghylch cydraddoldeb pobl ifanc lesbaidd, hoyw,w deurywiol a thrawsrywiol. Bydd hyn yn fodd i’r bobl ifanc oresgyn eu problemau hyder ar yr un pryd. Ar y cyd efo’r prosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig (MEEA), cafodd cleien aid HUNANIAETH y cyfle i fwynhau diwrnod ar Ynys Môn yng nghwmni pobl o bob oed. Fe ddysgon nhw am archeoleg yr ardal gan archeolegydd proffesiynol, mi fuon nhw’n chwilota am greaduriaid y môr mewn pyllau creigiau – gweithgaredd wedi ei drefnu gan weithiwr HUNANIAETH ac fe aethon nhw i weld gweithiau KyKK ffin Williams yn Oriel Llangefni. Roedd y diwrnod yn llwyddiant mawr gyda phawb yn mwynhau dysgu am eu hynys. Mae’r bobl ifanc bellach yn dechrau trefnu eu gweithgareddau eu hunain ymysg ei gilydd. Mae’r cysyll adau hyn gyda phobl LHDT eraill wedi rhoi hwb i hunan-werth y rhai llai hyderus. Un peth sydd wedi cyfrannu at hyn yn arbennig ydy’r diddordeb mae llawer yn ei rannu mewn ffotograffiaeth. Yn hyn o beth bydd LHDT Enfys LGBT yn ffurfio is-grŵp ffotograffiaeth fydd gobeithio yn arwain at arddangosfa o waith y bobl ifanc. PROSIECT HUNANIAETH 7
  • 8. It has been a very busy year for the NWREN MEEA project. With the Happy Choir as a key focus for ac vi es, a great deal of quality,yy meaningful engagement work has taken place across the North Wales region. The NWREN MEEA Language Report. The Advocacy Officer produced a report of the key findings from last year’s research, with recommenda ons for change. The Flag of Flags. A series of two tex les workshops were held with North Wales ar st Suze e Smart, during which project beneficiaries from Bangor and Wrexham planned, designed and produced their own version of their culture’s flag or important cultural symbol. The des na on for all these flags was a Flag of Flags, suggested by a MEEA volunteer champion, comprising of a giant Welsh Flag adorned with the flags and symbols made by the beneficiaries. The Happy Choir! The choir have recorded the first out of five loca on shoots for the Happy Video. The first shoot was from the Llangollen Interna onal Eisteddfod, culmina ng in a ending the Opening Gala of the Eisteddfod week. The choir are now working on an interna onal version of Amazing Grace. 8 MINORITY ETHNIC ELDERS ADVOCACY PROJECT
  • 9. Mi fu hi’n flwyddyn brysur i brosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o Leiafrifoedd Ethnic NWREN. Gyda’r gweithgareddau’n troi o amgylch y Côr Hapus, bu llawer iawn o waith trafod ystyrlon o safon ar draws gogledd Cymru. Adroddiad Iaith Prosiect Eiriolaeth Pobl Hŷn o Leiafrifoedd Ethnig NWREN. Bu i’r Swyddog Eiriolaeth Lunio adroddiad ar brif ganfyddiadau ymchwil y llynedd, gan argymell newidiadau. Baner y Baneri. Cynhaliwyd cyfres o ddau weithdy tecs lau gyda’r ar st Suze e Smart o ogledd Cymru. Bu i’r rheini ddaeth i’r gweithdy gynllunio, dylunio a chynhyrchu eu fersiwn eu hunain o faner eu diwylliant neu symbol diwylliannol o bwys. Byddai’r baneri hyn yn cael eu defnyddio wedyn i lunio Baner y Baneri, ar awgrym un o gefnogwyr gwirfoddolwyr y prosiect eiriolaeth pobl hŷn o leiafrifoedd ethnig, sef darlun anferth o faner Cymru ac arni’r holl faneri a’r symbolau wedi eu gwneud gan y bobl ddaeth i’r gweithdai. Y Côr Hapus! Mae’r côr wedi recordio’r cyntaf o bump clip lleoliad ar gyfer y fideo hapus. Ffilmiwyd y darn cyntaf yn Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen gan orffen drwy fynd i Gala Agoriadol wythnos yr Eisteddfod. Ar hyn o bryd mae’r côr yn gweithio ar fersiwn ryngwladol o Amazing Grace. 9PROSIECT EIRIOLAETH POBL HŶN O LEIAFRIFOEDD ETHNIC
  • 10. Through united vision this partnership exemplifies transi on from a regional to a na onal all Wales asset and brings together a collabora on and partnership with specific skill bases and collec ve exper se. The purpose of WEG is: • ToTT consolidate and improve the strategic working rela onship between the 4 Councils / Networks, presen ng a united vision on all race and equality issues within all public forums • ToTT raise public awareness of the issues, concerns and expecta ons of the communi es served by the 4 Councils / Networks in their respec ve areas • ToTT address concerns raised by community groups and third sector organisa ons • ToTT deliver projects that fall within the Welsh Government’s strategic framework and within the interests and objec ves of the 4 Councils / Networks, including responding to consulta ons, reports, reviews and changes to public services that affect the communi es the Councils / Networks serve and the third sector • ToTT iden fy opportuni es for collabora ve work between the Councils / Networks, including joint funding applica ons • ToTT encourage, share and promote good prac ce in advancing equality and especially race equality issues Who we are: North Wales Regional Equality Network (NWREN) Race Equality First (REF) South East Wales (SEWREC) Swansea Bay Regional Equality Council (SBREC) 10 WEG
  • 11. Mae’r bartneriaeth hon yn seiliedig ar weledigaeth unedig ac yn enghraifft o bartneriaeth yn trawsffurfio o fod yn ased rhanbarthol i fod yn un sy’n gwasanaethu Cymru gyfan. Yn hyn o beth mae’r bartneriaeth yn gyfuniad o sgiliau penodol a sawl gwahanol fath o arbenigedd. Ei enw yw Grŵp Cydraddoldeb Cymru, a’i fwriad yw: • I gadarnhau a gwella’r berthynas waith strategol rhwng y 4 Cyngor / Rhwydwaith gan gyflwyno gweledigaeth unedig ar bob agwedd yn ymwneud â hil a chydraddoldeb ym mhob fforwm cyhoeddus • I godi ymwybyddiaeth pobl o broblemau, pryderon a gobeithion y cymunedau mae’r 4 Cyngor / Rhwydwaith yn eu gwasanaethu yn eu hardaloedd eu hunain • Mynd i’r afael â’r problemau mae grwpiau cymunedol a mudiadau’r trydydd sector yn sôn amdanyn nhw • Rhoi prosiectau ar waith sy’n cydymffurfio â strategaeth fframwaith Llywodraeth Cymru a chyda diddordebau ac amcanion y 4 Cyngor / Rhwydwaith, gan gynnwys ymateb i ymgynghoriadau, adroddiadau a newidiadau i wasanaethau cyhoeddus fydd yn effeithio ar y cymunedau mae’r Cyngor / Rhwydwaith yn eu gwasanaethu ynghyd â’r trydydd sector.rr • I adnabod cyfleoedd lle gall y Cynghorau / Rhwydweithiau gydweithio, gan gynnwys gwneud ceisiadau am arian ar y cyd. • I annog, rhannu a hyrwyddo ymarfer da o ran gwthio am fwy o gydraddoldeb, yn arbennig chydraddoldeb o ran materion hil Pwy ydym ni: Cyngor Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Bae Abertawe (SBREC) Cyngor Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol De Ddwyrain Cymru (SEWREC) Race Equality First (REF) Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru (NWREN) 11GCC
  • 12. The North Wales Regional Equality Network (NWREN) works across all areas of equality with a range of partners. As a charity we are commi ed to: • Work towards the elimina on of discrimina on and disadvantage in all its forms • ToTT promote equality of opportunity and good rela ons between all persons through understanding and addressing issues of discrimina on and inequality • ToTT work towards upholding the human rights of all people NWREN services include: • Drop in centres • Awareness raising training on equality,yy diversity and hate crime • Consulta on, Community Engagement and Research • Provide training at all levels • Deliver interac ve sessions and workshops for staff,ff volunteers and the community • Recording, monitoring and responding to hate crime • Support with strategic and policy development and impact assessments We are a charitable organisa on that seeks to eliminate discrimina on in all its forms. If you feel that you have been treated unfairly,yy you can talk to us in confidence. Please contact NWREN for further informa on of services offered. Mae Rhwydwaith Cydraddoldeb Rhanbarthol Gogledd Cymru (NWREN) yn gweithio ym mhob maes cydraddoldeb gydag amryw o bartneriaid. Fel elusen rydym ni wedi ymrwymo: • I weithio tuag at ddileu camwahaniaethu ac anffafriaeth o bob math • I hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb a pherthnasau da rhwng pawb drwy ddeall a mynd i’r afael ag achosion o gamwahaniaethu ac anghydraddoldeb • I weithio tuag at gynnal hawliau pob person Rhai o wasanaethau NWREN: • Canolfannau Galw Mewn • Hyfforddiant i godi ymwybyddiaeth am gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a throseddau casineb • Ymgynghori, Ymgysylltu Cymunedol a Ymchwil • Darparu hyfforddiant ar bob lefel • Darparu sesiynau a gweithdai rhyngweithiol ar gyfer staff,ffff gwirfoddolwyr a chymunedau • Cofnodi, monitro ac ymateb i droseddau casineb • Cefnogaeth gyda datblygu strategaethau a pholisïau a llunio asesiadau effaith Rydym ni’n fudiad elusennol sydd eisiau rhoi terfyn ar gamwahaniaethu o bob math. Os ydych chi’n teimlo ichi gael eich trin yn annheg, fe gewch chi siarad â ni yn gyfrinachol Cysylltwch â NWREN i wybod mwy am ein gwasanaethau. 01492 622 233 NWREN @NWRENinfo Promo ng equality • challenging discrimina on • upholding human rights The Equality Centre Bangor Road Penmaenmawr Conwy LL34 6LF Company No.: 5843319 Charity Registra on No.: 1116970 Hyrwyddo cydraddoldeb • herio camwahaniaethu • ategu hawliau dynol Y Ganolfan Cydraddoldeb Ffordd Bangor Penmaenmawr Conwy LL34 6LF Rhif Cwmni: 5843319 Rhif Cofrestriad Elusen: 1116970 NWREN ANNUAL REPORT 2015