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Noticias TIC Diciembre 2011
1.- Tech Update: Packet Optical Networks.
3.- Felices Fiestas y Tendencias 2012
4.- La otra cara de 4G: TD-LTE en Latinoamérica
5.- Cloud predictions for enterprise IT in 2012
6.- Japan-to-US Backbone Reaches 600 Gbps
7.- Top technology trends to watch in 2012
8.- First Giga DSL Prototype: Can Achieve Access Rate of One Gbps per Twisted Pair
9.- Resultados 3Q de Telefónica
11.- Próximos Eventos:
1.- Tech Update: Packet Optical Networks.
Today’s cable network operators are challenged by constant demands from customers for new services
so, naturally, data and video requirements are growing rapidly. With the introduction of high definition
(HD) and 3D TV, the network designs for carrying this traffic are under pressure. This situation creates an
opportunity for new approaches using emerging technologies.
Video-distribution networks often have been router-based: The operator distributes the video traffic using
a router network to devices at the edge of the network. This video traffic is forwarded as multicast traffic in
the network, and all edge devices see the traffic. However, growing demand for such high-capacity
services as HD and 3D TV have driven the need for better distribution technologies that can increase
capacity while reducing costs and complexity.
One approach that has shown key benefits is to move video distribution into a packet-optical-transport
network. Optical-transport networks are easier to manage than are router-based networks, requiring
simpler management tools. Router networks need to meet other needs, and they typically are more
complex and expensive to implement and manage, thus demanding the attention of senior technical
The increasing availability of packet-optical-transport solutions combining Wave Division Multiplexing
(WDM) transport and Layer 2 switching and aggregation creates a platform for a new approach for video
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distribution by cable operators. Packet-optical-based solutions rapidly have evolved to meet the needs of
service providers migrating from SONET/SDH networks to packet-based Ethernet.
A packet-optical device supporting optical transport and Layer 2 switching features can use two standards
— IGMPv3 and Source Specific Multicast — to listen to Layer 3 traffic flows, to decide what actions to
take and to perform Layer 2 switch function for the broadcast traffic. This enables the traffic to be
optimized as required, but it also provides low latency and jitter characteristics for this kind of a transport
network. In addition, integrating these capabilities into the transport network without adding a separate
layer provides operational simplicity and lower costs. upc cablecom, the largest broadband cable operator
in Switzerland, has announced plans to use this capability on a new network serving at least 2.1 million
households and approximately 240 smaller broadband cable operators.
“By delivering a highly simplified network operation, moving video distribution to the optical layer brings
relief to the operators that are faced with the increasing risk of network complexities brought by high
volume data transmission,” notes Charanya Balasubramanian, a research analyst at Frost & Sullivan.
Packet-optical-network solutions are evolving rapidly in response to industry demand driven by rapid
increases in mobile traffic. These new solutions not only will meet those needs, but they also will enable
new applications.
De: Communications Technology
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Prior to heading out for the holidays I wanted to let you know what we have coming up in 2012 for
Communications Technology. We are very excited to be focusing on more daily news opportunities as
well as giving our advertisers exclusive opportunities to be thought leaders within the industry.
Webcasts Monthly
Our Webinars continue to give our subscribers more value-added intelligence in the ways they like to
receive it.
Average registrations: 300+
• 1x a month
• Exclusive sponsorships and topics
• Marketing includes: email blasts, banner advertising and more…
• Immediate ROI with attendee lists
• Hot Topics: TV Everywhere, Revealing CMAP's Potential: A Converged CMTS and EdgeQAM
Platform, RF Innovation, Power of GIS, Breaking the Network Cost Barrier, CES Wrap-Up, Ron Hranac
Answers Your Questions
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Communications Technology magazine Quarterly
Like the communications industry and all of its component parts – cable, broadcast, wireline, wireless,
satellite, utilities, voice, video and data – Communications Technology has been evolving to serve the
converging broadband arena. Coverage in 2012 will continue to cut across the cable/telco/wireless
playing fields to address business and technical issues important to all these broadband providers.
• Frequency: 4x a year. The quarterly edition will be distributed digitally as well as in print for major
trade shows.
• The digital version offers a full-color, interactive page-turner on our home page that features
additional bonus content, videos, pop-ups and more.
• Circulation: 40,000+
• Positions: Full pages, ½ pages
• Special banner units available for digital version
Publish Dates: February; May; July; October
Industry Trade Shows/Events Include: CES, NCTC-Winter/Spring; ACA; CTIA; The Cable Show; The
Independent Show; FTTH, TelcoTV; SCTE Cable-Tec Expo and CT Awards
Cable360 is a portal into all things cable and broadband, connecting you to Communications Technology,
CableFAX Daily and CableFAX Magazine. Find news and information on technology, programming,
legislation, deployments, marketing and much more. Average Monthly Uniques: 45,000.
• Leaderboard (728x90)
• Large Skyscraper (160x600
• Medium Skyscraper (160x300)
• Content Ad Square (300x250)
CT Reports: Daily
CT Reports gives subscribers timely and reliable news on the global broadband industry. CT Reports
keeps its finger on the pulse of the industry, and sorts through the news and developments – keeping
readers on top of all the market intelligence, regulatory changes and competition that impact their
• 5x Insertion – 1 week exclusive
• Delivered daily via HTML format
• Banner advertising available to multiple advertisers
• Circulation: approximately 25,000 subscribers
• Positions: Leaderboard, large and small Skyscraper ads and text ads
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CT Midday Report Biweekly
CT Midday Report delves deeply into one specific, newsworthy topic in order to give readers tightly edited
• Single Topic
• 2x a month (1x a month will be Ron Hranac at his best)
• Exclusive sponsorship
• Delivered via email/PDF
• Positions: Full Page, SuperStrip
Special Reports - CT Tech E-Letters
CT Tech E-Letters (single-topic, vendor-branded emails that include a feature story and an executive
Single Sponsored Email Blasts
Exclusive opportunity to target our rich list of readers with your message. Send us the HTML, and we will
Communications Technology Circulation
Communications Technology puts your advertising message in front of a 40K+ emedia audience.
• 76.8% MSO/ISO/Telecom Carrier subscribers/readers
• 70.3% Engineering Management, Engineers and Technical Specialist subscribers/readers
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3.- Felices Fiestas y Tendencias 2012
Cerramos un años más, y cada vez duele más decirlo porque, inevitablemente, nos hacemos más
mayores y la tecnología más joven. El salto generacional es ya aparente y aquellos niños adolescentes
que tenían entre 8 y 15 años hace una década, son ahora adultos que guían con su conducta hacia
donde se dirige nuestra industria. Yo no tengo duda de que cada vez más estamos en las manos de los
más jóvenes y que ellos, con sus cabezas aún libres de interferencias, interpretan los avances
tecnológicos y los hacen suyos de formas muy particulares. Es por ello, que con el paso de los años y
con la felicidad de las fiestas debemos revisar bien nuestro ideario sobre el sector, porque quedarse en
fuera de juego, como en el fútbol, puede se una cuestión de milímetros.
Cerramos un año 2011 con muchas novedades en el sector y con la apertura de nuevas avenidas cuyo
tráfico viviremos en el año que empieza en menos de dos semanas, cuando nos recuperemos de los
excesos gastronómicos y de alguna resaca. Cómo regalo navideño nos hemos tomado, una vez más, la
licencia de compilar lo que creemos serán temas importantes en 2012, ya sea porque serán relevantes o
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porque dejarán de serlo. Este reporte que pueden descargar desde el botón debajo de este texto, es una
visión muy particular. Es decir, muchas de las tecnologías algunos operadores pensarán que no les
aplican todavía. Sin embargo, no las ignoren, porque son tecnologías que en el futuro o usarán o se
tendrán que enfrentarse a ellas, tenerlas en cuenta es casi lo mismo que escuchar a la nueva hornada de
Por último, antes de despedirme con alguna palabra emotiva hacia los lectores y el equipo de, decirles que curiosamente son los dispositivos, la punta más extrema del negocio
quien está cambiando todo. O mejor dicho, los smartphones y tabletas en manos de los usuarios,
especialmente los jóvenes, son los que están cambiando las reglas del juego. Dentro de ocho años,
cuando esos mismos jóvenes tengan ya treinta y tantos, el sector de las telecomunicaciones puede
parecerse al que vemos hoy en día en poco o nada. Por suerte, en 2012 aún será reconocible para los
que llevamos una década en él y caemos, casi con toda seguridad, en la categoría de Dinosaurios del
Felices fiestas y prospero año nuevo para todos los lectores y asistentes a los seminarios, espero poder
seguir contando con ustedes para que nos ayuden a mejorar el contenido de, porque
aunque nosotros tecleemos estas frases, siempre hemos creído, y creemos, que el medio no nos
pertenece, sólo lo gestionamos para los profesionales del sector en América Latina.
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4.- La otra cara de 4G: TD-LTE en Latinoamérica
La tecnología LTE será desplegada en todo el mundo como la mejor opción para la oferta de servicios de
banda ancha inalámbrica fija y móvil. La mayoría de implementaciones las llevarán a cabo los
operadores móviles que utilizarán este tipo de despliegues a través de su espectro FDD. Sin embargo,
LTE tiene un sabor adicional que puede ser de gran utilidad para operadores, en muchos casos fijos, con
activos espectrales TDD, y que gracias a TDD LTE podrán también ofrecer servicios de banda ancha
inalámbrica como complemento a sus operaciones.
Este seminario explorará las tendencias de mercado de LTE en su versión TDD—incluyendo un repaso
al estado de las frecuencias en Latinoamérica— y cómo algunos operadores están utilizando esta
tecnología incluso para migrar de sus activos WiMAX para seguir con su oferta de banda ancha
inalámbrica. Por ello, Nokia Siemens Networks realizará un ejercicio práctico sobre estrategias de
implementación de la tecnología así como comparar las ventajas y desventajas de usarla en espectro
TDD versus FDD.
Además se llevará a cabo un repaso del mercado de terminales para esta versión de la tecnología, ya
que sin duda los dispositivos pueden ser una barrera para poder elaborar un plan de negocios viable
alrededor de TDD LTE. recomienda este seminario a:
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Ejecutivos en el área de planeación de red
Ejecutivos en operadores que ofrecen servicio a través de redes WiMAX
Ejecutivos en las áreas de estrategia en operadores fijos y móviles
Entes reguladores
De:; Registro:
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5.- Cloud predictions for enterprise IT in 2012
Ask around and you’ll hear it over and over again: Enterprise IT shops are worried about using the cloud.
They’re concerned about the security, privacy and governance risks of moving their data and applications
outside their four walls. Cloud vendor lock-in and job security are also major worries for these guys,
though few IT pros will admit to the latter.
Next year will be no different. But instead of keeping the cloud at arms’ length, which many enterprise IT
shops have done this year, 2012 will be the year for taking the plunge. If you’ve been sitting on the fence,
here are some thoughts on what to expect next year that might push you over the edge.
The following are my predictions based on current trends and where I see them leading us. Just some
observations; I have no crystal ball.
Cloud hype ends, disillusion begins
After several years of megalomania, cloud vendors finally settle down and stop trying to prove cloud
computing is real. Enterprise IT gets it: We’re looking at the next model for IT delivery and consumption.
The adoption process becomes a long-term “roadmap” and a slow and safe transition touching every part
of the business. It’s going to be a bumpy road. Watch out for the vendors with professional services arms
who are rubbing their hands together with glee, claiming to you show you the way forward. And channel
guys: Your time is now!
Private clouds create more headaches
To build a private cloud you have to build Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and a component of that is
self-service automation. But how do you architect and govern this? Can anyone jump on your portal and
start knocking out virtual machines (VMs)? How do you control access and manage assets and
ownership? And who in his right mind actually wants chargeback and billing for IT resources? Does that
mean you have to give back the budget you saved?
All these tedious procedural changes still are not as scary as the nasty potential for security breaches in
the public cloud, so enterprises will keep going with private clouds until public clouds become less
frightening. Job protectionism is at play here, too.
Hybrid cloud gets real
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Tightly integrated public and private cloud infrastructure becomes possible in 2012, and many enterprises
will try it. VMware just released vCloud Connector 1.5, which lets users running workloads on internal
VMware infrastructure slide all or part of those workloads into a leased public cloud running the same
infrastructure. With the lions’ share of the enterprise virtualization market, VMware is best positioned to
push this hybrid cloud model into the enterprise.
IaaS wars: AWS vs. VMware vs. OpenStack
And the winner is? We won’t find out in 2012. Amazon will make gazillions more revenue from cloud
computing services than anyone else next year, but VMware and OpenStack public clouds will start to nip
at its heels, especially as enterprise IT heads into cloud.
Consumerization of IT and cloud converge
The bring your own trend entering the workplace is changing the economics of IT by shifting IT assets
from inside the data center, outside, to the cloud -- whether it’s apps like, Dropbox,
WebEx or Google Analytics or devices like smartphones and tablets. Figuring out the total cost of
ownership and management for these new modes of IT consumption will keep forward-looking CIOs on
their toes in 2012.
Expect more cloud security challenges
There will be security breaches in public clouds, but nothing will be big enough to kill the shift toward this
model of computing. There will be no standards next year for security or SLAs. Standards development
organizations move slowly. The best we have to go on is the recent guidelines from NIST.
On-premises email becomes archaic
Software as a Service (SaaS) dominates the technology market now, and in 2012, if you still haven’t
outsourced your email, you are well behind the times. Vendors that provide integration tools to connect
on-premises apps with cloud apps, like Dell Boomi, will soar next year.
Windows 8 is released
But nobody cares that much as we get tired of watching Microsoft struggle to drag its legacy customer
base into the cloud.
London hosts the Olympic Games
London hosts the Olympic Games for the third time -- the most of any Olympic host city in history. The
two-week event takes place amid the largest security operation ever seen in peace-time Europe. The
event is awesome, passes without incident and begins a transformation that will make London once again
the greatest city on Earth. This last item has nothing to do with cloud computing, but it will be something
to which millions are glued next year.
And in case you missed it, this list does not include anything on Platform as a Service (PaaS) or big data,
as these trends have been well documented and do not affect our core audience of IT infrastructure and
operations pros.
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6.- Japan-to-US Backbone Reaches 600 Gbps
NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) has expanded the data-transmission capacity of its global
IP network between Japan and the United States to 600 Gbps. NTT Com's global IP backbones are
connected to fixed and mobile telecom companies, Internet service providers (ISPs), data center
operators and content providers, enabling customers to meet their growing needs for Internet capacity
between Japan and the United States. The network, which is IPv4 and IPv6 dual-stuck, is one of NTT
Com's core IPv6 networks.
Demand for high-capacity bandwidth has been growing rapidly in recent years, reflected in the seven-fold
increase in NTT Com's Japan-U.S. bandwidth between 2005 and 2010. This latest jump - from 500 Gbps
to 600 Gbps in four months - aims to cater to even stronger demand being generated in today's cloud-
computing, micro-blogging, social network and online media-intensive environment.
De: Communication Technology
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7.- Top technology trends to watch in 2012
Mobile technology – With the growing need for more mobile bandwidth, we expect to see several
changes. First, we expect C-RAN architecture to come closer to standardization and may even start to
see initial deployments. This will enable mobile providers to deploy base stations faster, and at a lower
cost. Second, as many analysts predict, we also expect a growing amount of pico and femto cell
deployments which will require some type of backhaul solution. This creates a major paradigm shift where
the bigger investment piece will move from the base station to the backhaul in an all IP or hybrid network.
Cloud – Cloud will continue to create a lot of buzz in 2012. Cloud services are offered by large hosted
cloud service providers (like Amazon and Google) as well as service providers who own the
infrastructure. Some providers have purchased large datacenters while some have built in-house. Service
provider’s focus is on new applications such as web and application server hosting, remote backup,
storage, hosting/caching, and wholesale cloud infrastructure Providers will continue ...
De: TelcoSystems; mas:
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8.- First Giga DSL Prototype: Can Achieve Access Rate of One Gbps per Twisted
[Shenzhen, China, December 14, 2011]: Huawei, a leading global information and communications
technology (ICT) provider, today announced that it successfully launched the industry's first Giga DSL
(Digital Subscriber line) prototype. The Giga DSL system employs time division duplex (TDD) to achieve a
total upstream and downstream rate of 1,000 Mb/s over a single twisted pair.
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In order to address obstacles related to limited bandwidth of FTTB (Fiber to the Building)/FTTC(Fiber to
the Curb) and difficulty in deploying FTTH (Fiber to the Home) drop cables – so that users can enjoy
bandwidth-hungry services such as IPTV and HDTV – optical fiber access points need to be located
closer to users. While, 100 Mbp/s-plus ultra-broadband access can be made available relatively quickly
by utilizing legacy copper line resources, providing 1,000 Mbp/s bandwidth within 100 meters of twisted
pairs using DSL technology is more complex.
By using low-power spectral density in-signal transmission, Huawei's Giga DSL prototype reduces
radiation interference and power consumption, and provides a total upstream and downstream rate of one
Gb/s within 100 meters, and 500 Mb/s-plus within 200 meters - making it a cost-effective option for
telecom operators building ultra-broadband access networks.
Giga DSL is a next-generation access technology solution that growing quickly. In 2011, ITU-T set up a project team dedicated to formulating new standards for ultra-speed access at short distances, the
aim being to achieve 500 Mb/s access rate per twisted pair within 100 meters. Huawei has actively
participated in the work of the team and has become a major technical contributor, having recently
worked to incorporate TDD-OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) as a modulation
Dr. Long Guozhu, Huawei's Principal Expert of DSL technology, said, "Huawei has taken the lead in
developing a Giga DSL prototype because of our rich capabilities and industry-leading technical strengths
in access networks. It was inevitable that spectrum expansion would help us improve the rate of a twisted
pair at a short distance, but after the spectrum is expanded, a technical issue appears: how to design the
high-speed physical layer and high-frequency analog front end (AFE). To tackle this issue, Huawei's FBB
Innovation Lab used the core solution TDD-OFDM, which simplifies the physical-layer architecture and
the AFE design, while at the same time makes it possible to be downward compatible with traditional
ADSL/VDSL2 technologies."
Huawei also recently announced the successful development of the world's first node level vectoring
(NLV) prototype. Huawei's vectoring product provides 100 Mbps access over a single twisted pair in
FTTC/FTTB, and has been tested and commercially trialed with many leading telecom operators. This,
along with the company's latest prototype, Giga DSL, signifies that DSL technology still has great
potential to meet the requirements of broadband users for ultra-high-speed access in the future.
Huawei's advances within Giga DSL will enhance the capabilities of the company's SingleFAN broadband
access solution. Its SingleFAN solution and related offerings are now servicing over one third of the
world's broadband users with ultra-broadband access services.
De: Huawei Press Releases
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9.- Resultados 3Q de Telefónica
Los aspectos más destacados de los resultados del Grupo Telefónica a 30 de septiembre de 2011 son
los siguientes:
Telefónica alcanza 300 millones de accesos a finales de septiembre 2011 y asienta las bases para el
crecimiento futuro de los ingresos de la Compañía:
• El fuerte incremento de la actividad comercial permite aumentar la base de clientes un 6% en
términos interanuales.
• Telefónica Latinoamérica registra niveles récord de ganancia neta y suma 4,9 millones de
nuevos accesos en el tercer trimestre (1,6 veces la obtenida en el tercer trimestre de 2010).
• Los clientes móviles de contrato suponen casi un 50% de la ganancia neta móvil en el conjunto
del año, y la penetración de la banda ancha móvil alcanza el 15% (34 millones de accesos;
+76% interanual).
Los ingresos consolidados se sitúan en 46.672 millones de euros en enero-septiembre de 2011, con un
sólido crecimiento interanual del 5,4%:
• Telefónica Latinoamérica representa el 46% de los ingresos consolidados, manteniéndose como
motor de crecimiento de la Compañía.
• Los ingresos de datos móviles suponen el 30% de los ingresos de servicio móvil y aceleran su
crecimiento hasta el 19,6% orgánico interanual, impulsados por la rápida expansión de los
ingresos no-P2P SMS, que representan el 52% de los ingresos de datos totales.
• Excluyendo el impacto de la reducción de las tarifas de interconexión, los ingresos aumentarían
un 6,8%.
El OIBDA se mantiene estable (+0,1%) en términos subyacentes hasta alcanzar 14.251 millones de
euros en enero-septiembre 2011, a pesar de la mayor actividad comercial y del impacto negativo de la
Telefónica Latinoamérica contribuye el 46% del OIBDA subyacente, cifra que se incrementa hasta el 65%
al sumar la contribución de Telefónica Europa.
• El OIBDA acumulado de Telefónica España mantiene una evolución similar a la del primer
semestre del año (-10,7% interanual en términos comparables).
• La reducción de las tarifas de interconexión resta 149 millones de euros al OIBDA de enero-
septiembre 2011.
• El margen OIBDA subyacente se sitúa en el 35,9%, con una limitada erosión interanual de 1,9
• El flujo de caja generado en enero-septiembre 2011 crece un 11,6% interanual y se sitúa en
5.701 millones de euros.
• La Compañía reitera sus objetivos económico-financieros para 2011 y confirma su política de
remuneración al accionista.
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DE: Acerca de Telefónica
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El Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones de Chile, Jorge Atton, y el Viceministro de Comunicaciones de
Perú, Raúl Pérez Reyes, lideraron en Tacna la primera jornada bilateral de coordinación regulatoria,
que busca reducir o eliminar el roaming fronterizo e interconectar ambos países con una red de alta
capacidad durante el 2012.
Con la puesta en marcha de cinco mesas de trabajo técnico, los Gobiernos de Chile y Perú iniciaron la
coordinación para regular los servicios de roaming telefónico y de datos entre las ciudades fronterizas de
Arica-Tacna y para levantar un plan de interconexión mediante una red de fibra óptica.
Esta primera jornada realizada en la ciudad de Tacna, fue liderada por el Subsecretario de
Telecomunicaciones de Chile, Jorge Atton, y el Viceministro de Comunicaciones de Perú, Raúl Pérez
Los equipos de trabajo acordaron la elaboración de informes técnico-económicos sobre la estructura de
costos de los servicios de roaming en ambas naciones, un análisis legal y propuestas regulatorias para
reducir o eliminar las tarifas actuales que pagan los usuarios.
A su vez, se acordó realizar un levantamiento de información y preparación de un anteproyecto para la
construcción de una red de fibra óptica fronteriza, con financiamiento compartido entre ambos países,
que interconecte a las dos naciones vecinas.
Estas mesas deberán entregar resultados en el mes de marzo 2012, para iniciar las obras de
construcción de la red y definir los cambios regulatorios en el campo del roaming que se ejecutarán
durante el próximo año.
Otras materias abordadas entre los organismos reguladores de telecomunicaciones de Chile y Perú,
fueron las políticas de administración de espectro radioeléctrico para el desarrollo de 4G y TV digital
terrestre; y definiciones normativas para situaciones de emergencia y mensajería corta.
A ello se agrega la implementación de una acción conjunta, que corregirá las actuales interferencias
radiales y televisivas entre las ciudades de Arica y Tacna.
Al respecto, el Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones, Jorge Atton, destacó la voluntad política expresada
por ambos Gobiernos, "para avanzar en los compromisos asumidos por los Ministros de UNASUR hace
un mes en Brasil. Hay un plan sudamericano de interconexión de los países, que se está concretando
con agendas bilaterales y multilaterales como el que hemos coordinado hoy con el Gobierno Peruano,
para unir con Fibra óptica a Arica y Tacna durante el próximo año".
El Subsecretario Atton resaltó también "el sentido de urgencia para ambos gobiernos de bajar
sustancialmente los precios del roaming, para favorecer la integración. Antes que termine nuestro
Gobierno habremos cambiado las condiciones de roaming en la frontera de Arica y Tacna, beneficiando
a cinco millones de viajeros que circulan anualmente entre ambas ciudades. Esta agenda bilateral va a
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marcar pauta en Latinoamérica por la rapidez de los resultados que vamos a obtener en los próximos
doce meses".
DE: Noticias SUBTEL
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11.- Próximos Eventos:
* 14 Feb 2011; Webinar La otra cara de 4G: TD-LTE en Latinoamérica
* February 28, 2012; GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2012 ; Fira de Barcelona
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fam / Diciembre de 2011
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Noticias TEL diciembre 2011

  • 1. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 1/8 Noticias TIC Diciembre 2011 Indice: 1.- Tech Update: Packet Optical Networks. 2.- HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY! 3.- Felices Fiestas y Tendencias 2012 4.- La otra cara de 4G: TD-LTE en Latinoamérica 5.- Cloud predictions for enterprise IT in 2012 6.- Japan-to-US Backbone Reaches 600 Gbps 7.- Top technology trends to watch in 2012 8.- First Giga DSL Prototype: Can Achieve Access Rate of One Gbps per Twisted Pair 9.- Resultados 3Q de Telefónica 10.- GOBIERNOS DE CHILE Y PERÚ INICIAN TRABAJO TÉCNICO PARA REGULAR ROAMING ENTRE ARICA- TACNA Y CONSTRUIR FIBRA ÓPTICA FRONTERIZA. 11.- Próximos Eventos: 1.- Tech Update: Packet Optical Networks. Today’s cable network operators are challenged by constant demands from customers for new services so, naturally, data and video requirements are growing rapidly. With the introduction of high definition (HD) and 3D TV, the network designs for carrying this traffic are under pressure. This situation creates an opportunity for new approaches using emerging technologies. Video-distribution networks often have been router-based: The operator distributes the video traffic using a router network to devices at the edge of the network. This video traffic is forwarded as multicast traffic in the network, and all edge devices see the traffic. However, growing demand for such high-capacity services as HD and 3D TV have driven the need for better distribution technologies that can increase capacity while reducing costs and complexity. One approach that has shown key benefits is to move video distribution into a packet-optical-transport network. Optical-transport networks are easier to manage than are router-based networks, requiring simpler management tools. Router networks need to meet other needs, and they typically are more complex and expensive to implement and manage, thus demanding the attention of senior technical resources. The increasing availability of packet-optical-transport solutions combining Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) transport and Layer 2 switching and aggregation creates a platform for a new approach for video
  • 2. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 2/8 distribution by cable operators. Packet-optical-based solutions rapidly have evolved to meet the needs of service providers migrating from SONET/SDH networks to packet-based Ethernet. A packet-optical device supporting optical transport and Layer 2 switching features can use two standards — IGMPv3 and Source Specific Multicast — to listen to Layer 3 traffic flows, to decide what actions to take and to perform Layer 2 switch function for the broadcast traffic. This enables the traffic to be optimized as required, but it also provides low latency and jitter characteristics for this kind of a transport network. In addition, integrating these capabilities into the transport network without adding a separate layer provides operational simplicity and lower costs. upc cablecom, the largest broadband cable operator in Switzerland, has announced plans to use this capability on a new network serving at least 2.1 million households and approximately 240 smaller broadband cable operators. “By delivering a highly simplified network operation, moving video distribution to the optical layer brings relief to the operators that are faced with the increasing risk of network complexities brought by high volume data transmission,” notes Charanya Balasubramanian, a research analyst at Frost & Sullivan. Packet-optical-network solutions are evolving rapidly in response to industry demand driven by rapid increases in mobile traffic. These new solutions not only will meet those needs, but they also will enable new applications. De: Communications Technology Volver Indice 2.- HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY! Prior to heading out for the holidays I wanted to let you know what we have coming up in 2012 for Communications Technology. We are very excited to be focusing on more daily news opportunities as well as giving our advertisers exclusive opportunities to be thought leaders within the industry. Webcasts Monthly Our Webinars continue to give our subscribers more value-added intelligence in the ways they like to receive it. Average registrations: 300+ • 1x a month • Exclusive sponsorships and topics • Marketing includes: email blasts, banner advertising and more… • Immediate ROI with attendee lists • Hot Topics: TV Everywhere, Revealing CMAP's Potential: A Converged CMTS and EdgeQAM Platform, RF Innovation, Power of GIS, Breaking the Network Cost Barrier, CES Wrap-Up, Ron Hranac Answers Your Questions
  • 3. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 3/8 Communications Technology magazine Quarterly Like the communications industry and all of its component parts – cable, broadcast, wireline, wireless, satellite, utilities, voice, video and data – Communications Technology has been evolving to serve the converging broadband arena. Coverage in 2012 will continue to cut across the cable/telco/wireless playing fields to address business and technical issues important to all these broadband providers. • Frequency: 4x a year. The quarterly edition will be distributed digitally as well as in print for major trade shows. • The digital version offers a full-color, interactive page-turner on our home page that features additional bonus content, videos, pop-ups and more. • Circulation: 40,000+ • Positions: Full pages, ½ pages • Special banner units available for digital version Publish Dates: February; May; July; October Industry Trade Shows/Events Include: CES, NCTC-Winter/Spring; ACA; CTIA; The Cable Show; The Independent Show; FTTH, TelcoTV; SCTE Cable-Tec Expo and CT Awards Cable360 is a portal into all things cable and broadband, connecting you to Communications Technology, CableFAX Daily and CableFAX Magazine. Find news and information on technology, programming, legislation, deployments, marketing and much more. Average Monthly Uniques: 45,000. • Leaderboard (728x90) • Large Skyscraper (160x600 • Medium Skyscraper (160x300) • Content Ad Square (300x250) CT Reports: Daily CT Reports gives subscribers timely and reliable news on the global broadband industry. CT Reports keeps its finger on the pulse of the industry, and sorts through the news and developments – keeping readers on top of all the market intelligence, regulatory changes and competition that impact their businesses. • 5x Insertion – 1 week exclusive • Delivered daily via HTML format • Banner advertising available to multiple advertisers • Circulation: approximately 25,000 subscribers • Positions: Leaderboard, large and small Skyscraper ads and text ads
  • 4. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 4/8 CT Midday Report Biweekly CT Midday Report delves deeply into one specific, newsworthy topic in order to give readers tightly edited information • Single Topic • 2x a month (1x a month will be Ron Hranac at his best) • Exclusive sponsorship • Delivered via email/PDF • Positions: Full Page, SuperStrip Special Reports - CT Tech E-Letters CT Tech E-Letters (single-topic, vendor-branded emails that include a feature story and an executive Q&A) Single Sponsored Email Blasts Exclusive opportunity to target our rich list of readers with your message. Send us the HTML, and we will deliver. Communications Technology Circulation Communications Technology puts your advertising message in front of a 40K+ emedia audience. • 76.8% MSO/ISO/Telecom Carrier subscribers/readers • 70.3% Engineering Management, Engineers and Technical Specialist subscribers/readers De: Volver Indice 3.- Felices Fiestas y Tendencias 2012 Cerramos un años más, y cada vez duele más decirlo porque, inevitablemente, nos hacemos más mayores y la tecnología más joven. El salto generacional es ya aparente y aquellos niños adolescentes que tenían entre 8 y 15 años hace una década, son ahora adultos que guían con su conducta hacia donde se dirige nuestra industria. Yo no tengo duda de que cada vez más estamos en las manos de los más jóvenes y que ellos, con sus cabezas aún libres de interferencias, interpretan los avances tecnológicos y los hacen suyos de formas muy particulares. Es por ello, que con el paso de los años y con la felicidad de las fiestas debemos revisar bien nuestro ideario sobre el sector, porque quedarse en fuera de juego, como en el fútbol, puede se una cuestión de milímetros. Cerramos un año 2011 con muchas novedades en el sector y con la apertura de nuevas avenidas cuyo tráfico viviremos en el año que empieza en menos de dos semanas, cuando nos recuperemos de los excesos gastronómicos y de alguna resaca. Cómo regalo navideño nos hemos tomado, una vez más, la licencia de compilar lo que creemos serán temas importantes en 2012, ya sea porque serán relevantes o
  • 5. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 5/8 porque dejarán de serlo. Este reporte que pueden descargar desde el botón debajo de este texto, es una visión muy particular. Es decir, muchas de las tecnologías algunos operadores pensarán que no les aplican todavía. Sin embargo, no las ignoren, porque son tecnologías que en el futuro o usarán o se tendrán que enfrentarse a ellas, tenerlas en cuenta es casi lo mismo que escuchar a la nueva hornada de usuarios. Por último, antes de despedirme con alguna palabra emotiva hacia los lectores y el equipo de, decirles que curiosamente son los dispositivos, la punta más extrema del negocio quien está cambiando todo. O mejor dicho, los smartphones y tabletas en manos de los usuarios, especialmente los jóvenes, son los que están cambiando las reglas del juego. Dentro de ocho años, cuando esos mismos jóvenes tengan ya treinta y tantos, el sector de las telecomunicaciones puede parecerse al que vemos hoy en día en poco o nada. Por suerte, en 2012 aún será reconocible para los que llevamos una década en él y caemos, casi con toda seguridad, en la categoría de Dinosaurios del sector. Felices fiestas y prospero año nuevo para todos los lectores y asistentes a los seminarios, espero poder seguir contando con ustedes para que nos ayuden a mejorar el contenido de, porque aunque nosotros tecleemos estas frases, siempre hemos creído, y creemos, que el medio no nos pertenece, sólo lo gestionamos para los profesionales del sector en América Latina. De: Volver Indice 4.- La otra cara de 4G: TD-LTE en Latinoamérica La tecnología LTE será desplegada en todo el mundo como la mejor opción para la oferta de servicios de banda ancha inalámbrica fija y móvil. La mayoría de implementaciones las llevarán a cabo los operadores móviles que utilizarán este tipo de despliegues a través de su espectro FDD. Sin embargo, LTE tiene un sabor adicional que puede ser de gran utilidad para operadores, en muchos casos fijos, con activos espectrales TDD, y que gracias a TDD LTE podrán también ofrecer servicios de banda ancha inalámbrica como complemento a sus operaciones. Este seminario explorará las tendencias de mercado de LTE en su versión TDD—incluyendo un repaso al estado de las frecuencias en Latinoamérica— y cómo algunos operadores están utilizando esta tecnología incluso para migrar de sus activos WiMAX para seguir con su oferta de banda ancha inalámbrica. Por ello, Nokia Siemens Networks realizará un ejercicio práctico sobre estrategias de implementación de la tecnología así como comparar las ventajas y desventajas de usarla en espectro TDD versus FDD. Además se llevará a cabo un repaso del mercado de terminales para esta versión de la tecnología, ya que sin duda los dispositivos pueden ser una barrera para poder elaborar un plan de negocios viable alrededor de TDD LTE. recomienda este seminario a:
  • 6. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 6/8 Ejecutivos en el área de planeación de red Ejecutivos en operadores que ofrecen servicio a través de redes WiMAX Ejecutivos en las áreas de estrategia en operadores fijos y móviles Entes reguladores De:; Registro: latinoamerica/ Volver Indice 5.- Cloud predictions for enterprise IT in 2012 Ask around and you’ll hear it over and over again: Enterprise IT shops are worried about using the cloud. They’re concerned about the security, privacy and governance risks of moving their data and applications outside their four walls. Cloud vendor lock-in and job security are also major worries for these guys, though few IT pros will admit to the latter. Next year will be no different. But instead of keeping the cloud at arms’ length, which many enterprise IT shops have done this year, 2012 will be the year for taking the plunge. If you’ve been sitting on the fence, here are some thoughts on what to expect next year that might push you over the edge. The following are my predictions based on current trends and where I see them leading us. Just some observations; I have no crystal ball. Cloud hype ends, disillusion begins After several years of megalomania, cloud vendors finally settle down and stop trying to prove cloud computing is real. Enterprise IT gets it: We’re looking at the next model for IT delivery and consumption. The adoption process becomes a long-term “roadmap” and a slow and safe transition touching every part of the business. It’s going to be a bumpy road. Watch out for the vendors with professional services arms who are rubbing their hands together with glee, claiming to you show you the way forward. And channel guys: Your time is now! Private clouds create more headaches To build a private cloud you have to build Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and a component of that is self-service automation. But how do you architect and govern this? Can anyone jump on your portal and start knocking out virtual machines (VMs)? How do you control access and manage assets and ownership? And who in his right mind actually wants chargeback and billing for IT resources? Does that mean you have to give back the budget you saved? All these tedious procedural changes still are not as scary as the nasty potential for security breaches in the public cloud, so enterprises will keep going with private clouds until public clouds become less frightening. Job protectionism is at play here, too. Hybrid cloud gets real
  • 7. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 7/8 Tightly integrated public and private cloud infrastructure becomes possible in 2012, and many enterprises will try it. VMware just released vCloud Connector 1.5, which lets users running workloads on internal VMware infrastructure slide all or part of those workloads into a leased public cloud running the same infrastructure. With the lions’ share of the enterprise virtualization market, VMware is best positioned to push this hybrid cloud model into the enterprise. IaaS wars: AWS vs. VMware vs. OpenStack And the winner is? We won’t find out in 2012. Amazon will make gazillions more revenue from cloud computing services than anyone else next year, but VMware and OpenStack public clouds will start to nip at its heels, especially as enterprise IT heads into cloud. Consumerization of IT and cloud converge The bring your own trend entering the workplace is changing the economics of IT by shifting IT assets from inside the data center, outside, to the cloud -- whether it’s apps like, Dropbox, WebEx or Google Analytics or devices like smartphones and tablets. Figuring out the total cost of ownership and management for these new modes of IT consumption will keep forward-looking CIOs on their toes in 2012. Expect more cloud security challenges There will be security breaches in public clouds, but nothing will be big enough to kill the shift toward this model of computing. There will be no standards next year for security or SLAs. Standards development organizations move slowly. The best we have to go on is the recent guidelines from NIST. On-premises email becomes archaic Software as a Service (SaaS) dominates the technology market now, and in 2012, if you still haven’t outsourced your email, you are well behind the times. Vendors that provide integration tools to connect on-premises apps with cloud apps, like Dell Boomi, will soar next year. Windows 8 is released But nobody cares that much as we get tired of watching Microsoft struggle to drag its legacy customer base into the cloud. London hosts the Olympic Games London hosts the Olympic Games for the third time -- the most of any Olympic host city in history. The two-week event takes place amid the largest security operation ever seen in peace-time Europe. The event is awesome, passes without incident and begins a transformation that will make London once again the greatest city on Earth. This last item has nothing to do with cloud computing, but it will be something to which millions are glued next year. And in case you missed it, this list does not include anything on Platform as a Service (PaaS) or big data, as these trends have been well documented and do not affect our core audience of IT infrastructure and operations pros. De:
  • 8. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 8/8 Volver Indice 6.- Japan-to-US Backbone Reaches 600 Gbps NTT Communications Corporation (NTT Com) has expanded the data-transmission capacity of its global IP network between Japan and the United States to 600 Gbps. NTT Com's global IP backbones are connected to fixed and mobile telecom companies, Internet service providers (ISPs), data center operators and content providers, enabling customers to meet their growing needs for Internet capacity between Japan and the United States. The network, which is IPv4 and IPv6 dual-stuck, is one of NTT Com's core IPv6 networks. Demand for high-capacity bandwidth has been growing rapidly in recent years, reflected in the seven-fold increase in NTT Com's Japan-U.S. bandwidth between 2005 and 2010. This latest jump - from 500 Gbps to 600 Gbps in four months - aims to cater to even stronger demand being generated in today's cloud- computing, micro-blogging, social network and online media-intensive environment. De: Communication Technology Volver Indice 7.- Top technology trends to watch in 2012 Mobile technology – With the growing need for more mobile bandwidth, we expect to see several changes. First, we expect C-RAN architecture to come closer to standardization and may even start to see initial deployments. This will enable mobile providers to deploy base stations faster, and at a lower cost. Second, as many analysts predict, we also expect a growing amount of pico and femto cell deployments which will require some type of backhaul solution. This creates a major paradigm shift where the bigger investment piece will move from the base station to the backhaul in an all IP or hybrid network. Cloud – Cloud will continue to create a lot of buzz in 2012. Cloud services are offered by large hosted cloud service providers (like Amazon and Google) as well as service providers who own the infrastructure. Some providers have purchased large datacenters while some have built in-house. Service provider’s focus is on new applications such as web and application server hosting, remote backup, storage, hosting/caching, and wholesale cloud infrastructure Providers will continue ... De: TelcoSystems; mas: Volver Indice 8.- First Giga DSL Prototype: Can Achieve Access Rate of One Gbps per Twisted Pair [Shenzhen, China, December 14, 2011]: Huawei, a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) provider, today announced that it successfully launched the industry's first Giga DSL (Digital Subscriber line) prototype. The Giga DSL system employs time division duplex (TDD) to achieve a total upstream and downstream rate of 1,000 Mb/s over a single twisted pair.
  • 9. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 9/8 In order to address obstacles related to limited bandwidth of FTTB (Fiber to the Building)/FTTC(Fiber to the Curb) and difficulty in deploying FTTH (Fiber to the Home) drop cables – so that users can enjoy bandwidth-hungry services such as IPTV and HDTV – optical fiber access points need to be located closer to users. While, 100 Mbp/s-plus ultra-broadband access can be made available relatively quickly by utilizing legacy copper line resources, providing 1,000 Mbp/s bandwidth within 100 meters of twisted pairs using DSL technology is more complex. By using low-power spectral density in-signal transmission, Huawei's Giga DSL prototype reduces radiation interference and power consumption, and provides a total upstream and downstream rate of one Gb/s within 100 meters, and 500 Mb/s-plus within 200 meters - making it a cost-effective option for telecom operators building ultra-broadband access networks. Giga DSL is a next-generation access technology solution that growing quickly. In 2011, ITU-T set up a project team dedicated to formulating new standards for ultra-speed access at short distances, the aim being to achieve 500 Mb/s access rate per twisted pair within 100 meters. Huawei has actively participated in the work of the team and has become a major technical contributor, having recently worked to incorporate TDD-OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) as a modulation mode. Dr. Long Guozhu, Huawei's Principal Expert of DSL technology, said, "Huawei has taken the lead in developing a Giga DSL prototype because of our rich capabilities and industry-leading technical strengths in access networks. It was inevitable that spectrum expansion would help us improve the rate of a twisted pair at a short distance, but after the spectrum is expanded, a technical issue appears: how to design the high-speed physical layer and high-frequency analog front end (AFE). To tackle this issue, Huawei's FBB Innovation Lab used the core solution TDD-OFDM, which simplifies the physical-layer architecture and the AFE design, while at the same time makes it possible to be downward compatible with traditional ADSL/VDSL2 technologies." Huawei also recently announced the successful development of the world's first node level vectoring (NLV) prototype. Huawei's vectoring product provides 100 Mbps access over a single twisted pair in FTTC/FTTB, and has been tested and commercially trialed with many leading telecom operators. This, along with the company's latest prototype, Giga DSL, signifies that DSL technology still has great potential to meet the requirements of broadband users for ultra-high-speed access in the future. Huawei's advances within Giga DSL will enhance the capabilities of the company's SingleFAN broadband access solution. Its SingleFAN solution and related offerings are now servicing over one third of the world's broadband users with ultra-broadband access services. De: Huawei Press Releases Volver Indice
  • 10. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 10/8 9.- Resultados 3Q de Telefónica Los aspectos más destacados de los resultados del Grupo Telefónica a 30 de septiembre de 2011 son los siguientes: Telefónica alcanza 300 millones de accesos a finales de septiembre 2011 y asienta las bases para el crecimiento futuro de los ingresos de la Compañía: • El fuerte incremento de la actividad comercial permite aumentar la base de clientes un 6% en términos interanuales. • Telefónica Latinoamérica registra niveles récord de ganancia neta y suma 4,9 millones de nuevos accesos en el tercer trimestre (1,6 veces la obtenida en el tercer trimestre de 2010). • Los clientes móviles de contrato suponen casi un 50% de la ganancia neta móvil en el conjunto del año, y la penetración de la banda ancha móvil alcanza el 15% (34 millones de accesos; +76% interanual). Los ingresos consolidados se sitúan en 46.672 millones de euros en enero-septiembre de 2011, con un sólido crecimiento interanual del 5,4%: • Telefónica Latinoamérica representa el 46% de los ingresos consolidados, manteniéndose como motor de crecimiento de la Compañía. • Los ingresos de datos móviles suponen el 30% de los ingresos de servicio móvil y aceleran su crecimiento hasta el 19,6% orgánico interanual, impulsados por la rápida expansión de los ingresos no-P2P SMS, que representan el 52% de los ingresos de datos totales. • Excluyendo el impacto de la reducción de las tarifas de interconexión, los ingresos aumentarían un 6,8%. El OIBDA se mantiene estable (+0,1%) en términos subyacentes hasta alcanzar 14.251 millones de euros en enero-septiembre 2011, a pesar de la mayor actividad comercial y del impacto negativo de la regulación: Telefónica Latinoamérica contribuye el 46% del OIBDA subyacente, cifra que se incrementa hasta el 65% al sumar la contribución de Telefónica Europa. • El OIBDA acumulado de Telefónica España mantiene una evolución similar a la del primer semestre del año (-10,7% interanual en términos comparables). • La reducción de las tarifas de interconexión resta 149 millones de euros al OIBDA de enero- septiembre 2011. • El margen OIBDA subyacente se sitúa en el 35,9%, con una limitada erosión interanual de 1,9 p.p. • El flujo de caja generado en enero-septiembre 2011 crece un 11,6% interanual y se sitúa en 5.701 millones de euros. • La Compañía reitera sus objetivos económico-financieros para 2011 y confirma su política de remuneración al accionista.
  • 11. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 11/8 DE: Acerca de Telefónica Volver Indice 10.- GOBIERNOS DE CHILE Y PERÚ INICIAN TRABAJO TÉCNICO PARA REGULAR ROAMING ENTRE ARICA-TACNA Y CONSTRUIR FIBRA ÓPTICA FRONTERIZA. El Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones de Chile, Jorge Atton, y el Viceministro de Comunicaciones de Perú, Raúl Pérez Reyes, lideraron en Tacna la primera jornada bilateral de coordinación regulatoria, que busca reducir o eliminar el roaming fronterizo e interconectar ambos países con una red de alta capacidad durante el 2012. Con la puesta en marcha de cinco mesas de trabajo técnico, los Gobiernos de Chile y Perú iniciaron la coordinación para regular los servicios de roaming telefónico y de datos entre las ciudades fronterizas de Arica-Tacna y para levantar un plan de interconexión mediante una red de fibra óptica. Esta primera jornada realizada en la ciudad de Tacna, fue liderada por el Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones de Chile, Jorge Atton, y el Viceministro de Comunicaciones de Perú, Raúl Pérez Reyes. Los equipos de trabajo acordaron la elaboración de informes técnico-económicos sobre la estructura de costos de los servicios de roaming en ambas naciones, un análisis legal y propuestas regulatorias para reducir o eliminar las tarifas actuales que pagan los usuarios. A su vez, se acordó realizar un levantamiento de información y preparación de un anteproyecto para la construcción de una red de fibra óptica fronteriza, con financiamiento compartido entre ambos países, que interconecte a las dos naciones vecinas. Estas mesas deberán entregar resultados en el mes de marzo 2012, para iniciar las obras de construcción de la red y definir los cambios regulatorios en el campo del roaming que se ejecutarán durante el próximo año. Otras materias abordadas entre los organismos reguladores de telecomunicaciones de Chile y Perú, fueron las políticas de administración de espectro radioeléctrico para el desarrollo de 4G y TV digital terrestre; y definiciones normativas para situaciones de emergencia y mensajería corta. A ello se agrega la implementación de una acción conjunta, que corregirá las actuales interferencias radiales y televisivas entre las ciudades de Arica y Tacna. Al respecto, el Subsecretario de Telecomunicaciones, Jorge Atton, destacó la voluntad política expresada por ambos Gobiernos, "para avanzar en los compromisos asumidos por los Ministros de UNASUR hace un mes en Brasil. Hay un plan sudamericano de interconexión de los países, que se está concretando con agendas bilaterales y multilaterales como el que hemos coordinado hoy con el Gobierno Peruano, para unir con Fibra óptica a Arica y Tacna durante el próximo año". El Subsecretario Atton resaltó también "el sentido de urgencia para ambos gobiernos de bajar sustancialmente los precios del roaming, para favorecer la integración. Antes que termine nuestro Gobierno habremos cambiado las condiciones de roaming en la frontera de Arica y Tacna, beneficiando a cinco millones de viajeros que circulan anualmente entre ambas ciudades. Esta agenda bilateral va a
  • 12. fam’s teleco news (Año2-Nº9/Diciembre 2011.) 12/8 marcar pauta en Latinoamérica por la rapidez de los resultados que vamos a obtener en los próximos doce meses". DE: Noticias SUBTEL Volver Indice 11.- Próximos Eventos: * 14 Feb 2011; Webinar La otra cara de 4G: TD-LTE en Latinoamérica * February 28, 2012; GSMA Global Mobile Awards 2012 ; Fira de Barcelona Volver Indice fam / Diciembre de 2011 Serán bienvenidos sus comentarios a: Presentaciones Técnicas disponibles para consulta y Noticias de meses previos en: Debe estar registrado como usuario. COMPARTA CON SUS COLABORADORES Y COLEGAS <<<<****>>>>