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“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Prof: Dr. Durga Surekha
NEAA – “No Excuse for Animal Abuse”
Group No. 22
Aarushi Bhatt - 01
Kanchan Adil - 26
Pankaj Khemka - 35
Nishant Srivastava - 51
Nidhi Madaan - 98
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Table of Contents
Sr. No. Topic Page No.
1 Abstract 3
2 Introduction 5
3 Project 8
4 Methodology 10
5 Recommendations 14
6 Learning Experience 16
7 SWOT Analysis 18
8 Appendix
i. Survey Statistics 20
ii. Experiences and memories 21
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Background: NEAA is an NGO which was founded on April 22, 2015 by four individuals, who
came together to fight against the various atrocities the voiceless go through every single day.
There is this one common goal which has united them and they have pledged their time and
sincere efforts to, and that is to eradicate Animal abuse. This NGO wish to spread awareness,
treat the sick, free the captive and rehome the homeless. It's a humble attempt at spreading
harmony in the society and helping the vulnerable out.
Project Objective and Scope: It objective is include Promoting Animal Birth Control program
and discouraging brutal extermination of stray animals, Rescue of abused animals, Lobbying for
amendments to existing animal protection laws in India, to make them effective and Creating
awareness amongst people for animal related issues; for example, commercial breeding and
exploitation of animals, animals in zoos, conditions of enslaved elephants etc.
Project Profile: Our method of creating awareness among people was proper banners. Other
social media was revitalized by us such as Facebook page of NEAA. Another method of creating
awareness was by circulating banners both online and offline. In case of any distress calls a
helpline number and space to provide details of animal cruelty incident was provided on their
website. For those who were interested to join or volunteer this NGO can simply do that by just
filling few details in the form provided by us on website:
Learning Experiences: We had wonderful experience while working with volunteers of NEAA
as well as working for animals. We always heard that it feels great to help others and keep others
safe whether they are human beings or animals and we really felt that when we protected them
from every kind of abuse towards them.
Recommendations: We recommended after working and realising what much better can be
done by them further is that as they provide adoption campaign which can be converted into
better adoption centre where individual can come and see and choose whom they want as their
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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pet and as they don’t have proper animal care centre which can be created so that whenever such
animals come till they are adopted can stay in better place where proper check-ups and treatment
of them can be done. They can also conduct a vaccination setup for animals in a month which
will be of cheaper rates as compare to outside and also there is no such proper medical care
facilities available everywhere so with this it will be comfortable for nearby people to come on
regular basis. We have also seen through surveys that people need proper training regarding
handle and care of animals so they can also provide training to those people who come and adopt
from this NGO.
Perception Before: To get the insights of NEAA, and also develop sensitivity towards dogs, cats
and other animals.
Perception After: Was able to use our strengths for the welfare of animals, even in smallest
contributions. Also all the team members developed love and affection towards animals. This
filled us with lots of positive and happy feelings which can only be experienced and cannot be
expressed in words.
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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As per the Indian tradition and culture, animals always had a respect and a special place in
society. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism have always preached kindness and compassion to
animals. Each Hindu God or Goddess is seen with an animal. Lord Krishna was a shepherd and
is seen with a cow, Lord Rama with the monkeys, Lord Vishnu with the eagle and the snake,
Lord Shiva with a snake around his neck and the bull 'Nandi' at his feet, Goddess Saraswati
goddess of wisdom and literacy is seen with swan. Goddess Amba symbol of power riding a
tiger, Lord Dattatraya always has dogs at his feet, and so on. The foundation of Buddhism and
Jainism is 'Ahimsa' or 'non-violence', not only towards fellow humans and animals, but also to
every living creature including an insect.
With such rich culture and heritage, where kindness and compassion were the foundation of
society, there was no need for animal welfare organizations, as each home was an animal welfare
institution by itself. Every home had cattle in the back yard. The bullocks worked in the fields
alongside the farmer, the cows and buffaloes provided milk to the family, but only after the
calves have had their fill. Dogs and cats lived inside the homes as members of the family. The
hen lived happily in the front yard and provided the family with eggs. Leather was made from
the hides of only dead animals. Thus it was a beautiful picture of co-existence of animals and
humans. But today times have changed. With population explosion, urbanization and
consumerism catching up, animals are easy prey for human greed. They are soft targets for
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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anyone trying to make a quick buck, and prime candidates for exploitation. With this mission
NEAA started its mission to work for welfare of voiceless animals.
NEAA is an NGO which was founded on April 22,2015 by four individuals, who came together
to fight against the various atrocities the voiceless go through every single day. There is this one
common goal which has united them and they have pledged their time and sincere efforts to, and
that is to eradicate Animal abuse.
This NGO wish to spread awareness, treat the sick, free the captive and rehome the homeless. It's
a humble attempt at spreading harmony in the society and helping the vulnerable out.
Spreading awareness about the topic to inform families and individuals about animal abuse in the
society. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the horrors behind the scenes. Starting or
joining a local protest in the community can help inform others about the severity of animal
It aims at:
 Promoting Animal Birth Control program and discouraging brutal extermination of stray
 Rescue of abused animals.
 Promoting vegetarianism.
 Lobbying for amendments to existing animal protection laws in India, to make them
 Creating awareness amongst people for animal related issues; for example, commercial
breeding and exploitation of animals, animals in zoos, conditions of enslaved elephants
Animals deserve rights, regardless of how they taste or how convenient it is to experiment on
them. Like humans, animals are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own
lives. They are not ours to use for food, clothing, experimentation or entertainment.
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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This NGO can help you make a difference for animals. You just need the desire to generate
positive change and to believe that your voice and actions matter. We are here to help you every
step of the way!
Some activists focus on one issue, while others speak out on several different topics. The choice
is yours. The important thing is that you do something, not assume that someone else will take
care of it.
Though killing or torturing humans is considered to be a crime instantaneously, many amongst
us perhaps pay mute witnesses to incidences of animal cruelty happening all around us. The fact
is that laws do exist in this country of ours for protection of cruelty towards animals. There are
many laws for protection of animals but few people and even fewer policemen and lawyers are
aware of these laws and in the wake of human ignorance on these laws, animals are helpless and
fall victims to needs and deeds of we as a team want to protect those stray animals
especially who are not considered or cared by anyone and not even adopted. We want to do
something for those animals who are neglected by an adoption camp which we organise
occasionally for such animals and we keep check on them those who adopt so to see animals are
properly taken care of or not.
• NEAA – No Excuse for Animal
• Devise and support reasonable
solutions to animal welfare
Area of
• Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai.
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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 We were given animal rescue projects and also to arrange adoption drive for them and to
take care of them.
 We were given work to create a website.
 We were told to go on rescue missions in different areas of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai
and we went to Belapur for rescue mission and then adoption camp was organised by our
NGO for rescued animals.
 We were told to create Facebook page.
 We were given work to create social awareness online as well as offline by creating
banners and online posts.
 We were having adoption drive on 24th and 25th December and all those rescued animals
were adopted by people.
 Our main project was to deal with the ones who don’t have voice and to understand their
 We also created questionnaire and we circulated it among people to get an idea about
what do an individual feels and think about animals and then we did surveys by talking to
people and also by sending links of questionnaire.
The challenges faced by our term during the project was Firstly, NGO doesn’t have proper
infrastructure facilities where animals that are rescued and brought doesn’t have place to keep
them safely. They are running GO for good cause but the main thing is missing “home to stay”
which is lacking here so if a well home is built for animals then it will be easy to keep them and
necessary requirements can also be fulfilled. Secondly, this NGO is completely dependent on
volunteers and no proper head or in charge or some departments is there who can keep a proper
check on every activity. Thirdly there has been an increasing awareness of the need to include
animals, and animal owners, in disaster and emergency planning, and as such there have been
various attempts to develop plans and guidelines regarding pet, wild and livestock animals in
emergency situations. However, there is some confusion as to the responsibilities and
coordination of the relevant stakeholders who encounter the human-animal interface in
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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emergencies. Understanding where the confusion and challenges lie will help develop best
practice approaches for animal welfare emergency management. Still people are there who
ignores these problem because of the mind-sets that they are wild animals and can harm anyone,
people never think about they feel what they want, do they need shelter, do they need food, love
and care is fat apart, so that’s the things which is major prevailing in our society.
We Believe that:
 Treating animals differently from humans, is akin to racism and sexism
 Being immune to the pain and suffering of animals means that one's soul has not yet
 A civilized society, is one where there is zero tolerance to abuse and cruelty of any kind
to animals
Our Commitment to our animal friends:
Maybe we are not doing enough for you, but we are doing our best; leaving no stone unturned
within our limited capacities. Bear with us...and we will not give up till our last breath doing
what we know best to do....taking care of you. We love you all!
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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This center is home to a range of animals including dogs and cats, many of whom have been
rescued from the streets of Mumbai. Volunteers will carry out a variety of different roles
depending on the needs of the project at the time. Volunteers may be involved in:
 daily sessions in the dog areas- comforting, bathing, feeding and walking
 one to one time with paralyzed and recently injured dogs
 caring for animals after their initial treatments
 cleaning the animal enclosures and preparing food
 assisting the vets and nurses
 helping the local team care for abandoned puppies
 monitoring the animals and helping with their rehabilitation
 work alongside the local team giving physical and hydro-therapy to disabled animals
Volunteers provide hands-on help and care to the many animals on site like Adoption Camp and
off sites like in websites, banner-making and survey conducted.
Methodology of operations or functioning of this NGO is quite different from other traditional or
conventional NGOs working for the same purpose since this is a much of youth based organised
NGOs having young volunteers. We used online method to get most of the details and also the
main work of creating a website was online work.
Our method of creating awareness among people was proper banners. Other social media was
revitalized by us such as Facebook page of NEAA. Another method of creating awareness was
by circulating banners both online and offline. In case of any distress calls a helpline number and
space to provide details of animal cruelty incident was provided on their website. For those who
were interested to join or volunteer this NGO can simply do that by just filling few details in the
form provided by us on website:
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Day 1- We went to the NEAA office at Ghatkopar for induction to get brief insights about the
NGO and its functioning.
Day 2- Got to know the agenda of what needs to be done for the project.
Day 3- Started preparing the website for the NGO. And also facebook page was newly created to
grab the most number of eyes.
Day 4- Was informed about the further chores of the NGO such as going for rescue missions,
going for adoption camps.
Day 5- Did an in depth survey about the animal related activities at various places in the Nerul
Day 6- Went for the adoption camp at the centre to actually conduct the adoption for the people
interested and survey was also conducted.
Day 7- Analysed the pattern of adoption and also advised diet plans for the pets adopted.
Day 8 & 9- Went for rescue missions at places like Vashi, Nerul and Thane.
Day 10- We were given time to choose an animal and spend time with them by doing small
CSR Model:
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Our Approach:
Website: Created by us.
Rescue Mission
Facebook Page
Adoption Camp
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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It is quite common to see community dogs or cats living in residential colonies. This is because
due to very fast urbanization all the open spaces are getting used up for construction of
residential complexes, and the animals like dogs and cats living on these open areas are getting
displaced. The residents that occupy these residential buildings find these animals to be a
nuisance and want them evicted.
In this situation, animal welfare in India takes on a whole new meaning. With so many animal
issues and so many animals on the streets, the need of the day is to have several animal welfare
societies in each community, whereas there is only one full-fledged hospital in whole Mumbai
city which is not at all sufficient to look after all the sick and injured animals. NGOs who are
running the ABC centres also treat the sick, injured animals or house the abandon animals with
very meagre means and facilities. The Government of India is trying to encourage setting up of
an SPCA in each District of the country, but there are few takers. NEAA India also has a project
on the agenda to build an animal hospital with latest technology and equipment.
We felt great and compassionate towards animals while working ten days in the NGO. We serve
as the helping hands to protect and take care of them. Working with them altruistically for those
beautiful creatures was the best time but some of the things which we recommended after
working and realising what much better can be done by them further is that as they provide
adoption campaign which can be converted into better adoption centre where individual can
come and see and choose whom they want as their pet and as they don’t have proper animal care
centre which can be created so that whenever such animals come till they are adopted can stay in
better place where proper check-ups and treatment of them can be done. They can also conduct a
vaccination setup for animals in a month which will be of cheaper rates as compare to outside
and also there is no such proper medical care facilities available everywhere so with this it will
be comfortable for nearby people to come on regular basis. We have also seen through surveys
that people need proper training regarding handle and care of animals so they can also provide
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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training to those people who come and adopt from this NGO. Apart from that proper awareness
on a regular basis is required and should actively create awareness through social media.
Our target of sterilizing 400 dogs per month has been achieved. We have also spread our wings
to other territories like Navi Mumbai and Neral, and also started a 'Free Mobile Clinic for Street
Now NGO future plans include construction of a cat runner, an aviary for injured birds, a puppy
pen and an OPD at Deonar Centre. We also plan to expand the Ghatkopar center to have
additional kennels, to house cases of ill or injured animals that cannot be neglected.
NGO most ambitious project is to start a hospital for animals, where all animals that need
treatment - including small animals, birds and large animals like cats, dogs and birds can receive
excellent treatment."
However the immediate item on our agenda is Free Mobile Clinic for Navi Mumbai. In the
second phase facilities for treatment to animals like cats and dogs is on the agenda. Thereafter
will come the 'x-ray Unit' and a basic 'Pathology Lab'. When this happens NEAA will be a full-
fledged mini hospital for animals in the Western suburb of Mumbai.
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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We had wonderful experience while working with volunteers of NEAA as well as working for
animals. We always heard that it feels great to help others and keep others safe whether they are
human beings or animals and we really felt that when we protected them from every kind of
abuse towards them.
When we first started volunteering at our NGO-animal shelter, we was told that we should go
through the cat handling training as soon as we could because no one seems to want to deal with
cats. Now, this could be from cat allergies or some other innocuous reason, but we were shocked
being the fervent cat lover that we are now. We were in disbelief until we signed up for cat
training and went for volunteering the next day: practically no one was in the cat “tent” helping
them, petting them, or tending to them. Sure, the staffs were there, but they have other duties on
hand and do not have time to just give the cats love.
When first starting out as a volunteer, shelters often restrict you from walking or fraternizing
with bigger dogs because of obvious reasons, but as a result, these dogs do not get walked as
much even though they are the ones that need it the most. When we see them in their cages just
longing to go on a walk, begging to be given just a small pat on the head or a belly rub while the
Chihuahuas and dachshunds get all the attention. The small ones may be cute and portable, but
the big ones still need love and never get enough of it.
The main thing which we have learned from this internship is to keep ourselves involved in all
these kinds of social work as it make us realise how beautiful our life become when we are their
foe others in need and it gives us a ray of hope as well as the blessed feeling which is not at all
easy to get these days.
NEAA made us realise that how innocent animals are and how they badly need someone to make
them happy as well as how they can make us happy. We learned how to make website and it was
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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great learning for us. We created banners for awareness of animals. We created facebook page
for promotion of our NGO.
Most important thing which we learned is humanity which can’t be forgotten by us and love for
animals and the way we were treated by them was speechless.
As it is rightly said “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man
again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” “The greatness of a nation
and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.
During the time, when we were at Adoption centre we met this cute black and white kitten one
day while volunteering, and we decided to help them out or make them appear more adoptable.
His name was Rio, and all he huddled in the corner of a shoe box shaking whenever someone
would come up to his kennel, but he didn’t do that with us. When we would come over to open
his cage and pet him, he stayed in his box, yes, but he would deeply peer into my eyes. We could
feel a connection between us. He eventually let me hold him, and that was quite an
accomplishment for me. After a while, he was more gregarious, letting people pet him with their
finger stuck through his kennel’s holes, purring when stroked. He was a completely different cat
by the time we were done with him, but then, he got adopted.
At NEAA, we believe that our moral duty as humane individuals is to help & assist the animals
to the best of our ability. We have no major philosophies, but we believe that animals have a
right to food, shelter, comfort, love and life like we do. We were perhaps born to alleviate the
suffering of these neglected, abused, four legged; slithering and feathered friends...our co-
inhabitants, who came to this planet before us, our soul mates from the animal kingdom.
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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SWOT Analysis
As this NGO has major involvement of youth which means new innovations and ideas are
always welcome and what could be best done for those stray animals where new ideas will help
them to live healthy and carefree. It’s clearly depicted from the owners itself who are youth and
actively involved in saving these beautiful creatures and getting new homes and families where
they could be best taken care of. So involvement of youth has played a major role in creating
awareness for those animals in rescuing them and then giving a new birth that is filled with love
and care.
Firstly, NGO doesn’t have proper infrastructure facilities where animals that are rescued and
brought doesn’t have place to keep them safely. They are running NGO for good cause but the
main thing is missing “home to stay” which is lacking here so if a well home is built for animals
then it will be easy to keep them and necessary requirements can also be fulfilled. Secondly, this
NGO is completely dependent on volunteers and no proper head or in charge or some
departments are there who can keep a proper check on every activity.
Still people are there who ignores these problem because of the mind-sets that they are wild
animals and can harm anyone, people never think about they feel what they want, do they need
shelter, do they need food, love and care is fat apart, so that’s the things which is major
prevailing in our society.
Most important thing right now is to create awareness among people regarding their life the way
they love and spent time alone and roaming here and there and especially those who are
physically hurt and how to manage in such conditions. Through social media platform where
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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nowadays people are highly involved it is easy to choose this to create awareness among people.
So involvement of youth with new ideas will bring great opportunities for them.
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Secondary Data:
Primary Data:
Awareness about NEAA
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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Experiences and memories
“Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.”
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  • 1. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 1 NGO INTERNSHIP REPORT Prof: Dr. Durga Surekha NEAA – “No Excuse for Animal Abuse” SIESCOMS PGDM 2016 - 18 Group No. 22 Aarushi Bhatt - 01 Kanchan Adil - 26 Pankaj Khemka - 35 Nishant Srivastava - 51 Nidhi Madaan - 98
  • 2. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 2 Table of Contents Sr. No. Topic Page No. 1 Abstract 3 2 Introduction 5 3 Project 8 4 Methodology 10 5 Recommendations 14 6 Learning Experience 16 7 SWOT Analysis 18 8 Appendix i. Survey Statistics 20 ii. Experiences and memories 21
  • 3. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 3 ABSTRACT Background: NEAA is an NGO which was founded on April 22, 2015 by four individuals, who came together to fight against the various atrocities the voiceless go through every single day. There is this one common goal which has united them and they have pledged their time and sincere efforts to, and that is to eradicate Animal abuse. This NGO wish to spread awareness, treat the sick, free the captive and rehome the homeless. It's a humble attempt at spreading harmony in the society and helping the vulnerable out. Project Objective and Scope: It objective is include Promoting Animal Birth Control program and discouraging brutal extermination of stray animals, Rescue of abused animals, Lobbying for amendments to existing animal protection laws in India, to make them effective and Creating awareness amongst people for animal related issues; for example, commercial breeding and exploitation of animals, animals in zoos, conditions of enslaved elephants etc. Project Profile: Our method of creating awareness among people was proper banners. Other social media was revitalized by us such as Facebook page of NEAA. Another method of creating awareness was by circulating banners both online and offline. In case of any distress calls a helpline number and space to provide details of animal cruelty incident was provided on their website. For those who were interested to join or volunteer this NGO can simply do that by just filling few details in the form provided by us on website: Learning Experiences: We had wonderful experience while working with volunteers of NEAA as well as working for animals. We always heard that it feels great to help others and keep others safe whether they are human beings or animals and we really felt that when we protected them from every kind of abuse towards them. Recommendations: We recommended after working and realising what much better can be done by them further is that as they provide adoption campaign which can be converted into better adoption centre where individual can come and see and choose whom they want as their
  • 4. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 4 pet and as they don’t have proper animal care centre which can be created so that whenever such animals come till they are adopted can stay in better place where proper check-ups and treatment of them can be done. They can also conduct a vaccination setup for animals in a month which will be of cheaper rates as compare to outside and also there is no such proper medical care facilities available everywhere so with this it will be comfortable for nearby people to come on regular basis. We have also seen through surveys that people need proper training regarding handle and care of animals so they can also provide training to those people who come and adopt from this NGO. Perception Before: To get the insights of NEAA, and also develop sensitivity towards dogs, cats and other animals. Perception After: Was able to use our strengths for the welfare of animals, even in smallest contributions. Also all the team members developed love and affection towards animals. This filled us with lots of positive and happy feelings which can only be experienced and cannot be expressed in words.
  • 5. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 5 INTRODUCTION As per the Indian tradition and culture, animals always had a respect and a special place in society. Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism have always preached kindness and compassion to animals. Each Hindu God or Goddess is seen with an animal. Lord Krishna was a shepherd and is seen with a cow, Lord Rama with the monkeys, Lord Vishnu with the eagle and the snake, Lord Shiva with a snake around his neck and the bull 'Nandi' at his feet, Goddess Saraswati goddess of wisdom and literacy is seen with swan. Goddess Amba symbol of power riding a tiger, Lord Dattatraya always has dogs at his feet, and so on. The foundation of Buddhism and Jainism is 'Ahimsa' or 'non-violence', not only towards fellow humans and animals, but also to every living creature including an insect. With such rich culture and heritage, where kindness and compassion were the foundation of society, there was no need for animal welfare organizations, as each home was an animal welfare institution by itself. Every home had cattle in the back yard. The bullocks worked in the fields alongside the farmer, the cows and buffaloes provided milk to the family, but only after the calves have had their fill. Dogs and cats lived inside the homes as members of the family. The hen lived happily in the front yard and provided the family with eggs. Leather was made from the hides of only dead animals. Thus it was a beautiful picture of co-existence of animals and humans. But today times have changed. With population explosion, urbanization and consumerism catching up, animals are easy prey for human greed. They are soft targets for
  • 6. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 6 anyone trying to make a quick buck, and prime candidates for exploitation. With this mission NEAA started its mission to work for welfare of voiceless animals. NEAA is an NGO which was founded on April 22,2015 by four individuals, who came together to fight against the various atrocities the voiceless go through every single day. There is this one common goal which has united them and they have pledged their time and sincere efforts to, and that is to eradicate Animal abuse. This NGO wish to spread awareness, treat the sick, free the captive and rehome the homeless. It's a humble attempt at spreading harmony in the society and helping the vulnerable out. Spreading awareness about the topic to inform families and individuals about animal abuse in the society. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of the horrors behind the scenes. Starting or joining a local protest in the community can help inform others about the severity of animal abuse. It aims at:  Promoting Animal Birth Control program and discouraging brutal extermination of stray animals  Rescue of abused animals.  Promoting vegetarianism.  Lobbying for amendments to existing animal protection laws in India, to make them effective.  Creating awareness amongst people for animal related issues; for example, commercial breeding and exploitation of animals, animals in zoos, conditions of enslaved elephants etc. Animals deserve rights, regardless of how they taste or how convenient it is to experiment on them. Like humans, animals are capable of suffering and have an interest in leading their own lives. They are not ours to use for food, clothing, experimentation or entertainment.
  • 7. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 7 This NGO can help you make a difference for animals. You just need the desire to generate positive change and to believe that your voice and actions matter. We are here to help you every step of the way! Some activists focus on one issue, while others speak out on several different topics. The choice is yours. The important thing is that you do something, not assume that someone else will take care of it. Though killing or torturing humans is considered to be a crime instantaneously, many amongst us perhaps pay mute witnesses to incidences of animal cruelty happening all around us. The fact is that laws do exist in this country of ours for protection of cruelty towards animals. There are many laws for protection of animals but few people and even fewer policemen and lawyers are aware of these laws and in the wake of human ignorance on these laws, animals are helpless and fall victims to needs and deeds of we as a team want to protect those stray animals especially who are not considered or cared by anyone and not even adopted. We want to do something for those animals who are neglected by an adoption camp which we organise occasionally for such animals and we keep check on them those who adopt so to see animals are properly taken care of or not. NGO • NEAA – No Excuse for Animal Abuse Mission • Devise and support reasonable solutions to animal welfare Area of Operation • Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai.
  • 8. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 8 PROJECT  We were given animal rescue projects and also to arrange adoption drive for them and to take care of them.  We were given work to create a website.  We were told to go on rescue missions in different areas of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai and we went to Belapur for rescue mission and then adoption camp was organised by our NGO for rescued animals.  We were told to create Facebook page.  We were given work to create social awareness online as well as offline by creating banners and online posts.  We were having adoption drive on 24th and 25th December and all those rescued animals were adopted by people.  Our main project was to deal with the ones who don’t have voice and to understand their emotions.  We also created questionnaire and we circulated it among people to get an idea about what do an individual feels and think about animals and then we did surveys by talking to people and also by sending links of questionnaire. The challenges faced by our term during the project was Firstly, NGO doesn’t have proper infrastructure facilities where animals that are rescued and brought doesn’t have place to keep them safely. They are running GO for good cause but the main thing is missing “home to stay” which is lacking here so if a well home is built for animals then it will be easy to keep them and necessary requirements can also be fulfilled. Secondly, this NGO is completely dependent on volunteers and no proper head or in charge or some departments is there who can keep a proper check on every activity. Thirdly there has been an increasing awareness of the need to include animals, and animal owners, in disaster and emergency planning, and as such there have been various attempts to develop plans and guidelines regarding pet, wild and livestock animals in emergency situations. However, there is some confusion as to the responsibilities and coordination of the relevant stakeholders who encounter the human-animal interface in
  • 9. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 9 emergencies. Understanding where the confusion and challenges lie will help develop best practice approaches for animal welfare emergency management. Still people are there who ignores these problem because of the mind-sets that they are wild animals and can harm anyone, people never think about they feel what they want, do they need shelter, do they need food, love and care is fat apart, so that’s the things which is major prevailing in our society. We Believe that:  Treating animals differently from humans, is akin to racism and sexism  Being immune to the pain and suffering of animals means that one's soul has not yet awakened  A civilized society, is one where there is zero tolerance to abuse and cruelty of any kind to animals Our Commitment to our animal friends: Maybe we are not doing enough for you, but we are doing our best; leaving no stone unturned within our limited capacities. Bear with us...and we will not give up till our last breath doing what we know best to do....taking care of you. We love you all!
  • 10. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 10 METHODOLOGY This center is home to a range of animals including dogs and cats, many of whom have been rescued from the streets of Mumbai. Volunteers will carry out a variety of different roles depending on the needs of the project at the time. Volunteers may be involved in:  daily sessions in the dog areas- comforting, bathing, feeding and walking  one to one time with paralyzed and recently injured dogs  caring for animals after their initial treatments  cleaning the animal enclosures and preparing food  assisting the vets and nurses  helping the local team care for abandoned puppies  monitoring the animals and helping with their rehabilitation  work alongside the local team giving physical and hydro-therapy to disabled animals Volunteers provide hands-on help and care to the many animals on site like Adoption Camp and off sites like in websites, banner-making and survey conducted. Methodology of operations or functioning of this NGO is quite different from other traditional or conventional NGOs working for the same purpose since this is a much of youth based organised NGOs having young volunteers. We used online method to get most of the details and also the main work of creating a website was online work. Our method of creating awareness among people was proper banners. Other social media was revitalized by us such as Facebook page of NEAA. Another method of creating awareness was by circulating banners both online and offline. In case of any distress calls a helpline number and space to provide details of animal cruelty incident was provided on their website. For those who were interested to join or volunteer this NGO can simply do that by just filling few details in the form provided by us on website:
  • 11. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 11 Day 1- We went to the NEAA office at Ghatkopar for induction to get brief insights about the NGO and its functioning. Day 2- Got to know the agenda of what needs to be done for the project. Day 3- Started preparing the website for the NGO. And also facebook page was newly created to grab the most number of eyes. Day 4- Was informed about the further chores of the NGO such as going for rescue missions, going for adoption camps. Day 5- Did an in depth survey about the animal related activities at various places in the Nerul vicinity. Day 6- Went for the adoption camp at the centre to actually conduct the adoption for the people interested and survey was also conducted. Day 7- Analysed the pattern of adoption and also advised diet plans for the pets adopted. Day 8 & 9- Went for rescue missions at places like Vashi, Nerul and Thane. Day 10- We were given time to choose an animal and spend time with them by doing small activities. CSR Model:
  • 12. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 12 Our Approach: Website: Created by us. Website Survey Banner Rescue Mission Facebook Page Adoption Camp
  • 13. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 13
  • 14. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 14 RECOMMENDATIONS It is quite common to see community dogs or cats living in residential colonies. This is because due to very fast urbanization all the open spaces are getting used up for construction of residential complexes, and the animals like dogs and cats living on these open areas are getting displaced. The residents that occupy these residential buildings find these animals to be a nuisance and want them evicted. In this situation, animal welfare in India takes on a whole new meaning. With so many animal issues and so many animals on the streets, the need of the day is to have several animal welfare societies in each community, whereas there is only one full-fledged hospital in whole Mumbai city which is not at all sufficient to look after all the sick and injured animals. NGOs who are running the ABC centres also treat the sick, injured animals or house the abandon animals with very meagre means and facilities. The Government of India is trying to encourage setting up of an SPCA in each District of the country, but there are few takers. NEAA India also has a project on the agenda to build an animal hospital with latest technology and equipment. We felt great and compassionate towards animals while working ten days in the NGO. We serve as the helping hands to protect and take care of them. Working with them altruistically for those beautiful creatures was the best time but some of the things which we recommended after working and realising what much better can be done by them further is that as they provide adoption campaign which can be converted into better adoption centre where individual can come and see and choose whom they want as their pet and as they don’t have proper animal care centre which can be created so that whenever such animals come till they are adopted can stay in better place where proper check-ups and treatment of them can be done. They can also conduct a vaccination setup for animals in a month which will be of cheaper rates as compare to outside and also there is no such proper medical care facilities available everywhere so with this it will be comfortable for nearby people to come on regular basis. We have also seen through surveys that people need proper training regarding handle and care of animals so they can also provide
  • 15. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 15 training to those people who come and adopt from this NGO. Apart from that proper awareness on a regular basis is required and should actively create awareness through social media. FUTURE PLANS: Our target of sterilizing 400 dogs per month has been achieved. We have also spread our wings to other territories like Navi Mumbai and Neral, and also started a 'Free Mobile Clinic for Street Animals'. Now NGO future plans include construction of a cat runner, an aviary for injured birds, a puppy pen and an OPD at Deonar Centre. We also plan to expand the Ghatkopar center to have additional kennels, to house cases of ill or injured animals that cannot be neglected. NGO most ambitious project is to start a hospital for animals, where all animals that need treatment - including small animals, birds and large animals like cats, dogs and birds can receive excellent treatment." However the immediate item on our agenda is Free Mobile Clinic for Navi Mumbai. In the second phase facilities for treatment to animals like cats and dogs is on the agenda. Thereafter will come the 'x-ray Unit' and a basic 'Pathology Lab'. When this happens NEAA will be a full- fledged mini hospital for animals in the Western suburb of Mumbai.
  • 16. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 16 LEARNING EXPERIENCE We had wonderful experience while working with volunteers of NEAA as well as working for animals. We always heard that it feels great to help others and keep others safe whether they are human beings or animals and we really felt that when we protected them from every kind of abuse towards them. When we first started volunteering at our NGO-animal shelter, we was told that we should go through the cat handling training as soon as we could because no one seems to want to deal with cats. Now, this could be from cat allergies or some other innocuous reason, but we were shocked being the fervent cat lover that we are now. We were in disbelief until we signed up for cat training and went for volunteering the next day: practically no one was in the cat “tent” helping them, petting them, or tending to them. Sure, the staffs were there, but they have other duties on hand and do not have time to just give the cats love. When first starting out as a volunteer, shelters often restrict you from walking or fraternizing with bigger dogs because of obvious reasons, but as a result, these dogs do not get walked as much even though they are the ones that need it the most. When we see them in their cages just longing to go on a walk, begging to be given just a small pat on the head or a belly rub while the Chihuahuas and dachshunds get all the attention. The small ones may be cute and portable, but the big ones still need love and never get enough of it. The main thing which we have learned from this internship is to keep ourselves involved in all these kinds of social work as it make us realise how beautiful our life become when we are their foe others in need and it gives us a ray of hope as well as the blessed feeling which is not at all easy to get these days. NEAA made us realise that how innocent animals are and how they badly need someone to make them happy as well as how they can make us happy. We learned how to make website and it was
  • 17. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 17 great learning for us. We created banners for awareness of animals. We created facebook page for promotion of our NGO. Most important thing which we learned is humanity which can’t be forgotten by us and love for animals and the way we were treated by them was speechless. As it is rightly said “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for. During the time, when we were at Adoption centre we met this cute black and white kitten one day while volunteering, and we decided to help them out or make them appear more adoptable. His name was Rio, and all he huddled in the corner of a shoe box shaking whenever someone would come up to his kennel, but he didn’t do that with us. When we would come over to open his cage and pet him, he stayed in his box, yes, but he would deeply peer into my eyes. We could feel a connection between us. He eventually let me hold him, and that was quite an accomplishment for me. After a while, he was more gregarious, letting people pet him with their finger stuck through his kennel’s holes, purring when stroked. He was a completely different cat by the time we were done with him, but then, he got adopted. At NEAA, we believe that our moral duty as humane individuals is to help & assist the animals to the best of our ability. We have no major philosophies, but we believe that animals have a right to food, shelter, comfort, love and life like we do. We were perhaps born to alleviate the suffering of these neglected, abused, four legged; slithering and feathered friends...our co- inhabitants, who came to this planet before us, our soul mates from the animal kingdom.
  • 18. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 18 SWOT Analysis  STRENGTH: As this NGO has major involvement of youth which means new innovations and ideas are always welcome and what could be best done for those stray animals where new ideas will help them to live healthy and carefree. It’s clearly depicted from the owners itself who are youth and actively involved in saving these beautiful creatures and getting new homes and families where they could be best taken care of. So involvement of youth has played a major role in creating awareness for those animals in rescuing them and then giving a new birth that is filled with love and care.  WEAKNESS: Firstly, NGO doesn’t have proper infrastructure facilities where animals that are rescued and brought doesn’t have place to keep them safely. They are running NGO for good cause but the main thing is missing “home to stay” which is lacking here so if a well home is built for animals then it will be easy to keep them and necessary requirements can also be fulfilled. Secondly, this NGO is completely dependent on volunteers and no proper head or in charge or some departments are there who can keep a proper check on every activity.  THREATS: Still people are there who ignores these problem because of the mind-sets that they are wild animals and can harm anyone, people never think about they feel what they want, do they need shelter, do they need food, love and care is fat apart, so that’s the things which is major prevailing in our society.  OPPORTUNITIES: Most important thing right now is to create awareness among people regarding their life the way they love and spent time alone and roaming here and there and especially those who are physically hurt and how to manage in such conditions. Through social media platform where
  • 19. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 19 nowadays people are highly involved it is easy to choose this to create awareness among people. So involvement of youth with new ideas will bring great opportunities for them.
  • 20. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 20 STATISTICS Secondary Data: Primary Data: 52% 36% 12% Awareness about NEAA Facebook Friends Others
  • 21. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 21 Experiences and memories
  • 22. “Be nice to them they are worth treating for and worth caring for.” Page | 22