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New Energy
for an Ultramodern Vietnam
Part 1: What is New Energy?
June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group
For updates and further information
on New Energy, visit the Saigon New
Energy Group website at
Our acceptance of any new concept always
seems to pass through three phases: At first, it
is declared impossible. Then, as supporting
facts accumulate, their interpretation is said to
be erroneous. But finally, everyone says
blandly, “We knew it all the time.”
-- Arthur Schopenhauer
Which can produce more energy – the gasoline
in Glass #1 or the empty space in Glass #2?
Glass #1 Glass #2
Today we’ll see that the empty space in Glass #2
actually contains much more energy than the
gasoline in Glass #1
…and how we can tap this energy which exists in
what we normally consider “empty space” to
move our world into an ultra-modern age.
To introduce today’s topic, I will have to talk
about something that has caused
tremendous suffering, death, and destruction
in this country and around the world
But which also, ironically, holds the key to our
future peace, prosperity, and integral
development as individuals and as a society
This topic is
“New Energy”
• New Energy refers to the technologies
currently in development today which will
replace oil, gas, coal, and nuclear power
that we use for electricity, transportation,
healing, and other purposes
And in case you were wondering,
today I will not be talking about solar
or wind power, or biomass systems
By the end of this seminar, you will see
that solar and wind power are but
mere distractions that our society has
been offered to keep it from
developing energy technology that is
truly powerful and liberating
And that biomass (burning manure and
agricultural waste) is a relatively weak and
inefficient way of producing energy that is
predicated on the outdated notion that you have
to destroy something in order to create electricity
Today, I’m talking about something
much more powerful and liberating
than solar and wind power, biomass,
biodiesel, and some of the other
technologies that have been in the
news a lot lately.
I will call it, simply, “New Energy”,
though in the scientific community it is also
“Zero Point Energy,”
“Energy from the Vacuum,”
and “Energy from the Quantum Flux Field”
This New (or “Zero Point”) Energy is
much more powerful than any energy
source we use today
You know how the atoms that
compose our physical universe are
mostly empty space?
As in, 99.9999999999999%
empty space?
• Animation:
Well, it turns out that this “empty
(which we call the Zero Point Field)
is actually full of energy
(which we call Zero Point Energy”)
Remember our “empty” glass?
• It turns out that
the empty space in
the glass is actually
full of energy from
the quantum
If you’re not sure what the “quantum
vacuum” is, relax!
• Einstein also found it difficult to describe
• However, virtually all physicists are sure that it
The density of the quantum vacuum
(a.k.a. “empty space”) is
1093 grams/cm3
Source: Barry Setterfield, “The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift”,
Compare this number to the density of
all the physical matter in the known
1055 grams/cm3
Source: Barry Setterfield, “The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift”,
That is equivalent to a potential energy
of 10127 joules/cm3
Sources: Barry Setterfield, “The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift”,
William Wilcock, Washington University, “Energy in natural processes and
human consumption”,
Compare that to the potential energy
in gasoline: 34,342 joules/cm3
The Zero Point Energy is constantly
oscillating, pulsing, fluctuating at very
high density & intensity.
For a long time, scientists thought
there is no way to tap it.
Now, we know that this is entirely
possible… and we are quickly
developing ways to do it.
Zero Point Energy comes from the natural
electromagnetic oscillations in the Zero
Point Field
• We can imagine the Zero Point field as like an
ocean that is sloshing around with energy
According to Dr. Paul LaViolette and other New
Energy scientists, Zero Point Energy is constantly
flowing into our physical universe from one or
more of the non-physical dimensions of the
universe which surround our physical space
In order to understand the relationship between
the physical and the non-physical aspects of the
Universe, we have to apply insights from “String
Theory” in modern theoretical physics
• A popular version of
String Theory says
that there are eleven
dimensions of time-
space in our Universe
Prof. Michio Kaku is a well-known
physicist who often teaches about the
theory of an 11-dimensional Universe
According to this theory, there are
three physical dimensions of space
that we normally percieve:
Length, width, and height
Along with a fourth dimension of
Additionally, there are seven more
dimensions which are entirely non-
physical and we rarely perceive these,
at least in our regular waking
New Energy scientists believe that
these non-physical dimensions are the
source of Zero Point Energy
Imagine that the Zero Point Field is like a
“border region” between the physical
Universe and the non-physical Universe
Imagine that the non-physical
dimensions down here are pushing
energy into the physical Universe,
creating oscillations (“waves”).
New Energy science specializes in finding ways
to coax the non-physical dimensions into
sending more energy than normal into our
physical time-space
Prof. Richard Feynman said of Zero Point Energy:
“There is enough energy inside the space in this
empty cup to boil all the oceans of the world.”
Helen Setterfield shows us what
Feynman meant.
“If you take a container of some sort, and get rid
of every atom and particle in it, we have a
vacuum, right? Well, yes, but there is still heat
energy producing radiation. OK, now turn
down the thermostat. To absolute zero. No
heat energy left.”
Source: Helen Setterfield,
A vacuum chamber
“Problem: there is still
radiation energy which can
be measured in your
container. A lot of it! Because
it is in evidence at zero mark
on the Kelvin thermometer -
absolute zero, no molecules
can move here - it is called
the Zero Point Energy, or ZPE
for short.”
Source: Helen Setterfield,
To give some kind of
comprehension of the vast
strength of the Zero Point
Energy, consider this: Our
lights in our homes are
rated at about 50-150
watts per bulb. That's the
energy the bulbs give out.
Source: Helen Setterfield,
“Our sun shines with the brightness of about
3,000,000,000,000,000,000 light bulbs. Our
galaxy is comprised of about 150,000,000,000
suns something like ours.”
Image: NASA
Source: Helen Setterfield,
“If all these suns were shining for
10,000,000,000 years, that would still be less
energy expended than the Zero Point Energy
packs into one cubic centimeter of space. This
is in each of us and everything around us and
throughout the universe.”
Source: Helen Setterfield,
For a long time, scientists doubted that we
could ever tap this vast source of energy
that is “right under our nose”.
However, over the past 30 years, scientists
around the world have shown that it is
indeed possible… and this seminar is to
introduce you to the science and practical
applications of New Energy.
The seminar is divided into four parts:
1) The Problem & Opportunities of New Energy
2) The History of New Energy Research
3) The Science of New Energy
a) Theoretical Foundations
b) Scientific Implications & Applications
4) How we can Develop New Energy in Vietnam
This seminar has been developed to
serve as a full university course
(45 contact hours)
However, because the full
presentation runs over 3000 slides, we
have divided the material into many
smaller sections so that users may
quickly obtain the information that
interests them.
You can find the latest version of the
seminar materials at
1. The Problem and Opportunities of New
Two kinds of science in the world today
What is Public Science?
• This is the science that’s done openly at
• It’s reported on in mainstream science
magazines as well as professional journals
• It’s the science that you (can) study at school
What is Covert Science?
• This is “secret science”
that is kept from public
• It’s often kept secret
even from
congressmen and
heads of state
Typically, you can’t study it in
…without getting recruited into the world of
Covert Science, or being warned to stop
Covert science is
done within the
armed forces of
a country
It can also be undertaken by private
military contractors
And intelligence services with
relationships, both formal and
informal, with private contractors
Most alarmingly, covert science is sometimes
done by rogue groups operating illegally within
the defense and/or intelligence establishment of
a country
Covert science is also done by secretive
private groups who consider themselves
above and beyond the reach of the law
Using coercion and blackmail, they
operate outside the constraints of the
laws and the Constitution of a country
We often say that covert science is
undertaken by such entities within
“Black Projects”
(in the USA, these are technically
called “Unacknowledged Special
Access Programs”)
These programs are so secret that
presidents have been killed trying to
get information about them
So one would expect that there is
much about Covert Science that even,
say, Barack Obama doesn’t know
Covert Science is Always 30+ Years
More Advanced than Public Science
Imagine floating to work every day in a
vehicle without wheels or wings
… at 40,000 km/h
Or living with all your brothers and
sisters in vigorous health to the age of
120, or more…
Imagine never
paying another
electricity bill
Or having to fill up your fuel tank
Imagine that we have the technology to
cheaply desalinate sea water in order to
irrigate even the driest environments
So that agricultural productivity could
soar and hunger would be eliminated
Imagine never having to recharge your
laptop or mobile phone battery
And that curing cancer is as simple as
getting over the common cold
Imagine traveling around the solar system
with the same ease that we travel the
world on Vietnam Airlines today
And moving permanently beyond the
outdated concept of wheeled
transportation running on fossil fuels
In fact, these technologies already
exist, but the problem is:
You’re not among the small group of
people in the Covert Science world
allowed to use them
(and neither am I)
Why is the Best Science Kept Secret?
• It’s all about keeping society in a pyramidal
This idea of inequality is emblazoned
on the 1 USD Note
In this twisted system, a modern form
of slavery is extolled and the masses
are exploited on a daily basis much like
a farmer exploits his livestock
This is the opposite of the ideal of
humanity living in equality
Covert science is covert because
knowledge = power
• Maintaining a knowledge differential between
the rulers and the ruled cements the elite’s
control over society
One of the most important areas where
the knowledge of the elite far surpasses
that of the general populace and even the
university community is energy.
The primary form of energy that we are allowed
to know about – as citizens of the Earth and as
members of the academic community – is
energy from petroleum (fossil fuels)
Secondary “public knowledge” energy
sources include nuclear fission, solar,
and wind power
Petroleum is the cornerstone of the
modern elite’s control of humanity
• Everyday, everything we eat, drink, and wear
carries some cost of petroleum for production
and transportation
Every day in traffic, every flight from
Tan Son Nhat… all of it uses petroleum
Petroleum is like a tax all 7 billion people in
the world pay every day for the privilege of
living on the planet they were born on
On the irony of paying to live on the planet where we were born, see Alex Collier,
Native Americans
asked why humans
must pay to live on
our planet when
plants and animals
get to live here for
I think this is a question that our
modern society needs to revisit
As we’ll see in this seminar, petroleum is
dirty, it’s unnecessary, and it’s a sham
I don’t have to remind you of the wars
fought over petroleum, of the blood
that has been spilled for this
antiquated fuel source
The use of petroleum as our chief fuel
source keeps the owners of the
petroleum at the top of the pyramid
The estimated value of the oil and gas
still in the ground is $120 trillion
Source: The Orion Project,
That is 1.5 times the world GDP!
And who owns this petroleum?
• Queen of England • King of Holland
And who owns this petroleum?
• Saudi Arabian
• Russian Government
And who owns this petroleum?
• Government of Iran • Rockefeller family
And who owns this petroleum?
• Government of China
And who owns this petroleum?
• Bill & Melinda Gates • Government of
And who owns this petroleum?
• Prince Abdullah of
• Leadership of
United Arab
And who owns this petroleum?
• Wall Street investment banks, in general, are
among the biggest profiteers of the petroleum
industry through their manipulation of
pension and mutual funds investing in oil
These people are very, very determined
not to lose their $120,000,000,000,000
in expected future income
Presently, we use more than 1000 barrels of
oil per second, and the oil barons are quite
content to see things continue this way
And they are so greedy that they don’t
care if they destroy the Earth’s
environment in the process
Students of economics here will know
that the value of the U.S. Dollar, the
world’s reserve currency, is not based
on gold
Many doubt that Fort Knox has much
gold left to speak of
Instead, the value of the U.S. dollar
comes from the fact that since the
1970s, the USA has forced all countries
to buy and sell oil in USD only
And this practice artificially creates
demand, each and every day, for the USD
We call it the “petrodollar” system
Sometimes, countries (like Iraq) decide
they want to sell oil in other currencies
And you can ask Saddam Hussein what
happens to those countries!
Therefore, when we ask why we are still using
petroleum today, we must understand that it is one
key to maintaining a system that allows one small
group of people to exploit a much larger group
The pressure put on national leaders
everywhere by the owners of the world’s
oil to conform to “The System” creates a
lot of tension between those leaders and
the people they are supposed to represent
In a world where New Energy has replaced
petroleum, poorer, less developed countries
would find it much easier to modernize
They could quickly upgrade their
military defenses to avoid being
bullied by the superpowers
And have little need to borrow money
from the superpowers or from central
banks like the IMF
To summarize, the stranglehold of
petroleum not only pollutes our
environment, but it stands in the way
of world peace, fostering poverty and
inequality among nations. By reducing
each person’s spare income, it limits
the possibilities that we have to
express our deepest creativity and
inspiration in this life.
Now that we’ve seen why the elite
want to keep our world addicted to
oil and gas,
Let’s explore how they do it.
Within the world of covert science, energy
technologies far superior to oil and gas
have been used since the 1950s
We’ll learn more about T. Townsend Brown & other
mid-century New Energy inventors in Part 2
And the pursuit of these secret technologies
spawned a self-reinforcing cycle of
Because after a technology has been used
for a few decades in the covert world and
becomes obsolete among the elite,
It’s often sold to private companies,
and these companies then introduce
the product to the masses, who think
it’s “new”
When in fact, these products are just
the tablescraps of the elite and we are
rather like, erm, their pet dogs
Technologies like the transistor,
The laser,
Fiber-optic cable,
And LCD monitors are alleged to have been
introduced to the masses in this way
For more on the partnership between Black Projects and private industry, see Michael
Salla, “Colonel Philip Corso and his Critics: Crossing the Rubicon between Objective
Criticism and Debunking – Part 1”, Exopolitics Journal 1:2 (January 2006).
In fact, most of the electronics you
have here today which you consider
“modern” are ca. 1970s technology
that was simply withheld from you for
30 or more years
The elite use the profits they make
from leaking these technologies to
private industry to in turn fund further
covert technology development
And the cycle begins anew…
If I were to tell you that the elite have
developed other ways of funding their
covert technology research, such as
international drug trafficking
And manufacturing wars
In order to profit from increased arms sales,
And then, once the war is over, to
profit even further by loaning
money to rebuild the war-torn
countries at usurious interest rates,
and that the common people of these
countries find they are paying higher and
higher taxes so that their governments can
make good on those loans
Then I’d be digressing, but I would like
to make very clear that so much of the
things we find ugly and unpalatable
about our world today are rooted in
this issue of withholding the best
science available from the people of
the world –
From the very people who worked and
fought and bled that this technology might
have been developed in the first place
And most people would agree with me
that this is not right.
In this seminar, you are encouraged not to be
fooled by the baby steps and half-solutions
that the Global Elite have proposed to the
world for new energy systems
Nuclear Fission is one of the ways
they’ve misdirected and confused us
We all know that nuclear fission power
is very dangerous
• There is always a risk of accidents
• Nuclear power plants struggle with the
question of what to do with spent fuel rods
In an era of scalar and longitudinal
weapons that can cause earthquakes,
every nuclear plant is like a potential bomb
Solar energy has also served to keep
our collective eye off the ball
• This option depends on climate and location
• And it fails to compete with existing energy on
• Like solar, this
option depends on
climate and location
• Three-blade
systems are at best
5% efficient*
*See Mike Winters, “Wind Lesson”,
• This can be a good way to dispose of
agricultural waste, but the amount of this
waste is limited
And biomass plants tend to spread an
undesirable odor in their vicinity
We find nothing wrong with solar or wind
power per se, and we at SNEG support the
use of solar and wind-powered systems as
transitional technologies to be used over the
next decade. In so doing, we highly
recommend that the best physics be applied
to make these systems (especially wind) as
efficient as possible.
But, a word of caution to our friends in
Many foreign companies don’t want to sell
you energy systems that are truly efficient.
Ultimately, the goal of the Global Elite is to
limit Vietnam’s development and make sure
Vietnam doesn’t become as modern or rich as
it really can be – and we at SNEG think,
should be.
At the same time, we must be realistic and
understand that over the long term, solar,
wind, and biomass systems will never
power the world into a new world of
revolutionary science breakthroughs such
as affordable space travel for every
country, civilian antigravity to replace
road-based traffic systems, and low-cost
but ultra-modern and safe housing for all…
Nor can solar and wind power ever lead to
breakthroughs in healthcare and human
spirituality in the way that the new, Zero
Point energy can
A ZPE-powered nanobot clears plaque
from the interior wall of an artery
At best, solar and wind power can simply
allow humanity to maintain its current level
of technology and development, minus
some of the pollution of fossil fuels
My friends, we can do much better
than that, and in this seminar, we aim
to show you how
What has been holding back the
introduction of the new, Zero Point Energy
isn’t that scientists don’t know what it is or
how to use it
Instead, it’s been a very heavy-handed, often
violently-enforced policy of secrecy that the
controllers of Covert Science have imposed
on the rest of the world
Killed for their work bringing New Energy out to
the public:
They have kept the Zero Point Energy
subject a secret so that they – and only they
– could develop ZPE applications while
leaving us in the relative “prehistoric” times
of fossil fuels, nuclear fission, solar/wind,
and biomass energy
As morally abhorrent as the secrecy
policy has been, with terrible effects
for the Earth and her people,
Let me share with you some good
Today, we live at a time when the secrecy
surrounding the world’s highest and best
technologies is rapidly collapsing
Dr. Steven Greer at the Disclosure Project conference, 2001
There is a movement to disclose the
truth about the technologies that have
been hidden from us for decades
• And it’s being led
by men like Julian
Assange from
And Edward Snowden of the National
Security Agency
As well as hundreds of other whistleblowers
from the military, intelligence services, high-tech
corporations, and various government offices
A former CIA agent testifies about Pres. Eisenhower’s struggle to rein
in rogue covert science programs:
These whistleblowers haven’t achieved
or sought international fame, but they
have all played a role in making
disclosure a reality
Read some of their testimony at:
They are risking their lives to testify
before lawmakers and the media
The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (2013),
And their courage and sacrifice is
something that we can benefit from –
If we choose to take our destiny into
our own hands
And stop waiting like Spot under the dinner
table for the Global Elite to share with us
their 30-year-old technology
Today, a few countries are taking the
future by the horns and developing
New Energy technologies
But most countries are not.
To which group does Vietnam want to belong?
In our next segment, we will be looking at
the history of Zero Point Energy –
• Who has known about it
• What they’ve done with it
• Who has suppressed it and kept it from the
… as well as how they did this why
New Energy Curriculum I: What is New Energy?

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New Energy Curriculum I: What is New Energy?

  • 1. New Energy for an Ultramodern Vietnam Part 1: What is New Energy? June 2014 Saigon New Energy Group
  • 2. For updates and further information on New Energy, visit the Saigon New Energy Group website at
  • 3. Our acceptance of any new concept always seems to pass through three phases: At first, it is declared impossible. Then, as supporting facts accumulate, their interpretation is said to be erroneous. But finally, everyone says blandly, “We knew it all the time.” -- Arthur Schopenhauer
  • 4. Which can produce more energy – the gasoline in Glass #1 or the empty space in Glass #2? Glass #1 Glass #2
  • 5. Today we’ll see that the empty space in Glass #2 actually contains much more energy than the gasoline in Glass #1 …and how we can tap this energy which exists in what we normally consider “empty space” to move our world into an ultra-modern age.
  • 6. To introduce today’s topic, I will have to talk about something that has caused tremendous suffering, death, and destruction in this country and around the world
  • 7. But which also, ironically, holds the key to our future peace, prosperity, and integral development as individuals and as a society
  • 8. This topic is “New Energy” • New Energy refers to the technologies currently in development today which will replace oil, gas, coal, and nuclear power
  • 9. that we use for electricity, transportation, healing, and other purposes
  • 10. And in case you were wondering, today I will not be talking about solar or wind power, or biomass systems
  • 11. By the end of this seminar, you will see that solar and wind power are but mere distractions that our society has been offered to keep it from developing energy technology that is truly powerful and liberating
  • 12. And that biomass (burning manure and agricultural waste) is a relatively weak and inefficient way of producing energy that is predicated on the outdated notion that you have to destroy something in order to create electricity
  • 13. Today, I’m talking about something much more powerful and liberating than solar and wind power, biomass, biodiesel, and some of the other technologies that have been in the news a lot lately.
  • 14. I will call it, simply, “New Energy”, though in the scientific community it is also called “Zero Point Energy,” “Energy from the Vacuum,” and “Energy from the Quantum Flux Field”
  • 15. This New (or “Zero Point”) Energy is much more powerful than any energy source we use today
  • 16. You know how the atoms that compose our physical universe are mostly empty space? Animation:
  • 17. As in, 99.9999999999999% empty space? • Animation: /73410/draw-bohr-atomic- model-with-electron-shells- in-tex
  • 18. Well, it turns out that this “empty space” (which we call the Zero Point Field) is actually full of energy (which we call Zero Point Energy”)
  • 19. Remember our “empty” glass? • It turns out that the empty space in the glass is actually full of energy from the quantum vacuum
  • 20. If you’re not sure what the “quantum vacuum” is, relax! • Einstein also found it difficult to describe • However, virtually all physicists are sure that it exists
  • 21. The density of the quantum vacuum (a.k.a. “empty space”) is 1093 grams/cm3 Source: Barry Setterfield, “The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift”,
  • 22. Compare this number to the density of all the physical matter in the known universe: 1055 grams/cm3 Source: Barry Setterfield, “The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift”,
  • 23. That is equivalent to a potential energy of 10127 joules/cm3 Sources: Barry Setterfield, “The Vacuum, Light Speed, and the Redshift”, William Wilcock, Washington University, “Energy in natural processes and human consumption”, Compare that to the potential energy in gasoline: 34,342 joules/cm3
  • 24. The Zero Point Energy is constantly oscillating, pulsing, fluctuating at very high density & intensity. For a long time, scientists thought there is no way to tap it. Now, we know that this is entirely possible… and we are quickly developing ways to do it.
  • 25. Zero Point Energy comes from the natural electromagnetic oscillations in the Zero Point Field • We can imagine the Zero Point field as like an ocean that is sloshing around with energy waves
  • 26. According to Dr. Paul LaViolette and other New Energy scientists, Zero Point Energy is constantly flowing into our physical universe from one or more of the non-physical dimensions of the universe which surround our physical space
  • 27. In order to understand the relationship between the physical and the non-physical aspects of the Universe, we have to apply insights from “String Theory” in modern theoretical physics • A popular version of String Theory says that there are eleven dimensions of time- space in our Universe
  • 28. Prof. Michio Kaku is a well-known physicist who often teaches about the theory of an 11-dimensional Universe
  • 29. According to this theory, there are three physical dimensions of space that we normally percieve: Length, width, and height Along with a fourth dimension of “time”
  • 30. Additionally, there are seven more dimensions which are entirely non- physical and we rarely perceive these, at least in our regular waking consciousness New Energy scientists believe that these non-physical dimensions are the source of Zero Point Energy
  • 31.
  • 32. Imagine that the Zero Point Field is like a “border region” between the physical Universe and the non-physical Universe Imagine that the non-physical dimensions down here are pushing energy into the physical Universe, creating oscillations (“waves”).
  • 33. New Energy science specializes in finding ways to coax the non-physical dimensions into sending more energy than normal into our physical time-space
  • 34. Prof. Richard Feynman said of Zero Point Energy: “There is enough energy inside the space in this empty cup to boil all the oceans of the world.” Source:
  • 35. Helen Setterfield shows us what Feynman meant. “If you take a container of some sort, and get rid of every atom and particle in it, we have a vacuum, right? Well, yes, but there is still heat energy producing radiation. OK, now turn down the thermostat. To absolute zero. No heat energy left.” Source: Helen Setterfield,
  • 37. “Problem: there is still radiation energy which can be measured in your container. A lot of it! Because it is in evidence at zero mark on the Kelvin thermometer - absolute zero, no molecules can move here - it is called the Zero Point Energy, or ZPE for short.” Source: Helen Setterfield,
  • 38. To give some kind of comprehension of the vast strength of the Zero Point Energy, consider this: Our lights in our homes are rated at about 50-150 watts per bulb. That's the energy the bulbs give out. Source: Helen Setterfield,
  • 39. “Our sun shines with the brightness of about 3,000,000,000,000,000,000 light bulbs. Our galaxy is comprised of about 150,000,000,000 suns something like ours.” Image: NASA Source: Helen Setterfield,
  • 40. “If all these suns were shining for 10,000,000,000 years, that would still be less energy expended than the Zero Point Energy packs into one cubic centimeter of space. This is in each of us and everything around us and throughout the universe.” Source: Helen Setterfield,
  • 41. For a long time, scientists doubted that we could ever tap this vast source of energy that is “right under our nose”. However, over the past 30 years, scientists around the world have shown that it is indeed possible… and this seminar is to introduce you to the science and practical applications of New Energy.
  • 42. The seminar is divided into four parts: 1) The Problem & Opportunities of New Energy 2) The History of New Energy Research 3) The Science of New Energy a) Theoretical Foundations b) Scientific Implications & Applications 4) How we can Develop New Energy in Vietnam
  • 43. This seminar has been developed to serve as a full university course (45 contact hours)
  • 44. However, because the full presentation runs over 3000 slides, we have divided the material into many smaller sections so that users may quickly obtain the information that interests them. You can find the latest version of the seminar materials at
  • 45. 1. The Problem and Opportunities of New Energy
  • 46. Two kinds of science in the world today Public Science Covert Science
  • 47. What is Public Science? • This is the science that’s done openly at universities • It’s reported on in mainstream science magazines as well as professional journals • It’s the science that you (can) study at school
  • 48. What is Covert Science? • This is “secret science” that is kept from public knowledge • It’s often kept secret even from congressmen and heads of state
  • 49. Typically, you can’t study it in university …without getting recruited into the world of Covert Science, or being warned to stop
  • 50. Covert science is sometimes done within the armed forces of a country
  • 51. It can also be undertaken by private military contractors
  • 52. And intelligence services with relationships, both formal and informal, with private contractors
  • 53. Most alarmingly, covert science is sometimes done by rogue groups operating illegally within the defense and/or intelligence establishment of a country
  • 54. Covert science is also done by secretive private groups who consider themselves above and beyond the reach of the law
  • 55. Using coercion and blackmail, they operate outside the constraints of the laws and the Constitution of a country
  • 56. We often say that covert science is undertaken by such entities within “Black Projects” (in the USA, these are technically called “Unacknowledged Special Access Programs”)
  • 57. These programs are so secret that presidents have been killed trying to get information about them
  • 58. So one would expect that there is much about Covert Science that even, say, Barack Obama doesn’t know
  • 59. Covert Science is Always 30+ Years More Advanced than Public Science
  • 60. Imagine floating to work every day in a vehicle without wheels or wings … at 40,000 km/h
  • 61. Or living with all your brothers and sisters in vigorous health to the age of 120, or more…
  • 63. Or having to fill up your fuel tank
  • 64. Imagine that we have the technology to cheaply desalinate sea water in order to irrigate even the driest environments
  • 65. So that agricultural productivity could soar and hunger would be eliminated
  • 66. Imagine never having to recharge your laptop or mobile phone battery
  • 67. And that curing cancer is as simple as getting over the common cold
  • 68. Imagine traveling around the solar system with the same ease that we travel the world on Vietnam Airlines today
  • 69. And moving permanently beyond the outdated concept of wheeled transportation running on fossil fuels
  • 70. In fact, these technologies already exist, but the problem is: You’re not among the small group of people in the Covert Science world allowed to use them (and neither am I)
  • 71. Why is the Best Science Kept Secret? • It’s all about keeping society in a pyramidal order
  • 72. This idea of inequality is emblazoned on the 1 USD Note
  • 73. In this twisted system, a modern form of slavery is extolled and the masses are exploited on a daily basis much like a farmer exploits his livestock
  • 74. This is the opposite of the ideal of humanity living in equality
  • 75. Covert science is covert because knowledge = power • Maintaining a knowledge differential between the rulers and the ruled cements the elite’s control over society
  • 76. One of the most important areas where the knowledge of the elite far surpasses that of the general populace and even the university community is energy.
  • 77. The primary form of energy that we are allowed to know about – as citizens of the Earth and as members of the academic community – is energy from petroleum (fossil fuels)
  • 78. Secondary “public knowledge” energy sources include nuclear fission, solar, and wind power
  • 79. Petroleum is the cornerstone of the modern elite’s control of humanity • Everyday, everything we eat, drink, and wear carries some cost of petroleum for production and transportation
  • 80. Every day in traffic, every flight from Tan Son Nhat… all of it uses petroleum
  • 81. Petroleum is like a tax all 7 billion people in the world pay every day for the privilege of living on the planet they were born on On the irony of paying to live on the planet where we were born, see Alex Collier,
  • 82. Native Americans asked why humans must pay to live on our planet when plants and animals get to live here for free
  • 83. I think this is a question that our modern society needs to revisit
  • 84. As we’ll see in this seminar, petroleum is dirty, it’s unnecessary, and it’s a sham
  • 85. I don’t have to remind you of the wars fought over petroleum, of the blood that has been spilled for this antiquated fuel source
  • 86. The use of petroleum as our chief fuel source keeps the owners of the petroleum at the top of the pyramid
  • 87. The estimated value of the oil and gas still in the ground is $120 trillion ($120,000,000,000,000) Source: The Orion Project,
  • 88. That is 1.5 times the world GDP! Source:
  • 89. And who owns this petroleum? • Queen of England • King of Holland
  • 90. And who owns this petroleum? • Saudi Arabian royalty • Russian Government
  • 91. And who owns this petroleum? • Government of Iran • Rockefeller family
  • 92. And who owns this petroleum? • Government of China
  • 93. And who owns this petroleum? • Bill & Melinda Gates • Government of Mexico
  • 94. And who owns this petroleum? • Prince Abdullah of Kuwait • Leadership of United Arab Emirates
  • 95. And who owns this petroleum? • Wall Street investment banks, in general, are among the biggest profiteers of the petroleum industry through their manipulation of pension and mutual funds investing in oil
  • 96. These people are very, very determined not to lose their $120,000,000,000,000 in expected future income
  • 97. Presently, we use more than 1000 barrels of oil per second, and the oil barons are quite content to see things continue this way
  • 98. And they are so greedy that they don’t care if they destroy the Earth’s environment in the process
  • 99.
  • 100. Students of economics here will know that the value of the U.S. Dollar, the world’s reserve currency, is not based on gold
  • 101. Many doubt that Fort Knox has much gold left to speak of
  • 102. Instead, the value of the U.S. dollar comes from the fact that since the 1970s, the USA has forced all countries to buy and sell oil in USD only
  • 103. And this practice artificially creates demand, each and every day, for the USD
  • 104. We call it the “petrodollar” system
  • 105. Sometimes, countries (like Iraq) decide they want to sell oil in other currencies
  • 106. And you can ask Saddam Hussein what happens to those countries!
  • 107. Therefore, when we ask why we are still using petroleum today, we must understand that it is one key to maintaining a system that allows one small group of people to exploit a much larger group Graphic:
  • 108. The pressure put on national leaders everywhere by the owners of the world’s oil to conform to “The System” creates a lot of tension between those leaders and the people they are supposed to represent
  • 109. In a world where New Energy has replaced petroleum, poorer, less developed countries would find it much easier to modernize
  • 110. They could quickly upgrade their military defenses to avoid being bullied by the superpowers
  • 111. And have little need to borrow money from the superpowers or from central banks like the IMF
  • 112. To summarize, the stranglehold of petroleum not only pollutes our environment, but it stands in the way of world peace, fostering poverty and inequality among nations. By reducing each person’s spare income, it limits the possibilities that we have to express our deepest creativity and inspiration in this life.
  • 113. Now that we’ve seen why the elite want to keep our world addicted to oil and gas, Let’s explore how they do it.
  • 114. Within the world of covert science, energy technologies far superior to oil and gas have been used since the 1950s We’ll learn more about T. Townsend Brown & other mid-century New Energy inventors in Part 2
  • 115. And the pursuit of these secret technologies spawned a self-reinforcing cycle of exploitation
  • 116. Because after a technology has been used for a few decades in the covert world and becomes obsolete among the elite,
  • 117. It’s often sold to private companies, and these companies then introduce the product to the masses, who think it’s “new”
  • 118. When in fact, these products are just the tablescraps of the elite and we are rather like, erm, their pet dogs
  • 119. Technologies like the transistor,
  • 122. And LCD monitors are alleged to have been introduced to the masses in this way For more on the partnership between Black Projects and private industry, see Michael Salla, “Colonel Philip Corso and his Critics: Crossing the Rubicon between Objective Criticism and Debunking – Part 1”, Exopolitics Journal 1:2 (January 2006).
  • 123. In fact, most of the electronics you have here today which you consider “modern” are ca. 1970s technology that was simply withheld from you for 30 or more years
  • 124. The elite use the profits they make from leaking these technologies to private industry to in turn fund further covert technology development
  • 125. And the cycle begins anew…
  • 126. If I were to tell you that the elite have developed other ways of funding their covert technology research, such as international drug trafficking
  • 128. In order to profit from increased arms sales,
  • 129. And then, once the war is over, to profit even further by loaning
  • 130. money to rebuild the war-torn countries at usurious interest rates,
  • 131. and that the common people of these countries find they are paying higher and higher taxes so that their governments can make good on those loans
  • 132. Then I’d be digressing, but I would like to make very clear that so much of the things we find ugly and unpalatable about our world today are rooted in this issue of withholding the best science available from the people of the world –
  • 133. From the very people who worked and fought and bled that this technology might have been developed in the first place
  • 134. And most people would agree with me that this is not right.
  • 135. In this seminar, you are encouraged not to be fooled by the baby steps and half-solutions that the Global Elite have proposed to the world for new energy systems
  • 136. Nuclear Fission is one of the ways they’ve misdirected and confused us
  • 137. We all know that nuclear fission power is very dangerous • There is always a risk of accidents • Nuclear power plants struggle with the question of what to do with spent fuel rods
  • 138. In an era of scalar and longitudinal weapons that can cause earthquakes, every nuclear plant is like a potential bomb
  • 139. Solar energy has also served to keep our collective eye off the ball • This option depends on climate and location • And it fails to compete with existing energy on price
  • 140. Wind • Like solar, this option depends on climate and location • Three-blade systems are at best 5% efficient* *See Mike Winters, “Wind Lesson”,
  • 141. Biomass • This can be a good way to dispose of agricultural waste, but the amount of this waste is limited
  • 142. And biomass plants tend to spread an undesirable odor in their vicinity
  • 143. We find nothing wrong with solar or wind power per se, and we at SNEG support the use of solar and wind-powered systems as transitional technologies to be used over the next decade. In so doing, we highly recommend that the best physics be applied to make these systems (especially wind) as efficient as possible.
  • 144. But, a word of caution to our friends in government: Many foreign companies don’t want to sell you energy systems that are truly efficient. Ultimately, the goal of the Global Elite is to limit Vietnam’s development and make sure Vietnam doesn’t become as modern or rich as it really can be – and we at SNEG think, should be.
  • 145. At the same time, we must be realistic and understand that over the long term, solar, wind, and biomass systems will never power the world into a new world of revolutionary science breakthroughs such as affordable space travel for every country, civilian antigravity to replace road-based traffic systems, and low-cost but ultra-modern and safe housing for all…
  • 146. Nor can solar and wind power ever lead to breakthroughs in healthcare and human spirituality in the way that the new, Zero Point energy can A ZPE-powered nanobot clears plaque from the interior wall of an artery
  • 147. At best, solar and wind power can simply allow humanity to maintain its current level of technology and development, minus some of the pollution of fossil fuels
  • 148. My friends, we can do much better than that, and in this seminar, we aim to show you how
  • 149. What has been holding back the introduction of the new, Zero Point Energy isn’t that scientists don’t know what it is or how to use it
  • 150. Instead, it’s been a very heavy-handed, often violently-enforced policy of secrecy that the controllers of Covert Science have imposed on the rest of the world Killed for their work bringing New Energy out to the public:
  • 151. They have kept the Zero Point Energy subject a secret so that they – and only they – could develop ZPE applications while leaving us in the relative “prehistoric” times of fossil fuels, nuclear fission, solar/wind, and biomass energy
  • 152. As morally abhorrent as the secrecy policy has been, with terrible effects for the Earth and her people, Let me share with you some good news:
  • 153. Today, we live at a time when the secrecy surrounding the world’s highest and best technologies is rapidly collapsing Dr. Steven Greer at the Disclosure Project conference, 2001 (
  • 154. There is a movement to disclose the truth about the technologies that have been hidden from us for decades • And it’s being led by men like Julian Assange from Wikileaks
  • 155. And Edward Snowden of the National Security Agency
  • 156. As well as hundreds of other whistleblowers from the military, intelligence services, high-tech corporations, and various government offices A former CIA agent testifies about Pres. Eisenhower’s struggle to rein in rogue covert science programs:
  • 157. These whistleblowers haven’t achieved or sought international fame, but they have all played a role in making disclosure a reality Read some of their testimony at: ingDocument.pdf
  • 158. They are risking their lives to testify before lawmakers and the media The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (2013),
  • 159. And their courage and sacrifice is something that we can benefit from – If we choose to take our destiny into our own hands
  • 160. And stop waiting like Spot under the dinner table for the Global Elite to share with us their 30-year-old technology
  • 161. Today, a few countries are taking the future by the horns and developing New Energy technologies
  • 162. But most countries are not. To which group does Vietnam want to belong?
  • 163. In our next segment, we will be looking at the history of Zero Point Energy – • Who has known about it • What they’ve done with it • Who has suppressed it and kept it from the public… … as well as how they did this why