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NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork

Network’s Publishers

Advertising Formats

Case Histories
About Neomobile
                                   Neomobile is a global Mobile Commerce Group
                                    at the forefront of the new mobile ecosystem.

 Established in February 2007, Neomobile is today a global leader in Mobile Entertainment, highly visible in Europe,
Latin America and India, with an offer portfolio able to meet and exceed its customers’ demands for all access devices:
                               from feature phones and smartphones to PCs and tablets.
         Neomobile is also a leader in Mobile Payment, offering its Onebip solution and its mobile advertising
                                know-how to web and mobile merchants in 70+ markets.
5 Years Of Consistent Success                                                 Launch of NeoPowerAd,
                                                                                  premium mobile

                                                                                                            Acquisition of UCT, the
                      BlueGem invests in                                                                  Turkish holding company for
                          Neomobile                                   ME Winner “Best                     TrendTech and Retromedya
                                                                      D2C Company”
                                                                         in 2010
Neomobile is
 established                                  Acquisition of

   2007           2008               2009                      2010                          2011

                                                  Neomobile starts
                                                   its m-payment
    MPS Venture invests in                             activities                                        Acquisition of Onebip:
         Neomobile                                                                                    Neomobile becomes a global
                                                                                                      player, with presence in 70+

                                  Acquisition of the Spanish          > €100 million
                                   company Arena Mobile               gross revenue
                                                                         in 2010

                                                                                 2007      2010

NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork

Network’s Publishers

Advertising Formats

Case Histories
NeoPowerAd: Premium Mobile AdNetwork

  NeoPowerAd is the new Premium Mobile AdNetwork that aggregates advertising spaces on all major mobile
  platforms on the market: Mobile Site, iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile, Android, Java applications, BlackBerry.

    The premium profile of the inventories present in NeoPowerAd, the possibility to carefully select the
    target audience and a sales force with long experience in the mobile market, are ideal conditions to
               choose NeoPowerAd as the best solution to maximize the mobile inventories.
NeoPowerAd: Premium Mobile AdNetwork

 NeoPowerAd is the perfect choice for: publishers, advertising agencies, brand, application developers and
                                              mobile sites.

                                                                      NeoPowerAd makes available to advertising
    Publishers                                                        agencies the experience of a strong sales
    NeoPowerAd provides publishers an                                 force and the wealth of Premium Mobile
    ideal and immediate solution to                                   Marketplace in order to maximize the mobile
    monetize traffic on their mobile                                  inventories.

                 NeoPowerAd is the platform plug and play
                 solution that easily integrates into any                 Brand
                 mobile application to generate immediate                 NeoPowerAd is the best solution for
                 revenues and provide an offer even richer.               brands who want to get the best result
                                                                          from investment in the innovative mobile
NeoPowerAd: Platforms and Formats

  NeoPowerAd was developed to better serve all types of adv spaces all major mobile platforms on
  the market: Mobile Site, iPhone , iPad , Windows Mobile, Android, Applicazioni Java, BlackBerry.

  NeoPowerAd is constantly updated to support the evolution of the various operating systems and
                                  various advertising formats.

Mobile Portals iPhone      Android            iPad           Windows     Java Games     BlackBerry
NeoPowerAd: The Salesforce

The monetization of the adv spaces through NeoPowerAd is guaranteed by a team specifically dedicated to the
collection of investments.
The activity is developed through a direct relationship with major media centers that operate in the digital

     Service "turnkey" of display mobile advertising

     Campaign Reporting

     Targeting, planning and spaces acquisition

      Ability to plan according to your needs:

              International network of selected publishers with
              several criteria of segmentation of the target
              (device, operator, wi-fi ..)
              How to purchase: CPC

              Inventories selected on high quality publishers.    A sales team specifically dedicated to
              How to Buy: CPM                                                 NeoPowerAd
NeoPowerAd: Advertisers selection
Some of the advertisers who have chosen NeoPowerAd

NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork

Network’s Publishers

Advertising Formats

Case Histories
Network’s Publishers

                          A network of websites and mobile applications that
                          generates over 240 million monthly impressions in Europe

                   Women                              News & Info

                  • More than 100 mobile sites and applications
                • High performance inventories with CTR up to 5%
     Men                                                              Sport
                       • IAB and MMA standards compliant
               • Rich Media and Video Advertising formats enabled
                              • 6 vertical channels

                 Community                            Entertainment
Channel: Games and Entertainment
Some of the most downloaded applications of the Italian App Store and many Msites dedicated to
games and entertainment to reach an horizontal target with intensive traffic.

Audience: 30.000.000 monthly impressions

              Women                       45%               M-site    5%

                  Men                      55%                App                       95%

                      (55+)                                 Android   Others
            (45-54)    5%       (13-17)                       5%       1%
              10%                 19%

                                                 iPad 23%

                      CHANNEL                                    CHANNEL
                         BY                                         BY
                        AGE                                     PLATFORM
Channel: Women
A complete coverage of the female target with msites and applications
dedicated to coocking, fashion, moms, health, gossip, games and toys.

Audience: 19.000.000 monthly impressions

               Women                               94%               M-site            29%

                 Men      6%                                          App                             71%

                  (55+)        (13-17)                                        Others
                   7%            7%                                            4%
                                                                    BB 5%

     (45-54)                               (18-24)
                                            17%           Android

                    CHANNEL                                                  CHANNEL
                       BY                                                       BY
                      AGE                                                   PLATFORM
                                                         iPad 12%                              62%

     (35-44)                             (25-34)
      23%                                 27%
Channel: Men
A complete coverage of the male target with msites and applications
dedicated to Sport, Economy, Technology, Utility.

Audience: 31.000.000 monthly impressions

                 Women        7%                                       M-site        12%

                        Men                            93%               App                        88%

                                   (13-17)                                        Others
                   (55+)                                                           3%
                    12%              8%                                BB 5%

                                              (18-24)        Android
                                                16%           18%
                           CHANNEL                                               CHANNEL
                              BY                                                    BY       51%
                             AGE                                                PLATFORM

                                             (25-34)          iPad 23%
Channel: Community
The world mobile leader application to connect with the the main social network and
communities. Two applications and one msite to reach a huge amount of users.

Audience: 100.000.000 monthly impressions

                 Women                      61%                 M-site                      56%

                       Men            39%                        App                  44%

                             (55+)                                           Others
                  (45-54)                                                     4%
                              3%       (13-17)                    BB 2%

     17%                    CHANNEL                                       CHANNEL            iPhone
                               BY                     Android                BY                48%

                              AGE                      41%               PLATFORM

               20%                                                        iPad 5%
Channel: Sport
A very wide range of mobile sites and applications on major sports, to capture the
attention and passion of the public.

Audience: 25.000.000 monthly impressions

               Women           22%                                M-site        13%

                   Men                             78%                App                         87%

                                   (13-17)                            Android   Others
                                     11%                                6%       3%

                                                           iPad 11%

     (45-54)                                     (18-24)
       15%                                         18%
                         CHANNEL                                             CHANNEL
                            BY                                                 BY
                           AGE                                              PLATFORM

       (35-44)                                                                           iPhone
         21%                                                                               80%
Publishers: News & Information
News and information about many different topics like arts and travel to reach a wide target.

Audience: 36.500.000 monthly impressions

               Women              41%                           M-site         19%

                  Men                   59%                      App                          81%

                        (13-17)                                             Others
                          4%      (18-24)                        BB 5%       3%
           20%                      9%

                                            (25-34)                                    42%
                    CHANNEL                   17%     Android             CHANNEL
                       BY                              33%                   BY
                      AGE                                                PLATFORM


                                    23%                                  iPad 17%
International Network

                        The network is directly connected with publishers
                                  in four European countries

                            • ITALY - 170 million mobile impressions
                            • FRANCE - 30 million mobile impressions
                            • TURKEY - 30 million mobile impressions
                            • SPAIN - 10 million mobile impressions

                                 New countries are currently entering
                                         into the network

                          NeoPowerAd is also connected with several
                                    international networks
                          to gain extra traffic from all over the world

NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork

Network’s Publishers

Advertising Formats

Case Histories
Banner formats
Based on guidelines established by MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) and IAB (Interactive Advertising
Boureau), the NeoPowerAd platform supports the following formats:

                                            Small banner 120x20 (also 120x30)

                                          Medium banner 168x28 (also 168x42)
  Mobile web
                                            Large banner 216x36 (also 216x54)

                                               XL banner 300x50 (also 300x75)

                                                           Banner 320x48
  Mobile applications
                                                                                Mercedes Benz
                                                        Text + image 38x38
                                                                                Abbiamo eliminato il tasso

                 Banner 728x90
                 Banner 468x60
                                                                                Banner 320x250
NeoPowerAd: Call-to-action
     NeoPowerAd enables multiple call-to-action over the mobile display campaign

                                                CLICK TO…

       CALL                                                               LANDING

                       STORE                           AUDIO/VIDEO

 Click the banner    Access to the     Look at the      Listen to an     Access to a
     and call!          store!           map!         audio or watch a   mobile page!
NeoPowerAd: The New Rich Media Formats

The platform NeoPowerad supports the delivery of new Rich Media formats

                                   Click on the banner to activate an animated
                                   image in the center of the page

                                    LIGHT LANDING PAGE
                                   You click on a page and a landing page is
                                   activated by three navigable pages in which to
                                   insert descriptions, images, forms, etc.

                                   LIGHT LANDING PAGE AUTO START
                                   After a few seconds of navigating a landing
                                   page is displayed with three pages waterways
                                   in which to insert descriptions, images, forms,
NeoPowerAd: The New Rich Media Formats

The platform NeoPowerad supports the delivery of new Rich Media formats

    Opening a video in the middle of the page,
    with the commands of the player

    After a few seconds of navigation, motion
    picture opening in the center of the page

    After a few seconds of navigation, the images
    that move in pulse open in the middle of the

NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork

Network’s Publishers

Advertising Formats

Case Histories
Case History Disney: Click to App Store

     Banner display                   App Store – Download                   App installed

                                                 Pagine Gialle

                                          E’ arrivato anche su iPhone
                                          l’App Seat Pagine Gialle.
                                          Scopri i consigli degli esperti,
                                          i contatti di tutti i principali
                                          indirizzi commerciali della
                                          tua città, provincia e regione
                                          attraverso la semplice
                                          interfaccia integrata con la
                                          geolocalizzatzione. Sempre
                                          con te.

The user surfs the m-site or app of      By clicking on the banner, the user is led directly into the
NeoPowerAd network and finds a          app-store on the page dedicated to the application where
Disney banner optimized for his                  he can download it directly on his device.
Case History Pagine Gialle: Click to App Store

     Banner display               App Store – Download                     App installed

                                              Pagine Gialle

                                       E’ arrivato anche su iPhone
                                       l’App Seat Pagine Gialle.
                                       Scopri i consigli degli esperti,
                                       i contatti di tutti i principali
                                       indirizzi commerciali della
                                       tua città, provincia e regione
                                       attraverso la semplice
                                       interfaccia integrata con la
                                       geolocalizzatzione. Sempre
                                       con te.

The user surfs the m-site or app of    By clicking on the banner, the user is led directly into the
NeoPowerAd network and finds a        app-store on the page dedicated to the application where
Pagine Gialle banner optimized for             he can download it directly on his device.
his device.
Case History Paramount: Product launch

                                            Mobile landing page - Promo

 Users click on the banner in NeoPowerAd network and land on a mobile landing page
 dedicated to the Transformers3 movie, with information and trailers.
CAMPAGNAMercedes: Lead generation
 Case History Mercedes

                                    After clicking on a banner on
                                    the NeoPowerAd network
                                    inventories the user views a
                                    Mercedes lead generation
                                    page to fill in his data in order
                                    to have more information
                                    about the product offer.
Case History Eni: Click to M-Site

  Mobile Display Ad           Mobile site – Promo page            Mobile Display Ad

The users surf the m-site or app in the NeoPowerAd network     By clicking on the banners the
and displays a Eni banner optimized for their devices.       user is led on a promotional page
                                                             that includes a click to call for the
                                                                   immediate conversion.
Case History Wind: Lead generation
 After clicking on a banner in the NeoPowerAd network, the user views a Wind
 lead generation page where he can leave his data and go immediately to the
 final purchase of the product.
Case History Unicredit: Click to Video

      Mobile display Ad - iPad                                 Promotional Video

After clicking on a banner in the NeoPowerAd network the user views a page with a Unicredit
promotional video to promote a financial product, strengthening brand positioning.
Massimo Dolci
    NeoPowerAd Manager
      +39 3492215218

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NeoPowerAd Presentation

  • 1.
  • 2. Neomobile NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork Network’s Publishers Advertising Formats Case Histories
  • 3. About Neomobile Neomobile is a global Mobile Commerce Group at the forefront of the new mobile ecosystem. Established in February 2007, Neomobile is today a global leader in Mobile Entertainment, highly visible in Europe, Latin America and India, with an offer portfolio able to meet and exceed its customers’ demands for all access devices: from feature phones and smartphones to PCs and tablets. . Neomobile is also a leader in Mobile Payment, offering its Onebip solution and its mobile advertising know-how to web and mobile merchants in 70+ markets.
  • 4. 5 Years Of Consistent Success Launch of NeoPowerAd, premium mobile AdNetwork Acquisition of UCT, the BlueGem invests in Turkish holding company for Neomobile ME Winner “Best TrendTech and Retromedya D2C Company” in 2010 Neomobile is established Acquisition of Zero9 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Neomobile starts its m-payment MPS Venture invests in activities Acquisition of Onebip: Neomobile Neomobile becomes a global player, with presence in 70+ countries Acquisition of the Spanish > €100 million company Arena Mobile gross revenue in 2010 2007 2010
  • 5. Neomobile NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork Network’s Publishers Advertising Formats Case Histories
  • 6. NeoPowerAd: Premium Mobile AdNetwork NeoPowerAd is the new Premium Mobile AdNetwork that aggregates advertising spaces on all major mobile platforms on the market: Mobile Site, iPhone, iPad, Windows Mobile, Android, Java applications, BlackBerry. The premium profile of the inventories present in NeoPowerAd, the possibility to carefully select the target audience and a sales force with long experience in the mobile market, are ideal conditions to choose NeoPowerAd as the best solution to maximize the mobile inventories.
  • 7. NeoPowerAd: Premium Mobile AdNetwork NeoPowerAd is the perfect choice for: publishers, advertising agencies, brand, application developers and mobile sites. Agencies NeoPowerAd makes available to advertising Publishers agencies the experience of a strong sales NeoPowerAd provides publishers an force and the wealth of Premium Mobile ideal and immediate solution to Marketplace in order to maximize the mobile monetize traffic on their mobile inventories. inventory. Developer NeoPowerAd is the platform plug and play solution that easily integrates into any Brand mobile application to generate immediate NeoPowerAd is the best solution for revenues and provide an offer even richer. brands who want to get the best result from investment in the innovative mobile channel.
  • 8. NeoPowerAd: Platforms and Formats NeoPowerAd was developed to better serve all types of adv spaces all major mobile platforms on the market: Mobile Site, iPhone , iPad , Windows Mobile, Android, Applicazioni Java, BlackBerry. NeoPowerAd is constantly updated to support the evolution of the various operating systems and various advertising formats. Mobile Portals iPhone Android iPad Windows Java Games BlackBerry
  • 9. NeoPowerAd: The Salesforce The monetization of the adv spaces through NeoPowerAd is guaranteed by a team specifically dedicated to the collection of investments. The activity is developed through a direct relationship with major media centers that operate in the digital advertising. Service "turnkey" of display mobile advertising Campaign Reporting Targeting, planning and spaces acquisition Ability to plan according to your needs: PERFORMANCE: International network of selected publishers with several criteria of segmentation of the target (device, operator, wi-fi ..) How to purchase: CPC PREMIUM: Inventories selected on high quality publishers. A sales team specifically dedicated to How to Buy: CPM NeoPowerAd
  • 10. NeoPowerAd: Advertisers selection Some of the advertisers who have chosen NeoPowerAd
  • 11. Neomobile NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork Network’s Publishers Advertising Formats Case Histories
  • 12. Network’s Publishers A network of websites and mobile applications that generates over 240 million monthly impressions in Europe Women News & Info • More than 100 mobile sites and applications • High performance inventories with CTR up to 5% Men Sport • IAB and MMA standards compliant • Rich Media and Video Advertising formats enabled • 6 vertical channels Community Entertainment
  • 13. Channel: Games and Entertainment Some of the most downloaded applications of the Italian App Store and many Msites dedicated to games and entertainment to reach an horizontal target with intensive traffic. Audience: 30.000.000 monthly impressions Women 45% M-site 5% Men 55% App 95% (55+) Android Others (45-54) 5% (13-17) 5% 1% 10% 19% iPad 23% (35-44) 15% CHANNEL CHANNEL BY BY AGE PLATFORM (18-24) 26% iPhone 71% (25-34) 25%
  • 14. Channel: Women A complete coverage of the female target with msites and applications dedicated to coocking, fashion, moms, health, gossip, games and toys. Audience: 19.000.000 monthly impressions Women 94% M-site 29% Men 6% App 71% (55+) (13-17) Others 7% 7% 4% BB 5% (45-54) (18-24) 17% Android 19% 17% CHANNEL CHANNEL BY BY AGE PLATFORM iPhone iPad 12% 62% (35-44) (25-34) 23% 27%
  • 15. Channel: Men A complete coverage of the male target with msites and applications dedicated to Sport, Economy, Technology, Utility. Audience: 31.000.000 monthly impressions Women 7% M-site 12% Men 93% App 88% (13-17) Others (55+) 3% 12% 8% BB 5% (18-24) Android 16% 18% (45-54) 19% CHANNEL CHANNEL iPhone BY BY 51% AGE PLATFORM (25-34) iPad 23% 24% (35-44) 21%
  • 16. Channel: Community The world mobile leader application to connect with the the main social network and communities. Two applications and one msite to reach a huge amount of users. Audience: 100.000.000 monthly impressions Women 61% M-site 56% Men 39% App 44% (55+) Others (45-54) 4% 3% (13-17) BB 2% 10% 21% (35-44) 17% CHANNEL CHANNEL iPhone BY Android BY 48% AGE 41% PLATFORM (18-24) 29% (25-34) 20% iPad 5%
  • 17. Channel: Sport A very wide range of mobile sites and applications on major sports, to capture the attention and passion of the public. Audience: 25.000.000 monthly impressions Women 22% M-site 13% Men 78% App 87% (13-17) Android Others (55+) 11% 6% 3% 13% iPad 11% (45-54) (18-24) 15% 18% CHANNEL CHANNEL BY BY AGE PLATFORM (35-44) iPhone (25-34) 21% 80% 22%
  • 18. Publishers: News & Information News and information about many different topics like arts and travel to reach a wide target. Audience: 36.500.000 monthly impressions Women 41% M-site 19% Men 59% App 81% (13-17) Others 4% (18-24) BB 5% 3% (55+) 20% 9% iPhone (25-34) 42% CHANNEL 17% Android CHANNEL BY 33% BY AGE PLATFORM (45-54) 27% (35-44) 23% iPad 17%
  • 19. International Network The network is directly connected with publishers in four European countries • ITALY - 170 million mobile impressions • FRANCE - 30 million mobile impressions • TURKEY - 30 million mobile impressions • SPAIN - 10 million mobile impressions New countries are currently entering into the network NeoPowerAd is also connected with several international networks to gain extra traffic from all over the world
  • 20. Neomobile NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork Network’s Publishers Advertising Formats Case Histories
  • 21. Banner formats Based on guidelines established by MMA (Mobile Marketing Association) and IAB (Interactive Advertising Boureau), the NeoPowerAd platform supports the following formats: Small banner 120x20 (also 120x30) Medium banner 168x28 (also 168x42) Mobile web Large banner 216x36 (also 216x54) XL banner 300x50 (also 300x75) Banner 320x48 Mobile applications Mercedes Benz Text + image 38x38 Abbiamo eliminato il tasso Banner 728x90 Tablet Banner 468x60 Banner 320x250
  • 22. NeoPowerAd: Call-to-action NeoPowerAd enables multiple call-to-action over the mobile display campaign CLICK TO… CALL LANDING STORE AUDIO/VIDEO MAPS Click the banner Access to the Look at the Listen to an Access to a and call! store! map! audio or watch a mobile page! video!
  • 23. NeoPowerAd: The New Rich Media Formats The platform NeoPowerad supports the delivery of new Rich Media formats LUMIER Click on the banner to activate an animated image in the center of the page LIGHT LANDING PAGE You click on a page and a landing page is activated by three navigable pages in which to insert descriptions, images, forms, etc. LIGHT LANDING PAGE AUTO START After a few seconds of navigating a landing page is displayed with three pages waterways in which to insert descriptions, images, forms, etc..
  • 24. NeoPowerAd: The New Rich Media Formats The platform NeoPowerad supports the delivery of new Rich Media formats VIDEO Opening a video in the middle of the page, with the commands of the player SNAKING After a few seconds of navigation, motion picture opening in the center of the page HEARTBEAT After a few seconds of navigation, the images that move in pulse open in the middle of the page
  • 25. Neomobile NeoPowerAd Premium Mobile Adnetwork Network’s Publishers Advertising Formats Case Histories
  • 26. Case History Disney: Click to App Store Banner display App Store – Download App installed Pagine Gialle E’ arrivato anche su iPhone l’App Seat Pagine Gialle. Scopri i consigli degli esperti, i contatti di tutti i principali indirizzi commerciali della tua città, provincia e regione attraverso la semplice interfaccia integrata con la geolocalizzatzione. Sempre con te. The user surfs the m-site or app of By clicking on the banner, the user is led directly into the NeoPowerAd network and finds a app-store on the page dedicated to the application where Disney banner optimized for his he can download it directly on his device. device.
  • 27. Case History Pagine Gialle: Click to App Store Banner display App Store – Download App installed Pagine Gialle E’ arrivato anche su iPhone l’App Seat Pagine Gialle. Scopri i consigli degli esperti, i contatti di tutti i principali indirizzi commerciali della tua città, provincia e regione attraverso la semplice interfaccia integrata con la geolocalizzatzione. Sempre con te. The user surfs the m-site or app of By clicking on the banner, the user is led directly into the NeoPowerAd network and finds a app-store on the page dedicated to the application where Pagine Gialle banner optimized for he can download it directly on his device. his device.
  • 28. Case History Paramount: Product launch Mobile landing page - Promo Users click on the banner in NeoPowerAd network and land on a mobile landing page dedicated to the Transformers3 movie, with information and trailers.
  • 29. CAMPAGNAMercedes: Lead generation Case History Mercedes After clicking on a banner on the NeoPowerAd network inventories the user views a Mercedes lead generation page to fill in his data in order to have more information about the product offer.
  • 30. Case History Eni: Click to M-Site Mobile Display Ad Mobile site – Promo page Mobile Display Ad The users surf the m-site or app in the NeoPowerAd network By clicking on the banners the and displays a Eni banner optimized for their devices. user is led on a promotional page that includes a click to call for the immediate conversion.
  • 31. Case History Wind: Lead generation After clicking on a banner in the NeoPowerAd network, the user views a Wind lead generation page where he can leave his data and go immediately to the final purchase of the product.
  • 32. Case History Unicredit: Click to Video Mobile display Ad - iPad Promotional Video After clicking on a banner in the NeoPowerAd network the user views a page with a Unicredit promotional video to promote a financial product, strengthening brand positioning.
  • 33. Massimo Dolci NeoPowerAd Manager +39 3492215218