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         RAHUL JAIN
         ARJUN SARA
         UDAY YADAV
 Mycenaean
 was a city
 in ancient
 10km north
 of agros in
 The Mycenaean
  civilization flourished
  during the period
  roughly between 1600
 it perished with the
  collapse of bronze age
  civilization in the
  eastern Mediterranean.
 The major Mycenaean
  were Mycenae and Tiry
  ns in Argolis, Pylos in
  Messenia, Athens in
  Attica, Thebes and Or
  chomenus in Boeotia,
  and Iolkos in Thessaly.
•The Mycenaeans entered Greece from the north or
northeast c.2000 B.C., displacing, seemingly without
violence, the older Neolithic culture, which can be dated
as early as 4000 B.C.

•These Indo-European Greek-speaking invaders brought
with them advanced techniques in pottery, metallurgy, and
architecture. Mercantile contact with Crete advanced and
strongly influenced their culture, and by 1600 B.C.,

•Mycenae had become a major center of the ancient world.
•The great Mycenaean cities—Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos,
Thebes, Orchomenos—were noted for their heavy, complex
fortifications and the massive, cyclopean quality of their
masonry, while Minoan cities were totally unfortified.

•Mycenaean palaces were built around great halls called
megara rather than around an open space as in Crete.
Trade and commerce

 . Wide-ranging commerce circulated Mycenaean goods
  throughout the Mediterranean world from Spain and the
  Levant. The evidence consists primarily of vases, but their
  contents (oil, wine, and other commodities) were probably
  the chief objects of trade.
 During the Mycenaean period, the Greek mainland
  enjoyed an era of prosperity centered in such strongholds
  as Mycenae, Tiryns, Thebes, and Athens.
 Local workshops produced utilitarian objects of pottery
  and bronze, as well as luxury items, such as carved gems,
  jewellery, vases in precious metals, and glass ornaments.
 By the close of the Bronze Age contacts between the
  Aegean and its neighbours were well established.
 Mycenaean connection extended as far as
  southern Spain
 Mycenaean pottery, for example, has been found
  in Sardinia,Southern Italy and Sicily
 Besides being bold traders, the Mycenaeans were
  fierce warriors and great engineers who designed and
  built remarkable bridges, fortification walls, and
  beehive-shaped tombs—all employing Cyclopean
  masonry—and elaborate drainage and irrigation
 Mycenaeans made a great deal of pottery.
  Archaeologists have found a great quantity of
  pottery from the Mycenaean age, of widely
  diverse styles—stirrup jars, pitchers, kraters,
  chalices sometimes called "champagne coupes"
  after their shape, etc. The vessels vary in size
 The products destined for export were generally
  more luxurious and featured heavily worked
  painted decorations incorporating mythic,
  warrior, or animal motifs.
 A number of vases have been found in the
  Aegean, in Anatolia, the Levant, Egypt and
  farther west in Sicily, even in Central Europe and
  as far away as Great Britain.
 In a general way, the circulation of Mycenaean
  goods is traceable thanks to nodules, ancestors
  of the modern label. They consisted of small
  balls of clay, molded with the fingers around a
  lanyard (probably of leather) with which they
  were attached to the object. The nodule
  displayed the imprint of a seal and an ideogram
  representing the object

 Mycenaean society appears to have been divided into
  two groups of free men:
 the king's entourage, who conducted administrative
  duties at the palace, and
 the people, who lived at the commune level; these
  last were watched over by royal agents and were
  obliged to perform duties for and pay taxes to the
 . On a lower rung of the social ladder were found the
•The most significant Mycenaean
achievement was the invention of a new
writing system, the syllabary named
Linear B.
• The decipherment of this writing
verified that the official language of
the Mycenaean palaces was the Greek
• This ascertainment shifted the
Mycenaean period from Prehistory to
•The Mycenaean texts are of a purely
record keeping character since they
include only the necessary registrations
for the control of the economic
• Therefore, we do not know whether
the Mycenaeans had written texts of a
different kind, such as letters, religious
or literary texts.
Art work
    Mycenaean
    swords an amber
    object inscribed
    with Linear B
    symbols has been
    in Bavaria, Germany
                           A Mycenaean
                           funeral mask
                           identified as
     Mycenaean bronze     the "Mask of    Silver repoussé rhyton with
    double axes and        Agamemnon"      gold horns, from Grave Circle
    other objects dating   by Heinrich     A at Mycenae, 16th century
    from 13th century      Schliemann      BC(Archaeological
                                           Museum, Athens
    BC have been found
    in Ireland and
    in Wessex and Corn
    wall in England.
The painting of the Mycenaean age was much
influenced by that of the Minoan age.

Fragments of wall paintings have been found in
or around the palaces (Pylos, Mycenae,

Various themes are represented: hunting, bull
leaping (tauromachy), battle scenes,
processions etc. Some scenes may be part of
mythological narratives

 Other frescoes include geometric or stylised
motifs, also used on painted pottery
The graves of the bronze age
 Two sets of graves found in the soil of Mycenae have given a
    fascinating glimpse of the wealth and artistic accomplishments of this
   The graves in each were enclosed within a circular wall. The older set,
    tentatively dated between 1700 and 1600 B.C., was outside the walls
    that surround the citadel of Mycenae
   there were wealthy Greeks, perhaps from a royal family or clan.
    Alongside the bodies, the surviving relatives had deposited various
    offerings, for example, a golden rattle in a child's grave.
   The second set of graves, inside the citadel walls, far surpassed the
    older ones in wealth.Their contents include such stunning luxuries as
    three masks of gold foil that were pressed on the faces of the dead and
    a complete burial suit of gold foil wrapped around a child, as well as
    swords, knives, daggers, and hundreds of gold ornaments.
   Bulls' heads in the graves indicate the influence of Crete on artists
    working in Greece.
The tablets
 The earliest record of greek
    mythology comes from clay
    tablets dating back to the
    mycenaean civilisation

 The clay tablets describe the
    chief mycenaean god as
    Poseidon. He appeared in later
    greek mythology as a major

    The tablets themselves are
    preserved only because they
    were baked in fire as these
    several cities were destroyed by
    invaders. All the tablets are
    rosters and inventories,
    cataloguing oil, seed, objects of
    metal, men, and women, all in
   The style of architecture used by the Mycenaeans in their cities developed during the
    Early Mycenaean period.
    As with the art of the Mycenaeans, their architecture owes a great deal to the
    influence of the Minoans of Crete.
    The plan and layout of the Bronze Age cities on the mainland resemble the “palaces”
    of Crete in many ways, however, the Mycenaeans did develop their own style over
    the following centuries.
   Architecture of the heroic age in southern Greece from the 17th to 13th century B.C.
    Exemplified in the earliest phase by shaft graves cut into the sloping rock, with
    sidewalls of stone masonry and a timber roof;
    in the middle period by monumental beehive tombs constructed of superimposed
    layers of enormous stone blocks progressively projecting to create a parabolic
    corbeled vault, with a stone-faced, inclined access passage leading to the entrance
    composed of upward-slanting jambs and a heavy stone lintel supporting a
    characteristic Mycenaean relief triangle
   ; in the late period by fortified palaces having Cyclopean walls, underground passages
    with corbeled vaults, postern gates, and cisterns, laid out on an irregular ground plan,
    with distinctive propylaea, one or more unconnected columnar halls with porches
    facing individual courts, and long corridors linking auxiliary and storage rooms.
 The principal Mycenaean towns were
  well fortified. against a large hill as
  in Mycenae, or on the coastal plain,
  like Gla or Pylos.
 Besides the citadels, there are also
  isolated forts that undoubtedly served to
  militarily control territory.
 Mycenaean walls were often made in a
  fashion called cyclopean, which means
  that they were constructed of large,
  unworked boulders up to eight meters
  (26 ft) thick, loosely fitted without the
  clay mortar of the day.
 Different types of entrances or exits can
  be seen: monumental gates, access
  ramps, hidden doors, and vaulted
  galleries for escaping in case of a siege.
  Fear of attack meant that the chosen site
  must have a cistern or well at its disposal.
Corbel vaulting
 Many of the Mycenaean constructions
  utilized stone blocks of an enormous
  size. Some of the blocks are the size of a
  small truck.

 This technique can be used to span
  arched corridors and circular domes in
  buildings and is often used to lighten the
  weight above doorways. The corbel vault
  is created by arranging courses of stones
  with each successive course projecting
  slightly more into the space, until a single
  stone can be placed over the top of the
  triangular arch.

 The tunnel at Mycenae leading to the
  “secret spring” and the tholos tombs of
  the Mycenaeans are the most
  recognizable uses of corbel vaulting.
Lion gate
•The Lion Gate of Mycenae was the
entrance to the city. Atop the gate, two
lions rampant are carved in stone relief.
Similar bas-reliefs of two lions rampant
facing each other are found in a number of
places in Phrygia in Asia Minor.1
•The twin lions shown here flanking a pillar
were positioned above the main entrance
to the citadel of Mycenae.
• The gate was about 10 feet wide and 10
feet high; the carved stone with the lions
is about three feet high. It forms what is
called a "relieving triangle", because the
carved slab weighs much less than the
stones to the right and left; this reduced
pressure on the lintel block below it. That
block weighs two tons or so. The door was
made up of two wooden leaves opening
•The lions originally had heads made of
metal, but they have long since
disappeared. The column the two lions
The megaron
   The megaron is the great hall of the Grecian palace complexes.
   It was a rectangular hall, fronted by an open, two-columned
    porch, and a more or less central, open hearth vented though an
    oculus in the roof above it and surrounded by four columns.
   It is the architectural predecessor of the classical Greek temple.
    It was used for poetry, feasts, worship, sacrifice, formal royal
    functions, councils, and is said to be where guests of the king
    would stay during their visits
   . Originally it was very colorful — made with the Minoan
    architectural order, the insides made of fired brick and a wooden
    roof supported on beams.
   The rooftop was tiled with ceramic and terracotta tiles.
    In the theory of architecture, the Megaron is considered to be the
    earliest architectural act. It is the earliest intervention that
    transforms utilitarian buildings into buildings with architectural
   The Megaron creates the notion of special approach and axis and
    thus is considered to be the predecessor of all orders in
    architectural theory
Mycenaean palaces
   the palaces of the mainland Mycenaeans
    are sprawling buildings usually located at
    the center of the fortified citadel.
   The best examples of the Mycenaean
    palace are seen in the excavations
    at Mycenae, Tiryns and Pylos.
    Within the palace complex residential
    space, storerooms and workshops were
    arranged around the central megaron,
    considered to function as the audience
    chamber for the royals. Most were
    probably two-storied, but in all cases the
    second story has not survived and must be
    hypothesized from stairways.
    The plan of the palace varies a great deal
    from site to site, but they all share the
    megaron as their central feature
   This plan features two megarons
    suggesting a public audience chamber as
    well as one reserved for more important
    visitors and family.
Palace of tyrins
•The city of Tiryns, situated on a ridge in
the plain between Nauplion and Mycenae,
has been inhabited since the Neolithic Age
(3rd millennium BCE) but attained its
greatest splendor in the late Mycenaean
period (c. 1400-1200 BCE).
•The bluff on which it stood was only 18 m
(59 ft) higher than the surrounding plain,
which in ancient times was a salt march.
• The palace on the summit of the citadel
was excavated (1884-85) by the German
archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann and until
the later discoveries in Crete was
considered the most complete example of
the home of a prehistoric king in the
Aegean area.
• It includes entrance gates, paved courts,
large halls, vestibules, smaller rooms, and a
• It was apparently built by stages; the
complex of buildings representing both
earlier and later palaces. Tiryns survived
into the classical period but was destroyed
Knossos palace
•Labyrinth, or Knossos Palace, is the largest
Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and
probably the ceremonial and political centre of
the Minoan civilization and culture
•. The palace appears as a maze of workrooms,
living spaces, and store rooms close to a central
square. Detailed images of Cretan life in the
late Bronze Age are provided by images on the
walls of this palace
•. It is also a tourist destination today, as it is
near the main city of Heraklion and has been
substantially restored by archaeologist Arthur
•The palace has an interesting layout[4] .The
1,300 rooms are connected with corridors of
varying sizes and direction, which is different
than other palaces of the time period which
connected the rooms via several main hallways.
• The 6 acres (24,000 m2) of the palace
included a theatre, a main entrance on each of
its four cardinal faces, and extensive
•The 6 acres (24,000 m2) of the palace included a
theatre, a main entrance on each of its four cardinal
faces, and extensive storerooms (also called
•The storerooms contained pithoi (large clay vases)
that held oil, grains, dried fish, beans, and olives.
•Many of the items were created at the palace
itself, which had grain mills, oil presses, and wine
•Beneath the pithoi were stone holes used to store
more valuable objects, such as gold.
• The palace used advanced architectural
techniques: for example, part of it was built up to
five stories high The compartments in the floor
were for grain and produce.
• An alternative explanation for these
compartments is that they were catch basins for
the contents of the pithoi if one should break or
leak. It would be very hazardous to store grain or
produce in the floor of a magazine, the main
purpose of which was to hold giant vases of liquids.
Palace of pylos
 The most thoroughly excavated
  palace is that of Pylos, the fable home
  of King Nestor. The site is one of the
  few Mycenaean cities that was
  undamaged by later settlement on
  the site, so modern excavations have
  been quite fruitful.
 The information recovered from Pylos
  reveals the high level of decoration
  that occurred in Mycenaean palaces.
 The walls, floors and ceilings of the
  megaron were covered in frescoes of
  bright colors.
 the residential suites on the ground
  floor were quite spacious,
 The kingdom of Pylos was divided into
  two great provinces, the near province,
  and the far province.
 The kingdom was further subdivided into
  seven districts, then into a number of
  communes. To manage these districts,
  the king named governor and a vice
  governor. A damokoros,( one who takes
  care of a damos), in charge of the
  commune, shared responsibility at the
  communal level
 The staircases found in the palace
  of Pylos indicate palaces had two stories.
  Located on the top floor were probably
  the private quarters of the royal family
  and some storerooms. These palaces have
  yielded a wealth of artifacts and
  fragmentary frescoes.
Citadel and fortifications

 The citadel of Mycenae was probably the greatest and the largest of all the
  Mycenaean cities.
 Located on the top of a hill, the city was meant to take the fullest
  advantage of the natural defenses.
 The fortified wall surrounding the city was built up in progressive stages
  with the last section completed only a short time before the city was
 The city walls were immense, incredibly thick, and consisting of several
  ton boulders
 The tombs of the Mycenaeans are
  famous for their unique construction
  and, of course, the amazing riches
  that were found in many of them.
 The first style of tomb popular on the
  mainland was the shaft grave. Two
  well preserved examples from
  Mycenae are known as Grave Circle
  A and Grave Circle B. Both were
  communal graves, the first held 19
  skeletons and the second, 24. The
  spectrum of ages represented in each
  suggest common family burials. Both
  contained many fine examples of
  Early Mycenaean art pieces,
  including the now infamous Mask of
 The tholos tomb became popular for the
    burials of entire royal families later in the
    Mycenaean period.
   These tombs are known throughout
    Greece during the Bronze Age and are
    easily recognized by their bee-hive shape
    created by corbel vaulting of a round
    building. The most famous of these tholos
    tombs by far is the so-called Treasury of
    Atreus discovered by Heinrich
   These tholos tombs were entered through
    a dromos, or entrance passage.
   Dimensions :
   At the Treasury of Atreus, this dromos is of
    monumental proportions, 6m wide and
    36m long. The dome of the tholos is
    equally impressive, 14.6m in diameter and
    13.5m to the top of the dome.
   The stone work of the interior is very
    refined for the period, with a smooth
    surface of limestone.
Reason of its collapse
 Around 1100 BC, the Mycenaean civilization collapsed. Numerous
  cities were sacked, and the region entered what historians
  describe as a dark age for its lack of inscriptions, with some
  Mycenaeans fleeing to Cyprus as well as other Greek islands and
  coastal parts of Anatolia.
 During this period, Greece experienced
  decreasing population and the limited literacy, connected with
  bureaucrats of palace culture, disappeared.
 Historians have traditionally blamed this decline on an invasion or
  uprising by another wave of Greek people, the Dorians, who may
  have been a subjugated local people, although Pylos was
  probably destroyed by sea peoples.
 Alternate theories for the decline also include natural disasters
  such as a series of earthquakes or large-scale drought, although
  these recent theories are more controversial.

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Mycenean ppt

  • 2. Location  Mycenaean was a city in ancient greece, located 10km north of agros in the southern peninsula
  • 3.  The Mycenaean civilization flourished during the period roughly between 1600 BC,  it perished with the collapse of bronze age civilization in the eastern Mediterranean.  The major Mycenaean cities were Mycenae and Tiry ns in Argolis, Pylos in Messenia, Athens in Attica, Thebes and Or chomenus in Boeotia, and Iolkos in Thessaly.
  • 4. Invasion •The Mycenaeans entered Greece from the north or northeast c.2000 B.C., displacing, seemingly without violence, the older Neolithic culture, which can be dated as early as 4000 B.C. •These Indo-European Greek-speaking invaders brought with them advanced techniques in pottery, metallurgy, and architecture. Mercantile contact with Crete advanced and strongly influenced their culture, and by 1600 B.C., •Mycenae had become a major center of the ancient world. •The great Mycenaean cities—Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Thebes, Orchomenos—were noted for their heavy, complex fortifications and the massive, cyclopean quality of their masonry, while Minoan cities were totally unfortified. •Mycenaean palaces were built around great halls called megara rather than around an open space as in Crete.
  • 5. Trade and commerce  . Wide-ranging commerce circulated Mycenaean goods throughout the Mediterranean world from Spain and the Levant. The evidence consists primarily of vases, but their contents (oil, wine, and other commodities) were probably the chief objects of trade.  During the Mycenaean period, the Greek mainland enjoyed an era of prosperity centered in such strongholds as Mycenae, Tiryns, Thebes, and Athens.  Local workshops produced utilitarian objects of pottery and bronze, as well as luxury items, such as carved gems, jewellery, vases in precious metals, and glass ornaments.
  • 6.  By the close of the Bronze Age contacts between the Aegean and its neighbours were well established.  Mycenaean connection extended as far as southern Spain  Mycenaean pottery, for example, has been found in Sardinia,Southern Italy and Sicily  Besides being bold traders, the Mycenaeans were fierce warriors and great engineers who designed and built remarkable bridges, fortification walls, and beehive-shaped tombs—all employing Cyclopean masonry—and elaborate drainage and irrigation systems.
  • 7. pottery  Mycenaeans made a great deal of pottery. Archaeologists have found a great quantity of pottery from the Mycenaean age, of widely diverse styles—stirrup jars, pitchers, kraters, chalices sometimes called "champagne coupes" after their shape, etc. The vessels vary in size  The products destined for export were generally more luxurious and featured heavily worked painted decorations incorporating mythic, warrior, or animal motifs.  A number of vases have been found in the Aegean, in Anatolia, the Levant, Egypt and farther west in Sicily, even in Central Europe and as far away as Great Britain.  In a general way, the circulation of Mycenaean goods is traceable thanks to nodules, ancestors of the modern label. They consisted of small balls of clay, molded with the fingers around a lanyard (probably of leather) with which they were attached to the object. The nodule displayed the imprint of a seal and an ideogram representing the object
  • 8. society  Mycenaean society appears to have been divided into two groups of free men:  the king's entourage, who conducted administrative duties at the palace, and  the people, who lived at the commune level; these last were watched over by royal agents and were obliged to perform duties for and pay taxes to the palace.  . On a lower rung of the social ladder were found the slaves,
  • 9. writing •The most significant Mycenaean achievement was the invention of a new writing system, the syllabary named Linear B. • The decipherment of this writing verified that the official language of the Mycenaean palaces was the Greek language. • This ascertainment shifted the Mycenaean period from Prehistory to Protohistory. •The Mycenaean texts are of a purely record keeping character since they include only the necessary registrations for the control of the economic management. • Therefore, we do not know whether the Mycenaeans had written texts of a different kind, such as letters, religious or literary texts.
  • 10. Art work  Mycenaean swords an amber object inscribed with Linear B symbols has been found in Bavaria, Germany A Mycenaean funeral mask identified as  Mycenaean bronze the "Mask of Silver repoussé rhyton with double axes and Agamemnon" gold horns, from Grave Circle other objects dating by Heinrich A at Mycenae, 16th century from 13th century Schliemann BC(Archaeological Museum, Athens BC have been found in Ireland and in Wessex and Corn wall in England.
  • 11. The painting of the Mycenaean age was much influenced by that of the Minoan age. Fragments of wall paintings have been found in or around the palaces (Pylos, Mycenae, Tiryns) Various themes are represented: hunting, bull leaping (tauromachy), battle scenes, processions etc. Some scenes may be part of mythological narratives Other frescoes include geometric or stylised motifs, also used on painted pottery
  • 12. The graves of the bronze age  Two sets of graves found in the soil of Mycenae have given a fascinating glimpse of the wealth and artistic accomplishments of this city.  The graves in each were enclosed within a circular wall. The older set, tentatively dated between 1700 and 1600 B.C., was outside the walls that surround the citadel of Mycenae  there were wealthy Greeks, perhaps from a royal family or clan. Alongside the bodies, the surviving relatives had deposited various offerings, for example, a golden rattle in a child's grave.  The second set of graves, inside the citadel walls, far surpassed the older ones in wealth.Their contents include such stunning luxuries as three masks of gold foil that were pressed on the faces of the dead and a complete burial suit of gold foil wrapped around a child, as well as swords, knives, daggers, and hundreds of gold ornaments.  Bulls' heads in the graves indicate the influence of Crete on artists working in Greece.
  • 13. The tablets  The earliest record of greek mythology comes from clay tablets dating back to the mycenaean civilisation  The clay tablets describe the chief mycenaean god as Poseidon. He appeared in later greek mythology as a major figure.  The tablets themselves are preserved only because they were baked in fire as these several cities were destroyed by invaders. All the tablets are rosters and inventories, cataloguing oil, seed, objects of metal, men, and women, all in
  • 14. Architecture  The style of architecture used by the Mycenaeans in their cities developed during the Early Mycenaean period.  As with the art of the Mycenaeans, their architecture owes a great deal to the influence of the Minoans of Crete.  The plan and layout of the Bronze Age cities on the mainland resemble the “palaces” of Crete in many ways, however, the Mycenaeans did develop their own style over the following centuries.  Architecture of the heroic age in southern Greece from the 17th to 13th century B.C. Exemplified in the earliest phase by shaft graves cut into the sloping rock, with sidewalls of stone masonry and a timber roof;  in the middle period by monumental beehive tombs constructed of superimposed layers of enormous stone blocks progressively projecting to create a parabolic corbeled vault, with a stone-faced, inclined access passage leading to the entrance composed of upward-slanting jambs and a heavy stone lintel supporting a characteristic Mycenaean relief triangle  ; in the late period by fortified palaces having Cyclopean walls, underground passages with corbeled vaults, postern gates, and cisterns, laid out on an irregular ground plan, with distinctive propylaea, one or more unconnected columnar halls with porches facing individual courts, and long corridors linking auxiliary and storage rooms.
  • 15. Fortifications  The principal Mycenaean towns were well fortified. against a large hill as in Mycenae, or on the coastal plain, like Gla or Pylos.  Besides the citadels, there are also isolated forts that undoubtedly served to militarily control territory.  Mycenaean walls were often made in a fashion called cyclopean, which means that they were constructed of large, unworked boulders up to eight meters (26 ft) thick, loosely fitted without the clay mortar of the day.  Different types of entrances or exits can be seen: monumental gates, access ramps, hidden doors, and vaulted galleries for escaping in case of a siege. Fear of attack meant that the chosen site must have a cistern or well at its disposal.
  • 16. Corbel vaulting  Many of the Mycenaean constructions utilized stone blocks of an enormous size. Some of the blocks are the size of a small truck.  This technique can be used to span arched corridors and circular domes in buildings and is often used to lighten the weight above doorways. The corbel vault is created by arranging courses of stones with each successive course projecting slightly more into the space, until a single stone can be placed over the top of the triangular arch.  The tunnel at Mycenae leading to the “secret spring” and the tholos tombs of the Mycenaeans are the most recognizable uses of corbel vaulting.
  • 17. Lion gate •The Lion Gate of Mycenae was the entrance to the city. Atop the gate, two lions rampant are carved in stone relief. Similar bas-reliefs of two lions rampant facing each other are found in a number of places in Phrygia in Asia Minor.1 •The twin lions shown here flanking a pillar were positioned above the main entrance to the citadel of Mycenae. • The gate was about 10 feet wide and 10 feet high; the carved stone with the lions is about three feet high. It forms what is called a "relieving triangle", because the carved slab weighs much less than the stones to the right and left; this reduced pressure on the lintel block below it. That block weighs two tons or so. The door was made up of two wooden leaves opening inward. •The lions originally had heads made of metal, but they have long since disappeared. The column the two lions
  • 18. The megaron  The megaron is the great hall of the Grecian palace complexes.  It was a rectangular hall, fronted by an open, two-columned porch, and a more or less central, open hearth vented though an oculus in the roof above it and surrounded by four columns.  It is the architectural predecessor of the classical Greek temple.  It was used for poetry, feasts, worship, sacrifice, formal royal functions, councils, and is said to be where guests of the king would stay during their visits  . Originally it was very colorful — made with the Minoan architectural order, the insides made of fired brick and a wooden roof supported on beams.  The rooftop was tiled with ceramic and terracotta tiles.  In the theory of architecture, the Megaron is considered to be the earliest architectural act. It is the earliest intervention that transforms utilitarian buildings into buildings with architectural qualities.  The Megaron creates the notion of special approach and axis and thus is considered to be the predecessor of all orders in architectural theory
  • 19. Mycenaean palaces  the palaces of the mainland Mycenaeans are sprawling buildings usually located at the center of the fortified citadel.  The best examples of the Mycenaean palace are seen in the excavations at Mycenae, Tiryns and Pylos.  Within the palace complex residential space, storerooms and workshops were arranged around the central megaron, considered to function as the audience chamber for the royals. Most were probably two-storied, but in all cases the second story has not survived and must be hypothesized from stairways.  The plan of the palace varies a great deal from site to site, but they all share the megaron as their central feature  This plan features two megarons suggesting a public audience chamber as well as one reserved for more important visitors and family.
  • 20. Palace of tyrins •The city of Tiryns, situated on a ridge in the plain between Nauplion and Mycenae, has been inhabited since the Neolithic Age (3rd millennium BCE) but attained its greatest splendor in the late Mycenaean period (c. 1400-1200 BCE). •The bluff on which it stood was only 18 m (59 ft) higher than the surrounding plain, which in ancient times was a salt march. • The palace on the summit of the citadel was excavated (1884-85) by the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann and until the later discoveries in Crete was considered the most complete example of the home of a prehistoric king in the Aegean area. • It includes entrance gates, paved courts, large halls, vestibules, smaller rooms, and a bath. • It was apparently built by stages; the complex of buildings representing both earlier and later palaces. Tiryns survived into the classical period but was destroyed
  • 21. Knossos palace •Labyrinth, or Knossos Palace, is the largest Bronze Age archaeological site on Crete and probably the ceremonial and political centre of the Minoan civilization and culture •. The palace appears as a maze of workrooms, living spaces, and store rooms close to a central square. Detailed images of Cretan life in the late Bronze Age are provided by images on the walls of this palace •. It is also a tourist destination today, as it is near the main city of Heraklion and has been substantially restored by archaeologist Arthur Evans. •The palace has an interesting layout[4] .The 1,300 rooms are connected with corridors of varying sizes and direction, which is different than other palaces of the time period which connected the rooms via several main hallways. • The 6 acres (24,000 m2) of the palace included a theatre, a main entrance on each of its four cardinal faces, and extensive
  • 22.
  • 23. •The 6 acres (24,000 m2) of the palace included a theatre, a main entrance on each of its four cardinal faces, and extensive storerooms (also called magazines). •The storerooms contained pithoi (large clay vases) that held oil, grains, dried fish, beans, and olives. •Many of the items were created at the palace itself, which had grain mills, oil presses, and wine presses. •Beneath the pithoi were stone holes used to store more valuable objects, such as gold. • The palace used advanced architectural techniques: for example, part of it was built up to five stories high The compartments in the floor were for grain and produce. • An alternative explanation for these compartments is that they were catch basins for the contents of the pithoi if one should break or leak. It would be very hazardous to store grain or produce in the floor of a magazine, the main purpose of which was to hold giant vases of liquids.
  • 24. Palace of pylos  The most thoroughly excavated palace is that of Pylos, the fable home of King Nestor. The site is one of the few Mycenaean cities that was undamaged by later settlement on the site, so modern excavations have been quite fruitful.  The information recovered from Pylos reveals the high level of decoration that occurred in Mycenaean palaces.  The walls, floors and ceilings of the megaron were covered in frescoes of bright colors.  the residential suites on the ground floor were quite spacious,
  • 25.  The kingdom of Pylos was divided into two great provinces, the near province, and the far province.  The kingdom was further subdivided into seven districts, then into a number of communes. To manage these districts, the king named governor and a vice governor. A damokoros,( one who takes care of a damos), in charge of the commune, shared responsibility at the communal level  The staircases found in the palace of Pylos indicate palaces had two stories. Located on the top floor were probably the private quarters of the royal family and some storerooms. These palaces have yielded a wealth of artifacts and fragmentary frescoes.
  • 26. Citadel and fortifications  The citadel of Mycenae was probably the greatest and the largest of all the Mycenaean cities.  Located on the top of a hill, the city was meant to take the fullest advantage of the natural defenses.  The fortified wall surrounding the city was built up in progressive stages with the last section completed only a short time before the city was abandoned.  The city walls were immense, incredibly thick, and consisting of several ton boulders
  • 27. Tombs  The tombs of the Mycenaeans are famous for their unique construction and, of course, the amazing riches that were found in many of them.  The first style of tomb popular on the mainland was the shaft grave. Two well preserved examples from Mycenae are known as Grave Circle A and Grave Circle B. Both were communal graves, the first held 19 skeletons and the second, 24. The spectrum of ages represented in each suggest common family burials. Both contained many fine examples of Early Mycenaean art pieces, including the now infamous Mask of Agamemnon.
  • 28.  The tholos tomb became popular for the burials of entire royal families later in the Mycenaean period.  These tombs are known throughout Greece during the Bronze Age and are easily recognized by their bee-hive shape created by corbel vaulting of a round building. The most famous of these tholos tombs by far is the so-called Treasury of Atreus discovered by Heinrich Schliemann.  These tholos tombs were entered through a dromos, or entrance passage.  Dimensions :  At the Treasury of Atreus, this dromos is of monumental proportions, 6m wide and 36m long. The dome of the tholos is equally impressive, 14.6m in diameter and 13.5m to the top of the dome.  The stone work of the interior is very refined for the period, with a smooth surface of limestone.
  • 29. Reason of its collapse  Around 1100 BC, the Mycenaean civilization collapsed. Numerous cities were sacked, and the region entered what historians describe as a dark age for its lack of inscriptions, with some Mycenaeans fleeing to Cyprus as well as other Greek islands and coastal parts of Anatolia.  During this period, Greece experienced decreasing population and the limited literacy, connected with bureaucrats of palace culture, disappeared.  Historians have traditionally blamed this decline on an invasion or uprising by another wave of Greek people, the Dorians, who may have been a subjugated local people, although Pylos was probably destroyed by sea peoples.  Alternate theories for the decline also include natural disasters such as a series of earthquakes or large-scale drought, although these recent theories are more controversial.