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My Dad Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of "My Dad" can be both an emotional and challenging endeavor.
On one hand, the subject matter is deeply personal, and the writer may find themselves grappling
with a multitude of memories, emotions, and experiences related to their father. These intimate
reflections can make the writing process a journey through one's own history and the complex
tapestry of the father-child relationship.
However, the difficulty lies not only in the emotional depth but also in capturing the essence of a
person within the constraints of an essay. It requires a delicate balance between sentimentality
and objectivity, between personal anecdotes and broader reflections. Striking this balance is akin
to navigating a tightrope, where the writer must convey the uniqueness of their father while
ensuring the essay remains relatable and engaging for a wider audience.
Furthermore, the challenge is intensified by the responsibility to do justice to the subject. A
father holds a significant place in one's life, and attempting to encapsulate their impact in a mere
essay can feel like an overwhelming task. The fear of inadequacy or of leaving out crucial details
can add to the difficulty, requiring careful consideration of every word and sentiment expressed.
In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "My Dad" demands a delicate dance between
the personal and the universal, the emotional and the objective. It's a challenging task that
requires introspection, careful word choices, and a keen awareness of the profound influence a
father can have. Yet, in the end, the difficulty is surpassed by the potential for a touching and
memorable tribute.
For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one may explore resources like, where a range of writing services can be accessed to make the creative
process more manageable.
My Dad Essay My Dad Essay
Indian India s Indian National Congress
Colonial History of India
Some factors that lead India to independence from England was World War II,
protests, and changes in government including the Indian National Congress. During
World War II, when the Indian natives fought alongside the colonists against the
imperial forces of Hitler, they came to the realization that they wanted independence
after they finished fighting in the war . In August 1942, Mahatma Gandhi and other
Quit India activists protested for independence which was the first step to
independence after World War II. The Indian National Congress was considerably the
largest and most prominent Indian public organization, and central and defining
influence of the Indian Independence Movement . This allowed some sort of
government representation of the people with the goal of ending the East India
Company s rule as a purpose.
Indian colonization began when traders were looking for a path via the oceans to
trade with India because the land route through the Middle East was cut off by the
Ottoman Empire. Vasco da Gama circumnavigated Africa and found the route to
India which allowed other sailors and merchants to come to India as well. Nations
began erecting settlements near and on the Indian coastline for a safe port for
merchant ships to load, unload, and conduct business. Some of these settlements
began to evolve into colonies. By mid 19th century, England had control, either
directly or indirectly, of almost all of India. India was the hub of English
How Does Edith Wharton Use Imagery In Ethan Frome
In Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton is saying that unhappiness resulting from having to
choose between love and unwanted responsibility cannot be avoided. Through her use
of imagery, she illustrates the difficulty of making choices between what is expected
and what is desired.
Ethan becomes happy when his responsibility to his wife Zeena goes away when
she leaves town, and he is able to pursue his love for Mattie. The world is described
differently whether Ethan depending on who Ethan is with, and imagery is used
to show his emotions. Mattie is always described as being colorful, while Zeena is
seen mostly in darker colors. When he sees Zeena, it is described as, the pale light
reflected from the banks of snow and made her face look more than usually drawn
and bloodless (Wharton 27). Ethan sees Zeena as being a dark side of his life and
Mattie as being the light and good in his life. Even when they are in the same
lighting, Wharton describes them differently to show how Ethan feels about them.
When Zeena opens the door holding the light under her face, Ethan sees the, hollows
and prominences of her high boned face (Wharton ... Show more content on ...
He tries to keep Mattie when Zeena tells him about the hired girl, and he goes
through scenarios where they could have both of them. He desperately tries to
avoid choosing between his responsibility and desire. Coming home to Zeena after
being with Mattie, Ethan feels that his house has the, deadly chill of a vault
(Wharton 22). This describes how trapped Ethan feels by his marriage, and he
doesn t want to imagine what it would be like if Mattie left. Ethan s love for Mattie
results in him not being able to let her go and not wanting to picture his life without
him. Despite this love, he still feels responsible for Zeena, which is what keeps him
from finishing his letter, and he can t bring himself to abandon
Unit 24 P2
List of things to bring to the UK M. Deen We are in the first week of September.
This means, the summer vacation for Bruneian studying in the UK is almost over.
This is the period where students are busy with their preparation to go back to the
UK. Usually, the most important preparation is the food: list of food to bring to
the UK. However, to some new student who are travelling to the UK, this period
would filled with excitement. But to some students, travelling to the UK for the
first time can be a little overwhelming. It is important to prepare and make research
what to expect when arriving to the UK. But based on my experience, apart from the
official documents such as x ray, medical check up documents and university
acceptance documents, there are several things you need to know or do before going
to the UK. Here I listed 10 essential things you need to... Show more content on ...
Multiple copies of passport photos. a.Believe me, you will need these photos during
your first two weeks in the UK. 3.Opening a bank account. a.Some students brought
huge amount of money with them. Either from the 3 months lump sum student
allowances from the government or from their family. I considered myself as a
careless person. So one of the advice given to me by my senior is, to open HSBC
Account in Brunei. You can put your money there and you can withdraw the money
later when you arrive in the UK. I am sure the withdrawal fee per transactions is less
than BND $5. b.When you arrive in the UK, and wish to open bank accounts, usually
they need your identification, address and acceptance letter. 4.Register with Brunei
Student Unit. a.If you are a Bruneian student, either government or non government
sponsorship, I would strongly recommend that you registered with the Bruneian
Student Unit. There are many privileges you would get. However, the most
important privileges is that BSU could advise you with your academic and welfare
while you were here. b.Useful website:
Literary Devices Used In Genesis 2
The strategies Satan used in Genesis 2 through the serpent with Eve and Matthew
4 through devil himself to Jesus were as follows: First, Both the serpent and Devil
temped by saying in Genesis 3:3 Did God really say, You must not eat from any
tree in the garden . Likewise, the devil temped by saying in Matthew 4:3 If you are
the Son of God tell these stones to become bread . Second, the serpentinsisted,
challenge and dare in Genesis 3:4 5 You will not surely die, the serpent said to the
woman For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you
will be like God, knowing good and evil. Similarly, the devil in Matthew 4:5 6 Then
the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the
Serena Williams Role Model
Serena Williams is currently the greatest female tennis player in the world. She holds
more grand slams titles than any male player. With her older sister Venus, she is well
known for her commitment, generosity and charity work. Serena s contribution to
society is outstanding, and her hubristic personality is one to cherish. Her
determination is incredible towards everything she does, which makes her a role
model to society. Specifically young female tennisplayers are inspired by Serena, due
to her dedication towards being the best that she can achieve.
Serena Williams is a confident chartist, who through her career has been involved in
12 major charities including; building African schools, I heart my girlfriends, Serena
Williams fund and ... Show more content on ...
The Resource Center will provide services to families that are affected by community
Williams return to Indian Wells in 2015 was done in partnership with the Equal
Justice Initiative, a non profit organization that provides legal representation to
those who might have been denied a fair trial.[321] EJI executive director Bryan
Stevenson lauded her courage in supporting his organization. It s so rare when
athletes at the top of their game are willing to embrace a set of issues that, for a lot
of people, are edgier , he said. This is not aid to orphans ... She was standing when a
lot of her contemporaries remain seated, speaking up when others are being quiet.
Other charitable organizations Williams supports include the Elton John AIDS
Foundation, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Hearts of Gold, the Common Ground
Foundation, the Small Steps Project, the HollyRod Foundation, Beyond the
Boroughs National Scholarship Fund, World Education, the Eva Longoria
Foundation, the Caliber Foundation and the Cure for MND
Influences Of Romanticism
Roya Ghaseminejad
Ms. Spruill Smith
Honors Humanities 2
23 April 2017
Influences of Romanticism Romanticism originates from the late 18th century and
embodies staunch individualism and the ability to express intense emotions.
Additionally, it is a movement in literature and the arts that went against classical
and neoclassical movements in order to embrace spiritual relationships with
nature. Two works of fine art that strongly correspond with each other are William
Blake s A Poison Tree and Idina Menzel s Let It Go . A Poison Tree is a popular
short poem published in 1794, and brings forth the understanding of emotion and
experience. Let It Go is from a popular 2013 movie, by the name of Frozen, which
stresses the importance of ... Show more content on ...
This line of Blake s poem shines light on emotion, And I waterd it in fears, /Night
morning with my tears: /And I sunned it with smiles, /And with soft deceitful wiles
(Blake). The character s emotions are drawn into comparison of a plant. He
watered this plant with his fears and his tears to make sure his plant got enough
sunshine. Yet instead of real sunshine he gave deceitful wiles , which goes to show
the deceptiveness he was planning with all the anger that filled him. On the other
hand, Let It Go draws to a grand metaphor, I don t care what they re going to say, let
the storm rage on (Menzel). The storm symbolizes other peoples concerns and how
she is beginning to understand that their values and morals should not affect her.
Overall, at this point in the song the character is overcome with emotion and her
passion for her true identity is born. Both works evoke emotion as they are met with
conflicts of their own, leading to eventual emotional outbursts. Emotion plays a
pivotal role in Romanticism by representing a timeless aspect of individual
Reflection Paper On Phlebitis
In Tabba Hospital I observed different issues, but mostly issues were related to
medication errors and phlebitis. This reflection paper will talk about the phlebitis
issue that how I and the management team of Tabba Hospital collaboratively makes
efforts to resolve this problem. Phlebitis is the complication of peripheral intravenous
catheterization in which inflammation of the vein wall occurs (Carretero, 2013). The
symptoms of phlebitis appear in patient are pain, swelling, tenderness, warmth and
redness at the affected site. There are numbers of factors involved in developing
phlebitis like trauma of vein during insertion of cannula, type of cannula material used
and many others. These factors are classified into three categories such as mechanical,
chemical or bacterial phlebitis. Mechanical phlebitis depends upon location, size and
material of cannula, and also cause due to incorrect method of cannulation. Chemical
phlebitis is caused by irritant drugs or solutions. Bacterial phlebitis is... Show more
content on ...
According to the statistical data of 2012 from health care associated infection (HAIs)
indicated that 60 80% patients develop phlebitis during hospitalization. The Tabba
Hospital was also encountering the problem of phlebitis in many patients so they
become concerned about the root cause of this problem. The managers call the
meeting of their unit head nurses, and share this concern with them. Then the
managers asked the head nurses and me to inquire the reason of phlebitis. I was
feeling proud that the managers assign me this task, and I was happily willing to help
them to reduce the phlebitis incidence rate. Before conducting the rounds of units I
review the hospital policy regarding intravenous catheterization and also reviewed the
literature about phlebitis to develop better understanding about this
Review Of Stanley Stanley s Holes
Lucie Nguyen
March 4, 2015
Profitt Block: Period 3
Character Analysis of Stanley Stanley was a boy in middle school who was
overweight. He got teased, was cursed, and unlucky. Could his life get worse? In
fact, it did and he was accused of a crime he did not commit. He got sent to Camp
Green Lake where he had a chance to change his life. Stanley was cursed from his
great great grandfather who stole a pig. Later in Stanley s life, Stanley goes through
many difficult times. Throughout Louis Sachar s novel, Holes, Stanley is
characterized as unlucky, overweight, and weak, but by encountering people,
changes, and difficulties, Stanley is now lucky, fit, and caring by the end. In the
beginning, Stanley is unlucky, overweight, and weak. ... Show more content on ...
After all this happened at Stanley s years at school, Stanley got arrested and got
sent to Camp Green Lake where he had to dig holes, which he was very weak
which made it difficult. He tried to jam [the shovel] into the earth, but the blade
banged against the ground and bounced off without making a dent (page 26).
When you jam a shovel into the earth, something has to come out. Stanley did this,
but he did not even leave a dent in the earth, which shows he is weak and not that
good of a digger. After going to camp and digging many holes, he met a boy named,
Hector Zeroni (Zero), and he slowly had a friend relationship with Zero. As a result
of encountering Zero, Stanley significantly changed. Stanley eventually became
friends with Hector and had a loyal and kind relationship. [Stanley] could think of
no reason why Zero would dig his hole for him (page 95). Since Zero dug Stanley s
hole, it starts a tiny friend relationship. This shows Stanley and Zero s relationship
because Stanley now knows how Zero is and that makes Stanley change by making
him nicer. Zero shows how nice people can be. After they become friends, Zero is
very loyal to Stanley. All he could do was wait for it to be over. Then, suddenly,
Zigzag was off of him. Stanley managed to look up, and he saw that Zero had his
arms around Zigzag s long neck (page 135). Zero is standing up for Stanley which
shows that Zero is loyal to
The Role Of Women In Hedda Gabler
English Lit Written Assignment
Through the characterization of Hedda, Ibsen explores the oppression of woman in
the Victorian Era.
In Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen portrays the hopeless struggle of woman in the
Victorian era through the protagonist, Hedda. From 1837 to 1901 in England,
women experienced unrestrained oppression, were expected to follow the orders
of their husbands, and were believed to be unwise. In the play, the newly wed
Hedda has just arrived to her new husband, Tesmun s home town, and her whole
world seems to be shrinking inch by inch, expressed mainly through elements of
stagecraft. The play is mostly focused around the main character, Hedda, a tragic
heroine. Her need to manipulate others grows ever stronger as her boredom and
despair increase, due to the new middle class atmosphere she is forced into. At last,
she frees herself from all of the social restrictions society has imposed on her, by
completing the act of suicide. Through the characterization of Hedda, Ibsen explores
the oppression of woman in the Victorian Era.
In the first Act, Ibsen portrays the oppression ... Show more content on ...
Even after her success of scandals, Hedda realizes that Judge Brack is still the one,
who holds the upper hand in all affairs, and to express her freedom or at least want
for freedom, she states I am exceedingly glad to think that you have no sort of hold
over me (p. 55). Her words foreshadow the ending of the play as it prepares the
audience for unexpected and uncontrolled actions taken by Hedda. Furthermore, the
ultimate outcome of her actions is Tesmun and Thea working together to re create the
manuscript, which Hedda was unprepared for. Tesmun and Thea take over her last
place of comfort, as she removes her belongings from the drawing room and the
Animal Photography Research Paper
Aloha my friends welcome to another edition of our weekly theme! For those of
you just joining in, every week we announce a new weekly theme and challenge
our readers to capture it. Then we all share our photos right here on PhotoBlog and
vote for our favorites. It s a great way to practice and learn new things, PLUS you get
to meet a lot of great PhotoBloggers in the process. Join us!
Natural Light Theme Winners
For last week s challenge, we explored the beauty of natural light. This was a great
exercise to help us turn into true light stalkers always on the hunt for that perfect
light. Hopefully, we all learned something new and were able to start forming some
good photographer s habits.
As fun of a challenge as it was, natural light ... Show more content on
In the article, Will explains,
You should never put your photo before the welfare of an animal...Simple rules to
follow are you don t live bait animals, and if anything you re doing appears to be
affecting an animal s behaviour drastically, stop and retreat.
That s really good advice, especially when photographing wild animals. If you re
shooting domesticated animals, like your pet dog, you will probably want to interact
with them and, to some extent, even direct them. When you re doing that, just
remember to be patient modelling is a lot harder than it looks! Keep your calm and
take frequent breaks.
Practice, Share, Repeat!
Remember, if you don t have the chance to go out and photograph any animals this
week, you can always the weeklytheme12 tag to an existing post. But we encourage
everyone to go out and practice your shooting for this week s challenge, even if you
only have half an hour. Go practice and show us what you ve got!
If you re really dedicated, challenge yourself to set aside time for two practice
sessions this week. Show us both by tagging them with weeklytheme12. In the
meantime, happy shooting! We re looking forward to seeing your
The Anxiety Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a disorder that I struggle with personally. It is
when a person has a tense feeling of stress, and anxiety for long periods of time
without any real cause of it. Even though everyone has fears, and has stress from time
to time it isn t harmful unless the anxiety and stress is keeping someone from living
their life, and relaxing. Generalized AnxietyDisorder is different from other anxiety
disordersbecause panic attacks rarely occur, and instead an overpowering sense of
dread is long lasting.
People with GAD, and myself have fears that other people without the disorder
have, except the fears are taken to a new level. For example, I am a person with
GAD who has an extreme fear of flying on airplanes. I will try to avoid flying on
airplanes as much as possible, and even cancel plans or vacations because of my fear.
Over spring break I was supposed to fly to Costa Rica for a study abroad class but
cancelled a few weeks before because of all the stress of having to fly on a plane. For
me, when I m on an airplane I feel that if I don t constantly worry, or repeat certain
phrases then something bad is going to happen.
Other symptoms of GAD are difficulty falling asleep, and staying asleep because of
all of the unexplainable stress, and anxiety. People also may struggle with excessive
stomach problems such as Diarrhea, or Nausea. People with GAD can have muscle
aches, cramps, or muscle tightness, and feel restless all day without relief, or able to
The Fashion Industry In The Devil Wears Prada
It can be said that the Fashion industry is not for everyone, especially Anne
Hathaway s character in the 2006 Film The Devil Wears Prada. The fashion industry
is one of the hardest business to work in and this film shows it. The fashion Industry
takes a lot of time, money, dedication, and uses lots of resources that Anne Hathaways
role, Andy Sachs learns quickly. As coming out of Northwestern College as a
journalist she lands a job with the magazine Runway as their junior Assistant for the
head editor and chef Miranda Priestly, who is played by the wonderful Meryl Streep.
Miranda could be described as strict, stern, demanding, and a overall perfectionist.
However, by the end of dealing with Mirandas demands for a year Andy can only
hope she will score a job as a reporter or writer else where, so the question is will
she do it? When Andy begins her job as the junior assistant you can definitely see
that she struggles a lot. Andy walking in had no sense of style, had no knowledge
of what Runway Magazine was, and also had no idea that many people had wanted
her position at this company. In fact the first day that Andy arrives at runway
magazines home office she is absolutely appalled. Emily Charlton, Miranda s Senior
assistant was supposed to interview Andy, but unfortunately as soon as Andy and
Emily sat down to chat the phone had rang. It was Mirandas driver stating that they
were outside and to prepare. With the look of madness in Emily s eyes you could see
Customer Service And Claim Cycle Time
My company has several departments that contribute to the processes of the
company and the needs of the customers. My department is only one department in
the process and for the needs of the paper I am going to focus on processes of my
department and how it helps the company function within the goals they have set.
Rummler and Brache 9 Box Model
Organization Goals Strategy, Operating Plans, and Metrics I have been with my
company Farmers Insurance for 15 years. During my employment I have gained
experience from several different departments and positions. Our organization is
ranked within the top ten insurance companies. Our yearly metric scores, called NPS
are based on customer surveys and written policies. They show that we have a good
solid foundation in the industry amongst our customer base and competitors. These
scores have significantly improved over the last couple years from being in the
low 40 s to the high 80 s. This is a reflection of our focus to customer service and
claim cycle time. Unfortunately, our town hall meetings and employee discussions
consistently reveal the company is always behind or falls short in the area of
strategy and operating plans. There have been several changes administered within
the company specifically focusing on customer experience and claim life cycle time.
These changes also directly affect the employee s job performance and load. At times
it seems changes are not considered or do not come to fruition until another company
Kate The Great Analysis
Kate the Great by Meg Cabot reveals that people are not always the way they seem.
Kate makes a fantasy world about her life for Jenny to believe in her perspective.
Kate and Jenny have always been best friends ever since the two were young. The
both of them would always hang out with each other have sleepovers, go to the pool
together, the library, and went everywhere else together. They were inseparable as the
author said. Although, throughout all of their adventures Kate has been telling Jenny
about her experience in high school. Keep in mind that Kate is older by a couple of
years than Jenny, therefore, Kate has an influence on what to teach Jenny when she
gets into high school. For example, a Jenny had a memory of Kate had told ... Show
more content on ...
Especially this one time I was taking archery lessons. My teacher looked at me
with grieved face since I had such skinny arms and I was so tiny. Little did he
know I went to the gym almost every day after school. I remember I told him I don
t need to have such a light bow. A light bow was a small bow that was extremely
light used for children. My instructor expected me to be absolutely terrible when
testing came. He figured that since I was skinny I had no upper body strength at
all. However, when testing came he observed me on every shot that s when he
realized I had so much more potential and he put me in his advance program. At
school, I don t talk much about myself. I m mostly anonymous around my peers.
Many first impressions of me believe that I m petite therefore they can down on
me. However, some students have seen me at a Chicago Tenri Judo Dojo. Here we
train for self defense and martial arts. One of my peers saw me train and found out
I was the main leader of the elite group. After, the word came out everyone stop
looking down on me seeing me as a dainty girl. Kate was seen as a very popular and
outgoing girl in high school however she was really a loner and had no friends.
Connecting with me numerous people thought just because I was small I was very
fragile. In all honesty, people are not always the always they seem.
As a final point, while I start growing up
Compare And Contrast Plagiarism And Academic
Critical comparison of two journal articles on different perceptions and attitudes
towards plagiarism and academic misconduct.
Plagiarism is a major concern for both students and teachers and the consequences of
plagiarising will differ depending on the degree of misconduct within an assessed
piece of academic writing. Throughout this essay there will be a comparison of two
journal articles supplied in the plagiarism reader. The first essay is Exploring
academic misconduct: Some insights into student behaviour written by Bob Perry
and published in 2010. This article highlights the increase of misconduct cases
reported in newspapers and research, stating that increase is paired with the new
internet enterprises that are benefiting from ... Show more content on
In contrast the Flint et al. s article provides two opposing definitions. The first, as
defined by Liverpool Hope University, is the referencing techniques and writing skills
used in a piece of written work explaining that:
The use of material which is not acknowledged to its source and also the direct use
of material, reference or un referenced without the clear indication that the material is
taken verbatim from its source. Liverpool Hope University College, 2003 .
The second defines plagiarism in terms of personal ownership and academic
integrity using Pyer s 2000 definition; it is taking the words, ideas and labour of
other people and giving the impression that they are your own . It develops the
definition of plagiarism emphasised in the first article by adding the need for a
declaration of academic integrity confirming that the work submitted is your own,
this is the first time this point has been made in both articles.
Research was taken out by both journal articles although the difference is the source
of the research. Perry used three previous studies focusing on The Times Higher
Education Study to create a three paged questionnaire in order to assess the student s
perception at different level of study. His questionnaire identified a profile that
acknowledged an age range, gender and employment category. It questioned attitudes
towards statements and ethical reasoning as well as fears
The Need to Measure Transit System Performance
The necessity to measure transit system performance along with its different
dimensions has led to the development of a large number of quantitative performance
indicators. Nevertheless, depending upon the specific indicator assessed, one can
reach to different conclusions regarding performance. Furthermore, though
performance and scale economies are closely related issues, they have been
generally examined separately in the transit literature. There have been significant
amounts of research undertaken in order to examine the transit system performance,
and in turn of assessing the performance based on such methods but the two
characteristics underline the work. First, due to heterogeneity in getting different
relationships between efficiency and effectiveness, system performance, existence
of scale of economies and various such issues, the conclusion which have come out
of different studies is not same. In other words there are conflicting conclusions.
Even researchers are not using the data which is provided by NTD (National
Transit Data base) and as a result the comparability of findings across researches is
questionable. A second problem arises because researches have been using cross
section time series data from largely heterogeneous systems and have introduced a
size related bias in their results (Berechman, 1993). Tomazinis (1977) specified a set
of indicators in order to measure the public transit systems s performance. His
measurement was built on three bases;
Case Analysis of US v. Emerson Essay examples
Case Analysis of US v. Emerson
This case deals with the Defendant s possession of a firearm while under a
restraining order, and the charges incurred by the Defendant for such firearm
possession. Under Texas law, the possession of a firearm by Mr. Emerson creates a
perceivable threat to members of his family, thus creating a violation of the restraining
order against him. Apparently common practice in Texas, the restraining order was
filed by Mr. Emerson s wife in conjunction with the papers filed for divorce. The
restraining order sought to enjoin Emerson from engaging in various financial
transactions to maintain the financial status quo and from making threatening
communications or actual attacks upon his wife during the pendency ... Show more
content on ...
Emerson s possession of a firearm was construed as a perceivable threat to his family
and, therefore, a direct violation of the restraining order. Mr. Emerson argued that the
Act is an unconstitutional exercise of congressional power under the Commerce
Clause and the Second, Fifth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States
Constitution (United 2). The District Court addressed each claim separately, finding
credibility in only Emerson s Second and Fifth Amendment claims.
In Emerson s claim that the Commerce Clause was violated, he argued that the Act
did not regulate commercial activity, and was therefore an unconstitutional use of
congressional power. In claiming this, Emerson looked to the Supreme Court s
holding in United States v. Lopez, however, the District Court dismissed this claim,
citing a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision which examined the validity of 18
U.S.C. В§ 922 (g)(8) under a Commerce Clause challenge, in which it held that the
Act was constitutional (United 3). Because of this ruling (in United States v. Pierson),
the District Court
Amtelecom Group
1. What does it mean if a company trades at a discount ? Is Amtelecom Group Inc.
(AGI) really trading at a discount?
If the market value of a stock is lower than its intrinsic value, this stock is defined as
trades at a discount . To figure out whether AGI stock is traded at a discount to
comparable companies, as its management believed, we can simply apply multiple
which comes from the average multiple of its comparable companies. Considering
fluctuation of future after tax earnings caused by the change in capital structure, we
prefer to use TEV/EBITDA multiple in this case. Amtelecom Group consists of two
lines of business which has to been taken into consideration. We separately calculate
the value of both companies and their ... Show more content on ...
3.2 Strengths and weaknesses of Amtelecom Communications
Strength: Amtelecom Communications is the sole provider of local telephone
services in all of its exchanges and a leading provider of long distance and data
services in the majority of his exchanges. As a sole provider of some services,
Amtelecom Communications ensures the constant revenue and customers. Its
subsidiary, Amtelecom Cable inc. has eight stand alone systems exempt from
licensing. The cost advantage ensures the leading position of Amtelecom
Weakness: Amtelecom Communication s telecommunication business occupies 90
percent of its all business. If there is an unforeseeable risk occurring in
telecommunications, the company may suffer devastating loss. Company should
focus more on new growth point, such as internet and service innovation.
4. Assess the value of Amtelecom Communications using available valuation methods
including DCF and multiples. Which valuation method is most suitable for each sales
alternative? What are the expected net proceeds for each sales alternative?
Because the management of AGI expects to complete the acquisition by early 2003,
the valuation of the Amtelecom Communication should be calculated for 31 Dec,
2002. In order to calculate the NPV of Amtelecom Communication during the
planning period, we first use pro forma
Mysterious ways of J.D. Salinger Essay
J.D. Salinger could be considered one of the greatest, and most contrevertional
authors of our time. We only know limited things about him and his work. He has
been pushed off into the woods due to betrayal by his loved ones, and people close
to him. Negative criticism of his work has also contributed to making him leave.
Not to mention the biggest factor which made him want to be left alone, phoniness.
These are the reasons that I believe why he wants to be left alone and not give
interviews, this is also what fuels the press to keep chasingafter J.D.
To give a brief biography of what J.D. did up until his name was heard of, here s how
it all started. In 1934 J.D. s father ... Show more content on ...
Franny states I m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else s. I m sick
of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be
somebody interesting. It s disgusting it is, it is. I don t care what anybody says
(Salinger 29 30). Along with Franny another one of Salinger s characters (probably
his most well known) Holden Caulfield has the same set of views. He also would
like to abolish all of the phonies out there.
While reading any work by Salinger I think that he is trying to get you to look
beneath just what you see on the surface, past looks, and money. After the Herriges
interview he says that the first two passages that came into his mind where from A
Perfect Day for Bananafish, and Zooey (129). In both of these stories the
characters talk of not wanting physical aspects to be looked at. This is what I
believe what Salinger is trying to do, get us to look at a person from the inside,
who they really are. Again, in the Eppes interview he tells her that about why he
doesn t give autographs. He feels that they are meaningless, and that no author with
respect gives them out (234). These are some of the reasons I feel that Salinger
retreated to the woods, because these things happening in today s society. Money and
looks are what seem to matter these days.
Again the
Richer And Poorer By Jill Lepore Summary
In the essay Richer and Poorer written by Jill Lepore, accounting for inequality.
16,2015, The New Yorker. Jill Lepore discusses economic inequality how its been
measured by a
system known as a Gini index, named after an Italian statistician, Corrado Gini. The
States Census Bureau has been using Gini measurement income inequality is greater
in the
United States then any other democracy. American social scientist believe that the
Gini index
under estimated inequality after a 2003 paper was published with the Berkeley
economist by
Emmanuel Saez, and others who created the world top incomes data base. Which
income share data from more then 20 countries to calculate what percent of income
goes to the
top 1% and to the ... Show more content on ...
Whats new is that american politicians of all spot and
strips are talking about it there has been a lot of talk in politics, talk about this topic
from both
parties the reason democrats and republicans are fighting over who is to blame for
the growing
inequality is that its no longer possible to deny its exist even after knowing the
numbers it still
doesn t appear to be changing anyones mind about it.
Our Kids is a title of a book written by Robert Putnam where he attempts to set statics
aside and instead tell a story about the town he grew up in. Robert is a political
scientist with a
historical argument he writes that in 1950s that he grew up in a town that offered
opportunities for all kids no matter there back ground. Sixty years later Putnam says
his home
town Port Clinton is split screen American nightmare, where kids from the wrong
side of the
tracks that bisect the town can barley imagine the future of the kids from the right
side of the
tracks. Our Kid wasn t a book about the Gini index but some of us learned from the
stories in
this heart felt portrait of four generations the book proceeds from the depressing
The Works Of William Shakespeare And Sir Philip Sidney
Edmund Spenser was a notorious English poet known for writing the long
allegorical poem The Faerie Queen. Born into a family of very little wealth he was
enrolled into the Merchant Taylors grammar school. He later went on to study at
the University of Cambridge where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in
1573. The time he spent at Cambridge was undoubtly very crucial for the
acquisition of his wide knowledge not only of the Latin and some of the Greek
classics but also of the Italian, French, and English Literature of his own and earlier
times. Without the Roman epic poet Virgil s Aeneid, the 15th century Italian
Ludovico Ariosto s Orlando furioso, and, later, Torquato Tasso s Gerusalemme
liberata (1581), Spenser could not have written his heroic, or epic, poem The Faerie
Queene. The corpus of Spenser can be discussed in the context of the works of
William Shakespeare and Sir Philip Sidney. The three share an influence in the same
popular Renaissance literary genre, Pastoral, which can be depicted as an idealized
vision of a simpler, rural life and a longing for a lost world of innocence. Much
happened in the time of the Renaissance, including Reformation and an epidemic so
it made sense to want to write about less complex ways of living as a way to escape
In The Faerie Queen, Spenser writes with the intent to show young men what better
virtues to cultivate in their lives. He does an excellent job doing this by his use of
symbolism and descriptive imagery.
Second Chance Month
Designating the month of April 2017 as Second Chance Month.
Whereas individuals who are returning to their society after completing a prison
sentence face significant barriers to securing meaningful employment, housing, and
education which reduces their chance of becoming productive members of society;
Whereas the U.S. Department of Justice reports that over 640,000 individuals will be
returning to their community from state and federal prisons;
Whereas 65 million American citizens have a criminal record;
Whereas our criminal justice system should seek to allow individuals the opportunity
to make amends for any harm they have caused, demonstrate sincere interest in living
positively, and then achieve closure that allows them ... Show more content on ...
Whereas these individuals also face other significant barriers to becoming productive
members of society such as securing documentation necessary to prove their identity
and being burdened by significant debts related to their interaction with the criminal
justice system;
Whereas all of these burdens combine to prevent these 65 million Americans from
becoming productive members of society and contributing positively to their
Whereas Prison Fellowship has undertaken significant efforts to raise public
awareness of the second prison faced by individuals with a criminal record because
of these collateral consequences;
Whereas public awareness and legal reform have combined in recent years to improve
the opportunities these individuals have to seek a productive position in their
Whereas each year during the month of April, Prison Fellowship and other partner
organizations will hold a number of events and campaigns to raise awareness about
the many collateral consequences faced by these millions of Americans;
Whereas the designation of April as Second Chance Month will continue to raise
public awareness about these issues, reduce the barriers faced by returning neighbors,
and help ensure that these individuals have an opportunity to become productive
members of their communities: Now therefore, be
The Mystery Of Detective Fiction
Detective Fiction exists as one of the most popular fiction genres of all time.
Detective fiction uses facts and other details to solve a mystery which surrounds a
perplexing murder in a novel. Many people gain excitement over a challenge or a
test of knowledge when solving a puzzle. A puzzle may baffle or confuse the
puzzler; therefore, the puzzler likes to solve the puzzle before the ending. People
enjoy the experience of sheer satisfaction of solving a mystery before ending the
literary work. Curiosity describes itself as the desire to learn or know about
anything; inquisitiveness (Dictionary). Curiosity somehow leads people on the path
to try to solve a mystery or a puzzle. It remains a question of why people desire to
solve a puzzle. Maybe their inquisitive mind drives them to solve the puzzle or a
mystery. Often after the reader finishes reading a detective novel and solving the
mystery before the reveal of the murderer, they find this satisfying to their curiosity.
Thus they begin to continue reading more mystery fictional novels. The birth of
detective fictionsurfaced around the 19th century (Gaines). The Moonstone novel
considered the first detective novel written (Sahni). The novel created by Wilkie
Collins established the ground rules for detective novels. Before the detective fiction
surfaced, many novels conveyed the murderer as the innocent one, instead of the
victim as the innocent one. These works of fiction, unfortunately did not
Informative Essay On Pro-Quadcopters
We have tons of RC quadcopters for everyone from the beginner, hobbyist to the
professionals RC drone flyers. best quadcopter 4RC quadcopters can be used for
many things from just a fun hobby, taking pictures or videos of animals and
landscapes are just a few of the fun and exciting things you can do with your drone
as a hobby or more. Kids and adult just love to get outside and have fun with their
RC quadcopters. It is a fun, relaxing way to spend the day. There are also
professional RC quads that can be used for instance, by farmers who can use them
to watch their crops or livestock.There are many other professional ways to use
them as well. However I will not get into that subject on this page. What Is A RC
Quadcopter? First off quadcopters... Show more content on ...
You can go to this store by clicking on the link in blue below. You can find any of
the quads that I suggest on this page, our by typing the name of the drone you are
looking for in the search box. You can also find dozens of other drones and
accessories. So, why wait? Start looking for a quadcopter that fits your needs
today. The Further Of The RC Quadcopter Drone RC quadcopters are becoming
more popular by the day, and are getting easier to fly and maneuver with every new
upgrade that comes out. Some of the more advance quads like the (DJI Phantom 3
Professional Quadcopter Drone 4K UHD Video Camera) will allow you to record
videos and play them back later. These professional drones run from about $500.00
in price and up. Recording videos with a quadcopter and uploading the video to
YouTube is becoming a very popular thing to do. Some of the newer quadcopters
are starting to come out with the ability to do aerobatics tricks like flips, rolls, and
even loops. I see the future of these little flying aircraft s only getting better as
technology keeps expanding its knowledge. Edit Recent Comments Archives
The Shortage Of Organ Donors
The demand for organs exceeds the supply of organ donors, resulting in a shortage
of organs. In other words, there are far more people in need of an organ transplant
than there are people willing to donate. Consequently, patients are put on a transplant
waiting list till an organ becomes available. Many patients die before an organ
becomes available. However, in the few cases that organs do become available,
organs are harvested from deceased patients rather than living donors. It is illegal to
sell organs, and this may be the reason living donors are reluctant to donate and a
shortage of organs. People are not willing to commit to a risky surgery, pain, and the
recovery time without being compensated. Economists believe by creating a legal
Reflection On Assisted Living
I attended Tabitha Square Gardens for my service learning. Tabitha Square Gardens
is an assisted living facility in Crete. Assisted living is a philosophy of service that
focuses on maximizing each resident s independence and dignity. This emphasizes
flexibility, individualized supportive services and health care. Involvement of the
community, as well as the residents family, neighbors and friends is encouraged. The
availability of staff to meet scheduled and unexpected care needs is a major aspect of
assisted livingcaregiving. Assisted living serves a broad range of elderly (70 to 90+
years of age) becoming, in effect, a bridge between active retirement living and, for
some, care in a nursing facility. Here I met Lillian and Jacky, both... Show more
content on ...
The first couple days I was pretty upset about the whole thing. First day that I went
to Tabitha it was very upsetting to not see anyone in the common ground socializing
with others. Also, it was upsetting seeing how some of the nurses in Tabitha treated
some of the patients. For example, one guy, wouldn t even acknowledge that one
elderly lady was trying to ask him a question. When he did acknowledge her he didn
t even answer the question and walked away.
I have found an experiment called Predictors of Change in Caregiver Burden and
Depressive Symptoms Following Nursing Home
The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Hate Crime
Social media connects people throughout the whole world. While there is love and
support aplenty online, these same platforms target innocent people based on
things such as religion or race. A 15 year old girl posted a photograph of herself
online, and without her consent, it was posted on a website. Because she was
wearing a hijab , she received hateful comments. She was an innocent child subjected
to a world of hate for no reason other than she is Muslim(Awan, Zempi, 2016). As if
it weren t terrible enough people are being targeted online, the public goes after
Muslims in the street, too. In Ukrainian, Mohammed Saleem was murdered by a neo
Nazi, Pavlo Lapshyn. Pavlo Lapshyn killed another human being and tried to bomb
multiple mosques, attempting to start a new race war (Vikram, 2013). Sadly, Pavlo
isn t the only case where people are targeted for being Muslim. Muslim humans are
attacked online and offlinebecause they are wrongly afflicted with terrorists.
Online and offline hate have significantly increased for Muslims, especially for
visible Muslims. Offline hate crime deals with physical attacks, offensive graffiti,
damage to property, harassment, and verbal attacks. Cyber hate crimes are difficult
to define, as they come in a variety of descriptions; however, despite debates over
how to put an explanation to them, they consistently target a person or a group
because of religion, gender, race, sexual orientation, disabilities and ethnicity (Awan,
Jeannette Winterson Weight Essay
In Jeanette Winterson s novel Weight, the author demonstrates how myths have
modern personal relevancies and can encourage each reader to investigate the three
main subject matters in their lives; boundaries, freedom, and guilt. The numerous
references to walls throughout the novel signify the boundaries, which make Atlas
strive for freedom. Winterson s Weight, is a modern rewrite on an old myth of Atlas
and Heracles, and the challenges they endure can be interpreted by individual
readers for personal relevancies. Atlas, a father of daughters, is faced with the
burden of carrying the world on his shoulders. This can represent a feeling as if one
is carrying a world of stress and guilt on one s shoulders and conscience. Heracles, the
... Show more content on ...
Atlas constantly is escaping into the limitless of his imagination, where he is not
punished for wanting the forbidden. The Gods hoped that by punishing Atlas to be
trapped in his body under the weight of the world that they would contain his mind,
and they were mistaken. This can be interpreted as the strength and perseverance
from within an individual. The wall that Atlas builds around the Garden of Hesperides
is constructed in such a way that it explains freedom and nothingness that can
sometimes be unappreciated. Winterson writes, I built a walled garden, a temenos,
a sacred space. I lifted the huge stones with my own hands and piled them
carefully, as a goatherd would, leaving tiny gaps to let the wind through. A solid
wall is easily collapsed. My mother stirring in her sleep could do as much. A wall
well built with invisible spaces will allow the winds that rage against it to pass
through. When the earth underneath it trembles, the spaces make room for
movement and settlement. The wall stands. The wall s strength is not in the stones
but in the spaces between the stones. It s a joke against me I think, that for all my
strength and labour, the wall relies on nothing .Write it more substantially
NOTHING. (p. 16). On the contrary, carrying the world doesn t only make one feel
trapped, it also feels as if one is carrying stress and guilt on their conscience, which
Papers On The Bell Jar
The book that I chose to read for my project is called The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath.
The story follows a woman named Esther Greenwood through her downward spiral
of mental illness, and describes her experiences as someone who does not fit the
societal expectations placed upon her. She grew up earning A s in school, and was
regarded as a good student. However, as she entered college, her grades and mental
health took a turn for the worse. Working an internship in New York for a magazine
company, Esther was living a life that many would envy. She was surrounded by
friends, entertainment, romantic interests, and the career that she had hoped for.
However, none of the things that were supposed to bring her happinesssucceeded in
doing so.
Esther tried escaping into New York night life with the help of her friend Doreen,
and made several acquaintances and friends along the way. She went to banquets,
and stuffed herself full of rich, exquisite foods. She was proposed to by Buddy
Willard, a childhood sweetheart. She bought expensive gowns with her new money;
which she ... Show more content on ...
Through Esther Greenwood s experiences, the reader can conclude that happiness
cannot always be achieved by filling traditional societal roles. Esther would not
have been happy or satisfied settling down with Buddy Willard, even though she
had been taught that it would be the best path for her as a woman. Perhaps without
the pressure and expectations placed upon her by society, Esther may have been
able to find meaning and joy in life much earlier. Perhaps she would have spent her
time traveling, writing, or finding inspiration to continue living elsewhere. Instead,
she drove herself mad trying to understand why she was not content with what she
had, or why she did not want the things that were expected of her. Once again, once
she was able to discard this way of thinking, she was able to end her
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gags
INTRODUCTION: Bulky linear polysaccharide assembled by repeating
disaccharide units are termed as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The disaccharide
components that are the source of all GAGs (except keratin) are a blend of an
uronic acid (either glucuronic acid or iduronic acid) and an amino sugar (either N
acetyl D glucomine or N acetyl D galactosamine). GAGs can be concisely
categorized as: Hyaluronic acid, Chondroitin sulfate, Dermatan sulfate, Heparin
sulfate, Heparin and Keratin sulfate. Heparin is an extremely sulfated
glycosaminoglycan(GAGs) found in the mast cells of a majority of mammals, the
structure of which is demonstrated in fig. 1. The endogenous GAGs are very much
acidic and actively stimulated. Heparin is also the highly sulfated... Show more
content on ...
Heparin is astonishing because of its variability. Chemically, it is an assemblage of
fragments each one of which have contrasting molecular weights and the respective
modes of action. The most imperative action of heparin is its interference in the
coagula¬tion cascade. This polysaccharide comprises chains containing one to four
uronic acid fragments and d glucosamine (Casu, 1989). The molecular weight of
heparin may range from 3,000 Da to 30,000 Da, with an average value of 15,000 Da
(Hirsh, 1991). Among these numbers, nearly one third is characterized by a unique
pentasaccharide, which is necessitous for binding to antithrombin, thus intensifying
the thrombin and activated factor X inhibition (Lam et al., 1976). A superfluous
anticoagulant action of heparin originates due to heparin cofactor II activation, which
is less potent and usually requires higher systemic con¬centrations of heparin. The
residue of the heparin molecule does not retain any anticoagulant action. The chief
anticoagulant activity is dependent on the number of oligosaccharide
(pentasaccharide) fragments that openly alter the molecular weight of the effectual
agent. Commonly, heparin acts on distinct levels of the coagulation cascade. Its
actions can be illustrated to be as anti coagulative, anti thrombotic,
The Philosophy Of Knowing And Learning
Knowing and learning can be interpreted in many different ways, but my philosophy
of knowing and learning is based on my understanding through the personal
experience in the tutoring situation. As a Tutor for students who were 9 years old,
majority of the time was spent reading to develop their English. An aspect that
impacted the students learningprogress tremendously was the tutor s responsibility to
understand the student s capability, needs and interest to support their learning
progress. When tutoring the students, there were some theories that were appropriate
to aid the students in reading and influenced the tutor s techniques employed to
support the students learning. The philosophers that influenced my tutoring
techniques were Etienne Wenger, Jerome Bruner, Albert Bandura
, Ivan Pavlov,
Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Jean Lave, Wolfgang Kohler and Lev Vygotsky
. Wenger s
social theory believed that adding meaning and interest into an activity encourages
learning (Lave Wenger,1991). The Gestalt Approach influenced Kohler s idea
where the student would need to know the basic elements before being able to learn
and acquire more knowledge (Phillips Soltis, 2009). To build up new ideas from the
initial basic elements, Scaffolding by Bruner and Modelling by Bandura were the
two learning strategies utilized to support the student s learning (Nalliah Idris, 2014).
The student is made aware that the new acquired skill or knowledge taught by
Scaffolding and Modelling
The Most Beautiful And Hitler Youth Quex
Youths are the leaders of tomorrow. This clichГ© statement is common to both film
in The Most Beautiful by Ichiban Utsukushiku and Hitler Youth Quex by Hans
Steinhoff, yet it holds water. Both the films common theme emphasized the youths of
a fascist regimes. Some of the themes were about being heroic as a youth, ideal goals
for youths, and vitality of the youth. Mosse once wrote both figuratively and literally
that Youths are the leaders, i.e. ones with a lot of influences:
The leaders, too, were young by the standards of that age Mussolini became prime
minister at thirty nine; Hitler attained the chancellorship at forty four. Youth
symbolized vigor and action; ideology was joined to fact... There must have been
many who, like Albert Speer s mother, voted for the Nazis because they were young
and clean cut. (Mosse 70)
Literally, many of the leaders were young, and figuratively many youths becomes
leader. However, these two film differ in message in its propaganda. Hitler Youth
Quex differ by devotion to a political party, meanwhile The Most Beautiful differ in
diligence and goals, i.e. war efforts. Even so, one would have to look critically at
the time period each of the film sets. Overall, comparing these two films will explore
how the elements of the youth oriented films can be an effective measure of
propaganda. In the exposition of the film, The Most Beautiful clearly expresses that it
is during wartime periods. This launches the reasoning behind the messages the film
The Different Perspectives Of The Cold War
The way we choose to see the world we see (Barry Neil Kaufman). Different
perspective lead humans to make decisions that lead to conflicts, such as the Cold
War. The Cold War was a rivalry between the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics) and the USA(United States of America).Cold War had no direct military
actions between the countries. Competing perspectives and human decisions led to
violent conflicts throughout the 20th century. By analyzing different perspectives for
the countries that are blamed for starting Cold Warand the ideologies that were
imposed in the other countries.
Two different political systems led to further conflicts of the Cold War. The Soviet
Union during the Cold War was a communist country. Stalin wanted to... Show more
content on ...
William Appleman Williams published the The Tragedy of American Diplomacy
where the revisionist suggested that America the one to blame. When WWII
ended Russia was weak, it had a great amount of material and human losses, while
the US had experienced economic growth due to high levels of production of
goods for the War.( Origins Of The Cold War Revisionist And Post Revisionist
Stances ).The US used their power to expand their trade industries and to gain
more power by enforcing their ideology to the other countries, especially in
Europe. A passage from the book states Not the making of the atomic bomb; that
we were forced to do out of sheer national preservation, for the enemy was working
on atomic weapons as well. (William 950) William implies that the United States
wants to be the first and only dominant country in the world. Another passage from
the book implicit the stand of the US against Russia and that President Truman didn
t support Russia s ideology. President Truman quickly made it clear, moreover, that
he was a member, and considered himself the leader, of the anti Soviet bloc.
(William 946). Another author Gar Alperovitz, in the book Atomic Diplomacy:
Hiroshima and Potsdam, blamed the United State for the Cold War on the use of the
atomic bombs Gar Alperovitz just like William imply
The Fighter Movie Analysis
The Fighter (2010) directed by David O Russell is a captivating and passionate
sports drama. The film was easily able to portray the journey that the Eklund Ward
family took on Micky s road to success in a realistic way which made it easy for me
to understand and develop emotions towards the film and the characters in it. It
was an exceptional watch which captured my full attention. The film made me
realise there is always a struggle with success. I saw and experience this while
watching the film and I am able to take this new found awareness with me into the
real world when the film is over. The performance of the characters and the realistic
portrayal of drugs in this film are major aspects that make this film so beguiling.
In the film the main character Micky Ward is a very promising boxer. Being a boxer
is a family thing, his mother, Alice Ward, is his manager and his stepbrother
brother, Dicky Eklund, is his trainer. Dicky is unreliable and Alice is very resilient.
The two were very controlling over Micky and feel they have some sense of
supremacy of him. However, even though Micky is working hard to try and make
the best of his situation, he keeps getting blows that knock him down. They come in
from the left, the right and all other directions, the hits that he receives seem to be the
consequences of having Dicky and Alice as part of team. Despite this and his latest
fight being unsuccessful, Micky still gets back in the ring.
The performance by Melissa Leo as Alice
One Person By Ralph Ellison Analysis
The author uses the concept of a person having power and once they have it ,they
would rather fall back on their preconceived judgement of someone else in power
than make a new judgement of every individual.The idea is compounded by adding
racism,which shows the imbalances of judgement of those in power and uses raceto
group together an individual
For example, Norton is used in the story to show how people with power will view
others in terms of their own goals rather than individuals. This is seen when
Norton has the narrator promise to write the outcome of his education. Norton is
generalizing all black as in need of aid to be a member of society and sees our
narrator as a member of his group instead of an individual person. Bledsoe is
supposed ... Show more content on ...
At the point when Clifton in the long run battles back the officer shoots him
decisively or regret. Another officer who was close to the shooting goes down his
friend decisively or question, demonstrating that he imagines that the activities of the
main officer were right and that Clifton merited it. The action of the policemen was
clearly caused by racist minds and by going along with it he has only reinforced the
legitimacy and the use a racism to change the mind of people with power
Finally, The impacts of force and the dreamlike illusion in supremacist
corporations are unmistakably found in Ellison s Invisible Man. These themes
seen inside the storyteller s depictions of occasions and characters own words
make it plainly seen that prejudice is a deterrent to independence. Whether it is a
man with force utilizing prejudice to assemble together people and settle on
clearing choices, or the dreamlike rationale and thoughts of sleepers , Ellison s
Invisible Man lives in a world in which the pointlessness of endeavoring to be seen
as an individual can obviously be
Delta Airline SWOT
Identification of Company s Current Strategic Issues and Recommendations
MGMT 647
May 15th, 2014
Individual Project
Table of Contents
Summary of External and Internal situation of Delta Air Lines Technological
advancements, mergers and acquisitions, volatility in crude oil prices, currency
depreciation, ground staff management and baggage handling are the major external
factors for Delta Air Lines. The Monroe oil refinery purchased by Delta Air Lines
provides an opportunity for the company to deal with the volatility in crude oil prices.
Presently Delta Airline is over dependent on the North American markets, which had
experienced a major hit during the recession in 2008. ... Show more content on ...
Delta has been focusing on technological innovations but they need to keep on doing
that to be profitable.
Based on the SPACE matrix, Delta Air Line is in the Competitive quadrant which
suggests that delta should focus on integration, market penetration, market
development, product development. With the help of SWOT matrix there are seven
alternative strategies that Delta Air Line can opt from in order to increase its
business and sustain (Appendix A).
The SO category suggests three alternatives. The first alternative is to include airlines
in India and China under the Sky Team alliance. By doing this, Delta can penetrate
into untapped emerging markets and increase its presence. The reason we suggest
India and China is because these countries were amongst the lowest to be affected by
recession and Delta doesn t have its prevalence in these regions (http:/
/ Secondly, Delta can capitalize on creating its
hubs in India strategically in the long run after gaining access to these markets. The
airline will benefit from larger population in both the countries and the government in
India encourages Foreign Direct Investment in comparison to China. The third
strategy promote business traveler programs in the U.S. Business travelers spend
more on their trips and are not as
Adnan Bury Hae Case Study
It was January 13th, 1999, when Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School,
disappeared after school, and was later found, February 9th, 1999, dead and buried
in Leakin Park. There is no solid evidence as to who did it, but the finger is pointed
at another senior at Woodlawn High School, Adnan Syed. Her former boyfriend.
There are a lot of suspects, but none seem to have as much evidence against them,
as Adnan does. On the other hand Adnan just has so many unlucky coincidences
against his case. This case has gained so much attention by loads and loads of
people, and the question everyone s asking is, is he guilty, not guilty, or innocent?
There wasn t a lot, but I suppose enough evidence, so say that Adnan did it, and put
him away for 16 years, and counting until this day. It was Jay Wilds, Adnan s
acquaintance, that came forward and accused Adnan Syed of doing this crime. He
gave all the information to police officials. He confessed that Adnan, strangled
Hae, put her in the trunk of her own car, and drove to Best Buy to met him (Jay),
and drove off to Leakin Park to bury Hae. He also confessed that he did indeed help
Adnan bury Hae s body. What people should know, is that Jay lies, and throughout
this whole investigation, Jay s story is always shifting. To better... Show more content
on ...
Friends, and acquaintances would have never thought Adnan would do this. Most
people knew him as a super cool, helpful, polite, and funny guy. Everyone was
surprised at the fact that he could have done this. Even the guards and inmates at
his jail really like him. He doesn t have a problem with anyone in the jail, because
he s well liked. There is a lot of evidence to say that Adnan did it, but there is also a
lot of evidence to say that Adnan didn t do it. So in the end, I can definitely say that
Adnan is not guilty of this crime, but is being
Current Policy Issue
Choose a current policy issue. Discuss this issue in terms of the stages of the policy
making process.
The economic policy is an important process for the United States to take charge of
in order to sustain its people, business, defense, social security and taxes. Economic
policy is formed by government branches such as the Executive branch, The
Legislative branch, and government interest groups to work for a better future and
success of the United States. Economic Policy is making our nation and our people
more fortunate and secure. Are government strives on trade, finance,
telecommunications, internet policy, transportation, economic sanctions, commercial
opportunities, and many other issues ensuring that the United States remains the
world s ... Show more content on ...
President Obama has proposed his budget for 2017. He proposed a budget with a
number of improvements to include a detailed international tax reform plan, and
proposals to consolidate and reorganize government agencies making them more
efficient. It also included closing tax loopholes and improving tax expenditures with
smart spending reforms.
Policy implementation A great example of policy implementation was the Budget
Control Act of 2011. First the NEC came up with a solution to get the debt under
control. The House and Senate passes the act and finally the President Obama signed
it into law. It brought a conclusion to the debt ceiling crisis of 2011. The bill has
since been revised increasing the sequestration caps, cuts to mandatory spending as
well as other miscellaneous savings.
Policy evaluation Congress and the Executive branch both have roles to play in
policy evaluation. On the Executive side many federal agencies do internal reviews
to evaluate policies and report if they are working. For Congress the Congressional
Research Service, Congressional Budget Office, National Academies, and temporary
commissions all do evaluation and analysis for
Sexual Assault And Rape During The World Today
Two of the most serious public health and social issues faced in the world today are
sexual assault and rape. Sexual assault and rape are words that are often used
interchangeably but the terms have two distinct definitions. The United States
Department of Justice defines sexual assault as any type of sexual contact or behavior
that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Sexual activities that fall
under the definition of sexual assault include forced sexual intercourse, forcible
sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape.
Research in this area is extremely important because so many people are
uneducated about sexual assault and rape. For the purpose of this paper, I
conducted your research by utilizing news articles, empirical articles, the FBI s
Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) and the United States Department of
Justice and several websites who advocate against sexual assault and rape. In
addition, I included an article and its methodology of the peer reviewed article
entitled Trauma Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Problem Drinking in
Sexual Assault Survivors. In accordance with the FBI s Uniform Crime Reporting
Program (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) rape
is no longer defined as The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her
will but is now defined as the Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or
anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex
Financial Principals and Policies
Xin Zheng Chapter 1
2. What are the differences between shareholder wealth maximization and profit
maximization? If a firm chooses to pursue the objective of shareholder wealth
maximization, does this preclude the use of profit maximization decision making
rules? Explain.
Profit maximization means the company makes profit maximize. Maximize
shareholder wealth states that management needs to bring maximize the value for its
owners by make the most efficient resources and reasonable financial management.
Therefore, shareholder wealth maximization include the profit maximization model,
it considers not only profit maximization model, but also the timing of return and the
risk of the company. The most important the... Show more content on
As we know, the returns offered to creditors are fixed but the returns to
stockholders are variable. In this case, RJR was acquired by KKR, the debt of
RJR increased from 38% of total capital to nearly 90% of total capital. This will
decrease nearly 20% of the value of RJR s bonds. The owner try to get the hope of
receiving better returns through increase the risk of the company s investments. So
that, stockholders be influenced when this happen. The reason is that they don t have
chance to share in these higher returns. Because of this loss of value, Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company and other large stockholders sued RJR for violating the
rights of stockholder and protections under the bond covenants. Ultimately, they
settled the suit due to the benefit of Metropolitan. Stockholders cannot resist this
transaction even through this decision may have high risk.
Chapter 2
2. An investor bought 100 shares of Venus Corporation common stock1 year ago for
$40 per share. She just sold the shares for $44 each, and during the year, she received
four quarterly dividend checks for $40 each. She expects the price of the
Venus shares to fall to about $38 over the next year. Calculate the investor s realized
percentage holding period return.
The investor s realized percentage holding period return= ( Income+ Ending Value
Beginning value)/ Beginning Value
[(4400 400+4*(40))/4000]*100%=14%
Culture of Fear Essay
Culture of Fear
Culture of Fear, by Frank Furedi, is a book that looks at how widespread fear
impacts Western cultures like the United States and Great Britain. Frank Furedi
believed that society tends to panic too much, as we actually enjoy an
unprecedented level of safety. I admit that Frank Furedi s novel is based upon a
novel concept, and an interesting one at that. However, Frank Furedi comes off to me
as little more than a fear monger and an intellectual elitist. His book, to me, seems
redundant more often than not. But sometimes part of college is learning about
points of view that you may not agree with, so I tried to maintain that perspective
when I read the book.
Our assignment for class was to read the book, and every ... Show more content on ...
I did not do a good job of putting my logs into a context for a broad audience outside
of my class. Nor was I required to do so. We were explicitly instructed to not write a
summary, but rather our thoughts on the book. My suggestion for those who would
like the book in context: read the book. Part of me wishes that I held back a little in
my writing, as I fear that my thoughts betray me in an unfavorable light. But these are
all unedited, one shot deals here. Oh, and on the off chance that Frank Furedi himself
reads this, then... um... loved the book. And don t read my position piece project.
Preface and Introduction
Upon reading the first part of COF, it made me realize what a widespread epidemic
widespread panic can be. We fear so much in this country, and not just safety issues.
We fear offending people by being too PC, we fear litigation, and that perpetuates
warning labels which foster even more fear. Fear is what gets politicians elected, and
fear can even be a hobby to adrenaline junkies.
Fear to me is a fascinating emotion. People take it as a negative, but to me it s there
for basic survival. Fear can also make people bond. After 9/11, the whole country
was in fear. Yet, for the first time I can remember, the whole country was a united one.
Chapter 1: The Explosion of Risks
First of all, this book is similar to some things I m learning in social psychology. It
wasn t any suprise to me when I
To A Mouse Essay
Romantic poetry demonstrates a focus on nature and simplicity by displaying
everyday life through the use of everyday language. To a Mouse by Robert Burns
displays the common motif found in poetry at the time; the unity of man and nature.
Poets of the Romantic time period believe that all of nature, even the smallest parts,
is connected. To a Mouseportrays the use of iambic tetrameter and structural
organization by using sequence of events with the main idea expressed in the last two
stanzas. This poem displays the equality of man and nature, simplifies situations, and
illustrates the natural instinct of living things to survive. A universal thought
presented by romantic poets is the belief that man conflicts with the natural course of
Shakespeare s use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and...
Shakespeare s use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and Imagery in King Lear
In a play about individual tragedies, fatalism plays an important part. Shakespeare
effectively uses cosmic imagery to define his characters and to explore the idea of
journeys linked to self discovery by relating it to the imagery of rotating circles.
Shakespeare uses Renaissance theology to explain character motivation. In the 16th
century there was a great belief in astronomy. People believed in the harmony of the
spheres and they were ruled by this idea of thhe natural alignment of the nine planets
in their orbits. Shakespeare incorporates this into King Lear in highlighting Edgar and
Gloucester s superstitious ... Show more content on ...
Edmund turns away from the belief of the alignment of planets and harmonies and
towards nature as that is all he can be really sure of. The fact that Edmund doesn t
believe in spherical predominance proves that he is different to the society around
him. Shakespeare takes every opportunity to emphasise this to distinguish evil
from good in the play putting Edmund forward as a character who is out of
harmony. When Gloucester predicts that eclipses in the sun and moon suggesting a
bad omen, Edmund casts aspersions on this idea, accusing the world of foppery ,
describing it as excellent because he sees it as a weakness that he can exploit from
his anti human point of view. Edmund is also stating that people are fops or fools
because they blame their evil and wrong doings, which is really part of their
character our own behaviour , on the cosmos. Even though Edmund does rightly say
that when we are sick in fortune often surfeits of our own behaviour we make guilty
of our disasters, the sun, the moon and the stars, as if we were villains on necessity,
fools by heavenly compulsion (Act I.2.117 26)
He declares that men are fools if they evade responsibility for their actions by
blaming the stars He ultimately decides that man is what he is by choice, not by the
stars and that he is evil. He appreciates no fate, only free will. He says that all cosmic
Bilbo Baggins Ending
Frodo Baggins lived among the peaceful hills called The Shire, among with his
friends. It was a normal, but peaceful day in The Shire, where Frodo sat by the tree in
the woods, and read a book. During Frodo s reading, he hear a wagon rattling closer
from the roads, and singing. Immediately Frodo knew who the voice of the singing
is. His friend Gandalf The Gray arriving to see his old friend Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo
has carried a ring that belong to a dark evil which stirs in Mordor. The ring has
passed on to Frodo, knowing the threat it can cause, making Frodo to make an
unexpected journey to save his home, and the world. Frodo and Gandalf rode
together across The Shire, left his cart, and said I m glad your back , and Gandalf
arrived at the gates of Bilbo Baggins. The day Gandalf arrived at Bilbo house is his
birthday. During that day, night time arrived and celebrated Bilbo s 111th birthday.
Before the party was coming to an end, the crowd yelled speech Bilbo speech . Bilbo
accepted their request and stood on top of barrels to prepare to give a speech to his
audience. During his speech, Bilbo said near his ending I don t know half of you half
as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. .
The audience were surprised that Bilbo, who have known him for many years, would
say... Show more content on ...
Frodo and Sam took this opportunity to reach MT. Doom. There they reach the
gates of the tower where the eye is placed on top of the tower. Just when they are
getting close, Smeagol returns, and attack Frodo. Sam pulled Smeagol away from
Frodo, and hold him off. While both are fighting, Frodo ran straight toward the
entrance, and stood at the edge where the fire flows like a river. Frodo took out the
ring and hold it out the edge but the will of the ring continues to corrupt his mind.
Making Frodo use the ring and walk
Introduction to Economic System
What is system?
System (from Latin systema, in turn from Greek systД“ma) is a set of interacting or
interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole.
A group of interdependent items that interact regularly to perform a task.
Economic System
An economic system is a system that involves the production, distribution and
consumption of goods and services between the entities in a particular society. The
economic system is composed of people and institutions, including their relationships
to productive resources, such as through the convention of property. In a given
economy, it is the systemic means by which problems of economics are addressed,
such as the economic problem of scarcity through allocation of finite ... Show more
content on ...
A central directorate controls the production of goods and services. The directorate
decides the nature, quantity, and mood of production of goods. This distribution of
goods is also directed by the central body.
Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating
state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and
distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society.
Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth century working class political
movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle
and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism
and communism.
Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and
wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and creates an unequal
society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth
and power are distributed more evenly, although there is considerable disagreement
among socialists over how, and to what extent this could be achieved
Some features of socialism are written below 1. Socialism is not a discrete
philosophy of fixed doctrine and program 2. Its branches advocate a degree of social
interventionism and economic rationalization, sometimes opposing each other. 3.
Another dividing
Ray Bradbury s The Pedestrian
In 2014, a statistic from Recode Research found that 90% of United States households
have three or more technological devices pinging in the internet. Devices such as
phones and tablets are so psychologically powerful that they not only change how
humans act, but how humans communicate. The short story titled, The Pedestrian,
written by Ray Bradbury, offers a glance into the future, depicting Leonard Mead,
who takes long walks every evening in a society that only lives for watching tv. In
another story called August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains, also written by
Bradbury, displays life within a technologically advanced household. A third story
also written by Bradbury titled The Veldt, is based upon an interactive nursery within
a technologically... Show more content on ...
The use of communication technology allows humans to get used to doing less.
Sherry Turkle, a TED Talk speaker, informs people of how technology causes people
to be connected, but alone. Her analysis of solitude shows the audience that humanity
is unable to reach out to other people and form real attachments. Turkle states People
can t get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in
amounts that they can control. I call it The Goldilocks Effect. The Goldilocks Effect
refers to the habits of humans wanting each other not too close, not too far, but just
right. This effect, and other consequences from communication technology, proves
that humans expect more from technology than from each other. Humans find it
easier to keep to themselves rather than to participate in social interaction. The
continued use of technological devices encourages distance between humans.
Communication technology may never be used the intended way as a helping aid,
rather, it is used as a replacement to human interaction and
Roblox Monologue
Hello, UniCess, or Roblox3030303 As you may know, I am what you may
consider a creep or freak. I m here to explain the incident that occurred during that
Skype call in early August. That day when I added you to a call I was talking to
my friend Ed. That change in camera angle was a complete accident. If you recall,
there was a banging sound when my camera angle descended . The change in
position was because a ruler in one of the open pockets on the desk was
overflowing with stuff and fell out, hitting my laptop. Ever since then, I had hoped
to explain the situation to you, but I had to way of contacting you. So I waited.
Continued on Roblox. Meeting new people, gaining followers and fame, and even
becoming a bit rich at one point before
Organizational Behavior Individual Analysis
Individual Analysis Paper MGMT 320 Organizational Behavior Introduction I want
to begin this paper by stating what my initial thought was once I reviewed and
analyzed all of the results, I can sum it up into one word WOW! These results
couldn t be more dead on than they are; about ninety five percent of the results hit
the nail on the proverbial head. Yes, I disagree with about five percent of the
analysis, but overall, it s amazing how accurate these scores reflect individuals
various behaviors and management types and as I took these assessments, I kept
thinking, quite a few of these questions are somewhat ambiguous. Understanding
your role as an individual within your organization, as well as the role of other
individuals and... Show more content on ...
Being positive in these interactions allows for agreeableness, which is the next
dimension. My agreeableness score was 78 and I ll break it down specifically in a
minute. One point I absolutely disagree with in this IPIP NEO report states that
agreeableness is not useful in situations that require tough or absolute objective
decisions. (IPIP NEO) I am the policy and procedures manager for our department
and these policies and procedures are cut and dry, follow them or risk government
penalties. These policies and procedures have to be enforced to the letter of our
manual to ensure the safety of everyone involved both the customer and employee.
My highest scores within this dimension were morality (97) and modesty (81). I
am very candid and frank with everyone I deal with, whether it s my direct reports,
my boss, or the VP of our department. The lowest score within this dimension was
sympathy (31). If this score is just relating to the work environment, then I agree
with this score, people who get into trouble or don t complete their work, bring this
upon themselves; if not, I vehemently disagree with it. I am a very compassionate
person in my personal life. An example in this area would be that of a direct report.
In a sense he was given the choice to resign or face termination. I gave him the tools
and direction to succeed, basically a results oriented work
Essay about E. J. Gallo Winery Case Study
Case 25: E. amp; J. Gallo Winery
Introduction The dessert wine industry realized huge success during the great
depression years when buying regular wine was a luxury that few could afford.
Characterized by its sweet taste, high alcohol content, and cheap price it was until
the 80 s an easy to buy alcoholic beverage that gave people with lower income the
opportunity to have wine on their table. The 1980 s was a decade of change in people
s lifestyle with an emphasis on healthier habits and thus, consuming healthier
products. This change, combined with an increased consciousness about society s
moral obligations had a negative impact on dessert wine, since it was viewed as a
cheap wine with higher alcohol content than regular ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, despite the criticism, the company still produces and sells its signature
type of dessert wines; Thunderbird and Night Train.
Discussion According to the Wine Institute the dessert wine segment is 8% of the
total U.S. wine sales, with Gallo controlling 16.1% of the segment (Wine Institute).
The key success factors in the dessert wine segment have been the placement of
this product. Supermarkets, corner liquor stores, and warehouse clubs all carry it.
These wines were the beginning of Gallo and it was not until the late 70 s that
Gallo started producing premium wines and wine coolers. At first the premium
wines were marketed without Gallo s name on them but as years have passed and
Gallo s various premium wines have won major awards, the Gallo name became
associated with the premium wines, and not the dessert wines. While there is not a
strategic fit per se between the two there is an economy of scale present and both
Gallo and the liquor distributors/ retailers benefit by the company offering a wide
range of products, which helps with bracket buying, merchandise assistance, and
signage. According to Times Magazine, Gallo s dessert wine accounts only for 3%
of its total wine sales ever since the company transitioned to higher quality wine
products (Times Magazine). However, dessert wines, despite the criticism they
encounter, have a sweet and more palatable taste which allows for an easy entry for
new drinkers to the wine

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  • 1. My Dad Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of "My Dad" can be both an emotional and challenging endeavor. On one hand, the subject matter is deeply personal, and the writer may find themselves grappling with a multitude of memories, emotions, and experiences related to their father. These intimate reflections can make the writing process a journey through one's own history and the complex tapestry of the father-child relationship. However, the difficulty lies not only in the emotional depth but also in capturing the essence of a person within the constraints of an essay. It requires a delicate balance between sentimentality and objectivity, between personal anecdotes and broader reflections. Striking this balance is akin to navigating a tightrope, where the writer must convey the uniqueness of their father while ensuring the essay remains relatable and engaging for a wider audience. Furthermore, the challenge is intensified by the responsibility to do justice to the subject. A father holds a significant place in one's life, and attempting to encapsulate their impact in a mere essay can feel like an overwhelming task. The fear of inadequacy or of leaving out crucial details can add to the difficulty, requiring careful consideration of every word and sentiment expressed. In conclusion, composing an essay on the topic of "My Dad" demands a delicate dance between the personal and the universal, the emotional and the objective. It's a challenging task that requires introspection, careful word choices, and a keen awareness of the profound influence a father can have. Yet, in the end, the difficulty is surpassed by the potential for a touching and memorable tribute. For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, one may explore resources like, where a range of writing services can be accessed to make the creative process more manageable. My Dad Essay My Dad Essay
  • 2. Indian India s Indian National Congress Colonial History of India Some factors that lead India to independence from England was World War II, protests, and changes in government including the Indian National Congress. During World War II, when the Indian natives fought alongside the colonists against the imperial forces of Hitler, they came to the realization that they wanted independence after they finished fighting in the war . In August 1942, Mahatma Gandhi and other Quit India activists protested for independence which was the first step to independence after World War II. The Indian National Congress was considerably the largest and most prominent Indian public organization, and central and defining influence of the Indian Independence Movement . This allowed some sort of government representation of the people with the goal of ending the East India Company s rule as a purpose. Indian colonization began when traders were looking for a path via the oceans to trade with India because the land route through the Middle East was cut off by the Ottoman Empire. Vasco da Gama circumnavigated Africa and found the route to India which allowed other sailors and merchants to come to India as well. Nations began erecting settlements near and on the Indian coastline for a safe port for merchant ships to load, unload, and conduct business. Some of these settlements began to evolve into colonies. By mid 19th century, England had control, either directly or indirectly, of almost all of India. India was the hub of English
  • 3. How Does Edith Wharton Use Imagery In Ethan Frome In Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton is saying that unhappiness resulting from having to choose between love and unwanted responsibility cannot be avoided. Through her use of imagery, she illustrates the difficulty of making choices between what is expected and what is desired. Ethan becomes happy when his responsibility to his wife Zeena goes away when she leaves town, and he is able to pursue his love for Mattie. The world is described differently whether Ethan depending on who Ethan is with, and imagery is used to show his emotions. Mattie is always described as being colorful, while Zeena is seen mostly in darker colors. When he sees Zeena, it is described as, the pale light reflected from the banks of snow and made her face look more than usually drawn and bloodless (Wharton 27). Ethan sees Zeena as being a dark side of his life and Mattie as being the light and good in his life. Even when they are in the same lighting, Wharton describes them differently to show how Ethan feels about them. When Zeena opens the door holding the light under her face, Ethan sees the, hollows and prominences of her high boned face (Wharton ... Show more content on ... He tries to keep Mattie when Zeena tells him about the hired girl, and he goes through scenarios where they could have both of them. He desperately tries to avoid choosing between his responsibility and desire. Coming home to Zeena after being with Mattie, Ethan feels that his house has the, deadly chill of a vault (Wharton 22). This describes how trapped Ethan feels by his marriage, and he doesn t want to imagine what it would be like if Mattie left. Ethan s love for Mattie results in him not being able to let her go and not wanting to picture his life without him. Despite this love, he still feels responsible for Zeena, which is what keeps him from finishing his letter, and he can t bring himself to abandon
  • 4. Unit 24 P2 List of things to bring to the UK M. Deen We are in the first week of September. This means, the summer vacation for Bruneian studying in the UK is almost over. This is the period where students are busy with their preparation to go back to the UK. Usually, the most important preparation is the food: list of food to bring to the UK. However, to some new student who are travelling to the UK, this period would filled with excitement. But to some students, travelling to the UK for the first time can be a little overwhelming. It is important to prepare and make research what to expect when arriving to the UK. But based on my experience, apart from the official documents such as x ray, medical check up documents and university acceptance documents, there are several things you need to know or do before going to the UK. Here I listed 10 essential things you need to... Show more content on ... Multiple copies of passport photos. a.Believe me, you will need these photos during your first two weeks in the UK. 3.Opening a bank account. a.Some students brought huge amount of money with them. Either from the 3 months lump sum student allowances from the government or from their family. I considered myself as a careless person. So one of the advice given to me by my senior is, to open HSBC Account in Brunei. You can put your money there and you can withdraw the money later when you arrive in the UK. I am sure the withdrawal fee per transactions is less than BND $5. b.When you arrive in the UK, and wish to open bank accounts, usually they need your identification, address and acceptance letter. 4.Register with Brunei Student Unit. a.If you are a Bruneian student, either government or non government sponsorship, I would strongly recommend that you registered with the Bruneian Student Unit. There are many privileges you would get. However, the most important privileges is that BSU could advise you with your academic and welfare while you were here. b.Useful website:
  • 5. Literary Devices Used In Genesis 2 The strategies Satan used in Genesis 2 through the serpent with Eve and Matthew 4 through devil himself to Jesus were as follows: First, Both the serpent and Devil temped by saying in Genesis 3:3 Did God really say, You must not eat from any tree in the garden . Likewise, the devil temped by saying in Matthew 4:3 If you are the Son of God tell these stones to become bread . Second, the serpentinsisted, challenge and dare in Genesis 3:4 5 You will not surely die, the serpent said to the woman For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. Similarly, the devil in Matthew 4:5 6 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple.
  • 6. Serena Williams Role Model Serena Williams is currently the greatest female tennis player in the world. She holds more grand slams titles than any male player. With her older sister Venus, she is well known for her commitment, generosity and charity work. Serena s contribution to society is outstanding, and her hubristic personality is one to cherish. Her determination is incredible towards everything she does, which makes her a role model to society. Specifically young female tennisplayers are inspired by Serena, due to her dedication towards being the best that she can achieve. Serena Williams is a confident chartist, who through her career has been involved in 12 major charities including; building African schools, I heart my girlfriends, Serena Williams fund and ... Show more content on ... The Resource Center will provide services to families that are affected by community violence.[320] Williams return to Indian Wells in 2015 was done in partnership with the Equal Justice Initiative, a non profit organization that provides legal representation to those who might have been denied a fair trial.[321] EJI executive director Bryan Stevenson lauded her courage in supporting his organization. It s so rare when athletes at the top of their game are willing to embrace a set of issues that, for a lot of people, are edgier , he said. This is not aid to orphans ... She was standing when a lot of her contemporaries remain seated, speaking up when others are being quiet. [322] Other charitable organizations Williams supports include the Elton John AIDS Foundation, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Hearts of Gold, the Common Ground Foundation, the Small Steps Project, the HollyRod Foundation, Beyond the Boroughs National Scholarship Fund, World Education, the Eva Longoria Foundation, the Caliber Foundation and the Cure for MND
  • 7. Influences Of Romanticism Roya Ghaseminejad Ms. Spruill Smith Honors Humanities 2 23 April 2017 Influences of Romanticism Romanticism originates from the late 18th century and embodies staunch individualism and the ability to express intense emotions. Additionally, it is a movement in literature and the arts that went against classical and neoclassical movements in order to embrace spiritual relationships with nature. Two works of fine art that strongly correspond with each other are William Blake s A Poison Tree and Idina Menzel s Let It Go . A Poison Tree is a popular short poem published in 1794, and brings forth the understanding of emotion and experience. Let It Go is from a popular 2013 movie, by the name of Frozen, which stresses the importance of ... Show more content on ... This line of Blake s poem shines light on emotion, And I waterd it in fears, /Night morning with my tears: /And I sunned it with smiles, /And with soft deceitful wiles (Blake). The character s emotions are drawn into comparison of a plant. He watered this plant with his fears and his tears to make sure his plant got enough sunshine. Yet instead of real sunshine he gave deceitful wiles , which goes to show the deceptiveness he was planning with all the anger that filled him. On the other hand, Let It Go draws to a grand metaphor, I don t care what they re going to say, let the storm rage on (Menzel). The storm symbolizes other peoples concerns and how she is beginning to understand that their values and morals should not affect her. Overall, at this point in the song the character is overcome with emotion and her passion for her true identity is born. Both works evoke emotion as they are met with conflicts of their own, leading to eventual emotional outbursts. Emotion plays a pivotal role in Romanticism by representing a timeless aspect of individual
  • 8. Reflection Paper On Phlebitis In Tabba Hospital I observed different issues, but mostly issues were related to medication errors and phlebitis. This reflection paper will talk about the phlebitis issue that how I and the management team of Tabba Hospital collaboratively makes efforts to resolve this problem. Phlebitis is the complication of peripheral intravenous catheterization in which inflammation of the vein wall occurs (Carretero, 2013). The symptoms of phlebitis appear in patient are pain, swelling, tenderness, warmth and redness at the affected site. There are numbers of factors involved in developing phlebitis like trauma of vein during insertion of cannula, type of cannula material used and many others. These factors are classified into three categories such as mechanical, chemical or bacterial phlebitis. Mechanical phlebitis depends upon location, size and material of cannula, and also cause due to incorrect method of cannulation. Chemical phlebitis is caused by irritant drugs or solutions. Bacterial phlebitis is... Show more content on ... According to the statistical data of 2012 from health care associated infection (HAIs) indicated that 60 80% patients develop phlebitis during hospitalization. The Tabba Hospital was also encountering the problem of phlebitis in many patients so they become concerned about the root cause of this problem. The managers call the meeting of their unit head nurses, and share this concern with them. Then the managers asked the head nurses and me to inquire the reason of phlebitis. I was feeling proud that the managers assign me this task, and I was happily willing to help them to reduce the phlebitis incidence rate. Before conducting the rounds of units I review the hospital policy regarding intravenous catheterization and also reviewed the literature about phlebitis to develop better understanding about this
  • 9. Review Of Stanley Stanley s Holes Lucie Nguyen March 4, 2015 Profitt Block: Period 3 Character Analysis of Stanley Stanley was a boy in middle school who was overweight. He got teased, was cursed, and unlucky. Could his life get worse? In fact, it did and he was accused of a crime he did not commit. He got sent to Camp Green Lake where he had a chance to change his life. Stanley was cursed from his great great grandfather who stole a pig. Later in Stanley s life, Stanley goes through many difficult times. Throughout Louis Sachar s novel, Holes, Stanley is characterized as unlucky, overweight, and weak, but by encountering people, changes, and difficulties, Stanley is now lucky, fit, and caring by the end. In the beginning, Stanley is unlucky, overweight, and weak. ... Show more content on ... After all this happened at Stanley s years at school, Stanley got arrested and got sent to Camp Green Lake where he had to dig holes, which he was very weak which made it difficult. He tried to jam [the shovel] into the earth, but the blade banged against the ground and bounced off without making a dent (page 26). When you jam a shovel into the earth, something has to come out. Stanley did this, but he did not even leave a dent in the earth, which shows he is weak and not that good of a digger. After going to camp and digging many holes, he met a boy named, Hector Zeroni (Zero), and he slowly had a friend relationship with Zero. As a result of encountering Zero, Stanley significantly changed. Stanley eventually became friends with Hector and had a loyal and kind relationship. [Stanley] could think of no reason why Zero would dig his hole for him (page 95). Since Zero dug Stanley s hole, it starts a tiny friend relationship. This shows Stanley and Zero s relationship because Stanley now knows how Zero is and that makes Stanley change by making him nicer. Zero shows how nice people can be. After they become friends, Zero is very loyal to Stanley. All he could do was wait for it to be over. Then, suddenly, Zigzag was off of him. Stanley managed to look up, and he saw that Zero had his arms around Zigzag s long neck (page 135). Zero is standing up for Stanley which shows that Zero is loyal to
  • 10. The Role Of Women In Hedda Gabler English Lit Written Assignment Through the characterization of Hedda, Ibsen explores the oppression of woman in the Victorian Era. Introduction: In Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen portrays the hopeless struggle of woman in the Victorian era through the protagonist, Hedda. From 1837 to 1901 in England, women experienced unrestrained oppression, were expected to follow the orders of their husbands, and were believed to be unwise. In the play, the newly wed Hedda has just arrived to her new husband, Tesmun s home town, and her whole world seems to be shrinking inch by inch, expressed mainly through elements of stagecraft. The play is mostly focused around the main character, Hedda, a tragic heroine. Her need to manipulate others grows ever stronger as her boredom and despair increase, due to the new middle class atmosphere she is forced into. At last, she frees herself from all of the social restrictions society has imposed on her, by completing the act of suicide. Through the characterization of Hedda, Ibsen explores the oppression of woman in the Victorian Era. In the first Act, Ibsen portrays the oppression ... Show more content on ... Even after her success of scandals, Hedda realizes that Judge Brack is still the one, who holds the upper hand in all affairs, and to express her freedom or at least want for freedom, she states I am exceedingly glad to think that you have no sort of hold over me (p. 55). Her words foreshadow the ending of the play as it prepares the audience for unexpected and uncontrolled actions taken by Hedda. Furthermore, the ultimate outcome of her actions is Tesmun and Thea working together to re create the manuscript, which Hedda was unprepared for. Tesmun and Thea take over her last place of comfort, as she removes her belongings from the drawing room and the writing
  • 11. Animal Photography Research Paper Aloha my friends welcome to another edition of our weekly theme! For those of you just joining in, every week we announce a new weekly theme and challenge our readers to capture it. Then we all share our photos right here on PhotoBlog and vote for our favorites. It s a great way to practice and learn new things, PLUS you get to meet a lot of great PhotoBloggers in the process. Join us! Natural Light Theme Winners For last week s challenge, we explored the beauty of natural light. This was a great exercise to help us turn into true light stalkers always on the hunt for that perfect light. Hopefully, we all learned something new and were able to start forming some good photographer s habits. As fun of a challenge as it was, natural light ... Show more content on ... In the article, Will explains, You should never put your photo before the welfare of an animal...Simple rules to follow are you don t live bait animals, and if anything you re doing appears to be affecting an animal s behaviour drastically, stop and retreat. That s really good advice, especially when photographing wild animals. If you re shooting domesticated animals, like your pet dog, you will probably want to interact with them and, to some extent, even direct them. When you re doing that, just remember to be patient modelling is a lot harder than it looks! Keep your calm and take frequent breaks. Practice, Share, Repeat! Remember, if you don t have the chance to go out and photograph any animals this week, you can always the weeklytheme12 tag to an existing post. But we encourage everyone to go out and practice your shooting for this week s challenge, even if you only have half an hour. Go practice and show us what you ve got! If you re really dedicated, challenge yourself to set aside time for two practice sessions this week. Show us both by tagging them with weeklytheme12. In the meantime, happy shooting! We re looking forward to seeing your
  • 12. The Anxiety Of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a disorder that I struggle with personally. It is when a person has a tense feeling of stress, and anxiety for long periods of time without any real cause of it. Even though everyone has fears, and has stress from time to time it isn t harmful unless the anxiety and stress is keeping someone from living their life, and relaxing. Generalized AnxietyDisorder is different from other anxiety disordersbecause panic attacks rarely occur, and instead an overpowering sense of dread is long lasting. People with GAD, and myself have fears that other people without the disorder have, except the fears are taken to a new level. For example, I am a person with GAD who has an extreme fear of flying on airplanes. I will try to avoid flying on airplanes as much as possible, and even cancel plans or vacations because of my fear. Over spring break I was supposed to fly to Costa Rica for a study abroad class but cancelled a few weeks before because of all the stress of having to fly on a plane. For me, when I m on an airplane I feel that if I don t constantly worry, or repeat certain phrases then something bad is going to happen. Other symptoms of GAD are difficulty falling asleep, and staying asleep because of all of the unexplainable stress, and anxiety. People also may struggle with excessive stomach problems such as Diarrhea, or Nausea. People with GAD can have muscle aches, cramps, or muscle tightness, and feel restless all day without relief, or able to
  • 13. The Fashion Industry In The Devil Wears Prada It can be said that the Fashion industry is not for everyone, especially Anne Hathaway s character in the 2006 Film The Devil Wears Prada. The fashion industry is one of the hardest business to work in and this film shows it. The fashion Industry takes a lot of time, money, dedication, and uses lots of resources that Anne Hathaways role, Andy Sachs learns quickly. As coming out of Northwestern College as a journalist she lands a job with the magazine Runway as their junior Assistant for the head editor and chef Miranda Priestly, who is played by the wonderful Meryl Streep. Miranda could be described as strict, stern, demanding, and a overall perfectionist. However, by the end of dealing with Mirandas demands for a year Andy can only hope she will score a job as a reporter or writer else where, so the question is will she do it? When Andy begins her job as the junior assistant you can definitely see that she struggles a lot. Andy walking in had no sense of style, had no knowledge of what Runway Magazine was, and also had no idea that many people had wanted her position at this company. In fact the first day that Andy arrives at runway magazines home office she is absolutely appalled. Emily Charlton, Miranda s Senior assistant was supposed to interview Andy, but unfortunately as soon as Andy and Emily sat down to chat the phone had rang. It was Mirandas driver stating that they were outside and to prepare. With the look of madness in Emily s eyes you could see that
  • 14. Customer Service And Claim Cycle Time My company has several departments that contribute to the processes of the company and the needs of the customers. My department is only one department in the process and for the needs of the paper I am going to focus on processes of my department and how it helps the company function within the goals they have set. Rummler and Brache 9 Box Model Organization Goals Strategy, Operating Plans, and Metrics I have been with my company Farmers Insurance for 15 years. During my employment I have gained experience from several different departments and positions. Our organization is ranked within the top ten insurance companies. Our yearly metric scores, called NPS are based on customer surveys and written policies. They show that we have a good solid foundation in the industry amongst our customer base and competitors. These scores have significantly improved over the last couple years from being in the low 40 s to the high 80 s. This is a reflection of our focus to customer service and claim cycle time. Unfortunately, our town hall meetings and employee discussions consistently reveal the company is always behind or falls short in the area of strategy and operating plans. There have been several changes administered within the company specifically focusing on customer experience and claim life cycle time. These changes also directly affect the employee s job performance and load. At times it seems changes are not considered or do not come to fruition until another company
  • 15. Kate The Great Analysis Kate the Great by Meg Cabot reveals that people are not always the way they seem. Kate makes a fantasy world about her life for Jenny to believe in her perspective. Kate and Jenny have always been best friends ever since the two were young. The both of them would always hang out with each other have sleepovers, go to the pool together, the library, and went everywhere else together. They were inseparable as the author said. Although, throughout all of their adventures Kate has been telling Jenny about her experience in high school. Keep in mind that Kate is older by a couple of years than Jenny, therefore, Kate has an influence on what to teach Jenny when she gets into high school. For example, a Jenny had a memory of Kate had told ... Show more content on ... Especially this one time I was taking archery lessons. My teacher looked at me with grieved face since I had such skinny arms and I was so tiny. Little did he know I went to the gym almost every day after school. I remember I told him I don t need to have such a light bow. A light bow was a small bow that was extremely light used for children. My instructor expected me to be absolutely terrible when testing came. He figured that since I was skinny I had no upper body strength at all. However, when testing came he observed me on every shot that s when he realized I had so much more potential and he put me in his advance program. At school, I don t talk much about myself. I m mostly anonymous around my peers. Many first impressions of me believe that I m petite therefore they can down on me. However, some students have seen me at a Chicago Tenri Judo Dojo. Here we train for self defense and martial arts. One of my peers saw me train and found out I was the main leader of the elite group. After, the word came out everyone stop looking down on me seeing me as a dainty girl. Kate was seen as a very popular and outgoing girl in high school however she was really a loner and had no friends. Connecting with me numerous people thought just because I was small I was very fragile. In all honesty, people are not always the always they seem. As a final point, while I start growing up
  • 16. Compare And Contrast Plagiarism And Academic Misconduct Critical comparison of two journal articles on different perceptions and attitudes towards plagiarism and academic misconduct. Plagiarism is a major concern for both students and teachers and the consequences of plagiarising will differ depending on the degree of misconduct within an assessed piece of academic writing. Throughout this essay there will be a comparison of two journal articles supplied in the plagiarism reader. The first essay is Exploring academic misconduct: Some insights into student behaviour written by Bob Perry and published in 2010. This article highlights the increase of misconduct cases reported in newspapers and research, stating that increase is paired with the new internet enterprises that are benefiting from ... Show more content on ... In contrast the Flint et al. s article provides two opposing definitions. The first, as defined by Liverpool Hope University, is the referencing techniques and writing skills used in a piece of written work explaining that: The use of material which is not acknowledged to its source and also the direct use of material, reference or un referenced without the clear indication that the material is taken verbatim from its source. Liverpool Hope University College, 2003 . The second defines plagiarism in terms of personal ownership and academic integrity using Pyer s 2000 definition; it is taking the words, ideas and labour of other people and giving the impression that they are your own . It develops the definition of plagiarism emphasised in the first article by adding the need for a declaration of academic integrity confirming that the work submitted is your own, this is the first time this point has been made in both articles. Research was taken out by both journal articles although the difference is the source of the research. Perry used three previous studies focusing on The Times Higher Education Study to create a three paged questionnaire in order to assess the student s perception at different level of study. His questionnaire identified a profile that acknowledged an age range, gender and employment category. It questioned attitudes towards statements and ethical reasoning as well as fears
  • 17. The Need to Measure Transit System Performance The necessity to measure transit system performance along with its different dimensions has led to the development of a large number of quantitative performance indicators. Nevertheless, depending upon the specific indicator assessed, one can reach to different conclusions regarding performance. Furthermore, though performance and scale economies are closely related issues, they have been generally examined separately in the transit literature. There have been significant amounts of research undertaken in order to examine the transit system performance, and in turn of assessing the performance based on such methods but the two characteristics underline the work. First, due to heterogeneity in getting different relationships between efficiency and effectiveness, system performance, existence of scale of economies and various such issues, the conclusion which have come out of different studies is not same. In other words there are conflicting conclusions. Even researchers are not using the data which is provided by NTD (National Transit Data base) and as a result the comparability of findings across researches is questionable. A second problem arises because researches have been using cross section time series data from largely heterogeneous systems and have introduced a size related bias in their results (Berechman, 1993). Tomazinis (1977) specified a set of indicators in order to measure the public transit systems s performance. His measurement was built on three bases;
  • 18. Case Analysis of US v. Emerson Essay examples Case Analysis of US v. Emerson This case deals with the Defendant s possession of a firearm while under a restraining order, and the charges incurred by the Defendant for such firearm possession. Under Texas law, the possession of a firearm by Mr. Emerson creates a perceivable threat to members of his family, thus creating a violation of the restraining order against him. Apparently common practice in Texas, the restraining order was filed by Mr. Emerson s wife in conjunction with the papers filed for divorce. The restraining order sought to enjoin Emerson from engaging in various financial transactions to maintain the financial status quo and from making threatening communications or actual attacks upon his wife during the pendency ... Show more content on ... Emerson s possession of a firearm was construed as a perceivable threat to his family and, therefore, a direct violation of the restraining order. Mr. Emerson argued that the Act is an unconstitutional exercise of congressional power under the Commerce Clause and the Second, Fifth, and Tenth Amendments to the United States Constitution (United 2). The District Court addressed each claim separately, finding credibility in only Emerson s Second and Fifth Amendment claims. In Emerson s claim that the Commerce Clause was violated, he argued that the Act did not regulate commercial activity, and was therefore an unconstitutional use of congressional power. In claiming this, Emerson looked to the Supreme Court s holding in United States v. Lopez, however, the District Court dismissed this claim, citing a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision which examined the validity of 18 U.S.C. В§ 922 (g)(8) under a Commerce Clause challenge, in which it held that the Act was constitutional (United 3). Because of this ruling (in United States v. Pierson), the District Court
  • 19. Amtelecom Group 1. What does it mean if a company trades at a discount ? Is Amtelecom Group Inc. (AGI) really trading at a discount? If the market value of a stock is lower than its intrinsic value, this stock is defined as trades at a discount . To figure out whether AGI stock is traded at a discount to comparable companies, as its management believed, we can simply apply multiple which comes from the average multiple of its comparable companies. Considering fluctuation of future after tax earnings caused by the change in capital structure, we prefer to use TEV/EBITDA multiple in this case. Amtelecom Group consists of two lines of business which has to been taken into consideration. We separately calculate the value of both companies and their ... Show more content on ... 3.2 Strengths and weaknesses of Amtelecom Communications Strength: Amtelecom Communications is the sole provider of local telephone services in all of its exchanges and a leading provider of long distance and data services in the majority of his exchanges. As a sole provider of some services, Amtelecom Communications ensures the constant revenue and customers. Its subsidiary, Amtelecom Cable inc. has eight stand alone systems exempt from licensing. The cost advantage ensures the leading position of Amtelecom Communications. Weakness: Amtelecom Communication s telecommunication business occupies 90 percent of its all business. If there is an unforeseeable risk occurring in telecommunications, the company may suffer devastating loss. Company should focus more on new growth point, such as internet and service innovation. 4. Assess the value of Amtelecom Communications using available valuation methods including DCF and multiples. Which valuation method is most suitable for each sales alternative? What are the expected net proceeds for each sales alternative? Because the management of AGI expects to complete the acquisition by early 2003, the valuation of the Amtelecom Communication should be calculated for 31 Dec, 2002. In order to calculate the NPV of Amtelecom Communication during the planning period, we first use pro forma
  • 20. Mysterious ways of J.D. Salinger Essay J.D. Salinger could be considered one of the greatest, and most contrevertional authors of our time. We only know limited things about him and his work. He has been pushed off into the woods due to betrayal by his loved ones, and people close to him. Negative criticism of his work has also contributed to making him leave. Not to mention the biggest factor which made him want to be left alone, phoniness. These are the reasons that I believe why he wants to be left alone and not give interviews, this is also what fuels the press to keep chasingafter J.D. To give a brief biography of what J.D. did up until his name was heard of, here s how it all started. In 1934 J.D. s father ... Show more content on ... Franny states I m just sick of ego, ego, ego. My own and everybody else s. I m sick of everybody that wants to get somewhere, do something distinguished and all, be somebody interesting. It s disgusting it is, it is. I don t care what anybody says (Salinger 29 30). Along with Franny another one of Salinger s characters (probably his most well known) Holden Caulfield has the same set of views. He also would like to abolish all of the phonies out there. While reading any work by Salinger I think that he is trying to get you to look beneath just what you see on the surface, past looks, and money. After the Herriges interview he says that the first two passages that came into his mind where from A Perfect Day for Bananafish, and Zooey (129). In both of these stories the characters talk of not wanting physical aspects to be looked at. This is what I believe what Salinger is trying to do, get us to look at a person from the inside, who they really are. Again, in the Eppes interview he tells her that about why he doesn t give autographs. He feels that they are meaningless, and that no author with respect gives them out (234). These are some of the reasons I feel that Salinger retreated to the woods, because these things happening in today s society. Money and looks are what seem to matter these days. Again the
  • 21. Richer And Poorer By Jill Lepore Summary In the essay Richer and Poorer written by Jill Lepore, accounting for inequality. March 16,2015, The New Yorker. Jill Lepore discusses economic inequality how its been measured by a system known as a Gini index, named after an Italian statistician, Corrado Gini. The United States Census Bureau has been using Gini measurement income inequality is greater in the United States then any other democracy. American social scientist believe that the Gini index under estimated inequality after a 2003 paper was published with the Berkeley economist by Emmanuel Saez, and others who created the world top incomes data base. Which collects income share data from more then 20 countries to calculate what percent of income goes to the top 1% and to the ... Show more content on ... Whats new is that american politicians of all spot and strips are talking about it there has been a lot of talk in politics, talk about this topic from both parties the reason democrats and republicans are fighting over who is to blame for the growing inequality is that its no longer possible to deny its exist even after knowing the numbers it still doesn t appear to be changing anyones mind about it. Our Kids is a title of a book written by Robert Putnam where he attempts to set statics aside and instead tell a story about the town he grew up in. Robert is a political scientist with a historical argument he writes that in 1950s that he grew up in a town that offered
  • 22. descent opportunities for all kids no matter there back ground. Sixty years later Putnam says his home town Port Clinton is split screen American nightmare, where kids from the wrong side of the tracks that bisect the town can barley imagine the future of the kids from the right side of the tracks. Our Kid wasn t a book about the Gini index but some of us learned from the stories in this heart felt portrait of four generations the book proceeds from the depressing assumption
  • 23. The Works Of William Shakespeare And Sir Philip Sidney Edmund Spenser was a notorious English poet known for writing the long allegorical poem The Faerie Queen. Born into a family of very little wealth he was enrolled into the Merchant Taylors grammar school. He later went on to study at the University of Cambridge where he received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1573. The time he spent at Cambridge was undoubtly very crucial for the acquisition of his wide knowledge not only of the Latin and some of the Greek classics but also of the Italian, French, and English Literature of his own and earlier times. Without the Roman epic poet Virgil s Aeneid, the 15th century Italian Ludovico Ariosto s Orlando furioso, and, later, Torquato Tasso s Gerusalemme liberata (1581), Spenser could not have written his heroic, or epic, poem The Faerie Queene. The corpus of Spenser can be discussed in the context of the works of William Shakespeare and Sir Philip Sidney. The three share an influence in the same popular Renaissance literary genre, Pastoral, which can be depicted as an idealized vision of a simpler, rural life and a longing for a lost world of innocence. Much happened in the time of the Renaissance, including Reformation and an epidemic so it made sense to want to write about less complex ways of living as a way to escape reality. In The Faerie Queen, Spenser writes with the intent to show young men what better virtues to cultivate in their lives. He does an excellent job doing this by his use of symbolism and descriptive imagery.
  • 24. Second Chance Month Resolution Designating the month of April 2017 as Second Chance Month. Whereas individuals who are returning to their society after completing a prison sentence face significant barriers to securing meaningful employment, housing, and education which reduces their chance of becoming productive members of society; Whereas the U.S. Department of Justice reports that over 640,000 individuals will be returning to their community from state and federal prisons; Whereas 65 million American citizens have a criminal record; Whereas our criminal justice system should seek to allow individuals the opportunity to make amends for any harm they have caused, demonstrate sincere interest in living positively, and then achieve closure that allows them ... Show more content on ... Whereas these individuals also face other significant barriers to becoming productive members of society such as securing documentation necessary to prove their identity and being burdened by significant debts related to their interaction with the criminal justice system; Whereas all of these burdens combine to prevent these 65 million Americans from becoming productive members of society and contributing positively to their communities; Whereas Prison Fellowship has undertaken significant efforts to raise public awareness of the second prison faced by individuals with a criminal record because of these collateral consequences; Whereas public awareness and legal reform have combined in recent years to improve the opportunities these individuals have to seek a productive position in their community; Whereas each year during the month of April, Prison Fellowship and other partner organizations will hold a number of events and campaigns to raise awareness about the many collateral consequences faced by these millions of Americans; Whereas the designation of April as Second Chance Month will continue to raise public awareness about these issues, reduce the barriers faced by returning neighbors, and help ensure that these individuals have an opportunity to become productive members of their communities: Now therefore, be
  • 25. The Mystery Of Detective Fiction Detective Fiction exists as one of the most popular fiction genres of all time. Detective fiction uses facts and other details to solve a mystery which surrounds a perplexing murder in a novel. Many people gain excitement over a challenge or a test of knowledge when solving a puzzle. A puzzle may baffle or confuse the puzzler; therefore, the puzzler likes to solve the puzzle before the ending. People enjoy the experience of sheer satisfaction of solving a mystery before ending the literary work. Curiosity describes itself as the desire to learn or know about anything; inquisitiveness (Dictionary). Curiosity somehow leads people on the path to try to solve a mystery or a puzzle. It remains a question of why people desire to solve a puzzle. Maybe their inquisitive mind drives them to solve the puzzle or a mystery. Often after the reader finishes reading a detective novel and solving the mystery before the reveal of the murderer, they find this satisfying to their curiosity. Thus they begin to continue reading more mystery fictional novels. The birth of detective fictionsurfaced around the 19th century (Gaines). The Moonstone novel considered the first detective novel written (Sahni). The novel created by Wilkie Collins established the ground rules for detective novels. Before the detective fiction surfaced, many novels conveyed the murderer as the innocent one, instead of the victim as the innocent one. These works of fiction, unfortunately did not
  • 26. Informative Essay On Pro-Quadcopters We have tons of RC quadcopters for everyone from the beginner, hobbyist to the professionals RC drone flyers. best quadcopter 4RC quadcopters can be used for many things from just a fun hobby, taking pictures or videos of animals and landscapes are just a few of the fun and exciting things you can do with your drone as a hobby or more. Kids and adult just love to get outside and have fun with their RC quadcopters. It is a fun, relaxing way to spend the day. There are also professional RC quads that can be used for instance, by farmers who can use them to watch their crops or livestock.There are many other professional ways to use them as well. However I will not get into that subject on this page. What Is A RC Quadcopter? First off quadcopters... Show more content on ... You can go to this store by clicking on the link in blue below. You can find any of the quads that I suggest on this page, our by typing the name of the drone you are looking for in the search box. You can also find dozens of other drones and accessories. So, why wait? Start looking for a quadcopter that fits your needs today. The Further Of The RC Quadcopter Drone RC quadcopters are becoming more popular by the day, and are getting easier to fly and maneuver with every new upgrade that comes out. Some of the more advance quads like the (DJI Phantom 3 Professional Quadcopter Drone 4K UHD Video Camera) will allow you to record videos and play them back later. These professional drones run from about $500.00 in price and up. Recording videos with a quadcopter and uploading the video to YouTube is becoming a very popular thing to do. Some of the newer quadcopters are starting to come out with the ability to do aerobatics tricks like flips, rolls, and even loops. I see the future of these little flying aircraft s only getting better as technology keeps expanding its knowledge. Edit Recent Comments Archives
  • 27. The Shortage Of Organ Donors The demand for organs exceeds the supply of organ donors, resulting in a shortage of organs. In other words, there are far more people in need of an organ transplant than there are people willing to donate. Consequently, patients are put on a transplant waiting list till an organ becomes available. Many patients die before an organ becomes available. However, in the few cases that organs do become available, organs are harvested from deceased patients rather than living donors. It is illegal to sell organs, and this may be the reason living donors are reluctant to donate and a shortage of organs. People are not willing to commit to a risky surgery, pain, and the recovery time without being compensated. Economists believe by creating a legal
  • 28. Reflection On Assisted Living I attended Tabitha Square Gardens for my service learning. Tabitha Square Gardens is an assisted living facility in Crete. Assisted living is a philosophy of service that focuses on maximizing each resident s independence and dignity. This emphasizes flexibility, individualized supportive services and health care. Involvement of the community, as well as the residents family, neighbors and friends is encouraged. The availability of staff to meet scheduled and unexpected care needs is a major aspect of assisted livingcaregiving. Assisted living serves a broad range of elderly (70 to 90+ years of age) becoming, in effect, a bridge between active retirement living and, for some, care in a nursing facility. Here I met Lillian and Jacky, both... Show more content on ... The first couple days I was pretty upset about the whole thing. First day that I went to Tabitha it was very upsetting to not see anyone in the common ground socializing with others. Also, it was upsetting seeing how some of the nurses in Tabitha treated some of the patients. For example, one guy, wouldn t even acknowledge that one elderly lady was trying to ask him a question. When he did acknowledge her he didn t even answer the question and walked away. I have found an experiment called Predictors of Change in Caregiver Burden and Depressive Symptoms Following Nursing Home
  • 29. The Pros And Cons Of Cyber Hate Crime Social media connects people throughout the whole world. While there is love and support aplenty online, these same platforms target innocent people based on things such as religion or race. A 15 year old girl posted a photograph of herself online, and without her consent, it was posted on a website. Because she was wearing a hijab , she received hateful comments. She was an innocent child subjected to a world of hate for no reason other than she is Muslim(Awan, Zempi, 2016). As if it weren t terrible enough people are being targeted online, the public goes after Muslims in the street, too. In Ukrainian, Mohammed Saleem was murdered by a neo Nazi, Pavlo Lapshyn. Pavlo Lapshyn killed another human being and tried to bomb multiple mosques, attempting to start a new race war (Vikram, 2013). Sadly, Pavlo isn t the only case where people are targeted for being Muslim. Muslim humans are attacked online and offlinebecause they are wrongly afflicted with terrorists. Online and offline hate have significantly increased for Muslims, especially for visible Muslims. Offline hate crime deals with physical attacks, offensive graffiti, damage to property, harassment, and verbal attacks. Cyber hate crimes are difficult to define, as they come in a variety of descriptions; however, despite debates over how to put an explanation to them, they consistently target a person or a group because of religion, gender, race, sexual orientation, disabilities and ethnicity (Awan, 2014).
  • 30. Jeannette Winterson Weight Essay In Jeanette Winterson s novel Weight, the author demonstrates how myths have modern personal relevancies and can encourage each reader to investigate the three main subject matters in their lives; boundaries, freedom, and guilt. The numerous references to walls throughout the novel signify the boundaries, which make Atlas strive for freedom. Winterson s Weight, is a modern rewrite on an old myth of Atlas and Heracles, and the challenges they endure can be interpreted by individual readers for personal relevancies. Atlas, a father of daughters, is faced with the burden of carrying the world on his shoulders. This can represent a feeling as if one is carrying a world of stress and guilt on one s shoulders and conscience. Heracles, the ... Show more content on ... Atlas constantly is escaping into the limitless of his imagination, where he is not punished for wanting the forbidden. The Gods hoped that by punishing Atlas to be trapped in his body under the weight of the world that they would contain his mind, and they were mistaken. This can be interpreted as the strength and perseverance from within an individual. The wall that Atlas builds around the Garden of Hesperides is constructed in such a way that it explains freedom and nothingness that can sometimes be unappreciated. Winterson writes, I built a walled garden, a temenos, a sacred space. I lifted the huge stones with my own hands and piled them carefully, as a goatherd would, leaving tiny gaps to let the wind through. A solid wall is easily collapsed. My mother stirring in her sleep could do as much. A wall well built with invisible spaces will allow the winds that rage against it to pass through. When the earth underneath it trembles, the spaces make room for movement and settlement. The wall stands. The wall s strength is not in the stones but in the spaces between the stones. It s a joke against me I think, that for all my strength and labour, the wall relies on nothing .Write it more substantially NOTHING. (p. 16). On the contrary, carrying the world doesn t only make one feel trapped, it also feels as if one is carrying stress and guilt on their conscience, which
  • 31. Papers On The Bell Jar The book that I chose to read for my project is called The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. The story follows a woman named Esther Greenwood through her downward spiral of mental illness, and describes her experiences as someone who does not fit the societal expectations placed upon her. She grew up earning A s in school, and was regarded as a good student. However, as she entered college, her grades and mental health took a turn for the worse. Working an internship in New York for a magazine company, Esther was living a life that many would envy. She was surrounded by friends, entertainment, romantic interests, and the career that she had hoped for. However, none of the things that were supposed to bring her happinesssucceeded in doing so. Esther tried escaping into New York night life with the help of her friend Doreen, and made several acquaintances and friends along the way. She went to banquets, and stuffed herself full of rich, exquisite foods. She was proposed to by Buddy Willard, a childhood sweetheart. She bought expensive gowns with her new money; which she ... Show more content on ... Through Esther Greenwood s experiences, the reader can conclude that happiness cannot always be achieved by filling traditional societal roles. Esther would not have been happy or satisfied settling down with Buddy Willard, even though she had been taught that it would be the best path for her as a woman. Perhaps without the pressure and expectations placed upon her by society, Esther may have been able to find meaning and joy in life much earlier. Perhaps she would have spent her time traveling, writing, or finding inspiration to continue living elsewhere. Instead, she drove herself mad trying to understand why she was not content with what she had, or why she did not want the things that were expected of her. Once again, once she was able to discard this way of thinking, she was able to end her
  • 32. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Gags INTRODUCTION: Bulky linear polysaccharide assembled by repeating disaccharide units are termed as glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). The disaccharide components that are the source of all GAGs (except keratin) are a blend of an uronic acid (either glucuronic acid or iduronic acid) and an amino sugar (either N acetyl D glucomine or N acetyl D galactosamine). GAGs can be concisely categorized as: Hyaluronic acid, Chondroitin sulfate, Dermatan sulfate, Heparin sulfate, Heparin and Keratin sulfate. Heparin is an extremely sulfated glycosaminoglycan(GAGs) found in the mast cells of a majority of mammals, the structure of which is demonstrated in fig. 1. The endogenous GAGs are very much acidic and actively stimulated. Heparin is also the highly sulfated... Show more content on ... Heparin is astonishing because of its variability. Chemically, it is an assemblage of fragments each one of which have contrasting molecular weights and the respective modes of action. The most imperative action of heparin is its interference in the coagulaВ¬tion cascade. This polysaccharide comprises chains containing one to four uronic acid fragments and d glucosamine (Casu, 1989). The molecular weight of heparin may range from 3,000 Da to 30,000 Da, with an average value of 15,000 Da (Hirsh, 1991). Among these numbers, nearly one third is characterized by a unique pentasaccharide, which is necessitous for binding to antithrombin, thus intensifying the thrombin and activated factor X inhibition (Lam et al., 1976). A superfluous anticoagulant action of heparin originates due to heparin cofactor II activation, which is less potent and usually requires higher systemic conВ¬centrations of heparin. The residue of the heparin molecule does not retain any anticoagulant action. The chief anticoagulant activity is dependent on the number of oligosaccharide (pentasaccharide) fragments that openly alter the molecular weight of the effectual agent. Commonly, heparin acts on distinct levels of the coagulation cascade. Its actions can be illustrated to be as anti coagulative, anti thrombotic,
  • 33. The Philosophy Of Knowing And Learning Knowing and learning can be interpreted in many different ways, but my philosophy of knowing and learning is based on my understanding through the personal experience in the tutoring situation. As a Tutor for students who were 9 years old, majority of the time was spent reading to develop their English. An aspect that impacted the students learningprogress tremendously was the tutor s responsibility to understand the student s capability, needs and interest to support their learning progress. When tutoring the students, there were some theories that were appropriate to aid the students in reading and influenced the tutor s techniques employed to support the students learning. The philosophers that influenced my tutoring techniques were Etienne Wenger, Jerome Bruner, Albert Bandura , Ivan Pavlov, Burrhus Frederic Skinner, Jean Lave, Wolfgang Kohler and Lev Vygotsky . Wenger s social theory believed that adding meaning and interest into an activity encourages learning (Lave Wenger,1991). The Gestalt Approach influenced Kohler s idea where the student would need to know the basic elements before being able to learn and acquire more knowledge (Phillips Soltis, 2009). To build up new ideas from the initial basic elements, Scaffolding by Bruner and Modelling by Bandura were the two learning strategies utilized to support the student s learning (Nalliah Idris, 2014). The student is made aware that the new acquired skill or knowledge taught by Scaffolding and Modelling
  • 34. The Most Beautiful And Hitler Youth Quex Youths are the leaders of tomorrow. This clichГ© statement is common to both film in The Most Beautiful by Ichiban Utsukushiku and Hitler Youth Quex by Hans Steinhoff, yet it holds water. Both the films common theme emphasized the youths of a fascist regimes. Some of the themes were about being heroic as a youth, ideal goals for youths, and vitality of the youth. Mosse once wrote both figuratively and literally that Youths are the leaders, i.e. ones with a lot of influences: The leaders, too, were young by the standards of that age Mussolini became prime minister at thirty nine; Hitler attained the chancellorship at forty four. Youth symbolized vigor and action; ideology was joined to fact... There must have been many who, like Albert Speer s mother, voted for the Nazis because they were young and clean cut. (Mosse 70) Literally, many of the leaders were young, and figuratively many youths becomes leader. However, these two film differ in message in its propaganda. Hitler Youth Quex differ by devotion to a political party, meanwhile The Most Beautiful differ in diligence and goals, i.e. war efforts. Even so, one would have to look critically at the time period each of the film sets. Overall, comparing these two films will explore how the elements of the youth oriented films can be an effective measure of propaganda. In the exposition of the film, The Most Beautiful clearly expresses that it is during wartime periods. This launches the reasoning behind the messages the film
  • 35. The Different Perspectives Of The Cold War The way we choose to see the world we see (Barry Neil Kaufman). Different perspective lead humans to make decisions that lead to conflicts, such as the Cold War. The Cold War was a rivalry between the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the USA(United States of America).Cold War had no direct military actions between the countries. Competing perspectives and human decisions led to violent conflicts throughout the 20th century. By analyzing different perspectives for the countries that are blamed for starting Cold Warand the ideologies that were imposed in the other countries. Two different political systems led to further conflicts of the Cold War. The Soviet Union during the Cold War was a communist country. Stalin wanted to... Show more content on ... William Appleman Williams published the The Tragedy of American Diplomacy where the revisionist suggested that America the one to blame. When WWII ended Russia was weak, it had a great amount of material and human losses, while the US had experienced economic growth due to high levels of production of goods for the War.( Origins Of The Cold War Revisionist And Post Revisionist Stances ).The US used their power to expand their trade industries and to gain more power by enforcing their ideology to the other countries, especially in Europe. A passage from the book states Not the making of the atomic bomb; that we were forced to do out of sheer national preservation, for the enemy was working on atomic weapons as well. (William 950) William implies that the United States wants to be the first and only dominant country in the world. Another passage from the book implicit the stand of the US against Russia and that President Truman didn t support Russia s ideology. President Truman quickly made it clear, moreover, that he was a member, and considered himself the leader, of the anti Soviet bloc. (William 946). Another author Gar Alperovitz, in the book Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam, blamed the United State for the Cold War on the use of the atomic bombs Gar Alperovitz just like William imply
  • 36. The Fighter Movie Analysis The Fighter (2010) directed by David O Russell is a captivating and passionate sports drama. The film was easily able to portray the journey that the Eklund Ward family took on Micky s road to success in a realistic way which made it easy for me to understand and develop emotions towards the film and the characters in it. It was an exceptional watch which captured my full attention. The film made me realise there is always a struggle with success. I saw and experience this while watching the film and I am able to take this new found awareness with me into the real world when the film is over. The performance of the characters and the realistic portrayal of drugs in this film are major aspects that make this film so beguiling. In the film the main character Micky Ward is a very promising boxer. Being a boxer is a family thing, his mother, Alice Ward, is his manager and his stepbrother brother, Dicky Eklund, is his trainer. Dicky is unreliable and Alice is very resilient. The two were very controlling over Micky and feel they have some sense of supremacy of him. However, even though Micky is working hard to try and make the best of his situation, he keeps getting blows that knock him down. They come in from the left, the right and all other directions, the hits that he receives seem to be the consequences of having Dicky and Alice as part of team. Despite this and his latest fight being unsuccessful, Micky still gets back in the ring. The performance by Melissa Leo as Alice
  • 37. One Person By Ralph Ellison Analysis The author uses the concept of a person having power and once they have it ,they would rather fall back on their preconceived judgement of someone else in power than make a new judgement of every individual.The idea is compounded by adding racism,which shows the imbalances of judgement of those in power and uses raceto group together an individual For example, Norton is used in the story to show how people with power will view others in terms of their own goals rather than individuals. This is seen when Norton has the narrator promise to write the outcome of his education. Norton is generalizing all black as in need of aid to be a member of society and sees our narrator as a member of his group instead of an individual person. Bledsoe is supposed ... Show more content on ... At the point when Clifton in the long run battles back the officer shoots him decisively or regret. Another officer who was close to the shooting goes down his friend decisively or question, demonstrating that he imagines that the activities of the main officer were right and that Clifton merited it. The action of the policemen was clearly caused by racist minds and by going along with it he has only reinforced the legitimacy and the use a racism to change the mind of people with power Finally, The impacts of force and the dreamlike illusion in supremacist corporations are unmistakably found in Ellison s Invisible Man. These themes seen inside the storyteller s depictions of occasions and characters own words make it plainly seen that prejudice is a deterrent to independence. Whether it is a man with force utilizing prejudice to assemble together people and settle on clearing choices, or the dreamlike rationale and thoughts of sleepers , Ellison s Invisible Man lives in a world in which the pointlessness of endeavoring to be seen as an individual can obviously be
  • 38. Delta Airline SWOT Identification of Company s Current Strategic Issues and Recommendations MGMT 647 May 15th, 2014 Individual Project Table of Contents ` Summary of External and Internal situation of Delta Air Lines Technological advancements, mergers and acquisitions, volatility in crude oil prices, currency depreciation, ground staff management and baggage handling are the major external factors for Delta Air Lines. The Monroe oil refinery purchased by Delta Air Lines provides an opportunity for the company to deal with the volatility in crude oil prices. Presently Delta Airline is over dependent on the North American markets, which had experienced a major hit during the recession in 2008. ... Show more content on ... Delta has been focusing on technological innovations but they need to keep on doing that to be profitable. Alternatives: Based on the SPACE matrix, Delta Air Line is in the Competitive quadrant which suggests that delta should focus on integration, market penetration, market development, product development. With the help of SWOT matrix there are seven alternative strategies that Delta Air Line can opt from in order to increase its business and sustain (Appendix A). The SO category suggests three alternatives. The first alternative is to include airlines in India and China under the Sky Team alliance. By doing this, Delta can penetrate into untapped emerging markets and increase its presence. The reason we suggest India and China is because these countries were amongst the lowest to be affected by recession and Delta doesn t have its prevalence in these regions (http:/ / Secondly, Delta can capitalize on creating its hubs in India strategically in the long run after gaining access to these markets. The airline will benefit from larger population in both the countries and the government in India encourages Foreign Direct Investment in comparison to China. The third strategy promote business traveler programs in the U.S. Business travelers spend more on their trips and are not as
  • 39. Adnan Bury Hae Case Study It was January 13th, 1999, when Hae Min Lee, a senior at Woodlawn High School, disappeared after school, and was later found, February 9th, 1999, dead and buried in Leakin Park. There is no solid evidence as to who did it, but the finger is pointed at another senior at Woodlawn High School, Adnan Syed. Her former boyfriend. There are a lot of suspects, but none seem to have as much evidence against them, as Adnan does. On the other hand Adnan just has so many unlucky coincidences against his case. This case has gained so much attention by loads and loads of people, and the question everyone s asking is, is he guilty, not guilty, or innocent? There wasn t a lot, but I suppose enough evidence, so say that Adnan did it, and put him away for 16 years, and counting until this day. It was Jay Wilds, Adnan s acquaintance, that came forward and accused Adnan Syed of doing this crime. He gave all the information to police officials. He confessed that Adnan, strangled Hae, put her in the trunk of her own car, and drove to Best Buy to met him (Jay), and drove off to Leakin Park to bury Hae. He also confessed that he did indeed help Adnan bury Hae s body. What people should know, is that Jay lies, and throughout this whole investigation, Jay s story is always shifting. To better... Show more content on ... Friends, and acquaintances would have never thought Adnan would do this. Most people knew him as a super cool, helpful, polite, and funny guy. Everyone was surprised at the fact that he could have done this. Even the guards and inmates at his jail really like him. He doesn t have a problem with anyone in the jail, because he s well liked. There is a lot of evidence to say that Adnan did it, but there is also a lot of evidence to say that Adnan didn t do it. So in the end, I can definitely say that Adnan is not guilty of this crime, but is being
  • 40. Current Policy Issue Choose a current policy issue. Discuss this issue in terms of the stages of the policy making process. The economic policy is an important process for the United States to take charge of in order to sustain its people, business, defense, social security and taxes. Economic policy is formed by government branches such as the Executive branch, The Legislative branch, and government interest groups to work for a better future and success of the United States. Economic Policy is making our nation and our people more fortunate and secure. Are government strives on trade, finance, telecommunications, internet policy, transportation, economic sanctions, commercial opportunities, and many other issues ensuring that the United States remains the world s ... Show more content on ... President Obama has proposed his budget for 2017. He proposed a budget with a number of improvements to include a detailed international tax reform plan, and proposals to consolidate and reorganize government agencies making them more efficient. It also included closing tax loopholes and improving tax expenditures with smart spending reforms. Policy implementation A great example of policy implementation was the Budget Control Act of 2011. First the NEC came up with a solution to get the debt under control. The House and Senate passes the act and finally the President Obama signed it into law. It brought a conclusion to the debt ceiling crisis of 2011. The bill has since been revised increasing the sequestration caps, cuts to mandatory spending as well as other miscellaneous savings. Policy evaluation Congress and the Executive branch both have roles to play in policy evaluation. On the Executive side many federal agencies do internal reviews to evaluate policies and report if they are working. For Congress the Congressional Research Service, Congressional Budget Office, National Academies, and temporary commissions all do evaluation and analysis for
  • 41. Sexual Assault And Rape During The World Today Two of the most serious public health and social issues faced in the world today are sexual assault and rape. Sexual assault and rape are words that are often used interchangeably but the terms have two distinct definitions. The United States Department of Justice defines sexual assault as any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient. Sexual activities that fall under the definition of sexual assault include forced sexual intercourse, forcible sodomy, child molestation, incest, fondling, and attempted rape. Research in this area is extremely important because so many people are uneducated about sexual assault and rape. For the purpose of this paper, I conducted your research by utilizing news articles, empirical articles, the FBI s Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) and the United States Department of Justice and several websites who advocate against sexual assault and rape. In addition, I included an article and its methodology of the peer reviewed article entitled Trauma Exposure, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Problem Drinking in Sexual Assault Survivors. In accordance with the FBI s Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) and the National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) rape is no longer defined as The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will but is now defined as the Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex
  • 42. Financial Principals and Policies Xin Zheng Chapter 1 2. What are the differences between shareholder wealth maximization and profit maximization? If a firm chooses to pursue the objective of shareholder wealth maximization, does this preclude the use of profit maximization decision making rules? Explain. Profit maximization means the company makes profit maximize. Maximize shareholder wealth states that management needs to bring maximize the value for its owners by make the most efficient resources and reasonable financial management. Therefore, shareholder wealth maximization include the profit maximization model, it considers not only profit maximization model, but also the timing of return and the risk of the company. The most important the... Show more content on ... As we know, the returns offered to creditors are fixed but the returns to stockholders are variable. In this case, RJR was acquired by KKR, the debt of RJR increased from 38% of total capital to nearly 90% of total capital. This will decrease nearly 20% of the value of RJR s bonds. The owner try to get the hope of receiving better returns through increase the risk of the company s investments. So that, stockholders be influenced when this happen. The reason is that they don t have chance to share in these higher returns. Because of this loss of value, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company and other large stockholders sued RJR for violating the rights of stockholder and protections under the bond covenants. Ultimately, they settled the suit due to the benefit of Metropolitan. Stockholders cannot resist this transaction even through this decision may have high risk. Chapter 2 2. An investor bought 100 shares of Venus Corporation common stock1 year ago for $40 per share. She just sold the shares for $44 each, and during the year, she received four quarterly dividend checks for $40 each. She expects the price of the Venus shares to fall to about $38 over the next year. Calculate the investor s realized percentage holding period return. The investor s realized percentage holding period return= ( Income+ Ending Value Beginning value)/ Beginning Value [(4400 400+4*(40))/4000]*100%=14%
  • 43. Culture of Fear Essay Culture of Fear Culture of Fear, by Frank Furedi, is a book that looks at how widespread fear impacts Western cultures like the United States and Great Britain. Frank Furedi believed that society tends to panic too much, as we actually enjoy an unprecedented level of safety. I admit that Frank Furedi s novel is based upon a novel concept, and an interesting one at that. However, Frank Furedi comes off to me as little more than a fear monger and an intellectual elitist. His book, to me, seems redundant more often than not. But sometimes part of college is learning about points of view that you may not agree with, so I tried to maintain that perspective when I read the book. Our assignment for class was to read the book, and every ... Show more content on ... I did not do a good job of putting my logs into a context for a broad audience outside of my class. Nor was I required to do so. We were explicitly instructed to not write a summary, but rather our thoughts on the book. My suggestion for those who would like the book in context: read the book. Part of me wishes that I held back a little in my writing, as I fear that my thoughts betray me in an unfavorable light. But these are all unedited, one shot deals here. Oh, and on the off chance that Frank Furedi himself reads this, then... um... loved the book. And don t read my position piece project. Preface and Introduction Upon reading the first part of COF, it made me realize what a widespread epidemic widespread panic can be. We fear so much in this country, and not just safety issues. We fear offending people by being too PC, we fear litigation, and that perpetuates warning labels which foster even more fear. Fear is what gets politicians elected, and fear can even be a hobby to adrenaline junkies. Fear to me is a fascinating emotion. People take it as a negative, but to me it s there for basic survival. Fear can also make people bond. After 9/11, the whole country was in fear. Yet, for the first time I can remember, the whole country was a united one. Chapter 1: The Explosion of Risks First of all, this book is similar to some things I m learning in social psychology. It wasn t any suprise to me when I
  • 44. To A Mouse Essay Romantic poetry demonstrates a focus on nature and simplicity by displaying everyday life through the use of everyday language. To a Mouse by Robert Burns displays the common motif found in poetry at the time; the unity of man and nature. Poets of the Romantic time period believe that all of nature, even the smallest parts, is connected. To a Mouseportrays the use of iambic tetrameter and structural organization by using sequence of events with the main idea expressed in the last two stanzas. This poem displays the equality of man and nature, simplifies situations, and illustrates the natural instinct of living things to survive. A universal thought presented by romantic poets is the belief that man conflicts with the natural course of
  • 45. Shakespeare s use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and... Shakespeare s use of the Renaissance Idea of Fatalism and Imagery in King Lear In a play about individual tragedies, fatalism plays an important part. Shakespeare effectively uses cosmic imagery to define his characters and to explore the idea of journeys linked to self discovery by relating it to the imagery of rotating circles. Shakespeare uses Renaissance theology to explain character motivation. In the 16th century there was a great belief in astronomy. People believed in the harmony of the spheres and they were ruled by this idea of thhe natural alignment of the nine planets in their orbits. Shakespeare incorporates this into King Lear in highlighting Edgar and Gloucester s superstitious ... Show more content on ... Edmund turns away from the belief of the alignment of planets and harmonies and towards nature as that is all he can be really sure of. The fact that Edmund doesn t believe in spherical predominance proves that he is different to the society around him. Shakespeare takes every opportunity to emphasise this to distinguish evil from good in the play putting Edmund forward as a character who is out of harmony. When Gloucester predicts that eclipses in the sun and moon suggesting a bad omen, Edmund casts aspersions on this idea, accusing the world of foppery , describing it as excellent because he sees it as a weakness that he can exploit from his anti human point of view. Edmund is also stating that people are fops or fools because they blame their evil and wrong doings, which is really part of their character our own behaviour , on the cosmos. Even though Edmund does rightly say that that when we are sick in fortune often surfeits of our own behaviour we make guilty of our disasters, the sun, the moon and the stars, as if we were villains on necessity, fools by heavenly compulsion (Act I.2.117 26) He declares that men are fools if they evade responsibility for their actions by blaming the stars He ultimately decides that man is what he is by choice, not by the stars and that he is evil. He appreciates no fate, only free will. He says that all cosmic followers
  • 46. Bilbo Baggins Ending Frodo Baggins lived among the peaceful hills called The Shire, among with his friends. It was a normal, but peaceful day in The Shire, where Frodo sat by the tree in the woods, and read a book. During Frodo s reading, he hear a wagon rattling closer from the roads, and singing. Immediately Frodo knew who the voice of the singing is. His friend Gandalf The Gray arriving to see his old friend Bilbo Baggins. Bilbo has carried a ring that belong to a dark evil which stirs in Mordor. The ring has passed on to Frodo, knowing the threat it can cause, making Frodo to make an unexpected journey to save his home, and the world. Frodo and Gandalf rode together across The Shire, left his cart, and said I m glad your back , and Gandalf arrived at the gates of Bilbo Baggins. The day Gandalf arrived at Bilbo house is his birthday. During that day, night time arrived and celebrated Bilbo s 111th birthday. Before the party was coming to an end, the crowd yelled speech Bilbo speech . Bilbo accepted their request and stood on top of barrels to prepare to give a speech to his audience. During his speech, Bilbo said near his ending I don t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve. . The audience were surprised that Bilbo, who have known him for many years, would say... Show more content on ... Frodo and Sam took this opportunity to reach MT. Doom. There they reach the gates of the tower where the eye is placed on top of the tower. Just when they are getting close, Smeagol returns, and attack Frodo. Sam pulled Smeagol away from Frodo, and hold him off. While both are fighting, Frodo ran straight toward the entrance, and stood at the edge where the fire flows like a river. Frodo took out the ring and hold it out the edge but the will of the ring continues to corrupt his mind. Making Frodo use the ring and walk
  • 47. Introduction to Economic System What is system? System (from Latin systema, in turn from Greek systД“ma) is a set of interacting or interdependent entities, real or abstract, forming an integrated whole. A group of interdependent items that interact regularly to perform a task. Economic System An economic system is a system that involves the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services between the entities in a particular society. The economic system is composed of people and institutions, including their relationships to productive resources, such as through the convention of property. In a given economy, it is the systemic means by which problems of economics are addressed, such as the economic problem of scarcity through allocation of finite ... Show more content on ... A central directorate controls the production of goods and services. The directorate decides the nature, quantity, and mood of production of goods. This distribution of goods is also directed by the central body. Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating state or collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and the creation of an egalitarian society. Modern socialism originated in the late nineteenth century working class political movement. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution which represents the transitional stage between capitalism and communism. Socialists mainly share the belief that capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth among a small segment of society that controls capital and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly, although there is considerable disagreement among socialists over how, and to what extent this could be achieved Some features of socialism are written below 1. Socialism is not a discrete philosophy of fixed doctrine and program 2. Its branches advocate a degree of social interventionism and economic rationalization, sometimes opposing each other. 3. Another dividing
  • 48. Ray Bradbury s The Pedestrian In 2014, a statistic from Recode Research found that 90% of United States households have three or more technological devices pinging in the internet. Devices such as phones and tablets are so psychologically powerful that they not only change how humans act, but how humans communicate. The short story titled, The Pedestrian, written by Ray Bradbury, offers a glance into the future, depicting Leonard Mead, who takes long walks every evening in a society that only lives for watching tv. In another story called August 2026: There Will Come Soft Rains, also written by Bradbury, displays life within a technologically advanced household. A third story also written by Bradbury titled The Veldt, is based upon an interactive nursery within a technologically... Show more content on ... The use of communication technology allows humans to get used to doing less. Sherry Turkle, a TED Talk speaker, informs people of how technology causes people to be connected, but alone. Her analysis of solitude shows the audience that humanity is unable to reach out to other people and form real attachments. Turkle states People can t get enough of each other, if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts that they can control. I call it The Goldilocks Effect. The Goldilocks Effect refers to the habits of humans wanting each other not too close, not too far, but just right. This effect, and other consequences from communication technology, proves that humans expect more from technology than from each other. Humans find it easier to keep to themselves rather than to participate in social interaction. The continued use of technological devices encourages distance between humans. Communication technology may never be used the intended way as a helping aid, rather, it is used as a replacement to human interaction and
  • 49. Roblox Monologue Hello, UniCess, or Roblox3030303 As you may know, I am what you may consider a creep or freak. I m here to explain the incident that occurred during that Skype call in early August. That day when I added you to a call I was talking to my friend Ed. That change in camera angle was a complete accident. If you recall, there was a banging sound when my camera angle descended . The change in position was because a ruler in one of the open pockets on the desk was overflowing with stuff and fell out, hitting my laptop. Ever since then, I had hoped to explain the situation to you, but I had to way of contacting you. So I waited. Continued on Roblox. Meeting new people, gaining followers and fame, and even becoming a bit rich at one point before
  • 50. Organizational Behavior Individual Analysis Individual Analysis Paper MGMT 320 Organizational Behavior Introduction I want to begin this paper by stating what my initial thought was once I reviewed and analyzed all of the results, I can sum it up into one word WOW! These results couldn t be more dead on than they are; about ninety five percent of the results hit the nail on the proverbial head. Yes, I disagree with about five percent of the analysis, but overall, it s amazing how accurate these scores reflect individuals various behaviors and management types and as I took these assessments, I kept thinking, quite a few of these questions are somewhat ambiguous. Understanding your role as an individual within your organization, as well as the role of other individuals and... Show more content on ... Being positive in these interactions allows for agreeableness, which is the next dimension. My agreeableness score was 78 and I ll break it down specifically in a minute. One point I absolutely disagree with in this IPIP NEO report states that agreeableness is not useful in situations that require tough or absolute objective decisions. (IPIP NEO) I am the policy and procedures manager for our department and these policies and procedures are cut and dry, follow them or risk government penalties. These policies and procedures have to be enforced to the letter of our manual to ensure the safety of everyone involved both the customer and employee. My highest scores within this dimension were morality (97) and modesty (81). I am very candid and frank with everyone I deal with, whether it s my direct reports, my boss, or the VP of our department. The lowest score within this dimension was sympathy (31). If this score is just relating to the work environment, then I agree with this score, people who get into trouble or don t complete their work, bring this upon themselves; if not, I vehemently disagree with it. I am a very compassionate person in my personal life. An example in this area would be that of a direct report. In a sense he was given the choice to resign or face termination. I gave him the tools and direction to succeed, basically a results oriented work
  • 51. Essay about E. J. Gallo Winery Case Study Case 25: E. amp; J. Gallo Winery Introduction The dessert wine industry realized huge success during the great depression years when buying regular wine was a luxury that few could afford. Characterized by its sweet taste, high alcohol content, and cheap price it was until the 80 s an easy to buy alcoholic beverage that gave people with lower income the opportunity to have wine on their table. The 1980 s was a decade of change in people s lifestyle with an emphasis on healthier habits and thus, consuming healthier products. This change, combined with an increased consciousness about society s moral obligations had a negative impact on dessert wine, since it was viewed as a cheap wine with higher alcohol content than regular ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, despite the criticism, the company still produces and sells its signature type of dessert wines; Thunderbird and Night Train. Discussion According to the Wine Institute the dessert wine segment is 8% of the total U.S. wine sales, with Gallo controlling 16.1% of the segment (Wine Institute). The key success factors in the dessert wine segment have been the placement of this product. Supermarkets, corner liquor stores, and warehouse clubs all carry it. These wines were the beginning of Gallo and it was not until the late 70 s that Gallo started producing premium wines and wine coolers. At first the premium wines were marketed without Gallo s name on them but as years have passed and Gallo s various premium wines have won major awards, the Gallo name became associated with the premium wines, and not the dessert wines. While there is not a strategic fit per se between the two there is an economy of scale present and both Gallo and the liquor distributors/ retailers benefit by the company offering a wide range of products, which helps with bracket buying, merchandise assistance, and signage. According to Times Magazine, Gallo s dessert wine accounts only for 3% of its total wine sales ever since the company transitioned to higher quality wine products (Times Magazine). However, dessert wines, despite the criticism they encounter, have a sweet and more palatable taste which allows for an easy entry for new drinkers to the wine