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Fundamental of Ayurveda
Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Medicine is the System of Health Care. It Base
Sham Keya and Vaisheshika Philosophy
Samkhya is strongly dualist. Sāmkhya philosophy
Regards the universe as consisting of two realities;
puruṣa (consciousness)
prakṛti (matter).
Jiva (a living being) is that state in which puruṣa is bonded to
prakṛti in some form. This fusion, state the Samkhya
Scholars, led to the emergence of buddhi (“intellect”) and
Ahaṅkāra (ego consciousness). The universe is described
by this school as one created by purusa-prakṛti entities
Intellect with various permutations and combinations of
Variously enumerated elements, senses, feelings, activity
And mind. During the state of imbalance, one of
More constituents overwhelm the others, creating a form
Of bondage, particularly of the mind. The end of this imbalance,
Bondage is called liberation, or kaivalya, by the
Samkhya school
Samkhya is known for its theory of guṇas (qualities, innate
tendencies). Guṇa, it states, are of three types:
sattva being good, compassionate, illuminating, positive,
And constructive;
rajas is one of activity, chaotic, passion,
Impulsive, potentially good or bad;
tamas being
The quality of darkness, ignorance, destructive, lethargic,
Everything, all life forms and human beings,
state Samkhya scholars, have these three guṇas, but in
Different proportions. The interplay of these guns defines
The character of someone or something, of nature
and determines the progress of life. The Samkhya
Theory of guṇas was widely discussed, developed and refined
by various schools of Indian philosophies, including
Buddhism.Samkhya’s philosophical treatises also influenced
the development of various theories of Hindu
The idea of evolution in Samkhya revolves around the interaction
of prakṛti and Purusha. Prakṛti remains unmanifested
as long as the three gunas are in equilibrium. This
Equilibrium of the gunas is disturbed when prakṛti comes
into proximity with consciousness or Purusha. The disequilibrium
of the gunas triggers an evolution that leads
to the manifestation of the world from an unmanifested
prakṛti the metaphor of movement of iron in the
proximity of a magnet is used to describe this process.
Some evolutes of prakṛti can cause further evolution and
are labeled evolvents. For example, intellect while itself
created out of prakṛti causes the evolution of ego sense
or ahamkara and is therefore an evolvent. While,
other evolutes like the five elements do not cause further
evolution. It is important to note that an evolvent
is defined as a principle which behaves as the material
cause for the evolution of another principle. So, in definition,
while the five elements are the material cause of
all living beings, they cannot be called evolvents because
living beings are not separate from the five elements in
The intellect is the first evolute of prakṛti and is called
mahat or the great one. It causes the evolution of
ego-sense or self-consciousness. Evolution from self-consciousness
is affected by the dominance of gunas. So
dominance of sattva causes the evolution of the five organs
of perception, five organs of action and the mind.
Dominance of tamas triggers the evolution of five subtle
elements– sound, touch, sight, taste, smell from self-consciousness.
These five subtle elements are themselves
evolvents and cause the creation of the five gross elements
space, air, fire, water and earth. Rajas is cause of action in
the evolutes. Purusha is pure consciousness absolute,
eternal and subject to no change. It is neither a product
of evolution, nor the cause of any evolute.
Evolution in Samkhya is thought to be purposeful. The
two primary purposes of evolution of prakṛti are the enjoyment
and the liberation of Purusha.The 23 evolutes
of prakṛti are categorized as follows
Prakrti , also Prakriti means
“nature” It is a key concept in Hinduism, formulated
by its Samkhya school, and refers to the primal
matter with three different innate qualities (Guṇas)
whose equilibrium is the basis of all observed empirical
reality. Prakriti, in this school, contrasts
with Purusha which is pure awareness and metaphysical
consciousness. The term is also found in the
texts of other Indian religions such as Jainism, and
In Indian languages derived from Indo-European Sanskrit
roots, Prakriti refers to the feminine aspect of all life
forms, and more specifically a woman is seen as a symbol
of Prakriti.
1 Etymology and meaning
Prakriti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति) is a Vedic era concept, which
states Monier Williams, means “making or placing before
or at first, the original or natural form or condition
of anything, original or primary substance.” The term is
discussed by Yāska (~600 BCE) in Nirukta, and found in
numerous Hindu texts. It connotes “nature, body, matter,
phenomenal universe” in Hindu texts.
2 Discussion
In the Samkhya school, it is contrasted with Purusha
(spirit, consciousness) and Prakriti refers to “the material
world, nature, matter, physical and psychological
character, constitution, temper, disposition” According
to Knut Jacobsen, in the dualistic system of the
Samkhya school, “Purusha is the principle of pure consciousness,
while Prakriti is the principle of matter”,
where Purusha is the masculine in every living being as
consciousness, while Prakriti is the feminine and substrate
which accepts the Purusha.
In Hindu mythologies, Prakriti is the feminine aspect of
existence, the personified will and energy of the Supreme
(Brahman); while in Shaktism, the Goddess is presented
as both the Brahman and the Prakriti.In Samkhya-
Yoga texts, Prakriti is the potency that brings about evolution
and change in the empirical universe. It is described
in Bhagavad Gita as the “primal motive force”. It is the
essential constituent of the universe and is at the basis of
all the activity of the creation.
Elements in Samkhya philosophy
Prakriti is closely associated with the concept of Maya
within Hindu texts.
In Jainism, states Knut Jacobsen, the term Prakriti is used
in its theory of Karma, and is considered “that form of
matter which covers the perfections of the soul (jiva) and
prevents its liberation
According to Samkhya and the Bhagavad Gita Prakrti or
Nature is composed of the three gunas which are tendencies
or modes of operation,
known as
1.rajas (creation),
2. sattva (preservation),
3. and tamas (destruction).
Sattva encompasses
qualities of goodness, light, and harmony.
Rajas is associated with concepts of energy, activity, and
passion; so that, depending on how it is used, it can either
have a supportive or hindering effect on the evolution of
the soul.
Tamas is commonly associated with inertia,
darkness, insensitivity. Souls who are more tamasic
are considered imbued in darkness and take the longest
to reach liberation.
Prakruti also means nature. It can also be used to denote
the 'feminine' in sense of the 'male' being the purus
Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that is designed to help people live long,
healthy, and well-balanced lives. The term Ayurveda is taken fromthe ancient Indian
language, Sanskrit words Ayus, meaning life or lifespan, and Veda meaning knowledge
literally means "Knowledge of Life".
Ayu – Life or Life Principal
Veda – Science or Knowledge
In Medical perspective Ayurveda is System of Medicine.
In Phylosopycally mine Ayurveda has very broad meaning. Wisdom of Universe
Charka Shamhitha
In Ayurveda term have three level of meaning
1.General meaning
2. Seincntific meaning
3. Phylosopically meaning
Definition of Ayus
“Ayus”: (life)
has 3 synonyms;
“Chetananuvrtti”(continuance of consciousness)
“Jivita” (animation)
“Anubandha” (continuous flow)
“Dhari” (sustaining the body)
Su1#42, Su30#22
Definition of Ayurveda:
that which gets the Ayus (life) known(this is done by means of )
defining ‘Ayus’ (life), and by
describing it’s Types - happy
it’s Measure, and
it’s Non-measure.)
that which imparts knowledge about the substances (including drugs)
along with their properties and actions as to their conduciveness or otherwise to life.
It (Ayurveda) is said as eternally continuing.
The Reasons for the Eternal Nature of Ayurveda:
Ayurveda is said as eternally continuing because of it’s beginning-lessness,
Because the characters of [it’s] entities are determined by universal nature and
Because the characters of all substances are eternal.
There was never non-existence of the flow of life or intellect.
The knower of Ayurveda is also eternally continuing. [that is God/ the
Soul/ the successful human vaidya will gain immortality]
“Pleasure (the state of health) and pain (the state of disease) along with
Material factors, causes and symptoms, because of their inter-relations, are also
All these point towards the eternal continuity of Ayurveda.
Also, the 10 pairs of qualities and the Law of Similar and the Law of
Opposites (similar qualities increase each other; opposite qualities decrease each
are all eternal.
Thirdly, the 5 elements, and their properties are also eternal.
“Ayurveda never arose out of non-existence except understanding and
Some say it’s origin in view of these tow.
Its natural characters are non-artificial as said here and in the first chapter
Such as hotness of fire and liquidity of water.
It has also got the eternal continuity of natural characters of entities such
As increase in heavy substances, decrease in light substances by regular intake of
Heavy one -all the above is from Su30#27
आम ्(āyuḥ) + वेद(veda)
+ Knowledge or Wisdom
आ + म + : (ā+yu+ḥ)
अ + अ + म् + उ+ : (a+a+y+u+ḥ)
अ + इ + उ +: (a+a+y+u+ḥ)
अ- Brahma- Evolution
आ- Vishnu- Existance
उ- Ishwara- Dissolution + र्वेद
: -Visarga-Liberation(emancipation)
आयुर्वेद–āyurveda= THE WISDOM OF UNIVERS
Life is continuous journey. Like as cycle or spring
We can’t produce life from inanimate molecule. Life can be produce
by help from previous life. life depend from life.
Cell or body can’t continuous because mind process continuous
journey when it’s until without universe.
Our body is composition 2 type of body
1. Gross Body
2. Astral Body
At the moment of death astral body is leave the gross body. In this
time gross body maintain at least two hours.
After the death astral body enter the animated stem cell in mother’s
womb. This womb selection is auto selection theory.
Human Body - Gross Body Linga shariraya
Astral Body
Adishtan shariraya
Animate Inanimate
Different between Animal and Plant in
Animal Gross Body + Linga shariraya + Adishtan
(sharira + Indriya + Athma
+Manasa/Sattva )
Plant Only Gross Body (sharira + Indriya+ Athma)
(without Astral body or Manasa)
Gross Body
The anatomy of Human Body
(Ayurvedic Perspective)
SukshmaSharira + SthulaSharira
(Astral Body) (Gross Body)
Buddhiindrya(5) Tanmatra(5) Karmendriya(5)
(1) Chaksusrandriya eye Rupa
(2) Showthandriya ear Shabda
(3) Ghranandriya nose Gandha
(4) Rasanandriya tongue Taste
(5) Sparshanandriya skin Sparsha
Tanmatra is defined as that having its own size /not having anyone similar to it in size or in other words
very minute. sabda tanmatra is the minutest form (least unit) of touch sensation and so on with the
others. Tanmatra is the combination of mass and energy which are interconversion In the cause of
evolution tanmatra combine together and form shukshma bhuta . These intermingle with one another
in specific pattern and finally from mahabuta.
 Pancha tanmatra panchamaha bhuta
 Sabida Akasha
 Sparsha Vauy
 Rupa Theja
 Rasa Aap
 Ghanda Pruthivi
Bhutas call the substances living and non living of the world are composed of full
of bhutas (five primary elements) and other posses the same gunas (sathwa, Rajas,
Thamas) by these panchabhutas only differencts kinds of substances of the entire
universe are born only these composed of pancha bhutas.
Therefore no need to think of substance other than the maha bhuthas.
(Ayurvedic perspective )
Sharira (Body)
Shukshma sharira + sthula sharira
(Astral body) (Gross body)
Linga sharira + adhistana sharira
Mananandri (01)
Buddhinandri (05)
Mahabhoota (05)
 It has mananendriya and stula sharira basn't special organ like that
 It can't reproduce
 Astral body has tanmatra position and also definitely want the gross body
Shareera which is divided into six parts in the basis of external appearance (four limbs, trunk and head) is
called Shadanga Sharira
Sharira Avayava stands for the parts of the body.. head, limbs, trunk, heart, Intestiner, liver etc.
All these sharira Avayawa are compased of Deha paramanu. It is the structural unit of sharira
(Deha, Kaya) and is resemble to the cell.
Therefore we can describe only about sthula sharira in an Ayurvedic aspects and modern anatomy and
physiology As a result it is possible to illustrate a cell in a more generalized compositive form with various
cytoplasmic organelles & systems.
All those things also produce by a smallest unit call cell in modern aspect. In an ayurvedic aspect that's
called deha paramanu.
cell = Dehaparamanu
The Body is Compose by the Dehaparamanu or Cell.
Human Body or Cell compose by
Three Dhathu + Saptha Dhathu + Three Mala
VATA Rasa Purisa
PITTA Raktha Muthra
SELESMALA Maansa Sweda
The last and most significant component of the human physiology is called Threedhathu. Ayurveda considers this
aspect of the body to be of vital importance because it is responsible for coordinating and directing all the structures and
substances of the body. Knowledge of the doshas and their functioning give us the understanding of the intelligence that
the command the dhatus and malas and gives the body it is vast functional capability. The theory of the three doshas is the
crown jewel of Ayurvedic science and the cornerstone of all its diagnostic and treatment modalities.
Threedhath theory is unique to Ayurveda. With this powerful conceptual tool, the Ayurvedic physician can detect
and treat patients at the earliest stage of the decease process. In fact,through the doshic model, a physician an locate the
seeds of decease long before clear clinical symptoms appear. Countless patients visit doctors every day with vague
complaints and inconclusive symptoms which indicate some deviation from balanced health. The doshic system however,
can make sense of these early complaints and symptoms and point to effective treatment.
The three bio – energies cannot be seen as totally separate entities ,since living matter also creates an inseparable
unity. however , they stand in clear and definite relation to each other when functioning normally, they have physiological
characteristics when their function is disturbed ,they have pathological characteristics, in other words ,the factors of the
bio –energies are pathophysiological, when a person is healthy, his bio –energies are balance. In such a state ,they
perform and control all physiological function. If the balance is disturbed, physiological function are scrambled, which
means the onset of illness.
Two type of Vata 1.Bahischara Vata (External Vata)
2.Anthaschara Vata (Internal Vata)
Function of internal cellular Vata is Anthaschara Vata Bahischara
Vata is all of function out of the cellular wall.
Vatadosa functions can be mention as cell deviation the formation of cell layers differentiation of organs and activities of
the heart,lungs, stomach and intestines. It guides to identify impulses in sensory organs.Vatadosa initiate the activities of
the motor organs and evacuate waste materialsuch as stool, urine' It helps to pass menstrual blood semen fetus and
placenta .Vatadosa is the driving for of all human activities.
Points to be noted are
• Dharaneem Dharanam- Holds earth in its orbit
• Aditya chandra Nakshathra grahaganaanamsanthana gatividhanam- Regulates the movement of
Sun, Stars, Moon, Planet etc in the space
• In earth Vata is the cause for formation of clouds, rain, producing flowers and fruits, demarcation
of season, division of dhathus, giving weight and shape to the dhathus.
• Strengthening of seeds, growth of plants, normal transformation (avaikarika vikaraschethi)
The Vikara of Vata in Universe produces bhavanaam cha abhaavakaranam, chaturyugaanthakaraanaam, megha
sooryanilaanaam visargaha.
In earth produces all natural calamities and death of creatures.
• In Universe the core of the Universe holds all galaxies in its orbit. The galaxies holds the Stars
within them in its orbit. The stars hold their planet, and planet holds their satellites in their orbit.
The force which holds all these is the power of Central core by means of Electro magnetic power.
The present science believe that all these happened at the time of BIGBANG.
Even in Vedas we can see the similar explanation, but with better
We can feel the Vata of Earth by the Gravity
• Yes Earth has the Gravity justbecauseof Vata, explained as Dhathumana samshtana
• Deviation of earth by 23 degree is also influenced by the same gravitationalor
electromagnetic power, which is the causefor differentseason etc as explained in
the function of Vata.
What is Vata in Body
What is Vata in Body
• Vayusthathra yantradharaha- holds thewhole body- organs and systems.
• Initiates and controls all sensory and motor functions.
• Gives a formand shapeto dhatus and body.
• Controls AGNI, AbsorbsDoshas, causefor excretion of wastes – malas.
• Makes minute and gross vessels,shapes thefoetus and maintain life span
Abnormality in Vata leads to
• Causes various disordersand thereby affects strength, destroys, deformsor detains
embryo for long.
• Produces fear grief, confusion, anxiety and delerium etc.
Can also lead in to death of an individual
There are five kinds of vata situated various parts of the gross body doing bellow actions
1. Prana – Which regulates respiration a Autonomic function swallowing , bleching etc, Which is
related with PNS motor functions related with cranial nerves.
,pranavata is located in brain stem.It maintains the proper functioning of intelligence,brainstem, sense organs,
mind and perform functions such as spitting, sneezing, belching, respiration and deglutition.
Functioning of the pranavata modernly can be explain as cranial nerves functions. Such as
cranial nerve -1 olefactory nerve for smell
cranial nerve -2 optic nerve for vision
cranial nerve -5 trigeminal nerve for sneezing reflex
cranial nerve -7 facial nerve
cranial nerve -9 glossopharyngeal nerve for swallowing and as chemo receptors
cranial nerve -10 vagus nerve for respiratory assistance and belching.
And also functioning as respiratory centers pneumotaxic, apneusticentres.
These functions are control by the broca's hippocampus and severalcortial areas in the brain" functions are related to
cranial nerve -11 accessory nerve
cranial nerve -12 hypoglossal nerve
Which regulates respiration a Autonomic function.
Swallowing, belching etc which is related with PNS- motor functions related with cranial nerves.
2.Udana Vayu
Udana Vayu- CranialN Motor Functionof PNS & also higher functions
• Vakpravrithi- Function related with 9
and 12
cranial Nerve.
3.Samana Vayu
Samana Vayu- Enteric N System or Second brain + Parasympathetic NS
• Samano Agni samipasthaha and controls digestion- That is Enteric NS- millions of Neurons in the
gut which are the real autonomic NS in the body of which the function is very similar to that of
Parasympathetic NS
• Doshambu Vahini srotamsi- Again a parasympathetic function of the Autonomic NS, which
controls the peripheral circulation and peripheral requirements.
4.Vyana Vayu
Vyana Vayu- Sympathetic NS + cause for motorfunctions of PNS
• Vyana vayu which has its effect all over the body, cause for the body movement and also controls
the gathi, that is sudden reflex actions- which is controlled by Sympathetic NS
• Also responsible for Blood circulation- here sympathetic NS is also responsible for central
circulation by stimulation SA Node and then heart.
5.Apana Vayu
Apana Vayu- Sacral branch of Parasympathetic NS
• The sacral branch of Parasympathetic NS (other part is cranial which comes under Samana Vayu)
which controls erection, passage of bowel, urine etc. where the explanation is the same for Apana
Vayu in Ayurvreda Texts.
What is Pitta
Pitta- In universe
• In universe- Not clearly explained in Ayurvedic texts- But Pitta is the fire or fuel for the Vata to
function. This fuel can burn everything, can destroy anything and in universe provides fuel for
Vata to function.
• For eg: In Earth the gravitational power is Vata, boiling LAVA is Pitta and the outer rock and mud
cover is Kapha. The boiling lava also decides the strenght of the gravitational power.
Pitta in our Body
• All exocrine and endocrine function represents Pitta including the exocrine digestive secretions.
• All digestive functions are regulated by Vata, that is by CNS and Second brain (Enteric nervous
Any exocrine or endocrine function is regulated by Vata- SAMEERANO AGNEH
Agni is located in pitta. responsible for physical & metal functions. Dahana (burning) and pachana
(digestion) cannot be done without pitta, hence pitta is known as antaragni. there are't any agni without Pitta
Agni is the active potential in pitta
Pita is always in the cell /Deha paramanu
Kapha in Universe
• Sun is very hot, comparitively earth is cold and much colder is Moon.
• Gravity and LAVA – Vata and Pitta
• Outer layer of rock and mud which manifested after trillions of year because of
coldness or diminished effect of LAVA and Gravity is Kapha. That means effect of
Vata and Pitta if aggravates Karshya and if diminishes then Dardhyatha
Functions of Kapa
• Producing unctuousness
• Keep together of various structures
• Promotes stability of the body.
• Promotes bulk of the body.
• lubrication
All these functions are doing by bellow five types of Kapa located in special places of the
gross body.
(i) Kledaka Kapa
(ii) Avalambaka Kapa
(iii) Bhodaka Kapa
(iv) Tarpaka Kapa
(v) Sleshaka Kapa
'' Visargadana Vikshepa
Soma surya Nila Yatha
Dharayanthi Jagath Deha
Kapa pitta Nila yatha ''
• Visarga – Soma (moon) – Kapa
• Adana – Sury (sun) – Pitta
• Vikshepa – Nila – Vata
Intra Cellular Fluid
, Ca2+
, Cl–
, K+
HCo3 , Glucose
Protein, Fatty Acid
Cells are the smallest living sub units of a multicellular organism such as human being, human cells work together and
functions independently. Hemostasis depends upon the contribution of all the different kind of cells. The entire body
contain about 100 trillion cells including 25trillion of RBC 75 trillion of additional cells. Human cells vary in size
shape(some are round spherical other rectangular other irregular)and function of the most human cells only be seen with
microscope.Cells have common characteristicsplasma membrane from the outer boundary. Cell can be divided in to two
Internal environment
cells are capable of living growing and performing their special function as long as the proper
concentration of oxygen, glucose, different ions,potassium, magnesium, phosphate,amino acid and fatty
External environment
It has large amount of sodium, chloride, bicarbonate ion,s oxygen,glucose, fatty acid, amino
acid,carbondioxide and cellular waste product.
Cell membrane
Cell membrane consists of three types of substances
(1) Lipids – 55% Cell membrane consist two lipids which compose cholesterol in central electron-lucent layer and
phospholipid electron-dense layers either side of the central - layer
Semipermeable membrane allows to pass fat soluble substances
Eg: oxygen,carbondioxide
(2) Protein – 40% protein layers form by glyco- proteins
Channel protein – for diffuse water soluble substances
Carrier protein – active and passive transport
Pump – some carrier protein at as ions transport
Receptor protein – for hormones and neurotransmitters
Antigens – some are act as Antigens
(3) Carbohydrate – 5%
(a)These molecule negatively charged it do not permit the negatively charged substances to move out of the cell
(b)Glycocalyx cells helps in the light fixation of cell with one another
Mechanism Definition Example in the Body
Diffusion Movement of molecules from
an area of
greater concentration to an area
lesser concentration.
Exchange of gases in the lungs or body
Osmosis The diffusion of water Absorption of water by the small
or kidneys.
Facilitated diffusion Carrier and transporter enzymes
move molecules
across cell membranes.
Intake of glucose by most cells.
Active transport Movement of molecules from
an area of
lesser concentration to an area
of greater
concentration (requires ATP).
Absorption of amino acids and glucose
from food
by the cells of the small intestine.
Filtration Movement of water and
dissolved substances
from an area of higher pressure
to an area
of lower pressure (blood
Sodium and potassium pumps in muscle
nerve cells.
Formation of tissue fluid; the first step in
the formation
of urine.
Phagocytosis A moving cell engulfs
White blood cells engulf bacteria
Pinocytosis A stationary cell engulfs
Cells of the kidney tubules reabsorb
small proteins
Functions of the cells
Normal function of the cell important for membrane potential which is outside the plasma membrane positively charged
(Na)and inside the plasma membrane more negatively charged.
1. cell metabolism –The energy released from some metabolic reaction fuels cellular activities.
2. Synthesis of molecule-The different cells of the body produce type of molecule such as proteins nucleic acid and
3. Communication- cell produce and respond to chemical and electrical signals that allow them to communicate with
one another
E.g. nerve cells- produce chemical for muscle cells to contract
4. Reproduction and inheritance – most cells contain a complete copy of all the genetic
Organelles functions
Rough endoplasmic reticulum 1. Synthesis of proteins
2. Degradation of worn-out organelles
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 1. Synthesis of lipids and steroids
2. Role in cellular metabolism
3. Storage and metabolism of calcium
4. Catabolism and detoxification of toxic substances
Golgi apparatus 1. Processing, packaging, labeling and delivery of proteins and
Lysosomes 1. Degradation of macromolecules
2. Degradation of worn-out organelles
3. Removal of excess of secretory products
4. Secretion of perforin, granzymes, melanin and serotonin
Peroxisomes 1. Breakdown of excess fatty acids
2. Detoxification of hydrogen peroxide and other metabolic
3. Oxygen utilization
4. Acceleration of gluconeogenesis
5. Degradation of purine to uric acid
6. Role in the formation of myelin
7. Role in the formation of bile acids
Centrosome 1. Movement of chromosomes during cell division
Mitochondria 1. Production of energy
2. Synthesis of ATP
3. Initiation of apoptosis
Ribosomes 1. Synthesis of proteins
Cytoskeleton 1. Determination of shape of the cell
2. Stability of cell shape
3. Cellular movements
Nucleus 1. Control of all activities of the cell
2. Synthesis of RNA
3. Sending genetic instruction to cytoplasm for protein
4. Formation of subunits of ribosomes
5. Control of cell division
6. Storage of hereditary information in genes (DNA)
Vatadosa is acting in the cell as power of electrical potency within the cell membrane and Organelles.
(1) Prana vataya act within the cell
Entering foods and other substances in to the cell through the Cell membrane
(a)Diffusion – oxygen
(b) Osmosis –water
(c) Facilitated diffusion –glucose
(d) Phagocytosis – White blood cells engulf bacteria
(e) Pinocytosis – reabsorb small proteins
(f) Active transport – Absorption of amino acids and glucose from food
To the Organelles
Rough endoplasmic reticulum – Worn-out organelles
Golgi apparatus –Protein, lipid
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – Toxic substances
Lysosomes –Worn-out organelles, macromolucules
Mitochondria –Pyruvic acid,oxygen
Peroxisomes – Purine,fattyacid,metabolic products
Ribosomes – Amino acid
(2) Udanavataya act within the cell
Intra and Inter cellular activities are functions of the Udanavayu within the cell.
Some cells in the lipid layer of the cell membrane are hormone receptors.
Some cells in the protein layer act as receptors.
Glyco calyxcell of the cell membrane helps in the light fixation cell with one another.
Cyto skeleton network of protein give the signal within the cell.
Paracrine signelling, SynapticInter signelling, hormonal signellingcan be see between cells.
(3) samanavataya act within the cell
It act as catabolism & anabolism functions are within the mitochondria
(4) yanavataya act within the cell
Movement of thecell are the functioning of the vyanavataya such as
Amoeboid movement of WBC cells.
Move fibroblast cell toward the cut area.
Cyto skeleton network of protein helps to cell movement.
Cilia ,flagellum are helps to move the cells
Network of microtubules, microfilaments helps to move substanceswithin the cell.
(5) apanavataya act within the cell
Excretory functions of the cell are the functioning of the apanavataya such as
(a)diffusion – carbandioxide
(b) Osmosis – water
(c)Filtration – uria, uric acid
From the Organelles
Rough endoplasmic reticulum – Protein
Golgi apparatus –Protein, lipid
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – lipid, Steroid
Lysosomes –cell debris, enzymes
Mitochondria –carbondioxide
Peroxisomes –bile acids
Ribosomes – Protein
पपत्तांपञ्चात्समकां ििपक्र्वमाशयमध्यगम्
करोतिबलदानेनपाचकां नामित्सस्मृिम्
(1) Pacaka pitta
Pitta dosa are five types namely pachaka, ranjaka, sadaka, aloka and brajaka. Among these the one which is situated
between mouth & intestine, though constituted by the five elements(Bhuta).
Predominantly consist of agniguna and hence is devoid of dravaguna.It is knownas agni as it is involve in the
transformative process.It digest s food separate the essence from excrement and blesses the pittas by providing strength
to them being located in it's position in self.this moiety of pitta is known as pacaka pitta.
within the cell
Pacaka pitta response for enzymatic action of food in digestion & metabolism.
(2) Ranjaka pitta
आमाशयाश्रयांपपत्तांरञ्जकां रसरञ्जनाि्
Ranjaka pitta located in the amasaya and it imparts red color to rasa dhatu.Ranjaka pitta is that which imparts red color to
rasa dhatu in it'stransformation in to raktadhatu.Haemoglobin is the
Substance for give the red color.
within the cell
Dueto functioning of the ranjaka pittagives the color of the cytoplasm
(3) Sadaka pitta
द्धधमेधाभभमानद्यैःअभभप्रेिाथयसाधनात्सबुसाधकां हृद्गिांपपत्तां
sadaka pitta located in the Hrudaya. It attendstomental functionssuchasknowledge
intelligence ,self-consciousness ,helpingthe purpose –aimsof life.
within the cell
within the cell Nucleus gives the genetic instruction & hereditary information
(4) Aloka pitta
Aloka pitta is located inthe eyesanditprovidesthe powerof visual perceptionwithdiscrimination of objects that are
seen.It can be correlated to retinal pigments (cone pigment, Rhodopsin)concerned with absorption of light falling on
within the cell
chemials of glycocalyxcell of the cell membrane helps in the light fixation cell with one another.
within the cell there are some amount of light fixation substances.
(5) Brajaka pitta
त्सर्वक्स्थांभ्राजकां भ्राजनात्त्र्वचः
Brajaka pittais located inthe skinand providesnatural colorationof the skin.Some enzymesinthe skinresponsiblefor
the metabolismof certaindrugsappliedtopicallyalsocanbe consideredunderbrajaka pitta along with the hormone
within the cell
Give the colorationof thecellmembrane
(1) Avalambaka kappa
Slesma is also five types namely avalambakakledakabodhakatarpaka and slesaka kappa.Avalambaka kappa is locatedin
the chestand trikapradesha(meetingplace of shoulder,neckandback)with it's ownpotency.Lubrication& nourishing
are the function of the kappa.
within the cell
kappacan be mention as water part of the cell
It is cytoplasm of the cell which supply lubrication, nourishingcell &Organelles
(2) kledaka kappa
kledaka kappa is situated in amasaya(stomach)which brings about softening and mixing with mucous of the ingested
within the cell
It helps for the functioningof metabolism
(3) Bodhaka kappa
Bodhaka kappa is located inthe tongue and concernedwithperceptionof taste
within the cell
It helps for the functioning of identifythe digestedfood substances entering & which are in the cell
(4) Tarpaka kappa
Tarpaka kappa is situated in the head provide nourishment and promotes properfunctioningof all the sense organs
within the cell
providenourishment and promotes properfunctioningof nucleusandorganelles
(5) Slesaka kappa
It is located in the bone joints & It lubricates and strengthens the joint
within the cell
It helps to keep the unity of among cells
It helps to placing the organelles
Preparing from our eating and drinking (things – Everywhere in our body has "Ahara "Rasaya" Nutrition
Rasa dhatuwa
Ahara/food Pitta ahara rasaya
Active agni Urine , Stool
Extra cell fluid
Rasadhatuwa = Tissue fluid
Intra cell fluid
 Rasadhatuwa / Tissue fluid is having everywhere of the Gross body.
 In that fluid incluiding H2O , Ions, Glucose, fatty acid and other soluable things These condition can
be seen in the cell / dehaparamanu also
 Tissue fluid is coveed with cell memberane.
Raktha Dhatu
 This also begin / coming from rasadhatu
 ''Rasa Ranjanath Rakth'' :- in tubules it's called Rakthaya
Blood is circulating in Blood vessels
Protopropyrin + Billirubin
urboilinogen urobilin
Mansa Dhatu
 From this body get fat
 Mansa Dhatu Medo Dhatu
 Collecting of these mansa organs muscle tissue will preparing
 Can be seen muscle tissue
 Its including many cells
 Museles protein amino acid
made of peptidase
 Amino Acid is the smallest structure of Muscles
Medo Dhatuwa
 Manshadhatuwa Dhatvagni Medodhatuwa
 Smooth and watery
 Its spredding inside the big bones and medo mixed with Rakthaya in other bones
 Meda is in abdomen and bones, That's why if meda is more those person's have big abdomens
MU Muri To Built
Structural unit of Building
 cell membrane is made up of only lipid
 This is made of lipid by- layer
The cell membrane is a lipid-bilayer that separates the internal cellular environment from the extra cellular
Lipid Gliserol
Fatty acid
Absorb the Gliserol and Via the blood it enter to the cell and again separate the smallest fatty acid.
Cell membrane Protein
Asthi Dhatuwa
 Pruthiri, Agni, Vatha .. by asthidhatvagni become heavy and made up of asthi Dhatu
Asthi Stha Keep fixly called asthi
 Protein is the main substance to keep fixly the cell structure
 Every organelle, even Red cells also manataining their structure becase of this protein
 Skeletion is in the gross body and same thing inside the cell
 Asthi Dhatuwa – bone skeletion
 made up of thick protein, ca2+ and other minerals
Majja Dhatu
By vata middle of the bone make a hole and poure the meda Dhatu into it.
 That's called majja
 Fatty thing.
 Asthi Dhatu Dhatvagni Majja
 It's called born Marrow
 Majja is in the hole of a bone
Shukra Dhaty
 Majja Dhatu Shukra
 By adding female and Male shukra Dhatu a life is starting
 This shukra Dhatu can be seen all over the body
Hydrophilic ends
 Shukra dhosha abnormalities seeing cellula –level those are abnormalities of chromosons
 Cell Neucleas = Shukra Dhatu
 cell division starts from here
(Modern anatomy & physiology)
The characteristic functions of the cell
The plasma membrane is the outer most component of a cell. It functions as a boundary separating the
substances inside the cell which are intracellular from substance outside the cell. Which are extra
cellular. The plasma membrane encloses & supports the cell contents. It attaches cell to the extra
cellular environment or to other cells.
The cells ability to recognize and communicate with each other takes place through the plasma
membrane. In edition the plasma membrane determines what moves into and out of cells. As result the
intracellular contents of cells are different from the extracellular environment.
An electrical charge difference across the plasma membranes called the membrane potential is a result
of the cells regulation of ion movement into and out of the cell, because there are more positively
charged ion immediately on the outside of the plasma membranes and more.
Negatively charged ions immediately on the outside of the plasma membrane and ore negatively
charged ions and proteins inside. The outside of the plasma membrane is positively charged, compared
with the inside of the plasma membrane.
The membranes potential an important feature of a living cell.
 For this function it is mainly due to the electrical impulse / potential of the plasma membranes.
Hence it is clear in ayurveda aspect this function is similar to function of vata.
 Small molecules and larger structures movement across membranes… Exoeytosis, Endocytosis,
Phagocytosis, are also doing by this vata (actions of vata)
Na+ Pump, Ligangated channels also the functions of enzymes/ hormones and also the electrical potention
of the cell membranes.
The enzymes / Hormones activate through is function similar to Ayurved pita and agni
The chemical reaction that occur within cells are referred to as metabolic reaction and are known as cell
metabolism. The energy release from some metabolic reactions fuels cellular activities such as the synthesis
of molecule and muscle constrictions During some metabolic reaction energy is released as heat which
helps maintain body temperature.
Chemical reaction- Essential factors are enzymes similar to pita and activation of Agni.
By releasing the energy starting the differences of the voltage again he action of vata.
This energy is released as heat helps maintain body temperature similar to the action of pita.
(1) Mitochondria
 These are of various shaped , sizes and are numerous in the cytoplasm of all cells.
 Double membrane bound
 This is the power generation of the cell.
 The main function of mitochondria is to produce energy through metabolism
 In the mitochondria sugar is finally burnt during cellular respiration
 The energy release in this process is stored as high energy chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
Diagram of Mitochondria
 This ATP is the power of "OJaya" according to Ayurveda
 The cell can't living without Ojaya .
 It is destroy or less the person will die.
 And also the all reactions to produce ATP / Ojaya activate by enzymes similar to pitta and Agni
 These all substance are dissolve in the fluid. It is similar to Kapa.
 Electrical impulses are similar to Vata.
Respiration with 02
C6H12 O6 + 6O2 6Co2 + 6H2O + ATP
This is happens in cyto plasma It can be shows like this
C6H12 O6
Glucose 6 Phosphate
Fructose 6 phosphate
Fructose 1,6 bi phosphate
2pyruvic Acid
2CH3 – C – COOH 2CH3 – C – S – Co –En A
Acytil Co En A
2ADP + 2PI
Co2 2NAD 2NADH + H
o o
Crebs Circle
This is doing in the mitochondria
for all the actions inside the cell use this energy. But can take directly only ro ATP (Ojaya) So from NADH
and FADH2 Manufacture the AIP
 Largest organelles in a cell
 It has different parts like the neuclear, nucleolus and the chromosomes.
 The neuelear contain chromatin it contain the genetic material of the cell which are organized as multiple
long linear DNA molecules.
 This is comparative to the shukra Dhatu in Ayurveda (one of the saptha Dhatu )
 In cellular level it can be seen close to DNA
 All these things are in the gross body include the cells also
Diagram of nucleus
2 MAlic Acid
2 Fumaric Acid
2 Citoic Acid
2  – Ketoglutaric Acid
Aeytil Co
Enzyme A
2 Oxylo Acitic Acid
(3) Ribosome
 Ribosomes are the protein synthesis of the cell.
 The Ribosome's acts as an assembly line where the RNA from the Neucleas is used to synthesize profein
from amino acid.
Raktha Dhatu Dhatvagni Mansa Dhatu
Protein (A.A)
Diagram of Ribosome
The different cells of the body synthesize various types of molecules including proteins, Nuclic acids,
and lipids. the structural and functional characteristies of cells are determined by the types of molecules
they produce.
(1) Carbohydrates amylase maltose maltase glucose
(2) Lipids lipase fatty acid glycerol
(3) Protein protiyase amino acid
For all these functions activated by enzymes. similar to pitta and it's active item Agni
Carbohydrates Tayalin Di / Tri sacchorides dextrin
oral cavity
Glucose small intes tine Di / tri sachorids
Protein pepsin peptone amino peptose and carboxy peptidise A.A
stomach Deodanum /prancreas
NH2 – C – CO – NH – C – CO – NH – C – CO – NH
exo ends peptidase
Lipids lipase fatty acid + Glycerrol
Cells produce and respond to chemical and electrical signals that allow them to communicate with one
For example… nerve cells produce chemical signals by which they communicate with muscle cell and
muscle cells respond by contracting or relaxing.
That is mainly happen by vata because by preparing electrical potential other aspect chemical signal
according toayurveda pitta and the action potential agni is help and also its spread through the fluid It's
Most cells contain a complete copy of all the genetic information of the individual. This genetic
information ultimately determines the structural and functional characteristics of the cell. As a person
grows cell divides to produce new cells, each containing the same genetic information. Specialized body
cells called gametes are responsible for transmitting genetic information to the new generation.
Born Marrow Dhatwagni Shukra
(Asti majja)
All the genetical things and reproduction maintaining by this shukra Dhatu
 Cell division also maintain by Vata.
 Gastro intestinal cract Rasa
Dhatu Dhatvagni Raktha ……………. (Shukar some mollicle
(Rakthagni) minimum structural change
(Basic structure)
Co2 + H2O C6 H12 O6
Entirly different mollicle
All the things happening in the gross body are happening in the cell. That is similar to dehaparamanu
 Rasa, Raktha…. in Gross body same are in the cell
 Organs in the gross body are same in the cell
Ultimately according to a cell cellular fluid glucose, fatty acid, Na+ K+ Ca2+ and other minerals
 This also paralal to Rasdhatu according to Ayurveda
 Without H2O other = Pitta
 H2O = Kapa
Internal potention
Changes of electrical potention
External potention
Then start automatically electrical impulse
Essential of medical physiology
Essential of anatomy & physiology
Text book of medical physiology
Dosadatu mala vignanaya
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Thanking You

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  • 2. Introduction To Ayurveda Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Medicine is the System of Health Care. It Base Sham Keya and Vaisheshika Philosophy Samkhya is strongly dualist. Sāmkhya philosophy Regards the universe as consisting of two realities; puruṣa (consciousness) And prakṛti (matter). Jiva (a living being) is that state in which puruṣa is bonded to prakṛti in some form. This fusion, state the Samkhya Scholars, led to the emergence of buddhi (“intellect”) and Ahaṅkāra (ego consciousness). The universe is described by this school as one created by purusa-prakṛti entities Intellect with various permutations and combinations of Variously enumerated elements, senses, feelings, activity And mind. During the state of imbalance, one of More constituents overwhelm the others, creating a form Of bondage, particularly of the mind. The end of this imbalance, Bondage is called liberation, or kaivalya, by the Samkhya school Samkhya is known for its theory of guṇas (qualities, innate tendencies). Guṇa, it states, are of three types: sattva being good, compassionate, illuminating, positive, And constructive; rajas is one of activity, chaotic, passion, Impulsive, potentially good or bad;
  • 3. tamas being The quality of darkness, ignorance, destructive, lethargic, Negative. Everything, all life forms and human beings, state Samkhya scholars, have these three guṇas, but in Different proportions. The interplay of these guns defines The character of someone or something, of nature and determines the progress of life. The Samkhya Theory of guṇas was widely discussed, developed and refined by various schools of Indian philosophies, including Buddhism.Samkhya’s philosophical treatises also influenced the development of various theories of Hindu ethics. Evolution The idea of evolution in Samkhya revolves around the interaction of prakṛti and Purusha. Prakṛti remains unmanifested as long as the three gunas are in equilibrium. This Equilibrium of the gunas is disturbed when prakṛti comes into proximity with consciousness or Purusha. The disequilibrium of the gunas triggers an evolution that leads to the manifestation of the world from an unmanifested prakṛti the metaphor of movement of iron in the proximity of a magnet is used to describe this process. Some evolutes of prakṛti can cause further evolution and are labeled evolvents. For example, intellect while itself created out of prakṛti causes the evolution of ego sense or ahamkara and is therefore an evolvent. While, other evolutes like the five elements do not cause further evolution. It is important to note that an evolvent is defined as a principle which behaves as the material cause for the evolution of another principle. So, in definition, while the five elements are the material cause of all living beings, they cannot be called evolvents because
  • 4. living beings are not separate from the five elements in essence. The intellect is the first evolute of prakṛti and is called mahat or the great one. It causes the evolution of ego-sense or self-consciousness. Evolution from self-consciousness is affected by the dominance of gunas. So dominance of sattva causes the evolution of the five organs of perception, five organs of action and the mind. Dominance of tamas triggers the evolution of five subtle elements– sound, touch, sight, taste, smell from self-consciousness. These five subtle elements are themselves evolvents and cause the creation of the five gross elements space, air, fire, water and earth. Rajas is cause of action in the evolutes. Purusha is pure consciousness absolute, eternal and subject to no change. It is neither a product of evolution, nor the cause of any evolute. Evolution in Samkhya is thought to be purposeful. The two primary purposes of evolution of prakṛti are the enjoyment and the liberation of Purusha.The 23 evolutes of prakṛti are categorized as follows Prakrti , also Prakriti means “nature” It is a key concept in Hinduism, formulated by its Samkhya school, and refers to the primal matter with three different innate qualities (Guṇas) whose equilibrium is the basis of all observed empirical reality. Prakriti, in this school, contrasts with Purusha which is pure awareness and metaphysical consciousness. The term is also found in the texts of other Indian religions such as Jainism, and Buddhism. In Indian languages derived from Indo-European Sanskrit roots, Prakriti refers to the feminine aspect of all life forms, and more specifically a woman is seen as a symbol
  • 5. of Prakriti. 1 Etymology and meaning Prakriti (Sanskrit: प्रकृति) is a Vedic era concept, which states Monier Williams, means “making or placing before or at first, the original or natural form or condition of anything, original or primary substance.” The term is discussed by Yāska (~600 BCE) in Nirukta, and found in numerous Hindu texts. It connotes “nature, body, matter, phenomenal universe” in Hindu texts. 2 Discussion In the Samkhya school, it is contrasted with Purusha (spirit, consciousness) and Prakriti refers to “the material world, nature, matter, physical and psychological character, constitution, temper, disposition” According to Knut Jacobsen, in the dualistic system of the Samkhya school, “Purusha is the principle of pure consciousness, while Prakriti is the principle of matter”, where Purusha is the masculine in every living being as consciousness, while Prakriti is the feminine and substrate which accepts the Purusha. In Hindu mythologies, Prakriti is the feminine aspect of existence, the personified will and energy of the Supreme (Brahman); while in Shaktism, the Goddess is presented as both the Brahman and the Prakriti.In Samkhya- Yoga texts, Prakriti is the potency that brings about evolution and change in the empirical universe. It is described in Bhagavad Gita as the “primal motive force”. It is the essential constituent of the universe and is at the basis of all the activity of the creation. Elements in Samkhya philosophy Prakriti is closely associated with the concept of Maya
  • 6. within Hindu texts. In Jainism, states Knut Jacobsen, the term Prakriti is used in its theory of Karma, and is considered “that form of matter which covers the perfections of the soul (jiva) and prevents its liberation 1 2 5 EXTERNAL LINKS According to Samkhya and the Bhagavad Gita Prakrti or Nature is composed of the three gunas which are tendencies or modes of operation, known as 1.rajas (creation), 2. sattva (preservation), 3. and tamas (destruction). Sattva encompasses qualities of goodness, light, and harmony. Rajas is associated with concepts of energy, activity, and passion; so that, depending on how it is used, it can either have a supportive or hindering effect on the evolution of the soul. Tamas is commonly associated with inertia, darkness, insensitivity. Souls who are more tamasic are considered imbued in darkness and take the longest to reach liberation. Prakruti also means nature. It can also be used to denote the 'feminine' in sense of the 'male' being the purus WHAT IS THE AYURVEDA
  • 7. Definition Ayurveda is a holistic approach to health that is designed to help people live long, healthy, and well-balanced lives. The term Ayurveda is taken fromthe ancient Indian language, Sanskrit words Ayus, meaning life or lifespan, and Veda meaning knowledge literally means "Knowledge of Life". Ayu – Life or Life Principal Veda – Science or Knowledge In Medical perspective Ayurveda is System of Medicine. In Phylosopycally mine Ayurveda has very broad meaning. Wisdom of Universe WHAT IS THE AYU Charka Shamhitha In Ayurveda term have three level of meaning 1.General meaning 2. Seincntific meaning 3. Phylosopically meaning
  • 8. Definition of Ayus “Ayus”: (life) has 3 synonyms; “Chetananuvrtti”(continuance of consciousness) “Jivita” (animation) “Anubandha” (continuous flow) “Dhari” (sustaining the body) Su1#42, Su30#22 Definition of Ayurveda: that which gets the Ayus (life) known(this is done by means of ) defining ‘Ayus’ (life), and by describing it’s Types - happy un-happy, beneficial non-beneficial, it’s Measure, and it’s Non-measure.) that which imparts knowledge about the substances (including drugs)
  • 9. along with their properties and actions as to their conduciveness or otherwise to life. Su30#3 It (Ayurveda) is said as eternally continuing. Su30#27 The Reasons for the Eternal Nature of Ayurveda: Ayurveda is said as eternally continuing because of it’s beginning-lessness, Because the characters of [it’s] entities are determined by universal nature and Because the characters of all substances are eternal. There was never non-existence of the flow of life or intellect. The knower of Ayurveda is also eternally continuing. [that is God/ the Soul/ the successful human vaidya will gain immortality] “Pleasure (the state of health) and pain (the state of disease) along with Material factors, causes and symptoms, because of their inter-relations, are also eternal. All these point towards the eternal continuity of Ayurveda. Also, the 10 pairs of qualities and the Law of Similar and the Law of Opposites (similar qualities increase each other; opposite qualities decrease each other) are all eternal. Thirdly, the 5 elements, and their properties are also eternal. “Ayurveda never arose out of non-existence except understanding and Precepts;” Some say it’s origin in view of these tow. Its natural characters are non-artificial as said here and in the first chapter Such as hotness of fire and liquidity of water. It has also got the eternal continuity of natural characters of entities such As increase in heavy substances, decrease in light substances by regular intake of Heavy one -all the above is from Su30#27 आयुर्वेद-āyurveda आम ्(āyuḥ) + वेद(veda) + Knowledge or Wisdom आ + म + : (ā+yu+ḥ)
  • 10. अ + अ + म् + उ+ : (a+a+y+u+ḥ) अ + इ + उ +: (a+a+y+u+ḥ) अ- Brahma- Evolution आ- Vishnu- Existance उ- Ishwara- Dissolution + र्वेद (veda)Wisdom : -Visarga-Liberation(emancipation) आयुर्वेद–āyurveda= THE WISDOM OF UNIVERS Life is continuous journey. Like as cycle or spring We can’t produce life from inanimate molecule. Life can be produce by help from previous life. life depend from life. Cell or body can’t continuous because mind process continuous journey when it’s until without universe. Our body is composition 2 type of body 1. Gross Body 2. Astral Body At the moment of death astral body is leave the gross body. In this time gross body maintain at least two hours. After the death astral body enter the animated stem cell in mother’s womb. This womb selection is auto selection theory.
  • 11. Human Body - Gross Body Linga shariraya Astral Body Adishtan shariraya Materials Animate Inanimate Different between Animal and Plant in Ayurveda Animal Gross Body + Linga shariraya + Adishtan shariraya (sharira + Indriya + Athma +Manasa/Sattva ) Plant Only Gross Body (sharira + Indriya+ Athma) (without Astral body or Manasa) Plant Gross Body Astral Body
  • 12. The anatomy of Human Body (Ayurvedic Perspective) Sharira(Body) SukshmaSharira + SthulaSharira (Astral Body) (Gross Body) Buddhiindrya(5) Tanmatra(5) Karmendriya(5) (1) Chaksusrandriya eye Rupa (2) Showthandriya ear Shabda (3) Ghranandriya nose Gandha (4) Rasanandriya tongue Taste LingaSharira Mananendriya(1) Buddhiindrya(5) Karmendriya(5) Adhishtana Sharira Tanmatra(5) Buddhiindrya(5) Karmendriya(5) Tanmatra(5) Mahaboota(5)
  • 13. (5) Sparshanandriya skin Sparsha Tanmatra is defined as that having its own size /not having anyone similar to it in size or in other words very minute. sabda tanmatra is the minutest form (least unit) of touch sensation and so on with the others. Tanmatra is the combination of mass and energy which are interconversion In the cause of evolution tanmatra combine together and form shukshma bhuta . These intermingle with one another in specific pattern and finally from mahabuta.  Pancha tanmatra panchamaha bhuta  Sabida Akasha  Sparsha Vauy  Rupa Theja  Rasa Aap  Ghanda Pruthivi Bhutas call the substances living and non living of the world are composed of full of bhutas (five primary elements) and other posses the same gunas (sathwa, Rajas, Thamas) by these panchabhutas only differencts kinds of substances of the entire universe are born only these composed of pancha bhutas. Therefore no need to think of substance other than the maha bhuthas. THE ANATOMY OF HUMAN BODY (Ayurvedic perspective ) Sharira (Body) Shukshma sharira + sthula sharira (Astral body) (Gross body) Linga sharira + adhistana sharira Mananandri (01) Buddhinandri (05)
  • 14. Karmemdriay(05) Thanmatra(05) Mahabhoota (05) ASTRAL BODY / SHUKSHMA SHARIRA  It has mananendriya and stula sharira basn't special organ like that  It can't reproduce  Astral body has tanmatra position and also definitely want the gross body Shareera which is divided into six parts in the basis of external appearance (four limbs, trunk and head) is called Shadanga Sharira Sharira Avayava stands for the parts of the body.. head, limbs, trunk, heart, Intestiner, liver etc. All these sharira Avayawa are compased of Deha paramanu. It is the structural unit of sharira (Deha, Kaya) and is resemble to the cell. Therefore we can describe only about sthula sharira in an Ayurvedic aspects and modern anatomy and physiology As a result it is possible to illustrate a cell in a more generalized compositive form with various cytoplasmic organelles & systems. All those things also produce by a smallest unit call cell in modern aspect. In an ayurvedic aspect that's called deha paramanu. cell = Dehaparamanu The Body is Compose by the Dehaparamanu or Cell. Human Body or Cell compose by Three Dhathu + Saptha Dhathu + Three Mala VATA Rasa Purisa PITTA Raktha Muthra SELESMALA Maansa Sweda Medas Asthi
  • 15. Majjaa Sukra FUNCIONS OF THE THREEDHTHU The last and most significant component of the human physiology is called Threedhathu. Ayurveda considers this aspect of the body to be of vital importance because it is responsible for coordinating and directing all the structures and substances of the body. Knowledge of the doshas and their functioning give us the understanding of the intelligence that the command the dhatus and malas and gives the body it is vast functional capability. The theory of the three doshas is the crown jewel of Ayurvedic science and the cornerstone of all its diagnostic and treatment modalities. Threedhath theory is unique to Ayurveda. With this powerful conceptual tool, the Ayurvedic physician can detect and treat patients at the earliest stage of the decease process. In fact,through the doshic model, a physician an locate the seeds of decease long before clear clinical symptoms appear. Countless patients visit doctors every day with vague complaints and inconclusive symptoms which indicate some deviation from balanced health. The doshic system however, can make sense of these early complaints and symptoms and point to effective treatment. The three bio – energies cannot be seen as totally separate entities ,since living matter also creates an inseparable unity. however , they stand in clear and definite relation to each other when functioning normally, they have physiological characteristics when their function is disturbed ,they have pathological characteristics, in other words ,the factors of the bio –energies are pathophysiological, when a person is healthy, his bio –energies are balance. In such a state ,they perform and control all physiological function. If the balance is disturbed, physiological function are scrambled, which means the onset of illness. Vata Two type of Vata 1.Bahischara Vata (External Vata) 2.Anthaschara Vata (Internal Vata) Function of internal cellular Vata is Anthaschara Vata Bahischara Vata is all of function out of the cellular wall. Vatadosa functions can be mention as cell deviation the formation of cell layers differentiation of organs and activities of the heart,lungs, stomach and intestines. It guides to identify impulses in sensory organs.Vatadosa initiate the activities of the motor organs and evacuate waste materialsuch as stool, urine' It helps to pass menstrual blood semen fetus and placenta .Vatadosa is the driving for of all human activities.
  • 16. Points to be noted are • Dharaneem Dharanam- Holds earth in its orbit • Aditya chandra Nakshathra grahaganaanamsanthana gatividhanam- Regulates the movement of Sun, Stars, Moon, Planet etc in the space • In earth Vata is the cause for formation of clouds, rain, producing flowers and fruits, demarcation of season, division of dhathus, giving weight and shape to the dhathus. • Strengthening of seeds, growth of plants, normal transformation (avaikarika vikaraschethi) The Vikara of Vata in Universe produces bhavanaam cha abhaavakaranam, chaturyugaanthakaraanaam, megha sooryanilaanaam visargaha. In earth produces all natural calamities and death of creatures. • In Universe the core of the Universe holds all galaxies in its orbit. The galaxies holds the Stars within them in its orbit. The stars hold their planet, and planet holds their satellites in their orbit. The force which holds all these is the power of Central core by means of Electro magnetic power. The present science believe that all these happened at the time of BIGBANG. Even in Vedas we can see the similar explanation, but with better interpreta We can feel the Vata of Earth by the Gravity
  • 17. • Yes Earth has the Gravity justbecauseof Vata, explained as Dhathumana samshtana Vyakthihi. • Deviation of earth by 23 degree is also influenced by the same gravitationalor electromagnetic power, which is the causefor differentseason etc as explained in the function of Vata. What is Vata in Body What is Vata in Body • Vayusthathra yantradharaha- holds thewhole body- organs and systems. • Initiates and controls all sensory and motor functions. • Gives a formand shapeto dhatus and body. • Controls AGNI, AbsorbsDoshas, causefor excretion of wastes – malas. • Makes minute and gross vessels,shapes thefoetus and maintain life span Abnormality in Vata leads to • Causes various disordersand thereby affects strength, destroys, deformsor detains embryo for long. • Produces fear grief, confusion, anxiety and delerium etc. Can also lead in to death of an individual There are five kinds of vata situated various parts of the gross body doing bellow actions
  • 18. 1. Prana – Which regulates respiration a Autonomic function swallowing , bleching etc, Which is related with PNS motor functions related with cranial nerves. ,pranavata is located in brain stem.It maintains the proper functioning of intelligence,brainstem, sense organs, mind and perform functions such as spitting, sneezing, belching, respiration and deglutition. Functioning of the pranavata modernly can be explain as cranial nerves functions. Such as cranial nerve -1 olefactory nerve for smell cranial nerve -2 optic nerve for vision cranial nerve -5 trigeminal nerve for sneezing reflex cranial nerve -7 facial nerve cranial nerve -9 glossopharyngeal nerve for swallowing and as chemo receptors cranial nerve -10 vagus nerve for respiratory assistance and belching. And also functioning as respiratory centers pneumotaxic, apneusticentres. These functions are control by the broca's hippocampus and severalcortial areas in the brain" functions are related to cranial nerve -11 accessory nerve cranial nerve -12 hypoglossal nerve Which regulates respiration a Autonomic function. Swallowing, belching etc which is related with PNS- motor functions related with cranial nerves.
  • 19. 2.Udana Vayu Udana Vayu- CranialN Motor Functionof PNS & also higher functions • Vakpravrithi- Function related with 9 th 11 th and 12 th cranial Nerve. 3.Samana Vayu
  • 20. Samana Vayu- Enteric N System or Second brain + Parasympathetic NS • Samano Agni samipasthaha and controls digestion- That is Enteric NS- millions of Neurons in the gut which are the real autonomic NS in the body of which the function is very similar to that of Parasympathetic NS • Doshambu Vahini srotamsi- Again a parasympathetic function of the Autonomic NS, which controls the peripheral circulation and peripheral requirements. 4.Vyana Vayu Vyana Vayu- Sympathetic NS + cause for motorfunctions of PNS • Vyana vayu which has its effect all over the body, cause for the body movement and also controls the gathi, that is sudden reflex actions- which is controlled by Sympathetic NS • Also responsible for Blood circulation- here sympathetic NS is also responsible for central circulation by stimulation SA Node and then heart. 5.Apana Vayu Apana Vayu- Sacral branch of Parasympathetic NS • The sacral branch of Parasympathetic NS (other part is cranial which comes under Samana Vayu) which controls erection, passage of bowel, urine etc. where the explanation is the same for Apana Vayu in Ayurvreda Texts. What is Pitta
  • 21. Pitta- In universe • In universe- Not clearly explained in Ayurvedic texts- But Pitta is the fire or fuel for the Vata to function. This fuel can burn everything, can destroy anything and in universe provides fuel for Vata to function. • For eg: In Earth the gravitational power is Vata, boiling LAVA is Pitta and the outer rock and mud cover is Kapha. The boiling lava also decides the strenght of the gravitational power. Pitta in our Body • All exocrine and endocrine function represents Pitta including the exocrine digestive secretions. • All digestive functions are regulated by Vata, that is by CNS and Second brain (Enteric nervous system). Any exocrine or endocrine function is regulated by Vata- SAMEERANO AGNEH Agni is located in pitta. responsible for physical & metal functions. Dahana (burning) and pachana (digestion) cannot be done without pitta, hence pitta is known as antaragni. there are't any agni without Pitta Agni is the active potential in pitta Pita is always in the cell /Deha paramanu Kapha in Universe • Sun is very hot, comparitively earth is cold and much colder is Moon. • Gravity and LAVA – Vata and Pitta
  • 22. • Outer layer of rock and mud which manifested after trillions of year because of coldness or diminished effect of LAVA and Gravity is Kapha. That means effect of Vata and Pitta if aggravates Karshya and if diminishes then Dardhyatha (3) KAPHA DOSA श्लेष्मािुपञ्चधाउरःस्थःसत्रिकस्यस्र्वर्वीययिः हृदयस्यान्नर्वीयायच्चित्सस्थएर्वाम्बुकमयणा कफधाम्नाांचशेषाणाांयत्सकरोत्सयर्वलम्बनम् अिोअर्वलम्बकःश्लेष्मा Functions of Kapa • Producing unctuousness • Keep together of various structures • Promotes stability of the body. • Promotes bulk of the body. • lubrication All these functions are doing by bellow five types of Kapa located in special places of the gross body. (i) Kledaka Kapa (ii) Avalambaka Kapa (iii) Bhodaka Kapa (iv) Tarpaka Kapa (v) Sleshaka Kapa '' Visargadana Vikshepa Soma surya Nila Yatha Dharayanthi Jagath Deha Kapa pitta Nila yatha ''
  • 23. • Visarga – Soma (moon) – Kapa • Adana – Sury (sun) – Pitta • Vikshepa – Nila – Vata Intra Cellular Fluid FUNCIONS OF THE CELL Na+ , Ca2+ , Cl– , K+ HCo3 , Glucose Protein, Fatty Acid
  • 24. Cells are the smallest living sub units of a multicellular organism such as human being, human cells work together and functions independently. Hemostasis depends upon the contribution of all the different kind of cells. The entire body contain about 100 trillion cells including 25trillion of RBC 75 trillion of additional cells. Human cells vary in size shape(some are round spherical other rectangular other irregular)and function of the most human cells only be seen with microscope.Cells have common characteristicsplasma membrane from the outer boundary. Cell can be divided in to two parts Internal environment cells are capable of living growing and performing their special function as long as the proper concentration of oxygen, glucose, different ions,potassium, magnesium, phosphate,amino acid and fatty substances. External environment It has large amount of sodium, chloride, bicarbonate ion,s oxygen,glucose, fatty acid, amino acid,carbondioxide and cellular waste product. Cell membrane Cell membrane consists of three types of substances
  • 25. (1) Lipids – 55% Cell membrane consist two lipids which compose cholesterol in central electron-lucent layer and phospholipid electron-dense layers either side of the central - layer Functions Semipermeable membrane allows to pass fat soluble substances Eg: oxygen,carbondioxide (2) Protein – 40% protein layers form by glyco- proteins Functions Channel protein – for diffuse water soluble substances Carrier protein – active and passive transport Pump – some carrier protein at as ions transport Receptor protein – for hormones and neurotransmitters Antigens – some are act as Antigens (3) Carbohydrate – 5% Functions (a)These molecule negatively charged it do not permit the negatively charged substances to move out of the cell (b)Glycocalyx cells helps in the light fixation of cell with one another Mechanism Definition Example in the Body Diffusion Movement of molecules from an area of greater concentration to an area of lesser concentration. Exchange of gases in the lungs or body tissues. Osmosis The diffusion of water Absorption of water by the small intestine or kidneys.
  • 26. Facilitated diffusion Carrier and transporter enzymes move molecules across cell membranes. Intake of glucose by most cells. Active transport Movement of molecules from an area of lesser concentration to an area of greater concentration (requires ATP). Absorption of amino acids and glucose from food by the cells of the small intestine. Filtration Movement of water and dissolved substances from an area of higher pressure to an area of lower pressure (blood pressure). Sodium and potassium pumps in muscle and nerve cells. Formation of tissue fluid; the first step in the formation of urine. Phagocytosis A moving cell engulfs something White blood cells engulf bacteria Pinocytosis A stationary cell engulfs something Cells of the kidney tubules reabsorb small proteins Functions of the cells Normal function of the cell important for membrane potential which is outside the plasma membrane positively charged (Na)and inside the plasma membrane more negatively charged. 1. cell metabolism –The energy released from some metabolic reaction fuels cellular activities. 2. Synthesis of molecule-The different cells of the body produce type of molecule such as proteins nucleic acid and lipids. 3. Communication- cell produce and respond to chemical and electrical signals that allow them to communicate with one another E.g. nerve cells- produce chemical for muscle cells to contract 4. Reproduction and inheritance – most cells contain a complete copy of all the genetic Information . . Organelles functions Rough endoplasmic reticulum 1. Synthesis of proteins 2. Degradation of worn-out organelles Smooth endoplasmic reticulum 1. Synthesis of lipids and steroids 2. Role in cellular metabolism 3. Storage and metabolism of calcium 4. Catabolism and detoxification of toxic substances Golgi apparatus 1. Processing, packaging, labeling and delivery of proteins and lipids Lysosomes 1. Degradation of macromolecules
  • 27. 2. Degradation of worn-out organelles 3. Removal of excess of secretory products 4. Secretion of perforin, granzymes, melanin and serotonin Peroxisomes 1. Breakdown of excess fatty acids 2. Detoxification of hydrogen peroxide and other metabolic products 3. Oxygen utilization 4. Acceleration of gluconeogenesis 5. Degradation of purine to uric acid 6. Role in the formation of myelin 7. Role in the formation of bile acids Centrosome 1. Movement of chromosomes during cell division Mitochondria 1. Production of energy 2. Synthesis of ATP 3. Initiation of apoptosis Ribosomes 1. Synthesis of proteins Cytoskeleton 1. Determination of shape of the cell 2. Stability of cell shape 3. Cellular movements Nucleus 1. Control of all activities of the cell 2. Synthesis of RNA 3. Sending genetic instruction to cytoplasm for protein synthesis 4. Formation of subunits of ribosomes 5. Control of cell division 6. Storage of hereditary information in genes (DNA) Vatadosa is acting in the cell as power of electrical potency within the cell membrane and Organelles. (1) Prana vataya act within the cell
  • 28. Entering foods and other substances in to the cell through the Cell membrane (a)Diffusion – oxygen (b) Osmosis –water (c) Facilitated diffusion –glucose (d) Phagocytosis – White blood cells engulf bacteria (e) Pinocytosis – reabsorb small proteins (f) Active transport – Absorption of amino acids and glucose from food To the Organelles Rough endoplasmic reticulum – Worn-out organelles Golgi apparatus –Protein, lipid Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – Toxic substances Lysosomes –Worn-out organelles, macromolucules Mitochondria –Pyruvic acid,oxygen Peroxisomes – Purine,fattyacid,metabolic products Ribosomes – Amino acid
  • 29. (2) Udanavataya act within the cell Intra and Inter cellular activities are functions of the Udanavayu within the cell. Some cells in the lipid layer of the cell membrane are hormone receptors. Some cells in the protein layer act as receptors. Glyco calyxcell of the cell membrane helps in the light fixation cell with one another. Cyto skeleton network of protein give the signal within the cell. Paracrine signelling, SynapticInter signelling, hormonal signellingcan be see between cells. (3) samanavataya act within the cell It act as catabolism & anabolism functions are within the mitochondria (4) yanavataya act within the cell Movement of thecell are the functioning of the vyanavataya such as Amoeboid movement of WBC cells. Move fibroblast cell toward the cut area. Cyto skeleton network of protein helps to cell movement. Cilia ,flagellum are helps to move the cells Network of microtubules, microfilaments helps to move substanceswithin the cell.
  • 30. (5) apanavataya act within the cell Excretory functions of the cell are the functioning of the apanavataya such as (a)diffusion – carbandioxide (b) Osmosis – water (c)Filtration – uria, uric acid From the Organelles Rough endoplasmic reticulum – Protein Golgi apparatus –Protein, lipid Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – lipid, Steroid Lysosomes –cell debris, enzymes Mitochondria –carbondioxide Peroxisomes –bile acids Ribosomes – Protein (2) PITTA DOSA पपत्तांपञ्चात्समकां ििपक्र्वमाशयमध्यगम् पञ्चभूिात्समकत्सर्वेअपपयत्तैजसगुनोदयाि् त्सयक्िद्रर्वत्सर्वांपाकाददकमयणाअनलशाब्ददिम् पचत्सयन्नांपर्वभजिेसारककट्टौपृथक्िथा ििस्थमेर्वपपत्तानाांशेषाणामप्यनुग्रहम् करोतिबलदानेनपाचकां नामित्सस्मृिम् (1) Pacaka pitta Pitta dosa are five types namely pachaka, ranjaka, sadaka, aloka and brajaka. Among these the one which is situated between mouth & intestine, though constituted by the five elements(Bhuta). Predominantly consist of agniguna and hence is devoid of dravaguna.It is knownas agni as it is involve in the transformative process.It digest s food separate the essence from excrement and blesses the pittas by providing strength to them being located in it's position in self.this moiety of pitta is known as pacaka pitta. within the cell Pacaka pitta response for enzymatic action of food in digestion & metabolism.
  • 31. (2) Ranjaka pitta आमाशयाश्रयांपपत्तांरञ्जकां रसरञ्जनाि् Ranjaka pitta located in the amasaya and it imparts red color to rasa dhatu.Ranjaka pitta is that which imparts red color to rasa dhatu in it'stransformation in to raktadhatu.Haemoglobin is the Substance for give the red color. within the cell Dueto functioning of the ranjaka pittagives the color of the cytoplasm (3) Sadaka pitta द्धधमेधाभभमानद्यैःअभभप्रेिाथयसाधनात्सबुसाधकां हृद्गिांपपत्तां sadaka pitta located in the Hrudaya. It attendstomental functionssuchasknowledge intelligence ,self-consciousness ,helpingthe purpose –aimsof life. within the cell within the cell Nucleus gives the genetic instruction & hereditary information
  • 32. (4) Aloka pitta रूपालोचनिःस्मृिम्ृक्स्थमालोचकां Aloka pitta is located inthe eyesanditprovidesthe powerof visual perceptionwithdiscrimination of objects that are seen.It can be correlated to retinal pigments (cone pigment, Rhodopsin)concerned with absorption of light falling on retina. within the cell chemials of glycocalyxcell of the cell membrane helps in the light fixation cell with one another. within the cell there are some amount of light fixation substances. (5) Brajaka pitta त्सर्वक्स्थांभ्राजकां भ्राजनात्त्र्वचः Brajaka pittais located inthe skinand providesnatural colorationof the skin.Some enzymesinthe skinresponsiblefor the metabolismof certaindrugsappliedtopicallyalsocanbe consideredunderbrajaka pitta along with the hormone controllingpigmentation.(ACTH,MSH) within the cell Give the colorationof thecellmembrane (3) KAPHA DOSA श्लेष्मािुपञ्चधाउरःस्थःसत्रिकस्यस्र्वर्वीययिः हृदयस्यान्नर्वीयायच्चित्सस्थएर्वाम्बुकमयणा कफधाम्नाांचशेषाणाांयत्सकरोत्सयर्वलम्बनम् अिोअर्वलम्बकःश्लेष्मा
  • 33. (1) Avalambaka kappa Slesma is also five types namely avalambakakledakabodhakatarpaka and slesaka kappa.Avalambaka kappa is locatedin the chestand trikapradesha(meetingplace of shoulder,neckandback)with it's ownpotency.Lubrication& nourishing are the function of the kappa. within the cell kappacan be mention as water part of the cell It is cytoplasm of the cell which supply lubrication, nourishingcell &Organelles (2) kledaka kappa यस्त्सर्वामाशयसांब्स्थिःदकःसोअन्नसङ्घािक्लेदकाि् kledaka kappa is situated in amasaya(stomach)which brings about softening and mixing with mucous of the ingested foods within the cell It helps for the functioningof metabolism (3) Bodhaka kappa रसबोधनात्सबोधकोरसनास्थायी Bodhaka kappa is located inthe tongue and concernedwithperceptionof taste within the cell It helps for the functioning of identifythe digestedfood substances entering & which are in the cell (4) Tarpaka kappa भशरःसांस्थोअक्षिपयणात्तपयकः Tarpaka kappa is situated in the head provide nourishment and promotes properfunctioningof all the sense organs within the cell providenourishment and promotes properfunctioningof nucleusandorganelles
  • 34. (5) Slesaka kappa सांधधसांश्लेषाच्ेलेषकःसब्न्धषुब्स्थिः It is located in the bone joints & It lubricates and strengthens the joint · within the cell It helps to keep the unity of among cells It helps to placing the organelles Rasadhatu Preparing from our eating and drinking (things – Everywhere in our body has "Ahara "Rasaya" Nutrition supplier Rasa dhatuwa Ahara/food Pitta ahara rasaya Active agni Urine , Stool Extra cell fluid Rasadhatuwa = Tissue fluid Intra cell fluid  Rasadhatuwa / Tissue fluid is having everywhere of the Gross body.  In that fluid incluiding H2O , Ions, Glucose, fatty acid and other soluable things These condition can be seen in the cell / dehaparamanu also  Tissue fluid is coveed with cell memberane. Raktha Dhatu  This also begin / coming from rasadhatu  ''Rasa Ranjanath Rakth'' :- in tubules it's called Rakthaya Blood is circulating in Blood vessels Protopropyrin + Billirubin biliverdinbiliverdinsterobilinogensterobilin urboilinogen urobilin Fe2+
  • 35. Mansa Dhatu  From this body get fat  Mansa Dhatu Medo Dhatu Dhatvagni  Collecting of these mansa organs muscle tissue will preparing  Can be seen muscle tissue  Its including many cells  Museles protein amino acid made of peptidase  Amino Acid is the smallest structure of Muscles Medo Dhatuwa  Manshadhatuwa Dhatvagni Medodhatuwa  Smooth and watery  Its spredding inside the big bones and medo mixed with Rakthaya in other bones  Meda is in abdomen and bones, That's why if meda is more those person's have big abdomens MU Muri To Built Structural unit of Building  cell membrane is made up of only lipid  This is made of lipid by- layer The cell membrane is a lipid-bilayer that separates the internal cellular environment from the extra cellular fluid. Lipid Gliserol Fatty acid Absorb the Gliserol and Via the blood it enter to the cell and again separate the smallest fatty acid. 
  • 36. Cell membrane Protein Asthi Dhatuwa  Pruthiri, Agni, Vatha .. by asthidhatvagni become heavy and made up of asthi Dhatu Asthi Stha Keep fixly called asthi  Protein is the main substance to keep fixly the cell structure  Every organelle, even Red cells also manataining their structure becase of this protein  Skeletion is in the gross body and same thing inside the cell  Asthi Dhatuwa – bone skeletion  made up of thick protein, ca2+ and other minerals Majja Dhatu By vata middle of the bone make a hole and poure the meda Dhatu into it.  That's called majja  Fatty thing.  Asthi Dhatu Dhatvagni Majja  It's called born Marrow  Majja is in the hole of a bone Shukra Dhaty  Majja Dhatu Shukra Dhatvagni  By adding female and Male shukra Dhatu a life is starting  This shukra Dhatu can be seen all over the body phospholipids Hydrophilic ends  
  • 37.  Shukra dhosha abnormalities seeing cellula –level those are abnormalities of chromosons  Cell Neucleas = Shukra Dhatu  cell division starts from here  FUNCTION OF THE CELL (Modern anatomy & physiology) The characteristic functions of the cell [1] CELL METABOLISM AND ENERGY USE The plasma membrane is the outer most component of a cell. It functions as a boundary separating the substances inside the cell which are intracellular from substance outside the cell. Which are extra cellular. The plasma membrane encloses & supports the cell contents. It attaches cell to the extra cellular environment or to other cells. The cells ability to recognize and communicate with each other takes place through the plasma membrane. In edition the plasma membrane determines what moves into and out of cells. As result the intracellular contents of cells are different from the extracellular environment. An electrical charge difference across the plasma membranes called the membrane potential is a result of the cells regulation of ion movement into and out of the cell, because there are more positively charged ion immediately on the outside of the plasma membranes and more. Negatively charged ions immediately on the outside of the plasma membrane and ore negatively charged ions and proteins inside. The outside of the plasma membrane is positively charged, compared with the inside of the plasma membrane. The membranes potential an important feature of a living cell.  For this function it is mainly due to the electrical impulse / potential of the plasma membranes. Hence it is clear in ayurveda aspect this function is similar to function of vata.  Small molecules and larger structures movement across membranes… Exoeytosis, Endocytosis, Phagocytosis, are also doing by this vata (actions of vata)
  • 38. Na+ Pump, Ligangated channels also the functions of enzymes/ hormones and also the electrical potention of the cell membranes. The enzymes / Hormones activate through is function similar to Ayurved pita and agni The chemical reaction that occur within cells are referred to as metabolic reaction and are known as cell metabolism. The energy release from some metabolic reactions fuels cellular activities such as the synthesis of molecule and muscle constrictions During some metabolic reaction energy is released as heat which helps maintain body temperature. Chemical reaction- Essential factors are enzymes similar to pita and activation of Agni. By releasing the energy starting the differences of the voltage again he action of vata. This energy is released as heat helps maintain body temperature similar to the action of pita.
  • 39. TO EXPLAIN THE METABOLISM, AND DESCRIBE SOME MAIN ORGANELLES… (1) Mitochondria  These are of various shaped , sizes and are numerous in the cytoplasm of all cells.  Double membrane bound  This is the power generation of the cell.  The main function of mitochondria is to produce energy through metabolism  In the mitochondria sugar is finally burnt during cellular respiration  The energy release in this process is stored as high energy chemical called adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Diagram of Mitochondria  This ATP is the power of "OJaya" according to Ayurveda  The cell can't living without Ojaya .  It is destroy or less the person will die.  And also the all reactions to produce ATP / Ojaya activate by enzymes similar to pitta and Agni  These all substance are dissolve in the fluid. It is similar to Kapa.  Electrical impulses are similar to Vata.
  • 40. Respiration with 02 C6H12 O6 + 6O2 6Co2 + 6H2O + ATP Dhatvagni Glycolasy This is happens in cyto plasma It can be shows like this C6H12 O6 Glucose 6 Phosphate Fructose 6 phosphate Fructose 1,6 bi phosphate DAAP 2 PGAL (Phosphoglyceraldihyde) 2DI -PGA 2PGA 2 PEP 2pyruvic Acid 2CH3 – C – COOH 2CH3 – C – S – Co –En A Acytil Co En A ATP ADP ATP ADP 2ADP 2ATP 2ADP + 2PI 2ATP Co2 2NAD 2NADH + H CoEnz o o
  • 41. Crebs Circle This is doing in the mitochondria for all the actions inside the cell use this energy. But can take directly only ro ATP (Ojaya) So from NADH and FADH2 Manufacture the AIP (2) NUCLE US  Largest organelles in a cell  It has different parts like the neuclear, nucleolus and the chromosomes.  The neuelear contain chromatin it contain the genetic material of the cell which are organized as multiple long linear DNA molecules.  This is comparative to the shukra Dhatu in Ayurveda (one of the saptha Dhatu )  In cellular level it can be seen close to DNA  All these things are in the gross body include the cells also Diagram of nucleus 2 MAlic Acid 2 Fumaric Acid 2 FADJH2 2 Citoic Acid 2  – Ketoglutaric Acid 2 FAD 2NADH 2 NAD Aeytil Co Enzyme A 2 Oxylo Acitic Acid
  • 42. (3) Ribosome  Ribosomes are the protein synthesis of the cell.  The Ribosome's acts as an assembly line where the RNA from the Neucleas is used to synthesize profein from amino acid. Raktha Dhatu Dhatvagni Mansa Dhatu Protein (A.A) Diagram of Ribosome [2] SYNTHESIS OF MOLECULES The different cells of the body synthesize various types of molecules including proteins, Nuclic acids, and lipids. the structural and functional characteristies of cells are determined by the types of molecules they produce. (1) Carbohydrates amylase maltose maltase glucose (2) Lipids lipase fatty acid glycerol (3) Protein protiyase amino acid For all these functions activated by enzymes. similar to pitta and it's active item Agni
  • 43. SAROHYDRAIES Carbohydrates Tayalin Di / Tri sacchorides dextrin oral cavity undigestive duodenum carbohy Glucose small intes tine Di / tri sachorids Maltase Laetase Sucrase Fructse Protein Protein pepsin peptone amino peptose and carboxy peptidise A.A stomach Deodanum /prancreas R R R A A NH2 – C – CO – NH – C – CO – NH – C – CO – NH H H H exo ends peptidase peptidase Lipids Lipids lipase fatty acid + Glycerrol
  • 44. [3] COMMUNICATION Cells produce and respond to chemical and electrical signals that allow them to communicate with one another. For example… nerve cells produce chemical signals by which they communicate with muscle cell and muscle cells respond by contracting or relaxing. That is mainly happen by vata because by preparing electrical potential other aspect chemical signal according toayurveda pitta and the action potential agni is help and also its spread through the fluid It's kappa. [4] REPRODUCTION AND INHERITANCE Most cells contain a complete copy of all the genetic information of the individual. This genetic information ultimately determines the structural and functional characteristics of the cell. As a person grows cell divides to produce new cells, each containing the same genetic information. Specialized body cells called gametes are responsible for transmitting genetic information to the new generation. Born Marrow Dhatwagni Shukra (Asti majja) All the genetical things and reproduction maintaining by this shukra Dhatu  Cell division also maintain by Vata.  Gastro intestinal cract Rasa Dhatu Dhatvagni Raktha ……………. (Shukar some mollicle (Rakthagni) minimum structural change (Basic structure) Co2 + H2O C6 H12 O6 Bhuthagni Entirly different mollicle
  • 45. All the things happening in the gross body are happening in the cell. That is similar to dehaparamanu  Rasa, Raktha…. in Gross body same are in the cell  Organs in the gross body are same in the cell Ultimately according to a cell cellular fluid glucose, fatty acid, Na+ K+ Ca2+ and other minerals  This also paralal to Rasdhatu according to Ayurveda  Without H2O other = Pitta  H2O = Kapa Internal potention Changes of electrical potention External potention Then start automatically electrical impulse CELL APOPTOSIS Mechanism 
  • 46. References CarakaSamhita Susrutasamhita Astangahradaya Panchanidana Essential of medical physiology Essential of anatomy & physiology Text book of medical physiology Dosadatu mala vignanaya WEB SITE - Slid show Thanking You