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Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Alumno practicante: Regina Moure
Período de práctica: Secundaria
Institución educativa: Instituto Marcelo Spínola – Nivel Primario.
Dirección: Don Bosco 193 – Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz)
Sala/Grado/Sección: Ciclo Orientado
Cantidad de alumnos: 33
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad temática: Make music.
Clase Nº: 1
Fecha : Jueves 15 de octubre de 2015
Hora: de 7:20 a 9:30
Duración de la clase: 120’
Fecha de primera entrega: 14 de octubre de 2015
Teaching points: The world and history of music.
Making predictions using WILL + Infinitive.
Lesson Aims:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will:
 Be able to identify and name vocabulary related to music.
 Be able to understand and make use of the structure WILL + Infinitive for making
 Develop their speaking and listening abilities by taking part in short oral exchanges, listening
to an audio-text and agreeing on the positions in a music-chart.
 Develop their reading skill by getting detailed information from a text about the evolution of
music and music business.
Language Focus:
Rev Greetings:
-Hello! Bye-bye!
-Good morning.
- How are you
today? Fine!
-Come here!
commands and/or
WH questions and
answers in the
simple present:
WH questions and
answers in the
simple past
- Should + infinitive
Comentario [R1]: Secundario
Comentario [R2]: In L1?
Comentario [R3]: In what context?
Comentario [R4]: Please, include
sample sentences.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
New Vocabulary
related to music:
album, digital
music, pop chart,
CD release,
download, radio
station, composer,
hit, singer,
concert, player,
In the future,
people will listen
to music online.
In the future,
people won’t
download music.
Will + infinitive:
Questions and
answers employing
modal verb WILL:
Will (people) (buy)
Recognition and
production of
the following
sound in initial
Will - What
Teaching approach: Natural approach – PPP
Materials and resources:
 A board and pieces of chalk, white and coloured).
 Flashcards made with images from internet:
 A piece of construction paper containing the music hits/tracks suggested by Ss in the survey.
 Next Move 2 – Student’s book (Pearson) – Pages 78-79
 Next Move 2 (Pearson)- audio: Cd 3, track 2
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Pedagogical use of ICT:
There are no instances of ICT use during this first encounter.
Seating arrangement:
Ss sit in rows of two desks, which allows for pair and group work.
Cooperative work: Ss will discuss and reach at an agreement on a music chart.
Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour:
Ss this age (between 15 and 17) do not display the type of disruptive behaviour this teacher usually
faces or has faced with her own Ss or during the previous periods of practicum (kindergarten or
primary). All the same, chances are that learners’ participation may decrease if the type of activities,
their timing and variety do not suit Ss’ interests.
Since this lesson and the following one will revolve around the topic of music, this T found it proper
to design a survey for Ss to share their preferences as regards types of music, among other topics.
These learners went over that survey last Thursday and the information collected from it provided
this teacher with some clues to bear in mind at the time of planning this first encounter. It is
expected that the majority of Ss feel inclined to take part in the activities suggested by this teacher.
Potential problems students may have with the language:
These learners are used to listening to their teacher making use of the target language during the
lesson, especially at the beginning of the lesson and during the feedback stage of either homework
or the activities Ss carry out in pairs.
According to Professor Hurban (who is in charge of this group), Ss do not have any problems
understanding spoken and written English, but avoid making use of it orally. Therefore, the main
potential problem Ss may have with the language has to do precisely with their own use of it as a
means for communication. What is more, Ss themselves mentioned this issue when completing the
aforementioned survey.
This teacher will try to provide as many opportunities as possible for them to employ the language,
in an attempt to help them notice they are fully equipped to do so.
Assessment: What will be assessed and how:
Since this is our first encounter and Ss will be introduced to a partially-new lexical set (several words
they will be learning today are already part of their everyday vocabulary due to Ss’ interaction with
digital devices and the Internet), their level of participation will be the focus of attention. The idea is
Comentario [R5]: Perhaps, they are
shy, which implies that pair and group oral
work may prove effective to promote
interaction in L2.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
to get a better idea of the way they work in a different scenario from the one they are used to
Skills integration:
The four language skills will be integrated during this lesson.
Routine (10 minutes)
Aim: To comply with administrative tasks required by the institution and allow time for Prof.
Hurban to collect the homework she assigned last class.
T will receive Ss in the classroom and start going over the roll-call right after greeting them. At the
same time, she will ask Ss to hand in their homework to Ms. Paola, who will be located at the back of
the room observing this trainee-teacher ‘s performance.
Once these tasks are over, T will proceed with her class.
T: Do you remember the survey you filled in last class?
(T shows the copies of the survey to Ss so as to convey meaning)
Well, I read them all during the weekend and I found some of you had made
a few questions about me and my way of teaching.
So, I’d like to answer to them before starting the lesson.
Activity 1 (10’)
Aim: To establish rapport with the Ss.
T: One of you asked:
¿Por qué decidió enseñar en secundario actualmente y no en
Comentario [R6]: Check use of past
Comentario [R7]: 
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Actually, I AM teaching primary Ss here. I teach English to children from 1st
grade to 3rd
grade, just as I did with some of you.
What I am doing here with you is a sort of practice. Ms. Paola and my tutors,
my teachers from Lenguas Vivas in Bariloche will evaluate my performance.
That is why this lesson is being recorded on video. They need to check if I am
able to teach English to Secondary Ss.
A mate of you also wanted to know the following:
Me gustaría saber la forma en la que llevará la clase (…)
I know you have already developed your own style of learning and interacting
with your mates and teacher. I have no intentions of altering, modifying that
but, since we are all different, my way of teaching includes making use of
English as a means of communication within the classroom.
Do not panic, please! This means I will be speaking English most of the time,
not you! But if you feel like doing it, if you feel comfortable speaking English, go
I know English is not an easy subject. I had my own problems when I was a
teenage student like you. Pronunciation was one of them, especially because
my teachers did not pay much attention to it. But I saw you working with Ms.
Paola, when you go over those exercises in which you read a dialogue from the
last word to the first one. That is great to get the right intonation pattern of the
English language.
Besides, that I speak, or at least try to speak as much English as possible during
this and the upcoming lessons will be of help for you to relax and start speaking
English more freely.
Comentario [R8]: At present? Check
meaning of actually.
Comentario [RM9]: Yes! I teach English
to 1st
, 2nd
and 3rd
graders at the same
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
T: …and speaking about our lessons, I think we should start right now. Don’t
you think?
Presentation ( 10’)
Aim: To introduce the vocabulary related to the topic of the lesson according to the set syllabus.
Instances of incidental vocabulary learning are also expected.
T: As I told you last class, today we are going to learn a bit more about music
as an art product as well as all the business related to it.
So, I’d like you to look at the following images/pictures
(T shows a set of flashcards)
and take notes about what these images “say” to you.
For instance, take a look at the first one:
What are all these images? Pictures of ….?
Ss: (Albums – tapas de discos1
T: Right, these are albums. Let me write that under the picture.
Chances are Ss make use of L1.
Comentario [R10]: The lesson had
already started…
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
(T writes the word “album(s)”)
That’s the way you have to analyze the remaining pictures. You can do this in
pairs if you like.
As soon as I finish placing the pictures on the board, you will have 5 minutes
to go over this task.
Then, we will come back here to share what you have noted down.
Is it clear? Can anyone, any volunteer explain what you have to do?
At this point, T will wait a few seconds for any spontaneous response from the Ss. If that does not
happen, T will nominate one of them.
After that, T will display the following pictures on the board:
(Digital music)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
(Pop Chart)
(CD release)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
(radio station)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
(playlist) ( track)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
As soon as the allotted time is over, T will ask Ss for feedback:
T: All right! Time’s up, everybody! We have already discussed the first picture,
albums, now let’s move on to the second one. What ideas came to your
minds when you saw this picture?
T and Ss will go on like that until the whole lexical set is covered, paying attention to spelling and
pronunciation and trying to make connection among the words.
When a student or group of Ss mentions a word/description/phrase, T will ask the rest of the class
whether they agree with them or not, for instance:
S1: (writer) instead of composer
T: Ok, writer(s). Do you agree on this? The person who writes a song, either
the lyrics or the music is a writer?
S2: (No) (I think that ….)
This type of oral exchange will help Ss get ready for the next task.
Once Ss and T have finished working with the new vocabulary and Ss have taken notes on their
folders/notebooks, T will say the following:
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
T: Well, it seems we are done here!. You know, in the surveys you completed
last Thursday, you mentioned several songs, all of them being your favourite
Look, I have the list here…
(T shows the list to Ss and places it on the board)
Activity 1: (15’: 2’ for explanation + 8’ discussion within the groups + 5’ whole-class feedback)
Aim: To allow Ss to make use of the new lexical set performing a function they already know
To provide Ss with an extra instance of listening and speaking practice.
After asking Ss to read the names of the songs and their interpreters, T will proceed to explain this
second activity:
T: Ok, thanks a lot! Now, I’d like you to work in groups of four. Make the
groups right where you are, either with your mates in front of you or those
behind you. Turn the tables around if you want to.
(T will resort to gestures to convey meaning)
The goal here is that you design your own Top-Ten chart with the songs you
suggested last class. Let me show you how.
(Marianella), which song do you think should be in 1st
S1: (Back in Black).
T: Ok, let’s ask your group mates. What do you think about that, (Jere)? Do
you agree on (Back in Black) in 1st
S2: Yes, I agree/ No, I don’t/ I disagree
T: And what about (Rombai)? Where should you place Rombai in your chart?
? 3rd
Go over all the hits here and create your chart. You’ll have 10 minutes to do
that. Remember to take notes in your folders because you will have to share
your chart with all of us later.
Comentario [R11]: This should be
included in the plan.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Is it clear? Yes? No?
Anyone can explain what you’ll have to do?
After all Ss have understood the task, they will start working on the chart. As they do so, T will go
round the classroom paying attention to the way they interact and whether they make use of the
target language.
When time is over, T will ask for feedback, providing ss with extra oral practice.
T: Well done, everybody! So far, we have seen that music occupies an
important place in our lives and we can have access to it very easily
today…But, do you think it has always been like this?
Activity 2: Pre-reading (5’)
Aim: To activate Ss’ schemata with the help of the images accompanying the article about the
history of music they have in their coursebook.
T will ask Ss to open their coursebooks at page 79 in order to read the title of the article.
T: Please, open your books at page 79. Look at the images and read the title
of the text. Can anybody read it aloud?
S1: “The history of music”.
T: Thanks! So, What do you think we are going to read about? You have three
options there, in exercise 1. Who can read those options?
S2: Famous musicians of the past. Changing music technology. A new pop
T: Thanks again. Which is, according to you, the topic of this article? 1, 2 or 3?
Choose one of the options and draw a circle around it.
Now it is time to check your predictions
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Activity 3: While –Reading activity (10’)
Aim: To have Ss reading a short article in order to check the predictions made in the prior stage.
T: Please, take 5 minutes to read the article up to the word “playlist”. Do it
quietly so you can check your prediction.
(image taken from “Next Move 2” (Pearson publishing)
Ss will read up to the word “playlist” and then they will tell whether their predictions were right or
KEY: The text is about “Changing music technology” (option 2)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
T: So the text is about the way music technology has changed over time. Now
you are going to read and also listen to the whole text, including the speech
bubbles at the bottom.
Activity 4: After Reading/ Listening (15’)
Aim: To expose Ss to the read-aloud version of the article so that they can get extra oral input to
reinforce their speaking skill.
Ss will listen to the audio provided with the coursebook in which they can appreciate the rendition
of a native speaker of the language and all the supra-segmental features that give the English
language its rhythm and stress.
After Ss have listened to the audio, they will carry out Exercise 3 (true – false activity) from their
coursebook in pairs. Before they start, T will ask individual Ss to read the sentences aloud.
T: Now we are going to do exercise 3. It is a true-false task and you will have
to carry it out in pairs, with the mate sitting next to you.
But before you start, I need volunteers to read the first sentence aloud.
S1: In the eighteenth century, all rich people had orchestras.
T may repeat the sentence in case S’ pronunciation was not accurate, or ask the student for
clarification, in an attempt to make him/her aware of the importance of reading loud and clear so
everybody can understand.
T: Thanks! As you can see in your books, that sentence is…
Ss: False
T: Right, it is false because rich people SOMETIMES had their own orchestras.
Please, go over the remaining six sentences, indicating whether they are true
or false. Correct false sentences so that they become true.
Is it clear? Yes/no?
As usual, T will ask for any volunteer Ss to explain the activity so as to check Ss’ comprehension of
the task.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
T: You have 5 minutes to do this. Then we will come back here to check the
task all together.
(Next Move 2, page 79 – Pearson)
2) true
3) true
4) false (CDs became popular in the late twentieth century)
5) true
6) true
7) false (He thinks people will listen to music, but also re-mix it with computer software so it is new).
As soon as the allotted time is over, T will ask Ss for feedback.
T: Well done, everybody! Now, I’d like you to focus on the predictions these
people made about music technology in the future.
Activity 5: Language focus (15’)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Aim: To introduce the structure Will + infinitive to make predictions.
T and Ss will go over the four speech bubbles. T will read each statement aloud for Ss to repeat,
paying attention to stress and intonation.
Right after reading the sentences, T will proceed to raise Ss’ awareness on the structure employed
by these people to predict the future of music technology.
T: What do you think? Do all these people say something about the history or
the future of music?
Ss: (future)!
T: That’s correct! Let’s take the first one, by Dan Riley:
Can anybody read it aloud? And anybody else write it on the board?
S1: (Our clothes will play music when we move or when people touch them)
(S2 writes the sentence on the board)
T: Does this man refer to the present? Do our clothes play music when we
move or when we touch them?
T: Is that happening now, at the present?
Ss: No!
T: When will that happen?
Ss: In the future.
T: In the future! When we want to predict, to say what we think will happen
in the future , we use this structure
Will + infinitive.
Can you spot that structure in the sentence?
Can anybody come here to the board to underline it?
( a student comes to the board and underlines the auxiliary and the verb)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Our clothes will play music when we move or when people touch them.
T: What will play music when we move or when people touch them??
Ss: Our clothes!
T: In this case, the phrase “Our clothes” is the subject of the sentence. If we
follow the type of patterns you have been using with your teacher, we can
say that the structure, in the affirmative will be made of:
Ss: Pronoun/somebody/something + will + verb in the infinitive.
T: Ok…can you find any example of that structure in the other predictions?
At this point, the only examples available are instances of pronoun + ‘ll + infinitive. Ss may notice
these sentences and provide them as examples based on their prior knowledge of the use of
contractions in positive sentences.
Ss: (We’ll speak to the media players…..)
T: Ok. Is that the same type of prediction as the one we saw before?
Ss: yes, but there is the use of a contracted form…a short form.
T: So, if I say We will speak to the media or We’ll speak to the media
player….Am I saying, meaning the same?
Ss: yes!
T: Ok, so in positive, affirmative predictions the structure is:
Ss: Pronoun + will / ‘ll + infinitive.
T: And if I want to make a negative prediction, saying what I think will not
happen? What should I add?
Ss: (Not)
Ss: after Will
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
T: therefore, my original sentence will turn into:
Our clothes will not play music when we move or when people touch them.
Do you agree on this?
Ss: yes!
T: Can you please look at the other predictions and check if this is correct or if
there is any contraction for WILL NOT?
Ss: Won’t
T: Won’t! great! So this sentence will be:
Our clothes WON’T play music when we move or when people touch them.
T: So far, it is very much the same to other structures you have learned. How
do you think we can make the interrogative form?
The affirmative is:
Our clothes will play music when we move or when people touch them.
The negative:
Our clothes will not /WON’T play music when we move or when people touch
The interrogative?
Ss: WILL our clothes play music when we move or when people touch them ?
T: Right, we only have to move WILL to the initial position. Great!
Can you please take note of this in your folders?
T will draw the following chart on the board for Ss to copy and complete:
Comentario [R12]: Perhaps, a different
example may be used. Using the same one
for affirmative and negative statements
may be confusing from the point of view of
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Making predictions about the future:
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
T: Are we 100% sure these things are going to happen?
Activity 6: Reflecting on the use of WILL (5’)
Aim: To help Ss differentiate the use of the new structure from those they have already learned to
refer to future plans.
To introduce the use of WILL to make offers.
Ss: No!
T: Aha! We are not sure about clothes playing music when we move, but
there’s a possibility that may happen in the future with all this rapid
evolution in technology.
That is why we say we predict something. Predictions are not 100% sure and
we use this structure Will + infinitive to make predictions.
But there is another use for it. Will + infinitive help us to make offers.
For instance, If I say: Oh, God! It is so hot in here…some of you may stand up
and say: I´ll open the door/the window.
In this case, you are not predicting anything, but offering yourself to do
T: Are you ready for a little grammar practice? Please, say yes!
Activity 7: Pair-work grammar practice (15’)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Aim: to allow Ss to practice the structure recently learned in pairs.
T will refer Ss to the following exercises in their coursebooks (page 80) and ask them to go over them
in pairs.
T will model the first two sentences from each exercise with the help of volunteers. Since this
practice will be carried out in pairs, it will not take longer than 5 minutes for Ss to finish.
T: You are going to work in pairs again, completing these exercises in no
more than five minutes. As soon as that time is over, we will check the three
tasks as a class.
Now, let’s make the first two sentences of each exercise together so that we
know exactly what to do and how to do it. I need volunteers…
As Ss work on their own, T will go round the classroom checking that each and every pair of Ss is
doing exactly as they have been told to do and providing assistance if necessary.
As soon as the allotted time is over, the class will provide feedback.
3. 2: I’ll shut the window.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
3.3: I’ll give you five pounds.
3.4: I’ll make you a sandwich.
3.5: I’ll drive you there!
4.2: People won’t live in big houses, They will live in small flats.
4.3: People won’t drive cars. They will travel in other ways.
4.4: Students will have lessons online. They won’t go to school.
4.5: People won’t buy books in a shop. They will read books online.
5.2: Will you make new friends this summer?
5.3: Will your parents buy a new car soon?
5.4: Will your mother make your favourite meal tonight?
T: Ok everybody, the class is almost over, so it is time to assign some
homework. Take note of the following:
Homework assignment: (10’)
Aim: To explain Ss what they will have to do at home in order to reinforce the language acquired
during this lesson.
Next Move 2 – Page 78 – Exercises 1 - 4
1) Match images to words.
2) Which words are not in the images?
3) Match the definitions to the words in exercise 1)
4) Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1)
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
As Ss take note of their homework, T will explain each task and model some examples so as to make
sure everybody understand what they have to do.
Right after checking that, class is dismissed.
Taller de Práctica Docente 2015
Lesson plan criteria Peer and Self-check Yes No
1 Heading Does the lesson plan heading include all the required information?
Has it been completed in Spanish?
2 Learning aims Are the aims for this lesson devised in terms of development of
language skills and language learning / acquisition?
Are they clearly written to explain what the learners will learn and
be able to do?
3 Teaching points Are there any new teaching points?
Are the teaching points aligned with the course syllabus and the
district curriculum?
Are they presented within a meaningful context?
4 Language focus chart Are the new and revision language items specified?
Are the new and revision language items related?
Is the pronunciation focus complete?
5 Teaching Approach Is the approach you chose suitable for your teaching context?
Are its aims and fundamentals coherent with the lesson aims?
6 Materials and
Does the lesson plan include all the required materials and
resources for this lesson?
Does it include handouts, links, video scripts and sample
Are these materials and resources coherently/adequately
included in the lesson plan?
7 Pedagogical use of ICT Does the lesson plan make meaningful pedagogical uses of ICT?
Does it include a contingency plan in case technology does not
8 Seating arrangement Does the seating arrangement foster communication and
interaction among teacher and peers? Is it coherent with the
lesson activities?
9 Cooperative work Does the lesson include instances of cooperative work among
students? Is there a set of guidelines and instructions for this work
to be carried out?
Does the lesson plan specify what kind of pedagogical mediation
the teacher will provide?
10 Possible language
difficulties and
possible solutions
Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous
lessons’ experiences and class observation?
Does the lesson plan allow for differentiation (instruction and
11 Possible lesson or
problems and their
possible solutions
Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous
lessons’ experiences and class observation?
Lesson development
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
12 Lesson stages Is the lesson plan organized in stages in accordance with the
approach or the method framing the lesson? Does it include a
warm-up, a development and a round-up or closure?
13 Lesson context and
Are the lesson context and content appealing to students? Are
they engaging? Is the context culturally relevant?
14 Lesson activities Is each activity sustained by a pedagogical purpose? Is each
activity related to a learning aim?
Do the activities allow for language exposure, exploration,
development of language awareness ?
15 Type of activities Is there a balance of activities that range from controlled practice
to freer communicative practice?
Do they facilitate integration of skills?
16 Transitions Does the lesson plan show a coherent flow of activities clearly
interconnected? Are there any comments or indicators that link
each activity or stage with the next one?
17 Language of
Are instructions written in a simple manner? Is there a set of
strategies to accompany the instructions and aid learner
18 Teaching strategies Is instruction aided by any teaching strategies such as…
- Modeling
- Exemplifying
- Showing
- Pointing
- Explaining
- Paraphrasing
- Miming
- Others?
19 Direct speech Are all instructions and possible anticipated dialogues written in
direct speech?
20 Homework Does the lesson plan include any task to do at home? Is the task
engaging? Will students feel motivated to perform it? Will the
students be in direct contact with the language? Will they share
their work with the class?
21 Active learning:
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Are many learning tasks addressing a higher level of Bloom’s
22 Grammar,
Appearance, and
Does the lesson plan effectively communicate to the intended
audience? Has it gone through proof-reading for grammar and
spelling mistakes?
Dear Gina
Excellent idea to give SS personal time to take notes and think before sharing with the whole class! Hope that
fosters L2 use in the SS.
Have a great class!
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
October 14th, 2015
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Organization 
Coherence and
Learning aims 
Stages 
Activities 
Teaching strategies 
Class. management
Language accuracy 
Observations Minimum score: 20 / 32
Score: 31 /32=10

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Unit 8 - Information and Communication Technology (Paper I).pdf

Moure secondary intermediate_lesson_plan1 - 10

  • 1. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Alumno practicante: Regina Moure Período de práctica: Secundaria Institución educativa: Instituto Marcelo Spínola – Nivel Primario. Dirección: Don Bosco 193 – Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz) Sala/Grado/Sección: Ciclo Orientado Cantidad de alumnos: 33 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Intermedio Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad temática: Make music. Clase Nº: 1 Fecha : Jueves 15 de octubre de 2015 Hora: de 7:20 a 9:30 Duración de la clase: 120’ Fecha de primera entrega: 14 de octubre de 2015 Teaching points: The world and history of music. Making predictions using WILL + Infinitive. Lesson Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will:  Be able to identify and name vocabulary related to music.  Be able to understand and make use of the structure WILL + Infinitive for making predictions.  Develop their speaking and listening abilities by taking part in short oral exchanges, listening to an audio-text and agreeing on the positions in a music-chart.  Develop their reading skill by getting detailed information from a text about the evolution of music and music business. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION Rev Greetings: -Hello! Bye-bye! -Good morning. - How are you today? Fine! -Come here! please. -Greeting -Following commands and/or instructions. -Agreeing/ Disagreeing. -Making suggestions WH questions and answers in the simple present: WH questions and answers in the simple past - Should + infinitive Comentario [R1]: Secundario Comentario [R2]: In L1? Comentario [R3]: In what context? Comentario [R4]: Please, include sample sentences.
  • 2. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 New Vocabulary related to music: album, digital music, pop chart, CD release, download, radio station, composer, hit, singer, concert, player, track. Making predictions: In the future, people will listen to music online. In the future, people won’t download music. Will + infinitive: -Affirmative, -Negative, -Interrogative Questions and answers employing modal verb WILL: Will (people) (buy) (books)? Recognition and production of the following sound in initial position: /w/ Will - What Teaching approach: Natural approach – PPP Materials and resources:  A board and pieces of chalk, white and coloured).  Flashcards made with images from internet: 56F1C939A11F419C.jpg atest?cb=20140216015710  A piece of construction paper containing the music hits/tracks suggested by Ss in the survey.  Next Move 2 – Student’s book (Pearson) – Pages 78-79  Next Move 2 (Pearson)- audio: Cd 3, track 2
  • 3. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Pedagogical use of ICT: There are no instances of ICT use during this first encounter. Seating arrangement: Ss sit in rows of two desks, which allows for pair and group work. Cooperative work: Ss will discuss and reach at an agreement on a music chart. Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour: Ss this age (between 15 and 17) do not display the type of disruptive behaviour this teacher usually faces or has faced with her own Ss or during the previous periods of practicum (kindergarten or primary). All the same, chances are that learners’ participation may decrease if the type of activities, their timing and variety do not suit Ss’ interests. Since this lesson and the following one will revolve around the topic of music, this T found it proper to design a survey for Ss to share their preferences as regards types of music, among other topics. These learners went over that survey last Thursday and the information collected from it provided this teacher with some clues to bear in mind at the time of planning this first encounter. It is expected that the majority of Ss feel inclined to take part in the activities suggested by this teacher. Potential problems students may have with the language: These learners are used to listening to their teacher making use of the target language during the lesson, especially at the beginning of the lesson and during the feedback stage of either homework or the activities Ss carry out in pairs. According to Professor Hurban (who is in charge of this group), Ss do not have any problems understanding spoken and written English, but avoid making use of it orally. Therefore, the main potential problem Ss may have with the language has to do precisely with their own use of it as a means for communication. What is more, Ss themselves mentioned this issue when completing the aforementioned survey. This teacher will try to provide as many opportunities as possible for them to employ the language, in an attempt to help them notice they are fully equipped to do so. Assessment: What will be assessed and how: Since this is our first encounter and Ss will be introduced to a partially-new lexical set (several words they will be learning today are already part of their everyday vocabulary due to Ss’ interaction with digital devices and the Internet), their level of participation will be the focus of attention. The idea is Comentario [R5]: Perhaps, they are shy, which implies that pair and group oral work may prove effective to promote interaction in L2.
  • 4. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 to get a better idea of the way they work in a different scenario from the one they are used to working. Skills integration: The four language skills will be integrated during this lesson. Routine (10 minutes) Aim: To comply with administrative tasks required by the institution and allow time for Prof. Hurban to collect the homework she assigned last class. T will receive Ss in the classroom and start going over the roll-call right after greeting them. At the same time, she will ask Ss to hand in their homework to Ms. Paola, who will be located at the back of the room observing this trainee-teacher ‘s performance. Once these tasks are over, T will proceed with her class. Transition: T: Do you remember the survey you filled in last class? (T shows the copies of the survey to Ss so as to convey meaning) Well, I read them all during the weekend and I found some of you had made a few questions about me and my way of teaching. So, I’d like to answer to them before starting the lesson. Activity 1 (10’) Aim: To establish rapport with the Ss. T: One of you asked: ¿Por qué decidió enseñar en secundario actualmente y no en primaria? Comentario [R6]: Check use of past continuous. Comentario [R7]: 
  • 5. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Actually, I AM teaching primary Ss here. I teach English to children from 1st grade to 3rd grade, just as I did with some of you. What I am doing here with you is a sort of practice. Ms. Paola and my tutors, my teachers from Lenguas Vivas in Bariloche will evaluate my performance. That is why this lesson is being recorded on video. They need to check if I am able to teach English to Secondary Ss. A mate of you also wanted to know the following: Me gustaría saber la forma en la que llevará la clase (…) I know you have already developed your own style of learning and interacting with your mates and teacher. I have no intentions of altering, modifying that but, since we are all different, my way of teaching includes making use of English as a means of communication within the classroom. Do not panic, please! This means I will be speaking English most of the time, not you! But if you feel like doing it, if you feel comfortable speaking English, go ahead!! I know English is not an easy subject. I had my own problems when I was a teenage student like you. Pronunciation was one of them, especially because my teachers did not pay much attention to it. But I saw you working with Ms. Paola, when you go over those exercises in which you read a dialogue from the last word to the first one. That is great to get the right intonation pattern of the English language. Besides, that I speak, or at least try to speak as much English as possible during this and the upcoming lessons will be of help for you to relax and start speaking English more freely. Transition: Comentario [R8]: At present? Check meaning of actually. Comentario [RM9]: Yes! I teach English to 1st , 2nd and 3rd graders at the same institution.
  • 6. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 T: …and speaking about our lessons, I think we should start right now. Don’t you think? Presentation ( 10’) Aim: To introduce the vocabulary related to the topic of the lesson according to the set syllabus. Instances of incidental vocabulary learning are also expected. T: As I told you last class, today we are going to learn a bit more about music as an art product as well as all the business related to it. So, I’d like you to look at the following images/pictures (T shows a set of flashcards) and take notes about what these images “say” to you. For instance, take a look at the first one: What are all these images? Pictures of ….? Ss: (Albums – tapas de discos1 ) T: Right, these are albums. Let me write that under the picture. 1 Chances are Ss make use of L1. Comentario [R10]: The lesson had already started…
  • 7. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (T writes the word “album(s)”) That’s the way you have to analyze the remaining pictures. You can do this in pairs if you like. As soon as I finish placing the pictures on the board, you will have 5 minutes to go over this task. Then, we will come back here to share what you have noted down. Is it clear? Can anyone, any volunteer explain what you have to do? At this point, T will wait a few seconds for any spontaneous response from the Ss. If that does not happen, T will nominate one of them. After that, T will display the following pictures on the board: (Digital music)
  • 8. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (Pop Chart) (CD release)
  • 9. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (composer(s) (radio station)
  • 10. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (hit(s) (singer)
  • 11. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (concert) (playlist) ( track)
  • 12. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (download) As soon as the allotted time is over, T will ask Ss for feedback: T: All right! Time’s up, everybody! We have already discussed the first picture, albums, now let’s move on to the second one. What ideas came to your minds when you saw this picture? T and Ss will go on like that until the whole lexical set is covered, paying attention to spelling and pronunciation and trying to make connection among the words. When a student or group of Ss mentions a word/description/phrase, T will ask the rest of the class whether they agree with them or not, for instance: S1: (writer) instead of composer T: Ok, writer(s). Do you agree on this? The person who writes a song, either the lyrics or the music is a writer? S2: (No) (I think that ….) This type of oral exchange will help Ss get ready for the next task. Once Ss and T have finished working with the new vocabulary and Ss have taken notes on their folders/notebooks, T will say the following:
  • 13. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Transition: T: Well, it seems we are done here!. You know, in the surveys you completed last Thursday, you mentioned several songs, all of them being your favourite ones. Look, I have the list here… (T shows the list to Ss and places it on the board) Activity 1: (15’: 2’ for explanation + 8’ discussion within the groups + 5’ whole-class feedback) Aim: To allow Ss to make use of the new lexical set performing a function they already know (agreeing/disagreeing). To provide Ss with an extra instance of listening and speaking practice. After asking Ss to read the names of the songs and their interpreters, T will proceed to explain this second activity: T: Ok, thanks a lot! Now, I’d like you to work in groups of four. Make the groups right where you are, either with your mates in front of you or those behind you. Turn the tables around if you want to. (T will resort to gestures to convey meaning) The goal here is that you design your own Top-Ten chart with the songs you suggested last class. Let me show you how. (Marianella), which song do you think should be in 1st position? S1: (Back in Black). T: Ok, let’s ask your group mates. What do you think about that, (Jere)? Do you agree on (Back in Black) in 1st position? S2: Yes, I agree/ No, I don’t/ I disagree T: And what about (Rombai)? Where should you place Rombai in your chart? 2nd ? 3rd ? Go over all the hits here and create your chart. You’ll have 10 minutes to do that. Remember to take notes in your folders because you will have to share your chart with all of us later. Comentario [R11]: This should be included in the plan.
  • 14. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Is it clear? Yes? No? Anyone can explain what you’ll have to do? After all Ss have understood the task, they will start working on the chart. As they do so, T will go round the classroom paying attention to the way they interact and whether they make use of the target language. When time is over, T will ask for feedback, providing ss with extra oral practice. Transition: T: Well done, everybody! So far, we have seen that music occupies an important place in our lives and we can have access to it very easily today…But, do you think it has always been like this? Activity 2: Pre-reading (5’) Aim: To activate Ss’ schemata with the help of the images accompanying the article about the history of music they have in their coursebook. T will ask Ss to open their coursebooks at page 79 in order to read the title of the article. T: Please, open your books at page 79. Look at the images and read the title of the text. Can anybody read it aloud? S1: “The history of music”. T: Thanks! So, What do you think we are going to read about? You have three options there, in exercise 1. Who can read those options? S2: Famous musicians of the past. Changing music technology. A new pop band. T: Thanks again. Which is, according to you, the topic of this article? 1, 2 or 3? Choose one of the options and draw a circle around it. Transition: Now it is time to check your predictions
  • 15. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Activity 3: While –Reading activity (10’) Aim: To have Ss reading a short article in order to check the predictions made in the prior stage. T: Please, take 5 minutes to read the article up to the word “playlist”. Do it quietly so you can check your prediction. (image taken from “Next Move 2” (Pearson publishing) Ss will read up to the word “playlist” and then they will tell whether their predictions were right or not. KEY: The text is about “Changing music technology” (option 2)
  • 16. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Transition: T: So the text is about the way music technology has changed over time. Now you are going to read and also listen to the whole text, including the speech bubbles at the bottom. Activity 4: After Reading/ Listening (15’) Aim: To expose Ss to the read-aloud version of the article so that they can get extra oral input to reinforce their speaking skill. Ss will listen to the audio provided with the coursebook in which they can appreciate the rendition of a native speaker of the language and all the supra-segmental features that give the English language its rhythm and stress. After Ss have listened to the audio, they will carry out Exercise 3 (true – false activity) from their coursebook in pairs. Before they start, T will ask individual Ss to read the sentences aloud. T: Now we are going to do exercise 3. It is a true-false task and you will have to carry it out in pairs, with the mate sitting next to you. But before you start, I need volunteers to read the first sentence aloud. (Anabel)? S1: In the eighteenth century, all rich people had orchestras. T may repeat the sentence in case S’ pronunciation was not accurate, or ask the student for clarification, in an attempt to make him/her aware of the importance of reading loud and clear so everybody can understand. T: Thanks! As you can see in your books, that sentence is… Ss: False T: Right, it is false because rich people SOMETIMES had their own orchestras. Please, go over the remaining six sentences, indicating whether they are true or false. Correct false sentences so that they become true. Is it clear? Yes/no? As usual, T will ask for any volunteer Ss to explain the activity so as to check Ss’ comprehension of the task.
  • 17. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 T: You have 5 minutes to do this. Then we will come back here to check the task all together. (Next Move 2, page 79 – Pearson) Key: 2) true 3) true 4) false (CDs became popular in the late twentieth century) 5) true 6) true 7) false (He thinks people will listen to music, but also re-mix it with computer software so it is new). As soon as the allotted time is over, T will ask Ss for feedback. Transition: T: Well done, everybody! Now, I’d like you to focus on the predictions these people made about music technology in the future. Activity 5: Language focus (15’)
  • 18. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Aim: To introduce the structure Will + infinitive to make predictions. T and Ss will go over the four speech bubbles. T will read each statement aloud for Ss to repeat, paying attention to stress and intonation. Right after reading the sentences, T will proceed to raise Ss’ awareness on the structure employed by these people to predict the future of music technology. T: What do you think? Do all these people say something about the history or the future of music? Ss: (future)! T: That’s correct! Let’s take the first one, by Dan Riley: Can anybody read it aloud? And anybody else write it on the board? S1: (Our clothes will play music when we move or when people touch them) (S2 writes the sentence on the board) T: Does this man refer to the present? Do our clothes play music when we move or when we touch them? Ss:No! T: Is that happening now, at the present? Ss: No! T: When will that happen? Ss: In the future. T: In the future! When we want to predict, to say what we think will happen in the future , we use this structure Will + infinitive. Can you spot that structure in the sentence? Can anybody come here to the board to underline it? ( a student comes to the board and underlines the auxiliary and the verb)
  • 19. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Our clothes will play music when we move or when people touch them. T: What will play music when we move or when people touch them?? Ss: Our clothes! T: In this case, the phrase “Our clothes” is the subject of the sentence. If we follow the type of patterns you have been using with your teacher, we can say that the structure, in the affirmative will be made of: Ss: Pronoun/somebody/something + will + verb in the infinitive. T: Ok…can you find any example of that structure in the other predictions? At this point, the only examples available are instances of pronoun + ‘ll + infinitive. Ss may notice these sentences and provide them as examples based on their prior knowledge of the use of contractions in positive sentences. Ss: (We’ll speak to the media players…..) T: Ok. Is that the same type of prediction as the one we saw before? Ss: yes, but there is the use of a contracted form…a short form. T: So, if I say We will speak to the media or We’ll speak to the media player….Am I saying, meaning the same? Ss: yes! T: Ok, so in positive, affirmative predictions the structure is: Ss: Pronoun + will / ‘ll + infinitive. T: And if I want to make a negative prediction, saying what I think will not happen? What should I add? Ss: (Not) T:Where? Ss: after Will
  • 20. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 T: therefore, my original sentence will turn into: Our clothes will not play music when we move or when people touch them. Do you agree on this? Ss: yes! T: Can you please look at the other predictions and check if this is correct or if there is any contraction for WILL NOT? Ss: Won’t T: Won’t! great! So this sentence will be: Our clothes WON’T play music when we move or when people touch them. T: So far, it is very much the same to other structures you have learned. How do you think we can make the interrogative form? The affirmative is: Our clothes will play music when we move or when people touch them. The negative: Our clothes will not /WON’T play music when we move or when people touch them. The interrogative? Ss: WILL our clothes play music when we move or when people touch them ? T: Right, we only have to move WILL to the initial position. Great! Can you please take note of this in your folders? T will draw the following chart on the board for Ss to copy and complete: Comentario [R12]: Perhaps, a different example may be used. Using the same one for affirmative and negative statements may be confusing from the point of view of meaning.
  • 21. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Making predictions about the future: Affirmative Negative Interrogative Transition: T: Are we 100% sure these things are going to happen? Activity 6: Reflecting on the use of WILL (5’) Aim: To help Ss differentiate the use of the new structure from those they have already learned to refer to future plans. To introduce the use of WILL to make offers. Ss: No! T: Aha! We are not sure about clothes playing music when we move, but there’s a possibility that may happen in the future with all this rapid evolution in technology. That is why we say we predict something. Predictions are not 100% sure and we use this structure Will + infinitive to make predictions. But there is another use for it. Will + infinitive help us to make offers. For instance, If I say: Oh, God! It is so hot in here…some of you may stand up and say: I´ll open the door/the window. In this case, you are not predicting anything, but offering yourself to do something. Transition: T: Are you ready for a little grammar practice? Please, say yes! Activity 7: Pair-work grammar practice (15’)
  • 22. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Aim: to allow Ss to practice the structure recently learned in pairs. T will refer Ss to the following exercises in their coursebooks (page 80) and ask them to go over them in pairs. T will model the first two sentences from each exercise with the help of volunteers. Since this practice will be carried out in pairs, it will not take longer than 5 minutes for Ss to finish. T: You are going to work in pairs again, completing these exercises in no more than five minutes. As soon as that time is over, we will check the three tasks as a class. Now, let’s make the first two sentences of each exercise together so that we know exactly what to do and how to do it. I need volunteers… As Ss work on their own, T will go round the classroom checking that each and every pair of Ss is doing exactly as they have been told to do and providing assistance if necessary. As soon as the allotted time is over, the class will provide feedback. Key: 3. 2: I’ll shut the window.
  • 23. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 3.3: I’ll give you five pounds. 3.4: I’ll make you a sandwich. 3.5: I’ll drive you there! 4.2: People won’t live in big houses, They will live in small flats. 4.3: People won’t drive cars. They will travel in other ways. 4.4: Students will have lessons online. They won’t go to school. 4.5: People won’t buy books in a shop. They will read books online. 5.2: Will you make new friends this summer? 5.3: Will your parents buy a new car soon? 5.4: Will your mother make your favourite meal tonight? Transition: T: Ok everybody, the class is almost over, so it is time to assign some homework. Take note of the following: Homework assignment: (10’) Aim: To explain Ss what they will have to do at home in order to reinforce the language acquired during this lesson. Next Move 2 – Page 78 – Exercises 1 - 4 1) Match images to words. 2) Which words are not in the images? 3) Match the definitions to the words in exercise 1) 4) Complete the sentences with the words in exercise 1)
  • 24. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 As Ss take note of their homework, T will explain each task and model some examples so as to make sure everybody understand what they have to do. Right after checking that, class is dismissed. Taller de Práctica Docente 2015 Lesson plan criteria Peer and Self-check Yes No 1 Heading Does the lesson plan heading include all the required information? Has it been completed in Spanish?  2 Learning aims Are the aims for this lesson devised in terms of development of language skills and language learning / acquisition? Are they clearly written to explain what the learners will learn and be able to do?  3 Teaching points Are there any new teaching points? Are the teaching points aligned with the course syllabus and the district curriculum? Are they presented within a meaningful context?  4 Language focus chart Are the new and revision language items specified? Are the new and revision language items related? Is the pronunciation focus complete?  5 Teaching Approach Is the approach you chose suitable for your teaching context? Are its aims and fundamentals coherent with the lesson aims?  6 Materials and resources Does the lesson plan include all the required materials and resources for this lesson? Does it include handouts, links, video scripts and sample flashcards? Are these materials and resources coherently/adequately included in the lesson plan?  7 Pedagogical use of ICT Does the lesson plan make meaningful pedagogical uses of ICT? Does it include a contingency plan in case technology does not work?  8 Seating arrangement Does the seating arrangement foster communication and interaction among teacher and peers? Is it coherent with the lesson activities?  9 Cooperative work Does the lesson include instances of cooperative work among students? Is there a set of guidelines and instructions for this work to be carried out? Does the lesson plan specify what kind of pedagogical mediation the teacher will provide?  10 Possible language difficulties and possible solutions Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous lessons’ experiences and class observation? Does the lesson plan allow for differentiation (instruction and assessment)?  11 Possible lesson or classroom management problems and their possible solutions Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous lessons’ experiences and class observation?  Lesson development
  • 25. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 12 Lesson stages Is the lesson plan organized in stages in accordance with the approach or the method framing the lesson? Does it include a warm-up, a development and a round-up or closure?  13 Lesson context and content Are the lesson context and content appealing to students? Are they engaging? Is the context culturally relevant?  14 Lesson activities Is each activity sustained by a pedagogical purpose? Is each activity related to a learning aim? Do the activities allow for language exposure, exploration, development of language awareness ?  15 Type of activities Is there a balance of activities that range from controlled practice to freer communicative practice? Do they facilitate integration of skills?  16 Transitions Does the lesson plan show a coherent flow of activities clearly interconnected? Are there any comments or indicators that link each activity or stage with the next one?  17 Language of instructions Are instructions written in a simple manner? Is there a set of strategies to accompany the instructions and aid learner comprehension?  18 Teaching strategies Is instruction aided by any teaching strategies such as… - Modeling - Exemplifying - Showing - Pointing - Explaining - Paraphrasing - Miming - Others?  19 Direct speech Are all instructions and possible anticipated dialogues written in direct speech?  20 Homework Does the lesson plan include any task to do at home? Is the task engaging? Will students feel motivated to perform it? Will the students be in direct contact with the language? Will they share their work with the class?  21 Active learning: Bloom’s Taxonomy 2001 Are many learning tasks addressing a higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy?  22 Grammar, Appearance, and Language Does the lesson plan effectively communicate to the intended audience? Has it gone through proof-reading for grammar and spelling mistakes?  Observations: Dear Gina Excellent idea to give SS personal time to take notes and think before sharing with the whole class! Hope that fosters L2 use in the SS. Have a great class! Cecilia
  • 26. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain October 14th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Lesson plan component Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Organization  Coherence and sequencing  Learning aims  Stages  Activities  Teaching strategies  Class. management strategies  Language accuracy  Observations Minimum score: 20 / 32 Score: 31 /32=10