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Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
Alumno practicante: Regina Moure
Período de práctica: Primaria
Institución educativa: Instituto Marcelo Spínola – Nivel Primario.
Dirección: Don Bosco 193 – Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz)
Sala/Grado/Sección: 5° grados Reina de la Paz/ Inmaculada Concepción
Cantidad de alumnos: 27
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Básico
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad temática: Alimentos.
Clase Nº: 1
Fecha : Miércoles 2 de septiembre de 2015
Hora: 5° Reina – de 14:00 a 14:40
5° Inmaculada – de 14:40 a 15:20
Duración de la clase: 40’
Fecha de primera entrega: 30 de Agosto de 2015
Teaching points: Healthy eating - Comparatives – more than/ less than.
Lesson Aims:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will:
 Be able to identify and name drinks.
 Be able to compare and express the amounts of sugar in different drinks.
 Develop their reading skill by getting detailed information from a text.
 Develop their speaking and listening abilities by taking part in short oral exchanges.
 Develop their critical thinking by transferring information from a text to a table, ordering
items following a set criterion and providing explanations for their choice.
Language Focus:
Rev Greetings:
-Hello! Bye-bye!
-Good afternoon.
- How are you
today? Fine!
-Stand up
-Sit down!
-Come here! +
WH questions and
answers in the simple
- What’s this?
- How much
(sugar) is there
in (a glass of
isn’t (any)
- There are ….
Recognition of
the following
sounds in initial
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
Cola, lemonade,
orange juice,
New Adjectives:
More – Less
Sweet tea –
Sports drink -
orange soda.
A bottle of….
a glass of…..
(one) teaspoon of
Giving reasons –
Explaining facts.
WH questions and
answers in the present
- Why (isn’t)
(Cola) a
- Because…..
There is (more/ less)
sugar in …….than
Recognition of
the following
sound in initial
that/these/ this
Recognition of
/r/ in final
position (not
followed by a
more /mɔː/
Teaching approach: Natural approach – CBL - CLIL
Materials and resources:
 A board and chalks (white and coloured).
 A poster with the list of food items from the previous class.
 A poster showing the amounts of sugar in different types of drinks
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
(image taken and adapted from
 Flashcards of the different types of drinks made with the images from the poster above.
 2 handouts per Student. (see appendix)
 A teaspoon.
Pedagogical use of ICT: There are not any instances of ICT use during this first encounter
Seating arrangement:
Ss sit in rows of two desks, which allows for pair-work.
Cooperative work: Although Ss will be working in pairs during some of the stages of this lesson, that
will not be considered as cooperative work.
Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour:
Ss who do not feel confident enough about their use of the language may get bored easily and start
playing with their school supplies. T will pay attention to this, doing her best to encourage Ss to take
part in the different activities suggested.
Potential problems students may have with the language: These groups of Ss are used to listening
to their teacher speak English for most of the lesson, although she also provides them with the
Spanish equivalent to her words and phrases. This strategy is mainly employed to support those Ss
who are not confident enough and require some kind of reassurance of what they hear.
During this lesson and the following ones, this T will try to resort to other strategies (miming, use of
intonation, body language, similes and pictures) so that translation into the Ss’ L1 is avoided.
In addition, Ss will be encouraged to make use of the target language as much as they can.
Assessment: What will be assessed and how: Since the teaching point of this lesson is related to a
specific structure in the target language, T will focus her attention on Ss’ understanding of how to
make comparisons
Warm- up (5 minutes)
Aim: To connect the lesson of the day with what Ss did in the previous encounter.
Comentario [R1]: Yes!
Comentario [R2]: Excellent!
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
After greeting the Ss with a warm “Good afternoon” and telling them to sit down, T will put the
“Party list” from the previous lesson on the board as she says the following:
T: Do you remember that Ms. Mónica and I were organizing a party? Yes?
Well, we want it to be a HEALTHY party.
(T writes the word “healthy” on the board)
So, I think, we should look at this list again,
(T points at the several items in the list)
and check what is healthy, that is good for your body, and what is not.
For instance….let’s look at the DRINKS. Are there any drinks on the list?
Ss: (cola – lemonade-orange juice-water)
T: Ok, we’ve got (cola- lemonade- ….). Which of these are healthy? Help me,
At that moment, T will draw the following chart on the board:
T will also guide the activity:
T: Let’s start with Cola. Is Cola a healthy drink? Is it good for your body?
What do you think?
Ss: (No) (it isn’t)
T: Ok, Cola is not a healthy drink. Do you know why? Why isn’t Cola a
healthy drink?
Comentario [R3]: on
Comentario [R4]: Unhealthy?
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
At this time some Ss are likely to give their answers in L1. T will ask them to repeat their answer in
English by using phrases like: Sorry? Can you say that again in English?, in combination with a rise in
her intonation.
Ss’ possible answers:
T: Cola is not a healthy drink BECAUSE there is TOO MUCH sugar in it.
T: How about orange juice? And lemonade? How much sugar is there in a
glass of orange juice?
(T shows the corresponding flashcard to the Ss)
Activity 1: Pre-reading task (5’)
Aim: To have Ss making predictions before getting the actual information
T will show the following handout to Ss and proceed to explain the task. In the meantime, one of the
Ss will be distributing the copies.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
T: Now, I need you to complete this list of sugary drinks.
Which drink has more sugar in it? We all agreed it is Cola, so Cola is #1.
What about # 2? Water, lemonade, orange juice?
Complete your list and then compare it with your mate, the one sitting next
to you.
Please, use a black pencil, NOT A PEN…We might have to modify the list later.
(T shows the two elements and uses gestures to make her message clear enough)
T: So, what do you have to do? Can anyone tell me and the others?
(T checks Ss’ comprehension of the prompt) Comentario [R5]: Great! Will they
complete the first column? The second
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
That’s great! Are you ready? Start!
As Ss work on their own, T will visit one of the rows of Ss since the time available is rather short. The
remaining rows will be visited during the upcoming tasks.
Once the allotted time is over, T will ask Ss for feedback:
T: So, which isare, according to you, the drinks containing MORE sugar in it
THAN the others?
(T draws the + symbol as she says MORE)
As Ss share their opinions, T will ask for volunteers to put the drinks pictures on the board in order.
T: Well, so far, this is YOUR idea about these drinks. Now I want you to look
at the following poster.
Activity 2: Reading ( 8’)
Aim: To show Ss how to read information from an image and help them check their hypothesis.
T will put the mentioned poster on the board for Ss to check their predictions.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
T: Here you have an approximation of how much sugar there is in these
Can you find our drinks here?
Ss: (yes! – Cola, lemonade, orange juice)
T: Right, but there is one missing? One of our drinks is not here…which is it?
Ss: (Water)
T: Water is not in this list. Why? Why isn’t water here?
Ss: (There is) (no/not) (any sugar) (in water)
T: Right! Water isn’t here BECAUSE there is not any sugar in water. Water
isn’t a sugary drink.
Now, please, compare the information here with our list of sugary drinks. Do
we have to change anything from here?
(T points at the flashcards arranged on the board)
After confirming or modifying the Ss’ original list on the board T will continue saying:
T: As you can see there are more drinks here on this list.
For instance, Sports drink…Do you know any sports drinks?
Ss: (Gatorade/powerade)
T: How much sugar is there in a bottle of sports drink? Here it says there are 2
teaspoons of sugar.
You’ll see, 2 of this teaspoon full of sugar into the bottle.
How about sweet tea, iced-tea?
How much sugar is there in a glass of sweet tea?
Ss: (eight)
T: eight teaspoons of sugar.
How much sugar is there in this drink?
Comentario [R6]: on
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
Ss: eight teaspoons of sugar.
T: There are eight teaspoons of sugar in a glass of sweet tea.
(T writes the sentence on the board for Ss to read)
T: Can you read this, please?
T may encourage choral reading or nominate Ss to read the sentence. Then, T and Ss will go on like
that until they have covered the whole poster.
Chances are that some Ss may want to come to the board to write the sentences. If that is the case,
T will ensure a tidy deployment of the board space, re –arranging the images/posters if necessary.
T: Well, I think we have to write our list of sugary drinks again!
(T makes a gesture with her hands)
Activity 3: After reading activity (5’)
Aim: To have Ss transferring the information they got from the poster into a table, following a
specific criterion (quantity of sugar)
Ss will re –arrange the items in their handouts and add the information related to the amount of
sugar in each type of drink.
Once they’ve finished, they will compare lists with a mate, before whole class correction.
1 ORANGE SODA 13 teaspoons of sugar.
2 COLA 10 teaspoons of sugar.
3 SWEET TEA 8 teaspoons of sugar.
4 ORANGE JUICE 7 teaspoons of sugar.
5 LEMONADE 6 teaspoons of sugar.
6 SPORTS DRINK 2 teaspoons of sugar.
Comentario [R7]: Yes!!
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
T: Well done, everybody! Now, are you ready for a True- False activity?
Activity 4: True – false (8’)
Aim: To provide Ss with extra reading practice at the time they are exposed to the structure
“more/less ….than” in order to raise their awareness about its use.
Ss will receive the following handout. After asking Ss what they think they’d have to do, T will say the
T: Here you will have to read the statements and say if they are true or false.
Look at the example:
There is more sugar in a glass of water than in a glass of cola.
That statement is false (F) BECAUSE there is LESS sugar in a glass of water
than in a glass of Cola.
( T writes the symbols + and – next to each word on the board)
Actually, there isn’t any sugar in water.
Ss will have 3 minutes to go over the task.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
The activity will be checked as a class, asking volunteers to read the statements aloud so everybody
can say whether they are true or not.
T: Great job, everybody!
Closure : (5’)
Aim: To close the lesson relating the new knowledge acquired with the situation at the beginning
of the lesson.
T: So, today we have learned how much sugar there is in those drinks we
have almost every day.
Comentario [R8]: Remember that the
answer key must be included in the plan.
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
Now, coming back to the party Ms Mónica and I are organizing…
Which of these drinks should we delete, cross out from the list if we want to
have a healthy party?
Lemonade, orange juice, cola or water?
Ss: Cola!
T: Cola! BECAUSE there is MORE sugar in cola drinks than in the other three.
So, No cola drinks for our healthy party.
Thank you very much! See you tomorrow!
Ss paste the handouts in their folders before the class is over.
Taller de Práctica Docente 2015
Lesson plan criteria Peer and Self-check Yes No
1 Heading Does the lesson plan heading include all the required information?
Has it been completed in Spanish?
2 Learning aims Are the aims for this lesson devised in terms of development of
language skills and language learning / acquisition?
Are they clearly written to explain what the learners will learn and
be able to do?
3 Teaching points Are there any new teaching points?
Are the teaching points aligned with the course syllabus and the
district curriculum?
Are they presented within a meaningful context?
4 Language focus chart Are the new and revision language items specified?
Are the new and revision language items related?
Is the pronunciation focus complete?
5 Teaching Approach Is the approach you chose suitable for your teaching context?
Are its aims and fundamentals coherent with the lesson aims?
6 Materials and
Does the lesson plan include all the required materials and
resources for this lesson?
Does it include handouts, links, video scripts and sample
Are these materials and resources coherently/adequately
included in the lesson plan?
7 Pedagogical use of ICT Does the lesson plan make meaningful pedagogical uses of ICT?
Does it include a contingency plan in case technology does not
8 Seating arrangement Does the seating arrangement foster communication and 
Comentario [R9]: 
Comentario [R10]: Will they include
the date and a title?
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
interaction among teacher and peers? Is it coherent with the
lesson activities?
9 Cooperative work Does the lesson include instances of cooperative work among
students? Is there a set of guidelines and instructions for this work
to be carried out?
Does the lesson plan specify what kind of pedagogical mediation
the teacher will provide?
10 Possible language
difficulties and
possible solutions
Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous
lessons’ experiences and class observation?
Does the lesson plan allow for differentiation (instruction and
11 Possible lesson or
problems and their
possible solutions
Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous
lessons’ experiences and class observation?
Lesson development
12 Lesson stages Is the lesson plan organized in stages in accordance with the
approach or the method framing the lesson? Does it include a
warm-up, a development and a round-up or closure?
13 Lesson context and
Are the lesson context and content appealing to students? Are
they engaging? Is the context culturally relevant?
14 Lesson activities Is each activity sustained by a pedagogical purpose? Is each
activity related to a learning aim?
Do the activities allow for language exposure, exploration,
development of language awareness ?
15 Type of activities Is there a balance of activities that range from controlled practice
to freer communicative practice?
Do they facilitate integration of skills?
16 Transitions Does the lesson plan show a coherent flow of activities clearly
interconnected? Are there any comments or indicators that link
each activity or stage with the next one?
17 Language of
Are instructions written in a simple manner? Is there a set of
strategies to accompany the instructions and aid learner
18 Teaching strategies Is instruction aided by any teaching strategies such as…
- Modeling
- Exemplifying
- Showing
- Pointing
- Explaining
- Paraphrasing
- Miming
- Others?
19 Direct speech Are all instructions and possible anticipated dialogues written in
direct speech?
20 Homework Does the lesson plan include any task to do at home? Is the task
engaging? Will students feel motivated to perform it? Will the
students be in direct contact with the language? Will they share
their work with the class?
Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure
Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain
August 30th, 2015
21 Active learning:
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Are many learning tasks addressing a higher level of Bloom’s
22 Grammar,
Appearance, and
Does the lesson plan effectively communicate to the intended
audience? Has it gone through proof-reading for grammar and
spelling mistakes?
Dear Gina
You have chosen a really meaningful context to teach this lesson. Skills are integrated, though the reading
task is quite simple. I am sure you will gradually provide more complex materials as your practicum unfolds.
What about homework?
Have a great start! A pleasure to read your plans. 
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Organization 
Coherence and
Learning aims 
Stages 
Activities 
Teaching strategies 
Class. management
Language accuracy 
Observations Minimum score: 20 / 32
Score: 32 /32=10

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Moure primary 5thgrade_lesson_plan1_week1-10

  • 1. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Alumno practicante: Regina Moure Período de práctica: Primaria Institución educativa: Instituto Marcelo Spínola – Nivel Primario. Dirección: Don Bosco 193 – Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz) Sala/Grado/Sección: 5° grados Reina de la Paz/ Inmaculada Concepción Cantidad de alumnos: 27 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Básico Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad temática: Alimentos. Clase Nº: 1 Fecha : Miércoles 2 de septiembre de 2015 Hora: 5° Reina – de 14:00 a 14:40 5° Inmaculada – de 14:40 a 15:20 Duración de la clase: 40’ Fecha de primera entrega: 30 de Agosto de 2015 Teaching points: Healthy eating - Comparatives – more than/ less than. Lesson Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will:  Be able to identify and name drinks.  Be able to compare and express the amounts of sugar in different drinks.  Develop their reading skill by getting detailed information from a text.  Develop their speaking and listening abilities by taking part in short oral exchanges.  Develop their critical thinking by transferring information from a text to a table, ordering items following a set criterion and providing explanations for their choice. Language Focus: LEXIS FUNCTION STRUCTURE PRONUNCIATION Rev Greetings: -Hello! Bye-bye! -Good afternoon. - How are you today? Fine! Numbers: 1-20 Commands: -Stand up -Sit down! -Come here! + please. Adjective: -Greeting. -Counting. -Following commands and/or instructions. WH questions and answers in the simple present: - What’s this? - How much (sugar) is there in (a glass of cola)? There is…../there isn’t (any) (sugar) - There are …. Recognition of the following sounds in initial position: /h/ how
  • 2. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Healthy Drinks: Cola, lemonade, orange juice, water. Other: Sugar New Adjectives: Sugary Adverbs: More – Less Drinks: Sweet tea – Sports drink - orange soda. Others: A bottle of…. a glass of….. (one) teaspoon of (sugar) Giving reasons – Explaining facts. Making comparisons WH questions and answers in the present simple: - Why (isn’t) (Cola) a (healthy) drink? - Because….. Comparisons: There is (more/ less) sugar in …….than in……….. Recognition of the following sound in initial position: /ð/ Than/ that/these/ this Recognition of /r/ in final position (not followed by a vowel): more /mɔː/ Teaching approach: Natural approach – CBL - CLIL Materials and resources:  A board and chalks (white and coloured).  A poster with the list of food items from the previous class.  A poster showing the amounts of sugar in different types of drinks
  • 3. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 (image taken and adapted from might-be-drinking-daily-A12334)  Flashcards of the different types of drinks made with the images from the poster above.  2 handouts per Student. (see appendix)  A teaspoon. Pedagogical use of ICT: There are not any instances of ICT use during this first encounter Seating arrangement: Ss sit in rows of two desks, which allows for pair-work. Cooperative work: Although Ss will be working in pairs during some of the stages of this lesson, that will not be considered as cooperative work. Possible problems and possible solutions regarding behaviour: Ss who do not feel confident enough about their use of the language may get bored easily and start playing with their school supplies. T will pay attention to this, doing her best to encourage Ss to take part in the different activities suggested. Potential problems students may have with the language: These groups of Ss are used to listening to their teacher speak English for most of the lesson, although she also provides them with the Spanish equivalent to her words and phrases. This strategy is mainly employed to support those Ss who are not confident enough and require some kind of reassurance of what they hear. During this lesson and the following ones, this T will try to resort to other strategies (miming, use of intonation, body language, similes and pictures) so that translation into the Ss’ L1 is avoided. In addition, Ss will be encouraged to make use of the target language as much as they can. Assessment: What will be assessed and how: Since the teaching point of this lesson is related to a specific structure in the target language, T will focus her attention on Ss’ understanding of how to make comparisons Warm- up (5 minutes) Aim: To connect the lesson of the day with what Ss did in the previous encounter. Comentario [R1]: Yes! Comentario [R2]: Excellent!
  • 4. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 After greeting the Ss with a warm “Good afternoon” and telling them to sit down, T will put the “Party list” from the previous lesson on the board as she says the following: T: Do you remember that Ms. Mónica and I were organizing a party? Yes? Well, we want it to be a HEALTHY party. (T writes the word “healthy” on the board) So, I think, we should look at this list again, (T points at the several items in the list) and check what is healthy, that is good for your body, and what is not. For instance….let’s look at the DRINKS. Are there any drinks on the list? Anyone? Ss: (cola – lemonade-orange juice-water) T: Ok, we’ve got (cola- lemonade- ….). Which of these are healthy? Help me, please. At that moment, T will draw the following chart on the board: NOT HEALTHY HEALTHY T will also guide the activity: T: Let’s start with Cola. Is Cola a healthy drink? Is it good for your body? What do you think? Ss: (No) (it isn’t) T: Ok, Cola is not a healthy drink. Do you know why? Why isn’t Cola a healthy drink? Comentario [R3]: on Comentario [R4]: Unhealthy?
  • 5. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 At this time some Ss are likely to give their answers in L1. T will ask them to repeat their answer in English by using phrases like: Sorry? Can you say that again in English?, in combination with a rise in her intonation. Ss’ possible answers: Sugar T: Cola is not a healthy drink BECAUSE there is TOO MUCH sugar in it. Transition: T: How about orange juice? And lemonade? How much sugar is there in a glass of orange juice? (T shows the corresponding flashcard to the Ss) Activity 1: Pre-reading task (5’) Aim: To have Ss making predictions before getting the actual information T will show the following handout to Ss and proceed to explain the task. In the meantime, one of the Ss will be distributing the copies.
  • 6. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 T: Now, I need you to complete this list of sugary drinks. Which drink has more sugar in it? We all agreed it is Cola, so Cola is #1. What about # 2? Water, lemonade, orange juice? Complete your list and then compare it with your mate, the one sitting next to you. Please, use a black pencil, NOT A PEN…We might have to modify the list later. (T shows the two elements and uses gestures to make her message clear enough) T: So, what do you have to do? Can anyone tell me and the others? (T checks Ss’ comprehension of the prompt) Comentario [R5]: Great! Will they complete the first column? The second one?
  • 7. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 That’s great! Are you ready? Start! As Ss work on their own, T will visit one of the rows of Ss since the time available is rather short. The remaining rows will be visited during the upcoming tasks. Once the allotted time is over, T will ask Ss for feedback: T: So, which isare, according to you, the drinks containing MORE sugar in it THAN the others? (T draws the + symbol as she says MORE) As Ss share their opinions, T will ask for volunteers to put the drinks pictures on the board in order. Transition: T: Well, so far, this is YOUR idea about these drinks. Now I want you to look at the following poster. Activity 2: Reading ( 8’) Aim: To show Ss how to read information from an image and help them check their hypothesis. T will put the mentioned poster on the board for Ss to check their predictions.
  • 8. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 T: Here you have an approximation of how much sugar there is in these drinks. Can you find our drinks here? Ss: (yes! – Cola, lemonade, orange juice) T: Right, but there is one missing? One of our drinks is not here…which is it? Ss: (Water) T: Water is not in this list. Why? Why isn’t water here? Ss: (There is) (no/not) (any sugar) (in water) T: Right! Water isn’t here BECAUSE there is not any sugar in water. Water isn’t a sugary drink. Now, please, compare the information here with our list of sugary drinks. Do we have to change anything from here? (T points at the flashcards arranged on the board) After confirming or modifying the Ss’ original list on the board T will continue saying: T: As you can see there are more drinks here on this list. For instance, Sports drink…Do you know any sports drinks? Ss: (Gatorade/powerade) T: How much sugar is there in a bottle of sports drink? Here it says there are 2 teaspoons of sugar. You’ll see, 2 of this teaspoon full of sugar into the bottle. How about sweet tea, iced-tea? How much sugar is there in a glass of sweet tea? Ss: (eight) T: eight teaspoons of sugar. How much sugar is there in this drink? Comentario [R6]: on
  • 9. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Ss: eight teaspoons of sugar. T: There are eight teaspoons of sugar in a glass of sweet tea. (T writes the sentence on the board for Ss to read) T: Can you read this, please? T may encourage choral reading or nominate Ss to read the sentence. Then, T and Ss will go on like that until they have covered the whole poster. Chances are that some Ss may want to come to the board to write the sentences. If that is the case, T will ensure a tidy deployment of the board space, re –arranging the images/posters if necessary. Transition: T: Well, I think we have to write our list of sugary drinks again! (T makes a gesture with her hands) Activity 3: After reading activity (5’) Aim: To have Ss transferring the information they got from the poster into a table, following a specific criterion (quantity of sugar) Ss will re –arrange the items in their handouts and add the information related to the amount of sugar in each type of drink. Once they’ve finished, they will compare lists with a mate, before whole class correction. Key: 1 ORANGE SODA 13 teaspoons of sugar. 2 COLA 10 teaspoons of sugar. 3 SWEET TEA 8 teaspoons of sugar. 4 ORANGE JUICE 7 teaspoons of sugar. 5 LEMONADE 6 teaspoons of sugar. 6 SPORTS DRINK 2 teaspoons of sugar. 7 WATER - Comentario [R7]: Yes!!
  • 10. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Transition: T: Well done, everybody! Now, are you ready for a True- False activity? Activity 4: True – false (8’) Aim: To provide Ss with extra reading practice at the time they are exposed to the structure “more/less ….than” in order to raise their awareness about its use. Ss will receive the following handout. After asking Ss what they think they’d have to do, T will say the following: T: Here you will have to read the statements and say if they are true or false. Look at the example: There is more sugar in a glass of water than in a glass of cola. That statement is false (F) BECAUSE there is LESS sugar in a glass of water than in a glass of Cola. ( T writes the symbols + and – next to each word on the board) Actually, there isn’t any sugar in water. Ss will have 3 minutes to go over the task.
  • 11. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 The activity will be checked as a class, asking volunteers to read the statements aloud so everybody can say whether they are true or not. Transition: T: Great job, everybody! Closure : (5’) Aim: To close the lesson relating the new knowledge acquired with the situation at the beginning of the lesson. T: So, today we have learned how much sugar there is in those drinks we have almost every day. Comentario [R8]: Remember that the answer key must be included in the plan.
  • 12. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 Now, coming back to the party Ms Mónica and I are organizing… Which of these drinks should we delete, cross out from the list if we want to have a healthy party? Lemonade, orange juice, cola or water? Ss: Cola! T: Cola! BECAUSE there is MORE sugar in cola drinks than in the other three. So, No cola drinks for our healthy party. Thank you very much! See you tomorrow! Ss paste the handouts in their folders before the class is over. Taller de Práctica Docente 2015 Lesson plan criteria Peer and Self-check Yes No 1 Heading Does the lesson plan heading include all the required information? Has it been completed in Spanish?  2 Learning aims Are the aims for this lesson devised in terms of development of language skills and language learning / acquisition? Are they clearly written to explain what the learners will learn and be able to do?  3 Teaching points Are there any new teaching points? Are the teaching points aligned with the course syllabus and the district curriculum? Are they presented within a meaningful context?  4 Language focus chart Are the new and revision language items specified? Are the new and revision language items related? Is the pronunciation focus complete?  5 Teaching Approach Is the approach you chose suitable for your teaching context? Are its aims and fundamentals coherent with the lesson aims?  6 Materials and resources Does the lesson plan include all the required materials and resources for this lesson? Does it include handouts, links, video scripts and sample flashcards? Are these materials and resources coherently/adequately included in the lesson plan?  7 Pedagogical use of ICT Does the lesson plan make meaningful pedagogical uses of ICT? Does it include a contingency plan in case technology does not work?  8 Seating arrangement Does the seating arrangement foster communication and  Comentario [R9]:  Comentario [R10]: Will they include the date and a title?
  • 13. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 interaction among teacher and peers? Is it coherent with the lesson activities? 9 Cooperative work Does the lesson include instances of cooperative work among students? Is there a set of guidelines and instructions for this work to be carried out? Does the lesson plan specify what kind of pedagogical mediation the teacher will provide?  10 Possible language difficulties and possible solutions Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous lessons’ experiences and class observation? Does the lesson plan allow for differentiation (instruction and assessment)?  11 Possible lesson or classroom management problems and their possible solutions Does this section explain possible difficulties according to previous lessons’ experiences and class observation?  Lesson development 12 Lesson stages Is the lesson plan organized in stages in accordance with the approach or the method framing the lesson? Does it include a warm-up, a development and a round-up or closure?  13 Lesson context and content Are the lesson context and content appealing to students? Are they engaging? Is the context culturally relevant?  14 Lesson activities Is each activity sustained by a pedagogical purpose? Is each activity related to a learning aim? Do the activities allow for language exposure, exploration, development of language awareness ?  15 Type of activities Is there a balance of activities that range from controlled practice to freer communicative practice? Do they facilitate integration of skills?  16 Transitions Does the lesson plan show a coherent flow of activities clearly interconnected? Are there any comments or indicators that link each activity or stage with the next one?  17 Language of instructions Are instructions written in a simple manner? Is there a set of strategies to accompany the instructions and aid learner comprehension?  18 Teaching strategies Is instruction aided by any teaching strategies such as… - Modeling - Exemplifying - Showing - Pointing - Explaining - Paraphrasing - Miming - Others?  19 Direct speech Are all instructions and possible anticipated dialogues written in direct speech?  20 Homework Does the lesson plan include any task to do at home? Is the task engaging? Will students feel motivated to perform it? Will the students be in direct contact with the language? Will they share their work with the class? 
  • 14. Taller Práctica Docente Regina de los Ángeles Moure Tutor: Prof. Cecilia Zemborain August 30th, 2015 INSTITUTO DE FORMACIÓN DOCENTE CONTÍNUA “LENGUAS VIVAS” – BARILOCHE PROFESORADO DE INGLÉS A DISTANCIA 2015 21 Active learning: Bloom’s Taxonomy 2001 Are many learning tasks addressing a higher level of Bloom’s taxonomy?  22 Grammar, Appearance, and Language Does the lesson plan effectively communicate to the intended audience? Has it gone through proof-reading for grammar and spelling mistakes?  Observations: Dear Gina You have chosen a really meaningful context to teach this lesson. Skills are integrated, though the reading task is quite simple. I am sure you will gradually provide more complex materials as your practicum unfolds. What about homework? Have a great start! A pleasure to read your plans.  Cecilia Lesson plan component Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Organization  Coherence and sequencing  Learning aims  Stages  Activities  Teaching strategies  Class. management strategies  Language accuracy  Observations Minimum score: 20 / 32 Score: 32 /32=10