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RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                     Page 1
***Text book ( unit 1 – unit 3 )


1      In the past, the Brantas River, which runs through Malang, provided thousands of people with
their daily water needs. In those days, people used the water from the river for drinking, cooking
and washing.

2     Previously, people also used to throw household waste into the river without causing much
harm. The waste was mostly organic and so was biodegradable. For example, goods that people
bought in the market were wrapped in banana leaves, which quickly rotted away.

3      In the 50’s, however, plastic was introduced to wrap goods. Plastic does not disappear
quickly, and it is a toxic substance. There were now many items in household bins that were
dangerous to the environment. At the same time, factories and industries appeared, and these
caused serious problems, as they dumped their waste in the river.

4      At first, people didn’t notice that there was anything wrong. The river usually carried away all
the garbage and people forgot about it. But then the amount of garbage increased with the increase
in population and the number of factories, thus the river became blocked in places. Blockages, were
often due to metal and plastic items which did not rot away. This meant that the garbage stayed in
the same place and the water became polluted. It became unsafe for drinking it was also unpleasant
to be near the river as it stank from all the rotting garbage.

5       People began to grumble about the Brantas river condition. Everyone was aware of the
situation, and so when the Malang municipal authorities set up a campaign to clean up the river, the
residents were keen to be actively involved. After all, gotong royong, or community service is part of
Indonesian tradition.

6      On that gotong royong day, 30,000 residents of Malang turned up to participate. It was a
wonderful thing to see old and young, men and women, army personnel and students working hand
in hand on this environment project. Their faces were full of joy and camaraderie: differences of
race, age, rank, and religion were set aside. Nothing stopped them from taking part, not even
slippery roads, the bad smell of water, heavy rain, or the heat of the sun: they were determined to
get the job done.

7       Even though each person cleaned just a small part of the river, the collective effort of all
those people succeeded in cleaning up the river. Nobody could take a drink of water from it, and it
took some time before fish lived in it again, but the community had taken a vital step. Each person
after that day looked at the river with pride; it belonged to each one of them and each had taken
care of it. They knew that they had to continue to take care of it to make sure the coming
generations could enjoy the Brantas river.

   A) Meaning in context; write the meaning of the following words/ phrases




       hand in hand



RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                           Page 2
B) Write out the main ideas and supporting details in each paragraph.

      Paragraph                  Main ideas                          Supporting details








   C) Writing Practice ( Text book, page 40 )

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                     Page 3

Part 1: Read the following text and complete the given task.

        Petrologists (scientists who study rocks) define rocks as any natural mass of mineral
 matter that make up the Earth’s crust. According to them, there are three main groups of

         Igneous rock is found from magma that is pushed out of the volcano or onto the Earth’s
 surface. If the magma cools quickly, it becomes a black, fine-grained volcanic rock called
 basalt. If the magma cools slowly, the rock is coarse-grained and is called granite.

        Sedimentary rock is made from sediments formed by the erosion and weathering of
 other rocks. The sediments are carried by wind or water to the sea. Here, these sediments are
 deposited and hardened to form rocks. An example of sedimentary rock would be sandstone.
 Sandstone is made from grains of sand which have been naturally cemented together.
 Sedimentary rock is also formed by the deposition of minerals by living organisms. For
 example, chalk is formed from millions of tiny calcium carbonate (lime) skeletons.

         Another type of rock would be the metamorphic rock, also known as changed-rock. This
 rock is changed over time by heat and pressure. When rock is subjected to heat and pressure,
 new minerals are formed, altering the characteristics of the rocks. An example is slate, a hard
 rock formed by mud and clay. It splits easily into thin sheets.

Based on the information in the text, complete the table below.

                  (1) _____________         (2) _____________            (3) _____________

                  (4) _____________         (5) _____________            (7) _____________

                      _____________            _____________                _____________

                                            (6) _____________


                  (8) _____________         (9) _____________            (10) ____________

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                           Page 4
Part 2: Read the following text and complete the given task

      Volcanoes can be grouped into three main types, based largely on their eruptive patterns and
their general forms. Scoria cones are the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 metres
and have straight sides with steep slopes and very large summit craters. Scoria cones are generated
by Strombolian eruptions which produces eruptive columns of basalt tephra generally only a few
hundred metres high. Paricutin in Mexico is one example of cinder cone.
      On the other hand, shield volcanoes have very gentle convex slopes. Their heights are
typically about 1/20 of their widths. Their overall broad shapes result from the extrusion of basalt
lava. Shield volcanoes are generated by Hawaiian eruptions. The Mauna Loa volcano on the big
Island of Hawaii is the world’s largest shield volcano.
     Stratovolcanoes are the most picturesque and the most deadly of the volcanoes and the most
deadly of the volcano types. Their lower slopes are gentle but they rise steeply near the summit to
produce an overall morphology that is concave in an upward direction . The summit area is typically
contains a surprisingly small summit crater. The compositional spectrum of these rocks types may
vary from basalt to rhyolite in single volcano. However. the overall average composition of
stratovolcanoes in andesitic. The eruptive history of most stratovolcanoes is delineated by highly
explosive Plinian eruptions . One classic example is Mount Fuji in Japan.
Based on the information from the text, complete the graphic organizer below.

     VOLCANO                       VOLCANO                     ERUPTION                   NAME OF
      TYPES                         SHAPES                       TYPE                     VOLCANO

    Scoria cones            1.                             5                          8

                            *Large summit craters


       Shield                                              6                          9
     volcanoes              *Have broad shapes

 Stratovolcanoes                                           7                           10


RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                            Page 5

                                                (30 marks)

         As a reporter for a science magazine, you have to write a report about global warming. Use

the information given in the table below to write the report.

                                        Global Warming

            Causes                            Effects                        Solutions

*   Man made gases are           *   Higher temperature            *   Reduce the use of fossil
    trapped and build up in                                            fuel
    the atmosphere               *   Health problems
                                                                   *   use more energy efficient
*   Burning of fossil fuels      *    Rising sea levels-               products
                                      depletion of coastal
*   Deforestation                     resources                    *   Cut down on the use of
*   Open burning                 *    Loss of plant and animal
                                     species                       *   Plant more trees
*    Dumping of too much
    rubbish                      *    Droughts and intense         *   Reduce rubbish

In your report you must;

       Include its causes, effects and solutions
       Use all the content points given
       Provide any other relevant information

Your report should not be less than 200 words.

                                                                       (30 marks)

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                             Page 6
Global Warming

          Causes                           Effects                          Solutions

P1. Man made gases are          P6 Higher temperature            P11 Reduce the use of fossil
    trapped and build up        *the increasing greenhouse           Fuel
in the atmosphere               gases     especially   carbon    *we are using non-renewable
*man made gases are mainly      dioxide causes heat to be        energy from fossil fuels at an
greenhouse gases                trapped in the atmosphere        alarming rate.
*such as carbon dioxide,        and leads to Earth’s average     *use more renewable energy
methane, nitrous oxide and      temperature increases            sources     which     does    not
chlorofluorocarbon.             * Scientists predicted that      contribute to high concentration
*these gases in turn trap       the earth’s temperature may      of   carbon    dioxide   in   the
heat in the atmosphere and      rise by 1.5 C to 4.5 C by        atmosphere.
causes global warming which     2030.                            *eg     are     solar     energy,
can cause climate change        *Sea water becomes warm          hydroelectric, geothermic and
and ecosystem destruction       and     thus     decline    in   wave energy.
                                zooplanktons.     Ecosystem’s
P2 Burning of fossil fuels      food web will be affected        P12     Use    more     energy
*Combustion sources such                                         efficient Products
as motor vehicle exhaust,       P7 Health problems               *cars which use solar energy to
smoke form fires, engine        *High level of carbon dioxide    reduce the combustion of fossil
fumes                           can    lead to respiratory       fuels.
*Produce greenhouse gases       problem                          *improve fuel efficiency in
such as carbon dioxide which    *carbon monoxide poisoning       motorised vehicles
traps heat from the sun         are headaches, nausea and        *and also in factories by
giving rise to an increase in   fatigue                          modifying the engines and
temperature                     *high concentration of lead      machines
*combustion of fossil fuel      can       retard      mental
can give rise to the presence   development in children.         P13 Cut down on the use of
of lead in the environment                                            vehicles
which is hazardous to health    P8   Rising sea levels-          * a lot of greenhouse gases
                                     depletion of coastal        come from the burning of fossil
P3 Deforestation                    resources                    fuels from motor vehicles
*the act of extensive cutting   *one of the most significant     * carpool, use
down or burning trees in a      coastal resources is the         * use public transport such as
forest                          mangrove swamp which are         trains and buses
*vast areas of forests are      rich in biodiversity.            * advisable to walk or cycle to
cleared for extracting timber   *Mangrove swamps play an         short    distances.   Not    only
or fuel wood, agriculture and   important role in flood          preserving the environment, but
urban development               control, coastal erosion         also good exercise for the body.
*causes weather and climatic    prevention, sediment control
changes                         and as a barrier against         P14 Plant more trees
*cutting of trees will reduce   strong sea waves                 *vegetation can affect both
rainfall, transpiration rate    * mangrove trees are also        temperature and precipitation
and the rate of using carbon    used for piling construction.    patterns in an area.
dioxide                during   These resources will deplete     *Plants can influence how much
photosynthesis by plants                                         sun’s energy is absorbed and
*carbon dioxide prevent heat    P9     Loss of plant and         how quickly energy is released
from escaping from the          animal species                   *forest reserves are gazetted
atmosphere. Thus, the level     *global warming leads to         *Organize      campaigns      for
of carbon dioxide increases     extinction of plants and         Replanting programmes
and global temperature also     animals species due to very      *Reforestation    ensures    that
increases which leads to        high temperature.                forests are renewed. Restoration

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                           Page 7
global warming.                    * eg loss of habitat for seals   activities should be conducted to
                                   and penguins due to melting      restore damaged forests.
                                   of polar ice.                    * forests play an important role
P4 Open burning                    *as    a    consequence,    it   in regulating the climate and
*open burning of rubbish,          reduces biodiversity and the     concentration of carbon dioxide.
farms and forests release          source of food and valuable
more carbon dioxide into the       medicines for humans.            P15 Reduce rubbish
atmosphere               which     *damage of leaf cells and        *Rubbish should be sorted into
aggravates global warming          chlorophyll, thus reducing       recyclable and non-recyclable
*people who like to practise       photosynthesis and killing       materials.
quick solution to garbage          the plants.                      *management       of   resources
disposal resort to open                                             includes the 3R concept, which
burning.                           P10 Droughts and intense         are reduce, reuse and recycle of
*replanting    in  oil    palm         Rainstorms                   resources
plantation requires the old        *drought due to global           * these include newspapers,
trees to be felled and             warming causes land to dry.      glass, bottles and aluminium
removed from the area.             *ecosystem            becomes    cans.
*decomposition     of    these     unstable as the producers,       *reducing rubbish helps in the
requires long period of time.      the plants are not able to       conservation of the environment
*Heavy fines should be             thrive
imposed on people who carry        *intense rainstorms can lead
out open burning                   to massive floods and loss of
                                   properties and lives.
P5 Dumping of too much
*dumping of too much
rubbish cause depletion of
natural resources.
*for instance when papers
are thrown, more trees will
be cut down to produce new
*cutting down of more trees
will      encourage          the
accumulation       of   carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere
and this give rise to an
increase in the temperature
*decomposition of too much
rubbish will produce more
methane which is one of the
greenhouse gases.
* this also will trap heat from
the    sun    causing     earth
temperature to rise.

Additional information;

   1. The world’s population has increased exponentially, reaching over 6 billion today.
   2. As human population grows, there is an increasing demand for shelter, food, medicine, transport and raw
   3. Expectation of better living conditions, better mode of transport and industrial revolution have brought
      about clearing of more forest to grow food, build factories, houses and roads

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                                   Page 8
4. The negative effects of unplanned development and mismanagement of ecosystem give rise to various
       environmental problems such as global warming
   5. Laws prohibiting random tree felling, hunting and farming must be enforced
   6. Concerted effort from all countries in the world to combat global warming. Conferences at international
       level to increase awareness on the dangers of global warming.
   7. Education is the best way to teach the public on the need to maintain a balanced ecosystem.
   8. Through formal education in schools, colleges and universities
   9. Informal education through mass media, campaigns, seminars, pamphlets, posters ans documentaries.
   10. Earth Hour campaign

   Students often think that greenhouse effect and global warming are the same phenomenon. Greenhouse
   effect occurs naturally and is essential to keeping the atmosphere warm for living things to survive on
   Earth. Global warming on the other hand, is an increase in temperature of Earth’s atmosphere that may be
   caused or influenced by human activities.

Greenhouse effect: is a natural warming of Earth’s surface. The major gases are water vapour and carbon
dioxide. The greenhouse gases are transparent to incoming solar radiation and therefore much of this energy
reaches the earth’s surface. Most of this energy is reradiated skyward. But too much of greenhouse gases will
revert the solar back to Earth.

Global warming: as a result of an increase in greenhouse gases particularly carbon dioxide, more heat from the
sunlight is absorbed and stored in these gases, thus increasing the global temperature of the Earth’s surface.

Depletion of The Ozone Layer: Ozone layer is in the stratosphere. When exposed to CFC the chlorine atom in
CFC will attract one of the three of oxygen atoms and thus destroys the ozone molecules. Consequently, the
ozone layer will be depleted. This in turn will allow the UV light (UV-B) to reach the surface of our planet.
Exposure to UV light can cause health hazards eg skin cancer, destruction of food chain, climatic change.

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                                   Page 9


      organic            Produced by or existing in living things

      biodegradable      That can be absorbed back into the earth naturally and so do not harm the
      toxic              poisonous

      rot                Decompose/ To go bad as part of natural process

      hand in hand       together

      camaraderie        Spirit of togetherness/ friendship

      community          All the people who live in a particular area

      Paragraph                     Main ideas                           Supporting details

              1      The Brantas River provided thousands       People used the water from the river
                     of people with their daily water needs     for drinking, cooking and washing

              2      People throw household waste into the      The waste was mostly organic and
                     river without causing much harm.           biodegradable

              3      *In the 50’s plastic was introduced and                       -
                     it is a roxic substance
                     *Many items in the household bins
                     were dangerous to the environment
                     *factories and industries dumped their
                     waste in the river causing serious

              4                         -                       *Blockages which did not rot away

                                                                *Water pollution/ water became
                                                                *Air pollution/ river stank from the
                                                                rotting garbage

              5      The malang municipal authorities set       *gotong royong or community service
                     up a river cleaning campaign

              6                         -                       30,000 people participated willingly in
                                                                the campaign

              7                         -                       It is a continuous process for the
                                                                benefit of the future generations

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                           Page 10
Graphic organizer
      Part 1
      1. Igneous rock
      2. Sedimentary rock
      3. Metamorphic rock
      4. Magma that is pushed out of the volcano or onto the earth’s surface
      5. Erosion and weathering of other rocks
      6. Deposition of minerals by living organisms
      7. Changed over time by heat and pressure
      8. Basalt/ Granite (or both)
      9. Sandstone/Chalk (or both)
      10. Slate

      Part 2

       1. Straight sides with steep slopes
       2. Very gentle convex slopes
       3. Gentle lower slopes, but steep upper slopes
       4. Small summit craters
       5. Strombolian
       6. Hawaiian
       7. Plinian
       8. Paricutin
       9. Mauna Loa
       10. Mount Fuji

                                  Global Warming

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                   Page 11
Global warming is one of the most hotly debated topics in the world. The world’s leading
environmentalists insist that we are on the verge of global warming. Global warming is defined as the increase of
average temperature on Earth. The global temperature for the past four decades has been warm but human
activities have led to an even warmer earth. Contrary to what the environmentalists think, the sceptics continue
their defence that there are natural reasons that are yet to be unveiled. Is there a scientific consensus on global

        Human activities are the main cause of global warming. Human activities cause the concentration of
greenhouse gases to increase significantly over these years. Man made gases are trapped and build up in the
atmosphere. One of the most notable greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is harmful to the
environment in large amount. This gas forms a blanket around the earth that traps heat from the sun and prevent
the heat to escape into the space. As a result, global temperature increases and causes catastrophic events to the

        Since fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas are introduced to power up engines, it has been an
important component in the motoring industry. However, the products from the burning of some fossil fuels are
not environment friendly. As the motoring industry has become more productive for the last few years, it has
cause the amount of carbon dioxide to skyrocket. Not to mention, pollutants such as carbon monoxide, smoke
and dust are also produced. In addition, open burning is also another cause of global warming. Open burning on a
large scale to clear the forest for agricultural purposes has negative impacts on the environment.

        Deforestation is also a cause of global warming. Since there are fewer trees on earth, the amount of
carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere become imbalanced. There is too much carbon dioxide but too little
oxygen in the atmosphere. Furthermore, dumping of too much rubbish in open landfills can produce another
greenhouse gas believed to be the culprit to global warming which is methane. Methane causes similar effects like
carbon dioxide, blanketing the earth and trapping heat from the sun.

        Global warming has brought erratic changes to the environment and our lives. Higher temperature has
caused some grassland to become desserts. There is less space for agricultural activities to be carried out. This can
cause famine in some poor countries that are fully dependant on agricultural products for food. In addition, the
habitats of floras and faunas are altered and these disrupt the balance of ecosystem that inevitably leads to loss
of plants and animal species.

        Moreover, the earth is experiencing drastic weather changes. Particularly, droughts and intense
rainstorms are occurring more frequently in some parts of the world. Natural disasters especially tornadoes and
flood are happening frequently and with greater effects. The melting of ice and glaciers in the North and South
Pole have caused rising sea levels. Coastal areas have the tendency to be affected by flood and this can lead to
depletion of natural resources. Health problem such as hypotension can occur during a heat wave.

       Therefore, what can we do to stop global warming? We cannot stop global warming in a few years but we
can, however mitigate the effects of global warming. Firstly, we should reduce the use of fossil fuels. Research
and development in finding the most suitable, eco-friendly fuels that are being carried out at a progressive rate.
For example, biomass fuel is obtained from the decaying of dead organisms and organic matter. We should also

RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                                       Page 12
use more energy-efficient products to save electricity. We should take the initiative to cut down the use of
vehicles. Instead, walk or ride a bicycle if you are going to a place nearby your house.

        We should plant more trees through reforestation. More trees on earth means lower amount of carbon
dioxide and this can help to decrease the high temperature on earth. We should reduce rubbish by dispensing
them the right way. We must throw rubbish into a rubbish bin. Incinerators can be used to eradicate rubbish in a
more efficiently.

        Thus, we should all give our cooperation to stop global warming from destroying our home planet. This is
to ensure that our future generations can live a comfortable and safer life. Remember, we do not inherit the
environment but merely borrowing It from our children.

Reported by,



RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                                      Page 13

THEME: NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT                                                                                22 JAN 2010

Study the information given below regarding water pollution.
P1•      Waste water and rubbish from domestic use channeled into drains and rivers cause water pollution.
P2•      Industrial waste and effluents discharged from factories into rivers affects quality of water.
P3•      Chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in farming are washed into water sources.
P4•      Rubbish dumped at landfills leaks during heavy rainfalls contaminates water sources.
P5•      Water pollution poses threats to humans and other living organisms.
P6•      Stench from water-logged areas causes discomfort to residents.
P7•      Educate public on proper ways to dispose of rubbish.
P8•      Enforce stringent laws to offenders

Write a report on this topic. Your report must include the following:
• the causes of water pollution
• the effects of water pollution
• any other relevant information
Your report should be about 200 words in length.


                                           Water Pollution

       Water is essential to life on Earth, all living things need it in order to survive and           A
flourish. Water is the major constituent of living matter – between 50 and 90 per cent                  AA
of the weight of all living organisms, from microscopic bacteria to giant blue whales,                  AA
is water. On our planet, water exists in all three states of matter: as a solid in the                  A
form of ice, as a liquid in the forms of freshwater and seawater, and as a gas in the                   A
form of water vapour.                                                                                   A
       Waste water and rubbish from domestic use channeled into drains and rivers is                    P1
one of the causes of water pollution. This will result to clogged drains and polluted                   E1
rivers. Clogged drains will in turn cause flash floods during heavy rains. Flash floods                 E1
are floods that occur quickly, usually within six hours of the start of heavy rainfall.                 AA
Although flash floods tend to occur quickly and last only a short time, they can still be
devastating because they normally come with little warning. For the people who use                      AA
rivers as their main sources of water, they will be at risk of contracting water-borne                  E1
diseases since contaminated water often contains pathogens such as vibrio cholera                       E1E1
that causes cholera which may lead to fatality.                                                         E1
   Industrial waste and effluents discharged from factories into rivers affect the
quality of water. This industrial waste which can be in the solid and liquid form is                    P2 E2
composed of acidic toxic wastes which may pollute the rivers. This will result to low                   E2
oxygen level in the water. Not only that, this hazardous toxic waste is highly                          E2
poisonous for aquatic organisms. If corrosive waste is disposed into drains, it will                    E2
change the PH value of water in lakes and rivers and harm the aquatic ecosystem.                        E2 E2
Besides corrosive waste, toxic industrial waste and effluents also can contain heavy
metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium. These heavy metals will                              E2
accumulate in the body and disrupt the functions of organs such as the brain, heart                     E2 E2
and kidney.                                                                                             E2
     Another major contributor of water pollution is the use of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides in farming activities which are often washed into rivers and other water                     P3
sources during heavy rains. Nitrates, nitrites and phosphates from chemical fertilizers                 E3 E3
induce the rapid growth of algae. Consequently, the oxygen content of the water will                    E3
decrease as the bacteria decomposers require a lot of oxygen to decompose the                           E3
abundant amount of dead algae. Pesticides on the other hand contain toxic                               AE3
RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                                                      Page 14
substances and when consumed by aquatic organisms may lead to their death.                  E3
   Water pollution may also arise due to landfills. Rubbish dumped at landfills often
leaks during heavy rainfall and this can contaminate our water sources such as the          P4
underground water. Therefore landfills require good management of waste which               E4
includes dumping of waste according to the types of waste as well as proper                 E4
management of leakage and methane gas which is the by-product of decomposition              E4 E4
of waste. To prevent leakage, the construction of a landfill requires a well-planned
approach and suitable site. Thus it is vital that landfills are high above the              E4E4
groundwater table so as to avoid the leakage and contamination problem.                     E4
    Water pollution gives rise to many effects and poses threats not only to humans
but also other living organisms. Apart from reducing the oxygen content of the water        P5E5
which may result to death of aquatic organisms, water pollution also give rise to
many water borne diseases such as cholera and hepatitis A. For example, if human            E5 E5
waste is released into rivers, pathogens can enter the water system and infect many         E5 E5
people. On the other hand, excessive fertilizers washed into lakes and rivers can
cause algal blooms. When the algae decay, oxygen in the water will be used up by the        E5
decaying process. This causes fish and other aquatic population to die. The whole           E5
process is called eutrophication.                                                           E5
     Another effect of water pollution is stench from water-logged areas causes
discomfort to residents. The dumping of waste into water areas such drains and              P6
rivers is often done by unscrupulous people. Little regard of concern is given to this      E6
act of dumping as long as it can help people to save cost on proper disposal method.        E6
To them, it is of little consequences if they throw their rubbish and human waste into
the water as it is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of unwanted waste. The stench     E6
from clogged drains for example can be unbearable and this can tarnish our tourism          E6 E6
industry. Besides, dirty rivers choked with rubbish are breeding grounds for                E6
mosquitoes and rodents which are carriers of diseases.                                      E6
    To curb water pollution, formal and informal education play a major role to             E7 E7
educate the public on proper ways to dispose rubbish. The curriculum of our formal          P7
education system contains environmental pollutions related issues. This is to create        E7 E7
awareness of environmental problems such as water pollution among the younger               E7
generation. Informal education includes variety of activities like public campaigns and     E7
gotong royong that have been organized by the government and non-government                 E7 E7
organizations. These activities are carried out to educate the public on the                E7
importance of preventing water pollution.                                                   E7
     Another effective method to stop water pollution is to enforce stringent laws to       P8
offenders. Relevant authorities should set up check points to curtail illegal dumping       E8
to avoid the consequences that it may bring upon the environment. Factories or              E8
individuals who are caught responsible for this despicable act should be fined with         E8
heavy penalty and licence of the factories concerned should be revoked.                     E8 E8.
    In conclusion, if this human-made water pollution issue is not tackled immediately      A
there will be more disasters and diseases in our society. It is everyone’s responsibility   A
to help overcome this water pollution problem. We do not want all our waterways
end up as dead rivers that even fish cannot survive. We want our rivers to stay clean       AA
and alive where our children can treasure the greatest gift of nature. The future           AA
generation is rightfully entitled to inherit sustainable living environment.                A

Reported by;


RH/EST Panel/SASER 10                                                                                Page 15
RH/EST Panel/SASER 10   Page 16

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Module 1 Nature & Environment

  • 2. ***Text book ( unit 1 – unit 3 ) WORKING HAND IN HAND TO CLEAN UP BRANTAS RIVER 1 In the past, the Brantas River, which runs through Malang, provided thousands of people with their daily water needs. In those days, people used the water from the river for drinking, cooking and washing. 2 Previously, people also used to throw household waste into the river without causing much harm. The waste was mostly organic and so was biodegradable. For example, goods that people bought in the market were wrapped in banana leaves, which quickly rotted away. 3 In the 50’s, however, plastic was introduced to wrap goods. Plastic does not disappear quickly, and it is a toxic substance. There were now many items in household bins that were dangerous to the environment. At the same time, factories and industries appeared, and these caused serious problems, as they dumped their waste in the river. 4 At first, people didn’t notice that there was anything wrong. The river usually carried away all the garbage and people forgot about it. But then the amount of garbage increased with the increase in population and the number of factories, thus the river became blocked in places. Blockages, were often due to metal and plastic items which did not rot away. This meant that the garbage stayed in the same place and the water became polluted. It became unsafe for drinking it was also unpleasant to be near the river as it stank from all the rotting garbage. 5 People began to grumble about the Brantas river condition. Everyone was aware of the situation, and so when the Malang municipal authorities set up a campaign to clean up the river, the residents were keen to be actively involved. After all, gotong royong, or community service is part of Indonesian tradition. 6 On that gotong royong day, 30,000 residents of Malang turned up to participate. It was a wonderful thing to see old and young, men and women, army personnel and students working hand in hand on this environment project. Their faces were full of joy and camaraderie: differences of race, age, rank, and religion were set aside. Nothing stopped them from taking part, not even slippery roads, the bad smell of water, heavy rain, or the heat of the sun: they were determined to get the job done. 7 Even though each person cleaned just a small part of the river, the collective effort of all those people succeeded in cleaning up the river. Nobody could take a drink of water from it, and it took some time before fish lived in it again, but the community had taken a vital step. Each person after that day looked at the river with pride; it belonged to each one of them and each had taken care of it. They knew that they had to continue to take care of it to make sure the coming generations could enjoy the Brantas river. A) Meaning in context; write the meaning of the following words/ phrases organic biodegradable toxic rot hand in hand camaraderie community RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 2
  • 3. B) Write out the main ideas and supporting details in each paragraph. Paragraph Main ideas Supporting details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C) Writing Practice ( Text book, page 40 ) RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 3
  • 4. PAPER 6355/1 : SECTION A (20 marks )GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Part 1: Read the following text and complete the given task. Petrologists (scientists who study rocks) define rocks as any natural mass of mineral matter that make up the Earth’s crust. According to them, there are three main groups of rocks. Igneous rock is found from magma that is pushed out of the volcano or onto the Earth’s surface. If the magma cools quickly, it becomes a black, fine-grained volcanic rock called basalt. If the magma cools slowly, the rock is coarse-grained and is called granite. Sedimentary rock is made from sediments formed by the erosion and weathering of other rocks. The sediments are carried by wind or water to the sea. Here, these sediments are deposited and hardened to form rocks. An example of sedimentary rock would be sandstone. Sandstone is made from grains of sand which have been naturally cemented together. Sedimentary rock is also formed by the deposition of minerals by living organisms. For example, chalk is formed from millions of tiny calcium carbonate (lime) skeletons. Another type of rock would be the metamorphic rock, also known as changed-rock. This rock is changed over time by heat and pressure. When rock is subjected to heat and pressure, new minerals are formed, altering the characteristics of the rocks. An example is slate, a hard rock formed by mud and clay. It splits easily into thin sheets. Based on the information in the text, complete the table below. TYPES OF (1) _____________ (2) _____________ (3) _____________ ROCK FORMATION (4) _____________ (5) _____________ (7) _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ (6) _____________ _____________ EXAMPLES (8) _____________ (9) _____________ (10) ____________ RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 4
  • 5. Part 2: Read the following text and complete the given task Volcanoes can be grouped into three main types, based largely on their eruptive patterns and their general forms. Scoria cones are the smallest type, with heights generally less than 300 metres and have straight sides with steep slopes and very large summit craters. Scoria cones are generated by Strombolian eruptions which produces eruptive columns of basalt tephra generally only a few hundred metres high. Paricutin in Mexico is one example of cinder cone. On the other hand, shield volcanoes have very gentle convex slopes. Their heights are typically about 1/20 of their widths. Their overall broad shapes result from the extrusion of basalt lava. Shield volcanoes are generated by Hawaiian eruptions. The Mauna Loa volcano on the big Island of Hawaii is the world’s largest shield volcano. Stratovolcanoes are the most picturesque and the most deadly of the volcanoes and the most deadly of the volcano types. Their lower slopes are gentle but they rise steeply near the summit to produce an overall morphology that is concave in an upward direction . The summit area is typically contains a surprisingly small summit crater. The compositional spectrum of these rocks types may vary from basalt to rhyolite in single volcano. However. the overall average composition of stratovolcanoes in andesitic. The eruptive history of most stratovolcanoes is delineated by highly explosive Plinian eruptions . One classic example is Mount Fuji in Japan. Based on the information from the text, complete the graphic organizer below. VOLCANO VOLCANO ERUPTION NAME OF TYPES SHAPES TYPE VOLCANO Scoria cones 1. 5 8 *Large summit craters 2. Shield 6 9 volcanoes *Have broad shapes 3. Stratovolcanoes 7 10 4. RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 5
  • 6. SECTION B (30 marks) As a reporter for a science magazine, you have to write a report about global warming. Use the information given in the table below to write the report. Global Warming Causes Effects Solutions * Man made gases are * Higher temperature * Reduce the use of fossil trapped and build up in fuel the atmosphere * Health problems * use more energy efficient * Burning of fossil fuels * Rising sea levels- products depletion of coastal * Deforestation resources * Cut down on the use of vehicles * Open burning * Loss of plant and animal species * Plant more trees * Dumping of too much rubbish * Droughts and intense * Reduce rubbish rainstorms In your report you must;  Include its causes, effects and solutions  Use all the content points given  Provide any other relevant information Your report should not be less than 200 words. (30 marks) RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 6
  • 7. Global Warming Causes Effects Solutions P1. Man made gases are P6 Higher temperature P11 Reduce the use of fossil trapped and build up *the increasing greenhouse Fuel in the atmosphere gases especially carbon *we are using non-renewable *man made gases are mainly dioxide causes heat to be energy from fossil fuels at an greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere alarming rate. *such as carbon dioxide, and leads to Earth’s average *use more renewable energy methane, nitrous oxide and temperature increases sources which does not chlorofluorocarbon. * Scientists predicted that contribute to high concentration *these gases in turn trap the earth’s temperature may of carbon dioxide in the heat in the atmosphere and rise by 1.5 C to 4.5 C by atmosphere. causes global warming which 2030. *eg are solar energy, can cause climate change *Sea water becomes warm hydroelectric, geothermic and and ecosystem destruction and thus decline in wave energy. zooplanktons. Ecosystem’s P2 Burning of fossil fuels food web will be affected P12 Use more energy *Combustion sources such efficient Products as motor vehicle exhaust, P7 Health problems *cars which use solar energy to smoke form fires, engine *High level of carbon dioxide reduce the combustion of fossil fumes can lead to respiratory fuels. *Produce greenhouse gases problem *improve fuel efficiency in such as carbon dioxide which *carbon monoxide poisoning motorised vehicles traps heat from the sun are headaches, nausea and *and also in factories by giving rise to an increase in fatigue modifying the engines and temperature *high concentration of lead machines *combustion of fossil fuel can retard mental can give rise to the presence development in children. P13 Cut down on the use of of lead in the environment vehicles which is hazardous to health P8 Rising sea levels- * a lot of greenhouse gases depletion of coastal come from the burning of fossil P3 Deforestation resources fuels from motor vehicles *the act of extensive cutting *one of the most significant * carpool, use down or burning trees in a coastal resources is the * use public transport such as forest mangrove swamp which are trains and buses *vast areas of forests are rich in biodiversity. * advisable to walk or cycle to cleared for extracting timber *Mangrove swamps play an short distances. Not only or fuel wood, agriculture and important role in flood preserving the environment, but urban development control, coastal erosion also good exercise for the body. *causes weather and climatic prevention, sediment control changes and as a barrier against P14 Plant more trees *cutting of trees will reduce strong sea waves *vegetation can affect both rainfall, transpiration rate * mangrove trees are also temperature and precipitation and the rate of using carbon used for piling construction. patterns in an area. dioxide during These resources will deplete *Plants can influence how much photosynthesis by plants sun’s energy is absorbed and *carbon dioxide prevent heat P9 Loss of plant and how quickly energy is released from escaping from the animal species *forest reserves are gazetted atmosphere. Thus, the level *global warming leads to *Organize campaigns for of carbon dioxide increases extinction of plants and Replanting programmes and global temperature also animals species due to very *Reforestation ensures that increases which leads to high temperature. forests are renewed. Restoration RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 7
  • 8. global warming. * eg loss of habitat for seals activities should be conducted to and penguins due to melting restore damaged forests. of polar ice. * forests play an important role P4 Open burning *as a consequence, it in regulating the climate and *open burning of rubbish, reduces biodiversity and the concentration of carbon dioxide. farms and forests release source of food and valuable more carbon dioxide into the medicines for humans. P15 Reduce rubbish atmosphere which *damage of leaf cells and *Rubbish should be sorted into aggravates global warming chlorophyll, thus reducing recyclable and non-recyclable *people who like to practise photosynthesis and killing materials. quick solution to garbage the plants. *management of resources disposal resort to open includes the 3R concept, which burning. P10 Droughts and intense are reduce, reuse and recycle of *replanting in oil palm Rainstorms resources plantation requires the old *drought due to global * these include newspapers, trees to be felled and warming causes land to dry. glass, bottles and aluminium removed from the area. *ecosystem becomes cans. *decomposition of these unstable as the producers, *reducing rubbish helps in the requires long period of time. the plants are not able to conservation of the environment *Heavy fines should be thrive imposed on people who carry *intense rainstorms can lead out open burning to massive floods and loss of properties and lives. P5 Dumping of too much Rubbish *dumping of too much rubbish cause depletion of natural resources. *for instance when papers are thrown, more trees will be cut down to produce new papers. *cutting down of more trees will encourage the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and this give rise to an increase in the temperature *decomposition of too much rubbish will produce more methane which is one of the greenhouse gases. * this also will trap heat from the sun causing earth temperature to rise. Additional information; 1. The world’s population has increased exponentially, reaching over 6 billion today. 2. As human population grows, there is an increasing demand for shelter, food, medicine, transport and raw materials. 3. Expectation of better living conditions, better mode of transport and industrial revolution have brought about clearing of more forest to grow food, build factories, houses and roads RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 8
  • 9. 4. The negative effects of unplanned development and mismanagement of ecosystem give rise to various environmental problems such as global warming 5. Laws prohibiting random tree felling, hunting and farming must be enforced 6. Concerted effort from all countries in the world to combat global warming. Conferences at international level to increase awareness on the dangers of global warming. 7. Education is the best way to teach the public on the need to maintain a balanced ecosystem. 8. Through formal education in schools, colleges and universities 9. Informal education through mass media, campaigns, seminars, pamphlets, posters ans documentaries. 10. Earth Hour campaign Students often think that greenhouse effect and global warming are the same phenomenon. Greenhouse effect occurs naturally and is essential to keeping the atmosphere warm for living things to survive on Earth. Global warming on the other hand, is an increase in temperature of Earth’s atmosphere that may be caused or influenced by human activities. Greenhouse effect: is a natural warming of Earth’s surface. The major gases are water vapour and carbon dioxide. The greenhouse gases are transparent to incoming solar radiation and therefore much of this energy reaches the earth’s surface. Most of this energy is reradiated skyward. But too much of greenhouse gases will revert the solar back to Earth. Global warming: as a result of an increase in greenhouse gases particularly carbon dioxide, more heat from the sunlight is absorbed and stored in these gases, thus increasing the global temperature of the Earth’s surface. Depletion of The Ozone Layer: Ozone layer is in the stratosphere. When exposed to CFC the chlorine atom in CFC will attract one of the three of oxygen atoms and thus destroys the ozone molecules. Consequently, the ozone layer will be depleted. This in turn will allow the UV light (UV-B) to reach the surface of our planet. Exposure to UV light can cause health hazards eg skin cancer, destruction of food chain, climatic change. RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 9
  • 10. Answers: A) organic Produced by or existing in living things biodegradable That can be absorbed back into the earth naturally and so do not harm the environment toxic poisonous rot Decompose/ To go bad as part of natural process hand in hand together camaraderie Spirit of togetherness/ friendship community All the people who live in a particular area Paragraph Main ideas Supporting details 1 The Brantas River provided thousands People used the water from the river of people with their daily water needs for drinking, cooking and washing 2 People throw household waste into the The waste was mostly organic and river without causing much harm. biodegradable 3 *In the 50’s plastic was introduced and - it is a roxic substance *Many items in the household bins were dangerous to the environment *factories and industries dumped their waste in the river causing serious problems 4 - *Blockages which did not rot away *Water pollution/ water became polluted *Air pollution/ river stank from the rotting garbage 5 The malang municipal authorities set *gotong royong or community service up a river cleaning campaign 6 - 30,000 people participated willingly in the campaign 7 - It is a continuous process for the benefit of the future generations RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 10
  • 11. Graphic organizer Part 1 1. Igneous rock 2. Sedimentary rock 3. Metamorphic rock 4. Magma that is pushed out of the volcano or onto the earth’s surface 5. Erosion and weathering of other rocks 6. Deposition of minerals by living organisms 7. Changed over time by heat and pressure 8. Basalt/ Granite (or both) 9. Sandstone/Chalk (or both) 10. Slate Part 2 1. Straight sides with steep slopes 2. Very gentle convex slopes 3. Gentle lower slopes, but steep upper slopes 4. Small summit craters 5. Strombolian 6. Hawaiian 7. Plinian 8. Paricutin 9. Mauna Loa 10. Mount Fuji Global Warming RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 11
  • 12. Global warming is one of the most hotly debated topics in the world. The world’s leading environmentalists insist that we are on the verge of global warming. Global warming is defined as the increase of average temperature on Earth. The global temperature for the past four decades has been warm but human activities have led to an even warmer earth. Contrary to what the environmentalists think, the sceptics continue their defence that there are natural reasons that are yet to be unveiled. Is there a scientific consensus on global warming? Human activities are the main cause of global warming. Human activities cause the concentration of greenhouse gases to increase significantly over these years. Man made gases are trapped and build up in the atmosphere. One of the most notable greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is harmful to the environment in large amount. This gas forms a blanket around the earth that traps heat from the sun and prevent the heat to escape into the space. As a result, global temperature increases and causes catastrophic events to the environment. Since fossil fuels such as petroleum and natural gas are introduced to power up engines, it has been an important component in the motoring industry. However, the products from the burning of some fossil fuels are not environment friendly. As the motoring industry has become more productive for the last few years, it has cause the amount of carbon dioxide to skyrocket. Not to mention, pollutants such as carbon monoxide, smoke and dust are also produced. In addition, open burning is also another cause of global warming. Open burning on a large scale to clear the forest for agricultural purposes has negative impacts on the environment. Deforestation is also a cause of global warming. Since there are fewer trees on earth, the amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere become imbalanced. There is too much carbon dioxide but too little oxygen in the atmosphere. Furthermore, dumping of too much rubbish in open landfills can produce another greenhouse gas believed to be the culprit to global warming which is methane. Methane causes similar effects like carbon dioxide, blanketing the earth and trapping heat from the sun. Global warming has brought erratic changes to the environment and our lives. Higher temperature has caused some grassland to become desserts. There is less space for agricultural activities to be carried out. This can cause famine in some poor countries that are fully dependant on agricultural products for food. In addition, the habitats of floras and faunas are altered and these disrupt the balance of ecosystem that inevitably leads to loss of plants and animal species. Moreover, the earth is experiencing drastic weather changes. Particularly, droughts and intense rainstorms are occurring more frequently in some parts of the world. Natural disasters especially tornadoes and flood are happening frequently and with greater effects. The melting of ice and glaciers in the North and South Pole have caused rising sea levels. Coastal areas have the tendency to be affected by flood and this can lead to depletion of natural resources. Health problem such as hypotension can occur during a heat wave. Therefore, what can we do to stop global warming? We cannot stop global warming in a few years but we can, however mitigate the effects of global warming. Firstly, we should reduce the use of fossil fuels. Research and development in finding the most suitable, eco-friendly fuels that are being carried out at a progressive rate. For example, biomass fuel is obtained from the decaying of dead organisms and organic matter. We should also RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 12
  • 13. use more energy-efficient products to save electricity. We should take the initiative to cut down the use of vehicles. Instead, walk or ride a bicycle if you are going to a place nearby your house. We should plant more trees through reforestation. More trees on earth means lower amount of carbon dioxide and this can help to decrease the high temperature on earth. We should reduce rubbish by dispensing them the right way. We must throw rubbish into a rubbish bin. Incinerators can be used to eradicate rubbish in a more efficiently. Thus, we should all give our cooperation to stop global warming from destroying our home planet. This is to ensure that our future generations can live a comfortable and safer life. Remember, we do not inherit the environment but merely borrowing It from our children. Reported by, ………………………………............................................ (MOHAMMAD NAJMI BIN MOHAMMAD SAZALI) RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 13
  • 14. Question: THEME: NATURE AND ENVIRONMENT 22 JAN 2010 Study the information given below regarding water pollution. P1• Waste water and rubbish from domestic use channeled into drains and rivers cause water pollution. P2• Industrial waste and effluents discharged from factories into rivers affects quality of water. P3• Chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in farming are washed into water sources. P4• Rubbish dumped at landfills leaks during heavy rainfalls contaminates water sources. P5• Water pollution poses threats to humans and other living organisms. P6• Stench from water-logged areas causes discomfort to residents. P7• Educate public on proper ways to dispose of rubbish. P8• Enforce stringent laws to offenders Write a report on this topic. Your report must include the following: • the causes of water pollution • the effects of water pollution • any other relevant information Your report should be about 200 words in length. ANSWER Water Pollution Water is essential to life on Earth, all living things need it in order to survive and A flourish. Water is the major constituent of living matter – between 50 and 90 per cent AA of the weight of all living organisms, from microscopic bacteria to giant blue whales, AA is water. On our planet, water exists in all three states of matter: as a solid in the A form of ice, as a liquid in the forms of freshwater and seawater, and as a gas in the A form of water vapour. A Waste water and rubbish from domestic use channeled into drains and rivers is P1 one of the causes of water pollution. This will result to clogged drains and polluted E1 rivers. Clogged drains will in turn cause flash floods during heavy rains. Flash floods E1 are floods that occur quickly, usually within six hours of the start of heavy rainfall. AA Although flash floods tend to occur quickly and last only a short time, they can still be devastating because they normally come with little warning. For the people who use AA rivers as their main sources of water, they will be at risk of contracting water-borne E1 diseases since contaminated water often contains pathogens such as vibrio cholera E1E1 that causes cholera which may lead to fatality. E1 Industrial waste and effluents discharged from factories into rivers affect the quality of water. This industrial waste which can be in the solid and liquid form is P2 E2 composed of acidic toxic wastes which may pollute the rivers. This will result to low E2 oxygen level in the water. Not only that, this hazardous toxic waste is highly E2 poisonous for aquatic organisms. If corrosive waste is disposed into drains, it will E2 change the PH value of water in lakes and rivers and harm the aquatic ecosystem. E2 E2 Besides corrosive waste, toxic industrial waste and effluents also can contain heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic and cadmium. These heavy metals will E2 accumulate in the body and disrupt the functions of organs such as the brain, heart E2 E2 and kidney. E2 Another major contributor of water pollution is the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in farming activities which are often washed into rivers and other water P3 sources during heavy rains. Nitrates, nitrites and phosphates from chemical fertilizers E3 E3 induce the rapid growth of algae. Consequently, the oxygen content of the water will E3 decrease as the bacteria decomposers require a lot of oxygen to decompose the E3 abundant amount of dead algae. Pesticides on the other hand contain toxic AE3 RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 14
  • 15. substances and when consumed by aquatic organisms may lead to their death. E3 Water pollution may also arise due to landfills. Rubbish dumped at landfills often leaks during heavy rainfall and this can contaminate our water sources such as the P4 underground water. Therefore landfills require good management of waste which E4 includes dumping of waste according to the types of waste as well as proper E4 management of leakage and methane gas which is the by-product of decomposition E4 E4 of waste. To prevent leakage, the construction of a landfill requires a well-planned approach and suitable site. Thus it is vital that landfills are high above the E4E4 groundwater table so as to avoid the leakage and contamination problem. E4 Water pollution gives rise to many effects and poses threats not only to humans but also other living organisms. Apart from reducing the oxygen content of the water P5E5 which may result to death of aquatic organisms, water pollution also give rise to many water borne diseases such as cholera and hepatitis A. For example, if human E5 E5 waste is released into rivers, pathogens can enter the water system and infect many E5 E5 people. On the other hand, excessive fertilizers washed into lakes and rivers can cause algal blooms. When the algae decay, oxygen in the water will be used up by the E5 decaying process. This causes fish and other aquatic population to die. The whole E5 process is called eutrophication. E5 Another effect of water pollution is stench from water-logged areas causes discomfort to residents. The dumping of waste into water areas such drains and P6 rivers is often done by unscrupulous people. Little regard of concern is given to this E6 act of dumping as long as it can help people to save cost on proper disposal method. E6 To them, it is of little consequences if they throw their rubbish and human waste into the water as it is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of unwanted waste. The stench E6 from clogged drains for example can be unbearable and this can tarnish our tourism E6 E6 industry. Besides, dirty rivers choked with rubbish are breeding grounds for E6 mosquitoes and rodents which are carriers of diseases. E6 To curb water pollution, formal and informal education play a major role to E7 E7 educate the public on proper ways to dispose rubbish. The curriculum of our formal P7 education system contains environmental pollutions related issues. This is to create E7 E7 awareness of environmental problems such as water pollution among the younger E7 generation. Informal education includes variety of activities like public campaigns and E7 gotong royong that have been organized by the government and non-government E7 E7 organizations. These activities are carried out to educate the public on the E7 importance of preventing water pollution. E7 Another effective method to stop water pollution is to enforce stringent laws to P8 offenders. Relevant authorities should set up check points to curtail illegal dumping E8 to avoid the consequences that it may bring upon the environment. Factories or E8 individuals who are caught responsible for this despicable act should be fined with E8 heavy penalty and licence of the factories concerned should be revoked. E8 E8. In conclusion, if this human-made water pollution issue is not tackled immediately A there will be more disasters and diseases in our society. It is everyone’s responsibility A to help overcome this water pollution problem. We do not want all our waterways end up as dead rivers that even fish cannot survive. We want our rivers to stay clean AA and alive where our children can treasure the greatest gift of nature. The future AA generation is rightfully entitled to inherit sustainable living environment. A Reported by; ROGAYAH BINTI HARON RH/EST Panel/SASER 10 Page 15