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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris 
Kelas : VIII 
3.1 MATERI 1 
1. GREETING CARD (Ucapan selamat) 
Struktur text 
a. Menyebutkan tujuan dari (a) undangan pribadi dan (b) 
ucapan selamat (greeting card). 
b. Menyebutkan informasi rinci dari (a) undangan pribadi dan 
(b) ucapan selamat (greeting card). 
Unsur kebahasaan 
Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan 
tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau 
merupakan kebenaran umum 
Struktur teks 
The sun shines everyday in Indonesia, so it is mostly very 
green. My father is very healthy 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Present Tense. 
(2) Adverbia: always, often, sometimes, never, usually, every 
(3) Kosa kata: kata benda, kata kerja, dan kata sifat yang 
terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, 
rumah, dan sekitarnya 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kata kerja untuk kegiatan dan tindakan dalam Present 
Continous tense. 
(2) Kosa kata: kata benda, kata kerja, dan kata sifat yang 
terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, 
rumah, dan sekitarnya 
(3) Kata kerja untuk keadaan: be, have, dalam Present 
Continuous Tense. 
(4) Adverbia: now 
(5) Kata ganti obyek: me, you, him, her, us, dst. 
3.2 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur 
kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan 
fungsi sosial menyatakan dan 
menanyakan perbandingan jumlah 
dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, 
sesuai dengan konteks 
penggunaannya . 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kosa kata: kata benda dan kata sifat yang terkait dengan 
orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah, dan 
(2) Perbandingan sifat: as ... as, -er, -est, more ..., the most ... 
(3) Perbandingan jumlah: more, fewer, less 
3.3 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur 
kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan 
fungsi sosial teks deskriptif dengan 
menyatakan dan menanyakan 
tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, 
dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, 
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan 
nya . 
Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, 
dan benda 
Fungsi sosial 
Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, 
mengkritik, dsb. 
Struktur text 
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) 
a. Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda dan nama bagian-
4.11 Menangkap makna dalam teks 
deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan 
bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan 
b. Menyebutkan sifat orang, binatang, benda dan bagiannya, 
c. Menyebutkan tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, 
binatang, benda yang semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial 
yang hendak dicapai. 
Panjang teks: kurang lebih 6 (tiga) kalimat. 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan a dan the, dan 
plural (-s). 
(2) Kata ganti it, they, she, we, dst.; our, my, your, their, dst. 
(3) Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan 
siswa di rumah, sekolah, dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa 
kata keterangan quite, very. 
(4) Frasa nominal seperti dark brown, cute little cat, beautiful 
red flower 
(5) Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan dan tindakan rutin 
dalam simple present tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, 
3.4 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur 
kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan 
fungsi sosial menyatakan dan 
menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang 
dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, 
sesuai dengan konteks 
4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk 
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang 
tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ 
terjadi di waktu lampau, dengan 
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, 
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan 
yang benar dan sesuai konteks 
Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan 
tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau 
Struktur teks 
What did you do after school yesterday? My brother and I went 
fishing in the river.; 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous 
(2) Kata sambung: when, while, after, before, dll. 
3.5 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur 
kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan 
fungsi sosial teks recount dengan 
menyatakan dan menanyakan 
tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan 
peristiwa, pendek dan sederhana, 
sesuai dengan konteks 
4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan 
dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, 
tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa. 
4.15 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, 
pendek dan sederhana, tentang 
kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dengan 
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, 
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan 
yang benar dan sesuai konteks. 
Teks recount pendek dan sederhana tentang kegiatan, kejadian, 
dan peristiwa 
Fungsi sosial 
Melaporkan, meneladani, membanggakan, berbagi 
pengalaman, dsb. 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Past tense, Past Continuous 
(2) Kosa kata: kata kerja yang menunjuk tindakan atau 
(3) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, 
at last, finally, dsb. 
(4) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu: 
yesterday, last month, on Monday, an hour ago, 
immediately, dsb. 
3.6 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur 
kebahasaan untuk melaksana kan 
fungsi sosial dari teks pesan singkat 
Teks tulis (a) pesan singkat dan (b) pengumuman/ 
pemberitahuan (notice) 
Masing-masing diajarkan secara terpisah
dan pengumuman /pemberitahuan 
(notice), sesuai dengan konteks 
4.16 Menangkap makna pesan singkat dan 
(notice), sangat pendek dan 
4.17 Menyusun teks tulis pesan singkat 
dan pengumuman/ pemberitahuan 
(notice), sangat pendek dan 
sederhana, dengan memperhatikan 
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur 
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai 
Jakarta, 29 Agustus 2014 
Waita sani,S.Pd 
Fungsi sosial 
Tindakan dilaksanakan sesuai yang diharapkan. 
Struktur text 
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) 
a. Menyebutkan tujuan dari pesan singkat dengan atau tanpa 
informasi rinci, seperti Sorry, I’m in a meeting now. I’ll call 
you back in 10 minutes.; Make sure you lock the gate when 
you leave. 
b. Menyebutkan tujuan dari pengumuman/ pemberitahuan 
(notice) dengan atau tanpa informasi rinci, misalnya The flag 
ceremony will be held on Monday, 17 August. Attendance is 
compulsory.; An exam is in progress. Please be quite. 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kosa kata terkait dengan kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dan 
hari penting bagi siswa dan guru 
(2) Tata bahasa: Kalimat imperatif positif, kalimat imperatif 
3.7 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur 
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks 
naratif berbentuk fabel, sesuai 
dengan konteks penggunaannya 
4.18 Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan 
dan tulis, berbentuk fabel pendek dan 
sederhana penggunaannya 
Teks naratif, berbentuk fabel pendek dan sederhana 
Fungsi sosial 
Memperoleh hiburan, menghibur dan mengajarkan nilai-nilai 
luhur melalui cerita dengan tokoh binatang. 
Struktur text 
(gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) 
a. Memperkenalkan tokoh, tempat, waktu, terjadinya cerita 
b. Memberikan penilaian (evaluasi) tentang situasi dan kondisi 
terjadinya cerita. 
c. Memaparkan krisis yang terjadi terhadap tokoh utama 
d. Memaparkan akhir cerita, di mana krisis berakhir (resolusi) 
dengan bahagia atau sedih 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Tata bahasa: Simple Past tense, Past Continuous Tense 
(2) Kalimat langung dan tidak langsung 
(3) Kosa kata: tokoh binatang dalam fabel, tempat dan benda-benda 
terkait tokoh 
(4) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, 
at last, finally, dsb. 
(5) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penunjuk waktu: a long 
time ago, one day, in the morning, the next day, 
immediately, dsb.
1. GREETING CARD (Ucapan selamat) 
GREETING CARD (Kartu Ucapan) adalah text yang berupa kartu ucapan yang biasanya 
diberikan kepada seseorang untuk menyampaikan: ucapan selamat (Congratulations), perasaan 
simpati (sympathy). Permintaah maaf (apology), atau saran (suggestion). 
1.Congratulations (Ucapan Selamat) 
Kata-kata yang sering dipakai: 
a. Happy 
Happy birthday = Selamat ulang tahun 
Happy New Year = Selamat Tahun 
Happy anniversary = selamat hari jadi 
Happy Feast Day = Selamat Hari Raya 
b. congratulations/congratulate 
Congratulations on passing your exam = Selamat Anda lulus ujian 
Ucapan selamat sering disampaikan karena: 
Birthday = ulang tahun 
Engagement = tunangan 
Wedding/getting married = pernikahan 
Passing an exam = lulus ujian 
Winning a contest/copetition 
memenangkan lomba 
Getting a scholarship = mendapat 
Getting a scholar degree = mendapat 
gelar kesarjanaan 
Getting a new job = mendapat 
pekerjaan baru 
Job promotion = promosi pekerjaan 
Birth of baby = kelahiran bayi 
Yang sering ditanyakan: 
a. Jenist /tujuan teks (the purpose of the text) 
b. Siapa yang menyampaikan ucapan selamat 
c. Kepada siapa ucapan selamat itu disampaikan 
d. Hubungan antara orang yang menyampaikan dan yang menerima ucapan 
e. Isi ucapan 
f. Referensi kata 
 Greeting card 
Example : congratulation 
card(kartu ucapan selamat) 
To congratulate……(utk mengucapkan 
selamat kpd….) to greet ….(utk 
mengucapkn selamat) 
Contoh greeting card
Contoh ucapan selamat ulang tahun 
Happy Birthday To You Hope God Bless You Thousands miracles may come 
Contoh ucapan selamat telah menjadi juara lomba 
Dear Fina, Congratulation for being the winner of English Speech contest. Anggraini 
Contoh ucapan selamat hari raya idul fitri 
Happy Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1432 H Allah may bless us. Forgive all mistakes I’ve made. Desy 
1. The text above shows that . . . 
A. the writer is one of the contetants 
B. Esther is the best student 
C. Rudy is Esther's special friend 
D. Esther is the best singer 
2. The text is for . . . of FL2SN. 
A. the best student 
B. the best teacher 
C. the best singer 
D. the best graduate student 
The text for answer question no.2-3 
Dear Rania 
Congratulations on your success as the winner of the olympics Youth Scientific Contest 2013. With all the 
talent,you should feel much honored, I am proud of you. 
Headmaster & all teachers SMPI Al Mutaqin
3. Headmasters fells proud of Rania because she… 
A. enjoys her talent in science 
B. promoted her talent in science 
C. has won the Olympics scientific 
D. has joined the Olympics scientific 
4. What is the purpose of the text ? 
A. To inform the readers about the competition 
B. To train someone to be a good science 
C. To express admire to student 
D. To congratulate Rania 
The following text is for questions 5 and 6 
Dear Karen, 
Congratulations on your appointment as the OSIS chairperson in your school. Do your best. 
There are a lot of things that you can do to make our school better. I am sure you can manage it. 
God bless you. 
Best wishes, 
5. From the text, we know that .... 
A. Renza manages the OSIS well 
B. Karen has an appointment with OSIS chairperson 
C. Renza congratulates Karen as a new OSIS chairperson 
D. Karen and Renza make their school better with OSIS. 
6. The purpose of the text above is to .... 
A. make Karen think of her new promotion 
B. warn Karen to be careful with her new position 
C. congratulate Karen on her success in the examination 
D. congratulate Karen on her appointment as the students' chairperson 
2. INVITATION CARD (Undangan Pribadi) 
Invitation card or invitation letter is a card / letter that aims to invite someone 
to come to an event. 
Yang artinya : Invitation card atau invitation letter adalah sebuah kartu / surat yang 
bertujuan mengundang seseorang untuk mendatangi sebuah acara. 
Susunan invitation card/ letter terdiri dari : 
• Invitee (yang diundang) 
terletak di paling atas. 
• The body of the letter/ card 
- Occasion ( acara) . 
- Date ( tanggal) 
- Time ( waktu )
- Place (tempat) 
• Inviter ( si pengundang) tuliskan 
di paling akhir/ bawah. 
1. Kata-kata yang sering digunakan untuk mengundang antara lain: to invite (mengundang), 
attend (menghadiri), come (datang), join (mengikuti/bergabung), get together (berkumpul). 
Untuk menjawab soal menentukan tujuan/purpose teks, carilah kata-kata tersebut di dalam 
pilihan jawaban. 
2. Untuk menjawab soal menentukan siapa yang mengundang dan yang diundang, hubungan 
antara orang yang mengundang dan yang diundang, event (acara), hari/ tanggal, waktu, dan 
tempat sebuah event diselenggarakan, perhatikan kata kunci di dalam pertanyaan, lalu carilah 
kata kunci itu di dalam teks, maka jawabannya akan segera diketahui. 
Dear Johana, 
Years of gathering with food, good friends, and fun 
Let’s get together one more time to watch the new year come! 
Saturday, December 31th 7 p.m. 
At my house Jl. Anggrek 8 
1. What is the purpose of the text above? 
A. To invite a friend to attend the new year party 
B. To make someone happy in new year party 
C. To remind people the coming of new year 
D. To tell the importance of new year 
2. What is the party for? 
A. To have good friends 
B. To watch new friends 
C. To enjoy food and drinks 
D. To welcome the new year 
All of Students Grade 9 
You are invited to: 
Day/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of July 
two thousand and ten 
Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m. 
Venue : Art Room Pramesti Hotel 
Jl. Sudirman kav. 9 – 11 Bandung 
Come and help us celebrate it 
*Invitation card available at OSIS
3. Where will the graduation party be held? 
A. At Osis room. 
B. On Sudirman street. 
C. At Nusantara school. 
D. At Art room Pramesti Hotel. 
4. How long is the graduation party carried out? 
A. 2 hours. B.3 hours C. 9 hours D.11 hours 
The following text is for questions no 5-6 
It's a birthday party for 
Lucas Karamoy 
Come and share the joy 
There'll be ice cream and cakes 
for every girl and boy 
Saturday, June, 10th 
2.00 p.m. 
At Karamoy house 
Deluxe apartment 3`d floor 
RSVP: May (022 2352276) 
5. When will the birthday party be held? 
A. May 3rd C. June 2nd 
B. May 22nd D. June 10th 
6. What is the purpose the text ? 
A. To invite people to attend Lucas Karamoy's party. 
B. To tell about the food in Lucas Karamoy's party. 
C. To inform Lucas Karamoy'sbirthday. 
D. To make people enjoy the party. 
Kosata terkait dengan tema : 
1) Attend =……………. 
2) Be held =…………. 
3) Party =…………….. 
4) Invite =…………. 
5) Attendance =…………. 
6) Congratulation =………….. 
7) To congratulate =…………. 
8) The best =…………… 
9) Achievement =…………….. 
10) Carry out =………………. 
11) Place =……….. 
12) Venue =……………. 
13) The winner =……………. 
14) Runner up =………….. 
15) Invitation card =…………… 
16) Win – won =………. 
17) Proud =………… 
18) Pass –passed =………. 
19) Exprees =………… 
20) How long =…………….
Teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan benda 
Descriptive Text, Teks Deskriptif, adalah teks yang mendiskripsikan, menggambarkan, atau 
menguraikan tentang sesuatu, misalnya benda,binatang,tumbuhan, sese orang ataupun tempat 
tertentu. Uraian teks ini 
biasanya meliputi karakteristik, jenis, bentuk, fungsi dan hal-hal terperinci tentang “sesuatu” 
Bisa dikatakan juga bahwa Descriptive text adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah 
orang atau benda yang dideskripsikan, baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain. 
Struktur Descriptive Text (generic structure) adalah : 
1. Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan , berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik. 
2.Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda,binatang,suatu 
tempat, tumbuhan atau orang yang dideskripsikan. 
Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text : 
- Menggunakan simple present tense 
- Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are) 
- Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut. 
Berikut adalah Contoh Descriptive Text : 
The National Monument (or Monument Nasional) is a 132 
meters tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. It 
symbolizes the fight for Indonesia’s independence. The monument 
consist of a 117,7 m obelisk on a 45 m square platform at a height of 
17 m. 
The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of 
Lingga and Yoni. Lingga resembles, rice pestle (alu) and Yoni 
resembles a mortar rice (lesung), two important items in Indonesian 
agricultural tradition. 
The construction began in 1961 under the direction of 
President Soekarno and the monument was opened to the public in 
1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument 
and museum is opened daily from 08.00 – 15.00 every day 
throughout the week, except for the last Monday of the month the 
monument is closed. 
Read more: 
The descriptive text for no.1-4 
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in 
pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in 
nine recognized families though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They 
are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on theplanet that contains insect-pollinated 
flowering plants. 
Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the nectar from 
flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, 
as is typical for the super family. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of 
the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or 
impossible, but none are wingless. 
The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64") 
long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee whose females can attain a 
length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bees, are the most common type 
of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies. 
1. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan gambaran umum 
 Soal : 
What is the text about? 
A. Describing bees in general. 
B. Explaining bees in Antarctica. 
C. Telling the habitat of the bees. 
D. Giving information about bees in the Northern Hemisphere. 
 Kunci Jawaban : A 
 Pembahasan : 
Jawaban paling tepat adalah A. Hal ini dilihat dari deskripsi Bees are flying insects … 
yang tidak mendeskripsikan bees secara khusus. 
2. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan pikiran Utama 
 Soal : 
What is the main idea of paragraph one? 
A. Bees live on every continent. 
B. Bees belong to flying insects. 
C. Bees produce honey and beeswax. 
D. Bees only live with insect-flowering plants. 
 Kunci Jawaban : B
 Pembahasan: 
Kesimpulan dari paragaf 1 adalah menjelaskan tentang bees dan termasuk ke dalam flying 
3. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat 
 Soal : 
Which of the following sentences is one of the physical appearances of the bees? 
A. None has wings. 
C. Its length is 39 mm. 
B. It has 13 antennae. 
D. Its tongue is complex. 
 Kunci Jawaban: D 
 Pembahasan: 
Jawaban paling tepat adalah D. Hal ini diambil dari kalimat pertama pada paragraph ke 2 
yang menyatakan Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that … 
4. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan rujukan Kata 
 Soal : 
“They are found on every continent except Antarctica,…” 
The word “they” refers to … . 
A. ants 
B. bees 
C. insects 
D. flying insects 
 Kunci Jawaban : B 
 Pembahasan : 
Kata they merujuk kata bees yang terdapat pada kalimat sebelumnya yatu there yang 
merujuk pada kata bees.
The descriptive for questions no.6-10 
One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the giraffe. 
- Salah satu yg paling menarik di kebun binatang adlh jerapa. 
This is the giraffe we saw at the zoo. It is male and it is about six meters tall. 
-ini adlh jerapah yg kita lihat di kebun binatang. Ini jantan dan tingginya 
sekitar 6 m. 
The giraffe has big brown eyes. 
-jerapa menpunyai mata coklat yg besar. 
They are protected by very thick lashes. 
- Mereka dilindungi dgn bulu mata yg tebal. 
This giraffe has brown spots on the skin. 
- Jerapah mempunyai bintik-bintik coklat di kulit. 
This coloring helps protect the giraffe. It is also has two short horns on its head. 
- Warna ini membantu melindungi jerapah. Dia juga mempunyai 2 
tanduk yang pendek di atas kepalanya. 
Like a camel, it can go for a long time without drinking water. 
- Seperti onta, ia dapat hidup dalam waktu yang lama tanpa minum air. 
One source of water is the leaves which it eats from trees. 
- Salah satu sumber airnya adlh dedaunan yang ia makan dari pepohonan. 
It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree. 
-ia tinggi, sehingga jerapah dapat mencapai pucuk daun di atas pohon. 
The giraffe has two methods of self protection. 
- Jerapah mempunyai 2 metode utk melindungi dirinya. 
If something frightens an adult giraffe, it can gallop away at about fifty kilometers per hour or 
stay to fight with its strong legs. 
- Jika terjadi sesuatu yg menakutkan jerapah dewasa, ia dapat berlari sekitar 50 km/jam 
atau berkelahi dgn kakinya yg kuat. 
A. Choose the best answer based on the text 
6. What is the text tell us about ? (a good tittle) 
A. A small African Animal C. The Tallest animal at the Zoo 
B. Giraffe and Camel D. An interesting animal 
7. The word “gallop” similar meaning with…. 
A. Run C. fight 
B. Protect D. walk 
8. from the description , we may conclude that giraffes…….. 
A. need more water than camels. 
B. Eat tree leaves for water 
C. Do not need much water 
D. Need water and do not need leaves
9. a giraffe is about…………. Metres tall. 
A. Two C. four 
B. Three D. six 
10. The giraffe has two method of self protection. One of them is……… 
A. Looking for other giraffes 
B. Staying to fight with its strong legs 
C. Hiding in a certain place 
D. Staying and doing nothing 
The following text is for questions 11 to 13 
My favorite toy is a kite. Layang-layang or a kite is a very popular pastime toy in 
Indonesia. Many people like to play it. There are two distinct types of kites. The first are those 
which have tails attached to them to balance the kite; and those that will be used for one-on-one 
dogfights among kite flyers. 
Kites for dogfights are popular among boys. They do not have 
tails attached to them. They are made from light bamboo and waxed 
paper. The string is the most important part in kites for dogfighting. It 
must be sharp so it can cut other strings easily. To make such kind of 
string is not easy. It must be coated with crushed glass. The string is 
dipped in a solution of crushed glass, which has been boiled with glue, 
chemicals and dye. The mixture acts as an adherent so the tiny 
particles of glass will cling to the string. The string is strung out on a 
small rack to let it dry. This string is used for dogfights. 
11. What makes a kite keep its balance? 
A. The bamboo. C. The Paper 
B. The string. D. The tail 
12. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? 
A. The string for kites for dogfights must be dry. 
B. Kites for dogfights don't have tails. 
C. The string for the kites are popular. 
D. The kites don't have tails. 
13. From the text we know that .... 
A. flying a kite is a common activity of Indonesian people 
B. fighting kites have tails attached to them 
C. the kite strings are made from glass 
D. the string for the kites must be dry
The following text is for questions 14 to 17 
Aloe vera is also known as the "crocodile's tongue" plant 
in Indonesia. It is called so because the leave is thick, long and 
sharp, and the sides are serrated like the body of a crocodile. Aloe 
vera is planted in dry areas and in warm climates. It takes little 
water to grow. 
Aloe vera is a short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 
60-100 cm tall. Spreading by offsets, the stems are thick and 
fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white 
flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. Aloe vera is a 
multifunctional plant. It can be used to cure a wound caused by burning. Using aloe vera to heal 
the wound is easy and simple. Pick the leaves, peel the rind, then squeeze the sticky liquid and 
spread it over the wound. Aloe vera also can be made into healthy drink to prevent rheumatism 
and diabetes because it contains vitamin and minerals. 
Generally, the drink helps to repair the damaged cells and makes the organs of the human 
body work well. Aloe vera can also make our hair thick too. Apply it over the scalp and massage 
it gently so it could soak thoroughly. Ten minutes later, rinse the hair. 
14. What does the text mostly tell us about? 
A. Crocodile tongue. 
B. A special plant. 
C. Aloe Vera. 
D. A crocodile plant. 
15. Where does aloe vera grow? 
A. In dry areas and warm climates. C. In the mountain and dry areas 
B. In wet areas and cold climates. D. In wet and damp places 
16. "It can be used for curing the wounds caused by burning." 
From the underlined word, we can conclude that .... 
A. aloe vera is a medical herb 
B. the plant has a magical power 
C. aloe vera is a very fleshy plant 
D. aloe vera can be squeezed 
17. What does paragraph three tell us about? 
A. The physical appearance of aloe vera. 
B. The advantages of aloe vera. 
C. The procedure to plant aloe vera. 
D. The reason why aloe vera called crocodile's tongue.
Text for questions 18 - 20 
My Pets 
We have three family pets: a dog, a cat, and a tortoise. 
The dog’s name is Nero. He is big golden Labrador. He is beautiful. 
He has big brown eyes and a long tail. He is very friendly dog, but he is 
sometimes a little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are fun to 
play with. 
Our cat is named Martha. She is quite young, but she is not a kitten. 
She is very pretty. She has black and white fur and green eyes. She’s 
smart, too and very clean. 
The tortoise’s name is Rocky. He has short, fat legs, a long neck, and a 
very hard shell. He is also very old and slow. He’s ugly and dirty, but I like him. 
18. What does paragraph 3 tell you about? 
a. The description about Martha 
b. Martha is quite young 
c. Martha is very pretty 
d. Martha has black and white fur and green eyes 
19. How many pets the writer have? 
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 
20. “He’s ugly and dirty, but I like him.” (last paragraph) 
What does the word “I” in the sentence refer to? 
a. The writer 
b. Martha 
c. Nero 
d. Rocky
Pengertian Recount Text 
Recount Text - Retell yours 
Secara harfiah, recount bermakna "menceritakan". Jadi recount text 
bisa diartikan sebagai "Text yang menceritakan". Jika mengacu pada 
keterangan di buku-buku sekolah (baca : Buku Bahasa Inggris SMP / 
SMA) recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, 
action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. 
(sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun aktifitas. 
Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau menginformasikan 
Generic Structure dari Recount Text 
Generic structure (susunan umum) recount text ini terdiri dari: 
 Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and 
when it happened. ("Orientation" menceritakan siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita, 
apa yang terjadi, di mana tempat peristiwa terjadi, dan kapan terjadi peristiwanya) 
 Events tell what happened and in what sequence. ("Event" menceritakan apa yang 
terjadi (lagi) dan menceritakan urutan ceritanya) 
 Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending. ("Reorientation" berisi 
penutup cerita / akhir cerita) 
Unsur kebahasaan 
(1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense 
(2) Kata sambung: when, while, after, before, dll. 
 Digunakan utk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yg telah lalu lampau. 
 Ket.waktu yg biasa di gunakan: 
a. Yesterday …………………………. 
b. Last night 
c. This morning 
d. Last ( week/month/years) 
e. (week/month/years) ago 
f. In 1990 
g. Once upon time
 Kata kerja terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu : 
I. Irregular verb ( kt.kerja tidak beraturan) 
Contoh : 
I II III Arti 
Go went gone - pergi 
Eat ate eaten - makan 
II. Regular verb (kt.kerja beraturan) 
I II III Arti 
Receive received received menerima 
Study studied studied belajar 
Clean cleaned cleaned mmbersihkan 
 Pola kalimat 
(+) Subject + verb.2 (utk kalimat positif) 
(+) Mrs.Tanti went to Surabaya last week 
(-) subject + did + not + verb.1 (utk kalimat negative) 
(-) Mrs.Tanti did not go to Surabaya last week 
(?) did + subject + verb.1 (utk kalimat pertanyaan) 
(?) did Mrs.Tanti go to Surabaya last week ? 
1. Mother (bring) an umbrella yesterday 
- Mother brought an umbrella yesterday 
- Ibu membawa payung kemarin 
2. My friend (come) at my home yesterday afternoon 
3. I (write ) a letter to Jane last week 
4. We ( go ) to the library last Saturday 
5. Tommy (clean) his room this morning
6. It was hot in the room, so I (open) the window 
7. The accident (happen) last Monday 
8. She (meet) her old friend two weeks ago 
Wrna biru = irregular verb 
Wrna merah = regular verb 
(Bentuk lampau sedang berlangsung) 
A. Penggunaan 
1. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau. 
2. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung dimana ada peristiwa 
lain terjadi, pada waktu lampau. 
3. Untuk menerangkan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi, secara bersamaan dengan 
peristiwa lain di waktu lampau. 
B. Keterangan waktu 
Keterangan waktu untuk Past Continuous Tense : 
As …. when : ketika 
- while : sementara 
- … as : ketika 
- the whole day yesterday 
- all day yesterday 
- all (morning, night 
 when + short action (simple past tense) 
 while + long action (past continuous tense 
There are four basic combinations: 
I was walking past the car when it exploded. 
When the car exploded 
I was walking past it. 
The car exploded while I was walking past it. 
While I was walking past the car 
it exploded. 
Notice that the long action and short action are relative. 
 "Watching TV" took a few hours. "Telephoned" took a few seconds. 
 "Walking past the car" took a few seconds. "Exploded" took a few milliseconds
Generic Structure 
Recount Text 
My Horrible experience 
 Provides the setting and 
introduces participants. 
Let me remind you my experience(pengalaman) during 
(selama) an earthquake(gempa bumi) last week. When 
(ketika) the earthquake happened (terjadi) , I was on my car. I 
was driving (mengemudi) home from my vocation (liburan) to 
 Tells what happened, in what 
Suddenly (tiba2) my car lunched to one side, to the left. I 
thought (kira) I got flat tire. I did not know ((tahu) that 
(bahwa) it was an earthquake. I knew (know) it was an 
earthquake when I saw (see) melihat some telephone and 
electricity poles falling down (terjatuh) to the ground 
(ketanah), like (seperti) matchsticks (korek api). 
Then I saw a lot of rocks (bebatuan) tumbling (bergelinding) 
across (melewati) the road (jalanan). I was trapped (tertimpa) 
by (oleh) the rock. Even (sehingga) I could not (tidak dapat) 
move (menggerakkan ) my car at all. There were rocks 
everywhere (dimana-mana). There was nothing (tidak ada) I 
could do (yg dpt aku lakukan) but (selain) left the car 
(meninggalkan mobil) and walked along (berjalan) way to my 
house (menuju rumahku), in the town (di dlm kota). 
When I reached (sampai) my town, I was so surprised 
(terkejut) that there was almost nothing left (tidak ada 
satupun yg tersisa). The earthquake made a lot of (banyak) 
damage (kerusakan ) to my town.
 Optional-closure of events 
Although (walaupun) nothing was left , I thanked God (bersyukur kpd 
tuhan) that nobody was seriously (dengn parah) injured (terluka) 
Every April 21 people in indonesia commemorate the kartini day. It is beautiful day 
for the woman because we celebrate the birth 
of great lady R.A. Kartini. Everyone knows 
who Kartini is. She is our national heroine and 
a great lady with the bright idea. 
 Setiap 21 April masyarakat di Indonesia 
memperingati hari kartini. Ini adalah hari 
yang indah untuk wanita karena kita 
merayakan kelahiran wanita hebat R.A. 
Kartini. Semua orang tahu siapa Kartini. 
Dia adalah pahlawan nasional kami dan 
seorang wanita hebat dengan ide 
Kartini was born in 1879 April 21 in mayong jepara. Her father was Rama 
Sosroningrat a Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in mayong. Her mother, Ma Ngasirah 
was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara as the daughter of a noble family, she felt luck 
because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than other 
children. In november 12 1903 she married adipati djoyodiningrat, the head of rembang 
regency. According to javanese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she moved 
to rembang. 
 Kartini lahir pada tahun 1879 21 April di Mayong Jepara. Ayahnya adalah Rama 
Sosroningrat seorang Wedana (asisten Bupati) di Mayong. Ibunya, Ma Ngasirah adalah 
seorang gadis dari desa Teluk Awur di Jepara yang merupakan putri dari keluarga 
bangsawan, dia merasa beruntung karena dia mendapat lebih dari pada orang biasa. 
Dia mendapat pendidikan yang lebih baik daripada anak-anak lain. Pada tanggal 12 
November 1903 ia menikah dengan adipati djoyodiningrat, kepala Kabupaten Rembang. 
Menurut tradisi Jawa Kartini harus mengikuti suaminya. Kemudian ia pindah ke 
In September 13 1904 she gave a birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after 
giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on 
september 17 1904 on her 25 years old. 
 Pada 13 September 1904 ia melahirkan anaknya. Namanya Singgih. Tapi setelah 
melahirkan seorang putra, kondisinya semakin parah dan dia akhirnya meninggal dunia 
pada 17 September 1904 berusia 25 tahun.
Now Kartini has gone. but her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. Nowadays 
Indonesian women progress is influenced by kartini's spirit stated on collection of letter 
"habis gelap terbitlah terang" or from the dusk to the dawn. 
 Sekarang Kartini telah tiada. Tapi semangat dan mimpi nya akan selalu berada di hati 
kita. Saat ini kemajuan perempuan Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh semangat kartini yang 
diyatakan dalam koleksi surat "Habis Gelap terbitlah Terang" yang ditulisnya. 
Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after 
we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a 
small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. 
The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and 
insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught 
some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, 
played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy. 
On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home. 
Dan berikut ini adalah terjemahan/arti dari rcount text diatas : 
Akhir pekan lalu, teman-teman saya dan saya pergi berkemah. Kami mencapai area 
camping setelah kami berjalan selama sekitar satu setengah jam dari tempat parkir. Kami 
membangun kamp sebelah sungai kecil. Itu dikarenakan hari semakin gelap dan dingin, jadi 
kami membangun sebuah kamp api. 
Keesokan harinya, kami menghabiskan waktu kita mengamati tanaman dan serangga 
sementara gadis-gadis yang menyiapkan makanan. Di sore hari kami pergi ke sungai dan 
menangkap beberapa ikan untuk makan malam. Pada malam hari, kami mengadakan malam 
kamp api. Kami bernyanyi, menari, membaca puisi, bermain trik sulap, dan bahkan beberapa 
dari kita melakukan komedi berdiri. 
Pada hari Senin, kami mengemasibarang-baang kami dan bersiap-siap untuk pulang.
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 4. 
It was Sunday morning December 26th 2004. The day that I would never forget forever. 
We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived. 
When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a violent 
shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big 
earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time. 
After that, we saw the water going on into the middle of the sea. No wonder if there 
were many kinds of fish left behind on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the view 
until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in 
its way. 
I didn’t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree. 
1. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan gambaran umum 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks recount tentang kejadian di 
suatu daerah, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban 
pertanyaan tentang gambaran umum dari teks 
tersebut dengan tepat. 
 Soal: 
The text mainly discusses … 
A. the story about terrible a earthquake 
B. the writer’s experience with a big earthquake 
C. the steps to avoid danger in your life 
D. the description of a beach in Meulaboh 
 Kunci jawaban: B 
 Pembahasan: 
Teks di atas adalah teks recount yang menceritakan pengalaman seseorang, maka 
jawaban yang tepat adalah b. 
2. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan pikiran utama 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks recount yang sama, siswa 
dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang 
pikiran utama suatu paragraph dari teks tersebut 
dengan tepat. 
 Soal: 
What is the main idea of the third paragraph? 
A. The writer saw many fish on the sand. 
B. The view of the beach was very exciting. 
C. The writer liked to see the wave in the sea. 
D. Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything. 
 Kunci jawaban: D
 Pembahasan: 
Pikiran utama pada paragraph ketiga cluenya secara tersurat pada kalimat terakhir, 
terjadinya tsunami yang menghancurkan segala-galanya. 
3. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks recount yang sama, siswa 
dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang 
informasi rinci tersurat dari teks tersebut dengan 
 Soal: 
Everybody in the beach was panic because … 
A. the sun rose brightly 
B. there was an earthquake 
C. the beach was very enjoyable. 
D. there was an amazing view in the sea. 
 Kunci jawaban: B 
 Pembahasan: 
Pada teks di atas dijelaskan orang-orang panic pada kalimat ke 2 dan ke 3. ‘Everybody 
in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake’. 
4. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah kalimat yang dikutip dari teks 
recount yang sama yang salah satu kata digaris 
bawahi, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban 
pertanyaan tentang makna kata/frasa/kalimat kata 
dari kata yang digaris bawahi tersebut dengan tepat. 
 Soal: 
“We all seemed to be astonished by … .” 
The underlined word has the same meaning with … 
A. panicked 
B. amazed 
C. delighted 
D. pleased 
 Kunci jawaban: B 
 Pembahasan: 
Makna ‘astonished’ pada teks di atas sama artinya dengan amazed, hal ini dapat 
dibaca dari konteksnya pada kalimat ‘until we realized that there was a huge wave 
coming towards us and destroying everything in its way’. Maka makna yang tepat 
adalah b.
The following text is for question 1 to 3 
When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek with friends. 
We used to play in the yard behind my house. The yard was a 
perfect place because it was surrounded by dense banana trees. 
We usually played until late at night. One day, when I was 
trying to find a place to hide among the banana trees, I slipped and 
fell into the river. I used to take a bath at the river, but never at 
night! In the dark, everything looked different. I couldn't think 
clearly, I felt something tickling my feet. 11 was struggling to go 
out, but my feet were trapped in the mud. 
Thank God, a friend finally came and helped me. He, then 
called others, and I was saved. 
1. What made the yard a perfect place for the game? It was ... 
A. surrounded by dense banana trees. 
B. just behind the writer's house. 
C. a place where he takes a bath 
D. near a river. 
2. Why was the writer scared when he fell into the river? 
A. He had never been to the river at night. 
B. He had never been to the river before. 
C. He found the river was very deep. 
D. He didn't like the water. 
3. What is the main idea of paragraph two? 
A. The river was very dark. 
B. The writer's feet were trapped in the mud. 
C. The writer was hiding among the banana trees. 
D. Something strange was tickling the writer's feet. 
The text for number 4 to 6 
The weather was very clear. My family and I decided to go camping last holiday. 
Father prepared the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the 
cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother 
brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left 
for the camping site in countryside. 
There were many campers when we arrived at the camping 
site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been 
occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. 
Finally, we found a good place little bit further. It was near a big 
tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We 
joined other people sitting on the rock near the river. 
In the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish
we caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent was a 
very wonderful experience. I woke up early in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied 
my brother playing ball. 
In the afternoon, we came back home. 
4. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent? 
A. near the river 
B. near the big tree 
C. at the back of the river 
D. far away from other campers 
5. What is the purpose of the text above? 
A. to describe a camping site 
B. to give instruction how to set up the tent 
C. to retell the writer's past camping experience 
D. to inform people the new camping site 
6. "...the river had been occupied by..." 
The underlined word is similar in meaning to .... 
A. inhabited C. bought 
B. authorized D. grabbed 
My holiday 
Dear ratna, 
My family and I went on trip on Solo. We went on Monday by car and stayed at my 
grandparent’s house. 
On Tuesday we went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view of its waterfall and had 
lunch there. They served traditional cuisine like wedang ronde, tempe bacem, fried fish, and fried 
chicken. After that, we continued our journey to Taman Jurug. 
The next day we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw a lot of historical heritages in the palace. 
After that, we went shopping to Klewer market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought some souvenirs for my 
cousins. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town. 
On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really enjoyed my 
holiday. It was fun. Do come over and have alook sometime. 
7. What did the writer write the text for? 
A. To describe Solo with its variety tourist destinations. 
B. To introduce her granparent’s house 
C. To retell us her holiday in Solo 
D. To explain her hometown 
8. How many tourist destinations that writer visit in Solo? 
A. 2 B.3 C. 4 D.5 
9. Where did adibah go on Wednesday? 
A. Taman Jurug C. Kasunan Palace 
B. Tawangmangu D. Grandparent’s house 
10. “It was fun.”….(Paragraph 4) 
What does the underlined word in the sentence refer to? 
A. Grandparent’s house C. Home 
B. Holiday D. Solo 
Change into the Irregular verb.II (simple past tense) : 
1. Begin =…….. 
2. Become =……… 
3. Bring =….. 
4. Build =……. 
5. Burst =…….. 
6. Buy =……… 
7. Break =………….. 
8. Catch =……….. 
9. Cut =……….. 
10. Do =……….. 
11. Drink =………….. 
12. Drive =………….. 
13. Eat =…………. 
14. Fall =……….. 
15. Feed =…………. 
16. Fly =……… 
17. Forbade =………… 
18. Forget =………… 
19. Go =…………… 
20. Get =……………. 
21. Grow =……… 
22. Give =……………… 
23. Hang =………… 
24. Have =…………. 
25. Keep =………… 
26. Know =…………. 
27. Leave =…………… 
28. Learn =……….. 
29. Make =………. 
30. Meet =………. 
Announcement berasal dari kata announce; dalam bahasa Inggris kata kerja announce 
bermakna "make a formal public declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention. Jadi bisa 
dikatakan "announcement" bermakna pemberitahuan fakta, kejadian atau niat, baik tertulis 
atau terucap yang disampaikan kepada publik. 
Tujuan dan Bentuk Contoh Announcement ( Pengumuman ) 
Sebelum kita tahu apa saja Contoh Announcement (pengumuman) Bahasa Inggris Sekolah yang 
Baik, kita juga wajib tahu tentang tujuan dan bentuk dari contoh announcement itu sendiri, silahkan 
Functions of the notice: 
1. To give instruction/to instruct people: untuk memberi petunjuk. 
2. To give direction: untuk memberi arahan. 
3. To ask people to…: untuk meminta orang supaya….. 
4. To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to..: untuk menganjurkan orang 
5. To remaind people to…: Untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya…. 
6. To warn/to give warning; untuk memberi peringatan 
7. To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to..: untuk melarang orang untuk…. 
To Know For The Reader and The Lisener. ===> Untuk Pembaca dan Pendengar 
2. Bentuk Announcement Berupa : 
Writen ====> Berupa Tulisan AND Speech ====> Berupa Perkataan
Contoh Announcement 
To all students of grade IX SMP Sukorambi. This is an important announcement for you who is 
going for picnic to Bali. 
 Kepada seluruh siswa kelas IX SMP Sukorambi. Ini merupakan pengumuman penting 
bagi Anda yang akan untuk piknik ke Bali. 
Please remember, we are going to leave Jember tomorrow morning: 
 Harap diingat, kita akan meninggalkan Jember besok pagi: 
Day : Saturday 
Date: 28 April 2012 
Time: 06.00 a.m. 
Place: School yard of SMP Sukorambi 
Please come before 6 or you’ll be left. Don’t forget to bring your camera and notebook to 
accomplish your traveling report. 
 Silahkan datang sebelum 6 atau Anda akan ditinggalkan. Jangan lupa untuk membawa 
kamera dan notebook untuk mencapai laporan Anda bepergian. 
Head of Traveling Comittee 
Samsidi, SPd 
Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 3. 
To : All Department Managers 
The meeting will be held to discuss the customer’s complaints. 
This afternoon Jan , 4t h 2010 at 01 p.m. in the meeting room. 
Please bring the document s needed. 
Thank You 
Secretary Director 
1. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks berupa pengumuman di kantor, 
siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang 
informasi rinci tersurat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat. 
 Soal: 
What will be discussed in the meeting? 
A. The customer’s order. 
B. The customer’s needed. 
C. The customer’s documents. 
D. The customer’s complaints. 
 Kunci jawaban: D 
 Pembahasan: 
Berdasarkan teks pengumuman di atas, pertemuan akan membicarakan tentang keluhan 
pelanggan, hal ini dapat dibaca pada kalimat: “ … the meeting to discuss the customer’s 
complaints”, maka jawaban yang tepat d. 
2. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi tersirat 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks pengumuman yang sama, siswa 
dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang informasi 
tersirat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat. 
 Soal: 
Who will attend the meeting? 
A. Customers. 
B. All managers. 
C. Secretary director and all managers. 
D. Director, secretary and all managers. 
 Kunci jawaban: D 
 Pembahasan: 
Pengumuman di atas ditujukan untuk seluruh manajer dan yang membuat pengumuman 
sekertaris direktur atas perintah direktur, maka yang akan hadir pada pertemuan adalah option 
3. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat 
Indikator : Disajikan sebuah kalimat yang dikutip dari teks 
pengumuman yang sama yang salah satu katanya digaris 
bawahi, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan 
tentang makna kata/frasa/kalimat dari kata yang digaris 
bawahi tersebut dengan tepat. 
 Soal: 
“… the meeting to discuss the customer’s complaints.” 
The underlined word means … . 
A. to speak with 
B. to say something 
C. to talk about 
D. to tell somebody 
 Kunci jawaban: C 
 Penbahasan: 
Makna yang tepat dari “to discuss” pada kutipan kalimat di atas adalah “to talk about”. 
The text for answer questions no.9-11 
Student Organization of SMPI Al Mutaqin 
To : All class captain 
Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held : 
Date : Saturday, May 22, 2014 
Time : 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm 
Place : OSIS room 
We will discuss the farewell party for the ninth grade students. 
Your attendance will be highly appreciated 
OSIS Chairman OSIS Secretary 
Ayu Aliana Putri M.Alvin 
1. Where will the discuss about farewell party be held? 
A.In the hall C. in OSIS room 
B. In the office the classroom 
2. when the meeting be held ? 
A. morning C. Evening 
B. Afternoon D. Night 
3. “Place : OSIS room.” 
The underlined word ‘Place’ similar meaning….. 
A. Hall B. Room C. Venue D. Building
Questions 4 and 5 are based on the following invitation. 
To: All students of SNIP Harapan bangsa 
We invite you to attend: 
"The 201h of School Anniversary" 
Day/Date : Saturday & Sunday, 6 & 7 February 2010 
Time : 8.00 a.m.- 16.00 a.m. 
Place : The main hall 
Activities : Charity Bazaar 
- Music Show 
- Traditional Dance Performance 
- Speech contest 
- Meet the alumni 
Come and have fun. 
4. The activities are held for .... 
A. Teacher's Farewell Party 
B. School Birthday Celebration 
C. Alumni Gathering 
D. School Dance Competition 
5. How many activities will be done? 
A. 2. C. 3 
B. 3 D. 4 
Read the text and answer Questions 6 and 7. 
To : All Employees 
Effective date : February 1", 2010 
Subject : Staff uniform 
Each employee is required to wear a uniform during work hours. This will make it easier to 
distinguish staff members from customers. 
Women should wear a colorful blouse with black pants or a knee-length skirt. Men should wear 
black pants with an orange or red T-shirt. No white, beige, or neutral colored tops, please. 
Posted by Management
6 . Who should wear black pants and an orange or red T-shirt? 
A. All employees. 
B. Women employees. 
C. Men employees. 
D. Staff Member. 
7. From the text above we know that .... 
A. The announcement is for all employees and customers. 
B. The employees didn't wear a uniform before. 
C. The women and men employees wear the same uniform. 
D. The costumers should wear uniforms. 
1. Notice(pemberitahuan)/ caution(peringatan/pemberitahuan)/ Warning 
notice : umum, tidak selalu berbentuk warning atau caution. 
Sorry we are moving to the 2nd Floor (Maaf, kami dalam proses pindah ke lantai 2) 
Pizza Hut (berarti gedung itu adalah Pizza Hut) 
Language laboratory (berarti di situ adalah ruang laborat) 
Principal (berati di situ adalah ruang Kepala Sekolah/ Pimpinan/ ...) 
Under Construction (Sedang dalam tahap dibangun) 
No U turning (tidak boleh berbalik/ berbelok di sini) 
No Littering (Tidak boleh membuang sampah di sini) 
Warning/ Caution : yang bersifat peringatan bahaya 
Where we can be found (dimana kita dapat menemukan): 
on the street (dijalan)= ….. 
building(gedung)/ bridge(jembatan)/street under construction = …. 
in public places (di tempat umum): park, terminal, bus station, airport (bandara), zoo, 
market, shop, mall, supermarket , etc 
in a certain building (juga merupakan public places, meski untuk kalangan tertentu) : 
school, hotel, office, etc 
in a certain room/ area (juga merupakan public places, meski untuk kalangan 
tertentu): a lobby of a hotel, a waiting room, a public toilet, classroom, library, 
laboratory, etc
Tujuan komunikatif dan makna caution/ notice/ 
warning (dangerous/harmfull/hazardous)=(berbahaya): 
tergantung isi, bisa : menyuruh .. untuk ... / menyuruh ....untuk tidak.../ melarang 
Vocabularies (kosakata) yang sering digunakan : 
allow-allowed-allowed : membiarkan/ mengijinkan 
forbide-forbade-forbidden : melarang 
permit-permitted-permitted : mengijinkan 
tell-told-told : menyuruh 
ask-asked-asked : meminta 
suggest-suggested-suggested : menyarankan 
Ungkapan yang sering digunakan (dalam bentuk pasif): 
is not allowed to .../ are not allowed to ... ( tidak dijinkan) -> It is not allowed to 
.../We are not 
permitted = ….(di ijinkan utk) , permission =(di ijinkan)…………… 
allowed to ...(di ijinkan utk)/ are not allowed to ...-> People are not allowed to ... 
is forbidden to .../ are forbidden to ...(dilarang untuk)->It is forbidden to .../ We are 
forbidden to ... 
prohibite/prohibited to = dilarang untuk …………. 
Ungkapan yang sering digunakan (dalam bentuk aktif) 
tell ... to ...(do something ) : menyuruh orang untuk ... 
tell ...not to : The notice tells us not to ...(Peringatan itu menyuruh kita untuk tidak ...) 
can (dapat/ boleh) --> We can .... 
may (boleh) --> We may not ... 
must (harus) ---? We must ... 
should (seharusnya)--? We should ... (Kita seharusnya) should not…(tidak 
1. What does the caution above mean? 
A. The management forbids you to leave your vehicle. 
B. You are prohibited to leave valuables in your vehicle. 
C. Your vehicle is valuable for the management. 
D. Valuable things will be damage in your vehicle. 
INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk “Caution”. 
PEMBAHASAN: Teks Caution di atas berbunyi: “Do not leave valuables in your vehicle” 
(Jangan meninggalkan barang-barang berharga di kendaraan Anda). Dengan demikian, 
maksud dari Caution di atas adalah Pilihan B: Anda dilarang meninggalkan barang-barang 
berharga di dalam kendaraan Anda (You are prohibited to leave valuables in your vehicle). 
2. What does the caution above mean? 
A. We must be careful because harmful algae grow in this water. 
B. Swimming in this water may harm the algae that grow in it. 
C. The algae cannot cause serious harm to the animal. 
D. Harmful algae does not grow well in this water. 
INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk “Caution”. 
PEMBAHASAN: Teks Caution di atas berbunyi: “Harmful algae may be present in this 
water. Contact may cause serious harm to human and animal” (Ganggang yang berbahaya 
ada di dalam air ini. Bersentuhan/kontak dengan ganggang tersebut bisa menyebabkan luka 
yang serius terhadap manusia dan hewan). Dengan demikian, maksud dari Caution di atas 
adalah kita harus berhati-hati karena ada ganggang yang tumbuh di dalam air tersebut (We
must be careful because harmful algae grow in this water). 
Observe the opicture to answer question number 2 
 Soal : 
The notice means that…. 
A. the parking lot is only meant for visitors 
B. only people having permission can park their car at the parking lot 
C. the visitors are permitted to leave their vehicle at the parking lot 
D. people must take the parking 
1. Where do we usually find the text? 
A. at the lake 
B. At the beach 
C. At the river bank 
D. At the swimming pool. 
2. Observe the caution! What does it mean? 
A. People may not cross in this place. 
B. It is the place for pedestrian crossing. 
C. Pedestrian may not cross in this place. 
D. It is not the place for pedestrian crossing. 
3. Where do you usually find this caution? 
A. on the park. 
B. on the beach. 
C. on the parking lots. 
D. on the side of the road. 
4. This caution is meant to warn(utk memperingatkan) anyone (setiap orang) who walks 
(berjalan)on the floors to be careful (berhati-hati) because (karena)... 
A. the floors are wet this time 
B. the floors are not wet 
C. anybody can make the floors wet 
D. anybody will be wet if they walk on the floors 
5. From the text we(kita) know that(mengetahui bahwa)…. 
A. we may not make the floors wet 
B. we are required to step on the floors 
C. we might slip if we step on them 
D. we should mop the floors 
6. The notice means that we should……….. the animals. 
A. Take care of C. Prepare the food for 
B. Regulary feed D. Put the food in hand to feed

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Modul pembelajaran kls 8 yg baru

  • 1. 1 SILABUS SMP/MTs KURIKULUM 2013 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII MATERI PELAJARAN KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN 3.1 MATERI 1 1. GREETING CARD (Ucapan selamat) 2. INVITATION CARD (Undangan Pribadi) Struktur text a. Menyebutkan tujuan dari (a) undangan pribadi dan (b) ucapan selamat (greeting card). b. Menyebutkan informasi rinci dari (a) undangan pribadi dan (b) ucapan selamat (greeting card). Unsur kebahasaan Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi secara rutin atau merupakan kebenaran umum Struktur teks The sun shines everyday in Indonesia, so it is mostly very green. My father is very healthy Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Present Tense. (2) Adverbia: always, often, sometimes, never, usually, every ... (3) Kosa kata: kata benda, kata kerja, dan kata sifat yang terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah, dan sekitarnya Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kata kerja untuk kegiatan dan tindakan dalam Present Continous tense. (2) Kosa kata: kata benda, kata kerja, dan kata sifat yang terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah, dan sekitarnya (3) Kata kerja untuk keadaan: be, have, dalam Present Continuous Tense. (4) Adverbia: now (5) Kata ganti obyek: me, you, him, her, us, dst. 3.2 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya . Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kosa kata: kata benda dan kata sifat yang terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda di kelas, sekolah, rumah, dan sekitarnya (2) Perbandingan sifat: as ... as, -er, -est, more ..., the most ... (3) Perbandingan jumlah: more, fewer, less 3.3 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks deskriptif dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang deskripsi orang, binatang, dan benda, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan nya . Teks deskriptif pendek dan sederhana, tentang orang, binatang, dan benda Fungsi sosial Membanggakan, menjual, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, mengkritik, dsb. Struktur text (gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) a. Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda dan nama bagian-
  • 2. 2 4.11 Menangkap makna dalam teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana. bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan b. Menyebutkan sifat orang, binatang, benda dan bagiannya, dan c. Menyebutkan tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, binatang, benda yang semuanya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak dicapai. Panjang teks: kurang lebih 6 (tiga) kalimat. Unsur kebahasaan (1) Penyebutan kata benda singular dengan a dan the, dan plural (-s). (2) Kata ganti it, they, she, we, dst.; our, my, your, their, dst. (3) Kata sifat tentang orang, binatang, benda dalam kehidupan siswa di rumah, sekolah, dan sekitarnya, dengan atau tanpa kata keterangan quite, very. (4) Frasa nominal seperti dark brown, cute little cat, beautiful red flower (5) Kata kerja untuk menyatakan keadaan dan tindakan rutin dalam simple present tense: be, have, go, play,get, take, dll. 3.4 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 4.13 Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks Teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di waktu lampau Struktur teks What did you do after school yesterday? My brother and I went fishing in the river.; Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense (2) Kata sambung: when, while, after, before, dll. 3.5 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 4.14 Menangkap makna teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa. 4.15 Menyusun teks recount lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, tentang kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Teks recount pendek dan sederhana tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa Fungsi sosial Melaporkan, meneladani, membanggakan, berbagi pengalaman, dsb. Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Past tense, Past Continuous Tense (2) Kosa kata: kata kerja yang menunjuk tindakan atau kegiatan (3) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last, finally, dsb. (4) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penujuk waktu: yesterday, last month, on Monday, an hour ago, immediately, dsb. 3.6 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksana kan fungsi sosial dari teks pesan singkat Teks tulis (a) pesan singkat dan (b) pengumuman/ pemberitahuan (notice) Masing-masing diajarkan secara terpisah
  • 3. 3 dan pengumuman /pemberitahuan (notice), sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 4.16 Menangkap makna pesan singkat dan pengumuman/pemberitahuan (notice), sangat pendek dan sederhana. 4.17 Menyusun teks tulis pesan singkat dan pengumuman/ pemberitahuan (notice), sangat pendek dan sederhana, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks. Jakarta, 29 Agustus 2014 Penyusun Waita sani,S.Pd Fungsi sosial Tindakan dilaksanakan sesuai yang diharapkan. Struktur text (gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) a. Menyebutkan tujuan dari pesan singkat dengan atau tanpa informasi rinci, seperti Sorry, I’m in a meeting now. I’ll call you back in 10 minutes.; Make sure you lock the gate when you leave. b. Menyebutkan tujuan dari pengumuman/ pemberitahuan (notice) dengan atau tanpa informasi rinci, misalnya The flag ceremony will be held on Monday, 17 August. Attendance is compulsory.; An exam is in progress. Please be quite. Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kosa kata terkait dengan kegiatan, kejadian, peristiwa, dan hari penting bagi siswa dan guru (2) Tata bahasa: Kalimat imperatif positif, kalimat imperatif negatif 3.7 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks naratif berbentuk fabel, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya 4.18 Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel pendek dan sederhana penggunaannya Teks naratif, berbentuk fabel pendek dan sederhana Fungsi sosial Memperoleh hiburan, menghibur dan mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur melalui cerita dengan tokoh binatang. Struktur text (gagasan utama dan informasi rinci) a. Memperkenalkan tokoh, tempat, waktu, terjadinya cerita (orientasi). b. Memberikan penilaian (evaluasi) tentang situasi dan kondisi terjadinya cerita. c. Memaparkan krisis yang terjadi terhadap tokoh utama (komplikasi) d. Memaparkan akhir cerita, di mana krisis berakhir (resolusi) dengan bahagia atau sedih Unsur kebahasaan (1) Tata bahasa: Simple Past tense, Past Continuous Tense (2) Kalimat langung dan tidak langsung (3) Kosa kata: tokoh binatang dalam fabel, tempat dan benda-benda terkait tokoh (4) Adverbia penghubung waktu: first, then, after that, before, at last, finally, dsb. (5) Adverbia dan frasa preposisional penunjuk waktu: a long time ago, one day, in the morning, the next day, immediately, dsb.
  • 4. 4 MATERI 1 1. GREETING CARD (Ucapan selamat) GREETING CARD (Kartu Ucapan) adalah text yang berupa kartu ucapan yang biasanya diberikan kepada seseorang untuk menyampaikan: ucapan selamat (Congratulations), perasaan simpati (sympathy). Permintaah maaf (apology), atau saran (suggestion). 1.Congratulations (Ucapan Selamat) Kata-kata yang sering dipakai: a. Happy Contoh: Happy birthday = Selamat ulang tahun Happy New Year = Selamat Tahun Baru Happy anniversary = selamat hari jadi Happy Feast Day = Selamat Hari Raya b. congratulations/congratulate Contoh: Congratulations on passing your exam = Selamat Anda lulus ujian Ucapan selamat sering disampaikan karena: Birthday = ulang tahun Engagement = tunangan Wedding/getting married = pernikahan Passing an exam = lulus ujian Winning a contest/copetition memenangkan lomba Getting a scholarship = mendapat beasiswa Getting a scholar degree = mendapat gelar kesarjanaan Getting a new job = mendapat pekerjaan baru Job promotion = promosi pekerjaan Birth of baby = kelahiran bayi Yang sering ditanyakan: a. Jenist /tujuan teks (the purpose of the text) b. Siapa yang menyampaikan ucapan selamat c. Kepada siapa ucapan selamat itu disampaikan d. Hubungan antara orang yang menyampaikan dan yang menerima ucapan e. Isi ucapan f. Referensi kata TYPES OF SHORT FUNCTIONAL TEXT PURPOSE(tujuan)  Greeting card Example : congratulation card(kartu ucapan selamat) To congratulate……(utk mengucapkan selamat kpd….) to greet ….(utk mengucapkn selamat) Contoh greeting card
  • 5. 5 Contoh ucapan selamat ulang tahun Happy Birthday To You Hope God Bless You Thousands miracles may come Contoh ucapan selamat telah menjadi juara lomba Dear Fina, Congratulation for being the winner of English Speech contest. Anggraini Contoh ucapan selamat hari raya idul fitri Happy Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1432 H Allah may bless us. Forgive all mistakes I’ve made. Desy 1. The text above shows that . . . A. the writer is one of the contetants B. Esther is the best student C. Rudy is Esther's special friend D. Esther is the best singer 2. The text is for . . . of FL2SN. A. the best student B. the best teacher C. the best singer D. the best graduate student The text for answer question no.2-3 Dear Rania YOU DID IT Congratulations on your success as the winner of the olympics Youth Scientific Contest 2013. With all the talent,you should feel much honored, I am proud of you. Headmaster & all teachers SMPI Al Mutaqin
  • 6. 6 3. Headmasters fells proud of Rania because she… A. enjoys her talent in science B. promoted her talent in science C. has won the Olympics scientific D. has joined the Olympics scientific 4. What is the purpose of the text ? A. To inform the readers about the competition B. To train someone to be a good science C. To express admire to student D. To congratulate Rania The following text is for questions 5 and 6 Dear Karen, Congratulations on your appointment as the OSIS chairperson in your school. Do your best. There are a lot of things that you can do to make our school better. I am sure you can manage it. God bless you. Best wishes, Renza 5. From the text, we know that .... A. Renza manages the OSIS well B. Karen has an appointment with OSIS chairperson C. Renza congratulates Karen as a new OSIS chairperson D. Karen and Renza make their school better with OSIS. 6. The purpose of the text above is to .... A. make Karen think of her new promotion B. warn Karen to be careful with her new position C. congratulate Karen on her success in the examination D. congratulate Karen on her appointment as the students' chairperson 2. INVITATION CARD (Undangan Pribadi) Invitation card or invitation letter is a card / letter that aims to invite someone to come to an event. Yang artinya : Invitation card atau invitation letter adalah sebuah kartu / surat yang bertujuan mengundang seseorang untuk mendatangi sebuah acara. Susunan invitation card/ letter terdiri dari : • Invitee (yang diundang) terletak di paling atas. • The body of the letter/ card - Occasion ( acara) . - Date ( tanggal) - Time ( waktu )
  • 7. 7 - Place (tempat) • Inviter ( si pengundang) tuliskan di paling akhir/ bawah. STRATEGI 1. Kata-kata yang sering digunakan untuk mengundang antara lain: to invite (mengundang), attend (menghadiri), come (datang), join (mengikuti/bergabung), get together (berkumpul). Untuk menjawab soal menentukan tujuan/purpose teks, carilah kata-kata tersebut di dalam pilihan jawaban. 2. Untuk menjawab soal menentukan siapa yang mengundang dan yang diundang, hubungan antara orang yang mengundang dan yang diundang, event (acara), hari/ tanggal, waktu, dan tempat sebuah event diselenggarakan, perhatikan kata kunci di dalam pertanyaan, lalu carilah kata kunci itu di dalam teks, maka jawabannya akan segera diketahui. Dear Johana, Years of gathering with food, good friends, and fun Let’s get together one more time to watch the new year come! Saturday, December 31th 7 p.m. At my house Jl. Anggrek 8 Love Sandra 1. What is the purpose of the text above? A. To invite a friend to attend the new year party B. To make someone happy in new year party C. To remind people the coming of new year D. To tell the importance of new year 2. What is the party for? A. To have good friends B. To watch new friends C. To enjoy food and drinks D. To welcome the new year All of Students Grade 9 You are invited to: GRADUATION PARTY 2010 SMP NUSANTARA Day/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of July two thousand and ten Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m. Venue : Art Room Pramesti Hotel Jl. Sudirman kav. 9 – 11 Bandung Come and help us celebrate it *Invitation card available at OSIS
  • 8. 8 3. Where will the graduation party be held? A. At Osis room. B. On Sudirman street. C. At Nusantara school. D. At Art room Pramesti Hotel. 4. How long is the graduation party carried out? A. 2 hours. B.3 hours C. 9 hours D.11 hours The following text is for questions no 5-6 It's a birthday party for Lucas Karamoy Come and share the joy There'll be ice cream and cakes for every girl and boy Saturday, June, 10th 2.00 p.m. At Karamoy house Deluxe apartment 3`d floor RSVP: May (022 2352276) 5. When will the birthday party be held? A. May 3rd C. June 2nd B. May 22nd D. June 10th 6. What is the purpose the text ? A. To invite people to attend Lucas Karamoy's party. B. To tell about the food in Lucas Karamoy's party. C. To inform Lucas Karamoy'sbirthday. D. To make people enjoy the party. Kosata terkait dengan tema : 1) Attend =……………. 2) Be held =…………. 3) Party =…………….. 4) Invite =…………. 5) Attendance =…………. 6) Congratulation =………….. 7) To congratulate =…………. 8) The best =…………… 9) Achievement =…………….. 10) Carry out =………………. 11) Place =……….. 12) Venue =……………. 13) The winner =……………. 14) Runner up =………….. 15) Invitation card =…………… 16) Win – won =………. 17) Proud =………… 18) Pass –passed =………. 19) Exprees =………… 20) How long =…………….
  • 9. 9 MATERI KE 2 Teks deskriptif tentang orang, binatang, dan benda Descriptive Text, Teks Deskriptif, adalah teks yang mendiskripsikan, menggambarkan, atau menguraikan tentang sesuatu, misalnya benda,binatang,tumbuhan, sese orang ataupun tempat tertentu. Uraian teks ini biasanya meliputi karakteristik, jenis, bentuk, fungsi dan hal-hal terperinci tentang “sesuatu” tersebut. Bisa dikatakan juga bahwa Descriptive text adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah orang atau benda yang dideskripsikan, baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya, jumlahnya dan lain-lain. Struktur Descriptive Text (generic structure) adalah : 1. Identification (identifikasi) adalah pendahuluan , berupa gambaran umum tentang suatu topik. 2.Description (deskripsi) adalah berisi ciri-ciri khusus yang dimiliki benda,binatang,suatu tempat, tumbuhan atau orang yang dideskripsikan. Ciri-ciri Descriptive Text : - Menggunakan simple present tense - Menggunakan attribute verb, seperti be (am, is, are) - Hanya fokus pada satu objek tersebut. Berikut adalah Contoh Descriptive Text : The National Monument (or Monument Nasional) is a 132 meters tower in the center of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight for Indonesia’s independence. The monument consist of a 117,7 m obelisk on a 45 m square platform at a height of 17 m. The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Lingga resembles, rice pestle (alu) and Yoni resembles a mortar rice (lesung), two important items in Indonesian agricultural tradition. The construction began in 1961 under the direction of President Soekarno and the monument was opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument and museum is opened daily from 08.00 – 15.00 every day throughout the week, except for the last Monday of the month the monument is closed. Read more: ciri-dan.html#ixzz3CXYFIQ1y
  • 10. 10 The descriptive text for no.1-4 Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing honey and beeswax. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in nine recognized families though many are undescribed and the actual number is probably higher. They are found on every continent except Antarctica, in every habitat on theplanet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants. Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost universally made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the super family. Bees all have two pairs of wings, the hind pair being the smaller of the two; in a very few species, one sex or caste has relatively short wings that make flight difficult or impossible, but none are wingless. The smallest bee is Trigona minima, a stingless bee whose workers are about 2.1 mm (5/64") long. The largest bee in the world is Megachile pluto, a leafcutter bee whose females can attain a length of 39 mm (1.5"). Members of the family Halictidae, or sweat bees, are the most common type of bee in the Northern Hemisphere, though they are small and often mistaken for wasps or flies. 1. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan gambaran umum  Soal : What is the text about? A. Describing bees in general. B. Explaining bees in Antarctica. C. Telling the habitat of the bees. D. Giving information about bees in the Northern Hemisphere.  Kunci Jawaban : A  Pembahasan : Jawaban paling tepat adalah A. Hal ini dilihat dari deskripsi Bees are flying insects … yang tidak mendeskripsikan bees secara khusus. 2. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan pikiran Utama  Soal : What is the main idea of paragraph one? A. Bees live on every continent. B. Bees belong to flying insects. C. Bees produce honey and beeswax. D. Bees only live with insect-flowering plants.  Kunci Jawaban : B
  • 11. 11  Pembahasan: Kesimpulan dari paragaf 1 adalah menjelaskan tentang bees dan termasuk ke dalam flying insects. 3. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat  Soal : Which of the following sentences is one of the physical appearances of the bees? A. None has wings. C. Its length is 39 mm. B. It has 13 antennae. D. Its tongue is complex.  Kunci Jawaban: D  Pembahasan: Jawaban paling tepat adalah D. Hal ini diambil dari kalimat pertama pada paragraph ke 2 yang menyatakan Bees have a long proboscis (a complex "tongue") that … 4. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan rujukan Kata  Soal : “They are found on every continent except Antarctica,…” The word “they” refers to … . A. ants B. bees C. insects D. flying insects  Kunci Jawaban : B  Pembahasan : Kata they merujuk kata bees yang terdapat pada kalimat sebelumnya yatu there yang merujuk pada kata bees.
  • 12. 12 The descriptive for questions no.6-10 One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the giraffe. - Salah satu yg paling menarik di kebun binatang adlh jerapa. This is the giraffe we saw at the zoo. It is male and it is about six meters tall. -ini adlh jerapah yg kita lihat di kebun binatang. Ini jantan dan tingginya sekitar 6 m. The giraffe has big brown eyes. -jerapa menpunyai mata coklat yg besar. They are protected by very thick lashes. - Mereka dilindungi dgn bulu mata yg tebal. This giraffe has brown spots on the skin. - Jerapah mempunyai bintik-bintik coklat di kulit. This coloring helps protect the giraffe. It is also has two short horns on its head. - Warna ini membantu melindungi jerapah. Dia juga mempunyai 2 tanduk yang pendek di atas kepalanya. Like a camel, it can go for a long time without drinking water. - Seperti onta, ia dapat hidup dalam waktu yang lama tanpa minum air. One source of water is the leaves which it eats from trees. - Salah satu sumber airnya adlh dedaunan yang ia makan dari pepohonan. It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree. -ia tinggi, sehingga jerapah dapat mencapai pucuk daun di atas pohon. The giraffe has two methods of self protection. - Jerapah mempunyai 2 metode utk melindungi dirinya. If something frightens an adult giraffe, it can gallop away at about fifty kilometers per hour or stay to fight with its strong legs. - Jika terjadi sesuatu yg menakutkan jerapah dewasa, ia dapat berlari sekitar 50 km/jam atau berkelahi dgn kakinya yg kuat. A. Choose the best answer based on the text 6. What is the text tell us about ? (a good tittle) A. A small African Animal C. The Tallest animal at the Zoo B. Giraffe and Camel D. An interesting animal 7. The word “gallop” similar meaning with…. A. Run C. fight B. Protect D. walk 8. from the description , we may conclude that giraffes…….. A. need more water than camels. B. Eat tree leaves for water C. Do not need much water D. Need water and do not need leaves
  • 13. 13 9. a giraffe is about…………. Metres tall. A. Two C. four B. Three D. six 10. The giraffe has two method of self protection. One of them is……… A. Looking for other giraffes B. Staying to fight with its strong legs C. Hiding in a certain place D. Staying and doing nothing . The following text is for questions 11 to 13 My favorite toy is a kite. Layang-layang or a kite is a very popular pastime toy in Indonesia. Many people like to play it. There are two distinct types of kites. The first are those which have tails attached to them to balance the kite; and those that will be used for one-on-one dogfights among kite flyers. Kites for dogfights are popular among boys. They do not have tails attached to them. They are made from light bamboo and waxed paper. The string is the most important part in kites for dogfighting. It must be sharp so it can cut other strings easily. To make such kind of string is not easy. It must be coated with crushed glass. The string is dipped in a solution of crushed glass, which has been boiled with glue, chemicals and dye. The mixture acts as an adherent so the tiny particles of glass will cling to the string. The string is strung out on a small rack to let it dry. This string is used for dogfights. 11. What makes a kite keep its balance? A. The bamboo. C. The Paper B. The string. D. The tail 12. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? A. The string for kites for dogfights must be dry. B. Kites for dogfights don't have tails. C. The string for the kites are popular. D. The kites don't have tails. 13. From the text we know that .... A. flying a kite is a common activity of Indonesian people B. fighting kites have tails attached to them C. the kite strings are made from glass D. the string for the kites must be dry
  • 14. 14 The following text is for questions 14 to 17 Aloe vera is also known as the "crocodile's tongue" plant in Indonesia. It is called so because the leave is thick, long and sharp, and the sides are serrated like the body of a crocodile. Aloe vera is planted in dry areas and in warm climates. It takes little water to grow. Aloe vera is a short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 60-100 cm tall. Spreading by offsets, the stems are thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. Aloe vera is a multifunctional plant. It can be used to cure a wound caused by burning. Using aloe vera to heal the wound is easy and simple. Pick the leaves, peel the rind, then squeeze the sticky liquid and spread it over the wound. Aloe vera also can be made into healthy drink to prevent rheumatism and diabetes because it contains vitamin and minerals. Generally, the drink helps to repair the damaged cells and makes the organs of the human body work well. Aloe vera can also make our hair thick too. Apply it over the scalp and massage it gently so it could soak thoroughly. Ten minutes later, rinse the hair. 14. What does the text mostly tell us about? A. Crocodile tongue. B. A special plant. x C. Aloe Vera. D. A crocodile plant. 15. Where does aloe vera grow? A. In dry areas and warm climates. C. In the mountain and dry areas B. In wet areas and cold climates. D. In wet and damp places 16. "It can be used for curing the wounds caused by burning." From the underlined word, we can conclude that .... A. aloe vera is a medical herb B. the plant has a magical power C. aloe vera is a very fleshy plant D. aloe vera can be squeezed 17. What does paragraph three tell us about? A. The physical appearance of aloe vera. B. The advantages of aloe vera. C. The procedure to plant aloe vera. D. The reason why aloe vera called crocodile's tongue.
  • 15. 15 Text for questions 18 - 20 My Pets We have three family pets: a dog, a cat, and a tortoise. The dog’s name is Nero. He is big golden Labrador. He is beautiful. He has big brown eyes and a long tail. He is very friendly dog, but he is sometimes a little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are fun to play with. Our cat is named Martha. She is quite young, but she is not a kitten. She is very pretty. She has black and white fur and green eyes. She’s smart, too and very clean. The tortoise’s name is Rocky. He has short, fat legs, a long neck, and a very hard shell. He is also very old and slow. He’s ugly and dirty, but I like him. 18. What does paragraph 3 tell you about? a. The description about Martha b. Martha is quite young c. Martha is very pretty d. Martha has black and white fur and green eyes 19. How many pets the writer have? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 20. “He’s ugly and dirty, but I like him.” (last paragraph) What does the word “I” in the sentence refer to? a. The writer b. Martha c. Nero d. Rocky
  • 16. 16 MATERI KE 3 RECOUNT TEXT Pengertian Recount Text Recount Text - Retell yours Secara harfiah, recount bermakna "menceritakan". Jadi recount text bisa diartikan sebagai "Text yang menceritakan". Jika mengacu pada keterangan di buku-buku sekolah (baca : Buku Bahasa Inggris SMP / SMA) recount text adalah a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. (sebuah teks yang menceritakan sebuah cerita, aksi ataupun aktifitas. Tujuan recount text adalah untuk menghibur atau menginformasikan pembaca.) Generic Structure dari Recount Text Generic structure (susunan umum) recount text ini terdiri dari:  Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and when it happened. ("Orientation" menceritakan siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita, apa yang terjadi, di mana tempat peristiwa terjadi, dan kapan terjadi peristiwanya)  Events tell what happened and in what sequence. ("Event" menceritakan apa yang terjadi (lagi) dan menceritakan urutan ceritanya)  Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending. ("Reorientation" berisi penutup cerita / akhir cerita) Unsur kebahasaan (1) Kata kerja dalam Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense (2) Kata sambung: when, while, after, before, dll. SIMPLE PAST TENSE  Digunakan utk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yg telah lalu lampau.  Ket.waktu yg biasa di gunakan: a. Yesterday …………………………. b. Last night c. This morning d. Last ( week/month/years) e. (week/month/years) ago f. In 1990 g. Once upon time
  • 17. 17  Kata kerja terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu : I. Irregular verb ( kt.kerja tidak beraturan) Contoh : I II III Arti Go went gone - pergi Eat ate eaten - makan II. Regular verb (kt.kerja beraturan) I II III Arti Receive received received menerima Study studied studied belajar Clean cleaned cleaned mmbersihkan  Pola kalimat (+) Subject + verb.2 (utk kalimat positif) (+) Mrs.Tanti went to Surabaya last week (-) subject + did + not + verb.1 (utk kalimat negative) (-) Mrs.Tanti did not go to Surabaya last week (?) did + subject + verb.1 (utk kalimat pertanyaan) (?) did Mrs.Tanti go to Surabaya last week ? LATIHAN SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1. Mother (bring) an umbrella yesterday - Mother brought an umbrella yesterday - Ibu membawa payung kemarin 2. My friend (come) at my home yesterday afternoon 3. I (write ) a letter to Jane last week 4. We ( go ) to the library last Saturday 5. Tommy (clean) his room this morning
  • 18. 18 6. It was hot in the room, so I (open) the window 7. The accident (happen) last Monday 8. She (meet) her old friend two weeks ago Wrna biru = irregular verb Wrna merah = regular verb PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Bentuk lampau sedang berlangsung) A. Penggunaan 1. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau. 2. Untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung dimana ada peristiwa lain terjadi, pada waktu lampau. 3. Untuk menerangkan peristiwa yang sedang terjadi, secara bersamaan dengan peristiwa lain di waktu lampau. B. Keterangan waktu Keterangan waktu untuk Past Continuous Tense : As …. when : ketika - while : sementara - … as : ketika - the whole day yesterday - all day yesterday - all (morning, night  when + short action (simple past tense)  while + long action (past continuous tense There are four basic combinations: I was walking past the car when it exploded. When the car exploded I was walking past it. The car exploded while I was walking past it. While I was walking past the car it exploded. Notice that the long action and short action are relative.  "Watching TV" took a few hours. "Telephoned" took a few seconds.  "Walking past the car" took a few seconds. "Exploded" took a few milliseconds
  • 19. 19 Generic Structure Recount Text My Horrible experience Orientation  Provides the setting and introduces participants. Let me remind you my experience(pengalaman) during (selama) an earthquake(gempa bumi) last week. When (ketika) the earthquake happened (terjadi) , I was on my car. I was driving (mengemudi) home from my vocation (liburan) to Bali. Events  Tells what happened, in what sequence Suddenly (tiba2) my car lunched to one side, to the left. I thought (kira) I got flat tire. I did not know ((tahu) that (bahwa) it was an earthquake. I knew (know) it was an earthquake when I saw (see) melihat some telephone and electricity poles falling down (terjatuh) to the ground (ketanah), like (seperti) matchsticks (korek api). Then I saw a lot of rocks (bebatuan) tumbling (bergelinding) across (melewati) the road (jalanan). I was trapped (tertimpa) by (oleh) the rock. Even (sehingga) I could not (tidak dapat) move (menggerakkan ) my car at all. There were rocks everywhere (dimana-mana). There was nothing (tidak ada) I could do (yg dpt aku lakukan) but (selain) left the car (meninggalkan mobil) and walked along (berjalan) way to my house (menuju rumahku), in the town (di dlm kota). When I reached (sampai) my town, I was so surprised (terkejut) that there was almost nothing left (tidak ada satupun yg tersisa). The earthquake made a lot of (banyak) damage (kerusakan ) to my town.
  • 20. 20 Reorientation  Optional-closure of events Although (walaupun) nothing was left , I thanked God (bersyukur kpd tuhan) that nobody was seriously (dengn parah) injured (terluka) R.A KARTINI Every April 21 people in indonesia commemorate the kartini day. It is beautiful day for the woman because we celebrate the birth of great lady R.A. Kartini. Everyone knows who Kartini is. She is our national heroine and a great lady with the bright idea.  Setiap 21 April masyarakat di Indonesia memperingati hari kartini. Ini adalah hari yang indah untuk wanita karena kita merayakan kelahiran wanita hebat R.A. Kartini. Semua orang tahu siapa Kartini. Dia adalah pahlawan nasional kami dan seorang wanita hebat dengan ide cemerlang. Kartini was born in 1879 April 21 in mayong jepara. Her father was Rama Sosroningrat a Wedana (assistant of head of regency) in mayong. Her mother, Ma Ngasirah was a girl from Teluk Awur village in Jepara as the daughter of a noble family, she felt luck because she got more than the ordinary people got. She got better education than other children. In november 12 1903 she married adipati djoyodiningrat, the head of rembang regency. According to javanese tradition Kartini had to follow her husband. Then she moved to rembang.  Kartini lahir pada tahun 1879 21 April di Mayong Jepara. Ayahnya adalah Rama Sosroningrat seorang Wedana (asisten Bupati) di Mayong. Ibunya, Ma Ngasirah adalah seorang gadis dari desa Teluk Awur di Jepara yang merupakan putri dari keluarga bangsawan, dia merasa beruntung karena dia mendapat lebih dari pada orang biasa. Dia mendapat pendidikan yang lebih baik daripada anak-anak lain. Pada tanggal 12 November 1903 ia menikah dengan adipati djoyodiningrat, kepala Kabupaten Rembang. Menurut tradisi Jawa Kartini harus mengikuti suaminya. Kemudian ia pindah ke Rembang. In September 13 1904 she gave a birth to her son. His name was Singgih. But after giving birth to a son, her condition was getting worse and she finally passed away on september 17 1904 on her 25 years old.  Pada 13 September 1904 ia melahirkan anaknya. Namanya Singgih. Tapi setelah melahirkan seorang putra, kondisinya semakin parah dan dia akhirnya meninggal dunia pada 17 September 1904 berusia 25 tahun.
  • 21. 21 Now Kartini has gone. but her spirit and dream will always be in our heart. Nowadays Indonesian women progress is influenced by kartini's spirit stated on collection of letter "habis gelap terbitlah terang" or from the dusk to the dawn.  Sekarang Kartini telah tiada. Tapi semangat dan mimpi nya akan selalu berada di hati kita. Saat ini kemajuan perempuan Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh semangat kartini yang diyatakan dalam koleksi surat "Habis Gelap terbitlah Terang" yang ditulisnya. Camping Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp. The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even some of us performed a standing comedy. On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to go home. Dan berikut ini adalah terjemahan/arti dari rcount text diatas : Berkemah Akhir pekan lalu, teman-teman saya dan saya pergi berkemah. Kami mencapai area camping setelah kami berjalan selama sekitar satu setengah jam dari tempat parkir. Kami membangun kamp sebelah sungai kecil. Itu dikarenakan hari semakin gelap dan dingin, jadi kami membangun sebuah kamp api. Keesokan harinya, kami menghabiskan waktu kita mengamati tanaman dan serangga sementara gadis-gadis yang menyiapkan makanan. Di sore hari kami pergi ke sungai dan menangkap beberapa ikan untuk makan malam. Pada malam hari, kami mengadakan malam kamp api. Kami bernyanyi, menari, membaca puisi, bermain trik sulap, dan bahkan beberapa dari kita melakukan komedi berdiri. Pada hari Senin, kami mengemasibarang-baang kami dan bersiap-siap untuk pulang.
  • 22. 22 Read the text and answer questions 1 to 4. It was Sunday morning December 26th 2004. The day that I would never forget forever. We went to the beach in Meulaboh, Aceh. Many people were there when I arrived. When we were enjoying the beautiful sunrise, suddenly we were shocked by a violent shake in the ground. Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake although it struck in a very short period of time. After that, we saw the water going on into the middle of the sea. No wonder if there were many kinds of fish left behind on the sand. We all seemed to be astonished by the view until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way. I didn’t realize what had happened until I found myself hanging on a branch of a tree. 1. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan gambaran umum Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks recount tentang kejadian di suatu daerah, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang gambaran umum dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: The text mainly discusses … A. the story about terrible a earthquake B. the writer’s experience with a big earthquake C. the steps to avoid danger in your life D. the description of a beach in Meulaboh  Kunci jawaban: B  Pembahasan: Teks di atas adalah teks recount yang menceritakan pengalaman seseorang, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah b. 2. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan pikiran utama Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks recount yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang pikiran utama suatu paragraph dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: What is the main idea of the third paragraph? A. The writer saw many fish on the sand. B. The view of the beach was very exciting. C. The writer liked to see the wave in the sea. D. Tsunami occurred and destroyed everything.  Kunci jawaban: D
  • 23. 23  Pembahasan: Pikiran utama pada paragraph ketiga cluenya secara tersurat pada kalimat terakhir, terjadinya tsunami yang menghancurkan segala-galanya. 3. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks recount yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang informasi rinci tersurat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: Everybody in the beach was panic because … A. the sun rose brightly B. there was an earthquake C. the beach was very enjoyable. D. there was an amazing view in the sea.  Kunci jawaban: B  Pembahasan: Pada teks di atas dijelaskan orang-orang panic pada kalimat ke 2 dan ke 3. ‘Everybody in the beach was panic. We soon realized that it was a very big earthquake’. 4. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat Indikator : Disajikan sebuah kalimat yang dikutip dari teks recount yang sama yang salah satu kata digaris bawahi, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang makna kata/frasa/kalimat kata dari kata yang digaris bawahi tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: “We all seemed to be astonished by … .” The underlined word has the same meaning with … A. panicked B. amazed C. delighted D. pleased  Kunci jawaban: B  Pembahasan: Makna ‘astonished’ pada teks di atas sama artinya dengan amazed, hal ini dapat dibaca dari konteksnya pada kalimat ‘until we realized that there was a huge wave coming towards us and destroying everything in its way’. Maka makna yang tepat adalah b.
  • 24. 24 The following text is for question 1 to 3 When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek with friends. We used to play in the yard behind my house. The yard was a perfect place because it was surrounded by dense banana trees. We usually played until late at night. One day, when I was trying to find a place to hide among the banana trees, I slipped and fell into the river. I used to take a bath at the river, but never at night! In the dark, everything looked different. I couldn't think clearly, I felt something tickling my feet. 11 was struggling to go out, but my feet were trapped in the mud. Thank God, a friend finally came and helped me. He, then called others, and I was saved. 1. What made the yard a perfect place for the game? It was ... A. surrounded by dense banana trees. B. just behind the writer's house. C. a place where he takes a bath D. near a river. 2. Why was the writer scared when he fell into the river? A. He had never been to the river at night. B. He had never been to the river before. C. He found the river was very deep. D. He didn't like the water. 3. What is the main idea of paragraph two? A. The river was very dark. B. The writer's feet were trapped in the mud. C. The writer was hiding among the banana trees. D. Something strange was tickling the writer's feet. The text for number 4 to 6 The weather was very clear. My family and I decided to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating utensils. I took my fishing rod and my brother brought his sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for the camping site in countryside. There were many campers when we arrived at the camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the river had been occupied by other campers so we had to look for another place. Finally, we found a good place little bit further. It was near a big tree. After setting up the tent, my father and I went fishing. We joined other people sitting on the rock near the river. In the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the fish
  • 25. 25 we caught. I could say that it was the best fish I had ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent was a very wonderful experience. I woke up early in the morning. I felt fresh. Then I accompanied my brother playing ball. In the afternoon, we came back home. 4. Where did the writer and his family set up their tent? A. near the river B. near the big tree C. at the back of the river D. far away from other campers 5. What is the purpose of the text above? A. to describe a camping site B. to give instruction how to set up the tent C. to retell the writer's past camping experience D. to inform people the new camping site 6. "...the river had been occupied by..." The underlined word is similar in meaning to .... A. inhabited C. bought B. authorized D. grabbed Fro m To Cc Subj My holiday ect Dear ratna, My family and I went on trip on Solo. We went on Monday by car and stayed at my grandparent’s house. On Tuesday we went to Tawangmangu. We enjoyed the scenic view of its waterfall and had lunch there. They served traditional cuisine like wedang ronde, tempe bacem, fried fish, and fried chicken. After that, we continued our journey to Taman Jurug. The next day we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw a lot of historical heritages in the palace. After that, we went shopping to Klewer market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening, we went sightseeing the town. On Thursday morning, we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really enjoyed my holiday. It was fun. Do come over and have alook sometime. Love, Larasati
  • 26. 26 7. What did the writer write the text for? A. To describe Solo with its variety tourist destinations. B. To introduce her granparent’s house C. To retell us her holiday in Solo D. To explain her hometown 8. How many tourist destinations that writer visit in Solo? A. 2 B.3 C. 4 D.5 9. Where did adibah go on Wednesday? A. Taman Jurug C. Kasunan Palace B. Tawangmangu D. Grandparent’s house 10. “It was fun.”….(Paragraph 4) What does the underlined word in the sentence refer to? A. Grandparent’s house C. Home B. Holiday D. Solo Change into the Irregular verb.II (simple past tense) : 1. Begin =…….. 2. Become =……… 3. Bring =….. 4. Build =……. 5. Burst =…….. 6. Buy =……… 7. Break =………….. 8. Catch =……….. 9. Cut =……….. 10. Do =……….. 11. Drink =………….. 12. Drive =………….. 13. Eat =…………. 14. Fall =……….. 15. Feed =…………. 16. Fly =……… 17. Forbade =………… 18. Forget =………… 19. Go =…………… 20. Get =……………. 21. Grow =……… 22. Give =……………… 23. Hang =………… 24. Have =…………. 25. Keep =………… 26. Know =…………. 27. Leave =…………… 28. Learn =……….. 29. Make =………. 30. Meet =………. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60.
  • 27. 27 MATERI KE 4 ANNOUNCEMENT PENGERTIAN ANNOUNCEMENT Announcement berasal dari kata announce; dalam bahasa Inggris kata kerja announce bermakna "make a formal public declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention. Jadi bisa dikatakan "announcement" bermakna pemberitahuan fakta, kejadian atau niat, baik tertulis atau terucap yang disampaikan kepada publik. Tujuan dan Bentuk Contoh Announcement ( Pengumuman ) Sebelum kita tahu apa saja Contoh Announcement (pengumuman) Bahasa Inggris Sekolah yang Baik, kita juga wajib tahu tentang tujuan dan bentuk dari contoh announcement itu sendiri, silahkan disimak. Functions of the notice: 1. To give instruction/to instruct people: untuk memberi petunjuk. 2. To give direction: untuk memberi arahan. 3. To ask people to…: untuk meminta orang supaya….. 4. To advice/to suggest/to recommend people to..: untuk menganjurkan orang supaya…… 5. To remaind people to…: Untuk mengingatkan seseorang supaya…. 6. To warn/to give warning; untuk memberi peringatan 7. To ban/to forbid/to prohibit people to..: untuk melarang orang untuk…. To Know For The Reader and The Lisener. ===> Untuk Pembaca dan Pendengar 2. Bentuk Announcement Berupa : Writen ====> Berupa Tulisan AND Speech ====> Berupa Perkataan
  • 28. 28 Contoh Announcement To all students of grade IX SMP Sukorambi. This is an important announcement for you who is going for picnic to Bali.  Kepada seluruh siswa kelas IX SMP Sukorambi. Ini merupakan pengumuman penting bagi Anda yang akan untuk piknik ke Bali. Please remember, we are going to leave Jember tomorrow morning:  Harap diingat, kita akan meninggalkan Jember besok pagi: Day : Saturday Date: 28 April 2012 Time: 06.00 a.m. Place: School yard of SMP Sukorambi Please come before 6 or you’ll be left. Don’t forget to bring your camera and notebook to accomplish your traveling report.  Silahkan datang sebelum 6 atau Anda akan ditinggalkan. Jangan lupa untuk membawa kamera dan notebook untuk mencapai laporan Anda bepergian. Head of Traveling Comittee Samsidi, SPd CONTOH ANNOUNCEMENT BERGAMBAR
  • 29. 29 Read the following text to answer questions 1 to 3. ANNOUNCEMENT To : All Department Managers The meeting will be held to discuss the customer’s complaints. This afternoon Jan , 4t h 2010 at 01 p.m. in the meeting room. Please bring the document s needed. Thank You Secretary Director 1. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi rinci tersurat Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks berupa pengumuman di kantor, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang informasi rinci tersurat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: What will be discussed in the meeting? A. The customer’s order. B. The customer’s needed. C. The customer’s documents. D. The customer’s complaints.  Kunci jawaban: D  Pembahasan: Berdasarkan teks pengumuman di atas, pertemuan akan membicarakan tentang keluhan pelanggan, hal ini dapat dibaca pada kalimat: “ … the meeting to discuss the customer’s complaints”, maka jawaban yang tepat d. 2. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan informasi tersirat Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks pengumuman yang sama, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang informasi tersirat dari teks tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: Who will attend the meeting? A. Customers. B. All managers. C. Secretary director and all managers. D. Director, secretary and all managers.  Kunci jawaban: D  Pembahasan: Pengumuman di atas ditujukan untuk seluruh manajer dan yang membuat pengumuman sekertaris direktur atas perintah direktur, maka yang akan hadir pada pertemuan adalah option d.
  • 30. 30 3. Kemampuan yang diuji : Menentukan makna kata/frasa/kalimat Indikator : Disajikan sebuah kalimat yang dikutip dari teks pengumuman yang sama yang salah satu katanya digaris bawahi, siswa dapat menentukan jawaban pertanyaan tentang makna kata/frasa/kalimat dari kata yang digaris bawahi tersebut dengan tepat.  Soal: “… the meeting to discuss the customer’s complaints.” The underlined word means … . A. to speak with B. to say something C. to talk about D. to tell somebody  Kunci jawaban: C  Penbahasan: Makna yang tepat dari “to discuss” pada kutipan kalimat di atas adalah “to talk about”. SOAL –SOAL ANNOUNCEMENT The text for answer questions no.9-11 Student Organization of SMPI Al Mutaqin To : All class captain Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held : Date : Saturday, May 22, 2014 Time : 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Place : OSIS room We will discuss the farewell party for the ninth grade students. Your attendance will be highly appreciated OSIS Chairman OSIS Secretary Ayu Aliana Putri M.Alvin 1. Where will the discuss about farewell party be held? A.In the hall C. in OSIS room B. In the office the classroom 2. when the meeting be held ? A. morning C. Evening B. Afternoon D. Night 3. “Place : OSIS room.” The underlined word ‘Place’ similar meaning….. A. Hall B. Room C. Venue D. Building
  • 31. 31 Questions 4 and 5 are based on the following invitation. To: All students of SNIP Harapan bangsa We invite you to attend: "The 201h of School Anniversary" Day/Date : Saturday & Sunday, 6 & 7 February 2010 Time : 8.00 a.m.- 16.00 a.m. Place : The main hall Activities : Charity Bazaar - Music Show - Traditional Dance Performance - Speech contest - Meet the alumni Come and have fun. Committee 4. The activities are held for .... A. Teacher's Farewell Party B. School Birthday Celebration C. Alumni Gathering D. School Dance Competition 5. How many activities will be done? A. 2. C. 3 B. 3 D. 4 Read the text and answer Questions 6 and 7. ANNOUNCEMENT To : All Employees Effective date : February 1", 2010 Subject : Staff uniform Each employee is required to wear a uniform during work hours. This will make it easier to distinguish staff members from customers. Women should wear a colorful blouse with black pants or a knee-length skirt. Men should wear black pants with an orange or red T-shirt. No white, beige, or neutral colored tops, please. Posted by Management
  • 32. 32 6 . Who should wear black pants and an orange or red T-shirt? A. All employees. B. Women employees. C. Men employees. D. Staff Member. 7. From the text above we know that .... A. The announcement is for all employees and customers. B. The employees didn't wear a uniform before. C. The women and men employees wear the same uniform. D. The costumers should wear uniforms. MATERI KE 5 NOTICE 1. Notice(pemberitahuan)/ caution(peringatan/pemberitahuan)/ Warning (peringatan): notice : umum, tidak selalu berbentuk warning atau caution. Contoh: Sorry we are moving to the 2nd Floor (Maaf, kami dalam proses pindah ke lantai 2) Pizza Hut (berarti gedung itu adalah Pizza Hut) Language laboratory (berarti di situ adalah ruang laborat) Principal (berati di situ adalah ruang Kepala Sekolah/ Pimpinan/ ...) Under Construction (Sedang dalam tahap dibangun) No U turning (tidak boleh berbalik/ berbelok di sini) No Littering (Tidak boleh membuang sampah di sini) Warning/ Caution : yang bersifat peringatan bahaya Where we can be found (dimana kita dapat menemukan): on the street (dijalan)= ….. building(gedung)/ bridge(jembatan)/street under construction = …. in public places (di tempat umum): park, terminal, bus station, airport (bandara), zoo, market, shop, mall, supermarket , etc in a certain building (juga merupakan public places, meski untuk kalangan tertentu) : school, hotel, office, etc in a certain room/ area (juga merupakan public places, meski untuk kalangan tertentu): a lobby of a hotel, a waiting room, a public toilet, classroom, library, laboratory, etc
  • 33. 33 Tujuan komunikatif dan makna caution/ notice/ warning (dangerous/harmfull/hazardous)=(berbahaya): tergantung isi, bisa : menyuruh .. untuk ... / menyuruh ....untuk tidak.../ melarang ...untuk... Vocabularies (kosakata) yang sering digunakan : allow-allowed-allowed : membiarkan/ mengijinkan forbide-forbade-forbidden : melarang permit-permitted-permitted : mengijinkan tell-told-told : menyuruh ask-asked-asked : meminta suggest-suggested-suggested : menyarankan Ungkapan yang sering digunakan (dalam bentuk pasif): is not allowed to .../ are not allowed to ... ( tidak dijinkan) -> It is not allowed to .../We are not permitted = ….(di ijinkan utk) , permission =(di ijinkan)…………… allowed to ...(di ijinkan utk)/ are not allowed to ...-> People are not allowed to ... is forbidden to .../ are forbidden to ...(dilarang untuk)->It is forbidden to .../ We are forbidden to ... prohibite/prohibited to = dilarang untuk …………. Ungkapan yang sering digunakan (dalam bentuk aktif) tell ... to ...(do something ) : menyuruh orang untuk ... tell ...not to : The notice tells us not to ...(Peringatan itu menyuruh kita untuk tidak ...) can (dapat/ boleh) --> We can .... may (boleh) --> We may not ... must (harus) ---? We must ... should (seharusnya)--? We should ... (Kita seharusnya) should not…(tidak seharusnya)
  • 34. 34 1. What does the caution above mean? A. The management forbids you to leave your vehicle. B. You are prohibited to leave valuables in your vehicle. C. Your vehicle is valuable for the management. D. Valuable things will be damage in your vehicle. INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk “Caution”. PEMBAHASAN: Teks Caution di atas berbunyi: “Do not leave valuables in your vehicle” (Jangan meninggalkan barang-barang berharga di kendaraan Anda). Dengan demikian, maksud dari Caution di atas adalah Pilihan B: Anda dilarang meninggalkan barang-barang berharga di dalam kendaraan Anda (You are prohibited to leave valuables in your vehicle). JAWAB: B *** 2. What does the caution above mean? A. We must be careful because harmful algae grow in this water. B. Swimming in this water may harm the algae that grow in it. C. The algae cannot cause serious harm to the animal. D. Harmful algae does not grow well in this water. INDIKATOR: Menentukan gambaran umum teks fungsional pendek berbentuk “Caution”. PEMBAHASAN: Teks Caution di atas berbunyi: “Harmful algae may be present in this water. Contact may cause serious harm to human and animal” (Ganggang yang berbahaya ada di dalam air ini. Bersentuhan/kontak dengan ganggang tersebut bisa menyebabkan luka yang serius terhadap manusia dan hewan). Dengan demikian, maksud dari Caution di atas adalah kita harus berhati-hati karena ada ganggang yang tumbuh di dalam air tersebut (We
  • 35. 35 must be careful because harmful algae grow in this water). JAWAB: A EXERCISES ABOUT NOTICE/WARNING Observe the opicture to answer question number 2  Soal : The notice means that…. A. the parking lot is only meant for visitors B. only people having permission can park their car at the parking lot C. the visitors are permitted to leave their vehicle at the parking lot D. people must take the parking DUE TO MANY SHARP CORALS, THE VISITORS ARE PROHIBITED TO SWIM ALONG THIS AREA 1. Where do we usually find the text? A. at the lake B. At the beach C. At the river bank D. At the swimming pool. 2. Observe the caution! What does it mean? A. People may not cross in this place. B. It is the place for pedestrian crossing. C. Pedestrian may not cross in this place. D. It is not the place for pedestrian crossing. 3. Where do you usually find this caution? PARKING BY PERMIT ONLY
  • 36. 36 A. on the park. B. on the beach. C. on the parking lots. D. on the side of the road. 4. This caution is meant to warn(utk memperingatkan) anyone (setiap orang) who walks (berjalan)on the floors to be careful (berhati-hati) because (karena)... A. the floors are wet this time B. the floors are not wet C. anybody can make the floors wet D. anybody will be wet if they walk on the floors 5. From the text we(kita) know that(mengetahui bahwa)…. A. we may not make the floors wet B. we are required to step on the floors C. we might slip if we step on them D. we should mop the floors 6. The notice means that we should……….. the animals. A. Take care of C. Prepare the food for B. Regulary feed D. Put the food in hand to feed
  • 37. 37