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Feature implementation and computation
Andrea Vedaldi, University of Oxford

MATLAB ease of use
Covariant detectors, MSER, SIFT, etc ...

One-shop experience
The most popular vision library

There is certainly no lack of software!

MATLAB ease of use
Covariant detectors, MSER, SIFT, etc ...

One-shop experience
The most popular vision library

There is certainly no lack of software!
VLFeat                                 4

             An open and portable library of CV software

                      Quick Start with MATLAB

>>"run vlfeat-0.9.16/toolbox/vl_setup

                    Mac          Linux      Windows

                            Since 2008
                          ACM OSS award
SIFT detector and descriptor   5

1. load an image
  imPath = fullfile(‘oxford.jpg’) ;
  im = imread(imPath) ;

2. convert it to single precision gray scale
  imgs = im2single(rgb2gray(im)) ;

3. run SIFT
  [frames, descrs] = vl_sift(imgs) ;

4. visualise keypoints
  imagesc(im) ; colormap gray; hold on ;
  vl_plotframe(frames) ;

5. visualise descriptors
    descrs(:,432), frames(:,432)) ;
Example: matching features      6

                      684 tentative matches

nr :   :h f    t :a
 r /   /h f    t /a
 r            h f               t :    /a
Example: stitching                  7

                                684 tentative matches

                  492 (76%) inliers                     mosaic

•   Live demonstration
Other covariant detectors                            8

    frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'verbose') ;

imagesc(im) ;                       vl_plotframes(frames) ;

         Do not forget to convert the images to
           grayscale in single precision. Use
         im2single(im) and not single(im) !
Understanding feature frames                                           9


                                                                                      
                                                               x   a11      a12       b
                                                                                      x   t1
                                    affine tf.                    =                      +
                    1                                          y   a21      a22       b
                                                                                      y   t2



•   frames has a feature frame for each column
    containing a stacked affine transformation (A,T)
                        2       3
                  6 t2 7
                  6 7                                                      
                  6a11 7                            x   a11      a12       b
                                                                           x   t1
    frames(:,i) = 6
                  6a21 7
                        7                             =                      +
                  6 7                               y   a21      a22       b
                                                                           y   t2
                  4a12 5
A frame as an oriented ellipse   10

   reference = two vectors

                               uniquely identifies
                                   the affine
                    1           transformation



reference = oriented ellipse
Different cornerness measures                           11

            frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'method', 'Hessian') ;
                    DoG                                        Hessian

•   Difference of Gaussian (Laplacian, trace of Hessian, or SIFT)

•   Hessian (determinant of)
                HarrisLaplace                               HessianLaplace
Different cornerness measures                           12

        frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'method', 'HarrisLaplace') ;

                  HarrisLaplace                              HessianLaplace

•   Harris Laplace (Harris cornerness, Laplacian for scale selection)

•   Hessian Laplace
              MultiscaleHarris                              MultiscaleHessian
Different cornerness measures                13

      frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'method', 'MultiscaleHarris') ;
                MultiscaleHarris                 MultiscaleHessian

•   Multiscale Harris (just a bunch of Harris)

•   Multiscale Hessian
Affine adaptation                        14

frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'EstimateAffineShape', true) ;
Upright features   15

     By default the rotation is
    selected so that the vertical
        axis stays vertical.

            In formulas
                          
    x   a11      0        b
                          x   t1
      =                     +
    y   a21     a22       b
                          y   t2

Remark: for general affine transformations
the horizontal direction may appear rotated
         even for upright features.
Orientation detection                      16

frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'EstimateOrientations', true) ;
Computing descriptors          17

                   [frames, descrs] = vl_covdet(imgs) ;

•   Each column of descrs is a stacked SIFT descriptor

•   How is a SIFT descriptor associated to a feature?

•   What about other descriptors?
Computing descriptors                              18

[frames, descrs] = vl_covdet(imgs, 'Descriptor', 'patch') ;

                               Each column of descrs is a stacked
                               normalised image patch.
The geometry of an normalised patch                                  19

•   Normalisation and patch resampling is controlled by three parameters:

                                       (antialiasing effect)

                                                  affine tf.

                                               (size of patch in normalised units)
                  (number of pixels)
Example: normalised patch for SIFT      20


         1    3     6

                                     f v w

                    = 15
Custom frames                      21

Example: running affine adaptation on a grid

    frames = vl_covdet(imgs, ...
        'Frames', frames, ...
  'EstimateAffineShape', true, ...
   'EstiamteOrientation', true) ;
Obtaining additional information on the features                                                             22

                [frames, descrs, info] = vl_covdet(imgs);

                       info =
                                            gss:                                [1x1 struct]
                                            css:                                [1x1 struct]
                                     peakScores:                                [1x351 single]
                                     edgeScores:                                [1x351 single]
                              orientationScores:                                [1x351 single]
                           laplacianScaleScores:                                [1x351 single]

               120                                                    120

               100                                                    100

                80                                                     80

                60                                                     60

                40                                                     40

                20                                                     20

                 0                                                      0
                −0.1   −0.05       0        0.05   0.1                      0      2    4      6    8   10
                               Peak Score                                              Edge Score
Obtaining the scale space                                  23

      [frames, descrs, info] = vl_covdet(imgs);

            info =
                                gss:   [1x1 struct]         Gaussian
                                css:   [1x1 struct]        scale space
                         peakScores:   [1x351 single]
                         edgeScores:   [1x351 single]
                  orientationScores:   [1x351 single]
               laplacianScaleScores:   [1x351 single]

octave −1                   octave 0                    octave 1

octave 2                    octave 3
Obtaining the scale space                                 24

      [frames, descrs, info] = vl_covdet(imgs);

            info =
                                gss:   [1x1 struct]        cornerness
                                css:   [1x1 struct]         measure
                         peakScores:   [1x351 single]
                         edgeScores:   [1x351 single]
                  orientationScores:   [1x351 single]
               laplacianScaleScores:   [1x351 single]

octave −1                   octave 0                    octave 1

octave 2                    octave 3
Performance comparison                                                                                    25

                                   Oxford 5K lite retrieval benchmark
                                       Num. features / image                                               mAP

VL HessianLaplace (double)                                  VL HessianLaplace (double)
                                                                           7131                                    79.9%
          VL DoG (double)                                          5631 DoG (double)
                                                                      VL                                                      85.1%
       VL Hessian (double)                           3411          VL Hessian (double)                           77.8%
           VL DoG (no aff)                      2794                     VL DoG (no aff)                 74.0%
 VL HarrisLaplace (double)                    2316           VL HarrisLaplace (double)                           77.8%
             CMP Hessian                  2292                            CMP Hessian                        77.1%
        VL HessianLaplace                2020                       VL HessianLaplace                   73.8%
                  VL DoG                1854                                    VL DoG                              80.1%
                 VGG hes               1517                                    VGG hes                   74.6%
                 VGG har           1384                                        VGG har             71.9%
               VL Hessian         1089                                      VL Hessian         68.7%
          VL HarrisLaplace       765                                  VL HarrisLaplace           70.4%
                             0         2000          4000         6000         8000   0.6500   0.7125     0.7750         0.8375   0.9000
Repeatability: viewpoint                                      26

                                    Repeatability (graf)
                                                                     VL DoG
                                                                     VL Hessian
                                                                     VL HessianLaplace
                                                                     VL HarrisLaplace
                                                                     VL DoG (double)
                                                                     VL Hessian (double)
                                                                     VL HessianLaplace (double)
Repeatability (graf)

                                                                     VL HarrisLaplace (double)
                                                                     VLFeat SIFT
                                                                     CMP Hessian
                        50                                           VGG hes
                                                                     VGG har




                          30   40         50               60   20
                                     Viewpoint angle
Repeatability: viewpoint                                      27

                                    Repeatability (wall)
                                                                     VL DoG
                                                                     VL Hessian
                                                                     VL HessianLaplace
                                                                     VL HarrisLaplace
                                                                     VL DoG (double)
                                                                     VL Hessian (double)
                                                                     VL HessianLaplace (double)
Repeatability (wall)

                                                                     VL HarrisLaplace (double)
                                                                     VLFeat SIFT
                                                                     CMP Hessian
                        50                                           VGG hes
                                                                     VGG har




                          30   40         50               60   20
                                     Viewpoint angle
Repeatability: scale                                         28

                                     Repeatability (boat)
                                                                         VL DoG
                                                                         VL Hessian
                                                                         VL HessianLaplace
                                                                         VL HarrisLaplace
                                                                         VL DoG (double)
                                                                         VL Hessian (double)
                                                                         VL HessianLaplace (double)
Repeatability (boat)

                                                                         VL HarrisLaplace (double)
                                                                         VLFeat SIFT
                                                                         CMP Hessian
                        50                                               VGG hes
                                                                         VGG har




                        1.38   1.9          2.35            2.8   1.12
                                       Scale changes
Repeatability: JPEG compression                                     29

                                     Repeatability (ubc)
                                                                     VL DoG
                                                                     VL Hessian
                                                                     VL HessianLaplace
                                                                     VL HarrisLaplace
                                                                     VL DoG (double)
                                                                     VL Hessian (double)
                                                                     VL HessianLaplace (double)
Repeatability (ubc)

                                                                     VL HarrisLaplace (double)
                                                                     VLFeat SIFT
                                                                     CMP Hessian
                       50                                            VGG hes
                                                                     VGG har




                         80    90          95              98   60
                                    JPEG compression %
Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER)             30

                                  [Matas et al. 2002]

•   Extracts MSER regions regions and fitted ellipses frames:
    imgs = uint8(rgb2gray(I)) ;

•   Control region stability:
Many other features and tools                                             31

           superpixels                MSER            agglomerative information bottleneck   distance transform

  di erent mode seeking algo-
 sent (some of) the data points
 nal to the Parzen density esti-
wards the mode approximately
 ates mean shift trajectories by
xt and in Fig. 2, medoid shifts
  circles. This disconnects por-
 alleviated (but not solved) by
ect. 3) seeks the energy modes
 s, trading-o mode over- and
     randomized kd-trees               fast k-means                  feature maps, stochastic gradient SVM

s, where d is the dimension-
 is only O(dN 2 T ), where T                 Fast Dense SIFT
 lever implementations yield
Many other features and tools                           32

 SLIC superpixels          Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)

                                 HARVEST Programme

New SGD Learning of SVMs
OpenCV                                  33

•   The largest, best known vision library

•   Features
    -   OpenCV 2.1:
        Harris, Tomasi&Shi, MSER, DoG, SURF, STAR and FAST,
        DoG + SIFT, SURF, HARRIS, GoodFeaturesToTrack
    -   OpenCV 2.4:
        ORB, BRIEF, and FREAK

                           Example: computing ORB features.
             #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
             #include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp>
             #include <vector>

             Mat image = importImage8UC1(in[IN_I]);
             Mat descriptors;
             std::vector<KeyPoint> frames;

             ORB orb(numFeatures, scaleFactor, numLevels, edgeThreshold, 0,
                     wtak, scoreTypeToORBPar(scoreType), patchSize);

             orb(image, Mat(), frames);
This is not all folks                                 34

•   Abundance of open source / free software for CV
    -   Always check out authors home pages

•   Examples

    Rob Hess SIFT                              SURF

    Open SURF

    FAST corners

    LIOP descriptors           ...
Credits                                    35

         Karel Lenc         Daniele Perrone            Michal Perdoch

                              HARVEST Programme

Krystian Mikolajczyk   Tinne Tuytelaars       Jiri Matas     Cordelia Schmid

                             Andrew Zisserman

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Modern features-part-3-software

  • 1. Software Feature implementation and computation Andrea Vedaldi, University of Oxford
  • 2. 2 VLFeat MATLAB ease of use Covariant detectors, MSER, SIFT, etc ... OpenCV One-shop experience The most popular vision library Others There is certainly no lack of software!
  • 3. 3 VLFeat MATLAB ease of use Covariant detectors, MSER, SIFT, etc ... OpenCV One-shop experience The most popular vision library Others There is certainly no lack of software!
  • 4. VLFeat 4 An open and portable library of CV software Quick Start with MATLAB >>"untar"" >>"run vlfeat-0.9.16/toolbox/vl_setup Mac Linux Windows Since 2008 ACM OSS award
  • 5. SIFT detector and descriptor 5 1. load an image imPath = fullfile(‘oxford.jpg’) ; im = imread(imPath) ; 2. convert it to single precision gray scale imgs = im2single(rgb2gray(im)) ; 3. run SIFT [frames, descrs] = vl_sift(imgs) ; 4. visualise keypoints imagesc(im) ; colormap gray; hold on ; vl_plotframe(frames) ; 5. visualise descriptors vl_plotsiftdescriptor(... descrs(:,432), frames(:,432)) ;
  • 6. Example: matching features 6 684 tentative matches nr : :h f t :a r / /h f t /a r h f t : /a
  • 7. Example: stitching 7 684 tentative matches 492 (76%) inliers mosaic • Live demonstration
  • 8. Other covariant detectors 8 frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'verbose') ; imagesc(im) ; vl_plotframes(frames) ; Do not forget to convert the images to grayscale in single precision. Use im2single(im) and not single(im) !
  • 9. Understanding feature frames 9 x     x a11 a12 b x t1 affine tf. = + 1 y a21 a22 b y t2 b x b y y • frames has a feature frame for each column containing a stacked affine transformation (A,T) 2 3 t1 6 t2 7 6 7     6a11 7 x a11 a12 b x t1 frames(:,i) = 6 6a21 7 7 = + 6 7 y a21 a22 b y t2 4a12 5 a22
  • 10. A frame as an oriented ellipse 10 reference = two vectors uniquely identifies the affine 1 transformation b x b y reference = oriented ellipse
  • 11. Different cornerness measures 11 frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'method', 'Hessian') ; DoG Hessian • Difference of Gaussian (Laplacian, trace of Hessian, or SIFT) • Hessian (determinant of) HarrisLaplace HessianLaplace
  • 12. Different cornerness measures 12 frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'method', 'HarrisLaplace') ; HarrisLaplace HessianLaplace • Harris Laplace (Harris cornerness, Laplacian for scale selection) • Hessian Laplace MultiscaleHarris MultiscaleHessian
  • 13. Different cornerness measures 13 frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'method', 'MultiscaleHarris') ; MultiscaleHarris MultiscaleHessian • Multiscale Harris (just a bunch of Harris) • Multiscale Hessian
  • 14. Affine adaptation 14 frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'EstimateAffineShape', true) ;
  • 15. Upright features 15 By default the rotation is selected so that the vertical axis stays vertical. In formulas     x a11 0 b x t1 = + y a21 a22 b y t2 Remark: for general affine transformations the horizontal direction may appear rotated even for upright features.
  • 16. Orientation detection 16 frames = vl_covdet(imgs, 'EstimateOrientations', true) ;
  • 17. Computing descriptors 17 [frames, descrs] = vl_covdet(imgs) ; • Each column of descrs is a stacked SIFT descriptor • How is a SIFT descriptor associated to a feature? • What about other descriptors?
  • 18. Computing descriptors 18 [frames, descrs] = vl_covdet(imgs, 'Descriptor', 'patch') ; Each column of descrs is a stacked normalised image patch.
  • 19. The geometry of an normalised patch 19 • Normalisation and patch resampling is controlled by three parameters: (antialiasing effect) affine tf. (size of patch in normalised units) (number of pixels)
  • 20. Example: normalised patch for SIFT 20 =1 1 3 6 f v w = 15
  • 21. Custom frames 21 Example: running affine adaptation on a grid frames = vl_covdet(imgs, ... 'Frames', frames, ... 'EstimateAffineShape', true, ... 'EstiamteOrientation', true) ;
  • 22. Obtaining additional information on the features 22 [frames, descrs, info] = vl_covdet(imgs); info = gss: [1x1 struct] css: [1x1 struct] peakScores: [1x351 single] edgeScores: [1x351 single] orientationScores: [1x351 single] laplacianScaleScores: [1x351 single] 120 120 100 100 80 80 Occurences Occurences 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0 2 4 6 8 10 Peak Score Edge Score
  • 23. Obtaining the scale space 23 [frames, descrs, info] = vl_covdet(imgs); info = gss: [1x1 struct] Gaussian css: [1x1 struct] scale space peakScores: [1x351 single] edgeScores: [1x351 single] orientationScores: [1x351 single] laplacianScaleScores: [1x351 single] octave −1 octave 0 octave 1 octave 2 octave 3
  • 24. Obtaining the scale space 24 [frames, descrs, info] = vl_covdet(imgs); info = gss: [1x1 struct] cornerness css: [1x1 struct] measure peakScores: [1x351 single] edgeScores: [1x351 single] orientationScores: [1x351 single] laplacianScaleScores: [1x351 single] octave −1 octave 0 octave 1 octave 2 octave 3
  • 25. Performance comparison 25 Oxford 5K lite retrieval benchmark Num. features / image mAP VL HessianLaplace (double) VL HessianLaplace (double) 7131 79.9% VL DoG (double) 5631 DoG (double) VL 85.1% VL Hessian (double) 3411 VL Hessian (double) 77.8% VL DoG (no aff) 2794 VL DoG (no aff) 74.0% VL HarrisLaplace (double) 2316 VL HarrisLaplace (double) 77.8% CMP Hessian 2292 CMP Hessian 77.1% VL HessianLaplace 2020 VL HessianLaplace 73.8% VL DoG 1854 VL DoG 80.1% VGG hes 1517 VGG hes 74.6% VGG har 1384 VGG har 71.9% VL Hessian 1089 VL Hessian 68.7% VL HarrisLaplace 765 VL HarrisLaplace 70.4% 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0.6500 0.7125 0.7750 0.8375 0.9000
  • 26. Repeatability: viewpoint 26 Repeatability (graf) 100 VL DoG VL Hessian 90 VL HessianLaplace VL HarrisLaplace 80 VL DoG (double) VL Hessian (double) 70 VL HessianLaplace (double) Repeatability (graf) VL HarrisLaplace (double) 60 VLFeat SIFT CMP Hessian 50 VGG hes VGG har 40 30 20 10 0 30 40 50 60 20 Viewpoint angle
  • 27. Repeatability: viewpoint 27 Repeatability (wall) 100 VL DoG VL Hessian 90 VL HessianLaplace VL HarrisLaplace 80 VL DoG (double) VL Hessian (double) 70 VL HessianLaplace (double) Repeatability (wall) VL HarrisLaplace (double) 60 VLFeat SIFT CMP Hessian 50 VGG hes VGG har 40 30 20 10 0 30 40 50 60 20 Viewpoint angle
  • 28. Repeatability: scale 28 Repeatability (boat) 100 VL DoG VL Hessian 90 VL HessianLaplace VL HarrisLaplace 80 VL DoG (double) VL Hessian (double) 70 VL HessianLaplace (double) Repeatability (boat) VL HarrisLaplace (double) 60 VLFeat SIFT CMP Hessian 50 VGG hes VGG har 40 30 20 10 0 1.38 1.9 2.35 2.8 1.12 Scale changes
  • 29. Repeatability: JPEG compression 29 Repeatability (ubc) 100 VL DoG VL Hessian 90 VL HessianLaplace VL HarrisLaplace 80 VL DoG (double) VL Hessian (double) 70 VL HessianLaplace (double) Repeatability (ubc) VL HarrisLaplace (double) 60 VLFeat SIFT CMP Hessian 50 VGG hes VGG har 40 30 20 10 0 80 90 95 98 60 JPEG compression %
  • 30. Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) 30 [Matas et al. 2002] • Extracts MSER regions regions and fitted ellipses frames: imgs = uint8(rgb2gray(I)) ; [regions,"frames]"="vl_mser(imgs)"; • Control region stability: [regions,"frames]"="vl_mser(imgs,"... """"""""""""""""""""""""""""‘MinDiversity’,"0.7,"... """"""""""""""""""""""""""""‘MaxVariation’,"0.2,"... """"""""""""""""""""""""""""‘Delta’,"10)";
  • 31. Many other features and tools 31 superpixels MSER agglomerative information bottleneck distance transform di erent mode seeking algo- sent (some of) the data points nal to the Parzen density esti- wards the mode approximately ates mean shift trajectories by xt and in Fig. 2, medoid shifts circles. This disconnects por- alleviated (but not solved) by ect. 3) seeks the energy modes s, trading-o mode over- and randomized kd-trees fast k-means feature maps, stochastic gradient SVM s, where d is the dimension- is only O(dN 2 T ), where T Fast Dense SIFT lever implementations yield
  • 32. Many other features and tools 32 SLIC superpixels Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) HARVEST Programme New SGD Learning of SVMs
  • 33. OpenCV 33 • The largest, best known vision library • Features - OpenCV 2.1: Harris, Tomasi&Shi, MSER, DoG, SURF, STAR and FAST, DoG + SIFT, SURF, HARRIS, GoodFeaturesToTrack - OpenCV 2.4: ORB, BRIEF, and FREAK Example: computing ORB features. #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/features2d/features2d.hpp> #include <vector> Mat image = importImage8UC1(in[IN_I]); Mat descriptors; std::vector<KeyPoint> frames; ORB orb(numFeatures, scaleFactor, numLevels, edgeThreshold, 0, wtak, scoreTypeToORBPar(scoreType), patchSize); orb(image, Mat(), frames);
  • 34. This is not all folks 34 • Abundance of open source / free software for CV - Always check out authors home pages • Examples Rob Hess SIFT SURF Open SURF FAST corners LIOP descriptors ...
  • 35. Credits 35 Karel Lenc Daniele Perrone Michal Perdoch HARVEST Programme Krystian Mikolajczyk Tinne Tuytelaars Jiri Matas Cordelia Schmid Andrew Zisserman