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Mla Citation For Essay
Writing an essay on MLA citation for essays can be a challenging task. It requires a thorough
understanding of the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style, which includes
specific guidelines for formatting, citing sources, and creating a bibliography. The MLA style is
widely used in academic writing, and adhering to its rules is crucial for maintaining the integrity
and credibility of the essay.
One of the difficulties lies in the meticulous attention to detail that MLA requires. Properly
formatting the header, margins, font, and page numbers can be time-consuming, but it is essential
to meet the standards set by the MLA style. Additionally, correctly citing sources within the text
and compiling a comprehensive Works Cited page demand precision and a keen eye for detail.
Any deviation from the prescribed format may result in points deducted or, in academic settings,
even accusations of plagiarism.
Moreover, the evolving nature of citation rules can add another layer of complexity. Staying
updated with the latest MLA guidelines is imperative, as changes may occur over time. This
necessitates thorough research and a commitment to staying informed about any modifications to
the MLA citation style.
While the process can be challenging, it ultimately contributes to the development of valuable
skills in academic writing and research. It demands discipline, patience, and a willingness to
delve into the intricacies of citation conventions.
In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of writing an essay on MLA citation for essays requires
a careful balance of attention to detail, adherence to guidelines, and a commitment to staying
informed about any changes in citation rules. However, with dedication and practice, mastering
the MLA style can enhance one's proficiency in academic writing.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, there are
resources available. Professional writing services, such, offer support in
crafting well-researched and properly formatted essays on a variety of topics. These services can
be valuable for individuals seeking guidance or facing time constraints in their academic pursuits.
Mla Citation For Essay Mla Citation For Essay
Essay on Cobol
The COBOL programming language is typically used in large scale databases in
banks and insurance companies. Today, COBOL is rarely used to write new
software applications. It has been replaced by the C/C++ programming language,
but up until the 80 s all business software was written using COBOL. This includes
but not exclusively accounting, payroll, and large bank applications. COBOL is
still used today due to the high cost in upgrading software, and recent studies show
that as many as twelve million COBOL applications are still used today. Also, a
good majority of these are proprietary and would be extremely hard to redo in a
more current language. So it is obvious that COBOL programs are everywhere, and
more importantly our... Show more content on ...
Even though better languages have been designed, all the business can t just
discard the legacy code in COBOL, which will cause extra cost and disruption.
Over the years, companies have spent billions in developing their computer
systems and there is no way they can afford to dump these and start again from
scratch. The amount of investment in networking equipment is also the reason I
don t see us switching to IPv6 in the near future. Even though it would solve the
problem of running out of IP addresses, the amount of money phone companies and
business would have to invest to start from scratch would be too significant to
justify the investment. Also, since COBOL is so well put structured, programmers
can easily learn a modern language with some brief training. Today, it is estimated
that some 70% of all commercial computer applications are written in COBOL.
Another reason that COBOL is still widely used is that it can run on virtually any
platform. It can run on UNIX, Windows, or even various types of desktop
computers. It has been used in developing business applications for around the last
40 years, so it has proven reliability and stability. Because a majority of this software
was written when processors weren t as powerful and memory was limited, good
discipline was exercised when programming these applications. It has been estimated
that the industry has invested over $5 trillion
Essay On Lord Of The Rings Hero s Journey
I am glad you are here with me, here at the end of all things, Sam. Frodo reaches
out his hand over the flaming mouth of Mount Doom. The ring slips from his
fingers and into the flames. The world returns to where it was before the evil eye
had taken over. The Lord of the Rings chronicles the journey of Frodo Bagginsto
destroy the ring. It follows his transformation from a weak young hobbit to a hero
who saves Middle Earth. Frodo is an archetypal hero because he follows the hero s
journey. Like all archetypal heroes, Frodo begins in an ordinary world. He lives in
the Shire with family and close friends. He does not seek adventure, and he is
content to sit, smoke a pipe, and tell stories. He receives his call to adventure when
Gandalf shows up and asks him to carry the ring to flames of Mount Doom. The
ring has been causing a disturbance in Middle Earth, and Gandalf believes Frodo can
handle the challenge. Frodo is reluctant to answer the call. He is comfortable and
happy, and the journey... Show more content on ...
He offers him guidance and advice on many occasions. Gandalf helps to protect
Frodo from outside forces and inside temptations. When Gandalf is around, Frodo
feels stronger. He learns how to control the power of the ring with Gandalf s help.
Frodo faces many tests and trials along the way to Mount Doom. He is kidnapped,
attacked, and imprisoned along the way. He narrowly survives many situations that
would break lesser hobbits. In addition to the outward trials, he also faces the
constant temptation to use the ring to gain power for himself and for others. He
finds support in the travel companions that join him along the way to help him in his
quest to destroy the ring. These warriors become his allies. He also meets enemies
along the way. He encounters characters that want to use the ring for their own gain.
His greatest enemy is Sauron, the Dark Lord who wants to get the ring so he can rule
all of Middle
Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet Literary Analysis
Rebirth is an over arching theme in the book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and
Sweet, written by Jamie Ford. One of the main symbols of second rebirth is the
ever present Oscar Holden record. The records symbolizes not only Henry and
Keiko s relationship, but how it can be renewed. From when Henry and Keiko buy
the record, to Henry finding it 40 years later, the record always has a strong
significance in the book. Though not the first mention of the Oscar Holden record,
the story of the vinyl started with Henry taking Keiko to the Black Elks Club. On
that night Oscar Holden dedicated song to them, and it became their song . Later,
Keiko gave Henry the record as a thank you present for their exciting night at the
Black Elks Club. The... Show more content on ...
When Henry got to her apartment, he found out that Keiko was married and
widowed, just like him. Like the two halves of the record, though apart, still the
same. Ultimately meeting after 40 years, Henry and Keiko picked up where they
left off. They were like an old married couple, finishing each other s sentences.
They stood there, smiling at each other, like they had done all those years ago,
standing on either side of that fence. Oai deki te... She paused. Ureshii desu, Henry
said softly. (pp. 285) With this shared sentence, Henry and Keiko were mending
their relationship, putting the parts back together to create a new bond, one that was
never broken. Their old relationship could never be truly fixed, but they started a
new one with the intact record. The record, and Henry and Keiko s bond, was finally
renewed in this meeting. The book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, shows
many themes through a simple vinyl record. One important aspect of the record s
meaning is rebirth, but it also stands for second chances, love, friendship, and of
course, Henry and Keiko. In the end, Keiko and Henry are not the same people, and
their relationship is a new one, one that was waiting for all the years they were apart.
The Oscar Holden record holds its significance in the book from the beginning to the
Death And Grief Ethics
Recently, several scholars have begun to explore the ways in which we communicate
about death and grief online, focusing on blogs and social media sites (DeGroot
Carmack, 2012, 2013), online grief forums (Hastings, Hoover, As evidenced by the
dates of these articles, communication research exploring the intersections of death or
grief and computer mediated communication is a recent phenomenon.
The newness of this line of research presents its own challenges, especially regarding
the ethics of studying death and grief online.
The challenge of researching communication about death and grief is compounded by
the fact that we are exploring these issues in online formats.
Do researchers need to make authors aware of the fact that they, or ... Show more
content on ...
If, as Strauss and Corbin (1990) articulated, an element of theoretical sensitivity is
how personal experiences help researchers to make sense of data and researchers are
going to be sensitive to how the dying and bereaved communicate online, then they
must be thoughtful of their positions.
The Emotional Impact of Death and Grief Research on Researchers Research
exploring the emotional nature of communicating about death and grief, especially
research on using the Internet to communicate about death and grief, has primarily
focused on the emotions of the participants, with the researcher s emotional
experiences being bracketed (Dunn, 1991).
But, what about the impact of studying death and grief communication on
researchers? This is true for researchers exploring how death and grief are
communicated online.
Moreover, although Malacrida (2007) was focused on the emotional work associated
with collecting and transcribing emotionally charged interviews listening to tapes
saturated with emotions, playing and replaying recordings multiple times to capture
the nuances of emotions on paper researchers conducting studies that involve text still
encounter emotional
Kelly V. Movie Theater Essay
A. Kelly v Movie Theater: Negligence Negligence requires a showing that a duty
was owed, that the duty was breached, and that the breach was the actual and
proximate cause of damages. Special Duty Land Occupier Invitee A special duty
arises in circumstances involving a land occupier. An invitee is one who enters
the land with the owner s permission for the purpose related to the activity. The
landowner owes an invitee a duty of care to inspect and discover any dangerous
condition and to make the premises safe. Kelly went to the Movie Theater to see a
movie. Hence, Kelly is a social guest entering with Movie Theater s permission and
thus an invitee. Because Kelly was an invitee, The Movie Theater owed a duty to
Kelly... Show more content on ...
Their failure to warn Cindy of the cord across the movie aisle, and the failure to
make sure persons using the restroom would be able to see the sign created a
dangerous condition which was a breach of their duty of due care. Therefore,
Movie Theater breached their duty of due care. Actual Causation But for Movie
Theater s failure to properly warn of the cord running across the aisle and the
failure to properly warn of the wet restroom floor, Cindy and Sandy would not
have been injured. Thus, Movie Theater was the actual cause of Cindy s and
Sandy s injuries. Proximate Causation Cindy and Sandy will argue that there
injuries from their falls was a foreseeable result from falling over a cord that was
across the aisle and a wet floor in the restroom. Movie Theater will argue that the
independent contractor who was cleaning the Theater left the plugged cord from
the vacuum across the aisle and he was an intervening act. However, the
independent contractor may be an indirect act, but foreseeable and thus will not
sever causation to relieve defendant of liability of the intervening negligence. As
discussed Movie Theater failed to properly warn Cindy of the cord and Sandy of the
wet floor, and therefore it is foreseeable one could be injured by water on the floor.
Therefore, Movie Theater is the proximate cause of all of Cindy s and Sandy s
injuries. Damages Defined supra. Cindy and Sandy
The Baroque Era Essay examples
The Baroque Era
The Baroque era was a unique period in music that began during the 1600 s and
ended around 1750. The word baroque is define by Merriam s Collegiate Dictionary
as, of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression
prevalent esp. in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms,
bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a
sense of drama, movement, and tension. The word baroque has been used to indicate
paintings, poems, architecture, literature, and all else that is dynamic and astonishing.
The Baroque time was filled with musical geniuses. People like Franz Josef Haydn,
George Frideric Handel, and Claudio Monteverdi. ... Show more content on ...
Thomas church in Leipzig. This was a demanding job in which Bach composed
canatas for the St. Thomas and St. Nicholas churches, conduct the choirs, oversee
the musical activities of numerous municipal churches, and teach Latin in the St.
Thomas choir school. Bach remained at his post in Leipzig until his death in 1750.
Although he excelled his forbears and contemporaries, he did not receive the
respect he deserved until after his death. Bach is now regarded as one of the
greatest composers of all composers and is a source of inspiration for musicians.
While Bach s musical career centered around Germany, Antonio Vivaldiwas the son
of a professional violinist whose musical career cantered in Italy. Born on March 4,
1678, Vivaldi was a virtuoso violinist and composer whose works included over 500
Vivaldi s output was enormous. It is said that he invented ritornello form. If he did
not invent this, he was the first to use this technique. In 1703, Vivaldi began an on
and off relationship with the Ospedale della Pieta, a home for the female offspring
of noblemen and their mistresses. Vivaldi remained working this post for much of
his life. He did, however, take leave to compose many of his famous operas such as
Ottone in villa, his first opera.
Baroque music symbolized a changing in the times. From the early period, when
Bach introduced his rich polyphonic concertos and excelled as a virtuoso organist and
composer. The evolution of music
Patriarchy In Gone Girl
Often times, the women are viewed as desirable objects or prizes. The notion that
women are viewed as possessions or desirable objects is often coupled with
feelings of being trapped by husbands or lovers who treat them as standard
equipment and by an institution marriage that makes such treatment possible. In
Gone Girl, when married to Nick, Amy felt she had to watch her diet and exercise
to maintain the perfect size two body and keep her hair long and blonde. When
playing the role of the good girl wife before she went missing, Amy played to
patriarchal genderstereotypes: the girl who was in style, the cool girl who is hot,
brilliant, funny, and never gets angry and lets their man do whatever he wants. As
soon as she gained freedom... Show more content on ...
Neo noir films have been used to explore issues and progressive depictions of
gender, race and class. While it lacks racial or queer commentary, Gone Girl
exhibits class based social commentary. Both the lower and upper classes are
painted in a negative light. During her stay at a trailer park, Amy is robbed by a
pair of tattooed lowlifes that she befriended once they discover the stash of cash
she keeps hidden. Amy s wealthy parents are depicted as cold and manipulative,
while Amy s pretentious ex boyfriend Desi is made out to be pretentious and
potentially deserving of what he gets. The film also explores the tension and marital
issues that began to play out as the recession take Nick and Amy from upper middle
class bliss to unemployment and working class
Taking a Look at Kingdom Animalia
Animals share certain characteristics such as being heterotrophs, multicellular, no
presence of cell walls, and many more. Animals can further be divided through the
use of a phylogeny, which is an evolutionary tree. A phylogeny shows patterns of
relationships between several different types of species. When branching off to
dissimilar species, characteristics are taken accounted for whether they are derived,
ancestral, or shared traits. Traits include symmetry, tissues, segmentation, body
cavities, and patterns that deal with the development of embryos. The kingdom
Animalia breaks down to two subkingdoms, Parazoa and Eumetazoa. Parazoa include
organisms, such as sponges, who most members lack symmetry, but are multicellular
to help circulate water and reproduce. Eumetazoa separates from Parazoa by
symmetry and definite shape therefore, anything that branches off from Eumetazoa
consist of these characteristics. Eumetazoa, or true animals , further divides among
protostomes and deuterostomes (Telford, 2009). Protostomes and deuterostomes
differentiate by the embryonic development and how the zygote goes through mitotic
divisions, known as cleavage, and so on (Raven et al., 2014). Bilaterally symmetrical
animals have two dissimilar types of development. Therefore because some
protostomes are not bilaterally symmetrical, protostomes broke down to two different
classes, one class being Spiralian protostomes who undergo spiral cleavage in
embryonic development. Spiral
The Importance Of Neglect
The prevalence of strokes in our country and our world are high. Globally, a stroke
claims a life about every ten seconds. If an individual has a stroke and survives, it is
also the leading cause of disability (Campaign, n.d.). Strokes vary in their severity and
recovery, but one somewhat common occurrence is experiencing hemispatial neglect
following a stroke. Hemispatial neglect, or neglect, is claimed to occur in about a
third of all stroke patients (Klinke et al., 2015). Neglect is a disorder of attention
that typically follows brain damage that is unilateral. It has been reported as a strong
predictor of stroke recovery, in terms of general functioning (Gallagher et al., 2013).
In neglect, the patient is unable to notice, or have any... Show more content on ...
Pursuing the left and generating stability was used to describe when the attention to
the left was enhanced by emotionally salient stimuli . This concept was
demonstrated in an interview where a woman would unceasingly drop items from
her left hand, but succeeded in holding her infant child on her left side. When the
woman in the study was asked about this she said, I know that my left hand is
clumsy and that I sometimes have slopped coffee and such things but holding my
baby cannot be compared to holding a cup of coffee (Klinke et al.,
The Degradation Of Coastal Wetlands
There is rapid destruction of salt marshes and wetlands due to dredging operations
and filling. In Boston, almost eighty one percent of the salt marshes have been lost.
For the Canadian Maritimes, almost sixty four percent of the coastal wetlands have
disappeared due to agricultural reclamation. Approximately, ninety three percent
coastal marshes have been lost along the Pacific coast in the United States. In
addition, there is a degradation of coastal wetland due to invasive species, nutrient
enrichment, and storm water discharge. It is critical to preserve and restore coastal
salt marshes so that carbon can be sequestered, and fish and bird populations can be
preserved (Roman et. al. 2012). It is estimated that coastal wetlands are being lost at
the rate of two times the rate at which they are being restored. Salt marshes are found
amid human developments and coastal areas and play an important role in protecting
these communities from the threats posed by being close to the coast. Depending on
the density of vegetation, production of biomass, and the size of the marsh, salt
marshes provide many critical ecosystem services, such as, stabilization of the
shoreline, weakening of the waves, and reduction of floodwater (Shepard et. al.
2011). Wetlands include boreal peatlands and tropical mangroves. They provide
critical ecosystem services by acting as reserves for carbon, conserving biodiversity,
purifying water, enhancing fish production, and
Misinterpretation and Its Consequences
Julius Caesar Theme Analysis Essay Misinterpretations are the root of all tragedies,
especially Julius Caesar. They have severe consequences like the loss of innocent
lives, conflicts between friends, all the way to our inability to discern our friends
from our foes. Each of these misinterpreting concepts is demonstrated in Julius Caesar
. Cinna the poet s death, Brutus s betrayal, and Cassius s misunderstanding of Titinius
s death are all scenarios that portray the theme of misinterpretation and its severe
consequences. First of all, the most important misinterpretation in this play is Caesar
s relationship with Brutus. For example, Caesar is dependent on Brutus as his utmost
loyal companion, but in the end, Brutus ends up killing... Show more content on ...
Another misinterpretation happened between Cinna the Conspirator and Cinna the
Poet. For example, Cinna, the poet, was killed because the public thought he was the
conspirator. Unfortunately, the public got the poet and the conspirator confused, and
because of that misunderstanding and misinterpretation, an innocent life was lost. In
addition, the conspirator Cinna was also misinterpreted as a friend by Caesar, when
in reality; he was Brutus s accomplice in his tragic conspiracy. In the end, the
misinterpretation of circumstances and people led to the killing of the innocent poet,
Cinna. Even the people, who betray others, fall prey to the destructive
misinterpretations themselves. For example, Cassius who betrayed Caesar, was
mislead into believing that Titinius was dead, and because he could not take the
weight of this sorrow, he killed himself. However this was a big misinterpretation
because Titinius was not really dead...Cassius had received the wrong message.
Misinterpretations are liable to happen to everyone, and their consequences are tragic.
None the less, whether it is the misinterpretation of circumstances, people, or events,
the result is always destructive. The way Julius Caesar trusted Brutus, but was
betrayed by him shows that people aren t really what they seem. In addition, the
misinterpretation of names and people can cause the downfall of innocents as well,
like the way Cinna the Poet was killed.
Compare And Contrast Qin And Han Dynasty
The Qin and subsequent Han dynasties unified China and established a centralized
empire, which endured and passed down hundreds of years down through the 20th
century. The periods of the Qin and Han dynasties began around 221 BC and ended
in 220 AD . The Qin Dynasty was the first feudal dynasty to rule all over China. Even
though the Qin dynastydid not last that long, the empire had a long lasting impact on
Chinese history. Right after the fall of the Qin dynasty, Han dynastycomes in. The
Han dynasty lasted 400 years after Qin dynasty. Also during the period of Qin and
Han dynasties started to connect China with Romans and western world by the Silk
Road. The two dynasties were similar in that both had an idea of an emperor and the
two dynasties
Slc Director Career
SLC Career Essay As a child and even currently, I love watching television shows
and movies. Horror and post apocalyptic shows, such as This is the End , were the
ones that inspired me the most to become a director. In this essay, I will discuss
what a director is, some examples of impressive directing work, and why I want to
pursue a career as a director. First of all, a director is someone who is ...responsible
for the look and sound of a production and its technical standards. as defined by When dealing with a television show, directors work along with
producers and the writers to make scenes that match the script while also changing
some aspects to make it more interesting. They also plan out what angles and lighting
Blockbuster Essay
Criticisms of Blockbuster by Seidler
1. The bulk of 1988 per share earnings were due to
a) Very slow goodwill amortization
b) Stretched out life for hit tapes
c) Nonrecurring items of initial franchise fees, area development fees and sales to
new franchises.
2. Steeper growth curve resulting from acquisitions that were treated as pooling
3. Inflation of sales in the fourth quarter. Revenues are recognized when products are
shipped with no indication that the stores purchasing were actually open for business.
4. Running out of cash
Our position
1. On the EPS related issues
a) Regarding the goodwill amortization issue, we suggest a position that is in
between the current BV practice (40 years) and Bear s recommendation (5 ... Show
more content on ...
We do not agree with BV s practice of recognizing the revenue upon shipping the
supplies because without acceptance of supplies by stores, it does not satisfy the
requirement of completing all activities that lead to completion of the critical event.
4. We agree that BV ran out of cash. The net working capital was $10384M and
Accounts Payable tripled. We also agree with the double counting and mismatch in
financial statements.
Part 1 Concerns that have been addressed
1 b. The hit tapes are now being amortized over a much shorter period В– The costs
of non base stock videocassettes (generally greater than four copies per title for each
store i.e. hits ) are amortized on an accelerated basis over three months to an
estimated $4 salvage value.
2. Acquisitions treated as pooling В– All acquisitions were accounted for under the
purchase method and accordingly the operating results of the acquired businesses are
included in the consolidated results of operations of the company since their
respective date of acquisition.
3. Critical event for sale of supplies to stores В– BV is using a rental library
approach for supplies for the new stores. Revenue sharing allows BV to purchase
videocassettes at a lower product cost than traditional buying arrangements.
Part 2 Concerns that remain
1 a. The goodwill continues to be amortized over a period of 40 years.
1 c The nonrecurring items mentioned by Seidler
Essay On India And Pakistan Geography
Joosep Uusjärv
Mr. Smalley
Lit 1
Research essay
It is common to see soldiers die in war, but the conflict between India and Pakistan
is no ordinary war. The conflict between India and Pakistan is so big they are
warning each other with Nuclear war impacted by physical geography. How has the
physical geography of Southern Asia impacted the conflict between India and Pakistan
since the 20th century? There are three major factors that are affecting the
relationship between India and Pakistan relating to geography. These three factors
are nature, history and religion that I will be writing about. One of the ways India
and Pakistan are in a conflict is because of religion and the geography of the region
has impacted religion.
Religion is in various places, in different atmospheres. Most people believe that
symbolism, beliefs are all shaped by the world we live in claims Elizabeth Bornman
(1), this tells us most commonly people are born into their religion. Different
locations where people may have been born could have impacted the religious beliefs
of those people. Making them believe their religion is the best.
Hinduism is a ... Show more content on ...
In 1974 it was predicted that it fall under Pakistan since most of the population was
Muslim, according to Borneman (2), this causes a fight over which religion is better.
It was decided that India will get Jammu Kashmir, but Pakistan was waiting The
Raja of Jammu and Kashmir to consider changing it to part of Pakistan according to
Suzane Martin (1),later on it was made official that India got Kashmir. Which later
on caused war between India and Pakistan. This decision has had an impact on
religion. Pakistan is wanting still Kashmir and it is clear that geography is impacting
the religion and the conflict between India and Pakistan. Geography can also not
impact religion but nature as
Foreign Exchange Market
ROLL NO.: 38
2015 16
THANE 400601
I, student of M.Com. (Part I) Roll No. : 38 hereby declare that the project title
disaster management for the subject strategic management submitted by me for
semester I of the academic year 2015 16, is based on actual work carried out by me
under the guidance and supervision of PROF.vinodchadwani. I further state that...
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Disaster termed as a serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing
widespread human, material or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the
affected society to cope using its own resources.
Disasters are not totally discrete events. Their possibility of occurrence, time, place
and severity of the strike can be reasonably and in some cases accurately predicted
by technological and scientific advances. It has been established there is a definite
pattern in their occurrences and hence we can to some extent reduce the impact of
damage though we cannot reduce the extent of damage itself
Generally, disaster has the following effects in the concerned areas,
1. It completely disrupts the normal day to day life
2. It negatively influences the emergency systems
3. Normal needs and processes like food, shelter, health, etc. are affected and
deteriorate depending on the intensity and severity of the disaster.
The development of disaster recovery plans,( for minimizing the risk of disasters and
for handling them when they do occur,) and the implementation of such plans.
Disaster management usually refers to the management of natural catastrophes such
as fire, flooding, or earthquakes. Related techniques include crisis management,
contingency management, and risk management.
Disaster/emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding risks.
It involves preparing for a disaster before it happens, disaster response (e.g.
The Car Ride At Ohio State University
The car ride was quiet for the first time in 18 years, it was a bittersweet taste but
more on the bitter side. All I could hear was my car slowly gliding, rolling over the
bumps of the highway. I kept thinking to myself that I must not to cry, but I could
not stop the flow of sadness How could I not cry after dropping my youngest
daughter, Julie, off at Ohio State. The number of applicants at The Ohio State
University in 1989 was 15,748 (Ohio State enrollment Services). I would now be
referred to as an empty nester. I kept thinking about the lonely quiet nights that I
would have for the next two months until both of my children would come home
from college. All the empty seats at the dinner table, and that only two will be
occupied by my... Show more content on ...
Johnny came rumbling down the stairs after his shower where I addressed him
about his room. After addressing him, Johnny decided to show his most dominant
trait by expressing himself under a premise of disrespect. Johnny will you please
go and clean that room of yours No mom, I need to catch the bus The bus doesn t
leave for another 15 minutes you have time Why don t you clean you are not doing
anything Nothing made me more mad then when my kids mouthed off after all
that I had done for them. After Johnny mouthed off I was so infuriated I felt as if
there was steam about to come out of my ears. Johnny noticed this anger building
up inside me and busted out the front door. One would have thought a rabid dog
was chasing him, but I wasn t rabid. He ran and got on the bus before I could get to
him. On average a young adolescent runs a mile in 7 minutes(Let s Run). I looked
down and noticed that I still had on my nightgown. This is perfect, I said to
myself, deciding that I would show up to school in my nightgown and embarrass
Johnny like never before. I pulled up to the school, just as the bus was rolling up,
and I started to get out of the car when I saw a broom in the back seat. I decided I
would use that as a fear factor prop to convey my message. I saw Johnny sitting in
the back of the bus when he glanced out of the window and saw me standing there.
He came over to me after getting off the bus. Mom, what are you doing here? he
Laurent Clerc s Deaf School
Laurent Clerc was born on December 26, 1785. It is believed that Clerc became
deaf by falling off of his high chair into the kitchen fireplace around age one. He
had gotten a severe burn on his right cheek, and a fever developed, and later on his
hearing and smelling senses were damaged. It was never quite clear whether he was
born deaf, or if it had been a cause of his accident. Clerc s parents had tried many
different treatments to get Clercs hearing back, although none of them succeeded.
Clerc did not go to school and didn t learn to read or write. For 11 years Clerc
stayed at home instead of going to school. While at home Clerc spent his time either
exploring the village, or taking care of the animals, such as; cows, turkeys, and
horses. Eventually, at age 12 Clercs uncle godfather, Laurent Clerc, who he was
named after, entered him into the Institut National des Jeune Sourds Muets, which
was the first public school for the deaf in the world. In school, Clerc s assistant
teacher, Abbe Margaron, tried to teach Clerc to pronounce his words, which Clerc
had a difficult time with this, at one point his difficulty in pronouncing words
enraged Abbe so much that he hit Clerc So hard underneath his chin, which caused
Clerc to accidentally bite his tongue so hard, he decided he wanted nothing to do
with speaking, and would never again learn to speak. Because of this experience, it
later caused Clerc to make his belief that signing is the greatest procedure for deaf
Those Winter Sundays
Those Winter Sundays, by Robert Hayden, is a beautiful poem. Hayden s poem
tells a grown man s perspective of his father. In the poem it is clear that there is
distance between them and little communication. But it is discovered at the end of
the poem, that love is actually present. Although it is only a 14 line poem, it packs
remarkable power into each line. The very unrythmed poem begins with a very
simple line letting you know what tone and mood the poem is set in. The title
Those Winter Sundays , also lets you know that it s cold because its winter and that
its Sunday. Also, that the events in the story took place in the past. As the speaker s
father is introduced, I am lead to believe that he is the he will be a main... Show more
content on ...
This developing tone of regret is also aided by the poet s illustration of his father
with the auditory image of cracked hands and the sensory term ached , both of
which indicate that the father s struggle with the harsh coldness (line 3). Similarly,
Hayden references his father in relation to the breaking and splintering cold to
prove that his father experienced discomfort in battling the uncomfortable
conditions, yet still triumphed (line 6). His repeated use of harsh auditory and cold
sensory imagery, culminating with a sequence indicating his father s success over
these images, represent Hayden s pensive recollection of his tough past and his
regret that he never thanked his father for taming the uncomfortable elements.
While expressing pensive regret, the poet also reveals the admiration and respect
he gained for his father over the years with the use of active and warm images.
After noting the breaking of the cold, Hayden writes that his father would call him
when the rooms were warm (line 7). In establishing this connection, the poet
effectively equates warmth with his father s efforts and presence. Hayden further
exposes his admiration for his dad when he refers to him not as his father, but rather
as the man who had driven out the cold (line 11). His emphasis on the active image,
driven , magnifies focus on the efforts of his
Evaluation Of A Project Management ( Apm ) Essay
A project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering
one or more business product in accordance to an agreed business case (PRINCE2
2005). However, this definition doesn t seem to elaborate on all the principles and
numerous factors, which define a project as compared to Association for Project
Management(APM). APM defines a project as an endeavor in which, human
materials and financial resources are organized in a novel. Therefore, being able to
deliver a unique scope of work of given specification often within constraints of cost
and time, in order to achieve beneficial changes which is defined by quantitative and
qualitative objectives. It s common for a project to be mistaken for an operation or
vise verse. Though, the difference between these two subject/principles is highly
distinctive. George D (2000) states that an operation is a permanent or ongoing
execution of activities, which produces repetitive results, the results maybe in a form
of a product or service. An operation usually has the same resources, same tasks and a
standard output expectation.
For example, a construction company might embark on a project to purchase two
heavy duty dumb trucks to help transport materials on sites. This project will have a
start date and a fixed finish date. The project manager will set dates for the duration
it will take to collect finances, with the help from the finance office, when to make
transactions and if the is training required for
Helium Gas Lab
The mechanism that allows us to compute temperature values for pressure readings
associated with a Helium filled glass bulb is based on how system properties are
linked together. The purpose of using Helium gas is because Helium can remain in its
gas state when surrounded by boiling liquid Nitrogen. The goal is to determine the
temperatureof a gasbased on the pressurereadings of that gas, so in order to
determine a working equation, the ideal gas law will be modified to represent
T = P(V/nR) (1) There is a problem with using this equation due to the fact that we
are not using an ideal gas. We are using Helium, so adjustments must be made to the
ideal gas law in order for proper calculations to be computed. A route to... Show
more content on ...
This issue can be fixed by introducing the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of
the glass bulb. In addition to the coefficient, we will multiply that value by three in
order to satisfy the coefficient of volume expansion. A constant temperature will be
assumed, so we will multiply the coefficient of volume expansion by t.
(pVo/RT)(1+(pv/prV)+3О±t) = n. This equation still embraces how ideal gases
interact within different temperatures, so the second virial coefficient is introduced.
The second virial coefficient alters the equation by representing the imperfections
associated with non ideal gases. The second virial coefficient is also multiplied by
(po/RTo) in order to relate the pressures of different environments to the pressure of
the bulb submerged in an ice bath.
(pVo/RT)(1+(pv/prV)+3О±t (po/RTo)(B)) = n
Analysis Of Ma Vie En Rose
Within the film, Ma Vie en Rose (Alain Berliner, France, 1997) we are encouraged
to sympathize with the main character, Ludovic (Georges Du Fresne), a seven year
old boy that insists that he is actually a girl. The importance of viewing this movie
and being able to identify with the character of Ludovic shows us as an audience the
absurdity of gendernorms, while simultaneously encouraging us to have a more
empathetic viewpoint in regards to such topics.
Throughout most of the film, we see characters react violently to Ludovic when he
she insists that he she is actually a girl. Family members, people at school, and the
neighbors all try and convince Ludovic that he she is not actually a girl. The
therapy scenes throughout the film in which Ludovic s mother and father attempt
to fix his condition stood out to me the most because of how absurd the process of
fixing someone s gender is. In one particular scene, Ludovic sits in between his
parents as his mother attempts to provide comfort, while the father refuses to even
look at Ludovic as he shakes his head at every word of the conversation at hand.
The framing of the scene places the camera over Ludovic s shoulder so that we see
the edges of the parents and we get a direct view of the therapist from Ludovic s
point of view. This angle make the parents appear to be absent from the scene and
the camera level is set in a way that makes the audience sympathize with Ludovic.
And as McGuffie points out, the framing of the
Mcbride s Characters In The Color Of Water By James
In the book The Color of Water, the author, James McBride not only takes us
through his own journey, but also gives us a perspective on the life of his mother,
Ruth. James admiration for his mom reflects throughout the story while showing the
readers the growth and development her character experienced as she went through
life. Ruth McBride Jordan endured many heartbreaking hardships throughout her
life, but nevertheless, had an innumerable amount of cheerful and zestful moments.
She grew to be a remarkable woman; however, it was a long journey before she
became that woman. Separating from her family, and leaving the South was one of
the hardest choices she ever made, yet it was best for her, in order to move on and
adjust her future for the better. A main factor in Ruth s life prosperity was her first
husband, Andrew Dennis McBride, who taught her many important things and, in a
sense, changed her entire lifestyle and outlook on the world. The last large
impression that altered her life immensely in a way that led her character to mature,
was the death of her beloved Dennis . These elements all highlight a point in this
woman s life that caused a development in her personality.
In her younger years, being a part of the Shilsky family was no easy task for Ruth.
In those times, her father, Fishel, was a heartless man with no sense of appreciation
or love for his faithful and obedient Jewish family. In fact, Fishel was so cruel to his
three children that Ruth reports having
The Occupational Safety And Health Administration
Violence in the workplace has been an increasing problem for many years, but it is
hitting the healthcare profession hardest.(1) Nearly 24,000 assaults in the work
environment occur every year, with nearly 75% occuring to healthcare
providers.(2) In 2001, it was reported that physicians were assaulted at a rate of 16.2
assaults per 1,000 physicans, nurses were assualted at a rate of 21.9 assaults per
1,000 nurses, and other healthcare workers (with varying job titles) were assaulted at
a rate of 8.5 assaults per 1,000 employees.(3) In 2004, it was documented that as
many as 14% of doctors and 40% of nurses in a UK survey reported being assaulted
in the year prior. (4)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has defined
workplace violence as violence or the threat of violence against workers. It can
occur at or outside the workplace and can range from threats and verbal abuse to
physical assaults and homicide. (5) The US Bureau of Justice defines workplace
violence as nonfatal violence (rape/sexual assualt, robbery, and aggravated and simple
assault) against employed persons age 16 or older that occurred while they were at
work or on duty. (1) Previous research on the topic of workplace violence in
healthcare often lacks the ability to be directly compared due to a lack of definition
consensus. In 2000, Rippon defined aggression as behavior with intent that is directed
at doing harm to a living being whether harm results or not, or with
Email Privacy Essay
Ethical Management of E mail Privacy
As I am sitting at my work station in a crowded office building, I hear the
wonderful sound of You ve got mail. In turn I open my E mail mailbox and find a
letter from a nearby employee. This letter contains the usual funny joke of the day
and a short joke ridiculing the boss, as usual. Who was to know that my supervisor
would eventually find this letter, which would lead to both the termination of my job
and my fellow employee? Do you feel this is right?
Does this sound common? This may sound common because the issue of E mail and
privacy is very common and controversial in our advanced technological world. The
determination of what is ethical or unethical is not simple or ... Show more content on ...
Employees may not realize how easily their bosses and coworkers can access their E
mail. Many high tech firms are even able to retrieve messages that the employees
think they have permanently deleted. An article in the magazine, Business First,
makes a good point, Don t put anything in E mail that you would not want read over
the loud speaker throughout the company (Miller 2).
Although many computers and company E mail accounts have passwords, it does
not mean that they are protected. System administrators can access almost anyone s
E mail. According to a web page on the Internet, The only way to protect your E
mail would be to regard your E mail as you would a postcard. People must realize
that unlike other forms of communication, E mail has little protection, such as
telephone companies do (Learn the Net
1). This provides the employer with the ability to monitor someone s E mail without
them even knowing.
The topic of E mail is so current that it even hit the meeting of the Long Island Direct
Marketing Association (LIDMA) on October 22, 1998. At the meeting privacy issues
concerning E mail in the workplace were discussed. A local attorney, Martin
Gringer, Esg., explained the need for employees to understand that their e mail may
not be private and they should look into company policy before sending something
which may later come back to haunt
Song Analysis Of Concrete Angel
The song I chose is a song sung by Martina McBride, a country singer, called
Concrete Angel. The song was written by Rob Crosby and Stephanie Bentley, later
released on November 18, 2002. The song is about a young girl, Angela Carter, who
doesn t have the most stable and safest home. At home she is domestically abused by
her drugged mother, neglected and forced to take care of herself; she packs her own
school lunch, walks to school by herself, and is wearing the same dress showing her
mom does not care to give her new clothes. When watching the music video, in the
beginning children are laughing at her, which shows she is bullied, another main
theme tackled in the song. The bruises are seen by her teacher and the neighbors hear
her... Show more content on ...
The girl has no authority figure, a careless mother, no father, and no other adult to
rescue her. A third social force would be Theory of Self, formation of self through
interactions with significant others. Through the lack of recourses, having to hide
her abuse and the neglect of her mother, she s forced to put on a strong front, keep
her home life a secret, and pretend everything is okay although it s not; through the
wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone in a world that she can t rise above.
Her home life and lack of relationships with others really takes a toll on her
happiness and sometimes she wishes she was never born. A fourth social force
would be related to the child abuse and neglect, there s actually two sociological
phenomenon and norm breaking. It s considered a sociological phenomenon
because it is not an innate behavioral pattern for human beings to follow. Abusing
and your child, is not only a norm breaking but also breaking the law. Norms today
when it comes to a child is expected of the parent to love, take care, and provide for
them, not to beat them. This was not the case at all in Concrete Angel, for her
mother constantly beat her, never showed any love towards her or took care of her.
Another norm violated would be with the teacher and neighbors; they heard or saw
signs of abuse but never stepped up to save the girl from the abuse. They hid behind
fear and turned a blind
Literary Devices In Medea
When Love Backfires
Euripides Medea is a tragic play that takes place in Corinth, Greece. It was first
produced in 431 BC. It was during this time that Corinth and Athens were rivals,
fighting to have the upper hand. In fact, Corinth and Sparta teamed together against
Athens during the Peloponnesian War in 431 BC. Like most literature, Euripides
Medea incorporates the period in which it was written along with a timeless theme.
Euripdes uses the literary devices of setting, irony, and symbolism to depict the theme
of identity in relation to marriage.
The play Medea uses the setting to help the audience better understand the meaning
of the text. What is said depends greatly on who is around and where the
character(s) are. For example, when Medea is by herself or with the chorus, she is
speaking freely of her evil plans, however, when she was in the presences of Creon
or Jason, she lied to their faces. The audience knows what her true thoughts and
feelings are due to the setting. They are not tricked into thinking she has changed
her mind but instead, they know when she is lying based on who she is around.
After Medea devised a plan, she sent for Jason and pleades to him, Jason, I ask you
to forgive me for the things I said before. You re used to putting up with my temper,
since so many acts of love have passed between us... (Medea, 870). This quote is a
perfect example of how the setting changes the meaning of the words. This helps
portray the overall them of identity. Medea is now full of rage and anger due to her
husband leaving her for another woman. She has lost her sense of identity which
was found in her husband. She is a refugee in Corinth and has no friends or family.
She feels completely alone with nowhere else to turn but to anger and rage.
The literary device of irony is strategically used throughout the entire play. The
irony within the text works in Medea because the audience understands Medea s
thoughts and plans while the characters within the play do not. For instance, Jason
says, I will not carry on this quarrel any longer. But if you want to take me up on my
offer of money for the children or your own exile say so, I am ready to be generous
to you... (Medea, 610). What Jason does not
The Legal Terms Of Piracy
the work they are utilizing given that they meet the definition of their given label
and qualify as fair use (Stim 396). For example, a parody must be ruled as humorous
by definition, and fair use implies that the content is meant to give a positive outlook
on the original work rather than downgrade it. In legal terms, piracy violates one of
the seven given rights outlines within the CopyrightAct.
The contracts between artists, authors, inventors, and their companies and publishers
are violated in numerous ways. The most common infringement occurs daily, as often
people make copies of items without previous knowledge of their illegal actions.
These minute acts are difficult to prevent though, especially with the ability to scan,
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Many laws and punishments have been written to prevent piracy and its
consequences. In 1897, Congress established a branch entitled The U.S. Copyright
Office, which constructs and enforces copyright law. The complexity of the
penalty has grown along with the excessive abuse of pirated content (Congress).
Simply scribbling over a copyright notice in a book is a twenty five thousand
dollar fine. If more than one act of intentional copyright infringement is committed
within a six month period, the culprit may be fined a sum worth a given ratio to the
value of the stolen products as well as a sentenced of one to five years in prison.
given the severity of the situation, fines can range from five hundred thousand to one
million dollars (Stim, 315 319). The prison sentence can also be extended to up to ten
When taken to court, cases of copyright infringement become extremely hazy. The
victim must prove not only that the material is a copy or semblance of their product.
simple details can turn an entire verdict. In 1980, Star Wars sued and defeated the
upstart television show Battlestar Galactica (Boekweg). Twenty First Century Fox
was able to specify 34 similarities that, although not totally unique to Star War,
specifically reflected its plot line, design, love triangle, and characters. Part of the
winning statement was the fact that the name Skyler was undeniably similar to
A Bugs Life Sociological Analysis
A Bugs life is a Disney Pixar animated film which involves Ants and other bugs
coming together to fight the Grasshoppers. Hopper is the dominant male
grasshopper character and in the film states that he wants to keep the ants in line
and doesn t care about the food (Bugs Life 1998). In Bug s Life the relationship
between the grass hoppers and the ants can be described and discussed in terms of
the theory of class by Karl Marx (1818 1883).
Marx first stated that because of the economic growth in Europe it turned most people
in to capitalists (Sociology, 2012). Therefore Marx divided capitalism into two
separate classes. One being the class that owned the means of production for
example the owners of the factories. This class were also given ... Show more content
on ...
Karl Marx believed that a capitalist society was to blame for alienation of the
workers (Sociology, 2013). Alienation involves workers feeling isolated and away
from the end product. Which dehumanizes them making workers feel unsatisfied
and feel as though they are unable to improve their lifestyle. He found particular
ways to which capitalism alienates those who work. Those ways were split in to
four different categories, which are: Being alienated from the act of working
which is being alienated from their own choice as they are not given a right to
decide what product to make and how they are going to make it. There is also
being alienated from the product, this can be linked to the Bugs Life as the food
the ants provide for the grass hoppers is not seen again after being taken away from
them. The feeling of being alienated from other workers, Marx stated is also a type
of alienation which can also be linked with Bugs Life as throughout the season the
focus for the ants is to collect food from the grasshoppers by walking in single file
lines, therefore are not able to talk to one another. The final type of alienation
according to Marx is the feeling of being alienated from their human potential which
is where one lacks the ability to develop and gain knowledge whilst at work which
helps dehumanize them as they are not living up to their human
Jacey Observation
I recently had the opportunity to observe a 33 month old boy named Jacey in our
church nursery. On this particular Sunday we had several families unable to
attend worship service due to a nasty virus that has been going through our
community, so Jacey was the only child in the nursery during my observation. I
quickly learned that this little guy is full of energy and excitement, and also a
little bit of attitude, with sticky fingers and rosy cheeks! It was clear to see that he
is an adventure seeker as he explored his surroundings with eyes that appeared to be
thoughtful as his curious little mind absorbed every single inflection of the words
spoken by those who interacted with him and all of this is what I observed within
just the first five minutes of my time spent with Jacey. Over the course of the hour
there would be squeals of joy, rambunctious play, silly faces made, as well as times
of crossed arms and feet stomping in frustration. Life as a two... Show more content
on ...
He simply observed her at first, as she suggested different ways to build and play
with the blocks, using the method of guided participation (Martorell, et al., 2014)
to help Jacey feel comfortable and really settle in and begin to play. Eventually,
Jacey did begin to play alongside her, building different designs with the blocks.
This type of play, with building patterns and intention, is what our text book would
call constructive play (Martorell, et al., 2014). As Jacey played, his excitement
grew over what he was creating and every now and then he would speak to his
caregiver and show her what he was doing. His sentences followed the rules for
syntax speech as he put together sentences that made sense (Martorell, et al., 2014).
Not to be too committed with his attention, Jacey would randomly get up and run
about the room he definitely had too much energy to sit still very long and just play
Alter Ego In Jane Eyre
In Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre, the character Bertha Mason is a manifestation of
the feelings that Jane cannot express, and thus acts as an alter ego. Every time
Bertha acts, it is predicated by a strong emotion or what should have been a strong
emotion on Jane s part. In the Victorian Era, women were expected to follow strict
rules and isolate themselves from the outside world. In order to be the angel in the
house, women were expected to obey and not question their fathers and husbands.
Societal expectations dictate that Jane cannot show the full extent of her emotions,
particularly when Mr. Rochester is involved. As a result, she does not do so, and
they come out in the form of Bertha Mason. Throughout the novel, some sort of
action by Bertha closely follows Jane s musings on her frustrations, her discontent,
or her anger. When Jane recognizes her emotions, Bertha s expression is mild.
However, Jane fails to recognize fully her emotions in multiple cases and Bertha
responds violently. Because Bertha represents emotions that Jane possesses but
represses in order to meet societal expectations, Bertha and these emotions must be
removed before she can marry Mr. Rochester. Therefore, Bertha is a key character
because she represents an important aspect of Jane and prevents Jane from fulfilling
societal expectations. There is a close relationship between Jane s dissatisfaction or
frustration and Bertha making some sort of noise. In one such instance, Jane
Deprivation In Frankenstein
Sleep is a beneficial necessity, both from a scientific and psychological standpoint,
improving both mental and physical health. It plays an essential role in our growth
and development as human beings. During sleep, our brains are growing and
preparing for the day ahead so that we may be productive and attentive in every daily
task. Without the recommended minimum of eight hours of sleep each night, people
get agitated, distracted easily, gain health problems, make bad decisions, and acquire
feelings of sadness and depression. Sleep deprivationis harmful and can cause a large
amount of irreversible damage to ones brain, increasing the risk of diseases, strokes,
and even diabetes. Throughout history, many authors have written about characters...
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Victor is distraught and believes it is all his fault for all the deaths he has caused
by creating the monster he regrets making and hates. Unable to endure the aspect
of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time
traversing my bed chamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep (Frankenstein
383). His lack of sleep causes him to become more depressed than he already is.
Sleep deprivation causes people to feel angry and impulsive, have mood swings,
feel sad or depressed, or lack motivation (Sleep). Victor has all of the symptoms of
severe sleep deprivation, and because of this, his physical and mental state suffer.
He longs for sleep and seeks rest and rejuvenation, but his longing to slay his
monster is much greater. His will to destroy his monster is so prominent that he
deprives himself of all necessities, restricting himself from sleep, food, and human
interaction. Victor describes his state: Every night I was oppressed by a slow
fever, and I became nervous to a most painful degree; the fall of a leaf startled me,
and I shunned my fellow creatures as if I had been guilty of a crime (Frankenstein
55). Victor is paranoid and has trouble sleeping because of his malnourishment due to
the neglect of himself for his undying focus on the apparent evil being he gave life
to. His work consumes him and ultimately leads to his insanity and paranoia of the
monster killing
Rhetorical Of Dog Food
For this essay I chose to investigate rhetorical means of dog food advertisements.
During this investigation I will point out what it is exactly that advertisers are
using in order to sell their product. I chose a Blue Bufflo ad, a Pedigree ad, a vintage
Ken L Ration ad, and another shorter Pedigree ad. The first ad by Blue Buffalo
shows a dogand a cat as well as a chart and a small paragraph about the product. The
color is a calming blue and actually almost gives somewhat of a medical appealto the
ad. This not only looks like a dog food ad but also has similarities to an
advertisement promoting a medication. Their heading to the ad is Love them like
family and feed them like family with natural, holistic BLUE. This ad appeals to ethos
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The color gives a fun an youthful appeal. The heading is a supposed quote from
the pup stating, I enjoy licking faces. And toilets Koji. This ad also has a slightly
medical appeal as it has the medical cross right at the top of the advertisement. This
ad appeals to logos in the fact that it is promoting a product that boosts the
immunity of your pet because dogs will put their mouths on anything and every
dog has his can so this ad is saying that in order to protect your dog, pick this
product, and that you can pin point which food to buy based on the buyer s dog s
specific needs. This ad also appeals to pathos as it mentions that this food is going
to not only be tasty for your dog but also have the healthy ingredients needed in
order to protect them, letting the buys know they are making the right choice fro
their animal by buying this product. The vintage Ken L Ration ad is a simple black
and white ad with a drawn, what seemed to be, fox terrier in the corner. The
headline is He Loves it! showing a positive and fun spect to the ad and eating the
readers attention. This ad does a very good job appealing to pathos and logos in a
short and sweet statement pointing out that your dog will not only enjoy the product,
but it will also keep him health and strong, and that it also comes canned making it
easy and convenient to serve. This is similar to the Pedigree ad, although much
shorter, and slightly less exciting as it lacks
Drowsy Driving
Nothing could prepare me for the news I received six years ago about the
unexpected death of my close friend Joey. I will never forget the night he died.
How I had been with him just minutes before, and how his death was totally
unnecessary and preventable. A few weeks before Christmas in 2001, Joey, myself
and a few of my other co workers were closing down the local restaurant we worked
at while attending Umass Lowell. It had been a busy night, and we didn t end up
finishing work until 1am. Having worked all day, we were all extremely tired, and
could not wait to go home. Most of us were staying in Lowell at the time, but Joey
had chosen to commute to campus and therefore had to travel out to Reading. I ...
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On a more positive note, gains are being made towards the direction of holding
those presumed guilty of drowsy driving accountable for their reckless behavior.
Unfortunately, it has taken a series of deaths in order to trigger this movement. One
of the first laws developed (Maggie s Law,) was done so by the mother of 20 year old
Maggie McDonnell who was hit head on by a van driven by a drowsy driver in 1997.
Mrs. McDonnell (the mother of Maggie,) was infuriated to learn that there was not a
single law created to address the issue of vehicular homicide as a result of sleep
deprivation, and therefore set forth to create one. Her efforts were successful, and
in 2003 the nations first drowsy driving law was implemented. Maggie s Law
ammends the spectrum of vehicular homicide to include those who who operarte a
vehicle while sleep deprived. Under Maggie s Law, offenders can be prosecuted if
there is proof beyond a doubt that the operator fell asleep while driving, or was
awake for more than 24 consecutive hours. Conviction under this law can carry a
maximum penalty of ten years in prison. (Weaver 1).
As a future sleep technician, and a person who has suffered personally from the
aftermath of a friend falling asleep at the wheel, the topic of drowsy driving is one
concerns me. Studies show that there has been a significant rise in sleep related
crashes since the initiation of Maggie s Law in 2003, but only one recorded
Research Paper On Aude Gersende Hoge
Aude Gersende Hoge As far as I know, there is no other Aude Gersende in the Hoge
or Le Grand families. Aude is an old name, dating back to 778 BCE. My dad
claims that I was named after one of their friends, Aude de Lamaze. She was the
artist that painted some of our painting in the entrance. However, my mom says that
she named me after the fiancГ© of Roland de Roncevaux. Roland was once a
famous paladin in medieval France. The legendary sword Durendal bestowed upon
him by Charlemagne himself, who in turn, had received the sword from an angel.
Roland also received an Olifant, made from a unicorn s horn hunted in India. It is
said in the Song of Roland that he died from blowing the horn, which had caused him
to bursts his temple. When his fiancГ©
Death Of A Salesman Father Son Relationship
Many dramas use family relationships as a primary force of the plot. In Death of a
Salesman, Willy s relationship with his son s allows the author, Arthur Miller, to
reveal the conflicts that can result in a father son relationship. Willy s relationship
with his older son, Biff differs in conflict from his relationship with his younger son,
Happy. Both relationships have their flaws and both relationships have suffered from
Willy s inability to teach his son s positive values.
Happy, the younger of the two sons, has taken on many of his father s traits.
Although he has a rather successful job, he feels the need to embellish the truth of
his success just as Willy has done in the past. (quote). Happy has also taken on his
father s trait
Physical Therapy Case Studies
I wanted to email you and let you know that I made an appointment with Dr.
Brinkruff (primary care doctor) 12/07/2016, however, he was on vacation, therefore,
I seen one of his PA s. I explained to him that I was in a significant amount of pain in
my neck, spine, and shoulders, however that the painI was encountering started after
my son and I were involved in an auto collision. Furthermore, I explained that my
son and I were stopped when a gentleman rear ended us going 30 miles and hour,
that the air bags did not deploy, nor did our seat belts tighten, therefore, both
sustained whiplash and concussions. I did request to be referred to Dr. Taylorlocated
at Henry County Center for Orthopedics Sports Med., however he did an x ray and
blood work and referred me to physical therapy 5 x week for 6 weeks.
Analysis of Database Management and Information
Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system
by focusing on their functionalities.
What is database management system? Database Management System is a database
program. The DBMS manage incoming data, organize it, and provided ways for the
data to be modified or extract by users or other programs. This cause, most database
software comes with an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that allows the
database to integrate with other databases. For example, common SQL statements
such as SELECT and INSERT are translated from a program s proprietary syntax
into a syntax other databases can understand. Some DBMS examples include
PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, FileMaker, RDBMS,
dBASE, Clipper, and FoxPro. It is a software system that uses a standard method of
retrieving, and running queries on data.
What is information retrieval system? Informational Retrieval System is the activity
of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection
of information resources. Web search engines are the most visible. Search can be
based on metadata or on full text (or other content based) indexing. Automated
information retrieval systems are used to reduce what has been called information
overload . Many universities and public libraries use IR systems to provide access to
books, journals and other documents.
Differences between database management system and information retrieval system
The World s Oldest Profession
The World s Oldest Profession Prostitution is considered to be one of the world s
oldest professions. Prostitution is the occupation of engaging in sexual activity with
someone for payment. Humans have been exchanging sex and money for thousands
of years and it is something that persists today. In SuperFreakonomics Steven Levitt
and Stephen Dubner explain that prostitutionemerged due to the sexual desire of
men. Men wanted more sex than they were able to receive for free. This created a
market in which they were willing to pay for sex, and women, for the right price,
were willing to satisfy that need (Levitt Dubner 23). Today it is a controversial issue
because in the United States it is not legal, however in the state Nevada it... Show
more content on ...
Criminalizing prostitution takes away people s right to decide for themselves
what they consent to. It is very similar to the legalization of weed, the selling of
weed is comparable to any other service. Since the legalization of weed, it has
allowed people to consent to what they want. Veronica Monet, a former prostitute
and author says she chose sex work for money, independence, and freedom. She
explained the importance behind the feeling of independence and freedom. She was
able to choose her future and gave consent to the service she was providing
(Monet). She argues that sex work can be dignified, honest and honorable because
she was able to make the choice to engage and supply the service. Prostitution can be
a victimless crime (Monet). If both parties give consent, there is no victim therefore
there is no crime.
By opening this profession to adults that consent to do it, it could generate more
taxes and benefit the government. Currently, it is legal and well regulated in ten
counties in Nevada (Katz 5). In Encyclopedia of White Collar Corporate Crime,
Rebecca Katz concludes that there was a $40 million taxable profit from the thirty
five licensed brothels in Nevada in the first six months they were open in 2013 (Katz
5). In Cathouses
The During The First World War
Reaction to the war:
During the First World War, Australia supported Great Britain which meant that
Australia was also at war. The conflict had an impact on Australia as a young nation,
the following information are just some of the issues that Australia dealt with. The
outbreak of war was met with huge enthusiastic support for Britain and for Australia
to support by being part of the war. Support came in the form of political parties,
churches, the newspapers and community leaders who felt that it was a moral and
necessary commitment to enter the war. There was a rush to the recruiting offices,
initially only the healthiest and fittest men were enlisted.
Australia was a very young nation in 1914, it had only recently formed to become a ...
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Another example was that Companies promised the employees who volunteered for
service would have their positions held with leave granted with full pay. Events ended
with both cast and audience uniting in the anthems of Rule, Britannia and Advance
Australia Fair reflecting strong nationalist and patriot emotions. However, evidence
has been uncovered to suggest that this was not the correct image as there are hints to
imply that not all Australians felt this way, for example even though many men tried
to enlist, there were many that did not which led to incidences of white feathers
being sent to the men that did not rush to enlist and also of women rejecting and
abusing these men.
Effect on the economy:
When the Great War of World War 1 erupted in 1914, it had a devastating effects of
on the Australian economy and to this day, this war remains the most disastrous
event Australia as an nation in its infancy has ever suffered by lives lost and impact
on the economy of the country, in fact it remains the worst year for our economy
since federation. Australia s economy wasn t very diverse and relied heavily on
imports and with a limited number of customers for its agricultural and mineral
exports. At the announcement of war, Germany was the biggest buyer of many of
Australia s exports such as metal, wool and wheat and this had a direct effect on
Termite Problem
There are many individuals who don t know they require a termite and nuisance
control organization that will deal with their furniture. They are not in any case
mindful of the significance of termite trap and how it can dispose of this termite
issue. However, in particular, they don t know that they have a termite issue,
unless it is past the point of no return for them to make a move. This is the reason it
is critical to dispose of the issue before it assumes control over their lives. Before
whatever else, it is vital to comprehend what termites are. These are a types of
creepy crawlies which eat plant and wood. The issue with termite pervasions is that
they can bring about an enormous harm even to structures once they are not
regarded as quickly as time permits. Luckily, there are a couple signs which you can
use to recognize on the off chance that you have a termite issue in your furniture.
Beside having these signs, it is imperative that you do a careful assessment with the
goal that you can verify that your furniture has an invasion. In the meantime, you can
treat the issue before it turns out to be past the point of no return for the harm to be
settled. Keeping in mind the end goal to check on the off chance that you have a
termite issue in your home, you need a solid spotlight or a decent light... Show more
content on ...
Among these signs, termites normally desert mud tubes. Utilizing the spotlight, you
can check the dim spots of your home for any mud tubes. These as a rule associate
homes to the sustaining destinations of termites. Regularly, they are produced using
soil which is about a similar width of a pencil. In the event that you can see these
passages, you need to get ready yourself and acknowledge that you have a termite
invasion. This implies you have to enlist an expert organization to deal with this issue
at the earliest
How To Make Coonection To Melba Beel
I m am doing an essay on making connections and I m making coonections to
Melba Beels . She is part of the little rock nine and she goes to central high. Melba
goes to an all white school other than her eight friends that are Afican American.
Mean while as Melba goes to central high it was extremly dangerous and painful.
Melba went through name calling to being pushed around hurt but yet she still found
strength to get up hold her tears back and act like it didn t bother her. Danny was a
solider that Protected Melba but couldn t physically hurt the white students if they
physically hurt Melba. With out Danny, her friends , her grandma she would have
had a really rough time at Central High.... Show more content on ...
I ve had multiple hopeless moments more
Individual Changes Across Age
Abstract The subject of personal evolution examines how individual changes across
age. When scientists investigate the individual growth, they classify and try to
explain both general aspects that everyone shares and characteristics that are
unparalleled. The objective study of personal development uses theories, analysis,
and data summary to explain why and whereby evolution transpires. It incorporates
the event from conception to end stages. In the interest of being comprehensive in
indications of chronology, it is also wide regarding heterogeneity. The subject of
human development encompasses all types of individuals from various cultures,
societies, generations, and socioeconomic status. The classific of common properties
and exceptional... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, they serve two discrete and progressive processes. While development
leads to shifts over time, the word growth refers to material changes. It can be
quantifiably marked and involves dentition, height, and weight. As humans, there is a
physiological pattern, but maturity times differ in various life stages. A good
example of this is when growth occurs during the prenatal period. The growth is
rapid, while there is minimum increase throughout adulthood. The development of
children takes place in a continuous, orderly, and sequential pattern. This design is
influenced by maturational, environmental, and hereditary factors. What this means
that the rate, magnitude, and effects of substantial growth vary from person to
person yet the order is the same. The pattern of growth and development transpires
in a proximo distal direction. Proximo distal means the body grows from the center
outward. The body doesn t just development proximo distal but from simple to a
complex task. As we watch our children grown we watch them begins with a
generalized response such as the Moro reflex and progresses to a skilled individual
response such as
Fractures Club Case Study
Fractures spots are characterized at this very moment funding which should be
possible ere the companies are ‎forced for offer new obligation also value funds.
When company achieves those fractures spots, ‎if they have decide in enhancing
extra funds so WACC will raise.‎ Towards instance, those recipe because of held
income fractures spots beneath ‎demonstrates where through ascertain for time
when the association s expense in value ‎financing going to increment on the
grounds that so they have to offer fresh basic shares. (Hint: The ‎formula because
of BP from obligation even favored shares are essentially several, with swapping
‎retaiBPRE = preserve income Weight of equity Example: Vitality
Administrations hopes to have complete
Family Member Interview
If I were to interview a family member of my choice, it would be my grandmother.
Having lived in many foreign countries as a military girl, losing her father and a
husband, and raising a family of eleven children with little money for support, her
life has been inconceivable. During this interview, my first question would be did
you know your dad very well before he passed at such a young age? Did you get
along with your step siblings and step dad? What was it like living in so many
countries? Were you a successful student and did you ever become attached to one
place? Which home was the hardest to leave? Who was your best friend and do you
still stay in touch? How did you meet your first husband? Your second? Where were
you married? How
The Civil Rights Movement In Pan-Africanism And Black
Black power is the result of provoking a century s worth of submission, struggle and
suffering. For many, America was considered divided between the whites and blacks,
which caused protest from the African Americans due to the racial inequality. For the
past century, blacks have led passive protest with little or no change to their well
being. Black poweraims to change that, one of their core ideology is that Blacks must
unite without the help of whites to face racismwhile not standing idle and using any
means necessary. Black power stems from the influences of Pan Africanism and
Black empowerment while also going against the core ideas present in Civil Rights
Movement like the nonviolence movement. The Black power protesters wanted
separation from the whites which is similar to the Pan Africanism movement
proposed by Marcus Garvey. Marcus Garvey is an advocate for black nationalism
and was a leader in the Pan Africanism movement. Marcus supported the idea of
going Back to Africa which was what the Pan Africanism movement was all about.
Garvey even founded a steamship company called Black Star Line with black
officers and crew. Comparatively, Black Power also has a strong stance on the
Back to Africa as Bayard Rustin says in Black Power and Coalition Politics,
...Negroes are once again turning to nationalistic slogans, with black power
affording the same emotional release as Back to Africa ... did in earlier periods of
frustration and hopelessness . This shows
The Last Message From Earth
THE LAST MESSAGE FROM EARTH is a sci fi thriller that features a compelling
plot with a strong moral dilemma. The script merits consider, but there are still areas
that would benefit from more development.
First, the goal is clear and the stakes are high. The opening sequence is strong with
the disappearance of young Danny. Immediately the audience is emotionally invested
in the outcome.
The script does a good job of establishing the goal for the parents. The structure
works well. The opening establishes the ordinary life of Amelia and John Hart. It s
clear they are scientists or engineers. There s a solid inciting event that immediately
pulls the audience into the story with the disappearance of Danny.
The second act is propelled ... Show more content on ...
Even in a short, there could be an added scene that shows Amelia re building the
machine, as well as showing her physical and emotional struggle with building it.
Perhaps a montage could highlight the stages of the progress, as well as showing
Amelia sleeping with the Teddy Bear until she completes the machine. One might
have her try it and it doesn t work. This would elevate the struggle and anticipation.
Then she figures it out. However, it s not entirely clear how she would be able to
recreate the exact same spot where Danny is.
The teddy bear is a nice plant and symbolic of the parents inner conflict. It s a nice
visual reminder of Danny. The use of the teddy bear also provides for a clever
payoff when Amelia find finds the thumb drive. However, one small note about the
Teddy Bear. It might be more emotionally engaging if the Teddy Bear is given to
Danny when he s born vs. first seeing the teddy bear when he disappears.
What s not clear is the motivation for Agent Roger to help the parents. Consider
showing his struggle with his decision, or maybe he pulls out a picture of his own
son. The audience will understand his moral dilemma. They will understand he s
thinking about what he would do if it were his son.
Rogers helps, but reports them missing. One assumes he s trying to cover his tracks
by reporting them gone, but hoping they already escaped. However, it s not entirely
clear. Or perhaps he thought they would escape through the side exits. Try to
East Coast Yachts Cash Flow Analysis Essay
Analyze company cash flows East Coast Yachts has a strong operating cash flow
highlighted by strong earnings before interest and taxes of $88,416,000. With the
addition of $20,160,000 in depreciation and subtraction of $30,921,000 in taxes,
they managed an operating cash flow of $77,654,400. East Coast Yachts appears
to be in or approaching a growth mode with their capital spending on fixed assets
increasing by $60,000,000 during the fiscal year. However, they made the wise
move of reducing the effect of this expenditure with the sale of $6,786,000 of fixed
assets already on the books. Further growth is evidenced by the positive net working
capital cash flowof $4,670,560, a sign of a growing company. East Coast Yachts is
making... Show more content on ...
East Coast Yachts manage to decrease their accounts payable and accrued expenses.
The $844,560 decrease in accounts payable is significant due to the reduction of
debt during a growth phase. This can be seen as an excellent move as they prepare
for future growth.
The preparation for growth can be seen as East Coast Yachts increased their fixed
assets by $60,000,000. However, they managed to reduce their cash flow by
$6,786,000 through the sale of fixed assets. Although the investment of
$53,214,000 appears significant, it can be seen as necessary if the company plans
to grow and needs to keep up with increased demand. East Coast Yachts managed to
payoff $22,800,000 of debt during the year, which could be attributed to the
proceeds from long term debt of $40,000,000. They also managed to reduce their
notes payable by $1,495,000 during the fiscal year. The $17,550,960 paid in
dividends is another sign of company in a growth mode and making a significant
impact in their respective market. East Coast Yachts did repurchase $36,000,000 in
stock during the fiscal year. The assumption would be that they repurchased the stock
and then reissued a small number of shares at a greater price then purchased. Given
the amount of growth intended actions that East Coast Yachts made throughout the
fiscal year, they still managed to come out with a positive change of cash of
$480,000. This speaks to the financial management decision makers and their expert
financial guidance during
My Family Essay
I grew up in a small family in India. There were a plenty of things that I was able to
learn from my family. I wouldn t be here, where I am now, without my family.
Family defines the most important things in this world. Family is the place where
everyone can learn and express the things they learn. I m grateful for my family. But I
still remember the time my parents told me that we are going to America, the land
of dreams. I was only thirteen years old then. All those years, I lived in my own
country, and quickly moving to America was really hard for me. When I came to
know this, it was really shocking to me, I couldn t stop thinking about my life in
America. I never stopped to think about the people I was leaving behind, my
companions,... Show more content on ...
Recollecting a moment without my family is hard because they were always there
for me. I never had to solve a problem in my family due to it being so perfect for
me. In a society, there would be many struggles and difficulties in families, but I
believe family is something that holds us.
It was very difficult for me to accept the reality that I can t have the life I had in
India. So, that transformation of the new lifestyle was extremely hard. Holy
Family University also states, A community united by a common mission. Even
though family should be united in one; my family wasn t able to stay unite
because of the different lifestyle in America. But throughout this semester at Holy
Family University, I am able to see how supportive and caring each faculty and
staffs are. They are just a reflection of a family. The problem I am having with my
family from the time we moved to America is the lack of communication because
of the busy lifestyle here. Most of the nights we go to bed without seeing or talk to
each other. But, on Saturdays and Sundays, thankfully, we try our best to give time
for each other before going to bed. Societies are facing numerous divorces every
day. I would say, the lack of communication is the main reason for all these divorces.
Every generation has different concepts on everything and their lifestyle changes
too. People go with the flow of the new ways of living that is followed by people
around them. But I wouldn t encourage
Taking a Look at Molecular Cuisine
Molecular cuisine, a relatively new style of cooking, is taking the world by
surprise and changing the way food is prepared, cooked and looked at. People are
asking a lot of questions such as Is it safe?, What kinds of chemicals are used?,
Who decided to start this whole thing?, How did it start, and when?, and What kind
of equipment do the cooks use? These are all very good questions and the answers
are out there, they just have to be found. Food and science have been combined to
create something extraordinary called molecular cuisine. The question that is
probably going through the reader s head by now is What is it? Well, molecular
cuisine is physics and chemistry applied food to create different flavours, textures
and to amaze the five senses. It is also another way of preparing food to provide
other ways of cookingand to create more possibilities for cooking food. There are
many other names for molecular cuisine such as molecular gastronomy, avant garde
cuisine, experimental cuisine, modern cuisine, and modernist cuisine. The now late
oxford physicist Nicholas Kurtiand French chemist HervГ© This came up with the
term molecular gastronomy for the new style of cooking/science they started
experimenting with back in the 1980 s. People are definitely interested in molecular
cuisine but don t know whether it is safe or not. Some of the chemicals that are used
in molecular cuisine come from natural origins. The material origin in typically plant,

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  • 1. Mla Citation For Essay Writing an essay on MLA citation for essays can be a challenging task. It requires a thorough understanding of the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style, which includes specific guidelines for formatting, citing sources, and creating a bibliography. The MLA style is widely used in academic writing, and adhering to its rules is crucial for maintaining the integrity and credibility of the essay. One of the difficulties lies in the meticulous attention to detail that MLA requires. Properly formatting the header, margins, font, and page numbers can be time-consuming, but it is essential to meet the standards set by the MLA style. Additionally, correctly citing sources within the text and compiling a comprehensive Works Cited page demand precision and a keen eye for detail. Any deviation from the prescribed format may result in points deducted or, in academic settings, even accusations of plagiarism. Moreover, the evolving nature of citation rules can add another layer of complexity. Staying updated with the latest MLA guidelines is imperative, as changes may occur over time. This necessitates thorough research and a commitment to staying informed about any modifications to the MLA citation style. While the process can be challenging, it ultimately contributes to the development of valuable skills in academic writing and research. It demands discipline, patience, and a willingness to delve into the intricacies of citation conventions. In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of writing an essay on MLA citation for essays requires a careful balance of attention to detail, adherence to guidelines, and a commitment to staying informed about any changes in citation rules. However, with dedication and practice, mastering the MLA style can enhance one's proficiency in academic writing. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, there are resources available. Professional writing services, such, offer support in crafting well-researched and properly formatted essays on a variety of topics. These services can be valuable for individuals seeking guidance or facing time constraints in their academic pursuits. Mla Citation For Essay Mla Citation For Essay
  • 2. Essay on Cobol The COBOL programming language is typically used in large scale databases in banks and insurance companies. Today, COBOL is rarely used to write new software applications. It has been replaced by the C/C++ programming language, but up until the 80 s all business software was written using COBOL. This includes but not exclusively accounting, payroll, and large bank applications. COBOL is still used today due to the high cost in upgrading software, and recent studies show that as many as twelve million COBOL applications are still used today. Also, a good majority of these are proprietary and would be extremely hard to redo in a more current language. So it is obvious that COBOL programs are everywhere, and more importantly our... Show more content on ... Even though better languages have been designed, all the business can t just discard the legacy code in COBOL, which will cause extra cost and disruption. Over the years, companies have spent billions in developing their computer systems and there is no way they can afford to dump these and start again from scratch. The amount of investment in networking equipment is also the reason I don t see us switching to IPv6 in the near future. Even though it would solve the problem of running out of IP addresses, the amount of money phone companies and business would have to invest to start from scratch would be too significant to justify the investment. Also, since COBOL is so well put structured, programmers can easily learn a modern language with some brief training. Today, it is estimated that some 70% of all commercial computer applications are written in COBOL. Another reason that COBOL is still widely used is that it can run on virtually any platform. It can run on UNIX, Windows, or even various types of desktop computers. It has been used in developing business applications for around the last 40 years, so it has proven reliability and stability. Because a majority of this software was written when processors weren t as powerful and memory was limited, good discipline was exercised when programming these applications. It has been estimated that the industry has invested over $5 trillion
  • 3. Essay On Lord Of The Rings Hero s Journey I am glad you are here with me, here at the end of all things, Sam. Frodo reaches out his hand over the flaming mouth of Mount Doom. The ring slips from his fingers and into the flames. The world returns to where it was before the evil eye had taken over. The Lord of the Rings chronicles the journey of Frodo Bagginsto destroy the ring. It follows his transformation from a weak young hobbit to a hero who saves Middle Earth. Frodo is an archetypal hero because he follows the hero s journey. Like all archetypal heroes, Frodo begins in an ordinary world. He lives in the Shire with family and close friends. He does not seek adventure, and he is content to sit, smoke a pipe, and tell stories. He receives his call to adventure when Gandalf shows up and asks him to carry the ring to flames of Mount Doom. The ring has been causing a disturbance in Middle Earth, and Gandalf believes Frodo can handle the challenge. Frodo is reluctant to answer the call. He is comfortable and happy, and the journey... Show more content on ... He offers him guidance and advice on many occasions. Gandalf helps to protect Frodo from outside forces and inside temptations. When Gandalf is around, Frodo feels stronger. He learns how to control the power of the ring with Gandalf s help. Frodo faces many tests and trials along the way to Mount Doom. He is kidnapped, attacked, and imprisoned along the way. He narrowly survives many situations that would break lesser hobbits. In addition to the outward trials, he also faces the constant temptation to use the ring to gain power for himself and for others. He finds support in the travel companions that join him along the way to help him in his quest to destroy the ring. These warriors become his allies. He also meets enemies along the way. He encounters characters that want to use the ring for their own gain. His greatest enemy is Sauron, the Dark Lord who wants to get the ring so he can rule all of Middle
  • 4. Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet Literary Analysis Rebirth is an over arching theme in the book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, written by Jamie Ford. One of the main symbols of second rebirth is the ever present Oscar Holden record. The records symbolizes not only Henry and Keiko s relationship, but how it can be renewed. From when Henry and Keiko buy the record, to Henry finding it 40 years later, the record always has a strong significance in the book. Though not the first mention of the Oscar Holden record, the story of the vinyl started with Henry taking Keiko to the Black Elks Club. On that night Oscar Holden dedicated song to them, and it became their song . Later, Keiko gave Henry the record as a thank you present for their exciting night at the Black Elks Club. The... Show more content on ... When Henry got to her apartment, he found out that Keiko was married and widowed, just like him. Like the two halves of the record, though apart, still the same. Ultimately meeting after 40 years, Henry and Keiko picked up where they left off. They were like an old married couple, finishing each other s sentences. They stood there, smiling at each other, like they had done all those years ago, standing on either side of that fence. Oai deki te... She paused. Ureshii desu, Henry said softly. (pp. 285) With this shared sentence, Henry and Keiko were mending their relationship, putting the parts back together to create a new bond, one that was never broken. Their old relationship could never be truly fixed, but they started a new one with the intact record. The record, and Henry and Keiko s bond, was finally renewed in this meeting. The book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, shows many themes through a simple vinyl record. One important aspect of the record s meaning is rebirth, but it also stands for second chances, love, friendship, and of course, Henry and Keiko. In the end, Keiko and Henry are not the same people, and their relationship is a new one, one that was waiting for all the years they were apart. The Oscar Holden record holds its significance in the book from the beginning to the
  • 5. Death And Grief Ethics Recently, several scholars have begun to explore the ways in which we communicate about death and grief online, focusing on blogs and social media sites (DeGroot Carmack, 2012, 2013), online grief forums (Hastings, Hoover, As evidenced by the dates of these articles, communication research exploring the intersections of death or grief and computer mediated communication is a recent phenomenon. The newness of this line of research presents its own challenges, especially regarding the ethics of studying death and grief online. The challenge of researching communication about death and grief is compounded by the fact that we are exploring these issues in online formats. Do researchers need to make authors aware of the fact that they, or ... Show more content on ... If, as Strauss and Corbin (1990) articulated, an element of theoretical sensitivity is how personal experiences help researchers to make sense of data and researchers are going to be sensitive to how the dying and bereaved communicate online, then they must be thoughtful of their positions. The Emotional Impact of Death and Grief Research on Researchers Research exploring the emotional nature of communicating about death and grief, especially research on using the Internet to communicate about death and grief, has primarily focused on the emotions of the participants, with the researcher s emotional experiences being bracketed (Dunn, 1991). But, what about the impact of studying death and grief communication on researchers? This is true for researchers exploring how death and grief are communicated online. Moreover, although Malacrida (2007) was focused on the emotional work associated with collecting and transcribing emotionally charged interviews listening to tapes saturated with emotions, playing and replaying recordings multiple times to capture the nuances of emotions on paper researchers conducting studies that involve text still encounter emotional
  • 6. Kelly V. Movie Theater Essay A. Kelly v Movie Theater: Negligence Negligence requires a showing that a duty was owed, that the duty was breached, and that the breach was the actual and proximate cause of damages. Special Duty Land Occupier Invitee A special duty arises in circumstances involving a land occupier. An invitee is one who enters the land with the owner s permission for the purpose related to the activity. The landowner owes an invitee a duty of care to inspect and discover any dangerous condition and to make the premises safe. Kelly went to the Movie Theater to see a movie. Hence, Kelly is a social guest entering with Movie Theater s permission and thus an invitee. Because Kelly was an invitee, The Movie Theater owed a duty to Kelly... Show more content on ... Their failure to warn Cindy of the cord across the movie aisle, and the failure to make sure persons using the restroom would be able to see the sign created a dangerous condition which was a breach of their duty of due care. Therefore, Movie Theater breached their duty of due care. Actual Causation But for Movie Theater s failure to properly warn of the cord running across the aisle and the failure to properly warn of the wet restroom floor, Cindy and Sandy would not have been injured. Thus, Movie Theater was the actual cause of Cindy s and Sandy s injuries. Proximate Causation Cindy and Sandy will argue that there injuries from their falls was a foreseeable result from falling over a cord that was across the aisle and a wet floor in the restroom. Movie Theater will argue that the independent contractor who was cleaning the Theater left the plugged cord from the vacuum across the aisle and he was an intervening act. However, the independent contractor may be an indirect act, but foreseeable and thus will not sever causation to relieve defendant of liability of the intervening negligence. As discussed Movie Theater failed to properly warn Cindy of the cord and Sandy of the wet floor, and therefore it is foreseeable one could be injured by water on the floor. Therefore, Movie Theater is the proximate cause of all of Cindy s and Sandy s injuries. Damages Defined supra. Cindy and Sandy
  • 7. The Baroque Era Essay examples The Baroque Era The Baroque era was a unique period in music that began during the 1600 s and ended around 1750. The word baroque is define by Merriam s Collegiate Dictionary as, of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent esp. in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension. The word baroque has been used to indicate paintings, poems, architecture, literature, and all else that is dynamic and astonishing. The Baroque time was filled with musical geniuses. People like Franz Josef Haydn, George Frideric Handel, and Claudio Monteverdi. ... Show more content on ... Thomas church in Leipzig. This was a demanding job in which Bach composed canatas for the St. Thomas and St. Nicholas churches, conduct the choirs, oversee the musical activities of numerous municipal churches, and teach Latin in the St. Thomas choir school. Bach remained at his post in Leipzig until his death in 1750. Although he excelled his forbears and contemporaries, he did not receive the respect he deserved until after his death. Bach is now regarded as one of the greatest composers of all composers and is a source of inspiration for musicians. While Bach s musical career centered around Germany, Antonio Vivaldiwas the son of a professional violinist whose musical career cantered in Italy. Born on March 4, 1678, Vivaldi was a virtuoso violinist and composer whose works included over 500 concertos. Vivaldi s output was enormous. It is said that he invented ritornello form. If he did not invent this, he was the first to use this technique. In 1703, Vivaldi began an on and off relationship with the Ospedale della Pieta, a home for the female offspring of noblemen and their mistresses. Vivaldi remained working this post for much of his life. He did, however, take leave to compose many of his famous operas such as Ottone in villa, his first opera. Baroque music symbolized a changing in the times. From the early period, when Bach introduced his rich polyphonic concertos and excelled as a virtuoso organist and composer. The evolution of music
  • 8. Patriarchy In Gone Girl Often times, the women are viewed as desirable objects or prizes. The notion that women are viewed as possessions or desirable objects is often coupled with feelings of being trapped by husbands or lovers who treat them as standard equipment and by an institution marriage that makes such treatment possible. In Gone Girl, when married to Nick, Amy felt she had to watch her diet and exercise to maintain the perfect size two body and keep her hair long and blonde. When playing the role of the good girl wife before she went missing, Amy played to patriarchal genderstereotypes: the girl who was in style, the cool girl who is hot, brilliant, funny, and never gets angry and lets their man do whatever he wants. As soon as she gained freedom... Show more content on ... Neo noir films have been used to explore issues and progressive depictions of gender, race and class. While it lacks racial or queer commentary, Gone Girl exhibits class based social commentary. Both the lower and upper classes are painted in a negative light. During her stay at a trailer park, Amy is robbed by a pair of tattooed lowlifes that she befriended once they discover the stash of cash she keeps hidden. Amy s wealthy parents are depicted as cold and manipulative, while Amy s pretentious ex boyfriend Desi is made out to be pretentious and potentially deserving of what he gets. The film also explores the tension and marital issues that began to play out as the recession take Nick and Amy from upper middle class bliss to unemployment and working class
  • 9. Taking a Look at Kingdom Animalia Animals share certain characteristics such as being heterotrophs, multicellular, no presence of cell walls, and many more. Animals can further be divided through the use of a phylogeny, which is an evolutionary tree. A phylogeny shows patterns of relationships between several different types of species. When branching off to dissimilar species, characteristics are taken accounted for whether they are derived, ancestral, or shared traits. Traits include symmetry, tissues, segmentation, body cavities, and patterns that deal with the development of embryos. The kingdom Animalia breaks down to two subkingdoms, Parazoa and Eumetazoa. Parazoa include organisms, such as sponges, who most members lack symmetry, but are multicellular to help circulate water and reproduce. Eumetazoa separates from Parazoa by symmetry and definite shape therefore, anything that branches off from Eumetazoa consist of these characteristics. Eumetazoa, or true animals , further divides among protostomes and deuterostomes (Telford, 2009). Protostomes and deuterostomes differentiate by the embryonic development and how the zygote goes through mitotic divisions, known as cleavage, and so on (Raven et al., 2014). Bilaterally symmetrical animals have two dissimilar types of development. Therefore because some protostomes are not bilaterally symmetrical, protostomes broke down to two different classes, one class being Spiralian protostomes who undergo spiral cleavage in embryonic development. Spiral
  • 10. The Importance Of Neglect The prevalence of strokes in our country and our world are high. Globally, a stroke claims a life about every ten seconds. If an individual has a stroke and survives, it is also the leading cause of disability (Campaign, n.d.). Strokes vary in their severity and recovery, but one somewhat common occurrence is experiencing hemispatial neglect following a stroke. Hemispatial neglect, or neglect, is claimed to occur in about a third of all stroke patients (Klinke et al., 2015). Neglect is a disorder of attention that typically follows brain damage that is unilateral. It has been reported as a strong predictor of stroke recovery, in terms of general functioning (Gallagher et al., 2013). In neglect, the patient is unable to notice, or have any... Show more content on ... Pursuing the left and generating stability was used to describe when the attention to the left was enhanced by emotionally salient stimuli . This concept was demonstrated in an interview where a woman would unceasingly drop items from her left hand, but succeeded in holding her infant child on her left side. When the woman in the study was asked about this she said, I know that my left hand is clumsy and that I sometimes have slopped coffee and such things but holding my baby cannot be compared to holding a cup of coffee (Klinke et al.,
  • 11. The Degradation Of Coastal Wetlands Introduction There is rapid destruction of salt marshes and wetlands due to dredging operations and filling. In Boston, almost eighty one percent of the salt marshes have been lost. For the Canadian Maritimes, almost sixty four percent of the coastal wetlands have disappeared due to agricultural reclamation. Approximately, ninety three percent coastal marshes have been lost along the Pacific coast in the United States. In addition, there is a degradation of coastal wetland due to invasive species, nutrient enrichment, and storm water discharge. It is critical to preserve and restore coastal salt marshes so that carbon can be sequestered, and fish and bird populations can be preserved (Roman et. al. 2012). It is estimated that coastal wetlands are being lost at the rate of two times the rate at which they are being restored. Salt marshes are found amid human developments and coastal areas and play an important role in protecting these communities from the threats posed by being close to the coast. Depending on the density of vegetation, production of biomass, and the size of the marsh, salt marshes provide many critical ecosystem services, such as, stabilization of the shoreline, weakening of the waves, and reduction of floodwater (Shepard et. al. 2011). Wetlands include boreal peatlands and tropical mangroves. They provide critical ecosystem services by acting as reserves for carbon, conserving biodiversity, purifying water, enhancing fish production, and
  • 12. Misinterpretation and Its Consequences Julius Caesar Theme Analysis Essay Misinterpretations are the root of all tragedies, especially Julius Caesar. They have severe consequences like the loss of innocent lives, conflicts between friends, all the way to our inability to discern our friends from our foes. Each of these misinterpreting concepts is demonstrated in Julius Caesar . Cinna the poet s death, Brutus s betrayal, and Cassius s misunderstanding of Titinius s death are all scenarios that portray the theme of misinterpretation and its severe consequences. First of all, the most important misinterpretation in this play is Caesar s relationship with Brutus. For example, Caesar is dependent on Brutus as his utmost loyal companion, but in the end, Brutus ends up killing... Show more content on ... Another misinterpretation happened between Cinna the Conspirator and Cinna the Poet. For example, Cinna, the poet, was killed because the public thought he was the conspirator. Unfortunately, the public got the poet and the conspirator confused, and because of that misunderstanding and misinterpretation, an innocent life was lost. In addition, the conspirator Cinna was also misinterpreted as a friend by Caesar, when in reality; he was Brutus s accomplice in his tragic conspiracy. In the end, the misinterpretation of circumstances and people led to the killing of the innocent poet, Cinna. Even the people, who betray others, fall prey to the destructive misinterpretations themselves. For example, Cassius who betrayed Caesar, was mislead into believing that Titinius was dead, and because he could not take the weight of this sorrow, he killed himself. However this was a big misinterpretation because Titinius was not really dead...Cassius had received the wrong message. Misinterpretations are liable to happen to everyone, and their consequences are tragic. None the less, whether it is the misinterpretation of circumstances, people, or events, the result is always destructive. The way Julius Caesar trusted Brutus, but was betrayed by him shows that people aren t really what they seem. In addition, the misinterpretation of names and people can cause the downfall of innocents as well, like the way Cinna the Poet was killed.
  • 13. Compare And Contrast Qin And Han Dynasty The Qin and subsequent Han dynasties unified China and established a centralized empire, which endured and passed down hundreds of years down through the 20th century. The periods of the Qin and Han dynasties began around 221 BC and ended in 220 AD . The Qin Dynasty was the first feudal dynasty to rule all over China. Even though the Qin dynastydid not last that long, the empire had a long lasting impact on Chinese history. Right after the fall of the Qin dynasty, Han dynastycomes in. The Han dynasty lasted 400 years after Qin dynasty. Also during the period of Qin and Han dynasties started to connect China with Romans and western world by the Silk Road. The two dynasties were similar in that both had an idea of an emperor and the two dynasties
  • 14. Slc Director Career SLC Career Essay As a child and even currently, I love watching television shows and movies. Horror and post apocalyptic shows, such as This is the End , were the ones that inspired me the most to become a director. In this essay, I will discuss what a director is, some examples of impressive directing work, and why I want to pursue a career as a director. First of all, a director is someone who is ...responsible for the look and sound of a production and its technical standards. as defined by When dealing with a television show, directors work along with producers and the writers to make scenes that match the script while also changing some aspects to make it more interesting. They also plan out what angles and lighting
  • 15. Blockbuster Essay Criticisms of Blockbuster by Seidler 1. The bulk of 1988 per share earnings were due to a) Very slow goodwill amortization b) Stretched out life for hit tapes c) Nonrecurring items of initial franchise fees, area development fees and sales to new franchises. 2. Steeper growth curve resulting from acquisitions that were treated as pooling 3. Inflation of sales in the fourth quarter. Revenues are recognized when products are shipped with no indication that the stores purchasing were actually open for business. 4. Running out of cash Our position 1. On the EPS related issues a) Regarding the goodwill amortization issue, we suggest a position that is in between the current BV practice (40 years) and Bear s recommendation (5 ... Show more content on ... We do not agree with BV s practice of recognizing the revenue upon shipping the supplies because without acceptance of supplies by stores, it does not satisfy the requirement of completing all activities that lead to completion of the critical event. 4. We agree that BV ran out of cash. The net working capital was $10384M and Accounts Payable tripled. We also agree with the double counting and mismatch in financial statements. A3 Part 1 Concerns that have been addressed 1 b. The hit tapes are now being amortized over a much shorter period В– The costs of non base stock videocassettes (generally greater than four copies per title for each store i.e. hits ) are amortized on an accelerated basis over three months to an estimated $4 salvage value. 2. Acquisitions treated as pooling В– All acquisitions were accounted for under the purchase method and accordingly the operating results of the acquired businesses are included in the consolidated results of operations of the company since their respective date of acquisition. 3. Critical event for sale of supplies to stores В– BV is using a rental library approach for supplies for the new stores. Revenue sharing allows BV to purchase videocassettes at a lower product cost than traditional buying arrangements. Part 2 Concerns that remain 1 a. The goodwill continues to be amortized over a period of 40 years. 1 c The nonrecurring items mentioned by Seidler
  • 16. Essay On India And Pakistan Geography Joosep UusjГ¤rv Mr. Smalley Lit 1 16.04.2017 Research essay It is common to see soldiers die in war, but the conflict between India and Pakistan is no ordinary war. The conflict between India and Pakistan is so big they are warning each other with Nuclear war impacted by physical geography. How has the physical geography of Southern Asia impacted the conflict between India and Pakistan since the 20th century? There are three major factors that are affecting the relationship between India and Pakistan relating to geography. These three factors are nature, history and religion that I will be writing about. One of the ways India and Pakistan are in a conflict is because of religion and the geography of the region has impacted religion. Religion is in various places, in different atmospheres. Most people believe that symbolism, beliefs are all shaped by the world we live in claims Elizabeth Bornman (1), this tells us most commonly people are born into their religion. Different locations where people may have been born could have impacted the religious beliefs of those people. Making them believe their religion is the best. Hinduism is a ... Show more content on ... In 1974 it was predicted that it fall under Pakistan since most of the population was Muslim, according to Borneman (2), this causes a fight over which religion is better. It was decided that India will get Jammu Kashmir, but Pakistan was waiting The Raja of Jammu and Kashmir to consider changing it to part of Pakistan according to Suzane Martin (1),later on it was made official that India got Kashmir. Which later on caused war between India and Pakistan. This decision has had an impact on religion. Pakistan is wanting still Kashmir and it is clear that geography is impacting the religion and the conflict between India and Pakistan. Geography can also not impact religion but nature as
  • 17. Foreign Exchange Market UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI PROJECT ON . SUBMITTED BY AMARKUMAR SURYAWANSHI ROLL NO.: 38 ADVANCED ACCOUNTANCY PART 1 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF COMMERCE 2015 16 UNDER THE GUIDENCE OF PROF. VINOD CHANDWANI VIDYA PRASARAK MANDAL, THANE K.G.JOSHI COLLEGE OF ARTS amp; N.G. BEDEKAR COLLEGE OF COMMERECE CHENDANI BUNDER ROAD, THANE 400601 Declaration I, student of M.Com. (Part I) Roll No. : 38 hereby declare that the project title disaster management for the subject strategic management submitted by me for semester I of the academic year 2015 16, is based on actual work carried out by me under the guidance and supervision of PROF.vinodchadwani. I further state that... Show more content on ... Disaster termed as a serious disruption of the functioning of society, causing widespread human, material or environmental losses which exceed the ability of the affected society to cope using its own resources. Disasters are not totally discrete events. Their possibility of occurrence, time, place and severity of the strike can be reasonably and in some cases accurately predicted by technological and scientific advances. It has been established there is a definite pattern in their occurrences and hence we can to some extent reduce the impact of damage though we cannot reduce the extent of damage itself Generally, disaster has the following effects in the concerned areas, 1. It completely disrupts the normal day to day life 2. It negatively influences the emergency systems 3. Normal needs and processes like food, shelter, health, etc. are affected and deteriorate depending on the intensity and severity of the disaster. The development of disaster recovery plans,( for minimizing the risk of disasters and for handling them when they do occur,) and the implementation of such plans. Disaster management usually refers to the management of natural catastrophes such as fire, flooding, or earthquakes. Related techniques include crisis management,
  • 18. contingency management, and risk management. Disaster/emergency management is the discipline of dealing with and avoiding risks. It involves preparing for a disaster before it happens, disaster response (e.g.
  • 19. The Car Ride At Ohio State University The car ride was quiet for the first time in 18 years, it was a bittersweet taste but more on the bitter side. All I could hear was my car slowly gliding, rolling over the bumps of the highway. I kept thinking to myself that I must not to cry, but I could not stop the flow of sadness How could I not cry after dropping my youngest daughter, Julie, off at Ohio State. The number of applicants at The Ohio State University in 1989 was 15,748 (Ohio State enrollment Services). I would now be referred to as an empty nester. I kept thinking about the lonely quiet nights that I would have for the next two months until both of my children would come home from college. All the empty seats at the dinner table, and that only two will be occupied by my... Show more content on ... Johnny came rumbling down the stairs after his shower where I addressed him about his room. After addressing him, Johnny decided to show his most dominant trait by expressing himself under a premise of disrespect. Johnny will you please go and clean that room of yours No mom, I need to catch the bus The bus doesn t leave for another 15 minutes you have time Why don t you clean you are not doing anything Nothing made me more mad then when my kids mouthed off after all that I had done for them. After Johnny mouthed off I was so infuriated I felt as if there was steam about to come out of my ears. Johnny noticed this anger building up inside me and busted out the front door. One would have thought a rabid dog was chasing him, but I wasn t rabid. He ran and got on the bus before I could get to him. On average a young adolescent runs a mile in 7 minutes(Let s Run). I looked down and noticed that I still had on my nightgown. This is perfect, I said to myself, deciding that I would show up to school in my nightgown and embarrass Johnny like never before. I pulled up to the school, just as the bus was rolling up, and I started to get out of the car when I saw a broom in the back seat. I decided I would use that as a fear factor prop to convey my message. I saw Johnny sitting in the back of the bus when he glanced out of the window and saw me standing there. He came over to me after getting off the bus. Mom, what are you doing here? he
  • 20. Laurent Clerc s Deaf School Laurent Clerc was born on December 26, 1785. It is believed that Clerc became deaf by falling off of his high chair into the kitchen fireplace around age one. He had gotten a severe burn on his right cheek, and a fever developed, and later on his hearing and smelling senses were damaged. It was never quite clear whether he was born deaf, or if it had been a cause of his accident. Clerc s parents had tried many different treatments to get Clercs hearing back, although none of them succeeded. Clerc did not go to school and didn t learn to read or write. For 11 years Clerc stayed at home instead of going to school. While at home Clerc spent his time either exploring the village, or taking care of the animals, such as; cows, turkeys, and horses. Eventually, at age 12 Clercs uncle godfather, Laurent Clerc, who he was named after, entered him into the Institut National des Jeune Sourds Muets, which was the first public school for the deaf in the world. In school, Clerc s assistant teacher, Abbe Margaron, tried to teach Clerc to pronounce his words, which Clerc had a difficult time with this, at one point his difficulty in pronouncing words enraged Abbe so much that he hit Clerc So hard underneath his chin, which caused Clerc to accidentally bite his tongue so hard, he decided he wanted nothing to do with speaking, and would never again learn to speak. Because of this experience, it later caused Clerc to make his belief that signing is the greatest procedure for deaf
  • 21. Those Winter Sundays Those Winter Sundays, by Robert Hayden, is a beautiful poem. Hayden s poem tells a grown man s perspective of his father. In the poem it is clear that there is distance between them and little communication. But it is discovered at the end of the poem, that love is actually present. Although it is only a 14 line poem, it packs remarkable power into each line. The very unrythmed poem begins with a very simple line letting you know what tone and mood the poem is set in. The title Those Winter Sundays , also lets you know that it s cold because its winter and that its Sunday. Also, that the events in the story took place in the past. As the speaker s father is introduced, I am lead to believe that he is the he will be a main... Show more content on ... This developing tone of regret is also aided by the poet s illustration of his father with the auditory image of cracked hands and the sensory term ached , both of which indicate that the father s struggle with the harsh coldness (line 3). Similarly, Hayden references his father in relation to the breaking and splintering cold to prove that his father experienced discomfort in battling the uncomfortable conditions, yet still triumphed (line 6). His repeated use of harsh auditory and cold sensory imagery, culminating with a sequence indicating his father s success over these images, represent Hayden s pensive recollection of his tough past and his regret that he never thanked his father for taming the uncomfortable elements. While expressing pensive regret, the poet also reveals the admiration and respect he gained for his father over the years with the use of active and warm images. After noting the breaking of the cold, Hayden writes that his father would call him when the rooms were warm (line 7). In establishing this connection, the poet effectively equates warmth with his father s efforts and presence. Hayden further exposes his admiration for his dad when he refers to him not as his father, but rather as the man who had driven out the cold (line 11). His emphasis on the active image, driven , magnifies focus on the efforts of his
  • 22. Evaluation Of A Project Management ( Apm ) Essay A project is a temporary organization that is created for the purpose of delivering one or more business product in accordance to an agreed business case (PRINCE2 2005). However, this definition doesn t seem to elaborate on all the principles and numerous factors, which define a project as compared to Association for Project Management(APM). APM defines a project as an endeavor in which, human materials and financial resources are organized in a novel. Therefore, being able to deliver a unique scope of work of given specification often within constraints of cost and time, in order to achieve beneficial changes which is defined by quantitative and qualitative objectives. It s common for a project to be mistaken for an operation or vise verse. Though, the difference between these two subject/principles is highly distinctive. George D (2000) states that an operation is a permanent or ongoing execution of activities, which produces repetitive results, the results maybe in a form of a product or service. An operation usually has the same resources, same tasks and a standard output expectation. For example, a construction company might embark on a project to purchase two heavy duty dumb trucks to help transport materials on sites. This project will have a start date and a fixed finish date. The project manager will set dates for the duration it will take to collect finances, with the help from the finance office, when to make transactions and if the is training required for
  • 23. Helium Gas Lab The mechanism that allows us to compute temperature values for pressure readings associated with a Helium filled glass bulb is based on how system properties are linked together. The purpose of using Helium gas is because Helium can remain in its gas state when surrounded by boiling liquid Nitrogen. The goal is to determine the temperatureof a gasbased on the pressurereadings of that gas, so in order to determine a working equation, the ideal gas law will be modified to represent temperature. T = P(V/nR) (1) There is a problem with using this equation due to the fact that we are not using an ideal gas. We are using Helium, so adjustments must be made to the ideal gas law in order for proper calculations to be computed. A route to... Show more content on ... This issue can be fixed by introducing the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of the glass bulb. In addition to the coefficient, we will multiply that value by three in order to satisfy the coefficient of volume expansion. A constant temperature will be assumed, so we will multiply the coefficient of volume expansion by t. (pVo/RT)(1+(pv/prV)+3О±t) = n. This equation still embraces how ideal gases interact within different temperatures, so the second virial coefficient is introduced. The second virial coefficient alters the equation by representing the imperfections associated with non ideal gases. The second virial coefficient is also multiplied by (po/RTo) in order to relate the pressures of different environments to the pressure of the bulb submerged in an ice bath. (pVo/RT)(1+(pv/prV)+3О±t (po/RTo)(B)) = n
  • 24. Analysis Of Ma Vie En Rose Within the film, Ma Vie en Rose (Alain Berliner, France, 1997) we are encouraged to sympathize with the main character, Ludovic (Georges Du Fresne), a seven year old boy that insists that he is actually a girl. The importance of viewing this movie and being able to identify with the character of Ludovic shows us as an audience the absurdity of gendernorms, while simultaneously encouraging us to have a more empathetic viewpoint in regards to such topics. Throughout most of the film, we see characters react violently to Ludovic when he she insists that he she is actually a girl. Family members, people at school, and the neighbors all try and convince Ludovic that he she is not actually a girl. The therapy scenes throughout the film in which Ludovic s mother and father attempt to fix his condition stood out to me the most because of how absurd the process of fixing someone s gender is. In one particular scene, Ludovic sits in between his parents as his mother attempts to provide comfort, while the father refuses to even look at Ludovic as he shakes his head at every word of the conversation at hand. The framing of the scene places the camera over Ludovic s shoulder so that we see the edges of the parents and we get a direct view of the therapist from Ludovic s point of view. This angle make the parents appear to be absent from the scene and the camera level is set in a way that makes the audience sympathize with Ludovic. And as McGuffie points out, the framing of the
  • 25. Mcbride s Characters In The Color Of Water By James Mcbride In the book The Color of Water, the author, James McBride not only takes us through his own journey, but also gives us a perspective on the life of his mother, Ruth. James admiration for his mom reflects throughout the story while showing the readers the growth and development her character experienced as she went through life. Ruth McBride Jordan endured many heartbreaking hardships throughout her life, but nevertheless, had an innumerable amount of cheerful and zestful moments. She grew to be a remarkable woman; however, it was a long journey before she became that woman. Separating from her family, and leaving the South was one of the hardest choices she ever made, yet it was best for her, in order to move on and adjust her future for the better. A main factor in Ruth s life prosperity was her first husband, Andrew Dennis McBride, who taught her many important things and, in a sense, changed her entire lifestyle and outlook on the world. The last large impression that altered her life immensely in a way that led her character to mature, was the death of her beloved Dennis . These elements all highlight a point in this woman s life that caused a development in her personality. In her younger years, being a part of the Shilsky family was no easy task for Ruth. In those times, her father, Fishel, was a heartless man with no sense of appreciation or love for his faithful and obedient Jewish family. In fact, Fishel was so cruel to his three children that Ruth reports having
  • 26. The Occupational Safety And Health Administration Introduction Violence in the workplace has been an increasing problem for many years, but it is hitting the healthcare profession hardest.(1) Nearly 24,000 assaults in the work environment occur every year, with nearly 75% occuring to healthcare providers.(2) In 2001, it was reported that physicians were assaulted at a rate of 16.2 assaults per 1,000 physicans, nurses were assualted at a rate of 21.9 assaults per 1,000 nurses, and other healthcare workers (with varying job titles) were assaulted at a rate of 8.5 assaults per 1,000 employees.(3) In 2004, it was documented that as many as 14% of doctors and 40% of nurses in a UK survey reported being assaulted in the year prior. (4) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has defined workplace violence as violence or the threat of violence against workers. It can occur at or outside the workplace and can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide. (5) The US Bureau of Justice defines workplace violence as nonfatal violence (rape/sexual assualt, robbery, and aggravated and simple assault) against employed persons age 16 or older that occurred while they were at work or on duty. (1) Previous research on the topic of workplace violence in healthcare often lacks the ability to be directly compared due to a lack of definition consensus. In 2000, Rippon defined aggression as behavior with intent that is directed at doing harm to a living being whether harm results or not, or with
  • 27. Email Privacy Essay Ethical Management of E mail Privacy As I am sitting at my work station in a crowded office building, I hear the wonderful sound of You ve got mail. In turn I open my E mail mailbox and find a letter from a nearby employee. This letter contains the usual funny joke of the day and a short joke ridiculing the boss, as usual. Who was to know that my supervisor would eventually find this letter, which would lead to both the termination of my job and my fellow employee? Do you feel this is right? Does this sound common? This may sound common because the issue of E mail and privacy is very common and controversial in our advanced technological world. The determination of what is ethical or unethical is not simple or ... Show more content on ... Employees may not realize how easily their bosses and coworkers can access their E mail. Many high tech firms are even able to retrieve messages that the employees think they have permanently deleted. An article in the magazine, Business First, makes a good point, Don t put anything in E mail that you would not want read over the loud speaker throughout the company (Miller 2). Although many computers and company E mail accounts have passwords, it does not mean that they are protected. System administrators can access almost anyone s E mail. According to a web page on the Internet, The only way to protect your E mail would be to regard your E mail as you would a postcard. People must realize that unlike other forms of communication, E mail has little protection, such as telephone companies do (Learn the Net 1). This provides the employer with the ability to monitor someone s E mail without them even knowing. The topic of E mail is so current that it even hit the meeting of the Long Island Direct Marketing Association (LIDMA) on October 22, 1998. At the meeting privacy issues concerning E mail in the workplace were discussed. A local attorney, Martin Gringer, Esg., explained the need for employees to understand that their e mail may not be private and they should look into company policy before sending something which may later come back to haunt
  • 28. Song Analysis Of Concrete Angel The song I chose is a song sung by Martina McBride, a country singer, called Concrete Angel. The song was written by Rob Crosby and Stephanie Bentley, later released on November 18, 2002. The song is about a young girl, Angela Carter, who doesn t have the most stable and safest home. At home she is domestically abused by her drugged mother, neglected and forced to take care of herself; she packs her own school lunch, walks to school by herself, and is wearing the same dress showing her mom does not care to give her new clothes. When watching the music video, in the beginning children are laughing at her, which shows she is bullied, another main theme tackled in the song. The bruises are seen by her teacher and the neighbors hear her... Show more content on ... The girl has no authority figure, a careless mother, no father, and no other adult to rescue her. A third social force would be Theory of Self, formation of self through interactions with significant others. Through the lack of recourses, having to hide her abuse and the neglect of her mother, she s forced to put on a strong front, keep her home life a secret, and pretend everything is okay although it s not; through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone in a world that she can t rise above. Her home life and lack of relationships with others really takes a toll on her happiness and sometimes she wishes she was never born. A fourth social force would be related to the child abuse and neglect, there s actually two sociological phenomenon and norm breaking. It s considered a sociological phenomenon because it is not an innate behavioral pattern for human beings to follow. Abusing and your child, is not only a norm breaking but also breaking the law. Norms today when it comes to a child is expected of the parent to love, take care, and provide for them, not to beat them. This was not the case at all in Concrete Angel, for her mother constantly beat her, never showed any love towards her or took care of her. Another norm violated would be with the teacher and neighbors; they heard or saw signs of abuse but never stepped up to save the girl from the abuse. They hid behind fear and turned a blind
  • 29. Literary Devices In Medea When Love Backfires Euripides Medea is a tragic play that takes place in Corinth, Greece. It was first produced in 431 BC. It was during this time that Corinth and Athens were rivals, fighting to have the upper hand. In fact, Corinth and Sparta teamed together against Athens during the Peloponnesian War in 431 BC. Like most literature, Euripides Medea incorporates the period in which it was written along with a timeless theme. Euripdes uses the literary devices of setting, irony, and symbolism to depict the theme of identity in relation to marriage. The play Medea uses the setting to help the audience better understand the meaning of the text. What is said depends greatly on who is around and where the character(s) are. For example, when Medea is by herself or with the chorus, she is speaking freely of her evil plans, however, when she was in the presences of Creon or Jason, she lied to their faces. The audience knows what her true thoughts and feelings are due to the setting. They are not tricked into thinking she has changed her mind but instead, they know when she is lying based on who she is around. After Medea devised a plan, she sent for Jason and pleades to him, Jason, I ask you to forgive me for the things I said before. You re used to putting up with my temper, since so many acts of love have passed between us... (Medea, 870). This quote is a perfect example of how the setting changes the meaning of the words. This helps portray the overall them of identity. Medea is now full of rage and anger due to her husband leaving her for another woman. She has lost her sense of identity which was found in her husband. She is a refugee in Corinth and has no friends or family. She feels completely alone with nowhere else to turn but to anger and rage. The literary device of irony is strategically used throughout the entire play. The irony within the text works in Medea because the audience understands Medea s thoughts and plans while the characters within the play do not. For instance, Jason says, I will not carry on this quarrel any longer. But if you want to take me up on my offer of money for the children or your own exile say so, I am ready to be generous to you... (Medea, 610). What Jason does not
  • 30. The Legal Terms Of Piracy the work they are utilizing given that they meet the definition of their given label and qualify as fair use (Stim 396). For example, a parody must be ruled as humorous by definition, and fair use implies that the content is meant to give a positive outlook on the original work rather than downgrade it. In legal terms, piracy violates one of the seven given rights outlines within the CopyrightAct. The contracts between artists, authors, inventors, and their companies and publishers are violated in numerous ways. The most common infringement occurs daily, as often people make copies of items without previous knowledge of their illegal actions. These minute acts are difficult to prevent though, especially with the ability to scan, ... Show more content on ... Many laws and punishments have been written to prevent piracy and its consequences. In 1897, Congress established a branch entitled The U.S. Copyright Office, which constructs and enforces copyright law. The complexity of the penalty has grown along with the excessive abuse of pirated content (Congress). Simply scribbling over a copyright notice in a book is a twenty five thousand dollar fine. If more than one act of intentional copyright infringement is committed within a six month period, the culprit may be fined a sum worth a given ratio to the value of the stolen products as well as a sentenced of one to five years in prison. given the severity of the situation, fines can range from five hundred thousand to one million dollars (Stim, 315 319). The prison sentence can also be extended to up to ten years. When taken to court, cases of copyright infringement become extremely hazy. The victim must prove not only that the material is a copy or semblance of their product. simple details can turn an entire verdict. In 1980, Star Wars sued and defeated the upstart television show Battlestar Galactica (Boekweg). Twenty First Century Fox was able to specify 34 similarities that, although not totally unique to Star War, specifically reflected its plot line, design, love triangle, and characters. Part of the winning statement was the fact that the name Skyler was undeniably similar to
  • 31. A Bugs Life Sociological Analysis A Bugs life is a Disney Pixar animated film which involves Ants and other bugs coming together to fight the Grasshoppers. Hopper is the dominant male grasshopper character and in the film states that he wants to keep the ants in line and doesn t care about the food (Bugs Life 1998). In Bug s Life the relationship between the grass hoppers and the ants can be described and discussed in terms of the theory of class by Karl Marx (1818 1883). Marx first stated that because of the economic growth in Europe it turned most people in to capitalists (Sociology, 2012). Therefore Marx divided capitalism into two separate classes. One being the class that owned the means of production for example the owners of the factories. This class were also given ... Show more content on ... Karl Marx believed that a capitalist society was to blame for alienation of the workers (Sociology, 2013). Alienation involves workers feeling isolated and away from the end product. Which dehumanizes them making workers feel unsatisfied and feel as though they are unable to improve their lifestyle. He found particular ways to which capitalism alienates those who work. Those ways were split in to four different categories, which are: Being alienated from the act of working which is being alienated from their own choice as they are not given a right to decide what product to make and how they are going to make it. There is also being alienated from the product, this can be linked to the Bugs Life as the food the ants provide for the grass hoppers is not seen again after being taken away from them. The feeling of being alienated from other workers, Marx stated is also a type of alienation which can also be linked with Bugs Life as throughout the season the focus for the ants is to collect food from the grasshoppers by walking in single file lines, therefore are not able to talk to one another. The final type of alienation according to Marx is the feeling of being alienated from their human potential which is where one lacks the ability to develop and gain knowledge whilst at work which helps dehumanize them as they are not living up to their human
  • 32. Jacey Observation I recently had the opportunity to observe a 33 month old boy named Jacey in our church nursery. On this particular Sunday we had several families unable to attend worship service due to a nasty virus that has been going through our community, so Jacey was the only child in the nursery during my observation. I quickly learned that this little guy is full of energy and excitement, and also a little bit of attitude, with sticky fingers and rosy cheeks! It was clear to see that he is an adventure seeker as he explored his surroundings with eyes that appeared to be thoughtful as his curious little mind absorbed every single inflection of the words spoken by those who interacted with him and all of this is what I observed within just the first five minutes of my time spent with Jacey. Over the course of the hour there would be squeals of joy, rambunctious play, silly faces made, as well as times of crossed arms and feet stomping in frustration. Life as a two... Show more content on ... He simply observed her at first, as she suggested different ways to build and play with the blocks, using the method of guided participation (Martorell, et al., 2014) to help Jacey feel comfortable and really settle in and begin to play. Eventually, Jacey did begin to play alongside her, building different designs with the blocks. This type of play, with building patterns and intention, is what our text book would call constructive play (Martorell, et al., 2014). As Jacey played, his excitement grew over what he was creating and every now and then he would speak to his caregiver and show her what he was doing. His sentences followed the rules for syntax speech as he put together sentences that made sense (Martorell, et al., 2014). Not to be too committed with his attention, Jacey would randomly get up and run about the room he definitely had too much energy to sit still very long and just play with
  • 33. Alter Ego In Jane Eyre In Charlotte Bronte s Jane Eyre, the character Bertha Mason is a manifestation of the feelings that Jane cannot express, and thus acts as an alter ego. Every time Bertha acts, it is predicated by a strong emotion or what should have been a strong emotion on Jane s part. In the Victorian Era, women were expected to follow strict rules and isolate themselves from the outside world. In order to be the angel in the house, women were expected to obey and not question their fathers and husbands. Societal expectations dictate that Jane cannot show the full extent of her emotions, particularly when Mr. Rochester is involved. As a result, she does not do so, and they come out in the form of Bertha Mason. Throughout the novel, some sort of action by Bertha closely follows Jane s musings on her frustrations, her discontent, or her anger. When Jane recognizes her emotions, Bertha s expression is mild. However, Jane fails to recognize fully her emotions in multiple cases and Bertha responds violently. Because Bertha represents emotions that Jane possesses but represses in order to meet societal expectations, Bertha and these emotions must be removed before she can marry Mr. Rochester. Therefore, Bertha is a key character because she represents an important aspect of Jane and prevents Jane from fulfilling societal expectations. There is a close relationship between Jane s dissatisfaction or frustration and Bertha making some sort of noise. In one such instance, Jane
  • 34. Deprivation In Frankenstein Sleep is a beneficial necessity, both from a scientific and psychological standpoint, improving both mental and physical health. It plays an essential role in our growth and development as human beings. During sleep, our brains are growing and preparing for the day ahead so that we may be productive and attentive in every daily task. Without the recommended minimum of eight hours of sleep each night, people get agitated, distracted easily, gain health problems, make bad decisions, and acquire feelings of sadness and depression. Sleep deprivationis harmful and can cause a large amount of irreversible damage to ones brain, increasing the risk of diseases, strokes, and even diabetes. Throughout history, many authors have written about characters... Show more content on ... Victor is distraught and believes it is all his fault for all the deaths he has caused by creating the monster he regrets making and hates. Unable to endure the aspect of the being I had created, I rushed out of the room and continued a long time traversing my bed chamber, unable to compose my mind to sleep (Frankenstein 383). His lack of sleep causes him to become more depressed than he already is. Sleep deprivation causes people to feel angry and impulsive, have mood swings, feel sad or depressed, or lack motivation (Sleep). Victor has all of the symptoms of severe sleep deprivation, and because of this, his physical and mental state suffer. He longs for sleep and seeks rest and rejuvenation, but his longing to slay his monster is much greater. His will to destroy his monster is so prominent that he deprives himself of all necessities, restricting himself from sleep, food, and human interaction. Victor describes his state: Every night I was oppressed by a slow fever, and I became nervous to a most painful degree; the fall of a leaf startled me, and I shunned my fellow creatures as if I had been guilty of a crime (Frankenstein 55). Victor is paranoid and has trouble sleeping because of his malnourishment due to the neglect of himself for his undying focus on the apparent evil being he gave life to. His work consumes him and ultimately leads to his insanity and paranoia of the monster killing
  • 35. Rhetorical Of Dog Food For this essay I chose to investigate rhetorical means of dog food advertisements. During this investigation I will point out what it is exactly that advertisers are using in order to sell their product. I chose a Blue Bufflo ad, a Pedigree ad, a vintage Ken L Ration ad, and another shorter Pedigree ad. The first ad by Blue Buffalo shows a dogand a cat as well as a chart and a small paragraph about the product. The color is a calming blue and actually almost gives somewhat of a medical appealto the ad. This not only looks like a dog food ad but also has similarities to an advertisement promoting a medication. Their heading to the ad is Love them like family and feed them like family with natural, holistic BLUE. This ad appeals to ethos ,... Show more content on ... The color gives a fun an youthful appeal. The heading is a supposed quote from the pup stating, I enjoy licking faces. And toilets Koji. This ad also has a slightly medical appeal as it has the medical cross right at the top of the advertisement. This ad appeals to logos in the fact that it is promoting a product that boosts the immunity of your pet because dogs will put their mouths on anything and every dog has his can so this ad is saying that in order to protect your dog, pick this product, and that you can pin point which food to buy based on the buyer s dog s specific needs. This ad also appeals to pathos as it mentions that this food is going to not only be tasty for your dog but also have the healthy ingredients needed in order to protect them, letting the buys know they are making the right choice fro their animal by buying this product. The vintage Ken L Ration ad is a simple black and white ad with a drawn, what seemed to be, fox terrier in the corner. The headline is He Loves it! showing a positive and fun spect to the ad and eating the readers attention. This ad does a very good job appealing to pathos and logos in a short and sweet statement pointing out that your dog will not only enjoy the product, but it will also keep him health and strong, and that it also comes canned making it easy and convenient to serve. This is similar to the Pedigree ad, although much shorter, and slightly less exciting as it lacks
  • 36. Drowsy Driving SLEEP DEPRIVATION DRIVING Nothing could prepare me for the news I received six years ago about the unexpected death of my close friend Joey. I will never forget the night he died. How I had been with him just minutes before, and how his death was totally unnecessary and preventable. A few weeks before Christmas in 2001, Joey, myself and a few of my other co workers were closing down the local restaurant we worked at while attending Umass Lowell. It had been a busy night, and we didn t end up finishing work until 1am. Having worked all day, we were all extremely tired, and could not wait to go home. Most of us were staying in Lowell at the time, but Joey had chosen to commute to campus and therefore had to travel out to Reading. I ... Show more content on ... On a more positive note, gains are being made towards the direction of holding those presumed guilty of drowsy driving accountable for their reckless behavior. Unfortunately, it has taken a series of deaths in order to trigger this movement. One of the first laws developed (Maggie s Law,) was done so by the mother of 20 year old Maggie McDonnell who was hit head on by a van driven by a drowsy driver in 1997. Mrs. McDonnell (the mother of Maggie,) was infuriated to learn that there was not a single law created to address the issue of vehicular homicide as a result of sleep deprivation, and therefore set forth to create one. Her efforts were successful, and in 2003 the nations first drowsy driving law was implemented. Maggie s Law ammends the spectrum of vehicular homicide to include those who who operarte a vehicle while sleep deprived. Under Maggie s Law, offenders can be prosecuted if there is proof beyond a doubt that the operator fell asleep while driving, or was awake for more than 24 consecutive hours. Conviction under this law can carry a maximum penalty of ten years in prison. (Weaver 1). As a future sleep technician, and a person who has suffered personally from the aftermath of a friend falling asleep at the wheel, the topic of drowsy driving is one concerns me. Studies show that there has been a significant rise in sleep related crashes since the initiation of Maggie s Law in 2003, but only one recorded
  • 37. Research Paper On Aude Gersende Hoge Aude Gersende Hoge As far as I know, there is no other Aude Gersende in the Hoge or Le Grand families. Aude is an old name, dating back to 778 BCE. My dad claims that I was named after one of their friends, Aude de Lamaze. She was the artist that painted some of our painting in the entrance. However, my mom says that she named me after the fiancГ© of Roland de Roncevaux. Roland was once a famous paladin in medieval France. The legendary sword Durendal bestowed upon him by Charlemagne himself, who in turn, had received the sword from an angel. Roland also received an Olifant, made from a unicorn s horn hunted in India. It is said in the Song of Roland that he died from blowing the horn, which had caused him to bursts his temple. When his fiancГ©
  • 38. Death Of A Salesman Father Son Relationship Many dramas use family relationships as a primary force of the plot. In Death of a Salesman, Willy s relationship with his son s allows the author, Arthur Miller, to reveal the conflicts that can result in a father son relationship. Willy s relationship with his older son, Biff differs in conflict from his relationship with his younger son, Happy. Both relationships have their flaws and both relationships have suffered from Willy s inability to teach his son s positive values. Happy, the younger of the two sons, has taken on many of his father s traits. Although he has a rather successful job, he feels the need to embellish the truth of his success just as Willy has done in the past. (quote). Happy has also taken on his father s trait
  • 39. Physical Therapy Case Studies I wanted to email you and let you know that I made an appointment with Dr. Brinkruff (primary care doctor) 12/07/2016, however, he was on vacation, therefore, I seen one of his PA s. I explained to him that I was in a significant amount of pain in my neck, spine, and shoulders, however that the painI was encountering started after my son and I were involved in an auto collision. Furthermore, I explained that my son and I were stopped when a gentleman rear ended us going 30 miles and hour, that the air bags did not deploy, nor did our seat belts tighten, therefore, both sustained whiplash and concussions. I did request to be referred to Dr. Taylorlocated at Henry County Center for Orthopedics Sports Med., however he did an x ray and blood work and referred me to physical therapy 5 x week for 6 weeks.
  • 40. Analysis of Database Management and Information Retrieval... Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities. Answer: What is database management system? Database Management System is a database program. The DBMS manage incoming data, organize it, and provided ways for the data to be modified or extract by users or other programs. This cause, most database software comes with an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver that allows the database to integrate with other databases. For example, common SQL statements such as SELECT and INSERT are translated from a program s proprietary syntax into a syntax other databases can understand. Some DBMS examples include PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, FileMaker, RDBMS, dBASE, Clipper, and FoxPro. It is a software system that uses a standard method of retrieving, and running queries on data. What is information retrieval system? Informational Retrieval System is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources. Web search engines are the most visible. Search can be based on metadata or on full text (or other content based) indexing. Automated information retrieval systems are used to reduce what has been called information overload . Many universities and public libraries use IR systems to provide access to books, journals and other documents. Differences between database management system and information retrieval system by
  • 41. The World s Oldest Profession The World s Oldest Profession Prostitution is considered to be one of the world s oldest professions. Prostitution is the occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone for payment. Humans have been exchanging sex and money for thousands of years and it is something that persists today. In SuperFreakonomics Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner explain that prostitutionemerged due to the sexual desire of men. Men wanted more sex than they were able to receive for free. This created a market in which they were willing to pay for sex, and women, for the right price, were willing to satisfy that need (Levitt Dubner 23). Today it is a controversial issue because in the United States it is not legal, however in the state Nevada it... Show more content on ... Criminalizing prostitution takes away people s right to decide for themselves what they consent to. It is very similar to the legalization of weed, the selling of weed is comparable to any other service. Since the legalization of weed, it has allowed people to consent to what they want. Veronica Monet, a former prostitute and author says she chose sex work for money, independence, and freedom. She explained the importance behind the feeling of independence and freedom. She was able to choose her future and gave consent to the service she was providing (Monet). She argues that sex work can be dignified, honest and honorable because she was able to make the choice to engage and supply the service. Prostitution can be a victimless crime (Monet). If both parties give consent, there is no victim therefore there is no crime. By opening this profession to adults that consent to do it, it could generate more taxes and benefit the government. Currently, it is legal and well regulated in ten counties in Nevada (Katz 5). In Encyclopedia of White Collar Corporate Crime, Rebecca Katz concludes that there was a $40 million taxable profit from the thirty five licensed brothels in Nevada in the first six months they were open in 2013 (Katz 5). In Cathouses
  • 42. The During The First World War Reaction to the war: During the First World War, Australia supported Great Britain which meant that Australia was also at war. The conflict had an impact on Australia as a young nation, the following information are just some of the issues that Australia dealt with. The outbreak of war was met with huge enthusiastic support for Britain and for Australia to support by being part of the war. Support came in the form of political parties, churches, the newspapers and community leaders who felt that it was a moral and necessary commitment to enter the war. There was a rush to the recruiting offices, initially only the healthiest and fittest men were enlisted. Australia was a very young nation in 1914, it had only recently formed to become a ... Show more content on ... Another example was that Companies promised the employees who volunteered for service would have their positions held with leave granted with full pay. Events ended with both cast and audience uniting in the anthems of Rule, Britannia and Advance Australia Fair reflecting strong nationalist and patriot emotions. However, evidence has been uncovered to suggest that this was not the correct image as there are hints to imply that not all Australians felt this way, for example even though many men tried to enlist, there were many that did not which led to incidences of white feathers being sent to the men that did not rush to enlist and also of women rejecting and abusing these men. Effect on the economy: When the Great War of World War 1 erupted in 1914, it had a devastating effects of on the Australian economy and to this day, this war remains the most disastrous event Australia as an nation in its infancy has ever suffered by lives lost and impact on the economy of the country, in fact it remains the worst year for our economy since federation. Australia s economy wasn t very diverse and relied heavily on imports and with a limited number of customers for its agricultural and mineral exports. At the announcement of war, Germany was the biggest buyer of many of Australia s exports such as metal, wool and wheat and this had a direct effect on Australia
  • 43. Termite Problem There are many individuals who don t know they require a termite and nuisance control organization that will deal with their furniture. They are not in any case mindful of the significance of termite trap and how it can dispose of this termite issue. However, in particular, they don t know that they have a termite issue, unless it is past the point of no return for them to make a move. This is the reason it is critical to dispose of the issue before it assumes control over their lives. Before whatever else, it is vital to comprehend what termites are. These are a types of creepy crawlies which eat plant and wood. The issue with termite pervasions is that they can bring about an enormous harm even to structures once they are not regarded as quickly as time permits. Luckily, there are a couple signs which you can use to recognize on the off chance that you have a termite issue in your furniture. Beside having these signs, it is imperative that you do a careful assessment with the goal that you can verify that your furniture has an invasion. In the meantime, you can treat the issue before it turns out to be past the point of no return for the harm to be settled. Keeping in mind the end goal to check on the off chance that you have a termite issue in your home, you need a solid spotlight or a decent light... Show more content on ... Among these signs, termites normally desert mud tubes. Utilizing the spotlight, you can check the dim spots of your home for any mud tubes. These as a rule associate homes to the sustaining destinations of termites. Regularly, they are produced using soil which is about a similar width of a pencil. In the event that you can see these passages, you need to get ready yourself and acknowledge that you have a termite invasion. This implies you have to enlist an expert organization to deal with this issue at the earliest
  • 44. How To Make Coonection To Melba Beel I m am doing an essay on making connections and I m making coonections to Melba Beels . She is part of the little rock nine and she goes to central high. Melba goes to an all white school other than her eight friends that are Afican American. Mean while as Melba goes to central high it was extremly dangerous and painful. Melba went through name calling to being pushed around hurt but yet she still found strength to get up hold her tears back and act like it didn t bother her. Danny was a solider that Protected Melba but couldn t physically hurt the white students if they physically hurt Melba. With out Danny, her friends , her grandma she would have had a really rough time at Central High.... Show more content on ... I ve had multiple hopeless moments more
  • 45. Individual Changes Across Age Abstract The subject of personal evolution examines how individual changes across age. When scientists investigate the individual growth, they classify and try to explain both general aspects that everyone shares and characteristics that are unparalleled. The objective study of personal development uses theories, analysis, and data summary to explain why and whereby evolution transpires. It incorporates the event from conception to end stages. In the interest of being comprehensive in indications of chronology, it is also wide regarding heterogeneity. The subject of human development encompasses all types of individuals from various cultures, societies, generations, and socioeconomic status. The classific of common properties and exceptional... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, they serve two discrete and progressive processes. While development leads to shifts over time, the word growth refers to material changes. It can be quantifiably marked and involves dentition, height, and weight. As humans, there is a physiological pattern, but maturity times differ in various life stages. A good example of this is when growth occurs during the prenatal period. The growth is rapid, while there is minimum increase throughout adulthood. The development of children takes place in a continuous, orderly, and sequential pattern. This design is influenced by maturational, environmental, and hereditary factors. What this means that the rate, magnitude, and effects of substantial growth vary from person to person yet the order is the same. The pattern of growth and development transpires in a proximo distal direction. Proximo distal means the body grows from the center outward. The body doesn t just development proximo distal but from simple to a complex task. As we watch our children grown we watch them begins with a generalized response such as the Moro reflex and progresses to a skilled individual response such as
  • 46. Fractures Club Case Study Fractures spots are characterized at this very moment funding which should be possible ere the companies are ‎forced for offer new obligation also value funds. When company achieves those fractures spots, ‎if they have decide in enhancing extra funds so WACC will raise.‎ Towards instance, those recipe because of held income fractures spots beneath ‎demonstrates where through ascertain for time when the association s expense in value ‎financing going to increment on the grounds that so they have to offer fresh basic shares. (Hint: The ‎formula because of BP from obligation even favored shares are essentially several, with swapping ‎retaiBPRE = preserve income Weight of equity Example: Vitality Administrations hopes to have complete
  • 47. Family Member Interview If I were to interview a family member of my choice, it would be my grandmother. Having lived in many foreign countries as a military girl, losing her father and a husband, and raising a family of eleven children with little money for support, her life has been inconceivable. During this interview, my first question would be did you know your dad very well before he passed at such a young age? Did you get along with your step siblings and step dad? What was it like living in so many countries? Were you a successful student and did you ever become attached to one place? Which home was the hardest to leave? Who was your best friend and do you still stay in touch? How did you meet your first husband? Your second? Where were you married? How
  • 48. The Civil Rights Movement In Pan-Africanism And Black Power Black power is the result of provoking a century s worth of submission, struggle and suffering. For many, America was considered divided between the whites and blacks, which caused protest from the African Americans due to the racial inequality. For the past century, blacks have led passive protest with little or no change to their well being. Black poweraims to change that, one of their core ideology is that Blacks must unite without the help of whites to face racismwhile not standing idle and using any means necessary. Black power stems from the influences of Pan Africanism and Black empowerment while also going against the core ideas present in Civil Rights Movement like the nonviolence movement. The Black power protesters wanted separation from the whites which is similar to the Pan Africanism movement proposed by Marcus Garvey. Marcus Garvey is an advocate for black nationalism and was a leader in the Pan Africanism movement. Marcus supported the idea of going Back to Africa which was what the Pan Africanism movement was all about. Garvey even founded a steamship company called Black Star Line with black officers and crew. Comparatively, Black Power also has a strong stance on the Back to Africa as Bayard Rustin says in Black Power and Coalition Politics, ...Negroes are once again turning to nationalistic slogans, with black power affording the same emotional release as Back to Africa ... did in earlier periods of frustration and hopelessness . This shows
  • 49. The Last Message From Earth THE LAST MESSAGE FROM EARTH is a sci fi thriller that features a compelling plot with a strong moral dilemma. The script merits consider, but there are still areas that would benefit from more development. First, the goal is clear and the stakes are high. The opening sequence is strong with the disappearance of young Danny. Immediately the audience is emotionally invested in the outcome. The script does a good job of establishing the goal for the parents. The structure works well. The opening establishes the ordinary life of Amelia and John Hart. It s clear they are scientists or engineers. There s a solid inciting event that immediately pulls the audience into the story with the disappearance of Danny. The second act is propelled ... Show more content on ... Even in a short, there could be an added scene that shows Amelia re building the machine, as well as showing her physical and emotional struggle with building it. Perhaps a montage could highlight the stages of the progress, as well as showing Amelia sleeping with the Teddy Bear until she completes the machine. One might have her try it and it doesn t work. This would elevate the struggle and anticipation. Then she figures it out. However, it s not entirely clear how she would be able to recreate the exact same spot where Danny is. The teddy bear is a nice plant and symbolic of the parents inner conflict. It s a nice visual reminder of Danny. The use of the teddy bear also provides for a clever payoff when Amelia find finds the thumb drive. However, one small note about the Teddy Bear. It might be more emotionally engaging if the Teddy Bear is given to Danny when he s born vs. first seeing the teddy bear when he disappears. What s not clear is the motivation for Agent Roger to help the parents. Consider showing his struggle with his decision, or maybe he pulls out a picture of his own son. The audience will understand his moral dilemma. They will understand he s thinking about what he would do if it were his son. Rogers helps, but reports them missing. One assumes he s trying to cover his tracks by reporting them gone, but hoping they already escaped. However, it s not entirely clear. Or perhaps he thought they would escape through the side exits. Try to
  • 50. East Coast Yachts Cash Flow Analysis Essay Analyze company cash flows East Coast Yachts has a strong operating cash flow highlighted by strong earnings before interest and taxes of $88,416,000. With the addition of $20,160,000 in depreciation and subtraction of $30,921,000 in taxes, they managed an operating cash flow of $77,654,400. East Coast Yachts appears to be in or approaching a growth mode with their capital spending on fixed assets increasing by $60,000,000 during the fiscal year. However, they made the wise move of reducing the effect of this expenditure with the sale of $6,786,000 of fixed assets already on the books. Further growth is evidenced by the positive net working capital cash flowof $4,670,560, a sign of a growing company. East Coast Yachts is making... Show more content on ... East Coast Yachts manage to decrease their accounts payable and accrued expenses. The $844,560 decrease in accounts payable is significant due to the reduction of debt during a growth phase. This can be seen as an excellent move as they prepare for future growth. The preparation for growth can be seen as East Coast Yachts increased their fixed assets by $60,000,000. However, they managed to reduce their cash flow by $6,786,000 through the sale of fixed assets. Although the investment of $53,214,000 appears significant, it can be seen as necessary if the company plans to grow and needs to keep up with increased demand. East Coast Yachts managed to payoff $22,800,000 of debt during the year, which could be attributed to the proceeds from long term debt of $40,000,000. They also managed to reduce their notes payable by $1,495,000 during the fiscal year. The $17,550,960 paid in dividends is another sign of company in a growth mode and making a significant impact in their respective market. East Coast Yachts did repurchase $36,000,000 in stock during the fiscal year. The assumption would be that they repurchased the stock and then reissued a small number of shares at a greater price then purchased. Given the amount of growth intended actions that East Coast Yachts made throughout the fiscal year, they still managed to come out with a positive change of cash of $480,000. This speaks to the financial management decision makers and their expert financial guidance during
  • 51. My Family Essay I grew up in a small family in India. There were a plenty of things that I was able to learn from my family. I wouldn t be here, where I am now, without my family. Family defines the most important things in this world. Family is the place where everyone can learn and express the things they learn. I m grateful for my family. But I still remember the time my parents told me that we are going to America, the land of dreams. I was only thirteen years old then. All those years, I lived in my own country, and quickly moving to America was really hard for me. When I came to know this, it was really shocking to me, I couldn t stop thinking about my life in America. I never stopped to think about the people I was leaving behind, my companions,... Show more content on ... Recollecting a moment without my family is hard because they were always there for me. I never had to solve a problem in my family due to it being so perfect for me. In a society, there would be many struggles and difficulties in families, but I believe family is something that holds us. It was very difficult for me to accept the reality that I can t have the life I had in India. So, that transformation of the new lifestyle was extremely hard. Holy Family University also states, A community united by a common mission. Even though family should be united in one; my family wasn t able to stay unite because of the different lifestyle in America. But throughout this semester at Holy Family University, I am able to see how supportive and caring each faculty and staffs are. They are just a reflection of a family. The problem I am having with my family from the time we moved to America is the lack of communication because of the busy lifestyle here. Most of the nights we go to bed without seeing or talk to each other. But, on Saturdays and Sundays, thankfully, we try our best to give time for each other before going to bed. Societies are facing numerous divorces every day. I would say, the lack of communication is the main reason for all these divorces. Every generation has different concepts on everything and their lifestyle changes too. People go with the flow of the new ways of living that is followed by people around them. But I wouldn t encourage
  • 52. Taking a Look at Molecular Cuisine Molecular cuisine, a relatively new style of cooking, is taking the world by surprise and changing the way food is prepared, cooked and looked at. People are asking a lot of questions such as Is it safe?, What kinds of chemicals are used?, Who decided to start this whole thing?, How did it start, and when?, and What kind of equipment do the cooks use? These are all very good questions and the answers are out there, they just have to be found. Food and science have been combined to create something extraordinary called molecular cuisine. The question that is probably going through the reader s head by now is What is it? Well, molecular cuisine is physics and chemistry applied food to create different flavours, textures and to amaze the five senses. It is also another way of preparing food to provide other ways of cookingand to create more possibilities for cooking food. There are many other names for molecular cuisine such as molecular gastronomy, avant garde cuisine, experimental cuisine, modern cuisine, and modernist cuisine. The now late oxford physicist Nicholas Kurtiand French chemist HervГ© This came up with the term molecular gastronomy for the new style of cooking/science they started experimenting with back in the 1980 s. People are definitely interested in molecular cuisine but don t know whether it is safe or not. Some of the chemicals that are used in molecular cuisine come from natural origins. The material origin in typically plant,