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The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Microsoft word
tutorial 2007
From Lion Kings
Computer Centre
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
From the management of lion kings computer centre
Note: this tutorial handbook shouldbeusedunderthesupervisionofateacher, ifnot don’thesitateto
ask questionswhenyouencounteranyproblemorwhenyougetconfusedalongtheway.
Word 2007 it is quite different from the old versions. In these Microsoft Word 2007 tutorials
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
We are going to start with the basics and then move step by step through each tab at the top to
include the Home tab, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and end with View.
Let’s get started.
Most beginner computer users will use Word for typing a letter to a family member or friend,
typing up a recipe or creating a fun card or flyer. We are going to have a little fun with these
tutorials and design a greeting card along with editing some other types of documents. This will
allow me to show you all of the features a basic computer user will want to know. We will even
show you how to create and print envelopes for you to use to mail home made cards.
I will be bouncing back and forth between documents in order to explain the best way I can
how to use these features in Word 2007 so bare with me. It will be a bit of a slow go.
This tutorial will take you through how to use the features located in the Microsoft Office Logo in
the upper left corner of Word 2007.
When you open Word 2007 it starts you with a new document. All of your basic commands that
you will use on most documents are located at the top of the screen by clicking on the Microsoft
office logo. Click the upper left corner on the Microsoft Office logo to see the list of options.
Even though you already have a new document open click on the New icon. The New Document
window will open and give you template options to choose from.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Click on Installed Templates. This will give you a list of templates you can uses that are already
installed on your computer and you do not have to download from the internet. These can be
time savers if you are in a hurry to create a professional looking document.
Below the Installed Templates in a list of other templates you can download off the internet.
These are also great time savers. It just takes a few extra clicks to download the document
Now click cancel. We are going to do things the hard way by designing our own. I just wanted
you to get a feel for all of the features New document has, besides just starting with a blank
We are going to do this tutorial in the order of the tabs at the top. So now that we have a blank
document open click on the Microsoft Office logo at the top left and click Save as.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Word 2007 Save As is a little different than past versions. If you are planning to send the
document via email or save it to a disk and use another computer to open it click the Word 97-
2003 Document. If the other computer does not have Word 2007 but has an older version this
selection lets you open the document in an older version of Word.
If you plan on using Word 2007 to open the document each time click the top Word Document
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Select the file location you would like to save the greeting card. Usually the file location defaults
to My Documents. Type greeting card in the File name: box and click save.
You can also change the document type to open in an older version of word in the Save As
Window by clicking the drop Save as type: down menu and selecting Word 97-2003 Document.
Now that the document is saved let’s close and reopen the document.
Click on the Microsoft Office icon in the upper left corner and at the very bottom click Close.
There are 3 ways to reopen a document. 1. Double click on the My Documents folder from your
desktop and then double click on the greeting card.docx file. This will automatically open Word
2007 and your saved document.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
2. Open Word 2007 and click on the Microsoft Office icon in the upper left corner. The drop
down menu will appear and you can either click on the Open Icon and it will take you to your
My Document folder where you can double click the greeting card.docx file and open it, or
3. In the right hand column of the drop down menu you will see Recent Documents. Scan down
the list of documents until you find greeting card.docx file and click.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
I know we have not got to the heart of our greeting card yet but we have found the basics we
need to know for every Word document we create. Click the Next arrow to move onto the Home
I have broken each tab in to sections. Click on one of the above section links to continue to
your tutorial.
In the Microsoft Word 2007 home tab tutorials you will find most of your basic features. These
are the tools you will find yourself using the most when creating a Word document. With this
tab you are able to change the style, size and color of your font, align test, create bullets and
numbers, and cut and paste text.
We are going to continue with our greeting card we started at the beginning of the Word 2007
tutorials. Open that document and let’s get started.
Now that you have your document open type “Happy Birthday” at the top and we will go
through the sections of the home tab to edit and change the text. We will start at the left and
move from section to section.
The first section is the Clipboard. The Clipboard is a very useful tool to move text, pictures, and
charts from one place to another on a page or from one document to another.
Let’s practice using the Clipboard features with our Happy Birthday text we just typed. Highlight
“Happy Birthday” by clicking and holding the left mouse button down in front of the text and
dragging the cursor to the end and let go.
Once you have done that
notice that the scissor icon and the two pieces of paper icon are no longer grayed out. (when an
icon is grayed out it you are not able to use it)
Now that the icons are functioning, click on the scissors to cut the text. The text will disappear
and go into what is called the clipboard. You can also do this on the keyboard by pressing the
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
ctrl button holding it down and pressing x. You can place the mouse over the icon without
clicking and get an explanation and the keyboard command for each icon. Try placing the
mouse over the clipboard icon and wait about 2 seconds and see what happens.
Notice that the scissors and papers have been grayed out again because there is no text
selected for them to cut or copy. Now let’s get our text back. Click on the clipboard icon. You
Happy Birthday text will be pasted back into your Word document.
This feature will work the same if you switch documents or click in a different location of the
same document.
The icon with the two pieces of paper is the copy icon. If you don’t want the text to be removed
from the location it is in currently you can click the paper icon or press ctrl c to copy the text.
Then it works the same as the cut feature you click where you would like the text placed and
click on the clipboard icon.
If you have copied or cut several objects from a document you can view and select them by
viewing your entire clipboard. Click on the little arrow icon in the bottom right corner of the
Clipboard section.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
This will open the Office Clipboard Task Pane. You will see a list of everything that had been
copied or cut during your session in Microsoft Word 2007. If you click on any of the items in the
list it will paste them into the document.
Click the x in the upper right corner of the Clipboard Task pane to close it.
If you have a good understanding of the Clipboard we will move on to the Font section. Again if
you have any questions about what a button is place your mouse over it without clicking and it
will give you a brief description to refresh your memory.
The Word 2007 Font section in the Home tab gives you features to change the font face, size,
color, and style.
If you are creating the greeting card we already started open it now and highlight “Happy
Birthday” by clicking and holding the left mouse button in front of the text and dragging it to
the end and let go.
Now click the drop down arrow next to Time New Roman to change the text to a different style.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
You can scroll through the different fonts by clicking the down arrow
in the bottom right corner. When you see a font you like click on it
and your text will change. I choose Goudy stout.
Now we are going to change the size of our text. Highlight your text
and click the dropdown arrow next to the number 12.
Click on the font size 20. You can also
click on the large A with the up arrow
next to it and increase the font one
size at a time. The smaller A with the
down arrow next to it will decrease
the font one size at a time. This
feature is useful if you are not sure
how large or small you want your text
to be or you don’t know how large you
can make text and still fit in
the area you want.
Now I want everyone to hold down the ctrl key and press s.
This will save the document. It is a good habit to get into. Use this often. There is nothing
worse than loosing a document you worked so hard on. It happens more often than not. I just
spent over 2 hours on the phone with my mother-in-law trying to get a document back because
she went to unplug a space heater and accidently unplugged the computer. It happens I can’t
stress enough use ctrl and the s key often!!
Ok I am finished preaching. Moving on to the next button, the button with the Aa and an
eraser. This button will undo all of the editing you have done on text and return it to the Times
New Roman font and a font size of 12.
These 7 buttons are very useful and you will use them often. Try these buttons on your Happy
Birthday text just to see what happens and if you like any of them you can keep them. Or when
you are finished you can always click the button again to undo it.
1. Starting with the button, it will make selected text bold. The keyboard command for this
is hold down the ctl button and press B.
2. The button is italicize. Be careful with this one, with some fonts the
italicize button makes it hard to read. The keyboard command for italicize is hold down the
ctl button and press I.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
3. The is the underline button. It can be used in 2 ways. If you just click the button or
press ctrl U you will get a simple one line underline. Now click on the drop down arrow next to
U. This will give you several options to choose from to get a fancier line.
4. The button is used to strike through text. This can be very useful when you are editing
a document and don’t want to loose your original thought.
5. and are subscript and superscript. These are used for fractions I use these
frequently when making recipe cards. The subscript and superscript will sometimes
automatically change numbers into fractions while you are typing.
6. The last button is the This button will let you change the case of your text. Highlight
your Happy Birthday text and click the Aa button. You are able to select Sentence case,
lowercase, UPPERCASE, Capitalize each word, or tOGGLE cASE. Click on UPPERCASE. I have
found this tool very useful when I have accidently hit the caps lock key and didn’t realize it until
I already had a sentence or two typed. Use this tool then you don’t have to retype!
Now we will finish the Font section with the last two buttons; highlight and font
color These button’s names speak for themselves. When you click the
Button you will get a selection of colors to choose from. Select your color and you will get a
cursor that looks like a highlighter marker. Click the left mouse button and drag it over the text
you would like to highlight. It works just like a regular highlighter.
The Button allows you to change the color of your text. Select the Happy Birthday Text
and click on the Button. You will get a dropdownmenu of colors with an option at the
bottom More colors. If you select More colors you will get to create your own color using this
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
To create your own click in the color box close to the color you would like and then drag the
right arrow next to the color line up or down to change the shade. Your new color will appear in
the bottom right corner. Once you have selected your color for your text click the next button to
continue to the Paragraph section of the Home tab.
The best way to describe the Paragraph section is to say it formats the location, color, or view
of your text or objects on the page. The first three buttons are list buttons. The
1st button is a bulleted list. Click on the dropdown menu to see you selections for you bullets.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
These are just a few of your options if you click on the Define New Bullet you have endless
options to create your own look and feel.
When you click on the Define New Bullet the above
window pops up and you can create your own bullet by
using the Symbol, Picture or font button. The Alignment
dropdown menu lets you choose where on the page you
would like your list to appear and the Preview section will
let you know what your bullet will look like before you click
OK and start your bulleted list.
Once you select your bullet style it will automatically place
a bullet on your document. Type your text after your bullet
and hit enter to create the next item in your list. If you are
finished with your list hit enter twice and the bullets will be
The same rules apply with the numbered list Click the drop down menu on the
numbered list button to get your options.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
You can choose numbers with a dot or a bracket, roman numerals, letters or define your own
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
When you click Define your own format the above window appears and you can customize your
own format by instead of using a predefined one. Just enter your customizations in each
category, preview it in the preview pane until you are satisfied and click OK.
The numbers will work the same way as the bullets, after typing your text hit enter and the
next number will appear. When your list is complete press enter twice and your numbered list
will end.
The last list button is the multilevel list. This is great for outlines. It works the same as
the lists above with all of the option and customizations but it has one difference; to get to the
next level in the list press tab and your list item will tab over and change to the second level
Once you have tabbed over to the second, third, etc level when you hit enter it will stay at that
level until you hold down the Shift key and press tab. This keyboard command will bring your
list up a level.
To discontinue the list simply hit enter twice and you can continue your document without
continuing the list.
The next two buttons Increase and Decrease an Indent at the beginning of a paragraph.
Notice the hourglass at the top left of your word document in the ruler.
Now click on the Increase Indent button Did you notice how the hourglass moved to the
right? This is setting a tab. Each time you finish a paragraph and press tab on your keyboard
the tab will move to the location of the hourglass. By clicking the Increase Indent button more
than once the hourglass moves further to the right. The Decrease Indent button will move the
tab back.
The button will alphabetize a list of words or sort numbers for you. To use this features
simply select the text you would like to organize by clicking in front of the text you want to
highlight and dragging the mouse to the end of the text then click the button It will
alphabetize the list of words for you.
The next button I use all of the time to help me with my formatting. The Button will give
you formatting symbols on your document. It allows you to see if you have an extra space
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
between words by the dots or an extra line break by the paragraph symbol. I usually keep mine
on all of the time.
These 4 buttons you will use to justify your text on the page. Either click the
button before you start typing or highlight text that has already been typed and click the
justification you want.
The button is your line spacing. To use this feature you can either click on the drop down
menu and select your options or highlight your text then click and select. Most users will only
need to select one of the default options listed.
If you are interested in other options besides the
default line spacing selections click on Line Spacing
Options. This will open the Paragraph window. In this
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
window you can do the same things we have been using the buttons for.
The 3rd section down is spacing. You can use the arrows to increase or decrease the spacing
before or after the text you have selected.
Under Line spacing you have a drop down menu where you can select from single, double, 1.5
lines, At Least, Exactly, or Multiple. The At selection is where you can input your custom
The Preview section at the bottom will let you see what the spacing will look like in your
Click the OK button to return to your document and make the changes.
The fill button and Boarders button can be used on individual lines of text. If you
would like to change the color of the background for an area of text in your document click the
button before you start typing and choose a color from the drop down menu. When you are
finished typing click the fill button again and the background will go back to the original color.
or highlight the text you would like a different background and select a color from the dropdown
menu and the background of selected text will change.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Boarders Button works the same way as the background fill but will place a boarder around
the text. Click the dropdown menu to see all of your options.
That wraps up the tutorial on the Paragraph section of the Home tab. Click the next button to
move onto Styles.
The Word 2007 Styles section is used to quickly format an entire document. A style is a set of
formatting characteristics such as font size, color, paragraph alignment, spacing, and shading.
Open one of your existing letters or document and press ctrl key and A. This will select the
entire document. Or if you are just beginning a document you can make these selections before
you start typing.
Scroll through the default styles with the up and down arrows to the right. Click on one of the
default styles and it will change your documents if you already have one typed or start
typing and see how Word 2007 is automatically making the changes to the style. If you don’t
like the looks of it simply make sure the entire document is hightlighted and click another style.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The next button is Change Styles. This button gives
you the opportunity to customize the style you
choose. Click the down arrow to see the options. The
first selection is Style Set. A style set is the
combination of formatting changes you make to
a document. Place your mouse over Style Set to see a
list of options. These options will change the style
selections you can choose from. If you have made
style changes to your document you can click the
selections at the bottom of the list to Reset changes
made to a template, reset the document to quick
styles, or save your customized style as a Quick Style
The next selection in the Change Styles button is
Colors. Place your mouse over Colors. You will see a
list of preselected color combinations. These color
combinations are for different text colors throughout
your document. If you select the Create New Theme Color at the bottom of the menu you will
see a list of the different types of text you can change the
Next is the Fonts selection in the Change Styles button. Click
on the Fonts selection and see a list of default combination of
Fonts. The top is the Heading font and the bottom is the text
for the body of the document. Use the arrow slide bar on
the right hand sideto scroll through the selections. At the
bottom of the Fonts menu you will see Create New Theme
Fonts. Click on this option. The Create new Theme Fonts
window will open.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
In the Create new Theme Fonts window you can customize a font theme. Simply use the down
arrows to select a font for the Heading and or the Body. Name your font theme and click Save.
The last option in the Change Styles button is the set as default selection. This will take the
current theme of your document and set it to default so every time you start a
new document the theme you have created will be used.
Click Next to move onto the last section of the home tab, Editing.
Last but not least is the Word 2007 Editing section. These features are great for large
documents. If you need to look for a specific word or section of your document click on the
find button
When the Find and Replace window opens type the word you are looking for and the Find Next
button will no longer be grayed out. Click on Find Next and it will bring you to the word in
your document you typed in the Find what text box.
Now click on the Replace the button in the Editing section.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The same Find and Replace window pops up except the Replace tab is selected. This feature is
useful if you have dates or names in a form letter you need to change. Type the word you
would like to change in the Find what text box and Type the word you would like to change it to
in the Replace with text box.
The Replace, Replace All and the Find Next buttons will no longer be grayed out. If you would
like to replace the words one at a time click Find Next and if it is a word you want replaced click
Replace and continue that way through the document.
If you know you want every word replaced click Replace All and each word in the document will
be replace.
We are finished with the Home tab. I hope you learned all you wanted to learn and that the
tutorial was easy to follow. If you are ready to move on Click the Next arrow and we will
move onto the Insert tab.
In the Word 2007 Tutorials Insert tab edition we will go step by step through each section of
the Insert tab just like we did on the Home Tab. We will continue to work on the greeting card
we started. I know this is a long process to make a simple card but I want you to have a
through understanding of all the functions of Word 2007.
The insert tab's name fits its function well. Anything you think you might want to add to a word
document you use the insert tab to insert the extra features into your document.
We will work our way through from left to right.
On the far left the first section is Pages. The three categories you can insert for pages are;
Cover Page, Blank Page, and Page Break. These three features are useful if you are creating a
professional or long document.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
We will not use them for our card but lets go through what each feature does. Click on the
down arrow next to cover page.
Notice how you get a selection of already designed cover pages you could use for a business
report or other professional looking document. This can be a huge time saver. Once you click on
the design you want Microsoft Word 2007 will design your cover page and all you need to do is
highlight the text and type your changes.
Moving onto the Blank Page. When you are typing a long document as you type a new page will
automatically start as you are typing. The Blank Page button allows you to insert a blank page
anywhere in your document manually.
Page Break button will force a page break anywhere you select. You will see this in your
document if you click the page break button. To delete a page break place your cursor behind
the Page Break and press the Backspace button.
Moving right along to the tables section. Tables can get tricky. For a senior or beginner
computer user tables can be great for creating their own calendars. Click on the down arrow in
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
At the bottom of the menu you will see quick tables. Until you are very comfortable using table
I would recommend using this feature. You can scroll through the pre-designed table and
choose one. When you select a predesigned table Microsoft Word 2007 will automatically create
your table to incorporate into your word document.
When Word 2007 creates your predesigned table another 2 tabs will appear. Notice the Table
Tools tabs Design and Layout. In the beginning you will probably only use the table styles
section under the Design Tab. If you would like more information please email me and I will
send you more detail on how to create a more complex table.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Next we will cover the Illustrations section. Illustrations is
where you can add pictures of all types and styles to your
The first selection in Illustrations is Insert a picture from a file. When you click on this a window
will open for you to browse to a photograph or other picture you have saved on your computer.
I used this to create birthday invitation for my daughter with her current picture in the
background. You can have a lot of fun incorporating personal photos into your documents.
Now open your Birthday card we started and click on the Clip Art Button.
After clicking on the Clip Art Button notice the clip art menu that appears in the right column of
your Word document. At the top of the Clip Art menu in the Search for: text box type birthday
and click go. You could also type balloons or birthday cake. When you click go it will find clip art
pictures to match your key word.
Scroll through the pictures until you find one you like. When you have chosen a picture click on
it and it will be inserted into your document. Then Click on the bottom right corner of the
picture and dragged the picture so it enlarges. Make sure the picture does not go past the 4"
marker on the top and does not go below the 5" marker on the left side ruler. Your picture
should look something like this.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The card we are creating is going to be a quarter fold so we will need to rotate the picture. To
do this click on the top center green dot above your picture. You will see an arrow going in a
circle. Hold down the mouse and drag the picture around until it is upside down.
Now that your picture is rotated lets put a boarder around it. Under Picture Tools and the
Format Tab click on Picture Boarder then Weight then More Lines.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Format Picture Window will come up.
When the window appears Change the width to
6 pt. Then click the drop down arrow next to
Compound type: and select a line style you
Then in the left column in the Format Picture
Window click Line Color Click the drop down
arrow under the color selections and choose a
color you want to boarder the Clip Art Picture
you choose. Click Close so the changes take
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Now we will quickly move through the next three buttons in the Illustrations section. If you click
the drop down arrow on shapes you will see a long list of shapes you can insert into your Word
2007 document. To insert a shape simply click in the location of your document you want the
shape to appear and click the shape.
SmartArt is a unique tool. SmartArt will automatically design graphically designed lists,
hierarchy charts, pyramids and more. SmartArt will put the graphics into your document and
you can customize it by highlighting and changing the text.
The Chart button will let you choose the style chart you would like then automatically open an
Excel spread sheet for you to enter your data to create your chart.
Moving onto the Links section, this section is great if you are writing a
document that readers will be reading on the computer. These three buttons
create links in your document that a reader can click on to jump to a website,
booked marked section of your document, an email address, or another
In the Header and Footer section there are three buttons. By clicking the
Header button you are able to select the style for the text that will appear
at the top of each page of your document.
The Footer is the same as the Header but will appear at the bottom of each
page of the document.
Page Number will give you a selection of putting your page numbers at the
top of page, bottom of page, page margin, or current position along with a
formatting and removal option.
OK we are back to creating our greeting card. In the next section of the Insert Tab you see
Text. The Text section lets you do even more formating to your text in a document. For creating
greeting cards and other fancy documents using this text function is easier than using the basic
text in the Home Tab.7/24/2017
Click on the Text Box Button.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
A menu will drop down and you will see several variations and styles of text boxes to choose
from. We are going to customize our text box for our greeting card so click on the Draw text
box link at the bottom of the menu.
This will change your mouse cursor to look like a + sign. Click about a 1/2 inch from the right
side of your upside down picture and drag the cursor to the bottom right corner of the upside
down picture. When you are finished you should have a white text box on the right side of your
picture that looks like this.
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Once you have created your text box click on the format tab to the far right of the tab list at the
top of Word 2007, Under Text Box Tools.
This menu will give you a bunch of options to change the look at feel of your text box. We won't
go through all of the sections.
We will start with the first section Text. Click on text direction. Notice when you click this button
the cursor changes to go vertical down the text box on your card. Type HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
Notice how the background of the text box is covering up part of the image in the background.
To fix that click on Shape Fill in the Text Section of the Format Tab. Then click No Fill.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
There is still an outline around the text box. To remove the black outline of the text box click
Shape Outline then select No Outline.
Click anywhere in the white space of your document to exit out of the Format Tab.
To change the style of your text highlight it and return to the Home Tab.
Moving on through the Text section. Quick parts is will insert reusable pieces of content,
including fields, document properties such as title and author, or any preformatted snippets you
Word Art can be a fun way to play with text.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
When you click on the WordArt button you get a selection of several styles of text. Choose one
and a window will open for you to type your text. When you click OK you will get another
selection of editing options.
Drop Cap puts a large capital letter at the begining of a paragraph.
Signature Line is just that it provides a line with an X with the name and title you choose under
the signiture line.
The Date and Time button will put the date and time into your document and automatically
update it every time you open the document.
Object inserts an embeded object into your document such as a media clip or an excel
Moving onto the last section Symbols. Click on the drop down arrows next to Equation and
Symbol to get an idea of the type of text you can creat with these options.
The first section of the Page Layout tab is themes. Themes is a great feature if you are
typing an elaborate document and want to use a variety of fonts and colors and then
duplicating those fonts and colors on another document or throughout a long document. A
document theme is a set of formatting choices that include a set of theme colors, a set of
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
theme fonts that you can specify a heading and body text font, and a set of theme effects you
can choose lines and fill effects.
We are not going to use the themes section on our greeting card but I want you to understand
what the feature does. Click the down arrow under themes.
You will get a list of pre-designed themes you can apply to your document. Each theme will
include font colors, font styles, font sizes and effects including lines, fill effects, and colors.
If you already selected a theme for your document and no longer want to use it click on the
Reset to Theme from Template option.
If you don’t like any of the built-in themes you can click More Themes on Microsoft Office Online
and there will be many more to choose from. Or you can create your own theme with the other
options in the Theme section. Then click back on Themes and at the bottom click Save Current
Theme then you will be prompted for a file name. Once you give your theme a name it will be
available to use on other documents you create.
Now I will go over how to create your custom theme with the other features in this category.
Now click on the down arrow next to the square made up of 4 colors to learn how to change the
theme color.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
When you click on the custom color theme drop down arrow you will get a list of Built-In Color
themes for your document. These are colors are for a variety of things including heading, body,
and accent colors. Now click on Create New Theme Colors.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Create New Theme Colors window will appear. Here you get a better idea of what each line
of colors is going to do.
Not only do you now understand what each color is for but you can modify the colors to your
Once you are finished modifying the colors by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the color you
want to change and selecting a new color then type a theme color name in the Name section
the click Save.
Your new modified color will appear in the list of Built-In Color Themes.
Next is the Font theme selector. Click the dropdown arrow next to the box with an A.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
This menu works just like the colors but you are changing the fonts. It has the same Built-In
selections Microsoft Word 2007 has provided for you and also the Create New Theme Fonts
option. Click the Create New Theme Fonts.
When the Create New Theme Fonts window opens go ahead and play around with Heading font
and the Body font by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the font names. It will show you a
preview of your selections in the Sample section. If you want to save your selections type a
name in the Name section and click save.
The last button in the Themes is the Effects button. Theme effects are sets of lines and fill
effects used on shapes and graphics you use in your document. Click the drop down arrow to
see your list of choices.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The effects don’t let you customize your own but it gives you a wide variety of choices of
boarders and fill effects to choose from.
In the Word 2007 Page Setup section of the Page Layout tab we will make a change to our
greeting card so hang in there with me. Click the dropdown arrow under margins. Then click
Custom Margin.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
When you are creating a greeting card you don’t want large margins. When you fold the
greeting card you want a small margin so you don’t have a lot of white space around your
graphics and text.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Page Setup window opens when you click custom margins. This window give you several
options to customize your page but we only want to reduce our margin. Change the top,
bottom, right, and left margins to .25 Once you have done that click OK.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The next button in the Page
Setup section is Orientation. The
Orientation button lets you
choose which direction your
document will print either
Portrait or Landscape.
Next is the Size button
click the down arrow on
the size button to see
the menu. This menu
lets you select the size
of paper you will be
printing your document
on. Scroll through the
options using the scroll
bar on the right. If you
would like to see more
options click the More
Pages Sizes and a
window will open for you
to choose a more custom option.
The Columns button is great
for news papers and news
letters. This feature will break
your document up into as
many columns as you would
like. You can make your
selection either before or after
typing your articles. More
Columns give you not only the
option of how many columns
but the spacing and width of
your columns can be adjusted by clicking on
the more columns option. This will open the
window for you to make adjustments to your
Click the down arrow on
the Breaks button. Breaks
gives you the option to
format different sections of
your document separately.
You can insert page breaks
or section breaks. If you
would like one page with
columns and another
without this is the feature
you would use by inserting
a page break.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Next is Line numbers. If you are editing a long document and need to make references or
corrections. This is a great feature. When you make a selection you will
see a line number in the left hand margin of your document. You can
see in the drop down menu you have several options for the formatting
of your line numbers.
The last option is Hyphenation. When you select an
option from the dropdown menu it will hyphenate words that are at the edge
of your document. This can be very useful when typing newsletters in a
column format.
This tutorial covers the Word 2007 Page Background section of the Page Layout tab. The first
button is watermark. I like using the watermark feature in this section for printing flyers or
Christmas letters. The watermark feature places a very light image in the background of the
entire document that you can type over.
Click the down arrow on the Watermark button. The Watermark button gives you a list of
default watermarks you can put in your document. To use the default features simply scroll
through the options with the side scroll bar then click on the selection you would like to place in
your document.
The next option is to create a Custom Watermark. Click the Custom Watermark button. When
the Printed Watermark window appears select the radio button next to Picture watermark. Then
click select picture. Your explorer window will open for you to browse to the picture. It is also
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
great if you want to do children’s birthday invitations with a picture of your child as the
The Text watermark selection will allow you to customize the text, font, size and color to appear
in the background.
I encourage you to play with this feature it can make some really cute documents.
Now let's change the entire background color of the greeting card document we are working on.
Click the dropdown arrow next to Page color. You can select one of the colors provided, click
more colors, or select fill effects.
I have selected fill effects. If you choose to use
this option the Fill Effects window will open. For
my greeting card I used a Gradient fill effect. I
choose to use 2 colors (white and purple) Then
selected From Corner for the Shading styles. I
then choose the direction I wanted to gradient to
go from the Variants section. When you are
finished click OK. Play with the other tabs,
Texture, Pattern, and Picture to customize your
card the way you want it.
Remember that any choice you make will fill the
entire background of your document.
The last button in the Page Background section is
Page Boarders. Click the Page Boarders button.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Boarders and Shading window will open. This window gives you options to place a
customized boarder around your document. The left had settings let you choose the type of
boarder. Scroll down the style list to see all of your options. You can play with some of the
options and preview them in the right side of the window. Browse the colors the width and
maybe some of the art options. The Apply to: section on the right gives you the option to just
put a boarder around a certain section, a single page or the whole document. The 4 little
squares in the preview window let you customize where you want the boarder lines on your
You don’t have to have all 4 lines you can have just a line at the top or maybe in the left
margin. If you don’t want a boarder around your document and have tried some of the
selections click Cancel.
The Word 2007 References tab is a feature I wish Microsoft had when I was in High School and
College. These features would have been great for all those papers I had to write. I will go
through each section of the References tab. You can select the section you would like to learn
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
from the links at the top of this page or follow each one and click the next arrow at the bottom
to move through them sequentially.
The first section is Table of Contents. This is
great for those long college reports.
p>Once your report is finished, you would click on the table of
contents drop down arrow and select your style. This will create
your table of contents page automatically. It may even go through
your document and automatically add content. This is the easiest
way to add a table of contents.
If you would like more options click
the down arrow of the Table of
contents and select Insert Table of
Contents selection. This will open
the Table of Contents window. The
top 2 boxes will show you what your
Contents page will look like when
you click the OK button after
making all of your selections. The
check box next to Show page
numbers gives you the option to
show or hide page numbers. Right
align page numbers places the page
number at the far right hand side of
the document. If you have this box
checked it will let you select from a
list of Tab leaders. The General
section lets you select from a list of
formats for the text of your Content
page. Make you selection and see how it changes the text in the Print Preview box. Levels lets
you select how many indentations your table of contents will have in the list.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Options button will open a new Table of
Contents Options window. In this window you
have the option to select from more styles
and enter the number or letter you would like
to appear in the content list. Scroll through
all of the options with the scroll bar on the
right side. When you are finished with your
selections click OK to return to the Table of
Contents window.
Once all of your selections are made click the
OK button in the Table of Contents window
and you will be returned to your document
with the table of contents inserted.
The next button is Add Text. To use this
button go through your report and highlight
Text you want to add to your table of contents and click Add Text then select the outline level
you want the paragraph to be in your Table of Contents Page. This will place the text you
selected as the description and automatically format the table of contents with the page
number. If any additions or deletions are made to your report or when you add text and it does
not appear right away all you need to do is click Update Table and the page numbers in your
contents page will be updated.
That wraps up the Table of Contents section of the References tab click the next arrow to move
onto Footnotes.
The Word 2007 References tab is a feature I wish Microsoft had when I was in High School and
College. These features would have been great for all those papers
I had to write. I will go through each section of the References
tab. You can select the section you would like to learn from the
links at the top of this page or follow each one and click the next
arrow at the bottom to move through them
The first section is Table of Contents. This is
great for those long college reports.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
p>Once your report is finished, you would click on the table of contents drop down arrow and
select your style. This will create your table of contents page automatically. It may even go
through your document and automatically add content. This is the easiest way to add a table of
If you would like more options click
the down arrow of the Table of
contents and select Insert Table of
Contents selection. This will open
the Table of Contents window. The
top 2 boxes will show you what your
Contents page will look like when
you click the OK button after
making all of your selections. The
check box next to Show page
numbers gives you the option to
show or hide page numbers. Right
align page numbers places the page
number at the far right hand side of
the document. If you have this box
checked it will let you select from a
list of Tab leaders. The General
section lets you select from a list of
formats for the text of your Content
page. Make you selection and see how it changes the text in the Print Preview box. Levels lets
you select how many indentations your table
of contents will have in the list.
The Options button will open a new Table of
Contents Options window. In this window you
have the option to select from more styles
and enter the number or letter you would like
to appear in the content list. Scroll through
all of the options with the scroll bar on the
right side. When you are finished with your
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
selections click OK to return to the Table of Contents window.
Once all of your selections are made click the OK button in the Table of Contents window and
you will be returned to your document with the table of contents inserted.
The next button is Add Text. To use this button go through your report and highlight Text you
want to add to your table of contents and click Add Text then select the outline level you want
the paragraph to be in your Table of Contents Page. This will place the text you selected as the
description and automatically format the table of contents with the page number. If any
additions or deletions are made to your report or when you add text and it does not appear
right away all you need to do is click Update Table and the page numbers in your contents page
will be updated.
That wraps up the Table of Contents section of the References tab click the next arrow to move
onto Footnotes.
In this tutorial you will learn to use the Word 2007 Footnotes section of the References tab. A
footnote is used to comment on or provide a reference for text in a document. A footnote will
create two parts in your Word 2007 document; a note reference mark next to the sentence or
line you are referencing and the footnote text at the bottom of the page. To add a footnote to
your document select the location you want your reference mark to appear then click the Insert
Footnote button. This will bring you to the bottom of the page when you can type your
comments. The Insert Footnote button will not only add the foot not but also renumber them as
you move text around. Footnotes are usually for detailed comments and endnotes are used for
To insert an Endnote click in the location you want the reference mark then click on Insert
Endnote and it will be placed at the bottom of your document and allow you to type your
To scroll between all of your footnotes and endnotes click the Next Footnote button.
This button gives you the options to go to the next or previous endnote and footnotes. Show
Notes scrollsthrough the document to show you where all of your footnotes and endnotes are
located. The show notes button will be grayed out until you have footnotes inserted into
your document.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Now click the little icon in the lower right hand corner of the Footnotes section and a window
titled Footnote and Endnote will open. This window will give you all of your options to make
modifications to your endnotes and footnotes.
If you have inserted Footnotes the Endnotes selection will be grayed out and visa a versa. The
first section of the Footnote and Endnote window is Location. In the location section you can
choose where you would like your footnote or endnote to appear either at the bottom of the
page, document or section. The convert button will convert endnotes
to footnotes and footnotes to endnotes.
The Format section is where you choose how your footnotes and endnotes are labeled. Click the
down arrow next to number format to see your choices and make a selection. You can also
customize the mark by choosing a symbol. Click the Symbol button and you will get a new
window with symbol choices. You can start at any number for your footnotes and endnotes. Use
the up and down arrows to choose where you would like to start. The numbers can be
Continous, restarted at the beginning of each section, or restarted at the beginning of each
page. The changes in this window can be applied to the whole document or just a section if you
have your document divided into sections.
The Citations and Bibliography section you can automatically generate a bibliography based on
the source information that you provide for the document.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Insert Citation button lets you cite a book, article, or other information source you need
reference for a piece of information you used in your document. Click the Insert
Citation button and you will see three options. The first option is Add New Source click on the
Add New source selection. The Create Source window opens for you to enter all of your source
information. Select your type of source from the drop down menu use the scroll bar to the right
to see all of the options. Microsoft uses APA style by default for Citations. Make sure
you check to make sure you are set to the correct style before creating your source list. Word
2007 shows only the recommended fields by default if you would like more
options check the Show All Bibliography Fields box. Title your source entry in the Tag name field
and click OK.
The next selection in the Insert Citation button is Add New
Place Holder. This can be used to quickly enter a citation
entry and edit the information later. Click the Add New Place
Holder selection and the Placeholder Name window opens.
In this window enter the tag name for your citation and click
OK. This will placeholder will be entered into your
bibliography page.
The last selection in the Insert Citation button is Search Libraries. This
feature will only work if you are connected to the internet. Click the
Search Libraries selection and you will see a side bar window come up
on the right hand side of your document. In the Search for section type
a key word then press the down arrow next to All Reference Books. You
will see a list of all of the types of sources you can search or just leave
it to search for all Reference books. Now press enter or click the green
arrow. Microsoft Word 2007 will search the internet for you and give
you a list of sources to look into.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The next button in the Citations & Bibliography section is Manage Sources. Manage Sources lets
you view all of the sources you have listed. Click the Manage Sources button and the Source
Manager window opens
In the Source Manager Window the first tool is Search. If you have a long list of sources you
can type a key word to help you find your source. The next tool is a menu sort option. Click the
down arrow next to Sort by Author and you will be able to change the way your sources are
sorted. The next section is Master List. This is a list of all of the sources you have available. The
Current list is a list of your sources and placeholders. You can copy sources back and forth
between the two lists by clickinig the source and clicking the copy button. You can copy multiple
sources by clicking a source holding down the ctrl key on your keyboard and clicking the other
sources. To delete a source select it and click the delete button. If you would like to edit a
source click on the source then click the edit button. This will open the Edit Source window and
you can make any necessary changes. To create a new source click the New button and the
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Create source window will open for you to enter all of your information. When you are finished
click the Close button to return to your document.
Style lets you choose from a large list of formats for your Citations. Click the down arrow next
to Style to see your choices.
The Bibliography button creates a list of all sources in
your document. Select either Bibliography or Works Cited from the
list of Built-In Bibliographies. This will place your bibliography in
your document and use sources you have added with the Manage
Sources button. The Insert Bibliography selection at the bottom
will work the same way it just won't format the bibliography like
the Built-In selections. If you format your bibliography and would
like to save the style select save Selection to Bibliography Gallery
and the next time you insert a bibliography you will see your style
in the Built-In section.
That wraps up the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab. Click the next arrow
to move onto Captions or select another tutorial.
The Captions section in Word 2007 References tab can be used for
Holiday letters to put a caption with pictures or to label tables and
objects you insert into your word documents. The first button is
Insert Caption.
To insert a caption on a picture or object then click the Insert Caption button. The Caption
window will appear In this window enter the caption you would like to appear under your
picture or object in the Caption section. This window also gives you more options to format your
caption. In the label dropdown menu you can choose from Equation, Figure, or Table. The
position dropdown menu gives you option of above or below the selected item. You can exclude
the L label from your caption by checking the box.
You are also able to create your own labels for your captions.
Click on the New Label button. This brings up the New Label
window. Type the label you would like to add to the Label
dropdown menu and click OK.
You are also able to edit the style of numbers that will appear in
your captions. Click the Numbering button. In the Caption
Numbering window you can use the drop down arrow next to format to choose your number
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
style. You can check the Inculde chapter number to set up numbering by chapter. In order for
chapters to work you need to create a multi level list from the Home Tab and link your list items
to headings in your document. Once you have made your selections click OK. This will return
you to the Caption Window.
Click the OK button in the Caption window and
this will place a text box under the image you
want the caption to be placed.
The next button in the caption window we are
going to cover is AutoCaption. Click the
AutoCaption button in the Caption window. The
AutoCaption window will open. Auto caption is
used to insert a caption automatically when you
insert the selected objects. Go through the list of
inserts and place a check mark in the box next to
what you would like a caption associated with.
Then choose the type of label you would like or
Click the New Label button and create your own.
Then choose what position you would like the
caption to be placed in. Click OK. This will return
you to your document. Now every time you
insert the type of object you select in the
AutoCaption window into your document Word
2007 will automatically place a caption with the object.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Insert Table of Figures button will place a list of all the images you have a caption under in
a table in your documents so you can reference each one with a page number.
Click the Insert Table of Figures button and the Table of Figures window will come up. In this
window you will see to the left a Print Preview pane. This will show you what your table of
figures will look like once you have created it. Next is a web Preview pane. In this section of the
window you can choose to check the Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers. What this will do
is change each line into a link that when clicked on will take you directly to that figure.
If you choose to use page numbers check the Show page numbers box and select how you
would like the page numbers aligned, and the type of leader you would like displayed.
In the General section of the Table of Figures window click the down arrow next to formats and
choose how you would like the text to appear in the Table of Figures. Then select the caption
you would like to use, and check or uncheck the box to include or exclude the label and
Now click on the Options button. The Table of
Figures Options window will open. If you have used
styles in your captions you can use the same style
for your table of Figures by selecting the style in this
window. This window lets you choose how your table
of figures will be displayed. Once you are finished
click OK and you will be returned to the Table of
Figures Window.
Now that you
returned to the Table of figures window click on the
Modify button. This button brings up the Style window.
Now click the Modify button again this will bring up the
modify style window. In this window you can select and
edit the font and format of your table of figures,
Click the OK button when you are finished, click OK in
the Style window and you will return to the Table of
figures window where you can finish your modifications
and click OK to exit and apply all of the changes to
your document.
If you add to your document after creating the Table of
Figures click Update Table and the page numbers will be
updated. You can refer to tables, figures, or headings by
adding a cross-reference. If you use the Cross-
reference button all cross-references will be
automatically updated when pages numbers change. By
default all cross-references are a hyperlink in the document.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
That concludes the tutorial on the Captions section of the References tab in Word 2007 Click the
next arrow and we will move onto the Index section.
The next section is word 2007 Index. Creating and updating an index in your document has
been made very simple. To create an Index click the Insert Index button. This brings up the
index window.
In this window you can make your selections
to format your index. The Print Preview will show
you how the selections you make will appear in
your document. Type can be either indented
which is shown in the example or Run-in will
make the index entries in a line separated with a
semicolon. Columns is the number of columns
you want your index to appear in. If you would
like the numbers aligned on the right hand side
of the page checkthe Right align page number
box this will make the Tab leader
selections available. The Tab leaders can be
selected by using the down arrow. Now click the
down arrow in the Formats. Formats are a
selction of styles for your text. Play with them to
see how they affect the Print Preview. Click the
Ok button and This will automatically create the
As you go through your document highlight words you
want included in the Index and click Mark Entry. The
Mark Entry button will open the Mark Index Entry
window. In this window the text that you highlighted
before clicking the button will be in the Main Entry
field. If you would like a subentry to this Index entry
type it in the next box. In the Options section of this
window you can have a cross referenceentered in the
index by selecting that button and then typing what
you would like to cross reference in the text box.
Current page will put the page number of your main
entry in the index. If you would like multiple pages you
can select page range and book mark the section of
your document. Page number format section allows
you to select if you would like your page numbers
Bold, Italic or Both. The Mark Index Entry window will
stay open until you click the X to close the window. This allows you to mark multiple entries in
your document and saves you a few steps to do it. When you are finished with each entry click
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
the Mark button. When you are finished click the close button or the red X to return to
your document. Now that you have created an Index and marked entries click anywhere in your
index and notice that the Update Index is now available. Click the Update Index button and you
will see all of the entries that you marked appear in your Index.
The final section of Word 2007 References tab is Table of Authorities. A table of authorities is a
list of cases, statutes, and other authorities. This section works just like creating an index.
Click the Insert Table of Authorities button.
The Table of Authorities window comes up and gives you a Print Preview section for you to see
how the Table of Authorities will be displayed in your document. For the Category section select
what type of authority you will be using in your document. Use the check boxes next to Passim
and Keep original formatting to select or deselect the options. When you are checking or
unchecking the boxes notice how it affects the Print perview. The tab leader will only be
available if you have the keep original formatting checked. Use the down arrows on Tab leader
and formats to see your options.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Once you are finished you can click the Mark Citation button to go through your document and
select the text you want included in the table of authorities. When you are finished click the OK
button to return to your document.
As you go through your document you can highlight additional authorities and click the Mark
Citation button. This will put the selected text in the box and give you the options to choose the
Category and enter a short or long citation.
The update button will automatically update all page numbers. Click inside the table of
authorities that has been inserted into your document and the Update table button will become
The Word 2007 mailings section is one of my favorites. I use this all of the time to send holiday
cards to my friends and family. In the Mailings tab you can create your list of contacts
and print envelopes or letters automatically addressed to a whole list of people. What a time
Let’s jump right in with the first section Create. The Envelopes button in the Create section will
open another window where you can either create a single envelope or create a document for
the envelope to do a mail mergewhich we will cover in a minute. Click the Envelopes button.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
When the envelopes and labels window opens notice you have a place to enter your delivery
address and Return address. To create a single envelope type the address you would like for
the recipient and your return address and click the Print button. Make sure you have your
envelope loaded in your printer before you click print. This will default to a #10 envelope and
send the envelope to your printer without giving you any other options.
Notice above the Delivery address text box you will see a little icon of a book. If you click this
icon it will open your outlook contacts and you are able to select one and it will automatically
enter the selected person’s address in the Delivery Address box.
To add electronic postage to a printed envelope you need to subscribe to a postage service for a
Open the envelopes and labels window again if it closed after printing your envelope. If
you check the Omit check box this will omit the return address from printing on your envelopes.
Click the Options button.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Envelope Options window will open. In this window you can choose your envelope size by
clicking the drop down arrow under Envelope size and choosing from the list of selections.
In the Delivery Address section you can change the font of the delivery address by clicking on
the button and making your changes to the font style and size in the window. The Return
Address section works the same way.
In the Preview section you will see a picture of the envelope you selected with the changes you
Now click on the Printing Options Tab.
In the printing options you can choose how your envelope will be loaded into your printer and if
you have more than one tray to load paper what tray your envelopes will be in.
Click OK if you made any changes otherwise click Cancel to return to the Envelopes and Labels
Once you have returned to the Envelopes and Labels window you can either select Print if you
are only going to print one envelope and you have entered your information in the text boxes or
you can click add to document. The Add to Document button will put the envelope in your
current Word document.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
If you choose to add the envelope to the document it will keep all of the formats and allow you
to change the envelope style with the tools you already know how to use in the Home tab. You
can change text color, add graphics, etc. This is what you will need to do to use the mail merge.
The next button in the Create section is Labels. By clicking on the Labels button it will open the
same Envelopes and Labels windows that openedwhen you clicked on the Envelopes button.
The only difference will be that the Labels tab will automatically be selected.
To create your label you can either create labels that are all the same by entering your
information in the Address text box or you can create a new document with the
new document button and make each label different. In the Print section you can select Full
page of the same label if you have entered information in the Address section or print a single
label with the information. If you choose to print a single label look at your page if labels and
enter the row and column of the next available label. In the label section is where you can
choose the type of label you are printing on. Click on the Label section.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Label Options Window will open. This is where you can select the vendor you purchased the
label from, Avery is the most common, then select the product number that you will be able to
find on the outside of the package you labels came in. The Label information section will confirm
that you have made the right selection by giving you the dimensions of your labels. Once you
have made your selections click the OK button to return to the Envelopes and Labels window.
Now that you have selected your label size either click print to print the label or click
New Document to open a Word 2007 page with the label size selected.
Now we will move on to my favorite section Word 2007 Start Mail Merge. In this section you will
learn how to create envelopes, letters, or labels so you can create one list of contacts
and print all of the envelopes for your contact list with a few simple steps.
Click the Start Mail Merge button then select Step by Step Mail Merge
Wizard. You will see a window pane appear on the right side of your
document. This is a 6 step process.
First select what type of document you will be creating the mail merge in.
I am going to select envelopes for this tutorial. You can select what ever
option will best serve your needs. Once you have made a selection click
Next: Starting document.
In the next screen select Change document layout and click Next: Select
If you are making envelopes the envelopes option window will open.
Select the size of envelope you are printing on and click OK.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
This will return you to the Mail Merge wizard with the pageformat changed to the size of the
Select recipients gives you three options:
 Use an existing list which will let you select an excel spreadsheet or access database that
you have already created to print your mail merge.
 Select from Outlook Contacts which will let you open all contacts you have stored in
Microsoft Outlook Contact List and select only the recipients you want to enter into your
mail merge.
 Type a new list will open a New Address List window for you to enter your contacts. Once
you are finished entering your contact list it will give you the option to save the list.
The file defaults to My Data Source file in My Documents. By saving the list you are able
to use the same list for all of you mail merge projects over and over again. The list can
be modified and you don’t have to use everyone in the list every time, you can pick and
Once you have finished with your contact list click Next: Arrange your envelope.
Now place your cursor where you would like your address block to go. Then click Address Block
In the Insert Address Block window some of the fields in your
recipient list may not all be matched up. If you don’t see all the
recipients information in the Preview box click the Match
fields button.
The Match Fields window will open. In the fields that say (not
matched) click the drop down arrow as shown in
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
the print screen and select the according field for that aspect of the address block.
If you are going to use this same list over again check the Remember this matching for this set
of data sources on this computer. Then select OK to return to the Insert Address Block Window.
Click OK again to continue with the Mail Merge wizard.
Click Next: Preview your envelope
This section of mail merge will let you click through each recipient you have selected to see how
their information will appear on your envelope. You can also use the exclude this
recipient button to filter your contacts as you click through.
Click Next: Complete the merge
In the final step click the Print link and you will get the Merge
to Printer window where you can select to print all your
envelopes at one time, just print the Current envelope or
select a range to print. Once you have made your selection
make sure your printer is ready and click OK.
The next buttons in the Start Mail Merge section will do the
same thing we already covered in the Wizard. I would
recommend using the mail merge wizard until you are completely comfortable with the mail
merge process. Even with my computer background I still use the wizard.
This tutorial will cover Word 2007 Write & Insert Fields of the Mailing tab. Until you have started a mail
merge the sections we are covering will be grayed out. If you do not use the wizard you would click the
drop down arrow on the Start Mail Merge Button and select the type of merge document you would like
to create to make the rest of the buttons in use.
If you are typing a lengthy document with several merge fields you may want to highlight them so you
know where they are. To do this click the Highlight Merge Fields button in the Write and Insert Fields
To create an address block manually click the Address Block button and the same Address Block window
will appear for you to match your recipients and make you selections.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Greeting Line button opens the Insert Greeting Line window for you to do form letters and address
each letter to an individual with a simple mail merge.
Select the Greeting line format with the drop down arrows. Then select how you would like the greeting
line to appear if you do not have a contact name. Use the arrows to scroll through your contact list
recipients. If you have any problems click the Match Fields button. Then click OK to finish the Greeting
line for your form letter.
The Insert Merge Field lets you input fields individually. Click the drop down arrow for a list of your
The Rules button is a more advanced feature. It allows a user to set rules to control how Microsoft Office
Word merges information. If you would like more information on this button please contact me and I will
email you a tutorial.
Match fields button will open the same Match Fields window you used when we went through the wizard.
The Update Labels button will update your mailing labels with new information if you made changes to
your recipient list.
The Word 2007 Preview Results section will replace the merge fields with your data from the
recipient list. This is used to let you see how your data will appear in the actual document. The
number with the arrows on eitherside in the Preview Results section of the Mailings tab will let
you use the arrows to preview each record. By clicking the arrows you will be able to see each
recipient in your list and make sure that names and addresses will fit in the area you provided.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The Find Recipient button lets you search for text in
your recipient list. This button will only be available if
you have started a mail merge. Click on the button if
it is available. The Find Entry window will come up
and let you type in any text you want to find a
recipient. The text can be part of a name,
address, phone number, or what every information
you have to find your contact.
The Auto Check for Errors button will bring up the Checking
and reporting Errors button. Select how you would like your
error checking to be handled and click OK. Word 2007
will check your merge document for errors and tell you how
to fix any errors that occurred.
Now for your final step in completing your merge document. The
Word 2007 Finish section of the mailings tab.. When you click finish
you will be given three options.
The first option is Edit Individual Documents. Click on this
selection, a new window will come up asking if you would like
to view All, the Current record, or a specific range of
documents. Make your selection from the Merge to New
Document window and click OK. This will open a new Word
document with your mail merge displayed with the data you
created. You can go through and make changes to individual
entries before you print. If you choose this option from the
finish section you can use the print key in the Office icon because it has created a new
document in the format you want.
To print from the Finish option click the Finish Merge button and select Print document from the
selection list. select send to printer. The same Merge to New Document window will open. This
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
will give you the option to print all records, the current record or select a section. Once you
have made your choice click OK and you have completed your mail merge!and the document
will be sent to the printer.
The last option is to Send E-mail Messages. If you have used email addresses in your mail
merge you can send your document to your email list. Select Send E-mail messages from the
Finish button selections. In the Merge to E-mail window use the down arrow next to to: and
select the title of you used for your email list. Type a subject that will appear in each email and
the email format you would like to send it in. Select the records you would like to send to and
click OK. This will use your email client Outlook or Outlook express to send the emails to the
In this tutorial we will be covering the Word 2007 Review tab. This tab is used for proof reading
a document, adding comments, tracking changes made to a document and comparing
The first section is Proofing. Once you have completed a document this is
where you want to be. Some people proof read a document as they go,
but this section is always a good double check. I am sure you have
noticed if you have typed a document of any length that if you misspell a
word a red squiggly line appears underneath. If you did not fix the error
click the Spelling and Grammar button. This button will open the Spelling and Grammar
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
In the Spelling and Grammar window if any errors were found, either grammar or spelling the
will appear in the upper box with suggestions of the fix below. If you do not want to fix the
error click Ignore. If you want to correct the error select one of the suggestions from the
suggestions box and click the Change button. If there are no selections available or if you don’t
want to use any of the suggestions but still want to make a change, change the error in the
upper box and click the change button.
When you are finished making any changes a Window will appear that says Spelling and
Grammar complete. This box will also appear if no errors were found.
The next button is Research. The Research button opens a pane that you can search through
references materials such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Click the Research button to play
with the options a little.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
Type in a word under Search for: Then you are able to choose what types of reference materials
you want to search through. It is a great tool for school papers.
The Thesaurus is another great way to spice up a schoolpaper. You can either highlight a word
then click the thesaurus button or click the button and type your word in the search for text
box. Then Microsoft Word 2007 will give you choices of other words for the word you selected.
The translate button will Translate selected text into another language. After selecting your text
and clicking the translate button you will get a pane similar to the other buttons in this section
so you can choose the language.
The last button is the word count. That button is the button in
the far right bottom corner of the Proofing section. If you
click this button you will get a summary of the word count of
your document.
If you check the box at the bottom it will include textboxes,
footnotes and endnotes.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
When you are finished click the close button to return to your Word 2007 document.
This section in the Review Tab of Word 2007 is Comments. The Word 2007
comments section lets someone add a comment to your document. The
comments work like sticky notes.
Click the New Comment button you will see a line that goes from the
section of the document your cursor is to the edge of the page. You can
also highlight sections of text for your reference comment. Once you have inserted your
comment click in the comment box and type your note.
The Delete button gives you 3 choices. You can delete the selected
comment, delete all commentsshown, or delete all commentsin the
Using the Previous and Next buttons you can scroll through each comment quickly.
The view tab in Word 2007 is where you can change the way your documentlooks on your
computer screen. You are able to see grid lines, zoom in and out, or look at pages in a book
view. This will be a fairly short tutorial. Some of the sections you will not use and we can cover
them briefly. Lets get started with the first section.
The first section in the View tab is Document Views. When you
click on the Print Layout button in the Document Views section
this will change the view of the document you are working on to
look just like the document will print.
The next button, Full Screen Reading, changes the view of the document to a larger view that
takes up most of the screen and removes the buttons at the top to maximize the view for easy
reading and editing. If you choose this view click the close button at the top right corner to
return to the normal view.
The Web Layout button will change the view of the document to appear as it would if the pages
were turned into a web page.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The outline button will show your document as an outline then give you another tab with more
outlining tools.
The last button, Draft, will give you a chance to view your document as a draft for quick editing.
This view removes elements of the document such as headers and footers for easy editing.
This section in the View tab is Word 2007 Show/Hide. This section
uses check boxes to select these view options. You are able to
select multiple choices in this section. The first option is Ruler. If
this box is checked you will notice a ruler at the top and along the
left edge of your document. This can be helpful to let you
know how fardown or across the page you are. It can also help
with centering and aligning objects on the page.
The Gridlines option if checked will make your page look like a piece of graph paper.
Message Bar will open the message bar if someone has created tasks for you to complete by
using the Review tab. This option will be grayed out if there are no tasks on the document.
Document Map will open a pane in the left margin of your document with a few lines of text
from each page so you can easily navigate through your document by clicking on the sections.
Thumbnails are similar to Document Map. They are small pictures of each page of
your document. Thumbnails also opens a pane in the left margin with a small graphic of each
page in your document.
This section is Word 2007 Zoom. The Zoom buttonwill open the Zoom window. The zoom
window gives you the options to zoom in or out on the document. Play with the options so you
can see what each option does. You can always get it back to 100% by clicking on the
next button 100%.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
The One Page button will let you see the entire page all at once. Two pages button will let you
see 2 pages next to each other.
The Page Width button zooms in so the width of the
page matches the width of the window.
This section is word 2007 Window is used when you are
working on more than 1 word document and need to see
multiple documents at one time.
The New Window button let you open a new Word 2007 window with the document you are
currently working on in a different view.
The Arrange All button will tile all of the Word 2007 documents you have open and put them
side by side.
The Split button will split the current document into 2 sections so you can view different parts
of the document at the same time.
The View Side by Side button will be grayed out unless you have more than one Word 2007
document open. If you have multiple documents open the click the button and it will place 2
documents side by side like in a book. This will push all of your buttons together so you may
need to do some looking to find what you need.
Once you have chosen to put your documents side by side you are able to turn on and off the
Synchronous Scrolling. This will let you scroll both document at the same time to compare
If you have been viewing documents side by side and have changed the size of the windo w you
are viewing them you can click the Reset Window Position button to restore it to the original
positions and the windows will share the screen equally.
The last button we are going to talk about is the Switch Windows button. If you have multiple
Word 2007 documents open when you click the down arrow on the Switch Windows button it
will give you a list of open Word documents to select from so it is easy to switch between your
A macro is a series of commands and
instructions that you group together as a
single command to accomplish a task
Once a macro is recorded you will need
to make the
developer ribbon available to make any
changes or work with your macro.
The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial
This is the last tutorial in Word 2007. tutorials to learn about different programs.

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Microsoft word tutorial 2007 from lion kings computers

  • 1. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 1
  • 2. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 2 Microsoft word tutorial 2007 From Lion Kings Computer Centre Orba
  • 3. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 3 From the management of lion kings computer centre Note: this tutorial handbook shouldbeusedunderthesupervisionofateacher, ifnot don’thesitateto ask questionswhenyouencounteranyproblemorwhenyougetconfusedalongtheway. MICROSOFT WORD 2007 Word 2007 it is quite different from the old versions. In these Microsoft Word 2007 tutorials
  • 4. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 4 We are going to start with the basics and then move step by step through each tab at the top to include the Home tab, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailings, Review, and end with View. Let’s get started. Most beginner computer users will use Word for typing a letter to a family member or friend, typing up a recipe or creating a fun card or flyer. We are going to have a little fun with these tutorials and design a greeting card along with editing some other types of documents. This will allow me to show you all of the features a basic computer user will want to know. We will even show you how to create and print envelopes for you to use to mail home made cards. I will be bouncing back and forth between documents in order to explain the best way I can how to use these features in Word 2007 so bare with me. It will be a bit of a slow go. This tutorial will take you through how to use the features located in the Microsoft Office Logo in the upper left corner of Word 2007. When you open Word 2007 it starts you with a new document. All of your basic commands that you will use on most documents are located at the top of the screen by clicking on the Microsoft office logo. Click the upper left corner on the Microsoft Office logo to see the list of options. Even though you already have a new document open click on the New icon. The New Document window will open and give you template options to choose from.
  • 5. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 5 Click on Installed Templates. This will give you a list of templates you can uses that are already installed on your computer and you do not have to download from the internet. These can be time savers if you are in a hurry to create a professional looking document. Below the Installed Templates in a list of other templates you can download off the internet. These are also great time savers. It just takes a few extra clicks to download the document online. Now click cancel. We are going to do things the hard way by designing our own. I just wanted you to get a feel for all of the features New document has, besides just starting with a blank page. We are going to do this tutorial in the order of the tabs at the top. So now that we have a blank document open click on the Microsoft Office logo at the top left and click Save as.
  • 6. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 6 The Word 2007 Save As is a little different than past versions. If you are planning to send the document via email or save it to a disk and use another computer to open it click the Word 97- 2003 Document. If the other computer does not have Word 2007 but has an older version this selection lets you open the document in an older version of Word. If you plan on using Word 2007 to open the document each time click the top Word Document selection.
  • 7. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 7 Select the file location you would like to save the greeting card. Usually the file location defaults to My Documents. Type greeting card in the File name: box and click save. You can also change the document type to open in an older version of word in the Save As Window by clicking the drop Save as type: down menu and selecting Word 97-2003 Document. Now that the document is saved let’s close and reopen the document. Click on the Microsoft Office icon in the upper left corner and at the very bottom click Close. There are 3 ways to reopen a document. 1. Double click on the My Documents folder from your desktop and then double click on the greeting card.docx file. This will automatically open Word 2007 and your saved document.
  • 8. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 8 2. Open Word 2007 and click on the Microsoft Office icon in the upper left corner. The drop down menu will appear and you can either click on the Open Icon and it will take you to your My Document folder where you can double click the greeting card.docx file and open it, or 3. In the right hand column of the drop down menu you will see Recent Documents. Scan down the list of documents until you find greeting card.docx file and click.
  • 9. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 9 I know we have not got to the heart of our greeting card yet but we have found the basics we need to know for every Word document we create. Click the Next arrow to move onto the Home tab. I have broken each tab in to sections. Click on one of the above section links to continue to your tutorial. In the Microsoft Word 2007 home tab tutorials you will find most of your basic features. These are the tools you will find yourself using the most when creating a Word document. With this tab you are able to change the style, size and color of your font, align test, create bullets and numbers, and cut and paste text. We are going to continue with our greeting card we started at the beginning of the Word 2007 tutorials. Open that document and let’s get started. Now that you have your document open type “Happy Birthday” at the top and we will go through the sections of the home tab to edit and change the text. We will start at the left and move from section to section. The first section is the Clipboard. The Clipboard is a very useful tool to move text, pictures, and charts from one place to another on a page or from one document to another. Let’s practice using the Clipboard features with our Happy Birthday text we just typed. Highlight “Happy Birthday” by clicking and holding the left mouse button down in front of the text and dragging the cursor to the end and let go. Once you have done that notice that the scissor icon and the two pieces of paper icon are no longer grayed out. (when an icon is grayed out it you are not able to use it) Now that the icons are functioning, click on the scissors to cut the text. The text will disappear and go into what is called the clipboard. You can also do this on the keyboard by pressing the
  • 10. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 10 ctrl button holding it down and pressing x. You can place the mouse over the icon without clicking and get an explanation and the keyboard command for each icon. Try placing the mouse over the clipboard icon and wait about 2 seconds and see what happens. Notice that the scissors and papers have been grayed out again because there is no text selected for them to cut or copy. Now let’s get our text back. Click on the clipboard icon. You Happy Birthday text will be pasted back into your Word document. This feature will work the same if you switch documents or click in a different location of the same document. The icon with the two pieces of paper is the copy icon. If you don’t want the text to be removed from the location it is in currently you can click the paper icon or press ctrl c to copy the text. Then it works the same as the cut feature you click where you would like the text placed and click on the clipboard icon. If you have copied or cut several objects from a document you can view and select them by viewing your entire clipboard. Click on the little arrow icon in the bottom right corner of the Clipboard section.
  • 11. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 11 This will open the Office Clipboard Task Pane. You will see a list of everything that had been copied or cut during your session in Microsoft Word 2007. If you click on any of the items in the list it will paste them into the document. Click the x in the upper right corner of the Clipboard Task pane to close it. If you have a good understanding of the Clipboard we will move on to the Font section. Again if you have any questions about what a button is place your mouse over it without clicking and it will give you a brief description to refresh your memory. The Word 2007 Font section in the Home tab gives you features to change the font face, size, color, and style. If you are creating the greeting card we already started open it now and highlight “Happy Birthday” by clicking and holding the left mouse button in front of the text and dragging it to the end and let go. Now click the drop down arrow next to Time New Roman to change the text to a different style.
  • 12. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 12 You can scroll through the different fonts by clicking the down arrow in the bottom right corner. When you see a font you like click on it and your text will change. I choose Goudy stout. Now we are going to change the size of our text. Highlight your text and click the dropdown arrow next to the number 12. Click on the font size 20. You can also click on the large A with the up arrow next to it and increase the font one size at a time. The smaller A with the down arrow next to it will decrease the font one size at a time. This feature is useful if you are not sure how large or small you want your text to be or you don’t know how large you can make text and still fit in the area you want. Now I want everyone to hold down the ctrl key and press s. This will save the document. It is a good habit to get into. Use this often. There is nothing worse than loosing a document you worked so hard on. It happens more often than not. I just spent over 2 hours on the phone with my mother-in-law trying to get a document back because she went to unplug a space heater and accidently unplugged the computer. It happens I can’t stress enough use ctrl and the s key often!! Ok I am finished preaching. Moving on to the next button, the button with the Aa and an eraser. This button will undo all of the editing you have done on text and return it to the Times New Roman font and a font size of 12. These 7 buttons are very useful and you will use them often. Try these buttons on your Happy Birthday text just to see what happens and if you like any of them you can keep them. Or when you are finished you can always click the button again to undo it. 1. Starting with the button, it will make selected text bold. The keyboard command for this is hold down the ctl button and press B. 2. The button is italicize. Be careful with this one, with some fonts the italicize button makes it hard to read. The keyboard command for italicize is hold down the ctl button and press I.
  • 13. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 13 3. The is the underline button. It can be used in 2 ways. If you just click the button or press ctrl U you will get a simple one line underline. Now click on the drop down arrow next to U. This will give you several options to choose from to get a fancier line. 4. The button is used to strike through text. This can be very useful when you are editing a document and don’t want to loose your original thought. 5. and are subscript and superscript. These are used for fractions I use these frequently when making recipe cards. The subscript and superscript will sometimes automatically change numbers into fractions while you are typing. 6. The last button is the This button will let you change the case of your text. Highlight your Happy Birthday text and click the Aa button. You are able to select Sentence case, lowercase, UPPERCASE, Capitalize each word, or tOGGLE cASE. Click on UPPERCASE. I have found this tool very useful when I have accidently hit the caps lock key and didn’t realize it until I already had a sentence or two typed. Use this tool then you don’t have to retype! Now we will finish the Font section with the last two buttons; highlight and font color These button’s names speak for themselves. When you click the Button you will get a selection of colors to choose from. Select your color and you will get a cursor that looks like a highlighter marker. Click the left mouse button and drag it over the text you would like to highlight. It works just like a regular highlighter. The Button allows you to change the color of your text. Select the Happy Birthday Text and click on the Button. You will get a dropdownmenu of colors with an option at the bottom More colors. If you select More colors you will get to create your own color using this window.
  • 14. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 14 To create your own click in the color box close to the color you would like and then drag the right arrow next to the color line up or down to change the shade. Your new color will appear in the bottom right corner. Once you have selected your color for your text click the next button to continue to the Paragraph section of the Home tab. The best way to describe the Paragraph section is to say it formats the location, color, or view of your text or objects on the page. The first three buttons are list buttons. The 1st button is a bulleted list. Click on the dropdown menu to see you selections for you bullets.
  • 15. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 15 These are just a few of your options if you click on the Define New Bullet you have endless options to create your own look and feel. When you click on the Define New Bullet the above window pops up and you can create your own bullet by using the Symbol, Picture or font button. The Alignment dropdown menu lets you choose where on the page you would like your list to appear and the Preview section will let you know what your bullet will look like before you click OK and start your bulleted list. Once you select your bullet style it will automatically place a bullet on your document. Type your text after your bullet and hit enter to create the next item in your list. If you are finished with your list hit enter twice and the bullets will be discontinued. The same rules apply with the numbered list Click the drop down menu on the numbered list button to get your options.
  • 16. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 16 You can choose numbers with a dot or a bracket, roman numerals, letters or define your own format.
  • 17. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 17 When you click Define your own format the above window appears and you can customize your own format by instead of using a predefined one. Just enter your customizations in each category, preview it in the preview pane until you are satisfied and click OK. The numbers will work the same way as the bullets, after typing your text hit enter and the next number will appear. When your list is complete press enter twice and your numbered list will end. The last list button is the multilevel list. This is great for outlines. It works the same as the lists above with all of the option and customizations but it has one difference; to get to the next level in the list press tab and your list item will tab over and change to the second level format. Once you have tabbed over to the second, third, etc level when you hit enter it will stay at that level until you hold down the Shift key and press tab. This keyboard command will bring your list up a level. To discontinue the list simply hit enter twice and you can continue your document without continuing the list. The next two buttons Increase and Decrease an Indent at the beginning of a paragraph. Notice the hourglass at the top left of your word document in the ruler. Now click on the Increase Indent button Did you notice how the hourglass moved to the right? This is setting a tab. Each time you finish a paragraph and press tab on your keyboard the tab will move to the location of the hourglass. By clicking the Increase Indent button more than once the hourglass moves further to the right. The Decrease Indent button will move the tab back. The button will alphabetize a list of words or sort numbers for you. To use this features simply select the text you would like to organize by clicking in front of the text you want to highlight and dragging the mouse to the end of the text then click the button It will alphabetize the list of words for you. The next button I use all of the time to help me with my formatting. The Button will give you formatting symbols on your document. It allows you to see if you have an extra space
  • 18. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 18 between words by the dots or an extra line break by the paragraph symbol. I usually keep mine on all of the time. These 4 buttons you will use to justify your text on the page. Either click the button before you start typing or highlight text that has already been typed and click the justification you want. The button is your line spacing. To use this feature you can either click on the drop down menu and select your options or highlight your text then click and select. Most users will only need to select one of the default options listed. If you are interested in other options besides the default line spacing selections click on Line Spacing Options. This will open the Paragraph window. In this
  • 19. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 19 window you can do the same things we have been using the buttons for. The 3rd section down is spacing. You can use the arrows to increase or decrease the spacing before or after the text you have selected. Under Line spacing you have a drop down menu where you can select from single, double, 1.5 lines, At Least, Exactly, or Multiple. The At selection is where you can input your custom settings. The Preview section at the bottom will let you see what the spacing will look like in your document. Click the OK button to return to your document and make the changes. The fill button and Boarders button can be used on individual lines of text. If you would like to change the color of the background for an area of text in your document click the button before you start typing and choose a color from the drop down menu. When you are finished typing click the fill button again and the background will go back to the original color. or highlight the text you would like a different background and select a color from the dropdown menu and the background of selected text will change.
  • 20. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 20 The Boarders Button works the same way as the background fill but will place a boarder around the text. Click the dropdown menu to see all of your options. That wraps up the tutorial on the Paragraph section of the Home tab. Click the next button to move onto Styles. The Word 2007 Styles section is used to quickly format an entire document. A style is a set of formatting characteristics such as font size, color, paragraph alignment, spacing, and shading. Open one of your existing letters or document and press ctrl key and A. This will select the entire document. Or if you are just beginning a document you can make these selections before you start typing. Scroll through the default styles with the up and down arrows to the right. Click on one of the default styles and it will change your documents if you already have one typed or start typing and see how Word 2007 is automatically making the changes to the style. If you don’t like the looks of it simply make sure the entire document is hightlighted and click another style.
  • 21. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 21 The next button is Change Styles. This button gives you the opportunity to customize the style you choose. Click the down arrow to see the options. The first selection is Style Set. A style set is the combination of formatting changes you make to a document. Place your mouse over Style Set to see a list of options. These options will change the style selections you can choose from. If you have made style changes to your document you can click the selections at the bottom of the list to Reset changes made to a template, reset the document to quick styles, or save your customized style as a Quick Style set. The next selection in the Change Styles button is Colors. Place your mouse over Colors. You will see a list of preselected color combinations. These color combinations are for different text colors throughout your document. If you select the Create New Theme Color at the bottom of the menu you will see a list of the different types of text you can change the colors. Next is the Fonts selection in the Change Styles button. Click on the Fonts selection and see a list of default combination of Fonts. The top is the Heading font and the bottom is the text for the body of the document. Use the arrow slide bar on the right hand sideto scroll through the selections. At the bottom of the Fonts menu you will see Create New Theme Fonts. Click on this option. The Create new Theme Fonts window will open.
  • 22. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 22 In the Create new Theme Fonts window you can customize a font theme. Simply use the down arrows to select a font for the Heading and or the Body. Name your font theme and click Save. The last option in the Change Styles button is the set as default selection. This will take the current theme of your document and set it to default so every time you start a new document the theme you have created will be used. Click Next to move onto the last section of the home tab, Editing. Last but not least is the Word 2007 Editing section. These features are great for large documents. If you need to look for a specific word or section of your document click on the find button When the Find and Replace window opens type the word you are looking for and the Find Next button will no longer be grayed out. Click on Find Next and it will bring you to the word in your document you typed in the Find what text box. Now click on the Replace the button in the Editing section.
  • 23. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 23 The same Find and Replace window pops up except the Replace tab is selected. This feature is useful if you have dates or names in a form letter you need to change. Type the word you would like to change in the Find what text box and Type the word you would like to change it to in the Replace with text box. The Replace, Replace All and the Find Next buttons will no longer be grayed out. If you would like to replace the words one at a time click Find Next and if it is a word you want replaced click Replace and continue that way through the document. If you know you want every word replaced click Replace All and each word in the document will be replace. We are finished with the Home tab. I hope you learned all you wanted to learn and that the tutorial was easy to follow. If you are ready to move on Click the Next arrow and we will move onto the Insert tab. In the Word 2007 Tutorials Insert tab edition we will go step by step through each section of the Insert tab just like we did on the Home Tab. We will continue to work on the greeting card we started. I know this is a long process to make a simple card but I want you to have a through understanding of all the functions of Word 2007. The insert tab's name fits its function well. Anything you think you might want to add to a word document you use the insert tab to insert the extra features into your document. We will work our way through from left to right. On the far left the first section is Pages. The three categories you can insert for pages are; Cover Page, Blank Page, and Page Break. These three features are useful if you are creating a professional or long document.
  • 24. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 24 We will not use them for our card but lets go through what each feature does. Click on the down arrow next to cover page. Notice how you get a selection of already designed cover pages you could use for a business report or other professional looking document. This can be a huge time saver. Once you click on the design you want Microsoft Word 2007 will design your cover page and all you need to do is highlight the text and type your changes. Moving onto the Blank Page. When you are typing a long document as you type a new page will automatically start as you are typing. The Blank Page button allows you to insert a blank page anywhere in your document manually. Page Break button will force a page break anywhere you select. You will see this in your document if you click the page break button. To delete a page break place your cursor behind the Page Break and press the Backspace button. Moving right along to the tables section. Tables can get tricky. For a senior or beginner computer user tables can be great for creating their own calendars. Click on the down arrow in tables.
  • 25. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 25 At the bottom of the menu you will see quick tables. Until you are very comfortable using table I would recommend using this feature. You can scroll through the pre-designed table and choose one. When you select a predesigned table Microsoft Word 2007 will automatically create your table to incorporate into your word document. When Word 2007 creates your predesigned table another 2 tabs will appear. Notice the Table Tools tabs Design and Layout. In the beginning you will probably only use the table styles section under the Design Tab. If you would like more information please email me and I will send you more detail on how to create a more complex table.
  • 26. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 26 Next we will cover the Illustrations section. Illustrations is where you can add pictures of all types and styles to your document. The first selection in Illustrations is Insert a picture from a file. When you click on this a window will open for you to browse to a photograph or other picture you have saved on your computer. I used this to create birthday invitation for my daughter with her current picture in the background. You can have a lot of fun incorporating personal photos into your documents. Now open your Birthday card we started and click on the Clip Art Button. After clicking on the Clip Art Button notice the clip art menu that appears in the right column of your Word document. At the top of the Clip Art menu in the Search for: text box type birthday and click go. You could also type balloons or birthday cake. When you click go it will find clip art pictures to match your key word. Scroll through the pictures until you find one you like. When you have chosen a picture click on it and it will be inserted into your document. Then Click on the bottom right corner of the picture and dragged the picture so it enlarges. Make sure the picture does not go past the 4" marker on the top and does not go below the 5" marker on the left side ruler. Your picture should look something like this.
  • 27. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 27 The card we are creating is going to be a quarter fold so we will need to rotate the picture. To do this click on the top center green dot above your picture. You will see an arrow going in a circle. Hold down the mouse and drag the picture around until it is upside down. Now that your picture is rotated lets put a boarder around it. Under Picture Tools and the Format Tab click on Picture Boarder then Weight then More Lines.
  • 28. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 28 The Format Picture Window will come up. When the window appears Change the width to 6 pt. Then click the drop down arrow next to Compound type: and select a line style you like. Then in the left column in the Format Picture Window click Line Color Click the drop down arrow under the color selections and choose a color you want to boarder the Clip Art Picture you choose. Click Close so the changes take effect.
  • 29. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 29 Now we will quickly move through the next three buttons in the Illustrations section. If you click the drop down arrow on shapes you will see a long list of shapes you can insert into your Word 2007 document. To insert a shape simply click in the location of your document you want the shape to appear and click the shape. SmartArt is a unique tool. SmartArt will automatically design graphically designed lists, hierarchy charts, pyramids and more. SmartArt will put the graphics into your document and you can customize it by highlighting and changing the text. The Chart button will let you choose the style chart you would like then automatically open an Excel spread sheet for you to enter your data to create your chart. Moving onto the Links section, this section is great if you are writing a document that readers will be reading on the computer. These three buttons create links in your document that a reader can click on to jump to a website, booked marked section of your document, an email address, or another program. In the Header and Footer section there are three buttons. By clicking the Header button you are able to select the style for the text that will appear at the top of each page of your document. The Footer is the same as the Header but will appear at the bottom of each page of the document. Page Number will give you a selection of putting your page numbers at the top of page, bottom of page, page margin, or current position along with a formatting and removal option. OK we are back to creating our greeting card. In the next section of the Insert Tab you see Text. The Text section lets you do even more formating to your text in a document. For creating greeting cards and other fancy documents using this text function is easier than using the basic text in the Home Tab.7/24/2017 Click on the Text Box Button.
  • 30. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 30 A menu will drop down and you will see several variations and styles of text boxes to choose from. We are going to customize our text box for our greeting card so click on the Draw text box link at the bottom of the menu. This will change your mouse cursor to look like a + sign. Click about a 1/2 inch from the right side of your upside down picture and drag the cursor to the bottom right corner of the upside down picture. When you are finished you should have a white text box on the right side of your picture that looks like this.
  • 31. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 31 Once you have created your text box click on the format tab to the far right of the tab list at the top of Word 2007, Under Text Box Tools. This menu will give you a bunch of options to change the look at feel of your text box. We won't go through all of the sections. We will start with the first section Text. Click on text direction. Notice when you click this button the cursor changes to go vertical down the text box on your card. Type HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Notice how the background of the text box is covering up part of the image in the background. To fix that click on Shape Fill in the Text Section of the Format Tab. Then click No Fill.
  • 32. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 32 There is still an outline around the text box. To remove the black outline of the text box click Shape Outline then select No Outline. Click anywhere in the white space of your document to exit out of the Format Tab. To change the style of your text highlight it and return to the Home Tab. Moving on through the Text section. Quick parts is will insert reusable pieces of content, including fields, document properties such as title and author, or any preformatted snippets you create. Word Art can be a fun way to play with text.
  • 33. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 33 When you click on the WordArt button you get a selection of several styles of text. Choose one and a window will open for you to type your text. When you click OK you will get another selection of editing options. Drop Cap puts a large capital letter at the begining of a paragraph. Signature Line is just that it provides a line with an X with the name and title you choose under the signiture line. The Date and Time button will put the date and time into your document and automatically update it every time you open the document. Object inserts an embeded object into your document such as a media clip or an excel document. Moving onto the last section Symbols. Click on the drop down arrows next to Equation and Symbol to get an idea of the type of text you can creat with these options. The first section of the Page Layout tab is themes. Themes is a great feature if you are typing an elaborate document and want to use a variety of fonts and colors and then duplicating those fonts and colors on another document or throughout a long document. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that include a set of theme colors, a set of
  • 34. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 34 theme fonts that you can specify a heading and body text font, and a set of theme effects you can choose lines and fill effects. We are not going to use the themes section on our greeting card but I want you to understand what the feature does. Click the down arrow under themes. You will get a list of pre-designed themes you can apply to your document. Each theme will include font colors, font styles, font sizes and effects including lines, fill effects, and colors. If you already selected a theme for your document and no longer want to use it click on the Reset to Theme from Template option. If you don’t like any of the built-in themes you can click More Themes on Microsoft Office Online and there will be many more to choose from. Or you can create your own theme with the other options in the Theme section. Then click back on Themes and at the bottom click Save Current Theme then you will be prompted for a file name. Once you give your theme a name it will be available to use on other documents you create. Now I will go over how to create your custom theme with the other features in this category. Now click on the down arrow next to the square made up of 4 colors to learn how to change the theme color.
  • 35. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 35 When you click on the custom color theme drop down arrow you will get a list of Built-In Color themes for your document. These are colors are for a variety of things including heading, body, and accent colors. Now click on Create New Theme Colors.
  • 36. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 36 The Create New Theme Colors window will appear. Here you get a better idea of what each line of colors is going to do. Not only do you now understand what each color is for but you can modify the colors to your liking. Once you are finished modifying the colors by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the color you want to change and selecting a new color then type a theme color name in the Name section the click Save. Your new modified color will appear in the list of Built-In Color Themes. Next is the Font theme selector. Click the dropdown arrow next to the box with an A.
  • 37. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 37 This menu works just like the colors but you are changing the fonts. It has the same Built-In selections Microsoft Word 2007 has provided for you and also the Create New Theme Fonts option. Click the Create New Theme Fonts. When the Create New Theme Fonts window opens go ahead and play around with Heading font and the Body font by clicking the dropdown arrow next to the font names. It will show you a preview of your selections in the Sample section. If you want to save your selections type a name in the Name section and click save. The last button in the Themes is the Effects button. Theme effects are sets of lines and fill effects used on shapes and graphics you use in your document. Click the drop down arrow to see your list of choices.
  • 38. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 38 The effects don’t let you customize your own but it gives you a wide variety of choices of boarders and fill effects to choose from. In the Word 2007 Page Setup section of the Page Layout tab we will make a change to our greeting card so hang in there with me. Click the dropdown arrow under margins. Then click Custom Margin.
  • 39. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 39 When you are creating a greeting card you don’t want large margins. When you fold the greeting card you want a small margin so you don’t have a lot of white space around your graphics and text.
  • 40. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 40 The Page Setup window opens when you click custom margins. This window give you several options to customize your page but we only want to reduce our margin. Change the top, bottom, right, and left margins to .25 Once you have done that click OK.
  • 41. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 41 The next button in the Page Setup section is Orientation. The Orientation button lets you choose which direction your document will print either Portrait or Landscape. Next is the Size button click the down arrow on the size button to see the menu. This menu lets you select the size of paper you will be printing your document on. Scroll through the options using the scroll bar on the right. If you would like to see more options click the More Pages Sizes and a window will open for you to choose a more custom option. The Columns button is great for news papers and news letters. This feature will break your document up into as many columns as you would like. You can make your selection either before or after typing your articles. More Columns give you not only the option of how many columns but the spacing and width of your columns can be adjusted by clicking on the more columns option. This will open the window for you to make adjustments to your columns. Click the down arrow on the Breaks button. Breaks gives you the option to format different sections of your document separately. You can insert page breaks or section breaks. If you would like one page with columns and another without this is the feature you would use by inserting a page break.
  • 42. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 42 Next is Line numbers. If you are editing a long document and need to make references or corrections. This is a great feature. When you make a selection you will see a line number in the left hand margin of your document. You can see in the drop down menu you have several options for the formatting of your line numbers. The last option is Hyphenation. When you select an option from the dropdown menu it will hyphenate words that are at the edge of your document. This can be very useful when typing newsletters in a column format. This tutorial covers the Word 2007 Page Background section of the Page Layout tab. The first button is watermark. I like using the watermark feature in this section for printing flyers or Christmas letters. The watermark feature places a very light image in the background of the entire document that you can type over. Click the down arrow on the Watermark button. The Watermark button gives you a list of default watermarks you can put in your document. To use the default features simply scroll through the options with the side scroll bar then click on the selection you would like to place in your document. The next option is to create a Custom Watermark. Click the Custom Watermark button. When the Printed Watermark window appears select the radio button next to Picture watermark. Then click select picture. Your explorer window will open for you to browse to the picture. It is also
  • 43. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 43 great if you want to do children’s birthday invitations with a picture of your child as the background. The Text watermark selection will allow you to customize the text, font, size and color to appear in the background. I encourage you to play with this feature it can make some really cute documents. Now let's change the entire background color of the greeting card document we are working on. Click the dropdown arrow next to Page color. You can select one of the colors provided, click more colors, or select fill effects. I have selected fill effects. If you choose to use this option the Fill Effects window will open. For my greeting card I used a Gradient fill effect. I choose to use 2 colors (white and purple) Then selected From Corner for the Shading styles. I then choose the direction I wanted to gradient to go from the Variants section. When you are finished click OK. Play with the other tabs, Texture, Pattern, and Picture to customize your card the way you want it. Remember that any choice you make will fill the entire background of your document. The last button in the Page Background section is Page Boarders. Click the Page Boarders button.
  • 44. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 44 The Boarders and Shading window will open. This window gives you options to place a customized boarder around your document. The left had settings let you choose the type of boarder. Scroll down the style list to see all of your options. You can play with some of the options and preview them in the right side of the window. Browse the colors the width and maybe some of the art options. The Apply to: section on the right gives you the option to just put a boarder around a certain section, a single page or the whole document. The 4 little squares in the preview window let you customize where you want the boarder lines on your document. You don’t have to have all 4 lines you can have just a line at the top or maybe in the left margin. If you don’t want a boarder around your document and have tried some of the selections click Cancel. The Word 2007 References tab is a feature I wish Microsoft had when I was in High School and College. These features would have been great for all those papers I had to write. I will go through each section of the References tab. You can select the section you would like to learn
  • 45. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 45 from the links at the top of this page or follow each one and click the next arrow at the bottom to move through them sequentially. The first section is Table of Contents. This is great for those long college reports. p>Once your report is finished, you would click on the table of contents drop down arrow and select your style. This will create your table of contents page automatically. It may even go through your document and automatically add content. This is the easiest way to add a table of contents. If you would like more options click the down arrow of the Table of contents and select Insert Table of Contents selection. This will open the Table of Contents window. The top 2 boxes will show you what your Contents page will look like when you click the OK button after making all of your selections. The check box next to Show page numbers gives you the option to show or hide page numbers. Right align page numbers places the page number at the far right hand side of the document. If you have this box checked it will let you select from a list of Tab leaders. The General section lets you select from a list of formats for the text of your Content page. Make you selection and see how it changes the text in the Print Preview box. Levels lets you select how many indentations your table of contents will have in the list.
  • 46. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 46 The Options button will open a new Table of Contents Options window. In this window you have the option to select from more styles and enter the number or letter you would like to appear in the content list. Scroll through all of the options with the scroll bar on the right side. When you are finished with your selections click OK to return to the Table of Contents window. Once all of your selections are made click the OK button in the Table of Contents window and you will be returned to your document with the table of contents inserted. The next button is Add Text. To use this button go through your report and highlight Text you want to add to your table of contents and click Add Text then select the outline level you want the paragraph to be in your Table of Contents Page. This will place the text you selected as the description and automatically format the table of contents with the page number. If any additions or deletions are made to your report or when you add text and it does not appear right away all you need to do is click Update Table and the page numbers in your contents page will be updated. That wraps up the Table of Contents section of the References tab click the next arrow to move onto Footnotes. The Word 2007 References tab is a feature I wish Microsoft had when I was in High School and College. These features would have been great for all those papers I had to write. I will go through each section of the References tab. You can select the section you would like to learn from the links at the top of this page or follow each one and click the next arrow at the bottom to move through them sequentially. The first section is Table of Contents. This is great for those long college reports.
  • 47. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 47 p>Once your report is finished, you would click on the table of contents drop down arrow and select your style. This will create your table of contents page automatically. It may even go through your document and automatically add content. This is the easiest way to add a table of contents. If you would like more options click the down arrow of the Table of contents and select Insert Table of Contents selection. This will open the Table of Contents window. The top 2 boxes will show you what your Contents page will look like when you click the OK button after making all of your selections. The check box next to Show page numbers gives you the option to show or hide page numbers. Right align page numbers places the page number at the far right hand side of the document. If you have this box checked it will let you select from a list of Tab leaders. The General section lets you select from a list of formats for the text of your Content page. Make you selection and see how it changes the text in the Print Preview box. Levels lets you select how many indentations your table of contents will have in the list. The Options button will open a new Table of Contents Options window. In this window you have the option to select from more styles and enter the number or letter you would like to appear in the content list. Scroll through all of the options with the scroll bar on the right side. When you are finished with your
  • 48. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 48 selections click OK to return to the Table of Contents window. Once all of your selections are made click the OK button in the Table of Contents window and you will be returned to your document with the table of contents inserted. The next button is Add Text. To use this button go through your report and highlight Text you want to add to your table of contents and click Add Text then select the outline level you want the paragraph to be in your Table of Contents Page. This will place the text you selected as the description and automatically format the table of contents with the page number. If any additions or deletions are made to your report or when you add text and it does not appear right away all you need to do is click Update Table and the page numbers in your contents page will be updated. That wraps up the Table of Contents section of the References tab click the next arrow to move onto Footnotes. In this tutorial you will learn to use the Word 2007 Footnotes section of the References tab. A footnote is used to comment on or provide a reference for text in a document. A footnote will create two parts in your Word 2007 document; a note reference mark next to the sentence or line you are referencing and the footnote text at the bottom of the page. To add a footnote to your document select the location you want your reference mark to appear then click the Insert Footnote button. This will bring you to the bottom of the page when you can type your comments. The Insert Footnote button will not only add the foot not but also renumber them as you move text around. Footnotes are usually for detailed comments and endnotes are used for citations. To insert an Endnote click in the location you want the reference mark then click on Insert Endnote and it will be placed at the bottom of your document and allow you to type your endnote. To scroll between all of your footnotes and endnotes click the Next Footnote button. This button gives you the options to go to the next or previous endnote and footnotes. Show Notes scrollsthrough the document to show you where all of your footnotes and endnotes are located. The show notes button will be grayed out until you have footnotes inserted into your document.
  • 49. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 49 Now click the little icon in the lower right hand corner of the Footnotes section and a window titled Footnote and Endnote will open. This window will give you all of your options to make modifications to your endnotes and footnotes. If you have inserted Footnotes the Endnotes selection will be grayed out and visa a versa. The first section of the Footnote and Endnote window is Location. In the location section you can choose where you would like your footnote or endnote to appear either at the bottom of the page, document or section. The convert button will convert endnotes to footnotes and footnotes to endnotes. The Format section is where you choose how your footnotes and endnotes are labeled. Click the down arrow next to number format to see your choices and make a selection. You can also customize the mark by choosing a symbol. Click the Symbol button and you will get a new window with symbol choices. You can start at any number for your footnotes and endnotes. Use the up and down arrows to choose where you would like to start. The numbers can be Continous, restarted at the beginning of each section, or restarted at the beginning of each page. The changes in this window can be applied to the whole document or just a section if you have your document divided into sections. The Citations and Bibliography section you can automatically generate a bibliography based on the source information that you provide for the document.
  • 50. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 50 The Insert Citation button lets you cite a book, article, or other information source you need reference for a piece of information you used in your document. Click the Insert Citation button and you will see three options. The first option is Add New Source click on the Add New source selection. The Create Source window opens for you to enter all of your source information. Select your type of source from the drop down menu use the scroll bar to the right to see all of the options. Microsoft uses APA style by default for Citations. Make sure you check to make sure you are set to the correct style before creating your source list. Word 2007 shows only the recommended fields by default if you would like more options check the Show All Bibliography Fields box. Title your source entry in the Tag name field and click OK. The next selection in the Insert Citation button is Add New Place Holder. This can be used to quickly enter a citation entry and edit the information later. Click the Add New Place Holder selection and the Placeholder Name window opens. In this window enter the tag name for your citation and click OK. This will placeholder will be entered into your bibliography page. The last selection in the Insert Citation button is Search Libraries. This feature will only work if you are connected to the internet. Click the Search Libraries selection and you will see a side bar window come up on the right hand side of your document. In the Search for section type a key word then press the down arrow next to All Reference Books. You will see a list of all of the types of sources you can search or just leave it to search for all Reference books. Now press enter or click the green arrow. Microsoft Word 2007 will search the internet for you and give you a list of sources to look into.
  • 51. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 51 The next button in the Citations & Bibliography section is Manage Sources. Manage Sources lets you view all of the sources you have listed. Click the Manage Sources button and the Source Manager window opens In the Source Manager Window the first tool is Search. If you have a long list of sources you can type a key word to help you find your source. The next tool is a menu sort option. Click the down arrow next to Sort by Author and you will be able to change the way your sources are sorted. The next section is Master List. This is a list of all of the sources you have available. The Current list is a list of your sources and placeholders. You can copy sources back and forth between the two lists by clickinig the source and clicking the copy button. You can copy multiple sources by clicking a source holding down the ctrl key on your keyboard and clicking the other sources. To delete a source select it and click the delete button. If you would like to edit a source click on the source then click the edit button. This will open the Edit Source window and you can make any necessary changes. To create a new source click the New button and the
  • 52. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 52 Create source window will open for you to enter all of your information. When you are finished click the Close button to return to your document. Style lets you choose from a large list of formats for your Citations. Click the down arrow next to Style to see your choices. The Bibliography button creates a list of all sources in your document. Select either Bibliography or Works Cited from the list of Built-In Bibliographies. This will place your bibliography in your document and use sources you have added with the Manage Sources button. The Insert Bibliography selection at the bottom will work the same way it just won't format the bibliography like the Built-In selections. If you format your bibliography and would like to save the style select save Selection to Bibliography Gallery and the next time you insert a bibliography you will see your style in the Built-In section. That wraps up the Citations & Bibliography section of the References tab. Click the next arrow to move onto Captions or select another tutorial. The Captions section in Word 2007 References tab can be used for Holiday letters to put a caption with pictures or to label tables and objects you insert into your word documents. The first button is Insert Caption. To insert a caption on a picture or object then click the Insert Caption button. The Caption window will appear In this window enter the caption you would like to appear under your picture or object in the Caption section. This window also gives you more options to format your caption. In the label dropdown menu you can choose from Equation, Figure, or Table. The position dropdown menu gives you option of above or below the selected item. You can exclude the L label from your caption by checking the box. You are also able to create your own labels for your captions. Click on the New Label button. This brings up the New Label window. Type the label you would like to add to the Label dropdown menu and click OK. You are also able to edit the style of numbers that will appear in your captions. Click the Numbering button. In the Caption Numbering window you can use the drop down arrow next to format to choose your number
  • 53. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 53 style. You can check the Inculde chapter number to set up numbering by chapter. In order for chapters to work you need to create a multi level list from the Home Tab and link your list items to headings in your document. Once you have made your selections click OK. This will return you to the Caption Window. Click the OK button in the Caption window and this will place a text box under the image you want the caption to be placed. The next button in the caption window we are going to cover is AutoCaption. Click the AutoCaption button in the Caption window. The AutoCaption window will open. Auto caption is used to insert a caption automatically when you insert the selected objects. Go through the list of inserts and place a check mark in the box next to what you would like a caption associated with. Then choose the type of label you would like or Click the New Label button and create your own. Then choose what position you would like the caption to be placed in. Click OK. This will return you to your document. Now every time you insert the type of object you select in the AutoCaption window into your document Word 2007 will automatically place a caption with the object.
  • 54. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 54 The Insert Table of Figures button will place a list of all the images you have a caption under in a table in your documents so you can reference each one with a page number. Click the Insert Table of Figures button and the Table of Figures window will come up. In this window you will see to the left a Print Preview pane. This will show you what your table of figures will look like once you have created it. Next is a web Preview pane. In this section of the window you can choose to check the Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers. What this will do is change each line into a link that when clicked on will take you directly to that figure. If you choose to use page numbers check the Show page numbers box and select how you would like the page numbers aligned, and the type of leader you would like displayed. In the General section of the Table of Figures window click the down arrow next to formats and choose how you would like the text to appear in the Table of Figures. Then select the caption you would like to use, and check or uncheck the box to include or exclude the label and number. Now click on the Options button. The Table of Figures Options window will open. If you have used styles in your captions you can use the same style for your table of Figures by selecting the style in this window. This window lets you choose how your table of figures will be displayed. Once you are finished click OK and you will be returned to the Table of Figures Window. Now that you have returned to the Table of figures window click on the Modify button. This button brings up the Style window. Now click the Modify button again this will bring up the modify style window. In this window you can select and edit the font and format of your table of figures, Click the OK button when you are finished, click OK in the Style window and you will return to the Table of figures window where you can finish your modifications and click OK to exit and apply all of the changes to your document. If you add to your document after creating the Table of Figures click Update Table and the page numbers will be updated. You can refer to tables, figures, or headings by adding a cross-reference. If you use the Cross- reference button all cross-references will be automatically updated when pages numbers change. By default all cross-references are a hyperlink in the document.
  • 55. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 55 That concludes the tutorial on the Captions section of the References tab in Word 2007 Click the next arrow and we will move onto the Index section. The next section is word 2007 Index. Creating and updating an index in your document has been made very simple. To create an Index click the Insert Index button. This brings up the index window. In this window you can make your selections to format your index. The Print Preview will show you how the selections you make will appear in your document. Type can be either indented which is shown in the example or Run-in will make the index entries in a line separated with a semicolon. Columns is the number of columns you want your index to appear in. If you would like the numbers aligned on the right hand side of the page checkthe Right align page number box this will make the Tab leader selections available. The Tab leaders can be selected by using the down arrow. Now click the down arrow in the Formats. Formats are a selction of styles for your text. Play with them to see how they affect the Print Preview. Click the Ok button and This will automatically create the index. As you go through your document highlight words you want included in the Index and click Mark Entry. The Mark Entry button will open the Mark Index Entry window. In this window the text that you highlighted before clicking the button will be in the Main Entry field. If you would like a subentry to this Index entry type it in the next box. In the Options section of this window you can have a cross referenceentered in the index by selecting that button and then typing what you would like to cross reference in the text box. Current page will put the page number of your main entry in the index. If you would like multiple pages you can select page range and book mark the section of your document. Page number format section allows you to select if you would like your page numbers Bold, Italic or Both. The Mark Index Entry window will stay open until you click the X to close the window. This allows you to mark multiple entries in your document and saves you a few steps to do it. When you are finished with each entry click
  • 56. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 56 the Mark button. When you are finished click the close button or the red X to return to your document. Now that you have created an Index and marked entries click anywhere in your index and notice that the Update Index is now available. Click the Update Index button and you will see all of the entries that you marked appear in your Index. The final section of Word 2007 References tab is Table of Authorities. A table of authorities is a list of cases, statutes, and other authorities. This section works just like creating an index. Click the Insert Table of Authorities button. The Table of Authorities window comes up and gives you a Print Preview section for you to see how the Table of Authorities will be displayed in your document. For the Category section select what type of authority you will be using in your document. Use the check boxes next to Passim and Keep original formatting to select or deselect the options. When you are checking or unchecking the boxes notice how it affects the Print perview. The tab leader will only be available if you have the keep original formatting checked. Use the down arrows on Tab leader and formats to see your options.
  • 57. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 57 Once you are finished you can click the Mark Citation button to go through your document and select the text you want included in the table of authorities. When you are finished click the OK button to return to your document. As you go through your document you can highlight additional authorities and click the Mark Citation button. This will put the selected text in the box and give you the options to choose the Category and enter a short or long citation. The update button will automatically update all page numbers. Click inside the table of authorities that has been inserted into your document and the Update table button will become available. The Word 2007 mailings section is one of my favorites. I use this all of the time to send holiday cards to my friends and family. In the Mailings tab you can create your list of contacts and print envelopes or letters automatically addressed to a whole list of people. What a time saver. Let’s jump right in with the first section Create. The Envelopes button in the Create section will open another window where you can either create a single envelope or create a document for the envelope to do a mail mergewhich we will cover in a minute. Click the Envelopes button.
  • 58. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 58 When the envelopes and labels window opens notice you have a place to enter your delivery address and Return address. To create a single envelope type the address you would like for the recipient and your return address and click the Print button. Make sure you have your envelope loaded in your printer before you click print. This will default to a #10 envelope and send the envelope to your printer without giving you any other options. Notice above the Delivery address text box you will see a little icon of a book. If you click this icon it will open your outlook contacts and you are able to select one and it will automatically enter the selected person’s address in the Delivery Address box. To add electronic postage to a printed envelope you need to subscribe to a postage service for a fee. Open the envelopes and labels window again if it closed after printing your envelope. If you check the Omit check box this will omit the return address from printing on your envelopes. Click the Options button.
  • 59. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 59 The Envelope Options window will open. In this window you can choose your envelope size by clicking the drop down arrow under Envelope size and choosing from the list of selections. In the Delivery Address section you can change the font of the delivery address by clicking on the button and making your changes to the font style and size in the window. The Return Address section works the same way. In the Preview section you will see a picture of the envelope you selected with the changes you made. Now click on the Printing Options Tab. In the printing options you can choose how your envelope will be loaded into your printer and if you have more than one tray to load paper what tray your envelopes will be in. Click OK if you made any changes otherwise click Cancel to return to the Envelopes and Labels window. Once you have returned to the Envelopes and Labels window you can either select Print if you are only going to print one envelope and you have entered your information in the text boxes or you can click add to document. The Add to Document button will put the envelope in your current Word document.
  • 60. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 60 If you choose to add the envelope to the document it will keep all of the formats and allow you to change the envelope style with the tools you already know how to use in the Home tab. You can change text color, add graphics, etc. This is what you will need to do to use the mail merge. The next button in the Create section is Labels. By clicking on the Labels button it will open the same Envelopes and Labels windows that openedwhen you clicked on the Envelopes button. The only difference will be that the Labels tab will automatically be selected. To create your label you can either create labels that are all the same by entering your information in the Address text box or you can create a new document with the new document button and make each label different. In the Print section you can select Full page of the same label if you have entered information in the Address section or print a single label with the information. If you choose to print a single label look at your page if labels and enter the row and column of the next available label. In the label section is where you can choose the type of label you are printing on. Click on the Label section.
  • 61. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 61 The Label Options Window will open. This is where you can select the vendor you purchased the label from, Avery is the most common, then select the product number that you will be able to find on the outside of the package you labels came in. The Label information section will confirm that you have made the right selection by giving you the dimensions of your labels. Once you have made your selections click the OK button to return to the Envelopes and Labels window. Now that you have selected your label size either click print to print the label or click New Document to open a Word 2007 page with the label size selected. Now we will move on to my favorite section Word 2007 Start Mail Merge. In this section you will learn how to create envelopes, letters, or labels so you can create one list of contacts and print all of the envelopes for your contact list with a few simple steps. Click the Start Mail Merge button then select Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard. You will see a window pane appear on the right side of your document. This is a 6 step process. First select what type of document you will be creating the mail merge in. I am going to select envelopes for this tutorial. You can select what ever option will best serve your needs. Once you have made a selection click Next: Starting document. In the next screen select Change document layout and click Next: Select recipients. If you are making envelopes the envelopes option window will open. Select the size of envelope you are printing on and click OK.
  • 62. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 62 This will return you to the Mail Merge wizard with the pageformat changed to the size of the envelope. Select recipients gives you three options:  Use an existing list which will let you select an excel spreadsheet or access database that you have already created to print your mail merge.  Select from Outlook Contacts which will let you open all contacts you have stored in Microsoft Outlook Contact List and select only the recipients you want to enter into your mail merge.  Type a new list will open a New Address List window for you to enter your contacts. Once you are finished entering your contact list it will give you the option to save the list. The file defaults to My Data Source file in My Documents. By saving the list you are able to use the same list for all of you mail merge projects over and over again. The list can be modified and you don’t have to use everyone in the list every time, you can pick and choose. Once you have finished with your contact list click Next: Arrange your envelope. Now place your cursor where you would like your address block to go. Then click Address Block In the Insert Address Block window some of the fields in your recipient list may not all be matched up. If you don’t see all the recipients information in the Preview box click the Match fields button. The Match Fields window will open. In the fields that say (not matched) click the drop down arrow as shown in
  • 63. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 63 the print screen and select the according field for that aspect of the address block. If you are going to use this same list over again check the Remember this matching for this set of data sources on this computer. Then select OK to return to the Insert Address Block Window. Click OK again to continue with the Mail Merge wizard. Click Next: Preview your envelope This section of mail merge will let you click through each recipient you have selected to see how their information will appear on your envelope. You can also use the exclude this recipient button to filter your contacts as you click through. Click Next: Complete the merge In the final step click the Print link and you will get the Merge to Printer window where you can select to print all your envelopes at one time, just print the Current envelope or select a range to print. Once you have made your selection make sure your printer is ready and click OK. The next buttons in the Start Mail Merge section will do the same thing we already covered in the Wizard. I would recommend using the mail merge wizard until you are completely comfortable with the mail merge process. Even with my computer background I still use the wizard. This tutorial will cover Word 2007 Write & Insert Fields of the Mailing tab. Until you have started a mail merge the sections we are covering will be grayed out. If you do not use the wizard you would click the drop down arrow on the Start Mail Merge Button and select the type of merge document you would like to create to make the rest of the buttons in use. If you are typing a lengthy document with several merge fields you may want to highlight them so you know where they are. To do this click the Highlight Merge Fields button in the Write and Insert Fields section. To create an address block manually click the Address Block button and the same Address Block window will appear for you to match your recipients and make you selections.
  • 64. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 64 The Greeting Line button opens the Insert Greeting Line window for you to do form letters and address each letter to an individual with a simple mail merge. Select the Greeting line format with the drop down arrows. Then select how you would like the greeting line to appear if you do not have a contact name. Use the arrows to scroll through your contact list recipients. If you have any problems click the Match Fields button. Then click OK to finish the Greeting line for your form letter. The Insert Merge Field lets you input fields individually. Click the drop down arrow for a list of your options. The Rules button is a more advanced feature. It allows a user to set rules to control how Microsoft Office Word merges information. If you would like more information on this button please contact me and I will email you a tutorial. Match fields button will open the same Match Fields window you used when we went through the wizard. The Update Labels button will update your mailing labels with new information if you made changes to your recipient list. The Word 2007 Preview Results section will replace the merge fields with your data from the recipient list. This is used to let you see how your data will appear in the actual document. The number with the arrows on eitherside in the Preview Results section of the Mailings tab will let you use the arrows to preview each record. By clicking the arrows you will be able to see each recipient in your list and make sure that names and addresses will fit in the area you provided.
  • 65. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 65 The Find Recipient button lets you search for text in your recipient list. This button will only be available if you have started a mail merge. Click on the button if it is available. The Find Entry window will come up and let you type in any text you want to find a recipient. The text can be part of a name, address, phone number, or what every information you have to find your contact. The Auto Check for Errors button will bring up the Checking and reporting Errors button. Select how you would like your error checking to be handled and click OK. Word 2007 will check your merge document for errors and tell you how to fix any errors that occurred. Now for your final step in completing your merge document. The Word 2007 Finish section of the mailings tab.. When you click finish you will be given three options. The first option is Edit Individual Documents. Click on this selection, a new window will come up asking if you would like to view All, the Current record, or a specific range of documents. Make your selection from the Merge to New Document window and click OK. This will open a new Word document with your mail merge displayed with the data you created. You can go through and make changes to individual entries before you print. If you choose this option from the finish section you can use the print key in the Office icon because it has created a new document in the format you want. To print from the Finish option click the Finish Merge button and select Print document from the selection list. select send to printer. The same Merge to New Document window will open. This
  • 66. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 66 will give you the option to print all records, the current record or select a section. Once you have made your choice click OK and you have completed your mail merge!and the document will be sent to the printer. The last option is to Send E-mail Messages. If you have used email addresses in your mail merge you can send your document to your email list. Select Send E-mail messages from the Finish button selections. In the Merge to E-mail window use the down arrow next to to: and select the title of you used for your email list. Type a subject that will appear in each email and the email format you would like to send it in. Select the records you would like to send to and click OK. This will use your email client Outlook or Outlook express to send the emails to the list. In this tutorial we will be covering the Word 2007 Review tab. This tab is used for proof reading a document, adding comments, tracking changes made to a document and comparing documents. The first section is Proofing. Once you have completed a document this is where you want to be. Some people proof read a document as they go, but this section is always a good double check. I am sure you have noticed if you have typed a document of any length that if you misspell a word a red squiggly line appears underneath. If you did not fix the error click the Spelling and Grammar button. This button will open the Spelling and Grammar window.
  • 67. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 67 In the Spelling and Grammar window if any errors were found, either grammar or spelling the will appear in the upper box with suggestions of the fix below. If you do not want to fix the error click Ignore. If you want to correct the error select one of the suggestions from the suggestions box and click the Change button. If there are no selections available or if you don’t want to use any of the suggestions but still want to make a change, change the error in the upper box and click the change button. When you are finished making any changes a Window will appear that says Spelling and Grammar complete. This box will also appear if no errors were found. The next button is Research. The Research button opens a pane that you can search through references materials such as dictionaries and encyclopedias. Click the Research button to play with the options a little.
  • 68. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 68 Type in a word under Search for: Then you are able to choose what types of reference materials you want to search through. It is a great tool for school papers. The Thesaurus is another great way to spice up a schoolpaper. You can either highlight a word then click the thesaurus button or click the button and type your word in the search for text box. Then Microsoft Word 2007 will give you choices of other words for the word you selected. The translate button will Translate selected text into another language. After selecting your text and clicking the translate button you will get a pane similar to the other buttons in this section so you can choose the language. The last button is the word count. That button is the button in the far right bottom corner of the Proofing section. If you click this button you will get a summary of the word count of your document. If you check the box at the bottom it will include textboxes, footnotes and endnotes.
  • 69. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 69 When you are finished click the close button to return to your Word 2007 document. This section in the Review Tab of Word 2007 is Comments. The Word 2007 comments section lets someone add a comment to your document. The comments work like sticky notes. Click the New Comment button you will see a line that goes from the section of the document your cursor is to the edge of the page. You can also highlight sections of text for your reference comment. Once you have inserted your comment click in the comment box and type your note. The Delete button gives you 3 choices. You can delete the selected comment, delete all commentsshown, or delete all commentsin the document. Using the Previous and Next buttons you can scroll through each comment quickly. The view tab in Word 2007 is where you can change the way your documentlooks on your computer screen. You are able to see grid lines, zoom in and out, or look at pages in a book view. This will be a fairly short tutorial. Some of the sections you will not use and we can cover them briefly. Lets get started with the first section. The first section in the View tab is Document Views. When you click on the Print Layout button in the Document Views section this will change the view of the document you are working on to look just like the document will print. The next button, Full Screen Reading, changes the view of the document to a larger view that takes up most of the screen and removes the buttons at the top to maximize the view for easy reading and editing. If you choose this view click the close button at the top right corner to return to the normal view. The Web Layout button will change the view of the document to appear as it would if the pages were turned into a web page.
  • 70. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 70 The outline button will show your document as an outline then give you another tab with more outlining tools. The last button, Draft, will give you a chance to view your document as a draft for quick editing. This view removes elements of the document such as headers and footers for easy editing. This section in the View tab is Word 2007 Show/Hide. This section uses check boxes to select these view options. You are able to select multiple choices in this section. The first option is Ruler. If this box is checked you will notice a ruler at the top and along the left edge of your document. This can be helpful to let you know how fardown or across the page you are. It can also help with centering and aligning objects on the page. The Gridlines option if checked will make your page look like a piece of graph paper. Message Bar will open the message bar if someone has created tasks for you to complete by using the Review tab. This option will be grayed out if there are no tasks on the document. Document Map will open a pane in the left margin of your document with a few lines of text from each page so you can easily navigate through your document by clicking on the sections. Thumbnails are similar to Document Map. They are small pictures of each page of your document. Thumbnails also opens a pane in the left margin with a small graphic of each page in your document. This section is Word 2007 Zoom. The Zoom buttonwill open the Zoom window. The zoom window gives you the options to zoom in or out on the document. Play with the options so you can see what each option does. You can always get it back to 100% by clicking on the next button 100%.
  • 71. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 71 The One Page button will let you see the entire page all at once. Two pages button will let you see 2 pages next to each other. The Page Width button zooms in so the width of the page matches the width of the window. This section is word 2007 Window is used when you are working on more than 1 word document and need to see multiple documents at one time. The New Window button let you open a new Word 2007 window with the document you are currently working on in a different view. The Arrange All button will tile all of the Word 2007 documents you have open and put them side by side. The Split button will split the current document into 2 sections so you can view different parts of the document at the same time. The View Side by Side button will be grayed out unless you have more than one Word 2007 document open. If you have multiple documents open the click the button and it will place 2 documents side by side like in a book. This will push all of your buttons together so you may need to do some looking to find what you need. Once you have chosen to put your documents side by side you are able to turn on and off the Synchronous Scrolling. This will let you scroll both document at the same time to compare pages. If you have been viewing documents side by side and have changed the size of the windo w you are viewing them you can click the Reset Window Position button to restore it to the original positions and the windows will share the screen equally. The last button we are going to talk about is the Switch Windows button. If you have multiple Word 2007 documents open when you click the down arrow on the Switch Windows button it will give you a list of open Word documents to select from so it is easy to switch between your documents. A macro is a series of commands and instructions that you group together as a single command to accomplish a task automatically. Once a macro is recorded you will need to make the developer ribbon available to make any changes or work with your macro.
  • 72. The lion kings computer centre, opposite St Jacobs parish Orba 09069796798 (M.S Word 2007 tutorial 72 This is the last tutorial in Word 2007. tutorials to learn about different programs.