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David armando Díaz huertasPedro Luis Núñez10Manual manejo de Word 2007<br />• How to install Word 2007• General and specific objectives• Work Environment• Description of tape options• Enter and exit Word 2007• Save and open a file• Insert WordArt Styles• office Botton• Bullets and Symbols• Types of source• Capitalization• Text boxes• Box format (source)• Insert Table• Set up a website• Insert equations• Insert chart• Print a file• Program like Word 2007<br />When you install Word 2007 we get the software in a legal Lujar sell it, to have the cd insert it and we will leave a number of options qa then we will see, we need to click on update, install it now appears to us a table showing progress installation, and finally we start the program in all programs and Word 2007<br />end we were left Word 2007 installed on our computer.<br />The aim with Word 2007, is to get all people to know and properly handle the basic tools that come with Word 2007, create, modify and print basic documents and complex, and acquired skills in using of the main functions of Word 2007, and can produce documents in accordance with the needs of people who use Word 2007.<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br />• The work we do to help people understand and become familiar with the working environment of Word 2007, to acquire skills in creating new documents, open existing documents and save documents• Develop the skills necessary to work with tables, targets and graphics.• Optimize print documents.• Knowing the tools of Word 2007, to facilitate the work<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br /> <br />Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado<br />Traducir a más de 50 idiomas<br />Comment allez-vous ?<br />ओह यार! <br />बन्दर<br />Buongiorno Principessa!<br />さようなら<br />أحب كرة القدم<br />La voiture<br />sư tử<br />Es ist sehr interessant!<br />děti<br />Wie heißen Sie?<br />Простите<br />παραλία<br />mijn vriend<br />Wie bitte?<br />hello<br />miracoloso<br />Langweilig<br />Wie gehts?<br />haydi gidelim<br />שמח<br />お元気ですか?<br />rouge<br />Je parle un petit peu français.<br />आज मेरा जन्मदिन हैं.<br />nazdar!<br />Je ne sais pas !<br />escargots<br />Hjelp!<br />سلحفاة<br />χρησμός<br />국수<br />Pardon ??<br />มีสีสัน<br />กาแฟ<br />Vær så snill<br />Quick Launch barRibbonBotton officeTitlebarThe working environment for the Microsoft Word 2007 is the one below is illustrated in the picture as we go along we learn and know the vast majority of tools that Word 2007 offers<br />Status BarBar viewZoomScrollbarBasic Buttons<br />Pestañas (cinta opciones)For those who have no knowledge of the tools on the tape options<br />       <br />Continuing, a quick description, but of great importance on each of the tabs on the ribbon options<br />In this tab we find the following tools<br />This tool has the function to save files temporarily Clipboard: <br />With this tool we can change things to our liking, to the point or source of our paper font:<br />With this tool you can modify the document as written in our center, justify, shading among many other thingsPárrafo:<br /> Style: <br />With this tool you can modify as its name indicates the style of our titles or paragraphs of our paper according to everyone's tasteEscucharLeer fonéticamente Diccionario - Ver diccionario detalladonombre editioneditingissuepublishingdesktop publishingimpressionTraducir cualquier sitio Magasin-suecoSpiegel Angeles Times-Estados UnidosElle-FranciaYomuiri Online-JapónZamalek Fans-árabeFocus Online-Alemania<br />With this tool you can search for words in the document and select replaceedit: <br />We can find how to create a cover to your document, insert a blank page and give a page break Pages: <br />Tool for creating tablestables: <br />These tools help us to add pictures to your documentillustration: <br />This tool serves to head to a websitelinks: <br />Header and footer: <br />We use it to generate a footer throughout the document and a captionText:<br />We used to create text boxes, text word art<br />Symbols:<br />This tool is useful to insert symbols and create equations<br />Changes in overall design of the whole documenttopics: <br />set pages:<br />We used to set the margins of our paper, and paper size<br />We used to add a watermark or background either an image or color to our paper wallpaper<br />Make room for our paragraphs and add to our text indentationparagraph:<br />We used to adjust images and fonts to our textorganize: <br />Microsoft Word 2007Microsoft officeTodos los programasinicio<br />We went on our desk at home we click, we all programs, there are shows off a menu in Microsoft office and then look for Microsoft Word and we click.<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br />cerrarMaximizar o restaurarminimizar<br />To exit Microsoft Word 2007 is a simple little show you how to do<br />One way to get out of Word 2007 is by clicking on the xq is on the right side at the top<br />Clicking on the x we leave our program Word 2007close:                                        <br />Another way out of our program is:We head office button does give us click opens a menu with different options we looked at the bottom that says close, or at the very bottom to the left the option out of Word, so that we become clearer this procedure Following is a chart that showed an improvement.<br />Exit WordclosedBotton office<br />In this way we can leave and enter Microsoft Word 2007, something very simple and quite useful to start working our documents.<br />Then learn how to save and open a job file in Microsoft Word 2007.<br />Sabe assavesave <br />There are several ways to save our file in Word 2007:1. We went in the top to a disk-shaped icon and we click we get this box<br />We choose a name and click saveAnother way to save is to click on the botton press office and tool store<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br /> <br />Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado<br />verbo <br />save<br />keep<br />hold<br />guard<br />retain<br />observe<br />preserve<br />put away<br />bear<br />ward<br />watch<br />treasure<br />hold on to<br />pack away<br />house<br />hold back<br />lay up<br />keep back<br />hang on<br />wait<br />put back<br />lay by<br />tend<br />herd<br />look<br />fence<br />lay aside<br />put by<br />envision<br />leave in<br />bosom<br />lay away<br />filibeg<br />Traducir cualquier sitio web<br /><br />OneIndia-hindi<br />Louvre-Francia<br />Vogue-Francia<br />Komika Magasin-sueco<br />Spiegel Online-Alemania<br /><br />Los Angeles Times-Estados Unidos<br />Elle-Francia<br />Yomuiri Online-Japón<br />Zamalek Fans-árabe<br />Focus Online-Alemania<br />Botton office <br />save<br />We see the same box above<br />And we save.<br />AbrirBotton office <br />To open a document in Word 2007 we go to the office botton then click and go to the option open to us appears to click the box below.<br />openFiles or documentsWhere they can be files<br />In this way we can open a file or document you need.It is very important to remember the location and the name given to our paper to have a better facility in time to open our files in Word 2007<br />wordarttext boxinsert<br />To insert a WordArt style we went to the Ribbon in the insert option, we click and go to the box text wordart tool is selected, click to give us a number of options displays.<br />chosen optionwordart text options.<br />For this example we chose the option to close in the black box, choosing this or any other path produces the following table where we write what we want in this case Bogotá mission.<br />acceptFont size or sourceField type<br />By clicking on accept we can see our text wordart<br />Text wordart<br />In this way we create our text wordart.<br />Office tools bottonBotton office<br />To work with the office botton botton we head office here and give us several options appear as shown in the illustration, a poko know the tools that you offer us options.<br />We will create a new document in Word 2007new: <br />We will open a file that we are working or needopen: <br />We will save our document on the computer<br />save: <br />We will rename our paper, and the path where you want to savesabe as:<br />We will rename our paper, and the path where you want to saveprinted: <br />We can send your document to an e-mail (internet)send: <br />It allows us to publish our blog file                                                                                                 publish: <br />We can close our program Word 2007close: <br />To insert a bullet will follow the following stepsLet's start option and headed to the box paragraph, there is a tool called vignettes<br />Bullet Toolparagraph boxhomeEscuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br /> <br />Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado<br />verbo <br />insert<br />introduce<br />put in<br />inset<br />write in<br />set in<br />throw in<br />Traducir cualquier sitio web<br /><br />OneIndia-hindi<br />Louvre-Francia<br />Vogue-Francia<br />Komika Magasin-sueco<br />Spiegel Online-Alemania<br /><br />Los Angeles Times-Estados Unidos<br />Elle-Francia<br />Yomuiri Online-Japón<br />Zamalek Fans-árabe<br />Focus Online-Alemania<br />To use this tool is necessary to take selected text as shown in the image<br />After having our text selected the option we went to click cartoons and give us a look our bulleted text follows<br />Así de con siguiendo este método podremos generar viñetas para nuestro documento<br />To insert a symbol we click on the option to insert the ribbon, then we went to symbols to the symbol option<br />Symbol ToolBox symbolsInsert option<br />Table symbols By clicking on the tool generates symbols weThe following table.<br />In this table we find some symbols that can be very useful for our work in Word<br />To change the font type to your document should go to the Start option tool box power source, is able to change the type of our letter or font, size, style and color<br />Estilo subrayadoColor de la fuenteEstilo de fuenteTamaño de fuenteTipo de fuenteCaja fuenteinicio<br />   <br />To change the color of the source we click on the color tool and select one according to our tasteTo change the font style, we simply click on the tool you want, to give an underline style we click on this tool and we highlights the text and the explanation isTo increase or decrease our source letter or go to the font size tool and we click to select the desired sizeTo change the font we click on the font tool, we'll get a dialogue box like the note below<br />After searching the font that we want to click on the type and we can start writing the new font<br />Then we will see the case-sensitive<br />Tool case sensitiveBox sourceshome<br />To change text case to go to the Home choice sources and tool box is case sensitive, we click and we get the following box<br />mayúsculasminúscula<br />To change character case we click on the tool you need<br />Then learn how to handle text boxesTo add a text box should only go to the insert, text box, text box tool and then see the image<br />Text BoxText BoxInsertar<br />By clicking on the tool box appears in the following text weTable<br />Text Box Options<br />We can choose the ones you like best just to click on it, then we write what we need in the text box<br />Then we will know the format box to work with sources, learn what tools you have and we can work to our paper, this is the picture format boxTo enter the format box we put ourselves in the boot option box, we source and click on the arrow on the bottom right.<br />Box formatBox fontinicio<br />By clicking on the arrow will appear this box<br />Source Typeeffectsfont coloraceptarsizeFont StyleUnderline ColorUnderline styleoptions<br />Working with this box format is simple and very important, depends on our creative to get good resultsTo change the font simply looking for the source that we like and choose.We can give our font style font style tool, with options that we offer.To change the size of our document or a letter, paragraph or word choice we went to the font size and choose as desired by us.We can also add a color to our source, this option can customize the color or simply pick a color already established, we emphasize our source, adding a special style and give it the color that we like.In this case we can add effects to our source with the variety of options Word 2007 gives us<br />
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles
Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles

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Guia word 2007 sena david diaz en ingles

  • 1. David armando Díaz huertasPedro Luis Núñez10Manual manejo de Word 2007<br />• How to install Word 2007• General and specific objectives• Work Environment• Description of tape options• Enter and exit Word 2007• Save and open a file• Insert WordArt Styles• office Botton• Bullets and Symbols• Types of source• Capitalization• Text boxes• Box format (source)• Insert Table• Set up a website• Insert equations• Insert chart• Print a file• Program like Word 2007<br />When you install Word 2007 we get the software in a legal Lujar sell it, to have the cd insert it and we will leave a number of options qa then we will see, we need to click on update, install it now appears to us a table showing progress installation, and finally we start the program in all programs and Word 2007<br />end we were left Word 2007 installed on our computer.<br />The aim with Word 2007, is to get all people to know and properly handle the basic tools that come with Word 2007, create, modify and print basic documents and complex, and acquired skills in using of the main functions of Word 2007, and can produce documents in accordance with the needs of people who use Word 2007.<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br />• The work we do to help people understand and become familiar with the working environment of Word 2007, to acquire skills in creating new documents, open existing documents and save documents• Develop the skills necessary to work with tables, targets and graphics.• Optimize print documents.• Knowing the tools of Word 2007, to facilitate the work<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br /> <br />Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado<br />Traducir a más de 50 idiomas<br />Comment allez-vous ?<br />ओह यार! <br />बन्दर<br />Buongiorno Principessa!<br />さようなら<br />أحب كرة القدم<br />La voiture<br />sư tử<br />Es ist sehr interessant!<br />děti<br />Wie heißen Sie?<br />Простите<br />παραλία<br />mijn vriend<br />Wie bitte?<br />hello<br />miracoloso<br />Langweilig<br />Wie gehts?<br />haydi gidelim<br />שמח<br />お元気ですか?<br />rouge<br />Je parle un petit peu français.<br />आज मेरा जन्मदिन हैं.<br />nazdar!<br />Je ne sais pas !<br />escargots<br />Hjelp!<br />سلحفاة<br />χρησμός<br />국수<br />Pardon ??<br />มีสีสัน<br />กาแฟ<br />Vær så snill<br />Quick Launch barRibbonBotton officeTitlebarThe working environment for the Microsoft Word 2007 is the one below is illustrated in the picture as we go along we learn and know the vast majority of tools that Word 2007 offers<br />Status BarBar viewZoomScrollbarBasic Buttons<br />Pestañas (cinta opciones)For those who have no knowledge of the tools on the tape options<br /> <br />Continuing, a quick description, but of great importance on each of the tabs on the ribbon options<br />In this tab we find the following tools<br />This tool has the function to save files temporarily Clipboard: <br />With this tool we can change things to our liking, to the point or source of our paper font:<br />With this tool you can modify the document as written in our center, justify, shading among many other thingsPárrafo:<br /> Style: <br />With this tool you can modify as its name indicates the style of our titles or paragraphs of our paper according to everyone's tasteEscucharLeer fonéticamente Diccionario - Ver diccionario detalladonombre editioneditingissuepublishingdesktop publishingimpressionTraducir cualquier sitio Magasin-suecoSpiegel Angeles Times-Estados UnidosElle-FranciaYomuiri Online-JapónZamalek Fans-árabeFocus Online-Alemania<br />With this tool you can search for words in the document and select replaceedit: <br />We can find how to create a cover to your document, insert a blank page and give a page break Pages: <br />Tool for creating tablestables: <br />These tools help us to add pictures to your documentillustration: <br />This tool serves to head to a websitelinks: <br />Header and footer: <br />We use it to generate a footer throughout the document and a captionText:<br />We used to create text boxes, text word art<br />Symbols:<br />This tool is useful to insert symbols and create equations<br />Changes in overall design of the whole documenttopics: <br />set pages:<br />We used to set the margins of our paper, and paper size<br />We used to add a watermark or background either an image or color to our paper wallpaper<br />Make room for our paragraphs and add to our text indentationparagraph:<br />We used to adjust images and fonts to our textorganize: <br />Microsoft Word 2007Microsoft officeTodos los programasinicio<br />We went on our desk at home we click, we all programs, there are shows off a menu in Microsoft office and then look for Microsoft Word and we click.<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br />cerrarMaximizar o restaurarminimizar<br />To exit Microsoft Word 2007 is a simple little show you how to do<br />One way to get out of Word 2007 is by clicking on the xq is on the right side at the top<br />Clicking on the x we leave our program Word 2007close: <br />Another way out of our program is:We head office button does give us click opens a menu with different options we looked at the bottom that says close, or at the very bottom to the left the option out of Word, so that we become clearer this procedure Following is a chart that showed an improvement.<br />Exit WordclosedBotton office<br />In this way we can leave and enter Microsoft Word 2007, something very simple and quite useful to start working our documents.<br />Then learn how to save and open a job file in Microsoft Word 2007.<br />Sabe assavesave <br />There are several ways to save our file in Word 2007:1. We went in the top to a disk-shaped icon and we click we get this box<br />We choose a name and click saveAnother way to save is to click on the botton press office and tool store<br />Escuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br /> <br />Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado<br />verbo <br />save<br />keep<br />hold<br />guard<br />retain<br />observe<br />preserve<br />put away<br />bear<br />ward<br />watch<br />treasure<br />hold on to<br />pack away<br />house<br />hold back<br />lay up<br />keep back<br />hang on<br />wait<br />put back<br />lay by<br />tend<br />herd<br />look<br />fence<br />lay aside<br />put by<br />envision<br />leave in<br />bosom<br />lay away<br />filibeg<br />Traducir cualquier sitio web<br /><br />OneIndia-hindi<br />Louvre-Francia<br />Vogue-Francia<br />Komika Magasin-sueco<br />Spiegel Online-Alemania<br /><br />Los Angeles Times-Estados Unidos<br />Elle-Francia<br />Yomuiri Online-Japón<br />Zamalek Fans-árabe<br />Focus Online-Alemania<br />Botton office <br />save<br />We see the same box above<br />And we save.<br />AbrirBotton office <br />To open a document in Word 2007 we go to the office botton then click and go to the option open to us appears to click the box below.<br />openFiles or documentsWhere they can be files<br />In this way we can open a file or document you need.It is very important to remember the location and the name given to our paper to have a better facility in time to open our files in Word 2007<br />wordarttext boxinsert<br />To insert a WordArt style we went to the Ribbon in the insert option, we click and go to the box text wordart tool is selected, click to give us a number of options displays.<br />chosen optionwordart text options.<br />For this example we chose the option to close in the black box, choosing this or any other path produces the following table where we write what we want in this case Bogotá mission.<br />acceptFont size or sourceField type<br />By clicking on accept we can see our text wordart<br />Text wordart<br />In this way we create our text wordart.<br />Office tools bottonBotton office<br />To work with the office botton botton we head office here and give us several options appear as shown in the illustration, a poko know the tools that you offer us options.<br />We will create a new document in Word 2007new: <br />We will open a file that we are working or needopen: <br />We will save our document on the computer<br />save: <br />We will rename our paper, and the path where you want to savesabe as:<br />We will rename our paper, and the path where you want to saveprinted: <br />We can send your document to an e-mail (internet)send: <br />It allows us to publish our blog file publish: <br />We can close our program Word 2007close: <br />To insert a bullet will follow the following stepsLet's start option and headed to the box paragraph, there is a tool called vignettes<br />Bullet Toolparagraph boxhomeEscuchar<br />Leer fonéticamente<br /> <br />Diccionario - Ver diccionario detallado<br />verbo <br />insert<br />introduce<br />put in<br />inset<br />write in<br />set in<br />throw in<br />Traducir cualquier sitio web<br /><br />OneIndia-hindi<br />Louvre-Francia<br />Vogue-Francia<br />Komika Magasin-sueco<br />Spiegel Online-Alemania<br /><br />Los Angeles Times-Estados Unidos<br />Elle-Francia<br />Yomuiri Online-Japón<br />Zamalek Fans-árabe<br />Focus Online-Alemania<br />To use this tool is necessary to take selected text as shown in the image<br />After having our text selected the option we went to click cartoons and give us a look our bulleted text follows<br />Así de con siguiendo este método podremos generar viñetas para nuestro documento<br />To insert a symbol we click on the option to insert the ribbon, then we went to symbols to the symbol option<br />Symbol ToolBox symbolsInsert option<br />Table symbols By clicking on the tool generates symbols weThe following table.<br />In this table we find some symbols that can be very useful for our work in Word<br />To change the font type to your document should go to the Start option tool box power source, is able to change the type of our letter or font, size, style and color<br />Estilo subrayadoColor de la fuenteEstilo de fuenteTamaño de fuenteTipo de fuenteCaja fuenteinicio<br /> <br />To change the color of the source we click on the color tool and select one according to our tasteTo change the font style, we simply click on the tool you want, to give an underline style we click on this tool and we highlights the text and the explanation isTo increase or decrease our source letter or go to the font size tool and we click to select the desired sizeTo change the font we click on the font tool, we'll get a dialogue box like the note below<br />After searching the font that we want to click on the type and we can start writing the new font<br />Then we will see the case-sensitive<br />Tool case sensitiveBox sourceshome<br />To change text case to go to the Home choice sources and tool box is case sensitive, we click and we get the following box<br />mayúsculasminúscula<br />To change character case we click on the tool you need<br />Then learn how to handle text boxesTo add a text box should only go to the insert, text box, text box tool and then see the image<br />Text BoxText BoxInsertar<br />By clicking on the tool box appears in the following text weTable<br />Text Box Options<br />We can choose the ones you like best just to click on it, then we write what we need in the text box<br />Then we will know the format box to work with sources, learn what tools you have and we can work to our paper, this is the picture format boxTo enter the format box we put ourselves in the boot option box, we source and click on the arrow on the bottom right.<br />Box formatBox fontinicio<br />By clicking on the arrow will appear this box<br />Source Typeeffectsfont coloraceptarsizeFont StyleUnderline ColorUnderline styleoptions<br />Working with this box format is simple and very important, depends on our creative to get good resultsTo change the font simply looking for the source that we like and choose.We can give our font style font style tool, with options that we offer.To change the size of our document or a letter, paragraph or word choice we went to the font size and choose as desired by us.We can also add a color to our source, this option can customize the color or simply pick a color already established, we emphasize our source, adding a special style and give it the color that we like.In this case we can add effects to our source with the variety of options Word 2007 gives us<br />