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Ludwig Van Beethoven

Born in Bonn
Died in Vienna
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Third member of the great
Viennese masters
The great transitional composer
By the time he was 35 years old he
was the most important composer
in the world

                  BEETHOVEN 1770-1827

        MOZART 1756-1789

HAYDN 1732-1809
            1770                    1820
Father and Grandfather were musicians.
Father was Ludwig’s first music teacher.
His father was an alcoholic
Supported his family as a child
Showed an interest in composing very
“Louis van Beethoven… a boy of 11 years
  and a most promising talent. He plays
  the clavier very skillfully and with
  power, reads at sight very well… This
  youthful genius is deserving of help to
  enable him to travel. He would surely
  become a second Wolfgang Amadeus
  Mozart were he to continue as he has

                – Christian Gottlob Neefe
Young adulthood
Beethoven went to Vienna, Austria to
learn more about composing when he
was 17. He played for Mozart
He had to return home when his mother
died, and help raise his brothers.
Return to Vienna
When Beethoven was 22 (1792), he
moved to Austria and never returned to

He studied with Haydn
Ludwig Van

True, it’s “van,” not the aristocratic “von,” but if
someone mistakenly thinks I’m a “von” of royal
blood I certainly won’t correct him.
Beethoven and Patronage
Patronage is gone. Besides,
Beethoven considered himself equal
to, not the servant of, any noble!
made his living by:
   selling compositions to publishers
   concertizing as a pianist
1st musician to make a living almost
exclusively through composition
His temperament
Beethoven was not
easy to be around.
                        He criticized other
He had a temper, and
                        musicians when they
he was very
                        didn’t perform his
                        pieces the way he
He would get lost in    wanted them to
his own thoughts and    sound.
would get impatient
                        His whole life was
with others when they
                        very ‘stormy’ …
didn’t do what he
                        there were many sad
thought they should
                        and discouraging
Beethoven’s Contract
“But as it has been demonstrated that only one
when he is free from care as possible can devote
himself to a single department of activity and
create works of magnitude which are exalted and
which ennoble art, the undersigned have decided
to place Herr Ludwig van Beethoven in a
position where the necessities of life shall not
cause him embarrassment or clog his powerful
Beethoven’s Contract
His Imperial Highness, Archduke Rudolph
1500 florins
The Highborn Prince Lobkowitz
700 florins
The Highborn Prince Ferdinand Kinsky
1800 Florins
Total…. 4000 florins (150,000 USD)
Beethoven’s Contract
All Beethoven had to do was to declare
Vienna his home.”

It is good to walk among the aristocracy,
but first you must MAKE them respect
Beethoven, the pianist
the most virtuosic in Europe
  dazzling technique and power
  genius improviser
a composer
  much music for piano
piano is being developed
  cast iron frame (stronger, more powerful
  larger range (Beethoven wrote notes that were not
  on current pianos, then told manufacturers to build
  new instruments)
Losing his hearing
Beethoven began         Beethoven tried
hearing buzzing in      many hearing
his ears.               devices, but none of
At first he tried to    them worked.
hide his loss of        He could watch
hearing from his        people’s lips to
friends.                understand what
He continued to write   they were saying, or
music when he was       have them write in a
deaf.                   notebook.
Beethoven’s Deafness
Manifests itself as early as 1796
By 1820 he could barely hear
Heiligenstadt Testament
Letter Beethoven writes in 1802
Describes his illness and his melancholy
Ca. 1799, Beethoven learned his
increasing deafness was irreversible. Deep
in despair, he remained in Heiligenstadt
the summer and fall of 1802
contemplating suicide.
Beethoven’s Deafness
“Though born with a fiery, active temperament I
  was soon to withdraw from society, to live a life
  alone. If at times I tried to forget all this, oh
  how harshly was I flung back by the doubly sad
  experience of my bad hearing. Yet it wasn’t
  possible for me to say to people, “Speak
  Louder, shout for I am deaf! Ah, how could I
  possibly admit to an infirmity in the one sense
  that ought to be more perfect in me than in
  others, a sense that I once possessed in the
  highest degree.”
“How humiliated I have felt if somebody
standing beside me heard the sound of a
flute in the distance and I heard nothing...It
is impossible for me to say to people, ‘Speak
louder, for I am deaf.’ How would it be
possible for me to admit to a weakness of the
one sense that should be perfect to a higher
degree in me than in theirs. So forgive me if
you see me draw back from your company
which I would so gladly share. I would have
ended my life. It was only my art that held
me back for it seemed impossible to leave the
world until I have brought forth all that is
within me.”
                                — Beethoven
Medical methods back then...
Doctors poured warm milk and crushed
nuts in Beethoven’s ears, telling him that
this would help restore his hearing!
Doctors rubbed Beethoven’s arms with
an ointment until they blistered, then
punctured and drained the blisters…
telling him that this would help restore
his hearing!
Beethovenian Pathos
Man at some unexpected time in his life
 will sink to the depths of his existence,
 into the depths of chaos. It is only HE
 that can make the decision to turn the
 chaos into a triumphant victory. Rising
 out of the depths of human chaos is
 humanity’s primary task for survival.
Beethovenian Pathos
Shows up in music.
  Sense of despair.
  Sense of acceptance
  Sense of reconciliation
  Sense of victory over despair.
“I am resolved to rise superior to
every obstacle. With whom need I be
afraid of measuring my own strength?
 I will take Fate by the throat. It shall
not overcome me. O how beautiful it
is to be alive—would that I could live
a thousand times.”

Beethoven’s death
Beethoven died in Vienna, Austria in
Thousands of people lined the streets
during his funeral procession to pay
Beethoven, the composer
Wrote many works for piano
Wrote music that required improvement of the piano
For years, his compositions drew mixed reactions
Critics and journalists hassled him
  Intellect, Intellect, Intellect. Why must Herr
  Beethoven write such difficult and complex music? It
  sounds like cats fighting! Cannot he write a decent
  singable melody?
“I carry my thoughts within me long,
often very long before I write them
down. As I know what I want, the
fundamental idea never deserts me.
It mounts, it grows in stature. I hear,
I see the picture in its whole extent
standing all of a piece before my
spirit, and there remains for me only
the task of writing it down.”

Some of his Works
32 Piano Sonatas
  Moonlight Sonata
  Sonata Pathetique

Fur Elise
Fidelio (his only opera)
9 Symphonies
  Choral Symphony …#9 (Ode to Joy)
  Beethoven’s Fifth …#5
  Pastorale …..#6
Beethoven Symphonies
Supreme architect
  Tied all movements into a theme
  Fate versus hope
Beethoven Symphonies
  Ode To Joy
Jacques Louis David

Coronation of Napoleon
Jacques Louis David

in his study
Symphony #5 C minor op. 67.
Archetypical Sonata Allegro Form.
Three note motive.
Shows up throughout the whole
What is this piece about?
Beethoven Piano Sonata in C
     minor. Pathetique
Beethovenian Pathos in each movement
Dramatic quality, sudden dynamic
Adagio section that is hymn-like
2nd and 3rd movements are in Rondo form
Beethovenian Pathos
Mvt.1 Slow intro
Tempo rubato
Sense of sadness and then anger/
desperation as the music moves to the
fast section.
Beethovenian Pathos
Mvt. 2. Slow and hymnl-ike
Sense of calm acceptance
Familiar theme
Beethovenian Pathos
Mvt. 3.
Rising out of chaos.
Sounds of triumph.
Ludwig van Beethoven
composed by evolving and revising musical ideas and
   kept notebooks of themes and ideas
   B’s manuscripts, unlike Mozart’s, are a MESS--a sea
   of cross-outs, arrows, re-writes, etc.
Much of B’s music was composed in deafness (total by
age 29!) He could only hear the music in his head.
works are larger, longer, more complex
TRANSITION composer:
  B’s last two composition periods and styles clearly point the way
  to the coming Romanticism.
composed for himself and future, NOT for publishers or
middle class market
For Beethoven music is much more important to human
existence than mere entertainment!
1. Early years
    a. Beethoven born in Bonn
    b. Studied under Christian
       Gottlob Neefe (1748-98)
       1. Court organist at Bonn
       2. Wrote Singspiels and songs
         c. 1787: Brief visit to Vienna,
             may have played for Mozart
         d. 1790: Haydn hears Beethoven's music
             and urges the archbishop of Cologne
             to send him to Vienna
2. Vienna
    a. Beethoven moves to Vienna in November of 1792
     b. Studies with a number of composers
        1. 1792-94: studied with Haydn
        2. 1794: Johann Schenk (1753-1836):
                 composer of Singspiels
        3. 1794: Johann Georg Albrechtsberger:
                  teaches Beethoven counterpoint
        4. Antonio Salieri (1750-1825):
           teaches vocal composition
3. Compositional overview
    a. 9 symphonies                b. 11 overtures
    c. Incidental music to plays
    d. 1 violin concerto           e. 5 piano concertos
    f. 16 string quartets          g. 9 piano trios
    h. 10 vioin sonatas            i. 5 cello sonatas
    j. 30 large piano sonatas
    k. Numerous piano variations
    l. 1 oratorio                  m. 1 opera
    n. 2 Masses (including the Missa Solemnis in D)
    o. Arias, songs and 1 song cycle
His Musical Style: Three
1. Classical Elements: Musical style learned
at the hands of Mozart and Haydn.
Use of sonata allegro form. Perfect
architecture in his music.
Balanced melodies.
Diatonic Harmony
5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography
    a. It is customary to divide Beethoven's works
        into three periods on the basis of style and chronology
    b. "Bonn" period is usually not taken into account
5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography (cont.)
   c. Periodic breakdown
      1. Early Period in Vienna (1792-1802 )
         Six String Quartets, Op.18/1-6
         The first 10 piano sonatas (through Op.14)
          Symphonies 1 & 2
5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography (cont.)
   C. Periodic breakdown
    2. Middle Period: Beethoven's "Heroic" period (1803-1816)
         Symphonies 3-8                    - Egmont
         Coriolan overture                 - Fidelio
         Piano concertos in G and Eb       - Violin concerto
         Piano sonatas through Op.90
         String quartets:Op.59/1-3 ("Rasumovsky"), Op.74 ("Harp"),
         Op.95 ("Quartetto serioso")
5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography (cont.)
     c. Periodic breakdown
        3. Late Period: Reflective and introspective style
           ( 1817-1827)
        Last 5 piano sonatas
        Diabelli Variations
        Missa solemnis
       1. Op.2/1-3 (f,A,C): Publ.1796 &
          Dedicated to Haydn
       2. Op.7 (Eb): publ. in 1797
       3. Op.10 No.1 (c min.)
       4. Op.13 "Pathetique" slow mov't
Characteristic texture
      1. Frequent use of octaves
      2. Thick piano writing
Contemporaries that may have influenced Beethoven
  1. Muzio Clementi (1752-1832)
  2. Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812)
  3. Dussek's Grande Sonate, Op.44 "Les
     adieux" (Eb) publ.1800 may have influenced
     Beethoven's Op.81a "Les adieux" of 1810
Second Period
Expanded works.
 Form, melody, dynamics
 Explosive accents.
 Longer Movements in Symphonies
 Hymn-like calmness in his slower
A. Background
B. Symphony no.3 (Eb) "Eroica"
C. Fidelio
D. Piano Sonatas
E. Piano Concertos
A. Background
   1. By 1803 Beethoven was recognized as the
      foremost pianis and composer for piano
   2. Patronage: differed from that of Mozart and Haydn,
       Beethoven was extremely independent, and drove a
       hard bargain both with publishers and patrons
B. Symphony no.3 (Eb) "Eroica”: Composed in 1803
    1. Originally dedicated to Napoleon but Beethoven
       tears up dedication when Napoleon declares
       himself Emperor in 1804. 1806 dedication
       "Heroic Symphony... to celebrate the memory
       of a great man"
    2. Significance
       a. Expansive movements and extraordinary length
          b. 2nd mov't is a funeral march (C minor)
          c. 4th mov't is a set of variations (w/fugato episodes)
C. Fidelio
   Compositional history
        a. Most problematic compostion as it was revised numrous times
        b. Composed initially in 1803, First perf. in Vienna in 1805
        c. 1805-1806
             - Originally has 3 acts but revises and shortens to 2 acts
             - March 1806 perf. of this version is immediately withdrawn
        d. 1814 version: The 1st successful production (extensive revision)
D. Piano Sonatas
     1. Op.27/1-2: From ca.1802 known as the
        "Moonlight" Sonata
         Each designated as "quasi una fantasia"
     2. Op.53 (C) "Waldstein Sonata" and
        Op.57 (f) "Appassionata"
         Exemplary piano works of the middle period
         Each is in three mov't scheme (fast-slow-fast)
         Formal schemes of the sonata, rondo and
         variation are stretched to the limits
E. Piano Concertos
      1. Composed concertos for his own
             concert appearances
      2. Piano concertos nos.1-3 (C,Bb,c)
         All date from early years in Vienna
         Concertos influenced by Mozart
      3. Violin Concerto, D maj. Op.61 (1806)
A. Background
       1. 1810-1815 as a prosperous period for Beethoven
       2. Health deteriorating, deafness worsening
       3. Compositional output in the final years
           a. 1816-1821: last 5 piano sonatas
           b. 1822: Missa Solemnis
           c. 1823: Diabelli Variations
           d. 1824: Symphony no.9
           e. 1825-26: String Quartets
B. Characteristics of the late style -- Meditative quality
  a. Manifest in the extensive development of themes
  b. Late use of variation forms --> thematic development
    lengthier passages subjected to dev. rather than
    short bar-long motives
  c. Variation techniques used by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven
B. Characteristics of the late style (Cont.)
Meditative quality (Cont.)
 e. Fugato and use of contrapuntal textures
     1. Fugal movements
        a. Finales of Op.106 and 110 Piano Sonatas
        b. Grosse Fuge
        c. Gloria and Credo of the Mass in D
        d. 2 double fugues in the finale of the 9th Symphony
  f. Use of nontraditional movement plans
      1. Op.111 Piano Sonata: 2 mov't
      2. Op.131 String Quartet (C#min): 7 sections (mov't)
C. Mass in D
    1. Beethoven regarded the Mass as his greatest work
    2. Mass as a single musical unity, a symphony in 5 mov't
   D. Ninth Symphony
     1. Premiered on May 7, 1824
     2. Significant features
        a. Choral finale
           1. Setting of Schiller's "Ode to Joy"
           2. Beethoven selects stanzas about
              universal brotherhood of man
        b. Double fugue in the finale
Final period

Chromatic harmonies.
Easier to produce for Beethoven due to
the fact that the hands did not have to
move so far on the piano.
Music? “Not for you.. For a later time.
Beethoven is Power, the strangler of fate, who
bowed neither to any man or to lesser gods.

With men who do not believe in me I cannot and
will not associate.
                    - Beethoven

His music reflects “the complete emancipation of
human emotion and mind.”

No composer was more committed to the struggle of
mankind. Bach wrote for the Glory of God, Mozart
because genius must out, (and because he had to
eat), Beethoven to impose his will on the world.

              - All quotes from Goulding text
Symphony No. 5, 1st Movement
           Symphony No. 9, Ode to Joy

Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps, 1800
          did not succumb
     to this, the gravest of a
    musician’s ills. Instead he
composed the heroic and remarkably
  optimistic Third Symphony. It
     is today one of the best
          loved orchestral
             works ever
Ferdinand Ries recalls the piano contest with Stiebelt :
Stiebelt again played a quintet with much success and in
addition (and this was quite evident) had prepared a brilliant
improvisation, choosing as the theme the subject of the
variations of Beethoven's trio (Op.11). This outraged not only
Beethoven's supporters but also the composer himself. He
now had to seat himself at the piano in order to improvise. He
went in his usual, I must say ungracious, manner to the
instrument as if half lunging towards it, grabbing as he
passed, the 'cello part of Stiebelt's quintet, placed it
(intentionally?) upside down on the music stand and from the
opening notes drummed out a theme with one finger.
Offended and stimulated at the same time, he improvised in
such a manner that Stiebelt left the room before Beethoven
had finished. He refused ever to meet him again; in fact he
made it a condition that Beethoven should not be invited
anywhere where his company was requested.
Ferdinand Ries describes the concert of 22 Dec 1808 :
Beethoven gave a large concert in the Theater an der Wien at
which were performed for the first time the 5th and 6th
Symphonies as well as his Fantasia for Piano/orchestra and
chorus. In this last work, at the place where the last theme
already appears in a varied form, the clarinet player made, by
mistake, a repeat of 8 bars. Since only a few instruments
were playing, this error was all the more evident to the ear.
Beethoven leapt up in a fury, turned round and abused the
orchestra players in the coarsest terms and so loudly that he
could be heard throughout the auditorium. Finally he shouted
"From the beginning!” The concert was a great success, but
afterwards the artists remembering only too well the
honourable title which Beethoven had bestowed on them in
public swore never to play for Beethoven again - this went on
until Beethoven composed something new and their curiosity
got the better of them.
Ludwig Reelstab on Beethoven's deafness :
Beethoven: “This is a beautiful piano! I got it as a gift
from London. Look at the name!" He pointed with his
finger to the strip of wood above the keyboard.” It is a
wonderful present,” said Beethoven looking at me "and
it has a beautiful tone," he continued turning towards
the piano without taking his eyes off me. He struck a
chord softly. Never will another chord pierce me to the
quick with such sadness and heartbreak. He has played
C major in the right hand and B natural in the bass; he
looked at me steadily and repeated the false chord
several times to let the mild tone of the instrument
sound, and the greatest musician on earth could not
hear the dissonance!

Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67
I = Standard symphony format
     IMP Romantic characteristics
It looks like a
symphony, but
mark this well:
that polite,
exterior rages
storm of
Music Journalism
CA 1790 Music Journalism exploded on the European scene.
Middle class people wanted to read essays, analyses, and criticisms
about new compositions, performers, instruments, concert halls,
etc. (ANYTHING MUSIC!) They bought music newspapers,
journals, and magazines by the millions. While these music rags
loved and praised Beethoven’s pianistic virtuosity (until deafness
curtailed his playing), they mercilessly and audaciously
condemned most of his compositions! “Intellect, intellect,
intellect!” Herr Beethoven’s music is too complex. It isn’t musical
entertainment; it’s intellectual “mind games.” Once again
Beethoven wrote something that no one wants to hear. These
invectives and journalistic fulminations bothered Beethoven a
great deal. However, he is known to have replied to at least one
upstart reporter, “Of course you don’t understand it (implying the
interviewer had neither the intelligence nor world view). I wrote
the piece for future generations. They will understand and
appreciate it.” He was correct.
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
                 Kamien, p. 193, CD #2
Exposition Development          Recapitulation Coda
1.    2.   3.    4.
T1 B T2 CT                      T1 B T2 Ct           LONG!
                      What?                            New
     •••—                       What     What         ideas
     motive           How?
                                change   instruments?
       What                     from
       instruments?             Expos?

                        Sonata form
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
Exposition Development Recapitulation
T1 B T2 CT                   T1 B T2 Ct          •••—
                   What?                          New
  •••—                       What   What         ideas
                   How?      change instruments?
    What                     from
    instruments?             Expos?

                     Sonata form
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
D e v e l           o p m e n t
1.a.     1.b.       2.a.       2.b.c.d.    2.e.

•••— motive        Based on Th 2          Reminder
                                          of Th 1
                Horn call   2 notes of
                w/ new      horn call!
                answer      1 note of
                            horn call!!

                     Theme 2 reminder
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1

          for guided listening
          to the entire development.
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
D e v e l              o p m e n t
Based on Th 1     Based on Th 2        Reminder of Th 1
Th 1   New        Horn call 2 notes
melody melody,    w/ new of horn
&R     motive R   answer call!
                            1 note
                            of horn
•••—                        call!!
motive is                   of Th 2
                            Back to
ubiquitous!                 1 note
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1

          for guided listening
          to the recapitulation
          and coda.
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
R e c a p i t u l a t i o n
Theme 1          Bridge   Theme 2     Closing Th
Important                 Subdued
addition                  horns +
Yes! It was an            Bassoons!
oboe. Now it              •••— in
continues w/ a            accompa-
short cadenza.            niment

        •••— motive is ubiquitous!
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
C    o    d a
    based mostly on •••— motive
    some new ideas introduced
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1
Exposition Development   Recapitulation Coda

T1 B T2 CT               T1 B T2 Ct
  •••—          •••—       •••—                •••—
  motive        motive     motive              motive

  This movement is UNIFIED like no earlier
            piece had ever been!
                                      Listen to entire piece
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 2
I = contrasting key
    “time out,” lyrical
    double theme & variations (Why not a rondo?)

A    B     A’      B’   A”   (?)   A’’’   Coda
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 3
I = scherzo (“joke”)
      minuet & trio form & triple meter BUT
      character is rough and rollicking, not genteel

  A                B                  A’
                   energy level?
  •••—             Perceived tempo?
  motive R
                   Virtuoso double bass
Symphony No. 5
  Bridge between mvts. 3 & 4
Listen for:
  timpani: •••— motive R
  repeated patterns--high strings
  ambiguous mode (How will this symphony end?)
     C minor? (turmoil, struggle, failure)
     C major? (victory, triumph, overcoming)
  Crescendo at end leads to Mvt 4
Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 4
Exposition Development            Recapitulation Coda

T1 B T2 CT                        T1 B T2 Ct    VERY
                  What?                         LONG!
    •••—                                        Earlier
    motive R!     How?
                     •••—                       reviewed
C Major!             motive R                   including
Triumphant mood      a la mvt 3
Symphony No. 5
  Mvt 1: •••— motive used in every
   part of sonata form
  Cyclicism: •••— motive used in
   Mvts 1, 3, 3-4 bridge, 4. (It is
   even obscurely used in mvt 2!!!)
  Mvts 3 & 4 tied together by
   ambiguous bridge
Symphony No. 5
            Romantic Notions:
1. Postponement of gratification, “emotional

       Mvt. 1    Mvt. 2   Mvt. 3   Mvt. 4
       C minor                     C Major
2. Conflict & struggle idea of C minor
3. Symphony is more highly unified than earlier
4. Symphony deals with emotion, passion
String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 18, No. 4,
  Mvt. 4                    String quartet = ??
String Quartet movement
I = rondo

                 What is the meaning of Op. (opus)?
                                   String Quartet in C Minor,
           Rondo Form              Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4

A      B      A         C      A       B       A       Coda
aababa ccdcdc aa’bab’a’ eeff

Unity: ?
Contrast: ?
                           String Quartet in C Minor,
          Rondo Form       Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4

A             B   A    C         A        B        A


Unity: ?
Contrast: ?
                                String Quartet in C Minor,
             Rondo Form         Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4

a        a       b      a   b    a
 Q   A   Q   A   Q      A   Q     A
 u   n   u   n   u      n   u     n
 e   s   e   s   e      s   e     s
 s   w   s   w   s      w   s     w
 t   e   t   e   t      e   t     e
 i   r   i   r   i      r   i     r
 o       o       o          o
 n       n       n          n

Opening      Closing
Phrase;      Phrase;
Incomplete   Complete
cadence      cadence
                                           String Quartet in C Minor,
             Rondo Form                    Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4

A        B     A            C         A       B       A        Coda
aababa ccdcdc aa’bab’a’ eeff
Rhythm ?       ?             ?
Major    ?     ?             ? How does
Minor    ?     ?             ? Beethoven
                               treat the
Style    ?     ?             ? upward scales?
Energy   ?     ?             ?

Unity: ?           Click the record, listen, track the
Contrast: ?        form, describe points of contrast
                   between the A, B, and C sections.
Beethoven Violin Concerto in D
       Major, Op. 61.
 Third Movement:
 Written in 1806
 From his first and second period of
 compositional period.
 Development of a five note motive.
Ludwig van Beethoven

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Mh beethoven

  • 1. Ludwig Van Beethoven 1770-1827 Born in Bonn Died in Vienna
  • 2. Ludwig Van Beethoven Third member of the great Viennese masters The great transitional composer By the time he was 35 years old he was the most important composer in the world
  • 3. LIFE-TIME-LINES BEETHOVEN 1770-1827 MOZART 1756-1789 HAYDN 1732-1809 1770 1820
  • 4. Childhood Father and Grandfather were musicians. Father was Ludwig’s first music teacher. His father was an alcoholic Supported his family as a child Showed an interest in composing very early
  • 5. “Louis van Beethoven… a boy of 11 years and a most promising talent. He plays the clavier very skillfully and with power, reads at sight very well… This youthful genius is deserving of help to enable him to travel. He would surely become a second Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were he to continue as he has begun.” – Christian Gottlob Neefe
  • 6. Young adulthood Beethoven went to Vienna, Austria to learn more about composing when he was 17. He played for Mozart He had to return home when his mother died, and help raise his brothers.
  • 7. Return to Vienna When Beethoven was 22 (1792), he moved to Austria and never returned to Germany. He studied with Haydn
  • 8. Ludwig Van Beethoven True, it’s “van,” not the aristocratic “von,” but if someone mistakenly thinks I’m a “von” of royal blood I certainly won’t correct him.
  • 9. Beethoven and Patronage Patronage is gone. Besides, Beethoven considered himself equal to, not the servant of, any noble! made his living by: selling compositions to publishers concertizing as a pianist 1st musician to make a living almost exclusively through composition
  • 10. His temperament Beethoven was not easy to be around. He criticized other He had a temper, and musicians when they he was very didn’t perform his demanding. pieces the way he He would get lost in wanted them to his own thoughts and sound. would get impatient His whole life was with others when they very ‘stormy’ … didn’t do what he there were many sad thought they should and discouraging do.
  • 11. Beethoven’s Contract “But as it has been demonstrated that only one when he is free from care as possible can devote himself to a single department of activity and create works of magnitude which are exalted and which ennoble art, the undersigned have decided to place Herr Ludwig van Beethoven in a position where the necessities of life shall not cause him embarrassment or clog his powerful genius.”
  • 12. Beethoven’s Contract His Imperial Highness, Archduke Rudolph 1500 florins The Highborn Prince Lobkowitz 700 florins The Highborn Prince Ferdinand Kinsky 1800 Florins Total…. 4000 florins (150,000 USD)
  • 13. Beethoven’s Contract All Beethoven had to do was to declare Vienna his home.” It is good to walk among the aristocracy, but first you must MAKE them respect you.”
  • 14. Beethoven, the pianist the most virtuosic in Europe dazzling technique and power genius improviser a composer much music for piano piano is being developed cast iron frame (stronger, more powerful instrument) larger range (Beethoven wrote notes that were not on current pianos, then told manufacturers to build new instruments)
  • 15. Losing his hearing Beethoven began Beethoven tried hearing buzzing in many hearing his ears. devices, but none of At first he tried to them worked. hide his loss of He could watch hearing from his people’s lips to friends. understand what He continued to write they were saying, or music when he was have them write in a deaf. notebook.
  • 16. Beethoven’s Deafness Manifests itself as early as 1796 By 1820 he could barely hear Heiligenstadt Testament Letter Beethoven writes in 1802 Describes his illness and his melancholy
  • 17. Ca. 1799, Beethoven learned his increasing deafness was irreversible. Deep in despair, he remained in Heiligenstadt the summer and fall of 1802 contemplating suicide.
  • 18. Beethoven’s Deafness “Though born with a fiery, active temperament I was soon to withdraw from society, to live a life alone. If at times I tried to forget all this, oh how harshly was I flung back by the doubly sad experience of my bad hearing. Yet it wasn’t possible for me to say to people, “Speak Louder, shout for I am deaf! Ah, how could I possibly admit to an infirmity in the one sense that ought to be more perfect in me than in others, a sense that I once possessed in the highest degree.”
  • 19. “How humiliated I have felt if somebody standing beside me heard the sound of a flute in the distance and I heard nothing...It is impossible for me to say to people, ‘Speak louder, for I am deaf.’ How would it be possible for me to admit to a weakness of the one sense that should be perfect to a higher degree in me than in theirs. So forgive me if you see me draw back from your company which I would so gladly share. I would have ended my life. It was only my art that held me back for it seemed impossible to leave the world until I have brought forth all that is within me.” — Beethoven
  • 20. Medical methods back then... Doctors poured warm milk and crushed nuts in Beethoven’s ears, telling him that this would help restore his hearing! Doctors rubbed Beethoven’s arms with an ointment until they blistered, then punctured and drained the blisters… telling him that this would help restore his hearing!
  • 21. Beethovenian Pathos Man at some unexpected time in his life will sink to the depths of his existence, into the depths of chaos. It is only HE that can make the decision to turn the chaos into a triumphant victory. Rising out of the depths of human chaos is humanity’s primary task for survival.
  • 22. Beethovenian Pathos Shows up in music. Sense of despair. Sense of acceptance Sense of reconciliation Sense of victory over despair.
  • 23. “I am resolved to rise superior to every obstacle. With whom need I be afraid of measuring my own strength? I will take Fate by the throat. It shall not overcome me. O how beautiful it is to be alive—would that I could live a thousand times.” -Beethoven
  • 24. Beethoven’s death Beethoven died in Vienna, Austria in 1827. Thousands of people lined the streets during his funeral procession to pay tribute.
  • 25. Beethoven, the composer Wrote many works for piano Wrote music that required improvement of the piano For years, his compositions drew mixed reactions Critics and journalists hassled him Intellect, Intellect, Intellect. Why must Herr Beethoven write such difficult and complex music? It sounds like cats fighting! Cannot he write a decent singable melody?
  • 26. “I carry my thoughts within me long, often very long before I write them down. As I know what I want, the fundamental idea never deserts me. It mounts, it grows in stature. I hear, I see the picture in its whole extent standing all of a piece before my spirit, and there remains for me only the task of writing it down.” -Beethoven
  • 27. Some of his Works 32 Piano Sonatas Moonlight Sonata Sonata Pathetique Fur Elise Fidelio (his only opera) 9 Symphonies Choral Symphony …#9 (Ode to Joy) Beethoven’s Fifth …#5 Pastorale …..#6
  • 28. Beethoven Symphonies Supreme architect Tied all movements into a theme 5th Fate versus hope
  • 29. Beethoven Symphonies 9th Finale Ode To Joy
  • 31. Jacques Louis David Napoleon in his study
  • 32. Symphony #5 C minor op. 67. Archetypical Sonata Allegro Form. Three note motive. Shows up throughout the whole symphony. What is this piece about?
  • 33. Beethoven Piano Sonata in C minor. Pathetique Beethovenian Pathos in each movement Dramatic quality, sudden dynamic changes Adagio section that is hymn-like 2nd and 3rd movements are in Rondo form
  • 34. Beethovenian Pathos Mvt.1 Slow intro Tempo rubato Sense of sadness and then anger/ desperation as the music moves to the fast section.
  • 35. Beethovenian Pathos Mvt. 2. Slow and hymnl-ike Sense of calm acceptance Familiar theme
  • 36. Beethovenian Pathos Mvt. 3. Rising out of chaos. Sounds of triumph.
  • 37. Ludwig van Beethoven composed by evolving and revising musical ideas and compositions kept notebooks of themes and ideas B’s manuscripts, unlike Mozart’s, are a MESS--a sea of cross-outs, arrows, re-writes, etc. Much of B’s music was composed in deafness (total by age 29!) He could only hear the music in his head. works are larger, longer, more complex TRANSITION composer: B’s last two composition periods and styles clearly point the way to the coming Romanticism. composed for himself and future, NOT for publishers or middle class market For Beethoven music is much more important to human existence than mere entertainment!
  • 38. 1. Early years a. Beethoven born in Bonn b. Studied under Christian Gottlob Neefe (1748-98) 1. Court organist at Bonn 2. Wrote Singspiels and songs c. 1787: Brief visit to Vienna, may have played for Mozart d. 1790: Haydn hears Beethoven's music and urges the archbishop of Cologne to send him to Vienna
  • 39. 2. Vienna a. Beethoven moves to Vienna in November of 1792 b. Studies with a number of composers 1. 1792-94: studied with Haydn 2. 1794: Johann Schenk (1753-1836): composer of Singspiels 3. 1794: Johann Georg Albrechtsberger: teaches Beethoven counterpoint 4. Antonio Salieri (1750-1825): teaches vocal composition
  • 40. 3. Compositional overview a. 9 symphonies b. 11 overtures c. Incidental music to plays d. 1 violin concerto e. 5 piano concertos f. 16 string quartets g. 9 piano trios h. 10 vioin sonatas i. 5 cello sonatas j. 30 large piano sonatas k. Numerous piano variations l. 1 oratorio m. 1 opera n. 2 Masses (including the Missa Solemnis in D) o. Arias, songs and 1 song cycle
  • 41. His Musical Style: Three Periods 1. Classical Elements: Musical style learned at the hands of Mozart and Haydn. Use of sonata allegro form. Perfect architecture in his music. Balanced melodies. Diatonic Harmony
  • 42. 5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography a. It is customary to divide Beethoven's works into three periods on the basis of style and chronology b. "Bonn" period is usually not taken into account
  • 43. 5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography (cont.) c. Periodic breakdown 1. Early Period in Vienna (1792-1802 ) Six String Quartets, Op.18/1-6 The first 10 piano sonatas (through Op.14) Symphonies 1 & 2
  • 44. 5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography (cont.) (cont C. Periodic breakdown 2. Middle Period: Beethoven's "Heroic" period (1803-1816) Symphonies 3-8 - Egmont Coriolan overture - Fidelio Piano concertos in G and Eb - Violin concerto Piano sonatas through Op.90 String quartets:Op.59/1-3 ("Rasumovsky"), Op.74 ("Harp"), Op.95 ("Quartetto serioso")
  • 45. 5. The "Three Periods" and Beethoven Historiography (cont.) c. Periodic breakdown 3. Late Period: Reflective and introspective style ( 1817-1827) Last 5 piano sonatas Diabelli Variations Missa solemnis
  • 46. Sonatas 1. Op.2/1-3 (f,A,C): Publ.1796 & Dedicated to Haydn 2. Op.7 (Eb): publ. in 1797 3. Op.10 No.1 (c min.) 4. Op.13 "Pathetique" slow mov't
  • 47. Characteristic texture 1. Frequent use of octaves 2. Thick piano writing
  • 48. Contemporaries that may have influenced Beethoven 1. Muzio Clementi (1752-1832) 2. Jan Ladislav Dussek (1760-1812) 3. Dussek's Grande Sonate, Op.44 "Les adieux" (Eb) publ.1800 may have influenced Beethoven's Op.81a "Les adieux" of 1810
  • 49. Second Period Expanded works. Form, melody, dynamics Explosive accents. Longer Movements in Symphonies Hymn-like calmness in his slower movements.
  • 50. A. Background B. Symphony no.3 (Eb) "Eroica" C. Fidelio D. Piano Sonatas E. Piano Concertos
  • 51. A. Background 1. By 1803 Beethoven was recognized as the foremost pianis and composer for piano 2. Patronage: differed from that of Mozart and Haydn, Beethoven was extremely independent, and drove a hard bargain both with publishers and patrons
  • 52. B. Symphony no.3 (Eb) "Eroica”: Composed in 1803 1. Originally dedicated to Napoleon but Beethoven tears up dedication when Napoleon declares himself Emperor in 1804. 1806 dedication "Heroic Symphony... to celebrate the memory of a great man" 2. Significance a. Expansive movements and extraordinary length b. 2nd mov't is a funeral march (C minor) c. 4th mov't is a set of variations (w/fugato episodes)
  • 53. C. Fidelio Compositional history a. Most problematic compostion as it was revised numrous times b. Composed initially in 1803, First perf. in Vienna in 1805 c. 1805-1806 - Originally has 3 acts but revises and shortens to 2 acts - March 1806 perf. of this version is immediately withdrawn d. 1814 version: The 1st successful production (extensive revision)
  • 54. D. Piano Sonatas 1. Op.27/1-2: From ca.1802 known as the "Moonlight" Sonata Each designated as "quasi una fantasia" 2. Op.53 (C) "Waldstein Sonata" and Op.57 (f) "Appassionata" Exemplary piano works of the middle period Each is in three mov't scheme (fast-slow-fast) Formal schemes of the sonata, rondo and variation are stretched to the limits
  • 55. E. Piano Concertos 1. Composed concertos for his own concert appearances 2. Piano concertos nos.1-3 (C,Bb,c) All date from early years in Vienna Concertos influenced by Mozart 3. Violin Concerto, D maj. Op.61 (1806)
  • 56. A. Background 1. 1810-1815 as a prosperous period for Beethoven 2. Health deteriorating, deafness worsening 3. Compositional output in the final years a. 1816-1821: last 5 piano sonatas b. 1822: Missa Solemnis c. 1823: Diabelli Variations d. 1824: Symphony no.9 e. 1825-26: String Quartets
  • 57. B. Characteristics of the late style -- Meditative quality a. Manifest in the extensive development of themes b. Late use of variation forms --> thematic development lengthier passages subjected to dev. rather than short bar-long motives c. Variation techniques used by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven
  • 58. B. Characteristics of the late style (Cont.) Meditative quality (Cont.) e. Fugato and use of contrapuntal textures 1. Fugal movements a. Finales of Op.106 and 110 Piano Sonatas b. Grosse Fuge c. Gloria and Credo of the Mass in D d. 2 double fugues in the finale of the 9th Symphony f. Use of nontraditional movement plans 1. Op.111 Piano Sonata: 2 mov't 2. Op.131 String Quartet (C#min): 7 sections (mov't)
  • 59. C. Mass in D 1. Beethoven regarded the Mass as his greatest work 2. Mass as a single musical unity, a symphony in 5 mov't D. Ninth Symphony 1. Premiered on May 7, 1824 2. Significant features a. Choral finale 1. Setting of Schiller's "Ode to Joy" 2. Beethoven selects stanzas about universal brotherhood of man b. Double fugue in the finale
  • 60. Final period Chromatic harmonies. Easier to produce for Beethoven due to the fact that the hands did not have to move so far on the piano. Music? “Not for you.. For a later time.
  • 61. Beethoven is Power, the strangler of fate, who bowed neither to any man or to lesser gods. With men who do not believe in me I cannot and will not associate. - Beethoven His music reflects “the complete emancipation of human emotion and mind.” No composer was more committed to the struggle of mankind. Bach wrote for the Glory of God, Mozart because genius must out, (and because he had to eat), Beethoven to impose his will on the world. - All quotes from Goulding text
  • 62. Symphony No. 5, 1st Movement Coda Symphony No. 9, Ode to Joy Jacques-Louis David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps, 1800
  • 63. Beethoven did not succumb to this, the gravest of a musician’s ills. Instead he composed the heroic and remarkably optimistic Third Symphony. It is today one of the best loved orchestral works ever written.
  • 64. Ferdinand Ries recalls the piano contest with Stiebelt : Stiebelt again played a quintet with much success and in addition (and this was quite evident) had prepared a brilliant improvisation, choosing as the theme the subject of the variations of Beethoven's trio (Op.11). This outraged not only Beethoven's supporters but also the composer himself. He now had to seat himself at the piano in order to improvise. He went in his usual, I must say ungracious, manner to the instrument as if half lunging towards it, grabbing as he passed, the 'cello part of Stiebelt's quintet, placed it (intentionally?) upside down on the music stand and from the opening notes drummed out a theme with one finger. Offended and stimulated at the same time, he improvised in such a manner that Stiebelt left the room before Beethoven had finished. He refused ever to meet him again; in fact he made it a condition that Beethoven should not be invited anywhere where his company was requested.
  • 65. Ferdinand Ries describes the concert of 22 Dec 1808 : Beethoven gave a large concert in the Theater an der Wien at which were performed for the first time the 5th and 6th Symphonies as well as his Fantasia for Piano/orchestra and chorus. In this last work, at the place where the last theme already appears in a varied form, the clarinet player made, by mistake, a repeat of 8 bars. Since only a few instruments were playing, this error was all the more evident to the ear. Beethoven leapt up in a fury, turned round and abused the orchestra players in the coarsest terms and so loudly that he could be heard throughout the auditorium. Finally he shouted "From the beginning!” The concert was a great success, but afterwards the artists remembering only too well the honourable title which Beethoven had bestowed on them in public swore never to play for Beethoven again - this went on until Beethoven composed something new and their curiosity got the better of them.
  • 66. Ludwig Reelstab on Beethoven's deafness : Beethoven: “This is a beautiful piano! I got it as a gift from London. Look at the name!" He pointed with his finger to the strip of wood above the keyboard.” It is a wonderful present,” said Beethoven looking at me "and it has a beautiful tone," he continued turning towards the piano without taking his eyes off me. He struck a chord softly. Never will another chord pierce me to the quick with such sadness and heartbreak. He has played C major in the right hand and B natural in the bass; he looked at me steadily and repeated the false chord several times to let the mild tone of the instrument sound, and the greatest musician on earth could not hear the dissonance!
  • 67. LOG Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67 Symphony I = Standard symphony format IMP Romantic characteristics cyclicism
  • 68. It looks like a classical symphony, but mark this well: Underneath that polite, perhaps predictable, exterior rages an overwhelming storm of romanticism.
  • 69. Music Journalism CA 1790 Music Journalism exploded on the European scene. Middle class people wanted to read essays, analyses, and criticisms about new compositions, performers, instruments, concert halls, etc. (ANYTHING MUSIC!) They bought music newspapers, journals, and magazines by the millions. While these music rags loved and praised Beethoven’s pianistic virtuosity (until deafness curtailed his playing), they mercilessly and audaciously condemned most of his compositions! “Intellect, intellect, intellect!” Herr Beethoven’s music is too complex. It isn’t musical entertainment; it’s intellectual “mind games.” Once again Beethoven wrote something that no one wants to hear. These invectives and journalistic fulminations bothered Beethoven a great deal. However, he is known to have replied to at least one upstart reporter, “Of course you don’t understand it (implying the interviewer had neither the intelligence nor world view). I wrote the piece for future generations. They will understand and appreciate it.” He was correct.
  • 70. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 Kamien, p. 193, CD #2 Exposition Development Recapitulation Coda 1. 2. 3. 4. T1 B T2 CT T1 B T2 Ct LONG! •••— What? New •••— What What ideas motive How? change instruments? What from instruments? Expos? Sonata form
  • 71. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 Kamien, Exposition Development Recapitulation LONG! T1 B T2 CT T1 B T2 Ct •••— What? New •••— What What ideas motive How? change instruments? What from instruments? Expos? Sonata form
  • 72. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 D e v e l o p m e n t 1.a. 1.b. 2.a. 2.b.c.d. 2.e. •••— motive Based on Th 2 Reminder of Th 1 Horn call 2 notes of w/ new horn call! answer 1 note of horn call!! Theme 2 reminder
  • 73. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 Click for guided listening to the entire development.
  • 74. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 D e v e l o p m e n t Based on Th 1 Based on Th 2 Reminder of Th 1 Th 1 New Horn call 2 notes melody melody, w/ new of horn &R motive R answer call! 1 note of horn •••— call!! Reminder motive is of Th 2 Back to ubiquitous! 1 note
  • 75. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 Click for guided listening to the recapitulation and coda.
  • 76. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 R e c a p i t u l a t i o n 4.a.b. Theme 1 Bridge Theme 2 Closing Th Important Subdued addition horns + Yes! It was an Bassoons! oboe. Now it •••— in continues w/ a accompa- short cadenza. niment •••— motive is ubiquitous!
  • 77. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 C o d a Long! based mostly on •••— motive some new ideas introduced
  • 78. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 1 Exposition Development Recapitulation Coda T1 B T2 CT T1 B T2 Ct What? •••— •••— •••— •••— motive motive motive motive This movement is UNIFIED like no earlier piece had ever been! Listen to entire piece
  • 79. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 2 I = contrasting key “time out,” lyrical double theme & variations (Why not a rondo?) A B A’ B’ A” (?) A’’’ Coda Ths A&B Mood? Instruments?
  • 80. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 3 I = scherzo (“joke”) minuet & trio form & triple meter BUT character is rough and rollicking, not genteel A B A’ energy level? •••— Perceived tempo? motive R Texture? Dynamic? Virtuoso double bass
  • 81. Symphony No. 5 Bridge between mvts. 3 & 4 Listen for: timpani: •••— motive R repeated patterns--high strings ambiguous mode (How will this symphony end?) C minor? (turmoil, struggle, failure) C major? (victory, triumph, overcoming) Crescendo at end leads to Mvt 4
  • 82. Symphony No. 5, Mvt. 4 Exposition Development Recapitulation Coda T1 B T2 CT T1 B T2 Ct VERY What? LONG! •••— Earlier motive R! How? themes •••— reviewed C Major! motive R including Triumphant mood a la mvt 3 •••—
  • 83. Symphony No. 5 Mvt 1: •••— motive used in every part of sonata form Cyclicism: •••— motive used in Mvts 1, 3, 3-4 bridge, 4. (It is even obscurely used in mvt 2!!!) Mvts 3 & 4 tied together by ambiguous bridge
  • 84. Symphony No. 5 Romantic Notions: 1. Postponement of gratification, “emotional progression” Mvt. 1 Mvt. 2 Mvt. 3 Mvt. 4 C minor C Major 2. Conflict & struggle idea of C minor 3. Symphony is more highly unified than earlier ones 4. Symphony deals with emotion, passion
  • 85. LOG Beethoven String Quartet in C Minor, Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4 String quartet = ?? String Quartet movement I = rondo What is the meaning of Op. (opus)?
  • 86. Beethoven String Quartet in C Minor, Rondo Form Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4 A B A C A B A Coda dev aababa ccdcdc aa’bab’a’ eeff Unity: ? Contrast: ?
  • 87. Beethoven String Quartet in C Minor, Rondo Form Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4 A B A C A B A aababa Unity: ? Contrast: ?
  • 88. Beethoven String Quartet in C Minor, Rondo Form Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4 A a a b a b a Q A Q A Q A Q A u n u n u n u n e s e s e s e s s w s w s w s w t e t e t e t e i r i r i r i r o o o o n n n n Opening Closing Phrase; Phrase; Incomplete Complete cadence cadence
  • 89. Beethoven String Quartet in C Minor, Rondo Form Op. 18, No. 4, Mvt. 4 A B A C A B A Coda dev aababa ccdcdc aa’bab’a’ eeff Rhythm ? ? ? Major ? ? ? How does Minor ? ? ? Beethoven treat the Style ? ? ? upward scales? Energy ? ? ? Unity: ? Click the record, listen, track the Contrast: ? form, describe points of contrast between the A, B, and C sections.
  • 90. Beethoven Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 61. Third Movement: Written in 1806 From his first and second period of compositional period. Development of a five note motive.
  • 91. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)

Editor's Notes

  1. German composer and organist. Persuaded Beethoven’s father to allow him to teach the young composer.
  2. Oldest son of Johann van Beethoven and Maria Magdelena Beethoven. His mother was very kind and demure. His father was very cold and tyrannical. Father was an organist and second rate tenor in the court chapel of the highborn prince max Friedrich. Father was a bad alcoholic. He was oppressive when drunk. He was relieved of his duties with the chapel due to his drunkenness. Young Beethoven took his fathers place as the replacement keyboard player and as a replacement singer for his father when his father was too drunk to do his job. In the end he replaced his father in the position at the age of 12. Beethoven’s father insisted upon being the young composer’s only teacher. Taught him clavier: piano, and violin. His father was a harsh teacher. Harsh punishments for not performing perfectly. His teaching abilities were not as good as other teachers. He had no patience for his son’s mistakes. Would beat him for not submitting. Would lock him in a cellar for not practicing enough. His father’s harshness coupled with his alcoholism caused helped to ruin the family life. Beethoven felt that it was up to him to save the family.
  3. Beethoven and Patronage Beethoven manipulated the patronage system so that he could live more freely. Gave music lessons to wealthy families. Sold music to many publishers. Even when Napoleon was threatening the whole survival of continental Europeans, Beethoven had contacts with publishers in England who would continue to publish his music. Beethoven: Patronage Invited into the homes of the aristocracy. Treated as an equal to the aristocracy. Believed that one must be treated as an equal if music is to be produced.
  4. As deafness sets in he returns to the piano sonata and the string quartet. Two genres he is most comfortable with.