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Discussion on Social Media Strategy
Beatrice Whelan
Peter Bodkin
Connor Keppel
Social Media Strategy
About Me
An International Social Media trainer who
delivers regular Social Media, Social
Customer Service and Social Business
Strategy training and workshops.
I believe that, in order to make social
media work for your business – you must
identify the correct social media goals for
your business, define and refine your
strategic social media, plan and tactics,
create outstanding content and make sure
that everything you do is measurable.
Clients include: Ulster Bank, Microsoft,
Fáilte Ireland, UPC, Abbott Labs, Symantec
and Coca Cola Hellenic.
•  Social Media Introduction
•  What is a Strategy?
•  Client/Customer Personas
•  Social Media Listening
•  Goals & Objectives
•  Social Media Tactics
•  Content Strategy
•  Social Advertising
•  Google & Social Analytics
•  Budgeting
•  Measure & Refine
•  Mespil’s 10 Steps to Social Media ROI
IBM – Get It
Social Media Introduction
“Tools and Technologies
that faciliate conversations
Social Media is a place to
listen, engage and even
collaborate with customers,
prospective customers and
influencers online.
Video Revolution
According to Cisco by 2017. 70% of consumer
internet traffic will be video.
Video Revolution
Think Mobile
Future Trends Happening Now
•  Video continues to
•  Unique “Rich”
content becomes
•  Social Advertising
becomes more
•  “Private” Social
Networks thrive
•  The Age of Advocacy
Act Fast
What is a Strategy?
What is a Social Media Strategy?
A social media plan
that maps out the
actions needed in
order to achieve
your business goals.	
Strategy Introduction
Why you need a Strategy?
•  Align with Business Goals
•  Have a clear Social Media
•  Increase effectiveness
•  Helps employees and key
stakeholders buy in to your
•  Make it easier to measure
your ROI
Business areas that Social Media can be used for
•  Tech Support
•  Customer Service
•  Sales
•  Marketing
•  Research
•  HR/Recruitment
•  Intranet/Internal
Develop Client Personas
What are Personas?
Buyer personas help you
define and target the right
people, in the right places, at
the right times with the right
When you know your target
audience’s age, occupation,
income, interests, pains,
problems, obstacles, habits,
likes, dislikes, motivations
and objections, then it’s
easier and cheaper to target
them on social or any other
What are Personas?
A Good Social
Media Strategy
starts with the
not with the
Persona Questions
Some of the types of questions include:
•  What is the business role of your persona?
•  What are their business goals and objectives?
•  What is their business and what industry are they in?
•  What is the size of the company and app. turnover?
•  How is their job measured?
•  What tools do they use to get their job done?
•  Who reports into your persona? Who does your
persona report into?
•  What are their duties and responsibilities?
•  What are their greatest business challenges?
•  What are their hobbies and interests?
•  What is important to them in their personal life?
Benefits of Personas
Tip – Don’t assume you know your clients and customers.
Use Survey Monkey to ask them what is important to them.
Benefits of Personas
Salesforce Pardot created real life
sized buyer personas and placed
them throughout their marketing
office. This allowed them to
understand their ideal buyers. The
personas had nametags, company
profiles, post-it notes covered in
buyer pain points, geography
information, and more.
Their goal was to place these buyer
personas where our marketing and
sales teams would see them and
reminder them who they are selling
to, and how they can help
prospective customers overcome the
obstacles they face on a daily basis.	
Keep Staff Connected
Social Media Listening
Social Media Listening
Identifying and assessing what
is being said about your
company, your staff, your
products or services, your
brand and even your industry
on the Internet.
It is important to remember
that many conversations
taking place online will not be
directed at you. You will have
to find them.
Why Listen?
•  What do customers really
•  What do customer think of
•  Who are the influencers and
advocates online?
•  Where are the hanging out?
•  What interests them?
•  What are your competitors
Select the Right Listening Tool
Select the Right Listening Tool
Facebook Search
Facebook Search
Facebook Search
Twitter Search
Avaya - Social Listening
In less than maybe 15 minutes, Avaya had seen tweet and responded. ‘We have
some highly trained techs who can help you understand your needs best and
help you make an objective decision. Give me a call.’
13 days later, they closed a $250,000 sale.
At the same time, the new customer’s follow-up Tweet went out: “…we have
selected AVAYA as our new phone system. Excited by the technology and
On average they respond to 60-70% of industry related queries on Twitter and
100% of all queries directed at them.
Research Competition
•  What Social Media platforms are they on?
•  What is their online Community like?
•  How often are they posting?
•  What types of content are they using?
•  What are they doing well?
•  What are they not doing well?
•  What tone are they using?
•  Who are the influencers and advocates engaging with
Research Competition
Download Mespil academy template	
Identify Influencers & Advocates
Identify Influencers & Advocates
Identify Influencers & Advocates
Identify Influencers & Advocates
Identify Influencers & Advocates
Identify Influencers & Advocates
What’s Trending?
How to Engage with
Influencers & Advocates?
•  Reference them and
even massage their
•  Create content that
interests them
•  Engage with them. Ask
them questions.
•  Collaborate with them.
Get them involved in
your Social Media
How to Engage with
Influencers & Advocates?
How Dell engaged with Cy Jervis
Set up and run by the
@Ireland Twitter account
rotates each week with a
new voice introduced every
Monday morning.
As the Ireland of today is
not confined to the island of
Ireland, the varied voices of
@Ireland come from Ireland
and across the world.
Go the Extra Mile
Goals & Objectives
Defining your Social Media Goals
Choose two primary goals and two secondary goals to focus on.
Defining your Social Media Goals
•  What exactly do you want to
achieve from your Social
Media Efforts?
•  You may want to create
multiple goals, but beware
they may require multiple
Social Media plans.
•  e.g. Brand Awareness, Sales,
Customer Service, Product
Add SMART Objectives to your Goals
•  Specific
•  Measureable
•  Attainable
•  Realistic
•  Time-bound
Who in the Company needs to be Social?
Define Roles:
•  Sales team
•  Customer service team
•  Recruiting team
•  Marketing team
•  Management team
•  Technical team
•  IT team
NB. Relevant people will need support, guidance and training.
Tools that may help
•  Zendesk
•  Intercom
•  Basecamp
•  ActiveCollab
•  Podio
•  Yammer
•  Hootsuite
•  Agrorapulse
•  Sproutsocial
Select Channels & Devise Tactics
•  What Channels are right for your company?
•  Why are they right?
•  Don’t forget to look at niche and lesser known Social Networks.
Alternative Social Networks
What are Tactics?
A tactic is a conceptual action.
Social media tactics are the
actions we take online that
help us achieve a specific
objective or goal.
A tactic is implemented as one
or more tasks.
Most Goals will require
multiple Social Media tactics
What are your Tactics?
•  Use images and GIFs on Twitter.
•  Add links near the beginning of
your updates.
•  Use relevant trending hashtags.
•  Post updates when your fans/
followers are most likely to see
•  Tag and mention influencers and
advocates in updates.
•  Generate user generated
•  Test, test, test and tweak.
Setting the Right KPIs
•  Size of online community
•  No of fans
•  Engagement rate
•  Online mentions
•  Visits to website
•  E-book downloads
•  Email subscribers
•  Web enquiries
•  Online Referrals
•  Sales
How will you Measure your KPIs?
Content Marketing
Content Marketing Stats
•  Marketers who have prioritised blogging are 13x more
likely to enjoy positive ROI.
(HubSpot State of Inbound, 2014) 
•  Articles with images get 94% more views than those
without. (NewsCred)
•  B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads
than those without blogs. (Social Fresh)
•  Blogging increases web traffic by 55% for brands.
(Rocket Post)
•  62% of marketers use video in their content marketing.
•  73% of consumers get frustrated by irrelevant web
content. (Source: HubSpot)
What is Content Marketing?
“Content marketing is a
strategic marketing app
roach focused on
creating and
distributing valuable,
relevant, and
consistent content to
attract and retain a
clearly-defined audience
— and, ultimately, to
drive profitable
customer action”
- Content Marking
What’s your Content Plan?
Remember – People don’t share a post just because they see it the news
They share it because it’s useful and interesting to them.
•  What is the purpose of your social
media activity?
•  Who exactly do you want to “Like” Your
Page, Follow you on Twitter etc.?
•  What content would they find valuable?
•  What platforms will I post content on.
•  How often will you post?
•  Do I have a Content Calendar?
Types of Content
•  Blogs
•  Social Media text updates
•  Photos
•  GIFs
•  Audio
•  Video
•  Live Streams
Content Ideas
•  Infographics	
•  Short	
•  Podcast	
•  Case	
•  E-­‐Books	
•  Link	
•  Visual	
•  Guides/	
•  Product	
•  Interviews	
Types of Content
IBM’s content strategy works because they take complex
messages and present them in a simple, relatable way.
Editorial Calendar
•  Variety is the key
•  Structure
•  Don’t be overly rigid, you
may need to tweak.
•  Make notes on what works
and what does not
•  Make sure you review
scheduled content and make
sure it is still appropriate.
•  Change your plan if
opportunities arise.
Rustic Stone Seize an Opportunity
Editorial Calendar
Download the Mespil Academy Content Calendar
Visual Tip
Krafty Content
Kraft’s content generates
around 1.1bn impressions a
year and four times better
return on investment (ROI)
than advertising.
Take your most popular
tweets and Facebook posts,
or the ones you feel most
passionately about, and use
them to develop blog posts.
Link content back to other
For example, GoPro asks
Instagram community to
upload their own videos and
see longer content on their
own dedicated video site.
Cindy King Round Up Posts
Allign yourself with
Experts & Influencers
Mercedes and Periscope
AIB – Customer Service
Crowd Source Content
ESB ecar – Ambassadors
My Starbucks Idea
A Social
Be Real in your videos
Instagram Coupon?
Social Advertising
Social Advertising
•  Social Advertising delivers ads
to your exact target audience,
at the right time and on the
platform they are hanging out.
•  As consumers we no longer
need to look for products.
Products are finding us.
•  Examples of Social Advertising –
Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads,
Twitter Ads and YouTube ads.
Watch out for Instagram Ads
and Promoted Pins.
Social Advertising
Different types:
-  Sponsored Updates
-  Display ads
-  Video ads
-  Lead Generation ads
Social Advertising
Different types of targeting:
-  Remarketing Ads
-  Geo-Targeted Ads
-  List Ads
-  Targeted Ads
(Interest & Competitor Targeting Ads)
-  Lookalike Ads
Social Advertising
Tips and tricks:
•  Split test your ads
•  Be super targeted with
your ads
•  Where possible add “call
to action buttons” to your
•  Measure and tweak in real
Social Advertising Tools
Social Advertising example
Spend money to
make money.
$4,526.29 on
Facebook Ads to
generate 496
leads and $5.8K
in recurring
monthly revenue.
Unpublished Posts on Facebook
What are the Advantages?
1.  They don't appear on your
Timeline so you can create
several versions of them for
split testing purposes.
2.  You can add more text on an
unpublished post than a
normal post.
3.  You have more scheduling
control over your ad when it
runs in the Power Editor.
Unpublished Posts on Facebook
1.  You can only access Power
Editor through Google
Chrome. Access in Ads
Manager or
go to
2.  Create your ad and set an
objective. Select the page you
want to create your
unpublished post for. Select
“Existing Post” and click the +
button. Now create and save
your unpublished post.
3.  Make sure you select the right
targeting options, budget and
Promote Posts Directly from Hootsuite
Track Ad Conversions
Track Ad Conversions
Tip – Assign a value to each conversion to measure your Advertising ROI.
Track Ad Conversions
If you have a Wordpress site you will love this plugin.
Facebook Custom Audiences
Custom Audiences: Use custom audiences to reach a more targeted
audience – e.g. upload your email address and target those people with
Facebook ads OR retarget to people who have been on your website
Remarketing is Powerful
Conversion rate = 5%
Facebook Custom Audiences
Custom Audiences: Upload a list of emails or mobile numbers
and create ad campaigns targeting their Facebook accounts.	
Facebook Custom Audiences
Custom Audiences: “Remarket” ads to people who have visited your website.
Lookalike Audience Lists
Create and Save Targeted Lists
Data doesn’t lie
The Role of Analytics
•  What to measure and
look for?
•  Tools to measure –
Facebook Insights,
Twitter Analytics,
Iconosquare, Pinterest
Analytics, Google
Don’t be scared of Data – Basic Terms
•  Sessions:	
•  Users:	
•  Page	
•  Bounce	
Look at your web data weekly
Is Social Working?
Great Wordpress Plaugin for Google Analytics
Facebook Insights
•  See what day of the week and
even the time of the day when
your fans look at your posts.
•  Are the right people “liking” your
•  What posts are interesting people
the most?
•  What tabs are people looking at?
•  Now Real time insights. See what
is happening on your page now.
Facebook Insights
Facebook Insights
Facebook Insights
Facebook Insights
Twitter Analytics
Insights and Reports for all your Social Media
Accounts. Paid and free options.
Insights and Reports for all your Social Media
Accounts. Paid and free options.
Set your Budget
Start Small
Scale Up.
Setting your Budget
Setting your Budget
Factor in all your costs:
In order to have an effective Social Media
Strategy you must have an agreed budget.
6 Key Factors to consider:
1.  Social Advertising spend.
2.  Equipment – Digital cameras, smartphones
3.  Digital media costs (Blog hosting, Content,
4.  People Costs (Internal or External).
5.  Social Media Tools and software. Eg.
Listening, Scheduling, Measuring tools and
video editing software.
6.  Crisis management fund.
Measure & Tweak
Measure and Tweak
•  Be brave enough to listen
to the data and ditch what
does not work.
•  A Social Media strategy will
constantly evolve. There is
no end point.
•  Review your activity
regularly. Set and stick to a
10 Strategic Steps to ROI
Mespil’s 10 Steps to ROI
1.  Align with existing business goals
2.  Set Objectives
3.  Identify Ideal customers, Advocates
and Influencers
4.  Research Competition
5.  Select channels and develop tactics
6.  Create a Content Marketing Plan
7.  Set and Plan for Social Ads
8.  Set Budget
9.  Assign Roles and Take Action
10.  Measure and Refine
Questions & Answers

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Mespil strategy presentation

  • 1. #SocialRoi Discussion on Social Media Strategy Beatrice Whelan SAGE @beatricewhelan Peter Bodkin @peter_bodkin Connor Keppel Phorest @Con_Keppel with @gregfrysocial
  • 3. About Me An International Social Media trainer who delivers regular Social Media, Social Customer Service and Social Business Strategy training and workshops. I believe that, in order to make social media work for your business – you must identify the correct social media goals for your business, define and refine your strategic social media, plan and tactics, create outstanding content and make sure that everything you do is measurable. Clients include: Ulster Bank, Microsoft, Fáilte Ireland, UPC, Abbott Labs, Symantec and Coca Cola Hellenic.
  • 4. Agenda •  Social Media Introduction •  What is a Strategy? •  Client/Customer Personas •  Social Media Listening •  Goals & Objectives •  Social Media Tactics •  Content Strategy •  Social Advertising •  Google & Social Analytics •  Budgeting •  Measure & Refine •  Mespil’s 10 Steps to Social Media ROI
  • 5. IBM – Get It
  • 7. Social Media Introduction   “Tools and Technologies that faciliate conversations online” Social Media is a place to listen, engage and even collaborate with customers, prospective customers and influencers online.
  • 8. Video Revolution               According to Cisco by 2017. 70% of consumer internet traffic will be video.
  • 11. Future Trends Happening Now •  Video continues to evolve •  Unique “Rich” content becomes vital •  Social Advertising becomes more powerful •  “Private” Social Networks thrive •  The Age of Advocacy arrives
  • 13. What is a Strategy?
  • 14. What is a Social Media Strategy? A social media plan that maps out the actions needed in order to achieve your business goals.  
  • 16. Why you need a Strategy? •  Align with Business Goals •  Have a clear Social Media path •  Increase effectiveness •  Helps employees and key stakeholders buy in to your plan •  Make it easier to measure your ROI
  • 17. Business areas that Social Media can be used for •  Tech Support •  Customer Service •  Sales •  Marketing •  Research •  HR/Recruitment •  Intranet/Internal Communications
  • 19. What are Personas? Buyer personas help you define and target the right people, in the right places, at the right times with the right messages. When you know your target audience’s age, occupation, income, interests, pains, problems, obstacles, habits, likes, dislikes, motivations and objections, then it’s easier and cheaper to target them on social or any other media.
  • 20. What are Personas? . A Good Social Media Strategy starts with the Customer/Client not with the Company
  • 21. Persona Questions Some of the types of questions include: •  What is the business role of your persona? •  What are their business goals and objectives? •  What is their business and what industry are they in? •  What is the size of the company and app. turnover? •  How is their job measured? •  What tools do they use to get their job done? •  Who reports into your persona? Who does your persona report into? •  What are their duties and responsibilities? •  What are their greatest business challenges? •  What are their hobbies and interests? •  What is important to them in their personal life?
  • 22. Benefits of Personas Tip – Don’t assume you know your clients and customers. Use Survey Monkey to ask them what is important to them.
  • 23. Benefits of Personas ! Salesforce Pardot created real life sized buyer personas and placed them throughout their marketing office. This allowed them to understand their ideal buyers. The personas had nametags, company profiles, post-it notes covered in buyer pain points, geography information, and more. Their goal was to place these buyer personas where our marketing and sales teams would see them and reminder them who they are selling to, and how they can help prospective customers overcome the obstacles they face on a daily basis.  
  • 26. Social Media Listening Identifying and assessing what is being said about your company, your staff, your products or services, your brand and even your industry on the Internet. It is important to remember that many conversations taking place online will not be directed at you. You will have to find them.  
  • 27. Why Listen? •  What do customers really want? •  What do customer think of you? •  Who are the influencers and advocates online? •  Where are the hanging out? •  What interests them? •  What are your competitors doing?
  • 28. Select the Right Listening Tool
  • 29. Select the Right Listening Tool
  • 34. Avaya - Social Listening         In less than maybe 15 minutes, Avaya had seen tweet and responded. ‘We have some highly trained techs who can help you understand your needs best and help you make an objective decision. Give me a call.’ 13 days later, they closed a $250,000 sale. At the same time, the new customer’s follow-up Tweet went out: “…we have selected AVAYA as our new phone system. Excited by the technology and benefits…” On average they respond to 60-70% of industry related queries on Twitter and 100% of all queries directed at them.
  • 35. Research Competition •  What Social Media platforms are they on? •  What is their online Community like? •  How often are they posting? •  What types of content are they using? •  What are they doing well? •  What are they not doing well? •  What tone are they using? •  Who are the influencers and advocates engaging with them?
  • 41. Identify Influencers & Advocates
  • 42. Identify Influencers & Advocates  
  • 46. How to Engage with Influencers & Advocates? •  Reference them and even massage their egos •  Create content that interests them •  Engage with them. Ask them questions. •  Collaborate with them. Get them involved in your Social Media creation
  • 47. How to Engage with Influencers & Advocates?
  • 48. How Dell engaged with Cy Jervis
  • 49. @Ireland Set up and run by the @Ireland Twitter account rotates each week with a new voice introduced every Monday morning. As the Ireland of today is not confined to the island of Ireland, the varied voices of @Ireland come from Ireland and across the world.
  • 50. Go the Extra Mile
  • 52. Defining your Social Media Goals Choose two primary goals and two secondary goals to focus on.
  • 53. Defining your Social Media Goals •  What exactly do you want to achieve from your Social Media Efforts? •  You may want to create multiple goals, but beware they may require multiple Social Media plans. •  e.g. Brand Awareness, Sales, Customer Service, Product Research.
  • 54. Add SMART Objectives to your Goals •  Specific •  Measureable •  Attainable •  Realistic •  Time-bound  
  • 55. Who in the Company needs to be Social? Define Roles: •  Sales team •  Customer service team •  Recruiting team •  Marketing team •  Management team •  Technical team •  IT team NB. Relevant people will need support, guidance and training.
  • 56. Tools that may help •  Zendesk •  Intercom •  Basecamp •  ActiveCollab •  Podio •  Yammer •  Hootsuite •  Agrorapulse •  Sproutsocial    
  • 57. Select Channels & Devise Tactics •  What Channels are right for your company? •  Why are they right? •  Don’t forget to look at niche and lesser known Social Networks.
  • 59. What are Tactics? A tactic is a conceptual action. Social media tactics are the actions we take online that help us achieve a specific objective or goal. A tactic is implemented as one or more tasks. Most Goals will require multiple Social Media tactics
  • 60. What are your Tactics? •  Use images and GIFs on Twitter. •  Add links near the beginning of your updates. •  Use relevant trending hashtags. •  Post updates when your fans/ followers are most likely to see them. •  Tag and mention influencers and advocates in updates. •  Generate user generated content. •  Test, test, test and tweak.
  • 61. Setting the Right KPIs •  Size of online community •  No of fans •  Engagement rate •  Online mentions •  Visits to website •  E-book downloads •  Email subscribers •  Web enquiries •  Online Referrals •  Sales
  • 62. How will you Measure your KPIs?
  • 64. Content Marketing Stats •  Marketers who have prioritised blogging are 13x more likely to enjoy positive ROI. (HubSpot State of Inbound, 2014)  •  Articles with images get 94% more views than those without. (NewsCred) •  B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads than those without blogs. (Social Fresh) •  Blogging increases web traffic by 55% for brands. (Rocket Post) •  62% of marketers use video in their content marketing. (NewsCred) •  73% of consumers get frustrated by irrelevant web content. (Source: HubSpot)
  • 65. What is Content Marketing? “Content marketing is a strategic marketing app roach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action” - Content Marking Institute  
  • 66. What’s your Content Plan? Remember – People don’t share a post just because they see it the news feed. They share it because it’s useful and interesting to them. •  What is the purpose of your social media activity? •  Who exactly do you want to “Like” Your Page, Follow you on Twitter etc.? •  What content would they find valuable? •  What platforms will I post content on. •  How often will you post? •  Do I have a Content Calendar?
  • 67. Types of Content •  Blogs •  Social Media text updates •  Photos •  GIFs •  Audio •  Video •  Live Streams
  • 68. Content Ideas •  Infographics   •  Short  Videos   •  Podcast   •  Case  studies   •  E-­‐Books   •  Link  Round  Ups   •  Visual  content   •  Guides/  How-­‐to  posts   •  Product  reviews   •  Interviews  
  • 69. Types of Content IBM’s content strategy works because they take complex messages and present them in a simple, relatable way.
  • 70. Editorial Calendar •  Variety is the key •  Structure •  Don’t be overly rigid, you may need to tweak. •  Make notes on what works and what does not •  Make sure you review scheduled content and make sure it is still appropriate. •  Change your plan if opportunities arise.
  • 71. Rustic Stone Seize an Opportunity
  • 72. Editorial Calendar Download the Mespil Academy Content Calendar
  • 74. Krafty Content Kraft’s content generates around 1.1bn impressions a year and four times better return on investment (ROI) than advertising. Take your most popular tweets and Facebook posts, or the ones you feel most passionately about, and use them to develop blog posts.
  • 75. GoPro Link content back to other places. For example, GoPro asks Instagram community to upload their own videos and see longer content on their own dedicated video site.
  • 77. Cindy King Round Up Posts
  • 80. AIB – Customer Service
  • 82. ESB ecar – Ambassadors
  • 86. Be Real in your videos
  • 89. Social Advertising •  Social Advertising delivers ads to your exact target audience, at the right time and on the platform they are hanging out. •  As consumers we no longer need to look for products. Products are finding us. •  Examples of Social Advertising – Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Twitter Ads and YouTube ads. Watch out for Instagram Ads and Promoted Pins.
  • 90. Social Advertising Different types: -  Sponsored Updates -  Display ads -  Video ads -  Lead Generation ads    
  • 91. Social Advertising   Different types of targeting: -  Remarketing Ads -  Geo-Targeted Ads -  List Ads -  Targeted Ads (Interest & Competitor Targeting Ads) -  Lookalike Ads  
  • 92. Social Advertising Tips and tricks: •  Split test your ads •  Be super targeted with your ads •  Where possible add “call to action buttons” to your ad. •  Measure and tweak in real time
  • 94. Social Advertising example Spend money to make money.   $4,526.29 on Facebook Ads to generate 496 leads and $5.8K in recurring monthly revenue. !
  • 95. Unpublished Posts on Facebook What are the Advantages? 1.  They don't appear on your Timeline so you can create several versions of them for split testing purposes. 2.  You can add more text on an unpublished post than a normal post. 3.  You have more scheduling control over your ad when it runs in the Power Editor.        
  • 96. Unpublished Posts on Facebook 1.  You can only access Power Editor through Google Chrome. Access in Ads Manager or go to powereditor 2.  Create your ad and set an objective. Select the page you want to create your unpublished post for. Select “Existing Post” and click the + button. Now create and save your unpublished post. 3.  Make sure you select the right targeting options, budget and schedule.    
  • 97. Promote Posts Directly from Hootsuite        
  • 98. Track Ad Conversions   Use  Conversion  Tracking     A  Facebook  conversion  pixel  is  a   snippet  of  code  provided  by   Facebook.  The  code  is  placed  on   a  specific  web  page.  When  a   user  visits  the  page,  it  triggers   the  pixel  and  counts   conversions.     You  can  create  different  pixels   for  different  ac-ons.     Tip  –  You  can  generate  a  unique   conversion  pixel  for  different   ads  when  using  Power  Editor.          
  • 99. Track Ad Conversions         Tip – Assign a value to each conversion to measure your Advertising ROI.     {'value':'5.50','currency':'EUR'}]);  
  • 100. Track Ad Conversions If you have a Wordpress site you will love this plugin.
  • 101. Facebook Custom Audiences Custom Audiences: Use custom audiences to reach a more targeted audience – e.g. upload your email address and target those people with Facebook ads OR retarget to people who have been on your website  
  • 102. Remarketing is Powerful Awareness   Interest   Desire   Ac-on   Conversion rate = 5% 95  %   Drop  out   remarke-ng  
  • 103. Facebook Custom Audiences Custom Audiences: Upload a list of emails or mobile numbers and create ad campaigns targeting their Facebook accounts.    
  • 104. Facebook Custom Audiences Custom Audiences: “Remarket” ads to people who have visited your website.  
  • 106. Create and Save Targeted Lists
  • 108. The Role of Analytics •  What to measure and look for? •  Tools to measure – Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, Iconosquare, Pinterest Analytics, Google Analytics. h$ps://­‐media-­‐analy-cs-­‐tools  
  • 109. Don’t be scared of Data – Basic Terms •  Sessions:  The  number  of  -mes  people  have  viewed  your  site  (used  to  be  called  ‘visits’)   •  Users:  The  number  of  people  (new  or  returning)  that  have  visted  your  site.     •  Page  View:  The  number  of  pages  a  visitor  views  whilst  on  your  site.   •  Bounce  Rate:  The  number  of  users  who  visit  only  one  page  of  your  website  and  then   leave.  
  • 110. Look at your web data weekly
  • 112. Great Wordpress Plaugin for Google Analytics h$ps://­‐analy-cs-­‐for-­‐wordpress/    
  • 113. Facebook Insights •  See what day of the week and even the time of the day when your fans look at your posts. •  Are the right people “liking” your page? •  What posts are interesting people the most? •  What tabs are people looking at? •  Now Real time insights. See what is happening on your page now.
  • 114. Facebook Insights                 
  • 115. Facebook Insights                          
  • 116. Facebook Insights                          
  • 117. Facebook Insights                          
  • 119. SumAll Insights and Reports for all your Social Media Accounts. Paid and free options.
  • 120. Insights and Reports for all your Social Media Accounts. Paid and free options.
  • 124. Setting your Budget Factor in all your costs: In order to have an effective Social Media Strategy you must have an agreed budget. 6 Key Factors to consider: 1.  Social Advertising spend. 2.  Equipment – Digital cameras, smartphones etc. 3.  Digital media costs (Blog hosting, Content, Creatives). 4.  People Costs (Internal or External). 5.  Social Media Tools and software. Eg. Listening, Scheduling, Measuring tools and video editing software. 6.  Crisis management fund.
  • 126. Measure and Tweak •  Be brave enough to listen to the data and ditch what does not work. •  A Social Media strategy will constantly evolve. There is no end point. •  Review your activity regularly. Set and stick to a schedule.
  • 128. Mespil’s 10 Steps to ROI 1.  Align with existing business goals 2.  Set Objectives 3.  Identify Ideal customers, Advocates and Influencers 4.  Research Competition 5.  Select channels and develop tactics 6.  Create a Content Marketing Plan 7.  Set and Plan for Social Ads 8.  Set Budget 9.  Assign Roles and Take Action 10.  Measure and Refine