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“If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more and become
more, you are a leader.”
John Quincy Adams
• A mentor is a role model, teacher, or advisor.
• A mentor is an advisor an teacher, inspirer,
motivator, and encourager.
• A mentor is an enabler and uplifter.
• A mentor is not a coach.
• The mentor is focused on the mentee’s growth; whereas the
coach is focused on the coachee’s job performance.
• A coach focuses on specific skills, behaviors, and knowledge.
• A mentor focuses on personal development.
Purpose: The purpose of this guide is to help you implement a
mentoring program within your LC.
Who should be mentors?
Old, experienced members within the LC that can provide a high
quality experience for the mentees and to share knowledge.
Who are the mentees? New members
What should the mentoring experience be like? One-on-one
Mentoring between Mentor and Mentee
Who leads the mentoring program? VPTM or Member Development
How often should the mentor and mentee meet? Biweekly
Three Phases of Mentoring
Implementing a Mentoring Program:
Setting goals of program
Clarify responsibilities
Establish accountability
Train your mentors
Introduce Mentors to Mentees
Timeline for Mentors
General Information
Activities to do with Mentees
Conversation Starters
Resources for Mentors
School starts Train team members, select person to oversee Mentor
program, create mentor applications
Send out Mentor Applications
Select Mentors
Train Mentors
members are
Send out Mentee Applications
Match Mentors/Mentees
First mentor/mentee meeting
RoKs Mentors/Mentees meet biweekly after that first meeting for
the remaining of the semester
The Middle:
Enabling and
The End:
Share stories;
become bonded;
follow up on
how things are
Set goals and
between mentor
and mentee
Reflection and
closing on the
• Lay the foundation for a potential long-
term relationship
• Refine Goals
• Set Expectations
Questions Answers
1 What should be the focus of our mentoring
2 What measurable goals should we establish for our
mentoring relationship?
3 How do we connect? What do we share in common?
What are our major differences?
4 What boundaries should we establish in our
relationship? Are there times we should not
5 What topics, if any, should be considered
Questions Answers
1 What do you expect you should do as a mentor?
2 What do you expect that you should not do as a
3 What do you expect of your mentee?
4 What do you expect that a mentee should do?
5 What experience have you had with other people
mentoring you? Were those good experiences? If so,
what was good about them? Were there bad
experiences? If so, what was bad about them?
6 What factors do you believe are the most important
in an effective mentoring relationship? Why?
Questions Answers
1 What do you expect of a mentor?
2 What do you not expect of a mentor?
3 What do you believe you should expect to do as a
4 What do you believe you should not do as a mentee?
5 What experience have you had with other people
mentoring you? Were those good experiences? If so,
what was good about them? Were there bad
experiences? If so, what was bad about them?
6 What factors do you believe are the most important in
an effective mentoring relationship? Why?
• Reflection
• Role Modeling
• Storytelling: A story that will allow the mentee to think or act in
a different way.
o Keep it short, entertaining, audience appropriate, and
learning oriented
o A story where you made a mistake
o A story where you learned something the hard way
o A story where you could have done something to create a
better outcome
 What did we set out to accomplish?
 What did we actually accomplish?
 What did you learn?
 How did you integrate that learning into your work?
 What worked well in our mentorship?
 What do you think I should repeat when I mentor a different person?
 What did you learn about me?
 What’s next for you?
 How should our relationship continue after mentorship?
 Give your mentee a gift. (maybe a book)
 Go out an have a meal together
 Create something crafty for your mentee
 End it on a special note
Step 1: Set goals
for program
Step 2: Clarify
Responsibilities of
Step 3: Establish
ways to hold people
Step 4: Train
Step 5: Introduce
Mentors and
Step 8: Implement
Step 7: Provide
tools and
resources to
Step 9: Track
goals and
success stories
Step 6: Follow-up
Goals for LC:
• Encouraging retention
• Improving productivity
• Enhancing professional development.
• Linking members with valuable knowledge
and information to new members in need of
such information
• Creating a mentoring culture, which
continuously promotes individual growth
and development.
Mentors will:
• Gains insights from the mentee’s background and
history that can be used in the mentor’s professional
and personal development.
• Gains satisfaction in sharing expertise with others.
• Provides a leadership opportunity
• Engages old members
• Learns more about other areas within AIESEC
Mentees will:
• Gains from the mentor’s expertise
• Receives critical feedback in key areas
• Networks with a more influential member
• Gain knowledge about the organization’s culture
and unspoken rules that can be critical for success;
as a result, adapts more quickly to the
organization’s culture
• Have a friendly ear with which to share frustrations
as well as successes
Responsibilities for leader of program:
• Determines the goals of the program
• Selects criteria for mentors and mentees
• Selects mentors
• Matches new members to mentors
• Meets with the mentors once a month
• Review meetings the mentors are having with mentees
• Tell EB concerns
• Evaluates results at the end
Responsibilities for Mentor:
• Be available to your mentee and set clear expectations
• Encourage, support, and guide your mentee
• Be patient an build a trusting relationship
• Be a role model
• Teach your mentee skills/competencies
• Make them feel welcome in the LC
• Tell leader of program concerns or problems brought up
• Set up a meeting every other week and record meetings
on Podio
Responsibilities for Mentee:
• Show up on time to mentor meetings
• Be open-mined and willing to share
• Take in ideas/advice mentor gives you
• Be self-motivated
• Be honest
• Create Job Description for mentor
• Send out mentor applications
• Create a mentor workspace where they can upload
meetings they have had
• Track meetings uploaded
• Meet with the mentors at least once a month
• Encourage mentors to take pictures with their mentees
during their meeting and send to VPTM to display
• The Purpose of having people apply to become
mentors is so that you are getting people that are
committed that want the position. It will also allow you
to pick old, experienced members that would be
reliable mentors that can provide a good quality
experience for their mentees.
• The application that you can use is created in a Podio
App that you can clone to your workspace to send out
to your LC members.
Questions for Application:
1. Why do you want to be a mentor?
2. Have you ever had a mentor? If so, what made that mentor memorable?
3. Who is your role model? Why?
4. What is your mentoring style?
5. What do you hope to gain from your mentoring experience? What do you hope your
mentee gains?
6. How will you improve upon your own mentoring experience with your own mentees?
What will you do differently?
7. As a mentor, what are your strengths?
8. How well do you handle conflict?
9. What does personal development mean to you?
10. What makes a good mentor?
11. What competencies do you feel confident in training others in?
12. How many people do you feel comfortable mentoring?
13. Are you willing to commit the time and effort to deliver an excellent mentorship
?experience for our newbies?
14. Are you willing to commit to having at least 2 one hour mentor meetings a month?
15. Are you willing to commit to having at least one meeting with the Member
Development Coordinator or VPTM a month
1. To feel connected to the mentor team
2. To set expectations and goals as a mentor before new
members come
3. To go over leadership styles and mentoring styles
4. To go over mentor responsibilities
5. To have a reflection time on what they want to why
they wanted to be a mentor, what they want to
accomplish as a mentor, what they want to provide for
the mentees, how they are going to support their fellow
mentors, and sharing GCPs from their own personal
mentoring experience.
Topics to go over at Seminar/Conference:
1. Importance of mentoring
2. Mentoring and Leadership Styles
3. Power in asking questions
4. Conflict resolution
5. Competencies
6. Goal-Setting/Expectations/Responsibilities
7. Bonding activities/Icebreakers to do with mentees
8. Building interpersonal relationships
9. Share own GCPs
10. Reflection
There is a GCP for a Mentor Conference on
To learn more about mentees, what they want to
learn/grow, and to provide a good match with mentor
and mentee.
This is also an App on Podio that you can clone to your
workspace to send to all of your new members to fill out.
Questions for Mentee Applications:
1. What do you want to get out of AIESEC?
2. What do you like about AIESEC (eg: environment, current
team structures, events, projects etc) so far?
3. What type of projects would you like to be more involved in?
4. What do you expect to get out of the mentoring experience?
5. What competencies do you want to develop yourself in?
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How can AIESEC help
you get there?
7. Have you had a mentor before and if so what worked/didn’t
8. What motivates you to complete your goals?
9. What are you most excited for this semester in AIESEC?
Either the VPTM or the Member Development
Coordinator oversees the matching process. By
looking at the applications that both the mentor
and the mentees filled out, you will be able to
match accordingly to what the mentee wants to
develop and what skills and knowledge the
mentor has.
Mentor Competencies Ratings
1 Emotional Intelligence 0 1 2 3 4
2 Self Awareness 0 1 2 3 4
3 Questioning Skills 0 1 2 3 4
4 Listening Skills 0 1 2 3 4
5 Problem Solving 0 1 2 3 4
6 Time Management 0 1 2 3 4
7 Empowering and Motivating Others 0 1 2 3 4
8 Global Mindset 0 1 2 3 4
9 Proactive Learner 0 1 2 3 4
10 Entrepreunial Outlook 0 1 2 3 4
11 Training and Facilitating/ Public Speaking 0 1 2 3 4
12 Career Planning 0 1 2 3 4
Mentor Competencies Ratings
1 Emotional Intelligence 0 1 2 3 4
2 Self Awareness 0 1 2 3 4
3 Questioning Skills 0 1 2 3 4
4 Listening Skills 0 1 2 3 4
5 Problem Solving 0 1 2 3 4
6 Time Management 0 1 2 3 4
7 Empowering and Motivating Others 0 1 2 3 4
8 Global Mindset 0 1 2 3 4
9 Proactive Learner 0 1 2 3 4
10 Entrepreunial Outlook 0 1 2 3 4
11 Training and Facilitating/ Public Speaking 0 1 2 3 4
12 Career Planning 0 1 2 3 4
First Meeting:
Get to know activities, ask questions about them, How are they feeling so far
with AIESEC? Are they excited about RoKs? Talk about RoKs and what to expect.
Share AIESEC Experience and why you joined AIESEC and why you stayed. Set
expectations and goals for the mentoring experience (using the tools for
expectations and goals). What does the mentee want to develop?
The purpose of the first meeting is to connect together on a more personal
level so you both feel comfortable talking to each other.
Set up the next meeting at this meeting. These meetings do not have to be
formal! It’s better if it is informal.
This meeting should be done before RoKs so that they feel
more comfortable beforehand!
Second Meeting:
The second meeting will take place two weeks after the first meeting.
If RoKs has already happened, it can be a time to talk about what they
experienced. Did they like RoKs? Did they make new friends? Did
they learn a lot? What did they learn? Are they still confused about
anything? Are they excited to start working on what they learned?
How do they like their team? Do they feel comfortable on it? Do they
feel connected with LC members? How do they like their VP? Any
This meeting is also a good time to help them in setting goals. What
do they want to implement? What are they excited about this
semester? Do they need any support or resources? Are they interested
in running for a leadership role?
Third Meeting:
This meeting will be two weeks after the second meeting. The
new members will be at least 6 weeks in AIESEC at this point.
This will be a good opportunity to have them fill out a midterm
TMP assessment form, because it is a halfway point.
There may be several concerns brought up because this is a
time that is stressful in the semester. How is their AIESEC
experience so far? What has been the most exciting part so far?
What has been the hardest part so far? What areas do you need
support in? How can I help you? How can your VP help you?
How is your team? Any concerns?
Mentee can identify risks, difficulties or stress s/he is facing in
the next few weeks and plan with mentor way to minimize
Fourth Meeting:
This meeting will happen at least 8 weeks in since the new members
joined AIESEC. This meeting can be competency based. The mentee
can pick three areas they want to grow in, and they mentor can help
develop them in those areas. You can also talk about
personality/leadership styles. The mentee could fill out a Myers
Briggs assessment to learn more about themselves and what that
means. The mentor and mentee can also discuss career development
goals and how AIESEC is helping them build their career.
Fifth Meeting:
This may be your last mentoring meeting being at least 10 weeks in
since new members joined. Members can fill out closing assessments
and reflect on the semester. This meeting should be really special and
a good way to have closure to a good mentoring experience.
What has been your most memorable moment in AIESEC this semester?
Have you enjoyed being in AIESEC? What are your plans for next
semester? Do you want to stay on the same team or switch teams? Any
leadership roles that you want to take on? How has been this
mentoring experience for you? Was there anything I could have done
better as a mentor?
• Every time a mentor meets with the mentee, they fill out a
meeting form on Podio of what they talked about in the meeting,
when they met, what they did, and any concerns that were
brought up so that either the VPTM or Member Development
Coordinator can track the meetings.
• These meetings are to be conducted at least bi-weekly one-on-
one, but you can have more meetings if you’d like. You can also
have meetings with all of your mentees hanging out together if
you are still conducting one-one-one meetings with each of
• The Member Development Coordinator or VPTM will meet with
the mentors once a month to track their progress as well as
attend the EB meeting once a month (or often as needed) to
bring up concerns.
• Get coffee
• Go to lunch or dinner together
• Mall
• Movies
• Hiking
• Have a picnic
• Bowling!
• Arcades
• Ice cream
• Game night
• Go to the football game
• Concert
• Videogames
• Bake/cook together
• A night in the town!
 Bring in a favorite quote
 Bring in a cartoon
 Role models/ How that has affected us?
 Exchange funny jokes/stories
 Hobbies/ Interesting facts about yourself
 Life experiences that have shaped you the most
 Play any instruments?
 If you could meet anyone in our past history, who would it be?
 Favorite movies/bands/songs?
 Worst vacation experience?
 Where do you want to travel to?
 What is your most embarrassing moment?
 What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
 What are some of your short-term goals?
 What are some of your long-term goals?
 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
 Biggest celebrity crush?
 What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
Johari Window: Map your personal awareness; You can your mentee can
take the test together at this website.
Click to view
Click to view
Click here to view
Click here to view
Other Tests
Click here to view
Contact Liz Mnatzaganian- Team Member Program Coordinator-
Liz implemented this mentoring program at AIESEC
You can contact Liz to learn more about how to implement this
program and the success stories from it at
Published: Nov. 13th, 2013

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Mentoring Guide

  • 1. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
  • 2. • A mentor is a role model, teacher, or advisor. • A mentor is an advisor an teacher, inspirer, motivator, and encourager. • A mentor is an enabler and uplifter.
  • 3. • A mentor is not a coach. • The mentor is focused on the mentee’s growth; whereas the coach is focused on the coachee’s job performance. • A coach focuses on specific skills, behaviors, and knowledge. • A mentor focuses on personal development.
  • 4. Purpose: The purpose of this guide is to help you implement a mentoring program within your LC. Who should be mentors? Old, experienced members within the LC that can provide a high quality experience for the mentees and to share knowledge. Who are the mentees? New members What should the mentoring experience be like? One-on-one Mentoring between Mentor and Mentee Who leads the mentoring program? VPTM or Member Development Coordinator How often should the mentor and mentee meet? Biweekly
  • 5. Timeline Three Phases of Mentoring Implementing a Mentoring Program: Setting goals of program Clarify responsibilities Establish accountability Train your mentors Introduce Mentors to Mentees Timeline for Mentors General Information Activities to do with Mentees Conversation Starters Resources for Mentors
  • 6. School starts Train team members, select person to oversee Mentor program, create mentor applications Send out Mentor Applications Select Mentors Train Mentors New members are selected Send out Mentee Applications Match Mentors/Mentees First mentor/mentee meeting RoKs Mentors/Mentees meet biweekly after that first meeting for the remaining of the semester
  • 7. The Beginning: Establishing The Middle: Enabling and Uplifting The End: Exiting Share stories; become bonded; follow up on how things are going Set goals and expectations between mentor and mentee Reflection and closing on the mentoring relationship; feedback
  • 8. • Lay the foundation for a potential long- term relationship • Refine Goals • Set Expectations
  • 9. Questions Answers 1 What should be the focus of our mentoring relationship? 2 What measurable goals should we establish for our mentoring relationship? 3 How do we connect? What do we share in common? What are our major differences? 4 What boundaries should we establish in our relationship? Are there times we should not communicate? 5 What topics, if any, should be considered confidential?
  • 10. Questions Answers 1 What do you expect you should do as a mentor? 2 What do you expect that you should not do as a mentor? 3 What do you expect of your mentee? 4 What do you expect that a mentee should do? 5 What experience have you had with other people mentoring you? Were those good experiences? If so, what was good about them? Were there bad experiences? If so, what was bad about them? 6 What factors do you believe are the most important in an effective mentoring relationship? Why?
  • 11. Questions Answers 1 What do you expect of a mentor? 2 What do you not expect of a mentor? 3 What do you believe you should expect to do as a mentee? 4 What do you believe you should not do as a mentee? 5 What experience have you had with other people mentoring you? Were those good experiences? If so, what was good about them? Were there bad experiences? If so, what was bad about them? 6 What factors do you believe are the most important in an effective mentoring relationship? Why?
  • 12. • Reflection • Role Modeling • Storytelling: A story that will allow the mentee to think or act in a different way. o Keep it short, entertaining, audience appropriate, and learning oriented o A story where you made a mistake o A story where you learned something the hard way o A story where you could have done something to create a better outcome
  • 13. Reflection:  What did we set out to accomplish?  What did we actually accomplish?  What did you learn?  How did you integrate that learning into your work?  What worked well in our mentorship?  What do you think I should repeat when I mentor a different person?  What did you learn about me?  What’s next for you?  How should our relationship continue after mentorship? Closure:  Give your mentee a gift. (maybe a book)  Go out an have a meal together  Create something crafty for your mentee  End it on a special note
  • 14. Step 1: Set goals for program Step 2: Clarify Responsibilities of mentors/mentees Step 3: Establish ways to hold people accountable Step 4: Train mentors Step 5: Introduce Mentors and Mentees Step 8: Implement mentoring program Step 7: Provide tools and resources to support Step 9: Track measurable goals and success stories Step 6: Follow-up
  • 15.
  • 16. Goals for LC: • Encouraging retention • Improving productivity • Enhancing professional development. • Linking members with valuable knowledge and information to new members in need of such information • Creating a mentoring culture, which continuously promotes individual growth and development.
  • 17. Mentors will: • Gains insights from the mentee’s background and history that can be used in the mentor’s professional and personal development. • Gains satisfaction in sharing expertise with others. • Provides a leadership opportunity • Engages old members • Learns more about other areas within AIESEC
  • 18. Mentees will: • Gains from the mentor’s expertise • Receives critical feedback in key areas • Networks with a more influential member • Gain knowledge about the organization’s culture and unspoken rules that can be critical for success; as a result, adapts more quickly to the organization’s culture • Have a friendly ear with which to share frustrations as well as successes
  • 19.
  • 20. Responsibilities for leader of program: • Determines the goals of the program • Selects criteria for mentors and mentees • Selects mentors • Matches new members to mentors • Meets with the mentors once a month • Review meetings the mentors are having with mentees • Tell EB concerns • Evaluates results at the end
  • 21. Responsibilities for Mentor: • Be available to your mentee and set clear expectations • Encourage, support, and guide your mentee • Be patient an build a trusting relationship • Be a role model • Teach your mentee skills/competencies • Make them feel welcome in the LC • Tell leader of program concerns or problems brought up • Set up a meeting every other week and record meetings on Podio
  • 22. Responsibilities for Mentee: • Show up on time to mentor meetings • Be open-mined and willing to share • Take in ideas/advice mentor gives you • Be self-motivated • Be honest
  • 23.
  • 24. • Create Job Description for mentor • Send out mentor applications • Create a mentor workspace where they can upload meetings they have had • Track meetings uploaded • Meet with the mentors at least once a month • Encourage mentors to take pictures with their mentees during their meeting and send to VPTM to display GCPs at LCM
  • 25. • The Purpose of having people apply to become mentors is so that you are getting people that are committed that want the position. It will also allow you to pick old, experienced members that would be reliable mentors that can provide a good quality experience for their mentees. • The application that you can use is created in a Podio App that you can clone to your workspace to send out to your LC members.
  • 26. Questions for Application: 1. Why do you want to be a mentor? 2. Have you ever had a mentor? If so, what made that mentor memorable? 3. Who is your role model? Why? 4. What is your mentoring style? 5. What do you hope to gain from your mentoring experience? What do you hope your mentee gains? 6. How will you improve upon your own mentoring experience with your own mentees? What will you do differently? 7. As a mentor, what are your strengths? 8. How well do you handle conflict? 9. What does personal development mean to you? 10. What makes a good mentor? 11. What competencies do you feel confident in training others in? 12. How many people do you feel comfortable mentoring? 13. Are you willing to commit the time and effort to deliver an excellent mentorship ?experience for our newbies? 14. Are you willing to commit to having at least 2 one hour mentor meetings a month? 15. Are you willing to commit to having at least one meeting with the Member Development Coordinator or VPTM a month
  • 27.
  • 28. Purpose: 1. To feel connected to the mentor team 2. To set expectations and goals as a mentor before new members come 3. To go over leadership styles and mentoring styles 4. To go over mentor responsibilities 5. To have a reflection time on what they want to why they wanted to be a mentor, what they want to accomplish as a mentor, what they want to provide for the mentees, how they are going to support their fellow mentors, and sharing GCPs from their own personal mentoring experience.
  • 29. Topics to go over at Seminar/Conference: 1. Importance of mentoring 2. Mentoring and Leadership Styles 3. Power in asking questions 4. Conflict resolution 5. Competencies 6. Goal-Setting/Expectations/Responsibilities 7. Bonding activities/Icebreakers to do with mentees 8. Building interpersonal relationships 9. Share own GCPs 10. Reflection There is a GCP for a Mentor Conference on Podio*
  • 30.
  • 31. Purpose: To learn more about mentees, what they want to learn/grow, and to provide a good match with mentor and mentee. This is also an App on Podio that you can clone to your workspace to send to all of your new members to fill out.
  • 32. Questions for Mentee Applications: 1. What do you want to get out of AIESEC? 2. What do you like about AIESEC (eg: environment, current team structures, events, projects etc) so far? 3. What type of projects would you like to be more involved in? 4. What do you expect to get out of the mentoring experience? 5. What competencies do you want to develop yourself in? 6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? How can AIESEC help you get there? 7. Have you had a mentor before and if so what worked/didn’t work? 8. What motivates you to complete your goals? 9. What are you most excited for this semester in AIESEC?
  • 33.
  • 34. Either the VPTM or the Member Development Coordinator oversees the matching process. By looking at the applications that both the mentor and the mentees filled out, you will be able to match accordingly to what the mentee wants to develop and what skills and knowledge the mentor has.
  • 35. Mentor Competencies Ratings 1 Emotional Intelligence 0 1 2 3 4 2 Self Awareness 0 1 2 3 4 3 Questioning Skills 0 1 2 3 4 4 Listening Skills 0 1 2 3 4 5 Problem Solving 0 1 2 3 4 6 Time Management 0 1 2 3 4 7 Empowering and Motivating Others 0 1 2 3 4 8 Global Mindset 0 1 2 3 4 9 Proactive Learner 0 1 2 3 4 10 Entrepreunial Outlook 0 1 2 3 4 11 Training and Facilitating/ Public Speaking 0 1 2 3 4 12 Career Planning 0 1 2 3 4
  • 36. Mentor Competencies Ratings 1 Emotional Intelligence 0 1 2 3 4 2 Self Awareness 0 1 2 3 4 3 Questioning Skills 0 1 2 3 4 4 Listening Skills 0 1 2 3 4 5 Problem Solving 0 1 2 3 4 6 Time Management 0 1 2 3 4 7 Empowering and Motivating Others 0 1 2 3 4 8 Global Mindset 0 1 2 3 4 9 Proactive Learner 0 1 2 3 4 10 Entrepreunial Outlook 0 1 2 3 4 11 Training and Facilitating/ Public Speaking 0 1 2 3 4 12 Career Planning 0 1 2 3 4
  • 37. First Meeting: Get to know activities, ask questions about them, How are they feeling so far with AIESEC? Are they excited about RoKs? Talk about RoKs and what to expect. Share AIESEC Experience and why you joined AIESEC and why you stayed. Set expectations and goals for the mentoring experience (using the tools for expectations and goals). What does the mentee want to develop? The purpose of the first meeting is to connect together on a more personal level so you both feel comfortable talking to each other. Set up the next meeting at this meeting. These meetings do not have to be formal! It’s better if it is informal. This meeting should be done before RoKs so that they feel more comfortable beforehand!
  • 38. Second Meeting: The second meeting will take place two weeks after the first meeting. If RoKs has already happened, it can be a time to talk about what they experienced. Did they like RoKs? Did they make new friends? Did they learn a lot? What did they learn? Are they still confused about anything? Are they excited to start working on what they learned? How do they like their team? Do they feel comfortable on it? Do they feel connected with LC members? How do they like their VP? Any concerns? This meeting is also a good time to help them in setting goals. What do they want to implement? What are they excited about this semester? Do they need any support or resources? Are they interested in running for a leadership role?
  • 39. Third Meeting: This meeting will be two weeks after the second meeting. The new members will be at least 6 weeks in AIESEC at this point. This will be a good opportunity to have them fill out a midterm TMP assessment form, because it is a halfway point. There may be several concerns brought up because this is a time that is stressful in the semester. How is their AIESEC experience so far? What has been the most exciting part so far? What has been the hardest part so far? What areas do you need support in? How can I help you? How can your VP help you? How is your team? Any concerns? Mentee can identify risks, difficulties or stress s/he is facing in the next few weeks and plan with mentor way to minimize them.
  • 40. Fourth Meeting: This meeting will happen at least 8 weeks in since the new members joined AIESEC. This meeting can be competency based. The mentee can pick three areas they want to grow in, and they mentor can help develop them in those areas. You can also talk about personality/leadership styles. The mentee could fill out a Myers Briggs assessment to learn more about themselves and what that means. The mentor and mentee can also discuss career development goals and how AIESEC is helping them build their career.
  • 41. Fifth Meeting: This may be your last mentoring meeting being at least 10 weeks in since new members joined. Members can fill out closing assessments and reflect on the semester. This meeting should be really special and a good way to have closure to a good mentoring experience. What has been your most memorable moment in AIESEC this semester? Have you enjoyed being in AIESEC? What are your plans for next semester? Do you want to stay on the same team or switch teams? Any leadership roles that you want to take on? How has been this mentoring experience for you? Was there anything I could have done better as a mentor?
  • 42. • Every time a mentor meets with the mentee, they fill out a meeting form on Podio of what they talked about in the meeting, when they met, what they did, and any concerns that were brought up so that either the VPTM or Member Development Coordinator can track the meetings. • These meetings are to be conducted at least bi-weekly one-on- one, but you can have more meetings if you’d like. You can also have meetings with all of your mentees hanging out together if you are still conducting one-one-one meetings with each of them. • The Member Development Coordinator or VPTM will meet with the mentors once a month to track their progress as well as attend the EB meeting once a month (or often as needed) to bring up concerns.
  • 43. • Get coffee • Go to lunch or dinner together • Mall • Movies • Hiking • Have a picnic • Bowling! • Arcades • Ice cream • Game night • Go to the football game • Concert • Videogames • Bake/cook together • A night in the town!
  • 44.  Bring in a favorite quote  Bring in a cartoon  Role models/ How that has affected us?  Exchange funny jokes/stories  Hobbies/ Interesting facts about yourself  Life experiences that have shaped you the most  Play any instruments?  If you could meet anyone in our past history, who would it be?  Favorite movies/bands/songs?  Worst vacation experience?  Where do you want to travel to?  What is your most embarrassing moment?  What is the craziest thing you've ever done?  What are some of your short-term goals?  What are some of your long-term goals?  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?  Biggest celebrity crush?  What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?
  • 45.
  • 46. Johari Window: Map your personal awareness; You can your mentee can take the test together at this website. Click to view
  • 48. Click here to view Click here to view Other Tests Click here to view
  • 49. Contact Liz Mnatzaganian- Team Member Program Coordinator- TM NST. Liz implemented this mentoring program at AIESEC Appalachian. You can contact Liz to learn more about how to implement this program and the success stories from it at Published: Nov. 13th, 2013