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Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet Effect on Patient Health What are the benefits of a Mediterranean diet? A
Mediterranean diet, according to the American Heart Association has consumption of large amounts
of fruits, vegetables, bread, and cereals, potatoes, beans and nuts and seed. With moderate to low
amounts of dairy products, fish, and poultry and little red meat eaten. Which creates a question of
interest of how does a Mediterranean diet affect overall health in a person if they changed their
current diet to a Mediterranean diet within weeks or a year? This paper will summarize five
scholarly articles on studies done to see the effects of a Mediterranean diet on the participant health.
The participant or population in these articles selected were adults ... Show more content on ...
Pender, a former professor of nursing at the University of Michigan in 1982. Nola J. Pender health
promotion model can be related to the four concepts of nursing which are the person, environment,
health and nursing. It also relates to the evidence–based nursing question of does a Mediterranean
diet affect the overall health in a person if they changed theirs within a year? With the health
promotion model, an individual who changes their behavior or their normal diet of choice to a
healthy Mediterranean diet can have overall better health outcomes. It can be difficult to achieve for
an individual who lives in an environment where it creates a barrier to finding sources for the basic
need to eat a Mediterranean diet. Even if the environment the individual lives does not provide or
have the option to choose from choices of a Mediterranean diet. For example, if the individual or
patient lives in an environment where there are more fast food places that do not have a menu option
for the individual to obtain their nutritional need from, then they are most likely not able to convert
their routine to a Mediterranean diet easily. So this is where once again a nurse can play a role in
teaching the individual or patient on ways to easily consume a Mediterranean diet that fits and
works around their environment and
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Research Paper On Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet, also known Cretan diet or Mediterranean diet is a practice traditional food
in many countries around the Mediterranean Sea characterized by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables,
cereals and olive oil and a low consumption of meat and dairy products.
Several studies show that the Mediterranean diet can:
– reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease;
– reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease;
– improve the chance of pregnancy during assisted fertilization;
– maintaining a healthy brain.
Health Benefits
Its effectiveness is difficult to assess because it is based primarily on observational studies (the plan
is noted for each individual, without anyone trying to change it) and can not be excluded in this
case, a bias in the comparison of several populations. Few interventional studies are of type (the
investigator intentionally alters the habits of a group of patients), but not double–blind, this does not
exclude a placebo effect.
Another technique is to compare the future within the same population group following a serious
diet and a group of dropouts. The comparability of these two groups, however, must be carefully
The studies should be used with caution, because outside the Mediterranean area, people on this ...
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Patients used a margarine based on rapeseed oil and 20% increased their consumption of fruits rich
in vitamin C and bread, while reducing red and processed meats (sausages). This scheme led to a
dramatic drop (–70%) of all–cause mortality. The success was such that the ethics committee has
decided to discontinue the study prematurely, to make these results publicly available
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The Diet Of The Mediterranean Diet
"What is the best diet out in the world?", typed into the Google search bar in almost every computer
owned by anyone in the world today. Following these "diets" has become a fad that people want to
follow so they can loose weight. Obesity causes health problems and with obesity rates climbing,
theres now a get healthy/fit fad, where people diet and exercise. Everyone these days is always
talking about diets. Which ones are in, which ones are fake, which ones "don't" work or which ones
"do" work. Everyone wants to know the quick way to loose weight or keep it off and through
research, it has been discovered that the Mediterranean diet is the best diet out there. What is the
Mediterranean diet; It is a lifestyle of choosing to eat like ... Show more content on
Although, this was before work days became too long forcing physical activity time to suffer, before
the people there started consuming more cheese, pasta, and red meat, the foods that were supposed
to be consumed in moderation now are becoming more prevalent in the diet. Leading to today where
they have an increase in obesity like everywhere else, but not as obvious due to an overshadow by
the U.S obesity statistics, but still on the rise, non the less. Breaking down the Mediterranean diet,
we can see which components are responsible for why its mortality statistics of the area's population
were living longer than other populations around the world, including other europeans. To start,
olive oil is a rich source of monounsaturated fat, which is protective against heart disease and
replaces saturated fat from the eating habits. Olive oil is also a source of antioxidants including
vitamin E. The high intake of fresh fruit and vegetables has been shown to be protective against both
heart disease and cancer because of the antioxidants they contain. Also, Fish are a source of omega–
3 polyunsaturated fats and the complex long chain derivatives of these fats appear to be particularly
beneficial to heart health because of the anti–inflammatory of the arteries which leads to a decrease
in blood pressure keeping the blood flowing smoothly. The Mediterranean diet is filled with a
multiplicity of benefits for the body. For all organs and parts of the body, such as the heart,
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What Is Mediterranean Masculinity?
Hinsch divides his article into five different sections starting with the introduction. The introduction
begins with a brief description of gender and agency, and how they can influence our perceptions of
the past, Hinsch also includes the question in this section. Also, he does not attempt to include the
question through anecdotal methods but rather he simply states it. The second section is used to
describe in detail the Mediterranean Model, an architype of masculinity. Unlike a rite of passage
which only require a man to prove himself with one test, Mediterranean masculinity requires a
constant demonstration of honor from men within any given community. This model provides the
reader with a better understanding of the inner workings
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Diet And The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean diet, which has been coined, "The world's healthiest diet," has risen in popularity
over the last decade. The diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, olive oil and the
occasional red wine, has been claimed to offer abundant health benefits including reducing risk for
major chronic illnesses, neurodegenerative diseases, some types of cancer, and cardiovascular
disease. Most recently, it has been hypothesized that this diet may be associated with health–related
quality of life (HRQL). Bonaccio, (2013) conducted a sample study to discover correlations
between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and HRQL and the mechanisms behind such findings.
The Mediterranean diet (MD) refers to a lifestyle in which individuals primarily consume foods
traditional to the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. Plants foods, cereals, legumes, and
fish make up the abundance of the diet, while olive oil is the main source of fat and red wine is
encouraged in moderation. The majority of the food consumed on the MD is high in dietary fiber,
antioxidants, polyphenols, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which presumably
contribute to the copious health benefits attributed to the diet (Bonaccio,, 2013). Bonaccio, (2013) define health–related quality of life (HRQL) as, "An individual's subjective evaluation
of his own health and well–being," adding that this self–reported measure has become an important
predictor for
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Pre Field Trip Report On The Mediterranean Basin
Pre Field trip report The Mediterranean basin is a boundary of land that contains a basin of water
draining into the Atlantic Ocean. It includes countries from Africa, Asia and Europe and is the
largest basin that isn't an ocean. The basin itself has been shaped due to many different processes
and actions but it started during the Triassic like all other oceans and seas formed, by the breaking
up of the single supercontinent at that time known as Pangaea. Over time Pangaea began to rift due
to activity from within the mantle and as a result what became known as Tethys Sea formed between
two new supercontinents; Gondwana and Laurasia – see figure 1 (Earthguide 2007–2008).  Figure
1 : Breaking up of Pangaea (Earthguide 2007–2008) During the Early Cretaceous stage Gondwana
broke apart into many of the continents and countries that we know today; one of which being
Africa. Africa began to drift North along with India closing up the area we now know as the
Mediterranean basin. All of these collisions have shaped the tectonic activity and geo–dynamics of
the landscape around the Mediterranean. The Alps were formed as result of the collision between
Africa and Eurasia (Hinsbergen et al, 2009). During the Oligocene epoch, the African plate and
Eurasian plate moved towards each other putting pressure on one another, and thus the sediment
accumulated into folds. This is also called Orogenesis. These folds contain major low angle faults
from NE–SE as result of thrusting and
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The Mediterranean Diet
The Mediterranean Diet
John Q. Student
College University
This paper explores the research available on the history, nutritional guidelines, and health benefits
of the Mediterranean diet (Mediet). A ranking in U.S. News (2014) has the Mediet as one of the top
three best diets on a scale of short– and long–term weight loss, ease of following, nutrition, safety
and performance as diabetes and heart diet. This paper examines these claims against the research
available to gain a more in–depth understanding of the Mediet and its health benefits.
The Mediterranean Diet
In January of 2014, the Health & Wellness section of U.S. News & World Report, LP (U.S. News)
released a ... Show more content on ...
Much like the original, the new MDP has a plant–based foundation. "They provide key nutrients,
fibre [sic] and protective substances that contribute to general well–being, satiety and the
maintenance of a balanced diet, and thus should be consumed in high proportions and frequency"
(Bach–Faig et al., 2011). Although, unlike the original MDP, this pyramid has included serving
requirements that offers a clear guideline to follow while still leaving room for some variation as
Every Day
Main meals should contain three basic elements
1. Cereals: one or two servings per meal in the form of bread, pasta, rice, couscous and others.
Preferably whole grain.
2. Vegetables: two or more servings per meal. In order to ensure vitamin and mineral daily intakes.
3. Fruit: one or two servings per meal. In order to ensure a wide variety of antioxidants and
protective compounds.
Six to Eight glasses of water. Herbal infusions and tea, and low–sodium and low–fat broths may
help to complete the requirements.
Dairy products should be present in moderate amounts (two servings per day), important for bone
and heart health but dairy products can be a major source of saturated fat
Olive oil is located at the center of the pyramid; it should be the principal source of dietary fat
because of its high nutritional quality. Abundance of antioxidant compounds
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The Powers Of The Mediterranean
Powers of the Mediterranean
In the 3rd century B.C.E. there were two great powers in the area surrounding the Western part of
the Mediterranean Sea, The African/Spanish Empire of Carthage and the Italian Empire of Rome.
Both empires were rapidly expanding their territory while ultimately avoiding each other. Carthage
had conquests in South–West Europe in modern day Spain, while the Romans were working their
way East into Macedonia. Rome and Carthage were both major powers controlling what to them
was the entire world. These two powers are very similar and very different, but after a conflict
between them started only one would make it out alive.
Before the wars began, in the 9th century B.C.E. a Phoenician Queen known most commonly by
Dido, founded a city in Northern Africa, in modern day Tunisia, Known as Kart–hadasht or
translating to "new city". The Greeks called this city Karchedon which the Romans adapted to
Carthago, or Carthage. (Mark 2011)
Before Rome, Carthage the center of trade through–out the Mediterranean. Upon the fall of the
Phoenician city of Tyre after the conquests of Alexander the Great, Tyrains fled to the city of
Carthage. Most of these refugees were extremely wealthy, and upon their settlement at Carthage,
they expanded Carthage's trade substantially. Carthage was experienced with naval warfare and
fought their battles with mercenaries, soldiers paid to fight. (Rodriguez n.d.)
Comparing to Carthaginian history, there is a lot more documented history
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Mediterranean Basin Polytheism
The Mediterranean Basin experienced many political and cultural changes from the 8th century BC
to the 5th century CE. First, religious views in the Roman Empire that spread throughout the
Mediterranean changed from polytheism to monotheism over time because people were unsatisfied
with the lack of spiritual passion in their current beliefs. Second, political structures and forms of
government changed from independent city states and republics to empires due to expanding
political entities, trade, and colonization. Lastly, architecture and art continued to improve society
by promoting political organization and public welfare.
Religious views in the Roman Empire that spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin changed
from polytheism to monotheism ... Show more content on ...
Greece had many city–states with acropolises, agoras, and temples. Greek architects constructed
acropolises on fortified hilltops for citizens to discuss government business. The agora was
strategically designed to be in the center of a city–state as a marketplace for the general public to
shop and gather. Many Greek city–states built temples and monuments to honor their patron deity
and serve as religious structures. The most famous of those temples was the Parthenon in Athens,
which was considered a massive architectural feat at the time. Approximately one century after the
Parthenon was constructed, Alexander the Great began to spread Hellenistic art. Two major statues
of Hellenistic art were the Colossus of Rhodes and Nike of Samothrace. The sculptures honored the
two gods and commemorated war victories. Similar to Greece, Ancient Rome's architects designed
structures benefiting the general public, political religion, and religion. Many government buildings
and the Twelve Tables were located in the Forum, an intricately designed plaza in the center of
Rome. The Pantheon, constructed in 27 BC, honored all the Roman gods and displayed the
brilliance of Roman architects. Other structures to provide entertainment and promote public health
were constructed from Julius Caesar's rule to the end of the Roman Empire, 476 AD. Public baths,
aqueducts, and roads were created to promote a healthier and more efficient lifestyle for the people
of the Roman Empire. The Colosseum was a source of entertainment for many people and
incorporated advanced technology, such as arches and drainage systems. As the Roman Empire
gradually declined, architecture was used for defense purposes. Multiple defensive walls were built
to protect Roman Empire from invaders. One of the first walls built was Hadrian's wall (122 AD)
and the last wall built was the Anastasian Wall (469
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Why Did Phoenicians Spread Across The Mediterranean
The Phoenicians spread across the Mediterranean using this knowledge. First in Cyprus and then
Northern Africa, Western Sicily, the islands of Corsica and Sardinia and Southern France, they
spread across the sea looking for new people to trade with always setting up trade posts in the cities
they found spread across the region, as their interaction with the city grew over time and in turn
their influence till eventually these cities became Phoenician colonies through immersion as most of
these colonies had evidence of occupation before the arrival of the Phoenicians. Many believe that
their ability to start expanding across the Mediterranean ties with the alliance between King Hiram
of Tyre and King Solomon of Israel, as gaining an ally that ... Show more content on ...
As such the trade cities were either founded around natural harbors or bays such as in the cities of
Palermo, Soluntum, Málaga, Cártama and Tangier to name a few . This allowed for the ships to
come right up against the city to be loaded up with goods that would be either brought back to
Phoenicia or traded to other peoples, it also allowed them to easily defend their ships as any enemy
by land would have to get through the city set up around it and by sea would have to sail just as
close to the shore to deal any damage to the Phoenician ships . The next type of place is a headland
that jutted out into the sea where ships could be harbored on either side such as the cities of Nora
and Tharros on Sardinia, Marsala on Sicily and Mogador in Morocco . Again, this set up allows for
the ships to be defended as by land the enemy would have to travel all the way up to the headland
and by sea any ship would have to face defenses placed at the top of the headland. Now the last
three cities are special cases as they are setup a little differently but all follow the two categories as
stated above. The city of Motya on the Western tip of Sicily is set up on the island now known as
San Pantaleo, however it is in the middle of a natural lagoon and is protected from the sea by Isola
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The Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet
I like to follow the Mediterranean diet for weight loss.
In fact, following this type of eating, is not only great for helping shed those pounds, it is good for
your overall health.
You won't immediately drop those unwanted kilos. What this diet does is give you plenty of healthy
choices which will over the long term help you to lose weight.
This type of eating is regarded as one of the healthiest diets in the world. And is so easy to follow,
you are probably eating much of the food recommended already.
This diet is a way of eating for countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Greece, Morocco, Italy,
France, and Spain all enjoy the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet.
Unlike many other diets that can seem laborious and stressful. The Mediterranean diet for weight
loss is not only easy to do it is actually enjoyable.
If you love eating healthy food, and also want to keep your weight down, then this is the diet for
One thing this style of eating has going for it is the amount of Scientific Research (1). There have
literally been hundreds of studies on this diet. Scientists from all over the world agree on this being
the healthiest way of eating.
Some of the other health advantages to eating the Mediterranean way is lower the risk of dementia,
Parkinson's, overcome anxiety and depression. Prevent cancer, and lower risk of heart disease (2).
Following the Mediterranean diet for weight loss is an enjoyable way of limiting the amount of
sugar in your diet.
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The Elements Of A Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean Diet
The elements of a Mediterranean diet as I have come to know them through my stay here are bread,
olive oil, wine, prosciutto, and cheese, along with pizza, pasta, and gelato. However, researchers
studying the Mediterranean diet for its health effects would say that it consists of fruits, vegetables,
legumes, cereal, fish, and a "moderate intake of red wine with meals" (Sofi, Cesari, Abbate, Gensini,
& Casini 337). Foods that are defined as being specifically opposed to the structure of the
Mediterranean diet are red, processed meats and dairy products (Sofi, Cesari, Abbate, Gensini, &
Casini 337). Although, I would have to argue that cheese is eaten nearly in excess and is certainly a
dairy product
The Mediterranean diet receives so much attention because it is valued for its contribution to a
healthy cardiovascular system. Studies have indicated that adherence to such a diet is a significant
protective factor against the development of chronic diseases, specifically cardiovascular diseases,
degenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease), and cancer (Sofi, Cesari, Abbate,
Gensini, & Casini 337). ... Show more content on ...
One of the most noticeable differences in the way that the Mediterranean diet is consumed,
compared to my personal eating habits is the way that such careful steps are taken to ensure that the
meal is enjoyed and appreciated to the greatest extent possible. For example, the wine is valued
because of its ability to cleanse the mouth between bites to ensure that the flavors of the food are
experienced over and over. The wine is not selected for its own flavor or enjoyment so much as it is
chosen to counteract the kind of food that it will be paired
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The Mediterranean Diet : Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet
For those questioning, "Does the Mediterranean diet work?" it's actually not an real diet plan, but a
change in lifestyle. Instead of dieting, you'll be indulging in all the right foods like healthy grains,
nuts, beans, and lean meats. Wine is a part of the Mediterranean lifestyle, too! Those who live
around the Mediterranean sea have lower rates of heart disease compared to Americans. There have
been numerous studies regarding the diet of those who live in places like Italy and Greece. It's
believed that for the most part, they have a better diet than people in other countries, which results in
better heart health. While some people have an image of huge feasts where people are eating pasta
and racks of lamb with numerous bottles of wine, it's actually a diet based on fruits, vegetables, lean
meats, and the right kind of oils that make the diet so successful. Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Prevents heart disease and stroke Reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease Prevents diabetes Lowers
blood sugar levels Helps you lose weight Increases longevity Emphasis of the Mediterranean Diet
You don't need a diet plan or a shopping list, although we will provide a short one in a moment. It's
all about eating healthy, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. If you eat foods that are primarily plant
based, you'll be eating much healthier. On this diet, you can eat as many vegetables throughout the
day as you want, but you have to limit what you put on them. You'll need to replace
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Mediterranean Diet Analysis
Results The Mediterranean diet (MeDi) has been researched for the potential to reduce cognitive
decline and dementia (Samieri, Okereke, Devore, & Grodstein, 2013). Long–term MeDi adherence
was examined with 16,058 women to see if there was a link between MeDi and cognitive decline.
Cognitive assessments were completed every 2 years using a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ)
and phone calls to test cognition in participating subjects (90% turnout rate). The phone tests
consisted of, Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS), immediate and delayed recall of the
East Boston Memory test (EBMT), delayed recall of the TICS 10 word list, category fluency, and
digit span–backward (Samieri, Okereke, Devore, & Grodstein, 2013). These tests were ... Show
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MeDi adherence was measured on a point system using a survey method and 24–hour recall.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega–3 and Omega–6, associated with high intake of antioxidants
could influence Cardiovascular Disease and decrease of Alzheimer's Disease (Feart et al., 2011). Of
the 1416 subjects with plasma fatty acid assessment, 1105 had a full dietary assessment completed
(Feart et al., 2011). 55 participants with dementia were excluded from the study. MeDi adherence
was characterized by higher intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, fish and lower intake of
meat and dairy products (Feart et al., 2011). The studies of MeDi adherence in this study showed a
protective effect of cognitive function. Further investigation should be completed to further prove
this study (Feart et al.,
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Mediterranean Diet Requirements
More in depth, there are specific diets that people can try and see which one best works for them.
Every human body is different, some bodies require more of a certain nutrient to have a healthy
brain. A diet that everyone can try is the Mediterranean diet. There are a few studies that have shown
that the Mediterranean diet brings positive effects for the brain. This diet require for someone to
consume a large amount of virgin oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, and legumes. It might sound
unreal but this diet also requires a small drink of alcohol, red wine. Another requirement of the diet
is to only eat a small amount of red meat and dairy products. It is not guaranteed that if will bring
the same amount of benefits for everyone but one ... Show more content on ...
There are hundreds of diseases or mental health problems that attack silently. Many people don't
find out that they are suffering from an illness until it's almost too late. There's no question,
technology is advancing rapidly but there are still many health problems that are incurable. Learning
to eat healthier can lower the risk of suffering many of the existing diseases. Making healthier
choices will not only benefit the person physically, the change will possibly boost their spiritual or
emotional life. One has the choice to choose what is believed to be the best pathway. There are small
and easy steps that can be done to improve one's health. If one drinks alcohol than the first step to a
better life is by eliminating that drink from the daily diet. Nutrition is more important than what
every person thinks. Improper nutrition can cause not only depression but also dementia. The most
common dementia is know as alzheimer's disease. The population tends to relate Alzheimer's disease
with the aging of a person.The truth is that nutrition is the main contributor of this mental health
problem not the aging of a person. At the end, people can drastically improve their mental health,
cognitive skills, and daily behavior with just a better diet. The human brain is the center of control
for the whole body. If the brain is not cared properly than the body and mind will start to
malfunction. Something to keep in mind is that, "Eating.... will impact every single one of the 75–
100 trillion cells in your body" (Leaf
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Differences Between Greeks And The Mediterranean Sea
Greeks have been in America since about 1528. Greece is located at the southeast end of Europe on
the Mediterranean Sea. The first recorded Greeks colonized in Florida, which is where about 77
thousand Greeks still inhabit today as well as a majority of the East Coast. Greeks believe in a
simple four–step process to being healthy and if these four basic kinds of things are in order they
will be healthy but if they are out of order, illness will occur. I chose to do my research on Greeks
because I had heard of the popular "Mediterranean Diet" talked about for years. I have also seen
movies about Greek culture, like My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but did not know all the traditions of
the Greeks.
The four–step process of health maintenance ... Show more content on ...
For example Epione is the goddess of the soothing of pain and Iaso is the goddess of recuperation
from illness. As far as my research shows, most modern Greeks go to physicians to restore their
health. There are also Greeks who use a new alternative form of medicine used today called
Hellenistic pagans, these are people who pray to the Greek Gods to help them heal. They also use
dietary management using foods that are easy to digest like soups to detoxify their bodies. Another
way to restore health is to correct the four–step process if you are doing something wrong. To
protect their health from the evil eye, Greeks wear garlic, amulets, or make a cross out of ash behind
a child's ear. The evil eye curse is when someone has envy for another, and this superstition has been
around for many years and symptoms include headache, nausea and confusion. Greeks also "knock
wood" to guard against misfortune.
Many cultures also have rites, which are ceremonial acts. Birth rites in the Greek culture are very
important, because family is important, so birth is celebrated. Gifts are given to pregnant women
like little amulets to guard against evil eye or gold coins. Families also often honor traditional names
in the family by bestowing the name on the baby. For the marriage rites the ceremony is spoken in
Greek or English, but there are traditional parts that
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Mediterranean Diet Research Paper
The Mediterranean diet is a selection of food choices based off the typical cultural diets of countries
surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. This diet is often touted by dieticians and healthcare
professionals as a dietary method for improving cardiovascular health. The main nutritional focuses
of the diet are high intake of unsaturated fats, high intake of fiber, low intake of saturated fats, and
low intake of sodium. Food choices should be centered around fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts,
legumes, whole grains, seafood, and plant based oils, in addition reducing consumption of red meat
and solid fats. Many clinical studies have been performed to see just how effective this diet is at
improving cardiovascular health. One study by Estruch et ... Show more content on
A study by Vafeiadou et al. (2015), showed that dietary replacement of saturated fats (SFAs) by
unsaturated fats did not improve cardiovascular function, but did result in beneficial effects on
cardiovascular biomarkers. In this randomized, controlled, single–bind study 195 men and women at
moderate risk for cardiovascular disease, were randomly assigned to a 16 week isoenergetic diet that
were either rich in SFAs, MUFAs, or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The primary
cardiovascular measurement of function was flow–mediated dilation, and secondary measurements
were blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and serum levels of various biomarkers (lipids, glucose,
insulin resistance). The results of this study showed that replacing a SFA diet with those of MUFAs
or PUFAs did not significantly change flow–mediated dilation, or arterial stiffness, a process which
probably occurs at a rate much slower than the scope of this study. There was a significant decrease
in recorded blood pressure of the MUFA and PUFA diet groups, compared to the increase in blood
pressure of the SFA diet group. Other biomarkers such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and the
total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio improved significantly in the MUFAs and PUFAs diet
replacement compared to that of the SFA diet
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The Sea Of The Mediterranean Sea
The Mediterranean Sea is the largest enclosed sea in the world, surrounded by Europe, Africa, and
Asia – the most populated region of the globe. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of
Gibraltar which separates Spain from Africa, a distance of 8.9 miles. The sea has an average depth
of 4,900 feet, but the deepest point is in the Calypso Deep in the Ionian Deep, having recorded
17,280 feet. It is bordered by 25 coastlines and is split into seven subdivisions of which are the
Aegean, Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, Balearic, and Alboran seas. It also contains a
shallow submarine ridge (Strait of Sicily) between Sicily and Tunisia, dividing the sea into two main
sub regions – the Eastern and Western Mediterranean. It has an annual temperature of 19 degrees
Celsius, but waters located near the warmer regions (I.E. Africa) can reach up to 26 degrees Celsius
in the summer. The Mediterranean is characterized by its deep blue color which derives from its
warm temperatures and higher salt production due to mass evaporation. It is known to have hot, dry
summers and wet winters except for the Southern regions considering they have desert–like
climates. Early civilizations thought that the Mediterranean was the center of their region
considering they had not traveled out of their boundaries yet, therefore giving its Latin name
"mediterraneus", meaning "middle of land." Its combination of strong winds and an arid climate
results in intense
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Mediterranean World Continuities
There were changes to the Mediterranean World, but also continuities from the Roman Empire in
100 CE, to the Abbasid Empire in 800 Ce, to Feudal Europe in 1000 CE. Christianity and Islam,
architecture, and the status of women all changed, even though some parts of them remained the
same. Christianity and Islam developed and spread. New architectural advancements were added to
the already existing Roman innovations, and the status of women improved overall.
Christianity and Islam became the dominant religions in the Mediterranean by 1000 CE, and as
these religions spread, they became more dominant in the lives of their followers. At first, the
Roman Empire, which controlled the entire Mediterranean, was polytheistic, but around 300 CE,
Emperor Constantine made ... Show more content on ...
The Romans were master engineers and were known for beginning to use the arch and dome. An
example of the use of these innovations is the Aqueducts. The Aqueducts were very important to
Rome because it delivered water to the huge population, meaning that the arch and dome helped
build very efficient and useful buildings. The Umayyads and Abbasids on the African side of the
Mediterranean continued to use the arch and dome, but also added their own style of geometric
designs to their buildings because Allah could not be expressed in picture form. This is seen in the
many mosques that were built, including the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The Byzantines and
Feudal Europe both also used arches and domes to build their churches. They also incorporated tall,
arched windows into their unique architectural style. This is where the arch came into play for
Europe. In conclusion, the arch and dome were continually used throughout the history of the
Mediterranean, but other styles from different political organizations also
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Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet
Major Benefits Can Be Obtained from Mediterranean Diet
A Mediterranean diet incorporates bunches of vegetables, natural products, beans, oats and grain
items. These items include the wholegrain bread, pasta and dark colored rice. It additionally contains
direct measures of fish, white meat and some dairy create.
Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Here are some of the major advantages of the Mediterranean diet.
1 – Lower Processed Foods and Sugar
The diet basically comprises of sustenance and fixings that are near nature. They include the olive
oil, vegetables like peas and beans, organic products, foul oat items, and little bits of creature items
(that are constantly "natural" and privately delivered). As opposed to the run of the mill American
diet, it's low in sugar and for all intents and purposes free of all GMOs or the fixings of the human
made like ... Show more content on ...
One reason the Mediterranean diet may be so helpful for anticipating diabetes is on the grounds that
it controls overabundance insulin, a hormone that controls glucose levels, makes us put on weight
and keeps the weight stuffed on notwithstanding us dieting.
The Mediterranean diet is low in sugar, since the main sugar display typically originates from
natural product, wine and the periodic privately made sweet. With regards to drinks, many
individuals drink a lot of crisp water, some espresso and red wine, as well. In any case, pop and
sweetened beverages aren't as well–known as they are in the U.S. You can perceive how this
contrasts from the standard American diet, which regularly brings about many individuals skipping
breakfast, nibbling for the duration of the day on vitality destroying nourishments high in carbs and
sugar, and eating a ton at evening time while they're
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Mediterranean Research Paper
unobstructed view of the Mediterranean. Vince ordered the John Dory fish for dinner and for me the
pear and pumpkin ravioli with mussels. Every mouthful was delicate and heavenly delicious. We
shared a bottle of wine and toasted to our life together, our love and to returning to the Amalfi Coast,
one day. It all felt so surreal; sitting under this bright star studded sky with my handsome Italian
husband, eating this Capri. We just didn't feel like going out for a meal. Later, we walked into a
pastry shop to buy a bottle of wine, pan pizza slices for dinner and croissants for breakfast in our
room. We had an expansive view of the Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. In the evening, we
opened the doors and windows. Serenaded by the sounds ... Show more content on
Soon it became quite clear why our friends recommended this hotel. Someone checked us in
immediately, while someone else offered to help with our luggage. We were escorted to a large,
comfortable room, tastefully furnished with vintage–Italian style antiques and sizable windows
which provided a magnificent view of the Duomo di Firenze; the Cathedral of St. Maria del Fiore on
the Piazza della Repubblica. The history of the piazza dates back 2,000 years. After the unification
of Italy in 1861, Florence was declared the capital city and the historical center went through a
major renovation. Buildings were demolished and new ones erected. The government's goal was to
refresh medieval Florence with the stylish atmosphere of Paris. The triumphal arch known as the
Arcone was erected in 1895. Cafés and trattorias bordering the piazza attracted artists, writers and
intellectuals. Today the square is still lined with these popular eating establishments, although
elegant shops and art galleries have cropped up among them. The square has become a theater to
musicians, street artists and strolling romantics. How thrilling that it was all right outside our door!
Since our visit to Florence was just an overnight stay, our location could not have been
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The Mediterranean Diet Of Food Essay
If you've ever talked to somebody after they 've traveled to a country such as Italy or Greece, they
probably mentioned how delicious the food was. Food is one of the more common affiliations with
countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea; and understandably so. The food this region
produces is so notable that there is a diet based off it, companied with endless research elaborating
the health benefits it accommodates. Fittingly named The Mediterranean Diet, this compilation of
foods including fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, high fiber breads, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and red
wine are targeted to help prevent a number of diseases as well as promote health in different sectors
of the body. This essay will touch upon each component, benefit, and precaution of the
Mediterranean diet, in depth, all with a main focus on the nutritional factors.
When I introduced the Mediterranean diet, an image probably popped into your head of some
beautiful assortment of food in relation to those parts of the world. The Mediterranean diet
incorporates a fulfilling variety of foods while moderating some of the most craved, but negatively
impactful components of our regular diet. One point of emphasis in the diet is consumption of fruits
and vegetables; some of the most recommended including grapes, blueberries, and starchy
vegetables such as cauliflower and chickpeas. A standout component of this diet is its affiliation
with the prevention of certain cancers; this has been linked to
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The Ancient Mediterranean World
No culture can be completely isolated; a culture that refuses to learn and share with the other
cultures around it becomes stagnant and may die out completely. The cultures of the ancient
Mediterranean world were certainly far from isolated. The willingness of these cultures to adopt and
adapt from each other is part of what makes them so rich and complex.
Even as most ancient Mediterranean societies were just beginning, Egypt and its culture were
flourishing. As the Chalcolithic Age gave way to the Bronze Age, the Upper and Lower Kingdoms
of Egypt joined together and began expanding. This expansion spread the culture and art of the
Egyptians around the ancient Mediterranean world. Many cultures adopted the common Egyptian
image of a winged sun disk, representative in their culture of the sun god Ra; once adopted into
other cultures, its meaning changed, but its general shape remained the same. Archaic Greek art, as
well, was highly influenced by Egyptian art; many early Greek statues mimic the stiff posture and
striding pose of Egyptian pharaoh illustrations (Purcell; Gilders). The Egyptians helped to shape a
somewhat unified Mediterranean culture.
Cultures aside from Egypt began to grow and flourish in the ... Show more content on ...
Stamped and minted coinage is directly taken from Greek culture, and the columns found in many
government buildings can be attributed to Grecian architecture. However, the Greeks did not simply
develop their culture from scratch. They, too, allowed other cultures to influence their own, taking
things such as Egyptian art styles and Phoenician alphabets and making them their own. It is this
culture, developed from the cultures surrounding Greece and later spread through Alexander's
imperial expansion, that would one day become the baseline for much of modern society and
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Mediterranean Sea Mountains
Two geographical features of Ancient Greece had a deep consequence on how Greeks lived. The
Mediterranean Sea and mountains. Both were vital geographical factors and had a momentous role
on the social and political development of Greece. The mountains worked as barriers to isolate
different areas. Cities established individually of one another, with its own unique social structures
and governments. City–states grew separately and created their own identities. An example is the
city–states of Sparta and Athens, both were very different. These differences would later cause wars,
the First Peloponnesian War and Second Peloponnesian War. The rocky soil in Greece allowed them
to grow olives and grapes. However, they needed to trade for wheat
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Compare And Contrast Mediterranean And Indian Ocean Trade
In the early post–classical period, the Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean trade
route flourished. Although both the Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean Maritime
trade route persisted to deliver goods to diverse ports by way of sea, such as India's transmission of
manufactured goods, such as pottery produced by Burma, to several distinct ports, the volume and
whereabouts of each particular trade route and the development of people's characteristics due to
trade varied drastically. Both the post–classical Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean
Maritime System route transported goods to various ports by way of water. In the Indian Ocean
Maritime System, trade took place in three distinct ... Show more content on ...
In the post–classical Mediterranean Sea trade route, seafarers grasped the characteristics they
obtained from their homeland tightly and did not intermingle them at various sea ports, which was
due to their constant interaction with other people. Yet, in the post–classical trade routes taking place
in the Indian Ocean, the sight of other people was an extremely unlikely occasion to occur along the
journey due to distal location of land. Therefore, seafarers became intimate with foreign women at
port stops. These port wives introduced their homeland's customs and attitudes to their husbands,
mixing heritages, which would result in rich cultural diversity, commonly making children produced
by the couples multilingual, multicultural, and cosmopolitan. Since the Mediterranean Sea trade
route was proximal to land and the Indian Ocean trade route was more remote from land, sailors in
the Indian Ocean Maritime System would take up opportunities with woman from different regions,
whereas the seafarers in the Mediterranean Sea trade route preferred marriage to women from their
own homeland. The differences in culture in both the Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian
Ocean Maritime System are most likely due to how closely bound various
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The Mediterranean Diet And Allergies
The Mediterranean Diet and Allergies Springtime often leaves many people sniffling and sneezing,
and while antihistamine pills are effective, it can leave you feeling exhausted and foggy. While the
use of medication works well, it should never be solely relied upon. Sometimes there are other
solutions to try first before you head to the medicine cabinet. You ever hear the term "you are what
you eat"? Well, that statement couldn't be more true, what you put into your body will affect your
performance and how you feel. Think of your body as a high–performance sports vehicle; you
wouldn't put low–grade fuel or oil into your car. If you did, it wouldn't run very well and that will
lead to expensive repairs later on down the road. Where is the logic in this? The same idea applies to
your body, so start treating yourself like a high–performance vehicle. May is National
Mediterranean Diet Month, so use this time to incorporate this ancient way of eating into your daily
diet. The Mediterranean diet is not a new fad, it has quite a bit of history behind it, and the best part
is it's not an overly restrictive, "fad" diet. In fact, many people find this diet to be easy to follow and
incorporate. One of the greatest aspects of this way of eating, is that following the Mediterranean
diet may help or eliminate your need for antihistamine medication due to the compounds that are
found naturally within the food that makes up this diet. This includes: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
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Miami Mediterranean Diet
Being healthy and fit is a complicated thing to achieve these days, given all the studies that seem to
contradict each other on an almost daily basis and all the "diets" out there vying for your attention
and claiming to be the best. But what if it the diet part of it could be simplified into a list of just 10
foods that could help you lose weight and be healthy –– would that make it easier?
Dr. Michael Ozner seems to think so, because he wrote the book The Miami Mediterranean Diet.
Obviously it's a spin of the more well–known Mediterranean Diet, and not only does he think it will
simplify things for people interested in being healthier but it will also help them actually be
healthier. People in the Mediterranean following a Mediterranean diet naturally have much smaller
risks of heart disease and other ailments like obesity, and he thinks he knows why. ... Show more
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Whole grains, always whole grains.
Fish We've been hearing a lot lately about how great fish can be, but the Mediterraneans seem to
have known that since a long long time ago. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and trout are packed
with Omega–3 fatty acids, help decrease triglycerides, have anti–inflammatory properties, and can
decrease the risk for heart disease.
Fresh Fruits Color and variety are important, and in the Mediterranean outdoor markets are common
so people have easy access to large selections of fresh produce.
Fresh Vegetables Same as with fruit, color and variety are important. The phytonutrients in fresh
veggies (and fruit) have been shown to aid with weight control and decrease risks for heart disease,
diabetes, and cancer.
Low–fat Dairy This is not one you may have expected to see on the list, but it can do a body good.
Whole milk, yogurt, and cheese (goat cheese especially) are commonly part of Mediterranean meals.
The key, of course, is
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Similarities Between American And Mediterranean Diet
American & Mediterranean Diets The American diet is one big melting pot of foods from cultures
all around the world. Foods from burgers and fries to spaghetti and meatballs, this diet has a vast
amount of choices for meals. It is difficult to name a "national" dish. Furthermore, the
Mediterranean diet is a similar concept. Including south European countries, the diet consists of
many different cultures as well. Most people believe that the American diet refers to something
similar to a meal at McDonald's. That's not always true. Although most foods included in the
American diet contain an excess amount of calories, sugars, unnatural fats and saturated fats, oils,
sodium, and high fructose corn syrup, there are also foods that don't. These include:
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Mediterranean Empires
The mediterranean held some of the most powerful empires in ancient history. From ancient Egypt
to Ancient Greece, the wide culture and economy flourished in the mediterranean. The
mediterranean had many resources as well as very good traders to develop the economy. The
mediterranean experiences changes, inventions, and new civilizations that affect its economic
systems in 3000 b.c. to 300 b.c. In 3,000 b.c. civilizations were just starting out in the
mediterranean, the first one started on the Nile River. That civilization was Egypt. At first, Egypt
was just several civilization around the Nile River who farmed and led a very simple lifestyle. In
3100 b.c. King Menes united those civilizations into a single kingdom, Egypt. For about the first
thousand years Egyptian society ... Show more content on ...
In 2800 b.c., the island of Crete established in the mediterranean. The island of Crete is called the
Minoan civilization, they built large castles on the island and developed a rich culture. The Minoans
trade many goods including pottery, silver jewelry, and gold. In 2300 b.c. the bronze age began,
when bronze started to replace stone tools. The Minoans Flourished during the bronze age and their
art and architecture influenced later western European civilizations. The economy started to grow
when more civilizations appeared even outside the mediterranean. The Silk Road brought many
jobs, as well as more trade with other civilizations. Bronze now replaced all stone tools and became
less valuable. In 2050 b.c. the Middle Kingdom entered a stage of stability and growth, with the
government caring more for the people. Egypt grew very many crops that they used and sold.
Middle Kingdom of Egypt were very good traders, and had many shops and marketplaces. When the
Greek civilization began to rise the economy and culture of the mediterranean started changing and
growing. The Greeks did not have very good soil and their
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Mediterranean Diet Essay
Introduction In our world today, dementia is a rising problem in the elderly population. This study
aims to find if the Mediterranean diet (MeDi) lowers the risk of developing degenerative diseases
such as dementia, or if it prevents cognitive decline. There have been many previous cohort studies
that have researched the correlation between the MeDi and chronic diseases. However; research
determining how exactly nutrients consumed with the MeDi affect cognition and the possible
development of dementia has yet to be completed. This study intends to specifically look at how five
individual cognitive functions and dementia are impacted as one ages, by varying levels of
adherence to the MeDi. The researchers recorded the subjects' intake of the MeDi based on a priori;
which is a questionnaire that lets the researchers know the subjects' eating habits and exactly what
food groups and macronutrients they are consuming to accurately find the affects they yield in the
brain. Clinical neuropsychologists evaluated each participant for thorough cognitive results, to gain
the most in–depth conclusions possible Subjects The subjects for this study were adults of 64 years
of age and over, from a previous study called the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Ageing and
Diet (HELIAD). All ... Show more content on ...
This causes me to consider what I am putting into my body today, and how it will affect my
cognitive abilities in my old age. I want to have a healthy mind no matter what age I am, and
implementing this diet would possibly be beneficial in my life. Also, my grandma has multiple
sclerosis and over time I know that that can negatively affect the brain by degenerating nerve fibers
and myelin. This is something she should consider applying to her diet in order to effectively
combat the negative cognitive effects of MS. It may just help her to live a happier more independent
life and age more
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Mediterranean Diet Outline
Nutrition in the News: Outline Thesis: Going on a Mediterranean diet reduces the risks of
developing cardiovascular (heart) diseases. Background: A Mediterranean diet consists of high
consumptions of whole grain, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, and nuts with moderate intakes of chicken
and fish. 2 The lifestyle of someone on a Mediterranean diet includes being physically active every
day and eating meals with family and friends. 3 Cardiovascular diseases include heart attacks and
strokes.1 People, especially diabetics, who follow the Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer
from sudden heart attacks and strokes. 3 Plant–based foods (fruits and vegetables) are linked with
lower blood pressure and cholesterol (fat) levels among adults. 3 ... Show more content on ...
Participants were given a questionnaire and given a "Mediterranean diet score" or a "Western diet
score" based on the foods they consumed.1 Four years later, researchers followed up and found that
the risk of heart diseases were reduced by 1/3 for those who follow the Mediterranean diet.1 Results
recommend that focusing more on eating healthy rather than avoiding unhealthy foods is better for
those with heart disease.1 A flaw in the study is that it's not completely reliable because the study
relied on people's memories on what they consumed.1 Original Research Article: Observational
study in which researchers randomly selected 15, 828 subjects (age > 60 years) with heart disease
from 39 countries and questioned them about their diet.2 News article didn't mention that only 15,
482 subjects
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Familial Mediterranean Fever
Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by recurrent
and self–limited episodes of fever, abdominal pain, synovitis and pleuritis, lasting 1–3 days (Shohat
and Halpern, 2011). Most of the patients are men and the mean age is 10; in about 65% of the cases
experience their first symptoms before the age of 10 years old and 90%, before reaching the age of
20 years (Onen, 2006). Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis remains as the main long–term complication
with a severe manifestation and poor prognosis. Amyloidosis of the AA type commonly occurs
among untreated patients with more than 15 years old, even among those who do not have a history
of recurrent inflammatory attacks (Shohat and Halpern, 2011). Colchicinetherapy, ... Show more
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The mutated gene in patients with FMF is the MEditerranean Fever (MEFV), has been mapped on
chromosome 16p13.3, consists 10 exons and encodes 781 amino acids that encodes pyrin, a
regulatory protein of inflammasome. Muta¬tions in MEFV are associated with excess inflammation
through increased IL 1β production (Yang et al., 2014). Since the cloning of the MEFV gene, about
304 sequence variants have been reported that 167 of these variations have been associated with
FMF (online at According to studies, four founding
mutations, M694V, V726A, M680I, M694I on exon 10 and the E148Q on exon 2 are the most
common mutations and comprise 85% of all mutations in the countries where FMF is prevalent
(Simon and van der Meer, 2007). Iranian population define by various ethnic groups: Persian, Azeri
Turks, Arabs, Kurdish. Almost all the previous studies in Iran accomplished among the Azeri
population. In the present study 390 unrelated FMF patients from different ethnicity were selected to
analyze the mutations of the MEFV gene over a period of 4
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The Strait Of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow
Straits of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow
Straits of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow The Strait of Gibraltar is located between the northern
coast of Morocco and the southern coast of Spain. It is the only place that allows the water of the
Mediterranean to mix with the water from the Atlantic Ocean. The Strait of Gibraltar is narrow strait
separating peninsular Spain and Gibraltar in Morocco and Europe from Morocco as well as the
Ceuta/ Spain in Africa. Also, the trait connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The
Strait of Gibraltar is known by many names including the 'pillar of Hercules' in the ancient world,
STROG meaning Strait of Gibraltar in naval use. The name originates from the rock of ... Show
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They include the upper layer of the Atlantic water flowing eastward above the heavier and saltier
Mediterranean water that flows eastwards into the Atlantic Ocean. Also, it is referred to as the
Mediterranean outflow water (Wesson & Gregg, 2009). As the Mediterranean water flows to the sea
it follows the rising sea floor creating series of internal waves which are not easy seen because they
do not generate large waves, but rather horizontal surface currents that affect the roughness of the
sea surface. Internal waves can be seen from space suing special radar method capable of detecting
sensitive changes in the roughness of the water surface. The direct link created by the Strait of
Gibraltar between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean is responsible for the generation of
unique wave patterns and unique flow. The unique patterns created as a result of the interaction
between the global evaporative and different regional forces, wind forces, and tidal forces (Robinson
& Paola, 2005).
Inflow and outflow: the water flowing through the Strait are more or less continuous in both the
westward and the eastward directions. The larger amount of water comprising of the surface water
of lower density and salinity flows continually eastwards (the Mediterranean inflow) while the
smaller water amounts of deeper, saltier and heavier water flows continually westwards (the
Mediterranean outflow). The general flow tendencies of the water
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Mediterranean And The Tundra Compare And Contrast
Climates can be described as weather conditions that exist in over an extended period of time. The
Mediterranean and the Tundra are two of many climates that exist all over the world. .The
Mediterranean is located near the western side of continents, and the Tundra is found along the coast
of the Arctic ocean. Among the two there are many similarities and differences.
The Mediterranean doesn't experience very harsh weather, therefore the climate is mild. There are
only two seasons which are summer and winter. The seasonal changes that this area experiences are
due to changes in ocean currents and water temperatures. Summers in the Mediterranean are dry and
mild, and temperatures average above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Winters are mild and wet,
temperatures during this season are between 30 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Large bodies of water
and ocean currents are what cause the Mediterranean climate. During the summer cold currents keep
the climate mild and dry. In the winter warm water moves in and heats the land, but also causes rain.
The Mediterranean is overall a dry climate because the majority of the rain falls ... Show more
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In the summer snow and ice melt however, some permafrost still remains deep in the ground. The
permafrost prevents snow and ice from absorbing into the ground, so as a result bogs and marshes
form. Winter temperatures in the Tundra can get to as low as –18 to –50 degrees Fahrenheit. This
polar climate experiences such harsh temperatures because of its high latitude and indirect sunlight.
Summer temperatures are cool, average temperatures don't go above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The
tundra doesn't receive very much rain, only about 5–15 inches per year. No trees grow in the tundra
because of the permafrost found deep in the ground. However, animals who are able to survive the
harsh climate are able to live here. These animals include polar bears, snow owls and
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The Mediterranean Diet Vs. Mediterranean Diets
I found the Mediterranean diet with high protein. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the
comparison of an american diet to mediterranean diet, which diet would be recommended, and also,
comparing and contrasting health benefits/consequences. This essay is written to bring awareness of
both american and mediterranean diets. The american diet being high in carbohydrates, saturated
and transfats is not the recommended diet when compared to the wholesome fresh produce and high
in protien that the mediterranean diet has to offer. We live in an era where information is at our
fingertips and social media has revealed that other countries diets differ from the diets we have here
in the US. I recently saw a video on facebook comparing US school lunches to other countries
school lunches. The difference on what was provided to US school children was shocking. The most
interesting thing was that the other country schools provided lunches that contained fresh fruit,
vegetables, whole grains and even fish meanwhile the food being served in US schools is high in
refined carbohydrates, sugars and red meats. This realization made me wonder how different our
diets in america is compared to other diets worldwide. I have personally changed my diet to a
mediterranean diet. In doing so I have noticed major differences in food options, benefits and
recommendations for both american and mediterranean diets. Major Differences American Diet In
an american diet there is an abundance of food
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Mediterranean Diet Research Paper
There are many diets out there you can choose from, but for many the Mediterranean diet will be
one of the best choices. This is a very healthy diet that can help those with heart issues, high
cholesterol, or other health problems. It is an eating plan that will help you discover how to create
great tasting meals that are also very good for your heart.
This may be the only diet that includes drinking a glass of red wine, but that has been proven to be
very good for your heart. The Mediterranean diet is based around the typical cooking styles of the
countries on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They love to use olive oil in their cooking, so you
can expect to get plenty of good meals made with the health benefits of olive oil.
When you ... Show more content on ...
This is a tradition in the Mediterranean culture and it goes along with the diet. Every component is
added because it gives the body the necessary nutrients and it is also very healthy for the heart. This
is one of the best diets for anybody with a history of heart disease or high cholesterol.
What I Think About the Mediterranean Diet
Whether you are looking for a healthier way to live and eat or you are looking for a diet to help you
lose weight, the Mediterranean Diet is a good choice. You are not going to drop 20 pounds in a
month with this diet, but it will help you get to a very healthy weight and maintain it. This is not just
a diet you start and finish, but also a way of changing the way you eat every single day for the rest
of your life.
It is nice to find a diet that does not completely cut out the things you may enjoy. You can still have
red meat, just not that often and you are even encouraged to drink wine with this diet. Most diets do
not allow any alcohol and will cut out many of the things you really need. With the Mediterranean
Diet, you can have confidence in knowing that you are eating in a hearth healthy way that support
the body
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Mediterranean Harbor Pijnacker
Mediterranean Harbor by Adam Pijnacker
Mediterranean Harbor is a painting of a ship on a harbor with various people gathering and packing
packages. The painting was painted in the 1600s by Adam Pijnacker. Behind the ship is the ocean
and the sky. The sky covers most of the top of the painting making it a main focal point in the
painting. The middle of the sky is a clear blue while both the left and the rights sides are covered
with brownish–grey clouds. The lower left side of the sky also has some orange colorage. This is
because the sun is setting behind it, therefore, the time of day this painting is set in a sunset. In front
of these clouds is a dark ship decorated with gold design. The ship's size makes it a main focal point
of the painting. ... Show more content on ...
It shows that these people are more important than those around them, therefore we should pay
attention to them. All three of them, however, are looking in different directions. One is looking
back, perhaps at the town. In the right of the painting, another is looking down at a man who is tying
up a package, pointing, and probably ordering him how to tie it. The other man is dressed in a
salmon colored jacket. The painting is mostly made up of earth tone colors so this man stands out
more than anyone else. He is also carrying a sword around his waist. His face is not shown, but by
the position of his body it seems that he is looking out at either the ship or the horizon behind it.
There are a couple people in front of him who seem to be fixing packages and tending to a large
horse at the right of the painting. Their clothing is more earth tone which allows them to blend in
more with the ground and the buildings. There are also people in the background of the painting
who are also wearing mundane clothing and seem to be carrying packages.The front of the painting
is full of things that are meant to be carried onto the ship. Although the things themselves are
expensive, it makes the front of the painting seem cluttered and
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Mediterranean Diet Research Paper
6. A Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle that involves consuming mostly plant–based foods and good
fats. Red meat is limited to a few times a month. It is known to improve heart health and works best
if followed for at least six months. A disadvantage is that it would have to be a long–term lifestyle
change for best results. It is inexpensive because you are only buying your regular groceries. 7. The
Nutrisystem diet is a program, which involves pre–planned meals for 28 days. You are only allowed
to eat nutrisystem food and healthy snacks. It averages around 3 months to reach your target weight
depending on your meal plans and costs from $200–$300 a month. There are a variety of nutrients in
the meals so no supplementation is required. The major
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Mediterranean Research Paper
The Mediterranean has served as the cradle of civilization for a diversity of cultures and beliefs. The
Mediterranean Sea has so much to offer when it comes to historical events (Cassar). The Megalithic
Temples of Malta consist of several prehistoric temples. Malta, previously known as Melita, is an
island off the coast of Europe and an archeological site that is rich in history. The temples of Malta
and Gozo are among the oldest freestanding architectural objects in the world. The structures are
constructed of stone–coralline limestone in a cloverleaf (trefoil) floor plan (Cox). They are older
than the Pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge. These temples were preserved and covered in soil.
They were rediscovered in the 19th century. Because of their unique architecture and the history
behind it, the Temples of Malta are classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are four
different Temple phases that occurred throughout the Malta period. The Mgarr phase (3800 – 3600
BC) was mainly pottery and the very beginning of the temples. During the Gantija Phase (3600 –
3000 BC) the temples began to be constructed. The Saflieni phase (3300 – 3000 BC) is the
transitional phase and it is the most important development phase. Last but not least we have the
Tarxien phase (3150 – 2500 BC) which is the peak of the temple civilization (Foundation). Even
though there were four phases temple building was divided into two main phases. The first phase
being the Ggantija phase (3500–2500
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Mediterranean Diet

  • 1. Mediterranean Diet Mediterranean Diet Effect on Patient Health What are the benefits of a Mediterranean diet? A Mediterranean diet, according to the American Heart Association has consumption of large amounts of fruits, vegetables, bread, and cereals, potatoes, beans and nuts and seed. With moderate to low amounts of dairy products, fish, and poultry and little red meat eaten. Which creates a question of interest of how does a Mediterranean diet affect overall health in a person if they changed their current diet to a Mediterranean diet within weeks or a year? This paper will summarize five scholarly articles on studies done to see the effects of a Mediterranean diet on the participant health. The participant or population in these articles selected were adults ... Show more content on ... Pender, a former professor of nursing at the University of Michigan in 1982. Nola J. Pender health promotion model can be related to the four concepts of nursing which are the person, environment, health and nursing. It also relates to the evidence–based nursing question of does a Mediterranean diet affect the overall health in a person if they changed theirs within a year? With the health promotion model, an individual who changes their behavior or their normal diet of choice to a healthy Mediterranean diet can have overall better health outcomes. It can be difficult to achieve for an individual who lives in an environment where it creates a barrier to finding sources for the basic need to eat a Mediterranean diet. Even if the environment the individual lives does not provide or have the option to choose from choices of a Mediterranean diet. For example, if the individual or patient lives in an environment where there are more fast food places that do not have a menu option for the individual to obtain their nutritional need from, then they are most likely not able to convert their routine to a Mediterranean diet easily. So this is where once again a nurse can play a role in teaching the individual or patient on ways to easily consume a Mediterranean diet that fits and works around their environment and ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Research Paper On Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet, also known Cretan diet or Mediterranean diet is a practice traditional food in many countries around the Mediterranean Sea characterized by eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, cereals and olive oil and a low consumption of meat and dairy products. Several studies show that the Mediterranean diet can: – reducing mortality and morbidity from cardiovascular disease; – reduce the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease; – improve the chance of pregnancy during assisted fertilization; – maintaining a healthy brain. Health Benefits Its effectiveness is difficult to assess because it is based primarily on observational studies (the plan is noted for each individual, without anyone trying to change it) and can not be excluded in this case, a bias in the comparison of several populations. Few interventional studies are of type (the investigator intentionally alters the habits of a group of patients), but not double–blind, this does not exclude a placebo effect. Another technique is to compare the future within the same population group following a serious diet and a group of dropouts. The comparability of these two groups, however, must be carefully tested. The studies should be used with caution, because outside the Mediterranean area, people on this ... Show more content on ... Patients used a margarine based on rapeseed oil and 20% increased their consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C and bread, while reducing red and processed meats (sausages). This scheme led to a dramatic drop (–70%) of all–cause mortality. The success was such that the ethics committee has decided to discontinue the study prematurely, to make these results publicly available ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Diet Of The Mediterranean Diet "What is the best diet out in the world?", typed into the Google search bar in almost every computer owned by anyone in the world today. Following these "diets" has become a fad that people want to follow so they can loose weight. Obesity causes health problems and with obesity rates climbing, theres now a get healthy/fit fad, where people diet and exercise. Everyone these days is always talking about diets. Which ones are in, which ones are fake, which ones "don't" work or which ones "do" work. Everyone wants to know the quick way to loose weight or keep it off and through research, it has been discovered that the Mediterranean diet is the best diet out there. What is the Mediterranean diet; It is a lifestyle of choosing to eat like ... Show more content on ... Although, this was before work days became too long forcing physical activity time to suffer, before the people there started consuming more cheese, pasta, and red meat, the foods that were supposed to be consumed in moderation now are becoming more prevalent in the diet. Leading to today where they have an increase in obesity like everywhere else, but not as obvious due to an overshadow by the U.S obesity statistics, but still on the rise, non the less. Breaking down the Mediterranean diet, we can see which components are responsible for why its mortality statistics of the area's population were living longer than other populations around the world, including other europeans. To start, olive oil is a rich source of monounsaturated fat, which is protective against heart disease and replaces saturated fat from the eating habits. Olive oil is also a source of antioxidants including vitamin E. The high intake of fresh fruit and vegetables has been shown to be protective against both heart disease and cancer because of the antioxidants they contain. Also, Fish are a source of omega– 3 polyunsaturated fats and the complex long chain derivatives of these fats appear to be particularly beneficial to heart health because of the anti–inflammatory of the arteries which leads to a decrease in blood pressure keeping the blood flowing smoothly. The Mediterranean diet is filled with a multiplicity of benefits for the body. For all organs and parts of the body, such as the heart, ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. What Is Mediterranean Masculinity? Hinsch divides his article into five different sections starting with the introduction. The introduction begins with a brief description of gender and agency, and how they can influence our perceptions of the past, Hinsch also includes the question in this section. Also, he does not attempt to include the question through anecdotal methods but rather he simply states it. The second section is used to describe in detail the Mediterranean Model, an architype of masculinity. Unlike a rite of passage which only require a man to prove himself with one test, Mediterranean masculinity requires a constant demonstration of honor from men within any given community. This model provides the reader with a better understanding of the inner workings ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Diet And The Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet, which has been coined, "The world's healthiest diet," has risen in popularity over the last decade. The diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, olive oil and the occasional red wine, has been claimed to offer abundant health benefits including reducing risk for major chronic illnesses, neurodegenerative diseases, some types of cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Most recently, it has been hypothesized that this diet may be associated with health–related quality of life (HRQL). Bonaccio, (2013) conducted a sample study to discover correlations between adherence to a Mediterranean diet and HRQL and the mechanisms behind such findings. The Mediterranean diet (MD) refers to a lifestyle in which individuals primarily consume foods traditional to the countries that border the Mediterranean Sea. Plants foods, cereals, legumes, and fish make up the abundance of the diet, while olive oil is the main source of fat and red wine is encouraged in moderation. The majority of the food consumed on the MD is high in dietary fiber, antioxidants, polyphenols, and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which presumably contribute to the copious health benefits attributed to the diet (Bonaccio,, 2013). Bonaccio, (2013) define health–related quality of life (HRQL) as, "An individual's subjective evaluation of his own health and well–being," adding that this self–reported measure has become an important predictor for ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Pre Field Trip Report On The Mediterranean Basin Pre Field trip report The Mediterranean basin is a boundary of land that contains a basin of water draining into the Atlantic Ocean. It includes countries from Africa, Asia and Europe and is the largest basin that isn't an ocean. The basin itself has been shaped due to many different processes and actions but it started during the Triassic like all other oceans and seas formed, by the breaking up of the single supercontinent at that time known as Pangaea. Over time Pangaea began to rift due to activity from within the mantle and as a result what became known as Tethys Sea formed between two new supercontinents; Gondwana and Laurasia – see figure 1 (Earthguide 2007–2008).  Figure 1 : Breaking up of Pangaea (Earthguide 2007–2008) During the Early Cretaceous stage Gondwana broke apart into many of the continents and countries that we know today; one of which being Africa. Africa began to drift North along with India closing up the area we now know as the Mediterranean basin. All of these collisions have shaped the tectonic activity and geo–dynamics of the landscape around the Mediterranean. The Alps were formed as result of the collision between Africa and Eurasia (Hinsbergen et al, 2009). During the Oligocene epoch, the African plate and Eurasian plate moved towards each other putting pressure on one another, and thus the sediment accumulated into folds. This is also called Orogenesis. These folds contain major low angle faults from NE–SE as result of thrusting and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean Diet John Q. Student College University Abstract This paper explores the research available on the history, nutritional guidelines, and health benefits of the Mediterranean diet (Mediet). A ranking in U.S. News (2014) has the Mediet as one of the top three best diets on a scale of short– and long–term weight loss, ease of following, nutrition, safety and performance as diabetes and heart diet. This paper examines these claims against the research available to gain a more in–depth understanding of the Mediet and its health benefits. The Mediterranean Diet In January of 2014, the Health & Wellness section of U.S. News & World Report, LP (U.S. News) released a ... Show more content on ... Much like the original, the new MDP has a plant–based foundation. "They provide key nutrients, fibre [sic] and protective substances that contribute to general well–being, satiety and the maintenance of a balanced diet, and thus should be consumed in high proportions and frequency" (Bach–Faig et al., 2011). Although, unlike the original MDP, this pyramid has included serving requirements that offers a clear guideline to follow while still leaving room for some variation as follows: Every Day Main meals should contain three basic elements 1. Cereals: one or two servings per meal in the form of bread, pasta, rice, couscous and others. Preferably whole grain. 2. Vegetables: two or more servings per meal. In order to ensure vitamin and mineral daily intakes. 3. Fruit: one or two servings per meal. In order to ensure a wide variety of antioxidants and protective compounds. Six to Eight glasses of water. Herbal infusions and tea, and low–sodium and low–fat broths may help to complete the requirements. Dairy products should be present in moderate amounts (two servings per day), important for bone and heart health but dairy products can be a major source of saturated fat Olive oil is located at the center of the pyramid; it should be the principal source of dietary fat because of its high nutritional quality. Abundance of antioxidant compounds ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Powers Of The Mediterranean Powers of the Mediterranean In the 3rd century B.C.E. there were two great powers in the area surrounding the Western part of the Mediterranean Sea, The African/Spanish Empire of Carthage and the Italian Empire of Rome. Both empires were rapidly expanding their territory while ultimately avoiding each other. Carthage had conquests in South–West Europe in modern day Spain, while the Romans were working their way East into Macedonia. Rome and Carthage were both major powers controlling what to them was the entire world. These two powers are very similar and very different, but after a conflict between them started only one would make it out alive. Before the wars began, in the 9th century B.C.E. a Phoenician Queen known most commonly by Dido, founded a city in Northern Africa, in modern day Tunisia, Known as Kart–hadasht or translating to "new city". The Greeks called this city Karchedon which the Romans adapted to Carthago, or Carthage. (Mark 2011) Before Rome, Carthage the center of trade through–out the Mediterranean. Upon the fall of the Phoenician city of Tyre after the conquests of Alexander the Great, Tyrains fled to the city of Carthage. Most of these refugees were extremely wealthy, and upon their settlement at Carthage, they expanded Carthage's trade substantially. Carthage was experienced with naval warfare and fought their battles with mercenaries, soldiers paid to fight. (Rodriguez n.d.) Comparing to Carthaginian history, there is a lot more documented history ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Mediterranean Basin Polytheism The Mediterranean Basin experienced many political and cultural changes from the 8th century BC to the 5th century CE. First, religious views in the Roman Empire that spread throughout the Mediterranean changed from polytheism to monotheism over time because people were unsatisfied with the lack of spiritual passion in their current beliefs. Second, political structures and forms of government changed from independent city states and republics to empires due to expanding political entities, trade, and colonization. Lastly, architecture and art continued to improve society by promoting political organization and public welfare. Religious views in the Roman Empire that spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin changed from polytheism to monotheism ... Show more content on ... Greece had many city–states with acropolises, agoras, and temples. Greek architects constructed acropolises on fortified hilltops for citizens to discuss government business. The agora was strategically designed to be in the center of a city–state as a marketplace for the general public to shop and gather. Many Greek city–states built temples and monuments to honor their patron deity and serve as religious structures. The most famous of those temples was the Parthenon in Athens, which was considered a massive architectural feat at the time. Approximately one century after the Parthenon was constructed, Alexander the Great began to spread Hellenistic art. Two major statues of Hellenistic art were the Colossus of Rhodes and Nike of Samothrace. The sculptures honored the two gods and commemorated war victories. Similar to Greece, Ancient Rome's architects designed structures benefiting the general public, political religion, and religion. Many government buildings and the Twelve Tables were located in the Forum, an intricately designed plaza in the center of Rome. The Pantheon, constructed in 27 BC, honored all the Roman gods and displayed the brilliance of Roman architects. Other structures to provide entertainment and promote public health were constructed from Julius Caesar's rule to the end of the Roman Empire, 476 AD. Public baths, aqueducts, and roads were created to promote a healthier and more efficient lifestyle for the people of the Roman Empire. The Colosseum was a source of entertainment for many people and incorporated advanced technology, such as arches and drainage systems. As the Roman Empire gradually declined, architecture was used for defense purposes. Multiple defensive walls were built to protect Roman Empire from invaders. One of the first walls built was Hadrian's wall (122 AD) and the last wall built was the Anastasian Wall (469 ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Why Did Phoenicians Spread Across The Mediterranean The Phoenicians spread across the Mediterranean using this knowledge. First in Cyprus and then Northern Africa, Western Sicily, the islands of Corsica and Sardinia and Southern France, they spread across the sea looking for new people to trade with always setting up trade posts in the cities they found spread across the region, as their interaction with the city grew over time and in turn their influence till eventually these cities became Phoenician colonies through immersion as most of these colonies had evidence of occupation before the arrival of the Phoenicians. Many believe that their ability to start expanding across the Mediterranean ties with the alliance between King Hiram of Tyre and King Solomon of Israel, as gaining an ally that ... Show more content on ... As such the trade cities were either founded around natural harbors or bays such as in the cities of Palermo, Soluntum, Málaga, Cártama and Tangier to name a few . This allowed for the ships to come right up against the city to be loaded up with goods that would be either brought back to Phoenicia or traded to other peoples, it also allowed them to easily defend their ships as any enemy by land would have to get through the city set up around it and by sea would have to sail just as close to the shore to deal any damage to the Phoenician ships . The next type of place is a headland that jutted out into the sea where ships could be harbored on either side such as the cities of Nora and Tharros on Sardinia, Marsala on Sicily and Mogador in Morocco . Again, this set up allows for the ships to be defended as by land the enemy would have to travel all the way up to the headland and by sea any ship would have to face defenses placed at the top of the headland. Now the last three cities are special cases as they are setup a little differently but all follow the two categories as stated above. The city of Motya on the Western tip of Sicily is set up on the island now known as San Pantaleo, however it is in the middle of a natural lagoon and is protected from the sea by Isola Grande ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet I like to follow the Mediterranean diet for weight loss. In fact, following this type of eating, is not only great for helping shed those pounds, it is good for your overall health. You won't immediately drop those unwanted kilos. What this diet does is give you plenty of healthy choices which will over the long term help you to lose weight. This type of eating is regarded as one of the healthiest diets in the world. And is so easy to follow, you are probably eating much of the food recommended already. This diet is a way of eating for countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Greece, Morocco, Italy, France, and Spain all enjoy the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Unlike many other diets that can seem laborious and stressful. The Mediterranean diet for weight loss is not only easy to do it is actually enjoyable. If you love eating healthy food, and also want to keep your weight down, then this is the diet for you. One thing this style of eating has going for it is the amount of Scientific Research (1). There have literally been hundreds of studies on this diet. Scientists from all over the world agree on this being the healthiest way of eating. Some of the other health advantages to eating the Mediterranean way is lower the risk of dementia, Parkinson's, overcome anxiety and depression. Prevent cancer, and lower risk of heart disease (2). Following the Mediterranean diet for weight loss is an enjoyable way of limiting the amount of sugar in your diet. ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. The Elements Of A Mediterranean Diet Mediterranean Diet The elements of a Mediterranean diet as I have come to know them through my stay here are bread, olive oil, wine, prosciutto, and cheese, along with pizza, pasta, and gelato. However, researchers studying the Mediterranean diet for its health effects would say that it consists of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereal, fish, and a "moderate intake of red wine with meals" (Sofi, Cesari, Abbate, Gensini, & Casini 337). Foods that are defined as being specifically opposed to the structure of the Mediterranean diet are red, processed meats and dairy products (Sofi, Cesari, Abbate, Gensini, & Casini 337). Although, I would have to argue that cheese is eaten nearly in excess and is certainly a dairy product The Mediterranean diet receives so much attention because it is valued for its contribution to a healthy cardiovascular system. Studies have indicated that adherence to such a diet is a significant protective factor against the development of chronic diseases, specifically cardiovascular diseases, degenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease), and cancer (Sofi, Cesari, Abbate, Gensini, & Casini 337). ... Show more content on ... One of the most noticeable differences in the way that the Mediterranean diet is consumed, compared to my personal eating habits is the way that such careful steps are taken to ensure that the meal is enjoyed and appreciated to the greatest extent possible. For example, the wine is valued because of its ability to cleanse the mouth between bites to ensure that the flavors of the food are experienced over and over. The wine is not selected for its own flavor or enjoyment so much as it is chosen to counteract the kind of food that it will be paired ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Mediterranean Diet : Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet For those questioning, "Does the Mediterranean diet work?" it's actually not an real diet plan, but a change in lifestyle. Instead of dieting, you'll be indulging in all the right foods like healthy grains, nuts, beans, and lean meats. Wine is a part of the Mediterranean lifestyle, too! Those who live around the Mediterranean sea have lower rates of heart disease compared to Americans. There have been numerous studies regarding the diet of those who live in places like Italy and Greece. It's believed that for the most part, they have a better diet than people in other countries, which results in better heart health. While some people have an image of huge feasts where people are eating pasta and racks of lamb with numerous bottles of wine, it's actually a diet based on fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and the right kind of oils that make the diet so successful. Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet Prevents heart disease and stroke Reduces risk of Alzheimer's disease Prevents diabetes Lowers blood sugar levels Helps you lose weight Increases longevity Emphasis of the Mediterranean Diet You don't need a diet plan or a shopping list, although we will provide a short one in a moment. It's all about eating healthy, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. If you eat foods that are primarily plant based, you'll be eating much healthier. On this diet, you can eat as many vegetables throughout the day as you want, but you have to limit what you put on them. You'll need to replace ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Mediterranean Diet Analysis Results The Mediterranean diet (MeDi) has been researched for the potential to reduce cognitive decline and dementia (Samieri, Okereke, Devore, & Grodstein, 2013). Long–term MeDi adherence was examined with 16,058 women to see if there was a link between MeDi and cognitive decline. Cognitive assessments were completed every 2 years using a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and phone calls to test cognition in participating subjects (90% turnout rate). The phone tests consisted of, Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status (TICS), immediate and delayed recall of the East Boston Memory test (EBMT), delayed recall of the TICS 10 word list, category fluency, and digit span–backward (Samieri, Okereke, Devore, & Grodstein, 2013). These tests were ... Show more content on ... MeDi adherence was measured on a point system using a survey method and 24–hour recall. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega–3 and Omega–6, associated with high intake of antioxidants could influence Cardiovascular Disease and decrease of Alzheimer's Disease (Feart et al., 2011). Of the 1416 subjects with plasma fatty acid assessment, 1105 had a full dietary assessment completed (Feart et al., 2011). 55 participants with dementia were excluded from the study. MeDi adherence was characterized by higher intake of vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, fish and lower intake of meat and dairy products (Feart et al., 2011). The studies of MeDi adherence in this study showed a protective effect of cognitive function. Further investigation should be completed to further prove this study (Feart et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Mediterranean Diet Requirements More in depth, there are specific diets that people can try and see which one best works for them. Every human body is different, some bodies require more of a certain nutrient to have a healthy brain. A diet that everyone can try is the Mediterranean diet. There are a few studies that have shown that the Mediterranean diet brings positive effects for the brain. This diet require for someone to consume a large amount of virgin oil, fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals, and legumes. It might sound unreal but this diet also requires a small drink of alcohol, red wine. Another requirement of the diet is to only eat a small amount of red meat and dairy products. It is not guaranteed that if will bring the same amount of benefits for everyone but one ... Show more content on ... There are hundreds of diseases or mental health problems that attack silently. Many people don't find out that they are suffering from an illness until it's almost too late. There's no question, technology is advancing rapidly but there are still many health problems that are incurable. Learning to eat healthier can lower the risk of suffering many of the existing diseases. Making healthier choices will not only benefit the person physically, the change will possibly boost their spiritual or emotional life. One has the choice to choose what is believed to be the best pathway. There are small and easy steps that can be done to improve one's health. If one drinks alcohol than the first step to a better life is by eliminating that drink from the daily diet. Nutrition is more important than what every person thinks. Improper nutrition can cause not only depression but also dementia. The most common dementia is know as alzheimer's disease. The population tends to relate Alzheimer's disease with the aging of a person.The truth is that nutrition is the main contributor of this mental health problem not the aging of a person. At the end, people can drastically improve their mental health, cognitive skills, and daily behavior with just a better diet. The human brain is the center of control for the whole body. If the brain is not cared properly than the body and mind will start to malfunction. Something to keep in mind is that, "Eating.... will impact every single one of the 75– 100 trillion cells in your body" (Leaf ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Differences Between Greeks And The Mediterranean Sea Greeks have been in America since about 1528. Greece is located at the southeast end of Europe on the Mediterranean Sea. The first recorded Greeks colonized in Florida, which is where about 77 thousand Greeks still inhabit today as well as a majority of the East Coast. Greeks believe in a simple four–step process to being healthy and if these four basic kinds of things are in order they will be healthy but if they are out of order, illness will occur. I chose to do my research on Greeks because I had heard of the popular "Mediterranean Diet" talked about for years. I have also seen movies about Greek culture, like My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but did not know all the traditions of the Greeks. The four–step process of health maintenance ... Show more content on ... For example Epione is the goddess of the soothing of pain and Iaso is the goddess of recuperation from illness. As far as my research shows, most modern Greeks go to physicians to restore their health. There are also Greeks who use a new alternative form of medicine used today called Hellenistic pagans, these are people who pray to the Greek Gods to help them heal. They also use dietary management using foods that are easy to digest like soups to detoxify their bodies. Another way to restore health is to correct the four–step process if you are doing something wrong. To protect their health from the evil eye, Greeks wear garlic, amulets, or make a cross out of ash behind a child's ear. The evil eye curse is when someone has envy for another, and this superstition has been around for many years and symptoms include headache, nausea and confusion. Greeks also "knock wood" to guard against misfortune. Many cultures also have rites, which are ceremonial acts. Birth rites in the Greek culture are very important, because family is important, so birth is celebrated. Gifts are given to pregnant women like little amulets to guard against evil eye or gold coins. Families also often honor traditional names in the family by bestowing the name on the baby. For the marriage rites the ceremony is spoken in Greek or English, but there are traditional parts that ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Mediterranean Diet Research Paper The Mediterranean diet is a selection of food choices based off the typical cultural diets of countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. This diet is often touted by dieticians and healthcare professionals as a dietary method for improving cardiovascular health. The main nutritional focuses of the diet are high intake of unsaturated fats, high intake of fiber, low intake of saturated fats, and low intake of sodium. Food choices should be centered around fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, whole grains, seafood, and plant based oils, in addition reducing consumption of red meat and solid fats. Many clinical studies have been performed to see just how effective this diet is at improving cardiovascular health. One study by Estruch et ... Show more content on ... A study by Vafeiadou et al. (2015), showed that dietary replacement of saturated fats (SFAs) by unsaturated fats did not improve cardiovascular function, but did result in beneficial effects on cardiovascular biomarkers. In this randomized, controlled, single–bind study 195 men and women at moderate risk for cardiovascular disease, were randomly assigned to a 16 week isoenergetic diet that were either rich in SFAs, MUFAs, or polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The primary cardiovascular measurement of function was flow–mediated dilation, and secondary measurements were blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and serum levels of various biomarkers (lipids, glucose, insulin resistance). The results of this study showed that replacing a SFA diet with those of MUFAs or PUFAs did not significantly change flow–mediated dilation, or arterial stiffness, a process which probably occurs at a rate much slower than the scope of this study. There was a significant decrease in recorded blood pressure of the MUFA and PUFA diet groups, compared to the increase in blood pressure of the SFA diet group. Other biomarkers such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and the total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio improved significantly in the MUFAs and PUFAs diet replacement compared to that of the SFA diet ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Sea Of The Mediterranean Sea The Mediterranean Sea is the largest enclosed sea in the world, surrounded by Europe, Africa, and Asia – the most populated region of the globe. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by the Strait of Gibraltar which separates Spain from Africa, a distance of 8.9 miles. The sea has an average depth of 4,900 feet, but the deepest point is in the Calypso Deep in the Ionian Deep, having recorded 17,280 feet. It is bordered by 25 coastlines and is split into seven subdivisions of which are the Aegean, Adriatic, Ionian, Tyrrhenian, Ligurian, Balearic, and Alboran seas. It also contains a shallow submarine ridge (Strait of Sicily) between Sicily and Tunisia, dividing the sea into two main sub regions – the Eastern and Western Mediterranean. It has an annual temperature of 19 degrees Celsius, but waters located near the warmer regions (I.E. Africa) can reach up to 26 degrees Celsius in the summer. The Mediterranean is characterized by its deep blue color which derives from its warm temperatures and higher salt production due to mass evaporation. It is known to have hot, dry summers and wet winters except for the Southern regions considering they have desert–like climates. Early civilizations thought that the Mediterranean was the center of their region considering they had not traveled out of their boundaries yet, therefore giving its Latin name "mediterraneus", meaning "middle of land." Its combination of strong winds and an arid climate results in intense ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mediterranean World Continuities There were changes to the Mediterranean World, but also continuities from the Roman Empire in 100 CE, to the Abbasid Empire in 800 Ce, to Feudal Europe in 1000 CE. Christianity and Islam, architecture, and the status of women all changed, even though some parts of them remained the same. Christianity and Islam developed and spread. New architectural advancements were added to the already existing Roman innovations, and the status of women improved overall. Christianity and Islam became the dominant religions in the Mediterranean by 1000 CE, and as these religions spread, they became more dominant in the lives of their followers. At first, the Roman Empire, which controlled the entire Mediterranean, was polytheistic, but around 300 CE, Emperor Constantine made ... Show more content on ... The Romans were master engineers and were known for beginning to use the arch and dome. An example of the use of these innovations is the Aqueducts. The Aqueducts were very important to Rome because it delivered water to the huge population, meaning that the arch and dome helped build very efficient and useful buildings. The Umayyads and Abbasids on the African side of the Mediterranean continued to use the arch and dome, but also added their own style of geometric designs to their buildings because Allah could not be expressed in picture form. This is seen in the many mosques that were built, including the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. The Byzantines and Feudal Europe both also used arches and domes to build their churches. They also incorporated tall, arched windows into their unique architectural style. This is where the arch came into play for Europe. In conclusion, the arch and dome were continually used throughout the history of the Mediterranean, but other styles from different political organizations also ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Benefits Of The Mediterranean Diet Major Benefits Can Be Obtained from Mediterranean Diet A Mediterranean diet incorporates bunches of vegetables, natural products, beans, oats and grain items. These items include the wholegrain bread, pasta and dark colored rice. It additionally contains direct measures of fish, white meat and some dairy create. Benefits of Mediterranean Diet Here are some of the major advantages of the Mediterranean diet. 1 – Lower Processed Foods and Sugar The diet basically comprises of sustenance and fixings that are near nature. They include the olive oil, vegetables like peas and beans, organic products, foul oat items, and little bits of creature items (that are constantly "natural" and privately delivered). As opposed to the run of the mill American diet, it's low in sugar and for all intents and purposes free of all GMOs or the fixings of the human made like ... Show more content on ... One reason the Mediterranean diet may be so helpful for anticipating diabetes is on the grounds that it controls overabundance insulin, a hormone that controls glucose levels, makes us put on weight and keeps the weight stuffed on notwithstanding us dieting. The Mediterranean diet is low in sugar, since the main sugar display typically originates from natural product, wine and the periodic privately made sweet. With regards to drinks, many individuals drink a lot of crisp water, some espresso and red wine, as well. In any case, pop and sweetened beverages aren't as well–known as they are in the U.S. You can perceive how this contrasts from the standard American diet, which regularly brings about many individuals skipping breakfast, nibbling for the duration of the day on vitality destroying nourishments high in carbs and sugar, and eating a ton at evening time while they're ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Mediterranean Research Paper unobstructed view of the Mediterranean. Vince ordered the John Dory fish for dinner and for me the pear and pumpkin ravioli with mussels. Every mouthful was delicate and heavenly delicious. We shared a bottle of wine and toasted to our life together, our love and to returning to the Amalfi Coast, one day. It all felt so surreal; sitting under this bright star studded sky with my handsome Italian husband, eating this Capri. We just didn't feel like going out for a meal. Later, we walked into a pastry shop to buy a bottle of wine, pan pizza slices for dinner and croissants for breakfast in our room. We had an expansive view of the Bay of Naples and Mount Vesuvius. In the evening, we opened the doors and windows. Serenaded by the sounds ... Show more content on ... Soon it became quite clear why our friends recommended this hotel. Someone checked us in immediately, while someone else offered to help with our luggage. We were escorted to a large, comfortable room, tastefully furnished with vintage–Italian style antiques and sizable windows which provided a magnificent view of the Duomo di Firenze; the Cathedral of St. Maria del Fiore on the Piazza della Repubblica. The history of the piazza dates back 2,000 years. After the unification of Italy in 1861, Florence was declared the capital city and the historical center went through a major renovation. Buildings were demolished and new ones erected. The government's goal was to refresh medieval Florence with the stylish atmosphere of Paris. The triumphal arch known as the Arcone was erected in 1895. Cafés and trattorias bordering the piazza attracted artists, writers and intellectuals. Today the square is still lined with these popular eating establishments, although elegant shops and art galleries have cropped up among them. The square has become a theater to musicians, street artists and strolling romantics. How thrilling that it was all right outside our door! Since our visit to Florence was just an overnight stay, our location could not have been ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Mediterranean Diet Of Food Essay If you've ever talked to somebody after they 've traveled to a country such as Italy or Greece, they probably mentioned how delicious the food was. Food is one of the more common affiliations with countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea; and understandably so. The food this region produces is so notable that there is a diet based off it, companied with endless research elaborating the health benefits it accommodates. Fittingly named The Mediterranean Diet, this compilation of foods including fish, fruits, vegetables, beans, high fiber breads, whole grains, nuts, olive oil and red wine are targeted to help prevent a number of diseases as well as promote health in different sectors of the body. This essay will touch upon each component, benefit, and precaution of the Mediterranean diet, in depth, all with a main focus on the nutritional factors. When I introduced the Mediterranean diet, an image probably popped into your head of some beautiful assortment of food in relation to those parts of the world. The Mediterranean diet incorporates a fulfilling variety of foods while moderating some of the most craved, but negatively impactful components of our regular diet. One point of emphasis in the diet is consumption of fruits and vegetables; some of the most recommended including grapes, blueberries, and starchy vegetables such as cauliflower and chickpeas. A standout component of this diet is its affiliation with the prevention of certain cancers; this has been linked to ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Ancient Mediterranean World No culture can be completely isolated; a culture that refuses to learn and share with the other cultures around it becomes stagnant and may die out completely. The cultures of the ancient Mediterranean world were certainly far from isolated. The willingness of these cultures to adopt and adapt from each other is part of what makes them so rich and complex. Even as most ancient Mediterranean societies were just beginning, Egypt and its culture were flourishing. As the Chalcolithic Age gave way to the Bronze Age, the Upper and Lower Kingdoms of Egypt joined together and began expanding. This expansion spread the culture and art of the Egyptians around the ancient Mediterranean world. Many cultures adopted the common Egyptian image of a winged sun disk, representative in their culture of the sun god Ra; once adopted into other cultures, its meaning changed, but its general shape remained the same. Archaic Greek art, as well, was highly influenced by Egyptian art; many early Greek statues mimic the stiff posture and striding pose of Egyptian pharaoh illustrations (Purcell; Gilders). The Egyptians helped to shape a somewhat unified Mediterranean culture. Cultures aside from Egypt began to grow and flourish in the ... Show more content on ... Stamped and minted coinage is directly taken from Greek culture, and the columns found in many government buildings can be attributed to Grecian architecture. However, the Greeks did not simply develop their culture from scratch. They, too, allowed other cultures to influence their own, taking things such as Egyptian art styles and Phoenician alphabets and making them their own. It is this culture, developed from the cultures surrounding Greece and later spread through Alexander's imperial expansion, that would one day become the baseline for much of modern society and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Mediterranean Sea Mountains Two geographical features of Ancient Greece had a deep consequence on how Greeks lived. The Mediterranean Sea and mountains. Both were vital geographical factors and had a momentous role on the social and political development of Greece. The mountains worked as barriers to isolate different areas. Cities established individually of one another, with its own unique social structures and governments. City–states grew separately and created their own identities. An example is the city–states of Sparta and Athens, both were very different. These differences would later cause wars, the First Peloponnesian War and Second Peloponnesian War. The rocky soil in Greece allowed them to grow olives and grapes. However, they needed to trade for wheat ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Compare And Contrast Mediterranean And Indian Ocean Trade In the early post–classical period, the Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean trade route flourished. Although both the Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean Maritime trade route persisted to deliver goods to diverse ports by way of sea, such as India's transmission of manufactured goods, such as pottery produced by Burma, to several distinct ports, the volume and whereabouts of each particular trade route and the development of people's characteristics due to trade varied drastically. Both the post–classical Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean Maritime System route transported goods to various ports by way of water. In the Indian Ocean Maritime System, trade took place in three distinct ... Show more content on ... In the post–classical Mediterranean Sea trade route, seafarers grasped the characteristics they obtained from their homeland tightly and did not intermingle them at various sea ports, which was due to their constant interaction with other people. Yet, in the post–classical trade routes taking place in the Indian Ocean, the sight of other people was an extremely unlikely occasion to occur along the journey due to distal location of land. Therefore, seafarers became intimate with foreign women at port stops. These port wives introduced their homeland's customs and attitudes to their husbands, mixing heritages, which would result in rich cultural diversity, commonly making children produced by the couples multilingual, multicultural, and cosmopolitan. Since the Mediterranean Sea trade route was proximal to land and the Indian Ocean trade route was more remote from land, sailors in the Indian Ocean Maritime System would take up opportunities with woman from different regions, whereas the seafarers in the Mediterranean Sea trade route preferred marriage to women from their own homeland. The differences in culture in both the Mediterranean Sea trade route and the Indian Ocean Maritime System are most likely due to how closely bound various ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Mediterranean Diet And Allergies The Mediterranean Diet and Allergies Springtime often leaves many people sniffling and sneezing, and while antihistamine pills are effective, it can leave you feeling exhausted and foggy. While the use of medication works well, it should never be solely relied upon. Sometimes there are other solutions to try first before you head to the medicine cabinet. You ever hear the term "you are what you eat"? Well, that statement couldn't be more true, what you put into your body will affect your performance and how you feel. Think of your body as a high–performance sports vehicle; you wouldn't put low–grade fuel or oil into your car. If you did, it wouldn't run very well and that will lead to expensive repairs later on down the road. Where is the logic in this? The same idea applies to your body, so start treating yourself like a high–performance vehicle. May is National Mediterranean Diet Month, so use this time to incorporate this ancient way of eating into your daily diet. The Mediterranean diet is not a new fad, it has quite a bit of history behind it, and the best part is it's not an overly restrictive, "fad" diet. In fact, many people find this diet to be easy to follow and incorporate. One of the greatest aspects of this way of eating, is that following the Mediterranean diet may help or eliminate your need for antihistamine medication due to the compounds that are found naturally within the food that makes up this diet. This includes: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fish ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Miami Mediterranean Diet Being healthy and fit is a complicated thing to achieve these days, given all the studies that seem to contradict each other on an almost daily basis and all the "diets" out there vying for your attention and claiming to be the best. But what if it the diet part of it could be simplified into a list of just 10 foods that could help you lose weight and be healthy –– would that make it easier? Dr. Michael Ozner seems to think so, because he wrote the book The Miami Mediterranean Diet. Obviously it's a spin of the more well–known Mediterranean Diet, and not only does he think it will simplify things for people interested in being healthier but it will also help them actually be healthier. People in the Mediterranean following a Mediterranean diet naturally have much smaller risks of heart disease and other ailments like obesity, and he thinks he knows why. ... Show more content on ... Whole grains, always whole grains. Fish We've been hearing a lot lately about how great fish can be, but the Mediterraneans seem to have known that since a long long time ago. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and trout are packed with Omega–3 fatty acids, help decrease triglycerides, have anti–inflammatory properties, and can decrease the risk for heart disease. Fresh Fruits Color and variety are important, and in the Mediterranean outdoor markets are common so people have easy access to large selections of fresh produce. Fresh Vegetables Same as with fruit, color and variety are important. The phytonutrients in fresh veggies (and fruit) have been shown to aid with weight control and decrease risks for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Low–fat Dairy This is not one you may have expected to see on the list, but it can do a body good. Whole milk, yogurt, and cheese (goat cheese especially) are commonly part of Mediterranean meals. The key, of course, is ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Similarities Between American And Mediterranean Diet American & Mediterranean Diets The American diet is one big melting pot of foods from cultures all around the world. Foods from burgers and fries to spaghetti and meatballs, this diet has a vast amount of choices for meals. It is difficult to name a "national" dish. Furthermore, the Mediterranean diet is a similar concept. Including south European countries, the diet consists of many different cultures as well. Most people believe that the American diet refers to something similar to a meal at McDonald's. That's not always true. Although most foods included in the American diet contain an excess amount of calories, sugars, unnatural fats and saturated fats, oils, sodium, and high fructose corn syrup, there are also foods that don't. These include: ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Mediterranean Empires The mediterranean held some of the most powerful empires in ancient history. From ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece, the wide culture and economy flourished in the mediterranean. The mediterranean had many resources as well as very good traders to develop the economy. The mediterranean experiences changes, inventions, and new civilizations that affect its economic systems in 3000 b.c. to 300 b.c. In 3,000 b.c. civilizations were just starting out in the mediterranean, the first one started on the Nile River. That civilization was Egypt. At first, Egypt was just several civilization around the Nile River who farmed and led a very simple lifestyle. In 3100 b.c. King Menes united those civilizations into a single kingdom, Egypt. For about the first thousand years Egyptian society ... Show more content on ... In 2800 b.c., the island of Crete established in the mediterranean. The island of Crete is called the Minoan civilization, they built large castles on the island and developed a rich culture. The Minoans trade many goods including pottery, silver jewelry, and gold. In 2300 b.c. the bronze age began, when bronze started to replace stone tools. The Minoans Flourished during the bronze age and their art and architecture influenced later western European civilizations. The economy started to grow when more civilizations appeared even outside the mediterranean. The Silk Road brought many jobs, as well as more trade with other civilizations. Bronze now replaced all stone tools and became less valuable. In 2050 b.c. the Middle Kingdom entered a stage of stability and growth, with the government caring more for the people. Egypt grew very many crops that they used and sold. Middle Kingdom of Egypt were very good traders, and had many shops and marketplaces. When the Greek civilization began to rise the economy and culture of the mediterranean started changing and growing. The Greeks did not have very good soil and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Mediterranean Diet Essay Introduction In our world today, dementia is a rising problem in the elderly population. This study aims to find if the Mediterranean diet (MeDi) lowers the risk of developing degenerative diseases such as dementia, or if it prevents cognitive decline. There have been many previous cohort studies that have researched the correlation between the MeDi and chronic diseases. However; research determining how exactly nutrients consumed with the MeDi affect cognition and the possible development of dementia has yet to be completed. This study intends to specifically look at how five individual cognitive functions and dementia are impacted as one ages, by varying levels of adherence to the MeDi. The researchers recorded the subjects' intake of the MeDi based on a priori; which is a questionnaire that lets the researchers know the subjects' eating habits and exactly what food groups and macronutrients they are consuming to accurately find the affects they yield in the brain. Clinical neuropsychologists evaluated each participant for thorough cognitive results, to gain the most in–depth conclusions possible Subjects The subjects for this study were adults of 64 years of age and over, from a previous study called the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Ageing and Diet (HELIAD). All ... Show more content on ... This causes me to consider what I am putting into my body today, and how it will affect my cognitive abilities in my old age. I want to have a healthy mind no matter what age I am, and implementing this diet would possibly be beneficial in my life. Also, my grandma has multiple sclerosis and over time I know that that can negatively affect the brain by degenerating nerve fibers and myelin. This is something she should consider applying to her diet in order to effectively combat the negative cognitive effects of MS. It may just help her to live a happier more independent life and age more ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Mediterranean Diet Outline Nutrition in the News: Outline Thesis: Going on a Mediterranean diet reduces the risks of developing cardiovascular (heart) diseases. Background: A Mediterranean diet consists of high consumptions of whole grain, olive oil, fruits, vegetables, and nuts with moderate intakes of chicken and fish. 2 The lifestyle of someone on a Mediterranean diet includes being physically active every day and eating meals with family and friends. 3 Cardiovascular diseases include heart attacks and strokes.1 People, especially diabetics, who follow the Mediterranean diet are less likely to suffer from sudden heart attacks and strokes. 3 Plant–based foods (fruits and vegetables) are linked with lower blood pressure and cholesterol (fat) levels among adults. 3 ... Show more content on ... Participants were given a questionnaire and given a "Mediterranean diet score" or a "Western diet score" based on the foods they consumed.1 Four years later, researchers followed up and found that the risk of heart diseases were reduced by 1/3 for those who follow the Mediterranean diet.1 Results recommend that focusing more on eating healthy rather than avoiding unhealthy foods is better for those with heart disease.1 A flaw in the study is that it's not completely reliable because the study relied on people's memories on what they consumed.1 Original Research Article: Observational study in which researchers randomly selected 15, 828 subjects (age > 60 years) with heart disease from 39 countries and questioned them about their diet.2 News article didn't mention that only 15, 482 subjects ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Familial Mediterranean Fever Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disorder, characterized by recurrent and self–limited episodes of fever, abdominal pain, synovitis and pleuritis, lasting 1–3 days (Shohat and Halpern, 2011). Most of the patients are men and the mean age is 10; in about 65% of the cases experience their first symptoms before the age of 10 years old and 90%, before reaching the age of 20 years (Onen, 2006). Amyloid A (AA) amyloidosis remains as the main long–term complication with a severe manifestation and poor prognosis. Amyloidosis of the AA type commonly occurs among untreated patients with more than 15 years old, even among those who do not have a history of recurrent inflammatory attacks (Shohat and Halpern, 2011). Colchicinetherapy, ... Show more content on ... The mutated gene in patients with FMF is the MEditerranean Fever (MEFV), has been mapped on chromosome 16p13.3, consists 10 exons and encodes 781 amino acids that encodes pyrin, a regulatory protein of inflammasome. Muta¬tions in MEFV are associated with excess inflammation through increased IL 1β production (Yang et al., 2014). Since the cloning of the MEFV gene, about 304 sequence variants have been reported that 167 of these variations have been associated with FMF (online at According to studies, four founding mutations, M694V, V726A, M680I, M694I on exon 10 and the E148Q on exon 2 are the most common mutations and comprise 85% of all mutations in the countries where FMF is prevalent (Simon and van der Meer, 2007). Iranian population define by various ethnic groups: Persian, Azeri Turks, Arabs, Kurdish. Almost all the previous studies in Iran accomplished among the Azeri population. In the present study 390 unrelated FMF patients from different ethnicity were selected to analyze the mutations of the MEFV gene over a period of 4 ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. The Strait Of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow Straits of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow Name Institution Straits of Gibraltar, Mediterranean Outflow The Strait of Gibraltar is located between the northern coast of Morocco and the southern coast of Spain. It is the only place that allows the water of the Mediterranean to mix with the water from the Atlantic Ocean. The Strait of Gibraltar is narrow strait separating peninsular Spain and Gibraltar in Morocco and Europe from Morocco as well as the Ceuta/ Spain in Africa. Also, the trait connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. The Strait of Gibraltar is known by many names including the 'pillar of Hercules' in the ancient world, STROG meaning Strait of Gibraltar in naval use. The name originates from the rock of ... Show more content on ... They include the upper layer of the Atlantic water flowing eastward above the heavier and saltier Mediterranean water that flows eastwards into the Atlantic Ocean. Also, it is referred to as the Mediterranean outflow water (Wesson & Gregg, 2009). As the Mediterranean water flows to the sea it follows the rising sea floor creating series of internal waves which are not easy seen because they do not generate large waves, but rather horizontal surface currents that affect the roughness of the sea surface. Internal waves can be seen from space suing special radar method capable of detecting sensitive changes in the roughness of the water surface. The direct link created by the Strait of Gibraltar between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean is responsible for the generation of unique wave patterns and unique flow. The unique patterns created as a result of the interaction between the global evaporative and different regional forces, wind forces, and tidal forces (Robinson & Paola, 2005). Inflow and outflow: the water flowing through the Strait are more or less continuous in both the westward and the eastward directions. The larger amount of water comprising of the surface water of lower density and salinity flows continually eastwards (the Mediterranean inflow) while the smaller water amounts of deeper, saltier and heavier water flows continually westwards (the Mediterranean outflow). The general flow tendencies of the water ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Mediterranean And The Tundra Compare And Contrast Climates can be described as weather conditions that exist in over an extended period of time. The Mediterranean and the Tundra are two of many climates that exist all over the world. .The Mediterranean is located near the western side of continents, and the Tundra is found along the coast of the Arctic ocean. Among the two there are many similarities and differences. The Mediterranean doesn't experience very harsh weather, therefore the climate is mild. There are only two seasons which are summer and winter. The seasonal changes that this area experiences are due to changes in ocean currents and water temperatures. Summers in the Mediterranean are dry and mild, and temperatures average above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Winters are mild and wet, temperatures during this season are between 30 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Large bodies of water and ocean currents are what cause the Mediterranean climate. During the summer cold currents keep the climate mild and dry. In the winter warm water moves in and heats the land, but also causes rain. The Mediterranean is overall a dry climate because the majority of the rain falls ... Show more content on ... In the summer snow and ice melt however, some permafrost still remains deep in the ground. The permafrost prevents snow and ice from absorbing into the ground, so as a result bogs and marshes form. Winter temperatures in the Tundra can get to as low as –18 to –50 degrees Fahrenheit. This polar climate experiences such harsh temperatures because of its high latitude and indirect sunlight. Summer temperatures are cool, average temperatures don't go above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The tundra doesn't receive very much rain, only about 5–15 inches per year. No trees grow in the tundra because of the permafrost found deep in the ground. However, animals who are able to survive the harsh climate are able to live here. These animals include polar bears, snow owls and ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Mediterranean Diet Vs. Mediterranean Diets I found the Mediterranean diet with high protein. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the comparison of an american diet to mediterranean diet, which diet would be recommended, and also, comparing and contrasting health benefits/consequences. This essay is written to bring awareness of both american and mediterranean diets. The american diet being high in carbohydrates, saturated and transfats is not the recommended diet when compared to the wholesome fresh produce and high in protien that the mediterranean diet has to offer. We live in an era where information is at our fingertips and social media has revealed that other countries diets differ from the diets we have here in the US. I recently saw a video on facebook comparing US school lunches to other countries school lunches. The difference on what was provided to US school children was shocking. The most interesting thing was that the other country schools provided lunches that contained fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains and even fish meanwhile the food being served in US schools is high in refined carbohydrates, sugars and red meats. This realization made me wonder how different our diets in america is compared to other diets worldwide. I have personally changed my diet to a mediterranean diet. In doing so I have noticed major differences in food options, benefits and recommendations for both american and mediterranean diets. Major Differences American Diet In an american diet there is an abundance of food ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Mediterranean Diet Research Paper There are many diets out there you can choose from, but for many the Mediterranean diet will be one of the best choices. This is a very healthy diet that can help those with heart issues, high cholesterol, or other health problems. It is an eating plan that will help you discover how to create great tasting meals that are also very good for your heart. This may be the only diet that includes drinking a glass of red wine, but that has been proven to be very good for your heart. The Mediterranean diet is based around the typical cooking styles of the countries on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They love to use olive oil in their cooking, so you can expect to get plenty of good meals made with the health benefits of olive oil. When you ... Show more content on ... This is a tradition in the Mediterranean culture and it goes along with the diet. Every component is added because it gives the body the necessary nutrients and it is also very healthy for the heart. This is one of the best diets for anybody with a history of heart disease or high cholesterol. What I Think About the Mediterranean Diet Whether you are looking for a healthier way to live and eat or you are looking for a diet to help you lose weight, the Mediterranean Diet is a good choice. You are not going to drop 20 pounds in a month with this diet, but it will help you get to a very healthy weight and maintain it. This is not just a diet you start and finish, but also a way of changing the way you eat every single day for the rest of your life. It is nice to find a diet that does not completely cut out the things you may enjoy. You can still have red meat, just not that often and you are even encouraged to drink wine with this diet. Most diets do not allow any alcohol and will cut out many of the things you really need. With the Mediterranean Diet, you can have confidence in knowing that you are eating in a hearth healthy way that support the body ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Mediterranean Harbor Pijnacker Mediterranean Harbor by Adam Pijnacker Mediterranean Harbor is a painting of a ship on a harbor with various people gathering and packing packages. The painting was painted in the 1600s by Adam Pijnacker. Behind the ship is the ocean and the sky. The sky covers most of the top of the painting making it a main focal point in the painting. The middle of the sky is a clear blue while both the left and the rights sides are covered with brownish–grey clouds. The lower left side of the sky also has some orange colorage. This is because the sun is setting behind it, therefore, the time of day this painting is set in a sunset. In front of these clouds is a dark ship decorated with gold design. The ship's size makes it a main focal point of the painting. ... Show more content on ... It shows that these people are more important than those around them, therefore we should pay attention to them. All three of them, however, are looking in different directions. One is looking back, perhaps at the town. In the right of the painting, another is looking down at a man who is tying up a package, pointing, and probably ordering him how to tie it. The other man is dressed in a salmon colored jacket. The painting is mostly made up of earth tone colors so this man stands out more than anyone else. He is also carrying a sword around his waist. His face is not shown, but by the position of his body it seems that he is looking out at either the ship or the horizon behind it. There are a couple people in front of him who seem to be fixing packages and tending to a large horse at the right of the painting. Their clothing is more earth tone which allows them to blend in more with the ground and the buildings. There are also people in the background of the painting who are also wearing mundane clothing and seem to be carrying packages.The front of the painting is full of things that are meant to be carried onto the ship. Although the things themselves are expensive, it makes the front of the painting seem cluttered and ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Mediterranean Diet Research Paper 6. A Mediterranean diet is a lifestyle that involves consuming mostly plant–based foods and good fats. Red meat is limited to a few times a month. It is known to improve heart health and works best if followed for at least six months. A disadvantage is that it would have to be a long–term lifestyle change for best results. It is inexpensive because you are only buying your regular groceries. 7. The Nutrisystem diet is a program, which involves pre–planned meals for 28 days. You are only allowed to eat nutrisystem food and healthy snacks. It averages around 3 months to reach your target weight depending on your meal plans and costs from $200–$300 a month. There are a variety of nutrients in the meals so no supplementation is required. The major ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Mediterranean Research Paper The Mediterranean has served as the cradle of civilization for a diversity of cultures and beliefs. The Mediterranean Sea has so much to offer when it comes to historical events (Cassar). The Megalithic Temples of Malta consist of several prehistoric temples. Malta, previously known as Melita, is an island off the coast of Europe and an archeological site that is rich in history. The temples of Malta and Gozo are among the oldest freestanding architectural objects in the world. The structures are constructed of stone–coralline limestone in a cloverleaf (trefoil) floor plan (Cox). They are older than the Pyramids of Egypt and Stonehenge. These temples were preserved and covered in soil. They were rediscovered in the 19th century. Because of their unique architecture and the history behind it, the Temples of Malta are classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are four different Temple phases that occurred throughout the Malta period. The Mgarr phase (3800 – 3600 BC) was mainly pottery and the very beginning of the temples. During the Gantija Phase (3600 – 3000 BC) the temples began to be constructed. The Saflieni phase (3300 – 3000 BC) is the transitional phase and it is the most important development phase. Last but not least we have the Tarxien phase (3150 – 2500 BC) which is the peak of the temple civilization (Foundation). Even though there were four phases temple building was divided into two main phases. The first phase being the Ggantija phase (3500–2500 ... Get more on ...