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Renjie Wei
Essay 1.2
Beneficial of Vegetarian Diet
In a few years ago, once, I had been to an Australian high
school for one-month winter vacation; During the period, where
the some of people also choose vegetarian diets. And when I
was in high school in California, America, the vegetarian diets
rate in the adolescents was becoming higher, which almost
exceeded 20%. The same thing was also happening throughout
University of Oregon, there are many people to choose
vegetarian diets, even some of my friends. And when I went to
the local restaurants, I found there are a lot of restaurants offer
the vegetarian diet menus. I was very surprised, because in
China, people who choose vegetarian diets are really few. Now
there is a popular theory in society, many people think that
vegetarians are very healthy and beneficial to human body. Diet
health is relative to the life safety, which makes it a heating
issue catching eyeballs, so I decide to spend time to do some
research about vegetarian diets. During decades of development,
human beings scored gratifying achievements. Progress was
made both in developing the economy and in raising living
standards, vegetarian diets play an essential role in nowadays
society. In American society, instead of being worried about
what to eat, most of public are eating more food, and more
kinds of diet habits individuals can choose. Vegetarian diets are
a popular diet in the United States society. Therefore, I want to
discuss about the benefits of vegetarian diets. However, there
may have some contradictions about the topic, if vegetarian
diets are really beneficial, why there are still a lot of people do
not choose this eating habit. For getting answer about the topic
and contradictions, I do many researches from academic health
websites, individual websites who are doctor of health or
researcher of American Dietetic Association, and some health
organizations of foods. And there are some of the other
contradictions I have discovered through my inquiry are that
although vegetarian diets are healthy, there are some people do
not choose this diets way since they may consider about
unaccustomed to friends or families, nutritional imbalance
compares with normal diet, and athletic preference.
Therefore, I considered a question is that what is vegetarian? In
the ordinary impression of people, vegetarianism means people
who only eat vegetables and fruits. However, according to the
Vegetarian Society, a vegetarian is somebody who refuses to eat
any meat, poultry, amusement, fish, shellfish or products of
creature butcher (VS for Vegetarian Society). Veggie lover
counts calories contain different level of organic products,
vegetables, grains, pluses, nuts and seeds. The incorporation of
dairy and eggs is correlated with the kind of eating regimen
following. Furthermore, there are four most widely recognized
vegetarians: lacto-ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo
vegetarians and vegans.
First of all, let me introduce the lacto-ovo vegetarians.
According to WIKIPEDIA, “A lacto-ovo vegetarian is a
vegetarian who consume some animal products, such as eggs
and dairy” (WIKIPEDIA). For this definition of lacto-ovo
vegetarian, it can imply a run of the mill lacto-ovo veggie diet
incorporates organic products, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds,
herbs, roots, parasites, drain, cheddar, yogurt and eggs.
Obviously, we can know lacto-ovo vegetarians who stay away
from all creature substance, however do expend dairy and egg
Additionally, I will introduce the definition of lacto
vegetarians. According to WIKIPEDIA, “A lacto vegetarian diet
is a diet that includes vegetables as well as dairy products such
as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, ghee, cream, and kefir, but
excludes eggs” (WIKIPEDIA). From this point, we know A
lacto veggie diet is an eating regimen that incorporates
vegetables and in addition dairy items, for example, drain,
cheddar, yogurt, spread, ghee, cream, and kefir, yet bars eggs.
Obviously, we can conclude that lacto vegetarians who maintain
a strategic distance from creature fragile living creature and
eggs, however do devour dairy items.
Furthermore, I will explain what is ovo vegetarians.
According to WEKIPEDIA, “Ovo vegetarianism is a type of
vegetarianism which allows for consumption of eggs but not
dairy products, in contrast with lacto vegetarianism”
(WEKIPEDIA). That means Ovo vegetarianism is a kind of
vegetarianism which takes into consideration utilization of eggs
yet not dairy items, conversely with lacto vegetarianism.
Generally, ovo vegetarians who stay away from every single
creature item aside from eggs.
Finally, I will establish the definition of vegans.
According to WIKIPEDIA, “Veganism is the practice of
abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet,
and associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of
animals” (WIKIPEDIA). From this definition, we can get that
vegans do not eat dairy products, eggs or any other products
from animals. Ordinarily, vegans keep away from all dairy
products eggs or other sequences are related to animals.
There are two key terms in this research, the one is what is
vegetarian, which I have mentioned in the second paragraph;
another one is there are four main type of vegetarianism diet.
For my next step of research, I will find more sources about the
benefits of vegetarian diets and the consequence of vegetarians
diets, they can provide important evidences for my oncoming
essay; oppositely, I also will do some researches for the
disadvantages of vegetarians diets since they can help me to
understand more about my key words – vegetarianism, and they
also can help me to compare about the differences between
vegetarian diets and normal diets.
Initially, the first benefit of vegetarian diet is that vegetarian
diet is ethical for animals. Animals have their own feelings, we
have no right to deprive their lives as human beings and
vegetarian diet can avoid hurting animals. Steve F. Sapontzis,
who is professor emeritus of philosophy at California State
University, specializing in animal ethics and environmental
ethics. In this research, he argued that do animals have right?
And he stated “it is Western societies that practice and consume
the products of the factory farms which treat animals so
abominably. That animals feel pain and can be treated cruelly is
common belief in these societies” (Sapontzis, 2012). From his
research, some farms treat animals very rudely and harshly.
They do not care about animals’ feelings at all and they do not
respect animals’ rights because they deal with animals as
products in a very cruel way. Obviously, people should be kind
to beasties because they have their own consciousness, they will
feel pain and happiness like humans and every life should be
equal. From this point, the one of consequence for
vegetarianism is moral to animals.
Furthermore, vegetarian diet is good for people’s health because
vegetarian diet is nutritious and healthy for the human bodies.
American Dietetic Association, which is the United States’
largest organization of food and nutrition professionals and
represents over 100000 credentialed practitioners — registered
dietitian nutritionists, dietetic technicians, registered, and other
dietetics professionals holding undergraduate and advanced
degrees in nutrition and dietetics. According to the research,
“vegetarian diets are often associated with a number of health
advantages, including lower blood cholesterol levels, lower
blood pressure levels, and lower risk of hypertension and type 2
diabetes” (Craig, 2009). In this research, it shows many benefits
for vegetarianism, a healthy vegetarian diet can reduce blood
cholesterol levels, bring down danger off coronary illness, bring
down pulse level. In addition, that implies appropriately
planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan
diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health
benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.
Without a doubt, the other consequence of vegetarian diet is
that it is healthy and nutritious, and it also can reduce the risk
of some diseases.
Moreover, vegetarianism is not only recognized as a sufficient
nutrition, but also can reduce the risk of heart disease and
certain cancers. Harvard Health Publish, which is the media and
publishing division of the Harvard Medical School of Harvard
University, under the direction of Dr. David H. Roberts, dean
for External Education. In the research “Becoming a
Vegetarian.” argues that “there’s some evidence that
vegetarians have a lower risk for cardiac events (such as a heart
attack) and death from cardiac causes.” And “Hundreds of
studies suggest that eating lots of fruits and vegetables can
reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, and there’s
evidence that vegetarians have a lower incidence of cancer than
nonvegetarians do” (HHP for Harvard Health Publishing, 2009).
In this research, it shows that Vegans are solid since they have a
lower danger of heart disease and they bite the dust less from
coronary illness than typical eating regimens, and studies have
demonstrated that vegetables and organic products decrease the
danger of specific malignancies. Based on this view,
vegetarianism is perceived as an adequate nourishment, yet in
addition can diminish the danger of coronary illness and certain
In addition, vegetarian diet is a good and healthy way to help
people lose excess weight, and an expanding number of
individuals are swinging to plant-based eating regimens in the
expectation of shedding overabundance weight. Brie Turner-
McGrievy is associate professor, deputy director, and her
research focuses on discovering ways to help people eat
healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease. To achieve
this goal, she explores ways to use emerging technology to
assist with dietary self-monitoring, physical activity tracking,
and provision of social support. For instance, according to her
research, “Use of Facebook groups was significantly related to
percent weight loss at 3 (P < .001) and 6 months (P = .05).
Vegan participants had a greater decrease in energy (-265 [-439,
0] kcal/d) and fat intake (-7.4% [-9.2%, 0] energy) at 6 months
compared with low-cal participants (0 [0, 112] kcal/d, P = .02; 0
[0, 3.0%] energy, P = .02). These preliminary results suggest
that engagement with social media and adoption of a vegan diet
may be effective for promoting short-term weight loss among
women with PCOS” (Turner-McGrievy, 2014). From this
research, it shows that vegetarians abstain from food have a
characteristic propensity to lessen your calorie consumption.
This makes them compelling at advancing weight reduction
without the need to effectively center around cutting calories.
Evidently, that implies vegetarianism diet is a good and healthy
way to lose excessive weight.
Additionally, one of a consequence of vegetarian diet is that a
vegan diet can reduce pain from arthritis. Chelsea M. Clinton,
who is Department of Internal Medicine and is graduated
Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.
According to the research, it mentions that WFPB (whole-food,
plant-based diet) diet was associated with a significant
reduction in pain compared to an ordinary omnivorous diet, with
statistically significant pain reduction seen as early as two
weeks after initiation of dietary modification (Clinton, 2005). In
this research, it shows that a vegetarian diet has beneficial
outcomes in individuals with various sorts of joint pain. All in
all, one of an advantage is that vegetarian diet can reduce pain
from arthritis.
Finally, vegetarian diet is also very friendly to the environment,
since if people raise large numbers of animals, animals will
destroy the environment by eating green plants. Bryan Walsh,
who is a doctor, educator and he has been studying human
physiology and nutrition for over 25 years and has been
educating others in health for 20 of those years. In his research,
he argues the impact of livestock farming on the global
environment. According to Bryan, “the highest total of
livestock-related greenhouse-gas emissions comes from the
developing world, which accounts for 75% of the global
emissions from cattle and other ruminants and 56% of the global
emissions from poultry and pigs” and “while factory farming in
the U.S. gets a lot of criticism for its cruelty, the danger it
poses to public health through the overuse of antibiotics and the
pollution it causes to air and water” (Walsh, 2013). From this
research, it implies that impact of global meat production,
livestock production may have a bigger impact on the planet
than anything else. Excessive consumption of plants by animals
leads to extravagant levels of carbon dioxide in the air, which
leads to worse greenhouse effects, and exorbitant using of
antibiotics in the United States leading to water and air
pollution. All in all, vegetarianism can protect the environment
in some ways by avoiding large number of farmed animals so
that green plants are not destroyed.
However, I meet some contradictions when I do my researches.
First of all, vegetarian diets are beneficial and healthy, but it
may be inconvenient to others, because others should prepare
extra food for people who are vegetarian. For example, I had
attended a party, and my friends and I ordered many wings,
burgers, fried chickens. And then, we knew there are two of
their friends are vegetarians, so we need to reorder some crepes
and salad for them. The two people constantly apologized that
were inconvenience to us, but it was not a big deal for us,
because we were friends and we respected their food diet, and
finally we have a happy party time. In this point, vegetarian
diets might make some inconvenience to others, but it not a big
deal, since it can be solved just for some salad, crepes or
cheese. And people are friendly and nice to their friends, people
are willing to help others and respect others’ habits. All in all,
people might feel free about this kind of “inconvenience”,
because in the most people, they really do not think this is
inconvenience to them, and they will respect to this kind of
Secondly, vegetarian diets are advantages, but some people
consider that if they only eat fruits and vegetables, they are
worried that they are getting unbalanced nutrition. This kind of
worries are reasonable, such like protein. In people cognition,
protein is generally derived from meat, but in my research,
people also can take protein from other sources. Tess Jones,
who is a freelance writer based in Seattle, WA. She writes print
and online articles, copy for websites, marketing materials, and
feature-film screenplays. Her diverse background and education
lends itself to writing on a variety of topics. For instance,
according to Tess, “As you become a more savvy vegetarian,
you will discover hidden, high-protein gems like cottage cheese,
tempeh, nuts, food combining, and tofu” (Jones, 2018).
According to this research, it shows that meat is not the only
sources of protein that people can intake. There are some food
such like tofu, cheese and nuts also can provide the protein that
the human body needs, and vegetarian diets are still a healthy
diet with balanced nutrition.
Finally, there are also some doubts that vegetarianism diets will
might take bad effects on athletic performance, because athletes
usually consume a lot of energy every day, and a large part of
those energy which comes from meat. However, vegetarians
who keep away from these meat products, and they can not
replenish the energy which their body needs in time. This view
seems roughly reasonable, but athletes also can consume dairy
products, eggs, and cheese to get those energy. The National
Athletic Trainers’ Association is the professional membership
association for certified athletic trainers and others who support
the athletic training profession. Founded in 1950, the NATA has
grown to more than 43,000 members worldwide. The majority of
certified athletic trainers choose to be members of NATA to
support their profession and to receive a broad array of
membership benefits. For example, according to National
Athletic Trainers’ Association, “Vegetarian diets will not
typically affect performance. However, like all people, you need
to eat a healthy, balanced diet to ensure that you are getting
ample amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and
protein to fuel yourself for performance.” (NATA). From this
research, that shows There are numerous incredible
vegetarianism competitors. They don't need to eat creature items
to assemble continuance or quality. In the event that they eat a
fair veggie lover diet, particularly one that contains dairy items,
eggs, and cheese, you can be at the highest point of your
amusement. Obviously, if people eat a healthy and balanced diet
in vegetarian diets to ensure they can get nutrients, minerals,
fats, carbohydrates, and protein, vegetarianism diets will not
make bad effects on athletic performance.
From this draft, now I know what vegetarian is and there
are four main types of vegetarianism such like lacto-ovo
vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians and vegans. And
I also know some consequences of vegetarian diet such like
vegetarian diet is ethical for animals; vegetarian diet is good for
people’s health because vegetarian diet is nutritious and healthy
for the human bodies; vegetarianism can reduce the risk of heart
disease and certain cancers; vegetarian diet is a good and
healthy way to help people lose excess weight; a vegan diet can
reduce pain from arthritis; vegetarian diet is also very friendly
to the environment. And I also want to know about if in a
family there are some of people are vegetarianism and some are
not, how do they get along with each other? And compared
between vegetarian diet and normal diet, what advantages and
disadvantages between these two diets? Is there any other
popular diet such like vegetarian diet? And in the next draft, I
will expand more about the contradiction of inconvenient of
vegetarianism and do more research about the social circle of
vegetarians. In some big city, it is convenient for a person who
wants to eat vegetarian diet, but in some small town, it is not,
so how people can eat vegetarian diet in there is also a problem.
“What Is a Vegetarian?” The Vegetarian Society,
“Ovo-Lacto Vegetarianism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation,
23 Oct. 2018,
“Lacto Vegetarianism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23
Sept. 2018,
“Ovo Vegetarianism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26
Oct. 2018,
“Veganism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2018,
Sapontzis, Steve F. “The Debate Over Eating Meat.” Journal of
Animal Ethics, vol. 2,
no. 2, 2012, pp. 121-125. JSTOR, JSTOR,
Craig, Winston, et al. “Position of the American Dietetic
Association: Vegetarian Diets.”
Journal of the American Dietetic Association, vol. 109, no. 7,
2009, pp 1266-1282. U.S. National Library of Medicine,
Harvard Health Publishing. “Becoming a Vegetarian.” Harvard
Health, 2009,
Walsh, Bryan. “The Triple Whopper Environmental Impact of
Global Meat Production.” Time, Time, 2013,
Jones, Tess. “Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian.”
LoveToKnow, LoveToKnow Corp,
Nov. 2018,
“How Will a Vegetarian Diet Affect My Athletic Performance? |
Vegetarian Diets.”
Turner-McGrievy, G M, et al. “Low Glycemic Index Vegan or
Low-Calorie Weight
Loss Diets for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a
Randomized Controlled
Feasibility Study.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience
Reports., U.S. National
Library of Medicine, June 2014,
Chelsea M. Clinton, et al. “Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet
Alleviates the Symptoms
of Osteoarthritis.” Arthritis. 2015; 2015: 708152.
Published online 2015 Feb 28.
doi: 10.1155/2015/708152
Points: 200
Term Paper: Networking
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90-100% A
1. Compose an executive summary highlighting the paper’s
contents and reasoning for your chosen topic.
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Satisfactorilycomposed an executive summary highlighting the
paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic.
Thoroughlycomposed an executive summary highlighting the
paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic.
2. Conduct a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths,
weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats from
competitors of the chosen topic.
Weight: 15%
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analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities,
and threats from competitors of the chosen topic.
Partially conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the
strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats
from competitors of the chosen topic.
Satisfactorily conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the
strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats
from competitors of the chosen topic.
Thoroughly conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the
strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats
from competitors of the chosen topic.
3. Evaluate the current ethical and legal concerns surrounding
your topic.
Weight: 10%
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legal concerns surrounding your topic.
Partiallyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns
surrounding your topic.
Satisfactorilyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns
surrounding your topic.
Thoroughlyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns
surrounding your topic.
4. Select one ethical or legal concern surrounding your topic,
take a position on the issue, and provide rationale.
Weight: 15%
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concern surrounding your topic; did not submit, or incompletely
took a position on the issue and did not submit or incompletely
provided rationale.
Partiallyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding your
topic, partially took a position on the issue, and partially
provided rationale.
Satisfactorilyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding
your topic, satisfactorily took a position on the issue, and
satisfactorily provided rationale.
Thoroughlyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding
your topic,thoroughly took a position on the issue, and
thoroughly provided rationale.
5. Analyze the improvements over the last two years to your
communication technology topic, and suggest an improvement
based on its current usage.
Weight: 15%
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the last two years to your communication technology topic, if
any, and did not submit or incompletely suggested an
improvement based on its current usage.
Partiallyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years to
your communication technology topic, if any, and partially
suggested an improvement based on its current usage.
Satisfactorilyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years
to your communication technology topic, if any, and
satisfactorily suggested an improvement based on its current
Thoroughlyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years
to your communication technology topic, if any, and thoroughly
suggested an improvement based on its current usage.
6. Predict the future role of the communication technology
you’ve selected for both personal and commercial use.
Weight: 10%
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communication technology you’ve selected for both personal
and commercial use.
Partiallypredicted the future role of the communication
technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial
Satisfactorilypredicted the future role of the communication
technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial
Thoroughlypredicted the future role of the communication
technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial
7. Create a diagram that illustrates the communication structure
of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source
alternative software.
Weight: 15%
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the communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio
or its open source alternative software.
Partiallycreated a diagram that illustrates the communication
structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source
alternative software.
Satisfactorilycreated a diagram that illustrates the
communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio or
its open source alternative software.
Thoroughlycreated a diagram that illustrates the communication
structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source
alternative software.
8. 8 references
Weight: 5%
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references poor quality choices.
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9. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements
Weight: 10%
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Benefits of a Vegetarian Diet

  • 1. WR 123 Renjie Wei Essay 1.2 Beneficial of Vegetarian Diet INTRODUCTION In a few years ago, once, I had been to an Australian high school for one-month winter vacation; During the period, where the some of people also choose vegetarian diets. And when I was in high school in California, America, the vegetarian diets rate in the adolescents was becoming higher, which almost exceeded 20%. The same thing was also happening throughout University of Oregon, there are many people to choose vegetarian diets, even some of my friends. And when I went to the local restaurants, I found there are a lot of restaurants offer the vegetarian diet menus. I was very surprised, because in China, people who choose vegetarian diets are really few. Now there is a popular theory in society, many people think that vegetarians are very healthy and beneficial to human body. Diet health is relative to the life safety, which makes it a heating issue catching eyeballs, so I decide to spend time to do some research about vegetarian diets. During decades of development, human beings scored gratifying achievements. Progress was made both in developing the economy and in raising living standards, vegetarian diets play an essential role in nowadays society. In American society, instead of being worried about what to eat, most of public are eating more food, and more kinds of diet habits individuals can choose. Vegetarian diets are a popular diet in the United States society. Therefore, I want to discuss about the benefits of vegetarian diets. However, there may have some contradictions about the topic, if vegetarian diets are really beneficial, why there are still a lot of people do not choose this eating habit. For getting answer about the topic and contradictions, I do many researches from academic health
  • 2. websites, individual websites who are doctor of health or researcher of American Dietetic Association, and some health organizations of foods. And there are some of the other contradictions I have discovered through my inquiry are that although vegetarian diets are healthy, there are some people do not choose this diets way since they may consider about unaccustomed to friends or families, nutritional imbalance compares with normal diet, and athletic preference. KEY TERMS Therefore, I considered a question is that what is vegetarian? In the ordinary impression of people, vegetarianism means people who only eat vegetables and fruits. However, according to the Vegetarian Society, a vegetarian is somebody who refuses to eat any meat, poultry, amusement, fish, shellfish or products of creature butcher (VS for Vegetarian Society). Veggie lover counts calories contain different level of organic products, vegetables, grains, pluses, nuts and seeds. The incorporation of dairy and eggs is correlated with the kind of eating regimen following. Furthermore, there are four most widely recognized vegetarians: lacto-ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians and vegans. First of all, let me introduce the lacto-ovo vegetarians. According to WIKIPEDIA, “A lacto-ovo vegetarian is a vegetarian who consume some animal products, such as eggs and dairy” (WIKIPEDIA). For this definition of lacto-ovo vegetarian, it can imply a run of the mill lacto-ovo veggie diet incorporates organic products, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, herbs, roots, parasites, drain, cheddar, yogurt and eggs. Obviously, we can know lacto-ovo vegetarians who stay away from all creature substance, however do expend dairy and egg items. Additionally, I will introduce the definition of lacto vegetarians. According to WIKIPEDIA, “A lacto vegetarian diet is a diet that includes vegetables as well as dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, ghee, cream, and kefir, but
  • 3. excludes eggs” (WIKIPEDIA). From this point, we know A lacto veggie diet is an eating regimen that incorporates vegetables and in addition dairy items, for example, drain, cheddar, yogurt, spread, ghee, cream, and kefir, yet bars eggs. Obviously, we can conclude that lacto vegetarians who maintain a strategic distance from creature fragile living creature and eggs, however do devour dairy items. Furthermore, I will explain what is ovo vegetarians. According to WEKIPEDIA, “Ovo vegetarianism is a type of vegetarianism which allows for consumption of eggs but not dairy products, in contrast with lacto vegetarianism” (WEKIPEDIA). That means Ovo vegetarianism is a kind of vegetarianism which takes into consideration utilization of eggs yet not dairy items, conversely with lacto vegetarianism. Generally, ovo vegetarians who stay away from every single creature item aside from eggs. Finally, I will establish the definition of vegans. According to WIKIPEDIA, “Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, particularly in diet, and associated philosophy that rejects the commodity status of animals” (WIKIPEDIA). From this definition, we can get that vegans do not eat dairy products, eggs or any other products from animals. Ordinarily, vegans keep away from all dairy products eggs or other sequences are related to animals. There are two key terms in this research, the one is what is vegetarian, which I have mentioned in the second paragraph; another one is there are four main type of vegetarianism diet. For my next step of research, I will find more sources about the benefits of vegetarian diets and the consequence of vegetarians diets, they can provide important evidences for my oncoming essay; oppositely, I also will do some researches for the disadvantages of vegetarians diets since they can help me to understand more about my key words – vegetarianism, and they also can help me to compare about the differences between vegetarian diets and normal diets.
  • 4. CASE STUDY Initially, the first benefit of vegetarian diet is that vegetarian diet is ethical for animals. Animals have their own feelings, we have no right to deprive their lives as human beings and vegetarian diet can avoid hurting animals. Steve F. Sapontzis, who is professor emeritus of philosophy at California State University, specializing in animal ethics and environmental ethics. In this research, he argued that do animals have right? And he stated “it is Western societies that practice and consume the products of the factory farms which treat animals so abominably. That animals feel pain and can be treated cruelly is common belief in these societies” (Sapontzis, 2012). From his research, some farms treat animals very rudely and harshly. They do not care about animals’ feelings at all and they do not respect animals’ rights because they deal with animals as products in a very cruel way. Obviously, people should be kind to beasties because they have their own consciousness, they will feel pain and happiness like humans and every life should be equal. From this point, the one of consequence for vegetarianism is moral to animals. Furthermore, vegetarian diet is good for people’s health because vegetarian diet is nutritious and healthy for the human bodies. American Dietetic Association, which is the United States’ largest organization of food and nutrition professionals and represents over 100000 credentialed practitioners — registered dietitian nutritionists, dietetic technicians, registered, and other dietetics professionals holding undergraduate and advanced degrees in nutrition and dietetics. According to the research, “vegetarian diets are often associated with a number of health advantages, including lower blood cholesterol levels, lower blood pressure levels, and lower risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes” (Craig, 2009). In this research, it shows many benefits for vegetarianism, a healthy vegetarian diet can reduce blood cholesterol levels, bring down danger off coronary illness, bring down pulse level. In addition, that implies appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan
  • 5. diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Without a doubt, the other consequence of vegetarian diet is that it is healthy and nutritious, and it also can reduce the risk of some diseases. Moreover, vegetarianism is not only recognized as a sufficient nutrition, but also can reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers. Harvard Health Publish, which is the media and publishing division of the Harvard Medical School of Harvard University, under the direction of Dr. David H. Roberts, dean for External Education. In the research “Becoming a Vegetarian.” argues that “there’s some evidence that vegetarians have a lower risk for cardiac events (such as a heart attack) and death from cardiac causes.” And “Hundreds of studies suggest that eating lots of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of developing certain cancers, and there’s evidence that vegetarians have a lower incidence of cancer than nonvegetarians do” (HHP for Harvard Health Publishing, 2009). In this research, it shows that Vegans are solid since they have a lower danger of heart disease and they bite the dust less from coronary illness than typical eating regimens, and studies have demonstrated that vegetables and organic products decrease the danger of specific malignancies. Based on this view, vegetarianism is perceived as an adequate nourishment, yet in addition can diminish the danger of coronary illness and certain growths. In addition, vegetarian diet is a good and healthy way to help people lose excess weight, and an expanding number of individuals are swinging to plant-based eating regimens in the expectation of shedding overabundance weight. Brie Turner- McGrievy is associate professor, deputy director, and her research focuses on discovering ways to help people eat healthier, lose weight, and prevent chronic disease. To achieve this goal, she explores ways to use emerging technology to assist with dietary self-monitoring, physical activity tracking, and provision of social support. For instance, according to her
  • 6. research, “Use of Facebook groups was significantly related to percent weight loss at 3 (P < .001) and 6 months (P = .05). Vegan participants had a greater decrease in energy (-265 [-439, 0] kcal/d) and fat intake (-7.4% [-9.2%, 0] energy) at 6 months compared with low-cal participants (0 [0, 112] kcal/d, P = .02; 0 [0, 3.0%] energy, P = .02). These preliminary results suggest that engagement with social media and adoption of a vegan diet may be effective for promoting short-term weight loss among women with PCOS” (Turner-McGrievy, 2014). From this research, it shows that vegetarians abstain from food have a characteristic propensity to lessen your calorie consumption. This makes them compelling at advancing weight reduction without the need to effectively center around cutting calories. Evidently, that implies vegetarianism diet is a good and healthy way to lose excessive weight. Additionally, one of a consequence of vegetarian diet is that a vegan diet can reduce pain from arthritis. Chelsea M. Clinton, who is Department of Internal Medicine and is graduated Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. According to the research, it mentions that WFPB (whole-food, plant-based diet) diet was associated with a significant reduction in pain compared to an ordinary omnivorous diet, with statistically significant pain reduction seen as early as two weeks after initiation of dietary modification (Clinton, 2005). In this research, it shows that a vegetarian diet has beneficial outcomes in individuals with various sorts of joint pain. All in all, one of an advantage is that vegetarian diet can reduce pain from arthritis. Finally, vegetarian diet is also very friendly to the environment, since if people raise large numbers of animals, animals will destroy the environment by eating green plants. Bryan Walsh, who is a doctor, educator and he has been studying human physiology and nutrition for over 25 years and has been educating others in health for 20 of those years. In his research, he argues the impact of livestock farming on the global environment. According to Bryan, “the highest total of
  • 7. livestock-related greenhouse-gas emissions comes from the developing world, which accounts for 75% of the global emissions from cattle and other ruminants and 56% of the global emissions from poultry and pigs” and “while factory farming in the U.S. gets a lot of criticism for its cruelty, the danger it poses to public health through the overuse of antibiotics and the pollution it causes to air and water” (Walsh, 2013). From this research, it implies that impact of global meat production, livestock production may have a bigger impact on the planet than anything else. Excessive consumption of plants by animals leads to extravagant levels of carbon dioxide in the air, which leads to worse greenhouse effects, and exorbitant using of antibiotics in the United States leading to water and air pollution. All in all, vegetarianism can protect the environment in some ways by avoiding large number of farmed animals so that green plants are not destroyed. However, I meet some contradictions when I do my researches. First of all, vegetarian diets are beneficial and healthy, but it may be inconvenient to others, because others should prepare extra food for people who are vegetarian. For example, I had attended a party, and my friends and I ordered many wings, burgers, fried chickens. And then, we knew there are two of their friends are vegetarians, so we need to reorder some crepes and salad for them. The two people constantly apologized that were inconvenience to us, but it was not a big deal for us, because we were friends and we respected their food diet, and finally we have a happy party time. In this point, vegetarian diets might make some inconvenience to others, but it not a big deal, since it can be solved just for some salad, crepes or cheese. And people are friendly and nice to their friends, people are willing to help others and respect others’ habits. All in all, people might feel free about this kind of “inconvenience”, because in the most people, they really do not think this is inconvenience to them, and they will respect to this kind of “inconvenience”. Secondly, vegetarian diets are advantages, but some people
  • 8. consider that if they only eat fruits and vegetables, they are worried that they are getting unbalanced nutrition. This kind of worries are reasonable, such like protein. In people cognition, protein is generally derived from meat, but in my research, people also can take protein from other sources. Tess Jones, who is a freelance writer based in Seattle, WA. She writes print and online articles, copy for websites, marketing materials, and feature-film screenplays. Her diverse background and education lends itself to writing on a variety of topics. For instance, according to Tess, “As you become a more savvy vegetarian, you will discover hidden, high-protein gems like cottage cheese, tempeh, nuts, food combining, and tofu” (Jones, 2018). According to this research, it shows that meat is not the only sources of protein that people can intake. There are some food such like tofu, cheese and nuts also can provide the protein that the human body needs, and vegetarian diets are still a healthy diet with balanced nutrition. Finally, there are also some doubts that vegetarianism diets will might take bad effects on athletic performance, because athletes usually consume a lot of energy every day, and a large part of those energy which comes from meat. However, vegetarians who keep away from these meat products, and they can not replenish the energy which their body needs in time. This view seems roughly reasonable, but athletes also can consume dairy products, eggs, and cheese to get those energy. The National Athletic Trainers’ Association is the professional membership association for certified athletic trainers and others who support the athletic training profession. Founded in 1950, the NATA has grown to more than 43,000 members worldwide. The majority of certified athletic trainers choose to be members of NATA to support their profession and to receive a broad array of membership benefits. For example, according to National Athletic Trainers’ Association, “Vegetarian diets will not typically affect performance. However, like all people, you need to eat a healthy, balanced diet to ensure that you are getting ample amounts of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and
  • 9. protein to fuel yourself for performance.” (NATA). From this research, that shows There are numerous incredible vegetarianism competitors. They don't need to eat creature items to assemble continuance or quality. In the event that they eat a fair veggie lover diet, particularly one that contains dairy items, eggs, and cheese, you can be at the highest point of your amusement. Obviously, if people eat a healthy and balanced diet in vegetarian diets to ensure they can get nutrients, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and protein, vegetarianism diets will not make bad effects on athletic performance. CONCLUSION From this draft, now I know what vegetarian is and there are four main types of vegetarianism such like lacto-ovo vegetarians, lacto vegetarians, ovo vegetarians and vegans. And I also know some consequences of vegetarian diet such like vegetarian diet is ethical for animals; vegetarian diet is good for people’s health because vegetarian diet is nutritious and healthy for the human bodies; vegetarianism can reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers; vegetarian diet is a good and healthy way to help people lose excess weight; a vegan diet can reduce pain from arthritis; vegetarian diet is also very friendly to the environment. And I also want to know about if in a family there are some of people are vegetarianism and some are not, how do they get along with each other? And compared between vegetarian diet and normal diet, what advantages and disadvantages between these two diets? Is there any other popular diet such like vegetarian diet? And in the next draft, I will expand more about the contradiction of inconvenient of vegetarianism and do more research about the social circle of vegetarians. In some big city, it is convenient for a person who wants to eat vegetarian diet, but in some small town, it is not, so how people can eat vegetarian diet in there is also a problem. Cites “What Is a Vegetarian?” The Vegetarian Society,
  • 10. “Ovo-Lacto Vegetarianism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Oct. 2018, “Lacto Vegetarianism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Sept. 2018, “Ovo Vegetarianism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 26 Oct. 2018, “Veganism.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Oct. 2018, Sapontzis, Steve F. “The Debate Over Eating Meat.” Journal of Animal Ethics, vol. 2, no. 2, 2012, pp. 121-125. JSTOR, JSTOR, Craig, Winston, et al. “Position of the American Dietetic Association: Vegetarian Diets.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association, vol. 109, no. 7, 2009, pp 1266-1282. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Harvard Health Publishing. “Becoming a Vegetarian.” Harvard Health, 2009, vegetarian. Walsh, Bryan. “The Triple Whopper Environmental Impact of Global Meat Production.” Time, Time, 2013, environmental-impact-of-global-meat-production/ Jones, Tess. “Disadvantages of Being a Vegetarian.” LoveToKnow, LoveToKnow Corp, Nov. 2018, ian. “How Will a Vegetarian Diet Affect My Athletic Performance? | Vegetarian Diets.”
  • 11. Sharecare, diets/how-vegetarian-diet-affect-performance Turner-McGrievy, G M, et al. “Low Glycemic Index Vegan or Low-Calorie Weight Loss Diets for Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: a Randomized Controlled Feasibility Study.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 2014, Chelsea M. Clinton, et al. “Whole-Foods, Plant-Based Diet Alleviates the Symptoms of Osteoarthritis.” Arthritis. 2015; 2015: 708152. Published online 2015 Feb 28. doi: 10.1155/2015/708152 Points: 200 Term Paper: Networking Criteria Unacceptable Below 70% F Fair 70-79% C Proficient 80-89% B Exemplary 90-100% A 1. Compose an executive summary highlighting the paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic. Weight: 5% Did not submit or incompletelycomposed an executive summary highlighting the paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic. Partiallycomposed an executive summary highlighting the paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic.
  • 12. Satisfactorilycomposed an executive summary highlighting the paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic. Thoroughlycomposed an executive summary highlighting the paper’s contents and reasoning for your chosen topic. 2. Conduct a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats from competitors of the chosen topic. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletely conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats from competitors of the chosen topic. Partially conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats from competitors of the chosen topic. Satisfactorily conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats from competitors of the chosen topic. Thoroughly conducted a SWOT analysis by analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, application opportunities, and threats from competitors of the chosen topic. 3. Evaluate the current ethical and legal concerns surrounding your topic. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletelyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns surrounding your topic. Partiallyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns surrounding your topic. Satisfactorilyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns surrounding your topic. Thoroughlyevaluated the current ethical and legal concerns surrounding your topic. 4. Select one ethical or legal concern surrounding your topic, take a position on the issue, and provide rationale. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletelyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding your topic; did not submit, or incompletely
  • 13. took a position on the issue and did not submit or incompletely provided rationale. Partiallyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding your topic, partially took a position on the issue, and partially provided rationale. Satisfactorilyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding your topic, satisfactorily took a position on the issue, and satisfactorily provided rationale. Thoroughlyselected one ethical or legal concern surrounding your topic,thoroughly took a position on the issue, and thoroughly provided rationale. 5. Analyze the improvements over the last two years to your communication technology topic, and suggest an improvement based on its current usage. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletelyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years to your communication technology topic, if any, and did not submit or incompletely suggested an improvement based on its current usage. Partiallyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years to your communication technology topic, if any, and partially suggested an improvement based on its current usage. Satisfactorilyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years to your communication technology topic, if any, and satisfactorily suggested an improvement based on its current usage. Thoroughlyanalyzed the improvements over the last two years to your communication technology topic, if any, and thoroughly suggested an improvement based on its current usage. 6. Predict the future role of the communication technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial use. Weight: 10% Did not submit or incompletelypredicted the future role of the communication technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial use. Partiallypredicted the future role of the communication
  • 14. technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial use. Satisfactorilypredicted the future role of the communication technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial use. Thoroughlypredicted the future role of the communication technology you’ve selected for both personal and commercial use. 7. Create a diagram that illustrates the communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source alternative software. Weight: 15% Did not submit or incompletelycreated a diagram that illustrates the communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source alternative software. Partiallycreated a diagram that illustrates the communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source alternative software. Satisfactorilycreated a diagram that illustrates the communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source alternative software. Thoroughlycreated a diagram that illustrates the communication structure of your chosen technology in Visio or its open source alternative software. 8. 8 references Weight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. 9. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements Weight: 10% More than 6 errors present
  • 15. 5-6 errors present 3-4 errors present 0-2 errors present