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Media Music Magazine
  By sharondeep Bachra
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms
                    and conventions of real media products?
                                   The genre for my music magazine is R&B. In order to
                                   challenge the conventions of a real media product I
                                   analysed 4 existing magazines that are similar to mine.
                                   Although, NME is a rock genre I chose to challenge the
                                   codes and conventions of this media product because I
                                   believe that their layout is eye-catching and develops
                                   more of a existing product look compared to VIBE. I
                                   chose various parts of each magazine and challenged
                                   the conventions by using them in my own magazine. The
                                   reason why I used these pieces from each magazine is
                                   because whilst analysing them, I felt that they
                                   represented my indented audience in a appropriate way,
                                   because my magazine was aimed at a younger age range
                                   such as teenagers.

For my masthead I used the font "Aerial” Bold. I chose this because this type of font connotes the idea of a
R&B existing media product. For example, as seen below Aerial font is similar to VIBE, I therefore chose this
font because it stands out, is eye-catching and challenges the conventions of a existing media product as this
particular font is similar used in a R&B magazine which will therefore develop the conventions of a existing
media product. I also used a bold, large font size because it challenges the conventions of an existing media
product that is similar to mine, for instance “Vibe” is a R&B magazine that is the same genre as my media
product, I therefore chose to use this particular font size because its is similar to “Vibe” and “XXL” is eye-
For my masthead I used the text size 152t because this challenges the codes and
conventions of a real existing media product because , whilst I analysed existing media
products such as Vive and XXL I identified that this text size would be similar to those
existing music magazines. As a result, I therefore chose this type of text size because my
media product would therefore develop and challenge the conventions of appearing the
same as an exiting product.

 I have also placed an eye-catching red banner behind the masthead because this would
 make my layout and page design appear appropriate of an existing media product. E.g.
 whilst I analysed XXL I identified they used a banner behind their masthead. I therefore
 chose to do the same because my magazine would therefore challenge the convention of an
 exiting media product.
I chose to use the sell line “Let’s Face The Music” because it connotes the idea of challenging the
codes and conventions of an existing media product. For example, whilst analysing an existing media
product such as “The Source” I identified that “The Source” uses a sell line. I therefore chose to use
this similar to “The Source” because my media product would therefore challenge the conventions of
an existing media product because it is similar to the genre I have chose R&B.

Similar to Vibe magazine and NME, I have placed 2 banners at the top and bottom of my front cover
including artists names, I have chose to do this because its challenges the code and conventions of
existing media products which will therefore develop my media product to appear like a existing media
product. I chose the colours; blue, red and gold because it challenges the codes and conventions of an
R&B music magazine because the colours draw and eye-catching attention towards the audience's.

                  I have followed the conventions of an appropriate layout and page design for my
                  media product, For instance, I have placed a circle near the corner of my magazine
                  (front cover) saying “Win all 50 albums of the year”. I have completed this because
                  most R&B magazines and other genres tend to offer free CD’s with their magazine. I
                  therefore chose the same because this is relevant to my age range of my magazine,
                  For example, most young adults and teenagers that own computers, laptops, and
                  DVD players, can play the CD, or they can even burn or rip the CD to programmes
                  such as; windows Media Player. The boldness of the white and black text against the
                  bright red background contrasts and stands out. s
Similar to “Vibe” and “XXL” my media product develops and challenges the conventions of an existing
media product. For instance, I have used a right-side third because usually the important and eye-
catching information is displayed here on a magazine. However, some other existing media products
have this placed on the left-side third. However, I recognised that it would be more effective to place it
on the right-side third in order to attract more readers. I have establish that the artists names , contrast
out in a gold and red font against a white background because, to make it stand out and appear
attention-grabbing. I have also used the font “Aerial” because it’s a bold font and connotes the impact
of an existing media product as this font type is used in “Vibe”.

    The layout of my magazine and page design challenges the conventions of an existing media
    product. For instance, similar to “XXL” I decided to use black bold stripes because they are
    striking, eye-catching and contrast against a white background which demonstrates that my
    media product uses and challenges the conventions of an existing medias product as this is
    portrayed in an “XXL” magazine which is a similar genre to my magazine.
I laid my headline out similar to “Vibe” I used Aerial font because this makes my headline stand out to
appear, bold and eye-catching the reason I chose this particular font is because I required the font to
stand out towards my intended audience and appear to be striking, as it is aimed at a young audience
ages ranging between 16-19. I used the colour fonts red, blue and gold because they are a consistent
colour scheme that is appropriate for a consistent house style. The bright red and gold stands out against
a black background behind the model’s clothing. This house style is also a typical R&B magazine style.

I have followed the codes and conventions of the “Vibe”, “The Source” and “NME” magazines by
placing a barcode, this denotes that I have followed the conventions of “R&B” music magazines. After
analyzing existing barcodes, I felt that there types of designs were good as they contained, a date,
price and a website. I have replicated this because it challenges the codes and conventions of an
existing media product.
The image that I have used follow the codes and conventions of
                             similar existing media products such as “Vibe”. E.G. I have used a
                             appropriate shot distance such as; a mid-shot photo as this is an
                             appropriate shot distance portrayed in many existing media
                             products such as “vibe”. I have chosen a female model, I have
                             required my model with various use of mise-en-sence relating to the
                             sub-genre R&B. My model is wearing sliver jewellery, a silver
                             necklace and silver bracelets which is typical among R&B genre.
                             This challenges the conventions of a real media product such as a
                             R&B genre which creates a “Bling” which is a code that is a part of a
                             R&B genre relating to dashing, eye-catching jewellery.
                            The language that I have used is typical of R&B magazines, using puffs
                            such as “Fashion”. This is typical R&B language as “Fashion” is well
                            known topic and word in the genre.
However, I displayed the masthead over the top of the models head, so that the masthead is
recognisable and not hidden, ensuring audiences understand what the music magazine is.

Whilst, creating my music magazine I used a consistent colour
scheme; red, gold and black. I used these colours because I
followed the conventions of a real existing music magazine
because as I researched other magazines I recognised that
they kept a consistent simple colour scheme. I also chose
these eye catching colours because from my questionnaire
results I asked a question “what attracts you to a magazine?” I
found that my intended audience were most attracted to
colours on a music magazine therefore that is why I chose
theses 3 bright eye catching colours; to attract and aware my
intended audience’s attention of my music magazine.
I selected the mise-en-scene of the setting to be portrayed of a white background of my front cover,
 contents and double page spread because, as I analysed Vibe I identified that this white background
 connotes the idea of challenging an existing media product. I therefore chose the setting of my images
 to be taken behind a white background because this challenges the conventions of an existing R&B
 genre magazine, my product would therefore appear to standing out appropriate to be appearing as
 an actual R&B music magazine.
I decided to use an appropriate range of mise-en-scene such as a consistent colour scheme. E.G I
chose to portray my model wearing a blue top underneath a black cardigan, because this denotes the
idea of my product challenging conventions of an existing media product. E.G similarly, shown in Vibe
magazine I have acknowledged that existing media products use a same colour scheme, of the
model’s clothing the same as the text, banners and font of the media product.
I have challenged the conventions of an existing media product by
                    following vibe’s page layout e.g. I have used a mid shot to fill out
                    almost half of the page, along with text written in columns on the left
                    hand side of the page. I chose to use this example the same as Vibe
                    because it develops the conventions of an existing media product.
                     I have challenged the codes and conventions of Vive, XXL and NME
                     magazines. Although, NME is a different genre to my magazine I
                     felt that NME was a good example to use as well because their
                     page layout looks eye-catching. It challenges the themes of black
                     and red colours in order to attract there readers, I therefore
                     decided to use this type of layout and font colours because the
                     house style looks consistent.

I have followed the codes and conventions by following their date and issue style. I have
written the date and issue number so that my intended audience are aware which issue they
are up to date to purchase. I have chosen to use a font that appears to be bold because this
draws the audiences attention. I have used 2 colours blue and white contrasting in front of a
black banner, I used this because its is eye-catching and appears to be attractive drawing the
audiences attention in.
As seen below; I have used NME’s idea for the ‘CONTENTS’ text but using the colours and fonts of my house style to
keep it consistent, even though this magazine is not the same as my genre that I have chosen. I felt that VIBE’s
contents page was a bit plain therefore I researched other existing music magazines. I used an idea from NME by:
inserting a BANNER on my page which makes the text stands out on a coloured background. Whilst researching other
magazines such as VIBE: I felt that there text at the top of the page, the masthead was plain and did not stand out as
much therefore I researched and used NME as another idea and example for my magazine. I also chose to use a
banner because it creates my magazine looking more appearing and attracting and the text to stand out on a coloured
I have also written the website, and the date of the magazine written on a banner; so that my intended audience and
readers can see what month of the magazine they bought. I also chose to do this as many existing magazine's have the
date and logo of the magazine etc this shows that I have followed the conventions of a existing media product.

 I have followed the codes and conventions of a real existing media product e.g. I used a similar style box
 underneath my contents page. I used this because this is very outstanding and creates an eye-catching effect for the
 audiences. I also used a gold and white font in front of a black banner contrasting the 2 colours creating an
 attention-grabbing appeal. I used the font “Impact” because it consists of creating a bold, dramatic effect which
 therefore awakens the appearance of my magazine.
                                 I have placed a Facebook and Twitter icon and website name at the bottom of my
                                 contents page with my magazine name. I have done this because this challenges the
                                 conventions of my intended audience as this is a easy way for me to interact with my
                                 intended audience as it is relevant to their age range as many young adult use social
                                 networking sites to engage with people.
I identified and analysed a variety of different double page spreads, e.g. Vibe
                                         and The Source. I therefore took the majority of my ideas from Vibe and The
                                         Source because I believed that there layout challenged the conventions of an
                                         existing media product because they had outstanding use of imagery, such as
                                         long shots. I also, used the interview questions and answers in: red and black
                                         because this stands out against a white background and makes it clear to
                                         readers which are the questions and answers.

I have used an introduction line below the headline, to
introduce the article to the reader. This has been used
in a variety of magazines e.g. Vibe and The Source. I
recognised that it was a good method so that readers
attention is therefore drawn in. I have used a gold font
to keep my house style consistent and stands out to
my intended audience to keep the reader in view.

I have used a headline (quote) to introduce the artist and demonstrate a hint about what
the artist will talk about. I used this because its challenges and develops the codes and
conventions of existing media products such as, Vibe and The Source.
I have used an appropriate shot distance in my double page spread such as a
long shot. I selected this type of shot because whilst analysing existing media
products, I identified that Vibe use a variety of long shots in their double page
spread. In order, for my product tot then use and challenge conventions of a real
media product, I therefore chose to do the same because this would therefore,
develop the conventions of an appropriate layout and page design of an existing
media product.
My existing media product shown above; develops, challenge's forms and conventions of a real media
product. For instance, I have kept a consistent limited colour scheme red, gold and black because many
existing media products have a consistent colour scheme, therefore I have followed the codes and
conventions of an existing media product.

My media product also uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of a real media product. For
example, by using the correct type of camera shots in my magazine such as; the shot I used in my front
cover was a mid shot. I used a mid shot because this type of shot is meant to be used in a front cover. My
media product also challenge‟s forms and conventions of a real media product as shown in my double page
spread: I used a full shot image because when I researched other double page spreads I recognised that this
is the common type of camera shot that is used in many double page spreads, as this is shown is slide 8.

As a part of taking my images to be used in my media product, I took my images in bright lighting because
my images are seen more clearly, vividly.
How does your media product represent particular
                       social groups?    I have represented the social group with
                                                                         all the images used below. I feel that
                                                                         the images are a good representative as
                                                                         a young male is wearing a red jacket.
                                                                         This is the type of clothing a male would
                                                                         wear who has a interest in R&B genre.
                                                                         The facial expressions of my social
                                                                         group the 3 images represented on the
                                                                         left side represent the genre of my
                                                                         media product such as R&B these facial
                                                                         expressions are they type that are
                                                                         identified in R&B genre, this shows that
                                                                         my medias product represents my social
                                                                         group. 16-19
The particular social group I have used are people aged between 16-19. I have represented people that
stand mainly in the bracket of C1, D and C2, social grades classifying at 68% of general readers. I have
represented my intended audience through the house style of my magazine. I have used colours that are
attractive, but they are bright, so they are recognisable and eye-catching. These colours are red, gold,
black and blue. Which would be colours worn by my intended audience. The layout has a good
composition, able to lead the eye around easily and efficiently the best parts first. I used a bold masthead
which stood out, using the font “Aerial”, which is similar to Vibe magazine. My represented audience wear
tight vest tops, leather jackets, leggings and silver jewellery which is R&B related.
 I have represented R&B genre through the models clothing such as black clothing. When styling
 the model I was assertive that she would also wear silver jewellery as well as wearing black
 clothing. This represents the R&B genre because silver jewellery and black clothing is recognised
 as sexy and is seen as a provocative social group.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media
                   product and why?

Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe‟s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a
worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations. They are
a large media company and can offer many opportunities, this may not be an optional company to distribute my
magazine as Bauer produce music magazines such as “Q” and “Kerrang” which are both not similar to my magazine at

In my opinion I think Bauer would not be the company most suited for my magazine, due to it‟s distribution that is not
that large compare to IPC media. IPC Media export service to 90 countries worldwide selling over 13 million copies every
year where as; Bauer Media do not challenge this.
Final Choice

IPC media magazine publishers they produce over 60 iconic media brands. They estimate 26 million UK
adults that are the print publications, and 20 million online website readers. They have 3 core audiences
and these 3 audiences are men and the rest are upmarket women.

IPC media is a big company as they are selling more than 350 copies each year from its large portfolio of
brands. To help meet the information and complex reporting needs of its business; IPC Media uses the key
financial modules of the Oracle E-Business Suite including Financial Analyser. These Oracle Applicants
were initially implemented and the supported by a third party.

IPC Media‟s worldwide magazine distribution is quite big as the UK‟s leading news trade sales and
Distribution Company, successfully marketing 23% of the total magazine category. IPC Media publisher
strategies are based on unparalleled information and insight, delivering the best operational and retail
service to maximise sales performances. This includes an export service to 90 countries worldwide selling
over 13 million copies every year through a committed team of international specialists, therefore I would
distribute this institution as they are successfully marketing and are achievable institution.

IPC Media distribute their brands across many supermarkets throughout the UK, which broadens the
magazine‟s target audience. Making my magazine available in large supermarkets, which would make it
available to more people, therefore increasing sales as well as my target audience.
Final Choice
IPC Media distribute their brands across many supermarkets throughout the UK, which broadens and
increases their magazine‟s intended audience. Creating my magazine available in large supermarkets would
make it available to more people, therefore increasing sales as well as my target audience.

The fact that IPC already distribute such well known music magazines means that they have customers who
will be interested in a new product of a music magazine, my media product such as; R&B.

AS IPC are a well known successful media institution; they would distribute my media product through many
ways for instance, IPC Media export service to 90 countries worldwide selling over 13 million copies every
year through a committed team of international specialists. Market force‟s category management team
handle magazine range and displays for leading retailers such as WHSmiths, Sainsbury's and Morrison‟s
plus growing magazine sellers Lidl, Esso and BP. This shows that as IPC distribute their brands across
shops such as; supermarkets that increase my target audience and create the popularity and salary.

IPC are a well known successful media institution; I would distribute my magazine through many ways for
instance, IPC distribute their magazines in many different places such as;
shops, supermarkets, online, print, internet and online. The greater opportunities of distributing their
magazine in many different places shows that IPC media are a big well known, successful institution means
that this would create my magazine to become available not only in supermarkets, but other large more
places such as; internet and print creating my magazine to become recognised, well known and more
customers consuming the magazine, which would therefore increase the salary of my media product.
Who would be the audience for your media
The target audience for my magazine is 16-19 year old males and females, who are interested and focused into R&B music. I have
created a reader profile about the target audience for my magazine, showing who my target audience are and possibly what kind of
things could be advertised in my magazine as they represent my target audience's interest. As shown in my reader profile it shows
that my audience are a young age range as Blackberry mobiles has been represented and many young people of the age range 16-
19 year olds consume these mobiles. My reader profile also shows that; my intended audience are interested in fashion, outfits and
clothing and using social networking websites such as; Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, this shows that my audience are interacting
and connecting with people. The age range shows that my audience‟s occupation would sort from students at college or university
and working part-time.

                                As shown in my reader profile my target audience are young males and
                                females who are; mainly studying in education and working part-time. My target
                                audience are much sociable and well at communicating as they use social
                                networking websites such as; Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.

                             My magazine is priced at £3.95 because my results in my questionnaire showed that
                             most people are prepared to pay this price for a magazine. This result from my
                             questionnaire shows that; my intended audience would have the money to purchase
                             the magazine. My creative decision has been shaped by this as this questionnaire
                             result has benefited me to understand my audience, and their feedback as results, on
                             how I can represent and design my magazine.
How did you attract/address your audience?
I created a questionnaire to find out what my target audience thought of existing music magazine's
and what else they would like to see more of in music magazines and what at tract's them to a
magazine. My questionnaire gave my target audience a chance to express their opinion. This therefore
attracted my target audience. I also attracted my audience by using a mid shot image on my front
cover which attracts the reader’s attention because the model’s facial expression brings direct eye
contact straight into the readers eyes which makes the reader find the magazine engaging, curiosity
and want to purchase the magazine. The consistent colour scheme I chose bright: red, gold and black
attracts the audience because they are: eye catching, and attention grabbing which brings the reader
to a connection.      The model in my front cover is
                     wearing an eye-catching blue
                     top; which grabs audience’s
                     attention straight away on the
                     front cover this captivates
                     peoples interest, therefore I used
                     this mid shot as this engages the
                     audience’s attention to buy the         I also attracted and addressed my audience’s
                     magazine.                               attention by; writing a sell line just
The text above the masthead: has well known names of underneath the masthead. This sell line I
R&B artists I applied this because it applies interest to my have used “Life is loud” this sell line sounds
intended audience and attracts them to buy the magazine straight to the point, inquisitiveness and
as well known R&B artists are popular therefore they         positive. This sell line also brings my
would purchase the magazine and the name of the artists audience’s attention forward as this sell line
would attract and interest my intended audience.             is written in a coloured, eye catching font.
I attracted and addressed my target audience in a positive way by creating a
questionnaire; for instance, I asked my target audience how much they are willing to buy a
music magazine this result benefited me and my target audience as they had a chance to
submit which price they are willing to pay for a music magazine. This attracted my target
audience as they have a chance and say in the cost of my music magazine, this attracted
them as my price is reasonable £3.95 where as, some existing magazines are expensive.

I also attracted my target audience in another way in my questionnaire asking; how often
would you buy a music magazine? This attracted my target audience as they have an opinion
of when they would prefer to buy a magazine, weekly or monthly. This attracted my target
audience because the results showed buying a magazine monthly had the highest percentage.
This goes to show that my target audience are willing to buy a magazine monthly.
What have you learnt about technologies from the
           process of constructing the product?
I used Photoshop CSC5 to create my music magazine; and since using this programme, I have
learnt how to edit and manipulate images so they can be used in a real, striking looking magazine,
such as the: front cover, contents page and a double page spread.

I have also learnt a lot about technologies especially from Photoshop, for instance, I have learned
how to use the tools/features to hide or change parts on an image or a layer. I learnt and
experienced that Photoshop was brilliant at changing many stuff on an image for instance, the
lighting, the use and choice of the: Magnetic Lasso Tool to cut out the background of the image
and also cut a coloured background out.

As a part of constructing my media product I have learnt a lot about technologies for instance,
resizing the images without misrepresenting them, was made clear and easier by clicking onto the
„Free Transform‟ button whilst using the „shift key‟ when resizing, this made it a lot easier for me to
edit and resize my images and was helpful, therefore I have learnt much about technologies from
                                        I have learnt much about technologies from the process of constructing my product; for
                                        instance, by using Photoshop CSC5 I have learned that this programme is excellent
                                        and useful as this programme, has many existing tools that have helped me improve
                                        my media product. For instance, the Magnetic Lasso Tool and the Rectangle tool that
                                        created a banner, my text to stand out on a coloured background.

                                             I have experienced that Photoshop is an excellent programme: for
                                             instance, as The Rectangle Tool has created my masthead to stand
                                             out, as this creates a banner and makes my media product appear and
                                             stand out on a coloured background, as an example shown on the left
                                             hand side of my masthead in my media product.
I have learnt much about technologies from the process of constructing my product; for
 instance, for the text on my front cover about the person on the main article “Janet Brown”
 I used 3 layer styles to make the text on my front cover appear eye catching, as the text
 about the main artist in the article is meant to be seen clear and vivid. The 3 layer styles
 that I used were; Effects, Drop Shadow, and Bevel Emboss which are blending tools , since
 using these different tools I have learnt much about technologies such as; Photoshop itself
 the features and layer tools included to blend in text.

Since using Photoshop I have learnt much about the technology itself;
for instance, I learnt how to edit, change and manipulate images so that
they can be used appropriately on my front cover, contents page and
double page. For instance, I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out the
background of my image in my contents page and the magic wand tool,
this therefore made the background of my image appear more vivid and

                                                      I have gained much more knowledge about technologies; from
                                                      the process of constructing my product; for instance, I have
                                                      learnt how to save and back up files onto a USB stick. I used
                                                      my USB stick shown below in the image to save and back up
                                                      my media work so that I always have a copy stored elsewhere
I used the software package; Photoshop to manipulate
                               images. E.g as shown below I used the edit Free Transform
                               tool to re size my images, I re-size the image of my model
                               to make her appear more outstanding. This benefited me
                               because this made the layout of my contents page appear

Photoshop is a good software package for manipulating photographs, for my double page
spread I used the crop tool to crop the image to convert it into a mid shot, as shown
above at first it was a long shot this was not the type of shot I wanted portrayed in my
double page spread, although I liked the models facial expression connoting attitude. I
therefore used the crop tool to re-size and crop the image to make my double page
appear, attractive and eye-catching towards my intended audience.
I have learnt about technologies as apart of my planning through the use of internet: for research into
 similar media products. For instance, whilst planning my magazine by researching media products on
 the internet I have learnt about internet technology as the internet benefited me because it was useful
 for me to understand the ideas of existing media products as I researched the front cover‟s of music
 magazine's such as VIBE which appealed to me to understand existing media products which increased
 my ideas of creating my own magazine. As seen below is a screen shot of the search engine I have
 typed in search.

I have also learnt about technologies from the use of internet. For instance, as a part of my planning I
created a questionnaire on Zoomerang; for my target audience to feedback on ideas of creating my own
music magazine. This use of internet, the website was useful to me as I could analyse the results of my
questionnaire and posted a link of my questionnaire to blogger, as a result my target audience found it
easy to complete my questionnaire as they just had to view my Blog page and then find the link and click
onto it which would open my questionnaire, therefore would open it and my target audience would
complete it which was quick and simple to do.

As a part of using the internet such as using zoomerng; I have learnt about technologies as the internet is
a quick, easy and useful source, such as zoomerang this website benefited me as I was able to create a
survey in order to create a questionnaire, the use of internet of has benefited me as I was able to receive
feedback from my target audience on ideas of creating my own music magazine.
I have learnt about technologies by creating a Blogger account using “Blogger” to post all my work such as;
preliminary task, planning, evaluation and many more. I have learnt a lot about this technology, the website
itself “Blogger” as this website is useful as it is a blog-publishing service that allows users to upload and
publish blogs. I have learnt much since I started to use Blogger for representing my media work as I learnt
many stuff about the website itself that you can only upload JPG and PNG files, therefore to upload my
work I learnt that I must save them as a JPG or a PNG file.

I have also learnt about technologies from the process of constructing my product. For instance, I have learnt
much about taking my photographs, such as; using a good camera shown above my Samsung which has a 5x
zoom lens. I have learnt many different facts about taking my photographs for example, the lighting I recognised
that some of the shots that I took were slightly dark, therefore I re took my images to get the correct type of shot.
I also learnt a lot things about technology from using my digital camera such as; the framing , I learnt to take
images correctly instead of cropping the top of the model‟s head in my image as a part of taking my
photographs, I learnt how to get the corrects type of framing.
As a part of taking my photographs I have also learnt the type of props to include; for instance, mise-en-scene. I
have learnt that which type of jewellery and clothing, my model should ware to make my images appear eye
catching and match my colour scheme. In the image below, using my digital camera benefited me as the
photograph came up clear showing the mise-en-scene showing up clearly for instance the jewellery worn, this
shows that the jewellery worn is the correct type for an R&B genre as it creates a silver eye catching bling look
for instance, in my front cover magazine below the model‟s necklace creates and attention grabbing R&B look.

I have learnt much about technologies from the process of constructing
my product; for instance, using Blogger to present my work and asking
my audience to make comments on it.
I used Photoshop to create my magazine, it was a useful software to create
my media product because I was able to create layers which allowed me to
over lap text over images and the background. It gave me a good insight to
acknowledge how to edit images. E.G. I was able to use the magnetic lasso
tool to cut bits of images out that did not look appropriate.
     To take the images for my magazine I used a digital camera. I did this so that I could
     take a large amount of image as opposed to a smaller amount on a film camera. I
     could easily transport my images from one place to another. I could also edit my
     digital images and use them more effectively. I acknowledge that this type camera
     (technology) was a good camera to use because it zoomed up to 5x the lighting was
     also clear, visual and bright. This therefore benefited me to take my images. As a
     result, the lighting in my images appeared clear.
     I used publisher to create my reader profile and preliminary task. I
     found it very easy to use because it is a simple programme however,
     you can also create work precisely and colourfully. This benefited me
     because I could manipulate text boxes and align text.
                 I used slideshare to upload my work to my blog because, on
                 some software's and programmes I tried to use did not save as
                 JPEGS. I acknowledged that it was a good website to use to
                 upload word documents and PowerPoint's to blog websites.
                 Slideshare benefited because it was easy, useful and helpful to
                 upload my work onto my blog.
Looking back at your preliminary task , what do you feel you
         have learnt in the progression from it to be the full product?
                         I named my preliminary task magazine „NEGUS AMBITION‟ and used the house
                         style of blue, red and white. I have learnt that the house style is important when
                         following conventions because a consistent house style makes the magazine look
                         professional. However, the house style on my preliminary task looks simple and
                         ordinary, and doesn‟t attract much attention.
                         My preliminary task, is more basic than my final magazine because; it includes a
                         my masthead which is not very enlarged compared to my front cover magazine
                         shown. My preliminary task is also much basic than my final magazine as my front
                         cover has much for feature's included such as; a barcode, enraged masthead,
                         issue number, website name and text written above my masthead where as, my
                         preliminary task does not have any of this included and is much more basic.
I also learnt that the layout is a very important part of creating a successful magazine as well as the images and text used. On my
preliminary task front cover, I used an mid-shot image of student looking happy and joyful as she's has succeeded great exam
results. However, I could have re took the image to improve the lighting, as it was a little bit too bright, therefore I feel that I have
learnt progression from it to the full product and that my preliminary task is more basic than my final magazine.

My preliminary task follows similar conventions of my final magazine. For instance, both my preliminary task and final magazine-
front cover have a masthead placed at the top of the page. My preliminary task and final magazine follow the similar conventions;
for instance, they both have an mid-shot image portrayed on the cover this follows the codes and conventions as a mid shot
image, as this is meant to be used in a music magazine front cover and a school magazine front page, therefore they are both
similar and follow the codes and conventions. My preliminary task and final magazine follow similar convention. For instance, they
both require a; date, issue number, masthead, image and copy (text).
Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel I have learnt a lot in the progression
from it to the full product; for instance, the images used in my full product my
final magazine, using Photoshop I could edit and improve them as I made an
improvement. Where as for my preliminary task I did not use Photoshop to edit
or manipulate any of my images. Another improvement I feel I have improved
from my preliminary task to my full product (my final magazine) is the text that I
typed in my double page spread of my music magazine. I thought carefully what
type of text to write in my magazine: for instance, an interview of the R&B artist
in my magazine I have used and how my target audience would find this
interview interesting.
Progression Chart

I made some drafts of my magazine before creating the real actual product: so that I could try out my ideas and show my
intended audience what could be improved or changed etc. I made the first draft using Microsoft Publisher; the first one is
just text so I could create a plan to get an idea of how my layout, would appear to look like for my magazine.

In my draft the front cover; I created a change in my masthead as the size of it was not suitable and enlarged enough for a
masthead which appeared and looked odd. I also changed the colour of the text as this looked boring and simple. I made
an improvement by changing my colour to red and gold as shown in the next slide. I also made an improvement in my
masthead by creating a banner as now my masthead stands out on a coloured background.

I have also made an improvement in my double page spread I changed the colour in my questions to red: as the questions
in my interview now stand out, appear noticeable and eye catching. I also made an improvement by changing the
questions to a red eye catching colour as my media product now has a better colour scheme than before in my drafts.
Progression Chart

I also feel as I have made a progressive improvement from my preliminary task and the codes and
conventions from what I have learnt that have now contributed to my music magazine. However I still feel I
could have improved my music magazine. For instance, I could have asked the model in my images to wear
better clothing that are portrayed in R&B magazines. To improve the photography and images appear
better, I could have provided the model in my contents with silver jewellery to create the mise-ne-scene of
my magazine to make it appear like a proper R&B magazine.
I have made improvement by placing two banners on my front page above and below the top of
the page. I have also placed a circle near the corner I have done this because this is how an
existing media product looks like, therefore I want mine to look the same.
I have re sized the image on my contents page of my model, I done this because the image now
looks correctly distant and takes up nearly half of the page.
I have aligned my double page spread e.g. The interview questions and answers are aligned in
the correct position. I have also, added tour dates on the side of my page I completed this
because I felt that it is relevant to place this in a double page spread as many existing magazines
have this kind of tile.

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Media music magazine evaluation

  • 1. Media Music Magazine Evaluation By sharondeep Bachra
  • 2. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? The genre for my music magazine is R&B. In order to challenge the conventions of a real media product I analysed 4 existing magazines that are similar to mine. Although, NME is a rock genre I chose to challenge the codes and conventions of this media product because I believe that their layout is eye-catching and develops more of a existing product look compared to VIBE. I chose various parts of each magazine and challenged the conventions by using them in my own magazine. The reason why I used these pieces from each magazine is because whilst analysing them, I felt that they represented my indented audience in a appropriate way, because my magazine was aimed at a younger age range such as teenagers. For my masthead I used the font "Aerial” Bold. I chose this because this type of font connotes the idea of a R&B existing media product. For example, as seen below Aerial font is similar to VIBE, I therefore chose this font because it stands out, is eye-catching and challenges the conventions of a existing media product as this particular font is similar used in a R&B magazine which will therefore develop the conventions of a existing media product. I also used a bold, large font size because it challenges the conventions of an existing media product that is similar to mine, for instance “Vibe” is a R&B magazine that is the same genre as my media product, I therefore chose to use this particular font size because its is similar to “Vibe” and “XXL” is eye- catching
  • 3. For my masthead I used the text size 152t because this challenges the codes and conventions of a real existing media product because , whilst I analysed existing media products such as Vive and XXL I identified that this text size would be similar to those existing music magazines. As a result, I therefore chose this type of text size because my media product would therefore develop and challenge the conventions of appearing the same as an exiting product. I have also placed an eye-catching red banner behind the masthead because this would make my layout and page design appear appropriate of an existing media product. E.g. whilst I analysed XXL I identified they used a banner behind their masthead. I therefore chose to do the same because my magazine would therefore challenge the convention of an exiting media product.
  • 4. I chose to use the sell line “Let’s Face The Music” because it connotes the idea of challenging the codes and conventions of an existing media product. For example, whilst analysing an existing media product such as “The Source” I identified that “The Source” uses a sell line. I therefore chose to use this similar to “The Source” because my media product would therefore challenge the conventions of an existing media product because it is similar to the genre I have chose R&B. Similar to Vibe magazine and NME, I have placed 2 banners at the top and bottom of my front cover including artists names, I have chose to do this because its challenges the code and conventions of existing media products which will therefore develop my media product to appear like a existing media product. I chose the colours; blue, red and gold because it challenges the codes and conventions of an R&B music magazine because the colours draw and eye-catching attention towards the audience's. I have followed the conventions of an appropriate layout and page design for my media product, For instance, I have placed a circle near the corner of my magazine (front cover) saying “Win all 50 albums of the year”. I have completed this because most R&B magazines and other genres tend to offer free CD’s with their magazine. I therefore chose the same because this is relevant to my age range of my magazine, For example, most young adults and teenagers that own computers, laptops, and DVD players, can play the CD, or they can even burn or rip the CD to programmes such as; windows Media Player. The boldness of the white and black text against the bright red background contrasts and stands out. s
  • 5. Similar to “Vibe” and “XXL” my media product develops and challenges the conventions of an existing media product. For instance, I have used a right-side third because usually the important and eye- catching information is displayed here on a magazine. However, some other existing media products have this placed on the left-side third. However, I recognised that it would be more effective to place it on the right-side third in order to attract more readers. I have establish that the artists names , contrast out in a gold and red font against a white background because, to make it stand out and appear attention-grabbing. I have also used the font “Aerial” because it’s a bold font and connotes the impact of an existing media product as this font type is used in “Vibe”. The layout of my magazine and page design challenges the conventions of an existing media product. For instance, similar to “XXL” I decided to use black bold stripes because they are striking, eye-catching and contrast against a white background which demonstrates that my media product uses and challenges the conventions of an existing medias product as this is portrayed in an “XXL” magazine which is a similar genre to my magazine.
  • 6. I laid my headline out similar to “Vibe” I used Aerial font because this makes my headline stand out to appear, bold and eye-catching the reason I chose this particular font is because I required the font to stand out towards my intended audience and appear to be striking, as it is aimed at a young audience ages ranging between 16-19. I used the colour fonts red, blue and gold because they are a consistent colour scheme that is appropriate for a consistent house style. The bright red and gold stands out against a black background behind the model’s clothing. This house style is also a typical R&B magazine style. I have followed the codes and conventions of the “Vibe”, “The Source” and “NME” magazines by placing a barcode, this denotes that I have followed the conventions of “R&B” music magazines. After analyzing existing barcodes, I felt that there types of designs were good as they contained, a date, price and a website. I have replicated this because it challenges the codes and conventions of an existing media product.
  • 7. The image that I have used follow the codes and conventions of similar existing media products such as “Vibe”. E.G. I have used a appropriate shot distance such as; a mid-shot photo as this is an appropriate shot distance portrayed in many existing media products such as “vibe”. I have chosen a female model, I have required my model with various use of mise-en-sence relating to the sub-genre R&B. My model is wearing sliver jewellery, a silver necklace and silver bracelets which is typical among R&B genre. This challenges the conventions of a real media product such as a R&B genre which creates a “Bling” which is a code that is a part of a R&B genre relating to dashing, eye-catching jewellery. The language that I have used is typical of R&B magazines, using puffs such as “Fashion”. This is typical R&B language as “Fashion” is well known topic and word in the genre. However, I displayed the masthead over the top of the models head, so that the masthead is recognisable and not hidden, ensuring audiences understand what the music magazine is. Whilst, creating my music magazine I used a consistent colour scheme; red, gold and black. I used these colours because I followed the conventions of a real existing music magazine because as I researched other magazines I recognised that they kept a consistent simple colour scheme. I also chose these eye catching colours because from my questionnaire results I asked a question “what attracts you to a magazine?” I found that my intended audience were most attracted to colours on a music magazine therefore that is why I chose theses 3 bright eye catching colours; to attract and aware my intended audience’s attention of my music magazine.
  • 8. I selected the mise-en-scene of the setting to be portrayed of a white background of my front cover, contents and double page spread because, as I analysed Vibe I identified that this white background connotes the idea of challenging an existing media product. I therefore chose the setting of my images to be taken behind a white background because this challenges the conventions of an existing R&B genre magazine, my product would therefore appear to standing out appropriate to be appearing as an actual R&B music magazine. I decided to use an appropriate range of mise-en-scene such as a consistent colour scheme. E.G I chose to portray my model wearing a blue top underneath a black cardigan, because this denotes the idea of my product challenging conventions of an existing media product. E.G similarly, shown in Vibe magazine I have acknowledged that existing media products use a same colour scheme, of the model’s clothing the same as the text, banners and font of the media product.
  • 9. I have challenged the conventions of an existing media product by following vibe’s page layout e.g. I have used a mid shot to fill out almost half of the page, along with text written in columns on the left hand side of the page. I chose to use this example the same as Vibe because it develops the conventions of an existing media product. I have challenged the codes and conventions of Vive, XXL and NME magazines. Although, NME is a different genre to my magazine I felt that NME was a good example to use as well because their page layout looks eye-catching. It challenges the themes of black and red colours in order to attract there readers, I therefore decided to use this type of layout and font colours because the house style looks consistent. I have followed the codes and conventions by following their date and issue style. I have written the date and issue number so that my intended audience are aware which issue they are up to date to purchase. I have chosen to use a font that appears to be bold because this draws the audiences attention. I have used 2 colours blue and white contrasting in front of a black banner, I used this because its is eye-catching and appears to be attractive drawing the audiences attention in.
  • 10. As seen below; I have used NME’s idea for the ‘CONTENTS’ text but using the colours and fonts of my house style to keep it consistent, even though this magazine is not the same as my genre that I have chosen. I felt that VIBE’s contents page was a bit plain therefore I researched other existing music magazines. I used an idea from NME by: inserting a BANNER on my page which makes the text stands out on a coloured background. Whilst researching other magazines such as VIBE: I felt that there text at the top of the page, the masthead was plain and did not stand out as much therefore I researched and used NME as another idea and example for my magazine. I also chose to use a banner because it creates my magazine looking more appearing and attracting and the text to stand out on a coloured background. I have also written the website, and the date of the magazine written on a banner; so that my intended audience and readers can see what month of the magazine they bought. I also chose to do this as many existing magazine's have the date and logo of the magazine etc this shows that I have followed the conventions of a existing media product. I have followed the codes and conventions of a real existing media product e.g. I used a similar style box underneath my contents page. I used this because this is very outstanding and creates an eye-catching effect for the audiences. I also used a gold and white font in front of a black banner contrasting the 2 colours creating an attention-grabbing appeal. I used the font “Impact” because it consists of creating a bold, dramatic effect which therefore awakens the appearance of my magazine. I have placed a Facebook and Twitter icon and website name at the bottom of my contents page with my magazine name. I have done this because this challenges the conventions of my intended audience as this is a easy way for me to interact with my intended audience as it is relevant to their age range as many young adult use social networking sites to engage with people.
  • 11. I identified and analysed a variety of different double page spreads, e.g. Vibe and The Source. I therefore took the majority of my ideas from Vibe and The Source because I believed that there layout challenged the conventions of an existing media product because they had outstanding use of imagery, such as long shots. I also, used the interview questions and answers in: red and black because this stands out against a white background and makes it clear to readers which are the questions and answers. I have used an introduction line below the headline, to introduce the article to the reader. This has been used in a variety of magazines e.g. Vibe and The Source. I recognised that it was a good method so that readers attention is therefore drawn in. I have used a gold font to keep my house style consistent and stands out to my intended audience to keep the reader in view. I have used a headline (quote) to introduce the artist and demonstrate a hint about what the artist will talk about. I used this because its challenges and develops the codes and conventions of existing media products such as, Vibe and The Source. I have used an appropriate shot distance in my double page spread such as a long shot. I selected this type of shot because whilst analysing existing media products, I identified that Vibe use a variety of long shots in their double page spread. In order, for my product tot then use and challenge conventions of a real media product, I therefore chose to do the same because this would therefore, develop the conventions of an appropriate layout and page design of an existing media product.
  • 12. My existing media product shown above; develops, challenge's forms and conventions of a real media product. For instance, I have kept a consistent limited colour scheme red, gold and black because many existing media products have a consistent colour scheme, therefore I have followed the codes and conventions of an existing media product. My media product also uses, develops and challenges forms and conventions of a real media product. For example, by using the correct type of camera shots in my magazine such as; the shot I used in my front cover was a mid shot. I used a mid shot because this type of shot is meant to be used in a front cover. My media product also challenge‟s forms and conventions of a real media product as shown in my double page spread: I used a full shot image because when I researched other double page spreads I recognised that this is the common type of camera shot that is used in many double page spreads, as this is shown is slide 8. As a part of taking my images to be used in my media product, I took my images in bright lighting because my images are seen more clearly, vividly.
  • 13. How does your media product represent particular social groups? I have represented the social group with all the images used below. I feel that the images are a good representative as a young male is wearing a red jacket. This is the type of clothing a male would wear who has a interest in R&B genre. The facial expressions of my social group the 3 images represented on the left side represent the genre of my media product such as R&B these facial expressions are they type that are identified in R&B genre, this shows that my medias product represents my social group. 16-19 The particular social group I have used are people aged between 16-19. I have represented people that stand mainly in the bracket of C1, D and C2, social grades classifying at 68% of general readers. I have represented my intended audience through the house style of my magazine. I have used colours that are attractive, but they are bright, so they are recognisable and eye-catching. These colours are red, gold, black and blue. Which would be colours worn by my intended audience. The layout has a good composition, able to lead the eye around easily and efficiently the best parts first. I used a bold masthead which stood out, using the font “Aerial”, which is similar to Vibe magazine. My represented audience wear tight vest tops, leather jackets, leggings and silver jewellery which is R&B related. I have represented R&B genre through the models clothing such as black clothing. When styling the model I was assertive that she would also wear silver jewellery as well as wearing black clothing. This represents the R&B genre because silver jewellery and black clothing is recognised as sexy and is seen as a provocative social group.
  • 14. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Bauer Media is a division of the Bauer Media Group, Europe‟s largest privately owned publishing Group. The Group is a worldwide media empire offering over 300 magazines in 15 countries, as well as online, TV and radio stations. They are a large media company and can offer many opportunities, this may not be an optional company to distribute my magazine as Bauer produce music magazines such as “Q” and “Kerrang” which are both not similar to my magazine at all. In my opinion I think Bauer would not be the company most suited for my magazine, due to it‟s distribution that is not that large compare to IPC media. IPC Media export service to 90 countries worldwide selling over 13 million copies every year where as; Bauer Media do not challenge this.
  • 15. Final Choice IPC media magazine publishers they produce over 60 iconic media brands. They estimate 26 million UK adults that are the print publications, and 20 million online website readers. They have 3 core audiences and these 3 audiences are men and the rest are upmarket women. IPC media is a big company as they are selling more than 350 copies each year from its large portfolio of brands. To help meet the information and complex reporting needs of its business; IPC Media uses the key financial modules of the Oracle E-Business Suite including Financial Analyser. These Oracle Applicants were initially implemented and the supported by a third party. IPC Media‟s worldwide magazine distribution is quite big as the UK‟s leading news trade sales and Distribution Company, successfully marketing 23% of the total magazine category. IPC Media publisher strategies are based on unparalleled information and insight, delivering the best operational and retail service to maximise sales performances. This includes an export service to 90 countries worldwide selling over 13 million copies every year through a committed team of international specialists, therefore I would distribute this institution as they are successfully marketing and are achievable institution. IPC Media distribute their brands across many supermarkets throughout the UK, which broadens the magazine‟s target audience. Making my magazine available in large supermarkets, which would make it available to more people, therefore increasing sales as well as my target audience.
  • 16. Final Choice IPC Media distribute their brands across many supermarkets throughout the UK, which broadens and increases their magazine‟s intended audience. Creating my magazine available in large supermarkets would make it available to more people, therefore increasing sales as well as my target audience. The fact that IPC already distribute such well known music magazines means that they have customers who will be interested in a new product of a music magazine, my media product such as; R&B. AS IPC are a well known successful media institution; they would distribute my media product through many ways for instance, IPC Media export service to 90 countries worldwide selling over 13 million copies every year through a committed team of international specialists. Market force‟s category management team handle magazine range and displays for leading retailers such as WHSmiths, Sainsbury's and Morrison‟s plus growing magazine sellers Lidl, Esso and BP. This shows that as IPC distribute their brands across shops such as; supermarkets that increase my target audience and create the popularity and salary. IPC are a well known successful media institution; I would distribute my magazine through many ways for instance, IPC distribute their magazines in many different places such as; shops, supermarkets, online, print, internet and online. The greater opportunities of distributing their magazine in many different places shows that IPC media are a big well known, successful institution means that this would create my magazine to become available not only in supermarkets, but other large more places such as; internet and print creating my magazine to become recognised, well known and more customers consuming the magazine, which would therefore increase the salary of my media product.
  • 17. Who would be the audience for your media product? The target audience for my magazine is 16-19 year old males and females, who are interested and focused into R&B music. I have created a reader profile about the target audience for my magazine, showing who my target audience are and possibly what kind of things could be advertised in my magazine as they represent my target audience's interest. As shown in my reader profile it shows that my audience are a young age range as Blackberry mobiles has been represented and many young people of the age range 16- 19 year olds consume these mobiles. My reader profile also shows that; my intended audience are interested in fashion, outfits and clothing and using social networking websites such as; Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, this shows that my audience are interacting and connecting with people. The age range shows that my audience‟s occupation would sort from students at college or university and working part-time. As shown in my reader profile my target audience are young males and females who are; mainly studying in education and working part-time. My target audience are much sociable and well at communicating as they use social networking websites such as; Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. My magazine is priced at £3.95 because my results in my questionnaire showed that most people are prepared to pay this price for a magazine. This result from my questionnaire shows that; my intended audience would have the money to purchase the magazine. My creative decision has been shaped by this as this questionnaire result has benefited me to understand my audience, and their feedback as results, on how I can represent and design my magazine.
  • 18. How did you attract/address your audience? I created a questionnaire to find out what my target audience thought of existing music magazine's and what else they would like to see more of in music magazines and what at tract's them to a magazine. My questionnaire gave my target audience a chance to express their opinion. This therefore attracted my target audience. I also attracted my audience by using a mid shot image on my front cover which attracts the reader’s attention because the model’s facial expression brings direct eye contact straight into the readers eyes which makes the reader find the magazine engaging, curiosity and want to purchase the magazine. The consistent colour scheme I chose bright: red, gold and black attracts the audience because they are: eye catching, and attention grabbing which brings the reader to a connection. The model in my front cover is wearing an eye-catching blue top; which grabs audience’s attention straight away on the front cover this captivates peoples interest, therefore I used this mid shot as this engages the audience’s attention to buy the I also attracted and addressed my audience’s magazine. attention by; writing a sell line just The text above the masthead: has well known names of underneath the masthead. This sell line I R&B artists I applied this because it applies interest to my have used “Life is loud” this sell line sounds intended audience and attracts them to buy the magazine straight to the point, inquisitiveness and as well known R&B artists are popular therefore they positive. This sell line also brings my would purchase the magazine and the name of the artists audience’s attention forward as this sell line would attract and interest my intended audience. is written in a coloured, eye catching font.
  • 19. I attracted and addressed my target audience in a positive way by creating a questionnaire; for instance, I asked my target audience how much they are willing to buy a music magazine this result benefited me and my target audience as they had a chance to submit which price they are willing to pay for a music magazine. This attracted my target audience as they have a chance and say in the cost of my music magazine, this attracted them as my price is reasonable £3.95 where as, some existing magazines are expensive. I also attracted my target audience in another way in my questionnaire asking; how often would you buy a music magazine? This attracted my target audience as they have an opinion of when they would prefer to buy a magazine, weekly or monthly. This attracted my target audience because the results showed buying a magazine monthly had the highest percentage. This goes to show that my target audience are willing to buy a magazine monthly.
  • 20. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product? I used Photoshop CSC5 to create my music magazine; and since using this programme, I have learnt how to edit and manipulate images so they can be used in a real, striking looking magazine, such as the: front cover, contents page and a double page spread. I have also learnt a lot about technologies especially from Photoshop, for instance, I have learned how to use the tools/features to hide or change parts on an image or a layer. I learnt and experienced that Photoshop was brilliant at changing many stuff on an image for instance, the lighting, the use and choice of the: Magnetic Lasso Tool to cut out the background of the image and also cut a coloured background out. As a part of constructing my media product I have learnt a lot about technologies for instance, resizing the images without misrepresenting them, was made clear and easier by clicking onto the „Free Transform‟ button whilst using the „shift key‟ when resizing, this made it a lot easier for me to edit and resize my images and was helpful, therefore I have learnt much about technologies from Photoshop. I have learnt much about technologies from the process of constructing my product; for instance, by using Photoshop CSC5 I have learned that this programme is excellent and useful as this programme, has many existing tools that have helped me improve my media product. For instance, the Magnetic Lasso Tool and the Rectangle tool that created a banner, my text to stand out on a coloured background. I have experienced that Photoshop is an excellent programme: for instance, as The Rectangle Tool has created my masthead to stand out, as this creates a banner and makes my media product appear and stand out on a coloured background, as an example shown on the left hand side of my masthead in my media product.
  • 21. I have learnt much about technologies from the process of constructing my product; for instance, for the text on my front cover about the person on the main article “Janet Brown” I used 3 layer styles to make the text on my front cover appear eye catching, as the text about the main artist in the article is meant to be seen clear and vivid. The 3 layer styles that I used were; Effects, Drop Shadow, and Bevel Emboss which are blending tools , since using these different tools I have learnt much about technologies such as; Photoshop itself the features and layer tools included to blend in text. Since using Photoshop I have learnt much about the technology itself; for instance, I learnt how to edit, change and manipulate images so that they can be used appropriately on my front cover, contents page and double page. For instance, I used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out the background of my image in my contents page and the magic wand tool, this therefore made the background of my image appear more vivid and appropriate. I have gained much more knowledge about technologies; from the process of constructing my product; for instance, I have learnt how to save and back up files onto a USB stick. I used my USB stick shown below in the image to save and back up my media work so that I always have a copy stored elsewhere safely.
  • 22. I used the software package; Photoshop to manipulate images. E.g as shown below I used the edit Free Transform tool to re size my images, I re-size the image of my model to make her appear more outstanding. This benefited me because this made the layout of my contents page appear appropriate. Photoshop is a good software package for manipulating photographs, for my double page spread I used the crop tool to crop the image to convert it into a mid shot, as shown above at first it was a long shot this was not the type of shot I wanted portrayed in my double page spread, although I liked the models facial expression connoting attitude. I therefore used the crop tool to re-size and crop the image to make my double page appear, attractive and eye-catching towards my intended audience.
  • 23. I have learnt about technologies as apart of my planning through the use of internet: for research into similar media products. For instance, whilst planning my magazine by researching media products on the internet I have learnt about internet technology as the internet benefited me because it was useful for me to understand the ideas of existing media products as I researched the front cover‟s of music magazine's such as VIBE which appealed to me to understand existing media products which increased my ideas of creating my own magazine. As seen below is a screen shot of the search engine I have typed in search. I have also learnt about technologies from the use of internet. For instance, as a part of my planning I created a questionnaire on Zoomerang; for my target audience to feedback on ideas of creating my own music magazine. This use of internet, the website was useful to me as I could analyse the results of my questionnaire and posted a link of my questionnaire to blogger, as a result my target audience found it easy to complete my questionnaire as they just had to view my Blog page and then find the link and click onto it which would open my questionnaire, therefore would open it and my target audience would complete it which was quick and simple to do. As a part of using the internet such as using zoomerng; I have learnt about technologies as the internet is a quick, easy and useful source, such as zoomerang this website benefited me as I was able to create a survey in order to create a questionnaire, the use of internet of has benefited me as I was able to receive feedback from my target audience on ideas of creating my own music magazine.
  • 24. I have learnt about technologies by creating a Blogger account using “Blogger” to post all my work such as; preliminary task, planning, evaluation and many more. I have learnt a lot about this technology, the website itself “Blogger” as this website is useful as it is a blog-publishing service that allows users to upload and publish blogs. I have learnt much since I started to use Blogger for representing my media work as I learnt many stuff about the website itself that you can only upload JPG and PNG files, therefore to upload my work I learnt that I must save them as a JPG or a PNG file. I have also learnt about technologies from the process of constructing my product. For instance, I have learnt much about taking my photographs, such as; using a good camera shown above my Samsung which has a 5x zoom lens. I have learnt many different facts about taking my photographs for example, the lighting I recognised that some of the shots that I took were slightly dark, therefore I re took my images to get the correct type of shot. I also learnt a lot things about technology from using my digital camera such as; the framing , I learnt to take images correctly instead of cropping the top of the model‟s head in my image as a part of taking my photographs, I learnt how to get the corrects type of framing. As a part of taking my photographs I have also learnt the type of props to include; for instance, mise-en-scene. I have learnt that which type of jewellery and clothing, my model should ware to make my images appear eye catching and match my colour scheme. In the image below, using my digital camera benefited me as the photograph came up clear showing the mise-en-scene showing up clearly for instance the jewellery worn, this shows that the jewellery worn is the correct type for an R&B genre as it creates a silver eye catching bling look for instance, in my front cover magazine below the model‟s necklace creates and attention grabbing R&B look. I have learnt much about technologies from the process of constructing my product; for instance, using Blogger to present my work and asking my audience to make comments on it.
  • 25. I used Photoshop to create my magazine, it was a useful software to create my media product because I was able to create layers which allowed me to over lap text over images and the background. It gave me a good insight to acknowledge how to edit images. E.G. I was able to use the magnetic lasso tool to cut bits of images out that did not look appropriate. To take the images for my magazine I used a digital camera. I did this so that I could take a large amount of image as opposed to a smaller amount on a film camera. I could easily transport my images from one place to another. I could also edit my digital images and use them more effectively. I acknowledge that this type camera (technology) was a good camera to use because it zoomed up to 5x the lighting was also clear, visual and bright. This therefore benefited me to take my images. As a result, the lighting in my images appeared clear. I used publisher to create my reader profile and preliminary task. I found it very easy to use because it is a simple programme however, you can also create work precisely and colourfully. This benefited me because I could manipulate text boxes and align text. I used slideshare to upload my work to my blog because, on some software's and programmes I tried to use did not save as JPEGS. I acknowledged that it was a good website to use to upload word documents and PowerPoint's to blog websites. Slideshare benefited because it was easy, useful and helpful to upload my work onto my blog.
  • 26. Looking back at your preliminary task , what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to be the full product? I named my preliminary task magazine „NEGUS AMBITION‟ and used the house style of blue, red and white. I have learnt that the house style is important when following conventions because a consistent house style makes the magazine look professional. However, the house style on my preliminary task looks simple and ordinary, and doesn‟t attract much attention. My preliminary task, is more basic than my final magazine because; it includes a my masthead which is not very enlarged compared to my front cover magazine shown. My preliminary task is also much basic than my final magazine as my front cover has much for feature's included such as; a barcode, enraged masthead, issue number, website name and text written above my masthead where as, my preliminary task does not have any of this included and is much more basic. I also learnt that the layout is a very important part of creating a successful magazine as well as the images and text used. On my preliminary task front cover, I used an mid-shot image of student looking happy and joyful as she's has succeeded great exam results. However, I could have re took the image to improve the lighting, as it was a little bit too bright, therefore I feel that I have learnt progression from it to the full product and that my preliminary task is more basic than my final magazine. My preliminary task follows similar conventions of my final magazine. For instance, both my preliminary task and final magazine- front cover have a masthead placed at the top of the page. My preliminary task and final magazine follow the similar conventions; for instance, they both have an mid-shot image portrayed on the cover this follows the codes and conventions as a mid shot image, as this is meant to be used in a music magazine front cover and a school magazine front page, therefore they are both similar and follow the codes and conventions. My preliminary task and final magazine follow similar convention. For instance, they both require a; date, issue number, masthead, image and copy (text). Looking back at my preliminary task, I feel I have learnt a lot in the progression from it to the full product; for instance, the images used in my full product my final magazine, using Photoshop I could edit and improve them as I made an improvement. Where as for my preliminary task I did not use Photoshop to edit or manipulate any of my images. Another improvement I feel I have improved from my preliminary task to my full product (my final magazine) is the text that I typed in my double page spread of my music magazine. I thought carefully what type of text to write in my magazine: for instance, an interview of the R&B artist in my magazine I have used and how my target audience would find this interview interesting.
  • 27. Progression Chart I made some drafts of my magazine before creating the real actual product: so that I could try out my ideas and show my intended audience what could be improved or changed etc. I made the first draft using Microsoft Publisher; the first one is just text so I could create a plan to get an idea of how my layout, would appear to look like for my magazine. In my draft the front cover; I created a change in my masthead as the size of it was not suitable and enlarged enough for a masthead which appeared and looked odd. I also changed the colour of the text as this looked boring and simple. I made an improvement by changing my colour to red and gold as shown in the next slide. I also made an improvement in my masthead by creating a banner as now my masthead stands out on a coloured background. I have also made an improvement in my double page spread I changed the colour in my questions to red: as the questions in my interview now stand out, appear noticeable and eye catching. I also made an improvement by changing the questions to a red eye catching colour as my media product now has a better colour scheme than before in my drafts.
  • 28. Progression Chart I also feel as I have made a progressive improvement from my preliminary task and the codes and conventions from what I have learnt that have now contributed to my music magazine. However I still feel I could have improved my music magazine. For instance, I could have asked the model in my images to wear better clothing that are portrayed in R&B magazines. To improve the photography and images appear better, I could have provided the model in my contents with silver jewellery to create the mise-ne-scene of my magazine to make it appear like a proper R&B magazine.
  • 29. Finals I have made improvement by placing two banners on my front page above and below the top of the page. I have also placed a circle near the corner I have done this because this is how an existing media product looks like, therefore I want mine to look the same. I have re sized the image on my contents page of my model, I done this because the image now looks correctly distant and takes up nearly half of the page. I have aligned my double page spread e.g. The interview questions and answers are aligned in the correct position. I have also, added tour dates on the side of my page I completed this because I felt that it is relevant to place this in a double page spread as many existing magazines have this kind of tile.