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“Social Media is about sociology
and psychology more than
technology.” – Brain Solis Principal
of FutureWorks

                                       MDA Field
                                       Office Social
3.   RULES
     1. FB PAGE
     2. FB CAUSES
     3. FB EVENTS
10. TIPS
11. FAQ
This handbook is meant for all MDA Field Offices and Regional Offices
interested in using social media to deliver our mission critical services.

This information will familiarize you with our national social media philosophy,
invite you to find, join, and participate in our national presence.

You‟ll find steps to adopting social media strategy and an explanation of
various social media tools.

Adopting a social media strategy at your local unit is a significant
commitment of your time both daily and long term. It is worth it! But a social
media strategy needs to be developed to help you plan accordingly.
Social Media Guidelines
 Itis required that employees obtain pre-
  approval from their Regional or Divisional
  Office before setting up any MDA-
  administered social media site or blog,
  including, but not limited to, Facebook,
  Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
  All social media or blog profiles, handles
  and accounts established for the purpose
  of conducting MDA business shall be
  considered under the ownership of MDA.
SM Guidelines Cont…
      In concert with your Regional and Divisional
       teams, MDA‟s Public Relations team is available to
       advise you in developing your office‟s social
       media strategy. Please contact Public Relations at
       (520) 529-5317 or at

          For assistance in launching your social media site
           and developing social strategy for events,
           programs and office activities

          To notify National Headquarters about your official
           online activities
SM Guidelines Cont…

      Only use approved MDA social media channels
       (i.e. MDA District Facebook page or MDA District
       office Twitter account), and not personal social
       media sites or pages, to conduct MDA business.

      Media or Press Contacts - If someone from the
       news media or press contacts you about your
       social media activity related to MDA, you should
       speak with your supervisor and someone in the
       Public Relations Department before responding.
    You are strictly prohibited from disclosing individually
     identifiable information of any kind about individuals
     served by MDA on any social media platform without
     the express written permission of the individual or
     his/her parent or legal guardian. Even if the individual
     is not identified by name within the information you
     wish to use or disclose, such use or disclosure is
     prohibited if there is a reasonable basis to believe
     that person could still be identified from such
     information. Unauthorized disclosure of individually
     identifiable information could constitute a violation
     of the privacy rule under the Health Insurance
     Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPPA”)
Rules Cont…
 Minors:It is against MDA policy to post
 images or videos of minors without MDA‟s
 Consent for Use of Likeness form, signed
 by parents or legal guardians, on an
 MDA-approved social media site. Images
 or videos of individuals served by MDA
 who are under the age of 18 should not
 be posted in personal online content. This
 includes photos and videos taken at MDA
 events, including MDA Summer Camp.
Rules Cont…
 Over age 18: It is against MDA policy to
 post images or videos of individuals
 engaged in MDA activities on an MDA-
 approved social media site without MDA‟s
 Consent for Use of Likeness form. The
 Consent for Use of Likeness form does not
 give individual staff members permission
 to post photos of individuals engaged in
 MDA activities in personal online content.
Rules Cont…
 Stakeholders: Do not disclose personal
 information, or post images or video, of
 MDA‟s employees, volunteers, board
 members, sponsors, donors, and affiliates
 on an MDA-approved social media site
 without prior written permission and
 MDA‟s prior written approval. Written
 permission does not give staff permission
 to post photos or videos of MDA
 stakeholders in personal online content.
Learn the Culture of
       Social Media
“Social media is like a snowball rolling down the hill. It’s picking up
speed. Five years from now, it’s going to be the standard.” – Jeff
Antaya, chief marketing officer of Plante Moran
Message from a PR Intern
     Social Media is vital to my generation. We turn
      to our Twitter and Facebook pages for
      information on friends, family, entertainment,
      business, and social causes. Think of your
      chapter‟s social networking pages as a unifying
      communication force to platform campaigns,
      events, and ideas. It isn‟t easy or fun all the
      time, but after a while you realize that you‟re
      communicating with everyone who cares
      about what MDA is doing on those sites.
      Admittedly, that feels pretty cool. 
                                   Brionna Rogers
                                   Public Relations Intern
Getting Familiar With Social Media
                         Practice using these tools in your personal
                         life first.

                         Posting your own pictures and experiences
                         makes Facebook, Twitter, etc. less foreign.

                         The more you post on your personal pages
                         the better you‟ll become at posting for any
                         sites your MDA chapter might use!

“As a general principle, the more users share about themselves, the more others
in the community will learn about them and identify with them.” – Matt Rhodes,
writing in Social Media Today
Participate in Our
   National Social Media
Before beginning new accounts on any site be sure to visit MDA
National accounts first:
• Twitter: @MDANews
• Facebook:
• YouTube:
• LinkedIn:
• Google+:
National’s Social Media
    To create an empowered online
     community of MDA supporters to:
        Raise awareness of our services and mission
        Provide information to help those affected by
         muscle related diseases
        Reenergize the brand
        Mobilize existing volunteers
        Inspire new volunteers and donors
        Provide engagement point for our employees,
         volunteers, and supporters in a two way
         conversation that enhances the mission
Create Your Own Social
    Media Strategy
 Ifyour office already has a social media
  presence it should also already have a
  Social Media Strategy. It‟s never too late
  to start one and IT IS absolutely necessary.
 Use this guide to improve an existing or
  create a Social Media Strategy for your
  local chapter
Study what other MDA chapters are doing with their Social
Media Presence

        Check out MDA Puerto Rico’s Facebook Group Page:!/MDAPR

        Check Out Southern AZ’s Facebook Profile:!/mda.southernaz

         (We’ll discuss the difference between FB Group Pages
& Profiles Later )

        Visit MDA Las Vegas Twitter Page: @MDALasVegas

    See what these local chapters are doing to keep their
         volunteers, donors, and patients up to date!
What are your
       EX: use Twitter to inform about MDA summer camp
       registration deadlines, local fitness classes to take before
       Muscle Walk, etc.

What are your                            goals?
        How do you currently correspond with local media,
       stakeholders, volunteers, donors, and the public?

What are your                   goals?
       How are you currently mobilizing volunteers?How are you
       currently engaging with donors?
       What are your current strategies and tactics?

Evaluating and reviewing your organizational goals, strategy and
tactics will lead you to choices for using social media
Adopt a local social media goal
        You are encouraged to follow the national goal
Create your social media goals
        Write down goals you hope to achieve with social media
        Analyze whether your goals make sense and work with your
        chapter‟s strategic plan or other goals
Create your own social media strategy
        Write down reasons your social media use will complement
        your chapter‟s overall strategic plan
        Write down the types of content you will provide to and
        solicit from your community
Create tactics
        How will you execute the strategy to achieve your goals?
        Who will be responsible?
        What platforms will you use?
        How will you develop content?
        How will you engage with your audience?
        How often will you be present?
        What steps will you take to reach your desired outcome?
Implement Your Social Media Strategy

If your office already has a Social Media strategy, make sure you
are measuring its success, improving where needed and keeping
MDA national informed of progress and challenges
 “There‟s no need to re-create everything
 from scratch … Look at some of the early
 adopters, see what they‟ve done and see
 if it makes sense for your organization.
 And then think about what you need to
 do to customize it.” – Dave Fletcher, Utah
 chief technology officer
We want to catalogue your:
         Chosen Platforms
         Links to Your Activities
With this Information we will:
         List you on our aggregated national
         Monitor your strategy for best practices

                        “Monitor, engage, and be transparent;
                        these have always been the keys to
                        success in the digital space.” – Dallas
                        Lawrence, Levick Strategic
Implement Your Plan

Decide on Short Term & Long Term Implementation Plans
         Short Term: In one year have X followers
         Long Term: Next Walk have X number of increased Muscle
         Walk participants because of social media presence
Create a Communication Plan
         Announce availability on social media spaces to your
Link social media activities from your main website
Commit but Be Flexible
         Make adjustments based on successes and challenges you
         encounter along the way
Remember we‟re here to support you and ready to help at any time
Measure Your Successes and Challenges

Return on investment (ROI) of Your Social Media Strategy
        Define the “R” – what are your expected results?
                i.e. X followers, X likes
        Define the metrics – what you want to become
        Pre-determine Setbacks
                competitors, other local service agencies
        Document challenges and successes
        analyze results, glean insight, take action, measure
Documented activities as you progress through these steps are a
great baseline to measure:

        *The impact your social media strategy has in
        your community

        *Whether you are able to achieve your original goals

Write down everything that happens in the beginning so you have
QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE results to analyze
Give yourself room to learn and gain insight before you tie yourself
to a traditional ROI analysis

Adopt a “listen, learn, adapt” measurement strategy

         after you‟ve tried your strategy for a while, ask yourself what
you‟ve learned and how you can improve next time

And of course…
        Send your links and measurement data to national

Make sure we know what you‟re up to so we can recognize your success
from a national platform and help you with any struggles!
“This is no longer a gimmick. This is how the American people want
to receive their news and want to hear from us.” – Nick Schaper,
new-media director for House Minority Leader John Boehner
“In some ways, [Facebook] levels the playing field of friendship
   stratification. In the real world, you have very close friends and
  then there are those you just say “Hi” to when you pass them on
                                the street.”
– Jason Kaufman, research science fellow at Harvard University
Is Facebook right for your chapter?
                    Find out by asking yourself:

You‟ll need someone to be responsible for          updates; this person
will need to dedicate a time          !
You‟ll need the someone to acknowledge and engage fans
If you answered yes to all these
questions, you‟re ready to set up a
         Facebook page!

If not, please join our national page
and let your stakeholders know they
         can find MDA there.
Pages vs. Groups
All offices should create a Facebook Page NOT a Facebook
          „Pages‟ offer greater visibility, customization and
measurability. Community pages will currently be accepted as is
unless there is a copyright/trademark issue.

        „Pages‟ work just like personal profiles of individuals. You
                Make friends
                Update your status
                Upload videos, photos, and articles
                Create events
Rules for Facebook Pages
•   Name your page after your chapter or region
•   Identify the name and location of your chapter in your profile image
•   1 Facebook page. We‟ll explore ways to highlight your action items with
•   Assign someone to be responsible for updating your page with status
    updates, post new items, and offer other types of timely content on
    your page. REMEMBER: you‟ll need to acknowledge and engage your
    fans here EACH DAY.
•   We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your chapter may NOT join any political
    or religious advocacy groups, pages, or causes
Causes are basically online fundraisers

        You can set up multiple causes for campaigns and
        current issues

        We all share a single EIN number so causes you create
        will benefit MDA!
Tips for Making an Effective Cause

• Titles should have an active verb and grab attention
          i.e. Make a Muscle Campaign
• Turn your cause into a campain: Set an achievable goal
          i.e. raise $1,000 for MDA research
• Creatively engage people to invite their friends
          i.e. “Power of 10” campaign; ask each fan to invite
          10 other people to send $10 each
• Have a fundraiser up in addition to generic fan pages
          (the more exposure the better)
• Use announcements feature and keep followers in touch.
• Make content different (and short) every post
• Engage “SUPER USERS” by keeping them encouraged and
  acknowledging their work
• Try different campaigns!
    In one idea doesn‟t work: toss it and try another one!
Facebook Event

When your chapter has an impending event (i.e. walks, large one-
day fundraisers, etc.), an event page helps you provide critical
information to your community.

Additionally, you can keep track of your social media presence by
monitoring how many of your FB friends RSVP.
Check out this Event Page from MDA Southern-AZ:
YouTube: “connect, inform, and inspire”
  YouTube is a center for DIY and information, in addition to
 entertainment. Create videos or post videos from other sites
  (with proper permission and without violating copyright of
            course) based on YOUR community!

Check out the following channel to see a local office taking
 social media into their own hands: MDA Metro NY/NJ & So.
                           New Eng
If you decide to begin a YouTube Channel:
• Name your channel after chapter or region
• 1 YouTube Channel (you can create multiple playlists to organize
    your channel)
• Assign someone to be responsible for updating your channel with
    new videos. Remember: You should be uploading new videos as
    frequently as possibly (shoot for 1-2 times a month)
• We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your chapter may NOT join any
    political or religious advocacy groups, pages, or causes
Twitter asks
     and millions of people answer in 140
                characters or less

“Twitter represents a collective collaboration that manifests our ability
  to unconsciously connect kindred voices through the experiences
 that move us. As such, Twitter is a human seismograph.” – Brian Solis,
                        Principal of FutureWorks
 You’ll need to update Twitter multiple times a day
    Post new items and offer other timely content
    You’ll need a person responsible for daily upkeep on
     your page
Twitter is not just about posting your own information, you’ll
need to engage and acknowledge followers each day. Here
                       are some common
Hashtag: the symbol before relevant keywords or topics in a
Tweet which categorizes those Tweets and helps them show
more easily in Twitter Search. (i.e. MDAShow, MuscleUp, etc.)

1. use the hashtag symbol before a relevant keyword or phrase
(no spaces) in their Tweet.
2. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all
other Tweets marked with that keyword.
3. Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet – at the
beginning, middle, or end.
A retweet is a re-posting of someone else's Tweet. Helps you and others
quickly share that Tweet with all of your followers.

An        looks like normal a Tweet with the author's name and username next to
it. It is distinguished by the retweet icon and the name of the user who
retweeted the Tweet.

      For additional help with Twitter visit the Help Center:
Any Twitter update that contains "@username" anywhere in the
body of the Tweet.
        Mentions are commonly referred to as “tagging
Example: University of Chicago‟s Twitter name - @UChicago
  • Be Strategic: don’t ask for donations immediately
  • Be Persistent: add links to the social media account in every
    email and press release
  • Scatter posts throughout the day, at night, and the weekend
  • Do not clump them all together
  • Mention other pages and people when it is appropriate
  • Ask fan engagement questions for posts whenever possible
  • Thank your fans, followers, sponsors, etc.
  • Mix it up: photos, questions, videos, supporter content, news
    stories, etc.
  • Use quality photos and add details – ask followers to tag
  • Twitter: Use URL shorteners ( - is a
    good one)
• Use #hashtags in every Tweet
    • Search for established #hashtags
    • Create your own
 • Tweet quotes, breaking news, events, links to articles,
   photos, websites, etc.
 • Ask yourself “Would I retweet this?” before tweeting
 • Engage with your Twitter followers by asking retweeting their
   answers to your questions
 • Check often for new Twitter accounts and acknowledge,
   follow, share, etc.
 • Follow @MDAnews
 • Include a link to official site in biography
 • List Twitter page on your Facebook page
 • Don’t follow brands that are not endorsers or imposters
 • Don’t follow those with political or religious affiliations
One of the trickiest components of Twitter is the LIMITED
space you have to express a thought. Here are a few words
or phrases to get you started but don‟t be afraid to get
creative and make your own shortened words:
Naming Your Twitter Account:
   • Choose a name that clearly defines your local affiliation
       (i.e. @MDALosAngeles)
   • Keep your names as short as possible. You only have 140
       characters (shoot for appx.130), so the less your name
       takes up, the better for retweeting

Profile Image:
     • Twitter‟s image machine is tiny. It‟s difficult to adhere to
        brand standards but you must.

Twitter Design:
     • You can choose a background image for your Twitter
        account. Please follow brand standards if you choose to
        do this.
LinkedIn is a social networking site built for the professional world.
Most businesses use this site as an opportunity to develop
relationships with like-minded professionals.
If you think your chapter or region could significantly benefit from use
of social media but are worried about the time necessary to run it…
             helps you manage all your social media sites at once!
Hootsuite is a tool which can be used to:

1.   Manage multiple social profiles
2.   Schedule messages and tweets
3.   Track mentions
4.   Analyze social media traffic

You can schedule Facebook posts and Twitter messages months
in advance. Hootsuite even makes it possible to attach images,
videos, URLS, etc.
Should I use social media platforms to fundraise?
                Many people enjoy social media sites because they are free from marketing machines. Our goal is
to offer value in these spaces rather than marketing solicitations. Fundraising can be tricky so tread carefully.

               Once you build an online community, offer tools which make it easy for supporters to do the
fundraising for you.

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Social Media Bootcamp Day 1
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How to Develop a Social Media Strategy
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Mda field office social media handbook

  • 1. “Social Media is about sociology and psychology more than technology.” – Brain Solis Principal of FutureWorks MDA Field Office Social Media Handbook
  • 3. INTRODUCTION This handbook is meant for all MDA Field Offices and Regional Offices interested in using social media to deliver our mission critical services. This information will familiarize you with our national social media philosophy, invite you to find, join, and participate in our national presence. You‟ll find steps to adopting social media strategy and an explanation of various social media tools. Adopting a social media strategy at your local unit is a significant commitment of your time both daily and long term. It is worth it! But a social media strategy needs to be developed to help you plan accordingly.
  • 4. Social Media Guidelines  Itis required that employees obtain pre- approval from their Regional or Divisional Office before setting up any MDA- administered social media site or blog, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, and LinkedIn. All social media or blog profiles, handles and accounts established for the purpose of conducting MDA business shall be considered under the ownership of MDA.
  • 5. SM Guidelines Cont…  In concert with your Regional and Divisional teams, MDA‟s Public Relations team is available to advise you in developing your office‟s social media strategy. Please contact Public Relations at (520) 529-5317 or at  For assistance in launching your social media site and developing social strategy for events, programs and office activities  To notify National Headquarters about your official online activities
  • 6. SM Guidelines Cont…  Only use approved MDA social media channels (i.e. MDA District Facebook page or MDA District office Twitter account), and not personal social media sites or pages, to conduct MDA business.  Media or Press Contacts - If someone from the news media or press contacts you about your social media activity related to MDA, you should speak with your supervisor and someone in the Public Relations Department before responding.
  • 7. Rules:  You are strictly prohibited from disclosing individually identifiable information of any kind about individuals served by MDA on any social media platform without the express written permission of the individual or his/her parent or legal guardian. Even if the individual is not identified by name within the information you wish to use or disclose, such use or disclosure is prohibited if there is a reasonable basis to believe that person could still be identified from such information. Unauthorized disclosure of individually identifiable information could constitute a violation of the privacy rule under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPPA”)
  • 8. Rules Cont…  Minors:It is against MDA policy to post images or videos of minors without MDA‟s Consent for Use of Likeness form, signed by parents or legal guardians, on an MDA-approved social media site. Images or videos of individuals served by MDA who are under the age of 18 should not be posted in personal online content. This includes photos and videos taken at MDA events, including MDA Summer Camp.
  • 9. Rules Cont…  Over age 18: It is against MDA policy to post images or videos of individuals engaged in MDA activities on an MDA- approved social media site without MDA‟s Consent for Use of Likeness form. The Consent for Use of Likeness form does not give individual staff members permission to post photos of individuals engaged in MDA activities in personal online content.
  • 10. Rules Cont…  Stakeholders: Do not disclose personal information, or post images or video, of MDA‟s employees, volunteers, board members, sponsors, donors, and affiliates on an MDA-approved social media site without prior written permission and MDA‟s prior written approval. Written permission does not give staff permission to post photos or videos of MDA stakeholders in personal online content.
  • 11. Learn the Culture of Social Media “Social media is like a snowball rolling down the hill. It’s picking up speed. Five years from now, it’s going to be the standard.” – Jeff Antaya, chief marketing officer of Plante Moran
  • 12. Message from a PR Intern  Social Media is vital to my generation. We turn to our Twitter and Facebook pages for information on friends, family, entertainment, business, and social causes. Think of your chapter‟s social networking pages as a unifying communication force to platform campaigns, events, and ideas. It isn‟t easy or fun all the time, but after a while you realize that you‟re communicating with everyone who cares about what MDA is doing on those sites. Admittedly, that feels pretty cool.  Brionna Rogers Public Relations Intern
  • 13. Getting Familiar With Social Media Practice using these tools in your personal life first. Posting your own pictures and experiences makes Facebook, Twitter, etc. less foreign. The more you post on your personal pages the better you‟ll become at posting for any sites your MDA chapter might use! “As a general principle, the more users share about themselves, the more others in the community will learn about them and identify with them.” – Matt Rhodes, writing in Social Media Today
  • 14. Participate in Our National Social Media Presence Before beginning new accounts on any site be sure to visit MDA National accounts first: • Twitter: @MDANews • Facebook: • YouTube: • LinkedIn: dystrophy-association • Google+: osts#118252638961569076697/posts
  • 15. National’s Social Media Goals  To create an empowered online community of MDA supporters to:  Raise awareness of our services and mission  Provide information to help those affected by muscle related diseases  Reenergize the brand  Mobilize existing volunteers  Inspire new volunteers and donors  Provide engagement point for our employees, volunteers, and supporters in a two way conversation that enhances the mission
  • 16. Create Your Own Social Media Strategy  Ifyour office already has a social media presence it should also already have a Social Media Strategy. It‟s never too late to start one and IT IS absolutely necessary.  Use this guide to improve an existing or create a Social Media Strategy for your local chapter
  • 17. Study what other MDA chapters are doing with their Social Media Presence Check out MDA Puerto Rico’s Facebook Group Page:!/MDAPR Check Out Southern AZ’s Facebook Profile:!/mda.southernaz (We’ll discuss the difference between FB Group Pages & Profiles Later ) Visit MDA Las Vegas Twitter Page: @MDALasVegas See what these local chapters are doing to keep their volunteers, donors, and patients up to date!
  • 18. What are your EX: use Twitter to inform about MDA summer camp registration deadlines, local fitness classes to take before Muscle Walk, etc. What are your goals? How do you currently correspond with local media, stakeholders, volunteers, donors, and the public? What are your goals? How are you currently mobilizing volunteers?How are you currently engaging with donors? What are your current strategies and tactics? Evaluating and reviewing your organizational goals, strategy and tactics will lead you to choices for using social media
  • 19. Adopt a local social media goal You are encouraged to follow the national goal Create your social media goals Write down goals you hope to achieve with social media Analyze whether your goals make sense and work with your chapter‟s strategic plan or other goals Create your own social media strategy Write down reasons your social media use will complement your chapter‟s overall strategic plan Write down the types of content you will provide to and solicit from your community Create tactics How will you execute the strategy to achieve your goals? Who will be responsible? What platforms will you use? How will you develop content? How will you engage with your audience? How often will you be present? What steps will you take to reach your desired outcome?
  • 20. Implement Your Social Media Strategy If your office already has a Social Media strategy, make sure you are measuring its success, improving where needed and keeping MDA national informed of progress and challenges
  • 21. Seriously…  “There‟s no need to re-create everything from scratch … Look at some of the early adopters, see what they‟ve done and see if it makes sense for your organization. And then think about what you need to do to customize it.” – Dave Fletcher, Utah chief technology officer
  • 22. We want to catalogue your: Strategy Chosen Platforms Links to Your Activities With this Information we will: List you on our aggregated national sites Monitor your strategy for best practices “Monitor, engage, and be transparent; these have always been the keys to success in the digital space.” – Dallas Lawrence, Levick Strategic Communications
  • 23. Implement Your Plan Decide on Short Term & Long Term Implementation Plans Short Term: In one year have X followers Long Term: Next Walk have X number of increased Muscle Walk participants because of social media presence Create a Communication Plan Announce availability on social media spaces to your community Link social media activities from your main website Commit but Be Flexible Make adjustments based on successes and challenges you encounter along the way Remember we‟re here to support you and ready to help at any time
  • 24. Measure Your Successes and Challenges Return on investment (ROI) of Your Social Media Strategy Define the “R” – what are your expected results? i.e. X followers, X likes Define the metrics – what you want to become Pre-determine Setbacks competitors, other local service agencies Document challenges and successes analyze results, glean insight, take action, measure again
  • 25. Documentation Documented activities as you progress through these steps are a great baseline to measure: *The impact your social media strategy has in your community *Whether you are able to achieve your original goals Write down everything that happens in the beginning so you have QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE results to analyze
  • 26. EVALUATION Give yourself room to learn and gain insight before you tie yourself to a traditional ROI analysis Adopt a “listen, learn, adapt” measurement strategy after you‟ve tried your strategy for a while, ask yourself what you‟ve learned and how you can improve next time And of course… Send your links and measurement data to national Make sure we know what you‟re up to so we can recognize your success from a national platform and help you with any struggles!
  • 27. “This is no longer a gimmick. This is how the American people want to receive their news and want to hear from us.” – Nick Schaper, new-media director for House Minority Leader John Boehner
  • 28. “In some ways, [Facebook] levels the playing field of friendship stratification. In the real world, you have very close friends and then there are those you just say “Hi” to when you pass them on the street.” – Jason Kaufman, research science fellow at Harvard University
  • 29. Is Facebook right for your chapter? Find out by asking yourself: You‟ll need someone to be responsible for updates; this person will need to dedicate a time !
  • 30. You‟ll need the someone to acknowledge and engage fans
  • 31.
  • 32. If you answered yes to all these questions, you‟re ready to set up a Facebook page! If not, please join our national page and let your stakeholders know they can find MDA there.
  • 33. Pages vs. Groups All offices should create a Facebook Page NOT a Facebook Group „Pages‟ offer greater visibility, customization and measurability. Community pages will currently be accepted as is unless there is a copyright/trademark issue. „Pages‟ work just like personal profiles of individuals. You can: Make friends Update your status Upload videos, photos, and articles Create events
  • 34. Rules for Facebook Pages • Name your page after your chapter or region • Identify the name and location of your chapter in your profile image • 1 Facebook page. We‟ll explore ways to highlight your action items with Causes • Assign someone to be responsible for updating your page with status updates, post new items, and offer other types of timely content on your page. REMEMBER: you‟ll need to acknowledge and engage your fans here EACH DAY. • We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your chapter may NOT join any political or religious advocacy groups, pages, or causes
  • 35. Causes are basically online fundraisers You can set up multiple causes for campaigns and current issues We all share a single EIN number so causes you create will benefit MDA!
  • 36. Tips for Making an Effective Cause • Titles should have an active verb and grab attention i.e. Make a Muscle Campaign • Turn your cause into a campain: Set an achievable goal i.e. raise $1,000 for MDA research • Creatively engage people to invite their friends i.e. “Power of 10” campaign; ask each fan to invite 10 other people to send $10 each • Have a fundraiser up in addition to generic fan pages (the more exposure the better) • Use announcements feature and keep followers in touch. • Make content different (and short) every post • Engage “SUPER USERS” by keeping them encouraged and acknowledging their work • Try different campaigns! In one idea doesn‟t work: toss it and try another one!
  • 37. Facebook Event When your chapter has an impending event (i.e. walks, large one- day fundraisers, etc.), an event page helps you provide critical information to your community. Additionally, you can keep track of your social media presence by monitoring how many of your FB friends RSVP.
  • 38. Check out this Event Page from MDA Southern-AZ:
  • 39. YouTube: “connect, inform, and inspire” YouTube is a center for DIY and information, in addition to entertainment. Create videos or post videos from other sites (with proper permission and without violating copyright of course) based on YOUR community! Check out the following channel to see a local office taking social media into their own hands: MDA Metro NY/NJ & So. New Eng
  • 40.
  • 41. If you decide to begin a YouTube Channel: • Name your channel after chapter or region • 1 YouTube Channel (you can create multiple playlists to organize your channel) • Assign someone to be responsible for updating your channel with new videos. Remember: You should be uploading new videos as frequently as possibly (shoot for 1-2 times a month) • We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit so your chapter may NOT join any political or religious advocacy groups, pages, or causes
  • 42.
  • 43. Twitter asks and millions of people answer in 140 characters or less “Twitter represents a collective collaboration that manifests our ability to unconsciously connect kindred voices through the experiences that move us. As such, Twitter is a human seismograph.” – Brian Solis, Principal of FutureWorks
  • 44.  You’ll need to update Twitter multiple times a day  Post new items and offer other timely content  You’ll need a person responsible for daily upkeep on your page
  • 45. Twitter is not just about posting your own information, you’ll need to engage and acknowledge followers each day. Here are some common
  • 46. Hashtag: the symbol before relevant keywords or topics in a Tweet which categorizes those Tweets and helps them show more easily in Twitter Search. (i.e. MDAShow, MuscleUp, etc.) 1. use the hashtag symbol before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in their Tweet. 2. Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all other Tweets marked with that keyword. 3. Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet – at the beginning, middle, or end.
  • 47. A retweet is a re-posting of someone else's Tweet. Helps you and others quickly share that Tweet with all of your followers. An looks like normal a Tweet with the author's name and username next to it. It is distinguished by the retweet icon and the name of the user who retweeted the Tweet. For additional help with Twitter visit the Help Center:
  • 48. Any Twitter update that contains "@username" anywhere in the body of the Tweet. Mentions are commonly referred to as “tagging someone” Example: University of Chicago‟s Twitter name - @UChicago
  • 49. • BE CREATIVE: ENGAGING CONTENT • Be Strategic: don’t ask for donations immediately • Be Persistent: add links to the social media account in every email and press release • Scatter posts throughout the day, at night, and the weekend • Do not clump them all together • Mention other pages and people when it is appropriate • Ask fan engagement questions for posts whenever possible • SPELL CHECK • Thank your fans, followers, sponsors, etc. • Mix it up: photos, questions, videos, supporter content, news stories, etc. • Use quality photos and add details – ask followers to tag themselves • Twitter: Use URL shorteners ( - is a good one)
  • 50. • Use #hashtags in every Tweet • Search for established #hashtags • Create your own • Tweet quotes, breaking news, events, links to articles, photos, websites, etc. • Ask yourself “Would I retweet this?” before tweeting • Engage with your Twitter followers by asking retweeting their answers to your questions • Check often for new Twitter accounts and acknowledge, follow, share, etc. • Follow @MDAnews • Include a link to official site in biography • List Twitter page on your Facebook page • Don’t follow brands that are not endorsers or imposters • Don’t follow those with political or religious affiliations
  • 51. One of the trickiest components of Twitter is the LIMITED space you have to express a thought. Here are a few words or phrases to get you started but don‟t be afraid to get creative and make your own shortened words:
  • 52. Naming Your Twitter Account: • Choose a name that clearly defines your local affiliation (i.e. @MDALosAngeles) • Keep your names as short as possible. You only have 140 characters (shoot for appx.130), so the less your name takes up, the better for retweeting Profile Image: • Twitter‟s image machine is tiny. It‟s difficult to adhere to brand standards but you must. Twitter Design: • You can choose a background image for your Twitter account. Please follow brand standards if you choose to do this.
  • 54. LinkedIn is a social networking site built for the professional world. Most businesses use this site as an opportunity to develop relationships with like-minded professionals.
  • 55. If you think your chapter or region could significantly benefit from use of social media but are worried about the time necessary to run it… helps you manage all your social media sites at once!
  • 56. Hootsuite is a tool which can be used to: 1. Manage multiple social profiles 2. Schedule messages and tweets 3. Track mentions 4. Analyze social media traffic You can schedule Facebook posts and Twitter messages months in advance. Hootsuite even makes it possible to attach images, videos, URLS, etc.
  • 57. Should I use social media platforms to fundraise? Many people enjoy social media sites because they are free from marketing machines. Our goal is to offer value in these spaces rather than marketing solicitations. Fundraising can be tricky so tread carefully. Once you build an online community, offer tools which make it easy for supporters to do the fundraising for you.