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- Food Heroes Design Challenge -
Gamifying “Teacher Training”
Topics Covered
Insights & implications
from case-material and
teacher videos, and
broad design/construct
of the training “game”
Strategy Dashboard
Octalysis Ideation /
03 Core Activity Loop
Sample visual
deliverables + Response
to 'Opening Questions'
Topics Covered
Insights & implications
from case-material and
teacher videos, and
broad design/construct
of the training “game”
Strategy Dashboard
Octalysis Ideation /
03 Core Activity Loop
Sample visual
deliverables + Response
to 'Opening Questions'
Human-Focused Design: Insights from case-material & teacher videos
Teachers already find the day “very
rushed” and may not be intrinsically
motivated (as of today) to include
programs like “Food Heroes” as part
of their day-to-day teaching routine
1. Teachers are busy and
“don’t have much time”
Teachers are looking for “innovative tools
and resources” to teach better and engage
the kids, and make their work easier
2. Need pre-designed yet
innovative materials to teach
To succeed, an elaborate,
comprehensive program like “Food
Heroes” [FH] will need very well-
trained, intrinsically motivated teachers
to execute the program end-to-end
3. “Food Heroes” will need
very well-trained teachers
in China
All this indicates that this is
a ripe case for applying
gamification, to motivate
teachers to participate
(and spread) FH teacher-
training, and implement
FH for their own classes
• Need to scale FH program quickly with
pre-designed yet innovative content
 Online trainings can be scaled
quicker than offline training workshops
• Limited budget  Online will be
cheaper to implement than offline
• Need “virality” to scale  Online will
facilitate quick referrals / invites etc.
• Make online trainings “free”
• Completion of online training +
earning “x” points will ‘unlock’ access
to select offline events/workshops
• Use offline teacher workshops to build
on learnings from online trainings
• Make it “local”: Find out the most
active online teachers, and give them
the opportunity to help organize
offline workshops in their school/area
• Offline workshops could have a small
participation fee per teacher, to be
paid by the school (as part of teacher
development budget)  This will help
sustain the program financially
• Given the nature of the program, the
teachers eventually need to feel
intrinsically motivated, to ensure FH’s
continued, long-term success
• Use extrinsic rewards to “hook” them
onto the program, but then use game
mechanics to add intrinsic motivation
levers for continued engagement
• Focus on the 3 pillars of intrinsic
motivation: Competence, Autonomy
and Relatedness
Lead with “Online” Trainings Augment with “Offline” Workshops Build “intrinsic” motivation
Human-Focused Design: Insights from case-material & teacher videosKey Implications from these insights (upfront design choices made)
Broad design/construct of the teacher-training “game”
3. The top-scoring teachers will be featured on
the FH / teacher-training site (via a short
video). They will also get an exclusive invite to
an FH teacher-gala-event, where they will
learn more about the program / its ‘higher
purpose’, and be encouraged to become FH
‘ambassadors’/trainers for their schools/areas
5. More teachers will get ‘referred’ for the
training, sign-up, complete the training, and
occasionally get invited to (offline) events to
reinforce/share their learnings. Unlike the
first few events (sponsored by FH), these later
events could have a small participation fee
per teacher (to be paid by the schools)
2. Some teachers will go online and start the
training. They will discover that few top-
scoring teachers will be getting an ‘exclusive
invite’ to an (offline) FH teacher-gala-event.
To earn more points, teachers will send out
invites to other teachers, get points when
those teachers complete the training,
answer questions on the chat-forum, etc.
4. These FH ambassadors will spread word-
of-mouth at their schools/neighborhoods,
send out more teacher-invites, etc. As they
“progress”, they will feel more competent,
enjoy autonomy (they can use their own
creativity/ideas to grow the program), and
feel more socially-connected and intrinsically
motivated towards the ‘higher purpose’
1. JUCCCE/FH will run an awareness campaign
with shows the ‘higher purpose’ of the
program (save kids’ & our planet’s health)
and announce ‘early bird prizes’ (FH Teacher
T-Shirts etc.) and media recognition for
limited number of teachers who are the first
to complete the FH online-teacher-training
6. And the cycle will continue…
Note: While the “core” online
training will only be for 4 hours,
teachers will be able go
through lot of additional
‘optional’ training videos/
content on the site. Over time,
some teachers will also
“produce” such content and
add it to the site for others to
learn/benefit from it
Topics Covered
Insights & implications
from case-material and
teacher videos, and
broad design/construct
of the training “game”
Strategy Dashboard
Octalysis Ideation /
03 Core Activity Loop
Sample visual
deliverables + Response
to 'Opening Questions'
Framework used for addressing this case-study
Framework used for addressing this case-study
Framework used for addressing this case-study
1. Define Business Metrics  Game Objectives
1. Favorable behavior change in teachers after taking the 4-hour online training program (i.e. they should feel fully
motivated, committed and skilled-enough to implement the “Food Heroes” [FH] program in their classroom)
2. Number of teachers who have completed the 4-hour online training
3. Number of teachers who are “in progress” with the 4-hour online training (but haven’t completed yet)
4. “Virality quotient” of the training – i.e. how many teachers are referring other teachers to sign-up for the program
5. Total number of offline workshops/events completed
6. Total number of offline workshops/events in the pipeline (planned but not yet completed)
7. Average feedback rating (given by teachers) on the quality of the workshops/events (immediately after the event ends)
Framework used for addressing this case-study
2. Define Users  Players
Demographics of the Players (Teachers)
• 24-35 years old, college-educated
• Relatively low income
What core-drives motivate them?
• CD2 – Accomplishment – STRONG - Need to feel and look smart in front of kids while explaining/guiding; Bringing prestige for the
school by participating in a reputable program (like FH)
• CD5 – Social Influence – STRONG - Value caregivers who thank them for their efforts. Comparison with their peer group (other
• CD 3 – Empowerment – MEDIUM – Looking for new tools and resources to engage the kids
• CD 1 – Meaning – WEAK/MEDIUM – Teachers know that their efforts will shape the future of the kids, but as of today, this seems to be
a relatively weak feeling/core-drive. This is a problem, because unless they see “meaning” in the FH program, they may not ever
commit themselves fully to it (for the long-term). Therefore, I have introduced game mechanics which will add “meaning” to the FH
program, tying the teachers to a ‘higher purpose’ (saving kids’ and planets’ health), thereby intrinsically motivating them to participate
in the program
What are the anti-core-drives?
• CD8 – Avoidance – STRONG – They’re not looking for more work, but for things that make their existing work easier (so if they look at
FH as “more work” to add to their already busy schedules, they will not be motivated to take it up); Also, want to avoid spending their
limited time and budget in things that they’re not convinced / motivated about
• CD 7 – Unpredictability – WEAK/MEDIUM - Prefer “standard” course material and pre-designed tools; don’t want unpredictability – this
might reduce their motivation level to adopt a new “non-standard” program like FH (unless it’s made a part of the standard curriculum)
Framework used for addressing this case-study
3. Define Desired Actions  Win States
# Desired Action
A1 Learn about the Food Heroes (FH) project and FH teacher-training (media, website, other teachers).
Click a shared link (received in an email or WeChat message or SMS), or scanning a QR code, or directly visiting the FH
teacher-training website (or app, if that exists)
Watch introductory videos, incl. testimonials from teachers who’ve completed the teacher-training (how did the training
benefit them, how did the kids in the class benefit, and how the teacher felt great on being part of a “higher purpose”)
See key statistics related to FH program on the website: How many students’ lives have been touched with the FH program,
how many teacher-trainings completed / in-progress, how many teachers trained in your school / around your area
A5 Sign-up on the teacher training website/app
A. Discovery Phase
3. Define Desired Actions  Win States
# Desired Action
B1 Learn about the basic interface of the training site/app (incl. training-video-buttons/progress, points, badges & leaderboards)
B2 Customize your Avatar
B3 Get your first “points” (experience points) and your first badge
B4 See which other teachers in your school/area are on the training program, and what score/level have they reached
B5 See where your school stands in comparison to other schools in the country, on teacher-training-progress
B6 Complete your first video-training-link and get a “Great Start!!” badge
B7 Add your first “friend” in the training site / app community
B8 Ask your first question / respond to another teacher’s question in the “questions/comments” section of the site
B. Onboarding Phase
3. Define Desired Actions  Win States
# Desired Action
Complete more and more video trainings (spend around 15–30 min per day in going through the training material). [Each
module of the training ‘unlocks’ only after the previous module (incl. assessment quiz) has been successfully completed]
C2 Download more FH materials / content from the site / app
C3 Add more “friends” (from those who’re already registered as part of the program)
C4 Comment on more posts / add more posts in the “comments” section / answer other teachers’ questions
C5 Send out “referral invites” to other teachers in your school / area / known to you (through WeChat, Email, SMS, etc.)
C. Scaffolding Phase
3. Define Desired Actions  Win States
# Desired Action
D1 Become a FH Teachers’ Ambassador: Help in organizing “offline” teacher events in own school and/or around own locality
Make videos (or other content) recording your own experiences with kids inside the class (when they are playing the FH
game), and put up key learnings / thoughts arising out of the same for other teachers to read / learn / comment on
For new initiatives being planned by FH (e.g. “Monthly Subscription Box”), give suggestions to them on how to run / grow /
improve the same
Come up with new initiatives / ideas to scale the FH program, and engage other teachers in the online community to add /
comment on the same to improve and/or implement these ideas (in collaboration with FH)
D5 Become part of a select team of “elite” teachers, selected to help FH scale the program outside of China (i.e. globally)
D. Endgame Phase
Framework used for addressing this case-study
4. Define Feedback Mechanics  Triggers
1. Points, badges and leaderboards will definitely be a big component helping teachers monitor/track their progress, since
CD2 (Accomplishment) is one of the strongest core-drives at play in the current context
 Points will be earned for performing almost every “desired action”, such as viewing a training video + passing the
“quiz test” appearing after the video, referring other teachers to join the platform, following-up with referred
teachers to ensure they complete the training (in which case bonus points will be added to the referrer’s account),
replying to a question on the teachers’ chat-forum, etc. Also, players will be able to “vote up” a question / response
/ comment posted by a particular teacher, in which case that teacher will earn additional points
 Badges will signify which “learning stage” / level the teachers area at (e.g. – Novice, Expert etc.), but will also signify
other achievements (e.g. – “Early Bird” badge, “Super Referrer” badge, “Community Friend” badge, etc.)
 Leaderboards will show the player where he/she ranks vs. other players. To avoid new players immediately getting
demotivated by seeing a low rank, the leaderboard will not pop up immediately, instead it will evolve as the player
journey progresses, e.g. – At a certain point in time, the leaderboard may only show how the player is ranked vs.
other players in his neighborhood, or vs. other players (teachers) from the same school. Idea is to show “empathy”
towards the player, and incorporate that suitably in the game mechanics. There will be “school leaderboards” as
well, which will show the aggregate points for your school vs. other schools in the district / state / country
4. Define Feedback Mechanics  Triggers
2. The players (teachers) will also be shown related metrics that they care for, like –
 Number of Total “Food Hero Kids” in your school / area / state / country
 Number of certified (training-completed) FH teachers in your school / area / state / country
 Number of teachers referred by you (who’ve completed the online training)
 Number of teachers influenced by you (e.g. – if I referred 1 teacher, and she referred 2 more, my total referral
influence = 1+2 = 3 teachers
3. There will be a number of other feedback mechanics / vehicles in the “game”. Some of these are as follows –
 Avatar customization
 Emails: Welcome email, Thank You email, Alert email (friend request), etc.
 WeChat
 Teacher training report-card (weekly?)
 Teacher Feedback/Interaction/Recommendations (similar to LinkedIN recommendations)
 Likes / Thumbs-Up on posts
 Progress Bars
 Explanation Videos
 Mobile App
 Caregiver Feedback/Interaction (if the teacher- and caregiver- apps can be linked)
Framework used for addressing this case-study
5. Define Incentives  Rewards
 Status: As players will earn more points, collect badges, and progress on the leaderboard, their status in the
community will increase. This might get added / reflected in their Avatars (so that all registered / unregistered
people on the platform may be able to see the same), e.g. – a person who has referred more than a certain
number of teachers successfully may get the status-label “Super Referrer” added to her Avatar automatically
 Access: As explained previously, completion of the entire online training within “X” days, plus scoring more than
“Y” points will provide “access” to “invitations” to attend (offline) events where one could meet the FH
management team, other teachers from the area / state, etc. and contribute more to the program
 Power: Highest-scoring players (teachers) in the community will be given the power to moderate posts (in the chat-
forums), etc. They will also be given the power to propose / change dates of key ‘mini-quests’ in their
neighborhoods (e.g. – if a mini-quest (informal teacher meet-up) is being organized in the neighborhood, some
teachers will have the “power” to finalize the date(s) and time(s) for such mini-quests
 Stuff: Once a certain number of points have been earned by a teacher through extensive contributions to the
community (platform), she could redeem the same to buy some healthy foodstuff from the canteen of her own
school or a partner-school. FH could also tie-up with some retailers/shops for the same, so that points could also
be redeemed at these shops/outlets.
5. Define Incentives  Rewards
2. Reward Context
 Fixed Action Rewards (Earned Lunch): Players will earn points on completion of certain specific actions (such as
watching videos and passing the quiz-tests appearing after the videos)
 Social Treasure (Gifting): Players will earn a “referral bonus” gift (additional points) only if they click and register via
a “referral link” sent to them by someone (as against registering directly on the site). Also, top-scorers will be able
to “gift” their offline-event-invitations once to another player (teacher) who has never attended any offline event.
 Prize Pacing (Collection Set): FH could institute a collection set with 4 components – “Learner” (earned when you
complete a minimum number of hours of training), “Friend” (when more than “x” people add you as a friend),
“Organizer” (when you have organized at least 1 “offline” event [recognized by FH] on your own, and “Expert”
(when FH Management Team has given you a badge for a valuable idea given by you which they’ve agreed to
implement). Only a player who achieves all these 4 feats, will have won the “collection set” which will be
prominently shown along-side the Avatar of the player
 Sudden Rewards (Easter Eggs): When a certain combination of events happens, e.g. – a player has just completed
“replying” to “x” posts on the community/platform for the first time, he/she will suddenly get a fairly large “bonus
points” reward that was unknown and completely unexpected.
Topics Covered
Insights & implications
from case-material and
teacher videos, and
broad design/construct
of the training “game”
Strategy Dashboard
Octalysis Ideation /
03 Core Activity Loop
Sample visual
deliverables + Response
to 'Opening Questions'
Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming
Core Drive 1: Epic Meaning
& Calling
Core Drive 3: Empowerment
of Creativity
Core Drive 5: Social
Influence & Relatedness
Core Drive 7:
Unpredictability & Curiosity
Core Drive 8: Loss &
Core Drive 6: Scarcity &
Core Drive 4: Ownership &
Core Drive 2: Development
& Accomplishment
• Humanity Hero (#27): Making players believe they are
protecting kids from bad health and ‘saving the planet’
• Elitism (#26): Eventually, schools will compete against each
other on the platform, and players will have the feeling of
belonging to an ‘elite group’ (i.e. their own school)
• Sunk Cost (#50): Don’t want all those hours spent on the
platform (plus points and “status”), go to waste
• Scarlet Letter (#82): Teachers can see which teacher from
their school is ‘stuck’ and not progressing, and ‘scold’ her
• FOMO (#84): Don’t want to miss out on all those cool
discussions/idea-sharings happening on the forum
• Boosters (#3): An extra “high-status” label added to the
Avatar of a player for a limited time, e.g. “Top Contributor”
• Milestone Unlock (#19): Entire player journey will be based on
this; one module completion will unlock next module; Hitting
“x” points will unlock an invite to the next (offline) event etc.
• Voluntary Autonomy: Host online “area-wise meetups” on a
certain day/date, which players may choose to accept/reject
• Mentorship (#61): Encouraging top-scorers/senior community
members to act like mentors for new joinees, esp. for
teachers from their own neighborhood / school etc.
• Social Prods (#62): Players liking other players’ posts
• Water Cooler (#55): General chat-forum for teachers
• Group quests (#22): Getting all teachers from a school to get
together and do something
• Rolling rewards [lottery] (#74): While the invites for the offline
events will generally be awarded based on points
/achievements, every now and then, few teachers (who’re
not top-scorers) will randomly get a “wild card” invitation!
• Mini-quests/mini-games: FH asking teachers to report-back
the number of students in their class/school (enter this info in
the app) as a ‘mini-quest’ – While this will not be a part of the
main “game-play”, players may choose to take it up
• Points (#1), Badges (#2), Leaderboards (#3): Already explained
• Rockstar effect (#92): Recoding videos/media interviews of
early-bird teachers/top-scorers to give them ‘rockstar’ status
• Progress bars (#4): Showing what % of a module is complete
• Aura Effect (#9): Use early-bird players’/top-scorers’ videos
on site to inspire others; Have ‘mentorship’ program in place
• Rolling goods: Only early-birds/high-scorers have access to
invitation for (offline) events
• Chain Rewards: Linking a large bonus-point-credit to 3 tasks:
Doing x trainings, making 10 friends, and referring 3 teachers
• Step-by-step tutorial (#6): Helps players learn about the
platform, one step at a time (don’t show a long intro video)
• Avatar: Customizable by the player, the more the player
progresses, the more power she has to customize her Avatar
• Recruitment: Having teachers refer other teachers to join in
• Monitoring attachment (#42): Constantly show teachers the
metrics they care about, e.g. number of teachers in your
school who’ve completed the “core” teacher-training etc.
• Dangling (#44): Dangling a reward (invitation to offline
teachers-gala-event) to incentivize player to “do more”
• Appointment Dynamics (#21): Inviting all teachers in a
particular area/district to come online at a certain day/time
for an online discussion on a relevant topic – All teachers
who’re online at this time get “x” bonus points
Teacher Training
Topics Covered
Insights & implications
from case-material and
teacher videos, and
broad design/construct
of the training “game”
Strategy Dashboard
Octalysis Ideation /
03 Core Activity Loop
Sample visual
deliverables + Response
to 'Opening Questions'
Core Activity Loop
Dashboard refreshes to show latest status. Player will see random,
customized message welcoming her and/or encouraging her to
take the next logical step (e.g. a Beginner would see “Ready to
view your first training video?” while an Expert may see “Someone
from Shanghai just joined and asked a question which received 10
likes – would you like to try answering and help the community?”)
Player works through the “next logical step” (e.g.
views next training video, or answers a question
on the forum)
Player engages in “social” activities, like sending/accepting a
friend request, OR sending referral links to other (new) teachers
via email / WeChat / SMS
Player clicks on referral link to reach Teacher Training
site/app, watches intro videos, sees statistics pertaining
to FH program, learns about the ‘higher purpose’, and
completes sign-up
Successful completion of the challenge results in
the player’s points and/or badges and/or
leaderboard position to change, giving real-time
feedback to the player. If eligible, a player might
redeem some of her points and/or accept (or “give
away”) an invitation that she has received for an
(offline) event (such as a teachers-gala-meetup)
Completion of a pre-set number of activities leads to an
assessment/challenge to test the player’s learning/progress.
Beginners may see a “Quiz”, while Experts may see a Creative
Challenge, e.g. – “We’re organizing an (offline) event in Area XYZ in
6 weeks – need your help to give us some cool ideas on ice-
breakers! Worth 500 points! Accept the challenge?!“ (player will
receive points based on number of “likes” received on the idea)
Entry point for other daysEntry point for Day 1
Teacher Training
Topics Covered
Insights & implications
from case-material and
teacher videos, and
broad design/construct
of the training “game”
Strategy Dashboard
Octalysis Ideation /
03 Core Activity Loop
Sample visual
deliverables + Response
to 'Opening Questions'
Sample Visual Screens (1/2)
Sample Visual Screens (2/2)
Response to 'Opening Questions'
• How to get teachers excited about teaching Food Heroes? Make discovery phase more exciting? How to get teachers excited about
taking the workshop, so they encourage other teachers do it?
 This case-study submission uses a combination of “extrinsic” game elements (e.g. referral points) as well as “intrinsic” elements (e.g.
“humanity hero” video) to bring new joinees (teachers) to the site and get them excited about teaching Food Heroes (on viewing the
videos, etc.) There is also a “social” element included, with the training platform serving more as a community for teachers where they
can add existing/new friends, ask and answer questions, and learn from each other. All this will help get teachers excited about
teaching FH.
 To further reinforce / support his, “Food Heroes” can also do an awareness “skit” in select schools – where players dressed as “heroes”
(Electra Spedova, Helen Lee, etc.) and “villains” (Floppy Fiona etc.) “act out” a small narrative, making teachers (and also students!)
curious about what this is about, and they can then scan the QR code held by the characters to take them to the training site for
further discovery / registration. Similarly, Food Heroes can upload YouTube “teaser videos”, which have a link at the end / bottom of the
video for interested teachers to join in
 The intro “humanity hero” video will include a section saying “….You will soon have the power to teach ‘Food Heroes’ and start saving
our children (and our plant) from ill-health….but with great power, comes great responsibility….you must promise to work-hard to train
yourself well for standing-up to this challenge….From our side, we also promise to make this journey as ‘fun’ and ‘engaging’ for you as
possible…and in the process, you’ll make many new friends in the community!!...” Since teachers already have a very strong desire to
LOOK and FEEL smart while teaching their class-kids, and to increase the prestige of the school (CD2 - Accomplishment), and also have
a very strong drive to improve their position/status with their peer-teachers, these core-drive will help push them to make the
connection between “excited to teach FH” and “training myself to do it well”. Thus, not only will teachers be excited about teaching FH,
but will also be “incited” to get excited about training themselves in FH, esp. through a fun-filled, social platform which is very engaging
Response to 'Opening Questions'
• How to gamify the 4 hour workshop? What is the experience after the 4 hour workshop, while they are teaching over the year?
 The “Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming” page and other pages in this case-study give ample ideas on how to gamify the training
workshop. Given that teachers are usually so busy, it is highly unlikely that they will complete the entire training in one sitting. Instead,
they would probably spend around 15-30 minutes per day in surfing through the training platform, and therefore, appropriate game-
mechanics have been employed to keep them engaged/motivated to keep coming back and complete the trainings
 The engagement/experience does not stop once the “core” online training has been completed, in fact – as elaborated in this case-
study submission, there are a number of ways to keep all “levels” of players motivated in the “game play” / next-logical activity /
challenge. Senior (expert) members can take up mentorship roles in the community, helping new joinees, providing inputs throughout
the actual 7-week FH program in schools (e.g. – by uploading their own videos of “how they did it” etc.), and also supporting the FH
Global Management Team in organizing (offline) events, etc. which will increase their competence, autonomy (since they’re free to use
their creativity in giving whatever ideas they’d like), and “relatedness” (sense of being involved with a “world mission” / “higher
purpose”) – all of which will further increase their “intrinsic” motivation to keep participating and contributing to the community
Response to 'Opening Questions'
• How do we deliver the package of curriculum materials to the teachers? How do we best present the materials to teachers? Both
training materials and students' in-classroom use materials.
 To preserve budget, it would be appropriate to keep “physical distribution” of course materials to a bare minimum. Therefore,
emphasis should be on encouraging teachers to download soft-copies of as much of the “training material” as possible from the site
 For other “physical” game-objects (students’ in-classroom use materials) such as cards, etc. which may not be readily “downloadable”,
FH should create a low-cost “standard game-delivery-box” to courier these materials to schools. FH Management Team should try to
get part/full sponsorship for creating and shipping these game-objects from the Chinese government and/or non-government
organizations and/or philanthropists and/or schools.
 FH should also consider this idea – one school should first only be given delivery of at most “x” boxes of the game. Once they’ve proven
that they’re fully committed to the initiative (e.g. by training one full class on the same), only then should other box-deliveries be
released to the school (after some time). This should be done at least during the starting few weeks of the program. This will also
create a feeling of “scarcity” and “higher value” for the boxes, and schools/teachers will start pushing on the initiative to make tangible
progress that they can show to FH, for getting more boxes in turn. This will also ensure that scarce resources (i.e. boxes) go only to the
“deserving” schools which are serious about pushing this initiative. Another condition for a school to get “subsidized” FH game boxes,
will be, for the school to explicitly add “health education” as a very important and prominent part of its vision/mission statements
Response to 'Opening Questions'
• How can we turn teachers into advocates? How do teachers advocate to other teachers in other schools to use Food Heroes
throughout the 7 week program, in a casual conversation? "Hey look at this video.”
 Multiple ideas have been given in this case-study submission for the same. Some of these are as below –
 FH Teacher-Ambassadors: The opportunity to “promote” some early-bird/top-scorer teachers as “FH teacher-ambassadors” will explicitly help convert teachers into
advocates. These “FH teacher-ambassadors” will be highly-motivated teachers (and senior members of the platform-community) who would’ve taken the training and
benefited from it themselves, and they will encourage and guide other teachers to participate in the program and take the training. They will also share their own
experiences of teaching kids the 7-week program (e.g. by sharing a video of how they did it in their class) and the learnings emanating from the same. Moreover, FH
Teacher-Ambassadors will also help FH organize (offline) teacher meetups, where they would further advocate/promote the program. FH Teacher Ambassadors will
also be engaged in constantly providing new ideas/inputs to the FH Global Management Team, to help them further expand / accelerate / promote the program in
other schools / geographies via new initiatives, e.g. - FH Ambassadors could help design and implement various media (TV, print etc.) and/or awareness campaigns
(school-skits etc.), to further advocate the program to other schools.
 Referral Program: The referral platform in which both the referrer as well as the referee (invited person) will receive bonus points, is also an “extrinsic” motivator for
the teachers to act as advocates in spreading/expanding the program. Multiple channels such as Email, SMS and WeChat would be supported. Many schools may
already have teachers as part of a WeChat group, and posting the referral-link on such existing groups could really help accelerate the program’s adoption/advocacy
 Mentorship Program: There will also be a mentorship program within the training platform, where “senior” teachers can accept to mentor “new” teachers for a limited
time period. These senior teachers will “evangelize” the benefits of the training to the new teachers, and also help them go through the journey to complete the same,
thereby serving as advocates of the program. (The difference between the FH Teacher-Ambassador program and the mentorship program will purely be in terms of
time-commitment, i.e. Ambassadors will be highly self-motivated teachers who will commit to spend a sizeable portion of their time towards the FH initiative. On the
other hand, “Mentors” will also be senior community members, however, for whatever reasons, they will not be able to spend “more than ‘x’ hours” on FH-related
initiatives, and therefore, they would be happy to serve as mentors but will not commit to as much time as an FH-Teacher-Ambassador.)
 Player Journey: In addition to all this, the game-play would itself encourage those players (teachers) who’re currently running the 7-week program in their schools, to
come back and report / add content talking about their experiences with these programs, and the benefits they’re seeing from the same. This natural “player journey”
would itself encourage the “new” teachers as well to train for the program, and deploy the same in their classes at the earliest.

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Mayur Kapur Teacher Training Workshop: Octalysis Gamification Design Challenge for Food Heroes

  • 1. - Food Heroes Design Challenge - Gamifying “Teacher Training” MAYUR KAPUR
  • 2. Topics Covered Insights & implications from case-material and teacher videos, and broad design/construct of the training “game” Strategy Dashboard 01 02 Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming 03 Core Activity Loop 04 Sample visual deliverables + Response to 'Opening Questions' 05
  • 3. Topics Covered Insights & implications from case-material and teacher videos, and broad design/construct of the training “game” Strategy Dashboard 01 02 Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming 03 Core Activity Loop 04 Sample visual deliverables + Response to 'Opening Questions' 05
  • 4. Human-Focused Design: Insights from case-material & teacher videos Teachers already find the day “very rushed” and may not be intrinsically motivated (as of today) to include programs like “Food Heroes” as part of their day-to-day teaching routine 1. Teachers are busy and “don’t have much time” Teachers are looking for “innovative tools and resources” to teach better and engage the kids, and make their work easier 2. Need pre-designed yet innovative materials to teach To succeed, an elaborate, comprehensive program like “Food Heroes” [FH] will need very well- trained, intrinsically motivated teachers to execute the program end-to-end 3. “Food Heroes” will need very well-trained teachers Teachers in China All this indicates that this is a ripe case for applying gamification, to motivate teachers to participate (and spread) FH teacher- training, and implement FH for their own classes
  • 5. • Need to scale FH program quickly with pre-designed yet innovative content  Online trainings can be scaled quicker than offline training workshops • Limited budget  Online will be cheaper to implement than offline • Need “virality” to scale  Online will facilitate quick referrals / invites etc. • Make online trainings “free” • Completion of online training + earning “x” points will ‘unlock’ access to select offline events/workshops • Use offline teacher workshops to build on learnings from online trainings • Make it “local”: Find out the most active online teachers, and give them the opportunity to help organize offline workshops in their school/area • Offline workshops could have a small participation fee per teacher, to be paid by the school (as part of teacher development budget)  This will help sustain the program financially • Given the nature of the program, the teachers eventually need to feel intrinsically motivated, to ensure FH’s continued, long-term success • Use extrinsic rewards to “hook” them onto the program, but then use game mechanics to add intrinsic motivation levers for continued engagement • Focus on the 3 pillars of intrinsic motivation: Competence, Autonomy and Relatedness Lead with “Online” Trainings Augment with “Offline” Workshops Build “intrinsic” motivation Human-Focused Design: Insights from case-material & teacher videosKey Implications from these insights (upfront design choices made)
  • 6. Broad design/construct of the teacher-training “game” 3. The top-scoring teachers will be featured on the FH / teacher-training site (via a short video). They will also get an exclusive invite to an FH teacher-gala-event, where they will learn more about the program / its ‘higher purpose’, and be encouraged to become FH ‘ambassadors’/trainers for their schools/areas 5. More teachers will get ‘referred’ for the training, sign-up, complete the training, and occasionally get invited to (offline) events to reinforce/share their learnings. Unlike the first few events (sponsored by FH), these later events could have a small participation fee per teacher (to be paid by the schools) 2. Some teachers will go online and start the training. They will discover that few top- scoring teachers will be getting an ‘exclusive invite’ to an (offline) FH teacher-gala-event. To earn more points, teachers will send out invites to other teachers, get points when those teachers complete the training, answer questions on the chat-forum, etc. 4. These FH ambassadors will spread word- of-mouth at their schools/neighborhoods, send out more teacher-invites, etc. As they “progress”, they will feel more competent, enjoy autonomy (they can use their own creativity/ideas to grow the program), and feel more socially-connected and intrinsically motivated towards the ‘higher purpose’ 1. JUCCCE/FH will run an awareness campaign with shows the ‘higher purpose’ of the program (save kids’ & our planet’s health) and announce ‘early bird prizes’ (FH Teacher T-Shirts etc.) and media recognition for limited number of teachers who are the first to complete the FH online-teacher-training 6. And the cycle will continue… Note: While the “core” online training will only be for 4 hours, teachers will be able go through lot of additional ‘optional’ training videos/ content on the site. Over time, some teachers will also “produce” such content and add it to the site for others to learn/benefit from it
  • 7. Topics Covered Insights & implications from case-material and teacher videos, and broad design/construct of the training “game” Strategy Dashboard 01 02 Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming 03 Core Activity Loop 04 Sample visual deliverables + Response to 'Opening Questions' 05
  • 8. Framework used for addressing this case-study
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  • 10. Framework used for addressing this case-study
  • 11. 1. Define Business Metrics  Game Objectives 1. Favorable behavior change in teachers after taking the 4-hour online training program (i.e. they should feel fully motivated, committed and skilled-enough to implement the “Food Heroes” [FH] program in their classroom) 2. Number of teachers who have completed the 4-hour online training 3. Number of teachers who are “in progress” with the 4-hour online training (but haven’t completed yet) 4. “Virality quotient” of the training – i.e. how many teachers are referring other teachers to sign-up for the program 5. Total number of offline workshops/events completed 6. Total number of offline workshops/events in the pipeline (planned but not yet completed) 7. Average feedback rating (given by teachers) on the quality of the workshops/events (immediately after the event ends)
  • 12. Framework used for addressing this case-study
  • 13. 2. Define Users  Players Demographics of the Players (Teachers) • 24-35 years old, college-educated • Relatively low income What core-drives motivate them? • CD2 – Accomplishment – STRONG - Need to feel and look smart in front of kids while explaining/guiding; Bringing prestige for the school by participating in a reputable program (like FH) • CD5 – Social Influence – STRONG - Value caregivers who thank them for their efforts. Comparison with their peer group (other teachers) • CD 3 – Empowerment – MEDIUM – Looking for new tools and resources to engage the kids • CD 1 – Meaning – WEAK/MEDIUM – Teachers know that their efforts will shape the future of the kids, but as of today, this seems to be a relatively weak feeling/core-drive. This is a problem, because unless they see “meaning” in the FH program, they may not ever commit themselves fully to it (for the long-term). Therefore, I have introduced game mechanics which will add “meaning” to the FH program, tying the teachers to a ‘higher purpose’ (saving kids’ and planets’ health), thereby intrinsically motivating them to participate in the program What are the anti-core-drives? • CD8 – Avoidance – STRONG – They’re not looking for more work, but for things that make their existing work easier (so if they look at FH as “more work” to add to their already busy schedules, they will not be motivated to take it up); Also, want to avoid spending their limited time and budget in things that they’re not convinced / motivated about • CD 7 – Unpredictability – WEAK/MEDIUM - Prefer “standard” course material and pre-designed tools; don’t want unpredictability – this might reduce their motivation level to adopt a new “non-standard” program like FH (unless it’s made a part of the standard curriculum)
  • 14. Framework used for addressing this case-study
  • 15. 3. Define Desired Actions  Win States # Desired Action A1 Learn about the Food Heroes (FH) project and FH teacher-training (media, website, other teachers). A2 Click a shared link (received in an email or WeChat message or SMS), or scanning a QR code, or directly visiting the FH teacher-training website (or app, if that exists) A3 Watch introductory videos, incl. testimonials from teachers who’ve completed the teacher-training (how did the training benefit them, how did the kids in the class benefit, and how the teacher felt great on being part of a “higher purpose”) A4 See key statistics related to FH program on the website: How many students’ lives have been touched with the FH program, how many teacher-trainings completed / in-progress, how many teachers trained in your school / around your area A5 Sign-up on the teacher training website/app A. Discovery Phase
  • 16. 3. Define Desired Actions  Win States # Desired Action B1 Learn about the basic interface of the training site/app (incl. training-video-buttons/progress, points, badges & leaderboards) B2 Customize your Avatar B3 Get your first “points” (experience points) and your first badge B4 See which other teachers in your school/area are on the training program, and what score/level have they reached B5 See where your school stands in comparison to other schools in the country, on teacher-training-progress B6 Complete your first video-training-link and get a “Great Start!!” badge B7 Add your first “friend” in the training site / app community B8 Ask your first question / respond to another teacher’s question in the “questions/comments” section of the site B. Onboarding Phase
  • 17. 3. Define Desired Actions  Win States # Desired Action C1 Complete more and more video trainings (spend around 15–30 min per day in going through the training material). [Each module of the training ‘unlocks’ only after the previous module (incl. assessment quiz) has been successfully completed] C2 Download more FH materials / content from the site / app C3 Add more “friends” (from those who’re already registered as part of the program) C4 Comment on more posts / add more posts in the “comments” section / answer other teachers’ questions C5 Send out “referral invites” to other teachers in your school / area / known to you (through WeChat, Email, SMS, etc.) C. Scaffolding Phase
  • 18. 3. Define Desired Actions  Win States # Desired Action D1 Become a FH Teachers’ Ambassador: Help in organizing “offline” teacher events in own school and/or around own locality D2 Make videos (or other content) recording your own experiences with kids inside the class (when they are playing the FH game), and put up key learnings / thoughts arising out of the same for other teachers to read / learn / comment on D3 For new initiatives being planned by FH (e.g. “Monthly Subscription Box”), give suggestions to them on how to run / grow / improve the same D4 Come up with new initiatives / ideas to scale the FH program, and engage other teachers in the online community to add / comment on the same to improve and/or implement these ideas (in collaboration with FH) D5 Become part of a select team of “elite” teachers, selected to help FH scale the program outside of China (i.e. globally) D. Endgame Phase
  • 19. Framework used for addressing this case-study
  • 20. 4. Define Feedback Mechanics  Triggers 1. Points, badges and leaderboards will definitely be a big component helping teachers monitor/track their progress, since CD2 (Accomplishment) is one of the strongest core-drives at play in the current context  Points will be earned for performing almost every “desired action”, such as viewing a training video + passing the “quiz test” appearing after the video, referring other teachers to join the platform, following-up with referred teachers to ensure they complete the training (in which case bonus points will be added to the referrer’s account), replying to a question on the teachers’ chat-forum, etc. Also, players will be able to “vote up” a question / response / comment posted by a particular teacher, in which case that teacher will earn additional points  Badges will signify which “learning stage” / level the teachers area at (e.g. – Novice, Expert etc.), but will also signify other achievements (e.g. – “Early Bird” badge, “Super Referrer” badge, “Community Friend” badge, etc.)  Leaderboards will show the player where he/she ranks vs. other players. To avoid new players immediately getting demotivated by seeing a low rank, the leaderboard will not pop up immediately, instead it will evolve as the player journey progresses, e.g. – At a certain point in time, the leaderboard may only show how the player is ranked vs. other players in his neighborhood, or vs. other players (teachers) from the same school. Idea is to show “empathy” towards the player, and incorporate that suitably in the game mechanics. There will be “school leaderboards” as well, which will show the aggregate points for your school vs. other schools in the district / state / country
  • 21. 4. Define Feedback Mechanics  Triggers 2. The players (teachers) will also be shown related metrics that they care for, like –  Number of Total “Food Hero Kids” in your school / area / state / country  Number of certified (training-completed) FH teachers in your school / area / state / country  Number of teachers referred by you (who’ve completed the online training)  Number of teachers influenced by you (e.g. – if I referred 1 teacher, and she referred 2 more, my total referral influence = 1+2 = 3 teachers 3. There will be a number of other feedback mechanics / vehicles in the “game”. Some of these are as follows –  Avatar customization  Emails: Welcome email, Thank You email, Alert email (friend request), etc.  WeChat  Teacher training report-card (weekly?)  Teacher Feedback/Interaction/Recommendations (similar to LinkedIN recommendations)  Likes / Thumbs-Up on posts  Progress Bars  Explanation Videos  Mobile App  Caregiver Feedback/Interaction (if the teacher- and caregiver- apps can be linked)
  • 22. Framework used for addressing this case-study
  • 23. 5. Define Incentives  Rewards 1. SAPS  Status: As players will earn more points, collect badges, and progress on the leaderboard, their status in the community will increase. This might get added / reflected in their Avatars (so that all registered / unregistered people on the platform may be able to see the same), e.g. – a person who has referred more than a certain number of teachers successfully may get the status-label “Super Referrer” added to her Avatar automatically  Access: As explained previously, completion of the entire online training within “X” days, plus scoring more than “Y” points will provide “access” to “invitations” to attend (offline) events where one could meet the FH management team, other teachers from the area / state, etc. and contribute more to the program  Power: Highest-scoring players (teachers) in the community will be given the power to moderate posts (in the chat- forums), etc. They will also be given the power to propose / change dates of key ‘mini-quests’ in their neighborhoods (e.g. – if a mini-quest (informal teacher meet-up) is being organized in the neighborhood, some teachers will have the “power” to finalize the date(s) and time(s) for such mini-quests  Stuff: Once a certain number of points have been earned by a teacher through extensive contributions to the community (platform), she could redeem the same to buy some healthy foodstuff from the canteen of her own school or a partner-school. FH could also tie-up with some retailers/shops for the same, so that points could also be redeemed at these shops/outlets.
  • 24. 5. Define Incentives  Rewards 2. Reward Context  Fixed Action Rewards (Earned Lunch): Players will earn points on completion of certain specific actions (such as watching videos and passing the quiz-tests appearing after the videos)  Social Treasure (Gifting): Players will earn a “referral bonus” gift (additional points) only if they click and register via a “referral link” sent to them by someone (as against registering directly on the site). Also, top-scorers will be able to “gift” their offline-event-invitations once to another player (teacher) who has never attended any offline event.  Prize Pacing (Collection Set): FH could institute a collection set with 4 components – “Learner” (earned when you complete a minimum number of hours of training), “Friend” (when more than “x” people add you as a friend), “Organizer” (when you have organized at least 1 “offline” event [recognized by FH] on your own, and “Expert” (when FH Management Team has given you a badge for a valuable idea given by you which they’ve agreed to implement). Only a player who achieves all these 4 feats, will have won the “collection set” which will be prominently shown along-side the Avatar of the player  Sudden Rewards (Easter Eggs): When a certain combination of events happens, e.g. – a player has just completed “replying” to “x” posts on the community/platform for the first time, he/she will suddenly get a fairly large “bonus points” reward that was unknown and completely unexpected.
  • 25. Topics Covered Insights & implications from case-material and teacher videos, and broad design/construct of the training “game” Strategy Dashboard 01 02 Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming 03 Core Activity Loop 04 Sample visual deliverables + Response to 'Opening Questions' 05
  • 26. Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming Core Drive 1: Epic Meaning & Calling Core Drive 3: Empowerment of Creativity Core Drive 5: Social Influence & Relatedness Core Drive 7: Unpredictability & Curiosity Core Drive 8: Loss & Avoidance Core Drive 6: Scarcity & Impatience Core Drive 4: Ownership & Possession Core Drive 2: Development & Accomplishment • Humanity Hero (#27): Making players believe they are protecting kids from bad health and ‘saving the planet’ • Elitism (#26): Eventually, schools will compete against each other on the platform, and players will have the feeling of belonging to an ‘elite group’ (i.e. their own school) • Sunk Cost (#50): Don’t want all those hours spent on the platform (plus points and “status”), go to waste • Scarlet Letter (#82): Teachers can see which teacher from their school is ‘stuck’ and not progressing, and ‘scold’ her • FOMO (#84): Don’t want to miss out on all those cool discussions/idea-sharings happening on the forum • Boosters (#3): An extra “high-status” label added to the Avatar of a player for a limited time, e.g. “Top Contributor” • Milestone Unlock (#19): Entire player journey will be based on this; one module completion will unlock next module; Hitting “x” points will unlock an invite to the next (offline) event etc. • Voluntary Autonomy: Host online “area-wise meetups” on a certain day/date, which players may choose to accept/reject • Mentorship (#61): Encouraging top-scorers/senior community members to act like mentors for new joinees, esp. for teachers from their own neighborhood / school etc. • Social Prods (#62): Players liking other players’ posts • Water Cooler (#55): General chat-forum for teachers • Group quests (#22): Getting all teachers from a school to get together and do something • Rolling rewards [lottery] (#74): While the invites for the offline events will generally be awarded based on points /achievements, every now and then, few teachers (who’re not top-scorers) will randomly get a “wild card” invitation! • Mini-quests/mini-games: FH asking teachers to report-back the number of students in their class/school (enter this info in the app) as a ‘mini-quest’ – While this will not be a part of the main “game-play”, players may choose to take it up • Points (#1), Badges (#2), Leaderboards (#3): Already explained • Rockstar effect (#92): Recoding videos/media interviews of early-bird teachers/top-scorers to give them ‘rockstar’ status • Progress bars (#4): Showing what % of a module is complete • Aura Effect (#9): Use early-bird players’/top-scorers’ videos on site to inspire others; Have ‘mentorship’ program in place • Rolling goods: Only early-birds/high-scorers have access to invitation for (offline) events • Chain Rewards: Linking a large bonus-point-credit to 3 tasks: Doing x trainings, making 10 friends, and referring 3 teachers • Step-by-step tutorial (#6): Helps players learn about the platform, one step at a time (don’t show a long intro video) • Avatar: Customizable by the player, the more the player progresses, the more power she has to customize her Avatar • Recruitment: Having teachers refer other teachers to join in • Monitoring attachment (#42): Constantly show teachers the metrics they care about, e.g. number of teachers in your school who’ve completed the “core” teacher-training etc. • Dangling (#44): Dangling a reward (invitation to offline teachers-gala-event) to incentivize player to “do more” • Appointment Dynamics (#21): Inviting all teachers in a particular area/district to come online at a certain day/time for an online discussion on a relevant topic – All teachers who’re online at this time get “x” bonus points Teacher Training
  • 27. Topics Covered Insights & implications from case-material and teacher videos, and broad design/construct of the training “game” Strategy Dashboard 01 02 Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming 03 Core Activity Loop 04 Sample visual deliverables + Response to 'Opening Questions' 05
  • 28. Core Activity Loop Dashboard refreshes to show latest status. Player will see random, customized message welcoming her and/or encouraging her to take the next logical step (e.g. a Beginner would see “Ready to view your first training video?” while an Expert may see “Someone from Shanghai just joined and asked a question which received 10 likes – would you like to try answering and help the community?”) Player works through the “next logical step” (e.g. views next training video, or answers a question on the forum) Player engages in “social” activities, like sending/accepting a friend request, OR sending referral links to other (new) teachers via email / WeChat / SMS Player clicks on referral link to reach Teacher Training site/app, watches intro videos, sees statistics pertaining to FH program, learns about the ‘higher purpose’, and completes sign-up Successful completion of the challenge results in the player’s points and/or badges and/or leaderboard position to change, giving real-time feedback to the player. If eligible, a player might redeem some of her points and/or accept (or “give away”) an invitation that she has received for an (offline) event (such as a teachers-gala-meetup) Completion of a pre-set number of activities leads to an assessment/challenge to test the player’s learning/progress. Beginners may see a “Quiz”, while Experts may see a Creative Challenge, e.g. – “We’re organizing an (offline) event in Area XYZ in 6 weeks – need your help to give us some cool ideas on ice- breakers! Worth 500 points! Accept the challenge?!“ (player will receive points based on number of “likes” received on the idea) Entry point for other daysEntry point for Day 1 Teacher Training
  • 29. Topics Covered Insights & implications from case-material and teacher videos, and broad design/construct of the training “game” Strategy Dashboard 01 02 Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming 03 Core Activity Loop 04 Sample visual deliverables + Response to 'Opening Questions' 05
  • 32. Response to 'Opening Questions' • How to get teachers excited about teaching Food Heroes? Make discovery phase more exciting? How to get teachers excited about taking the workshop, so they encourage other teachers do it?  This case-study submission uses a combination of “extrinsic” game elements (e.g. referral points) as well as “intrinsic” elements (e.g. “humanity hero” video) to bring new joinees (teachers) to the site and get them excited about teaching Food Heroes (on viewing the videos, etc.) There is also a “social” element included, with the training platform serving more as a community for teachers where they can add existing/new friends, ask and answer questions, and learn from each other. All this will help get teachers excited about teaching FH.  To further reinforce / support his, “Food Heroes” can also do an awareness “skit” in select schools – where players dressed as “heroes” (Electra Spedova, Helen Lee, etc.) and “villains” (Floppy Fiona etc.) “act out” a small narrative, making teachers (and also students!) curious about what this is about, and they can then scan the QR code held by the characters to take them to the training site for further discovery / registration. Similarly, Food Heroes can upload YouTube “teaser videos”, which have a link at the end / bottom of the video for interested teachers to join in  The intro “humanity hero” video will include a section saying “….You will soon have the power to teach ‘Food Heroes’ and start saving our children (and our plant) from ill-health….but with great power, comes great responsibility….you must promise to work-hard to train yourself well for standing-up to this challenge….From our side, we also promise to make this journey as ‘fun’ and ‘engaging’ for you as possible…and in the process, you’ll make many new friends in the community!!...” Since teachers already have a very strong desire to LOOK and FEEL smart while teaching their class-kids, and to increase the prestige of the school (CD2 - Accomplishment), and also have a very strong drive to improve their position/status with their peer-teachers, these core-drive will help push them to make the connection between “excited to teach FH” and “training myself to do it well”. Thus, not only will teachers be excited about teaching FH, but will also be “incited” to get excited about training themselves in FH, esp. through a fun-filled, social platform which is very engaging
  • 33. Response to 'Opening Questions' • How to gamify the 4 hour workshop? What is the experience after the 4 hour workshop, while they are teaching over the year?  The “Octalysis Ideation / Brainstorming” page and other pages in this case-study give ample ideas on how to gamify the training workshop. Given that teachers are usually so busy, it is highly unlikely that they will complete the entire training in one sitting. Instead, they would probably spend around 15-30 minutes per day in surfing through the training platform, and therefore, appropriate game- mechanics have been employed to keep them engaged/motivated to keep coming back and complete the trainings  The engagement/experience does not stop once the “core” online training has been completed, in fact – as elaborated in this case- study submission, there are a number of ways to keep all “levels” of players motivated in the “game play” / next-logical activity / challenge. Senior (expert) members can take up mentorship roles in the community, helping new joinees, providing inputs throughout the actual 7-week FH program in schools (e.g. – by uploading their own videos of “how they did it” etc.), and also supporting the FH Global Management Team in organizing (offline) events, etc. which will increase their competence, autonomy (since they’re free to use their creativity in giving whatever ideas they’d like), and “relatedness” (sense of being involved with a “world mission” / “higher purpose”) – all of which will further increase their “intrinsic” motivation to keep participating and contributing to the community
  • 34. Response to 'Opening Questions' • How do we deliver the package of curriculum materials to the teachers? How do we best present the materials to teachers? Both training materials and students' in-classroom use materials.  To preserve budget, it would be appropriate to keep “physical distribution” of course materials to a bare minimum. Therefore, emphasis should be on encouraging teachers to download soft-copies of as much of the “training material” as possible from the site itself  For other “physical” game-objects (students’ in-classroom use materials) such as cards, etc. which may not be readily “downloadable”, FH should create a low-cost “standard game-delivery-box” to courier these materials to schools. FH Management Team should try to get part/full sponsorship for creating and shipping these game-objects from the Chinese government and/or non-government organizations and/or philanthropists and/or schools.  FH should also consider this idea – one school should first only be given delivery of at most “x” boxes of the game. Once they’ve proven that they’re fully committed to the initiative (e.g. by training one full class on the same), only then should other box-deliveries be released to the school (after some time). This should be done at least during the starting few weeks of the program. This will also create a feeling of “scarcity” and “higher value” for the boxes, and schools/teachers will start pushing on the initiative to make tangible progress that they can show to FH, for getting more boxes in turn. This will also ensure that scarce resources (i.e. boxes) go only to the “deserving” schools which are serious about pushing this initiative. Another condition for a school to get “subsidized” FH game boxes, will be, for the school to explicitly add “health education” as a very important and prominent part of its vision/mission statements
  • 35. Response to 'Opening Questions' • How can we turn teachers into advocates? How do teachers advocate to other teachers in other schools to use Food Heroes throughout the 7 week program, in a casual conversation? "Hey look at this video.”  Multiple ideas have been given in this case-study submission for the same. Some of these are as below –  FH Teacher-Ambassadors: The opportunity to “promote” some early-bird/top-scorer teachers as “FH teacher-ambassadors” will explicitly help convert teachers into advocates. These “FH teacher-ambassadors” will be highly-motivated teachers (and senior members of the platform-community) who would’ve taken the training and benefited from it themselves, and they will encourage and guide other teachers to participate in the program and take the training. They will also share their own experiences of teaching kids the 7-week program (e.g. by sharing a video of how they did it in their class) and the learnings emanating from the same. Moreover, FH Teacher-Ambassadors will also help FH organize (offline) teacher meetups, where they would further advocate/promote the program. FH Teacher Ambassadors will also be engaged in constantly providing new ideas/inputs to the FH Global Management Team, to help them further expand / accelerate / promote the program in other schools / geographies via new initiatives, e.g. - FH Ambassadors could help design and implement various media (TV, print etc.) and/or awareness campaigns (school-skits etc.), to further advocate the program to other schools.  Referral Program: The referral platform in which both the referrer as well as the referee (invited person) will receive bonus points, is also an “extrinsic” motivator for the teachers to act as advocates in spreading/expanding the program. Multiple channels such as Email, SMS and WeChat would be supported. Many schools may already have teachers as part of a WeChat group, and posting the referral-link on such existing groups could really help accelerate the program’s adoption/advocacy  Mentorship Program: There will also be a mentorship program within the training platform, where “senior” teachers can accept to mentor “new” teachers for a limited time period. These senior teachers will “evangelize” the benefits of the training to the new teachers, and also help them go through the journey to complete the same, thereby serving as advocates of the program. (The difference between the FH Teacher-Ambassador program and the mentorship program will purely be in terms of time-commitment, i.e. Ambassadors will be highly self-motivated teachers who will commit to spend a sizeable portion of their time towards the FH initiative. On the other hand, “Mentors” will also be senior community members, however, for whatever reasons, they will not be able to spend “more than ‘x’ hours” on FH-related initiatives, and therefore, they would be happy to serve as mentors but will not commit to as much time as an FH-Teacher-Ambassador.)  Player Journey: In addition to all this, the game-play would itself encourage those players (teachers) who’re currently running the 7-week program in their schools, to come back and report / add content talking about their experiences with these programs, and the benefits they’re seeing from the same. This natural “player journey” would itself encourage the “new” teachers as well to train for the program, and deploy the same in their classes at the earliest.