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Materialism In The Necklace And The Gift Of The Magi
"We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give" (Winston Churchill). While money is necessary, an abundance isn't required to be
happy. Attaining happiness comes through serving others. The Necklace and The Gift of the Magi share a valuable lesson about materialism. However,
both stories have a different outlook. In The Necklace, Madame Loisel's materialism is selfishness. In The Gift of The Magi, Della and Jim's
materialism selflessness. The placing of value on materialistic goods can end up positively or negatively impacting one's life. In The Necklace by Guy
de Maupassant the only thing that seems to make Loisel happy are things that money can buy. Unlike in the Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, Della learns
that the ... Show more content on ...
Loisel wishes for every luxury in life. She determines that it is the only thing that makes life worth living. "Her tastes were simple because she
had never been able to afford any other... for women have no caste or class, their beauty, grace, and charm serving them from birth or family, their
natural delicacy, their instinctive elegance, their nimbleness of wit, are their only mark of rank, and put the slum girl on a level with the highest
lady in the land" (1). While she may be as refined as she can possibly be without money, it's still not good enough. She longs to be the best and she
won't settle for less, if she can help it! Madame Loisel gets her wish and attends a party. Afterwards, she realizes she has lost her friend's diamond
necklace. She bought a replacement identical necklace and for the next ten years with her husband, they finally pay it off. Once the debt is paid, she
tells her friend the misery she's been through and how it was all her fault. Her friend replies that the diamonds were imitation and hardly worth
anything. Madame Loisel's unintended negative consequences lead her to live a life far from what she wanted.
In the Gift of the Magi, there are two objects that are extremely important to the Dillingham family. However, they learn that while the objects used to
have the highest value in their home, now each other is the most valuable thing they have. Nearing the end of the story, "Each sold the most valuable
thing he
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Latino Men Tend To Judge A Neighborhood
We tend to judge a neighborhood often with news report and people's actions. As parents walk by the sidewalk, they notice the red paint graffiti on
the white wall behind a small store. The graffiti reads "MS13 LEEWARD" and right away they know that it has been done by a group of gangsters
marking their property. Families assume that gangsters live in that specific neighborhood.
Each time they pass in that area they see Latino men wearing white sleeveless shirts with baggy blue pants. They observe the different tattoos all over
their arms with different shapes and letters. The Latino men are always at the top of white concrete steps with cracks scattered over. The men are
examining everything in their way, turning their heads to the side and ... Show more content on ...
While the children were playing soccer their parents are organizing the food and table. They let their children play anywhere they want in the backyard
and anywhere in the neighborhood. The aroma of carne asada was filled throughout the backyard and into the rest of the neighborhood. The
backyard was filled with a line of green bushes and a pile of toys was in the corner for any kid to play with. Everyone was invited but only a few went
since many people had to go to work. There was Spanish songs being played by a DJ with his big set of headphones on. Families were mixing with
other families from different backgrounds. Men were laughing, women were off talking about different dishes and children were off playing as a group.
Everyone sat down at the big rectangular table like if they were all a big family enjoying dinner together. There was food such as guacamole, carne
asada and tacos. Families were able to take leftovers home and were grateful for this. They each hug their neighbors good bye as they leave the
backyard into the sidewalk to their own unique
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Surrealism And Its Impact On The 19th Century During The...
There have been some controversy during the early 20th century during the world wars. Art lost its meaning during this time and the only way to
give it meaning again was to make it different, to offend people to help to make a point. This is similar to the artist/rapper Eminem, how his use of
profane language draws attention to his work and its controversy makes it a topic of conversation. After the rise of abstract art rose a new style called
Dada art. This was one of the most unusual time in part as it went against the common idea as to what art is. Dada led to Surrealism which began to
flourish in the 1920's. Because these two movement are so close together there will be many different similarities and differences between the two.
While both have the same underlying message, surrealism is more sexual in comparison compared to dada but both had the same message to give,
although each has its own method to achieve its goals.
"The modernist' admiration for primitivism led to Dada, the most unusual art movement of the twentieth century." (Experience Humanities, pg 581)
The idea of Dada is to show the problems in society but disrupting the system. This was in particularly done to show how WWI had devalued art.
Dada artist did a lot to disrupt the system like "Hurl gobs of spit in the faces of the bourgeoisie. They staged exhibits in public lavatories, planned
meetings in cemeteries, and arranged lectures where the speakers were drowned out by a bell" (Experience Humanities pg
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Reflection Paper
In the tapestry of life, I've learned to be accustomed to people from diverse colors of race, textures of beliefs and patterns of culture. In every stage
and in different settings, I have been surrounded by different threads of individuals with their unique life experiences. Each experience and
relationship have women me into an expressive piece of fabric that rejects the narrowness of uniformity. Early in my formative years, I wore the
identity of an immigrant from a small, homogenous town in the Philippines to the big, melting pot city of San Francisco. My family relocated to
pursue the American dream with both of my persevering parents juggling two jobs that successfully sent seven of their kids through school. I roamed
around my neighborhood where you can easily stumble upon a local pizza joint baking the cheesiest slice, a hole–in–the–wall Filipino stand dishing up
the cheapest comfort food, and a popular Mexican canteen offering a loaded carne asada burrito with a side of live mariachi band. In this colorful
neighborhood, I learned basic geometry and played schoolyard kickball with my fellow peers who attended the same district school. This diverse
environment exposed me to different races and cultures, new ideas and philosophies and meaningful lessons and education. One of the most impactful
of these discoveries came from room 201, fourth period, seventh grade science class at James Denman Middle School with Mr. Fox. Consequently, my
initial interest and amazement
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It is an inherent tendency of human beings to shy away...
It is an inherent tendency of human beings to shy away from boundaries enforced upon us, while we still desire to push beyond the limit.
Boundaries are, after all, set by humans. Therefore, do we not have the upmost right and ability to stretch those borders until they collide and unite
in complex harmony? Creativity, which includes art, requires a certain amount of these collisions to grow and move forward. In the 1950's and
1960's, Paolozzi, Klein, and Cage blur the boundaries between art and life by using objects as art, life as still art, and life as moving and sound filled
art. As a believer that "inspiration is where you find it," Paolozzi chooses to form art through stagnant objects as a way to unite dream with reality.
Inspired... Show more content on ...
Magazines announced Klein to be the artist of space, which denounced NASA's lunar expeditions as phony. John Cage shows life as a moving and
sound filled art to redefine performance art and art as a whole to now more include the audience in the actual creation of art. His reason for making
this choice was to shake tradition and show that music performance is not strictly defined on a page. Cage was amazed by the connections between the
mind, soul, and sound. His long search for pure answers led him to ask tough questions. He believed that good music aligns with good living, but to
further explore this idea, he needed to choice how to define even the simplest of words. After all, how can one live their life based on words and
phrases that they do not understand? Often joked to be the silent piece, Cage's piece 4'33'' attunes listeners to silence as a structure within musical
notation, rather than intending to simply shock his audience. His goal with this piece was to challenge assumed definitions about musicianship and
musical experience.
Through a study of Paolozzi, Klein, and Cage, we see how and why artists in the 1950's and 1960's began to blur the boundaries between art and life.
Feeling a need for change after the war, pushing boundaries simply became a necessity. Collages, paintings, and performances all ignite an ability to
inspire and be inspired. This is one important reason why
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Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Gift' By Mauss
In the book 'The gift', Mauss demonstrates how in all societies, individuals should have the rights and freedom to choose whether they want to give
gifts, however, he notices that giving gifts are compulsory in most societies. Mauss speaks about a study that explains how giving gifts is done as a
whole rather than between individuals. The gifts were not only materialistic such as possessions and prosperity but through festivities and events such
as rituals and dances. These type of gifts resemble peace, respect, and honor. Mauss describes this as a 'system of total services' which indicates that
the gifts represented are beneficial to the whole society through reciprocation. In this book, Mauss explains the diversity of gift giving in different tribes
of ... Show more content on ...
Also, another form of gift giving is the kula trade which is seen as a prestige and a honorable trade held in reserve for the chiefs only in the tribe.
When gifts are given to chiefs, it needs to be passed on from chief to chief after a specific period of time. Mauss explains different types of terms
for different gift giving. One of the many terms he mentions, the term 'kudu' which means that a gift must be given and must be reciprocated at an
equal value. The three important rules that need to be followed in a Potlatch is to give, to accept and receive, and to reciprocate. If any of the rules
are broken, a punishment comes along with it in a form of slavery. Mauss speaks as well about different religions and cultures and about their gift
giving. He explains in the law of Hindu that the gift given to an individual is beneficial to their present life and in their next life. Through Mauss's
observations, he has realized that not everything is surrounded around the idea of business and selling, it is more than that. It is about kindness,
communal service, unity, cooperation and
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Whistleblowing Assignment
TOPIC: Whistle Blowing and Giving Expensive Gifts
Group Members: Sidra Rafique 13B–040–BS Usaid Hasan 13B–036–BS Hamza Ahmed Khan 13B–019–BS
Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Fauzan Saeed
What is Whistle Blowing?
Whistle blowing is defined as raising a concern about wrong doing within the organization. The concerns are about criminal activity or any crime
dangers to health and safety and of the environment.
Eg: Wikileaks , Jeffery Wigand , silkwood.
In other words, Release of information by a member or former employee of an organization that is evidence of illegal or immoral conduct in the
organization or conduct in the organization
Types of whistle blowing There are three types of whistle blowing.
1) Internal whistle blowing
2) Personal whistle blowing
3) External whistle blowing
Internal whistle blowing is made to someone with in the organization.
Personal whistle blowing is blowing the whistle on the offender. Here the charge is not against the organization or system but against one individual.
External whistle blowing is for an external issue not directly affecting one as an individual.
It can be very confusing to decide that giving and accepting corporate gifts are ethical or not, it requires care and attention to understand the society's
There is no doubt
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Whitney Museum of Art Essay
The Whitney Museum of American Art has often been referred to a citadel of American Art, partially due to the museums façade, a striking granite
building (Figure 1), designed by Bauhaus trained architect Marcel Breuer. The museum perpetuates this reference through its biennial review of
contemporary American Art, which the Whitney has become most famous for. The biennial has become since its inception a measure of the state of
contemporary art in America today.
Since the Museum's opening in 1931, the collection has grown to more than 12,000 paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and photographs,
representing nearly 2,000 individual artists and providing the most complete overview of twentieth–century American art of any museum in the ... Show
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For example, in the 2004 biennial their was 113 artists shown, consistent with the 2000 show of around 103 artists. The Whitney seems determined to
include as much art as possible that can fit in their relatively small sized museum in order to better reflect the condition of the art scene in
contemporary America.
To fully understand the role of the biennial today, we must look to its past. The earliest Biennials were assembled informally; easy groups of artists
and museum personnel made the selections. Most of those in the show lived in New York City, although many had originally come from elsewhere. In
1937, the format was changed and the exhibitions became Annuals, with one year for painting, one for sculpture and various media. Some years, a
single Whitney curator chose pieces; sometimes an outsider was added. In 1973, they went back to Biennials. Today the tradition remains the same as
was begun fully in 1973. Increasingly in current shows curators search out a wide range of ethnic and gender varieties to fully grasp the breadth of
American culture that is represented in current art work. Their has been much criticism of the Whitney and their exclusion of non–American artists.
There are sections of critics who believe that the Whitney is only
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George Benjamin Luks : A New York City
Many times in society, life is sometimes influenced by art and during other times art is imitated by life. Art being able to imitate life means that the
brush strokes of a painter or the innovative ideas of an architect are influenced by the world around him or her. During the years of 1900–1917 the
United States was going through a number of changes. These changes helped to indentify the period as the Reformation Era. During the
Reformation era the United States was becoming reshaped politically, economically, socially, and culturally. Painters such as George Benjamin Luks
used pastel colors to paint pictures of a newly reformed society. In his painting Hester Street revealed a New York City that was accepting to Jewish
culture and lifestyles (Figure 1) . Other pictures painted during the Progressive Era depicted more areas of city life, sports, different ethnic groups
and culture. The life that was present in many of these painting showed a country that valued women, minorities, and individuality. Women were
beginning to be celebrated with the help of such painters as John Sloan. His creation of Sunday, Women Drying their Hair (Figure 2) showed women
just drying their hair. This painting could be seen as a celebration of women as it was painted near the times of Woman's Suffrage. The Progressive era
helped to establish prominent figures such as Winslow Homer, Grant Wood, and also Thomas Eakins. Individuals such as these also used brushes to
paint pictures
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Marcel Duchamp And The Dadaism
Dadaism is a genre of art which appeared in the during the period between 1916 to 1919 and it was meant to anti–art and the aesthetic form although
dadaism was gobbled up by the surrealism. The beginnings of Dada correspond to the outbreak of World War I. Many Dadaists believed bourgeois
nationalist and colonialist caused the war, and against the cultural and intellectual conformity–in art and more broadly in society–that corresponded to
the war.I m going to talk about two dadaists who brings great affect to art.
Marcel Duchamp,a naturalized American painter,sculptor,chess player and writer whose art work is associated with Dadaism and conceptual art who
was regarded as one of the three artists who helped to define the revolutionary developments ... Show more content on ...
Suzanne's use of mechanical forms in this work is extraordinary because she made an example of the employment of the imagery.The right angle
crane can be read as the male. At the same time, the triangle of circles and clock gear which was in the rectangle with crescent is the representation of
legs can be read as the female.Un et une menacГ©s depicts the two sexes overlapping and connected but a standstill,gridlocked and paralysed. The
materials used in Un et une menacГ©s are exceptional and Suzanne Duchamp was the only artist to produce a mechanomorphic work but she also
produced a unique work using the combination of the mechanical drawing and real parts and
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How Does Virginia Woolf Use Non Conventional Places In Mrs...
I think that Virginia Woolf uses different angles or non–conventional places because she tries to define the kind of life that British people had at the
time and this is helpful to understand the context. During Mrs. Dalloway's day, the characters move through different places in London, frequenting
streets or parks. Thus, location becomes important because it remarks the contrast between the characters' public and private selves along with the
social classes where they belong. Furthermore, some places are described to remind the reader the time in which the story unfolds. For instance, one
of the most recognizable places is the Big Ben. It represents the time that moves forward or that Clarissa is running out of time. It is especially
important because the rest of the characters are trapped in... Show more content on ...
It is because of the awareness of death that even the most ordinary everyday events become meaningful for the characters; because we are aware that
we are going to die at some moment. If death did not exist, there would be no point in doing anything. Additionally, Clarissa is often contrasted with
Septimus, a shell–shocked World War I hero who is mentally ill. He can be seen as Clarissa's alter–ego and Woolf's double as well, since he has a
similar mental disease. Since Clarissa and Septimus never meet, the mention of Septimus' suicide during Clarissa's party is important because Mrs.
Dalloway becomes aware of death; that death is part of life; that there is no life without death; that we cannot truly live until we accept that. Concerning
Septimus, when he decides to kill himself he wants to be truly free and find life in death, making himself aware that life and death are always
connected. In a world that moves fast, that constantly reminds us that time is running, death becomes the connection between both
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The Importance Of Being A Performance Designer
'Being a performance designer'
Writing from experience, being a costume and set designer for performances is a really demanding and challenging job. I have to admit that when I
was young, as an audience member, I could never have imagined how much work is really needed to be done in order to produce a performance
show. Now, being on the other side, I am able to appreciate designer's works, ambitions and goals; wanting to become really successful on this field.
Looking back on my first years of studying, I was lost and unsure of how to approach a given theme; to work in depth in order to create a piece that
will successfully communicate my ideas. Through experience and practice, on my studies in 'Visual Arts' (at the 'IB Moraitis School'... Show more
content on ...
These guidelines are based on my experience, influenced by other designers and mainly taught from my University.
As examples I will use two projects, that I have done throughout my second year of the Bachelor degree, Living Image – Marcel Duchamp 'Sonata' and
Design for dance – 'SkingCage'. I chose those two because they have some similarities and some differences that I can use in order to explain my
beliefs on how a performance designing team works, the journey that is needed to be taken in order to conclude to a successful piece, what failures
they might face and how. I will divide the page into two sections: on the left the 'Sonata' project, working mainly on the costumes, and on the right the
'SkinCage' project working mainly on the sets.
Table of contents
Introduction: Collaboration................................................................................................
Communication......................................................................................... Time.........................................................................................................
Phase 1: Preparation First meetings............................................................................................ Approaching the
theme........................................................................... Inspiration and visualization...............................................................
Phase 2: Discussion of ideas and development: Working with the team.................................................................................
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How Did Marcel Duchamp's Use Of Imagery In Pop Art
Pop Art c. 1952–1970
Pop art began to emerge in the early 1950s as a result of a booming, capitalist American economy that followed the Second World War. A sense of
optimism arose nationwide with new job security, healthy incomes and an absence of military obligations. Post war marriage and baby booms yielded
the 'largest generation in the nations history'. The American dream was born and idealized in the media through advertising. Research undertaken by
sociologists into consumer habits and behavior became a marketing strategy and corporations adapted their production by tapping into what was
fashionable and desirable among the masses.
The exponentially growing population gave way to a social group that had never before been established in its own right, teenagers. Now that families
could afford to give their children a wholesome education, this age group no longer had to spend their days contributing to the family income at work,
which left more time and freedom for leisure activities. As adolescents began to follow popular music and culture, the concept of popular culture
exploded in America. This in turn is from where the movement of Pop art was derived. ... Show more content on ...
Marcel Duchamp's concept of the objet trouvГ© or ready–made as subject matter and material for his work inspired the use of popular imagery in Pop
art. The use of trivial imagery in his work brought art into the every day world and made the every day world into art. In his book Pop Art, Tilman
Osterwold declares 'Dada combined advertising, images and texts, slogans, revolutionary films, assemblages, theatre and performances' in its art. It
was this idea of reality dubbed as art that later inspired Andy Warhol in his Campbell's Soup
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The Controversy of Marcel Duchamp Essay
One of the most unique figures in the continuum of the art world, Marcel Duchamp changed the way we look at and produce art today. Marcel
Duchamp was by far, one of the most controversial figures in art. Two of the most well known and talked about pieces by him are The Fountain and
The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even . Duchamp created many other pieces that caught the attention of critics, other artists, and the
population in a negative way; however, these two pieces alone, brought about the greatest amount of controversy. In 1917,Marcel Duchamp submitted
his urinal, the Fountain, to the American Society of Independent Artists . The urinal was taken from J. L. Mott Iron Works in New York City, rotated
ninety degrees and ... Show more content on ...
Whether Mr. Mutt with his own hands made the fountain or not has no importance. He CHOSE it. He took an ordinary article of life, placed it so that
its useful significance disappeared under the new title and point of view–created a new thought for that object.
As for plumbing, that is absurd. The only works of art America has given are her plumbing and her bridges." Marcel Duchamp was showing off one
of his readymade sculptures at its finest. He was making a statement that an everyday object is also art. The fact that Duchamp chose the object and
called it art was just another cause for rebuttal in the art world. Now, approximately one hundred years later, everyday objects are commonly accepted
as art.
Shortly after Duchamp released the Fountain, another controversial piece of art debuted–The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even . This piece
was not a readymade, but a more "accepted" form of art. The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even went through many years of Duchamp
researching, working on and repairing the piece. Marcel Duchamp started working on the piece in 1915 and worked on it consecutively for the
following eight years. After that time frame, Duchamp took a break from it–other scholars may argue that the piece was abandoned and not merely on
hiatus. Regardless of whether the piece was abandoned or on hiatus, The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even was still exhibited and purchased.
The upper pane of The Large Glass represents "the
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Fishing Is Fishing
Fishing had never been a hobby until I considered until this past summer. Fishing has an importance that goes way back since my great grandpa
back in Mexico. My great grandpa used to take my father fishing to a nearby lake near their home where they would spend hours fishing for that
night's dinner. As a kid, I remember my family would take trips to the lake or rivers to have a family gathering and acarne asada. This is where my
uncles and grandpa would fish, but at the time playing soccer with my cousins was more exciting. When I turned 13, my grandpa invited me to go
fishing to Lake Buena Vista that Saturday morning. I immediately thought "tedious" but decided to open up and try a new activity and at the end
of the day, I would have a story to tell my friends. Once at the lake, I asked my grandpa, "What is so cool about fishing" and he responded, "It's not
about catching fish, it is about relaxing and being away from everything and enjoying nature. Anyone can go to the market to buy a fish, but can
they have the patience to battle one and reel it in?". As the day progressed we caught a couple of catfish which my grandpa took home and made
soup with. Although that day I enjoyed myself I also found out fishing was not my hobby. Fishing is for those who have patience and don't dread
being in the sun all day. Flash forwarding to this past summer, my friend Froilan wanted to go fishing after he saw some YouTube videos about
fishing. After he told me we should go fishing to do
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Descriptive Essay
An NAU Date When living on campus choosing where to eat is tough. Choosing somewhere to impress a date is even harder. Living on North
Campus has its perks; there is beautiful scenery, the building is older and full of history, plus you are close to a lot of classes and the student
union. However, for those on North campus who don't have a car and don't plan on taking dates on buses, there are few options. One of those
options is the 1899 Bar and Grill. Located right next to Morton/Campbell, 1899 is a bar and grill that provides finer dining than most eateries on
Campus. From when you enter the establishment, you are greeted by a beautiful, historic atmosphere. From when you first walk in you are greeting
with a carved 1899 symbol and a tasteful dГ©cor. The high ceilings, the artistic lighting, and the large windows all add to a classy atmosphere.
There are historical pictures on the walls as well as a breathtaking stain glass window on display. The booths are cushioned just right and some of the
wooden tables have elegant tree prints glossed over them. There is instrumental music or music with a slower beat. The music fits the setting of the
restaurant perfectly. When being seated the hostess will ask your preference of table or booth. To make sure to get a table you can make a reservation
ahead of time on their website. The website includes their history, a menu for lunch and dinner, happy hour menu, photographs, open and closing hours,
and easy to book reservations.
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Marcel Duchamp's Fountain
Marcel Duchamp's, 'Fountain' {1917}, is a readymade installation which undermines the conventional practices of art making and display, challenging
notions and rejecting the classical aesthetic. Marcel Duchamp {1887–1968}, was a French artist who broke down the boundaries between works of art
and everyday objects. His mockery for conventional aesthetic standards led him to devise his famous ready–mades, proclaiming an artistic revolution.
The term "ready–made" came to label mass– produced everyday objects taken out of their usual context and then becomes a work of art through the
choice or assistance of the artist. 'Fountain', is the most infamous example of Duchamp's ready–mades and was widely seen as an icon of
twentieth–century art. The
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Green Chiles Analysis Essay
There is a mysterious connection between grandparent and grandchild, one that transcends all ethnicities, religions, and socio–economic groups. In
Jimmy Santiago Baca's poem "Green Chile", he explores this connection via the use of chile peppers as a medium. Baca personifies both green and
red peppers to illustrate not only that special bond, but also the historical significance of said vegetable amongst the Mexican–American community.
The speaker in "Green Chile" begins the poem by stating his fondness for red chiles. As an accompaniment to his morning feast, and as decorative
items embellishing the exterior of his home. It is somewhat implied that the speaker is almost obsessed with red chiles and all that they stand for. "I can
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(II. 20–24)
The speaker watches his grandmother prepare the green chili con carne in awe, knowing all along that she wants to please him, even if it means
sacrificing her true love in order to take care of her family. Sexual metaphors aside, it is clear that the speaker loves his grandmother immensely and
offers a sacrifice of his own. Even though red chiles are clearly his favorite, he is willing to clean his plate of green chili con carne, all the way
down to the "last bit of tortilla". He needs to a tall glass of water to fight off the intense spiciness of the dish. He even hisses from the heat, but
masks his pain in order to not upset his grandmother. In the end, the grandmothers slaving away in front of the stove allowed her to vent her
repressed sexual feelings and desire to be young again. She relishes in the fact that cooking will always be her escapism from the sad truth of growing
Although their tastes differ when it comes to types of chiles, the grandmother and the speaker share a love for the traditional Mexican–American
garnish. They also respect each other, simply based on their actions. Here we have two individuals, from different generations, that bond over the
age–old tradition of food and love.
The last stanza of "Green Chile" speaks on the ritual of vegetable stands throughout the
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Surrealism And Surrealism
In 1925, the original surrealists forged a clear and resounding document, stating, among other things, that the surrealist movement is a revolution,
unarguably. They asserted that their movement was not one of poetic form. Furthermore, that it was not even a literary movement. They firmly
established, in the infancy of Surrealism, that it was not an aesthetic endeavour. It was "a revolution of the mind." Surrealist actions and thoughts
function "in the absence of any aesthetic or moral concern." This idea was thoroughly tested with the many events to come. It was tested when
Salvador Dali went so far with a lack of moral concern as to support Hitler himself, earning himself an excommunication, after a characteristically
dramatic trial. It was tested when Andre Breton, honorary founder of Surrealism, stated that "The purest surrealist act is walking into a crowd with a
loaded gun and firing into it randomly." This has since, regrettably, been forgotten. We have forgotten, somehow, the broken bones, the muddied faces,
the chaos, and the legitimate taboos in which Surrealism languished. We have forgotten how, historically, we have stared in the face that which no one
else dared to glance at. We have cast aside that which hurts us, for we do not care to include it in our reality. We have also become much more tolerant,
since Breton's death in 1966, of that which is not actually surrealist. At the risk of sounding anti–progress, I say that the movement has become less pure
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Realism In Marcel Carne's Les Enfants Du Paradis
Carolina Alvarez Les Enfants du Paradis
The disillusionment of the Germans after World War 1 led to the rise of the racist Nazi Party. They put the blame on innocent Jewish people as the
cause of all their problems. The Nuremburg laws were the beginning of the harsh treatment of the scapegoats. Hitler planned to invade Europe to
create his perfect society of blonde haired, blue eyed Aryans. As Germany was invading France in 1940, the lives of the French would change in
every aspect of their lives. In Marcel Carne's Les Enfants du Paradis, one can see that it fits into other movies that were made during the German
invasion of France. It follows the restrictions that were put on by Nazi Party but also broke some rules to keep their artistic integrity and used it
as a means of escapism for the people of France. Les Enfants du Paradis tells the story in a poetic realist way that was a very popular movie in
1945. Poetic realism centers around "working class characters and the theme of doomed love, the blending of comedy and tragedy, the use of long
shots and long takes, and narratives that function as critiques of society" (Glover). The movie revolves around 4 male characters and their doomed
love for a woman who choices affect everyone. Rotten Tomatoes describes it as:
Even in 1945, Marcel Carne's Children of Paradise was regarded as an old–fashioned film. Set in the Parisian theatrical world of the 1840s, Jacques
Prevert's screenplay concerns four men in love with the
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The Importance Of Life Experiences
In the tapestry of life, I've have accustomed myself with people from diverse colors of race, textures of belief, and patterns of culture. Different
threads of individuals with their unique life experiences have surrounded me in my every stage. Each relationship has woven me into an expressive
piece of fabric that refuses one–dimensional uniformity. Being from a small, homogenous town in the Philippines, I wore an immigrant identity among
various others within the big, melting pot of the city of San Francisco. My hardworking parents juggled two jobs that successfully sent all seven of
their kids through school. I roamed around my multicultural neighborhood where in the same street I could find an authentic Italian joint baking the
cheesiest pizza, a hole–in–the–wall Filipino stand dishing up the cheapest comfort food, and a popular Mexican canteen offering a loaded carne asada
burrito with a side of live mariachi band. In this colorful neighborhood, I shared the wild schoolyard and the nesting classroom with my fellow peers
from the same district. This diverse environment exposed me to different ethnicities and cultures, novel ideas and philosophies, and thought–provoking
lessons and discussions. One of the most impactful of these discoveries came from room 201, fourth period, seventh grade science class at James
Denman Middle School with Mr. Fox. Consequently, my initial interest and amazement of the complex systems of the human body began to deeply
enroot. Out of the
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Annotated Bibliography on Infidelity
Annotated Bibliography
Carnes, Patrick. "Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction" Minneapolis: CompCare, 1983. Patrick Carnes' book offers a real life look
at the problem of sexual addiction. He used the past experiences of others to write a book detailing the causes and effects of sexual addiction. Carnes
explains how sexual addiction is a huge problem to all involved, not just the "offender". He also explains how the addiction is a problem just like any
other addictions. The book describes the danger of addictions to humans by stating, "Because our sexuality is one of our most fundamental life
processes, sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening to all of us"(Carnes page 5). Carnes uses fictionalized ... Show more content on ...
Web. 5 Feb. 2014. In Othniel Seiden's article, he discusses some of the "reasons" for infidelity. He lists twenty reasons that people have given as to
why they have cheated on a spouse or significant other. Seiden goes on to say that many people have unrealistic views or expectations on a marriage
and states, "Romance novels, movies, TV shows, may give couples a false sense of what marriage is all about". (Seiden) This article also
discusses the common differing reasons women and men cheat. Seiden's article tells many reasons people would commit adultery. The article is
very informative on how marriages work and what one needs to do to help keep their spousal relationship alive. Many people believe that affairs are
strictly physical, but affairs come in many forms. This article illustrates the different types and what can be done to try and avoid them. It will also be
used to help interpret what one would need to do to prevent the distasteful human action of infidelity. It will also be used to show the differences
between the types of affairs. The author's conclusions are interesting and will make valuable points in a research paper.
University of Montreal. "Infidelity Dissected: New Research On Why People Cheat." ScienceDaily. 13 September 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. The
University of Montreal performed four different studies to help prove the assumption that people with evident
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Man Ray Human Equation Essay
Introduction If you're thinking, "Human Equations? Does that mean a bunch of people got together and formed equations with their body?", you might
want to pause and think about how you got yourself in this situation. If you're thinking, "Human Equations! Weren't they done by famous photographer
Man Ray?", you're on the right track, but not quite there yet. Formally known as Shakespearean Equations, the Human Equations are a series of
paintings where artistic practice meets mathematical puzzles, human bodies, and merciless romanticism of Shakespeare.
Man Ray's Human Equations are not arranged chronologically; but instead, follow a structure similar to that of three acts in a play. It shows the full
artistic range and scope of Man Ray's work, from his juvenilia to his late production, and three overarching themes focus on the material synergy
between the works. 14 paintings from ... Show more content on ...
The viewer sees King Lear's famous "tears speech" depicted "by means of a diluted pigment dripping down the canvas" and even suspects that this
"presumably fortuitous effect provided inspiration for the choice of title"(Duggin). You can see Man Ray's affixing of the canvas to a large wooden
hoop–"a geometric figure known to mathematicians as a Kummer surface"–as the artist's attempt to turn the work into a three–dimensional object that,
like so much of his work, defies easy categorization and belies a common perception that his canvases from this series were simply literal. In essence,
Man Ray's King Lear shows off his mathematical knowledge in the name of artistic independence, all, of course, while depending on a Shakespearean
allusion–a paradox neatly holding together right before your eyes (Duggin). As much as you try to solve the puzzle, the puzzle remains bigger and more
powerful than any single answer, making this exhibition both frustrating and
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Dada Surrealism Essay
Dada Surrealism
What elements of dada and surrealism suggest the influence of Freud? The 20th Century marked a changed in how people viewed the known world.
Since its beginning art has played a major role in how people were able to express themselves. The early 20th century brought rise to new and
exciting art forms. These were types of writings, paintings and, documentaries that no one had ever seen before. From expressionism to Dadaism types
of work ranged by all means of the artist. About the 1920's a new wave of art would soon be seen worlds over. This art form introduced psychology in a
new way to look at the conscious and subconscious minds. From the beginning Dadaism and surrealism showed true signs of influence from ... Show
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Each artist of the Dada era had a new way of expressing Freud?s ideas. They also felt that art was a powerful means of self–revelation, and that the
images came from ones subconscious mind had a truth of its own. As Marcel Duchamp mocked the Mona Lisa by drawing a Padilla 3 mustache
on her, stated that the painting was a lewd message set by the conventional way of thinking. Since the Dada artist did not believe in western culture
this made sense, because people only want believe what is told to them, instead of what is true. The Dada movement marked a meeting of people
to have ?noise concerts? where they recited poems in a free association verse. In these poetry readings the artist perceived how they felt about the
world. As World War I began the Dadaist perceived it as a world gone mad. Not only did they express their work in unconventional ways; they used
the subconscious as a way of making their views true. Although the Dada era was short lived it influenced and questioned the traditional concepts of
the western world. These techniques set an agenda for a new trial by error art form of this same era. The spirit of Freud in the Dadaist era never really
died, it is shown today as ?Pop art? or sometimes known as neo–Dada art forms. Also this revolution of thinking and art paved the way for the
Surrealist movement. The Surrealist movement of the 1920?s through 1930?s captivated the world with its bizarre way of thinking. Just as the Dadaist
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Examples Of Controversial Art
After reading about the controversial artworks, I found that most of these artwork are labeled the way they are because they don't fit social norm or
it is either related to a touchy topic subject matter. In my opinion, I feel that artworks such as Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917) and Dana Schutz's
Open Casket (2016) are necessary in our society, because they create new perspective, tell ignored narratives, and etc. The Fountain is readymade
urinal that is rotated and signed on the pedestal is "R Mutt". This artwork it challenges the boundaries of what should be considered art and redefine
the definition of art. I found the Fountain to be very fascinating because not only it was a bought urinal, I am amazed on how Duchamp transformed a
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Si Usted Quiere Saber Como Bajar
Si usted quiere saber como bajar de peso en 15 dias debe de seguir estos principios basicos para conseguirlo.En primer lugar, tiene que limitar o
eliminar por completo el consumo de alimentos ricos en grasas. La carne y las verduras son preferibles a ebulliciГіn y cocine a fuego lento en lugar de
freГr. Aderezo de mayonesa como una mejor bajo en grasa crema agria sustituto. Las papas, cereales y pasta para comer en la maГ±ana y en la noche
es mejor dar preferencia a yogur bajo en grasa y mariscos, verduras. Carne asimilГі rГЎpidamente con guarniciГіn de verduras.
En lugar de dulce se puede comer plГЎtanos, naranjas y otras frutas y bayas. Usted puede beber un vino seco con una rebanada de chocolate negro
(80% de cacao). AdemГЎs, debe beber mucha agua. Usted no debe cargar en la noche, y lo mГЎs importante – es necesario para mantener la actividad
fГsica. Si desea deshacerse de libras adicionales para siempre, adquirir el hГЎbito de estas reglas simples.
AdemГЎs de estas reglas hay muchas dietas que aplicandolas podra peder peso en 15 dias.
Como bajar de peso en 15 dias? Lista de las mejores dietas
Dieta 1: Sopa de dieta dieta de la sopa tiene ventajas obvias: no hay lГmites de la cantidad de alimentos, y por lo tanto no se siente hambre. La
combinaciГіn de lГquidos tibios y cГЎlido en el frГo. receta especial sopa para adelgazar ingredientes: cebolla – 6 piezas; Col – 1 cabeza; Tomates–
2–3 piezas; apio verde – 1 manojo; pimiento verde – 2 piezas. PreparaciГіn: Lavar y cortar las
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The Jewish Passover
What is the greatest gift one can receive? Most would say it is money, or clothes, or even a 50 dollar gift card to Starbucks. But what is it really?
Sometimes we don't really realize that that we receive gifts every day, but the ones on special occasions like Christmas or Easter. That is why the
greatest gift anyone can receive is food since it's culturally important, not everyone has it, and we can't live without it.
Food is culturally is important because many cultures indulge in making lavish foods for special occasions from great feasts in American and Islamic
countries, to the treats served for Indian special occasions. Food can also be symbolic. When thinking symbolically about food The Jewish Passover
should come to mind. Almost
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The Importance Of Activism In The Art Of Art
In The United States of America, thanks to the first amendment, activism is very much so alive in today's society as well as throughout our history.
In this paper I will discuss how the public can interface physically with Ai Weiwei's Arch as opposed to works of art in a museum. For example, in
the majority of cases, museums require people to stand behind a line and simply observe a creation on display. However, Ai's approach through the
statues tangibility allows for the viewer to more easily connect to its true meaning and formulate an opinion. I will convey the significance of creativity
through describing the arch, discussing its passageway, as well as analyzing the potential link to Arch's location and the overall theme of Ai's exhibit:
refugees. Ai Weiwei is a 60 year old Chinese artist and activist. He initially attended the Beijing Film Academy in 1978, but dropped out to join Stars,
a group of artists who fought for the right to exhibit their work as freedom of expression is not a right in China. After living in TheUnited States from
1981 to 1993, Ai returned to China when his father became ill. In 2008, Ai responded to many deaths from the Sichuan earthquake by criticizing
Chinese officials in his writing about structures that were not stable enough to withstand such powerful vibrations, ultimately killing thousands. In
2009, Ai was penalized by being brutally attacked and beaten by the police to the point where he needed immediate brain surgery. In 2011,
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To The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf
The study is designed to understand the different social issues related to different characters in the novel To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. It
focuses on the Victorian and Modern marriages and highlights how the female characters are different from one another. Similarly, there are a lot of
religious doubt, degrading women, and an unclear vision in the novel by one of the characters. However, there are deaths in the novel too. Similarly, it
will focus on the two central women in the story. Study wants to show that Virginia Woolfcreated two very different characters but with a very
interesting and complex connection. The first one is Mrs. Ramsay, a woman still belonging to the Victorian age, the second, Lily Briscoe, here called a
"New woman". My intention is also to analyze the significance of Lily's painting and how it symbolizes and represents her coming to terms with her
homosexuality, and simultaneously her feelings towards Mrs. Ramsay.
To the Lighthouse depends on passing of time; it expands or contracts the sense of time very freely It is a book, with an ironical or wistful query and
questions of life and reality. The people in Woolf's book seem to be looking through each other with some far question; and,... Show more content on ...
Virginia Woolf born in 1882, late Victorian age but she grew in Modern Age, so there is a great impact of Modern age on her works. My term paper
is about social issues related to some characters in the novel. To the lighthouse is about two generations, one is older and the other one is new. I will
study the changes come in newer and today's generation. Modern novels are psychological; every writer has something in his/her mind while writing.
To the lighthouse is an autobiographical novel, Virginia Woolf sister says about the novel that, Mrs. Ramsay is like their mother, her brother always
wants to see the lighthouse and Mr. Ramsay is like their father (an authority in their
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Essay about La Economia de Ecuador
Rafael Correa, Presidente del Ecuador, anunciГі el recorte de importaciones por cerca de US$6.000 millones hasta 2017 (Emol, 2014). Aplicar esta
polГtica econГіmica que guarda un vinculo relacionado con el comercio exterior resulta clave en las economГas dolarizadas. Esto se debe a que con las
mismas se lograrГa equilibrar el dГ©ficit existente en la balanza comercial (Mancero Mosquera, 2011). El gobierno de Rafael llevГі a cabo la
restricciГіn a las importaciones de productos originarios de paГses extranjeros. Se camufla esto bajo normas tГ©cnicas de calidad y campaГ±a que
fomentan el consumo de la producciГіn nacional. Esta restricciГіn fue promovida por el CEPAL o la ComisiГіn EconГіmica para AmГ©rica Latina por
los aГ±os 50 – 60 (Pozo, 2014). Esta... Show more content on ...
La creaciГіn de las MIPYMES contribuirГЎ a aumentar las fuentes de empleo ademГЎs de garantizar la compra de productos ampliando la
producciГіn de dichas microempresas. Las dependencias de cada ministerio asesoran a los dueГ±os de las MIPYMES para realizar los diversos
papeleos necesarios para su funcionamiento (Mancero Mosquera, 2011). Desde el aГ±o 2009, en Quito, se aplican restricciones respecto al comercio.
La crisis mundial se agudizГі introduciГ©ndose asГ nuevas exigencias para realizar compras en el exterior y reducir asГ el dГ©ficit comercial. Esto se
originГі a que, de acorde con el jefe de Estado, estaban ingresando "bicicletas con plomo" que resultaban perjudiciales para la salud (Emol, 2014). A
continuaciГіn la cronologГa de las Restricciones a las Importaciones en el Gobierno hasta el aГ±o 2012. Actualmente el Gobierno ha creado un plan
de SustituciГіn EstratГ©gica de Importaciones. Esto consiste en que el Estado subsidia a productores nacionales mientras disminuye las importaciones
de productos extranjeros, para que lo que antes se importaba sea producido localmente. Muchos llaman a esto exportar de manera fГЎcil e importar de
manera difГcil. Se conoce que la compra de bienes de capital o de materias primas no tienen nada de malo. Al contrario, mejoran el sistema productivo.
(Diario El Comercio, 2014) Este plan se reparte en 25 sectores econГіmicos como la
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Surrealism In Poetic Realism
1930's France saw the growth of a small film movement known as Poetic Realism.
The tenants of this movement were loose at best and mostly consisted as a tendency that a handful of independent filmmakers used in their films. Their
influences came primarily from literature of the time and the fantastic styles of Impressionism and Surrealism. From great literature came the scripts
and stories for this movements. Great writers like Emil Zola and Leo Tolstoy had their tales appear on the screens of French theaters.
From Impressionism, the Poetic Realist infused their films with "stylized cinema, optical effects, and editing to render reality as it is subjectively
perceived" ( (–– removed HTML ––)–talk–about–poetic–realism/ (–– removed HTML ––) ).
Impressionism dealt in over emphasized movements and scenery that were indicative of the mood or perspective of a character. These techniques were
translated into the fantasy–like worlds of Poetic Realism.
Surrealism also had a part to play in the creation of these poetic and fantastic worlds. The dream–like quality present in the Surreal movement found its
way into Poetic Realism through bizarre and incongruitous scenes and sequences. A move towards subverting narrative continuity facilitated the use of
Surrealism and Impressionism as many filmmakers wanted to distance themselves from the American Hollywood style of straight forward narrative(
(–– removed HTML ––)
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The Anti-Intellectual Movement
Week four's essay finds inspiration from the anti–intellectual movement. The essay titled Anti–Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter
defines the anti–intellectual movement. The anti–intellectual movement began in the 1950's "primarily as McCarthyism the belief that the mind was at
ruinous discount" (Hofstadter 3). Additionally, Merriam– further defines the anti–intellectual movement as "opposing or hostile to
intellectuals or an intellectual view or approach" (Merriam–Webster). The anti–intellectual movement impacted social, economic, education, politics,
art genres. Today the discussion focuses on Exhibit H. in the Hofstadter's text on page fourteen . More focused on the comment by Congressman
George Dondero... Show more content on ...
(SAAM, SI) (qtd. in Adler Fig. 2.)
Many of the Avante Garde contemporary art were either laughed about in cartoon strips, puzzled viewers or made them angry. The American people
felt the European art often relished by wealthy art connoisseurs was a step backward in American culture. Moreover, several Americans found the
primitive, distorted imagery threatening to American civilization and the United States progress. Also many American's were afraid the art form itself
represented an adaptation to modern society. TheArmory show had political undertones. The Armory show happened during a time politically when
woman fought for their rights In 1913, women took to the streets, too with political and social causes. "Women marched in the streets not only for the
right to vote, for open marriages, contraception, and the right to have children out of wedlock" (Stamberg). The Armory show also transpired during
the industrialization movement. Thus electric trains pulled out of Grand Central Station for the first time, and New York was bursting with
immigrants. New York City during this time was the leading example of the "Fresh and the Modern" society (Stamberg). The modern style of art is
contrary to America and Dondero's view. The contemporary art movement objectively sent a powerful message of freedom. The Armory show was
about new ways
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Hugo Ball Essay
An artist by the name of Hugo Ball, who was a crucial figure in constructing the foundations of Dadaism, created performance pieces that is now one
of the well–known characteristics of what expresses the Dada movement . Ball's poetry performances were in a way, a response to the audacities of
what WWI had presenting the world with. According to Demos, Hugo Ball found that "language was deeply discredited due to its use as propaganda
that "justified" war," and continued to express that "[t]he journalistic and political abuses of language... [meant that it] must be dismantled and
reconstructed anew" . That being stated, it can be assumed that his nonsensical poems, in Karawane at the Cabaret Voltaire in 1916 can be understood
as an extrapolation... Show more content on ...
One of the more notable pieces in the exhibition was one created by Marcel Duchamp, an artist who worked with found objects, which was a prominent
characteristic and medium that began New YorkDada art. He used objects that were coined as "ready–made", where he uses an item that people would
see in their ordinary lives and presents it as a piece of art without alterations. An example of a ready–made object would be Duchamp's Bottle Rack.
Another word that fluttered around the Dadaists was the "assisted ready–made", which the objects are altered in some way, where it is transformed in a
way where it could no longer be of practical use, but an art piece instead. An example by Duchamp would be his Bicycle Wheel. Other artists have
also taken the aspect of turning an everyday object into one that would be deemed useless, such as Man Ray's Cadeau, which was an iron that he
added tacks onto. He implied two different things; one being that there is a danger of heat from the iron and that there is also the danger of the sharp
tacks. Artists of this time were using utilitarian objects that may have not been seen as aesthetically pleasing to the majority of people's views, and
turning them into an art
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William Woolf And The Death Of Ivan
It's the year 2014. We have discovered flight, we have been to outer space, we have the Internet. We even have GPS shoes for those who can't read a
map. What more is there to learn, to discover, to create? Yet we are never satisfied, constantly hungry for more answers to our questions. For writers
like Leo Tolstoy andVirginia Woolf, understanding the world and its intricacies is essential. However, their approaches to truth differ: Tolstoy argues in
"The Death of Ivan Ilych" that there is a clear truth while in her short story "Monday or Tuesday," Woolf sees it as more ambiguous. Regardless of
whether there is a definite truth, these two works reveal that it can only be reached through experience. It is the journey to find truth that is often more
important than the truth itself. Woolf and Tolstoy experiment with perspective and language to illuminate their understanding of truth. Tolstoy, a
Realist, aims to enlighten society through his exploration of fundamental questions about life, and his narrator is crucial to this mission. In "The Death
of Ivan Ilych," Tolstoy's use of third–person omniscient narration gives the reader full access to the necessary information that Ivan and the other
characters lack. Although Ivan may not understand life's essence until his final moments, the mere fact that there is an all–knowing narrator suggests
that there is a definite underlying theme to unveil. Moreover, the narrator encapsulates Ivan's superficial world with simple language
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Two Major Themes In Poetic Realism
Isolation and fatalism are two major themes in this film. the main characters are trapped and they try hard to escape the current situations. The army
deserter heading for the port of Le Havre, Jean is on the run from a society run by a criminal underworld. His solitary figure associates with the fog
in the opening shot of the film. What he faces was fatal since he had no choices. He could only run away; otherwise, his life would be in danger. A
17–year–old abused girl, Nelly who is trapped by her godfather, Zabel tries to run away from him. In the beginning of the film, Jean and Nelly are
used to be isolated by the society. Both are not connected with other people. It is not surprising that they want to escape from the current traps later...
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Zabel is a respectable businessman who loves religious music and the finer. However, there is a shameful and jealous heart hides in his body that
he lusts for his goddaughter Nelly. This is a rather immoral theme shown in Quai des brumes. Moreover, Poetic Realism films focus on working
class characters and the theme of doomed love, which is the blending of comedy and tragedy. Compared to Naturalism, poetic realism had a more
romantic, idealistic, mysterious character.(Linda Nochlin, Realism) It shows that the characters in Poetic Realism are usually marginal characters in
the society. Jean undoubtedly represents the marginal characters in the society. He carries a national identity, which is the army in 1930s and
represents the lower class in the society. When he meets the beautiful girl, Nelly, these two fall in love immediately and passionately.Nelly says.
They have real happiness and the love is shared, but in this film's bleak world it is inevitably going to be dearly bought. Therefore, their love is
romantic but at the same time, it is also a tragic. The only way Jean can be with Nelly is if he deals with the corrupt men that are causing troubles for
her. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a tragic end for the
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Dadaism And Surrealist Movement : Max Ernst
Although there are significant distinctions between Dadaism and Surrealist movement in their focus of interest in exploring the language and the art,
they also happen to have similar concept for groundbreaking the norms and sometimes makes it hard for people to differentiate them. Then, here is an
artist who manage to cover and is considered to be one of the pioneers for both Dadaism and Surrealism: Max Ernst. Due to the traumatic army
experience during the World War 1, Ernst became highly critical of the western culture. His experience of the brutality of the world critically
influenced his later works to become quite absurd, yet interesting like those of other Dadaists. In terms of relationship between the word and the image,
Ernst created the so–called fatagaga, or Fabrication de Tableaux Gasometriques Garantis, which meant the combination of the artists to create an
artwork including imagery and text. These Dadaist collaborative works deemphasized the importance of individual authorship and allowed the artists'
interactions to further development of Dadaism.
Later in his life, Ernst was influenced by the Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis theory, and was involved in the Surrealist movement. His works during
the Surrealist period are characterized by his exploration of possibilities of bizarre titles to generate ambiguity and openness to multiple interpretations.
"Ernst employed words not in order to anchor meaning or to provide clarifying description, but rather as elusive
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Internalization And Philosophical Introspection In Dorothy...
Internalization and Philosophical Introspection Contradictory to my previous rubric, the second rubric that I created is one which focuses on
internalization, or more specifically, philosophical introspection. Introspection is another modernist literary quality that emerged after the start of
World War I. The first war had a large impact on society and that particular generation at the time, as losses were large during the war, and grew even
larger with the outbreak of influenza. To The Lighthouse byVirginia Woolfand The Tunnel by Dorothy Richardson both are included in this rubric. To
The Lighthouse is entirely philosophical introspection and inner turmoil. The novel is narrated in third person omniscient, therefore we are not limited
to one unreliable character to recount the story. Each character in the novel had a specific personal issue that was thought over in the text. Plot–wise,
nothing happened in the novel except for the passing of time, a few deaths, and the war. All of which were spoken of using less than two sentences.
Contrary to the previous rubric, this modernist novel was more focused on the intrapersonal connections of the characters and their inner dialogue
instead of events. In The Tunnel, the reader is faced with a strong female protagonist who arguably has just as much philosophical introspection as the
characters in To The Lighthouse. Richardson utilizes Miriam's position in society to make a critique of how the modern woman at this time was
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Self Reflection Paper
When asked to describe myself, I am not solely a one–sided card, I am a decagon of collective interests and identities. I am: an eldest child, a sister, a
Latina, a volunteer, a student, and a determined first–generation college graduate. Without one, I am no longer myself. Because of this, each side has
molded me into the person I am today and as time goes by I will gain more sides to myself and continue to grow.
As the eldest child, I didn't have a sibling to look up to, so I became self–motivated and driven. To my parents, I was known as the guinea pig because
I learned through trial and error. I was the baby whose first steps followed a nosedive to the floor. Yet, I did not lay there and cry, I got up again
and proceeded to walk then fall, until I finally walked without falling. Even though I was so young, I believe because of this I gained my need to be
determined, persistent, and optimistic even when there was an obstacle in front of me. As a sister, I learned to become nurturing and selfless. Because
my brother was born soon after me, everyone's first thought including my own, was to always worry about his well–being. This sense has been
heightened because of my younger sister. In so many ways she has taught me patience, maturity, and the true meaning of selflessness. As I grow I help
my sibling's by being their teacher and counselor for them so they can learn from my mistakes.
Being a Latina has been difficult because I felt like I didn't fit in. When I attended
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The Night Of The Warriors
I was standing on the logo in Oracle Arena, home of The Warriors. The bright lights and vibrant blue and yellow surrounded me. Then it came to me,
i'm really going to play here. Nobody was in the 20,000 seats besides the other five teams ready to play and their parents.
I got the chills thinking I was really going to play on the same court that NBA players play on. The best part was if we win the tournament then the
parents and players both get tickets for the game later on. I laced up my all white sneakers and thought to myself "it's gametime."
As the other starters and I took the court, I started imagining myself on TV, as if I were in the NBA. We won the tip
–off and Johnny passed me the
ball, I looked up and nobody was guarding me. I ... Show more content on ...
The ball rolled in and the crowd erupted. I could see my mom with tears in her eyes. The buzzer rang and my team crowded around me. The event
director gave us our medals but more importantly gave us the tickets for the game later. I then went up to my mom who was elated and showed her
the tickets. She emphasized "I knew you could do it son" and hugged as if there was an an anaconda around my body. She then said ecstatically "well I
know what we are doing later." I said in response "let 's do it!"
Basmagian 3
As we enter the arena once again, the first thing i could smell was the sweet cinnamon from the churros. As my mom and I were finding our seat, I
was taking in all the food stands that filled the arena. Eventually, we found our seats and I took a deep breath and soaked in what it felt like to be at
an NBA game. All the security, vendors, people, but more importantly the NBA players. Every time The Warriors scored the crowd erupted as if they
had just made a game–winner. Once it was halftime, my mom and I went to get food. She decided that she wanted street tacos loaded with Carne Asada.
I decided I wanted a ginormous, greasy slice of pizza. As they cut the slice my mouth start watering and i could smell the cheese and pepperoni as if it
were right in front of my nose. I could not wait to get back to my seat, so I could devour my pizza.
Once my Mom and I were done eating I looked at her and said "Thank you." She questioned me "for what?" I said in response
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Materialism In The Necklace And The Gift Of The Magi

  • 1. Materialism In The Necklace And The Gift Of The Magi "We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give" (Winston Churchill). While money is necessary, an abundance isn't required to be happy. Attaining happiness comes through serving others. The Necklace and The Gift of the Magi share a valuable lesson about materialism. However, both stories have a different outlook. In The Necklace, Madame Loisel's materialism is selfishness. In The Gift of The Magi, Della and Jim's materialism selflessness. The placing of value on materialistic goods can end up positively or negatively impacting one's life. In The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant the only thing that seems to make Loisel happy are things that money can buy. Unlike in the Gift of the Magi by O. Henry, Della learns that the ... Show more content on ... Loisel wishes for every luxury in life. She determines that it is the only thing that makes life worth living. "Her tastes were simple because she had never been able to afford any other... for women have no caste or class, their beauty, grace, and charm serving them from birth or family, their natural delicacy, their instinctive elegance, their nimbleness of wit, are their only mark of rank, and put the slum girl on a level with the highest lady in the land" (1). While she may be as refined as she can possibly be without money, it's still not good enough. She longs to be the best and she won't settle for less, if she can help it! Madame Loisel gets her wish and attends a party. Afterwards, she realizes she has lost her friend's diamond necklace. She bought a replacement identical necklace and for the next ten years with her husband, they finally pay it off. Once the debt is paid, she tells her friend the misery she's been through and how it was all her fault. Her friend replies that the diamonds were imitation and hardly worth anything. Madame Loisel's unintended negative consequences lead her to live a life far from what she wanted. In the Gift of the Magi, there are two objects that are extremely important to the Dillingham family. However, they learn that while the objects used to have the highest value in their home, now each other is the most valuable thing they have. Nearing the end of the story, "Each sold the most valuable thing he ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Latino Men Tend To Judge A Neighborhood We tend to judge a neighborhood often with news report and people's actions. As parents walk by the sidewalk, they notice the red paint graffiti on the white wall behind a small store. The graffiti reads "MS13 LEEWARD" and right away they know that it has been done by a group of gangsters marking their property. Families assume that gangsters live in that specific neighborhood. Each time they pass in that area they see Latino men wearing white sleeveless shirts with baggy blue pants. They observe the different tattoos all over their arms with different shapes and letters. The Latino men are always at the top of white concrete steps with cracks scattered over. The men are examining everything in their way, turning their heads to the side and ... Show more content on ... While the children were playing soccer their parents are organizing the food and table. They let their children play anywhere they want in the backyard and anywhere in the neighborhood. The aroma of carne asada was filled throughout the backyard and into the rest of the neighborhood. The backyard was filled with a line of green bushes and a pile of toys was in the corner for any kid to play with. Everyone was invited but only a few went since many people had to go to work. There was Spanish songs being played by a DJ with his big set of headphones on. Families were mixing with other families from different backgrounds. Men were laughing, women were off talking about different dishes and children were off playing as a group. Everyone sat down at the big rectangular table like if they were all a big family enjoying dinner together. There was food such as guacamole, carne asada and tacos. Families were able to take leftovers home and were grateful for this. They each hug their neighbors good bye as they leave the backyard into the sidewalk to their own unique ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Surrealism And Its Impact On The 19th Century During The... There have been some controversy during the early 20th century during the world wars. Art lost its meaning during this time and the only way to give it meaning again was to make it different, to offend people to help to make a point. This is similar to the artist/rapper Eminem, how his use of profane language draws attention to his work and its controversy makes it a topic of conversation. After the rise of abstract art rose a new style called Dada art. This was one of the most unusual time in part as it went against the common idea as to what art is. Dada led to Surrealism which began to flourish in the 1920's. Because these two movement are so close together there will be many different similarities and differences between the two. While both have the same underlying message, surrealism is more sexual in comparison compared to dada but both had the same message to give, although each has its own method to achieve its goals. "The modernist' admiration for primitivism led to Dada, the most unusual art movement of the twentieth century." (Experience Humanities, pg 581) The idea of Dada is to show the problems in society but disrupting the system. This was in particularly done to show how WWI had devalued art. Dada artist did a lot to disrupt the system like "Hurl gobs of spit in the faces of the bourgeoisie. They staged exhibits in public lavatories, planned meetings in cemeteries, and arranged lectures where the speakers were drowned out by a bell" (Experience Humanities pg ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Reflection Paper In the tapestry of life, I've learned to be accustomed to people from diverse colors of race, textures of beliefs and patterns of culture. In every stage and in different settings, I have been surrounded by different threads of individuals with their unique life experiences. Each experience and relationship have women me into an expressive piece of fabric that rejects the narrowness of uniformity. Early in my formative years, I wore the identity of an immigrant from a small, homogenous town in the Philippines to the big, melting pot city of San Francisco. My family relocated to pursue the American dream with both of my persevering parents juggling two jobs that successfully sent seven of their kids through school. I roamed around my neighborhood where you can easily stumble upon a local pizza joint baking the cheesiest slice, a hole–in–the–wall Filipino stand dishing up the cheapest comfort food, and a popular Mexican canteen offering a loaded carne asada burrito with a side of live mariachi band. In this colorful neighborhood, I learned basic geometry and played schoolyard kickball with my fellow peers who attended the same district school. This diverse environment exposed me to different races and cultures, new ideas and philosophies and meaningful lessons and education. One of the most impactful of these discoveries came from room 201, fourth period, seventh grade science class at James Denman Middle School with Mr. Fox. Consequently, my initial interest and amazement ... Get more on ...
  • 5. It is an inherent tendency of human beings to shy away... It is an inherent tendency of human beings to shy away from boundaries enforced upon us, while we still desire to push beyond the limit. Boundaries are, after all, set by humans. Therefore, do we not have the upmost right and ability to stretch those borders until they collide and unite in complex harmony? Creativity, which includes art, requires a certain amount of these collisions to grow and move forward. In the 1950's and 1960's, Paolozzi, Klein, and Cage blur the boundaries between art and life by using objects as art, life as still art, and life as moving and sound filled art. As a believer that "inspiration is where you find it," Paolozzi chooses to form art through stagnant objects as a way to unite dream with reality. Inspired... Show more content on ... Magazines announced Klein to be the artist of space, which denounced NASA's lunar expeditions as phony. John Cage shows life as a moving and sound filled art to redefine performance art and art as a whole to now more include the audience in the actual creation of art. His reason for making this choice was to shake tradition and show that music performance is not strictly defined on a page. Cage was amazed by the connections between the mind, soul, and sound. His long search for pure answers led him to ask tough questions. He believed that good music aligns with good living, but to further explore this idea, he needed to choice how to define even the simplest of words. After all, how can one live their life based on words and phrases that they do not understand? Often joked to be the silent piece, Cage's piece 4'33'' attunes listeners to silence as a structure within musical notation, rather than intending to simply shock his audience. His goal with this piece was to challenge assumed definitions about musicianship and musical experience. Through a study of Paolozzi, Klein, and Cage, we see how and why artists in the 1950's and 1960's began to blur the boundaries between art and life. Feeling a need for change after the war, pushing boundaries simply became a necessity. Collages, paintings, and performances all ignite an ability to inspire and be inspired. This is one important reason why ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Gift' By Mauss In the book 'The gift', Mauss demonstrates how in all societies, individuals should have the rights and freedom to choose whether they want to give gifts, however, he notices that giving gifts are compulsory in most societies. Mauss speaks about a study that explains how giving gifts is done as a whole rather than between individuals. The gifts were not only materialistic such as possessions and prosperity but through festivities and events such as rituals and dances. These type of gifts resemble peace, respect, and honor. Mauss describes this as a 'system of total services' which indicates that the gifts represented are beneficial to the whole society through reciprocation. In this book, Mauss explains the diversity of gift giving in different tribes of ... Show more content on ... Also, another form of gift giving is the kula trade which is seen as a prestige and a honorable trade held in reserve for the chiefs only in the tribe. When gifts are given to chiefs, it needs to be passed on from chief to chief after a specific period of time. Mauss explains different types of terms for different gift giving. One of the many terms he mentions, the term 'kudu' which means that a gift must be given and must be reciprocated at an equal value. The three important rules that need to be followed in a Potlatch is to give, to accept and receive, and to reciprocate. If any of the rules are broken, a punishment comes along with it in a form of slavery. Mauss speaks as well about different religions and cultures and about their gift giving. He explains in the law of Hindu that the gift given to an individual is beneficial to their present life and in their next life. Through Mauss's observations, he has realized that not everything is surrounded around the idea of business and selling, it is more than that. It is about kindness, communal service, unity, cooperation and ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Whistleblowing Assignment HS–421 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES PROJECT REPORT Group–10 TOPIC: Whistle Blowing and Giving Expensive Gifts Group Members: Sidra Rafique 13B–040–BS Usaid Hasan 13B–036–BS Hamza Ahmed Khan 13B–019–BS Course Instructor: Asst. Prof. Fauzan Saeed What is Whistle Blowing? Whistle blowing is defined as raising a concern about wrong doing within the organization. The concerns are about criminal activity or any crime dangers to health and safety and of the environment. Eg: Wikileaks , Jeffery Wigand , silkwood. In other words, Release of information by a member or former employee of an organization that is evidence of illegal or immoral conduct in the organization or conduct in the organization Types of whistle blowing There are three types of whistle blowing. 1) Internal whistle blowing 2) Personal whistle blowing 3) External whistle blowing Internal whistle blowing is made to someone with in the organization. Personal whistle blowing is blowing the whistle on the offender. Here the charge is not against the organization or system but against one individual. External whistle blowing is for an external issue not directly affecting one as an individual. CASE STUDY: GIVING EXPENSIVE GIFTS IN AN ORGANIZATIONS: It can be very confusing to decide that giving and accepting corporate gifts are ethical or not, it requires care and attention to understand the society's sensitivities.
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  • 9. Whitney Museum of Art Essay The Whitney Museum of American Art has often been referred to a citadel of American Art, partially due to the museums faГ§ade, a striking granite building (Figure 1), designed by Bauhaus trained architect Marcel Breuer. The museum perpetuates this reference through its biennial review of contemporary American Art, which the Whitney has become most famous for. The biennial has become since its inception a measure of the state of contemporary art in America today. Since the Museum's opening in 1931, the collection has grown to more than 12,000 paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and photographs, representing nearly 2,000 individual artists and providing the most complete overview of twentieth–century American art of any museum in the ... Show more content on ... For example, in the 2004 biennial their was 113 artists shown, consistent with the 2000 show of around 103 artists. The Whitney seems determined to include as much art as possible that can fit in their relatively small sized museum in order to better reflect the condition of the art scene in contemporary America. To fully understand the role of the biennial today, we must look to its past. The earliest Biennials were assembled informally; easy groups of artists and museum personnel made the selections. Most of those in the show lived in New York City, although many had originally come from elsewhere. In 1937, the format was changed and the exhibitions became Annuals, with one year for painting, one for sculpture and various media. Some years, a single Whitney curator chose pieces; sometimes an outsider was added. In 1973, they went back to Biennials. Today the tradition remains the same as was begun fully in 1973. Increasingly in current shows curators search out a wide range of ethnic and gender varieties to fully grasp the breadth of American culture that is represented in current art work. Their has been much criticism of the Whitney and their exclusion of non–American artists. There are sections of critics who believe that the Whitney is only ... Get more on ...
  • 10. George Benjamin Luks : A New York City Many times in society, life is sometimes influenced by art and during other times art is imitated by life. Art being able to imitate life means that the brush strokes of a painter or the innovative ideas of an architect are influenced by the world around him or her. During the years of 1900–1917 the United States was going through a number of changes. These changes helped to indentify the period as the Reformation Era. During the Reformation era the United States was becoming reshaped politically, economically, socially, and culturally. Painters such as George Benjamin Luks used pastel colors to paint pictures of a newly reformed society. In his painting Hester Street revealed a New York City that was accepting to Jewish culture and lifestyles (Figure 1) . Other pictures painted during the Progressive Era depicted more areas of city life, sports, different ethnic groups and culture. The life that was present in many of these painting showed a country that valued women, minorities, and individuality. Women were beginning to be celebrated with the help of such painters as John Sloan. His creation of Sunday, Women Drying their Hair (Figure 2) showed women just drying their hair. This painting could be seen as a celebration of women as it was painted near the times of Woman's Suffrage. The Progressive era helped to establish prominent figures such as Winslow Homer, Grant Wood, and also Thomas Eakins. Individuals such as these also used brushes to paint pictures ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Marcel Duchamp And The Dadaism Dadaism is a genre of art which appeared in the during the period between 1916 to 1919 and it was meant to anti–art and the aesthetic form although dadaism was gobbled up by the surrealism. The beginnings of Dada correspond to the outbreak of World War I. Many Dadaists believed bourgeois nationalist and colonialist caused the war, and against the cultural and intellectual conformity–in art and more broadly in society–that corresponded to the war.I m going to talk about two dadaists who brings great affect to art. Marcel Duchamp,a naturalized American painter,sculptor,chess player and writer whose art work is associated with Dadaism and conceptual art who was regarded as one of the three artists who helped to define the revolutionary developments ... Show more content on ... Suzanne's use of mechanical forms in this work is extraordinary because she made an example of the employment of the imagery.The right angle crane can be read as the male. At the same time, the triangle of circles and clock gear which was in the rectangle with crescent is the representation of legs can be read as the female.Un et une menacГ©s depicts the two sexes overlapping and connected but a standstill,gridlocked and paralysed. The materials used in Un et une menacГ©s are exceptional and Suzanne Duchamp was the only artist to produce a mechanomorphic work but she also produced a unique work using the combination of the mechanical drawing and real parts and ... Get more on ...
  • 12. How Does Virginia Woolf Use Non Conventional Places In Mrs... I think that Virginia Woolf uses different angles or non–conventional places because she tries to define the kind of life that British people had at the time and this is helpful to understand the context. During Mrs. Dalloway's day, the characters move through different places in London, frequenting streets or parks. Thus, location becomes important because it remarks the contrast between the characters' public and private selves along with the social classes where they belong. Furthermore, some places are described to remind the reader the time in which the story unfolds. For instance, one of the most recognizable places is the Big Ben. It represents the time that moves forward or that Clarissa is running out of time. It is especially important because the rest of the characters are trapped in... Show more content on ... It is because of the awareness of death that even the most ordinary everyday events become meaningful for the characters; because we are aware that we are going to die at some moment. If death did not exist, there would be no point in doing anything. Additionally, Clarissa is often contrasted with Septimus, a shell–shocked World War I hero who is mentally ill. He can be seen as Clarissa's alter–ego and Woolf's double as well, since he has a similar mental disease. Since Clarissa and Septimus never meet, the mention of Septimus' suicide during Clarissa's party is important because Mrs. Dalloway becomes aware of death; that death is part of life; that there is no life without death; that we cannot truly live until we accept that. Concerning Septimus, when he decides to kill himself he wants to be truly free and find life in death, making himself aware that life and death are always connected. In a world that moves fast, that constantly reminds us that time is running, death becomes the connection between both ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Importance Of Being A Performance Designer 'Being a performance designer' Writing from experience, being a costume and set designer for performances is a really demanding and challenging job. I have to admit that when I was young, as an audience member, I could never have imagined how much work is really needed to be done in order to produce a performance show. Now, being on the other side, I am able to appreciate designer's works, ambitions and goals; wanting to become really successful on this field. Looking back on my first years of studying, I was lost and unsure of how to approach a given theme; to work in depth in order to create a piece that will successfully communicate my ideas. Through experience and practice, on my studies in 'Visual Arts' (at the 'IB Moraitis School'... Show more content on ... These guidelines are based on my experience, influenced by other designers and mainly taught from my University. As examples I will use two projects, that I have done throughout my second year of the Bachelor degree, Living Image – Marcel Duchamp 'Sonata' and Design for dance – 'SkingCage'. I chose those two because they have some similarities and some differences that I can use in order to explain my beliefs on how a performance designing team works, the journey that is needed to be taken in order to conclude to a successful piece, what failures they might face and how. I will divide the page into two sections: on the left the 'Sonata' project, working mainly on the costumes, and on the right the 'SkinCage' project working mainly on the sets. Table of contents Introduction: Collaboration................................................................................................ Communication......................................................................................... Time......................................................................................................... Phase 1: Preparation First meetings............................................................................................ Approaching the theme........................................................................... Inspiration and visualization............................................................... Phase 2: Discussion of ideas and development: Working with the team.................................................................................
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. How Did Marcel Duchamp's Use Of Imagery In Pop Art Pop Art c. 1952–1970 Pop art began to emerge in the early 1950s as a result of a booming, capitalist American economy that followed the Second World War. A sense of optimism arose nationwide with new job security, healthy incomes and an absence of military obligations. Post war marriage and baby booms yielded the 'largest generation in the nations history'. The American dream was born and idealized in the media through advertising. Research undertaken by sociologists into consumer habits and behavior became a marketing strategy and corporations adapted their production by tapping into what was fashionable and desirable among the masses. The exponentially growing population gave way to a social group that had never before been established in its own right, teenagers. Now that families could afford to give their children a wholesome education, this age group no longer had to spend their days contributing to the family income at work, which left more time and freedom for leisure activities. As adolescents began to follow popular music and culture, the concept of popular culture exploded in America. This in turn is from where the movement of Pop art was derived. ... Show more content on ... Marcel Duchamp's concept of the objet trouvГ© or ready–made as subject matter and material for his work inspired the use of popular imagery in Pop art. The use of trivial imagery in his work brought art into the every day world and made the every day world into art. In his book Pop Art, Tilman Osterwold declares 'Dada combined advertising, images and texts, slogans, revolutionary films, assemblages, theatre and performances' in its art. It was this idea of reality dubbed as art that later inspired Andy Warhol in his Campbell's Soup ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Controversy of Marcel Duchamp Essay One of the most unique figures in the continuum of the art world, Marcel Duchamp changed the way we look at and produce art today. Marcel Duchamp was by far, one of the most controversial figures in art. Two of the most well known and talked about pieces by him are The Fountain and The Bride Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Even . Duchamp created many other pieces that caught the attention of critics, other artists, and the population in a negative way; however, these two pieces alone, brought about the greatest amount of controversy. In 1917,Marcel Duchamp submitted his urinal, the Fountain, to the American Society of Independent Artists . The urinal was taken from J. L. Mott Iron Works in New York City, rotated ninety degrees and ... Show more content on ... Whether Mr. Mutt with his own hands made the fountain or not has no importance. He CHOSE it. He took an ordinary article of life, placed it so that its useful significance disappeared under the new title and point of view–created a new thought for that object. As for plumbing, that is absurd. The only works of art America has given are her plumbing and her bridges." Marcel Duchamp was showing off one of his readymade sculptures at its finest. He was making a statement that an everyday object is also art. The fact that Duchamp chose the object and called it art was just another cause for rebuttal in the art world. Now, approximately one hundred years later, everyday objects are commonly accepted as art. Shortly after Duchamp released the Fountain, another controversial piece of art debuted–The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even . This piece was not a readymade, but a more "accepted" form of art. The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even went through many years of Duchamp researching, working on and repairing the piece. Marcel Duchamp started working on the piece in 1915 and worked on it consecutively for the following eight years. After that time frame, Duchamp took a break from it–other scholars may argue that the piece was abandoned and not merely on hiatus. Regardless of whether the piece was abandoned or on hiatus, The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even was still exhibited and purchased. The upper pane of The Large Glass represents "the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Fishing Is Fishing Fishing had never been a hobby until I considered until this past summer. Fishing has an importance that goes way back since my great grandpa back in Mexico. My great grandpa used to take my father fishing to a nearby lake near their home where they would spend hours fishing for that night's dinner. As a kid, I remember my family would take trips to the lake or rivers to have a family gathering and acarne asada. This is where my uncles and grandpa would fish, but at the time playing soccer with my cousins was more exciting. When I turned 13, my grandpa invited me to go fishing to Lake Buena Vista that Saturday morning. I immediately thought "tedious" but decided to open up and try a new activity and at the end of the day, I would have a story to tell my friends. Once at the lake, I asked my grandpa, "What is so cool about fishing" and he responded, "It's not about catching fish, it is about relaxing and being away from everything and enjoying nature. Anyone can go to the market to buy a fish, but can they have the patience to battle one and reel it in?". As the day progressed we caught a couple of catfish which my grandpa took home and made soup with. Although that day I enjoyed myself I also found out fishing was not my hobby. Fishing is for those who have patience and don't dread being in the sun all day. Flash forwarding to this past summer, my friend Froilan wanted to go fishing after he saw some YouTube videos about fishing. After he told me we should go fishing to do ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Descriptive Essay An NAU Date When living on campus choosing where to eat is tough. Choosing somewhere to impress a date is even harder. Living on North Campus has its perks; there is beautiful scenery, the building is older and full of history, plus you are close to a lot of classes and the student union. However, for those on North campus who don't have a car and don't plan on taking dates on buses, there are few options. One of those options is the 1899 Bar and Grill. Located right next to Morton/Campbell, 1899 is a bar and grill that provides finer dining than most eateries on Campus. From when you enter the establishment, you are greeted by a beautiful, historic atmosphere. From when you first walk in you are greeting with a carved 1899 symbol and a tasteful dГ©cor. The high ceilings, the artistic lighting, and the large windows all add to a classy atmosphere. There are historical pictures on the walls as well as a breathtaking stain glass window on display. The booths are cushioned just right and some of the wooden tables have elegant tree prints glossed over them. There is instrumental music or music with a slower beat. The music fits the setting of the restaurant perfectly. When being seated the hostess will ask your preference of table or booth. To make sure to get a table you can make a reservation ahead of time on their website. The website includes their history, a menu for lunch and dinner, happy hour menu, photographs, open and closing hours, and easy to book reservations. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Marcel Duchamp's Fountain Marcel Duchamp's, 'Fountain' {1917}, is a readymade installation which undermines the conventional practices of art making and display, challenging notions and rejecting the classical aesthetic. Marcel Duchamp {1887–1968}, was a French artist who broke down the boundaries between works of art and everyday objects. His mockery for conventional aesthetic standards led him to devise his famous ready–mades, proclaiming an artistic revolution. The term "ready–made" came to label mass– produced everyday objects taken out of their usual context and then becomes a work of art through the choice or assistance of the artist. 'Fountain', is the most infamous example of Duchamp's ready–mades and was widely seen as an icon of twentieth–century art. The ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Green Chiles Analysis Essay There is a mysterious connection between grandparent and grandchild, one that transcends all ethnicities, religions, and socio–economic groups. In Jimmy Santiago Baca's poem "Green Chile", he explores this connection via the use of chile peppers as a medium. Baca personifies both green and red peppers to illustrate not only that special bond, but also the historical significance of said vegetable amongst the Mexican–American community. The speaker in "Green Chile" begins the poem by stating his fondness for red chiles. As an accompaniment to his morning feast, and as decorative items embellishing the exterior of his home. It is somewhat implied that the speaker is almost obsessed with red chiles and all that they stand for. "I can ... Show more content on ... (II. 20–24) The speaker watches his grandmother prepare the green chili con carne in awe, knowing all along that she wants to please him, even if it means sacrificing her true love in order to take care of her family. Sexual metaphors aside, it is clear that the speaker loves his grandmother immensely and offers a sacrifice of his own. Even though red chiles are clearly his favorite, he is willing to clean his plate of green chili con carne, all the way down to the "last bit of tortilla". He needs to a tall glass of water to fight off the intense spiciness of the dish. He even hisses from the heat, but masks his pain in order to not upset his grandmother. In the end, the grandmothers slaving away in front of the stove allowed her to vent her repressed sexual feelings and desire to be young again. She relishes in the fact that cooking will always be her escapism from the sad truth of growing old. Although their tastes differ when it comes to types of chiles, the grandmother and the speaker share a love for the traditional Mexican–American garnish. They also respect each other, simply based on their actions. Here we have two individuals, from different generations, that bond over the age–old tradition of food and love. The last stanza of "Green Chile" speaks on the ritual of vegetable stands throughout the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Surrealism And Surrealism In 1925, the original surrealists forged a clear and resounding document, stating, among other things, that the surrealist movement is a revolution, unarguably. They asserted that their movement was not one of poetic form. Furthermore, that it was not even a literary movement. They firmly established, in the infancy of Surrealism, that it was not an aesthetic endeavour. It was "a revolution of the mind." Surrealist actions and thoughts function "in the absence of any aesthetic or moral concern." This idea was thoroughly tested with the many events to come. It was tested when Salvador Dali went so far with a lack of moral concern as to support Hitler himself, earning himself an excommunication, after a characteristically dramatic trial. It was tested when Andre Breton, honorary founder of Surrealism, stated that "The purest surrealist act is walking into a crowd with a loaded gun and firing into it randomly." This has since, regrettably, been forgotten. We have forgotten, somehow, the broken bones, the muddied faces, the chaos, and the legitimate taboos in which Surrealism languished. We have forgotten how, historically, we have stared in the face that which no one else dared to glance at. We have cast aside that which hurts us, for we do not care to include it in our reality. We have also become much more tolerant, since Breton's death in 1966, of that which is not actually surrealist. At the risk of sounding anti–progress, I say that the movement has become less pure ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Realism In Marcel Carne's Les Enfants Du Paradis Carolina Alvarez Les Enfants du Paradis The disillusionment of the Germans after World War 1 led to the rise of the racist Nazi Party. They put the blame on innocent Jewish people as the cause of all their problems. The Nuremburg laws were the beginning of the harsh treatment of the scapegoats. Hitler planned to invade Europe to create his perfect society of blonde haired, blue eyed Aryans. As Germany was invading France in 1940, the lives of the French would change in every aspect of their lives. In Marcel Carne's Les Enfants du Paradis, one can see that it fits into other movies that were made during the German invasion of France. It follows the restrictions that were put on by Nazi Party but also broke some rules to keep their artistic integrity and used it as a means of escapism for the people of France. Les Enfants du Paradis tells the story in a poetic realist way that was a very popular movie in 1945. Poetic realism centers around "working class characters and the theme of doomed love, the blending of comedy and tragedy, the use of long shots and long takes, and narratives that function as critiques of society" (Glover). The movie revolves around 4 male characters and their doomed love for a woman who choices affect everyone. Rotten Tomatoes describes it as: Even in 1945, Marcel Carne's Children of Paradise was regarded as an old–fashioned film. Set in the Parisian theatrical world of the 1840s, Jacques Prevert's screenplay concerns four men in love with the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Importance Of Life Experiences In the tapestry of life, I've have accustomed myself with people from diverse colors of race, textures of belief, and patterns of culture. Different threads of individuals with their unique life experiences have surrounded me in my every stage. Each relationship has woven me into an expressive piece of fabric that refuses one–dimensional uniformity. Being from a small, homogenous town in the Philippines, I wore an immigrant identity among various others within the big, melting pot of the city of San Francisco. My hardworking parents juggled two jobs that successfully sent all seven of their kids through school. I roamed around my multicultural neighborhood where in the same street I could find an authentic Italian joint baking the cheesiest pizza, a hole–in–the–wall Filipino stand dishing up the cheapest comfort food, and a popular Mexican canteen offering a loaded carne asada burrito with a side of live mariachi band. In this colorful neighborhood, I shared the wild schoolyard and the nesting classroom with my fellow peers from the same district. This diverse environment exposed me to different ethnicities and cultures, novel ideas and philosophies, and thought–provoking lessons and discussions. One of the most impactful of these discoveries came from room 201, fourth period, seventh grade science class at James Denman Middle School with Mr. Fox. Consequently, my initial interest and amazement of the complex systems of the human body began to deeply enroot. Out of the ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Annotated Bibliography on Infidelity Annotated Bibliography Carnes, Patrick. "Out of the Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction" Minneapolis: CompCare, 1983. Patrick Carnes' book offers a real life look at the problem of sexual addiction. He used the past experiences of others to write a book detailing the causes and effects of sexual addiction. Carnes explains how sexual addiction is a huge problem to all involved, not just the "offender". He also explains how the addiction is a problem just like any other addictions. The book describes the danger of addictions to humans by stating, "Because our sexuality is one of our most fundamental life processes, sexual compulsiveness is extremely threatening to all of us"(Carnes page 5). Carnes uses fictionalized ... Show more content on ... Web. 5 Feb. 2014. In Othniel Seiden's article, he discusses some of the "reasons" for infidelity. He lists twenty reasons that people have given as to why they have cheated on a spouse or significant other. Seiden goes on to say that many people have unrealistic views or expectations on a marriage and states, "Romance novels, movies, TV shows, may give couples a false sense of what marriage is all about". (Seiden) This article also discusses the common differing reasons women and men cheat. Seiden's article tells many reasons people would commit adultery. The article is very informative on how marriages work and what one needs to do to help keep their spousal relationship alive. Many people believe that affairs are strictly physical, but affairs come in many forms. This article illustrates the different types and what can be done to try and avoid them. It will also be used to help interpret what one would need to do to prevent the distasteful human action of infidelity. It will also be used to show the differences between the types of affairs. The author's conclusions are interesting and will make valuable points in a research paper. University of Montreal. "Infidelity Dissected: New Research On Why People Cheat." ScienceDaily. 13 September 2008. Web. 5 Feb. 2014. The University of Montreal performed four different studies to help prove the assumption that people with evident ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Man Ray Human Equation Essay Introduction If you're thinking, "Human Equations? Does that mean a bunch of people got together and formed equations with their body?", you might want to pause and think about how you got yourself in this situation. If you're thinking, "Human Equations! Weren't they done by famous photographer Man Ray?", you're on the right track, but not quite there yet. Formally known as Shakespearean Equations, the Human Equations are a series of paintings where artistic practice meets mathematical puzzles, human bodies, and merciless romanticism of Shakespeare. Man Ray's Human Equations are not arranged chronologically; but instead, follow a structure similar to that of three acts in a play. It shows the full artistic range and scope of Man Ray's work, from his juvenilia to his late production, and three overarching themes focus on the material synergy between the works. 14 paintings from ... Show more content on ... The viewer sees King Lear's famous "tears speech" depicted "by means of a diluted pigment dripping down the canvas" and even suspects that this "presumably fortuitous effect provided inspiration for the choice of title"(Duggin). You can see Man Ray's affixing of the canvas to a large wooden hoop–"a geometric figure known to mathematicians as a Kummer surface"–as the artist's attempt to turn the work into a three–dimensional object that, like so much of his work, defies easy categorization and belies a common perception that his canvases from this series were simply literal. In essence, Man Ray's King Lear shows off his mathematical knowledge in the name of artistic independence, all, of course, while depending on a Shakespearean allusion–a paradox neatly holding together right before your eyes (Duggin). As much as you try to solve the puzzle, the puzzle remains bigger and more powerful than any single answer, making this exhibition both frustrating and ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Dada Surrealism Essay Dada Surrealism What elements of dada and surrealism suggest the influence of Freud? The 20th Century marked a changed in how people viewed the known world. Since its beginning art has played a major role in how people were able to express themselves. The early 20th century brought rise to new and exciting art forms. These were types of writings, paintings and, documentaries that no one had ever seen before. From expressionism to Dadaism types of work ranged by all means of the artist. About the 1920's a new wave of art would soon be seen worlds over. This art form introduced psychology in a new way to look at the conscious and subconscious minds. From the beginning Dadaism and surrealism showed true signs of influence from ... Show more content on ... Each artist of the Dada era had a new way of expressing Freud?s ideas. They also felt that art was a powerful means of self–revelation, and that the images came from ones subconscious mind had a truth of its own. As Marcel Duchamp mocked the Mona Lisa by drawing a Padilla 3 mustache on her, stated that the painting was a lewd message set by the conventional way of thinking. Since the Dada artist did not believe in western culture this made sense, because people only want believe what is told to them, instead of what is true. The Dada movement marked a meeting of people to have ?noise concerts? where they recited poems in a free association verse. In these poetry readings the artist perceived how they felt about the world. As World War I began the Dadaist perceived it as a world gone mad. Not only did they express their work in unconventional ways; they used the subconscious as a way of making their views true. Although the Dada era was short lived it influenced and questioned the traditional concepts of the western world. These techniques set an agenda for a new trial by error art form of this same era. The spirit of Freud in the Dadaist era never really died, it is shown today as ?Pop art? or sometimes known as neo–Dada art forms. Also this revolution of thinking and art paved the way for the Surrealist movement. The Surrealist movement of the 1920?s through 1930?s captivated the world with its bizarre way of thinking. Just as the Dadaist used ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Examples Of Controversial Art After reading about the controversial artworks, I found that most of these artwork are labeled the way they are because they don't fit social norm or it is either related to a touchy topic subject matter. In my opinion, I feel that artworks such as Marcel Duchamp, Fountain (1917) and Dana Schutz's Open Casket (2016) are necessary in our society, because they create new perspective, tell ignored narratives, and etc. The Fountain is readymade urinal that is rotated and signed on the pedestal is "R Mutt". This artwork it challenges the boundaries of what should be considered art and redefine the definition of art. I found the Fountain to be very fascinating because not only it was a bought urinal, I am amazed on how Duchamp transformed a simple ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Si Usted Quiere Saber Como Bajar Si usted quiere saber como bajar de peso en 15 dias debe de seguir estos principios basicos para conseguirlo.En primer lugar, tiene que limitar o eliminar por completo el consumo de alimentos ricos en grasas. La carne y las verduras son preferibles a ebulliciГіn y cocine a fuego lento en lugar de freГr. Aderezo de mayonesa como una mejor bajo en grasa crema agria sustituto. Las papas, cereales y pasta para comer en la maГ±ana y en la noche es mejor dar preferencia a yogur bajo en grasa y mariscos, verduras. Carne asimilГі rГЎpidamente con guarniciГіn de verduras. En lugar de dulce se puede comer plГЎtanos, naranjas y otras frutas y bayas. Usted puede beber un vino seco con una rebanada de chocolate negro (80% de cacao). AdemГЎs, debe beber mucha agua. Usted no debe cargar en la noche, y lo mГЎs importante – es necesario para mantener la actividad fГsica. Si desea deshacerse de libras adicionales para siempre, adquirir el hГЎbito de estas reglas simples. AdemГЎs de estas reglas hay muchas dietas que aplicandolas podra peder peso en 15 dias. Como bajar de peso en 15 dias? Lista de las mejores dietas Dieta 1: Sopa de dieta dieta de la sopa tiene ventajas obvias: no hay lГmites de la cantidad de alimentos, y por lo tanto no se siente hambre. La combinaciГіn de lГquidos tibios y cГЎlido en el frГo. receta especial sopa para adelgazar ingredientes: cebolla – 6 piezas; Col – 1 cabeza; Tomates– 2–3 piezas; apio verde – 1 manojo; pimiento verde – 2 piezas. PreparaciГіn: Lavar y cortar las ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Jewish Passover What is the greatest gift one can receive? Most would say it is money, or clothes, or even a 50 dollar gift card to Starbucks. But what is it really? Sometimes we don't really realize that that we receive gifts every day, but the ones on special occasions like Christmas or Easter. That is why the greatest gift anyone can receive is food since it's culturally important, not everyone has it, and we can't live without it. Food is culturally is important because many cultures indulge in making lavish foods for special occasions from great feasts in American and Islamic countries, to the treats served for Indian special occasions. Food can also be symbolic. When thinking symbolically about food The Jewish Passover should come to mind. Almost ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Importance Of Activism In The Art Of Art In The United States of America, thanks to the first amendment, activism is very much so alive in today's society as well as throughout our history. In this paper I will discuss how the public can interface physically with Ai Weiwei's Arch as opposed to works of art in a museum. For example, in the majority of cases, museums require people to stand behind a line and simply observe a creation on display. However, Ai's approach through the statues tangibility allows for the viewer to more easily connect to its true meaning and formulate an opinion. I will convey the significance of creativity through describing the arch, discussing its passageway, as well as analyzing the potential link to Arch's location and the overall theme of Ai's exhibit: refugees. Ai Weiwei is a 60 year old Chinese artist and activist. He initially attended the Beijing Film Academy in 1978, but dropped out to join Stars, a group of artists who fought for the right to exhibit their work as freedom of expression is not a right in China. After living in TheUnited States from 1981 to 1993, Ai returned to China when his father became ill. In 2008, Ai responded to many deaths from the Sichuan earthquake by criticizing Chinese officials in his writing about structures that were not stable enough to withstand such powerful vibrations, ultimately killing thousands. In 2009, Ai was penalized by being brutally attacked and beaten by the police to the point where he needed immediate brain surgery. In 2011, ... Get more on ...
  • 31. To The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf The study is designed to understand the different social issues related to different characters in the novel To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. It focuses on the Victorian and Modern marriages and highlights how the female characters are different from one another. Similarly, there are a lot of religious doubt, degrading women, and an unclear vision in the novel by one of the characters. However, there are deaths in the novel too. Similarly, it will focus on the two central women in the story. Study wants to show that Virginia Woolfcreated two very different characters but with a very interesting and complex connection. The first one is Mrs. Ramsay, a woman still belonging to the Victorian age, the second, Lily Briscoe, here called a "New woman". My intention is also to analyze the significance of Lily's painting and how it symbolizes and represents her coming to terms with her homosexuality, and simultaneously her feelings towards Mrs. Ramsay. To the Lighthouse depends on passing of time; it expands or contracts the sense of time very freely It is a book, with an ironical or wistful query and questions of life and reality. The people in Woolf's book seem to be looking through each other with some far question; and,... Show more content on ... Virginia Woolf born in 1882, late Victorian age but she grew in Modern Age, so there is a great impact of Modern age on her works. My term paper is about social issues related to some characters in the novel. To the lighthouse is about two generations, one is older and the other one is new. I will study the changes come in newer and today's generation. Modern novels are psychological; every writer has something in his/her mind while writing. To the lighthouse is an autobiographical novel, Virginia Woolf sister says about the novel that, Mrs. Ramsay is like their mother, her brother always wants to see the lighthouse and Mr. Ramsay is like their father (an authority in their ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Essay about La Economia de Ecuador Rafael Correa, Presidente del Ecuador, anunciГі el recorte de importaciones por cerca de US$6.000 millones hasta 2017 (Emol, 2014). Aplicar esta polГtica econГіmica que guarda un vinculo relacionado con el comercio exterior resulta clave en las economГas dolarizadas. Esto se debe a que con las mismas se lograrГa equilibrar el dГ©ficit existente en la balanza comercial (Mancero Mosquera, 2011). El gobierno de Rafael llevГі a cabo la restricciГіn a las importaciones de productos originarios de paГses extranjeros. Se camufla esto bajo normas tГ©cnicas de calidad y campaГ±a que fomentan el consumo de la producciГіn nacional. Esta restricciГіn fue promovida por el CEPAL o la ComisiГіn EconГіmica para AmГ©rica Latina por los aГ±os 50 – 60 (Pozo, 2014). Esta... Show more content on ... La creaciГіn de las MIPYMES contribuirГЎ a aumentar las fuentes de empleo ademГЎs de garantizar la compra de productos ampliando la producciГіn de dichas microempresas. Las dependencias de cada ministerio asesoran a los dueГ±os de las MIPYMES para realizar los diversos papeleos necesarios para su funcionamiento (Mancero Mosquera, 2011). Desde el aГ±o 2009, en Quito, se aplican restricciones respecto al comercio. La crisis mundial se agudizГі introduciГ©ndose asГ nuevas exigencias para realizar compras en el exterior y reducir asГ el dГ©ficit comercial. Esto se originГі a que, de acorde con el jefe de Estado, estaban ingresando "bicicletas con plomo" que resultaban perjudiciales para la salud (Emol, 2014). A continuaciГіn la cronologГa de las Restricciones a las Importaciones en el Gobierno hasta el aГ±o 2012. Actualmente el Gobierno ha creado un plan de SustituciГіn EstratГ©gica de Importaciones. Esto consiste en que el Estado subsidia a productores nacionales mientras disminuye las importaciones de productos extranjeros, para que lo que antes se importaba sea producido localmente. Muchos llaman a esto exportar de manera fГЎcil e importar de manera difГcil. Se conoce que la compra de bienes de capital o de materias primas no tienen nada de malo. Al contrario, mejoran el sistema productivo. (Diario El Comercio, 2014) Este plan se reparte en 25 sectores econГіmicos como la ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Surrealism In Poetic Realism 1930's France saw the growth of a small film movement known as Poetic Realism. The tenants of this movement were loose at best and mostly consisted as a tendency that a handful of independent filmmakers used in their films. Their influences came primarily from literature of the time and the fantastic styles of Impressionism and Surrealism. From great literature came the scripts and stories for this movements. Great writers like Emil Zola and Leo Tolstoy had their tales appear on the screens of French theaters. From Impressionism, the Poetic Realist infused their films with "stylized cinema, optical effects, and editing to render reality as it is subjectively perceived" ( (–– removed HTML ––)–talk–about–poetic–realism/ (–– removed HTML ––) ). Impressionism dealt in over emphasized movements and scenery that were indicative of the mood or perspective of a character. These techniques were translated into the fantasy–like worlds of Poetic Realism. Surrealism also had a part to play in the creation of these poetic and fantastic worlds. The dream–like quality present in the Surreal movement found its way into Poetic Realism through bizarre and incongruitous scenes and sequences. A move towards subverting narrative continuity facilitated the use of Surrealism and Impressionism as many filmmakers wanted to distance themselves from the American Hollywood style of straight forward narrative( (–– removed HTML ––) ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Anti-Intellectual Movement Week four's essay finds inspiration from the anti–intellectual movement. The essay titled Anti–Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter defines the anti–intellectual movement. The anti–intellectual movement began in the 1950's "primarily as McCarthyism the belief that the mind was at ruinous discount" (Hofstadter 3). Additionally, Merriam– further defines the anti–intellectual movement as "opposing or hostile to intellectuals or an intellectual view or approach" (Merriam–Webster). The anti–intellectual movement impacted social, economic, education, politics, art genres. Today the discussion focuses on Exhibit H. in the Hofstadter's text on page fourteen . More focused on the comment by Congressman George Dondero... Show more content on ... (SAAM, SI) (qtd. in Adler Fig. 2.) Many of the Avante Garde contemporary art were either laughed about in cartoon strips, puzzled viewers or made them angry. The American people felt the European art often relished by wealthy art connoisseurs was a step backward in American culture. Moreover, several Americans found the primitive, distorted imagery threatening to American civilization and the United States progress. Also many American's were afraid the art form itself represented an adaptation to modern society. TheArmory show had political undertones. The Armory show happened during a time politically when woman fought for their rights In 1913, women took to the streets, too with political and social causes. "Women marched in the streets not only for the right to vote, for open marriages, contraception, and the right to have children out of wedlock" (Stamberg). The Armory show also transpired during the industrialization movement. Thus electric trains pulled out of Grand Central Station for the first time, and New York was bursting with immigrants. New York City during this time was the leading example of the "Fresh and the Modern" society (Stamberg). The modern style of art is contrary to America and Dondero's view. The contemporary art movement objectively sent a powerful message of freedom. The Armory show was about new ways ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Hugo Ball Essay An artist by the name of Hugo Ball, who was a crucial figure in constructing the foundations of Dadaism, created performance pieces that is now one of the well–known characteristics of what expresses the Dada movement . Ball's poetry performances were in a way, a response to the audacities of what WWI had presenting the world with. According to Demos, Hugo Ball found that "language was deeply discredited due to its use as propaganda that "justified" war," and continued to express that "[t]he journalistic and political abuses of language... [meant that it] must be dismantled and reconstructed anew" . That being stated, it can be assumed that his nonsensical poems, in Karawane at the Cabaret Voltaire in 1916 can be understood as an extrapolation... Show more content on ... One of the more notable pieces in the exhibition was one created by Marcel Duchamp, an artist who worked with found objects, which was a prominent characteristic and medium that began New YorkDada art. He used objects that were coined as "ready–made", where he uses an item that people would see in their ordinary lives and presents it as a piece of art without alterations. An example of a ready–made object would be Duchamp's Bottle Rack. Another word that fluttered around the Dadaists was the "assisted ready–made", which the objects are altered in some way, where it is transformed in a way where it could no longer be of practical use, but an art piece instead. An example by Duchamp would be his Bicycle Wheel. Other artists have also taken the aspect of turning an everyday object into one that would be deemed useless, such as Man Ray's Cadeau, which was an iron that he added tacks onto. He implied two different things; one being that there is a danger of heat from the iron and that there is also the danger of the sharp tacks. Artists of this time were using utilitarian objects that may have not been seen as aesthetically pleasing to the majority of people's views, and turning them into an art ... Get more on ...
  • 36. William Woolf And The Death Of Ivan It's the year 2014. We have discovered flight, we have been to outer space, we have the Internet. We even have GPS shoes for those who can't read a map. What more is there to learn, to discover, to create? Yet we are never satisfied, constantly hungry for more answers to our questions. For writers like Leo Tolstoy andVirginia Woolf, understanding the world and its intricacies is essential. However, their approaches to truth differ: Tolstoy argues in "The Death of Ivan Ilych" that there is a clear truth while in her short story "Monday or Tuesday," Woolf sees it as more ambiguous. Regardless of whether there is a definite truth, these two works reveal that it can only be reached through experience. It is the journey to find truth that is often more important than the truth itself. Woolf and Tolstoy experiment with perspective and language to illuminate their understanding of truth. Tolstoy, a Realist, aims to enlighten society through his exploration of fundamental questions about life, and his narrator is crucial to this mission. In "The Death of Ivan Ilych," Tolstoy's use of third–person omniscient narration gives the reader full access to the necessary information that Ivan and the other characters lack. Although Ivan may not understand life's essence until his final moments, the mere fact that there is an all–knowing narrator suggests that there is a definite underlying theme to unveil. Moreover, the narrator encapsulates Ivan's superficial world with simple language ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Two Major Themes In Poetic Realism Isolation and fatalism are two major themes in this film. the main characters are trapped and they try hard to escape the current situations. The army deserter heading for the port of Le Havre, Jean is on the run from a society run by a criminal underworld. His solitary figure associates with the fog in the opening shot of the film. What he faces was fatal since he had no choices. He could only run away; otherwise, his life would be in danger. A 17–year–old abused girl, Nelly who is trapped by her godfather, Zabel tries to run away from him. In the beginning of the film, Jean and Nelly are used to be isolated by the society. Both are not connected with other people. It is not surprising that they want to escape from the current traps later... Show more content on ... Zabel is a respectable businessman who loves religious music and the finer. However, there is a shameful and jealous heart hides in his body that he lusts for his goddaughter Nelly. This is a rather immoral theme shown in Quai des brumes. Moreover, Poetic Realism films focus on working class characters and the theme of doomed love, which is the blending of comedy and tragedy. Compared to Naturalism, poetic realism had a more romantic, idealistic, mysterious character.(Linda Nochlin, Realism) It shows that the characters in Poetic Realism are usually marginal characters in the society. Jean undoubtedly represents the marginal characters in the society. He carries a national identity, which is the army in 1930s and represents the lower class in the society. When he meets the beautiful girl, Nelly, these two fall in love immediately and passionately.Nelly says. They have real happiness and the love is shared, but in this film's bleak world it is inevitably going to be dearly bought. Therefore, their love is romantic but at the same time, it is also a tragic. The only way Jean can be with Nelly is if he deals with the corrupt men that are causing troubles for her. Unfortunately, it turns out to be a tragic end for the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Dadaism And Surrealist Movement : Max Ernst Although there are significant distinctions between Dadaism and Surrealist movement in their focus of interest in exploring the language and the art, they also happen to have similar concept for groundbreaking the norms and sometimes makes it hard for people to differentiate them. Then, here is an artist who manage to cover and is considered to be one of the pioneers for both Dadaism and Surrealism: Max Ernst. Due to the traumatic army experience during the World War 1, Ernst became highly critical of the western culture. His experience of the brutality of the world critically influenced his later works to become quite absurd, yet interesting like those of other Dadaists. In terms of relationship between the word and the image, Ernst created the so–called fatagaga, or Fabrication de Tableaux Gasometriques Garantis, which meant the combination of the artists to create an artwork including imagery and text. These Dadaist collaborative works deemphasized the importance of individual authorship and allowed the artists' interactions to further development of Dadaism. Later in his life, Ernst was influenced by the Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis theory, and was involved in the Surrealist movement. His works during the Surrealist period are characterized by his exploration of possibilities of bizarre titles to generate ambiguity and openness to multiple interpretations. "Ernst employed words not in order to anchor meaning or to provide clarifying description, but rather as elusive ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Internalization And Philosophical Introspection In Dorothy... Internalization and Philosophical Introspection Contradictory to my previous rubric, the second rubric that I created is one which focuses on internalization, or more specifically, philosophical introspection. Introspection is another modernist literary quality that emerged after the start of World War I. The first war had a large impact on society and that particular generation at the time, as losses were large during the war, and grew even larger with the outbreak of influenza. To The Lighthouse byVirginia Woolfand The Tunnel by Dorothy Richardson both are included in this rubric. To The Lighthouse is entirely philosophical introspection and inner turmoil. The novel is narrated in third person omniscient, therefore we are not limited to one unreliable character to recount the story. Each character in the novel had a specific personal issue that was thought over in the text. Plot–wise, nothing happened in the novel except for the passing of time, a few deaths, and the war. All of which were spoken of using less than two sentences. Contrary to the previous rubric, this modernist novel was more focused on the intrapersonal connections of the characters and their inner dialogue instead of events. In The Tunnel, the reader is faced with a strong female protagonist who arguably has just as much philosophical introspection as the characters in To The Lighthouse. Richardson utilizes Miriam's position in society to make a critique of how the modern woman at this time was ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Self Reflection Paper When asked to describe myself, I am not solely a one–sided card, I am a decagon of collective interests and identities. I am: an eldest child, a sister, a Latina, a volunteer, a student, and a determined first–generation college graduate. Without one, I am no longer myself. Because of this, each side has molded me into the person I am today and as time goes by I will gain more sides to myself and continue to grow. As the eldest child, I didn't have a sibling to look up to, so I became self–motivated and driven. To my parents, I was known as the guinea pig because I learned through trial and error. I was the baby whose first steps followed a nosedive to the floor. Yet, I did not lay there and cry, I got up again and proceeded to walk then fall, until I finally walked without falling. Even though I was so young, I believe because of this I gained my need to be determined, persistent, and optimistic even when there was an obstacle in front of me. As a sister, I learned to become nurturing and selfless. Because my brother was born soon after me, everyone's first thought including my own, was to always worry about his well–being. This sense has been heightened because of my younger sister. In so many ways she has taught me patience, maturity, and the true meaning of selflessness. As I grow I help my sibling's by being their teacher and counselor for them so they can learn from my mistakes. Being a Latina has been difficult because I felt like I didn't fit in. When I attended ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Night Of The Warriors I was standing on the logo in Oracle Arena, home of The Warriors. The bright lights and vibrant blue and yellow surrounded me. Then it came to me, i'm really going to play here. Nobody was in the 20,000 seats besides the other five teams ready to play and their parents. I got the chills thinking I was really going to play on the same court that NBA players play on. The best part was if we win the tournament then the parents and players both get tickets for the game later on. I laced up my all white sneakers and thought to myself "it's gametime." As the other starters and I took the court, I started imagining myself on TV, as if I were in the NBA. We won the tip –off and Johnny passed me the ball, I looked up and nobody was guarding me. I ... Show more content on ... The ball rolled in and the crowd erupted. I could see my mom with tears in her eyes. The buzzer rang and my team crowded around me. The event director gave us our medals but more importantly gave us the tickets for the game later. I then went up to my mom who was elated and showed her the tickets. She emphasized "I knew you could do it son" and hugged as if there was an an anaconda around my body. She then said ecstatically "well I know what we are doing later." I said in response "let 's do it!" Basmagian 3 As we enter the arena once again, the first thing i could smell was the sweet cinnamon from the churros. As my mom and I were finding our seat, I was taking in all the food stands that filled the arena. Eventually, we found our seats and I took a deep breath and soaked in what it felt like to be at an NBA game. All the security, vendors, people, but more importantly the NBA players. Every time The Warriors scored the crowd erupted as if they had just made a game–winner. Once it was halftime, my mom and I went to get food. She decided that she wanted street tacos loaded with Carne Asada. I decided I wanted a ginormous, greasy slice of pizza. As they cut the slice my mouth start watering and i could smell the cheese and pepperoni as if it were right in front of my nose. I could not wait to get back to my seat, so I could devour my pizza. Once my Mom and I were done eating I looked at her and said "Thank you." She questioned me "for what?" I said in response ... Get more on ...