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Mass Spectrometry Essay
Overall proteomics has the large scale determination of quality and cell work particularly at the
protein level. Mass spectrometry (MS) has progressively turned into the technique for decision for
examination of complex protein tests. In an order to made conceivable by the accessibility of quality
and genome grouping databases and specialized, MS–based proteomics applied advances in
numerous ranges, most prominently in the disclosure and improvement of protein ionization
For protein portrayal mass spectrometry (MS) uses mass investigation. Although DNA microarray
innovation is taking into account an exceptionally delicate and particular hybridization response
between nucleic acid sections, basic constraints of biological MS (1) require a few separate ways to
deal with protein examination. Usage of the procedures such as test planning, front–end partition,
ionization, information procurement, and data analysis that contrasts upon relying the specimen
intricacy and examination of the objectives (2).
In the last two decades, the fast development of protein MS has appreciated owing to essential
advancements in experimental techniques, instrumentation, and information examination
approaches. A standout amongst the most imperative improvements in instrumentation is the
presentation of delicate ionization strategies that consider proteins and peptides to be investigated by
MS. As proteins and peptides are polar, nonvolatile, and thermally
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Smoking: Leading Cause Of Preventable Deaths In The World
Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the world. Although this lifestyle
practice usually warrants a person's conscious choice to inhale toxic fumes, more than the sole
individual are affected by this habit. Passive or involuntary smoking results when bystanders are
collaterally forced to also breathe in a product containing at least 70 carcinogens and 7000
chemicals, as a consequence of another person's smoking (American Cancer Society, 2015).
Evidence suggests secondhand smoking (SHS) can lead to "lung, larynx, pharynx, nasal sinuses,
brain, bladder, rectum, stomach, and breast cancers" in adults, even though they never smoked
firsthand. Although the severity of health abnormalities and illnesses vary due to exposure, the
gravity of the repercussions of SHS cannot remain disregarded. The American Cancer Society
proposes that due to a child's pivotal physical, mental, and emotional development, they are "most
affected by SHS and least able to avoid it" (2015). In addition to the impediment of a child's
development, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is potentially linked to the development of
"lymphoma, leukemia, liver cancer, brain tumors, asthma, infections, and sudden infant death
syndrome (SIDS)" (American Cancer Society, 2015). ETS is literally a grave dilemma plaguing
nations. ... Show more content on ...
To attain a further comprehension of the physical, emotional, and mental ramifications secondhand
smoking has on a child's development, it is essential for the analysis of the empirical evidence of
SHS to emphasize the exigence of the resolution to this
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Carbon-14 Dating
The key principle behind radiocarbon–14 dating is plants and animals exchange carbon with their
surroundings and thus contain the same ratio of carbon–12 to carbon–14 once an organism dies it no
longer exchanges carbon with its surroundings. The carbon–14 will slowly decay at a known rate
decreasing the ratio of carbon–12 to carbon–14. Since the decay rate and original ratio of carbon–12
to carbon–14 is known we can determine how old a sample is by the amount of carbon–14
remaining. There are two ways to measure the carbon–12 to carbon–14 ratio. The first being beta
counting. Beta counting was the first method used to measure carbon–14 levels in a sample. Two
different type of beta counting were primarily used. The first of those being liquid ... Show more
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This then tells us the atmospheric carbon–14 to carbon–12 ratio in the year that tree ring grew in.
Other atmospheric variations include coal
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The Isotope Of A Isotope Analysis
The scholarly article that I have chosen that depicts an isotope analysis is based on the
stable isotope Carbon, found in nectar beverages. The main method measures the carbon of C3
photosynthetic cycle in commercial apple flavored nectars, which then has the determination
of the exact legal limit to identify the beverages that do not conform to safety standards that
were previously set by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply. The
term adulteration is used in the article. Adulteration is essentially the contamination that is in
foods and beverages and the challenges that the industries face is a wide issue known today.
According to (RICARDO; FILHO; GASTONI; CARLOS, 2013), "To identify such adulteration, the
isotope analysis is the most sophisticated and specific technique used in the food and
beverages area. Stable isotope techniques have been used by official institutions in the quality
control of beverages as an instrument of tax assessment for fraudulent products." This goes
back to show how sophisticated the methods are with respect to quality control in the
beverage environment.
The methodology for the determination of the carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) is based on
a mixture of compounds produced from plants of the C3 photosynthetic cycle (apple,
grape, orange, etc.) and C4 (sugarcane, corn, etc.). The C3 vegetables have relative
isotope enrichment (δ13C) from –22.00 to –34.00 per mil (‰). In C4 vegetables, the
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Relationship between Exposure to PAH's and Insulin Resistance
1. Introduction
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental toxic compounds with
fused aromatic rings, formed from incomplete combustion of carbon–containing materials such as
coal and fossil fuels, cigarette smoking, and food cooking.1,2 Non–occupational exposure routes of
PAHs include: inhalation airborne PAHs such as polluted air or cigarette smoking, ingestion of
PAH–containing food such as charred and broiled meat, as well as dermal absorption.3,4 PAHs can
bioaccumulate through the food chain because of its nature of resistant to degradation.5 The adverse
health effects of PAHs have been widely studied recently mainly focusing on increasing risks of
chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and a variety of cancers, including
respiratory, renal, and breast cancers.6–15 Recently, several studies suggested an association
between ambient air pollution and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and ambient fine particulate matter
(PM) may induce insulin resistance.16–21 Since air pollution as well as smoking and red meat
consumption were consistently linked to cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes,22,23 and all of
them are important exposure sources of PAHs, it's biologically plausible that PAHs may play
important roles in the relationship between cigarette smoking, ambient air pollution and
cardiometabolic diseases.
Insulin resistance is a state where there is reduced biological effect for any given concentration of
insulin.24,25 It is regarded
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Electricity and Magnetism
Human civilisation has dealt with magnetism for millennia, earliest evidence dating as far back as
1000 BC where the ancient Chinese civilisation discovered a naturally occurring magnetic ore,
magnetite. This ore, commonly known as lodestone was used by the ancient Chinese as a
geomagnetic compass, however, no one really knew what magnetism was at the time. For centuries
on, we have had basic knowledge regarding electricity based upon static electricity found from
rubbing amber and fur. However, up until the early 1800s, our understanding of electricity and
magnetism was severely limited – considering both of them as entirely separate phenomena.
Before we delve deeper into the topic, what is electricity and magnetism? Electricity is, ... Show
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The ions are then accelerated so that they have the same kinetic energy. These accelerated ions are
then passed through a vacuum tube (remember mass–to–charge ratios), subjected with an
electromagnetic field. Lighter ions will be deflected more and the more positively charged they are
(less electrons / more electrons knocked off) the more they are deflected. One can alter the strength
of the field to accommodate for the mass–to–charge ratio range needed to be detected. Accelerated
ions which are still within the path of the tube are then captured by a detector which analyses the
amount of ions carried through the ion beam. The vacuum tube where ions were accelerated through
is called a mass analyser. The relationship between the accelerated ion beams and the
electromagnetic field being subjected is best summarised through Newton's 2nd Law and Lorentz'
Force Law:
F=q(E+V ×B)
Where F = Force, m = mass of ions, a = acceleration, q = ionic charge, E = electric field and V x B =
the vector cross product of the ion velocity and the applied magnetic field. When a charged particle
is accelerated perpendicular to a magnetic field, it will curve, hence the deflection of ion beams in
the mass analyser. This deflection can be best described as a centripetal force and the force applied
on the charge can also be given by F = qv x B. Since the force is perpendicular, the magnitude of the
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Quiz Questions On The Properties Of A Protein At Dna Level
BIOT643 Fall 2015– Quiz–3 Answers (60 points)
– Deepa Thamodaran
1. a) SDS–Polyacrylamide Gel electrophoresis
2. b) Change the properties of a protein at DNA level
3. c) Nuclear magnetic resonance
4. b) Northern blot hybridization
5. Far Western Blot analysis and Protein arrays
Far Western Blot analysis:
Far Western Blot analysis is the technique mostly resembles Western Blot analysis, but differs in
way that proteins are separated on a blot. Biotinylated non–antibody proteins are used for
immobilizing the protein of interest, which are then overlaid with an antibody with streptavidin.
Many proteins show considerable affinity for biotin which is a co–factor in many eukaryotic
biological processes. ... Show more content on ...
Fluorescent signals are emitted when there is reaction between the immobilized protein and the
probe, which are captured by the laser scanners. Thus they are used in protein expression profiling,
studying protein–protein interactions, enzyme–substrate interactions, protein–ligand interaction and
differentially expressed proteins screening on a large scale.
6. X–Ray Crystallography and NMR are two common methods used to study protein structures. X–
Ray Crystallography NMR
Principle Protein molecules are crystallized and exposed to X–rays. A crystal arranges a large
number of molecules in the same orientation, so the scattered waves add up in phase and raise the
signal. Protein molecules are made soluble in buffered liquid and isotopically labeled. Therefore,
allows thermodynamics, studies of the kinetics aspects of structures and interactions with other
Physical state Frozen solid state Liquid state in buffered solution
Time Longer time in screening and optimization but short time for processing data. Short time for
preparation but long time for data analysis.
Size Any size of macromolecule Small polypeptide (< 50 kDa)
Advantages Well–diffracting crystals achieve high atomic resolution Soluble state favors mere
closer to protein in folding state which is like real functional environments.
Disadvantages Crystallization may change the conformation of proteins due to packing interactions
therefore more
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How Does Diabetes Mellitus Affect The Individual 's...
Metabolism is a sequence of biochemical reactions that take place in every single cell and organ to
maintain the organism growth, reproduction, damage repair, and adaptation to the surrounding
environment. These reactions involve catabolism and anabolism using the major sources of energy:
proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Furthermore, any disruption in the regulation of the metabolic
processes affects the individual's morbidity and mortality [1]. Accordingly, in this chapter, we are
going to discuss diabetes mellitus, which is one of the main metabolic disorders.
1.1.1 Pancreatic regulation of Blood Glucose
The regulation of the cornerstone of the whole body energy, glucose, in blood stream by the
pancreas, specifically the islets of Langerhans, is very critical through the secretion of insulin and
glucagon. Insulin, which is secreted from beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in response to high
blood glucose levels, has an anabolic effect via its stimulation of glucose uptake in peripheral,
skeletal muscle, as well as central, brain, tissues to be stored in the form of glycogen and fat [2]. On
the other hand, low glucose levels enhance pancreatic alpha cells secretion of Glucagon that plays
the catabolic role through stimulation of stored glycogen breakdown and formation of glucose from
non–carbohydrate sources via glycogenolysis and hepatic gluconeogenesis, respectively [2]. This
mechanism is well controlled through the opposite secretion of these hormones in response
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What Is The Development Of Metal Stable Isotopes?
My research interest primarily involves the application of metal (e.g., Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe and Cu) and
non–metal (e.g., S) isotopes in understanding biogeochemical cycles of elements in modern
environment as well as in the geologic past. Moreover, I am also interested in the development of
metal stable isotopes as geochemical proxies to reconstruct the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic
conditions. Ongoing (Post–doctoral) research Projects I am working primarily as an experimental
and analytical geochemist. My research involves multiple projects to investigate stable isotope
fractionation of Fe, Mg, and S during mineral precipitation and mineral–fluid exchange at low
temperature under both biogenic and abiogenic conditions. Following are ... Show more content on ...
In the soil, ferrihydrite is a common mineral that co–occurs with organic carbon. Ferrihydrite is also
known to exchange with aqueous Fe(II) and transform into more stable Fe–oxide phases at low
temperature.Therefore, understanding the role of organic carbon in the long–term stability of
ferrihydrite and in the fractionation of Fe isotopes due to low temperature mineral–fluid exchange is
critical to evaluate the preservation potential of the Fe isotopic composition of ferrihydrite in the
soil. Previous research projects on isotope geochemistry 1. Doctoral research In my Ph.D.
dissertation, I explored the influence of diagenesis of deep marine carbonates using Ca, Mg, and Sr
isotopes and evaluated the potential of marine carbonate δ26Mg in preserving ambient seawater
δ26Mg under different diagenetic regime with variable extent of reactive–transport processes (i.e.,
advection, diffusion, and reaction). For this purpose, I analyzed trace elemental (e.g., Mg/Ca and
Sr/Ca) and isotopic compositions (δ26Mg, δ44/40Ca, and 87Sr/86Sr) of numerous pore fluids and
bulk carbonates from multiple deep marine sedimentary sections using a Quadrupole ICP–MS and a
Neptune Plus MC–ICP–MS respectively. I employed multiple reactive transport modeling
techniques (1–D depositional model coded in R, CrunchFlow, and PHREEQC) to constrain the
calcite recrystallization rates,
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The Science of Radiocarbon Dating Essay
The Science of Radiocarbon Dating
When we think of history, we think of important people, places, cultures, events, and much more.
The backbone of history rests on its chronology. It gives us the "when" of basic analysis. It gives us
a frame of reference, the order of things. Before having an "absolute" way of determining dates,
history was based in guesses and assumptions. Many attempts were made to organize the dates of
the past. Some of these attempts were made by geologist. Geologist used the idea of "stratigraphic
succession" (Renfrew, 1973) which is based on the "principle that when successive layers or strata
are observed in position, the underlying ones are the earliest." (Pg. 23 Renfrew, 1973) By setting the
layers in ... Show more content on ...
This changed history forever. While it created controversy, due to some people's attachments to the
old ways of dating and doubts in this revolutionary method, it proved to be the closest method to
have an accurate chronology of history. In 1955, to prove the accuracy or radiocarbon, Libby
published a graph that showed the comparison of the results of radiocarbon dating of specimens
from Egypt. These specimens had already an absolute known date. The graph proved the accuracy
of Libby's radiocarbon dating. Figure 1 (Renfrew, 1973)
Libby developed the method of radiocarbon dating though his observation of how cosmic rays
create radiocarbon. From outer space cosmic rays infiltrate earth's atmosphere. In the upper
atmosphere, these rays hit nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the air. (Renfrew, 1973). When the neutrons
of these high–energy particles (mostly protons) hit nitrogen atoms, Carbon 14 (C–14) is created. The
nitrogen atom (atomic number 7) has an atomic mass of 14 (with 7 protons and 7 neutrons). When
the nucleus of the nitrogen is hit by the cosmic ray's neutrons, the atomic number of the atom
decreases by one. The make–up of its atomic mass changes, a proton is emitted and the neutrons are
increased by one; therefore, the atomic mass number stays the same. Because the atomic number has
changed, a new element, carbon 14, with atomic number 6, has an atomic mass of 14 (with 6 protons
and 8 neutrons). (Bowman, 1990) The reaction is 14N + n = 14c + p (where n is a
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The Use Of Testing For Doping Controls Using A Quadrupole...
"Analysis of Prohibited Drugs in Blood for Doping Controls using a Quadrupole Mass
Spectrometer" 1–Introduction 1.1–Use of prohibited drugs in competitive sports 1.2–Commonly
tested analytes for doping control 1.3–Techniques employed 2–Sampling 2.1–Sample preparation 3–
Experimental Techniques 3.1–LC/MS 3.2–LC/TMS 4–Latest Advancements in the field 4.1–
Sensitivity 4.2–Accuracy 4.3–Automation 5–Conclusion 6–References Figures and Tables Fig: 1
Fig: 2 Fig: 3 Fig: 4 Table: 1 Table: 2 ABSTRACT The use of performance enhancers and prohibited
drugs in sports goes back as far as the year 1889 when Pud Galvin a Pittsburgh's baseball pitcher
used performance enhancer before pitching in a game against Boston. Pud used something called
"Elixir of Brown Sequard" containing mostly testosterone drained from the gonads of an animal.
The use of performance enhancers may seem natural in terms of gaining an edge in a competition
but the attached strings may far outweigh its advantages. Mostly the short–term benefits of gaining
advantage are associated with the long–term health risks of the athlete. The attached health
vulnerability of the athletes underpins the need of strict regularization code for performance
enhancers through robust, precise and accurate analytical techniques. We will discuss and compare
various analytical challenges encountered during doping control analysis in this report. Sampling is
the first to start with. A good sampling
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The Merced River Is The Southernmost Watercourse Of The...
Study sites
The Merced River is the southernmost watercourse of the California Central Valley presently
inhabited by Chinook salmon whose abundance has decreased by 75% since 1950 (Yoshiyama et al.,
2000). From its headwaters located in Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, the Merced River
flows west to join the San Joaquín River (river km 190) and drains a watershed approximately 3,297
km2 in size. Meanwhile, the elevation declines from 3,048 m to about 18.3 m. Only the first 82 river
km are reachable by anadromous fish with access terminating at Crocker–Huffman Dam. We
estimated the percent contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources for juvenile Chinook salmon
across four longitudinally–positioned sites: Merced River ... Show more content on
Restoration planning identified the rehabilitation of the floodplain functions that foster recruitment
of riparian vegetation and the quality of riparian habitat. Fall–run Chinook salmon is an important
management species in the Merced River, and numerous state and federal resource programs include
increasing its abundance in their goals. The vision has been to enhance channel, floodplain and
riparian ecosystem processes and critical habitats for juvenile and adult salmonids, in coordination
with local communities and stakeholders, to promote the recovery of healthy and diverse Chinook
salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in the Merced River, while helping to
meet the abundance goals of the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program.
Robinson's restoration reach is approximately 2.4 km long and is located 16 km downstream of
Crocker–Huffman Dam. The project included a very complex suite of actions to restore Robinson's
reach which was degraded as a result of mining activities and recent flood impacts. Channel
reconfiguration and the creation of a large floodplain with native vegetation increased the river
channel's ability to transport and deposit sediments under the river's current flow regime; hence
improving channel dynamics and salmon passage concerns. These actions within the channel
produced improvements for salmon spawning and rearing through the creation of
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Climate Analysis On Climate Archives
There is significant evidence from studies based on climate archives that the Earth's climate about
10 000 years ago was very different from the present climate; it has changed a lot since the last
glacial period which ended about 10 000– 12 000 years ago (Chappell, 1998). Hence, about 10 000
years ago the Earth was buried under ice sheets and it was much cooler than present temperatures
(see Figure 1, Appendix) (Chappell, 1998). The Earth that has been cycling between cold and warm
climates for ages and is currently in the interglacial period where it has slowly become warmer
along with a rise in sea level (Watts, 2009). There are many climate archives which can help
scientists study past climates and their development over time. Climate ... Show more content on ...
Corals were first discovered about 200 million years, however most have grown over the last 10 000
years. Therefore, corals are great climate archives to use in order to study the climate from the last
10 000 years. Corals also have a wide array of climatic history stored within them (Introduction:
Coral Reefs, 2015). They have a long lifetime and rapid growth which makes them ideal climate
archives for studying the past climate (Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics, 2015). Along with
the corals there is the foraminifera; also referred to as sea floor fossils. These sea floor fossils are
often found in sediment cores and can reveal a variety of things about the past climate through
ocean currents, temperature and oxygen ratios. Also these fossils are the most common source of
paleoceanographic proxies, making them easily available (Kucera, 2007). Hence, foraminifera or
sea floor fossils are an ideal climate archives for studying the past climate from about 10 000 years
ago alongside corals. Information about the past climate can not only help us understand our present
climate but can also help predict our future climate trends.
Corals, which are one of the climate archives been discussed, are living organisms who produce a
calcium carbonate skeleton to make themselves look like rocks. The calcium carbonate bands found
in corals help form permanent records of seasonal and annual climate changes. Corals are a type of
biotic proxy; which are proxies based on the
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Groundwater Lab Analysis
Groundwater samples will be analyzed using the methods presented at the top of Table 1. EPA
approved instrumentation methods will be used in the standard analysis of VOCs (Method 8260),
total metals (Method 7470 for Mercury and Method 6010 for all other PP metals), and SVOCs
(Method 8270) which are published by EPA and routinely performed by most commercial
laboratories. These methods with associated instruments, and method detection limits (MDL), and
sample hold times are briefly summarized as follows: 8260: Analysis of volatile organic compounds
by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS); MDL for VOCs generally less than 1 ppb
– see method [8]; Hold time = 14 days. 6010: Inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission ... Show
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One particularly sensitive method for analysis of pure solvent (applicable to wells containing
DNAPL) involves combustion of the chlorinated hydrocarbon sample with CuO, precipitation of
AgCl and formation of CH3Cl for analysis on IRMS [10]. Isotopic ratios are expressed in the delta
notation, δ, which represents the per mil variation of the isotopic ratio standard. For carbon, the
13C/12C ratio is established by the Pee Dee Belemnite international standard and 37Cl/35Cl ratio is
compared to the Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC) standard by the following equation: δ13C
or δ37Cl = (Rsample/Rstandard – 1) * 1000. Comparison of the deltas for both compounds as part
of a multi–isotopic approach will provide greater confidence in the determination of the plume
source by providing a more fine–tuned view of chlorinated solvent signatures compared to single
isotope analysis, particularly under consideration that δ37Cl values are typically within a much
smaller range than that of δ13C.
Laboratory Quality Control
The laboratory will utilize a variety of quality control sample types as shown in Table 3. Matrix
spikes and matrix spikes duplicates will be performed on field samples that are provided with
sufficient volume (generally three times original sample volume). All other blanks, duplicates and
control samples will originate in the laboratory and be performed to ensure accuracy of the
analytical method, equipment and procedures. These
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Development and Composition of Middle Ear Structures of...
KERR, Tyler J., University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States, 82071
Whales (Cetacea) are unique among mammals in that they possess exceptionally dense,
pachyosteosclerotic tympanic bullae1. Along the margin of the bulla is a highly mineralized,
extremely dense wall of bone called the involucrum that serves as a special adaptation to life in the
sea and as a means to facilitate sound reception and directionality underwater2,3,4. Moreover, this
cetacean synapomorphy plays an important role in distinguishing its members from the ancestral
terrestrial artiodactyls from which whales diverged5. When cut into cross–sections, the involucral
region of the tympanic bullae in many mysticete (baleen whale) lineages reveals three easily
distinguishable 'zones' of concentric laminar growth. Here we hypothesize that these three distinct
zones identified along the length of the tympanic bullae are capable of recording life history events
during early development, when the cetacean tympanoperiotic region is known to be rapidly
ossifying6. We propose that the innermost zone (1) represents rapid in utero growth, the
intermediary zone (2) represents rapid birth and postnatal development, and the outermost zone (3),
markedly thinner, represents slower, more lamellar development from weaning on through
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The Formation Of Prebiotic Compounds On Early Earth And...
The Formation of Prebiotic Compounds on Early Earth and in the Solar System By Trevor Harrison
GE 70A: Evolution of Cosmos and Life Scientists have long sought to understand the origin of
prebiotic compounds and its transition into self–replicating biological structures, both as an
explanation for life's emergence on earth and as an assessment of the abundance of life in the solar
system and the galaxy. In 1952, Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey performed experiments
demonstrating that the basic foundation of life could be formed when abiotic molecules that existed
on early Earth were jolted with appropriate amounts of energy. However, current models of the
composition of early Earth's atmosphere show that it would be difficult for amino acids to have
formed unless they did so in the deep ocean. Martins et al. (2006) explores whether these
compounds could have been formed by the impact shock of one celestial body slamming into
another. Succeeding research has investigated whether amino acids formed in space can survive the
journey to Earth and discovered, in space, some of the prebiotic compounds posited in Martins et al.
Researchers theorized that prebiotic compounds could have built up over time in the Early Earth's
oceans and then been jolted together with bicarbonate by the impact of the falling meteor. The study
was successful in producing amino acids under these conditions. No matter their source of origin on
early Earth, amino acids alone cannot form a self
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Swot Analysis : Isotopic Analysis
Isotopic analysis is one of many methods used by archaeologists to look at how past cultures and
societies lived and were organized. The stable strontium isotope is one of these, and is primarily
(with other isotopes) to look at diet and mobility. The measured value in strontium isotopic analysis
is the ratio of the natural abundancy of two of strontium's' isotopes; naturally occurring 86Sr and
radiogenic 87Sr that is derived from the decay of rubidium–87 (Bentley 2006; Hodell et al. 2004;
Price et al. 2002; Sealy et al. 1991). While this number is small (averaging approximately 0.71025
worldwide (C. Chenery et al. 2011)), it is a quantifiable value found in all geological strata on earth.
This ratio can also be found in the human body, where it has been derived from the soil where food
was grown. it can be found in the hard bone and enamel , and in comparison with the values in the
rocks surrounding, can be used to look at human past (Bentley 2006; Chenery et al. 2011; Ericson
1985; Grupe et al. 1997; Hodell et al. 2004; Price et al. 1994a; Price et al. 1994b).
Strontium is taken in to our body from our food, where it is derived from the soil. As it is chemically
similar to calcium by composition, strontium can replace small amounts of the calcium in our bodies
(Bentley 2006; Chenery et al. 2011; Ezzo 1994; Jorgenson et al. 2009; Price et al. 1994). While only
a minute amount of the strontium is kept in our bodies, due to its relatively small mass differences
between the
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Black Bile Cause Of Cancer: A Case Study
While cancer is referred to today as the "Modern plague" and treated through radiation and
chemotherapy, thousands of years ago, the Egyptians applied arsenic paste and ate uteruses to
combat what the Greeks described as "carcinoma" or a crablike bulge (David and Zimmerman 2010,
728). Although cancer was relatively rare prior to the sixteenth century, there appears to be some
archaeological record of tumor masses in the bodies and writings of the Ancient Egyptians and
Greeks. In Egypt, the Papyrus Ebers, a compilation of illnesses written by Egyptian physicians in
3000 BC, referred to breast tumors by their similarity in smell to roasted meat and portrayed cancer
as a bulge with no treatment, except for ineffective knife lesions and magical incantations (Hajdu
2011, 1097–1099). In Greece, physicians theorized humans were composed of 4 humors: blood,
phlegm, yellow bile, and the evil black bile Hippocrates believed manifested itself in the formation
of cancer (Hajdu 2011, 1098). While archaeologists and chemists reject the black bile cause of
cancer, they both agree that the rarity of cancer in antiquity can be attributed to the low life
expectancy and lack of environmental mutagens evident in ancient lifestyles (David and
Zimmerman 2010, 728–731). Cancer is the consequence of the body 's inability to control the
division of malignant cells, commonly exhibited when cells grow old, damaged, and need to be
replaced. As one gets older and is exposed to carcinogens, such as
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Frasnian-Famennian Extinction
The Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction in the Late Devonian has often been considered as one of
the major 5 extinctions through time. Conflicting interpretations for the cause of this extinction
exist, but the role of volcanism is becoming increasingly appealing due to recent advances in
radioisotope dating. New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Viluy traps in Siberia suggest
multiphase emplacement of the Viluy traps with an early phase likely contributing to the Frasnian–
Famennian mass extinction. Other work supports this idea of multiphase emplacement. Changes in
earth systems during the late Devonian support the argument for the role of volcanism as a root in
the destruction of multiple marine habitats during the Late Devonian. One explanation for the
Frasnian–Famennian extinction involves an initial pulse of Viluy Trap volcanism which lead to
elevated levels in the atmosphere, marine anoxia and ultimately extinction. ... Show more content on ...
Rocks associated with the Viluy traps include dikes, sills, and layered basalt breccia, and are
overlain by Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous sediments (Ricci et al., 2013). Previous analysis on
dating the traps has proved difficult due to high rates of erosion and burial by Mesozoic sediments in
the east and Siberian traps to the west (Kiselev et al., 2006). The current extent of the Viluy traps is
800 by 450 km (Gaiduk, 1987; Kiseleve et al., 2006) with a total thickness of sediments up to 9 km
and a volume of about 300X103km3 (Kiselev et al., 2006). However, effects of erosion and burial
through time have likely contributed to a decrease in volume with time, and initial volume likely
reached one million cubic kilometers (Kiselev et al., 2006). Thus, this value is similar to other
volcanic provinces which have been associated with major mass extinctions through time
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Optimization Of Radiation Spectroscopy Equipment For...
University of Portsmouth Applied Physics BSc (Hons) U20283 Applied Physics Project
RADIONUCLIDES 645137 Supervisor(s) DSTL – Laurence Jones University of Portsmouth – Dr.
Chris Dewdney PROPOSAL & INITIAL LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction, Aims and
Objectives Defence Science Technology Laboratory (DSTL) is investigating the potential for aerial
monitoring of gamma rays (ɣ–rays) from airborne particulate contamination. They are in possession
of two ⌀20cmx20cm cylindrical, thallium doped sodium iodide (NaI(Ti)) scintillator detectors for
mounting onboard an aircraft for the recording of count rate and collection of spectroscopic data.
Initially, surveying will ... Show more content on ...
The aim of this project is: To evaluate different ways of aerially measuring the count rate and
collecting spectroscopic data of ~2 MeV emissions from airborne radioactive particulate
contamination. The objectives that will be met in order to achieve the aims are as follows: A
comprehensive literature review will be carried out in order to investigate methods of shielding and
or discriminating against cosmic radiation that are currently used in this field or methods used in
other fields (particle physics, spacecraft design etc.) that could be adapted to this purpose. A
selection process of four ɣ–ray reduction methods, two muon reduction methods and two neutron
reduction methods will take place (these numbers are arbitrary but have been chosen due to the time
constraints of the project). These eight methods will be modeled using Monte Carlo (MC)
simulations to estimate there sensitivity and resulting background in order to determine their
MDA's. A subset of the most promising modeled methods will be tested experimentally in the lab to
confirm the validity of the models. A conclusion will be drawn as to the best method(s), via the
development and use of a weighted comparison factor. Rationale Existing methodologies of back
ground reduction such as shielding (F.A. Danevich et al., 2007), large coincidence counting methods
or the burying of the detector underground (E.W. Hoppe et al., 2014), each present their own
difficulties and limitations in the
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The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima
Introduction This essay deals with a forensic analysis of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan on
August 6, 1945 by first exploring the context in which it took place and has been presented to the
world, and then undertaking a forensic examination of the event in light of modern criminological
knowledge as well as two readings in the context of modernism and modernity. As Japan had begun
losing the Pacific War, the United States commenced the Manhattan Project to develop the Atomic
Bomb partly with the input from German nuclear scientists ferried to the US after the Third Reich 's
surrender. The bomb, when dropped, exploded at 1,900 feet altitude above Shima Hospital 's
courtyard, 550 feet away from its target of Aioi Bridge on Ota River, and had a 12.5 kiloton yield.
Upon detonation, the temperature on the ground reached 5,400°F, and the bomb created a half–mile
radius fireball; 70,000 out of 76,000 buildings in the city were incinerated, and 110,000 civilians
instantly perished and many more had their bodies burned beyond recognition, causing multiple
cancers. When US President Harry Truman announced the atomic bombing, he directly linked it to
the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese mistreatment of American POWs and Japan 's rejection of the
Potsdam Declaration. To this day the atomic bombing of Japan remains a most controversial and
politically sensitive issue, and an American apology is still awaited 69 years on. The United States at
first suppressed all reports of
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Gas Chromatography Lab
Introduction: Using the analytical methods of Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, in order
to determine the composition of a mixture and its individual pure compounds. This is done by
analyzing the mixture of compounds using Gas Chromatography and the individual pure compounds
by using Mass Spectrometry. Experimental Procedure: Obtain a screw cap and vial which will be
ran in the Gas Chromatograph. Fill vial no more than half full of pre prepared unknown compound
which is dissolved in either ethanol or acetone. Place vial in Gas Chromatograph and follow the
instruction in order to analyze unknown compound. Print out a copy of the results from the Gas
Chromatograph. Obtain a mass spectrum for the unknown component in the liquid sample. Data and
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The first peak at 5.82 minutes represents the solute and the second peak at 6.04 minutes represents
the solvent. It is heterogeneous since the results show more than one component in the original
liquid sample. The conclusion is that the solvent was ethanol. This was because the second peak
which was a retention time of 6.04 minutes matches the standard for ethanol which is also 6.04
minutes. Mass Spectrometry Results: Observation: There is a pair of high masses values which peak
at 78 m/z at an intensity of 1.5 and 80 m/z at an intensity of 0.5. Conclusion: The pair of peaks can
be used to determine that the parent ion is Chlorine. First, the ratio between Chlorine 35 and
Chlorine 37 is 100 to 32.5 respectively which matches the 3:1 ratio which is presented by the two
peaks. In addition, when doing mass subtraction for each peak, (78–35 and 80–37) it results in the
same mass of 43 amu. This matching mass shows that chlorine is the parent ion because the highest
peak is 43
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Laboratory Techniques Used For Forensic Anthropology
Laboratory techniques used in forensic anthropology to identify questionable remains as bone
include histology, protein analysis, and DNA analysis. The problem with these techniques is that
they can be destructive, lengthy, and expensive. Additionally, these methods may not be able to
identify bone when it is highly fragmented or altered. Therefore, chemical analysis techniques such
as HHXRF, XRF, SEM/EDS, PIXE, and Raman Spectroscopy have been proposed for
differentiating bone and teeth from non–skeletal material and human from nonhuman skeletal
material. Although their use is sporadic and dependent on instrument availability, these chemical
techniques have proven valuable to the field of forensic anthropology and to the task of identifying
human remains.
Depending on the bone or location on the bone, there will be a difference in trace elements present.
Zn, V, Ni, Cr, Pb, Mn, Co, and Sn are found in higher concentrations in bone epiphyses while Ca, Sr,
Na, and K are found more often in the central portion of the diaphysis. This could potentially tell
what bone the anthropologist has obtained if it is a fragmented piece. Diet and growth environment
also have an impact on the distribution of trace elements within bone. While this is useful in
identification, research is also being conducted to establish past dietary habits by using isotope
analysis to detect specific trace element ratios associated with dietary patterns to gain a better
understanding of the past. There are
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Mass Spectrometry ( Working Principle )
Mass Spectrometry (Working Principle) What is mass spectrometry? According to the website mass spectrometry is a capable scientific procedure used to evaluate known
materials, to distinguish obscure mixes inside an example, and to illustrate the structure and
substance properties of various molecules. The entire procedure includes the change of the example
into vaporous particles, with or without fracture, which are then described by their mass to charge
proportions (m/z) and relative abundances. This is basically a technique that study the effect of
ionizing energy on molecules. In the event that something is moving and you subject it to a
sideways drive, rather than moving in a straight line, it will move in a bend – diverted out of its
unique way by the sideways compel. Assume you had a cannonball going past you and you needed
to redirect it as it passed by you. All you have is a fly of water from a hose–pipe that you can squirt
at it. To be perfectly honest, it won 't have a considerable measure of effect! Since the cannonball is
so overwhelming, it will scarcely be avoided at all from its unique course. Be that as it may, assume
rather, you attempted to avoid a table tennis ball going at an indistinguishable speed from the
cannonball utilizing similar fly of water. Since this ball is so light, you will get an immense
avoidance. The measure of avoidance you will get for a given sideways drive relies on upon the
mass of the ball. In the event that
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Protein
Can be used to estimate multiple proteins in a mixture of proteins
If the given sample is a mixture of proteins, the proteins are also separated for further use, for
example the separated proteins can then be used for mass spectroscopic studies
Length process and needs to be done carefully
To obtain a valid comparison for the unknown sample response to that of the known standard, the
data must be acquired and processed under identical conditions.
3. Determination by weight
3.1. Determination by dry weight
A simple but lengthy method for the estimation of the protein, determination by dry weight gives a
very accurate amount of the protein in a given sample. Drying a protein–containing sample in a
104ºC to ... Show more content on ...
The mass spectrometer attains this by first ionising the sample, with the help of chemicals,
bombarding with other ions or by using a laser (MALDI), and then passing the ions through an
electric and magnetic field to deflect it towards a detector. The strengths of the electric and magnetic
field are varied to focus ions with a specific mass by charge ratio. The output, i.e. the mass
spectrum, is a plot of the ion signal vs the charge by mass ratio. This plot is characteristic to proteins
and can be used for the identification and
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Essay On Translocation To Mitochondria
In the critical experiment for this grant proposal, we observed that DJ–1–Cys–106–SO3– (Figs. 3, 4;
Table 1) contributes to DJ–1 translocation to mitochondria (Fig. 9). Interestingly, we found that first,
NHEJ–1 is also shifted to these organelles and second, it interacts with DJ–1 in mitochondria (Fig.
7). We hypothesize that posttranslational modifications of DJ–1 lead to its interaction with NHEJ–1
in these organelles. This may result in the impairment of mtDNA damage repair. To further study the
mechanism of this interaction, we will use tandem mass spectrometry (QTOF, letter attached, Fig. 8)
as a suitable method for enabling site mapping and quantification of chemical modifications of
proteins. We will treat A549 cells with mt–OX as ... Show more content on ...
Mitochondrial amount will be analyzed using a ratio of total mtDNA to nuclear DNA by RT–PCR.
We will also analyze fission and fusion and mitophagy as described in SA#1.1.2. Additionally, we
will measure the kinetics of cytosolic mtDNA release, which is a marker of mitochondrial injury,
using RT–PCR in cytosolic fractions obtained from A549 cells with DJ–1 knockout or
overexpression in comparison with control. We anticipate that DJ–1 knockout will impair
mitochondrial dynamics, exaggerate mtDNA damage and mitophagy, and increase ROS formation
and cell apoptosis. DJ–1 overexpression will provide cytoprotection and will rescue of A549 cell
injury induced by mt–OX. Alternative approaches: We do not expect any problems with this SA. We
anticipate that dysregulated metabolic signatures in human primary ATII cells obtained from patients
with emphysema will correlate with mitochondrial dysfunction. Our proposed approach may
uncover novel mechanisms by which DJ–1 is involved in mitochondrial function and metabolism.
Based on our obtained results from mass spectrometry analysis, we may also include in our study
other DNA damage repair proteins, which interact with DJ–1.
Specific Aim #1. Genome–wide RNAi screening to identify novel targets involved in mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) damage induced by mt–OX.
Hypothesis: We hypothesize that mt–OX induces mtDNA damage. We will identify novel targets
leading to mitochondrial dysfunction.
Rationale: Mitochondria are enclosed by an
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Class Of Forensic And Investigative Sciences
School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences
Assessment Coversheet
Module Code FZC007 Module Tutor Susan Jones
Module Title Chemistry
Student's name Steven Winstanley
Student ID Number G 2 0 6 3 2 8 0 1
Course/ Subject Applied Science (Foundation Year)
Assignment Title/ Number FZC007 Assignment – Coursework 'I confirm that this piece of work
which I have submitted is all my own work and that all references and quotations from both primary
and secondary sources have been fully identified and properly acknowledged in footnotes and
Signature: SJWinstanley Date: 12/04/2015 Submission Deadline 13/04/2015
Extension Agreed date: Extension Agreed by:
Work submitted should be ... Show more content on ...
You may be asked to use this feedback to reflect upon your personal development (PDP). Upon
receipt of the feedback from your module tutor, please complete below your reflections on this
assessment for your future action. 1st Marker Signature
Date Moderation signature**
University of Central Lancashire
School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences
FZC007 Assignment – Coursework
Assignment Details – Allocation of marks is indicated on sheet
Q1. Illustrate an atom (using pen and paper – not a google image!). Label each part of the structure.
(3 marks)
Q2. Fill in the table of relative mass and charge (of the subatomic particles).
Subatomic particle Relative charge +/– Relative mass
Proton + 1
Neutron No Charge 1
Electron – 0
(3 marks)
Q3. Given your answer to Q2, where is the mass of an atom concentrated? What is the rest of the
atom made of? (2 marks)
Mass of an atom is concentrated in the centre, or the nucleus. The rest of the atom is made up of the
electron orbital around the nucleus, classed as empty space.
Q4. Explain and give an example of mass number and atomic number. (2 marks)
The mass number of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, whereas
the atomic number
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History Of The Atomic Model Paper
History of the Atomic Model Paper Philip Wang Over the course of the last 5000 years, mankind's
knowledge has been constantly advancing. Chemistry, a branch of science, has experienced a
tremendous leap and expansions since ancient Greek civilization. One of the major breakthroughs in
the advancement in Chemistry was the creation of the Atomic theory, which laid a foundation for the
modern–day Chemistry and future of science. The Atomic theory introduced the idea of atoms,
which are defined as the discrete units of matter. There are five key scientists that significantly
contributed to the Atomic model over a span of thousands of years. They are: Democritus, John
Dalton, J.J. Thompson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr. Democritus, an Ancient Greek
philosopher, is widely considered to be the founding father of the Atomic Theory. Democritus
proposed that matter is composed of atoms, which move through empty space. He also proposed
that atoms are solid, homogeneous, indestructible, and indivisible, and that different types of atoms
have different kinds of sizes and shapes, which determine the properties of matter. Democritus and
other Greek philosophers Leucippus and Epicurus, were among the first to propose the size, shape,
and connectivity of atoms. Democritus theorized that iron atoms are solid with hooks (which locked
them in place with each other, therefore creating a solid), water 'atoms' are smooth and slippery,
(which caused them to be in a liquid state),
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Mass Spectrometry Essay

  • 1. Mass Spectrometry Essay Overall proteomics has the large scale determination of quality and cell work particularly at the protein level. Mass spectrometry (MS) has progressively turned into the technique for decision for examination of complex protein tests. In an order to made conceivable by the accessibility of quality and genome grouping databases and specialized, MS–based proteomics applied advances in numerous ranges, most prominently in the disclosure and improvement of protein ionization techniques. For protein portrayal mass spectrometry (MS) uses mass investigation. Although DNA microarray innovation is taking into account an exceptionally delicate and particular hybridization response between nucleic acid sections, basic constraints of biological MS (1) require a few separate ways to deal with protein examination. Usage of the procedures such as test planning, front–end partition, ionization, information procurement, and data analysis that contrasts upon relying the specimen intricacy and examination of the objectives (2). IONIZATION TECHNIQUES In the last two decades, the fast development of protein MS has appreciated owing to essential advancements in experimental techniques, instrumentation, and information examination approaches. A standout amongst the most imperative improvements in instrumentation is the presentation of delicate ionization strategies that consider proteins and peptides to be investigated by MS. As proteins and peptides are polar, nonvolatile, and thermally ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Smoking: Leading Cause Of Preventable Deaths In The World Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in the world. Although this lifestyle practice usually warrants a person's conscious choice to inhale toxic fumes, more than the sole individual are affected by this habit. Passive or involuntary smoking results when bystanders are collaterally forced to also breathe in a product containing at least 70 carcinogens and 7000 chemicals, as a consequence of another person's smoking (American Cancer Society, 2015). Evidence suggests secondhand smoking (SHS) can lead to "lung, larynx, pharynx, nasal sinuses, brain, bladder, rectum, stomach, and breast cancers" in adults, even though they never smoked firsthand. Although the severity of health abnormalities and illnesses vary due to exposure, the gravity of the repercussions of SHS cannot remain disregarded. The American Cancer Society proposes that due to a child's pivotal physical, mental, and emotional development, they are "most affected by SHS and least able to avoid it" (2015). In addition to the impediment of a child's development, environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is potentially linked to the development of "lymphoma, leukemia, liver cancer, brain tumors, asthma, infections, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)" (American Cancer Society, 2015). ETS is literally a grave dilemma plaguing nations. ... Show more content on ... To attain a further comprehension of the physical, emotional, and mental ramifications secondhand smoking has on a child's development, it is essential for the analysis of the empirical evidence of SHS to emphasize the exigence of the resolution to this ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Carbon-14 Dating The key principle behind radiocarbon–14 dating is plants and animals exchange carbon with their surroundings and thus contain the same ratio of carbon–12 to carbon–14 once an organism dies it no longer exchanges carbon with its surroundings. The carbon–14 will slowly decay at a known rate decreasing the ratio of carbon–12 to carbon–14. Since the decay rate and original ratio of carbon–12 to carbon–14 is known we can determine how old a sample is by the amount of carbon–14 remaining. There are two ways to measure the carbon–12 to carbon–14 ratio. The first being beta counting. Beta counting was the first method used to measure carbon–14 levels in a sample. Two different type of beta counting were primarily used. The first of those being liquid ... Show more content on ... This then tells us the atmospheric carbon–14 to carbon–12 ratio in the year that tree ring grew in. Other atmospheric variations include coal ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. The Isotope Of A Isotope Analysis The scholarly article that I have chosen that depicts an isotope analysis is based on the stable isotope Carbon, found in nectar beverages. The main method measures the carbon of C3 photosynthetic cycle in commercial apple flavored nectars, which then has the determination of the exact legal limit to identify the beverages that do not conform to safety standards that were previously set by the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply. The term adulteration is used in the article. Adulteration is essentially the contamination that is in foods and beverages and the challenges that the industries face is a wide issue known today. According to (RICARDO; FILHO; GASTONI; CARLOS, 2013), "To identify such adulteration, the isotope analysis is the most sophisticated and specific technique used in the food and beverages area. Stable isotope techniques have been used by official institutions in the quality control of beverages as an instrument of tax assessment for fraudulent products." This goes back to show how sophisticated the methods are with respect to quality control in the beverage environment. The methodology for the determination of the carbon isotope ratio (13C/12C) is based on a mixture of compounds produced from plants of the C3 photosynthetic cycle (apple, grape, orange, etc.) and C4 (sugarcane, corn, etc.). The C3 vegetables have relative isotope enrichment (δ13C) from –22.00 to –34.00 per mil (‰). In C4 vegetables, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Relationship between Exposure to PAH's and Insulin Resistance 1. Introduction Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous environmental toxic compounds with fused aromatic rings, formed from incomplete combustion of carbon–containing materials such as coal and fossil fuels, cigarette smoking, and food cooking.1,2 Non–occupational exposure routes of PAHs include: inhalation airborne PAHs such as polluted air or cigarette smoking, ingestion of PAH–containing food such as charred and broiled meat, as well as dermal absorption.3,4 PAHs can bioaccumulate through the food chain because of its nature of resistant to degradation.5 The adverse health effects of PAHs have been widely studied recently mainly focusing on increasing risks of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and a variety of cancers, including respiratory, renal, and breast cancers.6–15 Recently, several studies suggested an association between ambient air pollution and type 2 diabetes (T2DM), and ambient fine particulate matter (PM) may induce insulin resistance.16–21 Since air pollution as well as smoking and red meat consumption were consistently linked to cardiometabolic diseases such as diabetes,22,23 and all of them are important exposure sources of PAHs, it's biologically plausible that PAHs may play important roles in the relationship between cigarette smoking, ambient air pollution and cardiometabolic diseases. Insulin resistance is a state where there is reduced biological effect for any given concentration of insulin.24,25 It is regarded ... Get more on ...
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  • 11. Electricity and Magnetism Human civilisation has dealt with magnetism for millennia, earliest evidence dating as far back as 1000 BC where the ancient Chinese civilisation discovered a naturally occurring magnetic ore, magnetite. This ore, commonly known as lodestone was used by the ancient Chinese as a geomagnetic compass, however, no one really knew what magnetism was at the time. For centuries on, we have had basic knowledge regarding electricity based upon static electricity found from rubbing amber and fur. However, up until the early 1800s, our understanding of electricity and magnetism was severely limited – considering both of them as entirely separate phenomena. Before we delve deeper into the topic, what is electricity and magnetism? Electricity is, ... Show more content on ... The ions are then accelerated so that they have the same kinetic energy. These accelerated ions are then passed through a vacuum tube (remember mass–to–charge ratios), subjected with an electromagnetic field. Lighter ions will be deflected more and the more positively charged they are (less electrons / more electrons knocked off) the more they are deflected. One can alter the strength of the field to accommodate for the mass–to–charge ratio range needed to be detected. Accelerated ions which are still within the path of the tube are then captured by a detector which analyses the amount of ions carried through the ion beam. The vacuum tube where ions were accelerated through is called a mass analyser. The relationship between the accelerated ion beams and the electromagnetic field being subjected is best summarised through Newton's 2nd Law and Lorentz' Force Law: F=ma F=q(E+V ×B) Where F = Force, m = mass of ions, a = acceleration, q = ionic charge, E = electric field and V x B = the vector cross product of the ion velocity and the applied magnetic field. When a charged particle is accelerated perpendicular to a magnetic field, it will curve, hence the deflection of ion beams in the mass analyser. This deflection can be best described as a centripetal force and the force applied on the charge can also be given by F = qv x B. Since the force is perpendicular, the magnitude of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Quiz Questions On The Properties Of A Protein At Dna Level BIOT643 Fall 2015– Quiz–3 Answers (60 points) – Deepa Thamodaran ________________________________________ 1. a) SDS–Polyacrylamide Gel electrophoresis 2. b) Change the properties of a protein at DNA level 3. c) Nuclear magnetic resonance 4. b) Northern blot hybridization 5. Far Western Blot analysis and Protein arrays Far Western Blot analysis: Far Western Blot analysis is the technique mostly resembles Western Blot analysis, but differs in way that proteins are separated on a blot. Biotinylated non–antibody proteins are used for immobilizing the protein of interest, which are then overlaid with an antibody with streptavidin. Many proteins show considerable affinity for biotin which is a co–factor in many eukaryotic biological processes. ... Show more content on ... Fluorescent signals are emitted when there is reaction between the immobilized protein and the probe, which are captured by the laser scanners. Thus they are used in protein expression profiling, studying protein–protein interactions, enzyme–substrate interactions, protein–ligand interaction and differentially expressed proteins screening on a large scale. 6. X–Ray Crystallography and NMR are two common methods used to study protein structures. X– Ray Crystallography NMR Principle Protein molecules are crystallized and exposed to X–rays. A crystal arranges a large number of molecules in the same orientation, so the scattered waves add up in phase and raise the signal. Protein molecules are made soluble in buffered liquid and isotopically labeled. Therefore, allows thermodynamics, studies of the kinetics aspects of structures and interactions with other components. Physical state Frozen solid state Liquid state in buffered solution Time Longer time in screening and optimization but short time for processing data. Short time for preparation but long time for data analysis. Size Any size of macromolecule Small polypeptide (< 50 kDa) Advantages Well–diffracting crystals achieve high atomic resolution Soluble state favors mere closer to protein in folding state which is like real functional environments. Disadvantages Crystallization may change the conformation of proteins due to packing interactions therefore more
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  • 16. How Does Diabetes Mellitus Affect The Individual 's... Metabolism is a sequence of biochemical reactions that take place in every single cell and organ to maintain the organism growth, reproduction, damage repair, and adaptation to the surrounding environment. These reactions involve catabolism and anabolism using the major sources of energy: proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Furthermore, any disruption in the regulation of the metabolic processes affects the individual's morbidity and mortality [1]. Accordingly, in this chapter, we are going to discuss diabetes mellitus, which is one of the main metabolic disorders. 1.1.1 Pancreatic regulation of Blood Glucose The regulation of the cornerstone of the whole body energy, glucose, in blood stream by the pancreas, specifically the islets of Langerhans, is very critical through the secretion of insulin and glucagon. Insulin, which is secreted from beta cells of the islets of Langerhans in response to high blood glucose levels, has an anabolic effect via its stimulation of glucose uptake in peripheral, skeletal muscle, as well as central, brain, tissues to be stored in the form of glycogen and fat [2]. On the other hand, low glucose levels enhance pancreatic alpha cells secretion of Glucagon that plays the catabolic role through stimulation of stored glycogen breakdown and formation of glucose from non–carbohydrate sources via glycogenolysis and hepatic gluconeogenesis, respectively [2]. This mechanism is well controlled through the opposite secretion of these hormones in response ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. What Is The Development Of Metal Stable Isotopes? My research interest primarily involves the application of metal (e.g., Ca, Mg, Sr, Fe and Cu) and non–metal (e.g., S) isotopes in understanding biogeochemical cycles of elements in modern environment as well as in the geologic past. Moreover, I am also interested in the development of metal stable isotopes as geochemical proxies to reconstruct the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic conditions. Ongoing (Post–doctoral) research Projects I am working primarily as an experimental and analytical geochemist. My research involves multiple projects to investigate stable isotope fractionation of Fe, Mg, and S during mineral precipitation and mineral–fluid exchange at low temperature under both biogenic and abiogenic conditions. Following are ... Show more content on ... In the soil, ferrihydrite is a common mineral that co–occurs with organic carbon. Ferrihydrite is also known to exchange with aqueous Fe(II) and transform into more stable Fe–oxide phases at low temperature.Therefore, understanding the role of organic carbon in the long–term stability of ferrihydrite and in the fractionation of Fe isotopes due to low temperature mineral–fluid exchange is critical to evaluate the preservation potential of the Fe isotopic composition of ferrihydrite in the soil. Previous research projects on isotope geochemistry 1. Doctoral research In my Ph.D. dissertation, I explored the influence of diagenesis of deep marine carbonates using Ca, Mg, and Sr isotopes and evaluated the potential of marine carbonate δ26Mg in preserving ambient seawater δ26Mg under different diagenetic regime with variable extent of reactive–transport processes (i.e., advection, diffusion, and reaction). For this purpose, I analyzed trace elemental (e.g., Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) and isotopic compositions (δ26Mg, δ44/40Ca, and 87Sr/86Sr) of numerous pore fluids and bulk carbonates from multiple deep marine sedimentary sections using a Quadrupole ICP–MS and a Neptune Plus MC–ICP–MS respectively. I employed multiple reactive transport modeling techniques (1–D depositional model coded in R, CrunchFlow, and PHREEQC) to constrain the calcite recrystallization rates, ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. The Science of Radiocarbon Dating Essay The Science of Radiocarbon Dating When we think of history, we think of important people, places, cultures, events, and much more. The backbone of history rests on its chronology. It gives us the "when" of basic analysis. It gives us a frame of reference, the order of things. Before having an "absolute" way of determining dates, history was based in guesses and assumptions. Many attempts were made to organize the dates of the past. Some of these attempts were made by geologist. Geologist used the idea of "stratigraphic succession" (Renfrew, 1973) which is based on the "principle that when successive layers or strata are observed in position, the underlying ones are the earliest." (Pg. 23 Renfrew, 1973) By setting the layers in ... Show more content on ... This changed history forever. While it created controversy, due to some people's attachments to the old ways of dating and doubts in this revolutionary method, it proved to be the closest method to have an accurate chronology of history. In 1955, to prove the accuracy or radiocarbon, Libby published a graph that showed the comparison of the results of radiocarbon dating of specimens from Egypt. These specimens had already an absolute known date. The graph proved the accuracy of Libby's radiocarbon dating. Figure 1 (Renfrew, 1973) Libby developed the method of radiocarbon dating though his observation of how cosmic rays create radiocarbon. From outer space cosmic rays infiltrate earth's atmosphere. In the upper atmosphere, these rays hit nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the air. (Renfrew, 1973). When the neutrons of these high–energy particles (mostly protons) hit nitrogen atoms, Carbon 14 (C–14) is created. The nitrogen atom (atomic number 7) has an atomic mass of 14 (with 7 protons and 7 neutrons). When the nucleus of the nitrogen is hit by the cosmic ray's neutrons, the atomic number of the atom decreases by one. The make–up of its atomic mass changes, a proton is emitted and the neutrons are increased by one; therefore, the atomic mass number stays the same. Because the atomic number has changed, a new element, carbon 14, with atomic number 6, has an atomic mass of 14 (with 6 protons and 8 neutrons). (Bowman, 1990) The reaction is 14N + n = 14c + p (where n is a ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. The Use Of Testing For Doping Controls Using A Quadrupole... "Analysis of Prohibited Drugs in Blood for Doping Controls using a Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer" 1–Introduction 1.1–Use of prohibited drugs in competitive sports 1.2–Commonly tested analytes for doping control 1.3–Techniques employed 2–Sampling 2.1–Sample preparation 3– Experimental Techniques 3.1–LC/MS 3.2–LC/TMS 4–Latest Advancements in the field 4.1– Sensitivity 4.2–Accuracy 4.3–Automation 5–Conclusion 6–References Figures and Tables Fig: 1 Fig: 2 Fig: 3 Fig: 4 Table: 1 Table: 2 ABSTRACT The use of performance enhancers and prohibited drugs in sports goes back as far as the year 1889 when Pud Galvin a Pittsburgh's baseball pitcher used performance enhancer before pitching in a game against Boston. Pud used something called "Elixir of Brown Sequard" containing mostly testosterone drained from the gonads of an animal. The use of performance enhancers may seem natural in terms of gaining an edge in a competition but the attached strings may far outweigh its advantages. Mostly the short–term benefits of gaining advantage are associated with the long–term health risks of the athlete. The attached health vulnerability of the athletes underpins the need of strict regularization code for performance enhancers through robust, precise and accurate analytical techniques. We will discuss and compare various analytical challenges encountered during doping control analysis in this report. Sampling is the first to start with. A good sampling ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. The Merced River Is The Southernmost Watercourse Of The... METHODS Study sites The Merced River is the southernmost watercourse of the California Central Valley presently inhabited by Chinook salmon whose abundance has decreased by 75% since 1950 (Yoshiyama et al., 2000). From its headwaters located in Yosemite National Park, Sierra Nevada, the Merced River flows west to join the San Joaquín River (river km 190) and drains a watershed approximately 3,297 km2 in size. Meanwhile, the elevation declines from 3,048 m to about 18.3 m. Only the first 82 river km are reachable by anadromous fish with access terminating at Crocker–Huffman Dam. We estimated the percent contribution of terrestrial organic carbon sources for juvenile Chinook salmon across four longitudinally–positioned sites: Merced River ... Show more content on ... Restoration planning identified the rehabilitation of the floodplain functions that foster recruitment of riparian vegetation and the quality of riparian habitat. Fall–run Chinook salmon is an important management species in the Merced River, and numerous state and federal resource programs include increasing its abundance in their goals. The vision has been to enhance channel, floodplain and riparian ecosystem processes and critical habitats for juvenile and adult salmonids, in coordination with local communities and stakeholders, to promote the recovery of healthy and diverse Chinook salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in the Merced River, while helping to meet the abundance goals of the Anadromous Fish Restoration Program. Robinson's restoration reach is approximately 2.4 km long and is located 16 km downstream of Crocker–Huffman Dam. The project included a very complex suite of actions to restore Robinson's reach which was degraded as a result of mining activities and recent flood impacts. Channel reconfiguration and the creation of a large floodplain with native vegetation increased the river channel's ability to transport and deposit sediments under the river's current flow regime; hence improving channel dynamics and salmon passage concerns. These actions within the channel produced improvements for salmon spawning and rearing through the creation of ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Climate Analysis On Climate Archives There is significant evidence from studies based on climate archives that the Earth's climate about 10 000 years ago was very different from the present climate; it has changed a lot since the last glacial period which ended about 10 000– 12 000 years ago (Chappell, 1998). Hence, about 10 000 years ago the Earth was buried under ice sheets and it was much cooler than present temperatures (see Figure 1, Appendix) (Chappell, 1998). The Earth that has been cycling between cold and warm climates for ages and is currently in the interglacial period where it has slowly become warmer along with a rise in sea level (Watts, 2009). There are many climate archives which can help scientists study past climates and their development over time. Climate ... Show more content on ... Corals were first discovered about 200 million years, however most have grown over the last 10 000 years. Therefore, corals are great climate archives to use in order to study the climate from the last 10 000 years. Corals also have a wide array of climatic history stored within them (Introduction: Coral Reefs, 2015). They have a long lifetime and rapid growth which makes them ideal climate archives for studying the past climate (Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics, 2015). Along with the corals there is the foraminifera; also referred to as sea floor fossils. These sea floor fossils are often found in sediment cores and can reveal a variety of things about the past climate through ocean currents, temperature and oxygen ratios. Also these fossils are the most common source of paleoceanographic proxies, making them easily available (Kucera, 2007). Hence, foraminifera or sea floor fossils are an ideal climate archives for studying the past climate from about 10 000 years ago alongside corals. Information about the past climate can not only help us understand our present climate but can also help predict our future climate trends. Corals, which are one of the climate archives been discussed, are living organisms who produce a calcium carbonate skeleton to make themselves look like rocks. The calcium carbonate bands found in corals help form permanent records of seasonal and annual climate changes. Corals are a type of biotic proxy; which are proxies based on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Groundwater Lab Analysis Groundwater samples will be analyzed using the methods presented at the top of Table 1. EPA approved instrumentation methods will be used in the standard analysis of VOCs (Method 8260), total metals (Method 7470 for Mercury and Method 6010 for all other PP metals), and SVOCs (Method 8270) which are published by EPA and routinely performed by most commercial laboratories. These methods with associated instruments, and method detection limits (MDL), and sample hold times are briefly summarized as follows: 8260: Analysis of volatile organic compounds by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS); MDL for VOCs generally less than 1 ppb – see method [8]; Hold time = 14 days. 6010: Inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission ... Show more content on ... One particularly sensitive method for analysis of pure solvent (applicable to wells containing DNAPL) involves combustion of the chlorinated hydrocarbon sample with CuO, precipitation of AgCl and formation of CH3Cl for analysis on IRMS [10]. Isotopic ratios are expressed in the delta notation, δ, which represents the per mil variation of the isotopic ratio standard. For carbon, the 13C/12C ratio is established by the Pee Dee Belemnite international standard and 37Cl/35Cl ratio is compared to the Standard Mean Ocean Chloride (SMOC) standard by the following equation: δ13C or δ37Cl = (Rsample/Rstandard – 1) * 1000. Comparison of the deltas for both compounds as part of a multi–isotopic approach will provide greater confidence in the determination of the plume source by providing a more fine–tuned view of chlorinated solvent signatures compared to single isotope analysis, particularly under consideration that δ37Cl values are typically within a much smaller range than that of δ13C. Laboratory Quality Control The laboratory will utilize a variety of quality control sample types as shown in Table 3. Matrix spikes and matrix spikes duplicates will be performed on field samples that are provided with sufficient volume (generally three times original sample volume). All other blanks, duplicates and control samples will originate in the laboratory and be performed to ensure accuracy of the analytical method, equipment and procedures. These ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Development and Composition of Middle Ear Structures of... DEVELOPMENT AND COMPOSITION OF MIDDLE EAR STRUCTURES OF BALAENOPTEROIDS (CETACEA, MYSTICETI): IMPLICATIONS ON FOSSIL CETACEAN PALEOECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY KERR, Tyler J., University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, United States, 82071 BACKGROUND Whales (Cetacea) are unique among mammals in that they possess exceptionally dense, pachyosteosclerotic tympanic bullae1. Along the margin of the bulla is a highly mineralized, extremely dense wall of bone called the involucrum that serves as a special adaptation to life in the sea and as a means to facilitate sound reception and directionality underwater2,3,4. Moreover, this cetacean synapomorphy plays an important role in distinguishing its members from the ancestral terrestrial artiodactyls from which whales diverged5. When cut into cross–sections, the involucral region of the tympanic bullae in many mysticete (baleen whale) lineages reveals three easily distinguishable 'zones' of concentric laminar growth. Here we hypothesize that these three distinct zones identified along the length of the tympanic bullae are capable of recording life history events during early development, when the cetacean tympanoperiotic region is known to be rapidly ossifying6. We propose that the innermost zone (1) represents rapid in utero growth, the intermediary zone (2) represents rapid birth and postnatal development, and the outermost zone (3), markedly thinner, represents slower, more lamellar development from weaning on through adulthood. Literature ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. The Formation Of Prebiotic Compounds On Early Earth And... The Formation of Prebiotic Compounds on Early Earth and in the Solar System By Trevor Harrison GE 70A: Evolution of Cosmos and Life Scientists have long sought to understand the origin of prebiotic compounds and its transition into self–replicating biological structures, both as an explanation for life's emergence on earth and as an assessment of the abundance of life in the solar system and the galaxy. In 1952, Stanley L. Miller and Harold C. Urey performed experiments demonstrating that the basic foundation of life could be formed when abiotic molecules that existed on early Earth were jolted with appropriate amounts of energy. However, current models of the composition of early Earth's atmosphere show that it would be difficult for amino acids to have formed unless they did so in the deep ocean. Martins et al. (2006) explores whether these compounds could have been formed by the impact shock of one celestial body slamming into another. Succeeding research has investigated whether amino acids formed in space can survive the journey to Earth and discovered, in space, some of the prebiotic compounds posited in Martins et al. Researchers theorized that prebiotic compounds could have built up over time in the Early Earth's oceans and then been jolted together with bicarbonate by the impact of the falling meteor. The study was successful in producing amino acids under these conditions. No matter their source of origin on early Earth, amino acids alone cannot form a self ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Swot Analysis : Isotopic Analysis Isotopic analysis is one of many methods used by archaeologists to look at how past cultures and societies lived and were organized. The stable strontium isotope is one of these, and is primarily (with other isotopes) to look at diet and mobility. The measured value in strontium isotopic analysis is the ratio of the natural abundancy of two of strontium's' isotopes; naturally occurring 86Sr and radiogenic 87Sr that is derived from the decay of rubidium–87 (Bentley 2006; Hodell et al. 2004; Price et al. 2002; Sealy et al. 1991). While this number is small (averaging approximately 0.71025 worldwide (C. Chenery et al. 2011)), it is a quantifiable value found in all geological strata on earth. This ratio can also be found in the human body, where it has been derived from the soil where food was grown. it can be found in the hard bone and enamel , and in comparison with the values in the rocks surrounding, can be used to look at human past (Bentley 2006; Chenery et al. 2011; Ericson 1985; Grupe et al. 1997; Hodell et al. 2004; Price et al. 1994a; Price et al. 1994b). Strontium is taken in to our body from our food, where it is derived from the soil. As it is chemically similar to calcium by composition, strontium can replace small amounts of the calcium in our bodies (Bentley 2006; Chenery et al. 2011; Ezzo 1994; Jorgenson et al. 2009; Price et al. 1994). While only a minute amount of the strontium is kept in our bodies, due to its relatively small mass differences between the ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Black Bile Cause Of Cancer: A Case Study While cancer is referred to today as the "Modern plague" and treated through radiation and chemotherapy, thousands of years ago, the Egyptians applied arsenic paste and ate uteruses to combat what the Greeks described as "carcinoma" or a crablike bulge (David and Zimmerman 2010, 728). Although cancer was relatively rare prior to the sixteenth century, there appears to be some archaeological record of tumor masses in the bodies and writings of the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks. In Egypt, the Papyrus Ebers, a compilation of illnesses written by Egyptian physicians in 3000 BC, referred to breast tumors by their similarity in smell to roasted meat and portrayed cancer as a bulge with no treatment, except for ineffective knife lesions and magical incantations (Hajdu 2011, 1097–1099). In Greece, physicians theorized humans were composed of 4 humors: blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and the evil black bile Hippocrates believed manifested itself in the formation of cancer (Hajdu 2011, 1098). While archaeologists and chemists reject the black bile cause of cancer, they both agree that the rarity of cancer in antiquity can be attributed to the low life expectancy and lack of environmental mutagens evident in ancient lifestyles (David and Zimmerman 2010, 728–731). Cancer is the consequence of the body 's inability to control the division of malignant cells, commonly exhibited when cells grow old, damaged, and need to be replaced. As one gets older and is exposed to carcinogens, such as ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Frasnian-Famennian Extinction Abstract The Frasnian–Famennian mass extinction in the Late Devonian has often been considered as one of the major 5 extinctions through time. Conflicting interpretations for the cause of this extinction exist, but the role of volcanism is becoming increasingly appealing due to recent advances in radioisotope dating. New K–Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages for the Viluy traps in Siberia suggest multiphase emplacement of the Viluy traps with an early phase likely contributing to the Frasnian– Famennian mass extinction. Other work supports this idea of multiphase emplacement. Changes in earth systems during the late Devonian support the argument for the role of volcanism as a root in the destruction of multiple marine habitats during the Late Devonian. One explanation for the Frasnian–Famennian extinction involves an initial pulse of Viluy Trap volcanism which lead to elevated levels in the atmosphere, marine anoxia and ultimately extinction. ... Show more content on ... Rocks associated with the Viluy traps include dikes, sills, and layered basalt breccia, and are overlain by Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous sediments (Ricci et al., 2013). Previous analysis on dating the traps has proved difficult due to high rates of erosion and burial by Mesozoic sediments in the east and Siberian traps to the west (Kiselev et al., 2006). The current extent of the Viluy traps is 800 by 450 km (Gaiduk, 1987; Kiseleve et al., 2006) with a total thickness of sediments up to 9 km and a volume of about 300X103km3 (Kiselev et al., 2006). However, effects of erosion and burial through time have likely contributed to a decrease in volume with time, and initial volume likely reached one million cubic kilometers (Kiselev et al., 2006). Thus, this value is similar to other volcanic provinces which have been associated with major mass extinctions through time ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Optimization Of Radiation Spectroscopy Equipment For... University of Portsmouth Applied Physics BSc (Hons) U20283 Applied Physics Project OPTIMIZATION OF RADIATION SPECTROSCOPY EQUIPMENT FOR AIRBORNE RADIONUCLIDES 645137 Supervisor(s) DSTL – Laurence Jones University of Portsmouth – Dr. Chris Dewdney PROPOSAL & INITIAL LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction, Aims and Objectives Defence Science Technology Laboratory (DSTL) is investigating the potential for aerial monitoring of gamma rays (ɣ–rays) from airborne particulate contamination. They are in possession of two ⌀20cmx20cm cylindrical, thallium doped sodium iodide (NaI(Ti)) scintillator detectors for mounting onboard an aircraft for the recording of count rate and collection of spectroscopic data. Initially, surveying will ... Show more content on ... The aim of this project is: To evaluate different ways of aerially measuring the count rate and collecting spectroscopic data of ~2 MeV emissions from airborne radioactive particulate contamination. The objectives that will be met in order to achieve the aims are as follows: A comprehensive literature review will be carried out in order to investigate methods of shielding and or discriminating against cosmic radiation that are currently used in this field or methods used in other fields (particle physics, spacecraft design etc.) that could be adapted to this purpose. A selection process of four ɣ–ray reduction methods, two muon reduction methods and two neutron reduction methods will take place (these numbers are arbitrary but have been chosen due to the time constraints of the project). These eight methods will be modeled using Monte Carlo (MC) simulations to estimate there sensitivity and resulting background in order to determine their MDA's. A subset of the most promising modeled methods will be tested experimentally in the lab to confirm the validity of the models. A conclusion will be drawn as to the best method(s), via the development and use of a weighted comparison factor. Rationale Existing methodologies of back ground reduction such as shielding (F.A. Danevich et al., 2007), large coincidence counting methods or the burying of the detector underground (E.W. Hoppe et al., 2014), each present their own difficulties and limitations in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima Introduction This essay deals with a forensic analysis of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945 by first exploring the context in which it took place and has been presented to the world, and then undertaking a forensic examination of the event in light of modern criminological knowledge as well as two readings in the context of modernism and modernity. As Japan had begun losing the Pacific War, the United States commenced the Manhattan Project to develop the Atomic Bomb partly with the input from German nuclear scientists ferried to the US after the Third Reich 's surrender. The bomb, when dropped, exploded at 1,900 feet altitude above Shima Hospital 's courtyard, 550 feet away from its target of Aioi Bridge on Ota River, and had a 12.5 kiloton yield. Upon detonation, the temperature on the ground reached 5,400°F, and the bomb created a half–mile radius fireball; 70,000 out of 76,000 buildings in the city were incinerated, and 110,000 civilians instantly perished and many more had their bodies burned beyond recognition, causing multiple cancers. When US President Harry Truman announced the atomic bombing, he directly linked it to the Pearl Harbor attack, the Japanese mistreatment of American POWs and Japan 's rejection of the Potsdam Declaration. To this day the atomic bombing of Japan remains a most controversial and politically sensitive issue, and an American apology is still awaited 69 years on. The United States at first suppressed all reports of ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Gas Chromatography Lab Introduction: Using the analytical methods of Gas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry, in order to determine the composition of a mixture and its individual pure compounds. This is done by analyzing the mixture of compounds using Gas Chromatography and the individual pure compounds by using Mass Spectrometry. Experimental Procedure: Obtain a screw cap and vial which will be ran in the Gas Chromatograph. Fill vial no more than half full of pre prepared unknown compound which is dissolved in either ethanol or acetone. Place vial in Gas Chromatograph and follow the instruction in order to analyze unknown compound. Print out a copy of the results from the Gas Chromatograph. Obtain a mass spectrum for the unknown component in the liquid sample. Data and ... Show more content on ... The first peak at 5.82 minutes represents the solute and the second peak at 6.04 minutes represents the solvent. It is heterogeneous since the results show more than one component in the original liquid sample. The conclusion is that the solvent was ethanol. This was because the second peak which was a retention time of 6.04 minutes matches the standard for ethanol which is also 6.04 minutes. Mass Spectrometry Results: Observation: There is a pair of high masses values which peak at 78 m/z at an intensity of 1.5 and 80 m/z at an intensity of 0.5. Conclusion: The pair of peaks can be used to determine that the parent ion is Chlorine. First, the ratio between Chlorine 35 and Chlorine 37 is 100 to 32.5 respectively which matches the 3:1 ratio which is presented by the two peaks. In addition, when doing mass subtraction for each peak, (78–35 and 80–37) it results in the same mass of 43 amu. This matching mass shows that chlorine is the parent ion because the highest peak is 43 ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Laboratory Techniques Used For Forensic Anthropology Laboratory techniques used in forensic anthropology to identify questionable remains as bone include histology, protein analysis, and DNA analysis. The problem with these techniques is that they can be destructive, lengthy, and expensive. Additionally, these methods may not be able to identify bone when it is highly fragmented or altered. Therefore, chemical analysis techniques such as HHXRF, XRF, SEM/EDS, PIXE, and Raman Spectroscopy have been proposed for differentiating bone and teeth from non–skeletal material and human from nonhuman skeletal material. Although their use is sporadic and dependent on instrument availability, these chemical techniques have proven valuable to the field of forensic anthropology and to the task of identifying human remains. Depending on the bone or location on the bone, there will be a difference in trace elements present. Zn, V, Ni, Cr, Pb, Mn, Co, and Sn are found in higher concentrations in bone epiphyses while Ca, Sr, Na, and K are found more often in the central portion of the diaphysis. This could potentially tell what bone the anthropologist has obtained if it is a fragmented piece. Diet and growth environment also have an impact on the distribution of trace elements within bone. While this is useful in identification, research is also being conducted to establish past dietary habits by using isotope analysis to detect specific trace element ratios associated with dietary patterns to gain a better understanding of the past. There are ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Mass Spectrometry ( Working Principle ) Mass Spectrometry (Working Principle) What is mass spectrometry? According to the website mass spectrometry is a capable scientific procedure used to evaluate known materials, to distinguish obscure mixes inside an example, and to illustrate the structure and substance properties of various molecules. The entire procedure includes the change of the example into vaporous particles, with or without fracture, which are then described by their mass to charge proportions (m/z) and relative abundances. This is basically a technique that study the effect of ionizing energy on molecules. In the event that something is moving and you subject it to a sideways drive, rather than moving in a straight line, it will move in a bend – diverted out of its unique way by the sideways compel. Assume you had a cannonball going past you and you needed to redirect it as it passed by you. All you have is a fly of water from a hose–pipe that you can squirt at it. To be perfectly honest, it won 't have a considerable measure of effect! Since the cannonball is so overwhelming, it will scarcely be avoided at all from its unique course. Be that as it may, assume rather, you attempted to avoid a table tennis ball going at an indistinguishable speed from the cannonball utilizing similar fly of water. Since this ball is so light, you will get an immense avoidance. The measure of avoidance you will get for a given sideways drive relies on upon the mass of the ball. In the event that ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Protein Advantages: Can be used to estimate multiple proteins in a mixture of proteins If the given sample is a mixture of proteins, the proteins are also separated for further use, for example the separated proteins can then be used for mass spectroscopic studies Disadvantages: Length process and needs to be done carefully To obtain a valid comparison for the unknown sample response to that of the known standard, the data must be acquired and processed under identical conditions. 3. Determination by weight 3.1. Determination by dry weight A simple but lengthy method for the estimation of the protein, determination by dry weight gives a very accurate amount of the protein in a given sample. Drying a protein–containing sample in a 104ºC to ... Show more content on ... The mass spectrometer attains this by first ionising the sample, with the help of chemicals, bombarding with other ions or by using a laser (MALDI), and then passing the ions through an electric and magnetic field to deflect it towards a detector. The strengths of the electric and magnetic field are varied to focus ions with a specific mass by charge ratio. The output, i.e. the mass spectrum, is a plot of the ion signal vs the charge by mass ratio. This plot is characteristic to proteins and can be used for the identification and ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Essay On Translocation To Mitochondria In the critical experiment for this grant proposal, we observed that DJ–1–Cys–106–SO3– (Figs. 3, 4; Table 1) contributes to DJ–1 translocation to mitochondria (Fig. 9). Interestingly, we found that first, NHEJ–1 is also shifted to these organelles and second, it interacts with DJ–1 in mitochondria (Fig. 7). We hypothesize that posttranslational modifications of DJ–1 lead to its interaction with NHEJ–1 in these organelles. This may result in the impairment of mtDNA damage repair. To further study the mechanism of this interaction, we will use tandem mass spectrometry (QTOF, letter attached, Fig. 8) as a suitable method for enabling site mapping and quantification of chemical modifications of proteins. We will treat A549 cells with mt–OX as ... Show more content on ... Mitochondrial amount will be analyzed using a ratio of total mtDNA to nuclear DNA by RT–PCR. We will also analyze fission and fusion and mitophagy as described in SA#1.1.2. Additionally, we will measure the kinetics of cytosolic mtDNA release, which is a marker of mitochondrial injury, using RT–PCR in cytosolic fractions obtained from A549 cells with DJ–1 knockout or overexpression in comparison with control. We anticipate that DJ–1 knockout will impair mitochondrial dynamics, exaggerate mtDNA damage and mitophagy, and increase ROS formation and cell apoptosis. DJ–1 overexpression will provide cytoprotection and will rescue of A549 cell injury induced by mt–OX. Alternative approaches: We do not expect any problems with this SA. We anticipate that dysregulated metabolic signatures in human primary ATII cells obtained from patients with emphysema will correlate with mitochondrial dysfunction. Our proposed approach may uncover novel mechanisms by which DJ–1 is involved in mitochondrial function and metabolism. Based on our obtained results from mass spectrometry analysis, we may also include in our study other DNA damage repair proteins, which interact with DJ–1. Specific Aim #1. Genome–wide RNAi screening to identify novel targets involved in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage induced by mt–OX. Hypothesis: We hypothesize that mt–OX induces mtDNA damage. We will identify novel targets leading to mitochondrial dysfunction. Rationale: Mitochondria are enclosed by an ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Class Of Forensic And Investigative Sciences School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences Assessment Coversheet Module Code FZC007 Module Tutor Susan Jones Module Title Chemistry Student's name Steven Winstanley Student ID Number G 2 0 6 3 2 8 0 1 Course/ Subject Applied Science (Foundation Year) Assignment Title/ Number FZC007 Assignment – Coursework 'I confirm that this piece of work which I have submitted is all my own work and that all references and quotations from both primary and secondary sources have been fully identified and properly acknowledged in footnotes and bibliography.' Signature: SJWinstanley Date: 12/04/2015 Submission Deadline 13/04/2015 Extension Agreed date: Extension Agreed by: Work submitted should be ... Show more content on ... You may be asked to use this feedback to reflect upon your personal development (PDP). Upon receipt of the feedback from your module tutor, please complete below your reflections on this assessment for your future action. 1st Marker Signature Date Moderation signature** Date University of Central Lancashire School of Forensic and Investigative Sciences FZC007 Assignment – Coursework Assignment Details – Allocation of marks is indicated on sheet Q1. Illustrate an atom (using pen and paper – not a google image!). Label each part of the structure. (3 marks) Q2. Fill in the table of relative mass and charge (of the subatomic particles).
  • 55. Subatomic particle Relative charge +/– Relative mass Proton + 1 Neutron No Charge 1 Electron – 0 (3 marks) Q3. Given your answer to Q2, where is the mass of an atom concentrated? What is the rest of the atom made of? (2 marks) Mass of an atom is concentrated in the centre, or the nucleus. The rest of the atom is made up of the electron orbital around the nucleus, classed as empty space. Q4. Explain and give an example of mass number and atomic number. (2 marks) The mass number of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, whereas the atomic number ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. History Of The Atomic Model Paper History of the Atomic Model Paper Philip Wang Over the course of the last 5000 years, mankind's knowledge has been constantly advancing. Chemistry, a branch of science, has experienced a tremendous leap and expansions since ancient Greek civilization. One of the major breakthroughs in the advancement in Chemistry was the creation of the Atomic theory, which laid a foundation for the modern–day Chemistry and future of science. The Atomic theory introduced the idea of atoms, which are defined as the discrete units of matter. There are five key scientists that significantly contributed to the Atomic model over a span of thousands of years. They are: Democritus, John Dalton, J.J. Thompson, Ernest Rutherford, and Niels Bohr. Democritus, an Ancient Greek philosopher, is widely considered to be the founding father of the Atomic Theory. Democritus proposed that matter is composed of atoms, which move through empty space. He also proposed that atoms are solid, homogeneous, indestructible, and indivisible, and that different types of atoms have different kinds of sizes and shapes, which determine the properties of matter. Democritus and other Greek philosophers Leucippus and Epicurus, were among the first to propose the size, shape, and connectivity of atoms. Democritus theorized that iron atoms are solid with hooks (which locked them in place with each other, therefore creating a solid), water 'atoms' are smooth and slippery, (which caused them to be in a liquid state), ... Get more on ...