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Mansfield and District U3A

         Joyeux Noel report: Page 3

                 Established 1999
       HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525

          January 2013

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Welcome from your chairman
I DO HOPE that you and your families had a very good Christmas and New Year. For all the
concerns of the last year – the financial chaos of the banks, the increase in the cost of energy, the
hike in food prices, the weather, Paul McCartney singing ‘Hey Jude’ at the Olympics, to name but
a few – I believe that the good outweighed the bad, with the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics
still able to bring a smile and a tear to us.
So how do I review 2012? Certainly not in national or international terms: too long and arduous a
task, added to which I can’t remember most of what went on as my selective amnesia (or ‘senior
memory loss’) has cut in. Anyway, the papers and TV are full of lists of the best / worst / funniest /
nastiest events / people / take-aways of the year. So I’ll give that a rest.
What about a Mansfield U3A review? Not really – I’ll do that in September at the end of my stint. I’d
hate to forecast things that never occurred or were redundant by September!
However, it is the New Year ... that time of good resolutions that are made but never carried out.
I’ve never been a great believer in ‘Good Resolutions’ since any I’ve made have tended to have
been under duress – drink, nagging, guilty conscience; you know, the normal, everyday reasons
we make promises. But I have made some resolutions this year that will be easy to carry out.
I resolve ...
     1. Not to pay heed to the great panjandrums of health telling me that older people should
           eat, drink, make love far less as any of these activities will take ten years off their lives. I
           should worry. I’d just like to be able to.
     2. Not to pay heed to the same lot (who always seem to be younger) who then tell me that
           I’m living too long and costing the economy too much. I’m going to see how much I can
           cost them just to be a real grouch!
     3. Not to listen to the Government wanting me to spend, spend, spend on consumer
           goods. It’s their blooming fault that manufacturing has disappeared and I was brought up
           to only buy ‘stuff’ when it was necessary. Food and drink – yes, but ‘fashionwear’ and the
           latest technology? Tomorrow, perhaps – and that’s being polite. Perhaps we can start up
           a ‘hand-me-down’ service where the latest-but-one phones / techno gadgets / clothes
           are passed on down the families like coats and shoes used to be?
But that’s enough for now. Three is the magic number of things I can remember at any one time
and anyway, I have to pour a drink, sit in front of the TV and snarl at the weather forecast yet
again. Happy New Year!
Mike Allen
In this issue
    Page 2           Chairman's Welcome.
    Page 3           Quiz night. Suggestion box. Holiday updates.
    Page 4           Recent Events: Joyeux Noel; Singing for Fun. Groups News (Start): Art
    Pages 5 - 8 (Pt) Groups Meeting Programme
    Page 8 (Pt)      Book table. New members meeting
    Page 9           Groups News (Cont.): Digital World; Theatre Visits; Wine Appreciation 2;
                     Family History
    Page 10          Groups News (Cont.): Luncheon Club; Robin Hood at Thoresby
    Page 11          Help with PIN cards. On-line U3A courses.
    Page 12          Member's Contribution: Save old Specs. Dates for your diary. Notices.

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Annual Fun Quiz Night
Join us at Queen Elizabeth's Academy on the 23rd February for our annual Quiz Night.
Pauline and Ian have been working hard to test our brains and your Social Committee will be
providing your supper (platters of sandwiches, nibbles and cakes).
Organise yourself a team of 8 or join a table on the night; bring your own drinks and glasses and
have a great night with friends. Tickets on sale today £6.50.
Karen Troop
FIRST of all I would like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year 2013 – let's hope it turns out
to be a very good one for us all!
At the November meeting, I told you that the Committee had decided to re-introduce a Suggestion
Box in order that members could put forward any ideas they had, whatever they may be, so that the
Committee could consider them and, where possible, introduce them into the programme.
I am very pleased to say that initially we have had four suggestions: two for new classes, i.e. Yoga
and an Art Class. (Linda Leivers, the Group Co-ordinator, will be putting out sheets at the meeting
for people, if interested, to sign up for these and providing there are enough signatures then we will
be able to move forward with them.)
A further suggestion was that congestion may be saved by the signing-in sheets being split at the
start of the meeting to both sides of the room. This is being looked at to see the feasibility of it.
Lastly, there was the suggestion that "We should get a new Mike!". For a moment there, my mind
raced at the thought of a new Mike Allen! Finally, I realised that it was for a new microphone and I
will ask the Chairman to see what can be done to negotiate this – Good Luck!
I hope, therefore, that you will all continue to give your thoughts and ideas. The Suggestion Box will
be on the back table with pen and writing paper for you to use. In this way we can move forward
and look at areas that perhaps had not been thought about before.
Thank you for your assistance.
Glenis Carr
Holiday Updates
Around Britain Cruise – 24th May - 3rd June
Balances, the amounts of which can be found on the first page of your Invoice Guest copies, must
be sent to Fred Olsen by 23rd February. (A few of you still have not sent passport or insurance
details, nor the names of your next of kin, but travel tickets cannot be issued unless all
these details are sent by that date.) Contact information is on the same page as your balances.
Tenby – 1st - 5th July 2013
Please make a note in your diaries of the following dates and the amounts of the balances owing.
These must be paid no later than the March meeting. Final costs are:- £268 for those sharing and
£280 for singles. These prices include the driver's gratuity. Cheques this time payable to Mansfield
& District U3A.
Thursford Christmas Spectacular – 4th, 5th & 6th December
Those going to Thursford have paid a £1 registration fees, which the company has received, but I
will need your deposits of £10 no later than the April meeting at which time I will advise you of when
your balance is due. Cheques are also to be paid to Mansfield & District U3A. The company is
offering a £10 insurance premium should you wish to take it out for these three days away. You will
need to add on this amount to your deposit amount – so £20 in total)
Margaret Burlinson                                 Details of all holidays are on the website ...

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Recent Events
Joyeux Noel
IT WAS a lucky 13th of December when the Luncheon Club
and guests from Worksop U3A got ready for Christmas in the
French style at Launay's in Edwinstowe for what has become
the club's traditional fine-dining highlight of the year.
Alain Launay and his kitchen team got us in the mood with
platters of fresh oysters for the adventurous, mussels, pigeon
breasts, pâté and soup with braised beef, guinea fowl, pork,
sea bass and root vegetable pudding to follow.
But again it was the desserts that stole the show for many
and I heard nothing but rave reviews for the poached
meringue, apple tart or a chocolate creation served in a real
plant pot!
Alison and her front-of-house team of servers were on top
form too and everyone fully deserved the warm applause that
showed diners' appreciation.
We'll be returning on December 12th so please make a note
in your diaries!
David Ling                                                                   More photos on the website ...
Christmas Concerts
THE U3A Choir had three Concerts in Dec. 2012. On Fri the 7th, at Kirkby Library, for switching on
of their lights. Everyone was so welcoming & applauded for encores. "Can you come again
Next on Fri 14th Dec, came the visit to the John Eastwood Hospice in torrential rain. Suzy & her
Mum were soaked bringing in the keyboard, which miraculously still worked! Again we were
welcomed in & we sang under the Christmas Tree. Everyone joined in with the Carols at the end.
Finally on Sun 16th Dec, at St Joseph the Worker RC Church in Sutton, both U3A & Bellissima
Ladies Choir 'brought the house down'. Suzy sang the "Dormouse's Carol" & "The Little Road to
Bethleham" & our pianist played "Sleigh Ride" & "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" With the
audience putting everything into 3 carols & enjoyed mulled wine & minced pies afterwards
All the rehearsals paid off! So well done everyone and thank you very much to Suzy & John Sellers.
Stuart Fell

Groups News (Check the Interest Group web pages for updates)
¶ indicates an item that was in the December on-line issue but is reprinted for the convenience of members who
may not have seen it.
Art Appreciation ¶
Members of the Art Appreciation Group enjoyed a selection of seasonal poetry and prose at their
December soirée. We shared readings from a range of poets and authors that included John
Betjeman, T.S. Elliott, U.A. Fanthorpe and Pam Ayres.
Contributions were both festive and funny and as the soirée was held on the same day as the U3A
Christmas lunch some members had double helpings of festive cheer and goodwill!
The Christmas lunch and soirée is now a favourite way for this group to launch the festive season.
Pauline Boucher                                           Groups News continues on page 9 ...

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Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters
of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W
or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.
So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but
with Variable finish times.
The main Mansfield and District U3A meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month
(except for August and December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10
am - 12.30 pm.

Interest Group           Meetings                   Meeting Places          Leader/Contact
Art Appreciation         Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M         Baptist Church,         Pauline Boucher
                                                    Rosemary St.            01623 644798
Next Meetings: 4th Feb. – Later in the 15th century & Peter Paul Rubens; 4th March – Into the
1500s & Children Picture Books with Molly Pollitt
Next Visit: 29th April – Tea & talk at Thoresby
Beginners' Bridge        Mo, Various                Enviro Centre, Derby Maxine Rose/Glenis
(With Ashfield U3A)      6.30 - 9.00                Rd College,          Carr
                                                    Mansfield            01623 459081/627735
Next Meetings: 21st January; 4th February; 4th &18th March
(Also Acol sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Th, 10 - 12.30 W)
Bowls                    Th, 1.30 - 3.30 W          Lammas Centre,          Don Wright
                                                    Sutton-in-Ashfield      01623 628946
Next Meetings: January 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st; February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th; March 7th
Chat and Stitch          Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M         St John's Centre,       Doreen Storer
                                                    Mansfield               01623 407731
Next Meetings: 21st January; 18th February; 18th March; 15th April
Current Affairs          Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M         § St John's Centre,     Norma Shillinglaw
                                                    St John's Street,       01623 466934
§ NB New venue                                      Mansfield
Next Meetings: February 12th; March 12th; April 9th
Digital World            Fri 2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00     Stanton Hill Baptist   David Ling
                         2/M                        Church, Albert Street, 01623 822994
Next Meetings: 11th January – Refreshing basic settings; 25th January – Thoresby photo comp
Family History           Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M       St John's Centre,       Max Clarke
                                                    Mansfield               01623 621744
Next Meeting: TBA

All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
               interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.

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Interest Group          Meetings                    Meeting Places         Leader/Contact
Film Studies*           We1, 1.30 - V M             Joy's home             Joy Crowe
                                                                           01623 645400
Next Meetings: 6th February; 4th March; 1st April
Garden Visits           During the Summer           Various                Marion Thornton
                                                                           01623 651528
Next Visit: TBA
Gardening               Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M        St Peter's Centre,     Avril McGee
                                                    Mansfield              01623 452688
Next Meeting: 5th March 2013 – Don Witton: Ten Top Gardens
Holidays                Various                     TBA                    Margaret Burlinson
(Home & Abroad)                                                            01623 632538
Next holidays: 21st - 25th Jan. – Thoresby (See Terry Whitehead); 24th May - 3rd June – Around
Britain Cruise
Introduction to         Various                     Stanton Hill Baptist   Terry Whitehead
Internet use                                        Church, Street,        01623 626991
Next Meeting: Contact Terry
Line Dancing            Th2, 2.00 - 4.00 M          St Lawrence Church     Carole Justice
                                                    Hall, Pecks Hill,      01623 491809
Next meetings: January 10th. No meeting in February. March 14th
Local History           Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M       The Rushley Inn,       Bob & Sue Longden
                                                    Nottingham Road        01623 486903
Next Meetings: No meeting in January. February 1st – Jennie Roberts: Myths & Legends
Luncheon Club           Th after 3rd Tu,            Various                David Ling
                        12.00 - 2.00 M                                     01623 822994
Next Meetings: January 17th – 281, Mansfield; February 21st – Lamb's at the Market, Mansfield;
March 21st – TBA
                                           Music Groups
Classical Music 1*      Th2, 2.00 - 4.00 M          Members' homes         Alan & Marlene
                                                                           01623 427934
Next Meetings: 14th February – Chopin with Peter; 14th March – Donizetti with TBA
Classical Music 2       Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M          Members' homes         Peter Hart
                                                                           01623 620940
Next Meetings: 18th January – Violin and Cello with Peter Hart; 25th February – Borodin &
Mussorsky with Sheila; 25th March – Saint Saens & Fauré with Marie

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Interest Group           Meetings                   Meeting Places           Leader/Contact
Music 2*                 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M         Members' homes           Eric Prescott
                                                                             01623 631160
Next Meeting: TBA
Popular Music            Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M         St John's School,        Peter Haynes
Appreciation                                        Mansfield                01623 610886
Next Meetings: January 22nd; February 26th; March 26th
Pudding Club*            Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M         Members' homes           Sylvia Slack
                                                                             01623 633981
Next Meetings: February 5th at Janet's; March 5th at Sylvia's; April 2nd at Janet's
Reading 1*               Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M         Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson
                                                                        01623 882191
Next Meetings: 17th January; 21st February; 21st March
Reading 2                Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M         Ravenshead Library       Joan Hufton
                                                                             01623 557448
Next Meetings: 15th January; 19th February; 19th March
Science & Technical      Tu1, 1.30 - 3.30 M         Stanton Hill Baptist     Ian Boucher
                                                    Church, Albert St.       01623 644798
Next Meeting: 5th January – Satellite Communications with Ian Boucher; March 5th – Embedded
Systems with Dr. David Marples
Next visit: TBA
Scrabble                 Mo2, 2.00 - 4 .00 M        Brenda Thurkettle's      Brenda Thurkettle
                                                    home                     01623 628136
Next Meetings: 14th January; 11th February; 11th March
Singing for Fun          Th V                       West Notts College,      June Fell
                                                    Derby Rd. Mansfield      01623 623547
Next Meetings: January 10th & 24th; February 7th & 21st; March 7th & 21st
Next Concerts: TBA
Tai Chi                  Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W         St John's Centre,        Cliff Laycock
                                                    Mansfield                01623 481985
Next Meetings: Jan. 14th, 21st & 28th; Feb. 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th; March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
Theatre Visits           Various                    Various                  Sheila Whalley
                                                                             01623 453908
Next Visits: Wed.17th April – Blood Brothers. (Matinee at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham.)
Sun. 10th March – Me and My Girl. (Matinee at the Palace Theatre, Mansfield)

  ATTORNEY: "Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice I sent?"
  WITNESS: "No, this is how I dress when I go to work".

                                              Page 7 of 12
Interest Group           Meetings                 Meeting Places          Leader/Contact
                                       Walking Groups
Hikers                   Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V      Tesco car park, off     Peter Thurkettle
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)   2/M                      Oak Tree Lane           01623 628136
Next Meetings: Mon. 21st Jan. – Glapwell / Hills Town; Thurs. 7th Feb. – Whaley & Upper
Langwith Valleys; Mon. 18th Feb. – Lathkill Dale; Thurs. 7th March – Roche Abbey
Strollers                We2, 10.30 - V M         Various                 Barbara Massey /
(a leisurely 2 miles)                                                     Marion Thornton
                                                                          01623 628357 /
                                                                          01623 651528
Next Meetings: 13th February – Brierley Forest Park; 13th March – Sherwood Forest
Walkers                  We4, 10.30 – V M         Various                 Joy & Nick Crowe
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)                                                     01623 645400
Next Meetings: 23rd January – Linby and Papplewick; 27th March – Teversal to Brierley Forest
Wine Appreciation        We3, 7.30 - V M          Members' homes          Mike Allen
2*                                                                        01623 653345
Next Meetings: Jan. 23rd – Taste of France Dinner; Feb. 20th – Gewurztraminers from 4 countries
Wine Appreciation        Tu4, 7.30 - V M          Members' homes          Graham Allin
3*                                                                        01623 473662
Next Meetings: Jan. 29th – N.Z Red with Ian & Pauline; Feb. 26th – Chardonnay with Graham &
Writing for Pleasure* Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M          The Stanhope Centre     Sue Ford / Hilary
                                                  (Bridge St. Methodist   Miller 01623
                                                  Church), Mansfield.     844286 / 620067
Next Meetings: 14th January; 11th February
Book Table
THE FINAL book stall of the year (no book stall in December) collected a reasonable amount for
funds: £45.10.
I have kept a check on the amounts raised and for 2012 we managed to raise £458.75 that didn't
need to come from subscriptions. Now, as each book is STILL ONLY 40p, buy 5 books with your
share of the money you have just saved.
Looking forward to another enjoyable reading experience.
Lilian Whitehead.
New Members’ Follow-up Meeting
THE NEW members’ follow-up meeting will be held on Friday February 22nd at The
Rushley, Nottingham Road from 10.30 am until 12.00 noon. A warm welcome is
extended to all new members who have joined Mansfield U3A since September 2012 to
meet committee members and group leaders informally, and for you to comment about
your membership. Refreshments will be provided, so please join us if you can.
Avril McGee (01623 452688)

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Groups News (Cont. from page 4)
Digital World ¶
OUR last meeting of the year, on 23rd November, proved to be one of the most successful, with
several new members coming along for the first time. Informality ruled, as usual, with a fascinating
look at a new member's close-ups a highlight.
We re-start after Christmas on 11th January with a review of camera settings and basic editing with
Picasa so that newcomers to the group don't feel lost and will be reviewing entries to the Thoresby
Holiday photo competition on the 25th. Do come along to Stanton Hill Baptist Church at 2.00 on any
2nd or 4th Friday if you'd like to join in and share tips about making the most of your camera.
David Ling
Theatre Visits ¶
     •   Sun. 10th March: 'Me and My Girl' – Palace Theatre, matinee, £9 tickets to be paid for at
         the February meeting. (A 5-hour parking ticket is available from the theatre for £2.)
    • Wed. 20th March at 2.30: FREE talk and tour of the Palace Theatre Mansfield; limited
         numbers; put your name on the list.
    • Wed. 17th April: 'Blood Brothers' – Theatre Royal, Nottingham, matinee, £24 payment
         no later than the 1st of February.
    • Wed 15th May PM: 'The Mouse Trap' – Theatre Royal, Nottingham, £24.30 payment no
         later than 19th February.
For your information, the ODEON cinema does live satellite transmissions of opera etc. ('La
Boheme' Tues. 15th January.) Contact the cinema for further details.
(Mothering Sunday is on Sunday the 10th of March the same day as the Palace show.)
Sheila Whalley (01623 453908)
Wine Appreciation 2 ¶
AS THE YEAR comes to an end, the Wine Group tasted four Spanish white wines. Spain is well
known for its red wines, especially Rioja, and sparkling Cava, but the white wine is far less-known or
appreciated. Much of it has been poor in the past – local wine not drunk outside the locality.
But in Rioja and the North West of Spain, white wines have begun to make a mark. They are
fresh and fruity, to be drunk now rather than laid down. In addition, they are affordable.
Our choice was from Asda, reduced from £6.68 to £5.00. Very affordable. ‘Tierras de la Reina’ is
from the high plateau of Rueda, along the upper reaches of the Douro River and embodies the best
of the Verdejo grape. It was zesty, quite tart but the after taste was pleasant. A good wine to take
away the richness of Christmas without being too acidic.
Mike Allen
Family History Group ¶
IT'S ALMOST unique to find a report from the Family History Group in the newsletter – after all, a list
of the baptisms in Mansfield Parish Church between the years 1790 and 1800 makes rather boring
reading for most people.
However, our last meeting held on November the 27th was a bit different. Instead of
meeting at our usual venue, St. John's Centre, we met at the Mansfield Library.
Ralph Lloyd-Jones, the librarian in charge of the Local and Family History section of the library, was
there to familiarise us with the many and varied collections, which are there for all to use. His
enthusiasm in explaining the many books, maps, documents, micro-films and micro-fiches
enthralled us for two hours !

                                              Page 9 of 12
He patiently explained how to use the computers to access our ancestry, and also how to use and
print the filmed material. Everyone, from the beginners to the experienced family historians, had a
very useful morning.
As one of our more experienced members said, "I can quite happily spend a week there now".
Thanks to Mr. Lloyd-Jones for giving his time and experience with such enthusiasm.
Max Clarke
Luncheon Club
WE ARE looking forward to welcoming the New Year on 17th January at 281 on Nottingham Rd,
which many will remember as the Pine Lodge, although it's been extensively refurbished by the
new owners and is already establishing an excellent reputation for its modern British cuisine and
Brian Harvey has negotiated a special menu costing £10 for two courses or £14.95 for three that will
include pigeon & bacon salad, sea trout, vegetarian choices and desserts. (Some places still
Then, on February 21st, Norma Shillinglaw is arranging a return to Lambs at the Market, one of
the great successes of 2012, for a varied menu that will be priced at £10 for two courses and £15
for three. Space is limited so get your name down soon or you may miss out.
We hope to explore East European cuisine on March 21st so look out for details soon.
David Ling                                                      Menus are on the website ...
Robin Hood’ at Thoresby Riding School
FOURTEEN sane, cultured, intelligent members of Mansfield U3A went to the lovely little theatre in
the Thoresby Riding School on Friday December 7th at 7.30pm to see ‘Robin Hood’ performed by
Oddsocks. By 7.40, the group had changed into a cheering, jeering, laughing, booing, waving
rabble, along with the rest of the audience (all apparently as aged, intelligent, etc. as we were).
We had to cheer the fresh-faced Robin Hood, jeer and hiss at the evil Sheriff (who demanded a ‘re-
boo’ if the booing was not loud enough), wave at Friar Tuck, empathise with Maid Marion (especially
when her dress became undone), laugh at Little John on stilts (sometimes disguised ‘unnoticed’ as
a female on stilts), warn the players of the Bear Behind Them and growl as convincingly and
threateningly, with appropriate paw-claw movements.
And this was only the first set of ‘disguises’ the 5-strong group of actors assumed – Mitch the dim-
witted miller, the slow soldiers (Norman by name), the nasty Bishop, the chained prisoner, the dozy
wife of the Sheriff, and so on. And they all sang and danced as well as declaimed, orated,
hyperventilated, sneered and romanced.
As for the story? Well, it mattered little, and I’m not sure that I understood what that little was all the
time. Suffice to say that it followed the ‘real Mansfield’ version of the legend (i.e. daft) with Robin
helping the slow-witted outlaws to regain their taxes (got a feeling there was a villain called
‘Murdoch’ somewhere), rescue Maid M from the groping clutches of the Sheriff and overcome evil in
all its forms (‘bashing the bishop’ was something they suggested doing).
You know what I mean – a legend played to all the pantomimic possibilities, with all the additional
laughs caused by damage to players, props, scenery, words and polite sensibilities.
Once again, Oddsocks provided superb entertainment to a packed and thoroughly appreciative
house. This time, it wasn’t Shakespeare who suffered but a local legend. Why don’t you join the
‘regulars’ for this treat to see who they will demolish next year?
Mike Allen

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Help if you are unable to use a PIN card ¶ (Abbreviated; full article in December issue.)
THE FACILITY to make card payments is such an integral part of daily life that most of us hardly
even give it a conscious thought. “Insert your card please, and enter your PIN.” Yet many people
are unable to use a PIN because they have issues with their mobility, dexterity, memory or sight.
Chip and signature cards exist as the alternative for people who are unable to use a PIN – the cards
don’t look any different to chip and PIN cards, but when inserted into a card terminal a signature is
automatically requested.
Unfortunately, not everyone who would benefit from a chip and signature card is aware that they
Feedback from consumer groups to the Payments Council’s Consumer Forum exposed concern at
the relatively low awareness of chip and signature cards and problems with acceptance. To address
these concerns, the Payments Council has been working on a National Payments Plan project
throughout 2012 to raise awareness of the cards among bank staff, retailers and consumers who
might benefit from them.
The project found a widespread knowledge gap over how the cards work; for example, only three
out of nine user groups had heard of ‘chip and signature’, while only one attendee of the focus
groups knew about the card. Many shoppers described themselves as feeling embarrassed or
anxious, often due to hold-ups caused by the retailer not being aware of how the card worked.
What’s more, although all banks offer these cards and all retailers are obliged to accept them,
nearly two thirds (63%) of the people that said they currently struggle with chip and PIN didn’t even
know that an alternative existed.
If you think you would benefit from a chip and signature card, or know someone who would, more
information on chip and signature is available in the form of a free advice guide. To order one, email or call the Payments Council’s public enquiries line on 020
3217 8259
U3A launches on-line courses ¶
THE UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE is to launch a new programme of tutored online courses in
January with three history courses, on the Vikings, the decade before Queen Victoria and the First
World War.
They are designed for members who cannot easily travel to learning groups; and for those who
wish to study at times of their own choosing rather than attend meetings at set times.
The writers and on-line tutors are volunteers from among the U3A's 293,733 members. Early this
year U3A chairman Ian Searle called for volunteers to write and tutor courses; he now leads a group
of 24 well-qualified and committed people who are working on ideas for on-line courses, which are
at various stages of development. Many have long experience of teaching or creating learning
U3A members wanting to study the courses will pay a small fee to cover administrative costs.
Students will be given a password that will enable them to download the required course in eight
weekly instruments. The first three courses will be launched in January, and are all on history
subjects. They will be:
    •    Four Viking Women, written and taught by Val Bannister of Bridgwater U3A.
    •    Just Before Victoria, by David Hopper of Thanet U3A.
    •    The Great War, by Verne Hardingham of Rugby U3A.
They will be followed as soon as possible by an economics course and a guide to research
For more details, log on to the U3A national website.

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Save old Specs.
OVER the years Mansfield U3A members have collected many old spectacles and mobile phones
that have been passed on to former Mansfield U3A member Richard White. These are collected by
Hucknall Rotary Club as part of their recycling project to help the needy in Africa.
The spectacle frames are stripped down and cleaned by prisoners at one of Her Majesty’s
establishments and the lens are cleaned and graded by professional opticians – all on voluntary
Any donated mobile phones are sold to raise funds for transport etc.
This is a very worthwhile cause so start the New Year right. When you are doing your spring
cleaning and are turning out your drawers – please gather up unwanted spectacles and mobiles
and hand them over to me.
I promise you they will go a good home!
Rita Turner

Speakers' Corner
THE JANUARY meeting is traditionally when members share their interests with us all and show-off
their skills so we welcome this year's volunteers:
      •    Michael Morton: A life with a paintbrush
      •    Mary Lewis: Florence Nightingale and Statistics
      •    Sheila Whalley: Costumes
      •    John Gilding: Piano and sing-along
Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.)
Fri. 22nd Feb.: NEW MEMBERS' MEETING at the Rushley, 10.00 am
Sat. 23rd Feb.: ANNUAL QUIZ NIGHT at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. (See page 3)
Event and Visit Payments
MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield
U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others.
Changes of address, etc.
PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Avril McGee (01623 452688), if you've changed your
address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records.
THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those
of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be
accepted for errors that may occur.
Next Issue
PLEASE SEND contributions for the February issue to, or in typescript to
the editor, as soon as you can and by 1st February at the latest. Thanks!
Editor: David Ling (01623 822994)            Printed by: Portland Print (

                                            Page 12 of 12

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Mansfield U3A Newsletter: January 2013

  • 1. Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter Joyeux Noel report: Page 3 _____________________________ Established 1999 HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525 January 2013 Website: Noticeboard: Page 1 of 12
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman I DO HOPE that you and your families had a very good Christmas and New Year. For all the concerns of the last year – the financial chaos of the banks, the increase in the cost of energy, the hike in food prices, the weather, Paul McCartney singing ‘Hey Jude’ at the Olympics, to name but a few – I believe that the good outweighed the bad, with the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics still able to bring a smile and a tear to us. So how do I review 2012? Certainly not in national or international terms: too long and arduous a task, added to which I can’t remember most of what went on as my selective amnesia (or ‘senior memory loss’) has cut in. Anyway, the papers and TV are full of lists of the best / worst / funniest / nastiest events / people / take-aways of the year. So I’ll give that a rest. What about a Mansfield U3A review? Not really – I’ll do that in September at the end of my stint. I’d hate to forecast things that never occurred or were redundant by September! However, it is the New Year ... that time of good resolutions that are made but never carried out. I’ve never been a great believer in ‘Good Resolutions’ since any I’ve made have tended to have been under duress – drink, nagging, guilty conscience; you know, the normal, everyday reasons we make promises. But I have made some resolutions this year that will be easy to carry out. I resolve ... 1. Not to pay heed to the great panjandrums of health telling me that older people should eat, drink, make love far less as any of these activities will take ten years off their lives. I should worry. I’d just like to be able to. 2. Not to pay heed to the same lot (who always seem to be younger) who then tell me that I’m living too long and costing the economy too much. I’m going to see how much I can cost them just to be a real grouch! 3. Not to listen to the Government wanting me to spend, spend, spend on consumer goods. It’s their blooming fault that manufacturing has disappeared and I was brought up to only buy ‘stuff’ when it was necessary. Food and drink – yes, but ‘fashionwear’ and the latest technology? Tomorrow, perhaps – and that’s being polite. Perhaps we can start up a ‘hand-me-down’ service where the latest-but-one phones / techno gadgets / clothes are passed on down the families like coats and shoes used to be? But that’s enough for now. Three is the magic number of things I can remember at any one time and anyway, I have to pour a drink, sit in front of the TV and snarl at the weather forecast yet again. Happy New Year! Mike Allen ______________________________________________________________________________ In this issue Page 2 Chairman's Welcome. Page 3 Quiz night. Suggestion box. Holiday updates. Page 4 Recent Events: Joyeux Noel; Singing for Fun. Groups News (Start): Art Appreciation Pages 5 - 8 (Pt) Groups Meeting Programme Page 8 (Pt) Book table. New members meeting Page 9 Groups News (Cont.): Digital World; Theatre Visits; Wine Appreciation 2; Family History Page 10 Groups News (Cont.): Luncheon Club; Robin Hood at Thoresby Page 11 Help with PIN cards. On-line U3A courses. Page 12 Member's Contribution: Save old Specs. Dates for your diary. Notices. Page 2 of 12
  • 3. Annual Fun Quiz Night SATURDAY 23RD FEBRUARY AT QUEEN ELIZABETH’S ACADEMY. 7pm. Join us at Queen Elizabeth's Academy on the 23rd February for our annual Quiz Night. Pauline and Ian have been working hard to test our brains and your Social Committee will be providing your supper (platters of sandwiches, nibbles and cakes). Organise yourself a team of 8 or join a table on the night; bring your own drinks and glasses and have a great night with friends. Tickets on sale today £6.50. Karen Troop Suggestions FIRST of all I would like to wish everyone a belated Happy New Year 2013 – let's hope it turns out to be a very good one for us all! At the November meeting, I told you that the Committee had decided to re-introduce a Suggestion Box in order that members could put forward any ideas they had, whatever they may be, so that the Committee could consider them and, where possible, introduce them into the programme. I am very pleased to say that initially we have had four suggestions: two for new classes, i.e. Yoga and an Art Class. (Linda Leivers, the Group Co-ordinator, will be putting out sheets at the meeting for people, if interested, to sign up for these and providing there are enough signatures then we will be able to move forward with them.) A further suggestion was that congestion may be saved by the signing-in sheets being split at the start of the meeting to both sides of the room. This is being looked at to see the feasibility of it. Lastly, there was the suggestion that "We should get a new Mike!". For a moment there, my mind raced at the thought of a new Mike Allen! Finally, I realised that it was for a new microphone and I will ask the Chairman to see what can be done to negotiate this – Good Luck! I hope, therefore, that you will all continue to give your thoughts and ideas. The Suggestion Box will be on the back table with pen and writing paper for you to use. In this way we can move forward and look at areas that perhaps had not been thought about before. Thank you for your assistance. Glenis Carr Holiday Updates Around Britain Cruise – 24th May - 3rd June Balances, the amounts of which can be found on the first page of your Invoice Guest copies, must be sent to Fred Olsen by 23rd February. (A few of you still have not sent passport or insurance details, nor the names of your next of kin, but travel tickets cannot be issued unless all these details are sent by that date.) Contact information is on the same page as your balances. Tenby – 1st - 5th July 2013 Please make a note in your diaries of the following dates and the amounts of the balances owing. These must be paid no later than the March meeting. Final costs are:- £268 for those sharing and £280 for singles. These prices include the driver's gratuity. Cheques this time payable to Mansfield & District U3A. Thursford Christmas Spectacular – 4th, 5th & 6th December Those going to Thursford have paid a £1 registration fees, which the company has received, but I will need your deposits of £10 no later than the April meeting at which time I will advise you of when your balance is due. Cheques are also to be paid to Mansfield & District U3A. The company is offering a £10 insurance premium should you wish to take it out for these three days away. You will need to add on this amount to your deposit amount – so £20 in total) Margaret Burlinson Details of all holidays are on the website ... Page 3 of 12
  • 4. Recent Events Joyeux Noel IT WAS a lucky 13th of December when the Luncheon Club and guests from Worksop U3A got ready for Christmas in the French style at Launay's in Edwinstowe for what has become the club's traditional fine-dining highlight of the year. Alain Launay and his kitchen team got us in the mood with platters of fresh oysters for the adventurous, mussels, pigeon breasts, pâté and soup with braised beef, guinea fowl, pork, sea bass and root vegetable pudding to follow. But again it was the desserts that stole the show for many and I heard nothing but rave reviews for the poached meringue, apple tart or a chocolate creation served in a real plant pot! Alison and her front-of-house team of servers were on top form too and everyone fully deserved the warm applause that showed diners' appreciation. We'll be returning on December 12th so please make a note in your diaries! David Ling More photos on the website ... Christmas Concerts THE U3A Choir had three Concerts in Dec. 2012. On Fri the 7th, at Kirkby Library, for switching on of their lights. Everyone was so welcoming & applauded for encores. "Can you come again please?" Next on Fri 14th Dec, came the visit to the John Eastwood Hospice in torrential rain. Suzy & her Mum were soaked bringing in the keyboard, which miraculously still worked! Again we were welcomed in & we sang under the Christmas Tree. Everyone joined in with the Carols at the end. Finally on Sun 16th Dec, at St Joseph the Worker RC Church in Sutton, both U3A & Bellissima Ladies Choir 'brought the house down'. Suzy sang the "Dormouse's Carol" & "The Little Road to Bethleham" & our pianist played "Sleigh Ride" & "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" With the audience putting everything into 3 carols & enjoyed mulled wine & minced pies afterwards All the rehearsals paid off! So well done everyone and thank you very much to Suzy & John Sellers. Stuart Fell Groups News (Check the Interest Group web pages for updates) ¶ indicates an item that was in the December on-line issue but is reprinted for the convenience of members who may not have seen it. Art Appreciation ¶ Members of the Art Appreciation Group enjoyed a selection of seasonal poetry and prose at their December soirée. We shared readings from a range of poets and authors that included John Betjeman, T.S. Elliott, U.A. Fanthorpe and Pam Ayres. Contributions were both festive and funny and as the soirée was held on the same day as the U3A Christmas lunch some members had double helpings of festive cheer and goodwill! The Christmas lunch and soirée is now a favourite way for this group to launch the festive season. Pauline Boucher Groups News continues on page 9 ... Page 4 of 12
  • 5. Key to Meetings details: THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times. The main Mansfield and District U3A meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month (except for August and December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10 am - 12.30 pm. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Baptist Church, Pauline Boucher Rosemary St. 01623 644798 Next Meetings: 4th Feb. – Later in the 15th century & Peter Paul Rubens; 4th March – Into the 1500s & Children Picture Books with Molly Pollitt Next Visit: 29th April – Tea & talk at Thoresby Beginners' Bridge Mo, Various Enviro Centre, Derby Maxine Rose/Glenis (With Ashfield U3A) 6.30 - 9.00 Rd College, Carr Mansfield 01623 459081/627735 Next Meetings: 21st January; 4th February; 4th &18th March (Also Acol sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Th, 10 - 12.30 W) Bowls Th, 1.30 - 3.30 W Lammas Centre, Don Wright Sutton-in-Ashfield 01623 628946 Next Meetings: January 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st; February 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th; March 7th Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Doreen Storer Mansfield 01623 407731 Next Meetings: 21st January; 18th February; 18th March; 15th April Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M § St John's Centre, Norma Shillinglaw St John's Street, 01623 466934 § NB New venue Mansfield Next Meetings: February 12th; March 12th; April 9th Digital World Fri 2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00 Stanton Hill Baptist David Ling 2/M Church, Albert Street, 01623 822994 Skegby Next Meetings: 11th January – Refreshing basic settings; 25th January – Thoresby photo comp Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Max Clarke Mansfield 01623 621744 Next Meeting: TBA All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list. Page 5 of 12
  • 6. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Film Studies* We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: 6th February; 4th March; 1st April Garden Visits During the Summer Various Marion Thornton 01623 651528 Next Visit: TBA Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Avril McGee Mansfield 01623 452688 Next Meeting: 5th March 2013 – Don Witton: Ten Top Gardens Holidays Various TBA Margaret Burlinson (Home & Abroad) 01623 632538 Next holidays: 21st - 25th Jan. – Thoresby (See Terry Whitehead); 24th May - 3rd June – Around Britain Cruise Introduction to Various Stanton Hill Baptist Terry Whitehead Internet use Church, Street, 01623 626991 Skegby Next Meeting: Contact Terry Line Dancing Th2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St Lawrence Church Carole Justice Hall, Pecks Hill, 01623 491809 Mansfield Next meetings: January 10th. No meeting in February. March 14th Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M The Rushley Inn, Bob & Sue Longden Nottingham Road 01623 486903 Mansfield Next Meetings: No meeting in January. February 1st – Jennie Roberts: Myths & Legends Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, Various David Ling 12.00 - 2.00 M 01623 822994 Next Meetings: January 17th – 281, Mansfield; February 21st – Lamb's at the Market, Mansfield; March 21st – TBA Music Groups Classical Music 1* Th2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Alan & Marlene Radford 01623 427934 Next Meetings: 14th February – Chopin with Peter; 14th March – Donizetti with TBA Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart 01623 620940 Next Meetings: 18th January – Violin and Cello with Peter Hart; 25th February – Borodin & Mussorsky with Sheila; 25th March – Saint Saens & Fauré with Marie Page 6 of 12
  • 7. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Music 2* Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160 Next Meeting: TBA Popular Music Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Peter Haynes Appreciation Mansfield 01623 610886 Next Meetings: January 22nd; February 26th; March 26th Pudding Club* Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: February 5th at Janet's; March 5th at Sylvia's; April 2nd at Janet's Reading 1* Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191 Next Meetings: 17th January; 21st February; 21st March Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton 01623 557448 Next Meetings: 15th January; 19th February; 19th March Science & Technical Tu1, 1.30 - 3.30 M Stanton Hill Baptist Ian Boucher Church, Albert St. 01623 644798 Skegby Next Meeting: 5th January – Satellite Communications with Ian Boucher; March 5th – Embedded Systems with Dr. David Marples Next visit: TBA Scrabble Mo2, 2.00 - 4 .00 M Brenda Thurkettle's Brenda Thurkettle home 01623 628136 Next Meetings: 14th January; 11th February; 11th March Singing for Fun Th V West Notts College, June Fell Derby Rd. Mansfield 01623 623547 Next Meetings: January 10th & 24th; February 7th & 21st; March 7th & 21st Next Concerts: TBA Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre, Cliff Laycock Mansfield 01623 481985 Next Meetings: Jan. 14th, 21st & 28th; Feb. 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th; March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Visits: Wed.17th April – Blood Brothers. (Matinee at the Theatre Royal, Nottingham.) Sun. 10th March – Me and My Girl. (Matinee at the Palace Theatre, Mansfield) ATTORNEY: "Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice I sent?" WITNESS: "No, this is how I dress when I go to work". Page 7 of 12
  • 8. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Walking Groups Hikers Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V Tesco car park, off Peter Thurkettle (all-day, 6 - 8 miles) 2/M Oak Tree Lane 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Mon. 21st Jan. – Glapwell / Hills Town; Thurs. 7th Feb. – Whaley & Upper Langwith Valleys; Mon. 18th Feb. – Lathkill Dale; Thurs. 7th March – Roche Abbey Strollers We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / (a leisurely 2 miles) Marion Thornton 01623 628357 / 01623 651528 Next Meetings: 13th February – Brierley Forest Park; 13th March – Sherwood Forest Walkers We4, 10.30 – V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe (an easy 4 - 5 miles) 01623 645400 Next Meetings: 23rd January – Linby and Papplewick; 27th March – Teversal to Brierley Forest Wine Appreciation We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen 2* 01623 653345 Next Meetings: Jan. 23rd – Taste of France Dinner; Feb. 20th – Gewurztraminers from 4 countries Wine Appreciation Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin 3* 01623 473662 Next Meetings: Jan. 29th – N.Z Red with Ian & Pauline; Feb. 26th – Chardonnay with Graham & Eileen Writing for Pleasure* Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M The Stanhope Centre Sue Ford / Hilary (Bridge St. Methodist Miller 01623 Church), Mansfield. 844286 / 620067 Next Meetings: 14th January; 11th February Book Table THE FINAL book stall of the year (no book stall in December) collected a reasonable amount for funds: £45.10. I have kept a check on the amounts raised and for 2012 we managed to raise £458.75 that didn't need to come from subscriptions. Now, as each book is STILL ONLY 40p, buy 5 books with your share of the money you have just saved. Looking forward to another enjoyable reading experience. Lilian Whitehead. ______________________________________________________________________________ New Members’ Follow-up Meeting THE NEW members’ follow-up meeting will be held on Friday February 22nd at The Rushley, Nottingham Road from 10.30 am until 12.00 noon. A warm welcome is extended to all new members who have joined Mansfield U3A since September 2012 to meet committee members and group leaders informally, and for you to comment about your membership. Refreshments will be provided, so please join us if you can. Avril McGee (01623 452688) Page 8 of 12
  • 9. Groups News (Cont. from page 4) Digital World ¶ OUR last meeting of the year, on 23rd November, proved to be one of the most successful, with several new members coming along for the first time. Informality ruled, as usual, with a fascinating look at a new member's close-ups a highlight. We re-start after Christmas on 11th January with a review of camera settings and basic editing with Picasa so that newcomers to the group don't feel lost and will be reviewing entries to the Thoresby Holiday photo competition on the 25th. Do come along to Stanton Hill Baptist Church at 2.00 on any 2nd or 4th Friday if you'd like to join in and share tips about making the most of your camera. David Ling Theatre Visits ¶ • Sun. 10th March: 'Me and My Girl' – Palace Theatre, matinee, £9 tickets to be paid for at the February meeting. (A 5-hour parking ticket is available from the theatre for £2.) • Wed. 20th March at 2.30: FREE talk and tour of the Palace Theatre Mansfield; limited numbers; put your name on the list. • Wed. 17th April: 'Blood Brothers' – Theatre Royal, Nottingham, matinee, £24 payment no later than the 1st of February. • Wed 15th May PM: 'The Mouse Trap' – Theatre Royal, Nottingham, £24.30 payment no later than 19th February. For your information, the ODEON cinema does live satellite transmissions of opera etc. ('La Boheme' Tues. 15th January.) Contact the cinema for further details. (Mothering Sunday is on Sunday the 10th of March the same day as the Palace show.) Sheila Whalley (01623 453908) Wine Appreciation 2 ¶ AS THE YEAR comes to an end, the Wine Group tasted four Spanish white wines. Spain is well known for its red wines, especially Rioja, and sparkling Cava, but the white wine is far less-known or appreciated. Much of it has been poor in the past – local wine not drunk outside the locality. But in Rioja and the North West of Spain, white wines have begun to make a mark. They are fresh and fruity, to be drunk now rather than laid down. In addition, they are affordable. Our choice was from Asda, reduced from £6.68 to £5.00. Very affordable. ‘Tierras de la Reina’ is from the high plateau of Rueda, along the upper reaches of the Douro River and embodies the best of the Verdejo grape. It was zesty, quite tart but the after taste was pleasant. A good wine to take away the richness of Christmas without being too acidic. Mike Allen Family History Group ¶ IT'S ALMOST unique to find a report from the Family History Group in the newsletter – after all, a list of the baptisms in Mansfield Parish Church between the years 1790 and 1800 makes rather boring reading for most people. However, our last meeting held on November the 27th was a bit different. Instead of meeting at our usual venue, St. John's Centre, we met at the Mansfield Library. Ralph Lloyd-Jones, the librarian in charge of the Local and Family History section of the library, was there to familiarise us with the many and varied collections, which are there for all to use. His enthusiasm in explaining the many books, maps, documents, micro-films and micro-fiches enthralled us for two hours ! Page 9 of 12
  • 10. He patiently explained how to use the computers to access our ancestry, and also how to use and print the filmed material. Everyone, from the beginners to the experienced family historians, had a very useful morning. As one of our more experienced members said, "I can quite happily spend a week there now". Thanks to Mr. Lloyd-Jones for giving his time and experience with such enthusiasm. Max Clarke Luncheon Club WE ARE looking forward to welcoming the New Year on 17th January at 281 on Nottingham Rd, which many will remember as the Pine Lodge, although it's been extensively refurbished by the new owners and is already establishing an excellent reputation for its modern British cuisine and service. Brian Harvey has negotiated a special menu costing £10 for two courses or £14.95 for three that will include pigeon & bacon salad, sea trout, vegetarian choices and desserts. (Some places still available.) Then, on February 21st, Norma Shillinglaw is arranging a return to Lambs at the Market, one of the great successes of 2012, for a varied menu that will be priced at £10 for two courses and £15 for three. Space is limited so get your name down soon or you may miss out. We hope to explore East European cuisine on March 21st so look out for details soon. David Ling Menus are on the website ... Robin Hood’ at Thoresby Riding School FOURTEEN sane, cultured, intelligent members of Mansfield U3A went to the lovely little theatre in the Thoresby Riding School on Friday December 7th at 7.30pm to see ‘Robin Hood’ performed by Oddsocks. By 7.40, the group had changed into a cheering, jeering, laughing, booing, waving rabble, along with the rest of the audience (all apparently as aged, intelligent, etc. as we were). We had to cheer the fresh-faced Robin Hood, jeer and hiss at the evil Sheriff (who demanded a ‘re- boo’ if the booing was not loud enough), wave at Friar Tuck, empathise with Maid Marion (especially when her dress became undone), laugh at Little John on stilts (sometimes disguised ‘unnoticed’ as a female on stilts), warn the players of the Bear Behind Them and growl as convincingly and threateningly, with appropriate paw-claw movements. And this was only the first set of ‘disguises’ the 5-strong group of actors assumed – Mitch the dim- witted miller, the slow soldiers (Norman by name), the nasty Bishop, the chained prisoner, the dozy wife of the Sheriff, and so on. And they all sang and danced as well as declaimed, orated, hyperventilated, sneered and romanced. As for the story? Well, it mattered little, and I’m not sure that I understood what that little was all the time. Suffice to say that it followed the ‘real Mansfield’ version of the legend (i.e. daft) with Robin helping the slow-witted outlaws to regain their taxes (got a feeling there was a villain called ‘Murdoch’ somewhere), rescue Maid M from the groping clutches of the Sheriff and overcome evil in all its forms (‘bashing the bishop’ was something they suggested doing). You know what I mean – a legend played to all the pantomimic possibilities, with all the additional laughs caused by damage to players, props, scenery, words and polite sensibilities. Once again, Oddsocks provided superb entertainment to a packed and thoroughly appreciative house. This time, it wasn’t Shakespeare who suffered but a local legend. Why don’t you join the ‘regulars’ for this treat to see who they will demolish next year? Mike Allen Page 10 of 12
  • 11. Help if you are unable to use a PIN card ¶ (Abbreviated; full article in December issue.) THE FACILITY to make card payments is such an integral part of daily life that most of us hardly even give it a conscious thought. “Insert your card please, and enter your PIN.” Yet many people are unable to use a PIN because they have issues with their mobility, dexterity, memory or sight. Chip and signature cards exist as the alternative for people who are unable to use a PIN – the cards don’t look any different to chip and PIN cards, but when inserted into a card terminal a signature is automatically requested. Unfortunately, not everyone who would benefit from a chip and signature card is aware that they exist. Feedback from consumer groups to the Payments Council’s Consumer Forum exposed concern at the relatively low awareness of chip and signature cards and problems with acceptance. To address these concerns, the Payments Council has been working on a National Payments Plan project throughout 2012 to raise awareness of the cards among bank staff, retailers and consumers who might benefit from them. The project found a widespread knowledge gap over how the cards work; for example, only three out of nine user groups had heard of ‘chip and signature’, while only one attendee of the focus groups knew about the card. Many shoppers described themselves as feeling embarrassed or anxious, often due to hold-ups caused by the retailer not being aware of how the card worked. What’s more, although all banks offer these cards and all retailers are obliged to accept them, nearly two thirds (63%) of the people that said they currently struggle with chip and PIN didn’t even know that an alternative existed. If you think you would benefit from a chip and signature card, or know someone who would, more information on chip and signature is available in the form of a free advice guide. To order one, email or call the Payments Council’s public enquiries line on 020 3217 8259 U3A launches on-line courses ¶ THE UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE is to launch a new programme of tutored online courses in January with three history courses, on the Vikings, the decade before Queen Victoria and the First World War. They are designed for members who cannot easily travel to learning groups; and for those who wish to study at times of their own choosing rather than attend meetings at set times. The writers and on-line tutors are volunteers from among the U3A's 293,733 members. Early this year U3A chairman Ian Searle called for volunteers to write and tutor courses; he now leads a group of 24 well-qualified and committed people who are working on ideas for on-line courses, which are at various stages of development. Many have long experience of teaching or creating learning materials. U3A members wanting to study the courses will pay a small fee to cover administrative costs. Students will be given a password that will enable them to download the required course in eight weekly instruments. The first three courses will be launched in January, and are all on history subjects. They will be: • Four Viking Women, written and taught by Val Bannister of Bridgwater U3A. • Just Before Victoria, by David Hopper of Thanet U3A. • The Great War, by Verne Hardingham of Rugby U3A. They will be followed as soon as possible by an economics course and a guide to research methods. For more details, log on to the U3A national website. Page 11 of 12
  • 12. Save old Specs. OVER the years Mansfield U3A members have collected many old spectacles and mobile phones that have been passed on to former Mansfield U3A member Richard White. These are collected by Hucknall Rotary Club as part of their recycling project to help the needy in Africa. The spectacle frames are stripped down and cleaned by prisoners at one of Her Majesty’s establishments and the lens are cleaned and graded by professional opticians – all on voluntary basis. Any donated mobile phones are sold to raise funds for transport etc. This is a very worthwhile cause so start the New Year right. When you are doing your spring cleaning and are turning out your drawers – please gather up unwanted spectacles and mobiles and hand them over to me. I promise you they will go a good home! Rita Turner _______________________________________________________________________________________ Speakers' Corner THE JANUARY meeting is traditionally when members share their interests with us all and show-off their skills so we welcome this year's volunteers: • Michael Morton: A life with a paintbrush • Mary Lewis: Florence Nightingale and Statistics • Sheila Whalley: Costumes • John Gilding: Piano and sing-along _______________________________________________________________________________________ Dates for your diary (Check the website for more information and updates.) Fri. 22nd Feb.: NEW MEMBERS' MEETING at the Rushley, 10.00 am Sat. 23rd Feb.: ANNUAL QUIZ NIGHT at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy. (See page 3) ______________________________________________________________________________ Event and Visit Payments MEMBERS are reminded that deposits and payments for events and visits organised by Mansfield U3A and its interest groups are non-refundable, but places so reserved may be offered to others. ______________________________________________________________________________ Changes of address, etc. PLEASE contact the membership secretary, Avril McGee (01623 452688), if you've changed your address, phone number or email since joining Mansfield U3A so that she can update our records. ______________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer THE VIEWS expressed here are those of the contributors, only, and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, the committee of Mansfield U3A or the Third Age Trust. Nor can any responsibility be accepted for errors that may occur. ______________________________________________________________________________ Next Issue PLEASE SEND contributions for the February issue to, or in typescript to the editor, as soon as you can and by 1st February at the latest. Thanks! ______________________________________________________________________________ Editor: David Ling (01623 822994) Printed by: Portland Print ( Page 12 of 12