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Mansfield and District U3A
Quiz Night: Page 4
Established 1999
HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525
March 2014
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Welcome from your chairman
GOOD MORNING everyone.
Another few days and we will be putting our clocks forward for Springtime. According to my diary
the Vernal Equinox is on Thursday, 20 March, when Spring begins; of course we always put our
clocks forward on a Saturday evening.
So, what have we got to look forward to today. Our Speaker is David Templeman, who will be telling
us about 'Arbella – The Queen that never was'. She was the granddaughter of Bess of Hardwick
and niece to Mary, Queen of Scots, so this should keep us well engrossed for an hour! Many of us,
if not all, will have visited Hardwick Hall, as a National Trust member or otherwise, which was totally
revamped not long ago. On a visit to Buxton recently it was interesting to see the replica of Mary,
Queen of Scots’ writings on the windows of the Old Hall Hotel, which she scratched with her rings.
She was kept under guard there by Elizabeth and not allowed to have visitors or speak to anyone.
Well worth a visit!
The Quiz Night on 22 February was, as usual, a big success and was won by a team called 'The
Fraud Squad'. I had to ask myself about the name though! Pauline and Ian foxed many of us with
their rare questions and kept over 90 people thinking all evening. A “thank you” goes particularly to
the Social Committee who gave their time prior to the evening in making platters for each team. If
there are new members who have not experienced this occasion in the social calendar, do try and
make it next year – I can guarantee you will have an enjoyable evening.
Now the big one – 'The Crystal Ball' on 20 May. If you have not already bought your tickets, these
are still on sale – it promises to be a 'super' evening for all and not to be missed. The Social
Committee have worked hard to organise this for our “Fifteenth Anniversary Year” and final details
will continue to be put in place up to the actual evening. We are also honoured to have Barbara
Lewis, the National Chairman from the Third Age Trust, and her husband, Stewart, staying for the
Ball. She will also be our speaker that day, giving a talk entitled 'The U3A and Me and The U3A and
On a different note, I was very interested recently to read the meaning of the word 'volunteer', which
many of us are, or have been, within the U3A. It arrived in England in the early 17th Century via the
French word 'voluntaire', which was specifically applied to those offering themselves for military
service. However, the meaning was soon extended to non-military contexts too. Winston Churchill
said “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give!” The old adage “As one
sows, so shall one reap!”.
Lastly, for all the ladies, don’t forget Mothers’ Day on 30 March 2014, be it chocolates, flowers,
meals out or the odd massage and facial. Enjoy!
Glenis Carr
In this issue
Page 2 Welcome.
Page 3 Social Events (Coffee Morning &Anniversary Ball). Holiday Updates (Start).
Page 4 Holiday Updates (End) Recent Events (Quiz Evening).
Page 5 - 8 Interest Groups meetings diary.
Page 8 Book Table.
Page 9 Groups News (Local History & Garden Visits – Hodsock Priory).
Page 10 Groups News (Garden Visits – Harlow Carr, Art, Luncheon Club & Bowls).
Page 11 Members' Contribution (The Marching Boot). England is Poetry.
Page 12 Dates for your diary & Notices.
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COFFEE MORNING: 9th May at The Towers on Botany Avenue, 10.00 - 12.00. Tickets on sale
now; £2 each, including a hot drink and biscuit.
This is an opportunity to meet everyone, have a chat and a drink, a flutter on the tombola, buy a cake
and plant and try your luck on the raffle.
Tombola donations are coming in well but we still need lots more so do have a look around and hand
them over to members of the Social Committee asap please. (Bring your plant and cake donations on
the morning; we start to set up from 9.30.)
CRYSTAL CELEBRATION BALL: 20th May at the John Fretwell Centre, from 7pm. Tickets on
sale now; £20, including food and an entertainer.
This is our 15th year of Mansfield and District U3A so we all decided to have a bit of a 'do'. Tickets
are £20 each and we like to think the entertainer is 'age appropriate'. (Can I say this? I don’t know
but he is a very good singer!)
We have chosen THE PREMIER BUFFET which sounds and looks fabulous.
I will also be visiting other local U3A’s who began with our help as we thought it would be great if
they could join us so that we can all celebrate together. Smart dress for this evening, please.
Tickets are going well but are still available from me. See you soon.
Karen Troop – 01623 633404, Check for updates on the
Holiday updates
Feb. 2015). £208pp sharing, £248 single, inc. 4 nights bed, breakfast and evening meal. Plenty of
daytime and evening entertainment provided (from 10am to past midnight if you want it.)
This holiday is open to U3A members of any branch and friends of members are welcome too.
There are a very limited number of single rooms so if you want one you must be prepared to go into
a draw which will take place at the end of March. If you are unsuccessful your deposit cheque will
be destroyed.
Upgrades are available but again, numbers are limited.
I am closing the booking at the end of March; anyone wanting to come who has not paid a deposit
by then goes on the waiting list. I have to firm up numbers with Warners and pay the deposit by the
first week in April.
I can be contacted by email on or by phone on 01623 626991.
Terry Whitehead, 37 Skegby Lane, Mansfield, Notts NG19 6QS
LONDON MUSICAL, Pajama Game (10th - 11th June)
Balances need to be paid no later than the April meeting. Because cheques will not be cashed
until 17th April you can pay today if you so wish. I forgot to add the driver's gratuity to the original
price so I am using the money from the free place & also deducting 50p from your balances, now
£160 (singles), £125 for theatre goers & £115 for the rest. Cheques to Mansfield & District U3A.
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LAKESIDE HOLIDAY VILLAGE, Hayling Island (23rd - 27th June.)
Balances of £273, £283 or £293 according to upgrades, must be paid by the March meeting.
(Cheques to Mansfield & District U3A.)
Before I hand over your packs with itineraries, coach plan, maps & luggage labels, I will need to
know how many wish to take advantage of the group booking to the various sightseeing venues.
The combined price for 15+ people is approx £25. This includes a trip round the harbour, Spinnaker
Tower, the Victory, the Mary Rose & Museum & the Warrior.
Please come and sign up if you wish to take up this offer. If you intend to do your own thing & want
to visit single attractions, book at least 10 days before arrival & you will also get a discount. I can
give you a contact number.
THE ALGARVE, PORTUGAL (18th - 25th Sept.)
Next month I shall be giving out sheets for you to fill in your passport details, which is compulsory
whenever there is a flight involved. Please read the instructions carefully since there will be money
to pay should they need to amend any of your details once they have been submitted.
I will also announce the final balance amount in April. It will be in the region of £850 for singles and
£760 for twins & doubles. These must be paid in May but I am hoping that, if numbers can be
maintained, I will use a free place to cover the driver's gratuity and deduct some more from the
above amount, so don't write your cheques out yet!
Margaret Burlinson – 01623 632538,
Updates about all holidays are on the website...
Recent Events
Annual Quiz Evening
THE SANDWICHES were made, grapes counted, platters of cakes arranged, tables set, team
names chosen and we were off.
We were 'The Top Table'; our numbers were down because of illnesses but we were eager, not
necessarily to win but to have a good time and this we certainly did.
Well done Pauline for testing our minds, making us laugh and shaking our heads in disbelief when
we heard some of the answers. After all how can we be expected, at our ages to know the price of a
prescription? And what is a Wet Nellie?
1984 in Roman Numerals? We got the first and last letters correct but not the 'middle bits'. It would
be interesting to know what, if anything our answer created!!
Our break for supper was most welcomed to rest our brains and have a chat. The food as ever was
very good.
We did not need to be told the final scores, we knew we had lost. If only … if only we had gone for
the 'either' and not the 'or' we would not have been last!
Congratulations go to 'The Fraud Squad' from Sherwood U3A who won by 2 points' although
Pauline says only 4 points separated the top 4 teams.
Lots of people helped make this a successful evening: Pauline and Ian, Janet, Sue and Linda for
the food and me of course, Winifred and Len for setting tables, Jean and Elizabeth, our raffle ladies,
Terry for slicing sausage rolls and everyone who helped clear up but most of all thanks to everyone
who came. See you all next year.
Karen Troop Photos on the website...
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PS: A Wet Nellie is a pudding; how could you not know this Janet? (Pauline tells me there were
some funny answers but no one got the correct one!)
PPS: We may have lost but we knew how to spell DIARRHOEA!
Key to Meetings details:
THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the
day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V)
indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals.
So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with
Variable finish times.
The main Mansfield and District U3Ameetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (exceptAugust
and December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10 am - 12.30 pm.
All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any
interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list.
Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact
Antiques &
Tu 2, 10 - 12 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Pat Blackwell
01623 481745
Next Meetings: April 8th – Visit to Helmswell Antiques Centre. £7.50
Art We3, 10 - 12 M Big Barn Lane
Methodist Church,
Linda Spray
01623 795176
Next Meetings: March 19th – Any Animal; April 16th
Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Pauline Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meeting: April 7th – Religious Art; May 5th – No Meeting (Bank Holiday)
Beginners' Bridge
(With Ashfield U3A)
Mo, Various
6.30 - 9.00
Enviro Centre,
Derby Rd College,
Maxine Rose/Glenis
01623 459081/627735
Next Meetings: March 17th; April 7th; May 12th; June 2nd & 16th
(Also Acol sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Thurs 10 - 12.30 W)
Bowls Tu, 2.30 - 4.00 W Lammas Sports
Centre, Sutton
Don Wright
01623 628946
Next Meetings: Last Indoor Sessions on Tues 25th and Thurs 27th March
Outdoor Sessions begin on Thursday May 1st. See web page for full details.
Caravan & M'home
Various Various Terry Lammas
01623 471963
Next Meetings: June 1st to 29th – France. See web page for more details.
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Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Doreen Storer
01623 407731
Next Meeting: April 21st; May 20th; June 17th; No Meetings in July and August.
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact
Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre,
Norma Shillinglaw
01623 466934
Next Meetings: April 8th; May 13th; June 10th; May 8th
Digital World Fri 2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00
Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Albert St
David Ling
01623 822994
Next Meetings: 14th & 28th March; 11th & 25thApril
Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre,
Max Clarke
01623 621744
Next Meetings: March 25th – Heirlooms and Photographs; April 22nd – Interesting Ancestors
Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: 2nd April; May 7th; June 4th
Garden Visits During the Summer Various Janet Whitlam
01623 635607
Next Visits: June 12th – RHS Harlow Carr. Check at desk for details.
Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre,
Avril McGee
01623 452688
Next Meetings: April 1st – AVision of Roses with Stuart Dixon; May 3rd – Lilies and Chillies
Heartstart Check Day below
1.00 - 3.00
William Kaye Hall,
Ladybrook Lane
Linda Leivers
01623 471963
Next Meetings: Monday March 24th. More dates later
(Home & Abroad)
Various TBA Margaret Burlinson
01623 632538
Next holidays: June 23rd - 27th – Warner's, Hayling Island*; Sept 18th - 25th – Portugal;
Tues Dec 3rd - Thurs 5th – Thursford Xmas Spectacular; 2015: Mon Feb 2nd - Fri 6th – Thoresby
Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street
Methodist Church
Bob & Sue Longden
01623 486903
Next Meetings: April 4th – 200 Years of Dissent in Mansfield with John O'Neill; May 2nd – Visit to
Temple Newsam. Cost £15; June 6th – Early Non-Conformists, Why Mansfield? With Rev. D. Smith
Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu,
12.00 - 2.00 M
Various David Ling
01623 822994
Next Meetings: March 20th – Woodborough Hall; April 17th – The Earl of Chesterfield at Shelford;
Movement to Music
W 10.30 - 11.30 W St Peter's Church Hall Linda Leivers
01623 471963
Next Meetings: Weekly on Wednesdays
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact
Music Groups
Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart
01623 620940
Next Meetings: March 24th – Mozart with Mike; April 28th – Schubert with Marie
Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott
01623 631160
Next Meeting: March 24th; April tba
Popular Music
Appreciation *
Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School,
Peter Haynes
01623 610886
Next Meetings: March 25th; April 22nd; May 27th
Pudding Club * Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meetings: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's from March 2014
Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson
01623 882191
Next Meetings: March 20th; April 17th; May15th
Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton
01623 557488
Next Meetings: March 18th; April 15th; May 20th
Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M
(NB Change)
Stanton Hill Baptist
Church, Skegby
Ian Boucher
01623 644798
Next Meetings: April 1st – Volcanoes with Peter; May 6th – Renewable Energy Discussion
Scrabble * Mo2, 2.00 - 4 .00 M Brenda Thurkettle's
Brenda Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: TBA
Singing for Fun Thur, 6.30 – 8.30 Methodist Church,
Chesterfield Road
June Fell
01623 623547
Next Meeting: Thurs March 20th; Thurs April 3rd & 17th. Fortnightly until further notice. The
church is just up from QE Academy on the other side of the road. Plenty of parking on side road.
Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre,
Cliff Laycock
01623 481985
Next Meetings: Weekly from Monday Jan 6th
Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley
01623 453908
Next Meetings: Wed 16th April – Cats; Sun 27th April – Monty Don; Thurs 8th May – Paul
Hollywood; Thurs 29th May – Sister Act. (See Web page for venue, time, cost and future trips)
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Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact
Walking Groups
(all-day, 6 - 8 miles)
Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V
Tesco car park, off
Oak Tree Lane
Peter Thurkettle
01623 628136
Next Meetings: Thurs. April 3rd – Chatsworth; Mon. 21st April – Hope / Edale End; Thurs May 1st
– Farnsfield; Mon 19th May – Everton Mattersey; Thurs 5th June – Cromford
(short & gentle)
V Lunchtimes Various Sylvia Slack
01623 633981
Next Meeting: Thurs. March 27th – Mansfield Manor Hotel (3pm for tea); Wed. April 23rd –
Rumbles Café, Sutton Lawn (1pm)
(a leisurely 2 miles)
We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey /
Marion Thornton
01623 628357 /
01623 651528
Next Meetings: April 9th – Cresswell Crags; May 14th – Rufford Abbey; June 11th – Sherwood
(an easy 4 - 5 miles)
We4, 10.30 – V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe
01623 645400
Next Meetings: March 26th – Mansfield Woodhouse to Pleasley Vale; April 23rd – Teversal
Bluebell Woods
Wine Appreciation 2* We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen
01623 653345
Next Meetings: March 19th – Cotes du Rhone with Norma; April 16th – Ron's Own Choice Whites
Wine Appreciation 3* Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin
01623 473662
Next Meetings: March 25th – Sauternes & Barsac with Barrie and Lynne; April 22nd – Thai Wines
with Colin
Writing for Pleasure * Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre,
Bridge Street,
Sue Ford / Hilary
Miller 01623
844286 / 620067
Next Meetings: April 14th; May 12th; June 9th; July 14th
Book table
SALE of books in February raised £43.00 exactly. For the information of new members all the
money raised from this enterprise goes towards keeping YOUR subs down.
By sheer coincidence, the gentleman who drives the British Heart Foundation van lives quite near to
us. He calls and picks up those books which have been on sale for more than 3 months the
morning after our monthly meeting, a mutually convenient arrangement. Anyone wanting to do the
same one month for their ‘own’ charity please get in contact. And if you would like to help behind the
counter, come along any month and let one of the ‘regulars’ look at the notice boards some time.
Lilian Whitehead
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Groups News
Local History
THE LOCAL HISTORY Group was treated to a very
informative and interesting talk by Andy Gaunt of Mercian
Archaeology Services on the 'Sherwood Forest
Archaeology Project' on 7th February.
The project combines community archaeology, research
and outreach work enabling people from all backgrounds
to become involved in the history of Sherwood Forest, its
landscape and people. Mercian Archaeology Services
have led community excavations at King John's Palace,
Kings Clipstone and Thynghowe, the local Viking historic
The Group are this year holding a members meeting concerning the First World War as it is one
hundred years this year since it began. We are hoping to bring a local flavour to remembering
family, friends, events that happened that year 1914. Sherwood Forest was a very important site for
the training of soldiers who were going to fight for 'King and Country'. In fact the camp saw
thousands of soldiers pass through and on their return at the end of the War were demobbed there
in 1918/1919. So we are as a group remembering the tragic events of the time with local memories.
As we keep finding out, Mansfield is an interesting town for people, inventions, industry and
religious zealots, many of which we will be discussing in the near future, along with days out to
compliment the meetings. At this time the group has in excess of fifty members so we are asking
any members of the U3A who would like to join please let Sue or I know your details and as soon as
we have a vacancy we will let you know.
Our next meeting has Ian Boucher treating us to a talk on Mansfield Drinks! Ian has given talks
before and are always good! Don't miss it Local History!
Bob & Sue Longden
Garden Visits
HODSOCK PRIORY – 24th February
Even though the day was grey, a U3A group met that day.
We boarded a bus to go for a drive.
Then to a beautiful place we did arrive.
Hodsock Priory was our destination.
Their carpets of snowdrops filled us with admiration.
We saw bright yellow winter aconites.
And burgundy, green, pink and white.
Morning coffee with a bicky we enjoyed.
Then a tour round the garden with a guide.
Next to a posh marque we went to dine.
Afterwards, to the woods where the sun did shine.
There were of course plants to buy.
If I said we did not indulge it would be a lie.
Yet another super U3A day.
To Janet and Karen our thanks we say.
Sheila Whalley More pictures on the website...
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HARLOW CARR – 12th June
Our next visit will be to these lovely RHS gardens near Harrogate. I have booked a guided tour of
the gardens to give us the insight and history of the development of these gardens and Janet has
booked the coach. For this year, the RHS, has given reduced prices to groups belonging to the U3A
so we have got a bargain for us all to enjoy.
See Janet at the March meeting and she will give you all the details when you sign up.
Karen and Janet
OUR SUBJECT on the February session was
'a pair of boots'; smart ladies' boots, rough & rugged ones,
walking, gardening, etc. Quite a varied collection.
There were 13 members who, I am sure all enjoyed this
particular session, once we had decided how the boots
were to be displayed.
Our next meeting will be on 19th March, the subject
matter will be an animal.
If you want to give art a go (talented or not) please come along and join us, as you will be made
very welcome.
Linda Spray
Luncheon Club
OUR FIRST visit to The Maypole at Wellow, in February, won't be our last, judging by members'
feedback and the number of repeat visits I know they're planning. Pictures on the
Our next lunch, on March 20th, will be at Woodborough Hall, near Calverton, where Alan Miller
has arranged a visit to one of the most beautiful country estate hotels in Nottinghamshire. The
varied menu Alan has chosen will be priced at just £13.50 for 2 courses and £16.50 for 3, including
canapé pre-starters, coffee/tea and petits fours. (Lovers of bread and butter pudding will be looking-
forward to comparing their butterscotch variation with the Maypole's white chocolate and
marmalade one!)
Then, on 17th April, Sheila Whalley has arranged for us to try The Chesterfield Arms near
Gunthorpe, which is gaining fame as one of the first community-run pubs in the county after
villagers resisted the brewer's closure plans. The simple and attractive menu is priced at just £9 for
two courses and £11.50 for three.
Please pre-book for these at the Lunch Club table or by email to
David Ling
OUR indoor bowls season at the Lammas Centre ends on Tuesday 25th March and Thursday 27th
The Bowls Group then moves outdoors to the Mansfield Bowling Club, Chesterfield Road,
Mansfield. Commencing Thursday 1st May 1.30pm.
New members are welcome; come along and have a go, coaching and equipment is available, but
bowling shoes must be worn.
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The official opening of the Green for the 2014 outdoor season takes place on Tuesday 15th April
6.15 pm. Members of U3A Bowls Group (including any U3A member interested in having a go at
outdoor bowling) are invited to come along and join in the activities. Free buffet! If you require any
further information please contact me.
Don Wright Tel: 01623 628946.
The Marching Boot
TRUDGE, TRUDGE, TRUDGE, how much longer, how much further will we have to go?
The noisy banter and camaraderie has ceased, and the singing and whistling gradually died away.
I’m being dragged along and this poor devil can hardly lift his feet, just like all the rest. I’m sticking to
the sole of his foot and my sole is surely wearing out. My sides are splitting, my laces are shredding
and the leather waterlogged from all the mud, but he’s trying with all his might to stay in the rhythm
of the march, along with the rest of them.
The smoke and the smell of gas is sometimes overpowering, and the cries and the call of men
breaks the silence that overwhelms the night, that eerie quiet that seems unreal and heightens the
senses to wait for the unexpected.
Many other boots and shoes are all around, hanging on like me, plodding and dragging along the
road, some are lying unwanted or not now needed, protruding from legs that are wounded and
dying. There are those that have already reached the end.
Maybe that’ll be me soon if he hasn’t any strength left, or perhaps we’ll make it back to a clean,
bright world full of hope and peace. I’ll have new laces and new soles, and maybe even shine like
newly-polished glass once more.
Hilary Miller
England is poetry
England. Gentle undulating hills.
Wild heather-covered moorlands.
Serene, shimmering lakes.
And surging, silvery seas.
England. Celebrated cathedral cities.
Peaceful pastoral pathways.
Flower-filled meadows.
Fertile, fruitful orchards.
England. Gardens gloriously arrayed.
Pansies; poppies; roses.
And rugged rambling rockeries.
Of campions and sea pinks.
Overhanging the ocean.
England. Homely harbours, pristine, painted boats and wheeling white gulls.
Cornfields of gold, pastures of green, sheep and cows contentedly grazing.
Children playing by village streams and quaint old bridges of rough-hewn stone.
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Mansfield U3A Newsletter - March 2014

  • 1. Mansfield and District U3A Newsletter Quiz Night: Page 4 _____________________________ Established 1999 HMRC Charity Registration No.: XT30525 March 2014 Website: Noticeboard: Page 1 of 12
  • 2. Welcome from your chairman GOOD MORNING everyone. Another few days and we will be putting our clocks forward for Springtime. According to my diary the Vernal Equinox is on Thursday, 20 March, when Spring begins; of course we always put our clocks forward on a Saturday evening. So, what have we got to look forward to today. Our Speaker is David Templeman, who will be telling us about 'Arbella – The Queen that never was'. She was the granddaughter of Bess of Hardwick and niece to Mary, Queen of Scots, so this should keep us well engrossed for an hour! Many of us, if not all, will have visited Hardwick Hall, as a National Trust member or otherwise, which was totally revamped not long ago. On a visit to Buxton recently it was interesting to see the replica of Mary, Queen of Scots’ writings on the windows of the Old Hall Hotel, which she scratched with her rings. She was kept under guard there by Elizabeth and not allowed to have visitors or speak to anyone. Well worth a visit! The Quiz Night on 22 February was, as usual, a big success and was won by a team called 'The Fraud Squad'. I had to ask myself about the name though! Pauline and Ian foxed many of us with their rare questions and kept over 90 people thinking all evening. A “thank you” goes particularly to the Social Committee who gave their time prior to the evening in making platters for each team. If there are new members who have not experienced this occasion in the social calendar, do try and make it next year – I can guarantee you will have an enjoyable evening. Now the big one – 'The Crystal Ball' on 20 May. If you have not already bought your tickets, these are still on sale – it promises to be a 'super' evening for all and not to be missed. The Social Committee have worked hard to organise this for our “Fifteenth Anniversary Year” and final details will continue to be put in place up to the actual evening. We are also honoured to have Barbara Lewis, the National Chairman from the Third Age Trust, and her husband, Stewart, staying for the Ball. She will also be our speaker that day, giving a talk entitled 'The U3A and Me and The U3A and You'. On a different note, I was very interested recently to read the meaning of the word 'volunteer', which many of us are, or have been, within the U3A. It arrived in England in the early 17th Century via the French word 'voluntaire', which was specifically applied to those offering themselves for military service. However, the meaning was soon extended to non-military contexts too. Winston Churchill said “We make a living by what we do, but we make a life by what we give!” The old adage “As one sows, so shall one reap!”. Lastly, for all the ladies, don’t forget Mothers’ Day on 30 March 2014, be it chocolates, flowers, meals out or the odd massage and facial. Enjoy! Glenis Carr ______________________________________________________________________________ In this issue Page 2 Welcome. Page 3 Social Events (Coffee Morning &Anniversary Ball). Holiday Updates (Start). Page 4 Holiday Updates (End) Recent Events (Quiz Evening). Page 5 - 8 Interest Groups meetings diary. Page 8 Book Table. Page 9 Groups News (Local History & Garden Visits – Hodsock Priory). Page 10 Groups News (Garden Visits – Harlow Carr, Art, Luncheon Club & Bowls). Page 11 Members' Contribution (The Marching Boot). England is Poetry. Page 12 Dates for your diary & Notices. Page 2 of 12
  • 3. SOCIAL EVENTS COFFEE MORNING: 9th May at The Towers on Botany Avenue, 10.00 - 12.00. Tickets on sale now; £2 each, including a hot drink and biscuit. This is an opportunity to meet everyone, have a chat and a drink, a flutter on the tombola, buy a cake and plant and try your luck on the raffle. Tombola donations are coming in well but we still need lots more so do have a look around and hand them over to members of the Social Committee asap please. (Bring your plant and cake donations on the morning; we start to set up from 9.30.) CRYSTAL CELEBRATION BALL: 20th May at the John Fretwell Centre, from 7pm. Tickets on sale now; £20, including food and an entertainer. This is our 15th year of Mansfield and District U3A so we all decided to have a bit of a 'do'. Tickets are £20 each and we like to think the entertainer is 'age appropriate'. (Can I say this? I don’t know but he is a very good singer!) We have chosen THE PREMIER BUFFET which sounds and looks fabulous. I will also be visiting other local U3A’s who began with our help as we thought it would be great if they could join us so that we can all celebrate together. Smart dress for this evening, please. Tickets are going well but are still available from me. See you soon. Karen Troop – 01623 633404, Check for updates on the website. ______________________________________________________________________________ Holiday updates ANNUAL MANSFIELD U3A HOLIDAY AT WARNERS THORESBY HALL. (Mon. 2nd. to Fri. 6th Feb. 2015). £208pp sharing, £248 single, inc. 4 nights bed, breakfast and evening meal. Plenty of daytime and evening entertainment provided (from 10am to past midnight if you want it.) This holiday is open to U3A members of any branch and friends of members are welcome too. There are a very limited number of single rooms so if you want one you must be prepared to go into a draw which will take place at the end of March. If you are unsuccessful your deposit cheque will be destroyed. Upgrades are available but again, numbers are limited. I am closing the booking at the end of March; anyone wanting to come who has not paid a deposit by then goes on the waiting list. I have to firm up numbers with Warners and pay the deposit by the first week in April. I can be contacted by email on or by phone on 01623 626991. Terry Whitehead, 37 Skegby Lane, Mansfield, Notts NG19 6QS LONDON MUSICAL, Pajama Game (10th - 11th June) Balances need to be paid no later than the April meeting. Because cheques will not be cashed until 17th April you can pay today if you so wish. I forgot to add the driver's gratuity to the original price so I am using the money from the free place & also deducting 50p from your balances, now £160 (singles), £125 for theatre goers & £115 for the rest. Cheques to Mansfield & District U3A. Page 3 of 12
  • 4. LAKESIDE HOLIDAY VILLAGE, Hayling Island (23rd - 27th June.) Balances of £273, £283 or £293 according to upgrades, must be paid by the March meeting. (Cheques to Mansfield & District U3A.) Before I hand over your packs with itineraries, coach plan, maps & luggage labels, I will need to know how many wish to take advantage of the group booking to the various sightseeing venues. The combined price for 15+ people is approx £25. This includes a trip round the harbour, Spinnaker Tower, the Victory, the Mary Rose & Museum & the Warrior. Please come and sign up if you wish to take up this offer. If you intend to do your own thing & want to visit single attractions, book at least 10 days before arrival & you will also get a discount. I can give you a contact number. THE ALGARVE, PORTUGAL (18th - 25th Sept.) Next month I shall be giving out sheets for you to fill in your passport details, which is compulsory whenever there is a flight involved. Please read the instructions carefully since there will be money to pay should they need to amend any of your details once they have been submitted. I will also announce the final balance amount in April. It will be in the region of £850 for singles and £760 for twins & doubles. These must be paid in May but I am hoping that, if numbers can be maintained, I will use a free place to cover the driver's gratuity and deduct some more from the above amount, so don't write your cheques out yet! Margaret Burlinson – 01623 632538, Updates about all holidays are on the website... ________________________________________________________________________________________ Recent Events Annual Quiz Evening THE SANDWICHES were made, grapes counted, platters of cakes arranged, tables set, team names chosen and we were off. We were 'The Top Table'; our numbers were down because of illnesses but we were eager, not necessarily to win but to have a good time and this we certainly did. Well done Pauline for testing our minds, making us laugh and shaking our heads in disbelief when we heard some of the answers. After all how can we be expected, at our ages to know the price of a prescription? And what is a Wet Nellie? 1984 in Roman Numerals? We got the first and last letters correct but not the 'middle bits'. It would be interesting to know what, if anything our answer created!! Our break for supper was most welcomed to rest our brains and have a chat. The food as ever was very good. We did not need to be told the final scores, we knew we had lost. If only … if only we had gone for the 'either' and not the 'or' we would not have been last! Congratulations go to 'The Fraud Squad' from Sherwood U3A who won by 2 points' although Pauline says only 4 points separated the top 4 teams. Lots of people helped make this a successful evening: Pauline and Ian, Janet, Sue and Linda for the food and me of course, Winifred and Len for setting tables, Jean and Elizabeth, our raffle ladies, Terry for slicing sausage rolls and everyone who helped clear up but most of all thanks to everyone who came. See you all next year. Karen Troop Photos on the website... Page 4 of 12
  • 5. PS: A Wet Nellie is a pudding; how could you not know this Janet? (Pauline tells me there were some funny answers but no one got the correct one!) PPS: We may have lost but we knew how to spell DIARRHOEA! Key to Meetings details: THIS TABLE SHOWS THE DAY of the month, time and frequency using the first two letters of the day, followed by numbers 1 - 5 to represent the week number. The final letter M (or F, W or V) indicates that the group meets monthly, fortnightly, weekly or at variable intervals. So 'Tu2, 2.30 - V M' would mean a group meeting on the 2nd Tuesday at 2.30pm Monthly but with Variable finish times. The main Mansfield and District U3Ameetings are on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (exceptAugust and December) at the Oakham Suite, 155 Nottingham Road, Mansfield from 10 am - 12.30 pm. All members are invited to contact the relevant Group Leader if they would like to participate in any interest group or attend an event. NB: * indicates a waiting list. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Places Leader/Contact Antiques & Collectables Tu 2, 10 - 12 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Pat Blackwell 01623 481745 Next Meetings: April 8th – Visit to Helmswell Antiques Centre. £7.50 Art We3, 10 - 12 M Big Barn Lane Methodist Church, Mansfield Linda Spray 01623 795176 Next Meetings: March 19th – Any Animal; April 16th Art Appreciation Mo1, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Pauline Boucher 01623 644798 Next Meeting: April 7th – Religious Art; May 5th – No Meeting (Bank Holiday) Beginners' Bridge (With Ashfield U3A) Mo, Various 6.30 - 9.00 Enviro Centre, Derby Rd College, Mansfield Maxine Rose/Glenis Carr 01623 459081/627735 Next Meetings: March 17th; April 7th; May 12th; June 2nd & 16th (Also Acol sessions at the Mechanics Institute – Thurs 10 - 12.30 W) Bowls Tu, 2.30 - 4.00 W Lammas Sports Centre, Sutton Don Wright 01623 628946 Next Meetings: Last Indoor Sessions on Tues 25th and Thurs 27th March Outdoor Sessions begin on Thursday May 1st. See web page for full details. Caravan & M'home Rally Various Various Terry Lammas 01623 471963 Next Meetings: June 1st to 29th – France. See web page for more details. Page 5 of 12
  • 6. Chat and Stitch Mo3, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Doreen Storer 01623 407731 Next Meeting: April 21st; May 20th; June 17th; No Meetings in July and August. Page 6 of 12
  • 7. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact Current Affairs Tu2, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Norma Shillinglaw 01623 466934 Next Meetings: April 8th; May 13th; June 10th; May 8th Digital World Fri 2 & 4, 2.00 - 4.00 2/M Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Albert St Skegby David Ling 01623 822994 Next Meetings: 14th & 28th March; 11th & 25thApril Family History Tu4, 10.00 - 12.00 M St John's Centre, Mansfield Max Clarke 01623 621744 Next Meetings: March 25th – Heirlooms and Photographs; April 22nd – Interesting Ancestors Film Studies * We1, 1.30 - V M Joy's home Joy Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: 2nd April; May 7th; June 4th Garden Visits During the Summer Various Janet Whitlam 01623 635607 Next Visits: June 12th – RHS Harlow Carr. Check at desk for details. Gardening Tu1, 10.00 - 12.00 M St Peter's Centre, Mansfield Avril McGee 01623 452688 Next Meetings: April 1st – AVision of Roses with Stuart Dixon; May 3rd – Lilies and Chillies Heartstart Check Day below 1.00 - 3.00 William Kaye Hall, Ladybrook Lane Linda Leivers 01623 471963 Next Meetings: Monday March 24th. More dates later Holidays (Home & Abroad) Various TBA Margaret Burlinson 01623 632538 Next holidays: June 23rd - 27th – Warner's, Hayling Island*; Sept 18th - 25th – Portugal; Tues Dec 3rd - Thurs 5th – Thursford Xmas Spectacular; 2015: Mon Feb 2nd - Fri 6th – Thoresby Local History Fri1, 10.00 - 12.00 M Bridge Street Methodist Church Bob & Sue Longden 01623 486903 Next Meetings: April 4th – 200 Years of Dissent in Mansfield with John O'Neill; May 2nd – Visit to Temple Newsam. Cost £15; June 6th – Early Non-Conformists, Why Mansfield? With Rev. D. Smith Luncheon Club Th after 3rd Tu, 12.00 - 2.00 M Various David Ling 01623 822994 Next Meetings: March 20th – Woodborough Hall; April 17th – The Earl of Chesterfield at Shelford; Movement to Music (New) W 10.30 - 11.30 W St Peter's Church Hall Linda Leivers 01623 471963 Next Meetings: Weekly on Wednesdays Page 7 of 12
  • 8. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact Music Groups Classical Music 2 Mo4, 2.00 - 4.00 M Members' homes Peter Hart 01623 620940 Next Meetings: March 24th – Mozart with Mike; April 28th – Schubert with Marie Music 2 * Mo4, 2.00 - 4.30 M Members' homes Eric Prescott 01623 631160 Next Meeting: March 24th; April tba Popular Music Appreciation * Tu4, 2.00 - 4.00 M St John's School, Mansfield Peter Haynes 01623 610886 Next Meetings: March 25th; April 22nd; May 27th Pudding Club * Tu1, 4.00 - 6.00 M Members' homes Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meetings: Alternately at Sylvia's and Janet's from March 2014 Reading 1 Th3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Peter Dawson's home Peter Dawson 01623 882191 Next Meetings: March 20th; April 17th; May15th Reading 2 Tu3, 2.00 - 4.00 M Ravenshead Library Joan Hufton 01623 557488 Next Meetings: March 18th; April 15th; May 20th Science & Technical Tu1, 2.00 - 4.00 M (NB Change) Stanton Hill Baptist Church, Skegby Ian Boucher 01623 644798 Next Meetings: April 1st – Volcanoes with Peter; May 6th – Renewable Energy Discussion Scrabble * Mo2, 2.00 - 4 .00 M Brenda Thurkettle's home Brenda Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: TBA Singing for Fun Thur, 6.30 – 8.30 Methodist Church, Chesterfield Road June Fell 01623 623547 Next Meeting: Thurs March 20th; Thurs April 3rd & 17th. Fortnightly until further notice. The church is just up from QE Academy on the other side of the road. Plenty of parking on side road. Tai Chi Mo, 9.30 - 10.30 W St John's Centre, Mansfield Cliff Laycock 01623 481985 Next Meetings: Weekly from Monday Jan 6th Theatre Visits Various Various Sheila Whalley 01623 453908 Next Meetings: Wed 16th April – Cats; Sun 27th April – Monty Don; Thurs 8th May – Paul Hollywood; Thurs 29th May – Sister Act. (See Web page for venue, time, cost and future trips) Page 8 of 12
  • 9. Interest Group Meetings Meeting Place Leader/Contact Walking Groups Hikers (all-day, 6 - 8 miles) Th1 & Mo3, 9.30 - V 2/M Tesco car park, off Oak Tree Lane Peter Thurkettle 01623 628136 Next Meetings: Thurs. April 3rd – Chatsworth; Mon. 21st April – Hope / Edale End; Thurs May 1st – Farnsfield; Mon 19th May – Everton Mattersey; Thurs 5th June – Cromford Shufflers (short & gentle) V Lunchtimes Various Sylvia Slack 01623 633981 Next Meeting: Thurs. March 27th – Mansfield Manor Hotel (3pm for tea); Wed. April 23rd – Rumbles Café, Sutton Lawn (1pm) Strollers (a leisurely 2 miles) We2, 10.30 - V M Various Barbara Massey / Marion Thornton 01623 628357 / 01623 651528 Next Meetings: April 9th – Cresswell Crags; May 14th – Rufford Abbey; June 11th – Sherwood Pines Walkers (an easy 4 - 5 miles) We4, 10.30 – V M Various Joy & Nick Crowe 01623 645400 Next Meetings: March 26th – Mansfield Woodhouse to Pleasley Vale; April 23rd – Teversal Bluebell Woods Wine Appreciation 2* We3, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Mike Allen 01623 653345 Next Meetings: March 19th – Cotes du Rhone with Norma; April 16th – Ron's Own Choice Whites Wine Appreciation 3* Tu4, 7.30 - V M Members' homes Graham Allin 01623 473662 Next Meetings: March 25th – Sauternes & Barsac with Barrie and Lynne; April 22nd – Thai Wines with Colin Writing for Pleasure * Mo2, 2.00 - 4.00 M Stanhope Centre, Bridge Street, Mansfield Sue Ford / Hilary Miller 01623 844286 / 620067 Next Meetings: April 14th; May 12th; June 9th; July 14th Book table SALE of books in February raised £43.00 exactly. For the information of new members all the money raised from this enterprise goes towards keeping YOUR subs down. By sheer coincidence, the gentleman who drives the British Heart Foundation van lives quite near to us. He calls and picks up those books which have been on sale for more than 3 months the morning after our monthly meeting, a mutually convenient arrangement. Anyone wanting to do the same one month for their ‘own’ charity please get in contact. And if you would like to help behind the counter, come along any month and let one of the ‘regulars’ look at the notice boards some time. Lilian Whitehead Page 9 of 12
  • 10. Groups News Local History THE LOCAL HISTORY Group was treated to a very informative and interesting talk by Andy Gaunt of Mercian Archaeology Services on the 'Sherwood Forest Archaeology Project' on 7th February. The project combines community archaeology, research and outreach work enabling people from all backgrounds to become involved in the history of Sherwood Forest, its landscape and people. Mercian Archaeology Services have led community excavations at King John's Palace, Kings Clipstone and Thynghowe, the local Viking historic site. The Group are this year holding a members meeting concerning the First World War as it is one hundred years this year since it began. We are hoping to bring a local flavour to remembering family, friends, events that happened that year 1914. Sherwood Forest was a very important site for the training of soldiers who were going to fight for 'King and Country'. In fact the camp saw thousands of soldiers pass through and on their return at the end of the War were demobbed there in 1918/1919. So we are as a group remembering the tragic events of the time with local memories. As we keep finding out, Mansfield is an interesting town for people, inventions, industry and religious zealots, many of which we will be discussing in the near future, along with days out to compliment the meetings. At this time the group has in excess of fifty members so we are asking any members of the U3A who would like to join please let Sue or I know your details and as soon as we have a vacancy we will let you know. Our next meeting has Ian Boucher treating us to a talk on Mansfield Drinks! Ian has given talks before and are always good! Don't miss it Local History! Bob & Sue Longden Garden Visits HODSOCK PRIORY – 24th February Even though the day was grey, a U3A group met that day. We boarded a bus to go for a drive. Then to a beautiful place we did arrive. Hodsock Priory was our destination. Their carpets of snowdrops filled us with admiration. We saw bright yellow winter aconites. And burgundy, green, pink and white. Morning coffee with a bicky we enjoyed. Then a tour round the garden with a guide. Next to a posh marque we went to dine. Afterwards, to the woods where the sun did shine. There were of course plants to buy. If I said we did not indulge it would be a lie. Yet another super U3A day. To Janet and Karen our thanks we say. Sheila Whalley More pictures on the website... Page 10 of 12
  • 11. HARLOW CARR – 12th June Our next visit will be to these lovely RHS gardens near Harrogate. I have booked a guided tour of the gardens to give us the insight and history of the development of these gardens and Janet has booked the coach. For this year, the RHS, has given reduced prices to groups belonging to the U3A so we have got a bargain for us all to enjoy. See Janet at the March meeting and she will give you all the details when you sign up. Karen and Janet Art OUR SUBJECT on the February session was 'a pair of boots'; smart ladies' boots, rough & rugged ones, walking, gardening, etc. Quite a varied collection. There were 13 members who, I am sure all enjoyed this particular session, once we had decided how the boots were to be displayed. Our next meeting will be on 19th March, the subject matter will be an animal. If you want to give art a go (talented or not) please come along and join us, as you will be made very welcome. Linda Spray Luncheon Club OUR FIRST visit to The Maypole at Wellow, in February, won't be our last, judging by members' feedback and the number of repeat visits I know they're planning. Pictures on the website... Our next lunch, on March 20th, will be at Woodborough Hall, near Calverton, where Alan Miller has arranged a visit to one of the most beautiful country estate hotels in Nottinghamshire. The varied menu Alan has chosen will be priced at just £13.50 for 2 courses and £16.50 for 3, including canapé pre-starters, coffee/tea and petits fours. (Lovers of bread and butter pudding will be looking- forward to comparing their butterscotch variation with the Maypole's white chocolate and marmalade one!) Then, on 17th April, Sheila Whalley has arranged for us to try The Chesterfield Arms near Gunthorpe, which is gaining fame as one of the first community-run pubs in the county after villagers resisted the brewer's closure plans. The simple and attractive menu is priced at just £9 for two courses and £11.50 for three. Please pre-book for these at the Lunch Club table or by email to David Ling Bowls OUR indoor bowls season at the Lammas Centre ends on Tuesday 25th March and Thursday 27th March. The Bowls Group then moves outdoors to the Mansfield Bowling Club, Chesterfield Road, Mansfield. Commencing Thursday 1st May 1.30pm. New members are welcome; come along and have a go, coaching and equipment is available, but bowling shoes must be worn. Page 11 of 12
  • 12. The official opening of the Green for the 2014 outdoor season takes place on Tuesday 15th April 6.15 pm. Members of U3A Bowls Group (including any U3A member interested in having a go at outdoor bowling) are invited to come along and join in the activities. Free buffet! If you require any further information please contact me. Don Wright Tel: 01623 628946. ______________________________________________________________________________ The Marching Boot TRUDGE, TRUDGE, TRUDGE, how much longer, how much further will we have to go? The noisy banter and camaraderie has ceased, and the singing and whistling gradually died away. I’m being dragged along and this poor devil can hardly lift his feet, just like all the rest. I’m sticking to the sole of his foot and my sole is surely wearing out. My sides are splitting, my laces are shredding and the leather waterlogged from all the mud, but he’s trying with all his might to stay in the rhythm of the march, along with the rest of them. The smoke and the smell of gas is sometimes overpowering, and the cries and the call of men breaks the silence that overwhelms the night, that eerie quiet that seems unreal and heightens the senses to wait for the unexpected. Many other boots and shoes are all around, hanging on like me, plodding and dragging along the road, some are lying unwanted or not now needed, protruding from legs that are wounded and dying. There are those that have already reached the end. Maybe that’ll be me soon if he hasn’t any strength left, or perhaps we’ll make it back to a clean, bright world full of hope and peace. I’ll have new laces and new soles, and maybe even shine like newly-polished glass once more. Hilary Miller ______________________________________________________________________________ England is poetry England. Gentle undulating hills. Wild heather-covered moorlands. Serene, shimmering lakes. And surging, silvery seas. England. Celebrated cathedral cities. Peaceful pastoral pathways. Flower-filled meadows. Fertile, fruitful orchards. England. Gardens gloriously arrayed. Pansies; poppies; roses. And rugged rambling rockeries. Of campions and sea pinks. Overhanging the ocean. England. Homely harbours, pristine, painted boats and wheeling white gulls. Cornfields of gold, pastures of green, sheep and cows contentedly grazing. Children playing by village streams and quaint old bridges of rough-hewn stone. Page 12 of 12