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Managing Print as a Strategic
Asset for Your Organization
How MPS and Nuance Software Can Drive Productivity Gains
and Improve Business Processes
“Historically, print has basically been viewed as a necessary
but unmeasured expense: a critical business function but
not necessarily an integral business process.”
White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
2© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
About The Author..............................................................................................................................3
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................3
MPS...In the Beginning .....................................................................................................................4
Current State of the MPS Market.......................................................................................................4
Productivity Impact ...........................................................................................................................6
The True MPS Value Proposition........................................................................................................7
Printing is Not Always Bad.................................................................................................................7
Nuance and MPS..............................................................................................................................8
Nuance MPS Software Solutions.......................................................................................................8
Nuance: The Preferred MPS Partner ...............................................................................................10
This report was designed to help businesses of all sizes understand the ongoing transition to managed
print services (MPS), and to evaluate the potential benefits and long-term advantages of outsourcing
print requirements. The report looks closely at how MPS is currently deployed, and how a singular
focus on reducing cost per page will lead to inefficiencies in an overall document workflow strategy.
Further, the report describes how utilizing the proper MPS software can help drive printing costs down
but also create a more productive and efficient business environment.
This report, produced by Palmer Consulting, was commissioned by Nuance and is based on a
combination of research activities, specifically:
	 • A review of historic market trends and ongoing activities in the areas of office document printing
and managed print services
	 • Personal interviews with office equipment manufacturers, major vendors, indirect channel partners,
and service providers
	 • Analysis of the office printing market based on current conditions, competitive intelligence, and
historic insight
| MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
3© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Robert Palmer is an independent market analyst and industry consultant. With more than 20 years
of experience in the printing industry, he has covered technology and business for prominent market
research firms such as Lyra Research and InfoTrends. He was managing editor for the Hard Copy
Observer for six years and more recently served as director of office document services for Photizo
Executive Summary
As business expenses continue to rise, companies of all sizes remain focused on three key areas:
reducing costs, streamlining operational efficiencies, and strengthening the bottom line. Nowhere
is this more evident than in the area of office document printing. Historically, print was viewed as a
necessary but unmeasured business expense—a critical business function but not necessarily an
integral business process.
That changed as more companies look for ways to optimize their print environment and take cost
out of the system. This increased focus on the cost of print has helped fuel the transition to managed
print services (MPS). With MPS, businesses can simply turn the entire process of office printing—from
equipment acquisition to ongoing management and supplies fulfillment—over to a third-party service
provider. In turn, the MPS provider promises to reduce the customer’s overall printing costs and
in many cases provide ongoing optimization of the printing fleet along with other document-based
business processes.
It is clear, however, that MPS should not be deployed in the same way for every business customer.
Indeed, to be effective managed print engagements must be tailored to meet the specific needs
of businesses depending upon a number of variables, including company size, document output
requirements, business processes, and document workflow. It is also best to understand that reducing
printing costs, while very important, should not be the only goal in any managed print engagement.
It is quite possible to reduce printing costs while causing significant disruption to overall productivity
and process efficiency. This is particularly true today as many businesses are deep in the midst of
transitioning their operations from traditional paper-based workflows to a more digital, and increasingly
mobile environment.
Managed and implemented properly, MPS streamlines office document strategy—driving printing
costs down while creating a more effective and productive business environment. As such, MPS goals
should not only focus on reducing printing costs, but also on driving competitiveness and, ultimately,
profitability. There are two key elements to achieving this balanced approach: understanding first how
information is captured, consumed, shared, and distributed within the organization, and then utilizing
technology and software to create a cohesive document output strategy driven by organizational
goals and business processes.
This is a radically different approach compared with today’s typical MPS engagement. Instead
of focusing first on understanding the makeup of the printing fleet, the company should work
closely with its MPS provider to first optimize business processes and document workflow
in order to manage print as a strategic asset and not just as another cost center. In other
words, create the most effective business process and workflow environment for your
company, and let that dictate your document output needs, instead of the other way around.
White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
4© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
MPS…In the Beginning
Several market forces have fostered the ongoing adoption of managed print services—but the
economic downturn could certainly be identified as the strongest contributing factor. As the economy
slowed down, belts tightened and IT budget constraints caused businesses to look for any and all
ways to reduce operational costs. Not that long ago, businesses had little control over the printing
fleet, and even less knowledge as to the ongoing costs for document output, so printing was a natural
place to look for ways to shave office expenses. What became apparent fairly quickly was that there
was significant over capacity and underutilization of office printing equipment in the market.
Meanwhile, traditional printer and copier markets were rapidly converging. These markets have
historically been driven by two distinctly different business models: printers and supplies were typically
acquired outright on an as-needed basis, while copiers and office MFPs were leased under a click-
based, service contract. But as printer companies began to introduce more fully functional A4-size
MFPs, the lines between the two markets blurred and products became commoditized. Businesses
with a mix of device types and multiple brands struggled to manage their fleets effectively and a new
type of outsourced, service-based model emerged. As a result, MPS was born—fueled primarily by
large companies partnering directly with OEM equipment providers to streamline their office output
So what exactly is managed print services? There are probably as many different answers to that
question as there are companies who claim to provide MPS capabilities. The Managed Print Services
Association (MPSA), an independent trade association made up of members encompassing all facets
of the document imaging market, defines managed print services in the following way:
No matter how you define it, the fact is that MPS is no longer just about managing hardcopy output
devices. Indeed, MPS has evolved to include the ongoing optimization of the printing environment and
further improvements to complementary business processes.
Current State of the MPS Market
As the traditional printing market has matured, hardware sales and print volumes have steadily declined.
Businesses that compete in this industry are actively looking to transform—shifting from products
to services to help stem the loss of revenue and profits from shrinking supplies sales. Equipment
vendors and channel partners alike are looking to MPS as the growth engine that will help sustain the
printing business, and virtually every equipment vendor now has some form of managed print services
offering, some of which are more extensive than others.
Figure 1: MPS Definition
“Managed print services is the active management and optimization
of document output devices and related business processes.”
The Managed Print Services Association
| MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
5© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Most agree that MPS engagements fall into three broad tiers, which have increasing scope and
strategic value to the organization. There may be slight differences in the number of stages or tiers,
and perhaps some alternative views on what constitutes each, but the general premise is the same.
Of course, the deployment of MPS varies depending upon the provider and upon the customer’s
needs. Still, the MPS tiers described above represent a fairly well accepted approach to the market
today. It is also important to note that these tiers tend to be viewed as a means to migrate customers
further up the MPS adoption curve. In other words, the most recognized strategy today is to engage
a customer at a Tier 1 level for basic fleet management services, before moving them further up
the value chain to eventually providing process improvements or other non-print-related managed
MPS has grown significantly over the past few years. According to independent market research
firm IDC; global revenues from MPS reached $11.03 billion in 2011, with hardware (printer and
MFP) vendors accounting for 73% of the total, while the channel (dealers/resellers and professional
service providers) accounted for 27%. Most market research firms, including IDC, predict double-digit
compound annual growth for MPS over the next five years. Vendors look to capitalize on the growth
of MPS but they do so by leveraging the “reduced cost” value proposition to take market share from
their competitors. In many ways, the entry-level market for MPS evolved to become a “land grab”
Figure 2: MPS Engagement Tiers
Tier 1: Assessment of the Print Environment
• 	Initial assessment, conducted pre sale that focuses on installed hardware and
print volumes from installed hardware in order to establish a baseline for MPS
contract terms
• 	Ongoing assessment of print activity, including user behavior, and performance
analysis against MPS contract objectives as the print environment evolves
Tier 2: Optimization of the Print Environment
• 	Focuses on putting the right devices in place, and actively managing the printing
fleet on an ongoing basis
• 	Addresses strategic questions such as centralized versus distributed printing,
printing versus scanning, mobile access to printing, etc
Tier 3: Process Improvement
• 	Focuses on leveraging the print environment to improve business processes,
often by adding complimentary functions–paper and electronic document capture
and workflow–to the core print -management capabilities
White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
6© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
strategy with vendors and other providers utilizing MPS as a way to steal pages from their competitors
by offering to manage the customer’s fleet at reduced costs. Once the MPS contract is in place, the
intent is to convert existing installed machines to a different device type and/or brand over time.
Productivity Impact
As popularity and penetration for MPS continues to grow, office equipment providers and their
channel partners push MPS to small- and medium-size businesses (SMBs). However, for many of
these providers the value proposition remains unchanged with the focus on reducing overall cost-per-
page, often with little regard to the impact on productivity. The dangers with this developing trend are
twofold. First, many businesses looking for immediate cost savings from MPS may not see the kind of
results they desire simply because their current printing costs are fairly low relative to other business
expenses. A 20-30% reduction in printing costs for some businesses might provide very little impact
to the bottom line.
Second, those customers who choose to implement MPS without first considering their overall
document workflow strategy stand to lose more in productivity than could be gained by reducing print
costs, regardless of the size of the organization. Outdated or inefficient business processes could
be costing companies much more in wasted effort and lost worker productivity than could ever be
recovered by making output less expensive to produce. In fact, an MPS strategy with a singular focus
on driving output costs lower could lead to further inefficiencies in overall document workflow.
For example, one way that MPS providers can reduce printing costs is through the implementation
of rules-based printing procedures. These policies can range from administrator-controlled access to
output devices or features, to mandatory restrictions and printing limitations. Implemented properly
and as part of an integrated document workflow strategy, rules-based printing procedures can be an
effective means for optimizing business processes and controlling output costs.
On the other hand, if these policies are strictly enforced with no thought given to the impact on
workflow they can cause significant disruption to worker productivity. In some cases, employees will
actually waste significant time and effort simply to avoid certain restrictive print policies in order to do
their job effectively. An effective MPS program should leverage intelligent software to encourage better
print behavior, rather than simply mandate it as a cost-savings utility. The result is a better working
environment, and a workforce that is equipped with the information needed to make proper decisions
regarding output costs versus alternative document-based processes.
The commoditization of MPS has lessened the value of print as well as the value of MPS itself.
Managed print services offer significant benefits that extend well beyond reducing the cost-per-page
for printers or MFPs. The real advantages lie in leveraging a managed print engagement to improve
business processes and create a more streamlined office document strategy—from capture, to
storage, distribution, and output. For many businesses, the cost of printing is inconsequential relative
to the process efficiencies that could be achieved with an optimized document strategy.
| MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
7© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
The True MPS Value Proposition
There is a real and immediate need for MPS customers and providers alike to move beyond the issue
of cost-per-page and focus on end user needs. It is no secret that business processes today are
undergoing significant change. The factors influencing that change can be attributed to many forces,
but the single factor causing the most disruption is the recent changes in information technologies.
Advancements in digital display technologies and cloud-based infrastructure are driving new ways of
creating, sharing, collaborating, storing, and distributing business information.
This disruptive process is being fueled by the adoption of mobile devices and by the ongoing and
rapid progression occurring in the Internet ecosystem. Proliferation of cloud-based computing and
services have created a globally connected, virtual computing environment where software is basically
decoupled from hardware—allowing individuals to maintain constant connection with all of their
business data, information, and resources. Individuals can now work from anywhere and at any time
of the day or night, basically with unlimited access to the data needed to conduct their everyday
These changes in business process must be factored into any ongoing print-related strategy, whether it
is outsourced through an MPS engagement or otherwise. For example, businesses today have access
to a wealth of information that is used both for internal correspondence and for documents that move
outside the organization. Typically, multiple individuals are responsible for creating this content using a
variety of different software applications, all of which have unique file structure and formatting issues.
Dealing with incompatible file formats and consolidating content into a single document structure
either for viewing or printing can be a daunting task. An MPS strategy designed to “optimize printing”
should certainly take these kinds of issues into account.
Printing is Not Always Bad
Unfortunately, many MPS providers and software vendors today have fostered a “printing is bad”
mentality: with an over emphasis on promoting “print less” strategies, and cost per page and page
volume reductions without first understanding how these changes might impact business productivity.
There are strong environmental and cost-savings benefits from printing fewer pages, and those should
not be understated. Nevertheless, printing less with no regard as to how that might impact business
process and worker productivity is simply not the best approach.
The fact is, printing remains a vital business function. The need for printing is certainly changing, and
businesses need to understand how their printing needs are evolving—but those strategies should
drive the document output environment as opposed to the other way around. Often, printing might
be the most viable option if the data were in the proper format. Similarly, electronic format may not
always be the best solution for a paper-based workflow that does not easily migrate to digital. Any
MPS strategy should ultimately help customers and their employees make better decisions about
which vehicle for sharing and storing information is the most appropriate given the information source
and the business objective. Once again, focusing solely on the cost savings of print could lead to
inefficiencies that might prove difficult to recover.
White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
8© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Nuance and MPS
The real value-add from any managed print service engagement comes from addressing fundamental
problems with office documents—including page volume, security vulnerabilities, compliance risks,
and inefficient document workflows that lead to lower worker productivity. In order for organizations to
derive value from any of the three MPS tiers described above, software is an essential component of
MPS. Only the proper software can provide insight into how users interact with their printing resources,
and give businesses and their MPS providers the ability to influence end user printing-related behavior.
Nuance is one of the industry’s leading providers of MPS software. The firm’s software is available
not only as standalone tools but is also embedded in many of the prominent office MFPs from the
leading equipment vendors on the market today. Based both on revenue and geographic footprint,
the Nuance MPS software suite of tools position the firm as the leading independent provider of MPS
Nuance software solutions help businesses achieve strategic objectives within their document
management and workflow environments, such as reducing print-related costs; ensuring compliance
with regulations; providing anytime/anywhere access to information; and streamlining and automating
document workflows. These are the key areas in which businesses today must focus in order to deal
with the ongoing changes in business processes and the shift to mobility. Nuance MPS software
solutions fall into three primary categories:
	 • Office print management
	 • Office capture and workflow
	 • Office document conversion and workflow
Because Nuance software is platform independent, it can be integrated seamlessly into complex
environments with mixed brands and device types. In short, Nuance software enables customers
and MPS providers to deploy best-of-breed print infrastructure solutions aimed at driving worker
Nuance MPS Software Solutions
Print management: perhaps the most important element of any MPS engagement. It sits at the core
of the service provider’s relationship with the customer because ongoing management of the device
fleet is typically how service level agreements (SLAs) are initially identified in the early stages of an MPS
contract. There are many facets to print management, and Nuance Equitrac Office, Nuance Equitrac
Express and Safecom software solutions deliver on all of the prime elements that are most essential to
creating an effective and efficient document workflow strategy. Some of the features of these software
programs include:
	 • Only print what you need, when you need it, and where you need it. Equitrac and Safecom turn
the MFP into an engine for eliminating nonessential printing.
	 • Follow-You Printing makes network printing convenient and secure, and reduces waste of time
and materials by streamlining faulty network printing workflows, e.g., printers offline due to jams,
supply outages, mechanical problems, etc…, and by eliminating banner pages and abandoned
print jobs.
| MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
9© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
	 • Secure document release allows users to hold print jobs at the device until released with a secure
PIN. This feature, enabled at the MFP ensures compliance with regulations and policies; keeps
documents secure; and eliminates the need for more costly, single-function personal printers.
	 • Rules-based printing to encourage responsible print habits that eliminate waste, including the
unnecessary or limited use of color, single-sided or duplex printing, etc.
	 • Tracking and reporting of print, copy, and scan traffic enables optimization of the total fleet of
hardware devices.
	 • Robust audit data and reports enable the development of charge-back models for document
workflows, and better measurement of time to complete business processes.
Capture  Workflow: Scanning remains one of the most important elements of any document
workflow strategy. The digitization of hardcopy content and converting paper-based workflow to
electronic workflow remains a challenge for businesses of all sizes. Nuance eCopy software solutions
speed access to information currently trapped in paper. More importantly, these solutions have the
intelligence to scan directly to the desired system, and in the format the customer needs. Key benefits
of these software solutions include:
	 • Eliminates unnecessary photocopying, which perpetuates the “trapped in paper” problem.
Scanning is a more efficient, less expensive alternative to photocopying hardcopy documents.
	 • MFP-based scanning makes the benefits of scanning accessible to everyone with access to the
device, as opposed to individual users.
	 • Shared use of networked scanners is more efficient and less costly compared with personal
single-function scanners.
	 • Creating scanned, searchable files eliminates labor-intensive processes, such as searching
hardcopy documents for information manually. According to a study by Gartner, the average office
worker spends 20% of their time searching for information1
	 • Office MFPs can be programmed so that a simple button touch can automate scanning workflows
such as conversion, filing, routing, distribution, data capture, etc.
	 • Granular data regarding document capture helps prove cost reduction and compliance in an MPS
Office Document Conversion and Workflow: part of the continued process of digitizing documents,
Nuance’s eCopy PDF Pro Office / PDF Converter software helps keep office documents digital,
replacing paper with full conversion and sharing of documents in the most popular formats. Benefits
of Nuance’s document conversion software include:
	 • Document conversion at the desktop and MFP provides the ability to take documents from any
format, to the formats the customer needs for sharing.
	 • Keeping digital files digital eliminates manual re-keying of information. According to a recent IDC
study, 25% of printed digital original documents are re-keyed into computers2
	 • Users who face incompatible file formats don’t have to resort to printing hard copy as a “universal
format” for assembling into a single document.
	 • Document-handling tools streamline work with electronic files. For example, selecting pages
from multiple documents and perhaps in multiple formats, then consolidating them to a single
document for printing.
White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
10© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
Nuance: The Preferred MPS Partner
For Businesses Considering MPS
For businesses looking to deploy a managed print solution, Nuance is uniquely positioned to deliver
on the “true” value proposition of MPS. The firm has helped companies around the world create
an effective document workflow strategy aimed at driving user productivity and enhancing process
efficiencies. In addition, Nuance software solutions address all of the core elements of any MPS
engagement, from assessment, to optimization, and process improvement for the output and capture
of paper and electronic documents.
Businesses need to understand that print savings, while important, should only be viewed as a single
component of MPS and not the primary target. An effective managed print services engagement
should not only reduce printing costs, but should drive cost savings in other areas such as fewer
break/fix interventions, reduced IT and help desk calls, improvements in document workflow and
business processes, and reduced environmental impact. By looking beyond the benefits of device
consolidation and print volumes, Nuance MPS software turns print environments into a source of
longer-lasting business advantage through gains in user productivity, business-process efficiency, and
document security.
Document security remains a primary concern for all businesses today as compliance issues continue
to evolve. Nuance MPS software provides tracking, reporting, and audits on document workflows
that can help minimize the risks of noncompliance with laws or regulations. Finally, Nuance is an
independent provider with strong relationships to all the major MFP vendors. As a result, Nuance is
uniquely qualified to help with heterogeneous (mixed-fleet) MPS deployments.
For OEMs, Channel Partners, and Service Providers
Basic fleet management services, or MPS engagements that focus only on assessment services
and reducing consumables, are at risk of becoming commoditized. The opportunities to continue
to grow market share by simply “grabbing” devices and converting them to a different brand are
diminishing. Meanwhile, the ability to differentiate services is limited. As revenue from click-charge
(or CPC) contracts continues to erode, the opportunity to replace that source of income lies in value-
added services through document workflow optimization and process improvement.
Nuance software enables MPS providers to go beyond cost savings to help customers turn printing
resources into a source of productivity improvement—a strategic business asset. Instead of lamenting
the need for print, Nuance partners can help customers identify where and when printing is the most
viable alternative business solution. As a result, providers can strengthen their customer relationships
to become indispensable partners. Driving value and profits for their customer translates to repeatable,
long-term business that is not easily replaced by competitors.
Even if customers prefer a traditional lease-based arrangement, Nuance partners can still deliver many
of the benefits of MPS by selling hardware with embedded Nuance software. Additionally, Nuance is a
single software provider that can manage all print-related devices through a common interface, which
Gartner, “Document Management: Assessing Costs  Benefits,” 2000.
IDC Insights, “An Easy and Often Missed Opportunity for CIOs – MPS,” Angele Boyd, April 3, 2012.
| MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page
11© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
helps to simplify the MPS solutions for MFP customers. Lastly, Nuance is a global company with a
global footprint, which means that service providers can more easily offer ongoing support for global
MPS engagements.
With managed print services expanding beyond large organizations into small- and medium-size
businesses, it has become increasingly important to drive value in MPS by focusing beyond cost
savings. MPS providers must understand that driving down CPP rates by reducing hardware and
lowering print volumes is only a short-term benefit to a long-term problem. Businesses are faced with
many challenges today: the increasing costs of doing business, security and compliance concerns,
doing more work with fewer people, and the transition to mobility and mobile document workflows,
just to name a few.
The MPS model provides a unique opportunity for businesses and service providers alike. The best
approach is to leverage the MPS relationship to first optimize the one element that sits at the heart of
all the transitional challenges: document workflow. Today, most MPS engagements are driven by the
desire to reduce costs. Any ongoing optimization of the fleet or further business process improvement
is almost an afterthought.
Nuance believes that the most effective MPS engagements begin with creating an optimized approach
to document workflow. This helps simplify the process of “right sizing” the printing fleet, drives worker
productivity, and leads to a more effective and efficient overall document strategy. As the business
world continues to move to mobile technologies, this becomes even more important. MPS providers
should focus on ways to bridge the gap between the paper and digital worlds. As owners of the
printed document, our industry should be leading the charge in the transition from paper to digital and
from paper-based workflow to mobile workflow.
All of these issues require a partner with long-term experience and expertise in business process,
document management and tracking, print management, and document workflow. Nuance is already
the leading software provider in the MPS space, with both embedded and standalone solutions
focused in each of these areas. As a result, Nuance is in the best position to help MPS providers take
the next step in managed print services and to meet the real requirements of today’s MPS customer.
Copyright © 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, the Nuance logo,
eCopy, PaperPort, and ShareScan are trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates
in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

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Managing Print as a Strategic Asset for Your Organization

  • 1. WHITE PAPER Managing Print as a Strategic Asset for Your Organization How MPS and Nuance Software Can Drive Productivity Gains and Improve Business Processes “Historically, print has basically been viewed as a necessary but unmeasured expense: a critical business function but not necessarily an integral business process.”
  • 2. White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 2© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................2 Methodology.....................................................................................................................................2 About The Author..............................................................................................................................3 Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................3 MPS...In the Beginning .....................................................................................................................4 Current State of the MPS Market.......................................................................................................4 Productivity Impact ...........................................................................................................................6 The True MPS Value Proposition........................................................................................................7 Printing is Not Always Bad.................................................................................................................7 Nuance and MPS..............................................................................................................................8 Nuance MPS Software Solutions.......................................................................................................8 Nuance: The Preferred MPS Partner ...............................................................................................10 Summary.........................................................................................................................................11 Introduction This report was designed to help businesses of all sizes understand the ongoing transition to managed print services (MPS), and to evaluate the potential benefits and long-term advantages of outsourcing print requirements. The report looks closely at how MPS is currently deployed, and how a singular focus on reducing cost per page will lead to inefficiencies in an overall document workflow strategy. Further, the report describes how utilizing the proper MPS software can help drive printing costs down but also create a more productive and efficient business environment. Methodology This report, produced by Palmer Consulting, was commissioned by Nuance and is based on a combination of research activities, specifically: • A review of historic market trends and ongoing activities in the areas of office document printing and managed print services • Personal interviews with office equipment manufacturers, major vendors, indirect channel partners, and service providers • Analysis of the office printing market based on current conditions, competitive intelligence, and historic insight
  • 3. | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 3© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. About the Author Robert Palmer is an independent market analyst and industry consultant. With more than 20 years of experience in the printing industry, he has covered technology and business for prominent market research firms such as Lyra Research and InfoTrends. He was managing editor for the Hard Copy Observer for six years and more recently served as director of office document services for Photizo Group. Executive Summary As business expenses continue to rise, companies of all sizes remain focused on three key areas: reducing costs, streamlining operational efficiencies, and strengthening the bottom line. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of office document printing. Historically, print was viewed as a necessary but unmeasured business expense—a critical business function but not necessarily an integral business process. That changed as more companies look for ways to optimize their print environment and take cost out of the system. This increased focus on the cost of print has helped fuel the transition to managed print services (MPS). With MPS, businesses can simply turn the entire process of office printing—from equipment acquisition to ongoing management and supplies fulfillment—over to a third-party service provider. In turn, the MPS provider promises to reduce the customer’s overall printing costs and in many cases provide ongoing optimization of the printing fleet along with other document-based business processes. It is clear, however, that MPS should not be deployed in the same way for every business customer. Indeed, to be effective managed print engagements must be tailored to meet the specific needs of businesses depending upon a number of variables, including company size, document output requirements, business processes, and document workflow. It is also best to understand that reducing printing costs, while very important, should not be the only goal in any managed print engagement. It is quite possible to reduce printing costs while causing significant disruption to overall productivity and process efficiency. This is particularly true today as many businesses are deep in the midst of transitioning their operations from traditional paper-based workflows to a more digital, and increasingly mobile environment. Managed and implemented properly, MPS streamlines office document strategy—driving printing costs down while creating a more effective and productive business environment. As such, MPS goals should not only focus on reducing printing costs, but also on driving competitiveness and, ultimately, profitability. There are two key elements to achieving this balanced approach: understanding first how information is captured, consumed, shared, and distributed within the organization, and then utilizing technology and software to create a cohesive document output strategy driven by organizational goals and business processes. This is a radically different approach compared with today’s typical MPS engagement. Instead of focusing first on understanding the makeup of the printing fleet, the company should work closely with its MPS provider to first optimize business processes and document workflow in order to manage print as a strategic asset and not just as another cost center. In other words, create the most effective business process and workflow environment for your company, and let that dictate your document output needs, instead of the other way around.
  • 4. White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 4© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. MPS…In the Beginning Several market forces have fostered the ongoing adoption of managed print services—but the economic downturn could certainly be identified as the strongest contributing factor. As the economy slowed down, belts tightened and IT budget constraints caused businesses to look for any and all ways to reduce operational costs. Not that long ago, businesses had little control over the printing fleet, and even less knowledge as to the ongoing costs for document output, so printing was a natural place to look for ways to shave office expenses. What became apparent fairly quickly was that there was significant over capacity and underutilization of office printing equipment in the market. Meanwhile, traditional printer and copier markets were rapidly converging. These markets have historically been driven by two distinctly different business models: printers and supplies were typically acquired outright on an as-needed basis, while copiers and office MFPs were leased under a click- based, service contract. But as printer companies began to introduce more fully functional A4-size MFPs, the lines between the two markets blurred and products became commoditized. Businesses with a mix of device types and multiple brands struggled to manage their fleets effectively and a new type of outsourced, service-based model emerged. As a result, MPS was born—fueled primarily by large companies partnering directly with OEM equipment providers to streamline their office output needs. So what exactly is managed print services? There are probably as many different answers to that question as there are companies who claim to provide MPS capabilities. The Managed Print Services Association (MPSA), an independent trade association made up of members encompassing all facets of the document imaging market, defines managed print services in the following way: No matter how you define it, the fact is that MPS is no longer just about managing hardcopy output devices. Indeed, MPS has evolved to include the ongoing optimization of the printing environment and further improvements to complementary business processes. Current State of the MPS Market As the traditional printing market has matured, hardware sales and print volumes have steadily declined. Businesses that compete in this industry are actively looking to transform—shifting from products to services to help stem the loss of revenue and profits from shrinking supplies sales. Equipment vendors and channel partners alike are looking to MPS as the growth engine that will help sustain the printing business, and virtually every equipment vendor now has some form of managed print services offering, some of which are more extensive than others. Figure 1: MPS Definition “Managed print services is the active management and optimization of document output devices and related business processes.” The Managed Print Services Association
  • 5. | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 5© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Most agree that MPS engagements fall into three broad tiers, which have increasing scope and strategic value to the organization. There may be slight differences in the number of stages or tiers, and perhaps some alternative views on what constitutes each, but the general premise is the same. Of course, the deployment of MPS varies depending upon the provider and upon the customer’s needs. Still, the MPS tiers described above represent a fairly well accepted approach to the market today. It is also important to note that these tiers tend to be viewed as a means to migrate customers further up the MPS adoption curve. In other words, the most recognized strategy today is to engage a customer at a Tier 1 level for basic fleet management services, before moving them further up the value chain to eventually providing process improvements or other non-print-related managed services. MPS has grown significantly over the past few years. According to independent market research firm IDC; global revenues from MPS reached $11.03 billion in 2011, with hardware (printer and MFP) vendors accounting for 73% of the total, while the channel (dealers/resellers and professional service providers) accounted for 27%. Most market research firms, including IDC, predict double-digit compound annual growth for MPS over the next five years. Vendors look to capitalize on the growth of MPS but they do so by leveraging the “reduced cost” value proposition to take market share from their competitors. In many ways, the entry-level market for MPS evolved to become a “land grab” Figure 2: MPS Engagement Tiers $2(![9!K%%2%%72/!':!02!B($/!Y/3$('/72/ Tier 1: Assessment of the Print Environment • Initial assessment, conducted pre sale that focuses on installed hardware and print volumes from installed hardware in order to establish a baseline for MPS contract terms • Ongoing assessment of print activity, including user behavior, and performance analysis against MPS contract objectives as the print environment evolves $2(![9!K%%2%%72/!':!02!B($/!Y/3$('/72/ Tier 2: Optimization of the Print Environment • Focuses on putting the right devices in place, and actively managing the printing fleet on an ongoing basis • Addresses strategic questions such as centralized versus distributed printing, printing versus scanning, mobile access to printing, etc Tier 3: Process Improvement • Focuses on leveraging the print environment to improve business processes, often by adding complimentary functions–paper and electronic document capture and workflow–to the core print -management capabilities
  • 6. White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 6© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. strategy with vendors and other providers utilizing MPS as a way to steal pages from their competitors by offering to manage the customer’s fleet at reduced costs. Once the MPS contract is in place, the intent is to convert existing installed machines to a different device type and/or brand over time. Productivity Impact As popularity and penetration for MPS continues to grow, office equipment providers and their channel partners push MPS to small- and medium-size businesses (SMBs). However, for many of these providers the value proposition remains unchanged with the focus on reducing overall cost-per- page, often with little regard to the impact on productivity. The dangers with this developing trend are twofold. First, many businesses looking for immediate cost savings from MPS may not see the kind of results they desire simply because their current printing costs are fairly low relative to other business expenses. A 20-30% reduction in printing costs for some businesses might provide very little impact to the bottom line. Second, those customers who choose to implement MPS without first considering their overall document workflow strategy stand to lose more in productivity than could be gained by reducing print costs, regardless of the size of the organization. Outdated or inefficient business processes could be costing companies much more in wasted effort and lost worker productivity than could ever be recovered by making output less expensive to produce. In fact, an MPS strategy with a singular focus on driving output costs lower could lead to further inefficiencies in overall document workflow. For example, one way that MPS providers can reduce printing costs is through the implementation of rules-based printing procedures. These policies can range from administrator-controlled access to output devices or features, to mandatory restrictions and printing limitations. Implemented properly and as part of an integrated document workflow strategy, rules-based printing procedures can be an effective means for optimizing business processes and controlling output costs. On the other hand, if these policies are strictly enforced with no thought given to the impact on workflow they can cause significant disruption to worker productivity. In some cases, employees will actually waste significant time and effort simply to avoid certain restrictive print policies in order to do their job effectively. An effective MPS program should leverage intelligent software to encourage better print behavior, rather than simply mandate it as a cost-savings utility. The result is a better working environment, and a workforce that is equipped with the information needed to make proper decisions regarding output costs versus alternative document-based processes. The commoditization of MPS has lessened the value of print as well as the value of MPS itself. Managed print services offer significant benefits that extend well beyond reducing the cost-per-page for printers or MFPs. The real advantages lie in leveraging a managed print engagement to improve business processes and create a more streamlined office document strategy—from capture, to storage, distribution, and output. For many businesses, the cost of printing is inconsequential relative to the process efficiencies that could be achieved with an optimized document strategy.
  • 7. | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 7© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. The True MPS Value Proposition There is a real and immediate need for MPS customers and providers alike to move beyond the issue of cost-per-page and focus on end user needs. It is no secret that business processes today are undergoing significant change. The factors influencing that change can be attributed to many forces, but the single factor causing the most disruption is the recent changes in information technologies. Advancements in digital display technologies and cloud-based infrastructure are driving new ways of creating, sharing, collaborating, storing, and distributing business information. This disruptive process is being fueled by the adoption of mobile devices and by the ongoing and rapid progression occurring in the Internet ecosystem. Proliferation of cloud-based computing and services have created a globally connected, virtual computing environment where software is basically decoupled from hardware—allowing individuals to maintain constant connection with all of their business data, information, and resources. Individuals can now work from anywhere and at any time of the day or night, basically with unlimited access to the data needed to conduct their everyday business. These changes in business process must be factored into any ongoing print-related strategy, whether it is outsourced through an MPS engagement or otherwise. For example, businesses today have access to a wealth of information that is used both for internal correspondence and for documents that move outside the organization. Typically, multiple individuals are responsible for creating this content using a variety of different software applications, all of which have unique file structure and formatting issues. Dealing with incompatible file formats and consolidating content into a single document structure either for viewing or printing can be a daunting task. An MPS strategy designed to “optimize printing” should certainly take these kinds of issues into account. Printing is Not Always Bad Unfortunately, many MPS providers and software vendors today have fostered a “printing is bad” mentality: with an over emphasis on promoting “print less” strategies, and cost per page and page volume reductions without first understanding how these changes might impact business productivity. There are strong environmental and cost-savings benefits from printing fewer pages, and those should not be understated. Nevertheless, printing less with no regard as to how that might impact business process and worker productivity is simply not the best approach. The fact is, printing remains a vital business function. The need for printing is certainly changing, and businesses need to understand how their printing needs are evolving—but those strategies should drive the document output environment as opposed to the other way around. Often, printing might be the most viable option if the data were in the proper format. Similarly, electronic format may not always be the best solution for a paper-based workflow that does not easily migrate to digital. Any MPS strategy should ultimately help customers and their employees make better decisions about which vehicle for sharing and storing information is the most appropriate given the information source and the business objective. Once again, focusing solely on the cost savings of print could lead to inefficiencies that might prove difficult to recover.
  • 8. White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 8© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance and MPS The real value-add from any managed print service engagement comes from addressing fundamental problems with office documents—including page volume, security vulnerabilities, compliance risks, and inefficient document workflows that lead to lower worker productivity. In order for organizations to derive value from any of the three MPS tiers described above, software is an essential component of MPS. Only the proper software can provide insight into how users interact with their printing resources, and give businesses and their MPS providers the ability to influence end user printing-related behavior. Nuance is one of the industry’s leading providers of MPS software. The firm’s software is available not only as standalone tools but is also embedded in many of the prominent office MFPs from the leading equipment vendors on the market today. Based both on revenue and geographic footprint, the Nuance MPS software suite of tools position the firm as the leading independent provider of MPS software. Nuance software solutions help businesses achieve strategic objectives within their document management and workflow environments, such as reducing print-related costs; ensuring compliance with regulations; providing anytime/anywhere access to information; and streamlining and automating document workflows. These are the key areas in which businesses today must focus in order to deal with the ongoing changes in business processes and the shift to mobility. Nuance MPS software solutions fall into three primary categories: • Office print management • Office capture and workflow • Office document conversion and workflow Because Nuance software is platform independent, it can be integrated seamlessly into complex environments with mixed brands and device types. In short, Nuance software enables customers and MPS providers to deploy best-of-breed print infrastructure solutions aimed at driving worker productivity.. Nuance MPS Software Solutions Print management: perhaps the most important element of any MPS engagement. It sits at the core of the service provider’s relationship with the customer because ongoing management of the device fleet is typically how service level agreements (SLAs) are initially identified in the early stages of an MPS contract. There are many facets to print management, and Nuance Equitrac Office, Nuance Equitrac Express and Safecom software solutions deliver on all of the prime elements that are most essential to creating an effective and efficient document workflow strategy. Some of the features of these software programs include: • Only print what you need, when you need it, and where you need it. Equitrac and Safecom turn the MFP into an engine for eliminating nonessential printing. • Follow-You Printing makes network printing convenient and secure, and reduces waste of time and materials by streamlining faulty network printing workflows, e.g., printers offline due to jams, supply outages, mechanical problems, etc…, and by eliminating banner pages and abandoned print jobs.
  • 9. | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 9© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. • Secure document release allows users to hold print jobs at the device until released with a secure PIN. This feature, enabled at the MFP ensures compliance with regulations and policies; keeps documents secure; and eliminates the need for more costly, single-function personal printers. • Rules-based printing to encourage responsible print habits that eliminate waste, including the unnecessary or limited use of color, single-sided or duplex printing, etc. • Tracking and reporting of print, copy, and scan traffic enables optimization of the total fleet of hardware devices. • Robust audit data and reports enable the development of charge-back models for document workflows, and better measurement of time to complete business processes. Capture Workflow: Scanning remains one of the most important elements of any document workflow strategy. The digitization of hardcopy content and converting paper-based workflow to electronic workflow remains a challenge for businesses of all sizes. Nuance eCopy software solutions speed access to information currently trapped in paper. More importantly, these solutions have the intelligence to scan directly to the desired system, and in the format the customer needs. Key benefits of these software solutions include: • Eliminates unnecessary photocopying, which perpetuates the “trapped in paper” problem. Scanning is a more efficient, less expensive alternative to photocopying hardcopy documents. • MFP-based scanning makes the benefits of scanning accessible to everyone with access to the device, as opposed to individual users. • Shared use of networked scanners is more efficient and less costly compared with personal single-function scanners. • Creating scanned, searchable files eliminates labor-intensive processes, such as searching hardcopy documents for information manually. According to a study by Gartner, the average office worker spends 20% of their time searching for information1 . • Office MFPs can be programmed so that a simple button touch can automate scanning workflows such as conversion, filing, routing, distribution, data capture, etc. • Granular data regarding document capture helps prove cost reduction and compliance in an MPS deployment. Office Document Conversion and Workflow: part of the continued process of digitizing documents, Nuance’s eCopy PDF Pro Office / PDF Converter software helps keep office documents digital, replacing paper with full conversion and sharing of documents in the most popular formats. Benefits of Nuance’s document conversion software include: • Document conversion at the desktop and MFP provides the ability to take documents from any format, to the formats the customer needs for sharing. • Keeping digital files digital eliminates manual re-keying of information. According to a recent IDC study, 25% of printed digital original documents are re-keyed into computers2 . • Users who face incompatible file formats don’t have to resort to printing hard copy as a “universal format” for assembling into a single document. • Document-handling tools streamline work with electronic files. For example, selecting pages from multiple documents and perhaps in multiple formats, then consolidating them to a single document for printing.
  • 10. White Paper | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 10© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance: The Preferred MPS Partner For Businesses Considering MPS For businesses looking to deploy a managed print solution, Nuance is uniquely positioned to deliver on the “true” value proposition of MPS. The firm has helped companies around the world create an effective document workflow strategy aimed at driving user productivity and enhancing process efficiencies. In addition, Nuance software solutions address all of the core elements of any MPS engagement, from assessment, to optimization, and process improvement for the output and capture of paper and electronic documents. Businesses need to understand that print savings, while important, should only be viewed as a single component of MPS and not the primary target. An effective managed print services engagement should not only reduce printing costs, but should drive cost savings in other areas such as fewer break/fix interventions, reduced IT and help desk calls, improvements in document workflow and business processes, and reduced environmental impact. By looking beyond the benefits of device consolidation and print volumes, Nuance MPS software turns print environments into a source of longer-lasting business advantage through gains in user productivity, business-process efficiency, and document security. Document security remains a primary concern for all businesses today as compliance issues continue to evolve. Nuance MPS software provides tracking, reporting, and audits on document workflows that can help minimize the risks of noncompliance with laws or regulations. Finally, Nuance is an independent provider with strong relationships to all the major MFP vendors. As a result, Nuance is uniquely qualified to help with heterogeneous (mixed-fleet) MPS deployments. For OEMs, Channel Partners, and Service Providers Basic fleet management services, or MPS engagements that focus only on assessment services and reducing consumables, are at risk of becoming commoditized. The opportunities to continue to grow market share by simply “grabbing” devices and converting them to a different brand are diminishing. Meanwhile, the ability to differentiate services is limited. As revenue from click-charge (or CPC) contracts continues to erode, the opportunity to replace that source of income lies in value- added services through document workflow optimization and process improvement. Nuance software enables MPS providers to go beyond cost savings to help customers turn printing resources into a source of productivity improvement—a strategic business asset. Instead of lamenting the need for print, Nuance partners can help customers identify where and when printing is the most viable alternative business solution. As a result, providers can strengthen their customer relationships to become indispensable partners. Driving value and profits for their customer translates to repeatable, long-term business that is not easily replaced by competitors. Even if customers prefer a traditional lease-based arrangement, Nuance partners can still deliver many of the benefits of MPS by selling hardware with embedded Nuance software. Additionally, Nuance is a single software provider that can manage all print-related devices through a common interface, which 1 Gartner, “Document Management: Assessing Costs Benefits,” 2000. 2 IDC Insights, “An Easy and Often Missed Opportunity for CIOs – MPS,” Angele Boyd, April 3, 2012.
  • 11. | MPS and The Opportunities Beyond Cost Per Page 11© 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. helps to simplify the MPS solutions for MFP customers. Lastly, Nuance is a global company with a global footprint, which means that service providers can more easily offer ongoing support for global MPS engagements. Summary With managed print services expanding beyond large organizations into small- and medium-size businesses, it has become increasingly important to drive value in MPS by focusing beyond cost savings. MPS providers must understand that driving down CPP rates by reducing hardware and lowering print volumes is only a short-term benefit to a long-term problem. Businesses are faced with many challenges today: the increasing costs of doing business, security and compliance concerns, doing more work with fewer people, and the transition to mobility and mobile document workflows, just to name a few. The MPS model provides a unique opportunity for businesses and service providers alike. The best approach is to leverage the MPS relationship to first optimize the one element that sits at the heart of all the transitional challenges: document workflow. Today, most MPS engagements are driven by the desire to reduce costs. Any ongoing optimization of the fleet or further business process improvement is almost an afterthought. Nuance believes that the most effective MPS engagements begin with creating an optimized approach to document workflow. This helps simplify the process of “right sizing” the printing fleet, drives worker productivity, and leads to a more effective and efficient overall document strategy. As the business world continues to move to mobile technologies, this becomes even more important. MPS providers should focus on ways to bridge the gap between the paper and digital worlds. As owners of the printed document, our industry should be leading the charge in the transition from paper to digital and from paper-based workflow to mobile workflow. All of these issues require a partner with long-term experience and expertise in business process, document management and tracking, print management, and document workflow. Nuance is already the leading software provider in the MPS space, with both embedded and standalone solutions focused in each of these areas. As a result, Nuance is in the best position to help MPS providers take the next step in managed print services and to meet the real requirements of today’s MPS customer.
  • 12. WHITE PAPER Copyright © 2013 Nuance Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Nuance, the Nuance logo, eCopy, PaperPort, and ShareScan are trademarks of Nuance Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.