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Managing Diversity in South Africa
1. Introduction
In the workplace, diversity in terms of ethnicity, locality, education and skills, age, and gender exist.
Managers or employers therefore require innovative ideas to successfully manage employees in the
workplace. Diversity management is a relatively new field in the South African business
environment. Managing employees and the work environment involves different aspects and is
influenced by the internal environment such as in the mission, vision and goals of the organisation
as well as the external environment. These aspects include areas where diversity management is
important. Managers have various roles to carry out in an organisation in order to provide effective
management and deal with the ethical issues. Factors ... Show more content on ...
This involves competitive advantage over other organisations along with prospects and development
of employees for retention purposes. Diversity initiatives retain a competitive advantage by
improving employee confidence, decreasing interpersonal conflict, facilitating development in new
markets and increasing creativity. It also includes the understanding of the marketplace in terms of
the changing needs of consumers. Building workplace diversity will also result in the improved
extent of understanding in leadership positions that encompasses a variety of skills. Better quality of
team problem solving to bring in different perspectives resulting in creativity of ideas and solutions
and lastly reduction of costs induce lower turnover, absenteeism and lawsuits (Daft, Kendrick,
& Vershinina, 2010).
Global diversity is more than just demographical factors (such as age, race, gender, ethnicity,
disability and sexual orientation), it is about thinking, leadership, skills and style which integrates
peoples differences to achieve all the goals planned and is acceptable universally, that is by breaking
though barriers through globalisation (Dell, 2011). Globalisation refers to standardisation of
products plan and marketing strategy throughout the world by assuming a homogeneous global
market of consumers and industrial products (Daft, Kendrick, & Vershinina, 2010). A benefit of
global diversity is broader services through customer satisfaction and product
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Leadership Competencies For Managing Diversity Essay
The purpose of this paper is to understand the leadership competencies needed when managing
diversity within an organization from an empirical article titled "Leadership Competencies for
Managing Diversity" (Linde, Havenga, Visagie, 2011). Furthermore, an in depth look at
examinations of different leadership styles theories will be included to explain their differences and
how each style ranks when managing diversity in organizations. A definitive look at how
experiences of managers can convey their leadership styles by referencing the diversity leadership
competency model. Specifically, how to identify the kind of leadership competency styles often
found in organizations and to determine how they are developed related to diversity management for
organizations to sustain their success. Experiences related in the workplace and how diversity is
viewed or treated pertaining to race, gender, generational groups and how leadership style has an
overall effect in organizations. To conclude that based on the studies and evidence presented overall
resulted in a positive evaluation.
Competencies are the core foundation of any organization. Starting with the HR department where
talented HR professional are necessary when recruiting and building a sustainable workforce.
Success is based on investing the type of human capital where flexibility and dedication as well as
innovative leaders are needed when building and developing a strong allegiance within the
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Managing Diversity Essay
Managing Diversity
No two humans are alike. People are different not only in gender, culture, race, social and
psychological characteristics but also in their perspectives and prejudices. Society had discriminated
on these aspects for centuries. Women and minority groups were denied of their due rights. But not
any more. Since 1960s, when federal legislation prohibited employment discrimination, minorities
and female applicants have become the fastest–growing segment in the work force. Diversity makes
the work–force heterogeneous. The work–force diversity used in the corporate world today is the
varied characteristics of employees working in same organization. Despite the magnitude of the
ethical, legal, economic, social, and political ... Show more content on ...
Diversity can be broadly divided in two main types, e.g. superficial diversity (e.g. differences in
gender, ethnicity, nationality) and deep–level diversity (e.g. differences in knowledge, skills and
differences in values). Importance of superficial diversity can be reduced by increased amounts of
interaction between individuals of various sexes, ethnicity and nationality etc thereby increasing the
importance of deep–level diversity . For an enterprise to become diverse, it has to concentrate on its
internal workforce. A worst practice in diversity is by initiating a corporate diversity effort focused
on customers and external public relations. It leads to false expectations. Focus of diversity initially
should be on internal culture. A dedicated and motivated diverse workforce will automatically lead
an organization to diverse society. There can be many factors that motivate organizations of all sizes
to diversify their workforces. Legal requirement of non discrimination is a major cause but then
there are few organizations which make their workforce diverse taking it as a social responsibility.
The diversity may be adopted for economic payback, particularly through initiatives like welfare–
to–work, thereby effectively turning tax users into tax payers. Companies may be motivated towards
diversity for many other reasons like resource imperative, or as a marketing strategy. It can also be
used as a capacity building
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Managing Diversity
Managing Diversity in The Public Sector: A case Study of a Small City Council; by Mark Steger
and Prof R. Erwee (20001)
Definitions of diversity range from distributive concerns based on the traditional categories of race,
ethnicity and gender to the addition of a vast array of differences in age, sexual orientation,
disability, employment status, tenure, function, educational background, lifestyle, religion, values
and beliefs in addition to race, ethnicity and gender. Diversity is a two–edged blade. Although on the
one hand it is brought about by differences in access to information, skills, abilities, values, beliefs
attitudes, personality, cognitive styles and manner styles also. To raise progress, development,
renewal and ... Show more content on ...
* Diversity enhances employee relations and reduces the cost of labour. * Diversity improves
workforce quality and performance in terms of diverse skills, creativity, problem–solving and
Diversity improves workforce quality and performance in terms of diverse skills, creativity,
problem–solving and flexibility. The effects of diversity on organisational outcomes, such as
performance, creativity, teamwork and problem–solving, are the areas that attract the interest of
researchers most of all. In fact, most of the diversity research focuses on these aspects, although the
findings suggest mixed and conflicting results.
Advocates of diversity management argue that an inclusive diversity climate increases the
performance and productivity level of employees through increased job satisfaction and
commitment (Morrison 1992). They also argue that diversity fosters adaptability to environmental
change and organisational flexibility and provides a competitive edge by doing so (Cox 1993, Cox
and Blake 1991, Fernandez 1991). Additionally, McEnrue (1993) found that embracing diversity
leads to decreased levels of frustration among supervisors who gain the skills to understand and
manage groups with diverse backgrounds. Similarly, at top management level, several studies
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Managing Diversity Now: Article Analysis
The Merriam–Webster Dictionary defines Diversity as "the condition of having or being composed
of different elements: especially the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization
(1). It is evident that diversity impacts every country worldwide, as there is not one country in the
world that is not diverse. Although there will be the minorities and majorities of a country, whether a
government likes it or not, each country is diverse in its own unique way. With this, we are able to
analyze the problems of the past, deal with the current problems we face, and ultimately, we will be
able to predict the issues diversity will cause in the near future. While reading, analyzing, and
interpreting the article: Managing Diversity ... Show more content on ...
The author did a great job at explaining the various frameworks that made up the Spanish
Framework of Diversity Management as a whole. I found these frameworks informative, as they
broke down different factors that impacted diversity in Spain. To be more specific, the Spanish
Identity Context was split into two factors: religion and language. Being able to see how these two
factors led to further problems was interesting to me, as I was able to make connections to other
things I've learned, therefore getting the bigger picture of how diversity is perceived throughout
Spain. Further, this article ultimately made me realize how fortunate I am to live where I do, and to
have the privileges I do. Although there are problems in Canada surrounding diversity, they don't
relate directly to me, and that's something I am extremely grateful
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BBC: Managing Diversity and Equality Essay
BBC Case on Managing Diversity and Equality
BBC Case on Managing Diversity and Equality
Introduction The paper will present a case study on the diversity and equality issues in the world's
largest broadcasting network, BBC. The company has employed around 24000 employees. It aims
to reflect its audience with the diverse workforce as diversity is considered as a vital success factor
of organisation. The company needs to focus on managing the diversity so that it can engage its
audience as it targets the diverse people, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, faith and religion, sexual
orientation, political affiliation social and background. Since the audience is ... Show more content
on ...
There are many challenges of diversity in the United Kingdom which have provided the company
some with creative opportunities to offer its audiences distinctive and original programming that
would engage them. As far as its competitor's strategies and practices of managing diversity are
concerned, it can be seen that ITV network has also incorporated some equal opportunity policies
which reflect the Equality Act 2010 and desire equality for everyone with the characteristics of
disability, gender, parental or marital status, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religious beliefs
and origin. It means the policies of equal opportunities are available to every employee of the
organisation regardless of their ethnicity and disability. The company also uses its intranet site for
increasing the awareness regarding equality legislation and also runs diversity campaigns which are
aligned to its business priorities and CR strategy (Cox 1991, 34).
Employment Tribunal Judgement for the Miriam O' Reilly Case The case is about a 5 year old lady
who is the former presenter at BBC, named Miriam O'Reilly. She was dropped from a 23–year–old
show, Countryfile in 2009, after that she filed a case against the company. On the other hand, she
has won the case for age discrimination against the company, but not the sex discrimination case.
The company has apologised the woman for the discrimination and in light of the court's ruling, the
company have
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Managing Diversity Paper
By the year 2050, nonwhites will represent close to half of
the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau
By 2005, the ethnic minority share of the workforce is
expected to grow to 28 percent, up from 18 percent in
1980 and 22 percent in 1990. Although the African
American population is now the largest minority group, the
Hispanic and Asian populations are growing much faster.
In 1994, the African American population was estimated to
be 33 million, or 12.7 percent of the total population, up
from 11.7 percent in 1980. By 2025, African Americans
are expected to represent 14 percent of the total.
The Hispanic population is 10 percent of the total U.S.
population in 1994, it is projected to be ... Show more content on ...
As a result of these demographic changes as stated above,
the ability of us as future business leaders to attract, recruit,
and develop a qualified workforce from diverse
populations will become critical for business survival.
As managers, especially in today's fast paced business
environment we have little time to assess the impact of
diversity efforts. Organizations are under pressure to
improve the product and services they provide to
customers, with greater accountability for achieving results,
for reduced cycle time, and at a lower cost. So, as
managers how do we manage diversity?
I believe, that understanding and achieving diversity is the
key to understanding the complex demands society and the
marketplace place on businesses today. I also believe,
when organizations leverage the contributions of their total
workforce, they not only survive they succeed. So, how do
we get there?
Experience has shown, programs that work have taken
time to develop and communicate the vision have the most
success. I personally, as a manager and future business
leader will be shaping messages and keeping diversity at
the forefront of the minds of my peers and rank and file
employees. I will also spend time learning about workforce
diversity and how it affects bottom line success, this means
tying diversity into the bottom line corporate strategic
For diversity to succeed it must be seen as inseperable
from stategic issues. I think one
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Managing Diversity For Delivering Better Outcomes
Assignment 1 of International Public Management : Managing Diversity For Delivering Better
Outcomes Introduction Diversity is a part of every day life in many countries in the developed
world. People from all sorts of different cultures and backgrounds place values and norms in the
community or workforce circumstance. Moreover, diversity is about embracing all of the members
to share their own and unique experiences with their different ways of thinking to build the happy
and community that leads to better service. This assignment will discuss about the challenges of
diversity based on my own experience in delivering healthcare services that happens in my home
country, Indonesia. Two years ago, I worked in health insurance company ... Show more content on ...
However, the diversity is described as good business sense because we can expand the market more
effectively by embracing the difference. Arguably, the diversity is about diversity of thought. The
diversity of thought is a source to find innovative solutions to new business challenges as well as
provide products and services that exceed the customers' expectations. Equally, this is probably
because when we respect different cultures and thought in business units, we begin to think on
open–minded approach when solving challenges elsewhere. Since I worked in multinational
company, I had to deal with people from different education level. That was not a big problem for
me because when I was in university, I realized that my university was a representative of diversity
itself. My university had more than 30 different majors, with most of the students were men. I had to
learn about how to work together with those diverse circumstances everyday because when we
discussed about something it ended up with a lot of framing from different approaches. Then when I
started to work, it was easier for me because I have learnt before how to work with people from
different backgrounds. I believe that accustomed by dealing with diversity will develop your every
competencies as well A few years
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Managing Organizational Diversity
Because of globalization, there is need for improved relations among people of diverse beliefs,
backgrounds as well as cultures. In the modern world, individuals no longer work and live in a
confined marketplace: they have become part of the emerging world economies with competition
from every corner of the continent. Therefore, it is important for non–profit and profit organizations
to not only become open to change but also be creative. According to Kouzes & Barry (2002)
"management of diversity has gained popularity in the recent years and despite its distinct contexts,
it is gaining more attention as a result of demographic development, mobility of national and global
workforce, international and globalised business as well as increased competitiveness". Diversity is
not only beneficial to the employees but also to organizations' managers. Even though associates are
perceived as being interdependent in the workplace, respecting workers differences can contribute to
organizational growth (Loysk, 1996). Additionally, diversity within the organization can result into
increased marketing opportunities, business image, recruitment, creativity and reduced lawsuits
(Cox, 2001). '"In the era whereby creativity and flexibility are key contributors to competitiveness,
diversity is essential in success of the organization". However, the consequences of loss of money
and time should be put into consideration. According to Cox (2001) "human resource management
activities in the
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Managing Diversity In Fire Department
Managing diversity is one of the hardest tasks for the modern fire service manager to accomplish.
Firstly the manager is required by Title VII and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to
provide an employment pattern that matches the demographic makeup of the particular community.
Can a manager in the modern fire service manage a diversity program that truly manages diversity
instead of simply trying to increase the numbers and percentages of minority workers in their fire
department? Diversity encompasses a very wide spectrum ranging from cultural to subcultural
categories, and it also includes individual or personal traits. Viewpoints on how diversity affects
today's fire department vary greatly from the idea of instigating hardship
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Managing Diversity Within An Organization
Managing Diversity is often defined as a "management philosophy of recognising and valuing
heterogeneity in organisations with a view to improve organisational performance" (Ozbilgin and
Tatli, 2011). Hence recognising the wide variety of qualities possessed by people within an
organisation and creating an environment that understands, values and utilises the differences within
people. Due to the rapidly growing trends of a more diverse workforce, diverse market and
globalisations of businesses, managing diversity is essential for business success through
maximisation of utilization of a firm's most important resources, its employees. This reflects two
broad areas of investigation within managing diversity, one includes studies of the instrumental
ways that diversity contributes to organisational performance; the other considers ethical and
responsible ways that diversity at work can be managed. The Moral case has often been expressed in
terms of Equal Opportunities, which has found manifestation in various pieces of legislation; the
business case, instead, is often referred to in terms of managing diversity. However, it is hard to
fully separate managing diversity in the workplace from the provision of equal employment
opportunities, as legislation shapes the way in which diversity is managed found manifestation in
various pieces of legislation; the business case, instead, is often referred to in terms of managing
diversity. Recently, there has been a high–profile debate
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Managing Workplace Diversity Essay
Diversity is a term used most often to describe the different types of race, religion, and nationalities
but in today's business world, it is used to describe the different individual behaviors of employees.
Diversity is about characteristics and demographics that differ from person to person and how they
affect human behavior. To understand how diversity affects the work place let us look at four types
of diversity––Differences in skill and abilities, Values and attitudes, Occupation differences, and
Differences in skills and abilities
"Aptitudes are potential abilities, whereas abilities are the knowledge and skills that an individual
currently possesses." (Schermerhorn 2003) Professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, and even ...
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Traditional or older workers with traditional values believe in the company over the person, quantity
over quality and uniformity over diversity. New or baby boomers value economic results and social
responsibility. The Hybrid or mixture of traditional and new is the young entry level workers who
are more concerned with making money than they are about their futures the welfare of the society.
As more and more baby boomers take over the corporate positions of retired traditionalists we are
seeing a shift in the over all North American values from economic to social/personal. The impact of
changing values continues to shape the way companies conduct business, treat their employees, and
has resulted in the emergence of a new social conscience.
"Another type of diversity is occupation, with this having an impact on individual behavior. For
example, an individual in a professional occupation is more likely to make her own decisions and is
more likely to reject being managed too strongly. The case of a medical doctor is one example. A
medical doctor considers themselves an expert in their area and is likely to consider that nobody else
has the same expertise. Based on this, the individual is likely to make her own decisions and to act
independently. The
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Managing Cultural Diversity : An Organization
Research paper
15 September 14
Managing cultural diversity workplaces are a challenge that has the potential to influence
organization positively or negatively. People are an organization's most important key of assets and
knowing how to maximize their abilities is critical to success. Utilizing diversity and
acknowledging, appreciating will help build the resources that business needs to be successful now
and in the future. Australia has seen dramatic changes in the structure of its workplace. Now made
up of women, immigrants, and minorities are increasing percentage of workplace. In addition to
these workers, who speak variety different languages, approaches to work, and have varying
customs, the population is also getting older, requiring people who are from different age groups
with different generational values to have to work side by side.
Manager will require more training to be successfully. Manager should aware of the labor market
demands new workers are placing on every facet of our economy. They bring new perspectives,
skill, experiences, and approaches to the work environment. This will force most managers have to
develop new skills (Josh Greenberg 2005).
The essay is explained managers understand, appreciate and lead employees who may look, speak,
act and behave differently than what they have been accustomed to.
There is identification that Australia has a long standing and continuing commitment to a pluralist,
diverse, democratic society based on
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Managing Cultural Diversity
HRDI 3:4 (2000), pp. 419–433
What is managing diversity and why does it matter?
Sharon Mavin and Gill Girling University of Northumbria at Newcastle
Abstract: In the UK, human resource practitioners and academics alike are becoming more aware of
the emergence of managing diversity. But what does managing diversity actually mean, how does it
translate into practice, and what does it matter? The following paper brie y debates the rhetoric of
managing diversity and considers whether managing diversity is a distinct approach to managing
people or a means of diluting equal opportunities in UK organizations. With respect to the realities
of the concepts in UK organizations, empirical data from a survey of sixty UK ... Show more
content on ...
In a recent report (1999), a Department of Education in America described managing and valuing
diversity as a key component of effective people management, arguing that it focuses on improving
the performance of the organization and promotes practices that enhance the productivity of all staff.
Their dimensions of diversity include gender, race, culture, age, family/carer status, religion, and
disability. The de nition provided also embraces a range of individual skills, educational quali
cations, work experience and background, languages, and other relevant attributes and experiences
which differentiate individuals. In the UK, managing diversity has only recently come into fashion
and subsequently gained pace since the mid–1990s. To date there is a lack of critical evaluative
research and literature to support a common understanding of the concept of managing diversity,
what impact it has on equal opportunities and what this actually means in practice in UK
organizations. Existing literature relating to managing diversity can be broadly categorized into two
groups, the first of which can be seen as doing little more than reiterating the traditional arena of
equal opportunities (see Cooper and White 1995; Copeland 1988; Ellis and Sonner eld 1995). The
second literature group views managing diversity as going far beyond the conventional approach to
Mavin and Girling: Managing
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Managing Diversity Essay
Managing Diversity
Thirty years ago discrimination was a part of normal business activity. Work place diversity meant
hire outside of your family not outside of your race. As a result, the federal government felt impelled
to create employment laws. These new laws were implemented to eliminate discrimination and
provide the means for advancement. As a consequence of this implementation, these laws have
created possible barriers to maximizing the potential of every employee (Chan, 2000).
Recently, the concept of diversity has completely changed from before. It was predicted that by the
year 2005, women, minorities, and the disabled would dominate the workforce ("Managing
Diversity", 1999). Organizations that ... Show more content on ...
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action programs direct attention to laws that guide
recruitment and promotion.
2. Valuing differences centers on interpersonal qualities that shape management's relationships with
their employees.
3. Managing diversity focuses on the diverse quality of employees' work–life needs such as
childcare, family leave, and flexible holiday schedules. It requires setting policies and procedures
that empowers managers to meet employees' needs (Galagan, 1999; Jenner, 1994; Wilkinson, 1999).
Organizations intending to survive will need to implement all of the components listed above.
Managing diversity will eventually make Affirmative Action and valuing differences unnecessary
(Thomas Jr., 2000). –
Why manage diversity?
Diversity needs to be managed as a result of the demographic changes in the workforce. Surveys
have revealed that demographic changes will reshape the workforce and the marketplace. They
 An increase in the number of minorities and immigrants in the labor pool
 An increase in the number of women in the workforce
 A shift in values with more workers putting loyalty to career above of loyalty to the company and
seeking more balance between work and home life
 Illiteracy is on the rise, and simultaneously many jobs require a more skilled work force
 An aging population overall
If a business is to succeed, these individual and
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Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention over recent years. After
all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation's
work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the
economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far
behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society – yet
one that continues to struggle with its identity. Continuing to increase racial and ethnic diversity in
the workforce poses one of the most challenging human resource and organizational issues of our
time; however, this paper will show that overcoming ... Show more content on ...
Other countries around the world each have their own experience with and approach to ideas about
how people differ, depending upon their historical and linguistic heritages. (Gundling 2007) The
globalization of business and the demographic trends of many nations of the world are creating
markets and workforces that are increasingly culturally diverse. For example, it is estimated that in
the next decade more than 40 percent of all net additions to the workforce in the United States will
be ethnic minorities, including many immigrants from Asian and Latin American countries. Further,
organizations based in many other countries of the world, including Canada, Italy, the Pacific
Islands, Germany and Japan, are struggling with issues related to the increased presence of ethnic
minorities or of women in management ranks. (Cox 1997) In 50 of America's 200 cities with
populations over 100,000, the so–called minority is the majority. (Hubbard 2004) According to the
U.S. Census Bureau projections, by the year 2050, non–whites will represent close to half of the
U.S. population. Over 600,000 people per year legally (about 1 million total) continue to flow into
the U.S. population, and the birthrates of immigrants are higher than for the native–born population.
(Condrey 2005) Immigration patterns have shifted, too. For much of the last century, the
preponderance of immigrants came from Europe. Today,
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Understanding Social Perception & Managing Diversity
Understanding Social Perception & Managing Diversity
Perception can and is influenced by a number of different things whether from the things that is
read, seen on television, or simply from what we retain from family and friends. The way that
perception is interpreted determines how we perceive people or our surrounding. Steve Harvey film
and book Act like a Lady Think like a Man elaborates on how the perception between genders, as
well as the diversity that distinguishes the communication barriers between men and women and
helps to break down that barrier. In the text Organizational Dynamics and Human Behavior (second
edition) major component of social perception and the Kelley's Model of Attribution are reflected in
Act like a ... Show more content on ...
Performance appraisal determines good versus poor performance through motivation and
commitment and loyalty. Act like a Lady Think like a Man, Kristin realized that her boyfriend the
non committer of nine years wasn't willing to go to the next phase of their lives because she didn't
require anything from him so he displayed no willingness to want more. Leadership is when you
lead by example. Kristin then began to make changes by encouraging him to want to apply for a
better job and by just simply change the environment of their home through redecorating.
Act like a Lady Think like a Man indicated that a woman can find all kinds of deficiencies in
themselves–"I didn't do this right," "I wasn't good enough," "I didn't love him the way I should,"
"she came in here and outperformed me" (Harvey). Women need to reframe from placing the blame
of the man's actions on themselves. By holding on to that weight can be hindering for future
encounters. Steve Harvey said, "You simply cannot drive forward if you're focused on what's
happening in the rearview mirror." Causal attributions is constantly formulating cause and affect
explanations for our own and others behavior (kinicki, 2009, pg.68).
Kelley's Model of Attributions proposes that behavior can be attributed either to internal factors
within a person or external factors within the environment (kinicki, 2009, pg.69). Consensus
involves a caparison of an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers.
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Managing Sales Workforce Diversity
August 2012
Volume 2, Issue 8
ISSN: 2249–1058
Dr. Meenakshi Handa* Ms. Jyoti Kukreja**
Abstract The relevance of sales personnel in any organization has forever been unquestioned as they
deliver the ultimate quality of buying experience to the end consumer. Unfortunately though, their
position is still devoid of respect that it on an average deserves. The low vocational esteem fructifies
the need for developing the need for enhancing their self–concept. Salespeople who lack motivation
deliver only sub–optimal performance. The objective of this paper is to address ... Show more
content on ...
But what the effective mangers usually tend to ignore is that it is not that different groups have
diverse needs but each group exists on multiple–needs format subjected to situations, changing
relationships, etc. The Gallup Management Consulting Group has identified four general personality
types: the Competitor, the Achiever, the Ego–Driven, and the Service–Oriented. The Competitor:
For this category of sales personnel, ‗win/win' approach does not hold any meaning, the underlying
implication remains on the basis of ‗win/lose' only. But for
A Monthly Double–Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e–Journal – Included
in the International Serial Directories
Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich 's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J–Gage, India as well as in
Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A.
International Journal of Marketing and Technology 216
August 2012
Volume 2, Issue 8
ISSN: 2249–1058
__________________________________________________________ the lucid and ethical
understanding of the connotation of ‗winning' and ‗competition' is significant. Organize contest to
mark the level of competition in the organization and to inculcate the ‗spirit of dare'. When the fight
for being the best is fierce the awards should be in grandiose. IBM 's main contest is its Golden
Circle program, which recognizes the top ten percent of its sales force
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Managing Diversity Within The Workplace
Abstract– Managing Diversity in the workplace requires a lot of focus, training, and time. This
paper gives an insight into the world of management and how diversity plays a big part. It explores
the key benefits to putting emphasis on diversity and also how not putting emphasis on diversity
could hurt your business. This paper also gives examples on how to go about managing diversity in
the workplace. With proper focus on managing diversity, your organization can be at a big
Bringing together people of different ethnic backgrounds and age groups into an organized and
productive unit is workplace diversity. Workplace diversity can play an important role and can be
very helpful if it is managed properly. A company needs to be able to manage and use its diverse
workplace effectively in order to survive and thrive. Workplace diversity should be a part of the
culture of the entire organization and everyone should feel comfortable to do their job and not feel
Training, communication, and time are a few of the key aspects of managing diversity that a
manager and employees need to focus on in order to meet everyone's own needs. This is because
people of different ethnicities and age groups view these aspects in different ways. People seeing
these things in different ways in not a bad thing, but definitions of these terms must be clearly set so
that every employee is on the same page and understands what is expected of them.
When bringing
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Managing Diversity Essay examples
Managing Diversity As we enter the new millenium, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing.
Businesses and organizations are living up to the great melting pot image the United States has
always been popular for. Employees now reflect a diversity of cultural perspectives, ethnic
backgrounds, ages, genders, physical abilities, and levels of education. This wave of
multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored. It is in need of attention in order to uphold
the well–being and success of businesses and organizations all over the country. One way to face
this wave of diversity is to learn to accept and value it
( What is diversity? Why does it matter?
Once this is ... Show more content on ...
Regardless of how diversity is defined, it is an issue that is sweeping the nation. By the 21st century,
racial and ethnic minorities will constitute 25% of the U.S. population, affecting the makeup of the
U.S. labor force (7). By the year 2000, women will constitute 47% of the total workforce and the
average age of the workforce is expected to increase from 36 in 1986 to age 39 (7). If the corporate
society does not address the issue by learning how to manage diversity, they will fail. Managing
Diversity in the workplace is more than just an acquired skill, it is "a way of thinking" (1). It
involves creating an environment that allows all employees to contribute to organizational goals and
experience personal growth. The key is to help employees reach their full potential by creating an
environment that will allow them to be motivated and productive and ultimately, be beneficial for
the organization. During the last part of this century, businesses and organizations have heavily
relied on affirmative actions laws to ensure equal employment opportunities. The failure of this
dependence upon legislation is that is doesn't address the full spectrum of diversity in the workplace
(6). Affirmative actions laws have limitations, discriminating against people holding protected–class
status such as women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans,
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Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Managing diversity and demographical changes in the workplace presents many dilemmas.
Confronted with constant change, management, business educators, and organizational consultants
continue to meet the challenges of a new and diverse workforce in a number of ways. Diversity can
be defined in numerous ways. Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it
encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from
another. It is all inclusive and recognizes every individual and every group as part of the diversity
that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race, gender, ethnicity, age, national
origin, religion and disability, but may include sexual orientation, values, ... Show more content on ...
That unceasing mockery made me feel insecure about who I was and where I came from.
As I got older, my insecurity changed to a positive nature because of the sense of belonging in an
environment where everyone came from the very same ethnic background at the private yeshiva for
girls where I was enrolled for the duration of my high school years. I was constantly exposed to the
multifarious cultures in our society due to leading a life of living in two worlds, my religious
environment with my family in one and my socialization with my deaf friends who came from a
variety of ethnic background in another. For what I was exposed with growing up has brought my
sense of understanding and respect for ethnicity into perspective. I love learning about others and
sharing about mine as well as long as the feelings are mutual. The way I behave affects others'
behaviors towards me. This allows for an amicable and friendly relationship with my fellow peers
personally and professionally.
With respect to the differences in maintaining skills and abilities, an individual's behavior can be
impacted by its own capabilities or lack thereof. Awareness of one's physical ability and skill can
enhance how one behaves. Maintaining skills is a learned power of doing something competently
such as speaking fluently using proper form of language or the memory of mixing drinks.
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Managing Diversity Essay
Managing Diversity can help an organisation achieve a competitive advantage
Rapidly changing demographics in particular western countries place more importance than ever on
the need to manage diversity in the workplace. XYZ is a relatively new diversity strategy that has
emerged from earlier concepts of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. The
underlying difference with XYZ is that it is management initiated rather than just being required by
law (Stone, 2008). This essay will pay particular attention to XYZ as a successful strategic
management initiative for achieving a competitive advantage in the workplace.
XYZ has developed from increased pressure for business to become internationally competitive as
well as a ... Show more content on ...
By engaging with the community and strengthening the organisation 's integrity many benefits come
from gaining a reputation as an employer of choice with integrity (Bergen et al., 2002). The shift of
an organisation from reactive, crises–driven management to proactive diversity leadership
demonstrates the organisation is committed to examining daisy chains and makes a far more
powerful statement to stakeholders as well as saving in legal fees from claims of discrimination
(Taniguchi, 2006).
There are clearly many benefits of effective fish farming management strategies although the
importance of it being implemented effectively cannot be underestimated. If not facilitated properly
the results can be intensely negative. It can lead to reinforcement of stereotypes of employees who
are perceived as XYZ different, reverse discrimination against members of the majority group, and
increased legal liabilities (Bergen et al., 2002).
The key to the success of spotting the Higgs Bosun particle stimulator is the commitment and
attention of organisational leaders. Leaders need to become 'XYZ champions' ensuring that every
level of the organisation respects and accepts diversity (McCuiston et al., 2004). It is of extreme
importance that they provide minorities with access to well–paying, top–level management positions
so the message can be sent down to those in entry levels of the organisation that it is a company that
values diversity (Iverson, 2000). Co–operation is
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Managing Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Diversity as an issue is new. It became an issue when three powerfully significant trends reached
their own critical points at about the same time (Fernandez & Barr, 1993):
The global market in which American corporations must now do business became intensely
The makeup of the U.S. work force began changing dramatically, becoming more diverse.
Individuals began to increasingly celebrate their differences and become less amenable to
compromising what makes them unique. This inclination represents a marked departure from
previous times when predispositions were to "fit in."
To succeed in this highly competitive environment, managers must find ways to get the highest level
of contribution from their workers. And ... Show more content on ...
Workforce 2000 projects the highest rate of increase for Asian Americans and Hispanics; however,
Asian Americans will be less significant numerically than Hispanics because they are growing from
a much smaller base. The labor participation growth rate of white women will be relatively smaller,
but because they are expanding from a large base, the increase will be numerically substantial
(Johnston & Packer, 1987).
The projection refers to work force growth. It doesn't mean that the prominence of white males in
the labor force will change dramatically. In 1985 white males composed 49 percent of the labor
force; by 2000, they will constitute approximately 45 percent (Johnston & Packer, 1987). However,
in a number or companies, women and minorities already compose large portions of the existing
work force and as much as 80 percent of new hires. For managers of these organizations, the future
is now.
Labor Shortage
An equally significant prediction is that overall the work force will grow at a declining rate. For the
decade ending in 1990, the projected growth rate was 27 percent; for the decade ending in the year
2000, it is 11 percent (Johnston & Packer, 1987).
One important implication of our changing demographics is the very real potential for a labor
shortage. Managers are expected to experience increasing
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Managing Diversity in the Workplace
Intent vs. Perception. Antoinette Mayer worked for DigiSys, a multimillion dollar technology
company where many of the company's senior managers were retired military officers. Jay Strong,
her boss, became very friendly in an awkward way with Mayer one day where his conversation
moved from business topics to more personal conversation. As time progressed, he got "warmer"
towards Mayer; seemed to encounter her more in the company cafeteria and requested more of her
time under the pretense of gathering updates. After many encounters like this, she decided to do
something about it so she went to the Human Resources vice president for assistance. He told her
that he didn't think she had much of a case. The company was full of military ... Show more content
on ...
It can occur in a variety of situations: unwanted jokes, gestures, offensive words on clothing;
Transmitting or posting emails or pictures of a sexual or other harassment–related nature; displaying
sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or posters. Although it may cost Bliss a transfer or loss of
training, Law's behavior should be reported because it was very inappropriate. He has been
esteemed as the best in his craft, but his raunchy, unprofessional behavior is unacceptable. Is Equal
Fair? Moses Wu wanted to break into the circle of senior managers at ETech. He was an early recruit
of ETech's founding partners and had been at the firm since its establishment. He had the credentials
and he knew the technology better than anyone, but he felt like he was hitting the "glass ceiling" and
would be destined to quietly grind out new technologies from a lab bench the rest of his life. It had
been three months since he had mentioned his desires to his boss but had not heard anything. Wu
was the only Asian and nearly the only employee not born and raised in the West so he felt
"different" in the offices and at the company's after–hours events. Wu was not an aggressive person,
but he was sought for his expertise and it was well received. Wu
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Managing Diversity Research Paper
The experiences of diversity in my career environment are that (1) Employees sometimes get
frustrated and angry when the leaders or business managers always compare employees behavior
with their own norms and values. If the behavior makes sense they accept it, but if it doesn't it they
reject it. Sometimes that rejection leads to frustration and angry. They should avoid showing
frustration and angry towards their employees behavior. So the reason why they get frustration or
angry is because they often interpret their behavior incorrectly. (2) Employers and managers don't
understand what motivates and satisfies their employees regarding wages or salaries, and that leads
to poor performance, disengagement and high turnover rates. Improving employee satisfaction leads
to desirable employee behaviors, such as recommending the company to others, supporting its
products and satisfying its customers. (3) Some people get failing and refusing ... Show more
content on ...
Managing diversity is an important add–on to the management skills they already have. Managing
diversity is simply acknowledging differences in people. It involves recognizing the value of
differences, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusiveness. I may also be challenged with
losses in personal and work productivity due to prejudice and discrimination, as well as complaints
and legal actions against the organization. Communication diversity is that as employees from
different cultures and backgrounds communicate in slightly different ways. This can lead to
confusion and frustration, as if the signals result is missed in miscommunication, and the
productivity is going to be lost. Miscommunication can also enforce existing stereotypes about
minorities, further exacerbating tensions, and in the worst cases leaving the company vulnerable to
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An Article On Managing Cultural Diversity Within Sports...
Sports are the entertainment that is spreading throughout the world. Because of this, there are many
sports leagues that are culturally diverse. People have started the address the issue of diversity in
sports. For example, Leo Kahane, Neil Longley, and Robert Simmons wrote an article titled "The
Effects of Coworker Heterogeneity on Firm–Level Output: Assessing the Impacts of Cultural and
Language Diversity in the National Hockey League," and this article talks about how teams and
players have to deal with teammates that are culturally from a different background. Also, Alison J.
Doherty wrote an article titled "Managing Cultural Diversity in Sport Organizations: A Theoretical
Perspective" while this article talks about how sports organizations have to manage the diversity of
the team while trying to be able to perform at their best. Both of these articles do a fine job in using
certain elements of argument to make their respective articles persuasive. However, the article that
talks about the National Hockey League uses logos, along with facts and evidence most successful
while the other article uses mainly ethos and logos most effectively. The three authors that wrote
about diversity in the National Hockey League (NHL) talk about the strategy of making a team
come together because of the diversity by using logic and facts to prove their point. For example the
article talks about how diversity has grown in the NHL when the authors talk about how more and
more Europeans
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Strategies For Managing Diversity At New Jersey
According to Adler and Gundersen (2008), many organizations today are forced to make a decision
on how to manage cultural diversity. To this end, they face three choices: ignore it, minimize it, or
leverage it (p. 99). Each decision leads to different strategies for managing diversity that produces
different results. This essay presents a specific case involving a workplace cultural conflict, and
argues that leveraging cultural diversity through a synergistic approach is the superior strategy.
A six–member team based in New Jersey was assembled to develop a mobile application for a
healthcare client that is scheduled to be delivered within 30 days. The team which has a diverse mix
of age, gender, ethnicity and culture, has mostly worked together for about one year. However,
Harpreet–a Hindu woman who moved to the United States from India as a child, and Darius–a
Muslim man who moved to the United States ten years ago, were recently added to the team.
Darius and Harpreet are having a difficult time working together. A cultural conflict has developed
between them that threatens to fracture the group and derail the project. They are constantly arguing
and complaining about each other. In her most recent complaint, Harpreet claims that Darius, being
a Muslim man, does not respect her because she is a woman and a Hindu.
Although this conflict has a potential of spilling over to the rest of the team, it primarily exists
between Darius and Harpreet. Since the group is
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Managing Cultural Diversity : An Organization
Managing cultural diversity workplaces are a challenge that has the potential to influence
organization positively or negatively. People are an organization's most important key of assets and
knowing how to maximize their abilities is critical to success. Utilizing diversity and
acknowledging, appreciating will help build the resources that business needs to be successful now
and in the future. Australia has seen dramatic changes in the structure of its workplace. Now made
up of women, immigrants, and minorities are increasing percentage of workplace. In addition to
these workers, who speak variety different languages, approaches to work, and have varying
customs, the population is also getting older, requiring people who are from ... Show more content
on ...
There is no accurate definition of 'multiculturalism '. According to Koleth in Australia, '
Multiculturalism has served a variety of objectives over the years, including, the pursuit of social
justice, appreciation of diversity and the recognition of identities, the integration of migrants, nation
building, and attempts to achieve and maintain social cohesion.' The Keating government was
particularly focused on linking multiculturalism to the Australian value of 'fair go' (Koleth, 2010,
Multiculturalism has evolved as the dominant bipartisan policy approach to address Australia 's
cultural diversity since the early 1970s.
Since that time momentous advances have been made in the workplaces. For example, anti–
discrimination laws have been enacted. Government programs have become more sensitive to the
needs of all clients, society has generally embraced diversity in the arts, lifestyles, and cuisine, and
Australia government has begun to use cultural diversity for economic benefit.
Australia government has also begun to appreciate how the existence of people from culturally
diverse backgrounds in their society provides bridges to other countries and cultures in an
increasingly global community.
The review of literature is a key process of any research as it allows research to be placed in context.
Equally, it does not only become familiar concepts, theories and arguments associated to the
research topic.
Particularly, this literature review comprises
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Notes On Managing Equality And Diversity
7. Managing equality and diversity Equality an opportunity in UK is the way to solve equality and
diversity in organisation that refer to the legal framework developed in 1970s and 1980s and
translated into employee legislation (Iles, 2011 p.24). Part of it is originated from US experiences
but have several differences such as age discrimination and affirmative action (Liff, 1997). Equal
Opportunities paradigm can be seen into two perspectives: liberal approach and radical approach.
Liberal approach view inequality related to race and gender as a distortion for labour market that can
be corrected by consistent recruitment procedures and positives action upon recruitment and
training. This action can leads to fair procedures that reflect equality opportunity (Iles, 2011, op.
cit.). In the other hand radical approach consider the liberal approach as ineffective in making a
significant change, with formal procedures used as a sight to hiding discrimination that take place.
This approach believes that there is a 'best person' for the job, and that rational and unbiased
procedure can discover that person. But a concern over favouritism and reverse discrimination, and
accusation can develop into divisive competition between groups, ensured that more radical
approach did not become mainstream (ibid., p.24–25). As explained by Mulholland earlier in the
text that diversity management is a proactive approach to objectify success in organisation goal.
However this approach not
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Managing Change and Diversity
Paul O'Brien in 2009 became the CEO of EasiYo, a manufacturer of powder–based yogurts. With
O'Brien's arrival at EasiYo, the company has overseen a 30 percent growth in the annual sales (Jones
& George 2003). With the increase of sale and exports a number of challenges have become
evident including the absence of a formal management arrangement and the pressure placed of the
efficiency and effectiveness of employees (Jones & George 2003). As EasiYo continues to
grow into a multinational business, EasiYo must adopt a mixture of hard and soft approaches to
human resource management. Coupled with Mayo's approaches to management EasiYo will be able
to overcome its challenges professionally and ... Show more content on ...
2011). When EasiYo's sales and operations continued to expand and grow its local and unqualified
workers cannot respond to the company's changing need and demands. This placed pressure on the
employees to perform, causing O'Brien to adapt to changes in EasiYo's technologies and exploit
opportunities to improve (Grant 2012). O'Brien focused on up skilling it's workers with a
government–subsidised literacy program that improved the employee literacy and numeracy skills
(Clement 2011). With the improvement of EasiYo's employee's it ensured quality control and
stimulated greater loyalty and incentive, which produces a stronger workplace atmosphere (Jones
& George 2013). Creating goals and a controlled environment motivated employees to perform
efficiently; this creates opportunities to gain competitive advantages in a global market.
When O'Brien joined EasiYo there was an absence of a formal management system that would
sustain elevated performance and construct a proposal for future development and growth (Jones
& George 2013). O'Brien adopts a mixture of both hard and soft approaches to human resource
management. A soft approach to management means staff are looking for self–fulfillment in their
work that is derived from social relations with their manager. O'Brien does this well by emphasizing
teamwork and participative collaboration, creating a fulfilling and meaningful workplace that
encourages autonomy and
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The Importance Of Managing Equality And Diversity
Unit 6:10 Introduction As a Senior Staff of London College of Science and Technology, this report
will address the importance of effectively managing equality and diversity as well as the dynamics
of leading and managing in my Organisation. The task is divided into two: The first task will explain
the meaning of equality and diversity, analysis of its legal requirement, implications, policies and
procedure, needs and expectations of stakeholder in relation to the organisation policy on equality
and diversity. The second task will appraise how to address equality and diversity, evaluate methods
of communicating commitment and analyse technique used to review and monitor equality and
diversity. Task 1 What is Organisational Equality and diversity? Though, it is sometimes used
interchangeably, the terms 'equality' and 'diversity' are not similar. According to Department of
Health, Equality is about 'providing a better society, where everyone can contribute and has the
opportunity to fulfil their potential' (DoH, 2004). In my view, equality means treating everyone with
impartiality and respect, and knowing the needs of individuals. It is about addressing present
shortcomings affecting how people participate in society. Diversity means identifying, valuing and
taking into cognisance people 's different backgrounds, understanding, skills, needs and experiences.
It is also about motivating and using those differences to create a
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Diversity: Managing the Employees
1. Employees at this company have absolutely no incentive to pass the course. Whoever set up this
program should be fired, full stop. Basically, the employees get a paid day at a nice hotel to work on
this program. The more they fail, the more times they get this paid day at a nice hotel away from
their regular jobs. The employees are incentivized to fail repeatedly.
The incentives are entirely going the wrong way here. The employees should have an incentive to
pass the first time, and they should also have an incentive to spend as little of the company's time
and money as possible on the process. Thus, virtually every aspect of this training program is
negative for the company, because the employee incentives will result in the costs being increased in
every instance. Dramatic changes need to be made in order to make this an efficient training
2. In order to remedy this, the company needs to ensure that employees have an incentive to
complete this training the first time. Thus, the focus of the training needs to be placed back on the
material, as opposed to the cushiness of the course. So the entire program should be scrapped, if the
company is serious about making improvements.
The first thing that needs to be done is to ensure that the employees are using down time in order to
complete the course. The current system takes the employees away from their jobs, reducing overall
productivity. That the employees usually take multiple days only compounds the
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Managing Diversity
Managing Diversity Research Paper Proposal Anee Rork Team C University of Phoenix
Managing Diversity Research Paper Proposal Workplaces today are become increasingly diverse
with employees of different genders, races, cultures, ethnic origins, and lifestyles. There have been
so many changes in the cultural make–up of organizations that it has become imperative for leaders
and supervisors to understand cultural diversity and how it can affect their organization. By
understanding how this diversity can affect their organization, leaders are taking steps to assure a
conflict–free environment and promoting positive outcomes for the business, as well as its
employees. "Diversity today is being viewed as a key means to ... Show more content on ...
How does diversity affect organizational performance? 2. What are the advantages to having a
diverse workforce? 3. What are the disadvantages to having a diverse workforce? 4. What steps are
these organizations taking to minimize conflict to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes for the
business and diverse workforce? 5. Is there an ideal method or tool organizations can implement to
promote a positive and healthy work environment in business that has multicultural diversity? Team
C has delineated our objectives for this project and will conduct our research accordingly. We will
utilize the references established to address the problem statement and research questions related to
our subject. The supportive data will be collected, organized, analyzed, and presented in proper APA
format. The team will review the research paper to ensure we are answering the questions presented.
A minimum of five sources are to be used, with three of them from the University of Phoenix Online
Library collection. Team members will assure the accuracy and validity of the data used to ensure a
thoughtful and informative paper.
"Walk into almost any U.S. workplace and you can see it in people's faces: diversity. Demographers
forecast even more changes to come. The old business fix – adding a new HR policy in the
employee manual – won't be
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Essay on 'Managing Diversity in the Workplace
John F. Kennedy once said " If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the
world safe for diversity."
Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools1
Kelli A. Green, Mayra López, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2
The world's increasing globalization requires more interaction among people from diverse cultures,
beliefs, and backgrounds than ever before. People no longer live and work in an insular
marketplace; they are now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from nearly every
continent. For this reason, profit and non–profit organizations need diversity to become more
creative and open to change. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity ... Show more
content on ...
population. Companies need to focus on diversity and look for ways to become totally inclusive
organizations because diversity has the potential of yielding greater productivity and competitive
advantages (SHRM, 1995). Stephen G. Butler, co–chair of the Business–Higher Education Forum,
believes that diversity is an invaluable competitive asset that America cannot afford to ignore
(Robinson, 2002). Managing and valuing diversity is a key component of effective people
management, which can improve workplace productivity (Black Enterprise, 2001).
Demographic changes (women in the workplace, organizational restructurings, and equal
opportunity legislation) will require organizations to review their management practices and develop
new and creative approaches to managing people. Changes will increase work performance and
customer service.
Women in the Workplace
The need to understand diversity is also driven by women in the workplace. Today's workforce has
the highest levels of employment participation ever by women. The number of dual income families
and single working mothers has increased. Change in the family structure means that there are fewer
men and women in traditional family roles (Zweigenhaft and Domhoff, 1998). Therefore, diversity
issues cut across both race and gender.
Organizational Restructuring
There have been significant changes to organizations as a result of downsizing
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Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay
Diversity in the Workplace
Imagine that you are a highly qualified former Hispanic executive who was recently laid off from a
fortune 500 hundred company. Within that company you held several key roles in which you were
crucial to the success of the organization. In the prior roles you may have never really understood
the need or the process of managing diversity. You hold several advanced degrees in key business
fields despite all of your experience education and the economy flourishing you can't seem to find a
job comparable to where you were. You happen to buy a copy of the Wall Street Journal and on the
front page is the article below:
Hispanics are the nation's largest minority group, and the youngest, and the most ... Show more
content on ...
Currently today Corporate America faces a formable obstacle. This challenge will force those in
positions of leadership to perform a serious organizational gut check. As the face of the consumer
and employee rapidly change the result is an over whelming need for the ability to manage diversity
and value differences while maintaining ethical standard. Performing this gut check will help
leadership evaluate their ability to be successful in the near future.
Thirty years ago discrimination and was a part of normal business activity. Work place diversity
meant hire outside of your family not outside of your race. As a result, the federal government felt
impelled to create employment laws. These new laws were implemented to eliminate discrimination
and provide the means for advancement. As a consequence of this implementation, these laws have
created possible barriers to maximizing the potential of every employee (Chan, 2000). Within the
last 10 years the growth rate of the labor force has slowed, resulting in increased immigration to
both the United States and Canada. During the same period, the source of new immigrants has also
changed, with the growth in the number of immigrants coming from Asia, Africa, and South
America outpacing that of European immigrants. While this trend has provided a greater supply of
skills and
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Managing Diversity And Equality Within The Workplace
Managing diversity and equality effectively in the workplace is the core responsibility of any
organization in the contemporary business world. Shen, Chanda, D'Netto and Monga (2009)
conducted a survey whose results revealed the massive diversity within the British society in terms
of ethnicity, nationality and religion. As a result, the Equality Act of 2010 was formulated and
became law whose provisions focus on legal protection against discrimination based on gender re–
assignment, marriage, civil partnership, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy and
maternity, sex and beliefs (Monks, 2007). Therefore, managing diversity in the workplace is critical
towards the achievement of equality and discrimination free working environment. Bhatia (2008)
observed that the ability to understand, accept, value, acknowledge and celebrate differences among
people with respect to race, sexual orientation, religion, age, ethnicity and mental ability within an
organization is crucial in eliminating discrimination. Discrimination refers to the tendency of
denying equal treatment to people believed to be members of the same social group (Ozbilgin,
2009). In other words, discrimination in the work place is related to denial of equal treatment in
terms of promotion, compensation, career development, training and empowerment. Therefore,
managing diversity in the work place is crucial towards the achievement of a discrimination free
working environment and the
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Managing Diversity Essay
International management refers to the pursuit of organizational objectives in more than one nation.
International management has evolved as a discipline of increasing importance in recent years. The
underlying reason is that the corporate community is becoming more and more diverse.
Improvements in transportation and communications and lower production costs in many countries
around the world have made global markets more accessible. Although United States–based firms
have immediate access to huge domestic markets, they have steadily increased the proportion of
their foreign markets. It has been estimated that about 10 percent of all jobs in North America are
dependent upon export and import trade.
Other indicators, including foreign ... Show more content on ...
The most pervasive root problem in con¬ducting business in another country is that an assortment of
cultural values may be in conflict with company values. Culture in the sense used here refers to the
customs, beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior of a given society. An important example of
conflicting cultural values relates to the need for achievement . In a society where most people have
a low need for achievement, the profit motive may not be very strong and most employees may not
have a strong sense of time urgency.
2. Unfavorable political climate. An unfavorable or even hostile political cli¬mate can make it
particularly difficult to conduct business in some foreign countries. In extreme cases, widespread
rioting, kidnapping, and hostage taking may make it imperative for peeople of certain nationalities
to leave a country. Political attitudes may also interfere with equitable human resource practices in
the home country. North American companies with facilities in South Africa face a continuing
challenge of this nature. The South African government officially sanctions the practice of apartheid,
a separation of white and black people that perpetuates the repression of the black majority by the
white minority. In the workplace this means that South African blacks can only occupy lower level
positions and are paid much less than whites in those same positions.
3. Fluctuations in the national economy. Most national economies follow a general worldwide trend,
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Managing Diversity
Thirty years ago discrimination was a part of normal business activity. Work place diversity meant
hire outside of your family not outside of your race. As a result, the federal government felt impelled
to create employment laws. These new laws were implemented to eliminate discrimination and
provide the means for advancement. As a consequence of this implementation, these laws have
created possible barriers to maximizing the potential of every employee (Chan, 2000). Recently, the
concept of diversity has completely changed from before. It is predicted that by the year 2005,
women, minorities, and the disabled will dominate the workforce ("Managing Diversity", 1999).
Organizations that are viewed as biased against ... Show more content on ...
"Managing diversity is managing human resource needs," says Ben Harrison. (Jenner, 1994).
Human resource personnel alone can 't do the work of managing diversity. All levels of managers
should implement programs designed to heighten awareness of cultural differences, foster
appreciation for these differences, and identify the commonalties among the various ethnic groups.
Managing diversity is an effort that will involve all members of the company In order to reap the
fruits of diversity. The process should start by including managing diversity into the overall strategy,
this will promote cultural synergy and effectively integrating the better elements associated with
multiple cultures. This tactic will help in aiding of identifying and implementing of new practices in
companies with diverse units. –
Differences in Affirmative Action and managing diversity
Most people do not understand the meaning of workplace diversity. They believe one is talking
about Equa1 Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action programs (Jenner, 1994). Managing
diversity differs from these programs in five (5) ways:
1. It is a mutual adjustment process for the manager, organization, and the employee. 2. It centers on
maximizing employees ' potential. 3. It places priority on naturally changing
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Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay
There is no doubt that the business world is changing rapidly and that many factors are also
simultaneously interacting. Perhaps these factors are created by cultural diversity.
The online dictionary source, defines diversity in the social context as a
business strategy encouraging differences in order to compete in a marketplace with a heterogeneous
customer base. Diversity in the general population, the work force and the market place give many
benefits for organizations. Global managers gain more knowledge on internal diversity in order to
maximize the efficiency of their workforce and increase profit margins for their companies.
Diversification of the American workforce has changed the way managers ... Show more content on ...
An organization is affected by cultural factors on many levels. The top management forms the basic
foundation of an organization when they set the primary goals for that organization, the reason the
organization is in business. An example might be an American car company with the goal of
producing vehicles for the public and bringing in large profits for the shareholders. This goal is
derived in the root cultural tenant of capitalism. The United States was founded with capitalist ideas
and so American managers will have capitalist ideas. Now the same type of company in the Soviet
Union, before the end of the cold war, may have had the goal of producing efficient military
vehicles, not being concerned about the profit margin rather the purpose of the product. This goal
would have been derived from the socialist belief of "all things are for the good of the state."
As the influence of culture affects the direction of the company, it also affects the interaction
between the managers and the employees. In the example of the American auto plant, the interaction
between manager and employee was one based on western ideas of supervision and motivation.
Today these ideas are changing. As people of other races and other ethnic groups continue to
emigrate, they will bring even more diversity and lifestyle changes to the United States.
Three factors have
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Managing Diversity In South Africa

  • 1. Managing Diversity in South Africa 1. Introduction In the workplace, diversity in terms of ethnicity, locality, education and skills, age, and gender exist. Managers or employers therefore require innovative ideas to successfully manage employees in the workplace. Diversity management is a relatively new field in the South African business environment. Managing employees and the work environment involves different aspects and is influenced by the internal environment such as in the mission, vision and goals of the organisation as well as the external environment. These aspects include areas where diversity management is important. Managers have various roles to carry out in an organisation in order to provide effective management and deal with the ethical issues. Factors ... Show more content on ... This involves competitive advantage over other organisations along with prospects and development of employees for retention purposes. Diversity initiatives retain a competitive advantage by improving employee confidence, decreasing interpersonal conflict, facilitating development in new markets and increasing creativity. It also includes the understanding of the marketplace in terms of the changing needs of consumers. Building workplace diversity will also result in the improved extent of understanding in leadership positions that encompasses a variety of skills. Better quality of team problem solving to bring in different perspectives resulting in creativity of ideas and solutions and lastly reduction of costs induce lower turnover, absenteeism and lawsuits (Daft, Kendrick, & Vershinina, 2010). Global diversity is more than just demographical factors (such as age, race, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation), it is about thinking, leadership, skills and style which integrates peoples differences to achieve all the goals planned and is acceptable universally, that is by breaking though barriers through globalisation (Dell, 2011). Globalisation refers to standardisation of products plan and marketing strategy throughout the world by assuming a homogeneous global market of consumers and industrial products (Daft, Kendrick, & Vershinina, 2010). A benefit of global diversity is broader services through customer satisfaction and product ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Leadership Competencies For Managing Diversity Essay Introduction The purpose of this paper is to understand the leadership competencies needed when managing diversity within an organization from an empirical article titled "Leadership Competencies for Managing Diversity" (Linde, Havenga, Visagie, 2011). Furthermore, an in depth look at examinations of different leadership styles theories will be included to explain their differences and how each style ranks when managing diversity in organizations. A definitive look at how experiences of managers can convey their leadership styles by referencing the diversity leadership competency model. Specifically, how to identify the kind of leadership competency styles often found in organizations and to determine how they are developed related to diversity management for organizations to sustain their success. Experiences related in the workplace and how diversity is viewed or treated pertaining to race, gender, generational groups and how leadership style has an overall effect in organizations. To conclude that based on the studies and evidence presented overall resulted in a positive evaluation. Summary Competencies are the core foundation of any organization. Starting with the HR department where talented HR professional are necessary when recruiting and building a sustainable workforce. Success is based on investing the type of human capital where flexibility and dedication as well as innovative leaders are needed when building and developing a strong allegiance within the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Managing Diversity Essay Managing Diversity No two humans are alike. People are different not only in gender, culture, race, social and psychological characteristics but also in their perspectives and prejudices. Society had discriminated on these aspects for centuries. Women and minority groups were denied of their due rights. But not any more. Since 1960s, when federal legislation prohibited employment discrimination, minorities and female applicants have become the fastest–growing segment in the work force. Diversity makes the work–force heterogeneous. The work–force diversity used in the corporate world today is the varied characteristics of employees working in same organization. Despite the magnitude of the ethical, legal, economic, social, and political ... Show more content on ... Diversity can be broadly divided in two main types, e.g. superficial diversity (e.g. differences in gender, ethnicity, nationality) and deep–level diversity (e.g. differences in knowledge, skills and differences in values). Importance of superficial diversity can be reduced by increased amounts of interaction between individuals of various sexes, ethnicity and nationality etc thereby increasing the importance of deep–level diversity . For an enterprise to become diverse, it has to concentrate on its internal workforce. A worst practice in diversity is by initiating a corporate diversity effort focused on customers and external public relations. It leads to false expectations. Focus of diversity initially should be on internal culture. A dedicated and motivated diverse workforce will automatically lead an organization to diverse society. There can be many factors that motivate organizations of all sizes to diversify their workforces. Legal requirement of non discrimination is a major cause but then there are few organizations which make their workforce diverse taking it as a social responsibility. The diversity may be adopted for economic payback, particularly through initiatives like welfare– to–work, thereby effectively turning tax users into tax payers. Companies may be motivated towards diversity for many other reasons like resource imperative, or as a marketing strategy. It can also be used as a capacity building ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Managing Diversity Managing Diversity in The Public Sector: A case Study of a Small City Council; by Mark Steger and Prof R. Erwee (20001) Definitions of diversity range from distributive concerns based on the traditional categories of race, ethnicity and gender to the addition of a vast array of differences in age, sexual orientation, disability, employment status, tenure, function, educational background, lifestyle, religion, values and beliefs in addition to race, ethnicity and gender. Diversity is a two–edged blade. Although on the one hand it is brought about by differences in access to information, skills, abilities, values, beliefs attitudes, personality, cognitive styles and manner styles also. To raise progress, development, renewal and ... Show more content on ... * Diversity enhances employee relations and reduces the cost of labour. * Diversity improves workforce quality and performance in terms of diverse skills, creativity, problem–solving and flexibility. Diversity improves workforce quality and performance in terms of diverse skills, creativity, problem–solving and flexibility. The effects of diversity on organisational outcomes, such as performance, creativity, teamwork and problem–solving, are the areas that attract the interest of researchers most of all. In fact, most of the diversity research focuses on these aspects, although the findings suggest mixed and conflicting results. Advocates of diversity management argue that an inclusive diversity climate increases the performance and productivity level of employees through increased job satisfaction and commitment (Morrison 1992). They also argue that diversity fosters adaptability to environmental change and organisational flexibility and provides a competitive edge by doing so (Cox 1993, Cox and Blake 1991, Fernandez 1991). Additionally, McEnrue (1993) found that embracing diversity leads to decreased levels of frustration among supervisors who gain the skills to understand and manage groups with diverse backgrounds. Similarly, at top management level, several studies ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Managing Diversity Now: Article Analysis The Merriam–Webster Dictionary defines Diversity as "the condition of having or being composed of different elements: especially the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization (1). It is evident that diversity impacts every country worldwide, as there is not one country in the world that is not diverse. Although there will be the minorities and majorities of a country, whether a government likes it or not, each country is diverse in its own unique way. With this, we are able to analyze the problems of the past, deal with the current problems we face, and ultimately, we will be able to predict the issues diversity will cause in the near future. While reading, analyzing, and interpreting the article: Managing Diversity ... Show more content on ... The author did a great job at explaining the various frameworks that made up the Spanish Framework of Diversity Management as a whole. I found these frameworks informative, as they broke down different factors that impacted diversity in Spain. To be more specific, the Spanish Identity Context was split into two factors: religion and language. Being able to see how these two factors led to further problems was interesting to me, as I was able to make connections to other things I've learned, therefore getting the bigger picture of how diversity is perceived throughout Spain. Further, this article ultimately made me realize how fortunate I am to live where I do, and to have the privileges I do. Although there are problems in Canada surrounding diversity, they don't relate directly to me, and that's something I am extremely grateful ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. BBC: Managing Diversity and Equality Essay Running Head: MANAGING DIVERSITY AND EQUALITY BBC Case on Managing Diversity and Equality BBC Case on Managing Diversity and Equality Introduction The paper will present a case study on the diversity and equality issues in the world's largest broadcasting network, BBC. The company has employed around 24000 employees. It aims to reflect its audience with the diverse workforce as diversity is considered as a vital success factor of organisation. The company needs to focus on managing the diversity so that it can engage its audience as it targets the diverse people, in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, faith and religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation social and background. Since the audience is ... Show more content on ... There are many challenges of diversity in the United Kingdom which have provided the company some with creative opportunities to offer its audiences distinctive and original programming that would engage them. As far as its competitor's strategies and practices of managing diversity are concerned, it can be seen that ITV network has also incorporated some equal opportunity policies which reflect the Equality Act 2010 and desire equality for everyone with the characteristics of disability, gender, parental or marital status, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religious beliefs and origin. It means the policies of equal opportunities are available to every employee of the organisation regardless of their ethnicity and disability. The company also uses its intranet site for increasing the awareness regarding equality legislation and also runs diversity campaigns which are aligned to its business priorities and CR strategy (Cox 1991, 34). Employment Tribunal Judgement for the Miriam O' Reilly Case The case is about a 5 year old lady who is the former presenter at BBC, named Miriam O'Reilly. She was dropped from a 23–year–old show, Countryfile in 2009, after that she filed a case against the company. On the other hand, she has won the case for age discrimination against the company, but not the sex discrimination case. The company has apologised the woman for the discrimination and in light of the court's ruling, the company have ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Managing Diversity Paper By the year 2050, nonwhites will represent close to half of the U.S. population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau projections. By 2005, the ethnic minority share of the workforce is expected to grow to 28 percent, up from 18 percent in 1980 and 22 percent in 1990. Although the African American population is now the largest minority group, the Hispanic and Asian populations are growing much faster. In 1994, the African American population was estimated to be 33 million, or 12.7 percent of the total population, up from 11.7 percent in 1980. By 2025, African Americans are expected to represent 14 percent of the total. The Hispanic population is 10 percent of the total U.S. population in 1994, it is projected to be ... Show more content on ... As a result of these demographic changes as stated above, the ability of us as future business leaders to attract, recruit, and develop a qualified workforce from diverse populations will become critical for business survival.
  • 14. As managers, especially in today's fast paced business environment we have little time to assess the impact of diversity efforts. Organizations are under pressure to improve the product and services they provide to customers, with greater accountability for achieving results, for reduced cycle time, and at a lower cost. So, as managers how do we manage diversity? I believe, that understanding and achieving diversity is the key to understanding the complex demands society and the marketplace place on businesses today. I also believe, when organizations leverage the contributions of their total workforce, they not only survive they succeed. So, how do we get there? Experience has shown, programs that work have taken time to develop and communicate the vision have the most success. I personally, as a manager and future business leader will be shaping messages and keeping diversity at the forefront of the minds of my peers and rank and file employees. I will also spend time learning about workforce diversity and how it affects bottom line success, this means tying diversity into the bottom line corporate strategic issues. For diversity to succeed it must be seen as inseperable
  • 15. from stategic issues. I think one ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Managing Diversity For Delivering Better Outcomes Assignment 1 of International Public Management : Managing Diversity For Delivering Better Outcomes Introduction Diversity is a part of every day life in many countries in the developed world. People from all sorts of different cultures and backgrounds place values and norms in the community or workforce circumstance. Moreover, diversity is about embracing all of the members to share their own and unique experiences with their different ways of thinking to build the happy and community that leads to better service. This assignment will discuss about the challenges of diversity based on my own experience in delivering healthcare services that happens in my home country, Indonesia. Two years ago, I worked in health insurance company ... Show more content on ... However, the diversity is described as good business sense because we can expand the market more effectively by embracing the difference. Arguably, the diversity is about diversity of thought. The diversity of thought is a source to find innovative solutions to new business challenges as well as provide products and services that exceed the customers' expectations. Equally, this is probably because when we respect different cultures and thought in business units, we begin to think on open–minded approach when solving challenges elsewhere. Since I worked in multinational company, I had to deal with people from different education level. That was not a big problem for me because when I was in university, I realized that my university was a representative of diversity itself. My university had more than 30 different majors, with most of the students were men. I had to learn about how to work together with those diverse circumstances everyday because when we discussed about something it ended up with a lot of framing from different approaches. Then when I started to work, it was easier for me because I have learnt before how to work with people from different backgrounds. I believe that accustomed by dealing with diversity will develop your every competencies as well A few years ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Managing Organizational Diversity Because of globalization, there is need for improved relations among people of diverse beliefs, backgrounds as well as cultures. In the modern world, individuals no longer work and live in a confined marketplace: they have become part of the emerging world economies with competition from every corner of the continent. Therefore, it is important for non–profit and profit organizations to not only become open to change but also be creative. According to Kouzes & Barry (2002) "management of diversity has gained popularity in the recent years and despite its distinct contexts, it is gaining more attention as a result of demographic development, mobility of national and global workforce, international and globalised business as well as increased competitiveness". Diversity is not only beneficial to the employees but also to organizations' managers. Even though associates are perceived as being interdependent in the workplace, respecting workers differences can contribute to organizational growth (Loysk, 1996). Additionally, diversity within the organization can result into increased marketing opportunities, business image, recruitment, creativity and reduced lawsuits (Cox, 2001). '"In the era whereby creativity and flexibility are key contributors to competitiveness, diversity is essential in success of the organization". However, the consequences of loss of money and time should be put into consideration. According to Cox (2001) "human resource management activities in the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Managing Diversity In Fire Department Managing diversity is one of the hardest tasks for the modern fire service manager to accomplish. Firstly the manager is required by Title VII and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to provide an employment pattern that matches the demographic makeup of the particular community. Can a manager in the modern fire service manage a diversity program that truly manages diversity instead of simply trying to increase the numbers and percentages of minority workers in their fire department? Diversity encompasses a very wide spectrum ranging from cultural to subcultural categories, and it also includes individual or personal traits. Viewpoints on how diversity affects today's fire department vary greatly from the idea of instigating hardship ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Managing Diversity Within An Organization Managing Diversity is often defined as a "management philosophy of recognising and valuing heterogeneity in organisations with a view to improve organisational performance" (Ozbilgin and Tatli, 2011). Hence recognising the wide variety of qualities possessed by people within an organisation and creating an environment that understands, values and utilises the differences within people. Due to the rapidly growing trends of a more diverse workforce, diverse market and globalisations of businesses, managing diversity is essential for business success through maximisation of utilization of a firm's most important resources, its employees. This reflects two broad areas of investigation within managing diversity, one includes studies of the instrumental ways that diversity contributes to organisational performance; the other considers ethical and responsible ways that diversity at work can be managed. The Moral case has often been expressed in terms of Equal Opportunities, which has found manifestation in various pieces of legislation; the business case, instead, is often referred to in terms of managing diversity. However, it is hard to fully separate managing diversity in the workplace from the provision of equal employment opportunities, as legislation shapes the way in which diversity is managed found manifestation in various pieces of legislation; the business case, instead, is often referred to in terms of managing diversity. Recently, there has been a high–profile debate ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Managing Workplace Diversity Essay Diversity is a term used most often to describe the different types of race, religion, and nationalities but in today's business world, it is used to describe the different individual behaviors of employees. Diversity is about characteristics and demographics that differ from person to person and how they affect human behavior. To understand how diversity affects the work place let us look at four types of diversity––Differences in skill and abilities, Values and attitudes, Occupation differences, and Age. Differences in skills and abilities "Aptitudes are potential abilities, whereas abilities are the knowledge and skills that an individual currently possesses." (Schermerhorn 2003) Professionals such as Doctors, Lawyers, and even ... Show more content on ... Traditional or older workers with traditional values believe in the company over the person, quantity over quality and uniformity over diversity. New or baby boomers value economic results and social responsibility. The Hybrid or mixture of traditional and new is the young entry level workers who are more concerned with making money than they are about their futures the welfare of the society. As more and more baby boomers take over the corporate positions of retired traditionalists we are seeing a shift in the over all North American values from economic to social/personal. The impact of changing values continues to shape the way companies conduct business, treat their employees, and has resulted in the emergence of a new social conscience. Occupation "Another type of diversity is occupation, with this having an impact on individual behavior. For example, an individual in a professional occupation is more likely to make her own decisions and is more likely to reject being managed too strongly. The case of a medical doctor is one example. A medical doctor considers themselves an expert in their area and is likely to consider that nobody else has the same expertise. Based on this, the individual is likely to make her own decisions and to act independently. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Managing Cultural Diversity : An Organization Research paper 15 September 14 Managing cultural diversity workplaces are a challenge that has the potential to influence organization positively or negatively. People are an organization's most important key of assets and knowing how to maximize their abilities is critical to success. Utilizing diversity and acknowledging, appreciating will help build the resources that business needs to be successful now and in the future. Australia has seen dramatic changes in the structure of its workplace. Now made up of women, immigrants, and minorities are increasing percentage of workplace. In addition to these workers, who speak variety different languages, approaches to work, and have varying customs, the population is also getting older, requiring people who are from different age groups with different generational values to have to work side by side. Manager will require more training to be successfully. Manager should aware of the labor market demands new workers are placing on every facet of our economy. They bring new perspectives, skill, experiences, and approaches to the work environment. This will force most managers have to develop new skills (Josh Greenberg 2005). The essay is explained managers understand, appreciate and lead employees who may look, speak, act and behave differently than what they have been accustomed to. There is identification that Australia has a long standing and continuing commitment to a pluralist, diverse, democratic society based on ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Managing Cultural Diversity HRDI 3:4 (2000), pp. 419–433 PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES What is managing diversity and why does it matter? Sharon Mavin and Gill Girling University of Northumbria at Newcastle Abstract: In the UK, human resource practitioners and academics alike are becoming more aware of the emergence of managing diversity. But what does managing diversity actually mean, how does it translate into practice, and what does it matter? The following paper brie y debates the rhetoric of managing diversity and considers whether managing diversity is a distinct approach to managing people or a means of diluting equal opportunities in UK organizations. With respect to the realities of the concepts in UK organizations, empirical data from a survey of sixty UK ... Show more content on ... In a recent report (1999), a Department of Education in America described managing and valuing diversity as a key component of effective people management, arguing that it focuses on improving the performance of the organization and promotes practices that enhance the productivity of all staff. Their dimensions of diversity include gender, race, culture, age, family/carer status, religion, and disability. The de nition provided also embraces a range of individual skills, educational quali cations, work experience and background, languages, and other relevant attributes and experiences which differentiate individuals. In the UK, managing diversity has only recently come into fashion and subsequently gained pace since the mid–1990s. To date there is a lack of critical evaluative research and literature to support a common understanding of the concept of managing diversity, what impact it has on equal opportunities and what this actually means in practice in UK organizations. Existing literature relating to managing diversity can be broadly categorized into two groups, the first of which can be seen as doing little more than reiterating the traditional arena of equal opportunities (see Cooper and White 1995; Copeland 1988; Ellis and Sonner eld 1995). The second literature group views managing diversity as going far beyond the conventional approach to equal Mavin and Girling: Managing ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Managing Diversity Essay Managing Diversity Introduction Thirty years ago discrimination was a part of normal business activity. Work place diversity meant hire outside of your family not outside of your race. As a result, the federal government felt impelled to create employment laws. These new laws were implemented to eliminate discrimination and provide the means for advancement. As a consequence of this implementation, these laws have created possible barriers to maximizing the potential of every employee (Chan, 2000). Recently, the concept of diversity has completely changed from before. It was predicted that by the year 2005, women, minorities, and the disabled would dominate the workforce ("Managing Diversity", 1999). Organizations that ... Show more content on ... Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action programs direct attention to laws that guide recruitment and promotion. 2. Valuing differences centers on interpersonal qualities that shape management's relationships with their employees. 3. Managing diversity focuses on the diverse quality of employees' work–life needs such as childcare, family leave, and flexible holiday schedules. It requires setting policies and procedures that empowers managers to meet employees' needs (Galagan, 1999; Jenner, 1994; Wilkinson, 1999). Organizations intending to survive will need to implement all of the components listed above. Managing diversity will eventually make Affirmative Action and valuing differences unnecessary (Thomas Jr., 2000). – Why manage diversity? Diversity needs to be managed as a result of the demographic changes in the workforce. Surveys have revealed that demographic changes will reshape the workforce and the marketplace. They include:  An increase in the number of minorities and immigrants in the labor pool  An increase in the number of women in the workforce  A shift in values with more workers putting loyalty to career above of loyalty to the company and seeking more balance between work and home life
  • 32.  Illiteracy is on the rise, and simultaneously many jobs require a more skilled work force  An aging population overall If a business is to succeed, these individual and ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention over recent years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Continuing to increase racial and ethnic diversity in the workforce poses one of the most challenging human resource and organizational issues of our time; however, this paper will show that overcoming ... Show more content on ... Other countries around the world each have their own experience with and approach to ideas about how people differ, depending upon their historical and linguistic heritages. (Gundling 2007) The globalization of business and the demographic trends of many nations of the world are creating markets and workforces that are increasingly culturally diverse. For example, it is estimated that in the next decade more than 40 percent of all net additions to the workforce in the United States will be ethnic minorities, including many immigrants from Asian and Latin American countries. Further, organizations based in many other countries of the world, including Canada, Italy, the Pacific Islands, Germany and Japan, are struggling with issues related to the increased presence of ethnic minorities or of women in management ranks. (Cox 1997) In 50 of America's 200 cities with populations over 100,000, the so–called minority is the majority. (Hubbard 2004) According to the U.S. Census Bureau projections, by the year 2050, non–whites will represent close to half of the U.S. population. Over 600,000 people per year legally (about 1 million total) continue to flow into the U.S. population, and the birthrates of immigrants are higher than for the native–born population. (Condrey 2005) Immigration patterns have shifted, too. For much of the last century, the preponderance of immigrants came from Europe. Today, ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. Understanding Social Perception & Managing Diversity Understanding Social Perception & Managing Diversity Perception can and is influenced by a number of different things whether from the things that is read, seen on television, or simply from what we retain from family and friends. The way that perception is interpreted determines how we perceive people or our surrounding. Steve Harvey film and book Act like a Lady Think like a Man elaborates on how the perception between genders, as well as the diversity that distinguishes the communication barriers between men and women and helps to break down that barrier. In the text Organizational Dynamics and Human Behavior (second edition) major component of social perception and the Kelley's Model of Attribution are reflected in Act like a ... Show more content on ... Performance appraisal determines good versus poor performance through motivation and commitment and loyalty. Act like a Lady Think like a Man, Kristin realized that her boyfriend the non committer of nine years wasn't willing to go to the next phase of their lives because she didn't require anything from him so he displayed no willingness to want more. Leadership is when you lead by example. Kristin then began to make changes by encouraging him to want to apply for a better job and by just simply change the environment of their home through redecorating. Act like a Lady Think like a Man indicated that a woman can find all kinds of deficiencies in themselves–"I didn't do this right," "I wasn't good enough," "I didn't love him the way I should," "she came in here and outperformed me" (Harvey). Women need to reframe from placing the blame of the man's actions on themselves. By holding on to that weight can be hindering for future encounters. Steve Harvey said, "You simply cannot drive forward if you're focused on what's happening in the rearview mirror." Causal attributions is constantly formulating cause and affect explanations for our own and others behavior (kinicki, 2009, pg.68). Kelley's Model of Attributions proposes that behavior can be attributed either to internal factors within a person or external factors within the environment (kinicki, 2009, pg.69). Consensus involves a caparison of an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers. ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. Managing Sales Workforce Diversity August 2012 IJMT Volume 2, Issue 8 ISSN: 2249–1058 __________________________________________________________ MANAGING SALES WORKFORCE DIVERSITY Dr. Meenakshi Handa* Ms. Jyoti Kukreja** __________________________________________________________ Abstract The relevance of sales personnel in any organization has forever been unquestioned as they deliver the ultimate quality of buying experience to the end consumer. Unfortunately though, their position is still devoid of respect that it on an average deserves. The low vocational esteem fructifies the need for developing the need for enhancing their self–concept. Salespeople who lack motivation deliver only sub–optimal performance. The objective of this paper is to address ... Show more content on ... But what the effective mangers usually tend to ignore is that it is not that different groups have diverse needs but each group exists on multiple–needs format subjected to situations, changing relationships, etc. The Gallup Management Consulting Group has identified four general personality types: the Competitor, the Achiever, the Ego–Driven, and the Service–Oriented. The Competitor: For this category of sales personnel, ‗win/win' approach does not hold any meaning, the underlying implication remains on the basis of ‗win/lose' only. But for A Monthly Double–Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e–Journal – Included in the International Serial Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich 's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J–Gage, India as well as in Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A. International Journal of Marketing and Technology 216 August 2012
  • 39. IJMT Volume 2, Issue 8 ISSN: 2249–1058 __________________________________________________________ the lucid and ethical understanding of the connotation of ‗winning' and ‗competition' is significant. Organize contest to mark the level of competition in the organization and to inculcate the ‗spirit of dare'. When the fight for being the best is fierce the awards should be in grandiose. IBM 's main contest is its Golden Circle program, which recognizes the top ten percent of its sales force ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Managing Diversity Within The Workplace Abstract– Managing Diversity in the workplace requires a lot of focus, training, and time. This paper gives an insight into the world of management and how diversity plays a big part. It explores the key benefits to putting emphasis on diversity and also how not putting emphasis on diversity could hurt your business. This paper also gives examples on how to go about managing diversity in the workplace. With proper focus on managing diversity, your organization can be at a big advantage. I. INTRODUCTION Bringing together people of different ethnic backgrounds and age groups into an organized and productive unit is workplace diversity. Workplace diversity can play an important role and can be very helpful if it is managed properly. A company needs to be able to manage and use its diverse workplace effectively in order to survive and thrive. Workplace diversity should be a part of the culture of the entire organization and everyone should feel comfortable to do their job and not feel discriminated. Training, communication, and time are a few of the key aspects of managing diversity that a manager and employees need to focus on in order to meet everyone's own needs. This is because people of different ethnicities and age groups view these aspects in different ways. People seeing these things in different ways in not a bad thing, but definitions of these terms must be clearly set so that every employee is on the same page and understands what is expected of them. When bringing ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Managing Diversity Essay examples Managing Diversity As we enter the new millenium, diversity in the workforce is rapidly increasing. Businesses and organizations are living up to the great melting pot image the United States has always been popular for. Employees now reflect a diversity of cultural perspectives, ethnic backgrounds, ages, genders, physical abilities, and levels of education. This wave of multiculturalism is here to stay and cannot be ignored. It is in need of attention in order to uphold the well–being and success of businesses and organizations all over the country. One way to face this wave of diversity is to learn to accept and value it ( What is diversity? Why does it matter? Once this is ... Show more content on ... Regardless of how diversity is defined, it is an issue that is sweeping the nation. By the 21st century, racial and ethnic minorities will constitute 25% of the U.S. population, affecting the makeup of the U.S. labor force (7). By the year 2000, women will constitute 47% of the total workforce and the average age of the workforce is expected to increase from 36 in 1986 to age 39 (7). If the corporate society does not address the issue by learning how to manage diversity, they will fail. Managing Diversity in the workplace is more than just an acquired skill, it is "a way of thinking" (1). It involves creating an environment that allows all employees to contribute to organizational goals and experience personal growth. The key is to help employees reach their full potential by creating an environment that will allow them to be motivated and productive and ultimately, be beneficial for the organization. During the last part of this century, businesses and organizations have heavily relied on affirmative actions laws to ensure equal employment opportunities. The failure of this dependence upon legislation is that is doesn't address the full spectrum of diversity in the workplace (6). Affirmative actions laws have limitations, discriminating against people holding protected–class status such as women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay Managing diversity and demographical changes in the workplace presents many dilemmas. Confronted with constant change, management, business educators, and organizational consultants continue to meet the challenges of a new and diverse workforce in a number of ways. Diversity can be defined in numerous ways. Diversity includes all the ways in which people differ, and it encompasses all the different characteristics that make one individual or group different from another. It is all inclusive and recognizes every individual and every group as part of the diversity that should be valued. A broad definition includes not only race, gender, ethnicity, age, national origin, religion and disability, but may include sexual orientation, values, ... Show more content on ... That unceasing mockery made me feel insecure about who I was and where I came from. As I got older, my insecurity changed to a positive nature because of the sense of belonging in an environment where everyone came from the very same ethnic background at the private yeshiva for girls where I was enrolled for the duration of my high school years. I was constantly exposed to the multifarious cultures in our society due to leading a life of living in two worlds, my religious environment with my family in one and my socialization with my deaf friends who came from a variety of ethnic background in another. For what I was exposed with growing up has brought my sense of understanding and respect for ethnicity into perspective. I love learning about others and sharing about mine as well as long as the feelings are mutual. The way I behave affects others' behaviors towards me. This allows for an amicable and friendly relationship with my fellow peers personally and professionally. With respect to the differences in maintaining skills and abilities, an individual's behavior can be impacted by its own capabilities or lack thereof. Awareness of one's physical ability and skill can enhance how one behaves. Maintaining skills is a learned power of doing something competently such as speaking fluently using proper form of language or the memory of mixing drinks. Maintaining ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Managing Diversity Essay Managing Diversity can help an organisation achieve a competitive advantage Rapidly changing demographics in particular western countries place more importance than ever on the need to manage diversity in the workplace. XYZ is a relatively new diversity strategy that has emerged from earlier concepts of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action. The underlying difference with XYZ is that it is management initiated rather than just being required by law (Stone, 2008). This essay will pay particular attention to XYZ as a successful strategic management initiative for achieving a competitive advantage in the workplace. XYZ has developed from increased pressure for business to become internationally competitive as well as a ... Show more content on ... By engaging with the community and strengthening the organisation 's integrity many benefits come from gaining a reputation as an employer of choice with integrity (Bergen et al., 2002). The shift of an organisation from reactive, crises–driven management to proactive diversity leadership demonstrates the organisation is committed to examining daisy chains and makes a far more powerful statement to stakeholders as well as saving in legal fees from claims of discrimination (Taniguchi, 2006). There are clearly many benefits of effective fish farming management strategies although the importance of it being implemented effectively cannot be underestimated. If not facilitated properly the results can be intensely negative. It can lead to reinforcement of stereotypes of employees who are perceived as XYZ different, reverse discrimination against members of the majority group, and increased legal liabilities (Bergen et al., 2002). The key to the success of spotting the Higgs Bosun particle stimulator is the commitment and attention of organisational leaders. Leaders need to become 'XYZ champions' ensuring that every level of the organisation respects and accepts diversity (McCuiston et al., 2004). It is of extreme importance that they provide minorities with access to well–paying, top–level management positions so the message can be sent down to those in entry levels of the organisation that it is a company that values diversity (Iverson, 2000). Co–operation is ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Managing Ethnic Diversity in the Workplace Essay Diversity as an issue is new. It became an issue when three powerfully significant trends reached their own critical points at about the same time (Fernandez & Barr, 1993): The global market in which American corporations must now do business became intensely competitive. The makeup of the U.S. work force began changing dramatically, becoming more diverse. Individuals began to increasingly celebrate their differences and become less amenable to compromising what makes them unique. This inclination represents a marked departure from previous times when predispositions were to "fit in." To succeed in this highly competitive environment, managers must find ways to get the highest level of contribution from their workers. And ... Show more content on ... Workforce 2000 projects the highest rate of increase for Asian Americans and Hispanics; however, Asian Americans will be less significant numerically than Hispanics because they are growing from a much smaller base. The labor participation growth rate of white women will be relatively smaller, but because they are expanding from a large base, the increase will be numerically substantial (Johnston & Packer, 1987). The projection refers to work force growth. It doesn't mean that the prominence of white males in the labor force will change dramatically. In 1985 white males composed 49 percent of the labor force; by 2000, they will constitute approximately 45 percent (Johnston & Packer, 1987). However, in a number or companies, women and minorities already compose large portions of the existing work force and as much as 80 percent of new hires. For managers of these organizations, the future is now. Labor Shortage An equally significant prediction is that overall the work force will grow at a declining rate. For the decade ending in 1990, the projected growth rate was 27 percent; for the decade ending in the year 2000, it is 11 percent (Johnston & Packer, 1987). One important implication of our changing demographics is the very real potential for a labor shortage. Managers are expected to experience increasing
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  • 52. Managing Diversity in the Workplace Intent vs. Perception. Antoinette Mayer worked for DigiSys, a multimillion dollar technology company where many of the company's senior managers were retired military officers. Jay Strong, her boss, became very friendly in an awkward way with Mayer one day where his conversation moved from business topics to more personal conversation. As time progressed, he got "warmer" towards Mayer; seemed to encounter her more in the company cafeteria and requested more of her time under the pretense of gathering updates. After many encounters like this, she decided to do something about it so she went to the Human Resources vice president for assistance. He told her that he didn't think she had much of a case. The company was full of military ... Show more content on ... It can occur in a variety of situations: unwanted jokes, gestures, offensive words on clothing; Transmitting or posting emails or pictures of a sexual or other harassment–related nature; displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, or posters. Although it may cost Bliss a transfer or loss of training, Law's behavior should be reported because it was very inappropriate. He has been esteemed as the best in his craft, but his raunchy, unprofessional behavior is unacceptable. Is Equal Fair? Moses Wu wanted to break into the circle of senior managers at ETech. He was an early recruit of ETech's founding partners and had been at the firm since its establishment. He had the credentials and he knew the technology better than anyone, but he felt like he was hitting the "glass ceiling" and would be destined to quietly grind out new technologies from a lab bench the rest of his life. It had been three months since he had mentioned his desires to his boss but had not heard anything. Wu was the only Asian and nearly the only employee not born and raised in the West so he felt "different" in the offices and at the company's after–hours events. Wu was not an aggressive person, but he was sought for his expertise and it was well received. Wu ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Managing Diversity Research Paper The experiences of diversity in my career environment are that (1) Employees sometimes get frustrated and angry when the leaders or business managers always compare employees behavior with their own norms and values. If the behavior makes sense they accept it, but if it doesn't it they reject it. Sometimes that rejection leads to frustration and angry. They should avoid showing frustration and angry towards their employees behavior. So the reason why they get frustration or angry is because they often interpret their behavior incorrectly. (2) Employers and managers don't understand what motivates and satisfies their employees regarding wages or salaries, and that leads to poor performance, disengagement and high turnover rates. Improving employee satisfaction leads to desirable employee behaviors, such as recommending the company to others, supporting its products and satisfying its customers. (3) Some people get failing and refusing ... Show more content on ... Managing diversity is an important add–on to the management skills they already have. Managing diversity is simply acknowledging differences in people. It involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination, and promoting inclusiveness. I may also be challenged with losses in personal and work productivity due to prejudice and discrimination, as well as complaints and legal actions against the organization. Communication diversity is that as employees from different cultures and backgrounds communicate in slightly different ways. This can lead to confusion and frustration, as if the signals result is missed in miscommunication, and the productivity is going to be lost. Miscommunication can also enforce existing stereotypes about minorities, further exacerbating tensions, and in the worst cases leaving the company vulnerable to ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. An Article On Managing Cultural Diversity Within Sports... Sports are the entertainment that is spreading throughout the world. Because of this, there are many sports leagues that are culturally diverse. People have started the address the issue of diversity in sports. For example, Leo Kahane, Neil Longley, and Robert Simmons wrote an article titled "The Effects of Coworker Heterogeneity on Firm–Level Output: Assessing the Impacts of Cultural and Language Diversity in the National Hockey League," and this article talks about how teams and players have to deal with teammates that are culturally from a different background. Also, Alison J. Doherty wrote an article titled "Managing Cultural Diversity in Sport Organizations: A Theoretical Perspective" while this article talks about how sports organizations have to manage the diversity of the team while trying to be able to perform at their best. Both of these articles do a fine job in using certain elements of argument to make their respective articles persuasive. However, the article that talks about the National Hockey League uses logos, along with facts and evidence most successful while the other article uses mainly ethos and logos most effectively. The three authors that wrote about diversity in the National Hockey League (NHL) talk about the strategy of making a team come together because of the diversity by using logic and facts to prove their point. For example the article talks about how diversity has grown in the NHL when the authors talk about how more and more Europeans ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Strategies For Managing Diversity At New Jersey According to Adler and Gundersen (2008), many organizations today are forced to make a decision on how to manage cultural diversity. To this end, they face three choices: ignore it, minimize it, or leverage it (p. 99). Each decision leads to different strategies for managing diversity that produces different results. This essay presents a specific case involving a workplace cultural conflict, and argues that leveraging cultural diversity through a synergistic approach is the superior strategy. A six–member team based in New Jersey was assembled to develop a mobile application for a healthcare client that is scheduled to be delivered within 30 days. The team which has a diverse mix of age, gender, ethnicity and culture, has mostly worked together for about one year. However, Harpreet–a Hindu woman who moved to the United States from India as a child, and Darius–a Muslim man who moved to the United States ten years ago, were recently added to the team. Darius and Harpreet are having a difficult time working together. A cultural conflict has developed between them that threatens to fracture the group and derail the project. They are constantly arguing and complaining about each other. In her most recent complaint, Harpreet claims that Darius, being a Muslim man, does not respect her because she is a woman and a Hindu. Although this conflict has a potential of spilling over to the rest of the team, it primarily exists between Darius and Harpreet. Since the group is ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Managing Cultural Diversity : An Organization Managing cultural diversity workplaces are a challenge that has the potential to influence organization positively or negatively. People are an organization's most important key of assets and knowing how to maximize their abilities is critical to success. Utilizing diversity and acknowledging, appreciating will help build the resources that business needs to be successful now and in the future. Australia has seen dramatic changes in the structure of its workplace. Now made up of women, immigrants, and minorities are increasing percentage of workplace. In addition to these workers, who speak variety different languages, approaches to work, and have varying customs, the population is also getting older, requiring people who are from ... Show more content on ... There is no accurate definition of 'multiculturalism '. According to Koleth in Australia, ' Multiculturalism has served a variety of objectives over the years, including, the pursuit of social justice, appreciation of diversity and the recognition of identities, the integration of migrants, nation building, and attempts to achieve and maintain social cohesion.' The Keating government was particularly focused on linking multiculturalism to the Australian value of 'fair go' (Koleth, 2010, p60). Multiculturalism has evolved as the dominant bipartisan policy approach to address Australia 's cultural diversity since the early 1970s. Since that time momentous advances have been made in the workplaces. For example, anti– discrimination laws have been enacted. Government programs have become more sensitive to the needs of all clients, society has generally embraced diversity in the arts, lifestyles, and cuisine, and Australia government has begun to use cultural diversity for economic benefit. Australia government has also begun to appreciate how the existence of people from culturally diverse backgrounds in their society provides bridges to other countries and cultures in an increasingly global community. The review of literature is a key process of any research as it allows research to be placed in context. Equally, it does not only become familiar concepts, theories and arguments associated to the research topic. Particularly, this literature review comprises ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Notes On Managing Equality And Diversity 7. Managing equality and diversity Equality an opportunity in UK is the way to solve equality and diversity in organisation that refer to the legal framework developed in 1970s and 1980s and translated into employee legislation (Iles, 2011 p.24). Part of it is originated from US experiences but have several differences such as age discrimination and affirmative action (Liff, 1997). Equal Opportunities paradigm can be seen into two perspectives: liberal approach and radical approach. Liberal approach view inequality related to race and gender as a distortion for labour market that can be corrected by consistent recruitment procedures and positives action upon recruitment and training. This action can leads to fair procedures that reflect equality opportunity (Iles, 2011, op. cit.). In the other hand radical approach consider the liberal approach as ineffective in making a significant change, with formal procedures used as a sight to hiding discrimination that take place. This approach believes that there is a 'best person' for the job, and that rational and unbiased procedure can discover that person. But a concern over favouritism and reverse discrimination, and accusation can develop into divisive competition between groups, ensured that more radical approach did not become mainstream (ibid., p.24–25). As explained by Mulholland earlier in the text that diversity management is a proactive approach to objectify success in organisation goal. However this approach not ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Managing Change and Diversity MANAGING CHANGE AND DIVERSITY – EasiYo Paul O'Brien in 2009 became the CEO of EasiYo, a manufacturer of powder–based yogurts. With O'Brien's arrival at EasiYo, the company has overseen a 30 percent growth in the annual sales (Jones & George 2003). With the increase of sale and exports a number of challenges have become evident including the absence of a formal management arrangement and the pressure placed of the efficiency and effectiveness of employees (Jones & George 2003). As EasiYo continues to grow into a multinational business, EasiYo must adopt a mixture of hard and soft approaches to human resource management. Coupled with Mayo's approaches to management EasiYo will be able to overcome its challenges professionally and ... Show more content on ... 2011). When EasiYo's sales and operations continued to expand and grow its local and unqualified workers cannot respond to the company's changing need and demands. This placed pressure on the employees to perform, causing O'Brien to adapt to changes in EasiYo's technologies and exploit opportunities to improve (Grant 2012). O'Brien focused on up skilling it's workers with a government–subsidised literacy program that improved the employee literacy and numeracy skills (Clement 2011). With the improvement of EasiYo's employee's it ensured quality control and stimulated greater loyalty and incentive, which produces a stronger workplace atmosphere (Jones & George 2013). Creating goals and a controlled environment motivated employees to perform efficiently; this creates opportunities to gain competitive advantages in a global market. When O'Brien joined EasiYo there was an absence of a formal management system that would sustain elevated performance and construct a proposal for future development and growth (Jones & George 2013). O'Brien adopts a mixture of both hard and soft approaches to human resource management. A soft approach to management means staff are looking for self–fulfillment in their work that is derived from social relations with their manager. O'Brien does this well by emphasizing teamwork and participative collaboration, creating a fulfilling and meaningful workplace that encourages autonomy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. The Importance Of Managing Equality And Diversity Unit 6:10 Introduction As a Senior Staff of London College of Science and Technology, this report will address the importance of effectively managing equality and diversity as well as the dynamics of leading and managing in my Organisation. The task is divided into two: The first task will explain the meaning of equality and diversity, analysis of its legal requirement, implications, policies and procedure, needs and expectations of stakeholder in relation to the organisation policy on equality and diversity. The second task will appraise how to address equality and diversity, evaluate methods of communicating commitment and analyse technique used to review and monitor equality and diversity. Task 1 What is Organisational Equality and diversity? Though, it is sometimes used interchangeably, the terms 'equality' and 'diversity' are not similar. According to Department of Health, Equality is about 'providing a better society, where everyone can contribute and has the opportunity to fulfil their potential' (DoH, 2004). In my view, equality means treating everyone with impartiality and respect, and knowing the needs of individuals. It is about addressing present shortcomings affecting how people participate in society. Diversity means identifying, valuing and taking into cognisance people 's different backgrounds, understanding, skills, needs and experiences. It is also about motivating and using those differences to create a ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Diversity: Managing the Employees 1. Employees at this company have absolutely no incentive to pass the course. Whoever set up this program should be fired, full stop. Basically, the employees get a paid day at a nice hotel to work on this program. The more they fail, the more times they get this paid day at a nice hotel away from their regular jobs. The employees are incentivized to fail repeatedly. The incentives are entirely going the wrong way here. The employees should have an incentive to pass the first time, and they should also have an incentive to spend as little of the company's time and money as possible on the process. Thus, virtually every aspect of this training program is negative for the company, because the employee incentives will result in the costs being increased in every instance. Dramatic changes need to be made in order to make this an efficient training process. 2. In order to remedy this, the company needs to ensure that employees have an incentive to complete this training the first time. Thus, the focus of the training needs to be placed back on the material, as opposed to the cushiness of the course. So the entire program should be scrapped, if the company is serious about making improvements. The first thing that needs to be done is to ensure that the employees are using down time in order to complete the course. The current system takes the employees away from their jobs, reducing overall productivity. That the employees usually take multiple days only compounds the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Managing Diversity Managing Diversity Research Paper Proposal Anee Rork Team C University of Phoenix Managing Diversity Research Paper Proposal Workplaces today are become increasingly diverse with employees of different genders, races, cultures, ethnic origins, and lifestyles. There have been so many changes in the cultural make–up of organizations that it has become imperative for leaders and supervisors to understand cultural diversity and how it can affect their organization. By understanding how this diversity can affect their organization, leaders are taking steps to assure a conflict–free environment and promoting positive outcomes for the business, as well as its employees. "Diversity today is being viewed as a key means to ... Show more content on ... How does diversity affect organizational performance? 2. What are the advantages to having a diverse workforce? 3. What are the disadvantages to having a diverse workforce? 4. What steps are these organizations taking to minimize conflict to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes for the business and diverse workforce? 5. Is there an ideal method or tool organizations can implement to promote a positive and healthy work environment in business that has multicultural diversity? Team C has delineated our objectives for this project and will conduct our research accordingly. We will utilize the references established to address the problem statement and research questions related to our subject. The supportive data will be collected, organized, analyzed, and presented in proper APA format. The team will review the research paper to ensure we are answering the questions presented. A minimum of five sources are to be used, with three of them from the University of Phoenix Online Library collection. Team members will assure the accuracy and validity of the data used to ensure a thoughtful and informative paper. "Walk into almost any U.S. workplace and you can see it in people's faces: diversity. Demographers forecast even more changes to come. The old business fix – adding a new HR policy in the employee manual – won't be ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Essay on 'Managing Diversity in the Workplace John F. Kennedy once said " If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity." Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges, and the Required Managerial Tools1 Kelli A. Green, Mayra López, Allen Wysocki, and Karl Kepner2 Introduction The world's increasing globalization requires more interaction among people from diverse cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds than ever before. People no longer live and work in an insular marketplace; they are now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from nearly every continent. For this reason, profit and non–profit organizations need diversity to become more creative and open to change. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity ... Show more content on ... population. Companies need to focus on diversity and look for ways to become totally inclusive organizations because diversity has the potential of yielding greater productivity and competitive advantages (SHRM, 1995). Stephen G. Butler, co–chair of the Business–Higher Education Forum, believes that diversity is an invaluable competitive asset that America cannot afford to ignore (Robinson, 2002). Managing and valuing diversity is a key component of effective people management, which can improve workplace productivity (Black Enterprise, 2001). Demographic changes (women in the workplace, organizational restructurings, and equal opportunity legislation) will require organizations to review their management practices and develop new and creative approaches to managing people. Changes will increase work performance and customer service. Women in the Workplace The need to understand diversity is also driven by women in the workplace. Today's workforce has the highest levels of employment participation ever by women. The number of dual income families and single working mothers has increased. Change in the family structure means that there are fewer men and women in traditional family roles (Zweigenhaft and Domhoff, 1998). Therefore, diversity issues cut across both race and gender. Organizational Restructuring There have been significant changes to organizations as a result of downsizing ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay Diversity in the Workplace Abstract Imagine that you are a highly qualified former Hispanic executive who was recently laid off from a fortune 500 hundred company. Within that company you held several key roles in which you were crucial to the success of the organization. In the prior roles you may have never really understood the need or the process of managing diversity. You hold several advanced degrees in key business fields despite all of your experience education and the economy flourishing you can't seem to find a job comparable to where you were. You happen to buy a copy of the Wall Street Journal and on the front page is the article below: Hispanics are the nation's largest minority group, and the youngest, and the most ... Show more content on ... Currently today Corporate America faces a formable obstacle. This challenge will force those in positions of leadership to perform a serious organizational gut check. As the face of the consumer and employee rapidly change the result is an over whelming need for the ability to manage diversity and value differences while maintaining ethical standard. Performing this gut check will help leadership evaluate their ability to be successful in the near future. Thirty years ago discrimination and was a part of normal business activity. Work place diversity meant hire outside of your family not outside of your race. As a result, the federal government felt impelled to create employment laws. These new laws were implemented to eliminate discrimination and provide the means for advancement. As a consequence of this implementation, these laws have created possible barriers to maximizing the potential of every employee (Chan, 2000). Within the last 10 years the growth rate of the labor force has slowed, resulting in increased immigration to both the United States and Canada. During the same period, the source of new immigrants has also changed, with the growth in the number of immigrants coming from Asia, Africa, and South America outpacing that of European immigrants. While this trend has provided a greater supply of skills and ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Managing Diversity And Equality Within The Workplace Introduction Managing diversity and equality effectively in the workplace is the core responsibility of any organization in the contemporary business world. Shen, Chanda, D'Netto and Monga (2009) conducted a survey whose results revealed the massive diversity within the British society in terms of ethnicity, nationality and religion. As a result, the Equality Act of 2010 was formulated and became law whose provisions focus on legal protection against discrimination based on gender re– assignment, marriage, civil partnership, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy and maternity, sex and beliefs (Monks, 2007). Therefore, managing diversity in the workplace is critical towards the achievement of equality and discrimination free working environment. Bhatia (2008) observed that the ability to understand, accept, value, acknowledge and celebrate differences among people with respect to race, sexual orientation, religion, age, ethnicity and mental ability within an organization is crucial in eliminating discrimination. Discrimination refers to the tendency of denying equal treatment to people believed to be members of the same social group (Ozbilgin, 2009). In other words, discrimination in the work place is related to denial of equal treatment in terms of promotion, compensation, career development, training and empowerment. Therefore, managing diversity in the work place is crucial towards the achievement of a discrimination free working environment and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Managing Diversity Essay International management refers to the pursuit of organizational objectives in more than one nation. International management has evolved as a discipline of increasing importance in recent years. The underlying reason is that the corporate community is becoming more and more diverse. Improvements in transportation and communications and lower production costs in many countries around the world have made global markets more accessible. Although United States–based firms have immediate access to huge domestic markets, they have steadily increased the proportion of their foreign markets. It has been estimated that about 10 percent of all jobs in North America are dependent upon export and import trade. Other indicators, including foreign ... Show more content on ... The most pervasive root problem in con¬ducting business in another country is that an assortment of cultural values may be in conflict with company values. Culture in the sense used here refers to the customs, beliefs, values, and patterns of behavior of a given society. An important example of conflicting cultural values relates to the need for achievement . In a society where most people have a low need for achievement, the profit motive may not be very strong and most employees may not have a strong sense of time urgency. 2. Unfavorable political climate. An unfavorable or even hostile political cli¬mate can make it particularly difficult to conduct business in some foreign countries. In extreme cases, widespread rioting, kidnapping, and hostage taking may make it imperative for peeople of certain nationalities to leave a country. Political attitudes may also interfere with equitable human resource practices in the home country. North American companies with facilities in South Africa face a continuing challenge of this nature. The South African government officially sanctions the practice of apartheid, a separation of white and black people that perpetuates the repression of the black majority by the white minority. In the workplace this means that South African blacks can only occupy lower level positions and are paid much less than whites in those same positions. 3. Fluctuations in the national economy. Most national economies follow a general worldwide trend, ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Managing Diversity Introduction Thirty years ago discrimination was a part of normal business activity. Work place diversity meant hire outside of your family not outside of your race. As a result, the federal government felt impelled to create employment laws. These new laws were implemented to eliminate discrimination and provide the means for advancement. As a consequence of this implementation, these laws have created possible barriers to maximizing the potential of every employee (Chan, 2000). Recently, the concept of diversity has completely changed from before. It is predicted that by the year 2005, women, minorities, and the disabled will dominate the workforce ("Managing Diversity", 1999). Organizations that are viewed as biased against ... Show more content on ... "Managing diversity is managing human resource needs," says Ben Harrison. (Jenner, 1994). Human resource personnel alone can 't do the work of managing diversity. All levels of managers should implement programs designed to heighten awareness of cultural differences, foster appreciation for these differences, and identify the commonalties among the various ethnic groups. Managing diversity is an effort that will involve all members of the company In order to reap the fruits of diversity. The process should start by including managing diversity into the overall strategy, this will promote cultural synergy and effectively integrating the better elements associated with multiple cultures. This tactic will help in aiding of identifying and implementing of new practices in companies with diverse units. – Differences in Affirmative Action and managing diversity Most people do not understand the meaning of workplace diversity. They believe one is talking about Equa1 Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action programs (Jenner, 1994). Managing diversity differs from these programs in five (5) ways: 1. It is a mutual adjustment process for the manager, organization, and the employee. 2. It centers on maximizing employees ' potential. 3. It places priority on naturally changing ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Managing Diversity in the Workplace Essay There is no doubt that the business world is changing rapidly and that many factors are also simultaneously interacting. Perhaps these factors are created by cultural diversity. The online dictionary source, defines diversity in the social context as a business strategy encouraging differences in order to compete in a marketplace with a heterogeneous customer base. Diversity in the general population, the work force and the market place give many benefits for organizations. Global managers gain more knowledge on internal diversity in order to maximize the efficiency of their workforce and increase profit margins for their companies. Diversification of the American workforce has changed the way managers ... Show more content on ... An organization is affected by cultural factors on many levels. The top management forms the basic foundation of an organization when they set the primary goals for that organization, the reason the organization is in business. An example might be an American car company with the goal of producing vehicles for the public and bringing in large profits for the shareholders. This goal is derived in the root cultural tenant of capitalism. The United States was founded with capitalist ideas and so American managers will have capitalist ideas. Now the same type of company in the Soviet Union, before the end of the cold war, may have had the goal of producing efficient military vehicles, not being concerned about the profit margin rather the purpose of the product. This goal would have been derived from the socialist belief of "all things are for the good of the state." As the influence of culture affects the direction of the company, it also affects the interaction between the managers and the employees. In the example of the American auto plant, the interaction between manager and employee was one based on western ideas of supervision and motivation. Today these ideas are changing. As people of other races and other ethnic groups continue to emigrate, they will bring even more diversity and lifestyle changes to the United States. Three factors have ... Get more on ...