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Diversity And Inclusion Of An Organization
In a survey, 24 executives were asked way advancing diversity in their organizations was so
important to them. The majority believe "it was a business imperative because their companies
needed it to stay competitive, and they believed it was a moral imperative because of their
companies needed of their personal experiences and values" (Broysberg & Connolly, 2013). Steve
Reinemund was the first senior leader at PepsiCo to focus on diversity and inclusion from a
perspective of changing the entire culture of PepsiCo. Under Reinemund's leadership there led to a
38.8% increase of employees that felt the culture of PepsiCo was more inclusive from the impact of
inclusion training. There is a great demand for individuals who know how to design and ... Show
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These diverse people are welcomed, supported, and rewarded, and are motivated to be successful
centered upon their ability. As one looks more into this subject of organizational cultural as it relates
to diversity in the workplace, there is a need to say that it is important to give one another the space
to grow, to be who God made us to be, to exercise our assortment of ideas, openness, dignity and
inclusion. The purpose of this paper is to introduce several CEO' s who have made contributions to a
cultural difference in the workplace and how the contributions may have affected their work life.
Steve Reinemund was the first senior leader at PepsiCo to focus on diversity and inclusion from a
perspective of changing the entire culture of PepsiCo. Under Reinemund's leadership there led to a
38.8% increase of employees that felt the culture of PepsiCo was more inclusive from the impact of
inclusion training. One CEO who has contributed to diversity culture is Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo. She
is the chief executive officer and has been since 2006, leading this global food and beverage
company into being one of the top 50 best companies to work for minorities (Ivancevich, 2011).
Nooyi was an India–born woman with a degree from Yale University. As chief executive officer,
Nooyi was inspired with the concept of teams of African– Americans professionals. She said in light
of diversity that the "African–American established the economic value of diversity
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Inclusion : The Implications Of Diversity In The Workplace
In contemporary society, the idea of diversity has come to the forefront of workplace culture.
Diversity by definition is the existence of multiple different and complex social identities and issues
in society or a space (Woodson). In simple terms, people self–identify or are identified as belonging
to a specific group based on background, experience, or even appearance –– the incorporation of
these groups into specific space or environment is diversity. Through globalization and
modernization of society, the social interaction between these social identities and groups have
become inevitable –– especially for the workplace. Thus, for an organization to be successful, they
must be able to market to and serve the social groups within the global population. Diversity allows
a combination of people to create a unique social space or team that combines their different
backgrounds and associations for increased knowledge, efficiency, and understanding.
Yet, in the same modern society, diversity by itself is meaningless–– the proper integration and
inclusion of these social identifications and groups is crucial to honing in the special knowledge and
capabilities each person brings. More specifically, such identities and groups need to feel supported
and encouraged within the workplace through inclusion. Inclusion is the involvement and
empowerment of all people, where the inherent worth and dignity of those people are publicly
recognized (Woodson). For the talent of these
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The Diversity Audit Project : Starbucks
The purpose of the diversity audit project is to teach students how to analyze and measure diversity
efforts of potential employers and as potential customers. In this globalizing world these skills are
more important than ever. Many companies are making changes to diversify their employees and
their customer base; this project is focused on investigating one company's efforts. After this project
students can expect to have gained a deeper knowledge of how to measure a company's level of
diversity and analyze its effects on both employees and customers. Many people think that
Starbucks is just a company that sells coffee. Beginning our diversity audit, that's what our group
thought as well. As we began our research we uncovered a company that we could not have
imagined. Starbucks has embraced diversity, and in many ways, is a trailblazer. Starbucks is
involved in a plethora of diversity efforts, both in achieving diversity and managing diversity within
their corporation. Starbucks becomes deeply involved in promoting diversity by creating Partner
Networks ("Diversity and Inclusion"). A partner is an employee of Starbucks, and Partner Networks
are support systems created and supported by Starbucks to help their diverse staff feel included and
welcome. Partner networks include Starbucks Access Alliance Partnership, which promotes
increased accessibility and use of Starbucks facilities for customers and Partners with disabilities
("Diversity and Inclusion").
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Demographic Diversity And Cultural Diversity
Demographic and Cultural Diversity
The research is concerning Organizational Behavior which includes unusual types of Organizations
with dissimilar types of public behaviors. Among that Demographic Diversity and Cultural
Diversity of an Organization is extremely significant to turn into a triumphant organization or
company in the marketplace Especially the Demographic and Cultural Diversity show the in good
physical shape relationship with all kinds of Employees in special positions like Managers,
Accountants, and Engineers etc. exclusive of any intolerance among them similar to age, gender,
race, religion, and physical abilities. Understanding how these personality figure Organizational
behavior is significant.
The long–term accomplishment of whichever trade calls for a miscellaneous remains of capacity
that preserve convey unmarked ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge that
assortment poses, consequently, is enable your manager to take advantage of on the mixture of
genders, cultural backgrounds, ages and lifestyles to act in response to trade opportunities more
quickly and imaginatively.
With the developing social, cultural, and political norms, as well as changing demographics,
migration patterns and globalization have had an impact on the piece of music of the people. This
still impacts the commerce practices which make them to stay pace with the altering
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Workplace Diversity Essay
Corporate America is seeing a shift in workforce demographics, with the terms "workplace diversity'
being thrown around in meetings across many large organizations. There are many definitions and
interpretations of workplace diversity, but the this paper will define workplace diversity as "an
environment that maximizes the potential of all employees by not discriminating against age,
ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background,
geographic location, income, marital or partner status, military experience, parental status, religious
beliefs, work experience or job classification (Futon). Managers of this era have to work alongside
individuals who not only come from different ages and educational backgrounds, but also
individuals who are of different origins and have roots in many parts of the world. Organizational
leaders are convinced that diversity efforts need to be an organization–wide effort in order for it to
succeed (Roosevelt 23). The reality is that the American workforce is changing very rapidly and
steps have to be taken to adapt to this new environment. This paper will focus on (1) the growing
importance of workplace diversity, (2) the benefits associated with having a diversified work
environment, (3) methods of increasing workplace diversity and (4) effective strategies for
managing a diverse workforce.
(1) The Increasing Importance of Workplace Diversity
The importance of workplace diversity has increased
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Diversity Reflection Analysis
Over the course of the semester, I had the privilege of spending my Monday afternoons with
children at Discovery Elementary School in St. Cloud. I assisted in looking after the kids during
their after–school program, Kidstop, and my responsibilities ranged from consoling teary eyes to
assisting with the reading of a girl attending Spanish–immersion school. I genuinely enjoyed
cultivating relationships with curious kids from numerous diverse backgrounds. Throughout my
volunteering experience, I utilized teaching styles and knowledge gained in Education 111 to
include diverse learners, create a safe learning environment for everyone, and communicate
effectively with students.
The first standard effective procedure (SEP) I utilized during my volunteering at Discovery was
accommodating diverse learners (SEP 3). This SEP requires educators to recognize the diversity in
their classroom and effectively address and include their multiple groups. The sub–SEP I used is
3.4H, which states that educators must understand diversity and actively provide connections into
the curriculum. To me, this SEP is important because it centers around refusing to be "colorblind"
and ignoring the various backgrounds in a classroom. Growing up in Sartell, this SEP vastly
improved my ability to recognize and embrace diversity. Throughout my own education, I was
exposed to some economic diversity, but I met few people with a race or ethnicity significantly
different than my own. At Discovery, I was
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Cultural Diversity and Louie
1) Does Louie have a problem, or are the people who made the negative comments about Louie just
being too sensitive?
According to the article, the manager named Louie does have problem. The people who made the
negative comments are not being too sensitive since the comments about him are true although he
may not realize that. Louie has discrimination problem against female (para.3 and 8), homosexual
(para. 4), older people (para. 5) and other races of people were judged by him with his own
perception which might be wrong. (para. 7)
As we saw from study case, Louie insulted a female customer to discuss with her husband in order
to get new exhaust system instead of making decision by her. ... Show more content on ...
Then, the company faces the problem of losing customers.
Therefore, company has to take Louie's problem seriously. Company has to be careful when take
correct approach to solve the problem. The approach should be effective and simultaneously will not
upset Louie.
3) What improvement might Louie need to make to become a truly multicultural manager?
There are some improvements that Louie can make in order for him to be a more efficient manager
in a diverse workplace.
First of all, Louie can be more open–minded and down to the earth in today's modern world. Louie
can learn to value the differences of other people and respect their opinions. Louie had to respect
customers by accepting and adopting their value and believes. Louie should be humble and ask for
other people ideas or opinions when making decision due to the differences of ideas that shared
among each others will help Louie to learn others culture. At the same time, listening to others' ideas
and experiences is a way to understand other from different situations and different perspectives.
Besides that, Louie should enhance himself with personal ethnic and soft skills. Louie should not
have the idea of genders, homosexual and senior citizens discrimination. It is essential for Louie to
leave those outdate opinion behind. Therefore, Louie is encouraged to go for training
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The Diversity Programs And Development
Diversity programs and development, when managed well, can make or break business innovation
and productivity. Micron is a technical organization on the forefront of diversity programming. We
will explore this organization 's reasoning for developing a strong program, highlight some key
features and make the case that vigorous diversity efforts affect recruitment, retention, motivation
and engagement.
In 1978, Micron Technology, Inc. was founded in Boise, Idaho. Micron is the global leader in the
semiconductor industry with more than 30,000 team members working in twenty countries. "For
more than 35 years, Micron has dedicated itself to collaborating with customers and partners to
engineer technology that drives innovation and transforms what's possible (Home: About: Our
Company)". Micron's Diversity and Inclusion Statement, "At Micron our people are our most
important resource and a critical driver of our competitive advantage. We believe our best
innovation springs from our team members ' diverse experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. We
are passionate about creating a diverse and inclusive environment, representative of our
communities and the customers we serve" (Home: About: Our Commitment).
Micron has eleven manufacturing locations, but Manassas, Virginia is the only US based D–RAM,
NAND and NOR manufacturing site. Micron Technology of Virginia (MTV) is the most culturally
diverse site in Micron with team members representing over fifty different countries
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Diversity In Classroom Diversity
Within the core of many educational institutions, diversity is a commercial tacit. While every
institution cannot offer the same kind of diversity, the endorsement of such exists through various
definitions. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges define diversity through the various
classes: race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, disability, national origin, religion, sexual
orientation, and age ("Statement on Diversity") Diversity within an educational institution is crucial
to developing well–rounded individuals through discussions and interactions with individuals of a
different class. Applications of diversity towards an Honors community are even more crucial, as the
universal mission of an honors program is to invigorate its students to think at a higher caliber than
those outside of the program. With discussions of diversity, different perceptions, ideas, and ways of
thinking are promoted. Josh Packard, a Ph.D.–holding sociology professor at the University of
Northern Colorado, finds that white students bring no substance to the classroom, as they only
discuss about the white ethnic groups. However, black students tend to discuss their experiences and
tie them into the academic content. In doing so, over a majority of "white [students] specifically
referenced comments made by minority students in the classroom" (150) when writing in their
reflection journals. This shows the profound impact that one comment by a black student can have
in a
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Cultural Diversity In College
It's important for students to have a cultural diversity in a college because it helps them to keep an
open mind and learn about the different cultures around them instead of being kept in a bubble of
isolation. Also, it connects people that comes from different backgrounds which can help them grow
their minds when it comes to learning about a tradition that comes from someone else's culture. This
can be able to open up new opportunities such as careers either within their area or overseas.
Another thing is that it helps the students become self aware with decisions the students might make
based on a certain problem that the students might face in their life. Culture diversity not only helps
you to become more open minded, but to also connect with the world. Without having an open mind
the students will just have a narrow view of the world since they're not expanding their views from
outside of it except from what they are given to see. We think it's important to show that great higher
education can be there for all people" (Watanabe 1). Also it help the students to promote creative
thinking, when it comes to problems one might go through they would have many options with the
decisions they are deciding about instead just staying inside the box. The students has the
opportunity to go and find the solution through a different way. This explains how in a college with
a cultural diversity can affect the student's education, but in a good way that can be spread around
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Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity is a notion, when applied to the majority of circumstances, can create a positive
conclusion. The trick to producing a positive outcome is often how the different aspects are brought
together. Consider a classic dinner combination peas and carrots, the two colors look appealing and
the two flavors comes together as one making a superb side dish. Now consider oil and water, these
two substance are not often considered a good combination. Although, this is not always the case;
olive oil and vinegar (which is water based) when mixed, come together into a delectable salad
dressing. Diversity and inclusion should also apply to humans by bringing people together who are
different it can creates a whole that is enhanced by the ... Show more content on ...
(Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J. 2009, p. 49).
In reviewing text book Racial and Ethnic Groups put forth the notion that socialites are made–up by
a number of different groups and subgroups. The two main groups are the dominant or the majority,
and the other is subordinate or the minority. It is also purposed as highlighted by Schaefer (2011)
that "There are four types of minority or subordinate groups. All four, except where noted, have the
five properties previously outlined. The four criteria for classifying minority groups are race,
ethnicity, religion, and gender." (Schaefer, R. T. 2011, p. 7). In the two text books there is a definite
effort to try to bring order to cultural diversity by dividing the population into groups. This
approach, although logically understandable and useful, needs to consider that these groups are
made–up by individual people, and all people are unique. With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups
do you identify?
When I considering the groups that I identify with there are a number of primary groups that come
to mind family and friends, religious beliefs, American, work, student, male, and recreational
activates. With these primary groups in mind there are certainly subgroups that fall under them. In
terms what this means to me and who I am, these category's truly part of my day–to–day life. But, I
am not the categories, rather I view myself as an individual, and that the different aspects of who I
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Diversity Is Becoming More And More Important As Years Go
The concept of diversity is becoming more and more important as years go by. This concept is not as
easy as it may appear; diversity is not just about acceptance and respect. Understanding what
diversity is means understanding that each person is unique; it means understanding and recognising
our differences; moreover, moving beyond differences of gender, race, age, religious beliefs and
political beliefs. Understanding and managing diversity is trying to make sure that all those
differences fit together like pieces of a mosaic. The concept is extremely important in today's
society, following everything that has been happening related to this matter. We consider ourselves a
tolerant and evolved society; yet we still hear of people of colour discriminated and killed everyday,
we still hear of women living in horrible conditions, deprived of their dignity and sold as slaves. It
appears obvious so, that diversity has to be taken into consideration when we talk about
organisations. Everything that is happening in the world is reflected into firms too; organizations
are, in fact, part of a wider social system.
That is why managing diversity is possibly one of the hardest challenges that managers have to face
in today's world. This essay is going to examine the concept of diversity in organisations today, why
we have to consider it important and what kinds of advantages companies receive. Moreover, the
essay will focus on gender diversity showing that even a lot of efforts still
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Diversity and Inclusion Paper
Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr.
Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity:
ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in
my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of
diversity. Diversity is a variety between people associated to factors such as culture, employment
status, education, family orientation, gender, origin, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation
and thinking style (Harvey, C. P., 2009). Although the differences themselves are unquestionable,
organizations and society often reject them by acknowledging ... Show more content on ...
Organizations must stop visualizing diversity as an issue and start seeing it as a benefit for the
organization. There are several reasons why a diverse workforce will add value to a company. Most
businesses, either large or small, work on a global scale; the information age has brought the entire
world a lot closer. Having associates that can deal with different cultures around the world is crucial
to an expanding business. A diverse workforce will help to build more rounded individuals with
experience they will gain from a mixed environment. Customers will benefit from the diverse
workforce because a company that makes a choice to be open and flexible with its associates will
more than likely be easy to work with in a business relationship. Probably the most important aspect
of having a diverse workforce is the vast knowledge gained by pooling the different life lessons,
cultures and experience together thereby allowing everyone the chance to learn new and different
business practices (Sappal, Pepi, 2002). In reality, as you can see from the positive argument
produced above, diversity assist organizations a key advantage in the corporate world. Culture can
help an organization to succeed, when diversity is taken into action, non–biased and properly
managed can be greatly effective. There is no doubt after researching the arguments for cultural
diversity that organizations should invest in a highly
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Inequities Of Diversity
Yes, I said it. These four words are coming from the mouth of a progressive, African American male
that has lived in the South for all my life. A life where I've observed and challenged the inequities of
ethnicity, gender and religion in multiple layers of leadership in Corporate America. And now, at the
turn of the century as the demographics of our nation has become more and more diverse, so much
so that many predict that by 2050, the United States will become a majority–minority (non–white)
population, people are still calling for more diversity.
I get it. We need more diversity in our positions of leadership, emerging industries like tech and
healthcare, education in order to better meet the needs of the diverse populations being served. ...
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The event was well attended, to near capacity, by people from all walks of life, including local
officials, community leaders, teachers, blue collars, laypersons. These folks were black, brown,
white, male, and female, from various socio–economic and religious backgrounds. As the program
neared its end, after a captivating keynote charge, then came the portion that would finally get
people to interact and engage – the entertainment! Personally for me, I was looking forward to this.
The muscles of my lower body were approaching atrophy, after sitting in stasis for almost 2 hours. I
needed the circulation, but also I wanted to meet and interact with so many of the new faces that
were across the room. Moments after the closing address, the Mistress of Ceremony announced the
band and gave instructions on where everyone was to go, to either dance, mingle and/or get a
beverage. As I walked closer to the adjacent room, I paused after hearing sounds of music that was
very unfamiliar. It sounded like the chords from a banjo, complimented by music that echoed Dixie.
I gave it the benefit of the doubt, that maybe this was just 1 song, so I proceeded to mingle with the
board members and staff of the organization. This attempt was stymied by their obvious
enthrallment with key dignitaries and acquaintances that they apparently knew or had a familiar
relationship with. I managed to squeeze in a half–hearted, brief "Hello, my name is" introduction
with the CEO and after 20 minutes, the music selection didn't change. I took a moment to
consciously look at the rest of the crowd and it looked very different from those that initially
followed me to this venue. What happened to the diversity, the youth and multi–ethnic advocates
that I'd presume were looking to have fun, exchange names or get that blood
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Diversity And Equality And Diversity
Diversity tends to be established by people from different spheres of life including different
ethnicities, cultures, and social settings. It allows individuals to appreciate and understand the
interdependence of culture, the environment in which people are living, and humanity. Diversity
also helps individuals to build alliances and unity despite having a difference regarding their beliefs,
religion, and culture. It helps one to recognize and appreciate that people are born different
regarding their personality and values so that one can accommodate those differences and live
together in peace and harmony. There are some ways through which diversity can be promoted.
Some of those ways include; creating an environment that includes all persons regardless of their
social status and economic background. Secondly, diversity can be improved by ensuring there is
equal access to jobs and opportunity for all people without discrimination. Thirdly, diversity can be
enhanced by making amendments in the organization policies, procedures, and process. Fourthly,
diversity can be strengthened by ensuring people are included and treated with fairness and dignity.
Fairness helps to eliminate issues and differentials because it encourages all members of the society
feel appreciated.
Personal Reflection
What does diversity mean to you? Diversity to me means the ability to accept the differences,
uniqueness, oddness and weakness in other people. Diversity enables us to integrate
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Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion
Thinking about diversity and inclusion
1. What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by
referencing both textbooks.
The dimensions of cultural diversity consist of in the diverse cultures in the world. The diversity is
the different race, gender, age, ethical, language, religion, education, and more. The geographic
region and the social roll are the result of the cultural diversity in the world. The diversity is variable
and depends of the human's need and it has changed through human evolution. Countries that were
pioneer on a cultural growth got behind and others countries progressed in art, technology, and
science over the time. The immigration also interferes in the cultural diversity. ... Show more
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There is a joke if somebody is late to say "that person is in Hispanic or Latino time." Usually
American or other cultural are punctual when they set a date for meeting or parties. Latinos like to
be around their own people, and it is very common to visit them without be announced and usually
coffee will be offered to the visitant. Many of the Hispanic who immigrates to this country does not
have the need to learn English that is a mistake if they will be staying in the United States. In their
houses they speak Spanish to teach the new generation that language, which is great especially if
they are leaving in states as Florida or California.
3. What is the difference between diversity and inclusion?
The difference between diversity and inclusion are, diversity means the variety of people. They have
different ways to think, different culture, ideology, gender, age, education, and others. In a labor
environment is important to take in consideration the diversity into the workforce to obtain a higher
productivity. Companies evaluate the employees' skills to determinate in what areas inside the
company they will have a better performance on their duties. It is a way to improve the relationships
between employers, customers, and vendors. Inclusion means all the employees collaborate in the
progress to make the company to success with their valuable input. It is important to listen
somebody else ideas
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Diversity in Workplace
Harpreet Singh
City University
As companies are becoming more and more diverse it 's becoming more and more important for
companies to understand and manage it. The people of different background, races, religion creates
diverse workforce. There is an importance of having diverse workforce to provide better
performance. There are perspectives of managing the diverse workforce, which require organization
leaders and managers of being responsible of attaining better diverse workforce.
Diversity means differences, difference of age, sex, race, religion and culture etc. People with
different demographic differences working in the ... Show more content on ...
In short, they claim, diversity will be good for business.
Research stated that the Canadian companies leading the way in the area of diversity management
have discovered that by embracing the elements of ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce
they have enhanced their ability to understand and tap new markets, both within Canada and abroad.
"Research generated from a variety of fields predicts that important benefits will accrue from
demographic heterogeneity in organizations by increasing the variance in perspectives and
approaches to work that members of different identity groups can bring" (e.g., Thomas and Ely,
As the companies of today are getting more and more diverse, the need of managing the diverse
workfare is increasing. All Countries specially USA and Canada are having more diverse workforce
everyday. So it is becoming important for the companies manage the diversity to get better results
out of employees.
Research stated that Forward–thinking Canadian organizations have recognized that competing
successfully in the new global marketplace requires more than the latest technology, most efficient
production processes, or most innovative products. Canadian organizations ' competitive strength is
increasingly contingent on human resources. Competing to win in the global economy will require
an ability
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Diversity Strengths And Strategies Of Eli Lilly And Google
Companies that actively support and nurture diversity are appealing to employees and consumers.
When diversity is a priority, employees feel empowered, consumers feel positive about supporting
the business and the company ultimately outperforms the competition. The task of fostering
diversity within a business can be challenging and not all companies use the same approach. Having
a comprehensive diversity plan is the first step in achieving a diverse workforce and the benefits that
come along with it. In this paper, I will explore the diversity strategies of Eli Lilly a recognized
leader in employee diversity and Google a company struggling with employee inclusion. Through
this process, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Eli Lilly and ... Show more content on ...
Similar to Eli Lilly's, these groups promote diversity through many initiatives designed to support
minorities in technology. The Black Googlers Network has a mission to cultivate Black leaders and
has created internship and mentoring opportunities. Gayglers works to inform all employees about
LBGT workplace issues and ensure employee policies are LBGT friendly. Women at Google the
largest employee group provides professional development opportunities for women around the
globe and encourages young girls to explore careers in technology. Diversity Core resulted from
these ERG's and allows Google employees to spend 20% of their time working on projects that
attract more women, minorities and small business owners to work for and with Google. Current
growth in employee diversity can be attributed to the outreach efforts form these passionate
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Diversity In The Workplace
Essay "The demand for high quality talent is outstripping supply and this is not expected to change."
The above statement is true in today's world economy and hence relying on local talents is not
enough, so companies should also consider foreign talent markets for obtaining high quality and
dedicated talents. The workplaces need to be more diverse in order to survive in today's non–static
market. What foreign talents bring is vision and experiences which might be applicable in their local
market but the learning that can be obtained from those experiences will definitely help the
company which plans to hire them and that learning can be applied to similar markets as well. What
is meant by Diversity in Workplace? The basic concept for diversity is rapidly developing. It is no
longer just about creating heterogeneous workforces, but now it is also about using that workforce to
create the innovative products, services and business practices that can give a company a
competitive advantage in the market. And on a global scale, as companies compete, diversity and
inclusion have to frequently shift, as different markets and different cultures have varied definitions
of what diversity means. In today's market almost all executives understand that their companies
cannot be successful on a global platform unless they have a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce
is necessary to drive innovation, foster creativity and guide business strategies. When a company
has people from multiple
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Diversity Reflection
Over the course of the semester, I received the privilege of spending my Monday afternoons with
children at Discovery Elementary School in St. Cloud. I assisted in looking after the kids during
their after–school program, Kidstop, and my responsibilities ranged from consoling teary eyes to
assisting with the reading of a girl attending Spanish–immersion school. I genuinely enjoyed
cultivating relationships with curious kids from numerous diverse backgrounds. The students at
Discovery taught me valuable lessons as we played and laughed together. Throughout my
volunteering experience, I utilized teaching styles and knowledge gained in Education 111 to
include diverse learners, create a safe learning environment for everyone, and communicate
effectively with students.
The first standard effective procedure (SEP) I utilized during my volunteering at Discovery was
accommodating diverse learners (SEP 3). This SEP requires educators to recognize the diversity in
their classroom and effectively address and include their multiple groups. The sub–SEP I used is
3.4H, which states that educators must understand diversity and actively provide connections into
the curriculum. To me, this SEP is important because it centers around refusing to be "colorblind"
and ignoring the various backgrounds in a classroom. Growing up in Sartell, this SEP vastly
improved my ability to recognize and embrace diversity. Throughout my education, I was exposed
to some economic diversity, but I met few
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What Is The Business Case For Diversity At L Oreal
Case Questions_ L'oreal
1. What is the business case for diversity at L'oreal?
L'oreal started working on its' business case for diversity in 2002. They diversified their product
portfolio and stated recruited people from different cultural backgrounds to manage the same. The
business case for diversity at L'oreal focuses on "Driving Business Growth" and encompasses the
following points:
 Fostering Creativity & innovation – L'oreal believes that a diverse workforce addresses issues
form multiple angles and provides opportunity for developing products catering to the needs of its
diverse consumer base.
 Better Marketplace understanding – Diversity is vital for L'oreal as it helps them understand
consumer needs across the world and innovate products accordingly. They therefore have research
centers in 5 continents and have developed a unique portfolio of brands, each one with a different
cultural origin to satisfy the differences in the sensitivities of people around the world.
 Attracting ... Show more content on ...
product development at L'oreal Paris, so that they could exchange ideas. It also mentioned that after
spending 2–3 years in global product development, the more experienced managers usually returned
to their home region. This clearly highlights Access and Legitimacy paradigm.(Additional reading)
 Exhibit 5 mentions about the SOS Racisme trial in 2006 (Referred internet for details). In a
campaign to promote shampoo line in supermarkets outside Paris, L'oreal hired saleswomen, but
nonwhite women were excluded from promoting the shampoo. This example clearly demonstrates
that although L'oreal policies propagated diversity but it was not a part of the DNA of the
 The feedback evaluation highlights that diversity was not integrated in the core of the culture
although it was a part of the various charters and guiding
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Micron Technology 's Diversity Culture
Micron Technology's diversity culture is great, but it only exists in Manassas, Virginia. This case
study is based on Micron's Fab 6 location and how the other Fabs can implement some of the same
programs and initiatives to achieve diversity at all the Micron locations.
In 1978, Micron Technology, Inc. was founded in Boise, Idaho. Micron is the global leader in the
semiconductor industry with more than 30,000 team members working in twenty countries. "For
more than 35 years, Micron has dedicated itself to collaborating with customers and partners to
engineer technology that drives innovation and transforms what's possible (Home: About: Our
Company, n.d.)". Micron's Diversity and Inclusion Statement is, "At Micron our people are our most
important resource and a critical driver of our competitive advantage. We believe our best
innovation springs from our team members ' diverse experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. We
are passionate about creating a diverse and inclusive environment, representative of our
communities and the customers we serve" (Home: About: Our Commitment, n.d.).
Micron has eleven manufacturing locations, but Manassas, Virginia is the only US based D–RAM
manufacturing site. Fab 6, Manassas, Virginia (MTV) , is the most diverse site in Micron with over
fifty different countries being represented, and over fifty different languages are spoken. Manassas,
Virginia is in Northern Virginia which is close to the nation's capital. For this reason, the Fab
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Diversity For Success Of The Company
The article was authored in 2013 by Barak, who is a knowledgeable and experienced professor, with
an experience in social work and business. The book provides information on how to ensure there is
inclusiveness in the workplace. The author reveals that management has to ensure it successfully
handles diversity in the workforce. The author argues that in the current workforce, which is diverse,
the challenge is exclusion. The book has compiled extensive current information on social policy
trends, legislative and demographic, as well as the analysis of causes and effects of workforce
exclusion, and reveals that learning about how to manage the issue of diversity is critical. Therefore,
based on the extensive information offered touching on diversity in the workplace, I will be utilizing
the book to draw on the ways the managers of an organization ought to handle the issue of diversity
for success of the company.
The article authored by Cox, bearing the recent trends in business globally, together with gender and
ethnic diversity, which is on the rise, and forcing the managers to value of cultural differences. The
article provides the essence of an organization to enhance the effectiveness of an organization by
valuing diversity. Similarly, the article presents research data and arguments on the manner in which
the management of diversity is able to generate competitive advantage. In addition, the article
presents organizational flexibility and problem solving skills that
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The Impact Of Diversity On The Workplace
3.2. Positive impacts
The diversity has always been a concern for businesses and governments because the minority can
feel sometimes left out and excluded for the employment sector. Therefore it has always been a
priority for any government. They want to prove that they have been elected and are representing the
entire population not just a group of people. Also businesses want to send a good image to their
customers that they care about everyone even the minority.
First of all, Kirton and Greene (2005) said that every company has the legal obligation to promote
diversity in the organisation in order to avoid social injustice within the workplace and reduce
disadvantages experienced by some minorities or social group. It is important ... Show more content
on ...
An organisation that promotes diversity shows their employees that they don't have to worry about
their ethnicity or cultural background in order for them to progress in that company. Only relevant
things like competency and the knowledge of the work matter the most. (Bryan, 1999)
According to Triandis (1994), managing a diverse workforce means that the company had to change
their old ways of doing things and adjust to a new way because that organisation needed to do more
research and analysis in order to find the right way or procedure that works best for everyone.
Leach, George and LaBelle (1995) have used to word working with diversity instead of using the
usual word "managing". According to them, the word "working" sounds much better because it is a
way of showing respect to the diverse workforce instead of using the term " managing" which
sounds a bit pejorative. They believed so because when someone says managing, it is like they are
describing a sub group within that organisation. Therefore, the company or organisation that
promotes diversity need to be very patient in order to observe and learn how to promote diversity in
their workplace.
After many examinations, Finney (1989) believed that companies did use diversity in their
workplace environment not only because they law required them to do so but also because they did
what was right for them in term of success, growth and also to satisfy the demand of their
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Benefits Of Diversity And Inclusiveness
Objective To provide you with an opportunity to value and respect diversity and inclusiveness
across all areas of work 1. What are some of the benefits of diversity in the workplace? Give at least
five examples.
2. How can you respect diversity in all areas of work? Give at least three examples.
3 What does the behaviour of someone who respect inclusiveness look like?
4 Give three examples of inclusive principles.
1 Ans: The benefits of diversity in the workplace are ;
a) High productivity: In the workplace there are numerous people belonging to different caste,
culture ,sex ,class etc. and each individual has the capacity to offer different views and ideas to a
particular problem or challenge. Thus it increases employee morale and ... Show more content on ...
e) Equal opportunities: When the workforce comprises of a diverse group then the workplace
becomes a place where every individual is valued and appreciated. Understanding , appreciating and
valuing all staffs members ' different sets of skills and abilities and offering fair ,courtesy and equal
opportunities to all individuals becomes the prime motive of the company.
2 Ans: We can respect diversity in all areas of work by recognising the positive value of a diverse
community of staff, affiliates and students. The diverse workforce comprises of an individual
belonging to different background , gender , lifestyles , sexuality, socio–economic status , family
composition , personal beliefs and values. Therefore respecting diversity is about trust ,honesty ,
acknowledgement, and respect for one another personal beliefs and values.
For example;
1) Children and families may suffer if their identity, culture and language are ignored. In a
classroom if the black are ignored and the white are respected then this results in clashes among the
black society and white society. So the teacher must maintain equality among all the students in the
class and give them the opportunity to reflect in the society.
2) In some of the Asian country, especially in a patriarchal family system
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The Importance Of Workplace Diversity
Workplace diversity is when there is diverse culture of individuals in the workplace. It is when there
is a value placed on the variety of ideas, race, ethnicities, religion, gender, sexuality and orientation,
which is flourishing in an environment. Depending on your employer and workplace, workplace
diversity can vary based off several different factors. Usually, there is a preferential standpoint taken
on the matter and it can be either display a high or a low context culture of diversity. According to
Mason (2013) Workforce diversity has been described as "a double–edged sword; it has the potential
for positive and negative outcomes" (p.659). Workplace diversity is important in a business setting
because it carries forward a combination of different types of people to work together in unity,
encourages uniqueness, innovative, creative approaches, and supports interesting divergent ideas to
accomplish tasks or goals.
Benefits of a high workplace diversity environment is it not being stuck to conformity in group
thinking, or being narrow–minded with similar thoughts and having preference to only be around
people who think like you do which is known as the "diversity paradox". According to a quote stated
from Friedrich Nietzsche, Hackett (2014) "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to
hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" (p. 415). Instead, it
reiterates the importance of having a diverse workplace because it constructs better ideas, coming
from different minds, and build upon each other through brainstorming. However, a poor workplace
diversity can also adversely affect one's motivation, which leads to overall job dissatisfaction and
demotivation. When there is poor workplace diversity, you can see less communication barriers and
cultural resistance, but it also makes it harder for individuals to get used to working with others that
aren't the same as them. This can become a form of adversity for businesses if their employees
cannot develop a strong skill set to adapt with not only coworkers but also customers in the
environment. Therefore, better communication and interaction skills are essential to promoting a
business and making it successful.
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The Diversity Of A Multicultural Organization
The multicultural organization Historically, diversity in the workplace was seen as an employment
equity issues. As the years passed by, it all changed. The surge of globalization has needed the
collaboration among people of different backgrounds and cultures. Nowadays, organizations are
now creating a diverse workforce beyond just gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality. Many U.S.
organizations are embracing women, ethnic minorities, and foreign–born employees more than ever
before in history. Diversity calls for organizations to recognize individuals for themselves,
regardless their designated groups. This paper will be focusing in three different parts of diversity in
the workforce: type of organizations, the benefits & cost, and measurements taken by CEOs to
promote diversity. In today's society, due to the great diversity, organizations should be multicultural
to allow all members of different cultural backgrounds to contribute and achieve their full potential.
According to Cox (1991), there three different types of organizations including monolithic, plural,
and multicultural organization. The monolithic organization is demographically and culturally
homogeneous. According to Cox, the most important fact about this type of organization is that
there is minimal structural integration. For example, most Chinese companies are monolithic from a
cultural and ethnic perspective. The majority of their workers are ethnically Han Chinese. However,
from a gender perspective
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Overcoming Barriers To Reduce Diversity In The Workplace
To effectively overcome the barriers against diversity in the workplace, first a general understanding
of what diversity is must be developed. Knowing how diversity affects a workplace environment,
advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace, and the legal obstacles that surround
both employers and employees when dealing with diversity and equality are important to
understand. Based on the results from the survey completed with the employees, these topics are a
great place to start in the training.
What is Diversity?
The Business Dictionary defines diversity as "Human Resources – a mixed workforce that provides
a wide range of abilities, experience, knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age,
background, ethnicity, physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex, and other attributes."
(Business Dictionary, 2017)
Diversity does not mean race or race relations; the actual meaning of the word diversity is
difference. Differences in thinking styles, values, race, ethnicity, orientation or any aspect of our
social identity, are examples.
Diversity in the Workplace
People with demographic differences working in the same organization make a diverse workforce.
Perceptions affect people's relations in how they communicate and interact with one another. Human
resource professionals must be effective when dealing with organizational issues relating to
diversity in order for those organizations to be successful. Assessing any needs that arise
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Diversity And Inclusion Analysis
My next article takes us into the concept of diversity and inclusion that involves reaching over
milestones we already made and prepare us for the next milestones to come. The tone in this reading
is that we have diversity under our belt, so lets now use what we learned from diversity to move
forward to inclusion. Inclusion in the workplace is explained as organizations incorporates the ideas,
understanding and perspectives of their diverse group of employees towards the betterment of the
employees and the organization. So we are now moving beyond race, sex and gender and into
everyone's human aspects. That is the thoughts, feeling and emotions within the diverse group.
Inclusion will have us look at things much differently than we did
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Management of Diversity in Organization
Management of Diversity in Organization
Organizations have been becoming increasingly diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and
nationality. This diversity brings substantial potential benefits such as better decision making,
greater creativity and innovation, and more successful marketing to different types of customers.
But, increasing cultural differences within a workforce also bring potential costs in higher turnovers,
interpersonal conflicts, and communicational breakdowns. The utilities of diversity training and the
essential managerial skills required for effectively managing diversity will also be discussed.
Diversity Management vs. Organizational Performance
Diversity of skills among individual members will ... Show more content on ...
Research tends to support this relationship. Kanter's study of innovation in organizations revealed
that the most innovative companies deliberately establish heterogeneous teams to "create a
marketplace of ideas, recognizing that a multiplicity of points of view needs to be brought to bear on
a problem". Kanter also specifically noted that companies high on innovation had done a better job
than most on eradicating racism, sexism, and classism, in addition, tended to employ more women
and racioethnic minorities than less innovative companies.
Research by Charlene J. Nemeth found that minority views can stimulate consideration of non–
obvious alternatives in task groups. Nemeth found that the "minority" groups adopted multiple
strategies and identified more solutions than the "majority" groups. She concluded that the groups
exposed to minority views were more creative than the more homogeneous, majority groups. She
further concluded that persistent exposure to minority viewpoints stimulates creative thought
processes. Another experiment compared the creativity of teams that were homogeneous on a series
of attitude measures against teams with heterogeneous attitudes. Problem solution creativity was
judged on originality and practicality. Results indicated that as long as the team members had
similar ability levels, the heterogeneous teams were more creative than the homogeneous ones. If
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The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace
Men are 30% more likely to be hired for a high level position job than women (Stutes). Jobs
discriminate and separate genders, races, etc. in a workplace. This is not fair because it should not
matter what you look like or who you are, we should all be treated the same no matter what. It is
hard for someone to get a job because bosses can discriminate and that makes people not succeed.
You should have to work towards the higher level position so you earn it and not just be given it
because you are the gender the boss wants. Diversity should be acknowledged so everyone can have
a chance to make a living and support their families. Companies need to be fair and treat everyone
equally and not just by looks. Diversity means that everyone works together no matter what race,
culture, gender they are. Workplaces should have diversity taken place in them so they succeed and
people have to work with others no matter what. It shouldn't be about the looks or beliefs, it's about
supporting your family and working together to create one goal. Diversity is becoming a big part of
our world and it should continue as companies are growing and hiring. 67% of bosses and job
seekers seek for diverse workplaces (Stutes). That still leaves room for 33% of bosses that are
against having diverse workers. This shows that companies are against a certain race and gender.
That should not be present. Continuing, diverse workplaces provide families with the money they
need to survive.
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Workplace Diversity In The Workplace
Workplace Diversity – Benefits and Employment Laws
Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity
encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, education, back ground, cognitive style
and much more. As the work places are becoming more multicultural and diverse, there is an
increased need in understanding the dimensions of diversity and cultural differences that affects the
business communication within organizations. A better understanding of these differences is not
only important to effectively bridge such gaps but also helpful in identifying the unique strengths
and perspectives, each diverse group brings, that an organization can benefit from.
Globalization presents new markets at home and abroad, and firms increasingly recognize the
importance of hiring a workforce that reflects their potential markets. Global companies strive to
create an inclusive culture in which differences are recognized and valued. By bringing together
people from diverse backgrounds and providing them opportunity to contribute their skills,
experience and perspectives, companies are able to deliver the best innovative solutions to
challenges and add value to their stakeholders.
In recent times the term "inclusion" is replacing diversity, diversity refers to a group's demographic
qualities, while inclusion involves the degree to which individuals feel a part of the organizational
process and are therefore encouraged to
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Diversity In The Workplace Essay
Workforce diversity addresses differences among people within an organization. Workforce
diversity means that organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people from different
categories. Diversity refers to the co–existence of employees from various socio–cultural
backgrounds within the company. Diversity includes cultural factors such as race, gender, age,
colour, physical ability, ethnicity, education, language, lifestyle, beliefs, economic status, etc.
Diversity requires a type of organizational culture in which each employee can pursue his or her
career aspirations without being inhibited by gender, race, nationality, religion, or other factors that
are irrelevant to performance. Managing diversity means ... Show more content on
And this in turn helps to promote fair opportunities in the field of employment and vocational
training. Another benefit is enrichment of organizational human capital; managing a diverse
workforce entails a minimization of cloning that is preventing the production of an exact copy in
selection and promotion. This leads to a wider range of ideas and abilities, offering greater scope for
innovation and competitive performance in the future therefore enriching an organizations human
Companies can succeed at diversity if the initiative to create, manage and value the diverse
workforce has the full support of the top management. The following are the conditions which
would make workforce diversity a success in any organisation:
1. The organization should assign this work to a senior manager. The organization should link
concerns for diversity to human resource management decisions around recruitment, selection,
placement, succession planning, performance management, and rewards.
2. The organization should create such a working environment as will increase the motivation,
satisfaction, and commitment of diverse people.
3. Performance standards must be clearly and objectively established, effectively communicated,
and used on objective criteria without any bias. Identify desirable and undesirable behaviors that
must be based upon
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Diversity in Three Voices
Diversity in Three Voices Scientist When working with individuals from different cultures,
individuals informally learn the differences that exist between them and their respective cultures
(DeCenzo & Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Often the word "diversity" is confused with political
correctness or human equality but it is the understanding of differences between people and how
they interact. Diversity is defined as the quality of being different but composed of distinct elements
or qualities (Parvis, 2005, p. 15). Throughout history the United States has been known as the
"melting pot," but this concept was a perception not a reality because the melting pot ended up
benefiting only white, prominent settlers. Looking at diversity is observing differences and there are
a lot of them. For example, male versus female, religion versus no religion, homosexual versus
heterosexual, foreign or domestic, republican versus democrat, Caucasian versus African American,
Mexican versus Latino, Cherokee Indian versus Choctaw Indian, poor versus rich; and differences
could encompass several more pages. We can deny that differences exist or we can consent to
differences while discovering from others the assets of dissimilarity. People must learn, therefore, to
recognize differences in others – their backgrounds, customs, and work schedules – and appreciate,
even celebrate, those differences (DeCenzo & Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Artist When it is blatantly
obvious that you don't fit it with
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Essay on Diversity in the Workplace
Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the
past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity
programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to
dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and
senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a
microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social
condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. "America has always
been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of ... Show more content on ...
Mentoring and on–the–job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and
continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is
important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team
environment where each member's contribution carries some value and contributes to the
organization's goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees
come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their
expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work
together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative.
Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the
benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on
merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very
important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict
and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent
of diversity in the workplace. "Eighty–five percent of those currently entering the American
workforce are minorities and
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Diversity In...
Diversity in an organization creates a diverse experience. Fellow employees with different cultural
backgrounds come up with a new set of experiences to share with other members in their
departments. Pooling the diverse knowledge and skills of culturally distinct workers together can
benefit companies by strengthening teams' productivity and responsiveness to changing conditions
which benefit the company (Hndlaechner 2008, p. 152). If these new ideas they bring up with them
are used accordingly, it will have a positive impact on all employees within the organization and
hence bringing the best out of them.
Diversity in an organization promotes learning and growth. It will create an opportunity for
employees' personal growth. Being involved with people who possess new ideas, cultures and
perspectives can help individuals to reach out intellectually and gain a clearer view of ... Show more
content on ...
The disadvantages can be worked on by training employees on how to relate to each other and avoid
unnecessary competition which may lead to low quality and reduction in productivity. Training
might be expensive, but it will be a long–term benefit to the company. Diversity in the workforce is
growing in all countries around the world. When an organization adopts diversity policy it can
perform better. It is important for the companies to have knowledge about diversity and how to
handle the negative issues relating to it. Also, the need for the diverse workforce is getting more not
only because there are different people but also because they can produce better results with having
different types of people working together (Jager, B, and Cleland, A. 2016, 153). It is therefore
recommended that diversity policy is one of the best a company should adopt in order to achieve its
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Cultural Diversity In Children
This resource allows children to broaden their understanding of cultural diversity and the
significance of maintaining equality. After children have read or listened to 'Whoever you are', it is
hoped that not only their language and literacy skills have strengthened, but also their knowledge. It
is crucial that children are introduced to this topic from an early age and are able to discuss the
differences of cultures, although focus primarily on what makes everyone the same. Children will
learn about respect, which is a key concept of cultural diversity and should be able to utilize this
attribute in their learning environment and everyday lives.
It is evident that this children's book acknowledges the importance of culture and home learning.
This is due to the fact that the author involves children from around the world and explains that even
though we all appear different, we are all the same. It is vital that children can learn in their
environment and feel safe, therefore encouraging equality will allow this to happen. Although it is
not a bilingual text, 'Whoever you are' ensures that children can read in their environment and
discuss the meaning of cultural diversity with their family. The values that are interpreted from the
book such as respect can also be discussed within the family or at the kindergarten (Bredekamp,
Teaching and learning strategies
1. Picture talks is a learning tool that is utilized in early education and involves a teacher displaying
illustrations in a book or a photograph, then asking the children to observe and share what they see.
This learning experience will become of benefit to children when reading 'Whoever you are' because
it will give them an opportunity to visualize and discuss the meaning of the picture, which in this
case illustrates diversity (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014, pg. 113). The book contains pictures of children
from cultures and a globe with children surrounding it, which symbolizes equality.
2. Another learning tool that could be applied whilst reading this book is conducting a class meeting,
which will enable the children to gather together to discuss the importance of cultural diversity and
share their experiences, whether it be about their
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Diversity Training And Its Effectiveness
Diversity may be defined as recognizing and respecting the similarities, differences and unique
characteristics an individual employee contributes to the workplace. Diversity training and its
effectiveness in the workplace has been met with differing conclusions as to the positive or negative
impact this type of training may have on an organization. Today, change in the workplace is
inevitable and diversity training in the workplace has become common across the globe. Companies
now realize that the need for diversity training has increased tremendously and that if diversity is not
valued in the workplace, cost and productivity may be negatively impacted. In 2010, researchers
found that minorities made up half of the new employees hired ... Show more content on ...
Tools such as the internet and email are good ways to eliminate cultural barriers, improve
communication and understanding, and employee knowledge sharing. New approaches to how
business is conducted such as virtual employees also contribute to the diversification of the
workplace. Diversity training is not only necessary in the U.S., but now includes many countries
around the globe. There are generally 2 reasons diversity training in the workplace is necessary;
changes in the make–up of the population and globalization. Increases in the immigrant population
and minority births have contributed to the increase in cultural diversity in the workplace. According
to (Teixeira, 2013) In the 90's, 58 percent of net workforce growth came from native born
Americans who were not children of immigrants (that is, second generation or later Americans). In
the 2000's, that figure dropped to just half its previous level (29 percent). In this decade, projections
indicate the figure will erode only slightly to 28 percent, but that will be followed by another sharp
drop to just 3 percent in the 2020's. In that decade, essentially all (97 percent) of workforce growth
will come from immigrants and their children (Immigrants and Minorities Are Powering America's
Workforce Growth, para. 3). U.S. and global competition means that companies must compete
internationally as well as compete for and retain the best possible
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Diversity And Inclusion For Diversity
In the most simplest terms diversity and inclusion can be explained by diversity being the mix and
inclusion is getting the mix to work well together. In broader terms, diversity is anything that can be
used to differentiate groups and people from one another. This can be anything from life
experiences, learning styles, personality types to race, gender, sexual orientation or even county of
origin. These differences can be used to achieve quality teaching, learning and support services.
Inclusion is used to describe a state of being valued, respected and also supported. The term is also
used to describe the active, intentional and ongoing engagement with diversity. This also focuses on
the need of every particular person and making sure that the right conditions are set for them to
reach their full potential. Diversity is the balance in each individual in a certain group, whereas
inclusion is the strategies that allow each person's strengths to be welcomed and embraced. It is
important to spread the rule of diversity and inclusion in the workplace in order to ensure that your
employees feel comfortable and valued in your company. When a diversity and inclusion agreement
is in place you have to make sure that staff, faculty and anyone going in or out of the office are
actually practicing it. This means celebrating different cultures, religions and ethnicities as well as
equipping the employees with programs to strengthen their skills and knowledge about each other's
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Diversity And Inclusion Of An Organization

  • 1. Diversity And Inclusion Of An Organization In a survey, 24 executives were asked way advancing diversity in their organizations was so important to them. The majority believe "it was a business imperative because their companies needed it to stay competitive, and they believed it was a moral imperative because of their companies needed of their personal experiences and values" (Broysberg & Connolly, 2013). Steve Reinemund was the first senior leader at PepsiCo to focus on diversity and inclusion from a perspective of changing the entire culture of PepsiCo. Under Reinemund's leadership there led to a 38.8% increase of employees that felt the culture of PepsiCo was more inclusive from the impact of inclusion training. There is a great demand for individuals who know how to design and ... Show more content on ... These diverse people are welcomed, supported, and rewarded, and are motivated to be successful centered upon their ability. As one looks more into this subject of organizational cultural as it relates to diversity in the workplace, there is a need to say that it is important to give one another the space to grow, to be who God made us to be, to exercise our assortment of ideas, openness, dignity and inclusion. The purpose of this paper is to introduce several CEO' s who have made contributions to a cultural difference in the workplace and how the contributions may have affected their work life. Steve Reinemund was the first senior leader at PepsiCo to focus on diversity and inclusion from a perspective of changing the entire culture of PepsiCo. Under Reinemund's leadership there led to a 38.8% increase of employees that felt the culture of PepsiCo was more inclusive from the impact of inclusion training. One CEO who has contributed to diversity culture is Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo. She is the chief executive officer and has been since 2006, leading this global food and beverage company into being one of the top 50 best companies to work for minorities (Ivancevich, 2011). Nooyi was an India–born woman with a degree from Yale University. As chief executive officer, Nooyi was inspired with the concept of teams of African– Americans professionals. She said in light of diversity that the "African–American established the economic value of diversity ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Inclusion : The Implications Of Diversity In The Workplace In contemporary society, the idea of diversity has come to the forefront of workplace culture. Diversity by definition is the existence of multiple different and complex social identities and issues in society or a space (Woodson). In simple terms, people self–identify or are identified as belonging to a specific group based on background, experience, or even appearance –– the incorporation of these groups into specific space or environment is diversity. Through globalization and modernization of society, the social interaction between these social identities and groups have become inevitable –– especially for the workplace. Thus, for an organization to be successful, they must be able to market to and serve the social groups within the global population. Diversity allows a combination of people to create a unique social space or team that combines their different backgrounds and associations for increased knowledge, efficiency, and understanding. Yet, in the same modern society, diversity by itself is meaningless–– the proper integration and inclusion of these social identifications and groups is crucial to honing in the special knowledge and capabilities each person brings. More specifically, such identities and groups need to feel supported and encouraged within the workplace through inclusion. Inclusion is the involvement and empowerment of all people, where the inherent worth and dignity of those people are publicly recognized (Woodson). For the talent of these ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Diversity Audit Project : Starbucks The purpose of the diversity audit project is to teach students how to analyze and measure diversity efforts of potential employers and as potential customers. In this globalizing world these skills are more important than ever. Many companies are making changes to diversify their employees and their customer base; this project is focused on investigating one company's efforts. After this project students can expect to have gained a deeper knowledge of how to measure a company's level of diversity and analyze its effects on both employees and customers. Many people think that Starbucks is just a company that sells coffee. Beginning our diversity audit, that's what our group thought as well. As we began our research we uncovered a company that we could not have imagined. Starbucks has embraced diversity, and in many ways, is a trailblazer. Starbucks is involved in a plethora of diversity efforts, both in achieving diversity and managing diversity within their corporation. Starbucks becomes deeply involved in promoting diversity by creating Partner Networks ("Diversity and Inclusion"). A partner is an employee of Starbucks, and Partner Networks are support systems created and supported by Starbucks to help their diverse staff feel included and welcome. Partner networks include Starbucks Access Alliance Partnership, which promotes increased accessibility and use of Starbucks facilities for customers and Partners with disabilities ("Diversity and Inclusion"). ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Demographic Diversity And Cultural Diversity DEMOGRAPHIC AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY GOPI KRISHNA CHALLA RIVIER UNIVERSITY Demographic and Cultural Diversity ABSTRACT The research is concerning Organizational Behavior which includes unusual types of Organizations with dissimilar types of public behaviors. Among that Demographic Diversity and Cultural Diversity of an Organization is extremely significant to turn into a triumphant organization or company in the marketplace Especially the Demographic and Cultural Diversity show the in good physical shape relationship with all kinds of Employees in special positions like Managers, Accountants, and Engineers etc. exclusive of any intolerance among them similar to age, gender, race, religion, and physical abilities. Understanding how these personality figure Organizational behavior is significant. The long–term accomplishment of whichever trade calls for a miscellaneous remains of capacity that preserve convey unmarked ideas, perspectives and views to their work. The challenge that assortment poses, consequently, is enable your manager to take advantage of on the mixture of genders, cultural backgrounds, ages and lifestyles to act in response to trade opportunities more quickly and imaginatively. With the developing social, cultural, and political norms, as well as changing demographics, migration patterns and globalization have had an impact on the piece of music of the people. This still impacts the commerce practices which make them to stay pace with the altering ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Workplace Diversity Essay Corporate America is seeing a shift in workforce demographics, with the terms "workplace diversity' being thrown around in meetings across many large organizations. There are many definitions and interpretations of workplace diversity, but the this paper will define workplace diversity as "an environment that maximizes the potential of all employees by not discriminating against age, ethnicity, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital or partner status, military experience, parental status, religious beliefs, work experience or job classification (Futon). Managers of this era have to work alongside individuals who not only come from different ages and educational backgrounds, but also individuals who are of different origins and have roots in many parts of the world. Organizational leaders are convinced that diversity efforts need to be an organization–wide effort in order for it to succeed (Roosevelt 23). The reality is that the American workforce is changing very rapidly and steps have to be taken to adapt to this new environment. This paper will focus on (1) the growing importance of workplace diversity, (2) the benefits associated with having a diversified work environment, (3) methods of increasing workplace diversity and (4) effective strategies for managing a diverse workforce. (1) The Increasing Importance of Workplace Diversity The importance of workplace diversity has increased ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Diversity Reflection Analysis Over the course of the semester, I had the privilege of spending my Monday afternoons with children at Discovery Elementary School in St. Cloud. I assisted in looking after the kids during their after–school program, Kidstop, and my responsibilities ranged from consoling teary eyes to assisting with the reading of a girl attending Spanish–immersion school. I genuinely enjoyed cultivating relationships with curious kids from numerous diverse backgrounds. Throughout my volunteering experience, I utilized teaching styles and knowledge gained in Education 111 to include diverse learners, create a safe learning environment for everyone, and communicate effectively with students. The first standard effective procedure (SEP) I utilized during my volunteering at Discovery was accommodating diverse learners (SEP 3). This SEP requires educators to recognize the diversity in their classroom and effectively address and include their multiple groups. The sub–SEP I used is 3.4H, which states that educators must understand diversity and actively provide connections into the curriculum. To me, this SEP is important because it centers around refusing to be "colorblind" and ignoring the various backgrounds in a classroom. Growing up in Sartell, this SEP vastly improved my ability to recognize and embrace diversity. Throughout my own education, I was exposed to some economic diversity, but I met few people with a race or ethnicity significantly different than my own. At Discovery, I was ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Cultural Diversity and Louie Introduction 1) Does Louie have a problem, or are the people who made the negative comments about Louie just being too sensitive? According to the article, the manager named Louie does have problem. The people who made the negative comments are not being too sensitive since the comments about him are true although he may not realize that. Louie has discrimination problem against female (para.3 and 8), homosexual (para. 4), older people (para. 5) and other races of people were judged by him with his own perception which might be wrong. (para. 7) As we saw from study case, Louie insulted a female customer to discuss with her husband in order to get new exhaust system instead of making decision by her. ... Show more content on ... Then, the company faces the problem of losing customers. Therefore, company has to take Louie's problem seriously. Company has to be careful when take correct approach to solve the problem. The approach should be effective and simultaneously will not upset Louie. 3) What improvement might Louie need to make to become a truly multicultural manager? There are some improvements that Louie can make in order for him to be a more efficient manager in a diverse workplace. First of all, Louie can be more open–minded and down to the earth in today's modern world. Louie can learn to value the differences of other people and respect their opinions. Louie had to respect customers by accepting and adopting their value and believes. Louie should be humble and ask for other people ideas or opinions when making decision due to the differences of ideas that shared among each others will help Louie to learn others culture. At the same time, listening to others' ideas and experiences is a way to understand other from different situations and different perspectives. Besides that, Louie should enhance himself with personal ethnic and soft skills. Louie should not have the idea of genders, homosexual and senior citizens discrimination. It is essential for Louie to leave those outdate opinion behind. Therefore, Louie is encouraged to go for training
  • 14. ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Diversity Programs And Development Diversity programs and development, when managed well, can make or break business innovation and productivity. Micron is a technical organization on the forefront of diversity programming. We will explore this organization 's reasoning for developing a strong program, highlight some key features and make the case that vigorous diversity efforts affect recruitment, retention, motivation and engagement. In 1978, Micron Technology, Inc. was founded in Boise, Idaho. Micron is the global leader in the semiconductor industry with more than 30,000 team members working in twenty countries. "For more than 35 years, Micron has dedicated itself to collaborating with customers and partners to engineer technology that drives innovation and transforms what's possible (Home: About: Our Company)". Micron's Diversity and Inclusion Statement, "At Micron our people are our most important resource and a critical driver of our competitive advantage. We believe our best innovation springs from our team members ' diverse experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. We are passionate about creating a diverse and inclusive environment, representative of our communities and the customers we serve" (Home: About: Our Commitment). Micron has eleven manufacturing locations, but Manassas, Virginia is the only US based D–RAM, NAND and NOR manufacturing site. Micron Technology of Virginia (MTV) is the most culturally diverse site in Micron with team members representing over fifty different countries ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Diversity In Classroom Diversity Within the core of many educational institutions, diversity is a commercial tacit. While every institution cannot offer the same kind of diversity, the endorsement of such exists through various definitions. The Western Association of Schools and Colleges define diversity through the various classes: race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender, disability, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, and age ("Statement on Diversity") Diversity within an educational institution is crucial to developing well–rounded individuals through discussions and interactions with individuals of a different class. Applications of diversity towards an Honors community are even more crucial, as the universal mission of an honors program is to invigorate its students to think at a higher caliber than those outside of the program. With discussions of diversity, different perceptions, ideas, and ways of thinking are promoted. Josh Packard, a Ph.D.–holding sociology professor at the University of Northern Colorado, finds that white students bring no substance to the classroom, as they only discuss about the white ethnic groups. However, black students tend to discuss their experiences and tie them into the academic content. In doing so, over a majority of "white [students] specifically referenced comments made by minority students in the classroom" (150) when writing in their reflection journals. This shows the profound impact that one comment by a black student can have in a ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. Cultural Diversity In College It's important for students to have a cultural diversity in a college because it helps them to keep an open mind and learn about the different cultures around them instead of being kept in a bubble of isolation. Also, it connects people that comes from different backgrounds which can help them grow their minds when it comes to learning about a tradition that comes from someone else's culture. This can be able to open up new opportunities such as careers either within their area or overseas. Another thing is that it helps the students become self aware with decisions the students might make based on a certain problem that the students might face in their life. Culture diversity not only helps you to become more open minded, but to also connect with the world. Without having an open mind the students will just have a narrow view of the world since they're not expanding their views from outside of it except from what they are given to see. We think it's important to show that great higher education can be there for all people" (Watanabe 1). Also it help the students to promote creative thinking, when it comes to problems one might go through they would have many options with the decisions they are deciding about instead just staying inside the box. The students has the opportunity to go and find the solution through a different way. This explains how in a college with a cultural diversity can affect the student's education, but in a good way that can be spread around and ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. Diversity and Inclusion Diversity is a notion, when applied to the majority of circumstances, can create a positive conclusion. The trick to producing a positive outcome is often how the different aspects are brought together. Consider a classic dinner combination peas and carrots, the two colors look appealing and the two flavors comes together as one making a superb side dish. Now consider oil and water, these two substance are not often considered a good combination. Although, this is not always the case; olive oil and vinegar (which is water based) when mixed, come together into a delectable salad dressing. Diversity and inclusion should also apply to humans by bringing people together who are different it can creates a whole that is enhanced by the ... Show more content on ... (Harvey, C. P., & Allard, M. J. 2009, p. 49). In reviewing text book Racial and Ethnic Groups put forth the notion that socialites are made–up by a number of different groups and subgroups. The two main groups are the dominant or the majority, and the other is subordinate or the minority. It is also purposed as highlighted by Schaefer (2011) that "There are four types of minority or subordinate groups. All four, except where noted, have the five properties previously outlined. The four criteria for classifying minority groups are race, ethnicity, religion, and gender." (Schaefer, R. T. 2011, p. 7). In the two text books there is a definite effort to try to bring order to cultural diversity by dividing the population into groups. This approach, although logically understandable and useful, needs to consider that these groups are made–up by individual people, and all people are unique. With what ethnic, cultural, or other groups do you identify? When I considering the groups that I identify with there are a number of primary groups that come to mind family and friends, religious beliefs, American, work, student, male, and recreational activates. With these primary groups in mind there are certainly subgroups that fall under them. In terms what this means to me and who I am, these category's truly part of my day–to–day life. But, I am not the categories, rather I view myself as an individual, and that the different aspects of who I am ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. Diversity Is Becoming More And More Important As Years Go The concept of diversity is becoming more and more important as years go by. This concept is not as easy as it may appear; diversity is not just about acceptance and respect. Understanding what diversity is means understanding that each person is unique; it means understanding and recognising our differences; moreover, moving beyond differences of gender, race, age, religious beliefs and political beliefs. Understanding and managing diversity is trying to make sure that all those differences fit together like pieces of a mosaic. The concept is extremely important in today's society, following everything that has been happening related to this matter. We consider ourselves a tolerant and evolved society; yet we still hear of people of colour discriminated and killed everyday, we still hear of women living in horrible conditions, deprived of their dignity and sold as slaves. It appears obvious so, that diversity has to be taken into consideration when we talk about organisations. Everything that is happening in the world is reflected into firms too; organizations are, in fact, part of a wider social system. That is why managing diversity is possibly one of the hardest challenges that managers have to face in today's world. This essay is going to examine the concept of diversity in organisations today, why we have to consider it important and what kinds of advantages companies receive. Moreover, the essay will focus on gender diversity showing that even a lot of efforts still ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Diversity and Inclusion Paper Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Paper SOC/315 December 15, 2010 Professor Dr. Lorthridge Introduction This paper will discuss and focus on the four dimensions of diversity: ethnicity, gender, differences in skills, abilities and personality traits and how they have an impact in my workplace. To be able to go further in this paper one should understand the definition of diversity. Diversity is a variety between people associated to factors such as culture, employment status, education, family orientation, gender, origin, physical appearance, religion, sexual orientation and thinking style (Harvey, C. P., 2009). Although the differences themselves are unquestionable, organizations and society often reject them by acknowledging ... Show more content on ... Organizations must stop visualizing diversity as an issue and start seeing it as a benefit for the organization. There are several reasons why a diverse workforce will add value to a company. Most businesses, either large or small, work on a global scale; the information age has brought the entire world a lot closer. Having associates that can deal with different cultures around the world is crucial to an expanding business. A diverse workforce will help to build more rounded individuals with experience they will gain from a mixed environment. Customers will benefit from the diverse workforce because a company that makes a choice to be open and flexible with its associates will more than likely be easy to work with in a business relationship. Probably the most important aspect of having a diverse workforce is the vast knowledge gained by pooling the different life lessons, cultures and experience together thereby allowing everyone the chance to learn new and different business practices (Sappal, Pepi, 2002). In reality, as you can see from the positive argument produced above, diversity assist organizations a key advantage in the corporate world. Culture can help an organization to succeed, when diversity is taken into action, non–biased and properly managed can be greatly effective. There is no doubt after researching the arguments for cultural diversity that organizations should invest in a highly ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Inequities Of Diversity Yes, I said it. These four words are coming from the mouth of a progressive, African American male that has lived in the South for all my life. A life where I've observed and challenged the inequities of ethnicity, gender and religion in multiple layers of leadership in Corporate America. And now, at the turn of the century as the demographics of our nation has become more and more diverse, so much so that many predict that by 2050, the United States will become a majority–minority (non–white) population, people are still calling for more diversity. I get it. We need more diversity in our positions of leadership, emerging industries like tech and healthcare, education in order to better meet the needs of the diverse populations being served. ... Show more content on ... The event was well attended, to near capacity, by people from all walks of life, including local officials, community leaders, teachers, blue collars, laypersons. These folks were black, brown, white, male, and female, from various socio–economic and religious backgrounds. As the program neared its end, after a captivating keynote charge, then came the portion that would finally get people to interact and engage – the entertainment! Personally for me, I was looking forward to this. The muscles of my lower body were approaching atrophy, after sitting in stasis for almost 2 hours. I needed the circulation, but also I wanted to meet and interact with so many of the new faces that were across the room. Moments after the closing address, the Mistress of Ceremony announced the band and gave instructions on where everyone was to go, to either dance, mingle and/or get a beverage. As I walked closer to the adjacent room, I paused after hearing sounds of music that was very unfamiliar. It sounded like the chords from a banjo, complimented by music that echoed Dixie. I gave it the benefit of the doubt, that maybe this was just 1 song, so I proceeded to mingle with the board members and staff of the organization. This attempt was stymied by their obvious enthrallment with key dignitaries and acquaintances that they apparently knew or had a familiar relationship with. I managed to squeeze in a half–hearted, brief "Hello, my name is" introduction with the CEO and after 20 minutes, the music selection didn't change. I took a moment to consciously look at the rest of the crowd and it looked very different from those that initially followed me to this venue. What happened to the diversity, the youth and multi–ethnic advocates that I'd presume were looking to have fun, exchange names or get that blood ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Diversity And Equality And Diversity Diversity tends to be established by people from different spheres of life including different ethnicities, cultures, and social settings. It allows individuals to appreciate and understand the interdependence of culture, the environment in which people are living, and humanity. Diversity also helps individuals to build alliances and unity despite having a difference regarding their beliefs, religion, and culture. It helps one to recognize and appreciate that people are born different regarding their personality and values so that one can accommodate those differences and live together in peace and harmony. There are some ways through which diversity can be promoted. Some of those ways include; creating an environment that includes all persons regardless of their social status and economic background. Secondly, diversity can be improved by ensuring there is equal access to jobs and opportunity for all people without discrimination. Thirdly, diversity can be enhanced by making amendments in the organization policies, procedures, and process. Fourthly, diversity can be strengthened by ensuring people are included and treated with fairness and dignity. Fairness helps to eliminate issues and differentials because it encourages all members of the society feel appreciated. Personal Reflection What does diversity mean to you? Diversity to me means the ability to accept the differences, uniqueness, oddness and weakness in other people. Diversity enables us to integrate ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion Thinking about diversity and inclusion 1. What are the dimensions of cultural diversity? Identify and briefly explain the dimensions by referencing both textbooks. The dimensions of cultural diversity consist of in the diverse cultures in the world. The diversity is the different race, gender, age, ethical, language, religion, education, and more. The geographic region and the social roll are the result of the cultural diversity in the world. The diversity is variable and depends of the human's need and it has changed through human evolution. Countries that were pioneer on a cultural growth got behind and others countries progressed in art, technology, and science over the time. The immigration also interferes in the cultural diversity. ... Show more content on ... There is a joke if somebody is late to say "that person is in Hispanic or Latino time." Usually American or other cultural are punctual when they set a date for meeting or parties. Latinos like to be around their own people, and it is very common to visit them without be announced and usually coffee will be offered to the visitant. Many of the Hispanic who immigrates to this country does not have the need to learn English that is a mistake if they will be staying in the United States. In their houses they speak Spanish to teach the new generation that language, which is great especially if they are leaving in states as Florida or California. 3. What is the difference between diversity and inclusion? The difference between diversity and inclusion are, diversity means the variety of people. They have different ways to think, different culture, ideology, gender, age, education, and others. In a labor environment is important to take in consideration the diversity into the workforce to obtain a higher productivity. Companies evaluate the employees' skills to determinate in what areas inside the company they will have a better performance on their duties. It is a way to improve the relationships between employers, customers, and vendors. Inclusion means all the employees collaborate in the progress to make the company to success with their valuable input. It is important to listen somebody else ideas ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Diversity in Workplace DIVERSITY: GROWTH AND IMPORTANCE OF MANAGING Harpreet Singh City University ABSTRACT: As companies are becoming more and more diverse it 's becoming more and more important for companies to understand and manage it. The people of different background, races, religion creates diverse workforce. There is an importance of having diverse workforce to provide better performance. There are perspectives of managing the diverse workforce, which require organization leaders and managers of being responsible of attaining better diverse workforce. INTRODUCTION Diversity means differences, difference of age, sex, race, religion and culture etc. People with different demographic differences working in the ... Show more content on ... In short, they claim, diversity will be good for business. Research stated that the Canadian companies leading the way in the area of diversity management have discovered that by embracing the elements of ethnic and cultural diversity in their workforce they have enhanced their ability to understand and tap new markets, both within Canada and abroad. "Research generated from a variety of fields predicts that important benefits will accrue from demographic heterogeneity in organizations by increasing the variance in perspectives and approaches to work that members of different identity groups can bring" (e.g., Thomas and Ely, 1996). IMPORTANCE OF MANAGING DIVERSITY As the companies of today are getting more and more diverse, the need of managing the diverse workfare is increasing. All Countries specially USA and Canada are having more diverse workforce
  • 35. everyday. So it is becoming important for the companies manage the diversity to get better results out of employees. Research stated that Forward–thinking Canadian organizations have recognized that competing successfully in the new global marketplace requires more than the latest technology, most efficient production processes, or most innovative products. Canadian organizations ' competitive strength is increasingly contingent on human resources. Competing to win in the global economy will require an ability ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Diversity Strengths And Strategies Of Eli Lilly And Google Companies that actively support and nurture diversity are appealing to employees and consumers. When diversity is a priority, employees feel empowered, consumers feel positive about supporting the business and the company ultimately outperforms the competition. The task of fostering diversity within a business can be challenging and not all companies use the same approach. Having a comprehensive diversity plan is the first step in achieving a diverse workforce and the benefits that come along with it. In this paper, I will explore the diversity strategies of Eli Lilly a recognized leader in employee diversity and Google a company struggling with employee inclusion. Through this process, analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Eli Lilly and ... Show more content on ... Similar to Eli Lilly's, these groups promote diversity through many initiatives designed to support minorities in technology. The Black Googlers Network has a mission to cultivate Black leaders and has created internship and mentoring opportunities. Gayglers works to inform all employees about LBGT workplace issues and ensure employee policies are LBGT friendly. Women at Google the largest employee group provides professional development opportunities for women around the globe and encourages young girls to explore careers in technology. Diversity Core resulted from these ERG's and allows Google employees to spend 20% of their time working on projects that attract more women, minorities and small business owners to work for and with Google. Current growth in employee diversity can be attributed to the outreach efforts form these passionate ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Diversity In The Workplace Essay "The demand for high quality talent is outstripping supply and this is not expected to change." The above statement is true in today's world economy and hence relying on local talents is not enough, so companies should also consider foreign talent markets for obtaining high quality and dedicated talents. The workplaces need to be more diverse in order to survive in today's non–static market. What foreign talents bring is vision and experiences which might be applicable in their local market but the learning that can be obtained from those experiences will definitely help the company which plans to hire them and that learning can be applied to similar markets as well. What is meant by Diversity in Workplace? The basic concept for diversity is rapidly developing. It is no longer just about creating heterogeneous workforces, but now it is also about using that workforce to create the innovative products, services and business practices that can give a company a competitive advantage in the market. And on a global scale, as companies compete, diversity and inclusion have to frequently shift, as different markets and different cultures have varied definitions of what diversity means. In today's market almost all executives understand that their companies cannot be successful on a global platform unless they have a diverse workforce. A diverse workforce is necessary to drive innovation, foster creativity and guide business strategies. When a company has people from multiple ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Diversity Reflection Over the course of the semester, I received the privilege of spending my Monday afternoons with children at Discovery Elementary School in St. Cloud. I assisted in looking after the kids during their after–school program, Kidstop, and my responsibilities ranged from consoling teary eyes to assisting with the reading of a girl attending Spanish–immersion school. I genuinely enjoyed cultivating relationships with curious kids from numerous diverse backgrounds. The students at Discovery taught me valuable lessons as we played and laughed together. Throughout my volunteering experience, I utilized teaching styles and knowledge gained in Education 111 to include diverse learners, create a safe learning environment for everyone, and communicate effectively with students. The first standard effective procedure (SEP) I utilized during my volunteering at Discovery was accommodating diverse learners (SEP 3). This SEP requires educators to recognize the diversity in their classroom and effectively address and include their multiple groups. The sub–SEP I used is 3.4H, which states that educators must understand diversity and actively provide connections into the curriculum. To me, this SEP is important because it centers around refusing to be "colorblind" and ignoring the various backgrounds in a classroom. Growing up in Sartell, this SEP vastly improved my ability to recognize and embrace diversity. Throughout my education, I was exposed to some economic diversity, but I met few ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. What Is The Business Case For Diversity At L Oreal Case Questions_ L'oreal 1. What is the business case for diversity at L'oreal? L'oreal started working on its' business case for diversity in 2002. They diversified their product portfolio and stated recruited people from different cultural backgrounds to manage the same. The business case for diversity at L'oreal focuses on "Driving Business Growth" and encompasses the following points:  Fostering Creativity & innovation – L'oreal believes that a diverse workforce addresses issues form multiple angles and provides opportunity for developing products catering to the needs of its diverse consumer base.  Better Marketplace understanding – Diversity is vital for L'oreal as it helps them understand consumer needs across the world and innovate products accordingly. They therefore have research centers in 5 continents and have developed a unique portfolio of brands, each one with a different cultural origin to satisfy the differences in the sensitivities of people around the world.  Attracting ... Show more content on ... product development at L'oreal Paris, so that they could exchange ideas. It also mentioned that after spending 2–3 years in global product development, the more experienced managers usually returned to their home region. This clearly highlights Access and Legitimacy paradigm.(Additional reading)  Exhibit 5 mentions about the SOS Racisme trial in 2006 (Referred internet for details). In a campaign to promote shampoo line in supermarkets outside Paris, L'oreal hired saleswomen, but nonwhite women were excluded from promoting the shampoo. This example clearly demonstrates that although L'oreal policies propagated diversity but it was not a part of the DNA of the organization.  The feedback evaluation highlights that diversity was not integrated in the core of the culture although it was a part of the various charters and guiding ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Micron Technology 's Diversity Culture Micron Technology's diversity culture is great, but it only exists in Manassas, Virginia. This case study is based on Micron's Fab 6 location and how the other Fabs can implement some of the same programs and initiatives to achieve diversity at all the Micron locations. In 1978, Micron Technology, Inc. was founded in Boise, Idaho. Micron is the global leader in the semiconductor industry with more than 30,000 team members working in twenty countries. "For more than 35 years, Micron has dedicated itself to collaborating with customers and partners to engineer technology that drives innovation and transforms what's possible (Home: About: Our Company, n.d.)". Micron's Diversity and Inclusion Statement is, "At Micron our people are our most important resource and a critical driver of our competitive advantage. We believe our best innovation springs from our team members ' diverse experiences, perspectives and backgrounds. We are passionate about creating a diverse and inclusive environment, representative of our communities and the customers we serve" (Home: About: Our Commitment, n.d.). Micron has eleven manufacturing locations, but Manassas, Virginia is the only US based D–RAM manufacturing site. Fab 6, Manassas, Virginia (MTV) , is the most diverse site in Micron with over fifty different countries being represented, and over fifty different languages are spoken. Manassas, Virginia is in Northern Virginia which is close to the nation's capital. For this reason, the Fab ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Diversity For Success Of The Company The article was authored in 2013 by Barak, who is a knowledgeable and experienced professor, with an experience in social work and business. The book provides information on how to ensure there is inclusiveness in the workplace. The author reveals that management has to ensure it successfully handles diversity in the workforce. The author argues that in the current workforce, which is diverse, the challenge is exclusion. The book has compiled extensive current information on social policy trends, legislative and demographic, as well as the analysis of causes and effects of workforce exclusion, and reveals that learning about how to manage the issue of diversity is critical. Therefore, based on the extensive information offered touching on diversity in the workplace, I will be utilizing the book to draw on the ways the managers of an organization ought to handle the issue of diversity for success of the company. The article authored by Cox, bearing the recent trends in business globally, together with gender and ethnic diversity, which is on the rise, and forcing the managers to value of cultural differences. The article provides the essence of an organization to enhance the effectiveness of an organization by valuing diversity. Similarly, the article presents research data and arguments on the manner in which the management of diversity is able to generate competitive advantage. In addition, the article presents organizational flexibility and problem solving skills that ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Impact Of Diversity On The Workplace 3.2. Positive impacts The diversity has always been a concern for businesses and governments because the minority can feel sometimes left out and excluded for the employment sector. Therefore it has always been a priority for any government. They want to prove that they have been elected and are representing the entire population not just a group of people. Also businesses want to send a good image to their customers that they care about everyone even the minority. First of all, Kirton and Greene (2005) said that every company has the legal obligation to promote diversity in the organisation in order to avoid social injustice within the workplace and reduce disadvantages experienced by some minorities or social group. It is important ... Show more content on ... An organisation that promotes diversity shows their employees that they don't have to worry about their ethnicity or cultural background in order for them to progress in that company. Only relevant things like competency and the knowledge of the work matter the most. (Bryan, 1999) According to Triandis (1994), managing a diverse workforce means that the company had to change their old ways of doing things and adjust to a new way because that organisation needed to do more research and analysis in order to find the right way or procedure that works best for everyone. Leach, George and LaBelle (1995) have used to word working with diversity instead of using the usual word "managing". According to them, the word "working" sounds much better because it is a way of showing respect to the diverse workforce instead of using the term " managing" which sounds a bit pejorative. They believed so because when someone says managing, it is like they are describing a sub group within that organisation. Therefore, the company or organisation that promotes diversity need to be very patient in order to observe and learn how to promote diversity in their workplace. After many examinations, Finney (1989) believed that companies did use diversity in their workplace environment not only because they law required them to do so but also because they did what was right for them in term of success, growth and also to satisfy the demand of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Benefits Of Diversity And Inclusiveness Objective To provide you with an opportunity to value and respect diversity and inclusiveness across all areas of work 1. What are some of the benefits of diversity in the workplace? Give at least five examples. 2. How can you respect diversity in all areas of work? Give at least three examples. 3 What does the behaviour of someone who respect inclusiveness look like? 4 Give three examples of inclusive principles. 1 Ans: The benefits of diversity in the workplace are ; a) High productivity: In the workplace there are numerous people belonging to different caste, culture ,sex ,class etc. and each individual has the capacity to offer different views and ideas to a particular problem or challenge. Thus it increases employee morale and ... Show more content on ... e) Equal opportunities: When the workforce comprises of a diverse group then the workplace becomes a place where every individual is valued and appreciated. Understanding , appreciating and valuing all staffs members ' different sets of skills and abilities and offering fair ,courtesy and equal opportunities to all individuals becomes the prime motive of the company. 2 Ans: We can respect diversity in all areas of work by recognising the positive value of a diverse community of staff, affiliates and students. The diverse workforce comprises of an individual belonging to different background , gender , lifestyles , sexuality, socio–economic status , family composition , personal beliefs and values. Therefore respecting diversity is about trust ,honesty , acknowledgement, and respect for one another personal beliefs and values. For example; 1) Children and families may suffer if their identity, culture and language are ignored. In a classroom if the black are ignored and the white are respected then this results in clashes among the black society and white society. So the teacher must maintain equality among all the students in the class and give them the opportunity to reflect in the society. 2) In some of the Asian country, especially in a patriarchal family system ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Importance Of Workplace Diversity Workplace diversity is when there is diverse culture of individuals in the workplace. It is when there is a value placed on the variety of ideas, race, ethnicities, religion, gender, sexuality and orientation, which is flourishing in an environment. Depending on your employer and workplace, workplace diversity can vary based off several different factors. Usually, there is a preferential standpoint taken on the matter and it can be either display a high or a low context culture of diversity. According to Mason (2013) Workforce diversity has been described as "a double–edged sword; it has the potential for positive and negative outcomes" (p.659). Workplace diversity is important in a business setting because it carries forward a combination of different types of people to work together in unity, encourages uniqueness, innovative, creative approaches, and supports interesting divergent ideas to accomplish tasks or goals. Benefits of a high workplace diversity environment is it not being stuck to conformity in group thinking, or being narrow–minded with similar thoughts and having preference to only be around people who think like you do which is known as the "diversity paradox". According to a quote stated from Friedrich Nietzsche, Hackett (2014) "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently" (p. 415). Instead, it reiterates the importance of having a diverse workplace because it constructs better ideas, coming from different minds, and build upon each other through brainstorming. However, a poor workplace diversity can also adversely affect one's motivation, which leads to overall job dissatisfaction and demotivation. When there is poor workplace diversity, you can see less communication barriers and cultural resistance, but it also makes it harder for individuals to get used to working with others that aren't the same as them. This can become a form of adversity for businesses if their employees cannot develop a strong skill set to adapt with not only coworkers but also customers in the environment. Therefore, better communication and interaction skills are essential to promoting a business and making it successful. ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Diversity Of A Multicultural Organization The multicultural organization Historically, diversity in the workplace was seen as an employment equity issues. As the years passed by, it all changed. The surge of globalization has needed the collaboration among people of different backgrounds and cultures. Nowadays, organizations are now creating a diverse workforce beyond just gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality. Many U.S. organizations are embracing women, ethnic minorities, and foreign–born employees more than ever before in history. Diversity calls for organizations to recognize individuals for themselves, regardless their designated groups. This paper will be focusing in three different parts of diversity in the workforce: type of organizations, the benefits & cost, and measurements taken by CEOs to promote diversity. In today's society, due to the great diversity, organizations should be multicultural to allow all members of different cultural backgrounds to contribute and achieve their full potential. According to Cox (1991), there three different types of organizations including monolithic, plural, and multicultural organization. The monolithic organization is demographically and culturally homogeneous. According to Cox, the most important fact about this type of organization is that there is minimal structural integration. For example, most Chinese companies are monolithic from a cultural and ethnic perspective. The majority of their workers are ethnically Han Chinese. However, from a gender perspective ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Overcoming Barriers To Reduce Diversity In The Workplace To effectively overcome the barriers against diversity in the workplace, first a general understanding of what diversity is must be developed. Knowing how diversity affects a workplace environment, advantages and disadvantages of diversity in the workplace, and the legal obstacles that surround both employers and employees when dealing with diversity and equality are important to understand. Based on the results from the survey completed with the employees, these topics are a great place to start in the training. What is Diversity? The Business Dictionary defines diversity as "Human Resources – a mixed workforce that provides a wide range of abilities, experience, knowledge, and strengths due to its heterogeneity in age, background, ethnicity, physical abilities, political and religious beliefs, sex, and other attributes." (Business Dictionary, 2017) Diversity does not mean race or race relations; the actual meaning of the word diversity is difference. Differences in thinking styles, values, race, ethnicity, orientation or any aspect of our social identity, are examples. Diversity in the Workplace People with demographic differences working in the same organization make a diverse workforce. Perceptions affect people's relations in how they communicate and interact with one another. Human resource professionals must be effective when dealing with organizational issues relating to diversity in order for those organizations to be successful. Assessing any needs that arise ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Diversity And Inclusion Analysis My next article takes us into the concept of diversity and inclusion that involves reaching over milestones we already made and prepare us for the next milestones to come. The tone in this reading is that we have diversity under our belt, so lets now use what we learned from diversity to move forward to inclusion. Inclusion in the workplace is explained as organizations incorporates the ideas, understanding and perspectives of their diverse group of employees towards the betterment of the employees and the organization. So we are now moving beyond race, sex and gender and into everyone's human aspects. That is the thoughts, feeling and emotions within the diverse group. Inclusion will have us look at things much differently than we did ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Management of Diversity in Organization Management of Diversity in Organization Abstract Organizations have been becoming increasingly diverse in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and nationality. This diversity brings substantial potential benefits such as better decision making, greater creativity and innovation, and more successful marketing to different types of customers. But, increasing cultural differences within a workforce also bring potential costs in higher turnovers, interpersonal conflicts, and communicational breakdowns. The utilities of diversity training and the essential managerial skills required for effectively managing diversity will also be discussed. Diversity Management vs. Organizational Performance Diversity of skills among individual members will ... Show more content on ... Research tends to support this relationship. Kanter's study of innovation in organizations revealed that the most innovative companies deliberately establish heterogeneous teams to "create a marketplace of ideas, recognizing that a multiplicity of points of view needs to be brought to bear on a problem". Kanter also specifically noted that companies high on innovation had done a better job than most on eradicating racism, sexism, and classism, in addition, tended to employ more women and racioethnic minorities than less innovative companies. Research by Charlene J. Nemeth found that minority views can stimulate consideration of non– obvious alternatives in task groups. Nemeth found that the "minority" groups adopted multiple strategies and identified more solutions than the "majority" groups. She concluded that the groups exposed to minority views were more creative than the more homogeneous, majority groups. She further concluded that persistent exposure to minority viewpoints stimulates creative thought processes. Another experiment compared the creativity of teams that were homogeneous on a series of attitude measures against teams with heterogeneous attitudes. Problem solution creativity was judged on originality and practicality. Results indicated that as long as the team members had similar ability levels, the heterogeneous teams were more creative than the homogeneous ones. If ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Importance Of Diversity In The Workplace Men are 30% more likely to be hired for a high level position job than women (Stutes). Jobs discriminate and separate genders, races, etc. in a workplace. This is not fair because it should not matter what you look like or who you are, we should all be treated the same no matter what. It is hard for someone to get a job because bosses can discriminate and that makes people not succeed. You should have to work towards the higher level position so you earn it and not just be given it because you are the gender the boss wants. Diversity should be acknowledged so everyone can have a chance to make a living and support their families. Companies need to be fair and treat everyone equally and not just by looks. Diversity means that everyone works together no matter what race, culture, gender they are. Workplaces should have diversity taken place in them so they succeed and people have to work with others no matter what. It shouldn't be about the looks or beliefs, it's about supporting your family and working together to create one goal. Diversity is becoming a big part of our world and it should continue as companies are growing and hiring. 67% of bosses and job seekers seek for diverse workplaces (Stutes). That still leaves room for 33% of bosses that are against having diverse workers. This shows that companies are against a certain race and gender. That should not be present. Continuing, diverse workplaces provide families with the money they need to survive. ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Workplace Diversity In The Workplace Workplace Diversity – Benefits and Employment Laws Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. Diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, education, back ground, cognitive style and much more. As the work places are becoming more multicultural and diverse, there is an increased need in understanding the dimensions of diversity and cultural differences that affects the business communication within organizations. A better understanding of these differences is not only important to effectively bridge such gaps but also helpful in identifying the unique strengths and perspectives, each diverse group brings, that an organization can benefit from. Globalization presents new markets at home and abroad, and firms increasingly recognize the importance of hiring a workforce that reflects their potential markets. Global companies strive to create an inclusive culture in which differences are recognized and valued. By bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and providing them opportunity to contribute their skills, experience and perspectives, companies are able to deliver the best innovative solutions to challenges and add value to their stakeholders. In recent times the term "inclusion" is replacing diversity, diversity refers to a group's demographic qualities, while inclusion involves the degree to which individuals feel a part of the organizational process and are therefore encouraged to ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Diversity In The Workplace Essay I. INTRODUCTION Workforce diversity addresses differences among people within an organization. Workforce diversity means that organizations are becoming a more heterogeneous mix of people from different categories. Diversity refers to the co–existence of employees from various socio–cultural backgrounds within the company. Diversity includes cultural factors such as race, gender, age, colour, physical ability, ethnicity, education, language, lifestyle, beliefs, economic status, etc. Diversity requires a type of organizational culture in which each employee can pursue his or her career aspirations without being inhibited by gender, race, nationality, religion, or other factors that are irrelevant to performance. Managing diversity means ... Show more content on ... And this in turn helps to promote fair opportunities in the field of employment and vocational training. Another benefit is enrichment of organizational human capital; managing a diverse workforce entails a minimization of cloning that is preventing the production of an exact copy in selection and promotion. This leads to a wider range of ideas and abilities, offering greater scope for innovation and competitive performance in the future therefore enriching an organizations human capital. III. MANAGEMENT OF DIVERSE WORKFORCE Companies can succeed at diversity if the initiative to create, manage and value the diverse workforce has the full support of the top management. The following are the conditions which would make workforce diversity a success in any organisation: 1. The organization should assign this work to a senior manager. The organization should link concerns for diversity to human resource management decisions around recruitment, selection, placement, succession planning, performance management, and rewards. 2. The organization should create such a working environment as will increase the motivation, satisfaction, and commitment of diverse people. 3. Performance standards must be clearly and objectively established, effectively communicated, and used on objective criteria without any bias. Identify desirable and undesirable behaviors that must be based upon ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Diversity in Three Voices Diversity in Three Voices Scientist When working with individuals from different cultures, individuals informally learn the differences that exist between them and their respective cultures (DeCenzo & Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Often the word "diversity" is confused with political correctness or human equality but it is the understanding of differences between people and how they interact. Diversity is defined as the quality of being different but composed of distinct elements or qualities (Parvis, 2005, p. 15). Throughout history the United States has been known as the "melting pot," but this concept was a perception not a reality because the melting pot ended up benefiting only white, prominent settlers. Looking at diversity is observing differences and there are a lot of them. For example, male versus female, religion versus no religion, homosexual versus heterosexual, foreign or domestic, republican versus democrat, Caucasian versus African American, Mexican versus Latino, Cherokee Indian versus Choctaw Indian, poor versus rich; and differences could encompass several more pages. We can deny that differences exist or we can consent to differences while discovering from others the assets of dissimilarity. People must learn, therefore, to recognize differences in others – their backgrounds, customs, and work schedules – and appreciate, even celebrate, those differences (DeCenzo & Silhanek, 2001, p. 29). Artist When it is blatantly obvious that you don't fit it with ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Essay on Diversity in the Workplace Diversity in the workplace is a subject that has gained increased attention in the workplace over the past few years. After all, the impact of affirmative action and equal employment opportunity programs on the nation's work force is undeniable. Women and minorities were the first to dramatically alter the face of the economic mainstream, while gays, persons with disabilities and senior citizens followed not far behind. The result is a diverse American labor force representing a microcosm of our society – yet one that continues to struggle with its identity. Diversity as a social condition is not new to America. We were founded as a nation of Diversity. "America has always been a merger of cultures and, as such, has undergone periods of ... Show more content on ... Mentoring and on–the–job training of less skilled workers through courses, assistant programs, and continuing education programs may even the gap between different employees. However, it is important to recognize potential and use the skills already at hand to create a more efficient team environment where each member's contribution carries some value and contributes to the organization's goals. Economic status is as important an issue as is education. Various employees come from different economic background. Their views and manners may differ, along with their expectations and motivations in daily routine and overall purpose. Nevertheless, they have to work together. There are potential problems and differences of conduct, motivation, and initiative. Managers have to get to know their people and develop ways of using their differences for the benefit of the organization. The focus should be on the positive aspects of individuals, and on merging the best qualities people have to form effective teams. Managing conflict is also very important. One thing managers should recognize is that there will always be a potential for conflict and their job is to intervene and resolve diversity issues early and quickly. Statistics show the extent of diversity in the workplace. "Eighty–five percent of those currently entering the American workforce are minorities and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Diversity In... Advantages Diversity in an organization creates a diverse experience. Fellow employees with different cultural backgrounds come up with a new set of experiences to share with other members in their departments. Pooling the diverse knowledge and skills of culturally distinct workers together can benefit companies by strengthening teams' productivity and responsiveness to changing conditions which benefit the company (Hndlaechner 2008, p. 152). If these new ideas they bring up with them are used accordingly, it will have a positive impact on all employees within the organization and hence bringing the best out of them. Diversity in an organization promotes learning and growth. It will create an opportunity for employees' personal growth. Being involved with people who possess new ideas, cultures and perspectives can help individuals to reach out intellectually and gain a clearer view of ... Show more content on ... The disadvantages can be worked on by training employees on how to relate to each other and avoid unnecessary competition which may lead to low quality and reduction in productivity. Training might be expensive, but it will be a long–term benefit to the company. Diversity in the workforce is growing in all countries around the world. When an organization adopts diversity policy it can perform better. It is important for the companies to have knowledge about diversity and how to handle the negative issues relating to it. Also, the need for the diverse workforce is getting more not only because there are different people but also because they can produce better results with having different types of people working together (Jager, B, and Cleland, A. 2016, 153). It is therefore recommended that diversity policy is one of the best a company should adopt in order to achieve its ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Cultural Diversity In Children This resource allows children to broaden their understanding of cultural diversity and the significance of maintaining equality. After children have read or listened to 'Whoever you are', it is hoped that not only their language and literacy skills have strengthened, but also their knowledge. It is crucial that children are introduced to this topic from an early age and are able to discuss the differences of cultures, although focus primarily on what makes everyone the same. Children will learn about respect, which is a key concept of cultural diversity and should be able to utilize this attribute in their learning environment and everyday lives. It is evident that this children's book acknowledges the importance of culture and home learning. This is due to the fact that the author involves children from around the world and explains that even though we all appear different, we are all the same. It is vital that children can learn in their environment and feel safe, therefore encouraging equality will allow this to happen. Although it is not a bilingual text, 'Whoever you are' ensures that children can read in their environment and discuss the meaning of cultural diversity with their family. The values that are interpreted from the book such as respect can also be discussed within the family or at the kindergarten (Bredekamp, 2016). Teaching and learning strategies 1. Picture talks is a learning tool that is utilized in early education and involves a teacher displaying illustrations in a book or a photograph, then asking the children to observe and share what they see. This learning experience will become of benefit to children when reading 'Whoever you are' because it will give them an opportunity to visualize and discuss the meaning of the picture, which in this case illustrates diversity (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014, pg. 113). The book contains pictures of children from cultures and a globe with children surrounding it, which symbolizes equality. 2. Another learning tool that could be applied whilst reading this book is conducting a class meeting, which will enable the children to gather together to discuss the importance of cultural diversity and share their experiences, whether it be about their ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Diversity Training And Its Effectiveness Diversity may be defined as recognizing and respecting the similarities, differences and unique characteristics an individual employee contributes to the workplace. Diversity training and its effectiveness in the workplace has been met with differing conclusions as to the positive or negative impact this type of training may have on an organization. Today, change in the workplace is inevitable and diversity training in the workplace has become common across the globe. Companies now realize that the need for diversity training has increased tremendously and that if diversity is not valued in the workplace, cost and productivity may be negatively impacted. In 2010, researchers found that minorities made up half of the new employees hired ... Show more content on ... Tools such as the internet and email are good ways to eliminate cultural barriers, improve communication and understanding, and employee knowledge sharing. New approaches to how business is conducted such as virtual employees also contribute to the diversification of the workplace. Diversity training is not only necessary in the U.S., but now includes many countries around the globe. There are generally 2 reasons diversity training in the workplace is necessary; changes in the make–up of the population and globalization. Increases in the immigrant population and minority births have contributed to the increase in cultural diversity in the workplace. According to (Teixeira, 2013) In the 90's, 58 percent of net workforce growth came from native born Americans who were not children of immigrants (that is, second generation or later Americans). In the 2000's, that figure dropped to just half its previous level (29 percent). In this decade, projections indicate the figure will erode only slightly to 28 percent, but that will be followed by another sharp drop to just 3 percent in the 2020's. In that decade, essentially all (97 percent) of workforce growth will come from immigrants and their children (Immigrants and Minorities Are Powering America's Workforce Growth, para. 3). U.S. and global competition means that companies must compete internationally as well as compete for and retain the best possible ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Diversity And Inclusion For Diversity In the most simplest terms diversity and inclusion can be explained by diversity being the mix and inclusion is getting the mix to work well together. In broader terms, diversity is anything that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another. This can be anything from life experiences, learning styles, personality types to race, gender, sexual orientation or even county of origin. These differences can be used to achieve quality teaching, learning and support services. Inclusion is used to describe a state of being valued, respected and also supported. The term is also used to describe the active, intentional and ongoing engagement with diversity. This also focuses on the need of every particular person and making sure that the right conditions are set for them to reach their full potential. Diversity is the balance in each individual in a certain group, whereas inclusion is the strategies that allow each person's strengths to be welcomed and embraced. It is important to spread the rule of diversity and inclusion in the workplace in order to ensure that your employees feel comfortable and valued in your company. When a diversity and inclusion agreement is in place you have to make sure that staff, faculty and anyone going in or out of the office are actually practicing it. This means celebrating different cultures, religions and ethnicities as well as equipping the employees with programs to strengthen their skills and knowledge about each other's ... Get more on ...