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PhD in Human Resource Management
Essay on Managing Workplace Diversity
August, 2017
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………………...II
1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ON MANAGING WORKPLACE DIVERSITY ..............................................2
3.0 Managing Diversity............................................................................................................3
4.0 A Model for Diversity - The Four Layers Model...........................................................4
5.0 HRM in Workplace Diversity............................................................................................5
6.0 Tools for Managing Diversity...........................................................................................7
7.0 Benefits of diversity in the Workplace ............................................................................8
8.0 Challenges of diversity in the Workplace ....................................................................10
9.0 Strategies for Managing Diverse Workforce ...............................................................12
10.0 Case study........................................................................................................................12
11.0 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................14
REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................15
The world’s increasing globalization requires more interaction among people from
diverse backgrounds. People no longer live and work in an insular environment; they
are now part of a worldwide economy competing within a global framework. For this
reason, profit and non-profit organizations need to become more diversified to remain
competitive. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity is an important issue for
management (Betchoo, 2015)
Supervisors and managers need to recognize the ways in which the workplace is
changing and evolving. Managing diversity is a significant organizational challenge, so
managerial skills must adapt to accommodate a multicultural work environment.
(Agarwala, 2010)
It is a known fact that diversity is gaining more importance nowadays than ever before
given that the world better accommodates people with differences since it has
transformed into a global village, a term that looked distant in the past but looks more
apparent today than ever before. This calls for acceptance of differences which are, in
essence, the elements of diversity. Traditionally, diversity could mainly focus on gender,
age and ethnicity issues but there are new concepts like HIV/AIDS workers, dual –
career couples, mobile workers that have become part of the workplace and have their
role to play in the society (Betchoo, 2015).
Then comes the foreign employee. There are two trends that are identifiable. Firstly,
people from the developing world moved in large numbers to rich countries that were
their former colonists. Secondly, top executives are moving to developing nations to sell
their managerial expertise. Foreign employees might also invoke the issue of cultural
diversity and tolerance. Acceptance of diversity also covers the issue of race relations
which are easy tough to manage despite struggles won in many parts of the world.
Workplace diversity exists when companies hire employees from various backgrounds
and experiences. Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward
building a better business. Although workplace diversity provides many benefits, it also
poses many challenges to employees and managers. To reap the benefits of workplace
diversity, employees and managers must understand the challenges and know how to
effectively deal with them.
The essay explore the meaning of diversity as a concept, managing diversity, a model
for diversity, HRM in workplace diversity, tools for managing diversity, benefits of
diversity in the workplace, challenges of diversity in the workplace, strategies for
managing diverse workforce, Literature review on managing workplace diversity as well
as reviewing one case study on the topic.
2.0 Literature Review on Managing Workplace Diversity
This section examined relevant literature from works that have already been done on
the topic. The literature was structured in the following form: definitions of key concepts
such as workplace diversity, as well as studies on diversity from other researchers.
2.1 The Concept of Workplace Diversity
Diversity can be defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, and valuing
differences among people with respect to age, class, race, ethnicity, gender, disabilities,
etc.(Agarwala, 2010).
Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and
celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender,
physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice and public
assistance status(Betchoo, 2015)
Figure 2.1 Workplace Diversity, adapted from Betchoo, 2015
Managing diversity means acknowledging people’s differences and recognizing these
differences as valuable. It enhances good management practices by preventing
discrimination and promoting inclusiveness. Good management alone will not
necessarily help an individual work effectively with diverse workforce. While the
traditional notion of workforce diversity may refer to representation of various races,
genders and religious backgrounds, today’s concept of workplace diversity is broad –
based .Besides these classical variables, considerations are also made on personality,
age , style, skills, education background. The focus of workplace diversity now lies on
the promotion of individuality within an organization, acknowledging that every person
can bring something different to the business.
An organization that is committed to a diverse workforce is one that aims to harness a
pool of individuals with unique qualities, seeing this combination of differences as a
potential for growth rather than opportunities for conflict. Attached to this commitment is
also an intention to nurture and develop the potential of each individual. Organization
must understand that managing diversity is much more than gaining knowledge on race
and gender issues. Managing diversity should be viewed as providing a perspective that
can enhance creativity and growth. The discipline provides a way of thinking that allows
us to view our organizational activities through a more objective eye.
3.0Managing Diversity
According to (Pantea F.M 2007), Managing diversity entails “enabling people to perform
up to their maximum potential, it focuses on changing the organizational culture and
infrastructure such that people provide the highest productivity possible”
Or “Managing diversity can be defined as planning and implementing organizational
systems and Practices to manage people, so that the potential advantages of diversity
are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized”.(Stredwick, 2005:93)
Once workplace diversity is implemented, companies must effectively manage the
changes in policies. This presents a challenge for many organizations. Challenges in
managing workplace diversity can stem from several reasons, such as taking the wrong
approach to solving diversity issues. For example, a company may adopt affirmative
action policies in an attempt to solve diversity problems. Affirmative action is about
giving opportunity to previously disadvantaged workers. Hiring based solely on race
may not solve diversity issues. According to Lawrence Herzog of HCareers, managers
face challenges when new employees from diverse backgrounds interact with long-
standing employees. Many companies offer training programs to managers to help them
effectively manage their newly diverse departments.
Therefore, Diversity in the workplace means bringing together people of different ethnic
backgrounds, religions and age groups into a cohesive and productive unit. Advances in
communication technology, such as the Internet and cellular phones, have made the
marketplace a more global concept. In order to survive, a company needs to be able to
manage and utilize its diverse workplace effectively. Managing diversity in the
workplace should be a part of the culture of the entire organization.
Rationale for managing workforce diversity, are to improve productivity and remain
competitive; to form better work relationships among employees; to enhance social
responsibility, to address legal concerns i.e. policies on bullying and to bring various
creativity within the organization.
4.0A Model for Diversity - The Four Layers Model
Figure 4.1 Four Layers of Diversity, adapted from Marilyn Loden and Judy
Rosener, Workforce America (Business One Irwin, 1991).
According to Amelio (2015), the Four Layers Model can help the manager understand
that diversity comprises many characteristics of people at work, not only a few. The
diversity – mature manager will seek to understand these factors and dimensions of
diversity to ensure he/she is bringing out all aspects of an individual’s talents and
abilities in support of the organization’s mission and goals.
Personality; this includes an individual’s likes and dislikes, values and beliefs.
Personality is shaped early in life and is both influenced by and influences the other
three layers throughout one’s lifetime and career choices.
Internal dimensions; these include aspects of diversity over which we have no control
(though “physical ability” can change over time due to choices we make to be active or
not, or in cases of illness or accidents). This dimension is the layer in which many
divisions between and among people exists and which forms the core of many diversity
efforts. These dimensions include the first things we see in other people, such as race
or gender and on which we make assumptions and base judgements.
External dimensions; these include aspects of our lives which we have some control
over, which might change over time, and which usually form the basis for decisions on
careers and work styles. This layer often determines, in part, with whom we develop
friendships and what we do for work. This layer also tells us much about whom we like
to be with.
Organizational dimensions; this layer concerns the aspects of culture found in a work
setting. While much attention of diversity effort is focused on the internal dimensions,
issues of preferential treatment and opportunities for development or promotion are
impacted by the aspects of this layer.
The usefulness of this model is that it includes the dimensions that shape and impact
both the individual and the organization itself (Amelio, 2015). While the “Internal
Dimensions” receive primary attention in successful diversity initiatives, the elements of
the “External” and “Organizational” dimensions often determine the way people are
treated, who “fits” or not in a department, who gets the opportunity for development or
promotions and who gets recognized.
A manager who wants to understand diversity and be an effective manager of a diverse
team needs to pay attention to all these layers of diversity with the goals of using both
differences and similarities to enrich the work environment and bring us closer to our
5.0HRM in Workplace Diversity
The importance of human resource management functions in diversity. Scholars have
regularly made the link between human resource management and diversity stating that
it is up to human resource managers to seek responsibility in diversity management.
Human resource management could be defined as that specialized management
function dealing with recruitment and selection, training and development, performance
management and employee welfare with the perspective of bringing the best talent in
the organization to achieve the corporate goals of the firm. Human resource
management is now viewed as pivotal to a firm’s advancement with the need to place
human resource policies and practices at the top of the organizations’ agendas.
Recruitment is one of those important aspects that managers and leaders consider as
part of their diversity management strategy. It is said that the quality of recruitment will
impact the organization. High caliber managers are likely to influence the firm’s future
direction and sustain its development in the competitive environment in which we are
living today. Big companies are already seeking highly qualified employees which they
believe are the resources that should be tapped and developed in the company.
Recruitment can also be viewed as the first step in the development of talent in the firm.
Recruitment is expensive if the best talents in diversity have to be sourced out. It
requires time and patience to scrutinize the potential employees, find out what they can
best offer and contribute to the firm and find out the gaps between the existing skills and
what could be done to improve them by bridging such gaps.
Training is another key aspect of human resource management and these impacts on
diversity at work. Training aims at the improvement of knowledge, skills, and attitudes
needed for the job. In a diverse workforce, training aims at bringing a potential for high
performance level in firms. This will be much dependent on the outcomes of diversity
training. In such a case, trainers are expected to show to what extent they can embrace
diversity while inculcating the rights tools to their trainees. The effectiveness of training
programs in diversity will be a critical factor in bringing diversity and high level of
commonality among the employees.
Performance management is also a key component of HRM. From an initial
perspective, it was said that engaging a diverse workforce bring high levels of
performance. To ensure that performance is maintained and consistently improved in
the organization, it is essential to think of reward strategies that benefit diversity.
Employees who are rewarded on bases of equality and fairness regarding their
contribution are surely the better advocates of diversity.
Employee welfare could also be addressed regarding workplace diversity. The provision
of welfare facilities at work coupled with employee benefits adds great value to the
human resource management function while at the same time sees that diversity is
respected regardless of differences. Welfare might mean the engagement of employees
in social activities of the firm but also how the company caters to the welfare of its
employees. The provisions of pensions, healthcare benefits, recreational facilities, etc.,
are illustrations where human resource management can positively contribute to
Recruitment and Diversity; a company’s plan should cover a number of areas, all of
which point toward using differences in skills, experience and ideas to reach the
company’s business goals. Recruitment is one aspect of that plan, but it should also
include retention practices, diversity training for management and line staff, community
outreach and workplace flexibility arrangements, among other things. Managing growth
in workforce diversity and increasing the representation of women and minorities is a
critical human resource management strategy of recruitment and selection for most
organisations (Thomas and Ely, 1996).
In recruiting for diversity, Ogunjimi (2015) suggests a series of key steps. Firstly, a
company should determine whether internal employees can be groomed for the
positions they want to fill first. Businesses must design materials, such as brochures
and websites, to attract the type of employees specified in their diversity recruitment
plan. Ogunjimi (2015) stresses that managers must boast their company’s commitment
to diversity, employee incentives and flexible work arrangements.
Selection and Diversity; selection is the process based on filtering techniques that
ensure added value of choosing a qualified candidate for a position. Selection is the
process of choosing a qualified person for specific role who can successfully deliver
valuable contributions to the organization. The term selection can be applied to many
aspects of the process, such as recruitment, hiring and acculturation. However, it most
commonly refers to the selection of workers (Boundless, 2015).
Training and Diversity; the most widely used tool among organizations in managing
diversity is training (Cox and Blake, 1991).
The purpose of diversity training is to give awareness to workers and facilitate the
integration of diversity in organizations. In addition, organizations also value diversity
training as a platform to make better decisions on diversity policy. Cox and Blake,
(1991) remark that it is important to treat training as an on - going education process
rather than one short seminar. Diversity training in the workplace is extremely beneficial
to an organization.
Providing feedback on performance; in diversity management, it is important to provide
feedback to employees. Performance metrics states that evaluation of employees with
regards to diversity have provided interesting results. The HR council, Canada (2015)
explains that positive feedback involves telling someone about good performance.
Employers must make this feedback timely, specific and frequent. Recognition for
effective performance is a powerful motivator. Constructive feedback alerts an individual
to an in which performance could improve. The main purpose of constructive feedback
is to help people understand where they stand in relation to expected and/or productive
job and workplace behavior.
Regarding diversity, an absence of feedback or simply a poor feedback mechanism
might have some effect on minorities. Phillippe (2014) advocates that “one size does
not fit all” in performance management if you want to maintain a productive diverse
workforce. Managers of people in minority groups need to be made aware that
performance management must take into considerations differences; and if minority
employee is not performing well, the root cause for that outcome can often be
misdiagnosed. To ensure a diverse, productive and engaged workforce, performance
management must be seen as a multi – faceted tool that capitalizes on differences
(Phillippe, 2014)
6.0Tools for Managing Diversity
Effective managers are aware that certain skills are necessary for creating a successful,
diverse workforce.
First, managers must understand discrimination and its consequences. Second,
managers must recognize their own cultural biases and prejudices (Koonce, 2001).
Diversity is not about differences among groups, but rather about differences among
individuals. Each individual is unique and does not represent or speak for a particular
group. Finally, managers must be willing to change the organization if necessary.
Organization need to learn how to manage diversity in the workplace to be successful in
the future.
Unfortunately, there is no single recipe for success. It mainly depends on the manager’s
ability to understand what is best for the organization based on teamwork and dynamics
of the workplace. According to Roosevelt (2001), managing diversity is a
comprehensive process for creating a work environment that includes everyone. When
creating a successful diverse workforce, an effective manager should focus on personal
awareness. Both managers and associates need to be aware of their personal biases.
Therefore, organizations need to develop, implement and maintain ongoing training
because a one – day session of training will not change people’s behaviors (Koonce,
Managers must also understand that fairness is not necessarily equality. There are
always exceptions to the rule. Managing diversity is about more than equal employment
opportunity and affirmative action. Managers should expect change to be slow, while at
the same time encouraging change (Koonce, 2001)
Another vital requirement when dealing with diversity is promoting a safe place for
associates to communicate. Social gathering and business meetings, where every
member must listen and have the chance to speak, are good ways to create dialogues.
Managers should implement policies such as mentoring programs to provide associates
access to information and opportunities. Also, associates should never be denied
necessary, constructive, critical feedback for learning about mistakes and successes
(Flagg, 2002).
7.0 Benefits of diversity in the Workplace
As workforce demographics shift and global markets emerge, workplace diversity
inches closer to becoming a business necessity instead of a banner that companies
wave to show their commitment to embracing differences and change. Employees reap
tangible and intangible benefits from workplace benefits, not the least of which include
respect from co-workers and business gains.
Mutual Respect; Workplace diversity fosters mutual respect among employees.
Whether employees work in groups or teams comprised of co-workers with varied work
styles, or colleagues who represent different cultures or generations, a synergistic work
environment become the norm. Although an idyllic atmosphere may be difficult to
achieve, employees nevertheless recognize the many strengths and talents that
diversity brings to the workplace and they gain respect for their colleagues’
Conflict Resolution; Conflict inevitably occurs in the work environment. However,
employees who acknowledge others’ differences often also find similarities, particularly
when there are common goals -- production and quality. Respect for co-workers either
reduces the likelihood of conflict or facilitates an easier road to conflict resolution. The
ability to resolve workplace conflict minimizes potential liability for employee complaints
that would otherwise escalate to formal matters, such as litigation. Workplace diversity
preserves the quality of employees’ relationships with their co-workers and their
Business Reputation; Diversity in the workplace is important for employees because it
manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, leading to increased
profitability and opportunities for workers. Workplace diversity is important within the
organization as well as outside. Business reputations flourish when companies
demonstrate their commitment to diversity through aggressive outreach and recruiting
efforts. An organization known for its ethics, fair employment practices and appreciation
for diverse talent is better able to attract a wider pool of qualified applicants. Other
advantages include loyalty from customers who choose to do business only with
companies whose business practices are socially responsible.
Job Promotion; the importance of workplace diversity cannot be overstated when it
comes to an organization’s ability to reach markets in foreign countries. The appeal of
global markets creates two kinds of opportunities for employees: opportunities for
promotion and employee development. A global marketplace opens doors for
employees with diverse language skills and multicultural understanding to build global
profit centers. Employees interested in learning multinational business strategy and who
are available for possible expatriate assignments may also find new and challenging
career opportunities.
Increased Exposure; A diverse workplace offers more than exposure to employees
from different cultures and backgrounds. Employees learn from co-workers whose work
styles vary and whose attitudes about work varies from their own. This is particularly
true for employees within multigenerational work environments. Traditional-generation
workers learn new technology and processes from workers who belong to the tech-
savvy millennial generation. Likewise, Generation X employees learn from exposure to
the assertive, go-getter work ethic typical of many Baby Boomers.
Furthermore, diversity brings together individuals from various backgrounds that
possess important skill that stimulate organizational competitiveness and growth
(Fassinger, 2008). The benefit of diversity can be seen in several areas such as
employee relations, strategic advantage, and tapping into new markets.
In a diverse environment where people can interact and share ideas, organizational
growth and health are present. The exchange of ideas creates an atmosphere of
cultural acceptance that can lead to improvements in employee relations (Chavez &
Weisinger, 2008). When individuals perceive that their ideas and cultures are valued,
they have great ownership in the organization. In addition to positive employee
relations, diversity can provide a strategic advantage for organizations.
A significant body of research on top management teams has shown that diversity leads
to superior outcomes in decision making (Dalton, 2006, Fassinger, 2008; Mannix &
Neale, 2005). The explanation for better decision making from a diverse team is that
their approach to the problem with alternative views and perspectives; this allows for a
wider range of possibilities that could not be generated by homogenous group (Dalton,
2006). Wong (2008) states, “diversity brings together different experiences and
perspectives that serve as the catalysts for innovation and productivity”. The strategic
advantage given by promoting diversity within the organization can be the impetus to
make entrance into new markets and new customers that were previously inaccessible.
Many companies, such Toyota, Coca – Cola and other organizations are leveraging
diversity to tap into underserved markets and customers. For example, Coca – Cola has
used its diversity to develop a market in the Hispanic community for one of its new soft
drinks. Another example is the Longo Toyota car dealership that has hired salespeople
that speak various languages to serve their diverse client base. Workforce diversity can
assist an organization by providing new markets that have not been previously
developed and ensured retention of current markets (Perkins, Thomas & Taylor, 2000)
Diversity is beneficial to both associates and employers. Although associates are
interdependent in the workplace, respecting individual differences can increase
productivity. Diversity in the workplace can reduce lawsuits and increase market
opportunities, recruitment, creativity and business image. In an era when flexibility and
creativity are keys to competitiveness, diversity is critical for an organization’s success.
Also, the consequences (loss of time and money) should not be overlooked (Koonce,
Increased adaptability is another benefit of workplace diversity; organizations
employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in
service, sourcing and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds
bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting
to fluctuating markets and customer.
Attract and retain talent; according to Andrade (2010) states that talent can add a
competitive edge to any organization. Feeling included and appreciated increases
loyalty and feeling of belonging. Language skills pool is increased and propels
organization forward either to compete in the International global world or to increase its
diverse customer base.
8.0Challenges of diversity in the Workplace
There are challenges to managing a diverse work population. Managing diversity is
more than simply acknowledging differences in people. It involves recognizing the value
of differences, combating discrimination and promoting inclusiveness. Managers may
also be challenged with losses in personnel and work productivity due to prejudice and
discrimination, as well as complaints and legal actions against the organization (Devoe,
Diversity – related challenges are present in almost every workplace, whether they are
giant corporations or small business operations. The globalized business world has
increased the need for individuals from all walks of life. Holt (2015) states that conflict is
a natural part of this process and as long as it is handled in a healthy way, can bring a
group of employees closer together. Challenges are what improve employee
relationships and promote diversity, if handled correctly. If handled incorrectly, a
company could fall apart, face lawsuits and spend more time resolving conflict than
being productive. These challenges, when handled in a healthy way, push people to
grow, improving productivity and employee relationships, decreasing workplace tension
and resulting in a positive place to work.
Communication; Communication barriers lead to problems in a company attempting to
create a diverse workplace. When a U.S. company hires employees of other cultures
whose first language is not English, employees and managers may experience
difficulties communicating with one another. This can lead to misunderstandings and a
decrease in productivity. For example, if a manager gives instructions about completing
a certain task to an employee who fails to fully comprehend the instructions, the
employee may make mistakes if he tries to complete the task without receiving clarity.
Sometimes it helps for companies to hire bilingual employees who can mediate and
reduce language and communication barriers.
Opposition to Change; although workplace diversity benefits an organization as a
whole, some employees and managers may not react positively to changes made.
Employees who oppose workforce diversity usually reject new ideas and make work
environments more difficult. If the company doesn't handle opposition properly,
workplace diversity initiatives may not provide the intended benefits to the company. To
deal with opposition, companies should explain the reasons for diversity and what
benefits changes in diversity bring to management and employees. Alleviating fears
some people possess about workplace diversity may reduce much of the opposition.
Implementation; although on paper workplace diversity may seem like a good idea,
many companies experience challenges when attempting to implement changes.
Employers must develop strategies for implementation, analyze results and make
necessary changes if results do not meet the established goals. The implementation
process may present challenges to everyone involved, and frustrations may arise
because implementation is not as smooth as expected. To help with implementation,
employers may decide to hire experienced professionals who specialize in workplace
diversity. Experienced professionals understand the challenges and know how to
handle them.
Negative attitudes and behaviours can be barriers to organizational diversity because
they can harm working relationships and damage morale and work productivity.
Negative attitudes and behaviours include prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination
which should never be used by management for hiring, retention and termination
practices (could lead to costly litigation)
9.0Strategies for Managing Diverse Workforce
According to (Pantea F.M 2007) identified best strategies for managing workforce
diversity such as; Training and education programs. i.e. mandatory training about how
candidates are chosen based on best fits; Organizational policies that mandate fairness
and equity for all employees. For example handling harassment and bullying such as
offensive jokes, grievance procedures policy document; Performance appraisal systems
that are non-discriminatory; Career development programs, e.g. Promotions, training
programmes; Retention strategy. For example initiating family days whereby people
unite together as one family; Special needs plan. For example wheel chair access for
disability, altering working times and special braille equipment; Recruitment and
selection. For example its unlawful to publish an advertisement which may indicate an
intention to discriminate, Also, job title must be sexless such as “operator” or
“technician”, an indication must be given that all applicants from both sexes are
welcomed. Establishing a visible diversity advisory committee within the organization,
dealing with all forms of harassment, abuse, bullying and provocation, also controlling
Furthermore, to create a corporate culture that supports diversity, through
acknowledging cultural and individual differences in the workplace.
Ford Motor Company Diversity in the workplace
This case study looks at Ford Motor Company on how workplace diversity involvement
has impact on company’s activities and success.
Ford Motor Company is a reputable company, which was incorporated on 6th June
1903, and focuses on developing and manufacturing of varieties of vehicles that deliver
an outstanding value to their customers worldwide without changing their product
strategy irrespective of the country of operation. The company has over 100 plants in
the United States, Brazil, Thailand, South Africa and eighteen other countries. It
employs over 350,000 people all over the world. Throughout the history of Ford Motors,
their diverse employees have created a variety of products that has hugely contributed
to its success. Ford has been one of the world leaders in workforce diversity and
inclusion, which has since remained the key business strategy of the company.
Diversity could be found in every level of the company’s operations, from the boardroom
to the design studio, from the plant floors to the engineering centre, their diversity
makes them a better and successful company.
Ford Motors history of diversity; in the early days, Ford Motor Company took the
necessary steps to ensure that its workforce has reflected the communities in which it
does business. Within its first five years, Ford had established production or sales
operations in the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, parts of
Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and in Russia.
The CEO of the company, Henry Ford in 1913, adopted a strategy, which greatly helped
the company to meet its customer demands. He upgraded the positions of some the
workers, and offered attractive wages and salaries, which were more than double the
industry average at that time. The 5 dollars a day attracted thousands of immigrants and
African Americans to join the company. Ford effectively formed a new American middle
class which made Ford Motor Company one of the first American companies to reflect
the growing diversity of the United States (History of Diversity, 2013)
Recognizing the company’s day to day growth in diversity in the company, Ford realized
that it needed to strategically and effectively manage the diverse workforce to enable its
implementation continue to work to the company’s advantage. Ford therefore
recognized some measures, which they thought would retain and also attract new
diverse workforce and successful diversity implementation and management. These
measures involve Ford Motors’ recognition of its Global diversity vision of diversity and
inclusion and inclusion environment.
The vision of diversity and inclusion of Ford is to maintain diversity and inclusion
environment. In order for Ford Motors to achieve its vision and strategy, it identified five
strategic focuses that involve (Strategic Areas of Focus, 2013).
Diverse workforce: employing people from all over the world irrespective of their race,
gender, ethnicity, age, disability to contribute to the company’s success story.
Respectful and inclusive work environment: A working environment where no one is left
out but instead all is included in the decision making process as well as opinion sharing.
And also a mutual respect for each individual’s culture believe and their personality.
Leading the Way: To ensure that Ford Motors stands “on top of the chart” above other
reputable companies, by moving one step further from them in terms of workplace
diversity and productivity.
Work life Integration: This integration involves workers making choices as well as
exercising control of their life’s challenges in order to meet their goals. In recognizing
the impact of the work life integration strategy, the company designed a conducive
working environment for workers to successfully combine personal lives with their
working life, thereby motivating them to work productively and efficiently.
External Partnerships: Ford Motors created partnership sales group, which aims at
giving large discounts to employees, retirees and spouses of eligible partner companies
to serve as goodwill and a means to promote workplace diversity (Special pricing on
Ford, 2012)
Global diversity challenges at Ford: Ford Motors had encountered numerous challenges
and has since continued to improve on their strategies to manage these challenges in
order to continue with their success story regarding workplace diversity. These
challenges are ; forming a structure and guideline for different religious groups: one of
the challenges that Ford Motors encountered the ability to effectively form a structure
and best guideline that all workers from different religious backgrounds could fit in some
way, and could accept and follow irrespective of their believe. It took some time to
overcome, due to the fact that workers too into consideration how to work with their own
faith and support others with different faith at the same time (Ford Interfaith Network,
To be fair to all: Ford Motors has been making a tremendous effort to battle the
challenge of being open and fair to all workers, by creating equal opportunity for all
employees to portray their full potentials in the various roles they play.
Effective Diversity Education: To effectively educate workers on diversity and its
practicalities have been one of the challenges at Ford as the company strives to ensure
successful diversity implementation.
The analysis: The case study highlights importance of embrace workplace diversity for
increasing company work productivity and success.
A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. Diverse work
teams bring high value to organizations. Respecting individual differences will benefit
the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. Diversity
management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where
everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. Management tools in a diverse
workforce should be used to educate everyone about diversity and its issues, including
laws and regulations. Most workplaces are made up of diverse cultures, so
organizations need to learn how to adapt to be successful.
Also, this essay will help me to design and implement a training program on diversity
management for managerial cadre.
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Essay on diversity in the workplace - aiu(final)

  • 1. i DONASIAN MBONEA ID: 44132BHU52973 PhD in Human Resource Management Essay on Managing Workplace Diversity ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY HONOLULU, HAWAII August, 2017
  • 2. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………………...II 1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ON MANAGING WORKPLACE DIVERSITY ..............................................2 3.0 Managing Diversity............................................................................................................3 4.0 A Model for Diversity - The Four Layers Model...........................................................4 5.0 HRM in Workplace Diversity............................................................................................5 6.0 Tools for Managing Diversity...........................................................................................7 7.0 Benefits of diversity in the Workplace ............................................................................8 8.0 Challenges of diversity in the Workplace ....................................................................10 9.0 Strategies for Managing Diverse Workforce ...............................................................12 10.0 Case study........................................................................................................................12 11.0 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................14 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................................................15
  • 3. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The world’s increasing globalization requires more interaction among people from diverse backgrounds. People no longer live and work in an insular environment; they are now part of a worldwide economy competing within a global framework. For this reason, profit and non-profit organizations need to become more diversified to remain competitive. Maximizing and capitalizing on workplace diversity is an important issue for management (Betchoo, 2015) Supervisors and managers need to recognize the ways in which the workplace is changing and evolving. Managing diversity is a significant organizational challenge, so managerial skills must adapt to accommodate a multicultural work environment. (Agarwala, 2010) It is a known fact that diversity is gaining more importance nowadays than ever before given that the world better accommodates people with differences since it has transformed into a global village, a term that looked distant in the past but looks more apparent today than ever before. This calls for acceptance of differences which are, in essence, the elements of diversity. Traditionally, diversity could mainly focus on gender, age and ethnicity issues but there are new concepts like HIV/AIDS workers, dual – career couples, mobile workers that have become part of the workplace and have their role to play in the society (Betchoo, 2015). Then comes the foreign employee. There are two trends that are identifiable. Firstly, people from the developing world moved in large numbers to rich countries that were their former colonists. Secondly, top executives are moving to developing nations to sell their managerial expertise. Foreign employees might also invoke the issue of cultural diversity and tolerance. Acceptance of diversity also covers the issue of race relations which are easy tough to manage despite struggles won in many parts of the world. Workplace diversity exists when companies hire employees from various backgrounds and experiences. Many companies see workplace diversity as an investment toward building a better business. Although workplace diversity provides many benefits, it also poses many challenges to employees and managers. To reap the benefits of workplace diversity, employees and managers must understand the challenges and know how to effectively deal with them. The essay explore the meaning of diversity as a concept, managing diversity, a model for diversity, HRM in workplace diversity, tools for managing diversity, benefits of diversity in the workplace, challenges of diversity in the workplace, strategies for managing diverse workforce, Literature review on managing workplace diversity as well as reviewing one case study on the topic.
  • 4. 2 2.0 Literature Review on Managing Workplace Diversity This section examined relevant literature from works that have already been done on the topic. The literature was structured in the following form: definitions of key concepts such as workplace diversity, as well as studies on diversity from other researchers. 2.1 The Concept of Workplace Diversity Diversity can be defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, and valuing differences among people with respect to age, class, race, ethnicity, gender, disabilities, etc.(Agarwala, 2010). Diversity is generally defined as acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing and celebrating differences among people with respect to age, class, ethnicity, gender, physical and mental ability, race, sexual orientation, spiritual practice and public assistance status(Betchoo, 2015) Figure 2.1 Workplace Diversity, adapted from Betchoo, 2015 Managing diversity means acknowledging people’s differences and recognizing these differences as valuable. It enhances good management practices by preventing discrimination and promoting inclusiveness. Good management alone will not necessarily help an individual work effectively with diverse workforce. While the traditional notion of workforce diversity may refer to representation of various races, genders and religious backgrounds, today’s concept of workplace diversity is broad – based .Besides these classical variables, considerations are also made on personality,
  • 5. 3 age , style, skills, education background. The focus of workplace diversity now lies on the promotion of individuality within an organization, acknowledging that every person can bring something different to the business. An organization that is committed to a diverse workforce is one that aims to harness a pool of individuals with unique qualities, seeing this combination of differences as a potential for growth rather than opportunities for conflict. Attached to this commitment is also an intention to nurture and develop the potential of each individual. Organization must understand that managing diversity is much more than gaining knowledge on race and gender issues. Managing diversity should be viewed as providing a perspective that can enhance creativity and growth. The discipline provides a way of thinking that allows us to view our organizational activities through a more objective eye. 3.0Managing Diversity According to (Pantea F.M 2007), Managing diversity entails “enabling people to perform up to their maximum potential, it focuses on changing the organizational culture and infrastructure such that people provide the highest productivity possible” Or “Managing diversity can be defined as planning and implementing organizational systems and Practices to manage people, so that the potential advantages of diversity are maximized while its potential disadvantages are minimized”.(Stredwick, 2005:93) Once workplace diversity is implemented, companies must effectively manage the changes in policies. This presents a challenge for many organizations. Challenges in managing workplace diversity can stem from several reasons, such as taking the wrong approach to solving diversity issues. For example, a company may adopt affirmative action policies in an attempt to solve diversity problems. Affirmative action is about giving opportunity to previously disadvantaged workers. Hiring based solely on race may not solve diversity issues. According to Lawrence Herzog of HCareers, managers face challenges when new employees from diverse backgrounds interact with long- standing employees. Many companies offer training programs to managers to help them effectively manage their newly diverse departments. Therefore, Diversity in the workplace means bringing together people of different ethnic backgrounds, religions and age groups into a cohesive and productive unit. Advances in communication technology, such as the Internet and cellular phones, have made the marketplace a more global concept. In order to survive, a company needs to be able to manage and utilize its diverse workplace effectively. Managing diversity in the workplace should be a part of the culture of the entire organization. Rationale for managing workforce diversity, are to improve productivity and remain competitive; to form better work relationships among employees; to enhance social responsibility, to address legal concerns i.e. policies on bullying and to bring various creativity within the organization.
  • 6. 4 4.0A Model for Diversity - The Four Layers Model Figure 4.1 Four Layers of Diversity, adapted from Marilyn Loden and Judy Rosener, Workforce America (Business One Irwin, 1991). According to Amelio (2015), the Four Layers Model can help the manager understand that diversity comprises many characteristics of people at work, not only a few. The diversity – mature manager will seek to understand these factors and dimensions of diversity to ensure he/she is bringing out all aspects of an individual’s talents and abilities in support of the organization’s mission and goals. Personality; this includes an individual’s likes and dislikes, values and beliefs. Personality is shaped early in life and is both influenced by and influences the other three layers throughout one’s lifetime and career choices. Internal dimensions; these include aspects of diversity over which we have no control (though “physical ability” can change over time due to choices we make to be active or not, or in cases of illness or accidents). This dimension is the layer in which many divisions between and among people exists and which forms the core of many diversity
  • 7. 5 efforts. These dimensions include the first things we see in other people, such as race or gender and on which we make assumptions and base judgements. External dimensions; these include aspects of our lives which we have some control over, which might change over time, and which usually form the basis for decisions on careers and work styles. This layer often determines, in part, with whom we develop friendships and what we do for work. This layer also tells us much about whom we like to be with. Organizational dimensions; this layer concerns the aspects of culture found in a work setting. While much attention of diversity effort is focused on the internal dimensions, issues of preferential treatment and opportunities for development or promotion are impacted by the aspects of this layer. The usefulness of this model is that it includes the dimensions that shape and impact both the individual and the organization itself (Amelio, 2015). While the “Internal Dimensions” receive primary attention in successful diversity initiatives, the elements of the “External” and “Organizational” dimensions often determine the way people are treated, who “fits” or not in a department, who gets the opportunity for development or promotions and who gets recognized. A manager who wants to understand diversity and be an effective manager of a diverse team needs to pay attention to all these layers of diversity with the goals of using both differences and similarities to enrich the work environment and bring us closer to our mission. 5.0HRM in Workplace Diversity The importance of human resource management functions in diversity. Scholars have regularly made the link between human resource management and diversity stating that it is up to human resource managers to seek responsibility in diversity management. Human resource management could be defined as that specialized management function dealing with recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management and employee welfare with the perspective of bringing the best talent in the organization to achieve the corporate goals of the firm. Human resource management is now viewed as pivotal to a firm’s advancement with the need to place human resource policies and practices at the top of the organizations’ agendas. Recruitment is one of those important aspects that managers and leaders consider as part of their diversity management strategy. It is said that the quality of recruitment will impact the organization. High caliber managers are likely to influence the firm’s future direction and sustain its development in the competitive environment in which we are living today. Big companies are already seeking highly qualified employees which they believe are the resources that should be tapped and developed in the company. Recruitment can also be viewed as the first step in the development of talent in the firm.
  • 8. 6 Recruitment is expensive if the best talents in diversity have to be sourced out. It requires time and patience to scrutinize the potential employees, find out what they can best offer and contribute to the firm and find out the gaps between the existing skills and what could be done to improve them by bridging such gaps. Training is another key aspect of human resource management and these impacts on diversity at work. Training aims at the improvement of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for the job. In a diverse workforce, training aims at bringing a potential for high performance level in firms. This will be much dependent on the outcomes of diversity training. In such a case, trainers are expected to show to what extent they can embrace diversity while inculcating the rights tools to their trainees. The effectiveness of training programs in diversity will be a critical factor in bringing diversity and high level of commonality among the employees. Performance management is also a key component of HRM. From an initial perspective, it was said that engaging a diverse workforce bring high levels of performance. To ensure that performance is maintained and consistently improved in the organization, it is essential to think of reward strategies that benefit diversity. Employees who are rewarded on bases of equality and fairness regarding their contribution are surely the better advocates of diversity. Employee welfare could also be addressed regarding workplace diversity. The provision of welfare facilities at work coupled with employee benefits adds great value to the human resource management function while at the same time sees that diversity is respected regardless of differences. Welfare might mean the engagement of employees in social activities of the firm but also how the company caters to the welfare of its employees. The provisions of pensions, healthcare benefits, recreational facilities, etc., are illustrations where human resource management can positively contribute to diversity. Recruitment and Diversity; a company’s plan should cover a number of areas, all of which point toward using differences in skills, experience and ideas to reach the company’s business goals. Recruitment is one aspect of that plan, but it should also include retention practices, diversity training for management and line staff, community outreach and workplace flexibility arrangements, among other things. Managing growth in workforce diversity and increasing the representation of women and minorities is a critical human resource management strategy of recruitment and selection for most organisations (Thomas and Ely, 1996). In recruiting for diversity, Ogunjimi (2015) suggests a series of key steps. Firstly, a company should determine whether internal employees can be groomed for the positions they want to fill first. Businesses must design materials, such as brochures and websites, to attract the type of employees specified in their diversity recruitment
  • 9. 7 plan. Ogunjimi (2015) stresses that managers must boast their company’s commitment to diversity, employee incentives and flexible work arrangements. Selection and Diversity; selection is the process based on filtering techniques that ensure added value of choosing a qualified candidate for a position. Selection is the process of choosing a qualified person for specific role who can successfully deliver valuable contributions to the organization. The term selection can be applied to many aspects of the process, such as recruitment, hiring and acculturation. However, it most commonly refers to the selection of workers (Boundless, 2015). Training and Diversity; the most widely used tool among organizations in managing diversity is training (Cox and Blake, 1991). The purpose of diversity training is to give awareness to workers and facilitate the integration of diversity in organizations. In addition, organizations also value diversity training as a platform to make better decisions on diversity policy. Cox and Blake, (1991) remark that it is important to treat training as an on - going education process rather than one short seminar. Diversity training in the workplace is extremely beneficial to an organization. Providing feedback on performance; in diversity management, it is important to provide feedback to employees. Performance metrics states that evaluation of employees with regards to diversity have provided interesting results. The HR council, Canada (2015) explains that positive feedback involves telling someone about good performance. Employers must make this feedback timely, specific and frequent. Recognition for effective performance is a powerful motivator. Constructive feedback alerts an individual to an in which performance could improve. The main purpose of constructive feedback is to help people understand where they stand in relation to expected and/or productive job and workplace behavior. Regarding diversity, an absence of feedback or simply a poor feedback mechanism might have some effect on minorities. Phillippe (2014) advocates that “one size does not fit all” in performance management if you want to maintain a productive diverse workforce. Managers of people in minority groups need to be made aware that performance management must take into considerations differences; and if minority employee is not performing well, the root cause for that outcome can often be misdiagnosed. To ensure a diverse, productive and engaged workforce, performance management must be seen as a multi – faceted tool that capitalizes on differences (Phillippe, 2014) 6.0Tools for Managing Diversity Effective managers are aware that certain skills are necessary for creating a successful, diverse workforce.
  • 10. 8 First, managers must understand discrimination and its consequences. Second, managers must recognize their own cultural biases and prejudices (Koonce, 2001). Diversity is not about differences among groups, but rather about differences among individuals. Each individual is unique and does not represent or speak for a particular group. Finally, managers must be willing to change the organization if necessary. Organization need to learn how to manage diversity in the workplace to be successful in the future. Unfortunately, there is no single recipe for success. It mainly depends on the manager’s ability to understand what is best for the organization based on teamwork and dynamics of the workplace. According to Roosevelt (2001), managing diversity is a comprehensive process for creating a work environment that includes everyone. When creating a successful diverse workforce, an effective manager should focus on personal awareness. Both managers and associates need to be aware of their personal biases. Therefore, organizations need to develop, implement and maintain ongoing training because a one – day session of training will not change people’s behaviors (Koonce, 2001). Managers must also understand that fairness is not necessarily equality. There are always exceptions to the rule. Managing diversity is about more than equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. Managers should expect change to be slow, while at the same time encouraging change (Koonce, 2001) Another vital requirement when dealing with diversity is promoting a safe place for associates to communicate. Social gathering and business meetings, where every member must listen and have the chance to speak, are good ways to create dialogues. Managers should implement policies such as mentoring programs to provide associates access to information and opportunities. Also, associates should never be denied necessary, constructive, critical feedback for learning about mistakes and successes (Flagg, 2002). 7.0 Benefits of diversity in the Workplace As workforce demographics shift and global markets emerge, workplace diversity inches closer to becoming a business necessity instead of a banner that companies wave to show their commitment to embracing differences and change. Employees reap tangible and intangible benefits from workplace benefits, not the least of which include respect from co-workers and business gains. Mutual Respect; Workplace diversity fosters mutual respect among employees. Whether employees work in groups or teams comprised of co-workers with varied work styles, or colleagues who represent different cultures or generations, a synergistic work environment become the norm. Although an idyllic atmosphere may be difficult to achieve, employees nevertheless recognize the many strengths and talents that diversity brings to the workplace and they gain respect for their colleagues’ performance.
  • 11. 9 Conflict Resolution; Conflict inevitably occurs in the work environment. However, employees who acknowledge others’ differences often also find similarities, particularly when there are common goals -- production and quality. Respect for co-workers either reduces the likelihood of conflict or facilitates an easier road to conflict resolution. The ability to resolve workplace conflict minimizes potential liability for employee complaints that would otherwise escalate to formal matters, such as litigation. Workplace diversity preserves the quality of employees’ relationships with their co-workers and their supervisors. Business Reputation; Diversity in the workplace is important for employees because it manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, leading to increased profitability and opportunities for workers. Workplace diversity is important within the organization as well as outside. Business reputations flourish when companies demonstrate their commitment to diversity through aggressive outreach and recruiting efforts. An organization known for its ethics, fair employment practices and appreciation for diverse talent is better able to attract a wider pool of qualified applicants. Other advantages include loyalty from customers who choose to do business only with companies whose business practices are socially responsible. Job Promotion; the importance of workplace diversity cannot be overstated when it comes to an organization’s ability to reach markets in foreign countries. The appeal of global markets creates two kinds of opportunities for employees: opportunities for promotion and employee development. A global marketplace opens doors for employees with diverse language skills and multicultural understanding to build global profit centers. Employees interested in learning multinational business strategy and who are available for possible expatriate assignments may also find new and challenging career opportunities. Increased Exposure; A diverse workplace offers more than exposure to employees from different cultures and backgrounds. Employees learn from co-workers whose work styles vary and whose attitudes about work varies from their own. This is particularly true for employees within multigenerational work environments. Traditional-generation workers learn new technology and processes from workers who belong to the tech- savvy millennial generation. Likewise, Generation X employees learn from exposure to the assertive, go-getter work ethic typical of many Baby Boomers. Furthermore, diversity brings together individuals from various backgrounds that possess important skill that stimulate organizational competitiveness and growth (Fassinger, 2008). The benefit of diversity can be seen in several areas such as employee relations, strategic advantage, and tapping into new markets. In a diverse environment where people can interact and share ideas, organizational growth and health are present. The exchange of ideas creates an atmosphere of cultural acceptance that can lead to improvements in employee relations (Chavez & Weisinger, 2008). When individuals perceive that their ideas and cultures are valued, they have great ownership in the organization. In addition to positive employee relations, diversity can provide a strategic advantage for organizations.
  • 12. 10 A significant body of research on top management teams has shown that diversity leads to superior outcomes in decision making (Dalton, 2006, Fassinger, 2008; Mannix & Neale, 2005). The explanation for better decision making from a diverse team is that their approach to the problem with alternative views and perspectives; this allows for a wider range of possibilities that could not be generated by homogenous group (Dalton, 2006). Wong (2008) states, “diversity brings together different experiences and perspectives that serve as the catalysts for innovation and productivity”. The strategic advantage given by promoting diversity within the organization can be the impetus to make entrance into new markets and new customers that were previously inaccessible. Many companies, such Toyota, Coca – Cola and other organizations are leveraging diversity to tap into underserved markets and customers. For example, Coca – Cola has used its diversity to develop a market in the Hispanic community for one of its new soft drinks. Another example is the Longo Toyota car dealership that has hired salespeople that speak various languages to serve their diverse client base. Workforce diversity can assist an organization by providing new markets that have not been previously developed and ensured retention of current markets (Perkins, Thomas & Taylor, 2000) Diversity is beneficial to both associates and employers. Although associates are interdependent in the workplace, respecting individual differences can increase productivity. Diversity in the workplace can reduce lawsuits and increase market opportunities, recruitment, creativity and business image. In an era when flexibility and creativity are keys to competitiveness, diversity is critical for an organization’s success. Also, the consequences (loss of time and money) should not be overlooked (Koonce, 2001). Increased adaptability is another benefit of workplace diversity; organizations employing a diverse workforce can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customer. Attract and retain talent; according to Andrade (2010) states that talent can add a competitive edge to any organization. Feeling included and appreciated increases loyalty and feeling of belonging. Language skills pool is increased and propels organization forward either to compete in the International global world or to increase its diverse customer base. 8.0Challenges of diversity in the Workplace There are challenges to managing a diverse work population. Managing diversity is more than simply acknowledging differences in people. It involves recognizing the value of differences, combating discrimination and promoting inclusiveness. Managers may also be challenged with losses in personnel and work productivity due to prejudice and discrimination, as well as complaints and legal actions against the organization (Devoe, 1999).
  • 13. 11 Diversity – related challenges are present in almost every workplace, whether they are giant corporations or small business operations. The globalized business world has increased the need for individuals from all walks of life. Holt (2015) states that conflict is a natural part of this process and as long as it is handled in a healthy way, can bring a group of employees closer together. Challenges are what improve employee relationships and promote diversity, if handled correctly. If handled incorrectly, a company could fall apart, face lawsuits and spend more time resolving conflict than being productive. These challenges, when handled in a healthy way, push people to grow, improving productivity and employee relationships, decreasing workplace tension and resulting in a positive place to work. Communication; Communication barriers lead to problems in a company attempting to create a diverse workplace. When a U.S. company hires employees of other cultures whose first language is not English, employees and managers may experience difficulties communicating with one another. This can lead to misunderstandings and a decrease in productivity. For example, if a manager gives instructions about completing a certain task to an employee who fails to fully comprehend the instructions, the employee may make mistakes if he tries to complete the task without receiving clarity. Sometimes it helps for companies to hire bilingual employees who can mediate and reduce language and communication barriers. Opposition to Change; although workplace diversity benefits an organization as a whole, some employees and managers may not react positively to changes made. Employees who oppose workforce diversity usually reject new ideas and make work environments more difficult. If the company doesn't handle opposition properly, workplace diversity initiatives may not provide the intended benefits to the company. To deal with opposition, companies should explain the reasons for diversity and what benefits changes in diversity bring to management and employees. Alleviating fears some people possess about workplace diversity may reduce much of the opposition. Implementation; although on paper workplace diversity may seem like a good idea, many companies experience challenges when attempting to implement changes. Employers must develop strategies for implementation, analyze results and make necessary changes if results do not meet the established goals. The implementation process may present challenges to everyone involved, and frustrations may arise because implementation is not as smooth as expected. To help with implementation, employers may decide to hire experienced professionals who specialize in workplace diversity. Experienced professionals understand the challenges and know how to handle them. Negative attitudes and behaviours can be barriers to organizational diversity because they can harm working relationships and damage morale and work productivity. Negative attitudes and behaviours include prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination which should never be used by management for hiring, retention and termination practices (could lead to costly litigation)
  • 14. 12 9.0Strategies for Managing Diverse Workforce According to (Pantea F.M 2007) identified best strategies for managing workforce diversity such as; Training and education programs. i.e. mandatory training about how candidates are chosen based on best fits; Organizational policies that mandate fairness and equity for all employees. For example handling harassment and bullying such as offensive jokes, grievance procedures policy document; Performance appraisal systems that are non-discriminatory; Career development programs, e.g. Promotions, training programmes; Retention strategy. For example initiating family days whereby people unite together as one family; Special needs plan. For example wheel chair access for disability, altering working times and special braille equipment; Recruitment and selection. For example its unlawful to publish an advertisement which may indicate an intention to discriminate, Also, job title must be sexless such as “operator” or “technician”, an indication must be given that all applicants from both sexes are welcomed. Establishing a visible diversity advisory committee within the organization, dealing with all forms of harassment, abuse, bullying and provocation, also controlling communication. Furthermore, to create a corporate culture that supports diversity, through acknowledging cultural and individual differences in the workplace. 10.0 CASE STUDY Ford Motor Company Diversity in the workplace This case study looks at Ford Motor Company on how workplace diversity involvement has impact on company’s activities and success. Ford Motor Company is a reputable company, which was incorporated on 6th June 1903, and focuses on developing and manufacturing of varieties of vehicles that deliver an outstanding value to their customers worldwide without changing their product strategy irrespective of the country of operation. The company has over 100 plants in the United States, Brazil, Thailand, South Africa and eighteen other countries. It employs over 350,000 people all over the world. Throughout the history of Ford Motors, their diverse employees have created a variety of products that has hugely contributed to its success. Ford has been one of the world leaders in workforce diversity and inclusion, which has since remained the key business strategy of the company. Diversity could be found in every level of the company’s operations, from the boardroom to the design studio, from the plant floors to the engineering centre, their diversity makes them a better and successful company. Ford Motors history of diversity; in the early days, Ford Motor Company took the necessary steps to ensure that its workforce has reflected the communities in which it does business. Within its first five years, Ford had established production or sales operations in the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, parts of Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and in Russia. The CEO of the company, Henry Ford in 1913, adopted a strategy, which greatly helped the company to meet its customer demands. He upgraded the positions of some the
  • 15. 13 workers, and offered attractive wages and salaries, which were more than double the industry average at that time. The 5 dollars a day attracted thousands of immigrants and African Americans to join the company. Ford effectively formed a new American middle class which made Ford Motor Company one of the first American companies to reflect the growing diversity of the United States (History of Diversity, 2013) Recognizing the company’s day to day growth in diversity in the company, Ford realized that it needed to strategically and effectively manage the diverse workforce to enable its implementation continue to work to the company’s advantage. Ford therefore recognized some measures, which they thought would retain and also attract new diverse workforce and successful diversity implementation and management. These measures involve Ford Motors’ recognition of its Global diversity vision of diversity and inclusion and inclusion environment. The vision of diversity and inclusion of Ford is to maintain diversity and inclusion environment. In order for Ford Motors to achieve its vision and strategy, it identified five strategic focuses that involve (Strategic Areas of Focus, 2013). Diverse workforce: employing people from all over the world irrespective of their race, gender, ethnicity, age, disability to contribute to the company’s success story. Respectful and inclusive work environment: A working environment where no one is left out but instead all is included in the decision making process as well as opinion sharing. And also a mutual respect for each individual’s culture believe and their personality. Leading the Way: To ensure that Ford Motors stands “on top of the chart” above other reputable companies, by moving one step further from them in terms of workplace diversity and productivity. Work life Integration: This integration involves workers making choices as well as exercising control of their life’s challenges in order to meet their goals. In recognizing the impact of the work life integration strategy, the company designed a conducive working environment for workers to successfully combine personal lives with their working life, thereby motivating them to work productively and efficiently. External Partnerships: Ford Motors created partnership sales group, which aims at giving large discounts to employees, retirees and spouses of eligible partner companies to serve as goodwill and a means to promote workplace diversity (Special pricing on Ford, 2012) Global diversity challenges at Ford: Ford Motors had encountered numerous challenges and has since continued to improve on their strategies to manage these challenges in order to continue with their success story regarding workplace diversity. These challenges are ; forming a structure and guideline for different religious groups: one of the challenges that Ford Motors encountered the ability to effectively form a structure and best guideline that all workers from different religious backgrounds could fit in some way, and could accept and follow irrespective of their believe. It took some time to overcome, due to the fact that workers too into consideration how to work with their own faith and support others with different faith at the same time (Ford Interfaith Network, 2005)
  • 16. 14 To be fair to all: Ford Motors has been making a tremendous effort to battle the challenge of being open and fair to all workers, by creating equal opportunity for all employees to portray their full potentials in the various roles they play. Effective Diversity Education: To effectively educate workers on diversity and its practicalities have been one of the challenges at Ford as the company strives to ensure successful diversity implementation. The analysis: The case study highlights importance of embrace workplace diversity for increasing company work productivity and success. 11.0 CONCLUSION A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. Diverse work teams bring high value to organizations. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. Diversity management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. Management tools in a diverse workforce should be used to educate everyone about diversity and its issues, including laws and regulations. Most workplaces are made up of diverse cultures, so organizations need to learn how to adapt to be successful. Also, this essay will help me to design and implement a training program on diversity management for managerial cadre.
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