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Corporate 360
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of
Degree in
Under the guidance of Dr.Jnaneswar.K
I Navaneeth krishnan by declared that the project entitled
“CORPORATE360” is the report of the original work done by us
under the guidance of Dr. Jnaneswar. K (Associate Professor , TKM
Institute of Management) towards partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of Post graduate degree of MBA of
University of Kerala during the period of study in TKM Institute of
Management Karuvelil.
We also declare that the report has not been submitted by us for the
award of any degree, diploma, and any other university earlier.
Place : kollam
Date : 25-09-2017
Above all the first I take this golden opportunity to express my personal
gratitude to Dr. Jnaneswar. K Associate Professor HRM, TKM Institute
of Management for the inspiring guidance. I consider it is our privilege a
few words of gratitude and take these opportunities of do so. We wish to
hearty thanks to everyone who helped for completing this project
Above all I thank God almighty for giving courage, wisdom, and for the
abundant grace that the best owned upon me to complete this work
Navaneeth krishnan
Corporate360 is a Sales Tech software company offering
SaaS based marketing data cloud software to help B2B marketers
discover sales leads, ideal buyer profiles & competitive intelligence. The
data-as-a-service cloud helps B2B sales reps close deals faster, eliminate
sales research, accelerate pipeline creation, beat competition & maintain
CRM data accuracy .The data platform complements and integrates with
CRM, Marketing Automation, Predictive Analytics, and ABM platforms
powering them with relevant and accurate prospects data. The product is
built using advanced data science technologies such as NLP, Machine
Learning, AI combined with human intelligence. Corporate360 serves
sales, marketing, analytics and data science teams at Fortune 500 and
fast-growing data-driven organizations across a wide variety of
industries with over 300 global clients.
Industry profile
Industry ; Information Technology
Information Technology in context of computers. Information Technology uses
computers and software to manage information. Information Technology deals
with electronic computers and computer software to store, process, convert,
protect, transmit and retrieve information securely.
Growth of Information Technology (IT) Industry in global
Global Information Technology Report is released, the world is entering the Fourth
Industrial Revolution. Processing and storage capacities are rising exponentially,
and knowledge is becoming accessible to more people than ever before in human
history. The future holds an even higher potential for human development as the
full effects of new technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial
intelligence, 3-D Printing, energy storage, and quantum computing unfold. The
exponential speed of developments; disruption across all major industries; and the
impact on entire systems of production, management, and governance are what
differentiates these developments from previous “industrial revolutions.” However,
while all these developments will bring many benefits, they also carry risks. If
managed well, they have the potential to give rise to innovation that will drive
growth and social impact. If not handled appropriately, challenges such as the
rising threat of cyberattacks that expand into the physical world, privacy issues,
and the polarizing effects of technologies on labor markets could derail these
benefits. Countries and businesses that embrace these developments, anticipate
challenges, and deal with them in a strategic way are more likely to prosper, while
those that do not will more likely fall behind. Information and communication
technologies (ICTs) are the backbone of this revolution. The future of countries,
businesses, and individuals will depend more than ever on whether they embrace
digital technologies. And many of those who stand to gain the most are not yet
connected. Since 2001, The Global Information Technology Report series
published by the World Economic Forum in partnership with INSEAD and Cornell
University has measured the drivers of the ICT revolution globally, using the
Networked Readiness Index (NRI). The Index has evolved over time and currently
assesses the state of networked readiness using 53 individual indicators. For each
of the 139 economies covered, it allows the identification of areas of priority to
more fully leverage ICTs for socioeconomic development . Four important
messages emerge from the Report this year. First, innovation is increasingly based
on digital technologies and business models, which can drive economic and social
gains from ICTs if channelled in a smart way. Second, the way businesses adopt
ICTs is key for leveraging them for development, so encouraging businesses to
fully embrace the powers of digital technologies should be a priority of
governments. Third, both the private sector and governments need to step up
efforts to invest in innovative digital solutions to drive social impact. Last but not
least, a sustainable digital economy will depend on quickly evolving governance
frameworks that allow societies to anticipate and shape the impact of emerging
technologies and react quickly to changing circumstances.
Growth of Information Technology(IT) Industry in India
Two main components of Information Technology (IT) are software and hardware.
The software has emerged as the major industry in the field of electronics. This
industry made a modest beginning in the 1970s and by mid-1980s, the forecasters,
analysts and policy planners started understanding the potential of computer
software application.The industry achieved a major breakthrough in the 1990s and
is now one of the important industries of India. The main cause of the rapid
development of software industry is its vast reservoir of technically skilled
manpower which has transformed India into a software super power.With a
compound annual growth of about 52 per cent between 1991 and 1996, the Indian
software sector has expanded almost twice as fast as the world’s leading US
software industry did, during the same periods, although from a smaller base.
There is now a critical mass of more than 500 software firms in the country and
apart from these companies there are an additional 1,000 start-up-companies.
Today, India is one country that offers cost-effectiveness, great quality, high
reliability, speedy deliveries and, above all, the use of state-of-the-art technologies
in software industry. The year 1995-96 was a boom year for the Indian computer
industry and the Information Technology (IT) industry of India really exploded in
that year.Despite the challenges such as the continued technology slowdown in the
global market, strong fundamentals and core value position of the software and
services industry led to outperforming all other sectors in the country. Its export
grew by 26.3 per cent in 2002-03, clocking revenues of Rs 46,100 crore. After
liberalisation in 1991, India is fast catching up with the world in terms of
penetration of IT, telecommunications and consumer electronics products. This can
lead to a huge demand for these products as well as provide base for global
“The Personal Computer (PC), not TV, will be the key information appliance of
21st century,” said Andy Grove, co-founder of Intel, the world’s largest chip-
maker over a decade ago. He was proved right in the U.S. before the turn of the
20th century when for the first time PCs outsold TVs. This has not happened in
India, and may not happen for another decade. But PCs are gaining more
popularity in India as compared to TVs as the time passes.Sale of personal
computers (PCs) increased by 20% in 2004-05 to 3.63 million units. Internet
subscribers also went up by 23 per cent in 2004-05 to 2.92 million over the
previous year. The rise in PC sales can be attributed to home segment which posted
a growth of 48 per cent.The vision of IT policy is to use IT as a tool for raising the
living standards of the common man and enriching their lives. Towards this end,
the Department of Information Technology has taken up an ambitious program of
PC and Internet penetration to the rural and undeserved urban areas.
Growth of Information Technology(IT) Industry in Kerala
Kerala, one of the federal states of India, is a region known for its high levels of
achievements in education, healthcare and social justice. Kerala, known far and
wide as ‘God’s own Country’, is a unique state that achieved many distinctions of
all-round improvements in the social sector. Despite low per-captia income, the
state’s achievements in literacy, education, health, etc. are comparable to some of
the developed countries. In line with global trends, the government of Kerala
formulated an Information Technology (IT) policy in the year 1998. The policy
aims at increased application of IT in all walks of life, encasing the IT industry
base, creating a robust state information infrastructure and creating human
resources for IT. In the context of developing countries, IT is seen as one of the
most significant forces of modernization. Kerala has all the intrinsic advantages
that can foster the growth of IT for social and economic development, including,
advanced levels of literacy, education and healthcare, an excellent
telecommunications network reaching all towns and villages, educated women,
availability of world class IT professionals and IT infrastructures and three
international airports. Prior to 1995, the state did not make any serious attempt for
the promotion of IT, probably due to the widespread misconception in the minds of
the trade unions and common people that the application of IT may result in loss of
employment. However, the growth of IT in nearby states and all over the world
along with the lucrative jobs obtained by Keralites outside the state were eye
openers and the potential of IT in creating large scale employment was realized by
the state, albeit a little late. Once the mindsets of the people started to 27 change,
the Government of Kerala stepped up its intervention by announcing a
comprehensive IT policy in April 1998 and established a new IT department for
promotion of IT. Today, Kerala is where the search for a perfect IT destination .
Organizational profile
Type: Information Technology
Formed: 2013
Place: pathanapuram ,kollam, kerala
Corporate360 Is The Global Leader In Competitive Intelligence
For Technology Installed-Base. Most Of The World's Technology Companies,
Enterprise Start-Ups, And Some Of The Most Efficient Digital And Telemarketing
Agency Partners Use C360 For Total Addressable Market Analysis, Competitive
Displacement Campaigns, Predictive Analytics Data Modeling, Marketing
Campaigns, And Cross-Sell Initiatives. Every Day, C360 Indexes Several Millions
Of Unstructured Technology Related Documents Across The Open Internet, The
Archived Web And Offline Resources To ProduceA Detailed, Accurate Census Of
Key IT Management Contacts And Enterprise Technology Installations In Use At
Companies Globally. Indexed Resources Include Content Such As Resumes,
Social Media, Case Studies, Press Releases, Blog Postings, Government
Documents, Content Libraries, Technical Support Forums, Website Source Code,
And Job Postings. Founded In 2013, The Company Is Based In San Francisco With
Global Offices In Singapore & India. C360 Award Winning Products Tech
SalesCloud, ProspectR & EmaiR Helps B2B Marketers To Discover Prospect
Insights, Target Audience, Buyers Persona, Technology Installations, Business
Contacts, Sales Patterns And Sales Lead Recommendations. B2B marketing
techniques rely on the same basic principles as consumer marketing, but are
executed in a unique way. While consumers choose products based not only on
price but on popularity, status, and other emotional triggers, B2B buyers make
decisions on price and profit potential alone.
Finding new ways to foster relationships through social media is currently a hot
topic in the B2B marketing world. Social media platforms have opened up two
way conversations between businesses. A survey organized by Chadwick Martin
Bailey and iModerate, showed that businesses are more likely to buy from
companies they track through social media.
Tech-savvy B2B companies have continued to find innovative ways to use social
media to their advantage. Cisco Systems, Inc, a leading seller of networking
systems, launched a campaign introducing a new router solely on social media
advertising. The launch was classified as one of the top five in the company's
history, and shaved over $100,000 off normal launch expenses.
Demand base Advertising solutions help you attract and retarget key individuals
and buying teams, without the waste inherent in other advertising tactics.
Demand base Sales Solutions help you capture the valuable insights you need to
personalize outreach and maximize your conversations with target accounts and
buyer teams.
Demand base Marketing solutions allow you to identify target accounts, deliver
personalized website experiences and improve conversions across the funnel.
Demand base Analytics solutions provide an account-based view of site traffic, the
ability to connect siloed data sets across the funnel and actionable insight on how
to drive revenue.
1. Finding New Prospects
2. Finding Accounts Most Likely To Buy: ForAccount
Based marketing
3. Finding Customers Most Likely To Buy More: For
Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Campaigns
4. Discover Competitive Intelligence
5. Maintain CRM Data Accuracy
6. Finding Actionable Sales Leads
Content of the interview
We the six persons in the group interviewed the interviewed the vice president
Of the corporate 360 . Mr. Arun chandran
Name :Mr Arun chandran
Vice president of Corporate 360
Mr. Arun will focus on reviewing the obstacles people in deprived areas face when
they come to starting up. Specifically, he will be aiming to encourage educated
women, youths and students from SC community to become entrepreneurs.
The mission, vision values of corporate 360
This is the first IT rural park in Kerala. There mission was to create rural
area job opportunity that’s help them who are not able to go to the city those who
are not explore their skills. There vision is to create an IT park in Pathanapuram
and also provide women empowerment. And provide a helping hand to the rural
people in the village.
About the structure and hierarchy of the organization
Every employ or managers has their own responsibility ,but in a startup company a
manager is not a person who give orders because here they are in the initial stage
so ever employee has to do everything as possible they can there is no rules for the
straight rules because the firm in the startup stage
Responsibility of your position
There is no such desired responsibility in the organization if the sweeper is
not there the manager be do that work as a team leader is able to do all the activity
in the organization there is no such a higher level or lower level are equal inside
the organization the success of the company is related to the mint set of the
employees if they should consider the firm as there firm also then only they have
the mint to improve the firm.
Train the employees choose the right employees through it they running a charity
trust and provide free ambulance to the services and much more about the major
duties in the firm is providing training program for the employees and there
training program is smart working training program .Through Smart Worker, we
promote Impact Sourcing that benefits disadvantaged people in areas of
extreme under-employment and low income. We train them to perform
digital data tasks and connect women and youths to life- changing work
income via the Internet Apart from running the successful smart
work Program to solve B2B marketing issues and addressing the problems
faced by the underprivileged, Corporate360 also runs self sustainable
social impact programs in Kerala, India that is completely funded by the
company itself.
 The major day to day activities Participating on the president or CEO-led
team that creates the organization's overall vision, mission, values,
beliefs, and strategic goals.
 Creating, communicating and implementing the organization’s vision,
mission, and overall direction within his or her areas of responsibility such
as the finance department or HR.
 Leading, guiding, directing, and evaluating the work of other executive
leaders including assistant vice presidents, senior directors, and managers.
 Formulating and implementing the strategic plan that guides the direction of
their business or their area of functional responsibility, such as developing
the marketing strategic plan, in addition to implementing the overall
strategic direction.
 Achieving the organization's overall strategic goals and contributing to the
sales and profitability requirements of the business as determined by the
strategic plans.
 Forming, staffing, guiding, leading and managing an organization of
sufficient capability and size to accomplish the vice president's
responsibilities and job requirements.
 Overseeing the complete operation of an organization in accordance with the
direction established in the strategic plans.
 Evaluating the success of the organization. Does the organization achieve
the overall success that was budgeted for, planned for, and strategically
aimed to accomplish? If not, why not? And, if not, answer the question
about how to get the organization back on track.
 Maintaining awareness of both the external and internal competitive
landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry
developments and standards, and so forth. Generally, seeking to stay in tune
with any opportunities that the organization can leverage.
Manage employees within an organization and handle training, compensation and
staffing matters , they should look for candidates with good speaking, decision-
making and customer service skills.
About the product B2B products are used for IT Company to identify the customer
and the software helps to analysis the customers.
Main clients
The main reason that clients partner with Corporate360 is our relentless focus on
We constantly strive to help you exceed aggressive revenue targets.
We develop innovative ways for our clients to maximize their revenue and
customer loyalty.
In each client relationship, we leverage our extensive expertise to deliver a best-in-
class approachthat is tailored to fit that client's specific business and Go-to-Market
strategy. Discover results we achieve for our clients in these technology sectors:
Software Companies, Hardware Companies, IT Services companies, IT Analyst
Companies, IT Staffing Companies.
The skills required for a manager
First understand the skills of the employees ,identify the culture of employees if
there is a week employee in the company manager is a team leader the manager
should sit with them be motivated he automatically improve or another way the
good team leader is a good trainer.
In the B2B world, this skill essentially consists of being able to handle nice and
not-so-nice clients, to deal with both professionally, ensure that clients are happy
with your service, feel well cared for, well informed, and don’t end up “blowing
up” because of some avoidable mistake you made. It also involves knowing how to
react to a client actually blowing up, how to handle them the right way so they turn
back into a happy client. They can provide a path for new or would-be
entrepreneurs to make up for the skills gaps which they naturally have when first
arriving “on the scene”. Even knowing all those skills won’t guarantee success.
However, being competent in all these areas will certainly increase your chances of
achieving some form of entrepreneurial success.
Unique management practices
They follow army culture, focuses on discipline. Bring up weaker employees by
sitting with them and giving enough advices and work. In that work period the
employees are not allowed to talk each other, this increases the employee’s
Managing a typical day
As a manager everyday is a typical day, manager flips everyone flips. If the
manager fails to manage a typical day it may lead to the winding up of the
company. So the manager carefully plans everyday’s work. Taking calculated
risks, getting the job done on time.
Major problem faced
One of the team leader and some employees were terminated from the job, because
they did something against the culture of the organization. These lead to the
shortage of employees. But the company overcame this crisis shortly.
Overcoming stress
Playing some games like football, cricket
Advice to management students
Keep in control, stay calm, be positive, be good to employees and then you will get
Key learning
I get lot of information from corporate 360 . It is a business to business
organization which provide immense information related to business and teaches
the responsibility of a firm towards the society the organization
 A organization success never depends up on where the organization is it
depends up on the service that provided towards the customers
 Profit generation was not only the aim of the organization and the firm
should contribute something to the society
 The entrepreneur will success only when the look out the surrounding and
notice a problem and think how to solve it that thinking makes his success
 For a startup company there is no specified structure for the managers they
are willing to do any work at any time
The corporate 360 gives many information to us and they all have a good
co operation to ours and they explain every aspects and give valuable
advises to us.
1. Mr. Arun Chandran (VP of India)

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  • 2. 2 DECLARATION I Navaneeth krishnan by declared that the project entitled “CORPORATE360” is the report of the original work done by us under the guidance of Dr. Jnaneswar. K (Associate Professor , TKM Institute of Management) towards partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Post graduate degree of MBA of University of Kerala during the period of study in TKM Institute of Management Karuvelil. We also declare that the report has not been submitted by us for the award of any degree, diploma, and any other university earlier. Place : kollam Date : 25-09-2017
  • 3. 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Above all the first I take this golden opportunity to express my personal gratitude to Dr. Jnaneswar. K Associate Professor HRM, TKM Institute of Management for the inspiring guidance. I consider it is our privilege a few words of gratitude and take these opportunities of do so. We wish to hearty thanks to everyone who helped for completing this project Above all I thank God almighty for giving courage, wisdom, and for the abundant grace that the best owned upon me to complete this work successfully. Navaneeth krishnan
  • 6. 6 INTRODUCTION Corporate360 is a Sales Tech software company offering SaaS based marketing data cloud software to help B2B marketers discover sales leads, ideal buyer profiles & competitive intelligence. The data-as-a-service cloud helps B2B sales reps close deals faster, eliminate sales research, accelerate pipeline creation, beat competition & maintain CRM data accuracy .The data platform complements and integrates with CRM, Marketing Automation, Predictive Analytics, and ABM platforms powering them with relevant and accurate prospects data. The product is built using advanced data science technologies such as NLP, Machine Learning, AI combined with human intelligence. Corporate360 serves sales, marketing, analytics and data science teams at Fortune 500 and fast-growing data-driven organizations across a wide variety of industries with over 300 global clients.
  • 7. 7 Industry profile Industry ; Information Technology Information Technology in context of computers. Information Technology uses computers and software to manage information. Information Technology deals with electronic computers and computer software to store, process, convert, protect, transmit and retrieve information securely. Growth of Information Technology (IT) Industry in global Global Information Technology Report is released, the world is entering the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Processing and storage capacities are rising exponentially, and knowledge is becoming accessible to more people than ever before in human history. The future holds an even higher potential for human development as the full effects of new technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, 3-D Printing, energy storage, and quantum computing unfold. The exponential speed of developments; disruption across all major industries; and the impact on entire systems of production, management, and governance are what differentiates these developments from previous “industrial revolutions.” However, while all these developments will bring many benefits, they also carry risks. If managed well, they have the potential to give rise to innovation that will drive growth and social impact. If not handled appropriately, challenges such as the rising threat of cyberattacks that expand into the physical world, privacy issues, and the polarizing effects of technologies on labor markets could derail these benefits. Countries and businesses that embrace these developments, anticipate challenges, and deal with them in a strategic way are more likely to prosper, while
  • 8. 8 those that do not will more likely fall behind. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are the backbone of this revolution. The future of countries, businesses, and individuals will depend more than ever on whether they embrace digital technologies. And many of those who stand to gain the most are not yet connected. Since 2001, The Global Information Technology Report series published by the World Economic Forum in partnership with INSEAD and Cornell University has measured the drivers of the ICT revolution globally, using the Networked Readiness Index (NRI). The Index has evolved over time and currently assesses the state of networked readiness using 53 individual indicators. For each of the 139 economies covered, it allows the identification of areas of priority to more fully leverage ICTs for socioeconomic development . Four important messages emerge from the Report this year. First, innovation is increasingly based on digital technologies and business models, which can drive economic and social gains from ICTs if channelled in a smart way. Second, the way businesses adopt ICTs is key for leveraging them for development, so encouraging businesses to fully embrace the powers of digital technologies should be a priority of governments. Third, both the private sector and governments need to step up efforts to invest in innovative digital solutions to drive social impact. Last but not least, a sustainable digital economy will depend on quickly evolving governance frameworks that allow societies to anticipate and shape the impact of emerging technologies and react quickly to changing circumstances. Growth of Information Technology(IT) Industry in India
  • 9. 9 Two main components of Information Technology (IT) are software and hardware. The software has emerged as the major industry in the field of electronics. This industry made a modest beginning in the 1970s and by mid-1980s, the forecasters, analysts and policy planners started understanding the potential of computer software application.The industry achieved a major breakthrough in the 1990s and is now one of the important industries of India. The main cause of the rapid development of software industry is its vast reservoir of technically skilled manpower which has transformed India into a software super power.With a compound annual growth of about 52 per cent between 1991 and 1996, the Indian software sector has expanded almost twice as fast as the world’s leading US software industry did, during the same periods, although from a smaller base. There is now a critical mass of more than 500 software firms in the country and apart from these companies there are an additional 1,000 start-up-companies. Today, India is one country that offers cost-effectiveness, great quality, high reliability, speedy deliveries and, above all, the use of state-of-the-art technologies in software industry. The year 1995-96 was a boom year for the Indian computer industry and the Information Technology (IT) industry of India really exploded in that year.Despite the challenges such as the continued technology slowdown in the global market, strong fundamentals and core value position of the software and services industry led to outperforming all other sectors in the country. Its export grew by 26.3 per cent in 2002-03, clocking revenues of Rs 46,100 crore. After liberalisation in 1991, India is fast catching up with the world in terms of penetration of IT, telecommunications and consumer electronics products. This can lead to a huge demand for these products as well as provide base for global competition.
  • 10. 10 “The Personal Computer (PC), not TV, will be the key information appliance of 21st century,” said Andy Grove, co-founder of Intel, the world’s largest chip- maker over a decade ago. He was proved right in the U.S. before the turn of the 20th century when for the first time PCs outsold TVs. This has not happened in India, and may not happen for another decade. But PCs are gaining more popularity in India as compared to TVs as the time passes.Sale of personal computers (PCs) increased by 20% in 2004-05 to 3.63 million units. Internet subscribers also went up by 23 per cent in 2004-05 to 2.92 million over the previous year. The rise in PC sales can be attributed to home segment which posted a growth of 48 per cent.The vision of IT policy is to use IT as a tool for raising the living standards of the common man and enriching their lives. Towards this end, the Department of Information Technology has taken up an ambitious program of PC and Internet penetration to the rural and undeserved urban areas. Growth of Information Technology(IT) Industry in Kerala Kerala, one of the federal states of India, is a region known for its high levels of achievements in education, healthcare and social justice. Kerala, known far and wide as ‘God’s own Country’, is a unique state that achieved many distinctions of all-round improvements in the social sector. Despite low per-captia income, the state’s achievements in literacy, education, health, etc. are comparable to some of the developed countries. In line with global trends, the government of Kerala formulated an Information Technology (IT) policy in the year 1998. The policy aims at increased application of IT in all walks of life, encasing the IT industry base, creating a robust state information infrastructure and creating human resources for IT. In the context of developing countries, IT is seen as one of the most significant forces of modernization. Kerala has all the intrinsic advantages that can foster the growth of IT for social and economic development, including,
  • 11. 11 advanced levels of literacy, education and healthcare, an excellent telecommunications network reaching all towns and villages, educated women, availability of world class IT professionals and IT infrastructures and three international airports. Prior to 1995, the state did not make any serious attempt for the promotion of IT, probably due to the widespread misconception in the minds of the trade unions and common people that the application of IT may result in loss of employment. However, the growth of IT in nearby states and all over the world along with the lucrative jobs obtained by Keralites outside the state were eye openers and the potential of IT in creating large scale employment was realized by the state, albeit a little late. Once the mindsets of the people started to 27 change, the Government of Kerala stepped up its intervention by announcing a comprehensive IT policy in April 1998 and established a new IT department for promotion of IT. Today, Kerala is where the search for a perfect IT destination .
  • 12. 12 Organizational profile Type: Information Technology Formed: 2013 Place: pathanapuram ,kollam, kerala Corporate360 Is The Global Leader In Competitive Intelligence For Technology Installed-Base. Most Of The World's Technology Companies, Enterprise Start-Ups, And Some Of The Most Efficient Digital And Telemarketing Agency Partners Use C360 For Total Addressable Market Analysis, Competitive Displacement Campaigns, Predictive Analytics Data Modeling, Marketing Campaigns, And Cross-Sell Initiatives. Every Day, C360 Indexes Several Millions Of Unstructured Technology Related Documents Across The Open Internet, The Archived Web And Offline Resources To ProduceA Detailed, Accurate Census Of Key IT Management Contacts And Enterprise Technology Installations In Use At Companies Globally. Indexed Resources Include Content Such As Resumes, Social Media, Case Studies, Press Releases, Blog Postings, Government Documents, Content Libraries, Technical Support Forums, Website Source Code, And Job Postings. Founded In 2013, The Company Is Based In San Francisco With Global Offices In Singapore & India. C360 Award Winning Products Tech SalesCloud, ProspectR & EmaiR Helps B2B Marketers To Discover Prospect Insights, Target Audience, Buyers Persona, Technology Installations, Business Contacts, Sales Patterns And Sales Lead Recommendations. B2B marketing techniques rely on the same basic principles as consumer marketing, but are executed in a unique way. While consumers choose products based not only on
  • 13. 13 price but on popularity, status, and other emotional triggers, B2B buyers make decisions on price and profit potential alone. Finding new ways to foster relationships through social media is currently a hot topic in the B2B marketing world. Social media platforms have opened up two way conversations between businesses. A survey organized by Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate, showed that businesses are more likely to buy from companies they track through social media. Tech-savvy B2B companies have continued to find innovative ways to use social media to their advantage. Cisco Systems, Inc, a leading seller of networking systems, launched a campaign introducing a new router solely on social media advertising. The launch was classified as one of the top five in the company's history, and shaved over $100,000 off normal launch expenses. ADVERTISING Demand base Advertising solutions help you attract and retarget key individuals and buying teams, without the waste inherent in other advertising tactics. SALES Demand base Sales Solutions help you capture the valuable insights you need to personalize outreach and maximize your conversations with target accounts and buyer teams. MARKETING Demand base Marketing solutions allow you to identify target accounts, deliver personalized website experiences and improve conversions across the funnel.
  • 14. 14 ANALYTICS Demand base Analytics solutions provide an account-based view of site traffic, the ability to connect siloed data sets across the funnel and actionable insight on how to drive revenue. C360 PRODUCTSCAN SOLVE MANY SALES AND MARKETING ISSUES, INCLUDING: 1. Finding New Prospects 2. Finding Accounts Most Likely To Buy: ForAccount Based marketing 3. Finding Customers Most Likely To Buy More: For Cross-Sell/Up-Sell Campaigns 4. Discover Competitive Intelligence 5. Maintain CRM Data Accuracy 6. Finding Actionable Sales Leads
  • 15. 15 Content of the interview We the six persons in the group interviewed the interviewed the vice president Of the corporate 360 . Mr. Arun chandran DETAILS OF MANAGER Name :Mr Arun chandran Vice president of Corporate 360 Mr. Arun will focus on reviewing the obstacles people in deprived areas face when they come to starting up. Specifically, he will be aiming to encourage educated women, youths and students from SC community to become entrepreneurs. The mission, vision values of corporate 360 This is the first IT rural park in Kerala. There mission was to create rural area job opportunity that’s help them who are not able to go to the city those who are not explore their skills. There vision is to create an IT park in Pathanapuram and also provide women empowerment. And provide a helping hand to the rural people in the village. About the structure and hierarchy of the organization Every employ or managers has their own responsibility ,but in a startup company a manager is not a person who give orders because here they are in the initial stage so ever employee has to do everything as possible they can there is no rules for the straight rules because the firm in the startup stage
  • 16. 16 Responsibility of your position There is no such desired responsibility in the organization if the sweeper is not there the manager be do that work as a team leader is able to do all the activity in the organization there is no such a higher level or lower level are equal inside the organization the success of the company is related to the mint set of the employees if they should consider the firm as there firm also then only they have the mint to improve the firm. Majorduties Train the employees choose the right employees through it they running a charity trust and provide free ambulance to the services and much more about the major duties in the firm is providing training program for the employees and there training program is smart working training program .Through Smart Worker, we promote Impact Sourcing that benefits disadvantaged people in areas of extreme under-employment and low income. We train them to perform digital data tasks and connect women and youths to life- changing work income via the Internet Apart from running the successful smart work Program to solve B2B marketing issues and addressing the problems faced by the underprivileged, Corporate360 also runs self sustainable social impact programs in Kerala, India that is completely funded by the company itself.
  • 17. 17  The major day to day activities Participating on the president or CEO-led team that creates the organization's overall vision, mission, values, beliefs, and strategic goals.  Creating, communicating and implementing the organization’s vision, mission, and overall direction within his or her areas of responsibility such as the finance department or HR.  Leading, guiding, directing, and evaluating the work of other executive leaders including assistant vice presidents, senior directors, and managers.  Formulating and implementing the strategic plan that guides the direction of their business or their area of functional responsibility, such as developing the marketing strategic plan, in addition to implementing the overall strategic direction.  Achieving the organization's overall strategic goals and contributing to the sales and profitability requirements of the business as determined by the strategic plans.  Forming, staffing, guiding, leading and managing an organization of sufficient capability and size to accomplish the vice president's responsibilities and job requirements.  Overseeing the complete operation of an organization in accordance with the direction established in the strategic plans.  Evaluating the success of the organization. Does the organization achieve the overall success that was budgeted for, planned for, and strategically aimed to accomplish? If not, why not? And, if not, answer the question about how to get the organization back on track.  Maintaining awareness of both the external and internal competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry
  • 18. 18 developments and standards, and so forth. Generally, seeking to stay in tune with any opportunities that the organization can leverage. Manage employees within an organization and handle training, compensation and staffing matters , they should look for candidates with good speaking, decision- making and customer service skills. About the product B2B products are used for IT Company to identify the customer and the software helps to analysis the customers. Main clients TOP GLOBAL BRANDS TRUST CORPORATE360TO MAXIMIZE THEIR REVENUE, WHILE STRENGTHENING CUSTOMER LOYALTY The main reason that clients partner with Corporate360 is our relentless focus on results: We constantly strive to help you exceed aggressive revenue targets. We develop innovative ways for our clients to maximize their revenue and customer loyalty. In each client relationship, we leverage our extensive expertise to deliver a best-in- class approachthat is tailored to fit that client's specific business and Go-to-Market strategy. Discover results we achieve for our clients in these technology sectors: Software Companies, Hardware Companies, IT Services companies, IT Analyst Companies, IT Staffing Companies. The skills required for a manager First understand the skills of the employees ,identify the culture of employees if there is a week employee in the company manager is a team leader the manager
  • 19. 19 should sit with them be motivated he automatically improve or another way the good team leader is a good trainer. In the B2B world, this skill essentially consists of being able to handle nice and not-so-nice clients, to deal with both professionally, ensure that clients are happy with your service, feel well cared for, well informed, and don’t end up “blowing up” because of some avoidable mistake you made. It also involves knowing how to react to a client actually blowing up, how to handle them the right way so they turn back into a happy client. They can provide a path for new or would-be entrepreneurs to make up for the skills gaps which they naturally have when first arriving “on the scene”. Even knowing all those skills won’t guarantee success. However, being competent in all these areas will certainly increase your chances of achieving some form of entrepreneurial success. Unique management practices They follow army culture, focuses on discipline. Bring up weaker employees by sitting with them and giving enough advices and work. In that work period the employees are not allowed to talk each other, this increases the employee’s concentration. Managing a typical day As a manager everyday is a typical day, manager flips everyone flips. If the manager fails to manage a typical day it may lead to the winding up of the company. So the manager carefully plans everyday’s work. Taking calculated risks, getting the job done on time. Major problem faced
  • 20. 20 One of the team leader and some employees were terminated from the job, because they did something against the culture of the organization. These lead to the shortage of employees. But the company overcame this crisis shortly. Overcoming stress Playing some games like football, cricket Advice to management students Keep in control, stay calm, be positive, be good to employees and then you will get success. Key learning I get lot of information from corporate 360 . It is a business to business organization which provide immense information related to business and teaches the responsibility of a firm towards the society the organization  A organization success never depends up on where the organization is it depends up on the service that provided towards the customers  Profit generation was not only the aim of the organization and the firm should contribute something to the society  The entrepreneur will success only when the look out the surrounding and notice a problem and think how to solve it that thinking makes his success  For a startup company there is no specified structure for the managers they are willing to do any work at any time The corporate 360 gives many information to us and they all have a good co operation to ours and they explain every aspects and give valuable advises to us.
  • 21. 21 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Mr. Arun Chandran (VP of India) 2.WEBSITE: