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Preparing the Crew
          Chapter 2
  Advanced Strategic Planning
Preparing the Crew
          Chapter 2
    Assessing readiness
  Advanced Strategic Planning
          Steps 1-6
All good navigators prepare their boat before leaving the
harbour. Their maxim is “If you have it, it should work.”
In some way this is also asked of the crew - do they know
where they are going, what they are expected to do?
Within ASP it is vital to assess the readiness of the team
and church before starting the process.
Step 1: Secure the support of the
           Empowered Leadership

Is the church ready to pursue
SP? This starts with the church’s
empowered leadership - do the
people who have power support
the process?
Governing board, pastor, staff,
matriarch, patriarch etc. need to
be in support.
Are the Board ready and open?
Malphurs has produced a Readiness
for Change Inventory which he
suggests a pastor should take in helping
him consider whether his board are
open and ready to beginning the SP
He also suggests that if a board is
resistant to change then you have to
take time - 3-5 years is his suggested
period - during this time you can
choose ways to educate them and help
things progress.
Readiness for Change Inventory

by Aubrey Malphurs, Ph.D.
Directions: Each item below is a
key element that will help you to
evaluate your church's readiness
for change.
Strive for objectivity-involve
others (including outsiders) in the
evaluation process. Circle the
number that most accurately rates
your church.
1. Leadership. The pastor and the church board
(official leadership) are favorable toward and
directly responsible for change. Also, any
influential persons (unofficial leadership: the
church patriarch, a wealthy member, etc.) are for
change, score 5. If moderately so, score 3. Only
the secondary level of leadership (other staff,
Sunday school teachers, etc.) is for change while
unofficial leadership opposes it. Here it is less
likely to occur, score 1
2. Vision. The pastor and the board have a single,
clear vision of a significant future that looks
different from the present. The pastor is able to
mobilize most relevant parties (other staff, boards,
and the congregation) for action, score 5. The
pastor but not the board envisions a different
direction for the church, score 3. The pastor and
board have not thought about a vision, and/or
they do not believe that it is important, score 1.
3. Values. The church's philosophy of ministry
(its core values) includes a preference for
innovation and creativity. Though proven forms,
methods, and techniques are not discarded at a
whim, the church is more concerned with the
effectiveness of its ministries than adherence to
traditions, score 5. If moderately so, score 3. The
church's ministry forms and techniques have
changed little over the years while its ministry
effectiveness has diminished, score 1.
4. Motivation. The pastor and the board have
a strong sense of urgency for change that is
shared by the congregation. The congregational
culture emphasizes the need for constant
improvement, score 3. The pastor and/or the
board (most of whom have been in their
positions for many years) along with the
congregation are bound by long standing
traditions that are change-resistant and
discourage risk-taking, score 1. If somewhere
between, score 2.
5. Organizational Context. How does the
change effort affect the other programs in the
church (Christian education, worship,
missions, etc.)? If the individuals in charge are
all working together for improvement and
innovation, score 3. If some are, score 2. If
many are opposed to change and/or are in
conflict with one another over change, score 1
6. Processes/Functions. Major changes in a
church almost always require redesigning
processes and functions in all the ministries of
the church such as Christian education, church
worship, etc. If most in charge of these areas are
open to change, score 3. If only some, score 2. If
they are turf protectors or put their areas of
ministry ahead of the
church as a whole, score 1
7. Ministry Awareness. Does the leadership of
your church keep up with what is taking place in
the innovative evangelical churches in the
community and across America in terms of
ministry and outreach effectiveness? Does it
objectively compare what it is doing to that of
churches that are very similar to it? If the answer
is yes, score 3. If the answer is sometimes, score
2. If no, score 1
8. Community Focus. Does the church know
and understand the people in the community-
their needs, hopes, aspirations? Does it stay in
direct contact with them? Does it regularly seek
to reach them? If the answer is yes, score 3. If
moderately so, score 2. If the church is not in
touch with its community and focuses primarily
on itself, score 1.
9. Evaluation. Does the church regularly
evaluate its ministries? Does it evaluate its
ministries in light of its vision and goals? Are
these ministries regularly adjusted in response to
the evaluations? If all of this takes place, score 3.
If some takes place, score 2. If none, score 1
10. Rewards. Change is easier if the leaders
and those involved in ministry are rewarded in
some way for taking risks and looking for new
solutions to their ministry problems. Also,
rewarding ministry teams is more effective than
rewarding solo performances. If this
characterizes your church, score 3. If some
times, score 2. If your church rewards the status
quo and only a maintenance mentality, score 1.
11. Organizational Structure. The best
situation is a flexible church where change is
well received and takes place periodically, not
every day. If this is true of your church, score 3.
Some churches are very rigid in their structure
and either have changed very little in the last
five years or have experienced several futile
attempts at change to no avail, score 1. If
between, score 2
12. Communication. Does your church have a
variety of means for two-way communication?
Do most understand and use it, and does it reach
all levels of the congregation? If this is true, score
3. If only moderately true, score 2. If
communication is poor, primarily one-way and
top-down, score 1
13. Organizational Hierarchy. Is your church
decentralized (has few if any levels of leadership
between the congregation and the pastor or the
board)? If so, score 3. If there are people on staff
levels or boards/committees who come between
the congregation and the pastor or the board,
then more potential exists for them to block
essential change, score 1. If between, score 2.
14. Prior Change. Churches will most readily
adapt to change if they have successfully
implemented major changes in the recent past,
score 3. If some change, score 2. If no one can
remember the last time the church changed or if
such efforts failed or left people angry and
resentful, score 1.
15. Morale. Do the church staff and volunteers
enjoy the church and take responsibility for their
ministries? Do they trust the pastor and/or the
board? If so, score 3. If moderately so, score 2.
Do few people volunteer and are there signs of
low team spirit? Is there mistrust between
leaders and followers and between the various
ministries? If so, score 1.
16. Innovation. The church tries new things.
People feel free to implement new ideas on a
consistent basis. People have the freedom to make
choices and solve problems regarding their
ministries. If this describes your church, score 3.
If this is somewhat true, score 2. If ministries are
ensnared in bureaucratic red tape and permission
from "on high" must be obtained before anything
happens, score 1
17. Decision-Making. Does the church
leadership listen carefully to a wide variety of
suggestions from all the congregation? After it
has gathered the appropriate information, does
it make decisions quickly? If so, score 3. If
moderately so, score 2. Does the leadership
listen only to a select few and take forever to
make a decision? Is there lots of conflict during
the process, and after a decision is made, is there
confusion and turmoil? Then, score 1.
47-57: The chances are good that you may implement
change, especially if your scores are high on items 1-3.
28-46: Change may take place but with varying
success. Chances increase the higher the score on
items 1-3. Note areas with low scores and focus on
improvement before attempting change on a large
17-27: Change will not likely take place. Note areas
with low scores and attempt to improve them… if
possible. Consider starting a new church and
implement your ideas in a more "change-friendly"
Is the Pastor ready?
Does he see the need /
importance / benefits? Will he
help to convince others?
Is he aware of a need to change
- is he resistant to change? Is he
stuck in the old patterns? Is he
afraid of failure if he tries
something new such as a
failure of the process and that
the people will not follow?
Entering a new process or
stage is a frightening time for
many people.
Are the Staff ready?
This might be just the worship leader,
youth pastor - or many more staff in a
large church. These are the people
who are most likely to be involved in
implementing the process - they can
make things difficult by being
uncooperative. Many of the reasons
for resisting that applied to a pastor
apply here also.
This might lead (after time trying to
help them get on board with the idea)
of letting them go and find other jobs
- it will be best for the church!
Is the Matriarch / Patriarch ready?
Often found in small churches - a
person who has been in the
church for many years and has
great influence (power). It is
worth knowing that the average
small church pastor stays only 3-4
years. A person who has been
there a long time is often
respected and trusted. Such
people must be won over by the
pastor. They might, or might not,
be spiritual people!
Step 2: Recruit a Strategic Leadership
A ministry is only as good as the
people who lead it. It is important
not to take the willing volunteers, the
faithful people, but the real ministry
leaders in the church. The leaders
will own the results - and put them
into action.
Most often God works through
people - they represent the church
and lead the process - in recruiting
this team you have to get their full
Who will choose the team?
The senior “leaders” in a church should
do this.

Whom will they choose?
The SLT should be leaders in your
church - spiritual leaders who have
influence - not pew fillers. People like:
senior pastor, board members, staff, lay
leaders, office holders, small group
leaders, influencers, etc. Malphurs
suggests women should not be
forgotten in the process - even if they
are not allowed to “lead” in a church.
Why have these people on the
- as leaders they generate
congregational trust
- they should be spiritually mature
and gifted
- a team shows it is not a one man
show or idea
- the team should know the
church and people well
- the team will probably outlast
the pastor at the church.
Why would these people want to
be on the team?
- they care about Christ’s church
and its future - same for local
- they care about their locality
- they believe church brings hope
- they want to make a difference
All of these desires would be
fulfilled by being involved in the
The number of members and
meeting dates were discussed in
section 1
Who leads the team?
Senior pastor - the obvious
and preferred choice - the
only hesitancy is over
whether he has the abilities
required. Malphurs suggests
that many pastors are not
leaders - in this case choose
another person with the
relevant gifting and
experience to lead the team.
What do you expect of the team?
- prayerfulness
- positive enthusiasm for the
- a team player but not a yes man!
- a consensus person in decision
- committed to attending meetings
for the whole process
- participate in all aspects of the
- able to keep a confidence
- use of gifts and talent to help in
the process
- help with implementation
- be prepared for each session
- proactively promote the work of
the SLT in the congregation
Before any commitment is made
meet with prospective SLT
members - explain what it is all
about, allow them to ask questions,
talk it through - Malphurs suggests
a covenant of commitment which
outlines the above expectations is
Step 3: Improve communication with the

If you want to take over a country you
have to capture the media outlets - in
church you have to communicate too.
It builds trust - if they do not trust
you, you cannot lead them -
communicate as much as possible as
often as possible.
Do it through the senior pastor - if at
all possible - if not use another senior,
gifted communicator
How will you communicate
Informal is very good - casual
chatting, openly speaking about
the process - SLT need to spread
the message within their sphere of
Formal - One way through
newsletters, videos, skits,
announcements etc.
Two way through opportunities to
speak and get feedback, questions
etc. - but be ready for some
feedback from people who might
not be happy!
Communicating well - a few
simple questions:
- who needs to know
- what do they need to know
- who will tell them
- how will we tell them
- when and where should we tell
Malphurs also suggests a proper
grievance process - recognise we
should not complain (Phil 2:14,
Eph 4:2) but someone people still
do! Base the process on Matt
5:23-24, 18:15-19 - then do it.
Step 4: Assess the church’s readiness for
Malphurs observes that as change is
affecting the world at a rapid rate
today his reason for writing the book
was to help the church face the effects
of this and function best during such
times of change. In this step he
suggests ways the church can asses
their readiness for change to take
place. He suggests 2 Cor 3:18 shows an
internal change taking place in the
believer that is then seen in outward
changes in church life and ministry,
and prevents us falling into ruts.
It has ben said:
From the start of recorded history to
1900 knowledge doubled
From 1900 to 1950 it doubled again
From 1975 onwards it doubled every
five years
Currently it is said to double every
two years
Change is happening - and we
need to ensure we are ready and
equipped to face it. Not liking, not
wanting, change will not stop it
happening. Ask: will continuing
to do what you are doing create a
better future?
Take the readiness for change inventory

We saw this earlier - now he
suggests every member of
the SLT take the inventory.
Consider each persons
results as well as the group
as a whole.
What should you do if you
do not score well? Will you
recommit or stay the same?
Discuss the results of the church ministry

This will be taken in step 5.
An online version is available
here: http://
This asks all sorts of questions
regarding the church’s readiness
to change. Out of this you will
discover if the church needs
tweak change or deep change.
Discuss the results of the church ministry

Often churches needing deep
change will not face up to it.
Look at how people responded to
the result of the analysis: denial,
anger, questioning the tool, admit
the struggle, accept the problems
and have a concern to rebuild and
move on etc?
Ask probing questions
Such questions plant seeds of doubt
that can lead to change. Ask questions
that: Force people to think, make them
face issues they might prefer to avoid,
that catalyse and challenge thinking
The Bible uses questions - God asked
Adam about eating the fruit of the
tree, Jesus in Matt 22: 41-46 used
“Why” is a great question - e.g. Why
do you think you will get different
results by doing the same thing over
and over?
Address people’s emotions
Feelings have to be addressed
as well as minds. Malphurs
suggests Gal 5:22-23 are
essentially emotions (?) and
that Nehemiah wept about
Emotions often make a
powerful and lasting
impression which is hard to
break down.
You need to think about how
best to tap into emotions in
your situation.
Embrace a theology of change
Transformation is at the heart of
biblical change - 2 Cor 3:18, Rom
12:2 - through transformation we
become more Christlike, Gal 4:19,
and show the fruit of HSp.
Every Christian should be being
Church’s etc. Have to decide if
nothing or everything should
change - opinions will vary as to
which. We need a theology of
change to help us through this.

   What is the
 church here for?

   What is the
 church here for?
Worship, evangelism, prayer,

   What is the
 church here for?
Worship, evangelism, prayer,
Decide what is timeless and
should not be changed - the
timeless, core ingredients of
The form of things simply serves
the function - a vehicle to get us
there, they reflect the culture of the
Forms will be affected by the
culture of the day. At all times
these must serve the greater
function of the church.
Decide what is open for change -
structure, policy, procedure etc.?
Values, mission, vision will
[possibly] never change.
       Do you
The form of things simply serves
     question the
the function - a vehicle to get us
there, they reflect the culture of the
      validity of
Forms will be affected by the
    something in
culture of the day. At all times

  church because
these must serve the greater
function of the church.
  it was not done
Decide what is open for change -
  while you were
structure, policy, procedure etc.?
Values, mission, vision will
    growing up?
[possibly] never change.
Step 5: conduct a church ministry analysis

This is about assessing the reality
of the situation (not about what
might be). Malphurs suggests
using his own one - freely
downloadable - and says the SLT
should take it.
Why the analysis is important
It asks the basics - how are we
doing and what kind of church are
It removes the possibility of hiding
from reality and makes people face
up to issues.
Malphurs suggests Nehemiah did
this in 2:11-17, and Paul in Acts
15:36, to see how they are doing?
It prompts “what could be?” -
identifying weaknesses can lead to
correction which leads to greater
effectiveness of vision in the future.
It produces the iceberg effect -
the analysis blows away any fog
allowing the church to see
icebergs, they then can see if they
can readjust to avoid them.
It surfaces complacency - do you
say, “well we aren’t losing
people” or “Most churches are
struggling” - but does not let
them off the hook.
Biblically leaders addressed this
by creating a sense of urgency -
Neh 2:17-18, Isa 55:6, Hos 10:12,
Matt 28:18-20, 2 Cor 5:14-6:2
It prompts change - people see the
iceberg and change course -
Malphurs uses the analysis to
estimate how much longer the
church has to live - this produces a
response of wanting change.
Having said that there is a need for
objectivity - do not distort things
to produce an effect - be open and
honest but do not mislead people.
Malphurs says correlating the
results here is a long (2 days)
process, and other surveys are
available online.
Step 6: set reasonable time expectations
         for the planning process

SP provides a process that will be
change and new direction to your
church - but this does not happen
overnight, it will take time, and
you have to ask will the
congregation be ready for it?
Change will be a constant part of
the process, even from the early
stages. If the church is in decline
the process will take longer.
Malphurs suggests the change
process will take 3-10 years -
though healthy churches will
always have some change going on.
This will be a problem for some
churches - and he tells of a church
that had only one year left, and
died in the process.
The best response to the time factor
is patience - will people hang in
when the excitement is gone, when
it is not feeling new and fresh and
when people come and attack us?
Often church people take
their cue from the pastor -
is he willing to stick with it
for the longer term?
The final step of preparing
is laying a spiritual
foundation - something so
important Malphurs gives
a whole chapter to it in his
Malphurs ASP: Chapter 2 prep steps 1-6

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Malphurs ASP: Chapter 2 prep steps 1-6

  • 1. Preparing the Crew Chapter 2 Advanced Strategic Planning
  • 2. Preparing the Crew Chapter 2 Assessing readiness Advanced Strategic Planning Steps 1-6
  • 3. All good navigators prepare their boat before leaving the harbour. Their maxim is “If you have it, it should work.” In some way this is also asked of the crew - do they know where they are going, what they are expected to do? Within ASP it is vital to assess the readiness of the team and church before starting the process.
  • 4. Step 1: Secure the support of the Empowered Leadership Is the church ready to pursue SP? This starts with the church’s empowered leadership - do the people who have power support the process? Governing board, pastor, staff, matriarch, patriarch etc. need to be in support.
  • 5. Are the Board ready and open? Malphurs has produced a Readiness for Change Inventory which he suggests a pastor should take in helping him consider whether his board are open and ready to beginning the SP process: images/PDFs/ReadinessforChange.pdf He also suggests that if a board is resistant to change then you have to take time - 3-5 years is his suggested period - during this time you can choose ways to educate them and help things progress.
  • 6. Readiness for Change Inventory by Aubrey Malphurs, Ph.D. Directions: Each item below is a key element that will help you to evaluate your church's readiness for change. Strive for objectivity-involve others (including outsiders) in the evaluation process. Circle the number that most accurately rates your church.
  • 7. 1. Leadership. The pastor and the church board (official leadership) are favorable toward and directly responsible for change. Also, any influential persons (unofficial leadership: the church patriarch, a wealthy member, etc.) are for change, score 5. If moderately so, score 3. Only the secondary level of leadership (other staff, Sunday school teachers, etc.) is for change while unofficial leadership opposes it. Here it is less likely to occur, score 1
  • 8. 2. Vision. The pastor and the board have a single, clear vision of a significant future that looks different from the present. The pastor is able to mobilize most relevant parties (other staff, boards, and the congregation) for action, score 5. The pastor but not the board envisions a different direction for the church, score 3. The pastor and board have not thought about a vision, and/or they do not believe that it is important, score 1.
  • 9. 3. Values. The church's philosophy of ministry (its core values) includes a preference for innovation and creativity. Though proven forms, methods, and techniques are not discarded at a whim, the church is more concerned with the effectiveness of its ministries than adherence to traditions, score 5. If moderately so, score 3. The church's ministry forms and techniques have changed little over the years while its ministry effectiveness has diminished, score 1.
  • 10. 4. Motivation. The pastor and the board have a strong sense of urgency for change that is shared by the congregation. The congregational culture emphasizes the need for constant improvement, score 3. The pastor and/or the board (most of whom have been in their positions for many years) along with the congregation are bound by long standing traditions that are change-resistant and discourage risk-taking, score 1. If somewhere between, score 2.
  • 11. 5. Organizational Context. How does the change effort affect the other programs in the church (Christian education, worship, missions, etc.)? If the individuals in charge are all working together for improvement and innovation, score 3. If some are, score 2. If many are opposed to change and/or are in conflict with one another over change, score 1
  • 12. 6. Processes/Functions. Major changes in a church almost always require redesigning processes and functions in all the ministries of the church such as Christian education, church worship, etc. If most in charge of these areas are open to change, score 3. If only some, score 2. If they are turf protectors or put their areas of ministry ahead of the church as a whole, score 1
  • 13. 7. Ministry Awareness. Does the leadership of your church keep up with what is taking place in the innovative evangelical churches in the community and across America in terms of ministry and outreach effectiveness? Does it objectively compare what it is doing to that of churches that are very similar to it? If the answer is yes, score 3. If the answer is sometimes, score 2. If no, score 1
  • 14. 8. Community Focus. Does the church know and understand the people in the community- their needs, hopes, aspirations? Does it stay in direct contact with them? Does it regularly seek to reach them? If the answer is yes, score 3. If moderately so, score 2. If the church is not in touch with its community and focuses primarily on itself, score 1.
  • 15. 9. Evaluation. Does the church regularly evaluate its ministries? Does it evaluate its ministries in light of its vision and goals? Are these ministries regularly adjusted in response to the evaluations? If all of this takes place, score 3. If some takes place, score 2. If none, score 1
  • 16. 10. Rewards. Change is easier if the leaders and those involved in ministry are rewarded in some way for taking risks and looking for new solutions to their ministry problems. Also, rewarding ministry teams is more effective than rewarding solo performances. If this characterizes your church, score 3. If some times, score 2. If your church rewards the status quo and only a maintenance mentality, score 1.
  • 17. 11. Organizational Structure. The best situation is a flexible church where change is well received and takes place periodically, not every day. If this is true of your church, score 3. Some churches are very rigid in their structure and either have changed very little in the last five years or have experienced several futile attempts at change to no avail, score 1. If between, score 2
  • 18. 12. Communication. Does your church have a variety of means for two-way communication? Do most understand and use it, and does it reach all levels of the congregation? If this is true, score 3. If only moderately true, score 2. If communication is poor, primarily one-way and top-down, score 1
  • 19. 13. Organizational Hierarchy. Is your church decentralized (has few if any levels of leadership between the congregation and the pastor or the board)? If so, score 3. If there are people on staff levels or boards/committees who come between the congregation and the pastor or the board, then more potential exists for them to block essential change, score 1. If between, score 2.
  • 20. 14. Prior Change. Churches will most readily adapt to change if they have successfully implemented major changes in the recent past, score 3. If some change, score 2. If no one can remember the last time the church changed or if such efforts failed or left people angry and resentful, score 1.
  • 21. 15. Morale. Do the church staff and volunteers enjoy the church and take responsibility for their ministries? Do they trust the pastor and/or the board? If so, score 3. If moderately so, score 2. Do few people volunteer and are there signs of low team spirit? Is there mistrust between leaders and followers and between the various ministries? If so, score 1.
  • 22. 16. Innovation. The church tries new things. People feel free to implement new ideas on a consistent basis. People have the freedom to make choices and solve problems regarding their ministries. If this describes your church, score 3. If this is somewhat true, score 2. If ministries are ensnared in bureaucratic red tape and permission from "on high" must be obtained before anything happens, score 1
  • 23. 17. Decision-Making. Does the church leadership listen carefully to a wide variety of suggestions from all the congregation? After it has gathered the appropriate information, does it make decisions quickly? If so, score 3. If moderately so, score 2. Does the leadership listen only to a select few and take forever to make a decision? Is there lots of conflict during the process, and after a decision is made, is there confusion and turmoil? Then, score 1.
  • 24. IF YOUR SCORE IS 47-57: The chances are good that you may implement change, especially if your scores are high on items 1-3. 28-46: Change may take place but with varying success. Chances increase the higher the score on items 1-3. Note areas with low scores and focus on improvement before attempting change on a large scale. 17-27: Change will not likely take place. Note areas with low scores and attempt to improve them… if possible. Consider starting a new church and implement your ideas in a more "change-friendly" context.
  • 25. Is the Pastor ready? Does he see the need / importance / benefits? Will he help to convince others? Is he aware of a need to change - is he resistant to change? Is he stuck in the old patterns? Is he afraid of failure if he tries something new such as a failure of the process and that the people will not follow? Entering a new process or stage is a frightening time for many people.
  • 26. Are the Staff ready? This might be just the worship leader, youth pastor - or many more staff in a large church. These are the people who are most likely to be involved in implementing the process - they can make things difficult by being uncooperative. Many of the reasons for resisting that applied to a pastor apply here also. This might lead (after time trying to help them get on board with the idea) of letting them go and find other jobs - it will be best for the church!
  • 27. Is the Matriarch / Patriarch ready? Often found in small churches - a person who has been in the church for many years and has great influence (power). It is worth knowing that the average small church pastor stays only 3-4 years. A person who has been there a long time is often respected and trusted. Such people must be won over by the pastor. They might, or might not, be spiritual people!
  • 28. Step 2: Recruit a Strategic Leadership Team A ministry is only as good as the people who lead it. It is important not to take the willing volunteers, the faithful people, but the real ministry leaders in the church. The leaders will own the results - and put them into action. Most often God works through people - they represent the church and lead the process - in recruiting this team you have to get their full commitment.
  • 29. Who will choose the team? The senior “leaders” in a church should do this. Whom will they choose? The SLT should be leaders in your church - spiritual leaders who have influence - not pew fillers. People like: senior pastor, board members, staff, lay leaders, office holders, small group leaders, influencers, etc. Malphurs suggests women should not be forgotten in the process - even if they are not allowed to “lead” in a church.
  • 30. Why have these people on the team? - as leaders they generate congregational trust - they should be spiritually mature and gifted - a team shows it is not a one man show or idea - the team should know the church and people well - the team will probably outlast the pastor at the church.
  • 31. Why would these people want to be on the team? - they care about Christ’s church and its future - same for local church - they care about their locality - they believe church brings hope - they want to make a difference All of these desires would be fulfilled by being involved in the SLT The number of members and meeting dates were discussed in section 1
  • 32. Who leads the team? Senior pastor - the obvious and preferred choice - the only hesitancy is over whether he has the abilities required. Malphurs suggests that many pastors are not leaders - in this case choose another person with the relevant gifting and experience to lead the team.
  • 33. What do you expect of the team? - prayerfulness - positive enthusiasm for the process - a team player but not a yes man! - a consensus person in decision making - committed to attending meetings for the whole process - participate in all aspects of the process - able to keep a confidence
  • 34. - use of gifts and talent to help in the process - help with implementation - be prepared for each session - proactively promote the work of the SLT in the congregation Before any commitment is made meet with prospective SLT members - explain what it is all about, allow them to ask questions, talk it through - Malphurs suggests a covenant of commitment which outlines the above expectations is signed
  • 35. Step 3: Improve communication with the congregation If you want to take over a country you have to capture the media outlets - in church you have to communicate too. It builds trust - if they do not trust you, you cannot lead them - communicate as much as possible as often as possible. Do it through the senior pastor - if at all possible - if not use another senior, gifted communicator
  • 36. How will you communicate Informal is very good - casual chatting, openly speaking about the process - SLT need to spread the message within their sphere of influence Formal - One way through newsletters, videos, skits, announcements etc. Two way through opportunities to speak and get feedback, questions etc. - but be ready for some feedback from people who might not be happy!
  • 37. Communicating well - a few simple questions: - who needs to know - what do they need to know - who will tell them - how will we tell them - when and where should we tell them Malphurs also suggests a proper grievance process - recognise we should not complain (Phil 2:14, Eph 4:2) but someone people still do! Base the process on Matt 5:23-24, 18:15-19 - then do it.
  • 38. Step 4: Assess the church’s readiness for change Malphurs observes that as change is affecting the world at a rapid rate today his reason for writing the book was to help the church face the effects of this and function best during such times of change. In this step he suggests ways the church can asses their readiness for change to take place. He suggests 2 Cor 3:18 shows an internal change taking place in the believer that is then seen in outward changes in church life and ministry, and prevents us falling into ruts.
  • 39. It has ben said: From the start of recorded history to 1900 knowledge doubled From 1900 to 1950 it doubled again From 1975 onwards it doubled every five years Currently it is said to double every two years Change is happening - and we need to ensure we are ready and equipped to face it. Not liking, not wanting, change will not stop it happening. Ask: will continuing to do what you are doing create a better future?
  • 40. Take the readiness for change inventory We saw this earlier - now he suggests every member of the SLT take the inventory. Consider each persons results as well as the group as a whole. What should you do if you do not score well? Will you recommit or stay the same?
  • 41. Discuss the results of the church ministry analysis This will be taken in step 5. An online version is available here: http:// PDFs/MinistryAnalysis.pdf This asks all sorts of questions regarding the church’s readiness to change. Out of this you will discover if the church needs tweak change or deep change.
  • 42. Discuss the results of the church ministry analysis Often churches needing deep change will not face up to it. Look at how people responded to the result of the analysis: denial, anger, questioning the tool, admit the struggle, accept the problems and have a concern to rebuild and move on etc?
  • 43. Ask probing questions Such questions plant seeds of doubt that can lead to change. Ask questions that: Force people to think, make them face issues they might prefer to avoid, that catalyse and challenge thinking The Bible uses questions - God asked Adam about eating the fruit of the tree, Jesus in Matt 22: 41-46 used them. “Why” is a great question - e.g. Why do you think you will get different results by doing the same thing over and over?
  • 44. Address people’s emotions Feelings have to be addressed as well as minds. Malphurs suggests Gal 5:22-23 are essentially emotions (?) and that Nehemiah wept about Jerusalem. Emotions often make a powerful and lasting impression which is hard to break down. You need to think about how best to tap into emotions in your situation.
  • 45. Embrace a theology of change Transformation is at the heart of biblical change - 2 Cor 3:18, Rom 12:2 - through transformation we become more Christlike, Gal 4:19, and show the fruit of HSp. Every Christian should be being transformed. Church’s etc. Have to decide if nothing or everything should change - opinions will vary as to which. We need a theology of change to help us through this.
  • 46.
  • 49. Function What is the church here for?
  • 50. Function What is the church here for? Worship, evangelism, prayer, fellowship...
  • 51. Function What is the church here for? Worship, evangelism, prayer, fellowship... Decide what is timeless and should not be changed - the timeless, core ingredients of ministry.
  • 52. Form The form of things simply serves the function - a vehicle to get us there, they reflect the culture of the church. Forms will be affected by the culture of the day. At all times these must serve the greater function of the church. Freedom Decide what is open for change - structure, policy, procedure etc.? Values, mission, vision will [possibly] never change.
  • 53. Form Do you The form of things simply serves question the the function - a vehicle to get us there, they reflect the culture of the validity of church. Forms will be affected by the something in culture of the day. At all times church because these must serve the greater function of the church. it was not done Freedom Decide what is open for change - while you were structure, policy, procedure etc.? Values, mission, vision will growing up? [possibly] never change.
  • 54. Step 5: conduct a church ministry analysis This is about assessing the reality of the situation (not about what might be). Malphurs suggests using his own one - freely downloadable - and says the SLT should take it. MinistryAnalysis.pdf
  • 55. Why the analysis is important It asks the basics - how are we doing and what kind of church are we? It removes the possibility of hiding from reality and makes people face up to issues. Malphurs suggests Nehemiah did this in 2:11-17, and Paul in Acts 15:36, to see how they are doing? It prompts “what could be?” - identifying weaknesses can lead to correction which leads to greater effectiveness of vision in the future.
  • 56. It produces the iceberg effect - the analysis blows away any fog allowing the church to see icebergs, they then can see if they can readjust to avoid them. It surfaces complacency - do you say, “well we aren’t losing people” or “Most churches are struggling” - but does not let them off the hook. Biblically leaders addressed this by creating a sense of urgency - Neh 2:17-18, Isa 55:6, Hos 10:12, Matt 28:18-20, 2 Cor 5:14-6:2
  • 57. It prompts change - people see the iceberg and change course - Malphurs uses the analysis to estimate how much longer the church has to live - this produces a response of wanting change. Having said that there is a need for objectivity - do not distort things to produce an effect - be open and honest but do not mislead people. Malphurs says correlating the results here is a long (2 days) process, and other surveys are available online.
  • 58. Step 6: set reasonable time expectations for the planning process SP provides a process that will be change and new direction to your church - but this does not happen overnight, it will take time, and you have to ask will the congregation be ready for it? Change will be a constant part of the process, even from the early stages. If the church is in decline the process will take longer.
  • 59. Malphurs suggests the change process will take 3-10 years - though healthy churches will always have some change going on. This will be a problem for some churches - and he tells of a church that had only one year left, and died in the process. The best response to the time factor is patience - will people hang in when the excitement is gone, when it is not feeling new and fresh and when people come and attack us?
  • 60. Often church people take their cue from the pastor - is he willing to stick with it for the longer term? The final step of preparing is laying a spiritual foundation - something so important Malphurs gives a whole chapter to it in his book.