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Course Content
   Definition of terms; Planning, Strategy, Strategic Plan
   The Concept of Strategic Planning
   What is strategic planning?
   Theology of Strategic Planning
   Benefits of a clear strategic Plan
   The Importance of Strategic Planning
   The Process of Strategic Planning
   Key Elements of Strategic Planning
       What are these elements
       How do the elements fit together
   The top ten tips on strategic planning
   Strategic Leadership in Church Organization
     The Process and Approach of Church Leadership in Strategic Planning
         Preparation
         Execution (Implementation)
   Core Process of Execution (Strategy Process, People Process and Operational
   Best practices in execution
Definition of Terms
   What is a plan?
       a blueprint, a map, a design, a system for
        achieving an objective, an intention to do
   What is planning?
     The   process of carrying out a plan
   What is Strategy?
     The    tactics, method, approach carefully devised
        to carry out a plan
   What is Strategic?
     The   LOGICAL tactics, method, approach carefully
        devised to carry out a plan

   Strategic planning is a process that helps
    focus on aligning the unique gifts and
    resources that God has given your church/
    ministry to take advantage of your
   Scripture says, ―Be very careful, then, how you
    live—not as unwise but as wise, making the
    most of every opportunity‖ (Ephesians 5:15–
   As you do the planning, let God do the


   The journey to take your ministry, church or
    organization to THE POINT in her vision

  ―Theplans of the diligent lead to profit‖ (Proverbs
  21:5). ―Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and
  your plans will succeed‖ (Proverbs 16:3).
 God wants only the best for his children. When

  we make Him the center of our planning, we
  free Him to give us His best.
   ―May
       he give you the desire of your heart and
   make all your plans succeed‖ (Psalm 20:4).
 ―The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought

  to their ways‖ (Proverbs 14:8). Prudent
  churches know where they are going. Planning
  helps them get there.
 Every mistake revealed on a planning sheet
  saves the cost, pain, and waste of the same
  mistake in real life
 When God gives us understanding, we gain
  favor with man. ―Good understanding wins
  favor‖ (Proverbs 13:15). People will see that
  we know where we are going and how to get
  there, that we know the costs as well as the
  consequences. Being diligent assumes
  planning, and those plans lead to plenty.
 ―The plans of the diligent lead to profit as
  surely as haste leads to poverty‖ (Proverbs
The FOUNDATIONS for Planning
   Your church planting experience will be greatly
    enhanced through a prayerful development of a
    strategic church planting plan.
   The chart below suggests a flow of the ideas and
    process for a focused strategic plan. The plan
    begins in the Word of God. God’s Word reveals His
    desire for His church that He has called you to
    plant. Begin with the biblical foundation.
   What is Jesus saying in the gospels about the
    kingdom of God and the church?
   What does the great church planting book—the
    Book of Acts—say about the need for church
    planting and how does it record the early church
    planting process?
   Many of the New Testament letters will take on new
    meaning if you see them from a church planting
   1 & 2 Thessalonians were written by a church planting
    team to a very young church that was experiencing
    persecution and growing pains.
   1 & 2 Timothy and Titus were written by the leader of a
    church planting team that had been forcibly separated
    from team members and record some of his instructions to
    church planting team members.
   Ephesians was written by a church planter to a church (or
    group of churches) helping to deal with important
    theological and practical matters.
   1 & 2 Corinthians were written by a church planter to deal
Strategic Planning Process for
      Starting a Church
            CORE VALUES
            FIELD CONTEXT
             (Objective &
             STRATEGY AND
             ACTION PLANS

Strategic Planning Components
   (four foundational elements)
1. The development of a Vision Statement that
  answers the question, ―What has God called this
  church to be?‖
2. The identification of Core Values which defines the
  foundational values and resulting behaviors
  (Corporate Culture) that will be expected in the life
  and relationships of the new church.
3. The clarification of the Field Context that includes
  the ministry focus group and the geographic
  area that the new church will target on reaching.
4. The development of a Mission Statement that
  answers the question, ―What do we need to do to
  help us move from where we are (current reality)
  toward what God wants us to be (preferred future
  reality or vision)?
Strategic Planning Components:
              Questions to ask?
   Where and when will the church be planted?
   What will be the style of worship in the new church?
   What will be the plans for small groups?
   What will be the strategy for evangelism and
    discipleship in the new church?
   What ministries will be developed to address needs in
    the community?
   How will missions be addressed in the church?
   What kind of leaders will be needed in the new church
    in the short term and long term?
   What type of facilities will be needed for the church in
    the short term and long term?
   What resources are needed for the church in the short
    term and long term?
   These questions cannot be answered in relation to this
    specific church until the four foundational elements are
    firmly in place.
   In Matthew 7, Jesus describes those who obey his
    teaching by contrasting two builders.
   Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and
    puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his
    house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams
    rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house;
    yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the
    rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and
    does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who
    built his house on sand. The rain came down, the
    streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that
   Jesus describes the wise man as one who lays
    a solid foundation and the foolish person as one
    who builds a house without laying the
    foundation. The same truth applies to the
    person who seeks to plant a church without
    completing the foundational elements of a
    strategic plan. Strategic planning is not
    something done in addition to regular tasks; it is
    a way of focusing work to accomplish the
    necessary tasks.
   The development of Aims (long term goals),
    specific objectives (short term goals), and action
    plans flow out of the four foundational planning
Development Objectives (long
    term goals)
   After the four foundational components are in place, the next
    step is to identify developmental objectives (long term goals).
   A development objective is described as a specific end which
    gives direction for a long period of time and gives purpose to a
    program, ministry or activity that can be translated into specific
    objectives and action plans. The development objective gives
    focus or a general target for future changes needed to meet a
    need or challenge facing an organization.
   Development Objectives generally emerge from needs
    discovered in gathering information about the community or
    church. Development Objectives are general statements of
    intent for a lengthy period of time. They are usually never
    completely accomplished but provide direction for a number of
   The ―Associational Strategy Planning Guide‖ stated,
    ―Development Objectives can be thought of as statements of
    ultimate idealized intent… Development Objectives should
    seldom be more than five or six in number.‖
Specific Objectives (Short term
   Once the four to six or less number of Development objectives
    is in place, specific objectives must be developed as a series of
    steps that move the church toward reaching the Development
    objective. Specific Objectives grow out of Development
    objectives and provide measurements or standards for
    evaluating progress toward the Development objective.
   A Specific Objective (short term goal) is defined as a
    statement of dated intent to obtain a measurable result in
    keeping with the Development objective.
   SMART is a common acrostic to identify Specific objectives.
   S pecific: in terms of actions to be accomplished
   M easurable: in number of activities or results desired
   A ttainable: given the resources at hand
   R ealistic: within given and available resources
   T ime: there is some date attached for completion of the goal
   Why does our church exist?
   What is its purpose as a congregation?
   One clear aspect of every church’s purpose is to make
    disciples (Matt. 28:18-20). If the church planter and his
    leaders take seriously this biblical purpose, they will sit down
    first and count the cost or consider how to build the tower
    (the new church) and how to attack the enemy (Satan).
   Involve a prayerful and careful planning process. It should be
    prayerful in that the leaders should spend quality and
    quantity time with God so that He can reveal to them where
    He is already at work. Once that is revealed, a planning
    process can be put in place to assist the church in joining
    God on mission.
   It should also be careful taking into consideration all of the
    proper components of good planning.
   Planning stage is critical and should
    begin with a stakeholders meeting.

   “Stakeholder management is critical to the
    success of every project. By engaging the
    right people in the right way in your
    project, you can make a big difference to
    its success----”
                   Rachel Thompson
Stage 1;            PLANNING
•   Stakeholders’ planning meeting
•   Identify what to be done – what vision,
    mission and value
•   Identify How - strategies

•   Identification of key activities of strategies
•   Identify who should implement what
   Communication between stakeholders,
    team leaders, implementers etc.
    •   Board (Executive or Pastoral)
    •   Leadership
    •   Workforce
    •   Congregation
    •   Others Stakeholders identified
•   Communication with members of the
    Various Teams
Stage 3;          REVIEW
   Review policy & strategic
    documents for Background
    Information (AS IS)
   Review Secondary data (Lit.
    search) on Main Subject Matters
     Always seek to gain knowledge and
     understanding of the type of project, by doing
     extra research on the project type. Eg. League
Stage 4;              DESIGN
    Information Gathering tools: (Survey Tools)
     •   Questionnaires
     •   Checklist
     •   Topic guides
     •   Database for data storage
     •   Etc.
    Reporting Format:
    Implementation Strategy
Stakeholders analysis & benefits
   You can’t do it single-handedly.
   Identify those that will ask why and why not and
    at what cost?.
   Gaining support and resources
   Communicate the reason for the
    project/intervention (purpose, goals that solves
    the broad problem)
   Anticipate peoples reaction to the project/
    intervention (opportunities & threats -
Eight Steps of Strategic
Steps of Strategic Planning


        IMPLEMENTATION                          INFORMATION

                                                        (ANALYSIS AND

                      FEEDBACK              FINDINGS
The Approach of Church
Leadership to Strategic Planning
   A more culturally relevant, updated approach
    of Church Leadership to Strategic Planning is
    now available that will help leaders to be a
    vital part of Christ’s church building process in
    the twenty-first century. In Matthew 16:18,
    Jesus stated that He will build his church.
    While this was true in the first century, there’s
    no reason to believe that He’s not building His
    church in the twenty-first century. The question
    is how?
   Observations and research of spiritually
    healthy, biblically-based churches across the
    world has made several things to become
The Key leadership approach to
   First, pastors and church leaders make a mistake when they copy or
    mimic one of these church models from some other part of the world
    and try to implement it in their own culture. Church franchising fails
    more often than it works. The reason is that it’s difficult to ―cut and
    paste‖ a church ministry from one part of the country to another. What
    works wonderfully and honors God in the United States of America or
    United Kingdom may not accomplish the same in Nigeria or Africa in
   Second, these spiritually healthy, biblically-based churches all seem to
    be following a similar process built on core biblical principles. The
    biblical principles address the church’s purpose: to glorify God in all
    that it does (1 Cor. 6:20, 10:31), its mission - to make disciples (Matt.
    28:19-20) and its functions - to evangelize, fellowship, serve, worship,
    and teach the Scriptures (Acts 2:41-47). These are well enumerated in
    the Harvesthouse HLDI program. Take Note that God has not
    changed the Functions of the church; that will never change but the
    Forms of carrying out these functions change from generation to
    generation. It follows a progressive pattern throughout generations.
    Forms of worship, fellowship, evangelism etc, may change but the
    Function of worship, fellowship, evangelism etc, WILL never change.
   Though each church is unique and presents a
    different model of how to do church (whether
    purpose-driven, seeker-focused, or traditional
    Church), studies and research indicates that they
    are following the same general process that
    allows them to be “authentic” and “relevant” in
    their own local, unique culture. And, most
    important, these are the elements that are
    covered when consulting to help churches do
    strategic planning or envisioning and thus be a
    part of Christ’s church building process in their
    part of the World. This process emphasizes
   Execution is a discipline and integral part to
   No worthwhile strategy can be planned without
    taking into account the organization’s ability to
    execute and implement it.
Execution is the major job of the
Departmental/ Functional Heads
   Execution requires a comprehensive
    understanding of the business, people,
    environment and philosophy of that
   The leader of that functional group is the only
    person in a position to achieve that

   Only the leader can make execution happen,
    through his/her deep personal involvement in
    the substance and even the details of
Execution Must be a core
element of an Organization’s
   Execution has to be embedded in the reward
    systems and in the norms of behaviour that
    everyone practices in an organization.
Three Building Blocks of
 Building Block One: The Leader’s Seven
  Essential Behaviors
 Building Block Two: Creating an

  Execution Culture.
 Building Block Three: The Job No leader
  should delegate – Having the right people
  in the right place.
The Leader’s First Essential
1. Know Yourself;
  Without   emotional fortitude you cant be
   honest with yourself, you cant deal with the
   realities of your people and your
   organization if you cant give a forthright
   assessment of yourself

  Know your strength, weaknesses & special
The Leader’s First Essential
1. Know Yourself;
  Have   Emotional Intelligence
    “Emotion”:   ―a natural instinctive state of mind deriving
     from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with
     others….intuitive instinctive as distinguished from
     reasoning or knowledge‖.
    “Intelligence‖:    ―the ability to acquire and apply
     knowledge and skills‖
        Self Awareness – take heed unto thyself
        Awareness of Others – mark them that cause
        Self Regulation – all things are lawful…but are not
The Leader’s Second Essential

2. Know Your People and Know your
  Leaders  have to know their business and know
   their people. The leaders of churches and ministry
   are usually in touch with the day to day realities of
   church and the happenings in the lives of their
The Leader’s Third Essential
3. Insist on Realism;
   Realism  is the heart of execution, but many
   churches and ministries are full of people who are
   trying to avoid or shade reality- they are either
   ―forming‖ or ―hiding stuff.‖

   Startby being realistic yourself. Then make sure
   realism is the goal of all dialogues in the ministry.
The Leader’s Fourth Essential
4. Set Clear goals and Priorities;
   Leaders  who execute focus on a very few clear
   priorities that everyone can grasp
   (this one thing I do)

   Focusing on three or four priorities will produce
   the best results for the resources at hand..
The Leader’s Fifth Essential
5. Follow Through;
   Clear,simple goals don’t mean much if nobody
   takes them seriously

   Thefailure to follow through is widespread in
   churches and ministries, and is a major cause of
   poor execution.
The Leader’s Sixth Essential
6. Reward the Doers;
  Ifyou want people to produce specific results, you
   reward them accordingly.

  The fact seem so obvious, yet many corporation
   do such a poor job linking rewards to
   performance that there’s little correlation at all.
The Leader’s Seventh Essential
7. Expand people’s capabilities via Coaching;
   Asa leader, you’ve acquired a lot of knowledge
   and experience-even wisdom – along the way.
   Your job is passing it on the next generation of

   Thisis how you expand the capabilities of
   everyone else in your organization, collectively
   and individually.
Summary Of Lessons On
            Strategic Planning
   One sure-fire way to impact your church’s future is to dust
    off an old tool—the Strategic Plan.
   No one strategic model fits all organizations, but the
    planning process includes certain basic elements that all
    churches can use for next steps of an effective strategic
   Strategic planning is a process that helps focus on
    aligning the unique gifts and resources that God has given
    your organization to take advantage of your opportunities.
   A strategic Plan is the formalized road map that describes
    how your organization executes the chosen strategy.
   There are several different components or pieces in a
    strategic plan which is discussed in this course.
Lessons On Strategic
   Forming a strategic vision should provide long-term direction
    and infuse the church with a sense of purposeful action.
   Strategic objectives state the broad direction and goals and
    work towards converting your mission into actions that will
    accomplish your vision and help sustain your unique
   Strategy establishes a way to match your church’s strength
    with opportunities so that your church comes to mind when
    people have a need.
   Communicate the plan to everyone in your organization.
   A strategic plan is a living dynamic document.
   Strategic planning is about keeping the plan active so
    that it does not gather that proverbial dust.
   Strategic planning needs includes setting of goals to
    build on your church’s strength, shore up the
    weaknesses, capitalize on the opportunities and
    recognize the threats.
            STRATEGIC PLAN
   Accountability. In order to assure the timely implementation and review of
    this plan, the leadership of the Church will:

1. Accept primary responsibility for the plan's execution.
 Assign implementation of Strategic Plan objectives to appropriate leaders
   of the church
 Receive commission reports on plan progress at each strategic leadership
 Provide for representation at appropriate planning meetings.

 Report on the Strategic Plan at the general leadership Meeting.

2. Regularly update the Strategic Plan.
 Review the Strategic Plan at the leadership retreat in even-numbered
 Actively solicit comments and suggestions from the congregation in
   advance of these biennial reviews.
Setting Strategic Goals-
Strategic Goal 1.
 Church Ministry - Minister to the spiritual needs of the parish, with emphasis
   on young people and senior citizens; reach out to the needy within our
   community; and promote meaningful worship and a deeper understanding of
   our Christian faith so as to lead others nearer to Christ in his Church.
1. Strengthen church youth programs.
 Encourage youth to take a more active planning and leadership role in church
 Provide ample adult leadership for youth activities by identifying, encouraging,
   and supporting adults within the church who have a special gift for working
   with youth.
 Encourage a larger percentage of our youth to participate in the activities of
   the church.
2. Enhance ministry to senior citizens within the church and the
 Institute an evangelism program focused on local retirement communities.

 Promote ongoing leadership and lay pastoral care with elderly citizens who
   cannot regularly attend church.
 Expand our existing program to provide transportation and other assistance
3. Support ministry to those in particular need of prayer and pastoral care.
   Identify expeditiously those within our church and community in need of
   Provide for regular clergy and lay visitations of those recognized as
    being needy.
   Provide assistance and support to these individuals and their families.
   Offer a systematic response to lapsed members, including a review and
    refinement of the Neighborhood Ministry program as an avenue for this
   Enhance the church welfare program by establishing beneficial
    connections with local health care institutions.
4. Identify and provide for other specialized ministries within the
   Establish programs for young married and single parishioners.
   Offer programs tailored to families with young children, including the
5. Promote the worship of God through services
  that both inspire and challenge the
 Provide a variety of worship service formats and
  opportunities to appeal to a broad spectrum of
  church members.
 Seek ways to further enhance the quality of the
  service, exploring ideas from other churches.
 Encourage maximum lay participation within
  worship services.
 Provide a regular choir at every service that can
  provide the foundation for exciting congregational
6. Provide effective Christian education programs that nourish the spiritual
    growth of all church members.
   Offer ample Christian education opportunities for young people and adults,
    communicating to the congregation the contents of the various curricula.
   Enhance parishioners' knowledge, understanding and respect for the history,
    traditions, values and doctrines of Christianity as presented in the Bible and upheld
    within the Commission.
   Educate parishioners about the theology of stewardship, as well as about our
    church's financial needs and the breadth and depth of its ministries.
7. Strengthen evangelism and outreach programs.
   Adopt an evangelism strategy that actively ministers to the unchurched within our
    community, including the urban professionals.
   Increase the publicity of church activities in the local community.
   Improve the effectiveness of the HLD newcomer program.
   Sponsor additional outside ministries, including community development programs.
   Develop relationships with historic foundations in the area to promote the historic
    significance of the Church as a giving and caring church.
   Increase financial support for outreach programs, with special attention to the
    establishment of international partnerships.
8. Improve communication within the Church and community.
 Regularly update the church web page with content designed
   to attract newcomers and address the needs of members.
 Fine-tune the use of other modes of electronic communication,
   including email, telephone calls, digital bill boards, bulk SMS,
 Improve coordination of volunteer schedules.

 Improve coordination among the units.

 Improve church signage., using more A boards, etc

 Improve communications with members away at college or on
   military tours of duty.
 Proactively publicize church services, activities and events
   within the community.
 Advertise the availability of church community service to the
Strategic Goal 2. Workforce - Adequately
support the Pastors, Deacons and Lay ministers
in their ministries.
1. Support the senior pastor in defining and filling pastoral and lay
   ministerial positions to provide an effective workforce.
 Regularly review the workforce needs of the congregation,
   reconfiguring paid and volunteer positions proactively.
 Create and regularly update a Workforce Manual for Pastors,
   Deacons and entire workforce.
2. Provide ample support to the Minister of Music for choir
   rehearsals, Sunday services and public performances.
 Further expand the youth church by evaluating
   practice/performance times that could lead to optimum
3. Actively recruit members into volunteer positions of
   responsibility so that an ever-expanding base of people will
   know, appreciate, and take ownership of the various programs
   of the church.
Strategic Goal 3. Physical Resources - Provide well-
maintained facilities sufficient to carry out ministry

1. Develop a master site plan that addresses the imminent and
   future needs of the congregation.
 Establish a baseline of members needs as the first step of the
 Incorporate into the plan the addition of portable water and
   toilets to existing buildings, as well as those that might be built
   in the future.
 Integrate within the plan adequate road and parking facilities in
   conjunction with city wide master plan for road construction.
 Expand existing Church facilities to include:
      A larger common room with improved acoustics.
      A renovated kitchen.
      A gift shop and museum display area.
      Additional class and meeting rooms, including a library/conference
      Additional office and storage space.
Thanks for listening
Kick me out. The
game is over


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Strategic planning for churches

  • 2. Course Content  Definition of terms; Planning, Strategy, Strategic Plan  The Concept of Strategic Planning  What is strategic planning?  Theology of Strategic Planning  Benefits of a clear strategic Plan  The Importance of Strategic Planning  The Process of Strategic Planning  Key Elements of Strategic Planning  What are these elements  How do the elements fit together  The top ten tips on strategic planning  Strategic Leadership in Church Organization  The Process and Approach of Church Leadership in Strategic Planning  Preparation  Execution (Implementation)  Core Process of Execution (Strategy Process, People Process and Operational Process)  Best practices in execution
  • 3. Definition of Terms  What is a plan?  a blueprint, a map, a design, a system for achieving an objective, an intention to do  What is planning?  The process of carrying out a plan  What is Strategy?  The tactics, method, approach carefully devised to carry out a plan  What is Strategic?  The LOGICAL tactics, method, approach carefully devised to carry out a plan
  • 4. WHY DO A STRATEGIC PLAN?  Strategic planning is a process that helps focus on aligning the unique gifts and resources that God has given your church/ ministry to take advantage of your opportunities.  Scripture says, ―Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity‖ (Ephesians 5:15– 16).  As you do the planning, let God do the directing.
  • 6. A SCRIPTURAL BASIS FOR PLANNING GOD’S WORD TEACHES THAT WE SHOULD PLAN  ―Theplans of the diligent lead to profit‖ (Proverbs 21:5). ―Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed‖ (Proverbs 16:3).
  • 7. A SCRIPTURAL BASIS FOR PLANNING PLANNING HELPS TO ENABLE GOD’S BEST FOR US  God wants only the best for his children. When we make Him the center of our planning, we free Him to give us His best.  ―May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed‖ (Psalm 20:4).
  • 8. A SCRIPTURAL BASIS FOR PLANNING PLANNING MEANS ANTICIPATING COSTS AND CONSEQUENCES  ―The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways‖ (Proverbs 14:8). Prudent churches know where they are going. Planning helps them get there.  Every mistake revealed on a planning sheet saves the cost, pain, and waste of the same mistake in real life
  • 9. A SCRIPTURAL BASIS FOR PLANNING PLANNING PRODUCES FAVOR  When God gives us understanding, we gain favor with man. ―Good understanding wins favor‖ (Proverbs 13:15). People will see that we know where we are going and how to get there, that we know the costs as well as the consequences. Being diligent assumes planning, and those plans lead to plenty.  ―The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty‖ (Proverbs 21:5).
  • 10. The FOUNDATIONS for Planning  Your church planting experience will be greatly enhanced through a prayerful development of a strategic church planting plan.  The chart below suggests a flow of the ideas and process for a focused strategic plan. The plan begins in the Word of God. God’s Word reveals His desire for His church that He has called you to plant. Begin with the biblical foundation.  What is Jesus saying in the gospels about the kingdom of God and the church?  What does the great church planting book—the Book of Acts—say about the need for church planting and how does it record the early church planting process?
  • 11. Many of the New Testament letters will take on new meaning if you see them from a church planting perspective.  1 & 2 Thessalonians were written by a church planting team to a very young church that was experiencing persecution and growing pains.  1 & 2 Timothy and Titus were written by the leader of a church planting team that had been forcibly separated from team members and record some of his instructions to church planting team members.  Ephesians was written by a church planter to a church (or group of churches) helping to deal with important theological and practical matters.  1 & 2 Corinthians were written by a church planter to deal
  • 13. Strategic Planning Components (four foundational elements) 1. The development of a Vision Statement that answers the question, ―What has God called this church to be?‖ 2. The identification of Core Values which defines the foundational values and resulting behaviors (Corporate Culture) that will be expected in the life and relationships of the new church. 3. The clarification of the Field Context that includes the ministry focus group and the geographic area that the new church will target on reaching. 4. The development of a Mission Statement that answers the question, ―What do we need to do to help us move from where we are (current reality) toward what God wants us to be (preferred future reality or vision)?
  • 14. Strategic Planning Components: Questions to ask?  Where and when will the church be planted?  What will be the style of worship in the new church?  What will be the plans for small groups?  What will be the strategy for evangelism and discipleship in the new church?  What ministries will be developed to address needs in the community?  How will missions be addressed in the church?  What kind of leaders will be needed in the new church in the short term and long term?  What type of facilities will be needed for the church in the short term and long term?  What resources are needed for the church in the short term and long term?
  • 15. These questions cannot be answered in relation to this specific church until the four foundational elements are firmly in place.  In Matthew 7, Jesus describes those who obey his teaching by contrasting two builders.  Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that
  • 16. Jesus describes the wise man as one who lays a solid foundation and the foolish person as one who builds a house without laying the foundation. The same truth applies to the person who seeks to plant a church without completing the foundational elements of a strategic plan. Strategic planning is not something done in addition to regular tasks; it is a way of focusing work to accomplish the necessary tasks.  The development of Aims (long term goals), specific objectives (short term goals), and action plans flow out of the four foundational planning
  • 17. Development Objectives (long term goals)  After the four foundational components are in place, the next step is to identify developmental objectives (long term goals).  A development objective is described as a specific end which gives direction for a long period of time and gives purpose to a program, ministry or activity that can be translated into specific objectives and action plans. The development objective gives focus or a general target for future changes needed to meet a need or challenge facing an organization.  Development Objectives generally emerge from needs discovered in gathering information about the community or church. Development Objectives are general statements of intent for a lengthy period of time. They are usually never completely accomplished but provide direction for a number of years.  The ―Associational Strategy Planning Guide‖ stated, ―Development Objectives can be thought of as statements of ultimate idealized intent… Development Objectives should seldom be more than five or six in number.‖
  • 18. Specific Objectives (Short term goals)  Once the four to six or less number of Development objectives is in place, specific objectives must be developed as a series of steps that move the church toward reaching the Development objective. Specific Objectives grow out of Development objectives and provide measurements or standards for evaluating progress toward the Development objective.  A Specific Objective (short term goal) is defined as a statement of dated intent to obtain a measurable result in keeping with the Development objective.  SMART is a common acrostic to identify Specific objectives.  S pecific: in terms of actions to be accomplished  M easurable: in number of activities or results desired  A ttainable: given the resources at hand  R ealistic: within given and available resources  T ime: there is some date attached for completion of the goal
  • 19.
  • 20. PLANNING PROCESS  ASK QUESTIONS  Why does our church exist?  What is its purpose as a congregation?  One clear aspect of every church’s purpose is to make disciples (Matt. 28:18-20). If the church planter and his leaders take seriously this biblical purpose, they will sit down first and count the cost or consider how to build the tower (the new church) and how to attack the enemy (Satan).  Involve a prayerful and careful planning process. It should be prayerful in that the leaders should spend quality and quantity time with God so that He can reveal to them where He is already at work. Once that is revealed, a planning process can be put in place to assist the church in joining God on mission.  It should also be careful taking into consideration all of the proper components of good planning.
  • 21. STAGES OF PLANNING  Planning stage is critical and should begin with a stakeholders meeting.  “Stakeholder management is critical to the success of every project. By engaging the right people in the right way in your project, you can make a big difference to its success----”  Rachel Thompson
  • 22. Stage 1; PLANNING • Stakeholders’ planning meeting • Identify what to be done – what vision, mission and value • Identify How - strategies • Identification of key activities of strategies • Identify who should implement what
  • 23. Stage 2; COMMUNICATION  Communication between stakeholders, team leaders, implementers etc. • Board (Executive or Pastoral) • Leadership • Workforce • Congregation • Others Stakeholders identified • Communication with members of the Various Teams
  • 24. Stage 3; REVIEW  Review policy & strategic documents for Background Information (AS IS)  Review Secondary data (Lit. search) on Main Subject Matters (RECOMMENDATION)  Always seek to gain knowledge and understanding of the type of project, by doing extra research on the project type. Eg. League
  • 25. Stage 4; DESIGN  Information Gathering tools: (Survey Tools) • Questionnaires • Checklist • Topic guides • Database for data storage • Etc.  Reporting Format:  Implementation Strategy
  • 26. Stakeholders analysis & benefits  You can’t do it single-handedly.  Identify those that will ask why and why not and at what cost?.  Gaining support and resources  Communicate the reason for the project/intervention (purpose, goals that solves the broad problem)  Anticipate peoples reaction to the project/ intervention (opportunities & threats -
  • 28. Eight Steps of Strategic Planning
  • 30. The Approach of Church Leadership to Strategic Planning  A more culturally relevant, updated approach of Church Leadership to Strategic Planning is now available that will help leaders to be a vital part of Christ’s church building process in the twenty-first century. In Matthew 16:18, Jesus stated that He will build his church. While this was true in the first century, there’s no reason to believe that He’s not building His church in the twenty-first century. The question is how?  Observations and research of spiritually healthy, biblically-based churches across the world has made several things to become
  • 31. The Key leadership approach to SP  First, pastors and church leaders make a mistake when they copy or mimic one of these church models from some other part of the world and try to implement it in their own culture. Church franchising fails more often than it works. The reason is that it’s difficult to ―cut and paste‖ a church ministry from one part of the country to another. What works wonderfully and honors God in the United States of America or United Kingdom may not accomplish the same in Nigeria or Africa in general.  Second, these spiritually healthy, biblically-based churches all seem to be following a similar process built on core biblical principles. The biblical principles address the church’s purpose: to glorify God in all that it does (1 Cor. 6:20, 10:31), its mission - to make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20) and its functions - to evangelize, fellowship, serve, worship, and teach the Scriptures (Acts 2:41-47). These are well enumerated in the Harvesthouse HLDI program. Take Note that God has not changed the Functions of the church; that will never change but the Forms of carrying out these functions change from generation to generation. It follows a progressive pattern throughout generations. Forms of worship, fellowship, evangelism etc, may change but the Function of worship, fellowship, evangelism etc, WILL never change.
  • 32. Though each church is unique and presents a different model of how to do church (whether purpose-driven, seeker-focused, or traditional Church), studies and research indicates that they are following the same general process that allows them to be “authentic” and “relevant” in their own local, unique culture. And, most important, these are the elements that are covered when consulting to help churches do strategic planning or envisioning and thus be a part of Christ’s church building process in their part of the World. This process emphasizes
  • 34. EXECUTION  Execution is a discipline and integral part to strategy.  No worthwhile strategy can be planned without taking into account the organization’s ability to execute and implement it.
  • 35. Execution is the major job of the Departmental/ Functional Heads  Execution requires a comprehensive understanding of the business, people, environment and philosophy of that organization.  The leader of that functional group is the only person in a position to achieve that understanding.  Only the leader can make execution happen, through his/her deep personal involvement in the substance and even the details of
  • 36. Execution Must be a core element of an Organization’s culture  Execution has to be embedded in the reward systems and in the norms of behaviour that everyone practices in an organization.
  • 37. Three Building Blocks of Execution  Building Block One: The Leader’s Seven Essential Behaviors  Building Block Two: Creating an Execution Culture.  Building Block Three: The Job No leader should delegate – Having the right people in the right place.
  • 38. The Leader’s First Essential Behaviors 1. Know Yourself;  Without emotional fortitude you cant be honest with yourself, you cant deal with the realities of your people and your organization if you cant give a forthright assessment of yourself  Know your strength, weaknesses & special endowments
  • 39. The Leader’s First Essential Behaviors 1. Know Yourself;  Have Emotional Intelligence  “Emotion”: ―a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others….intuitive instinctive as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge‖.  “Intelligence‖: ―the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills‖  Self Awareness – take heed unto thyself  Awareness of Others – mark them that cause division  Self Regulation – all things are lawful…but are not expedient
  • 40. The Leader’s Second Essential Behaviors 2. Know Your People and Know your Organization;  Leaders have to know their business and know their people. The leaders of churches and ministry are usually in touch with the day to day realities of church and the happenings in the lives of their members.
  • 41. The Leader’s Third Essential Behaviors 3. Insist on Realism;  Realism is the heart of execution, but many churches and ministries are full of people who are trying to avoid or shade reality- they are either ―forming‖ or ―hiding stuff.‖  Startby being realistic yourself. Then make sure realism is the goal of all dialogues in the ministry.
  • 42. The Leader’s Fourth Essential Behaviors 4. Set Clear goals and Priorities;  Leaders who execute focus on a very few clear priorities that everyone can grasp (this one thing I do)  Focusing on three or four priorities will produce the best results for the resources at hand..
  • 43. The Leader’s Fifth Essential Behaviors 5. Follow Through;  Clear,simple goals don’t mean much if nobody takes them seriously  Thefailure to follow through is widespread in churches and ministries, and is a major cause of poor execution.
  • 44. The Leader’s Sixth Essential Behaviors 6. Reward the Doers;  Ifyou want people to produce specific results, you reward them accordingly.  The fact seem so obvious, yet many corporation do such a poor job linking rewards to performance that there’s little correlation at all.
  • 45. The Leader’s Seventh Essential Behaviors 7. Expand people’s capabilities via Coaching;  Asa leader, you’ve acquired a lot of knowledge and experience-even wisdom – along the way. Your job is passing it on the next generation of leaders.  Thisis how you expand the capabilities of everyone else in your organization, collectively and individually.
  • 46. Summary Of Lessons On Strategic Planning  One sure-fire way to impact your church’s future is to dust off an old tool—the Strategic Plan.  No one strategic model fits all organizations, but the planning process includes certain basic elements that all churches can use for next steps of an effective strategic plan.  Strategic planning is a process that helps focus on aligning the unique gifts and resources that God has given your organization to take advantage of your opportunities.  A strategic Plan is the formalized road map that describes how your organization executes the chosen strategy.  There are several different components or pieces in a strategic plan which is discussed in this course.
  • 47. Lessons On Strategic Planning  Forming a strategic vision should provide long-term direction and infuse the church with a sense of purposeful action.  Strategic objectives state the broad direction and goals and work towards converting your mission into actions that will accomplish your vision and help sustain your unique advantage.  Strategy establishes a way to match your church’s strength with opportunities so that your church comes to mind when people have a need.  Communicate the plan to everyone in your organization.  A strategic plan is a living dynamic document.  Strategic planning is about keeping the plan active so that it does not gather that proverbial dust.  Strategic planning needs includes setting of goals to build on your church’s strength, shore up the weaknesses, capitalize on the opportunities and recognize the threats.
  • 48. ACTIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE STRATEGIC PLAN  Accountability. In order to assure the timely implementation and review of this plan, the leadership of the Church will: 1. Accept primary responsibility for the plan's execution.  Assign implementation of Strategic Plan objectives to appropriate leaders of the church  Receive commission reports on plan progress at each strategic leadership meeting.  Provide for representation at appropriate planning meetings.  Report on the Strategic Plan at the general leadership Meeting. 2. Regularly update the Strategic Plan.  Review the Strategic Plan at the leadership retreat in even-numbered years.  Actively solicit comments and suggestions from the congregation in advance of these biennial reviews.
  • 49. Setting Strategic Goals- Example Strategic Goal 1.  Church Ministry - Minister to the spiritual needs of the parish, with emphasis on young people and senior citizens; reach out to the needy within our community; and promote meaningful worship and a deeper understanding of our Christian faith so as to lead others nearer to Christ in his Church. Objectives: 1. Strengthen church youth programs.  Encourage youth to take a more active planning and leadership role in church programs.  Provide ample adult leadership for youth activities by identifying, encouraging, and supporting adults within the church who have a special gift for working with youth.  Encourage a larger percentage of our youth to participate in the activities of the church. 2. Enhance ministry to senior citizens within the church and the community.  Institute an evangelism program focused on local retirement communities.  Promote ongoing leadership and lay pastoral care with elderly citizens who cannot regularly attend church.  Expand our existing program to provide transportation and other assistance
  • 50. 3. Support ministry to those in particular need of prayer and pastoral care.  Identify expeditiously those within our church and community in need of support.  Provide for regular clergy and lay visitations of those recognized as being needy.  Provide assistance and support to these individuals and their families.  Offer a systematic response to lapsed members, including a review and refinement of the Neighborhood Ministry program as an avenue for this ministry.  Enhance the church welfare program by establishing beneficial connections with local health care institutions. 4. Identify and provide for other specialized ministries within the congregation.  Establish programs for young married and single parishioners.  Offer programs tailored to families with young children, including the
  • 51. 5. Promote the worship of God through services that both inspire and challenge the congregation.  Provide a variety of worship service formats and opportunities to appeal to a broad spectrum of church members.  Seek ways to further enhance the quality of the service, exploring ideas from other churches.  Encourage maximum lay participation within worship services.  Provide a regular choir at every service that can provide the foundation for exciting congregational singing.
  • 52. 6. Provide effective Christian education programs that nourish the spiritual growth of all church members.  Offer ample Christian education opportunities for young people and adults, communicating to the congregation the contents of the various curricula.  Enhance parishioners' knowledge, understanding and respect for the history, traditions, values and doctrines of Christianity as presented in the Bible and upheld within the Commission.  Educate parishioners about the theology of stewardship, as well as about our church's financial needs and the breadth and depth of its ministries. 7. Strengthen evangelism and outreach programs.  Adopt an evangelism strategy that actively ministers to the unchurched within our community, including the urban professionals.  Increase the publicity of church activities in the local community.  Improve the effectiveness of the HLD newcomer program.  Sponsor additional outside ministries, including community development programs.  Develop relationships with historic foundations in the area to promote the historic significance of the Church as a giving and caring church.  Increase financial support for outreach programs, with special attention to the establishment of international partnerships.
  • 53. 8. Improve communication within the Church and community.  Regularly update the church web page with content designed to attract newcomers and address the needs of members.  Fine-tune the use of other modes of electronic communication, including email, telephone calls, digital bill boards, bulk SMS, etc.  Improve coordination of volunteer schedules.  Improve coordination among the units.  Improve church signage., using more A boards, etc  Improve communications with members away at college or on military tours of duty.  Proactively publicize church services, activities and events within the community.  Advertise the availability of church community service to the community.
  • 54. Strategic Goal 2. Workforce - Adequately support the Pastors, Deacons and Lay ministers in their ministries. Objectives: 1. Support the senior pastor in defining and filling pastoral and lay ministerial positions to provide an effective workforce.  Regularly review the workforce needs of the congregation, reconfiguring paid and volunteer positions proactively.  Create and regularly update a Workforce Manual for Pastors, Deacons and entire workforce. 2. Provide ample support to the Minister of Music for choir rehearsals, Sunday services and public performances.  Further expand the youth church by evaluating practice/performance times that could lead to optimum participation. 3. Actively recruit members into volunteer positions of responsibility so that an ever-expanding base of people will know, appreciate, and take ownership of the various programs of the church.
  • 55. Strategic Goal 3. Physical Resources - Provide well- maintained facilities sufficient to carry out ministry Objectives: 1. Develop a master site plan that addresses the imminent and future needs of the congregation.  Establish a baseline of members needs as the first step of the plan.  Incorporate into the plan the addition of portable water and toilets to existing buildings, as well as those that might be built in the future.  Integrate within the plan adequate road and parking facilities in conjunction with city wide master plan for road construction.  Expand existing Church facilities to include:  A larger common room with improved acoustics.  A renovated kitchen.  A gift shop and museum display area.  Additional class and meeting rooms, including a library/conference room.  Additional office and storage space.
  • 56. Thanks for listening Kick me out. The game is over 10/27/2012