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Music Magazines in the UK
• The Rolling Stone
• Billboard
• Q
• Publisher: Bauer Media Group
• Bauer Media Group:
• Owns Box Television 50%: British Television company, music
• Owns Bauer Radio
• Publishes: Bella, Take a break, that’s life (women’s magazines), Q,
  Kerrang! (music magazines)
• Monthly magazine
• Music magazine
Layout: The main colours are black,     Masterhead: A white Q, printed on a red squared    Selling line: Using the line „the
white and red. These colours are        background. It reminds of cheap gossip magazines   UK‟s biggest music magazine‟
normal to use at a rock magazine.       like C, and the gossip channel E!.                 makes it sound popular and
The magazine is busy with text and                                                         makes the audience want to
the main image. It looks like a cheaper                                                    read it.
magazine because of the title of the
                                                                                           Main image: The image contains
                                                                                           the celebrity „Cheryl Cole‟. Her
Sub heading: All the sub                                                                   hair is wet because she is
headings are names of different                                                            standing in the rain, this makes
bands and artists. On the right                                                            her look tough. She has a lot of
side it first says „the 10 best new                                                        eyeliner around her eyes, and
acts‟ and then the artists. This                                                           red lipstick. She is wearing a
makes the magazine seem a bit                                                              leather jacket and a big silver
exclusive, because you can only                                                            ring, which she is licking. She is
read it once in this magazine.                                                             using a direct address by looking
Makes the audience want to read                                                            straight into the camera. All this
it. Many different artists are listed                                                      creates a sexual tension. This
on the cover, something for                                                                supports the „male gaze‟,
everybody.                                                                                 because she is presented as a
                                                                                           object to men. The colour
Plug: Is a round, grey sticker which
                                                                                           scheme of the picture are black,
says John Lennon and “the untold
                                                                                           white and red, which matches the
story & the unseen pics”, again this
                                                                                           rest of the layout of the cover.
makes the magazine exclusive,
people want to read the story and                                                          Main heading: „3 Words… Cheryl
see the picture because they think                                                         Cole Rocks‟. There are few words,
this is the only place you can.                                                            but they are catching. It tells the
                                                                                           audience what and who the main
There are no barcode on the
                                                                                           article is about. The word „rock‟
cover, which means it is on the
                                                                                           stands out both when it comes to
back page. Or it is supposed to
                                                                                           the use of colours, size and font. It
be in the white box under the
                                                                                           is very dominant and catches the
Layout: The layout is busy, but still lucid. It has the same
                                                                      Shows the front cover of the magazine
colours, red, white and black, as the cover. And Cheryl Cole,
who fronted the cover, again catches the eyes of the audience.    Tell the audience what number the
The stories in the magazine are listed on both sides, and there   issue is, it is written in the same   Images: There are
are lots of different images in the middle and all around.        font as the main heading, but in      many different images
                                                                  white                                 placed on the content
Main heading: The                                                                                       page. The images
main heading is written                                                                                 makes it a bit “easier”
black on red in Serif,                                                                                  to find what you want.
next to a white Q, which                                                                                If you are interested in
is the name of the                                                                                      Cheryl Cole, you see
magazine.                                                                                               a big picture of her
Sub headings: The sub                                                                                   with the page number
headings are written in                                                                                 next to her. The way
white on a red line.                                                                                    she is represented in
There are three sub                                                                                     this photo is the same
headings, to separate                                                                                   as on the front cover,
the magazine into                                                                                       in a sexual way as a
different topics.                                                                                       object to men (male
                                                                                                        gaze). The rest of the
Cover lines: The cover                                                                                  images is decent,
lines are written in black,                                                                             apart from the one in
and has a red line                                                                                      the bottom left corner
underneath. This makes                                                                                  with the guy with no
it look more tidy and                                                                                   shirt on. All the
nice. Just before the text                                                                              images give an
there is a number to tell                                                                               impression of a
what page the audience                     The webpage of the magazine is on the                        popular and average
can read about this.                       bottom of the page.                                          priced magazine.

       The page number, magazine logo and date is
       in the bottom corner of the page.
Layout: The layout on this double spread is very clean and tidy. The left page is filled with    Main image: the main image
text and one picture. The right page one has a picture of Cheryl Cole. The colours used are      covers the entire right page. She
the same as the rest of the magazine; red, white and black. Black and red are showing            is wearing all black clothes, and
danger, which Cheryl Cole‟s clothes also does. On the left side, there is a big, red C, over     her top has spikes on it. This
the text, this C dominates, both because it is really big, and because it is red. In the text,   makes her dangerous and
there is a smaller C in black. The big C in red, and the small C in black, are the initials of   mysterious. Her hair is dark
Cheryl Cole.                                                                                                    brown and she is
Main heading: The                                                                                               wearing dark eye-
main heading says                                                                                               makeup and has red
„Cheryl Cole‟, who the                                                                                          lips, her nails are
article is about. The                                                                                           dark. All over she is
font is black and Serif.                                                                                        very dark. She is
It is very simple and                                                                                           showing much skin
neutral, the audience                                                                                           and chest, which
do not get any                                                                                                  makes her a sexual
impression what is                                                                                              object, and this is
going to be in the                                                                                              supporting the „male
article, other than                                                                                             gaze‟.
Cheryl Cole.
In the bottom of the
page there is a
quote, most likely
from Cheryl Cole. „I                                                                                            The images might
don‟t know what I                                                                                               be reflecting what
look like anymore. Do                                                                                           the text is all about.
you know what I                                                                                                 All the pictures are
mean?‟. It sounds like                                                                                          dark, and this might
she does not know                                                                                               mean that she is
who she is anymore,                                                                                             depressed or sad.
                          Sub image/secondary image: This image, as the others, is
like she has changed.                                                                                           It can also mean
                          very dark. The background is skyscrapers, might be New
The font is red and in                                                                                          that she is tough
                          York, and she is wearing black clothes. She has a black
Serif. The red colour                                                                                           and a strong
                          shorts, and a grey/black top. She is also wearing a top hat,
makes it easy to see.                                                                                           person.
                          which shadow covers the top of her face. Her skin is very
If it was black, it
                          pale, it looks a bit unrealistic.
would become a bit
• Producer: Jann Wenner
• Publishes: Men’s Journal (men’s lifestyle), Us
  weekly (celebrity)
• Bi-weekly magazine
• Music Magazine
Date and price: It is a common
Selling line: The line „Bush‟s final f#@! You!‟ uses a very strong and appealing
                                                                                                    convention expected in all
language. Using the word „you‟, they talk directly to the audience. The audience might
                                                                                                    magazines. It is displayed just
want to know why this is, because it affects „you‟. Also this line is probably used
                                                                                                    above the masterhead in a smaller
because this issue was published in January, 2009, at the same point as Obama started
                                                                                                    font. This might be to hide it, or not
as president.
                                                                                                    to draw any attention from the rest
Colour scheme: The colours
                                                                                                    of the cover.
have a natural tone, such as
                                                                                                    Masterhead: The masterhead is
brown and black. The main title is
                                                                                                    written in Serif, the font is the
blue, as is one word and a line,
                                                                                                    same at all the Rolling Stone
and Brad Pitt‟s eyes. The natural
                                                                                                    magazines. It is written in blue,
tones of the rest of the magazine
                                                                                                    symbolizes wisdom and stability,
makes Brad Pitt‟s eyes stand out.
                                                                                                    and gives a calming effect. In
His eyes have a unnatural blue
                                                                                                    this context the colour blue may
colour, which mean he is either
                                                                                                    be used to reflect how Brad Pitt
using contacts or they have edited
                                                                                                    is; stabile and wise, and the look
them. If he had green eyes for
                                                                                                    at his face; calm.
example, they would probably
have used green instead of blue.                                                                    Main image: The image contains
                                                                                                    the celebrity „Brad Pitt‟. He is
Buzz word: the word „plus‟ draws
                                                                                                    using a direct address, where he
attention, because in this
                                                                                                    looks straight into the camera. He
magazine you get not only the „50
                                                                                                    has a kind and calm face, but
best albums of the year‟, but also
                                                                                                    does not show any facial
the „100 best singles‟.
                                                                                                    expressions. The clothes he is
                                                                                                    wearing are clothes a older person
Layout: The cover is very clean                                                                     would use, he has a shirt, a brown
and tidy. All the sub headings are                                                                  coat and a loose tie. The fact that
listed on the left side, and it is easy                                                             his tie is loose makes him more
to read. Because of the colours                                                                     relaxed. The background behind
used, which are natural life colours                                                                him is shadowed, to put him more
and blue, it looks like a magazine                                                                  in the front.
                                          Main heading: The main heading is „Brad Pitt‟
aimed for adults in the 40s. The          who is in the main image. The font is white and          The barcode is in the right corner,
colours and the layout also make it       Serif. It is the only text on the page in white, which   and a common convention used in
look sophisticated and expensive.         shows that it might be a bit different from the rest.    order for the costumer to purchase
                                          And Brad Pitt is, since he does not have anything        the magazine.
                                          to do with music really, he is an actor.
Layout: The layout is clean         Tells the audience that this is Rolling Stone magazine   Main image: the image is in black and
and tidy. There are two             number 968.                                              white, and of two men dancing and
images and the rest is text.                                                                 singing on a stage. It is probably taken
The colours used are                                                                         in the 50-60s, and is of Johnny Carson
mainly black and white and                                                                   and another man, since the text
most numbers are written in                                                                  underneath is about Johnny Carson.
purple. The fonts used are                                                                   They are wearing suits, which makes it
Serif. Purple symbolizes                                                                     seem like they are important and
power and ambition, among                                                                    wealthy, might be in the upper class.
other things. Purple might
have been used to
represent the artist in the                                                                    Main heading: „Johnny be good‟,
images.                                                                                        written in black Serif. It is almost the
                                                                                               same as the song „Johnny B.Goode‟
Sub image: the image is of                                                                     by Chuck Berry. The text is very
Beyoncé singing. This image                                                                    simple, and you get an impression
contrast the rest of the page                                                                  that the text is about the 50s or 60s.
because it is all colourful, and
it is very „wild‟ compared to the                                                              The text underneath the main
rest. Her hair is all over, and                                                                heading, is written in the same font
she has a „wild‟ look.                                                                         as the main heading, just smaller. It
                                                                                               is about a man named „Johnny
                                                                                               Carson‟. Under the text there is a
Sub heading: „Money Honey‟.                                                                    page number, this is probably the
Written in black Serif. The                                                                    introduction to the double spread
heading indicates that the                                                                     page, which is on page 32, like it
story about Beyoncé is about                                                                   says just under the text.
her money and power.

   Cover lines: the cover lines tells the                                                       The date and name of the
   audience where you can find different                                                        magazine is placed on the bottom
   stories, and a little bit on what they are     In the bottom left corner you get             right corner. This is a common
   about. The page number is on the left of       information about the cover.                  convention used in magazines.
   each „story‟.
Main Heading: The main heading is „Brad Pitt‟, which           Sub heading: The sub heading is „The
                     tells the audience that this article is about Brad Pitt, so    Rolling Stone Interview‟. It is placed between
                     is the image. It is written in Serif, and blue, which is       the words „Brad‟ and „Pitt‟ in the main
                     one of the main colours on the double There is text            heading. This might be a way to show that
                     written between and around the words in the main               they go „inside‟ Brad Pitt, and gets all the
                     heading.                                                       information.

Layout: The layout if
very clean, the only
picture is the one at
the whole left side.
The picture is of Brad
Pitt. The right page
has a main heading
which covers about
2/3 of the page. The
rest of the page is
covered by cover lines
and the first part of the
article. The main
colours are blue, black
and white. It looks like
it aims for people
aged 40+, both male
and female. The
interview is about his
life, and if they were      Image: the image is of the celebrity „Brad Pitt‟. He is not looking straight at the
aiming for younger          camera, but has a kind of worried or scared look at the side. He is wearing a
people, they would          black shit, rings and a necklace, which he drags with his hands. Again this
probably have used          makes him look a bit scared and worried. This might mean that he is going to
lighter colours.            be telling very personal things in the article. The picture has a black
                            background, and parts of his face are shadowed. If the magazine were aiming
                            this double spread for younger people, they would have used a more colourful
                            and happier image. Young people are more interested to read about “happy
•   Producer: Prometheus Gobal Media
•   Entertainment publishing company
•   Former publishers of Vouge and GQ
•   Publishes: Adweek (global advertising), Back Stage
    (film), Billboard (music), Film Journal (Motion-picture
    industry), The Hollywood Reporter (entertainment)
• Weekly magazine
• Music magazine
Layout: the layout is clean, apart
from the main heading, which is                                     Masterhead: The masterhead is
placed in the middle of the cover.                                  written in San Serif, and is the same at
The colours used are mainly                                         all the Billboard magazines, with a blue
white and yellow. Yellow is often                                   colour inside the a, and a yellow colour
associated with joy and energy,                                     inside the d.
which Rihanna is all about. The
magazine is aiming for teenage
girls. It looks like an average                                      Main image: The main image is of the
priced magazine.                                                     celebrity „Rihanna‟. It is a bit blurry, to
                                                                     make it more tense and sexual. She
Sub heading: The sub headings                                        has a short haircut, which separates
are written in a small front and in                                  her from the rest of girls‟ role models.
white, the reason for this may be                                    She is wearing a purple lipstick, purple
not to take focus off the main                                       is a frustrated colour, and it reflects
image and main heading. The                                          how she is. She is not wearing any
sub headings are all about                                           clothes except from a bra and a
different artists and bands, which                                   necklace, this is creates a sexual
shows that this is just a music                                      tension and supports the „male gaze‟.
magazine.                                                            All the colours on her is dark, she is
                                                                     quite a rebellious girl, this shows
Main heading: The main heading                                       through the colours.
is written in italic Serif. „The world
is hers‟ indicates power, and over
the text there are different
achievements by Rihanna. She
has done a lot of things, which                                     Buzz: There are no buzz words at this
may make the audience more                                          cover, instead they have used a „plus‟
interested.                                                         sign, to show that in this magazine you
                              The barcode, date and price is        get something more.
                              placed in the left corner, they are
                              common conventions used in
                              order for the costumer to
                              purchase the magazine.
Layout: The layout is tidy and
well structured. On the left you   Reminder of the magazine‟s name   Main heading: The word
can see a chart over number 1                                        contents is written on the top, and
albums and songs to keep                                             tells the audience what they can
people up to date. On the right                                      read about in this magazine and
you see what you can read in                                         what page they can find it. It is
the magazine. The colours                                            written in a black San Serif.
being used are basic; blue,
black and white. The page is                                          Images: Just under the main
very bright.                                                          heading there are three
Sub headings: Written in                                              pictures, they are most likely
black/grey Serif. They are just                                       artists and bands. It does not
big enough too be seen, and                                           say anything about them to
give a better overview on                                             keep it simple, just the page
different “topics” such as                                            number, which are written in
features and music. In the                                            white in the left corners. In the
bottom there is a heading                                             middle of the page there is a
written white on black, and on a                                      picture of a girl who is laughing.
line which goes over the whole                                        She might be in the main article,
page. It has the same font as                                         because she is placed in the
the main heading. It says home                                        middle and is the first thing you
front, and underneath it there                                        see when you look at the page.
are different things happening.                                       On her tip of her shoe you can
                                                                      see what page you can find her
Cover lines: They are written in
a blue San Serif. They probably
show important and big articles                                        Page number, date and
in the magazine.                                                       webpage is placed in the
                                                                       bottom corner of the page. This
                                                                       is the normal place to have it.
Layout: The layout is          Main image: The image is of Rihanna, wearing a bra, a bit necklace and a army jacket. The army
very simple and clean.         jacket gives her a tough look. She is wearing a purple lipstick, which matches the colours on the rest
On the left there is text,     of the double spread.The flash lights up her face, and takes focus off her body. She is looking down on
a main heading and an          the ground, which could mean that she is sad, but thinking about the main heading; „unstoppable‟, it
introduction to an article.    might mean that she is ready to rise. The text says: „could it be the first no.1 album of her career?‟, if it
The left side consist of a     is, then she will rise her head.
image of Rihanna. The
main colours are black
and purple, they are
used both on the text
and in the image.

Main heading: The
main heading is
„unstoppable‟. The font
is black and San Serif.
This type of font
matches the word
„unstoppable‟. It takes
up 1/3 of the double
spread, which shows
that it is really important.

                          The text next to the main heading is written in black San
                          Serif. There are some words written in purple, such as
                          „Rihanna‟ and the last words. This text tells the audience
                          what the article on Rihanna, which is most likely on the
                          next page, is about. Under it you see the name of the

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Magazine analysis

  • 1. Music Magazines in the UK • The Rolling Stone • Billboard • Q
  • 2. • Publisher: Bauer Media Group • Bauer Media Group: • Owns Box Television 50%: British Television company, music • Owns Bauer Radio • Publishes: Bella, Take a break, that’s life (women’s magazines), Q, Kerrang! (music magazines) • Monthly magazine • Music magazine
  • 3. Layout: The main colours are black, Masterhead: A white Q, printed on a red squared Selling line: Using the line „the white and red. These colours are background. It reminds of cheap gossip magazines UK‟s biggest music magazine‟ normal to use at a rock magazine. like C, and the gossip channel E!. makes it sound popular and The magazine is busy with text and makes the audience want to the main image. It looks like a cheaper read it. magazine because of the title of the Main image: The image contains magazine. the celebrity „Cheryl Cole‟. Her Sub heading: All the sub hair is wet because she is headings are names of different standing in the rain, this makes bands and artists. On the right her look tough. She has a lot of side it first says „the 10 best new eyeliner around her eyes, and acts‟ and then the artists. This red lipstick. She is wearing a makes the magazine seem a bit leather jacket and a big silver exclusive, because you can only ring, which she is licking. She is read it once in this magazine. using a direct address by looking Makes the audience want to read straight into the camera. All this it. Many different artists are listed creates a sexual tension. This on the cover, something for supports the „male gaze‟, everybody. because she is presented as a object to men. The colour Plug: Is a round, grey sticker which scheme of the picture are black, says John Lennon and “the untold white and red, which matches the story & the unseen pics”, again this rest of the layout of the cover. makes the magazine exclusive, people want to read the story and Main heading: „3 Words… Cheryl see the picture because they think Cole Rocks‟. There are few words, this is the only place you can. but they are catching. It tells the audience what and who the main There are no barcode on the article is about. The word „rock‟ cover, which means it is on the stands out both when it comes to back page. Or it is supposed to the use of colours, size and font. It be in the white box under the is very dominant and catches the date. eyes.
  • 4. Layout: The layout is busy, but still lucid. It has the same Shows the front cover of the magazine colours, red, white and black, as the cover. And Cheryl Cole, who fronted the cover, again catches the eyes of the audience. Tell the audience what number the The stories in the magazine are listed on both sides, and there issue is, it is written in the same Images: There are are lots of different images in the middle and all around. font as the main heading, but in many different images white placed on the content Main heading: The page. The images main heading is written makes it a bit “easier” black on red in Serif, to find what you want. next to a white Q, which If you are interested in is the name of the Cheryl Cole, you see magazine. a big picture of her Sub headings: The sub with the page number headings are written in next to her. The way white on a red line. she is represented in There are three sub this photo is the same headings, to separate as on the front cover, the magazine into in a sexual way as a different topics. object to men (male gaze). The rest of the Cover lines: The cover images is decent, lines are written in black, apart from the one in and has a red line the bottom left corner underneath. This makes with the guy with no it look more tidy and shirt on. All the nice. Just before the text images give an there is a number to tell impression of a what page the audience The webpage of the magazine is on the popular and average can read about this. bottom of the page. priced magazine. The page number, magazine logo and date is in the bottom corner of the page.
  • 5. Layout: The layout on this double spread is very clean and tidy. The left page is filled with Main image: the main image text and one picture. The right page one has a picture of Cheryl Cole. The colours used are covers the entire right page. She the same as the rest of the magazine; red, white and black. Black and red are showing is wearing all black clothes, and danger, which Cheryl Cole‟s clothes also does. On the left side, there is a big, red C, over her top has spikes on it. This the text, this C dominates, both because it is really big, and because it is red. In the text, makes her dangerous and there is a smaller C in black. The big C in red, and the small C in black, are the initials of mysterious. Her hair is dark Cheryl Cole. brown and she is Main heading: The wearing dark eye- main heading says makeup and has red „Cheryl Cole‟, who the lips, her nails are article is about. The dark. All over she is font is black and Serif. very dark. She is It is very simple and showing much skin neutral, the audience and chest, which do not get any makes her a sexual impression what is object, and this is going to be in the supporting the „male article, other than gaze‟. Cheryl Cole. In the bottom of the page there is a quote, most likely from Cheryl Cole. „I The images might don‟t know what I be reflecting what look like anymore. Do the text is all about. you know what I All the pictures are mean?‟. It sounds like dark, and this might she does not know mean that she is who she is anymore, depressed or sad. Sub image/secondary image: This image, as the others, is like she has changed. It can also mean very dark. The background is skyscrapers, might be New The font is red and in that she is tough York, and she is wearing black clothes. She has a black Serif. The red colour and a strong shorts, and a grey/black top. She is also wearing a top hat, makes it easy to see. person. which shadow covers the top of her face. Her skin is very If it was black, it pale, it looks a bit unrealistic. would become a bit invisible.
  • 6. • Producer: Jann Wenner • Publishes: Men’s Journal (men’s lifestyle), Us weekly (celebrity) • Bi-weekly magazine • Music Magazine
  • 7. Date and price: It is a common Selling line: The line „Bush‟s final f#@! You!‟ uses a very strong and appealing convention expected in all language. Using the word „you‟, they talk directly to the audience. The audience might magazines. It is displayed just want to know why this is, because it affects „you‟. Also this line is probably used above the masterhead in a smaller because this issue was published in January, 2009, at the same point as Obama started font. This might be to hide it, or not as president. to draw any attention from the rest Colour scheme: The colours of the cover. have a natural tone, such as Masterhead: The masterhead is brown and black. The main title is written in Serif, the font is the blue, as is one word and a line, same at all the Rolling Stone and Brad Pitt‟s eyes. The natural magazines. It is written in blue, tones of the rest of the magazine symbolizes wisdom and stability, makes Brad Pitt‟s eyes stand out. and gives a calming effect. In His eyes have a unnatural blue this context the colour blue may colour, which mean he is either be used to reflect how Brad Pitt using contacts or they have edited is; stabile and wise, and the look them. If he had green eyes for at his face; calm. example, they would probably have used green instead of blue. Main image: The image contains the celebrity „Brad Pitt‟. He is Buzz word: the word „plus‟ draws using a direct address, where he attention, because in this looks straight into the camera. He magazine you get not only the „50 has a kind and calm face, but best albums of the year‟, but also does not show any facial the „100 best singles‟. expressions. The clothes he is wearing are clothes a older person Layout: The cover is very clean would use, he has a shirt, a brown and tidy. All the sub headings are coat and a loose tie. The fact that listed on the left side, and it is easy his tie is loose makes him more to read. Because of the colours relaxed. The background behind used, which are natural life colours him is shadowed, to put him more and blue, it looks like a magazine in the front. Main heading: The main heading is „Brad Pitt‟ aimed for adults in the 40s. The who is in the main image. The font is white and The barcode is in the right corner, colours and the layout also make it Serif. It is the only text on the page in white, which and a common convention used in look sophisticated and expensive. shows that it might be a bit different from the rest. order for the costumer to purchase And Brad Pitt is, since he does not have anything the magazine. to do with music really, he is an actor.
  • 8. Layout: The layout is clean Tells the audience that this is Rolling Stone magazine Main image: the image is in black and and tidy. There are two number 968. white, and of two men dancing and images and the rest is text. singing on a stage. It is probably taken The colours used are in the 50-60s, and is of Johnny Carson mainly black and white and and another man, since the text most numbers are written in underneath is about Johnny Carson. purple. The fonts used are They are wearing suits, which makes it Serif. Purple symbolizes seem like they are important and power and ambition, among wealthy, might be in the upper class. other things. Purple might have been used to represent the artist in the Main heading: „Johnny be good‟, images. written in black Serif. It is almost the same as the song „Johnny B.Goode‟ Sub image: the image is of by Chuck Berry. The text is very Beyoncé singing. This image simple, and you get an impression contrast the rest of the page that the text is about the 50s or 60s. because it is all colourful, and it is very „wild‟ compared to the The text underneath the main rest. Her hair is all over, and heading, is written in the same font she has a „wild‟ look. as the main heading, just smaller. It is about a man named „Johnny Carson‟. Under the text there is a Sub heading: „Money Honey‟. page number, this is probably the Written in black Serif. The introduction to the double spread heading indicates that the page, which is on page 32, like it story about Beyoncé is about says just under the text. her money and power. Cover lines: the cover lines tells the The date and name of the audience where you can find different magazine is placed on the bottom stories, and a little bit on what they are In the bottom left corner you get right corner. This is a common about. The page number is on the left of information about the cover. convention used in magazines. each „story‟.
  • 9. Main Heading: The main heading is „Brad Pitt‟, which Sub heading: The sub heading is „The tells the audience that this article is about Brad Pitt, so Rolling Stone Interview‟. It is placed between is the image. It is written in Serif, and blue, which is the words „Brad‟ and „Pitt‟ in the main one of the main colours on the double There is text heading. This might be a way to show that written between and around the words in the main they go „inside‟ Brad Pitt, and gets all the heading. information. Layout: The layout if very clean, the only picture is the one at the whole left side. The picture is of Brad Pitt. The right page has a main heading which covers about 2/3 of the page. The rest of the page is covered by cover lines and the first part of the article. The main colours are blue, black and white. It looks like it aims for people aged 40+, both male and female. The interview is about his life, and if they were Image: the image is of the celebrity „Brad Pitt‟. He is not looking straight at the aiming for younger camera, but has a kind of worried or scared look at the side. He is wearing a people, they would black shit, rings and a necklace, which he drags with his hands. Again this probably have used makes him look a bit scared and worried. This might mean that he is going to lighter colours. be telling very personal things in the article. The picture has a black background, and parts of his face are shadowed. If the magazine were aiming this double spread for younger people, they would have used a more colourful and happier image. Young people are more interested to read about “happy things”.
  • 10. Producer: Prometheus Gobal Media • Entertainment publishing company • Former publishers of Vouge and GQ • Publishes: Adweek (global advertising), Back Stage (film), Billboard (music), Film Journal (Motion-picture industry), The Hollywood Reporter (entertainment) • Weekly magazine • Music magazine
  • 11. Layout: the layout is clean, apart from the main heading, which is Masterhead: The masterhead is placed in the middle of the cover. written in San Serif, and is the same at The colours used are mainly all the Billboard magazines, with a blue white and yellow. Yellow is often colour inside the a, and a yellow colour associated with joy and energy, inside the d. which Rihanna is all about. The magazine is aiming for teenage girls. It looks like an average Main image: The main image is of the priced magazine. celebrity „Rihanna‟. It is a bit blurry, to make it more tense and sexual. She Sub heading: The sub headings has a short haircut, which separates are written in a small front and in her from the rest of girls‟ role models. white, the reason for this may be She is wearing a purple lipstick, purple not to take focus off the main is a frustrated colour, and it reflects image and main heading. The how she is. She is not wearing any sub headings are all about clothes except from a bra and a different artists and bands, which necklace, this is creates a sexual shows that this is just a music tension and supports the „male gaze‟. magazine. All the colours on her is dark, she is quite a rebellious girl, this shows Main heading: The main heading through the colours. is written in italic Serif. „The world is hers‟ indicates power, and over the text there are different achievements by Rihanna. She has done a lot of things, which Buzz: There are no buzz words at this may make the audience more cover, instead they have used a „plus‟ interested. sign, to show that in this magazine you The barcode, date and price is get something more. placed in the left corner, they are common conventions used in order for the costumer to purchase the magazine.
  • 12. Layout: The layout is tidy and well structured. On the left you Reminder of the magazine‟s name Main heading: The word can see a chart over number 1 contents is written on the top, and albums and songs to keep tells the audience what they can people up to date. On the right read about in this magazine and you see what you can read in what page they can find it. It is the magazine. The colours written in a black San Serif. being used are basic; blue, black and white. The page is Images: Just under the main very bright. heading there are three Sub headings: Written in pictures, they are most likely black/grey Serif. They are just artists and bands. It does not big enough too be seen, and say anything about them to give a better overview on keep it simple, just the page different “topics” such as number, which are written in features and music. In the white in the left corners. In the bottom there is a heading middle of the page there is a written white on black, and on a picture of a girl who is laughing. line which goes over the whole She might be in the main article, page. It has the same font as because she is placed in the the main heading. It says home middle and is the first thing you front, and underneath it there see when you look at the page. are different things happening. On her tip of her shoe you can see what page you can find her on. Cover lines: They are written in a blue San Serif. They probably show important and big articles Page number, date and in the magazine. webpage is placed in the bottom corner of the page. This is the normal place to have it.
  • 13. Layout: The layout is Main image: The image is of Rihanna, wearing a bra, a bit necklace and a army jacket. The army very simple and clean. jacket gives her a tough look. She is wearing a purple lipstick, which matches the colours on the rest On the left there is text, of the double spread.The flash lights up her face, and takes focus off her body. She is looking down on a main heading and an the ground, which could mean that she is sad, but thinking about the main heading; „unstoppable‟, it introduction to an article. might mean that she is ready to rise. The text says: „could it be the first no.1 album of her career?‟, if it The left side consist of a is, then she will rise her head. image of Rihanna. The main colours are black and purple, they are used both on the text and in the image. Main heading: The main heading is „unstoppable‟. The font is black and San Serif. This type of font matches the word „unstoppable‟. It takes up 1/3 of the double spread, which shows that it is really important. The text next to the main heading is written in black San Serif. There are some words written in purple, such as „Rihanna‟ and the last words. This text tells the audience what the article on Rihanna, which is most likely on the next page, is about. Under it you see the name of the author.