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Minnesota Plant Press
                                The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter


Volume 30 Number 3                                                                                 Summer 2011
 Monthly meetings
  Thompson Park Center/Dakota
                                      Plants and Politics
                                      by Scott Milburn, MNNPS president
     Thompson County Park                 The recent state government shutdown serves as a sad chapter in the
       360 Butler Ave. E.,            state’s history, and it will likely have continued impacts once the budget
    West St. Paul, MN 55118
                                      is finalized. These include lost revenue from money typically spent during
        Programs                      this period on natural resources, including such items as fishing licenses and
   The Minnesota Native Plant         camping permits at the state parks. Not only did these impacts affect state
Society meets the first Thursday      coffers, but they also hurt the businesses that rely on summer travelers.
in October, November, December,
February, March, April, May, and          I am greatly disappointed with those politicians who seem to serve only
June. Check at          out of self-interest rather than serving to represent the best interests of the
for more program information.         general population. With that, I encourage our members to make a special
   6 p.m. — Social period             effort this year to take a trip somewhere new in the state and to visit a state
   7 – 9 p.m. — Program, Society      park or one of our great Scientific and Natural Areas. In doing so, each one
business                              of us can support the various local economies and, ultimately, Minnesota
   Oct. 6: “Delays in Nitrogen        itself.
Cycling        and      Population        Another positive benefit of these trips is that each one of us can learn
Oscillations     in Wild      Rice
                                      during the process, from finding an unfamiliar plant to seeing a unique
Ecosystems,” by Dr. John Pastor,
professor, Department of Biology, U   landform. This also provides an opportunity for our members to contribute
of M, Duluth. Plant-of-the-Month:     what they are seeing on our blog or in the newsletter.
Wild Rice (Zizania palustris), also       Travelling around the state also makes one appreciate Minnesota and
by Dr. Pastor.                        the fact that we still have intact natural areas, especially compared with
                                                                               other states in the cornbelt. Think
Katy Chayka creates                   Plant XID-CD Updates about all of the diversity and great
Minnesota wildflower                  by Ron Huber                             landscapes from the North Shore to
                                          Bruce Barnes has updated the
field guide on internet               Minnesota and the Great Plains
                                                                               the Prairie Coteau, from the Aspen
    Katy Chayka, who supervises
                                      plant identification XID-CDs. Parklands to the Driftless Area, and
the MNNPS blog, has created
                                      Improvements include more than the great adventures to be had.
Minnesota Wildflowers, an online
                                                                                   In this issue
                                      1,900 new or higher resolution
field guide with details about more
                                      images and nomenclatural changes
than 500 Minnesota wildflowers.
                                      conforming to those in Welby               New members ..........................2
Peter Dziuk, a former Society board
                                      Smith’s Trees and Shrubs of                Society news ..........................2
member, donated about 50,000
                                      Minnesota. Prices remain the same          Wetland Plants book review....3
photos to the project.
                                      —$70 Minnesota, $150 Great                 Hastings field trip.....................3
    Katy’s      website       (www.   Plains. If you purchased an earlier        Minnesota mushrooms ...........4            version, e-mail Bruce at         New board members ..............6
organizes plants by color, time and he will send the          Landscape tour ........................6
of bloom, and scientific name.        newly updated CD for a $6 shipping         DNR photo opportunity .........7
Information includes a detailed       charge. (We have provided him with         Plant Lore: Goldthread ............7
description, habitat, and a map.      the names of all previous buyers.)
MNNPS welcomes                           Maddy
                                                     Papermaster,     Marine,
                                                                             MNNPS Board
new members                              Wendy Paulsen, Chisago City,
                                                                             of Directors
   The Society gives a warm Minn.;
welcome to 23 new members who Ron Spinosa, St. Paul;                          President: Scott Milburn, scott.
joined during the second quarter of      Lisa Steidl, Coon Rapids, Minn.;
2011. Listed alphabetically, they        Tavis Westbrook, Duluth, Minn.       Vice President:       Shirley Mah
are:                                                                          Kooyman, shirley.mah.kooyman@
Barbara Asmus, St. Louis Park, Patience, please                     
Joseph M. Beattie, Hastings,
                                         if you use PayPal                    Secretary, program coordinator:
                                         by Ron Huber                         Andrés       Morantes,       andres.
                                             If you prefer to pay your dues
Kristen Blann, Cushing, Minn.;
                                         using PayPal, please remember to Treasurers, membership data base:
Marshal Braman, no data (PayPal);
                                         patiently wait for the pop-up of the Ron and Cathy Huber, ron.huber@
Christina Crowther, Chanhassen,
                                         membership data form. Otherwise,
                                         we have no info about you except Ken Arndt, board member, field
Christine Dolph, Minneapolis;
                                         for the e-mail shown. That may not trip chair,
Ann Fallon, Afton, Minn.;
Jason Garms, St. Paul;                   be the one that you want to use when
                                                                              Michael Bourdaghs, board member,
Anna Gerenday, Afton, Minn.;             receiving newsletters, postcards,
Leslie Gillette, Hopkins, Minn.;         etc. Thank you for your patience.
                                                                              Elizabeth Heck, board member,
Brian Goodspeed, Falcon Heights,                                              webmaster, elizabeth.heck@mnnps.
Minn.;                                   Treasurers’ report                   org
Happy Dancing Turtle, Pine River,            Treasurers Ron and Cathy Huber
                                                                              Daniel Jones, board member,
Minn.;                                   reported that in the second quarter
Steve Heiskary, Lino Lakes, Minn.; of 2011, income exceeded expenses
Debra Henninger, Arden Hills, by $4,964.72. Income included: Dylan Lueth, board member, dylan.
Minn.;                                   Symposium, $6,228; plant sale,
Marcel Jouseau, St. Paul;                $434; membership dues, $2,831. Elizabeth Nixon, board member,
Kelly Kallock, Minneapolis;              Expenses included: Symposium, conservation committee chair, beth.
Tom Meersman, Minneapolis;               $4,216.51;      printing,   $878.91;
Minnesota Life College, Richfield, postage, $296.92. Assets totaled
                                                                              Erika Rowe, board member, erika.
Minn.;                                   $22,035.61.                
                                                                              Field Trips: fieldtrips.mnnps@
   Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose
                                                                              Memberships:           memberships.
   (Abbreviated from the bylaws)
       This organization is exclusively organized and operated for
   educational and scientific purposes, including the following.              Historian-Archives: Roy Robison,
   1.	 Conservation of all native plants.
   2.	 Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences.
                                                                              Technical       or     membership
   3.	 Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant
                                                                              inquiries: contact.mnnps@mnnps.
   life.                                                                      org
   4.	 Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to
   Minnesota.                                                                 Minnesota Plant Press Editor:
                                                                              Gerry Drewry, 651-463-8006;
   5.	 Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation, ecosytems.
   6.	 Preservation of native plants, plant communities, and scientific and
   natural areas.                                                             MNNPS questions?
   7.	 Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural             Go to for
   resources and scenic features.                                             answers. The Society blog is there,
   8.	 Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through        news about field trips, meetings,
   meetings, lectures, workshops, and field trips.                            and committees, and all issues of
                                                                              this newsletter since 1982.
Book review                              Snow trillium is highlight of
    Wetland Plants of Minnesota:
a Complete Guide to the Aquatic          field trip to Hastings SNA
and Wetland Plants of the North             Twenty Society members spent
Star State, by Steve W. Chadde,          the afternoon of April 23 hiking and
published by CreateSpace, 2011,          studying early spring wildflowers
paperback, 614 pages, $39. May be        during a field trip to the Hastings
downloaded at             Scientific and Natural Area.
Review by Michael Bourdaghs                   Seeing the rare snow trillium
    In 1998, Steve Chadde authored       (Trillium nivale) in bloom (photo
A Great Lakes Wetland Flora,             at right) was the highlight of the
which quickly became indispensible       afternoon. The trip was led by Scott
for wetland botanists working in         Milburn, MNNPS president, and
the Upper Midwest. It provided           Ken Arndt, board member.
nearly comprehensive coverage                Future field trips are being
of the wetland and aquatic species       planned. Watch the website (www.
in a single compact volume. That for details.     These
was an improvement over both             photos are by Ken Arndt.
simpler guides that tend to lack
coverage as well as full blown
taxonomic treatments that are often
cumbersome in the field.
    Updates and improvements have
been made in subsequent editions,
with the second in 2002 and the
third released in February 2011. It is
from this newest edition that Steve
Chadde has compiled Wetland
Plants Of Minnesota.
    As with the previous guides,
Wetland Plants of Minnesota
includes the approximately 900
species that commonly occur in
wetland and aquatic habitats in the
state, but it is more specifically
geared to Minnesota.
    Following           introductory
materials, the book is organized by      range map, habitat information, line   some cases, Minnesota specific
major taxonomic groups: Ferns and        drawings, and in some cases black-     habitat information has been
Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and two        and-white photography.        Many     provided. Brief explanations of
Angiosperm (Dicots and Monocots)         improvements have been made in         many of the genus names have
sections. The keys are technical         the species descriptions, compared     been provided. The white water lily
and dichotomous, where the               with previous editions. The addition   genus – Nymphaea: “Water goddess
observer must rely on knowledge          of the photography also aids           in Greek mythology” is a good
of taxonomic terminology and close       identification.                        example.
observation.                                Species distribution maps have         Wetland Plants of Minnesota is
    The great advantage of the guide     previously been available only from    an outstanding botanical resource.
is that the keys are limited to the      sources separate from taxonomic        Its comprehensive coverage, keys,
Minnesota wetland species and are        treatments. Having the physical        and detailed species information
thereby simplified. Each species has     characteristics, map, line drawings    make it a must have for the wetland
a complete description that includes     and photos for a species all in one    professional and a great guide for
physical characteristics, a county       place is a great convenience. In       the botanical enthusiast.
Minnesota mushrooms:
then and now
   by David J. McLaughlin,                ecological relationships, just as a       and self-digesting gills that produce
Department of Plant Biology, and          genealogical tree explains facial         the “ink.” Coprinus was placed in
Bell Museum of Natural History,           and other physical similarities, as       the family Coprinaceae with some
University of Minnesota, St. Paul         well as our susceptibility to some        other black-spored mushrooms,
                                          ailments. The goal of the Tree of Life
   With the support of the                                                          such as Psathyrella, which lacks
                                          projects is to provide a classification
Minnesota DNR, some students, a                                                     the inky gills. The Fungal Tree of
                                          that reflects the actual relationships    Life studies revealed that Coprinus
volunteer and I carried out a survey
                                          among species.                            was actually four groups (genera) of
of mushrooms in western Minnesota
between May and October 2007. The             Mushrooms are produced by two         mushrooms that had independently
survey was motivated by the limited       great groups (phyla) of fungi, the        developed the ability to form inky
documentation for larger fungi in         Ascomycota or sac fungi and the           caps. Three were related to each
the western part of the state. This is    Basidiomycota or club fungi. The          other and to Psathyrella, but the
a progress report on that survey.         common names for these groups refer       fourth was related to the button
                                          to the structures on which their sexual   mushroom Agaricus, including the
    But first we will consider how                                                  type of Coprinus, i.e., the species to
                                          spores are formed. We will focus
recent advances in classification                                                   which the genus name is attached.
                                          here on the club fungi, specifically
of fungi, an outcome of a national                                                  Coprinus was then transferred to
                                          the gilled (agarics), non-gilled
research program on the Tree                                                        the Agaricaceae. Thus, we ended up
                                          (boletes, polypores, coral fungi,
of Life and related projects, are                                                   with the family Coprinaceae without
                                          teeth fungi, and chanterelles) and
changing our view of how different                                                  Coprinus, and a new family name
                                          the gasteroid (puffballs, earthstars,
mushroom forms are related and                                                      was chosen — Psathyrellaceae for
                                          bird’s nest fungi, stinkhorns and
how these changes affect scientific                                                 the remaining three groups of inky
                                          false truffles) mushrooms. They
names. Then we will review the                                                      caps, each with a new genus name,
                                          were classified in the 19th century
survey results. The “Then” in the                                                   and Psathyrella as the type of the
                                          in three large groups (orders or
title refers to the old classification                                              new family. These name changes
                                          class): the Aphyllophorales for non-
for mushrooms, the “Now” to the                                                     are disconcerting for the scientist
                                          gilled mushrooms, the Agaricales
new classification. The “Then”                                                      and non-scientist alike, but they lead
                                          for gilled mushrooms and the
also refers to our knowledge of                                                     to greater stability in names in the
                                          Gasteromycetes for gasteroid forms,
mushroom distribution before the                                                    long run and a better understanding
                                          whose fruiting bodies remained
survey; the “Now” refers to the                                                     of the organisms.
                                          closed until maturity. This was a
hundreds of new county records and
                                          convenient classification system for
some new state records.                                                             Mushroom survey
                                          mushrooms because it required only          Documentation for Minnesota
Mushroom classification                   the external form of the mushroom to      mushrooms         has      accumulated
   The Fungal Tree of Life                classify them. But, it also disguised     erratically. From 1885 to 1910,
project was designed to develop a         who was related to whom.                  mushrooms were studied as part
comprehensive phylogenetic tree for          The Fungal Tree of Life project        of the Natural History Survey of
fungi, using molecular and structural     has upended the earlier classification    Minnesota. Between 1910 and
characters. A phylogenetic tree           with mushrooms now spread across          1960, major fungal studies were
reveals relationships among species,      14 orders and with many different         concerned with plant diseases. In
just as a genealogical tree reveals the   mushroom forms in each order.             the 1960s, a renewed interest in
relationships between members of          Naturally, this has an impact on          the study of mushrooms began, but
our family and connections to other       the scientific names of mushrooms.        the documentation for mushrooms
people’s families. A phylogenetic         A good example is the inky caps.          within the state is far from complete.
tree has predictive value, helping        Formerly all inky caps were classified    Computerization of the fungal
to explain changes among species          in a single genus, Coprinus, which        collections within the Bell Museum
in their form, internal structure and     was distinguished by its black spores     began in the 1990s and now makes it
possible to determine the records by    as part of the BOLD: Barcode                  are no recent reports on its presence
county or management area, such as      of Life Database project www.                 in Minnesota.
a state park or forest. These records       The ITS, or                Another benefit of the survey is
can be accessed at http://ssrs.cfans.   internal transcribed spacer region            that we are beginning to understand            of nuclear ribosomal DNA, is being            the distribution of some of the
A check of mushroom records             proposed as the first fungal barcode,         species and how they relate to
by county in western Minnesota          i.e., a piece of DNA that can be              the four biomes that make plant
showed that almost all counties         used to identify a species. The ITS           distributions in the state of special
were unsurveyed except for those        sequences have aided in some of the           interest, but also make it vulnerable
in the vicinity of Itasca State Park,   recent identifications. It should be          to rapid climate warming. For
where the University of Minnesota       noted that keys to many mushroom              example, we now have a second state
Biological Station is located.          genera are inadequate, and primary            record for Russula pulverulenta. It
   Eight trips to Western Minnesota     literature must be used. This is              is now known from Rice and Lyons
were made to survey mushroom            especially true for Cortinarius,              counties, a southern distribution
diversity between May and October       Entoloma, Pluteus, Russula, and               in the state that suggests it may be
2007. We chose sites with a variety     Tricholoma. A monograph for North             restricted to the deciduous forest
of habitats, including some that        American species of Psathyrella by            biome and river valley forests in
would remain moist in dry weather       Smith, 1972, is comprehensive but             the grassland biome. The bolete
so that mushrooms might be found        difficult to use. Maj Padamsee, who           Paragyrodon sphaerosporus is
during drier periods. Two graduate      recently completed a Ph.D. project            a very distinctive species with a
students, Bryn Dentinger and Maj        on the genus, is responsible for these        heavy rubbery veil which protects
Padamsee, a post-baccalaureate          identifications.                              the spore-forming layer. It is a mid-
student, Tom Jenkinson, and a               All collections are new county            continental endemic. In Minnesota
volunteer, Esther McLaughlin,           records based on the data in                  it is well known from the deciduous
assisted with the survey. Four sites    the University Herbarium. The                 forest biome and is recorded for the
became the primary focus of the         following appear to be new state              first time from the grassland biome,
survey: Kilen Woods State Park,         records: Conocybe cf. siennophylla,           again in river valley forests. At Kilen
Jackson Co.; Camden State Park,         Coprinellus tigrinellus, Coprinopsis          Woods State Park it seems well
Lyon Co.; Smoky Hills State Forest,     coniophora,         Cortinarius         cf.   adapted to the wood edge adjacent
Becker Co. (MCBS site E4); Paul         alnetorum, Cortinarius gutatus,               to the upland prairies.
Bunyon State Forest, Hubbard Co.        Galerina      decipiens,        Laccaria         Both      saprotrophic      and
(MCBS site T6).                         trichodermophila,              Lactarius      mycorrhizal species were well
   Approximately 300 collections        nancyae, Psathyrella lepidotoides,            represented at Kilen Woods and
were obtained. Collecting was           Psathyrella obtusata, Ramaria                 Camden State Parks, with the latter
limited until heavy rains in August.    myceliosa, and Russula fontqueri.             mainly appearing in late August
Fifty-five percent of the collections   Some of these collections will                through October. Some species
were obtained in late August to         need further study to confirm                 fruited abundantly in both state
early Oct. Most are documented          the identification. The number                parks. In Smoky Hills State Forest
with photographs, and many include      of new state records makes it                 MCBS site E4 is especially rich
descriptions and spore prints.          clear that the state is very poorly           in saprotrophic species and seems
Collections are being processed for     known mycologically, especially               well adapted to their fruiting, as
inclusion in the Fungal Collection,     considering         that      collection      new species were found regularly
University      Herbarium,       Bell   identification       is      continuing.      throughout the survey. Mycorrhizal
Museum. Specimens are essential if      The following collections are                 species were never common,
we are to successfully document the     mentioned in publications but are             despite the presence of a diversity
fungi of Minnesota, a goal needed       undocumented in the University                of appropriate host tree species.
to establish baseline information       Herbarium: Neolecta irregularis
                                        and Psathyrella typhae. Neolecta                 Paul Bunyon State Forest
on these species that interact in                                                     MCBS site T6 is very sandy and
many ways with plants, especially       irregularis is an especially
                                        interesting find, as it fruits late in the    dominated by red and jack pines. It
the mycorrhizal species that grow                                                     produced few mushrooms until late
with tree roots and aid the plant in    fall and produces brilliant yellow,
                                        club-shaped fruiting bodies. It was           in the season, when a considerable
mineral uptake and defense.                                                           diversity of mycorrhizal species
                                        collected near Itasca State Park, one
   Genetic sequences have been          of the better surveyed areas in the           were present. These included five
obtained for some of the collections    state. Thus, it is surprising that there      Continued on page 6
Continued from page 5                      Introducing three new
                                           board members
of Cortinarius and the very striking
striking Gomphus floccosus and
Neolecta irregularis, but boletes,
                                                                                   Nevada. A significant portion of
which would be expected with
pines, were scarce.
                                           Dr. Peter Jordan                        my efforts was on the plant species
                                               To be honest, I must admit my       being eaten by deer over their wide
    This report should not be viewed       greatest attachment to the land         elevational range.
as a complete account of the               and oceans and their biota lies in
                                           California, with Isle Royale the next       After my prolonged Ph.D, I
mushroom species present at these                                                  moved east to join studies of wolves
sites. Our focus was on fleshy and         closest one. After that, Minnesota
                                           certainly holds the greatest interest   and moose at Isle Royale National
readily decayed species, not the                                                   Park, as part of a team from Purdue
                                           for me.
better known bracket and shelf fungi.                                              University. After three years of wolf
When collecting was good, small                I grew up in central, coastal       studies in winter and the browsing
                                           California, and from an early age       patterns of moose year round, I took
species or single specimens had to
                                           was fascinated with the flora of        a faculty position at Yale, while still
be ignored, as the documentation           the Santa Cruz mountains and the
required for a collection exceeded                                                 continuing studies at Isle Royale.
                                           birds of San Francisco Bay. My
our capacity to handle them. Some          high-school summers were spent              Our team there pioneered
specimens had deteriorated between         working for the concessionaire          research on the physiology and
visits, which were approximately           in Yosemite Valley, from which I        ecology of sodium in moose,
                                           began exploring the surrounding         having discovered that the level
monthly to each site until the end of                                              of this essential mineral in all the
August, when more frequent trips           wilderness, and eventually became
                                           a devout admirer of John Muir.          terrestrial plants they eat was well
were made. Some Lepiota species                                                    below their minimum requirements.
were in good condition for only a               I was drafted in the Army in the   We found that moose compensate
day or so after rains. Also, different     early 1950s and ended my tour with      by consuming submerged aquatic
species are known to appear in             a year at Ft. Lewis Washington –        plants in shallow warm waters
                                           within sight of Mt Rainier. It was      during summer.         These plants,
successive years at a site, so a
                                           my great fortune to have a colleague    such as species of Potamogeton,
complete survey requires several           who was an experienced climber,
years.                                                                             concentrate sodium from waters
                                           leading to many weekends on the         containing extremely low levels of
    Nevertheless,      this     report     rocks and glaciers. That experience     this mineral.
provides a first approximation of          in turn shifted my professional goals
                                           towards natural-resource science            In 1974 I joined the wildlife
mushroom diversity at these sites                                                  faculty at the University of
and a considerable increase in our         and management.
                                                                                   Minnesota and have continued
knowledge of Minnesota mushroom                I returned to college and pursued   here, even after retiring in 2003,
diversity.                                 a degree in wildlife conservation       with my studies of moose impact
                                           at the University of California         on forest vegetation at Isle Royale.
                                           Berkeley. My academic advisor was       Additional work with students in
Free Landscape Tour                        Starker Leopold, oldest son of Aldo
   The Ramsey-Washington Metro                                                     Minnesota has included the effects
                                           – whom up to that point, I’d never      of intense forest management on
Watershed District will conduct a          heard of. Also, without appreciating
free tour of four landscapes from                                                  forage for moose, deer, and hares in
                                           its academic/scientific significance,   the Superior National Forest, and the
5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3.             I had ended up studying among
Each area was designed to protect                                                  effects of deer on herbaceous plants
                                           the top researchers on vertebrate       in southeastern Minnesota, the latter
and improve water quality and              animals within the western U.S.
natural resources and has received                                                 being done jointly with Lee Frelich.
                                           Even before graduating, I had a job     Also over the years, I’ve been
an ecology award. The tour begins          with a research group working on
at the watershed district’s office,                                                fortunate to work abroad on wildlife
                                           range improvement for deer.             with students in India, Nepal, Israel,
2665 Noel Drive, Little Canada.
Participants will then board a bus             This soon led me into graduate      Costa Rica, and Quebec plus my
to visit three other sites. To register,   work, which eventually led to a         own minor studies in Sweden and
contact Shelly Meiser at shelly@           Ph.D on ecology and management          Alaska, and recently, even some or call 651-792-7965.            of migratory deer in the Sierra         follow-up work on my Sierra
Nevada study area. Besides research
in Minnesota, I was involved with
an unsuccessful attempt to re-                                                    Plant Lore
                                                                                  by Thor Kommedahl
establish woodland caribou to the
far-northeastern corner of our state.                                             What is goldthread?
I am also working with students to                                                    Goldthread, also called canker
restore more native vegetation to a                                               root, is Coptis trifolia and a member
patch of natural habitat, the Sarita                                              of the buttercup family.
Wetland, on the University’s St.                                                  How did it get its names?
Paul campus, and I’m currently on                                                     Goldthread describes the golden-
the DNR Commissioner’s advisory                                                   yellow, threadlike rhizomes. Coptis
committee on scientific and natural                                               comes from a Greek word kopto,
areas.                                                                            meaning “to cut” – referring to the
                                                                                  dissected leaves. Trifolia refers to
    I must admit, however, that de-
                                                                                  the three-parted leaves. Rhizomes
spite my many years in Minnesota,
                                                                                  were chewed to relieve canker sores,
my knowledge of our native flora
                                                                                  hence the name canker root.
remains quite limited. I try, how-
ever, to compensate by maintaining                                                What does it look like?
ties with young botanical experts                                                     Goldthread is a mat-forming
such as Andrés Morantes and Otto                                                  perennial with bright yellow,
Gockman.                                                                          threadlike rhizomes and three-lobed,
                                                                                  shiny, evergreen leaves resembling
Otto Gockman                                                                      strawberry leaves. Five white
   I have been a member of the                                                    “petals” (really sepals) appear from
Minnesota Native Plant Society                                                    May through July. Petals are club-
on and off since high school. I                                                   like and not conspicuous. It appears
live in St. Paul and currently work                                               to have no stem.
as a botanist at Midwest Natural                                                  Where does it grow?
Resources,      an      environmental                                                 It is native to northeastern
consulting company based out of                                                   Minnesota in coniferous forests,
St. Paul. I have been interested in                                               swamps, bogs, and road banks –
native plants, conservation, lichens,                                             in thickets, mossy places, cedar
etc. for as long as I can remember. I                                             swamps, and in damp woods. It forms
believe that my work as well as my                                                endomycorrhizal associations.
personal experiences with our native     Photos of Goldthread (Coptis
ecosystems will contribute greatly                                                Is it edible, poisonous or
                                         trifolia) are by Peter Dziuk.            medicinal?
towards the goals of MNNPS.                                                           It is neither edible nor poisonous.
Mike Lynch                              DNR wants photos of                       The rhizome is highly astringent
   I am a graduate of the University    Itasca State Park                         and contains berberine, noted for its
of Minnesota (2010) in Applied              Volunteers are invited to take        anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
Plant Science. I became interested      high quality digital pictures of          properties. Thus it was widely used
in native plants after helping my       Itasca State Park, including its flora,   in 19th century America for mouth
in-laws begin to restore their          fauna and scenic outlooks. Specific       sores. For a while it was listed in
degraded oak savanna. I made it         photos of people interacting within       the U.S. Pharmacopaeia.
my mission to learn the scientific      the park are also needed. Volunteers      Are there other uses?
names of all species native to this     will work with little direction and           Peter Kalm in 1749 reported
area. I have recently spent free        must have experience with digital         that leaves and stalks were used by
time volunteering for Great River       photography and appropriate digital       Indians to give a fine yellow color to
Greening and exploring the various      camera equipment. They will name          animal skins, and the French learned
parks and natural areas in the Twin     and catalogue all of the digital photos   this from them to dye wool and other
Cities. One of my favorite things       they take. The time commitment is         materials. It is considered indicative
to do is to introduce the public to     variable throughout the summer and        of minerotrophic water (water that
the beauty of the natural landscape.    fall. For more information, contact       carries mineral nutrients into the
My favorite plant is Anise-scented      Connie Cox at 218-699-7259 or             peat) in peatlands. Ruffed grouse eat
hyssop (Agastache foeniculum).          e-mail          foliage in limited amounts.
Minnesota Native Plant Society
P.O. Box 20401
Bloomington, MN 55420

Summer 2011

                      Take MN Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul.
                      Go west on Butler 0.2 mile to Stassen Lane.
                      Go south on Stassen Lane to Thompson County Park.

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Summer 2011 Minnesota Plant Press

  • 1. Minnesota Plant Press The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter Volume 30 Number 3 Summer 2011 Monthly meetings Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge Plants and Politics by Scott Milburn, MNNPS president Thompson County Park The recent state government shutdown serves as a sad chapter in the 360 Butler Ave. E., state’s history, and it will likely have continued impacts once the budget West St. Paul, MN 55118 is finalized. These include lost revenue from money typically spent during Programs this period on natural resources, including such items as fishing licenses and The Minnesota Native Plant camping permits at the state parks. Not only did these impacts affect state Society meets the first Thursday coffers, but they also hurt the businesses that rely on summer travelers. in October, November, December, February, March, April, May, and I am greatly disappointed with those politicians who seem to serve only June. Check at out of self-interest rather than serving to represent the best interests of the for more program information. general population. With that, I encourage our members to make a special 6 p.m. — Social period effort this year to take a trip somewhere new in the state and to visit a state 7 – 9 p.m. — Program, Society park or one of our great Scientific and Natural Areas. In doing so, each one business of us can support the various local economies and, ultimately, Minnesota Oct. 6: “Delays in Nitrogen itself. Cycling and Population Another positive benefit of these trips is that each one of us can learn Oscillations in Wild Rice during the process, from finding an unfamiliar plant to seeing a unique Ecosystems,” by Dr. John Pastor, professor, Department of Biology, U landform. This also provides an opportunity for our members to contribute of M, Duluth. Plant-of-the-Month: what they are seeing on our blog or in the newsletter. Wild Rice (Zizania palustris), also Travelling around the state also makes one appreciate Minnesota and by Dr. Pastor. the fact that we still have intact natural areas, especially compared with other states in the cornbelt. Think Katy Chayka creates Plant XID-CD Updates about all of the diversity and great Minnesota wildflower by Ron Huber landscapes from the North Shore to Bruce Barnes has updated the field guide on internet Minnesota and the Great Plains the Prairie Coteau, from the Aspen Katy Chayka, who supervises plant identification XID-CDs. Parklands to the Driftless Area, and the MNNPS blog, has created Improvements include more than the great adventures to be had. Minnesota Wildflowers, an online In this issue 1,900 new or higher resolution field guide with details about more images and nomenclatural changes than 500 Minnesota wildflowers. conforming to those in Welby New members ..........................2 Peter Dziuk, a former Society board Smith’s Trees and Shrubs of Society news ..........................2 member, donated about 50,000 Minnesota. Prices remain the same Wetland Plants book review....3 photos to the project. —$70 Minnesota, $150 Great Hastings field trip.....................3 Katy’s website (www. Plains. If you purchased an earlier Minnesota mushrooms ...........4 version, e-mail Bruce at New board members ..............6 organizes plants by color, time and he will send the Landscape tour ........................6 of bloom, and scientific name. newly updated CD for a $6 shipping DNR photo opportunity .........7 Information includes a detailed charge. (We have provided him with Plant Lore: Goldthread ............7 description, habitat, and a map. the names of all previous buyers.)
  • 2. MNNPS welcomes Maddy Minn.; Papermaster, Marine, MNNPS Board new members Wendy Paulsen, Chisago City, of Directors The Society gives a warm Minn.; welcome to 23 new members who Ron Spinosa, St. Paul; President: Scott Milburn, scott. joined during the second quarter of Lisa Steidl, Coon Rapids, Minn.; 2011. Listed alphabetically, they Tavis Westbrook, Duluth, Minn. Vice President: Shirley Mah are: Kooyman, shirley.mah.kooyman@ Barbara Asmus, St. Louis Park, Patience, please Minn.; Joseph M. Beattie, Hastings, if you use PayPal Secretary, program coordinator: by Ron Huber Andrés Morantes, andres. Minn.; If you prefer to pay your dues Kristen Blann, Cushing, Minn.; using PayPal, please remember to Treasurers, membership data base: Marshal Braman, no data (PayPal); patiently wait for the pop-up of the Ron and Cathy Huber, ron.huber@ Christina Crowther, Chanhassen, membership data form. Otherwise, Minn.; we have no info about you except Ken Arndt, board member, field Christine Dolph, Minneapolis; for the e-mail shown. That may not trip chair, Ann Fallon, Afton, Minn.; Jason Garms, St. Paul; be the one that you want to use when Michael Bourdaghs, board member, Anna Gerenday, Afton, Minn.; receiving newsletters, postcards, Leslie Gillette, Hopkins, Minn.; etc. Thank you for your patience. Elizabeth Heck, board member, Brian Goodspeed, Falcon Heights, webmaster, elizabeth.heck@mnnps. Minn.; Treasurers’ report org Happy Dancing Turtle, Pine River, Treasurers Ron and Cathy Huber Daniel Jones, board member, Minn.; reported that in the second quarter Steve Heiskary, Lino Lakes, Minn.; of 2011, income exceeded expenses Debra Henninger, Arden Hills, by $4,964.72. Income included: Dylan Lueth, board member, dylan. Minn.; Symposium, $6,228; plant sale, Marcel Jouseau, St. Paul; $434; membership dues, $2,831. Elizabeth Nixon, board member, Kelly Kallock, Minneapolis; Expenses included: Symposium, conservation committee chair, beth. Tom Meersman, Minneapolis; $4,216.51; printing, $878.91; Minnesota Life College, Richfield, postage, $296.92. Assets totaled Erika Rowe, board member, erika. Minn.; $22,035.61. Field Trips: fieldtrips.mnnps@ Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose Memberships: memberships. (Abbreviated from the bylaws) This organization is exclusively organized and operated for educational and scientific purposes, including the following. Historian-Archives: Roy Robison, historian-archives.mnnps@mnnps. 1. Conservation of all native plants. org 2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences. Technical or membership 3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant inquiries: contact.mnnps@mnnps. life. org 4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to Minnesota. Minnesota Plant Press Editor: Gerry Drewry, 651-463-8006; 5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation, ecosytems. 6. Preservation of native plants, plant communities, and scientific and natural areas. MNNPS questions? 7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural Go to for resources and scenic features. answers. The Society blog is there, 8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through news about field trips, meetings, meetings, lectures, workshops, and field trips. and committees, and all issues of this newsletter since 1982. 2
  • 3. Book review Snow trillium is highlight of Wetland Plants of Minnesota: a Complete Guide to the Aquatic field trip to Hastings SNA and Wetland Plants of the North Twenty Society members spent Star State, by Steve W. Chadde, the afternoon of April 23 hiking and published by CreateSpace, 2011, studying early spring wildflowers paperback, 614 pages, $39. May be during a field trip to the Hastings downloaded at Scientific and Natural Area. Review by Michael Bourdaghs Seeing the rare snow trillium In 1998, Steve Chadde authored (Trillium nivale) in bloom (photo A Great Lakes Wetland Flora, at right) was the highlight of the which quickly became indispensible afternoon. The trip was led by Scott for wetland botanists working in Milburn, MNNPS president, and the Upper Midwest. It provided Ken Arndt, board member. nearly comprehensive coverage Future field trips are being of the wetland and aquatic species planned. Watch the website (www. in a single compact volume. That for details. These was an improvement over both photos are by Ken Arndt. simpler guides that tend to lack coverage as well as full blown taxonomic treatments that are often cumbersome in the field. Updates and improvements have been made in subsequent editions, with the second in 2002 and the third released in February 2011. It is from this newest edition that Steve Chadde has compiled Wetland Plants Of Minnesota. As with the previous guides, Wetland Plants of Minnesota includes the approximately 900 species that commonly occur in wetland and aquatic habitats in the state, but it is more specifically geared to Minnesota. Following introductory materials, the book is organized by range map, habitat information, line some cases, Minnesota specific major taxonomic groups: Ferns and drawings, and in some cases black- habitat information has been Fern Allies, Gymnosperms, and two and-white photography. Many provided. Brief explanations of Angiosperm (Dicots and Monocots) improvements have been made in many of the genus names have sections. The keys are technical the species descriptions, compared been provided. The white water lily and dichotomous, where the with previous editions. The addition genus – Nymphaea: “Water goddess observer must rely on knowledge of the photography also aids in Greek mythology” is a good of taxonomic terminology and close identification. example. observation. Species distribution maps have Wetland Plants of Minnesota is The great advantage of the guide previously been available only from an outstanding botanical resource. is that the keys are limited to the sources separate from taxonomic Its comprehensive coverage, keys, Minnesota wetland species and are treatments. Having the physical and detailed species information thereby simplified. Each species has characteristics, map, line drawings make it a must have for the wetland a complete description that includes and photos for a species all in one professional and a great guide for physical characteristics, a county place is a great convenience. In the botanical enthusiast. 3
  • 4. Minnesota mushrooms: then and now by David J. McLaughlin, ecological relationships, just as a and self-digesting gills that produce Department of Plant Biology, and genealogical tree explains facial the “ink.” Coprinus was placed in Bell Museum of Natural History, and other physical similarities, as the family Coprinaceae with some University of Minnesota, St. Paul well as our susceptibility to some other black-spored mushrooms, ailments. The goal of the Tree of Life With the support of the such as Psathyrella, which lacks projects is to provide a classification Minnesota DNR, some students, a the inky gills. The Fungal Tree of that reflects the actual relationships Life studies revealed that Coprinus volunteer and I carried out a survey among species. was actually four groups (genera) of of mushrooms in western Minnesota between May and October 2007. The Mushrooms are produced by two mushrooms that had independently survey was motivated by the limited great groups (phyla) of fungi, the developed the ability to form inky documentation for larger fungi in Ascomycota or sac fungi and the caps. Three were related to each the western part of the state. This is Basidiomycota or club fungi. The other and to Psathyrella, but the a progress report on that survey. common names for these groups refer fourth was related to the button to the structures on which their sexual mushroom Agaricus, including the But first we will consider how type of Coprinus, i.e., the species to spores are formed. We will focus recent advances in classification which the genus name is attached. here on the club fungi, specifically of fungi, an outcome of a national Coprinus was then transferred to the gilled (agarics), non-gilled research program on the Tree the Agaricaceae. Thus, we ended up (boletes, polypores, coral fungi, of Life and related projects, are with the family Coprinaceae without teeth fungi, and chanterelles) and changing our view of how different Coprinus, and a new family name the gasteroid (puffballs, earthstars, mushroom forms are related and was chosen — Psathyrellaceae for bird’s nest fungi, stinkhorns and how these changes affect scientific the remaining three groups of inky false truffles) mushrooms. They names. Then we will review the caps, each with a new genus name, were classified in the 19th century survey results. The “Then” in the and Psathyrella as the type of the in three large groups (orders or title refers to the old classification new family. These name changes class): the Aphyllophorales for non- for mushrooms, the “Now” to the are disconcerting for the scientist gilled mushrooms, the Agaricales new classification. The “Then” and non-scientist alike, but they lead for gilled mushrooms and the also refers to our knowledge of to greater stability in names in the Gasteromycetes for gasteroid forms, mushroom distribution before the long run and a better understanding whose fruiting bodies remained survey; the “Now” refers to the of the organisms. closed until maturity. This was a hundreds of new county records and convenient classification system for some new state records. Mushroom survey mushrooms because it required only Documentation for Minnesota Mushroom classification the external form of the mushroom to mushrooms has accumulated The Fungal Tree of Life classify them. But, it also disguised erratically. From 1885 to 1910, project was designed to develop a who was related to whom. mushrooms were studied as part comprehensive phylogenetic tree for The Fungal Tree of Life project of the Natural History Survey of fungi, using molecular and structural has upended the earlier classification Minnesota. Between 1910 and characters. A phylogenetic tree with mushrooms now spread across 1960, major fungal studies were reveals relationships among species, 14 orders and with many different concerned with plant diseases. In just as a genealogical tree reveals the mushroom forms in each order. the 1960s, a renewed interest in relationships between members of Naturally, this has an impact on the study of mushrooms began, but our family and connections to other the scientific names of mushrooms. the documentation for mushrooms people’s families. A phylogenetic A good example is the inky caps. within the state is far from complete. tree has predictive value, helping Formerly all inky caps were classified Computerization of the fungal to explain changes among species in a single genus, Coprinus, which collections within the Bell Museum in their form, internal structure and was distinguished by its black spores began in the 1990s and now makes it 4
  • 5. possible to determine the records by as part of the BOLD: Barcode are no recent reports on its presence county or management area, such as of Life Database project www. in Minnesota. a state park or forest. These records The ITS, or Another benefit of the survey is can be accessed at http://ssrs.cfans. internal transcribed spacer region that we are beginning to understand of nuclear ribosomal DNA, is being the distribution of some of the A check of mushroom records proposed as the first fungal barcode, species and how they relate to by county in western Minnesota i.e., a piece of DNA that can be the four biomes that make plant showed that almost all counties used to identify a species. The ITS distributions in the state of special were unsurveyed except for those sequences have aided in some of the interest, but also make it vulnerable in the vicinity of Itasca State Park, recent identifications. It should be to rapid climate warming. For where the University of Minnesota noted that keys to many mushroom example, we now have a second state Biological Station is located. genera are inadequate, and primary record for Russula pulverulenta. It Eight trips to Western Minnesota literature must be used. This is is now known from Rice and Lyons were made to survey mushroom especially true for Cortinarius, counties, a southern distribution diversity between May and October Entoloma, Pluteus, Russula, and in the state that suggests it may be 2007. We chose sites with a variety Tricholoma. A monograph for North restricted to the deciduous forest of habitats, including some that American species of Psathyrella by biome and river valley forests in would remain moist in dry weather Smith, 1972, is comprehensive but the grassland biome. The bolete so that mushrooms might be found difficult to use. Maj Padamsee, who Paragyrodon sphaerosporus is during drier periods. Two graduate recently completed a Ph.D. project a very distinctive species with a students, Bryn Dentinger and Maj on the genus, is responsible for these heavy rubbery veil which protects Padamsee, a post-baccalaureate identifications. the spore-forming layer. It is a mid- student, Tom Jenkinson, and a All collections are new county continental endemic. In Minnesota volunteer, Esther McLaughlin, records based on the data in it is well known from the deciduous assisted with the survey. Four sites the University Herbarium. The forest biome and is recorded for the became the primary focus of the following appear to be new state first time from the grassland biome, survey: Kilen Woods State Park, records: Conocybe cf. siennophylla, again in river valley forests. At Kilen Jackson Co.; Camden State Park, Coprinellus tigrinellus, Coprinopsis Woods State Park it seems well Lyon Co.; Smoky Hills State Forest, coniophora, Cortinarius cf. adapted to the wood edge adjacent Becker Co. (MCBS site E4); Paul alnetorum, Cortinarius gutatus, to the upland prairies. Bunyon State Forest, Hubbard Co. Galerina decipiens, Laccaria Both saprotrophic and (MCBS site T6). trichodermophila, Lactarius mycorrhizal species were well Approximately 300 collections nancyae, Psathyrella lepidotoides, represented at Kilen Woods and were obtained. Collecting was Psathyrella obtusata, Ramaria Camden State Parks, with the latter limited until heavy rains in August. myceliosa, and Russula fontqueri. mainly appearing in late August Fifty-five percent of the collections Some of these collections will through October. Some species were obtained in late August to need further study to confirm fruited abundantly in both state early Oct. Most are documented the identification. The number parks. In Smoky Hills State Forest with photographs, and many include of new state records makes it MCBS site E4 is especially rich descriptions and spore prints. clear that the state is very poorly in saprotrophic species and seems Collections are being processed for known mycologically, especially well adapted to their fruiting, as inclusion in the Fungal Collection, considering that collection new species were found regularly University Herbarium, Bell identification is continuing. throughout the survey. Mycorrhizal Museum. Specimens are essential if The following collections are species were never common, we are to successfully document the mentioned in publications but are despite the presence of a diversity fungi of Minnesota, a goal needed undocumented in the University of appropriate host tree species. to establish baseline information Herbarium: Neolecta irregularis and Psathyrella typhae. Neolecta Paul Bunyon State Forest on these species that interact in MCBS site T6 is very sandy and many ways with plants, especially irregularis is an especially interesting find, as it fruits late in the dominated by red and jack pines. It the mycorrhizal species that grow produced few mushrooms until late with tree roots and aid the plant in fall and produces brilliant yellow, club-shaped fruiting bodies. It was in the season, when a considerable mineral uptake and defense. diversity of mycorrhizal species collected near Itasca State Park, one Genetic sequences have been of the better surveyed areas in the were present. These included five obtained for some of the collections state. Thus, it is surprising that there Continued on page 6 5
  • 6. Mushrooms Continued from page 5 Introducing three new board members of Cortinarius and the very striking striking Gomphus floccosus and Neolecta irregularis, but boletes, Nevada. A significant portion of which would be expected with pines, were scarce. Dr. Peter Jordan my efforts was on the plant species To be honest, I must admit my being eaten by deer over their wide This report should not be viewed greatest attachment to the land elevational range. as a complete account of the and oceans and their biota lies in California, with Isle Royale the next After my prolonged Ph.D, I mushroom species present at these moved east to join studies of wolves sites. Our focus was on fleshy and closest one. After that, Minnesota certainly holds the greatest interest and moose at Isle Royale National readily decayed species, not the Park, as part of a team from Purdue for me. better known bracket and shelf fungi. University. After three years of wolf When collecting was good, small I grew up in central, coastal studies in winter and the browsing California, and from an early age patterns of moose year round, I took species or single specimens had to was fascinated with the flora of a faculty position at Yale, while still be ignored, as the documentation the Santa Cruz mountains and the required for a collection exceeded continuing studies at Isle Royale. birds of San Francisco Bay. My our capacity to handle them. Some high-school summers were spent Our team there pioneered specimens had deteriorated between working for the concessionaire research on the physiology and visits, which were approximately in Yosemite Valley, from which I ecology of sodium in moose, began exploring the surrounding having discovered that the level monthly to each site until the end of of this essential mineral in all the August, when more frequent trips wilderness, and eventually became a devout admirer of John Muir. terrestrial plants they eat was well were made. Some Lepiota species below their minimum requirements. were in good condition for only a I was drafted in the Army in the We found that moose compensate day or so after rains. Also, different early 1950s and ended my tour with by consuming submerged aquatic species are known to appear in a year at Ft. Lewis Washington – plants in shallow warm waters within sight of Mt Rainier. It was during summer. These plants, successive years at a site, so a my great fortune to have a colleague such as species of Potamogeton, complete survey requires several who was an experienced climber, years. concentrate sodium from waters leading to many weekends on the containing extremely low levels of Nevertheless, this report rocks and glaciers. That experience this mineral. provides a first approximation of in turn shifted my professional goals towards natural-resource science In 1974 I joined the wildlife mushroom diversity at these sites faculty at the University of and a considerable increase in our and management. Minnesota and have continued knowledge of Minnesota mushroom I returned to college and pursued here, even after retiring in 2003, diversity. a degree in wildlife conservation with my studies of moose impact at the University of California on forest vegetation at Isle Royale. Berkeley. My academic advisor was Additional work with students in Free Landscape Tour Starker Leopold, oldest son of Aldo The Ramsey-Washington Metro Minnesota has included the effects – whom up to that point, I’d never of intense forest management on Watershed District will conduct a heard of. Also, without appreciating free tour of four landscapes from forage for moose, deer, and hares in its academic/scientific significance, the Superior National Forest, and the 5 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 3. I had ended up studying among Each area was designed to protect effects of deer on herbaceous plants the top researchers on vertebrate in southeastern Minnesota, the latter and improve water quality and animals within the western U.S. natural resources and has received being done jointly with Lee Frelich. Even before graduating, I had a job Also over the years, I’ve been an ecology award. The tour begins with a research group working on at the watershed district’s office, fortunate to work abroad on wildlife range improvement for deer. with students in India, Nepal, Israel, 2665 Noel Drive, Little Canada. Participants will then board a bus This soon led me into graduate Costa Rica, and Quebec plus my to visit three other sites. To register, work, which eventually led to a own minor studies in Sweden and contact Shelly Meiser at shelly@ Ph.D on ecology and management Alaska, and recently, even some or call 651-792-7965. of migratory deer in the Sierra follow-up work on my Sierra 6
  • 7. Nevada study area. Besides research in Minnesota, I was involved with an unsuccessful attempt to re- Plant Lore by Thor Kommedahl establish woodland caribou to the far-northeastern corner of our state. What is goldthread? I am also working with students to Goldthread, also called canker restore more native vegetation to a root, is Coptis trifolia and a member patch of natural habitat, the Sarita of the buttercup family. Wetland, on the University’s St. How did it get its names? Paul campus, and I’m currently on Goldthread describes the golden- the DNR Commissioner’s advisory yellow, threadlike rhizomes. Coptis committee on scientific and natural comes from a Greek word kopto, areas. meaning “to cut” – referring to the dissected leaves. Trifolia refers to I must admit, however, that de- the three-parted leaves. Rhizomes spite my many years in Minnesota, were chewed to relieve canker sores, my knowledge of our native flora hence the name canker root. remains quite limited. I try, how- ever, to compensate by maintaining What does it look like? ties with young botanical experts Goldthread is a mat-forming such as Andrés Morantes and Otto perennial with bright yellow, Gockman. threadlike rhizomes and three-lobed, shiny, evergreen leaves resembling Otto Gockman strawberry leaves. Five white I have been a member of the “petals” (really sepals) appear from Minnesota Native Plant Society May through July. Petals are club- on and off since high school. I like and not conspicuous. It appears live in St. Paul and currently work to have no stem. as a botanist at Midwest Natural Where does it grow? Resources, an environmental It is native to northeastern consulting company based out of Minnesota in coniferous forests, St. Paul. I have been interested in swamps, bogs, and road banks – native plants, conservation, lichens, in thickets, mossy places, cedar etc. for as long as I can remember. I swamps, and in damp woods. It forms believe that my work as well as my endomycorrhizal associations. personal experiences with our native Photos of Goldthread (Coptis ecosystems will contribute greatly Is it edible, poisonous or trifolia) are by Peter Dziuk. medicinal? towards the goals of MNNPS. It is neither edible nor poisonous. Mike Lynch DNR wants photos of The rhizome is highly astringent I am a graduate of the University Itasca State Park and contains berberine, noted for its of Minnesota (2010) in Applied Volunteers are invited to take anti-inflammatory and antibacterial Plant Science. I became interested high quality digital pictures of properties. Thus it was widely used in native plants after helping my Itasca State Park, including its flora, in 19th century America for mouth in-laws begin to restore their fauna and scenic outlooks. Specific sores. For a while it was listed in degraded oak savanna. I made it photos of people interacting within the U.S. Pharmacopaeia. my mission to learn the scientific the park are also needed. Volunteers Are there other uses? names of all species native to this will work with little direction and Peter Kalm in 1749 reported area. I have recently spent free must have experience with digital that leaves and stalks were used by time volunteering for Great River photography and appropriate digital Indians to give a fine yellow color to Greening and exploring the various camera equipment. They will name animal skins, and the French learned parks and natural areas in the Twin and catalogue all of the digital photos this from them to dye wool and other Cities. One of my favorite things they take. The time commitment is materials. It is considered indicative to do is to introduce the public to variable throughout the summer and of minerotrophic water (water that the beauty of the natural landscape. fall. For more information, contact carries mineral nutrients into the My favorite plant is Anise-scented Connie Cox at 218-699-7259 or peat) in peatlands. Ruffed grouse eat hyssop (Agastache foeniculum). e-mail foliage in limited amounts. 7
  • 8. Minnesota Native Plant Society P.O. Box 20401 Bloomington, MN 55420 Summer 2011 Directions: Take MN Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul. Go west on Butler 0.2 mile to Stassen Lane. Go south on Stassen Lane to Thompson County Park.