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Minnesota Plant Press
                                         The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter

Volume 24 Number 2                                                                                  Winter 2005

     Monthly meetings
  Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge
                                              Symposium on bogs
      Visitor Center, 3815 East 80th St.
       Bloomington, MN 55425-1600             and fens to be April 6
                952-854-5900                  by Karen Schik
 6:30 p.m. — Building east door opens           Registration will soon be open for the 2005 MNPS Symposium:
 6:30 p.m. — Refreshments,                    Bogs And Fens — Minnesota’s Mysterious Mires. It will be held April
             information, Room A              6, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Warner Nature Center in Marine on St. Croix.
 7 – 9 p.m — Program, society business
 7:30 p.m. — Building door is locked          The charming center, just 40 minutes northeast of St. Paul, is
 9:00 p.m. — Building closes                  surrounded by woods and overlooks a bog – a perfect place for native
                                              plant enthusiasts!
                                                Visit the new Web site ( for registration details and
  The MNPS meets the first Thursday in        to download a registration form, which will be available soon.
October, November, December, February,        Registration brochures will also be mailed to MNPS members. Please
March, April, May, and June. Check the        note: space for the symposium is very limited, so register early for
Web site for more program information.        this popular topic. A special attraction this year will be unscheduled
Feb 3: “Botanical Survey of Lyle-Austin,      time to visit the nature center’s real bog and indoor bog exhibit.
Minn., Wildlife Management Area:
Prairie Remnants of the Chicago Great         Speakers and Topics:
Western Railroad,” by Paul Bockenstedt,       • Introduction to Bogs and Fens — Paul Glaser, senior research
restoration ecologist, Bonestroo Natural      associate, Limnological Research Center, University of Minnesota.
Resources. Plant-of-the Month: Sweet          • The Flora of Minnesota’s Last Frontier: Characteristic Vascular
coneflower, by Bockenstedt.                   Plants of Fens and Bogs — Scott Zager, plant ecologist, Wildlands
March 3: “Wetland Restoration at              Ecological Services.
Pioneer Park, Blaine, Anoka County,”
                                              • Hydrology of Bogs and Fens — Jeanette Leete, hydrogeologist
by Jason Husveth, Critical Connections
Ecological Services, Inc. Plant-of-the        supervisor, DNR Waters.
Month: Jason’s choice.                        • Patterned Peatlands — Paul Glaser.
April 7: “Hardwood forest decline             • Saving Savage Fen — Steve Eggers, senior ecologist, U.S. Army
syndrome: The synergistic impact of deer      Corps of Engineers, St. Paul.
and invasive earthworms,” by Lee Frelich,
U of Minn.; Plant-of-Month: botrychium.       • Large-Scale Bog Restoration         In this issue
                                              for Wetland Mitigation —
May 5: Native Grass Identification                                              MNPS board, purpose.......... 2
                                              Thomas Malterer, program
Workshop, by Anita Cholewa, Ph.D,                                               Think Native seed grant....... 2
                                              director, University of Minnesota
curator of temperate plants, J.F. Bell                                          Outdoor opportunities........ 3
Museum of Natural History. POM: TBD.          Duluth Natural Resources
                                              Research Institute.               Little bluestem research........4
June 2: Program TBD. Annual Plant Sale                                          Bird habitats, numbers..........5
open to the public.                           • SNA Program: Successes and
                                                                                Garlic mustard control..........5
                                              Opportunities         —      Bob
New MNPS Web site                             Djupstrom, program supervisor,    American lotus..................... 6                                 DNR Scientific and Natural        Lance-leaved violet.............. 7
e-mail:                       Areas Program.                    New Jersey tea (Plant Lore) 7
Century College                           transfers to the University of
                                                                                   MNPS Board of
                                          Minnesota, as well as occupational
accepts Think                             certificates, diplomas, and an           Directors
Native seed grant                         associate of applied science.              President: Jason Husveth,
by Dianne Plunkett Latham, chair            Century College connects students      Critical Connections Ecological
of the MNPS Think Native program          with the community through service       Services Inc., 14758 Ostlund Trail
  Horticulture Instructor Ginny           learning projects. Last fall, students   N., Marine on St. Croix, MN; 651-
Coyle and 11 of her students in the       in Coyle’s Biology of Horticultural      247-0474;
Century College Horticulture              Crops class collected seed from
                                          “Jim’s Prairie” for Ginny Gaynor,          Vice-President: Scott Milburn,
Program accepted the MNPS Think
                                          open spaces coordinator in               744 James Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102;
Native seed grant at the Nov. 4                                                    651-261-4381;
MNPS meeting. The seeds will be           Maplewood. Students in the
                                          Herbaceous Plants class this   
used to develop native plantings on
their campus in White Bear Lake.          semester sowed the seed and will           Secretary: Karen Schik, 13860
With the Century College                  return the plants they grew to the       236th St. N., Scandia, MN 55073;
greenhouses, they are able to             Maplewood Nature Center for prairie      651-433-5254 (h), 651-222-2193
propagate plants from cuttings,           restoration. Joy Cedarleaf, a biology    (w);
divisions, or seeds to expand campus      instructor, teaches field biology and
                                                                                    Treasurer: David Johnson, 6437
gardens or to share with other            restoration ecology at the college.      Baker Ave. N.E., Fridley, MN 55432;
organizations. There are a wide           Coyle will coordinate plantings with     763-571-6278;
variety of growing conditions on          Cedarleaf ’s classes as well, to
campus, and many areas are visible        involve as many students as possible.      Ken Arndt, 2577 Co. Rd. F, White
to the public.                            Last summer a pest management            Bear Twp., MN 55110; 651-426-
                                          class was also offered. Anyone           8174;
  For many years, the horticulture
program at Century College was            interested in the horticulture program     Ron Huber, 2521 Jones Place W.,
solely represented by satellite           at Century College should contact        Bloomington, MN 55431-2837; 952-
programs at Stillwater and Lino           Ginny Coyle at 651-773-1726, ext.        886-0783;
Lakes Correctional Facilities. When       2, or
                                                                                     Shirley Mah Kooyman, 4520
the Department of Corrections                                                      Terraceview Lane N., Plymouth, MN
cancelled its contract with the college   MNPS Listserve                           55446; 952-443-1419 (w), 763-559-
to provide vocational horticulture          Send a message that includes the       3114 (h);
education in prisons, horticulture was    word “subscribe” or “unsubscribe”
reopened on campus. Century               and your name in the body of the
College now offers a two-year             message to:                                Dianne Plunkett Latham, 7013
associate of science degree, which              Comanche Court, Edina, MN
                                                                                   55439-1004; 952-941-3542;
 Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose                                
                                                                                     Douglas Mensing, 5814 Grand
    (Abbreviated from the bylaws)                                                  Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55419;
      This organization is exclusively organized and operated for educational      612-926-8637 (H);
    and scientific purposes, including the following:                    
    1. Conservation of all native plants.                                            Program Chair: Linda Huhn,
    2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences.                  2553 Dupont Ave. S., Minneapolis,
    3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant         MN 55405; 612-374-1435
    4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to                Listserv Coordinator: Charles
    Minnesota.                                                                     Umbanhowar,
    5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation and ecosystems.           Minnesota Plant Press editor:
    6. Preservation of special plants, plant communities and scientific and        Gerry Drewry, 24090 Northfield
    natural areas.                                                                 Blvd., Hampton, MN 55031; phone,
    7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural               651-463-8006; fax, 651-463-7086;
    resources and scenic features.                                       
    8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through               Technical or membership
    meetings, lectures, workshops and field trips.                                 inquiries:
MSHS plans June
wildflower, forest                         Volunteer Opportunities
ecology weekend                            at Grey Cloud Dunes SNA
on North Shore                             by Karen Schik
   The Minnesota State Horticultural         Funding for the DNR Scientific and Natural Areas Program was drastically
Society is sponsoring a late spring        reduced in recent years, so the DNR is more than ever in need of volunteers
wildflower and forest ecology              to help manage our highest quality natural areas. In response to that need,
weekend in the Grand Marais area                                                           and as part of the core mission of the
on Lake Superior’s North Shore
Friday, June 3, through Sunday, June
                                           Learn to identify                               society, the MNPS board voted in
                                                                                           2004 to “adopt” Grey Cloud Dunes
5. They will have a series of              winter woody plants SNA in Cottage Grove. We have
exploratory hikes to discover the          at Falls Creek SNA                              committed to work with the DNR
region’s rich diversity of wildflowers                                                     and to assist with management
and forest ecology.                        by Doug Mensing                                 activities at this spectacular dry
                                             On Saturday, March 12, MNPS prairie site along the Mississippi. We
   Naturalist Kent Jones will lead an      Board Members Ken Arndt and Scott will post volunteer opportunities in
interpretive tour of some unique           Milburn will lead a woody plant each newsletter, as well as on the
habitats that will feature the spring      identification field trip to Falls Creek
wildflowers of the boreal forest,                                                          MNPS website. Check back often!
                                           Scientific Natural Area. This is three
northernmost maple-basswood                miles north of Copas on State Burning Desire
forest, northern wetlands and              Highway 95 in Washington County                   Saturday, Feb. 19, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Superior shorelands. Hikes will also       (between Stillwater and Taylor’s Come to Grey Cloud Dunes to burn
include participants’ interests in         Falls).
birds, butterflies, charismatic                                                            brush piles (already stacked). Bring
megafauna, geology, cultural history,        We will meet at 9 a.m. at the something to roast for lunch!
and general forest ecology.                parking lot off of Hwy. 95, where we Brush cutting
   The program begins Friday with          will enter the SNA and hike until                  Saturday March 26, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
a 7 - 9 p.m. wine and snack social at      noon. We will be learning how to Cut, treat and stack honeysuckle.
a location to be announced. Saturday       identify the trees, shrubs, and vines Training and tools provided.
will include two or three hikes            that comprise this type of northern
(depending on the weather) and a           hardwood and coniferous forest by Site Steward
                                           their buds, bark, and form. You will               Any time, any day. In addition to
provided lunch. A Sunday morning
hike will conclude the program.            also learn about the history and group events, individual volunteers
                                           current management practices that are needed to be site stewards at Grey
    Kent Jones worked for over 20          the DNR has implemented for this Cloud Dunes. Site stewards typically
years in the metro area as an              special SNA.                                    make regular (e.g. monthly) site
interpretive naturalist for a variety of
nature centers and the Three Rivers          For more information about Falls visits and report their findings to the
Park District. His love of the north       Creek Scientific Natural Area and a DNR. They record things like new
finally got the best of him in 2001,       map on how to get there, go to invasive species locations and
when he moved to the Grand Marais          w w w. d n r. s t a t e . m n . u s / s n a s / evidence of illegal activities, and do
area. He spends his spare time             sna01057/index.html.                            simple activities like picking up
canoeing, kayaking, and hiking the           The field trip is limited to 25 trash. Being a site steward is a good
north shore area in search of the best     people. Steep slopes will be excuse to do what most of us want to
blueberry patches, unusual                 encountered along the walk down to do anyway — get out to a beautiful
wildflowers, and rare birds.               the creek to the bottom of the ravine. natural area on a regular basis. And
   The cost is $125 per MSHS               Look for more details in the near you’d be doing something valuable
member, $150 for non-members.              future at                        in the process.
This includes snacks and beverages         information on lodging or to pre-                 To sign up for any activity, please
on Friday night, and deli style lunch      register, contact Vicky Vogels, e-mail                      Karen       Schik      at:
on Saturday. Participants must be          community outreach coordinator,        or call: 651-222-
able to hike on uneven ground and          MSHS, at 800-676-6747; 651-643- 2193, ext. 15 (w) or 651-433-5254
be prepared for inclement weather.         3601, ext. 211; or at                           (h). More instructions and directions
Transportation is on your own. For                        will be provided.
percent. Little bluestem appears to
Research evaluates little                                                          be well adapted to diverse growing
                                                                                   conditions and methods of
bluestem varieties for state                                                       propagation.
                                                                                    Competition        study      with
by Mary H. Meyer, associate               identify grass species in the seedling
professor,        Department         of   stage is necessary to determine if the   Miscanthus
Horticultural Science,University of       planting has been successful. Little       This study has not been finalized
Minnesota. This is an abstract of her     bluestem was one of 15 native and        for publication, but in an additive
talk at the May 6, 2004 meeting.          introduced grasses that were             competition study, little bluestem
  Schizachyrium scoparium, or little      analyzed and described in a              was not affected by adding
bluestem, is native to most of the        vegetative key to identify seedlings.    Miscanthus, a non-native ornamental
United States, with the exception of      Little bluestem seedlings have a flat    grass that has been shown to be
the far western states and Florida.       sheath, are folded in the bud, have      invasive in Middle Atlantic States.
Typically an upland grass, little         no auricles, the culm base is often      Little bluestem was not reduced in
bluestem is known for its drought         tinged pink or maroon, and the first     root or shoot growth when grown
tolerance and ability to grow on          tillers fan out in a plane.              with one or two Miscanthus plants
sandy and poor soils. It is a dominant                                             in this 22-week greenhouse
                                          Minnesota population and new             competition study. Thus little
grass in tall- and short-grass prairies   selections
and is found throughout Minnesota.                                                 bluestem is a competitive, adaptable
                                             A spaced planting of 35 Minnesota
  The USDA has released several                                                    native grass.
                                          little bluestem populations was
varieties of Schizachyrium                established in 1996 and 1997.
scoparium, beginning in the 1960s.        Collections were made from parks,        Study predicts
‘Aldous,’ ‘Blaze,’ ‘Camper,’              nature preserves, railroad rights of     broad changes from
‘Cimarron,’ and ‘Pastura’ were the        way, and other natural areas. Seed
result of breeding programs to            was germinated, and plants were          global warming
improve grasses available for forage      established in three replications of        Global warming won’t affect just a
and range use in the central United       eight plants each on the St. Paul        few species of plants and insects —
States. In 1997, the USDA Plant           campus. Plants continue to be            it will challenge many interdependent
Materials Center in Bismarck, N.D.,       evaluated for variation in flower        species, according to a report recently
released ‘Badlands,’ an ecotype           time, height, color, and lodging. In     released by the Wildlife Society.
selected from collections from North      2004, a selection from Benton               Some results of early springs are
and South Dakota. ‘Badlands’ is           County that has been evaluated at        already visible, such as the shrinking
adapted for range seeding, prairie        several Research and Outreach            Porcupine herd of caribou, whose
restoration and prairie landscaping.      Centers was advanced to a new            migration patterns have been
None of these selections are from         release, and a plant patent has been     disrupted. Seasonal ponds in the
Minnesota native little bluestem.         applied       for     Schizachyrium      Midwest are drying up earlier in the
  At the University of Minnesota,         scoparium, ‘Blue Heaven.’TM This         year, affecting ducks. Sugar maples
we have conducted research on little      selection is taller, with dark blue      may disappear from this country as
bluestem in five projects that are        summer foliage color and bright blue     their range moves northward.
described below. All of these             to pink fall color. Commercial              Time factors, such as arrival of
projects, except the competition          growers interested in propagating        predators and pollinators, will be
study, have been published.               this new release should contact the      major concerns. The surging
Seeding date and establishment            U of M for a nonexclusive license.       population of timber-destroying
  In this research, the best planting     Work will continue to identify other     spruce budworms in Minnesota’s
dates for little bluestem were May 1      new ornamental forms of little           boreal forests has been attributed to a
through July 20. Dormant seedings         bluestem.                                northward shift of warblers that once
were not successful for the two years,    Propagation time and aeration            held the worms in check.
1996 and1997, of the project. As          porosity                                    The study also shows that some
expected, rainfall influenced the            Little bluestem plugs and field       ecosystems will not move, but will
success of most seedings.                 divisions grew equally when              vanish. For example, if rising sea
Field seedling identification             propagated in the fall or spring in      levels flood coastal zones, physical
  Identification of grasses without       another study. Both over-wintered        and man-made barriers will prevent
floral parts can be a challenge. In       well and grew adequately in all          wetlands from re-creating themselves
prairie restoration, the ability to       aeration porosities from 5-41            further inland.
What is effect Winter is easiest time to
of habitat on  find and kill garlic mustard
bird numbers? by Dianne Plunkett Latham food are the foliage, pollen, nectar,
                                            Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata,    fruits and seeds of our native plants.
by Tom Cooper, wildlife biologist,
                                          looks innocent on the forest floor of    Garlic mustard has no known natural
Minnesota waterfowl Association.          a local park, or at the edges of your    enemies in North America, is self-
This abstract of his talk at the Dec.     property — but it is not innocent.       fertile, and is difficult to eradicate
2, 2004 meeting is based on research      This rapidly spreading alien             once established. Thus, the best and
for his South Dakota State University     displaces native wildflowers and         most effective control method is to
Ph.D. thesis, “Forest and grassland       other flora in woodlands. Check your     prevent its initial establishment.
bird occurrence and habitat selection     property — garlic mustard is easy to     Garlic mustard is on the State of
in the prairie-forest transition zone     spot now because it is one of the few    Minnesota’s Prohibited Noxious
of Minnesota.”                            green plants on the forest floor from    Weed list requiring its control or
  Some forest and grassland birds         late fall until wildflowers break        elimination (Rule 1505.0730).
have experienced population               dormancy in early April.                    To remove garlic mustard from
declines in the midwestern United           In its first season, garlic mustard    your property, you may either hand-
States due to habitat loss and            has rosettes of three or four rounded    pull, spray with three percent
fragmentation. Wildlife managers          or kidney-shaped, dark green leaves      RoundupÆ (glyphosate), or place
need to understand habitat                with scalloped edges two to six          mulch over seedlings. If you hand-
requirements at multiple spatial          inches tall. In May and June during      pull, remember that this biennial has
scales for these birds when planning      its second year, the rosettes send up    a taproot like a dandelion and will
habitat protection and restoration        flower stalks, one to four feet tall,    regenerate if any part of the root
efforts.                                  with alternate, sharply toothed          remains in the ground. Seedpods may
  Our objectives were to assess bird      leaves. Clusters of small white          ripen even after pulling, so if flowers
use of grassland/forest patches in the    flowers top the stem. New leaves         and seedpods are present, bag the
prairie-forest transition zone of         smell like garlic when crushed. The      plants immediately and send them to
                                          fragrance fades by fall. The seed        the landfill, not to the compost pile.
Minnesota and to model species
                                          capsules are one to two inches long,        If you choose to spray, the best time
occurrence at multiple spatial scales.    with 100 or more seeds per plant
We conducted more than 180 point                                                   to do it is when native plants are
                                          disseminated mid-July to August.         dormant between mid September and
counts in 2003 and 2004 to determine
bird species presence in each cover         Because this biennial overwinters      mid March. Glyphosate is a non-
type. Local vegetation variables          as a green plant, it gets a head start   selective herbicide and will kill any
were measured on site, and landscape      on native plants in the spring and       plant that is photosynthetic (actively
variables were determined with a          aggressively monopolizes light,          growing). Because garlic mustard
geographic information system.            moisture, nutrients and soil. If not     stays green all winter, you can spray
                                          controlled, it can carpet a woodland     it whenever the temperature is above
  Models incorporating landscape          floor. Garlic mustard threatens not      32 degrees.
and local variables were developed        only woodland plant diversity, but
to predict the probability of                                                         Garlic mustard seeds remain viable
                                          also the wildlife whose sources of       for five to seven years, continuing to
occurrence for bird species of
management concern. Akaike’s                                                       sprout after removal of the colony.
                                          grasslands. Eastern wood-pewees          As a consequence, it is critical that
Information Criterion was used to         (Contopus virens), red-eyed vireos       the area be mulched with two to four
rank candidate models. We counted         (Vireo olivaceus), and great crested     inches of leaves or grass clippings.
53 different bird species in grasslands   flycatchers (Myiarchus crinitus)         This should continue until the seed
and 71 species in forests. Thirteen       were the most common birds in            bank is exhausted in five to seven
bird species were U.S. Fish and           forests. Modeling indicated that         years.
Wildlife       Service       resource     different species responded to habitat
conservation priority species.                                                        Garlic mustard needs to be
                                          conditions on various spatial scales.    controlled before buckthorn is
  Common              yellowthroats       Thus, scale needs to be considered       removed in proximity to it. This will
(Geothlypis trichas), bobolinks           when planning habitat protection,        prevent a burst of garlic mustard
(Dolichonyx oryzivorus), and sedge        management, and restoration              germination upon opening the forest
wrens (Cistothorus platensis) were        projects to benefit grassland and        floor to light, after removal of the
the most common birds in                  forest birds.                            buckthorn canopy.
Illinois, as well as entirely filling an
American lotus is state’s                                                        earthen pond on the grounds of the
                                                                                 St. Louis Jewel Box Conservatory.

largest wildflower                                                               Profuse is an understatement, as N.
                                                                                 lutea was moving into the lawn along
                                                                                 the earthen pond embankments
by Dianne Plunkett Latham. This is       however. Under the Conservation of where mowing appeared to be the
an abstract of her Oct. 7, 2004 Plant-   Certain Wildflowers (Minn. Statutes Jewel Box ground keeper’s only
of-the-Month talk.                       18H.18), “No person shall distribute defense!
   There are only two species in the     ... lotus (Nelumbo lutea), which have
lotus genus Nelumbonaceae —              been collected in any manner from          If planted in a favorable location,
Nelumbo lutea (zone 4a) and              any public or private property lotuses will quickly take over. Water
Nelumbo nucifera (zone 5). The           without the written permission of the gardeners should not plant lotuses in
American lotus, N. lutea, occurs in      property owner and written private earthen ponds or in private
Minnesota along the Mississippi          authorization           from       the natural areas they don’t want them
River between St. Paul and Iowa. It      commissioner.”                          to take over. Most lotus varieties are
is also found in a few lakes in the                                              at least marginally hardy in zone 4
                                            Lotus plants require several weeks and would rapidly take over if not
vicinity of the Twin Cities, where       of sunny weather with temperatures killed by the pond going dry and then
Native Americans may have planted        above 80 degrees F in order to the dry ground freezing solid during
it for food. It grows in quiet waters,   bloom. N. lutea is suitable for zone a winter without snow cover.
including ponds, lakes, and on the       4a and is not as sensitive to cool
edges of slow moving streams and         summer temperatures as is its zone         Lotus seeds excavated from
rivers.                                  5 cousin, N. nucifera.                  Chinese tombs have been found
  It ranges from Iowa and Minnesota                                              viable after 2,000 years! Lotus seeds
                                            Lotus can only be cultivated in would not remain viable that long
to Ontario and New York, and south       circular containers. If the growing tip when exposed to nature’s forces,
to Oklahoma, eastern Texas and           gets caught in a square corner, it will however.
Florida. It also occurs in the West      die. Great care must be exercised in
Indies and Central America, and          transplanting so as not injure the         Pests and diseases that sometimes
south to Columbia.                       growing tip, or it will die. Lotuses    trouble lotuses include leaf spots,
  The American lotus produces the        grow rapidly and typically have to caterpillars, spider mites and white
largest flower of any plant in North     be subdivided at least every other flies.
America, just edging out Magnolia        year in containers. Because N. lutea
grandiflora        and     Hibiscus      is a large lotus, it requires a large
grandiflora. N. lutea’s stately pale     container if you want to cultivate it.
                                                                                 Would you like to help
yellow flowers measure 6-10 inches      In August 2004, I visited the
                                                                                  the MNPS as a board
in diameter. Leaf platters grow up Missouri Botanical Garden’s                    member or officer?
to 20 inches in diameter, on stalks of Linnean House reflecting pools,
up to six feet in height.                                                           The MNPS is actively looking for
                                       where their N. lutea is grown in 15-       officers and board members to serve
  Lotus was an important food gallon concrete containers. With such               terms beginning July 1, 2005. If you
source for Native Americans. The a large container, the Linnean House             are willing to serve on the board of
rhizomes produce starchy tubers that N. lutea had not been subdivided for         directors (three-year term), or as
can be baked like sweet potatoes and four years. There it overwinters
                                                                                  treasurer, secretary, vice president
are said to be delicious. The young outdoors in the Linnean House pool.
leaves, before they unroll, can be St. Louis is in zone 5b, and their             or president, contact Dianne Plunkett
steamed or boiled like spinach. pools do not freeze solid during the              Latham, nominating committee
Immature seeds can be eaten raw.       winter as do ours in zone 4. Lotus         chair, at 952-941-3542 before Feb.
  Mature seeds can be shelled and the cannot be grown in containers in
kernels roasted and eaten like nuts zone 4 without winter protection.               We are in particular need of a
or ground into flour. Today, the      On our mid-August 2004 trip I also          treasurer. To find out more about
interesting seedpods are often used observed N. lutea profusely                   those duties, contact our current
in dried flower arrangements. Lotus flowering at peak bloom along the             treasurer, David Johnson, at 763-
spp. are protected in Minnesota, Mississippi River outside of Nauvoo,             571-6278.
Winter botany field                      Lance-leaved violet                       Plant Lore
trip was devoted to                      is rare in Minnesota                      by Thor Kommedahl
plant identification                     by Scott A. Milburn, M.S., P.W.S,         What is New Jersey tea?
by Doug Mensing                          wetland ecologist/botanist, Critical        New Jersey tea is a shrub in the
  On Nov. 13, the Minnesota Native       Connections Ecological Services,          buckthorn family. Its name is
                                         Inc. This is an abstract of his Plant-    Ceanothus americanus.
Plant Society sponsored a winter
                                         of-the-Month talk at the Dec. 2, 2004
botany field trip at Tamarack Nature     meeting.                                  How did it get these names?
Center in White Bear Township.                                                       Although native to Minnesota and
                                           Viola lanceolata, the lance-leaved
About 15 native plant enthusiasts met                                              many other states, Ceanothus species
                                         violet, is a member of the violet
in one of the nature center ’s                                                     are distributed worldwide.
                                         family, having the characteristic
classrooms, where the society’s          zygomorphic flowers, a five-parted        Theophrastus used this name, which
president, Jason Husveth, began by       corolla, and a spurred anterior petal.    means thistle in Greek, probably
reviewing a variety of field guides      The genus is represented by 17 native     because of C. spinosus, which has
and other resources useful for winter    species and two introduced species        spiny stems. It was called New
plant identification.                    in this state. The species is one of      Jersey tea because of its use during
  We then proceeded to walk outside      several in the group of stemless or       the American Revolution as a
into the chilly air and applied what     acaulescent white flowered violets        substitute for tea after the Boston Tea
we had learned in a variety of natural   present in Minnesota. The stem            Party.
and restored ecosystems, including       appearance can be somewhat                What does the plant look like?
prairies, wetlands, and forests. Jason   deceiving, with the stem actually           It is a shrub up to three feet tall; it
showed the group persistent late fall    below ground. Keys to aid in the          has white five-petaled flowers in
and winter characteristics, and          identification of the species are the     cluster, and its fruit is a three-lobed,
explained how habitats and               narrow, strap-like leaves, which are      capsule-like drupe. It grows in dry,
                                         often three to six times longer than      open areas, dry gravelly banks, and
associated plant species can assist
                                         wide. The species is known to flower      in open woods in the state.
with plant identification. Ken Arndt,    in May and June, but it can continue
a MNPS board member, led the             flowering late into the year.             Does it have any medicinal uses?
forest portion of the walk, where we                                                 Tea made from its leaves is an
focused on woody species.                  This violet is a “state threatened”     excellent beverage, and American
Numerous wildflowers, grasses,           species that tends to inhabit saturated   Indians made tea from leaves. The
sedges, shrubs, and trees were           to wet habitats with sandy or organic     Indians also made tea from roots as
                                         substrates, including lakeshores,         a treatment for colds, stomachaches,
identified by the group.
                                         sedge meadows, and open bogs.             and lung ailments. An alkaloid in its
  Following the walk, participants       These habitats typically experience       roots has been used for lowering
met back inside the classroom to         some sort of disturbance event,           blood pressure.
warm up with tea, coffee, and            which benefits this species due to its
conversation. The MNPS would like        inability to compete with larger          Are there other economic uses?
to thank Tamarack Nature Center for      species.                                    The roots harbor nitrogen-fixing
their hospitality at the event, which                                              actinomycetes, which are useful in
                                           Lance-leaved violet is a pioneering
was thoroughly enjoyed by all.                                                     soil improvement. Horticulturally,
                                         species with a reproductive strategy
                                                                                   other species have been grafted to
  In early March the society will        that incorporates self-fertilization,
                                                                                   roots of C. americanus to produce
sponsor another winter field trip, at    cross-fertilization, and vegetative
                                         reproduction. As competition for          garden hybrids.
Falls Creek SNA. An article about
                                         light and nutrients increases within      this species statewide being loss of
that trip is on page 3.
                                         the community, the size of the            habitat via development. The
                                         population decreases, and the             species is further negatively affected
Prairie restoration handbook             population waits for the next
is available online from DNR                                                       by fire suppression, altered
                                         disturbance event. The species is         hydrology, and competition from
   Going Native: A Prairie               adapted to follow a disturbance           invasive species. Until recently,
Restoration       Handbook    for        event by quickly germinating from         there was great concern regarding the
Minnesota Landowners is available        the seed bank or by colonizing an         dwindling number of populations of
online at and        open area vegetatively.                   this species. However, due to recent
at DNR offices. Ellen Fuge edited          In Minnesota, this violet is            intensive botanical work in the
the 63-page book, which was              commonly found in the Anoka               Anoka Sandplain, numerous
illustrated by Rebecca Kilde.            Sandplain, with the greatest threat to    populations have been located.
Minnesota Native Plant Society
University of Minnesota
250 Biological Sciences Center
1445 Gortner Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108

 Winter 2005

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Winter 2005 Minnesota Plant Press

  • 1. Minnesota Plant Press The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter Volume 24 Number 2 Winter 2005 Monthly meetings Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge Symposium on bogs Visitor Center, 3815 East 80th St. Bloomington, MN 55425-1600 and fens to be April 6 952-854-5900 by Karen Schik 6:30 p.m. — Building east door opens Registration will soon be open for the 2005 MNPS Symposium: 6:30 p.m. — Refreshments, Bogs And Fens — Minnesota’s Mysterious Mires. It will be held April information, Room A 6, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Warner Nature Center in Marine on St. Croix. 7 – 9 p.m — Program, society business 7:30 p.m. — Building door is locked The charming center, just 40 minutes northeast of St. Paul, is 9:00 p.m. — Building closes surrounded by woods and overlooks a bog – a perfect place for native plant enthusiasts! Programs Visit the new Web site ( for registration details and The MNPS meets the first Thursday in to download a registration form, which will be available soon. October, November, December, February, Registration brochures will also be mailed to MNPS members. Please March, April, May, and June. Check the note: space for the symposium is very limited, so register early for Web site for more program information. this popular topic. A special attraction this year will be unscheduled Feb 3: “Botanical Survey of Lyle-Austin, time to visit the nature center’s real bog and indoor bog exhibit. Minn., Wildlife Management Area: Prairie Remnants of the Chicago Great Speakers and Topics: Western Railroad,” by Paul Bockenstedt, • Introduction to Bogs and Fens — Paul Glaser, senior research restoration ecologist, Bonestroo Natural associate, Limnological Research Center, University of Minnesota. Resources. Plant-of-the Month: Sweet • The Flora of Minnesota’s Last Frontier: Characteristic Vascular coneflower, by Bockenstedt. Plants of Fens and Bogs — Scott Zager, plant ecologist, Wildlands March 3: “Wetland Restoration at Ecological Services. Pioneer Park, Blaine, Anoka County,” • Hydrology of Bogs and Fens — Jeanette Leete, hydrogeologist by Jason Husveth, Critical Connections Ecological Services, Inc. Plant-of-the supervisor, DNR Waters. Month: Jason’s choice. • Patterned Peatlands — Paul Glaser. April 7: “Hardwood forest decline • Saving Savage Fen — Steve Eggers, senior ecologist, U.S. Army syndrome: The synergistic impact of deer Corps of Engineers, St. Paul. and invasive earthworms,” by Lee Frelich, U of Minn.; Plant-of-Month: botrychium. • Large-Scale Bog Restoration In this issue for Wetland Mitigation — May 5: Native Grass Identification MNPS board, purpose.......... 2 Thomas Malterer, program Workshop, by Anita Cholewa, Ph.D, Think Native seed grant....... 2 director, University of Minnesota curator of temperate plants, J.F. Bell Outdoor opportunities........ 3 Museum of Natural History. POM: TBD. Duluth Natural Resources Research Institute. Little bluestem research........4 June 2: Program TBD. Annual Plant Sale Bird habitats, numbers..........5 open to the public. • SNA Program: Successes and Garlic mustard control..........5 Opportunities — Bob New MNPS Web site Djupstrom, program supervisor, American lotus..................... 6 DNR Scientific and Natural Lance-leaved violet.............. 7 e-mail: Areas Program. New Jersey tea (Plant Lore) 7
  • 2. Century College transfers to the University of MNPS Board of Minnesota, as well as occupational accepts Think certificates, diplomas, and an Directors Native seed grant associate of applied science. President: Jason Husveth, by Dianne Plunkett Latham, chair Century College connects students Critical Connections Ecological of the MNPS Think Native program with the community through service Services Inc., 14758 Ostlund Trail Horticulture Instructor Ginny learning projects. Last fall, students N., Marine on St. Croix, MN; 651- Coyle and 11 of her students in the in Coyle’s Biology of Horticultural 247-0474; Century College Horticulture Crops class collected seed from “Jim’s Prairie” for Ginny Gaynor, Vice-President: Scott Milburn, Program accepted the MNPS Think open spaces coordinator in 744 James Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102; Native seed grant at the Nov. 4 651-261-4381; MNPS meeting. The seeds will be Maplewood. Students in the Herbaceous Plants class this used to develop native plantings on their campus in White Bear Lake. semester sowed the seed and will Secretary: Karen Schik, 13860 With the Century College return the plants they grew to the 236th St. N., Scandia, MN 55073; greenhouses, they are able to Maplewood Nature Center for prairie 651-433-5254 (h), 651-222-2193 propagate plants from cuttings, restoration. Joy Cedarleaf, a biology (w); divisions, or seeds to expand campus instructor, teaches field biology and Treasurer: David Johnson, 6437 gardens or to share with other restoration ecology at the college. Baker Ave. N.E., Fridley, MN 55432; organizations. There are a wide Coyle will coordinate plantings with 763-571-6278; variety of growing conditions on Cedarleaf ’s classes as well, to campus, and many areas are visible involve as many students as possible. Ken Arndt, 2577 Co. Rd. F, White to the public. Last summer a pest management Bear Twp., MN 55110; 651-426- class was also offered. Anyone 8174; For many years, the horticulture program at Century College was interested in the horticulture program Ron Huber, 2521 Jones Place W., solely represented by satellite at Century College should contact Bloomington, MN 55431-2837; 952- programs at Stillwater and Lino Ginny Coyle at 651-773-1726, ext. 886-0783; Lakes Correctional Facilities. When 2, or Shirley Mah Kooyman, 4520 the Department of Corrections Terraceview Lane N., Plymouth, MN cancelled its contract with the college MNPS Listserve 55446; 952-443-1419 (w), 763-559- to provide vocational horticulture Send a message that includes the 3114 (h); education in prisons, horticulture was word “subscribe” or “unsubscribe” reopened on campus. Century and your name in the body of the College now offers a two-year message to: Dianne Plunkett Latham, 7013 associate of science degree, which Comanche Court, Edina, MN 55439-1004; 952-941-3542; Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose Douglas Mensing, 5814 Grand (Abbreviated from the bylaws) Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55419; This organization is exclusively organized and operated for educational 612-926-8637 (H); and scientific purposes, including the following: 1. Conservation of all native plants. Program Chair: Linda Huhn, 2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences. 2553 Dupont Ave. S., Minneapolis, 3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant MN 55405; 612-374-1435 life. 4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to Listserv Coordinator: Charles Minnesota. Umbanhowar, 5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation and ecosystems. Minnesota Plant Press editor: 6. Preservation of special plants, plant communities and scientific and Gerry Drewry, 24090 Northfield natural areas. Blvd., Hampton, MN 55031; phone, 7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural 651-463-8006; fax, 651-463-7086; resources and scenic features. 8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through Technical or membership meetings, lectures, workshops and field trips. inquiries: 2
  • 3. MSHS plans June wildflower, forest Volunteer Opportunities ecology weekend at Grey Cloud Dunes SNA on North Shore by Karen Schik The Minnesota State Horticultural Funding for the DNR Scientific and Natural Areas Program was drastically Society is sponsoring a late spring reduced in recent years, so the DNR is more than ever in need of volunteers wildflower and forest ecology to help manage our highest quality natural areas. In response to that need, weekend in the Grand Marais area and as part of the core mission of the on Lake Superior’s North Shore Friday, June 3, through Sunday, June Learn to identify society, the MNPS board voted in 2004 to “adopt” Grey Cloud Dunes 5. They will have a series of winter woody plants SNA in Cottage Grove. We have exploratory hikes to discover the at Falls Creek SNA committed to work with the DNR region’s rich diversity of wildflowers and to assist with management and forest ecology. by Doug Mensing activities at this spectacular dry On Saturday, March 12, MNPS prairie site along the Mississippi. We Naturalist Kent Jones will lead an Board Members Ken Arndt and Scott will post volunteer opportunities in interpretive tour of some unique Milburn will lead a woody plant each newsletter, as well as on the habitats that will feature the spring identification field trip to Falls Creek wildflowers of the boreal forest, MNPS website. Check back often! Scientific Natural Area. This is three northernmost maple-basswood miles north of Copas on State Burning Desire forest, northern wetlands and Highway 95 in Washington County Saturday, Feb. 19, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Superior shorelands. Hikes will also (between Stillwater and Taylor’s Come to Grey Cloud Dunes to burn include participants’ interests in Falls). birds, butterflies, charismatic brush piles (already stacked). Bring megafauna, geology, cultural history, We will meet at 9 a.m. at the something to roast for lunch! and general forest ecology. parking lot off of Hwy. 95, where we Brush cutting The program begins Friday with will enter the SNA and hike until Saturday March 26, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. a 7 - 9 p.m. wine and snack social at noon. We will be learning how to Cut, treat and stack honeysuckle. a location to be announced. Saturday identify the trees, shrubs, and vines Training and tools provided. will include two or three hikes that comprise this type of northern (depending on the weather) and a hardwood and coniferous forest by Site Steward their buds, bark, and form. You will Any time, any day. In addition to provided lunch. A Sunday morning hike will conclude the program. also learn about the history and group events, individual volunteers current management practices that are needed to be site stewards at Grey Kent Jones worked for over 20 the DNR has implemented for this Cloud Dunes. Site stewards typically years in the metro area as an special SNA. make regular (e.g. monthly) site interpretive naturalist for a variety of nature centers and the Three Rivers For more information about Falls visits and report their findings to the Park District. His love of the north Creek Scientific Natural Area and a DNR. They record things like new finally got the best of him in 2001, map on how to get there, go to invasive species locations and when he moved to the Grand Marais w w w. d n r. s t a t e . m n . u s / s n a s / evidence of illegal activities, and do area. He spends his spare time sna01057/index.html. simple activities like picking up canoeing, kayaking, and hiking the The field trip is limited to 25 trash. Being a site steward is a good north shore area in search of the best people. Steep slopes will be excuse to do what most of us want to blueberry patches, unusual encountered along the walk down to do anyway — get out to a beautiful wildflowers, and rare birds. the creek to the bottom of the ravine. natural area on a regular basis. And The cost is $125 per MSHS Look for more details in the near you’d be doing something valuable member, $150 for non-members. future at in the process. This includes snacks and beverages information on lodging or to pre- To sign up for any activity, please on Friday night, and deli style lunch register, contact Vicky Vogels, e-mail Karen Schik at: on Saturday. Participants must be community outreach coordinator, or call: 651-222- able to hike on uneven ground and MSHS, at 800-676-6747; 651-643- 2193, ext. 15 (w) or 651-433-5254 be prepared for inclement weather. 3601, ext. 211; or at (h). More instructions and directions Transportation is on your own. For will be provided. 3 3
  • 4. percent. Little bluestem appears to Research evaluates little be well adapted to diverse growing conditions and methods of bluestem varieties for state propagation. Competition study with by Mary H. Meyer, associate identify grass species in the seedling professor, Department of stage is necessary to determine if the Miscanthus Horticultural Science,University of planting has been successful. Little This study has not been finalized Minnesota. This is an abstract of her bluestem was one of 15 native and for publication, but in an additive talk at the May 6, 2004 meeting. introduced grasses that were competition study, little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium, or little analyzed and described in a was not affected by adding bluestem, is native to most of the vegetative key to identify seedlings. Miscanthus, a non-native ornamental United States, with the exception of Little bluestem seedlings have a flat grass that has been shown to be the far western states and Florida. sheath, are folded in the bud, have invasive in Middle Atlantic States. Typically an upland grass, little no auricles, the culm base is often Little bluestem was not reduced in bluestem is known for its drought tinged pink or maroon, and the first root or shoot growth when grown tolerance and ability to grow on tillers fan out in a plane. with one or two Miscanthus plants sandy and poor soils. It is a dominant in this 22-week greenhouse Minnesota population and new competition study. Thus little grass in tall- and short-grass prairies selections and is found throughout Minnesota. bluestem is a competitive, adaptable A spaced planting of 35 Minnesota The USDA has released several native grass. little bluestem populations was varieties of Schizachyrium established in 1996 and 1997. scoparium, beginning in the 1960s. Collections were made from parks, Study predicts ‘Aldous,’ ‘Blaze,’ ‘Camper,’ nature preserves, railroad rights of broad changes from ‘Cimarron,’ and ‘Pastura’ were the way, and other natural areas. Seed result of breeding programs to was germinated, and plants were global warming improve grasses available for forage established in three replications of Global warming won’t affect just a and range use in the central United eight plants each on the St. Paul few species of plants and insects — States. In 1997, the USDA Plant campus. Plants continue to be it will challenge many interdependent Materials Center in Bismarck, N.D., evaluated for variation in flower species, according to a report recently released ‘Badlands,’ an ecotype time, height, color, and lodging. In released by the Wildlife Society. selected from collections from North 2004, a selection from Benton Some results of early springs are and South Dakota. ‘Badlands’ is County that has been evaluated at already visible, such as the shrinking adapted for range seeding, prairie several Research and Outreach Porcupine herd of caribou, whose restoration and prairie landscaping. Centers was advanced to a new migration patterns have been None of these selections are from release, and a plant patent has been disrupted. Seasonal ponds in the Minnesota native little bluestem. applied for Schizachyrium Midwest are drying up earlier in the At the University of Minnesota, scoparium, ‘Blue Heaven.’TM This year, affecting ducks. Sugar maples we have conducted research on little selection is taller, with dark blue may disappear from this country as bluestem in five projects that are summer foliage color and bright blue their range moves northward. described below. All of these to pink fall color. Commercial Time factors, such as arrival of projects, except the competition growers interested in propagating predators and pollinators, will be study, have been published. this new release should contact the major concerns. The surging Seeding date and establishment U of M for a nonexclusive license. population of timber-destroying In this research, the best planting Work will continue to identify other spruce budworms in Minnesota’s dates for little bluestem were May 1 new ornamental forms of little boreal forests has been attributed to a through July 20. Dormant seedings bluestem. northward shift of warblers that once were not successful for the two years, Propagation time and aeration held the worms in check. 1996 and1997, of the project. As porosity The study also shows that some expected, rainfall influenced the Little bluestem plugs and field ecosystems will not move, but will success of most seedings. divisions grew equally when vanish. For example, if rising sea Field seedling identification propagated in the fall or spring in levels flood coastal zones, physical Identification of grasses without another study. Both over-wintered and man-made barriers will prevent floral parts can be a challenge. In well and grew adequately in all wetlands from re-creating themselves prairie restoration, the ability to aeration porosities from 5-41 further inland. 4
  • 5. What is effect Winter is easiest time to of habitat on find and kill garlic mustard bird numbers? by Dianne Plunkett Latham food are the foliage, pollen, nectar, Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, fruits and seeds of our native plants. by Tom Cooper, wildlife biologist, looks innocent on the forest floor of Garlic mustard has no known natural Minnesota waterfowl Association. a local park, or at the edges of your enemies in North America, is self- This abstract of his talk at the Dec. property — but it is not innocent. fertile, and is difficult to eradicate 2, 2004 meeting is based on research This rapidly spreading alien once established. Thus, the best and for his South Dakota State University displaces native wildflowers and most effective control method is to Ph.D. thesis, “Forest and grassland other flora in woodlands. Check your prevent its initial establishment. bird occurrence and habitat selection property — garlic mustard is easy to Garlic mustard is on the State of in the prairie-forest transition zone spot now because it is one of the few Minnesota’s Prohibited Noxious of Minnesota.” green plants on the forest floor from Weed list requiring its control or Some forest and grassland birds late fall until wildflowers break elimination (Rule 1505.0730). have experienced population dormancy in early April. To remove garlic mustard from declines in the midwestern United In its first season, garlic mustard your property, you may either hand- States due to habitat loss and has rosettes of three or four rounded pull, spray with three percent fragmentation. Wildlife managers or kidney-shaped, dark green leaves RoundupÆ (glyphosate), or place need to understand habitat with scalloped edges two to six mulch over seedlings. If you hand- requirements at multiple spatial inches tall. In May and June during pull, remember that this biennial has scales for these birds when planning its second year, the rosettes send up a taproot like a dandelion and will habitat protection and restoration flower stalks, one to four feet tall, regenerate if any part of the root efforts. with alternate, sharply toothed remains in the ground. Seedpods may Our objectives were to assess bird leaves. Clusters of small white ripen even after pulling, so if flowers use of grassland/forest patches in the flowers top the stem. New leaves and seedpods are present, bag the prairie-forest transition zone of smell like garlic when crushed. The plants immediately and send them to fragrance fades by fall. The seed the landfill, not to the compost pile. Minnesota and to model species capsules are one to two inches long, If you choose to spray, the best time occurrence at multiple spatial scales. with 100 or more seeds per plant We conducted more than 180 point to do it is when native plants are disseminated mid-July to August. dormant between mid September and counts in 2003 and 2004 to determine bird species presence in each cover Because this biennial overwinters mid March. Glyphosate is a non- type. Local vegetation variables as a green plant, it gets a head start selective herbicide and will kill any were measured on site, and landscape on native plants in the spring and plant that is photosynthetic (actively variables were determined with a aggressively monopolizes light, growing). Because garlic mustard geographic information system. moisture, nutrients and soil. If not stays green all winter, you can spray controlled, it can carpet a woodland it whenever the temperature is above Models incorporating landscape floor. Garlic mustard threatens not 32 degrees. and local variables were developed only woodland plant diversity, but to predict the probability of Garlic mustard seeds remain viable also the wildlife whose sources of for five to seven years, continuing to occurrence for bird species of management concern. Akaike’s sprout after removal of the colony. grasslands. Eastern wood-pewees As a consequence, it is critical that Information Criterion was used to (Contopus virens), red-eyed vireos the area be mulched with two to four rank candidate models. We counted (Vireo olivaceus), and great crested inches of leaves or grass clippings. 53 different bird species in grasslands flycatchers (Myiarchus crinitus) This should continue until the seed and 71 species in forests. Thirteen were the most common birds in bank is exhausted in five to seven bird species were U.S. Fish and forests. Modeling indicated that years. Wildlife Service resource different species responded to habitat conservation priority species. Garlic mustard needs to be conditions on various spatial scales. controlled before buckthorn is Common yellowthroats Thus, scale needs to be considered removed in proximity to it. This will (Geothlypis trichas), bobolinks when planning habitat protection, prevent a burst of garlic mustard (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), and sedge management, and restoration germination upon opening the forest wrens (Cistothorus platensis) were projects to benefit grassland and floor to light, after removal of the the most common birds in forest birds. buckthorn canopy. 5
  • 6. Illinois, as well as entirely filling an American lotus is state’s earthen pond on the grounds of the St. Louis Jewel Box Conservatory. largest wildflower Profuse is an understatement, as N. lutea was moving into the lawn along the earthen pond embankments by Dianne Plunkett Latham. This is however. Under the Conservation of where mowing appeared to be the an abstract of her Oct. 7, 2004 Plant- Certain Wildflowers (Minn. Statutes Jewel Box ground keeper’s only of-the-Month talk. 18H.18), “No person shall distribute defense! There are only two species in the ... lotus (Nelumbo lutea), which have lotus genus Nelumbonaceae — been collected in any manner from If planted in a favorable location, Nelumbo lutea (zone 4a) and any public or private property lotuses will quickly take over. Water Nelumbo nucifera (zone 5). The without the written permission of the gardeners should not plant lotuses in American lotus, N. lutea, occurs in property owner and written private earthen ponds or in private Minnesota along the Mississippi authorization from the natural areas they don’t want them River between St. Paul and Iowa. It commissioner.” to take over. Most lotus varieties are is also found in a few lakes in the at least marginally hardy in zone 4 Lotus plants require several weeks and would rapidly take over if not vicinity of the Twin Cities, where of sunny weather with temperatures killed by the pond going dry and then Native Americans may have planted above 80 degrees F in order to the dry ground freezing solid during it for food. It grows in quiet waters, bloom. N. lutea is suitable for zone a winter without snow cover. including ponds, lakes, and on the 4a and is not as sensitive to cool edges of slow moving streams and summer temperatures as is its zone Lotus seeds excavated from rivers. 5 cousin, N. nucifera. Chinese tombs have been found It ranges from Iowa and Minnesota viable after 2,000 years! Lotus seeds Lotus can only be cultivated in would not remain viable that long to Ontario and New York, and south circular containers. If the growing tip when exposed to nature’s forces, to Oklahoma, eastern Texas and gets caught in a square corner, it will however. Florida. It also occurs in the West die. Great care must be exercised in Indies and Central America, and transplanting so as not injure the Pests and diseases that sometimes south to Columbia. growing tip, or it will die. Lotuses trouble lotuses include leaf spots, The American lotus produces the grow rapidly and typically have to caterpillars, spider mites and white largest flower of any plant in North be subdivided at least every other flies. America, just edging out Magnolia year in containers. Because N. lutea grandiflora and Hibiscus is a large lotus, it requires a large grandiflora. N. lutea’s stately pale container if you want to cultivate it. Would you like to help yellow flowers measure 6-10 inches In August 2004, I visited the the MNPS as a board in diameter. Leaf platters grow up Missouri Botanical Garden’s member or officer? to 20 inches in diameter, on stalks of Linnean House reflecting pools, up to six feet in height. The MNPS is actively looking for where their N. lutea is grown in 15- officers and board members to serve Lotus was an important food gallon concrete containers. With such terms beginning July 1, 2005. If you source for Native Americans. The a large container, the Linnean House are willing to serve on the board of rhizomes produce starchy tubers that N. lutea had not been subdivided for directors (three-year term), or as can be baked like sweet potatoes and four years. There it overwinters treasurer, secretary, vice president are said to be delicious. The young outdoors in the Linnean House pool. leaves, before they unroll, can be St. Louis is in zone 5b, and their or president, contact Dianne Plunkett steamed or boiled like spinach. pools do not freeze solid during the Latham, nominating committee Immature seeds can be eaten raw. winter as do ours in zone 4. Lotus chair, at 952-941-3542 before Feb. 15. Mature seeds can be shelled and the cannot be grown in containers in kernels roasted and eaten like nuts zone 4 without winter protection. We are in particular need of a or ground into flour. Today, the On our mid-August 2004 trip I also treasurer. To find out more about interesting seedpods are often used observed N. lutea profusely those duties, contact our current in dried flower arrangements. Lotus flowering at peak bloom along the treasurer, David Johnson, at 763- spp. are protected in Minnesota, Mississippi River outside of Nauvoo, 571-6278. 6
  • 7. Winter botany field Lance-leaved violet Plant Lore trip was devoted to is rare in Minnesota by Thor Kommedahl plant identification by Scott A. Milburn, M.S., P.W.S, What is New Jersey tea? by Doug Mensing wetland ecologist/botanist, Critical New Jersey tea is a shrub in the On Nov. 13, the Minnesota Native Connections Ecological Services, buckthorn family. Its name is Inc. This is an abstract of his Plant- Ceanothus americanus. Plant Society sponsored a winter of-the-Month talk at the Dec. 2, 2004 botany field trip at Tamarack Nature meeting. How did it get these names? Center in White Bear Township. Although native to Minnesota and Viola lanceolata, the lance-leaved About 15 native plant enthusiasts met many other states, Ceanothus species violet, is a member of the violet in one of the nature center ’s are distributed worldwide. family, having the characteristic classrooms, where the society’s zygomorphic flowers, a five-parted Theophrastus used this name, which president, Jason Husveth, began by corolla, and a spurred anterior petal. means thistle in Greek, probably reviewing a variety of field guides The genus is represented by 17 native because of C. spinosus, which has and other resources useful for winter species and two introduced species spiny stems. It was called New plant identification. in this state. The species is one of Jersey tea because of its use during We then proceeded to walk outside several in the group of stemless or the American Revolution as a into the chilly air and applied what acaulescent white flowered violets substitute for tea after the Boston Tea we had learned in a variety of natural present in Minnesota. The stem Party. and restored ecosystems, including appearance can be somewhat What does the plant look like? prairies, wetlands, and forests. Jason deceiving, with the stem actually It is a shrub up to three feet tall; it showed the group persistent late fall below ground. Keys to aid in the has white five-petaled flowers in and winter characteristics, and identification of the species are the cluster, and its fruit is a three-lobed, explained how habitats and narrow, strap-like leaves, which are capsule-like drupe. It grows in dry, often three to six times longer than open areas, dry gravelly banks, and associated plant species can assist wide. The species is known to flower in open woods in the state. with plant identification. Ken Arndt, in May and June, but it can continue a MNPS board member, led the flowering late into the year. Does it have any medicinal uses? forest portion of the walk, where we Tea made from its leaves is an focused on woody species. This violet is a “state threatened” excellent beverage, and American Numerous wildflowers, grasses, species that tends to inhabit saturated Indians made tea from leaves. The sedges, shrubs, and trees were to wet habitats with sandy or organic Indians also made tea from roots as substrates, including lakeshores, a treatment for colds, stomachaches, identified by the group. sedge meadows, and open bogs. and lung ailments. An alkaloid in its Following the walk, participants These habitats typically experience roots has been used for lowering met back inside the classroom to some sort of disturbance event, blood pressure. warm up with tea, coffee, and which benefits this species due to its conversation. The MNPS would like inability to compete with larger Are there other economic uses? to thank Tamarack Nature Center for species. The roots harbor nitrogen-fixing their hospitality at the event, which actinomycetes, which are useful in Lance-leaved violet is a pioneering was thoroughly enjoyed by all. soil improvement. Horticulturally, species with a reproductive strategy other species have been grafted to In early March the society will that incorporates self-fertilization, roots of C. americanus to produce sponsor another winter field trip, at cross-fertilization, and vegetative reproduction. As competition for garden hybrids. Falls Creek SNA. An article about light and nutrients increases within this species statewide being loss of that trip is on page 3. the community, the size of the habitat via development. The population decreases, and the species is further negatively affected Prairie restoration handbook population waits for the next is available online from DNR by fire suppression, altered disturbance event. The species is hydrology, and competition from Going Native: A Prairie adapted to follow a disturbance invasive species. Until recently, Restoration Handbook for event by quickly germinating from there was great concern regarding the Minnesota Landowners is available the seed bank or by colonizing an dwindling number of populations of online at and open area vegetatively. this species. However, due to recent at DNR offices. Ellen Fuge edited In Minnesota, this violet is intensive botanical work in the the 63-page book, which was commonly found in the Anoka Anoka Sandplain, numerous illustrated by Rebecca Kilde. Sandplain, with the greatest threat to populations have been located. 7
  • 8. Minnesota Native Plant Society University of Minnesota 250 Biological Sciences Center 1445 Gortner Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108 Winter 2005