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Minnesota Plant Press
                                  The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter

Volume 30 Number 1                                                                                    Winter 2011
 Monthly meetings
  Thompson Park Center/Dakota
                                        DNR increases
     Thompson County Park
       360 Butler Ave. E.,
    West St. Paul, MN 55118
                                        amount of protected
    The Minnesota Native Plant
                                        lands in Minnesota
                                        by Peggy Booth, SNA program supervisor. This is a summary of her talk at
 Society meets the first Thursday
                                        the Dec. 2, 2010 MNNPS meeting.
 in October, November, December,
                                           The DNR’s Scientific and Natural Area Program is responsible for
 February, March, April, May, and
                                        protection and management of special places and rare resources, primarily
 June. Check at
                                        through the system of designated Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) sites
 for more program information.
                                        and our Prairie Stewardship Program.
    6 p.m. — Social period
    7 – 9 p.m. — Program, Society          The Prairie Stewardship Program provides assistance to private
 business                               landowners of native prairie through the Prairie Tax Exemption Program,
    Feb. 3: “New Frontiers in           prairie stewardship planning and management assistance, acquisition of
Invasive Earthworm Research,”           Native Prairie Bank (NPB) conservation easements, and various outreach
by Dr. Lee Frelich, director,           and education activities. These include the recently released DVD called
University of Minnesota Center for      Prairie Treasure: A Native Prairie Bank Story, which is available free
Hardwood Ecology. Plant-of-the-         through the SNA Program. As of November 2010, 100 NPB easements
Month: Viola selkirkii (Selkirk’s       protect 8,111 acres; this includes 26 new NPB easements on 2,066 acres
violet), also by Dr. Frelich.           acquired in the last four years.
    March 3:               “Shoreline      Designated SNAs are units within the state’s outdoor recreation system
Restoration Tricks and Tips             established to protect and perpetuate in an undisturbed natural state those
with Financial Help from the            natural features which possess exceptional scientific or educational value.
Watersheds,” by Rusty Schmidt,          As of November 2010, about 184,100 acres are protected at 152 SNAs
landscape ecologist, Washington         across the state. Activities on SNAs include ecological management
Conservation       District.   Plant-   (such as prescribed fires and, in a few locations, deer exclosures and
of-the-Month: Chelone glabra            plant community reconstruction), monitoring, research, and educational/
(Turtlehead), by Rusty Schmidt.         volunteer events sponsored by

                                                                                    In this issue
    March 26: Symposium. See
article on page 2.                         During the last four years, 1,636
                                        acres (at 23 sites) have been acquired,  Symposium ..............................2
    April     7:         “Minnesota                                              Forest history revealed ...........4
                                        through purchase and/or donation
Mushrooms – Then and Now. A                                                      Invasive weed project .............4
                                        and added to the SNA system.
Report on Some Recent Survey                                                     Wild rice regulations .............5
                                        These include 10 newly created
Results and on the Impact of Fungal                                              New members ..........................5
                                        SNAs: Lester Lake SNA (Hubbard
Tree of Life Studies on Mushroom                                                 President’s column .................6
                                        Co.), Boltuck-Rice Forever Wild
Classification,” by Dr. David J.                                                 Oriental bittersweet .................6
                                        SNA(Itasca Co.), Langhei Prairie
McLaughlin, Department of Plant                                                  Book review ............................7
                                        SNA (Pope Co.), Englund Ecotone
Biology, University of Minnesota.                                                Plant Lore: Pussy willow .........7
Mushroom-of-the-Month: TBD.             Continued on page 3
Lake vegetation of Minnesota is                                                 MNNPS Board
topic of March 26 symposium                                                     of Directors
by Michael Bourdaghs                                                            President: Scott Milburn, scott.
   The Society’s 2011 symposium committee has again decided to focus on
a specific habitat and has chosen Minnesota’s Lake Vegetation Above and
Below the Water Line. Sessions will touch on the natural history and current    Vice President:   Shirley Mah
conservation issues of the plants and plant communities occurring in the        Kooyman, shirley.mah.kooyman@
State’s lakes and adjacent shorelines.                                
   The Bell Museum of Natural History on the University of Minnesota            Secretary, program coordinator:
Minneapolis campus has agreed to host the symposium on Saturday, March          Andrés     Morantes,    andres.
26. A brochure with a full program listing and registration information will
be mailed soon.                                                                 Treasurers, membership data base:
                                                                                Ron and Cathy Huber, ron.huber@
                                                                                Derek Anderson, board member,
                                                                                Ken Arndt, board member, field
                                                                                trip chair,
                                                                                Michael Bourdaghs, board member,
                                                                                Elizabeth Heck, board member,
                                                                                webmaster, elizabeth.heck@mnnps.
                                                                                Daniel Jones, board member,
                                                                                Dylan Lueth, board member, dylan.
    Shell Lake in Becker County exhibits some of the varied vegetation
    that will be discussed at the symposium. Photo by Erika Rowe.               Elizabeth Nixon, board member,
                                                                                conservation committee chair, beth.
     Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose                                   Erika Rowe, board member, erika.
     (Abbreviated from the bylaws)                                    
         This organization is exclusively organized and operated for            Russ Schaffenberg, board member,
     educational and scientific purposes, including the following.    
     1.	 Conservation of all native plants.                                     Field Trips:    fieldtrips.mnnps@
     2.	 Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences.   
     3.	 Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant    Memberships:    memberships.
     4.	 Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to
                                                                                Historian-Archives: Roy Robison,
     5.	 Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation, ecosytems.        org
     6.	 Preservation of native plants, plant communities, and scientific and
     natural areas.                                                             Technical     or     membership
                                                                                inquiries: contact.mnnps@mnnps.
     7.	 Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural
     resources and scenic features.
     8.	 Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through        Minnesota Plant Press Editor:
     meetings, lectures, workshops, and field trips.                            Gerry Drewry, 651-463-8006;
Where the new SNAs are                                                  Northfield group is
                                                                        building an outdoor
                                                                        by Arlene Kjar
                                                                            Getting children outdoors into the
                                                                        natural world to learn about nature
                                                                        is the goal of Prairie Partners’ next
                                                                        project in Northfield. This volunteer
                                                                        organization has received a $900
                                                                        grant from the Northfield Garden
                                                                        Club to fund their work in the
                                                                        Greenvale Lone Oak Nature Area.
                                                                            The major part of the project will
                                                                        be building an outdoor classroom,
                                                                        which will consist of seven benches
                                                                        grouped together in the prairie/
                                                                        woods area. A teacher will be able to
                                                                        instruct an entire class. The students
                                                                        can be seated, and then pursue their
                                                                        various activities in the nature area.
                                                                        The project will be started in the
                                                                        spring of 2011.
                                                                            $150 was allotted for 27 species
                                                                        of native flower seeds. They arrived
                                                                        just in time and were scattered
                                                                        before the Nov. 13 snowfall. Some
                                                                        money is allotted for plants, such as
                                                                        ferns, for the woods and prairie.
                                                                            The sign on the west side of the
                                                                        prairie will be restored, and a park
                                                                        bench will be constructed and placed
                                                                        where visitors may sit and enjoy the
New SNAs                                                                sights and sounds of nature.
Continued from page 1
                                                                            Additional      volunteers     are
SNA (Benton Co.), Twin Lakes                                            welcome. For more information,
SNA (Isanti Co.), Franconia Bluffs                                      contact Laura Bergdahl, 507-645-
SNA (Chisago Co.), Seminary Fen                                         3537, or Arlene Kjar, president of
SNA (Carver Co.), Hastings Sand                                         Prairie Partners, 507-645-8903.      
Coulee SNA and Chimney Rock
SNA (Dakota Co.), and Butternut                                         Dues are due now
Valley SNA (Blue Earth Co.).                                                The MNNPS year starts Jan. 1.
   In addition, by early in 2011,                                       If you have not paid your 2011 dues,
three new sites will be added,        Lester Lake SNA in Hubbard        this is a reminder. You may pay them
protecting an additional 353 acres:   County (above) is one of the 13   at the Feb. 3 meeting or mail them
LaSalle Lake SNA (Hubbard Co.),       new SNAs. Their locations are     to P.O. Box 20401, Bloomington,
Clinton Falls Dwarf Trout Lily SNA    identified by a star symbol on    MN 55420.
(Steele Co.), and Blaine Preserve     the map. The map is courtesy of
                                      the DNR. The photo of Lester          Membership categories are:
SNA (Anoka Co.). The map shows                                          •	 Individual or family, $15;
the locations of these 13 newest      Lake is by Erika Rowe.
                                                                        •	 Student or senior, $8;
SNAs.                               these sites, their primary native   •	 Institution, $20;
   Attendees at the MNNPS plant communities, and selected               •	 Donor, $25;
meeting heard an overview about species they feature.                   •	 Lifetime, $300.
highly successful where shrubs like
Tree rings reveal history                                                           beaked hazel (Corylus cornuta) and
                                                                                    mountain maple (Acer spicatum)

of Minnesota forest                                                                 were less abundant.
                                                                                        In all, this study pinpoints critical
by Mike Reinikainen, Master of            to tree death, but tree ring evidence     moments in the development of
Science student, in conjunction           revealed a uniquely prolonged and         one of Minnesota’s most abundant
with Dr. Anthony D’Amato of the           severe defoliation event that lasted      aspen-types,        moments       where
University of Minnesota Department        throughout the 1950s and resulted         managers may be able to intervene
of Forest Resources, and Shawn            in heavy mortality, even in young         to enhance the diversity and
Fraver of the USDA Forest Service         aspen. Interestingly, the recorded        ultimately the ecological function of
Northern Research Station. This is        history of defoliations within            these forests. Retrospective studies
an abstract of his talk at the Nov. 4,    Minnesota strongly corroborates           using dendroecology can be used
2010 MNNPS meeting.                       these findings.                           to better inform the management of
                                                                                    our changing forest resource.
   Dendroecology, or the dating               The mortality resulting from
of ecologically significant events
using tree rings, was used to
                                          severe and prolonged defoliation
                                          of aspen increased species diversity
                                                                                    Pilot program
assess forest disturbance patterns        roughly 20 to 30 years into stand         aims to halt new
over nine decades and to relate
observed patterns to current forest
                                          development. Canopy gaps resulting
                                          from overstory aspen mortality led
                                                                                    invasive weeds
                                                                                       The City of Maplewood has joined
composition within the Northern           to increased growing space and            forces with the Ramsey County
Wet-Mesic Boreal Hardwood-                increased resources for the growth        Cooperative Weed Management
Conifer Forest (MN native plant           of other tree species. Species like       Area to begin a pilot monitoring
community MHn44) in north-                balsam fir, red maple, and, to a lesser   program aimed at stopping new
central Minnesota. This study was         degree, trembling aspen increased         invasive plant species in their
conducted to better understand and        in abundance during these periods         tracks. Early detection will allow
inform the management of MHn44            of canopy tree mortality. Over time,      quick action to prevent buckthorn-
forest communities, which cover           simple aspen stands were made more        like takeovers.
nearly 320,000 acres of Minnesota.        diverse due to canopy disturbance.
Understanding how these forests                                                        Volunteers are needed to help
                                              In later decades, periodic tent       monitor more than 10,000 acres
change is imperative to forest            caterpillar defoliation of aspen and
management and the provision of a                                                   of parks, trails, open spaces and
                                          extensive defoliation of balsam fir       natural areas. These volunteers will
host of ecosystem services.               and white spruce (Picea glauca)           hike on and off trails during optimal
Here is how MHn44 changes:                by Eastern spruce budworm                 detection periods for each species.
   Trembling       aspen     (Populus     (Choristoneura fumiferana) caused         They will mark locations and report
tremuloides) dominated the dense          elevated mortality of the respective      weeds for removal. An informational
overstory of early forests following      host species. We observed the             meeting will be held at 7 p.m.
severe disturbances. When adequate        greatest mortality within populations     March 22 at the Maplewood Nature
seed, seedlings, or saplings were         of balsam fir. While these events         Center. Each volunteer will choose
available, ensuing forest change          reduced diversity of overstory            a monitoring area. GPS units will
was facilitated by the growth of          species, they created canopy gaps         be available during training and for
shade-tolerant understory species         and contributed large amounts of          each monitoring period. Call 651-
like balsam fir (Abies balsamea)          aspen and balsam fir deadwood             249-2170 to register.
and red maple (Acer rubrum) in the        material to the forest floor. In the         For additional information,
low light conditions under the taller     absence of deer herbivory and the         contact Carole Gernes, Ramsey
aspen stems. The mortality of some        presence of adequate seed source,         County       Cooperative        Weed
young aspen enhanced the growth of        such material may further contribute      Management Area coordinator, at
understory species. Such mortality        to the diversification of these forests   651-792-7977, or carole.gernes@
occurred as a result of resource          by providing the necessary substrate
competition between neighboring           for germination of more “finicky”
aspen trees and severe forest tent        species like Eastern white cedar          MNNPS website
caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria)         (Thuja occidentalis) and white                For information about Society
defoliation. Defoliation events are       spruce. Otherwise, regeneration of        field trips, meetings and events,
usually brief and typically do not lead   balsam fir and trembling aspen was        check the website:
uses and benefits. However, the
Conservation Corner
                                                                                 1997 amendment, subpart 1, now
Current status of rules                                                          specifically speaks to ecological uses
                                                                                 and benefits of wild rice, this being

for wild rice protection
by Beth Nixon
                                                                                 the only plant resource specifically
                                                                                 called out. 

   One goal of the MPCA is to protect those surface waters used for the          MNNPS welcomes
production of wild rice. The quality of these waters will permit their use
for irrigation without significant damage or adverse effects upon any            new members
vegetation usually grown in the waters.                                             The Society gives a warm
                                                                                 welcome to 19 new members who
   The current state water rule establishes pollutant standards to be used as    joined during the fourth quarter of
a guide for determining the suitability of waters for such uses, including the   2010. Listed alphabetically, they
production of wild rice. The standards specify sulfates at “10 milligrams        are:
per liter, applicable to water used for production of wild rice during periods   Laura Aldrich-Wolfe, Moorhead;
when wild rice may be susceptible to damage by high sulfate levels.”             Peggy Booth, St. Paul;
                                                                                 Jeff L. Emmel, Brooklyn Center;
    Other substance, characteristic, or pollutant standards for 4A waters are    Doug, Sheila Grow, Minneapolis;
bicarbonates (5 mE/L); boron (0.5 mg/L), minimum (6.0) and maximum               Terri and David Hanke, Shakopee;
(8.5) pH values; specific conductance (1,000 uMhos/cm at 25C); total             David Hanson, Coon Rapids;
dissolved salts (700 mg/L); sodium (60 percent of total cations in               Pam Larson Frink, White Bear
mE/L); and radioactive materials (not to exceed the lowest concentrations        Lake;
permitted to be discharged to an uncontrolled environment as prescribed          Jenny Lewis, Winona;
by the appropriate authority having control over their use).                     Jordan Manuel, St. Louis Park;
                                                                                 Chris Niskanen, Stillwater;
     When evaluating any facility or project with potential wild rice impacts,   Curt Olen, St. Michael;
the MPCA will consider all available information to determine which              Laura Pipenhagen, Zimmerman;
surface waters are used for the production of wild rice. If any surface water    Stephen D. Poole, Eagan;
is determined to be a wild rice water, the MPCA will evaluate whether there      Michael Reinikainen, Minneapolis;
is a reasonable potential for the discharge(s) to cause or contribute to a       Priya Shahani, St. Paul;
violation of the applicable water quality standard. If a reasonable potential    Karen Sutherland, St. Paul;
exists, then the MPCA will establish an appropriate water quality-based          Steve Travers, Moorhead.
effluent limit in the facility permit to protect the applicable water quality
standard and the designated uses of the water as a wild rice production
water.                                                                           2010 MNNPS
     The 1997 Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) was for               treasurers’ report
amending Minnesota Rules Chapter 7050 and 7052 and designated wild                   Ron and Cathy Huber, MNNPS
rice waters in the Lake Superior Basin.  The amendments were to be of            treasurers, have prepared a summary
limited scope but did call potential additional benefits to these classes of     of the Society’s accounts, as of Dec.
                                                                                 31, 2010. Assets totaled $17,065.15.
people:  those who harvest wild rice for food, recreation, or as an income
                                                                                 Expenses ($17,661.87) exceeded
source; sportspersons, particularly waterfowl hunters; and cultivated wild       income ($9,831.28) by $7,830.59,
rice producers and supporting industries. Water level fluctuation (greater       primarily because the Society made
than six inches) was identified as the most critical influence on sustained      $7,550 in donations that support its
wild rice production.  The amendments were considered a starting point           purpose.
to examine additional water quality criteria for wild rice protection to be          Major items in the report include
addressed in future rule-making amendments.                                      income from membership dues,
     The wild rice rule update, recognizing the important resource value,        $3,215. Plant sale income was $566.
was placed in Class 4A Agriculture and Wildlife Waters, where the                Symposium income was $5,275; its
language already existed for the sulfate standard adopted in 1973. The           expenses totaled $3,857.40, for net
                                                                                 symposium income of $1,417.60.
first part prescribes the qualities or properties of the waters of the state     Dakota Lodge rent for seven months
that are necessary for the agriculture and wildlife designated public            was $2,078.24.
President’s column
                                                                                a donation of $2,500.  Those who
                                                                                have knowledge of his latest work,
by Scott Milburn                                                                the Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota,
New DNR Commissioner                                                            understand why it is so important to
   My past column touched on the November election and political                have this high quality educational
appointments. One of the most important positions that affect the mission       resource material available. I am
of the Society is commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources           happy to report that the Trees and
(DNR). The newly appointed commissioner, Tom Landwehr, has the                  Shrubs of Minnesota is now up for a
resume and background that are appropriate for this position and is in          second printing.
stark contrast to his counterpart in neighboring Wisconsin. Commissioner           The board also decided to donate
Landwehr will have to deal with budget constraints and vocal interests          to the Minnesota Conservation
for every issue. However, I am optimistic that Tom understands natural          Volunteer, the Bell Museum, and
resource management and that there is a difference between management           toward the funding of educational
and depletion.                                                                  kiosks at several of the new Scientific
                                                                                and Natural Areas. Each of these
State needs volunteers
                                                                                three entities received $1,250 in this
   I would also like to point to something that Governor Dayton mentioned
                                                                                round of contributions. Overall, the
during his inauguration speech. He requested that every capable adult
                                                                                Society donated $7,550 in 2010, and
volunteer one day of their time a month. As an all-volunteer organization,
                                                                                that should be considered a smart
we are reliant upon our membership to step forward and donate their skills
                                                                                investment for the future.
and time as well. I ask that each one of us contribute in some capacity,
either directly with a non-profit natural resource organization, or with        Oriental bittersweet
a state agency such as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or the
DNR. These agencies and non-profits are likely to see reduced budgets           has invaded state
and private donations in upcoming years, and we can help. One thing to             Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus
                                                                                orbiculatus Thunb.) has been found
consider is how much we can accomplish as a volunteer army. If each
                                                                                in Winona and on rights-of-way
member donated six hours of time in one year, that would amount to a full       in Anoka, Hennepin and Ramsey
work year for one person.                                                       counties, the Minnesota Department
Society donations                                                               of Agriculture announced in
   On a contrary note, we are in a different position financially. Much         December. “Oriental bittersweet is
of our revenue comes from either memberships or symposia. What we               considered a serious threat to our
charge for memberships and programming has not increased in cost to             forests, based on what it has done
                                                                                in Eastern states,” said Monika
our members this last decade. Yet, the Society has been in a position of
                                                                                Chandler, an invasive plant specialist
building up our treasury over this time. This is due to keeping our costs       for the department.
low, with our members contributing where needed. We are fortunate to be
                                                                                   The vine is established in many
in a position to donate this excess revenue, with the board not taking this     Eastern states and in Canada. Single
responsibility lightly. In just the past few years, we have donated with the    vines can grow up to 66 feet in
approach of investing these dollars where it benefits many versus a limited     length and four inches in diameter.
few. We have also looked for opportunities to invest rather than declaring      They can strangle and smother
an open checkbook to those that are interested.                                 trees, dominate the forest canopy,
   Earlier in the year, we donated $1,300 to the Bell Museum to assist          reduce forest productivity and block
                                                                                sunlight from ground-story plants.
with costs associated with the digital transformation of the Sand Country
                                                                                Their “berries” (capsules) are
Wildlife film by the late Walter Breckenridge. This was a great opportunity     yellow. Native American bittersweet
to help preserve the legacy of “Breck” and his contributions to natural         (Celastrus scandens) has orange
history. Especially now, it is an important time to think about donating to     capsules.
worthy entities, given the economy and budget forecasts. In December,              To report an infestation, call the
the board was ambitious and decided to donate additional funds. It was          department’s pest hot line, 651-201-
decided that these funds would go to four different entities that are in line   6684 or 1-800-545-6684, or send
with our mission as an organization. We will once again be supporting the       an e-mail to arrest.the.pest@state.
efforts of Welby Smith to further his publications on Minnesota plants with
New field guide
Plant Lore
by Thor Kommedahl                        identifies aquatic
                                                                                 bound book is small and portable
                                                                                 but contains a lot of information and
                                                                                 280 photos.
What is pussy willow?
    Pussy willow is a shrub or small
                                         Wisconsin plants                           On the back cover is stated:
                                         Aquatic Plants of Wisconsin:            “Aquatic Plants of Wisconsin is a
tree named Salix discolor in the         a Photographic Field Guide              full-color, photographic guide to
willow family (Salicaceae).              to Submerged and Floating-              Wisconsin’s true aquatic plants,
How did it get its names?                leaf Aquatic Plants, by Paul M.         highlighting 120 species. This guide
    Salix is the classical Latin name    Skawinski, published by Wisconsin       is designed to be comprehensive
for willow. Discolor refers to the       Lakes, 2010, $34.                       and user-friendly for professionals
contrast in color between the upper                                              and casual users alike.”
                                         Review by Russ Schaffenberg
and lower leaf surfaces. “Pussy”            Because we need more awareness            The book uses leaf shapes and
denotes the furry male catkin, which     in the general public  about aquatic    arrangements to separate plants into
is appropriate, as catkin means          plants, and more people to watch for    eight groups; then you look through
kitten in Polish.                        invasive species, this book is a good   that section to identify your plant.
What does the plant look like?           thing and should help the cause. It     In the Appendix, traditional keys
    The pussy willow shrub has an        is portable and has photos, which       are also provided for three of the
extensive root system and usually        many people prefer. At only 6” x        genera, Myriophyllum, Utricularia
multiple stems. The leaves are           9” x ½” thick, this glossy, spiral-     and Sparganium, courtesy of Dr.
elliptical with a smooth upper green                                             Robert Freckmann, who served
surface and a felt-like, lower whitish                                           as a technical advisor. When you
surface. The flowers are either                                                  open the text, you see two species
male or female, borne in structures                                              presented on the two facing pages,
called catkins. The male catkin                                                  with the photos on the right page and
is the silky “pussy,” and a female                                               the text on the left. The text states
catkin comprises fruits as  capsules                                             the name, habitat, status, water type,
containing seeds that are dispersed                                              distribution, form, what other plant
by wind.                                                                         looks most similar to it, and a short
Where does the plant grow?                                                       paragraph on identification. Key
    Pussy willow is an opportunistic                                             characteristics are in bold type.
shrub that grows quickly along                                                      This book will encourage more
streams, swamps, and moist to wet                                                people to learn about aquatic plants
locations, but rarely on prairies, in                                            and watch for invasive species.
most Minnesota counties.                                                         Until now, the popular and widely
Are there medicinal properties?                                                  used 1997 Wisconsin DNR/Lakes
    The Greek physician Dioscorides                                              Partnership publication, Through
in the first century prescribed                                                  the Looking Glass: A Field Guide
willow bark for treating fevers and                                              to Aquatic Plants (DNR #FH-207-
pain. The active ingredient was later                                            97), has filled this niche. It remains
                                          Salix discolor male catkins (top)
identified as salicin, then salicylic                                            an excellent book. It is 8½” x 11,”
                                          and leaves. Photos courtesy of
acid, which centuries later was                                                  paperback, has illustrations rather
                                          Welby Smith.
modified to acetylsalicylic acid and                                             than photos, and separates plants into
synthesized as aspirin.                  Do we value pussy willows in our        four groups: emergent, free-floating,
                                         culture?                                floating-leaf and submersed.
What is the legend of pussy
willows?                                    Its extensive root system enables       Both books include several non-
    The legend hangs on a Polish         the shrub to hold soil together,        vascular aquatic plants, such as
tale about willows rescuing kittens      valuable for erosion control, but       liverworts and algae. Skawinski did
from the river. Dot McGinnis wrote       sometimes incompatible with garden      not include emergent plants (cattails,
a poem, excerpted as follows:            or landscape plants. By collecting      wild rice, etc.). He did include a few
…To reach the kittens was their          stems in late winter and bringing       sometimes puzzling species that
goal;                                    them indoors, they will bloom and       are typically terrestrial/emergent
A rescue mission, heart and soul.        serve for table arrangements.           but often have aquatic forms, such
…Tiny fur like buds are sprung           Pussy willows are harbingers of         as Galium, Glyceria, Sagittaria,
Where little kittens once had clung.     spring!                                 Berula, and Juncus pelocarpus.
Minnesota Native Plant Society
P.O. Box 20401
Bloomington, MN 55420

Winter 2011

                      Take MN Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul.
                      Go west on Butler 0.2 mile to Stassen Lane.
                      Go south on Stassen Lane to Thompson County Park.

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Winter 2011 Minnesota Plant Press

  • 1. Minnesota Plant Press The Minnesota Native Plant Society Newsletter Volume 30 Number 1 Winter 2011 Monthly meetings Thompson Park Center/Dakota Lodge DNR increases Thompson County Park 360 Butler Ave. E., West St. Paul, MN 55118 amount of protected Programs The Minnesota Native Plant lands in Minnesota by Peggy Booth, SNA program supervisor. This is a summary of her talk at Society meets the first Thursday the Dec. 2, 2010 MNNPS meeting. in October, November, December, The DNR’s Scientific and Natural Area Program is responsible for February, March, April, May, and protection and management of special places and rare resources, primarily June. Check at through the system of designated Scientific and Natural Area (SNA) sites for more program information. and our Prairie Stewardship Program. 6 p.m. — Social period 7 – 9 p.m. — Program, Society The Prairie Stewardship Program provides assistance to private business landowners of native prairie through the Prairie Tax Exemption Program, Feb. 3: “New Frontiers in prairie stewardship planning and management assistance, acquisition of Invasive Earthworm Research,” Native Prairie Bank (NPB) conservation easements, and various outreach by Dr. Lee Frelich, director, and education activities. These include the recently released DVD called University of Minnesota Center for Prairie Treasure: A Native Prairie Bank Story, which is available free Hardwood Ecology. Plant-of-the- through the SNA Program. As of November 2010, 100 NPB easements Month: Viola selkirkii (Selkirk’s protect 8,111 acres; this includes 26 new NPB easements on 2,066 acres violet), also by Dr. Frelich. acquired in the last four years. March 3: “Shoreline Designated SNAs are units within the state’s outdoor recreation system Restoration Tricks and Tips established to protect and perpetuate in an undisturbed natural state those with Financial Help from the natural features which possess exceptional scientific or educational value. Watersheds,” by Rusty Schmidt, As of November 2010, about 184,100 acres are protected at 152 SNAs landscape ecologist, Washington across the state. Activities on SNAs include ecological management Conservation District. Plant- (such as prescribed fires and, in a few locations, deer exclosures and of-the-Month: Chelone glabra plant community reconstruction), monitoring, research, and educational/ (Turtlehead), by Rusty Schmidt. volunteer events sponsored by In this issue others. March 26: Symposium. See article on page 2. During the last four years, 1,636 acres (at 23 sites) have been acquired, Symposium ..............................2 April 7: “Minnesota Forest history revealed ...........4 through purchase and/or donation Mushrooms – Then and Now. A Invasive weed project .............4 and added to the SNA system. Report on Some Recent Survey Wild rice regulations .............5 These include 10 newly created Results and on the Impact of Fungal New members ..........................5 SNAs: Lester Lake SNA (Hubbard Tree of Life Studies on Mushroom President’s column .................6 Co.), Boltuck-Rice Forever Wild Classification,” by Dr. David J. Oriental bittersweet .................6 SNA(Itasca Co.), Langhei Prairie McLaughlin, Department of Plant Book review ............................7 SNA (Pope Co.), Englund Ecotone Biology, University of Minnesota. Plant Lore: Pussy willow .........7 Mushroom-of-the-Month: TBD. Continued on page 3
  • 2. Lake vegetation of Minnesota is MNNPS Board topic of March 26 symposium of Directors by Michael Bourdaghs President: Scott Milburn, scott. The Society’s 2011 symposium committee has again decided to focus on a specific habitat and has chosen Minnesota’s Lake Vegetation Above and Below the Water Line. Sessions will touch on the natural history and current Vice President: Shirley Mah conservation issues of the plants and plant communities occurring in the Kooyman, shirley.mah.kooyman@ State’s lakes and adjacent shorelines. The Bell Museum of Natural History on the University of Minnesota Secretary, program coordinator: Minneapolis campus has agreed to host the symposium on Saturday, March Andrés Morantes, andres. 26. A brochure with a full program listing and registration information will be mailed soon. Treasurers, membership data base: Ron and Cathy Huber, ron.huber@ Derek Anderson, board member, Ken Arndt, board member, field trip chair, Michael Bourdaghs, board member, Elizabeth Heck, board member, webmaster, elizabeth.heck@mnnps. org Daniel Jones, board member, Dylan Lueth, board member, dylan. Shell Lake in Becker County exhibits some of the varied vegetation that will be discussed at the symposium. Photo by Erika Rowe. Elizabeth Nixon, board member, conservation committee chair, beth. Minnesota Native Plant Society’s purpose Erika Rowe, board member, erika. (Abbreviated from the bylaws) This organization is exclusively organized and operated for Russ Schaffenberg, board member, educational and scientific purposes, including the following. 1. Conservation of all native plants. Field Trips: fieldtrips.mnnps@ 2. Continuing education of all members in the plant sciences. 3. Education of the public regarding environmental protection of plant Memberships: memberships. life. 4. Encouragement of research and publications on plants native to Historian-Archives: Roy Robison, Minnesota. historian-archives.mnnps@mnnps. 5. Study of legislation on Minnesota flora, vegetation, ecosytems. org 6. Preservation of native plants, plant communities, and scientific and natural areas. Technical or membership inquiries: contact.mnnps@mnnps. 7. Cooperation in programs concerned with the ecology of natural org resources and scenic features. 8. Fellowship with all persons interested in native plants through Minnesota Plant Press Editor: meetings, lectures, workshops, and field trips. Gerry Drewry, 651-463-8006; 2
  • 3. Where the new SNAs are Northfield group is building an outdoor classroom  by Arlene Kjar Getting children outdoors into the natural world to learn about nature is the goal of Prairie Partners’ next project in Northfield. This volunteer organization has received a $900 grant from the Northfield Garden Club to fund their work in the Greenvale Lone Oak Nature Area. The major part of the project will be building an outdoor classroom, which will consist of seven benches grouped together in the prairie/ woods area. A teacher will be able to instruct an entire class. The students can be seated, and then pursue their various activities in the nature area. The project will be started in the spring of 2011. $150 was allotted for 27 species of native flower seeds. They arrived just in time and were scattered before the Nov. 13 snowfall. Some money is allotted for plants, such as ferns, for the woods and prairie. The sign on the west side of the prairie will be restored, and a park bench will be constructed and placed where visitors may sit and enjoy the New SNAs sights and sounds of nature. Continued from page 1 Additional volunteers are SNA (Benton Co.), Twin Lakes welcome. For more information, SNA (Isanti Co.), Franconia Bluffs contact Laura Bergdahl, 507-645- SNA (Chisago Co.), Seminary Fen 3537, or Arlene Kjar, president of SNA (Carver Co.), Hastings Sand Prairie Partners, 507-645-8903.       Coulee SNA and Chimney Rock SNA (Dakota Co.), and Butternut Dues are due now Valley SNA (Blue Earth Co.). The MNNPS year starts Jan. 1. In addition, by early in 2011, If you have not paid your 2011 dues, three new sites will be added, Lester Lake SNA in Hubbard this is a reminder. You may pay them protecting an additional 353 acres: County (above) is one of the 13 at the Feb. 3 meeting or mail them LaSalle Lake SNA (Hubbard Co.), new SNAs. Their locations are to P.O. Box 20401, Bloomington, Clinton Falls Dwarf Trout Lily SNA identified by a star symbol on MN 55420. (Steele Co.), and Blaine Preserve the map. The map is courtesy of the DNR. The photo of Lester Membership categories are: SNA (Anoka Co.). The map shows • Individual or family, $15; the locations of these 13 newest Lake is by Erika Rowe. • Student or senior, $8; SNAs. these sites, their primary native • Institution, $20; Attendees at the MNNPS plant communities, and selected • Donor, $25; meeting heard an overview about species they feature. • Lifetime, $300. 3
  • 4. highly successful where shrubs like Tree rings reveal history beaked hazel (Corylus cornuta) and mountain maple (Acer spicatum) of Minnesota forest were less abundant. In all, this study pinpoints critical by Mike Reinikainen, Master of to tree death, but tree ring evidence moments in the development of Science student, in conjunction revealed a uniquely prolonged and one of Minnesota’s most abundant with Dr. Anthony D’Amato of the severe defoliation event that lasted aspen-types, moments where University of Minnesota Department throughout the 1950s and resulted managers may be able to intervene of Forest Resources, and Shawn in heavy mortality, even in young to enhance the diversity and Fraver of the USDA Forest Service aspen. Interestingly, the recorded ultimately the ecological function of Northern Research Station. This is history of defoliations within these forests. Retrospective studies an abstract of his talk at the Nov. 4, Minnesota strongly corroborates using dendroecology can be used 2010 MNNPS meeting. these findings. to better inform the management of our changing forest resource. Dendroecology, or the dating The mortality resulting from of ecologically significant events using tree rings, was used to severe and prolonged defoliation of aspen increased species diversity Pilot program assess forest disturbance patterns roughly 20 to 30 years into stand aims to halt new over nine decades and to relate observed patterns to current forest development. Canopy gaps resulting from overstory aspen mortality led invasive weeds The City of Maplewood has joined composition within the Northern to increased growing space and forces with the Ramsey County Wet-Mesic Boreal Hardwood- increased resources for the growth Cooperative Weed Management Conifer Forest (MN native plant of other tree species. Species like Area to begin a pilot monitoring community MHn44) in north- balsam fir, red maple, and, to a lesser program aimed at stopping new central Minnesota. This study was degree, trembling aspen increased invasive plant species in their conducted to better understand and in abundance during these periods tracks. Early detection will allow inform the management of MHn44 of canopy tree mortality. Over time, quick action to prevent buckthorn- forest communities, which cover simple aspen stands were made more like takeovers. nearly 320,000 acres of Minnesota. diverse due to canopy disturbance. Understanding how these forests Volunteers are needed to help In later decades, periodic tent monitor more than 10,000 acres change is imperative to forest caterpillar defoliation of aspen and management and the provision of a of parks, trails, open spaces and extensive defoliation of balsam fir natural areas. These volunteers will host of ecosystem services. and white spruce (Picea glauca) hike on and off trails during optimal Here is how MHn44 changes: by Eastern spruce budworm detection periods for each species. Trembling aspen (Populus (Choristoneura fumiferana) caused They will mark locations and report tremuloides) dominated the dense elevated mortality of the respective weeds for removal. An informational overstory of early forests following host species. We observed the meeting will be held at 7 p.m. severe disturbances. When adequate greatest mortality within populations March 22 at the Maplewood Nature seed, seedlings, or saplings were of balsam fir. While these events Center. Each volunteer will choose available, ensuing forest change reduced diversity of overstory a monitoring area. GPS units will was facilitated by the growth of species, they created canopy gaps be available during training and for shade-tolerant understory species and contributed large amounts of each monitoring period. Call 651- like balsam fir (Abies balsamea) aspen and balsam fir deadwood 249-2170 to register. and red maple (Acer rubrum) in the material to the forest floor. In the For additional information, low light conditions under the taller absence of deer herbivory and the contact Carole Gernes, Ramsey aspen stems. The mortality of some presence of adequate seed source, County Cooperative Weed young aspen enhanced the growth of such material may further contribute Management Area coordinator, at understory species. Such mortality to the diversification of these forests 651-792-7977, or carole.gernes@ occurred as a result of resource by providing the necessary substrate competition between neighboring for germination of more “finicky” aspen trees and severe forest tent species like Eastern white cedar MNNPS website caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) (Thuja occidentalis) and white For information about Society defoliation. Defoliation events are spruce. Otherwise, regeneration of field trips, meetings and events, usually brief and typically do not lead balsam fir and trembling aspen was check the website: 4
  • 5. uses and benefits. However, the Conservation Corner 1997 amendment, subpart 1, now Current status of rules specifically speaks to ecological uses and benefits of wild rice, this being for wild rice protection by Beth Nixon the only plant resource specifically called out.  One goal of the MPCA is to protect those surface waters used for the MNNPS welcomes production of wild rice. The quality of these waters will permit their use for irrigation without significant damage or adverse effects upon any new members vegetation usually grown in the waters. The Society gives a warm welcome to 19 new members who The current state water rule establishes pollutant standards to be used as joined during the fourth quarter of a guide for determining the suitability of waters for such uses, including the 2010. Listed alphabetically, they production of wild rice. The standards specify sulfates at “10 milligrams are: per liter, applicable to water used for production of wild rice during periods Laura Aldrich-Wolfe, Moorhead; when wild rice may be susceptible to damage by high sulfate levels.” Peggy Booth, St. Paul; Jeff L. Emmel, Brooklyn Center; Other substance, characteristic, or pollutant standards for 4A waters are Doug, Sheila Grow, Minneapolis; bicarbonates (5 mE/L); boron (0.5 mg/L), minimum (6.0) and maximum Terri and David Hanke, Shakopee; (8.5) pH values; specific conductance (1,000 uMhos/cm at 25C); total David Hanson, Coon Rapids; dissolved salts (700 mg/L); sodium (60 percent of total cations in Pam Larson Frink, White Bear mE/L); and radioactive materials (not to exceed the lowest concentrations Lake; permitted to be discharged to an uncontrolled environment as prescribed Jenny Lewis, Winona; by the appropriate authority having control over their use). Jordan Manuel, St. Louis Park; Chris Niskanen, Stillwater;  When evaluating any facility or project with potential wild rice impacts, Curt Olen, St. Michael; the MPCA will consider all available information to determine which Laura Pipenhagen, Zimmerman; surface waters are used for the production of wild rice. If any surface water Stephen D. Poole, Eagan; is determined to be a wild rice water, the MPCA will evaluate whether there Michael Reinikainen, Minneapolis; is a reasonable potential for the discharge(s) to cause or contribute to a Priya Shahani, St. Paul; violation of the applicable water quality standard. If a reasonable potential Karen Sutherland, St. Paul; exists, then the MPCA will establish an appropriate water quality-based Steve Travers, Moorhead. effluent limit in the facility permit to protect the applicable water quality standard and the designated uses of the water as a wild rice production water. 2010 MNNPS  The 1997 Statement of Need and Reasonableness (SONAR) was for treasurers’ report amending Minnesota Rules Chapter 7050 and 7052 and designated wild Ron and Cathy Huber, MNNPS rice waters in the Lake Superior Basin.  The amendments were to be of treasurers, have prepared a summary limited scope but did call potential additional benefits to these classes of of the Society’s accounts, as of Dec. 31, 2010. Assets totaled $17,065.15. people:  those who harvest wild rice for food, recreation, or as an income Expenses ($17,661.87) exceeded source; sportspersons, particularly waterfowl hunters; and cultivated wild income ($9,831.28) by $7,830.59, rice producers and supporting industries. Water level fluctuation (greater primarily because the Society made than six inches) was identified as the most critical influence on sustained $7,550 in donations that support its wild rice production.  The amendments were considered a starting point purpose. to examine additional water quality criteria for wild rice protection to be Major items in the report include addressed in future rule-making amendments. income from membership dues,  The wild rice rule update, recognizing the important resource value, $3,215. Plant sale income was $566. was placed in Class 4A Agriculture and Wildlife Waters, where the Symposium income was $5,275; its language already existed for the sulfate standard adopted in 1973. The expenses totaled $3,857.40, for net symposium income of $1,417.60. first part prescribes the qualities or properties of the waters of the state Dakota Lodge rent for seven months that are necessary for the agriculture and wildlife designated public was $2,078.24. 5
  • 6. President’s column a donation of $2,500.  Those who have knowledge of his latest work, by Scott Milburn the Trees and Shrubs of Minnesota, New DNR Commissioner understand why it is so important to My past column touched on the November election and political have this high quality educational appointments. One of the most important positions that affect the mission resource material available. I am of the Society is commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources happy to report that the Trees and (DNR). The newly appointed commissioner, Tom Landwehr, has the Shrubs of Minnesota is now up for a resume and background that are appropriate for this position and is in second printing. stark contrast to his counterpart in neighboring Wisconsin. Commissioner The board also decided to donate Landwehr will have to deal with budget constraints and vocal interests to the Minnesota Conservation for every issue. However, I am optimistic that Tom understands natural Volunteer, the Bell Museum, and resource management and that there is a difference between management toward the funding of educational and depletion. kiosks at several of the new Scientific and Natural Areas. Each of these State needs volunteers three entities received $1,250 in this I would also like to point to something that Governor Dayton mentioned round of contributions. Overall, the during his inauguration speech. He requested that every capable adult Society donated $7,550 in 2010, and volunteer one day of their time a month. As an all-volunteer organization, that should be considered a smart we are reliant upon our membership to step forward and donate their skills investment for the future. and time as well. I ask that each one of us contribute in some capacity, either directly with a non-profit natural resource organization, or with Oriental bittersweet a state agency such as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency or the DNR. These agencies and non-profits are likely to see reduced budgets has invaded state and private donations in upcoming years, and we can help. One thing to Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb.) has been found consider is how much we can accomplish as a volunteer army. If each in Winona and on rights-of-way member donated six hours of time in one year, that would amount to a full in Anoka, Hennepin and Ramsey work year for one person. counties, the Minnesota Department Society donations of Agriculture announced in On a contrary note, we are in a different position financially. Much December. “Oriental bittersweet is of our revenue comes from either memberships or symposia. What we considered a serious threat to our charge for memberships and programming has not increased in cost to forests, based on what it has done in Eastern states,” said Monika our members this last decade. Yet, the Society has been in a position of Chandler, an invasive plant specialist building up our treasury over this time. This is due to keeping our costs for the department. low, with our members contributing where needed. We are fortunate to be The vine is established in many in a position to donate this excess revenue, with the board not taking this Eastern states and in Canada. Single responsibility lightly. In just the past few years, we have donated with the vines can grow up to 66 feet in approach of investing these dollars where it benefits many versus a limited length and four inches in diameter. few. We have also looked for opportunities to invest rather than declaring They can strangle and smother an open checkbook to those that are interested. trees, dominate the forest canopy, Earlier in the year, we donated $1,300 to the Bell Museum to assist reduce forest productivity and block sunlight from ground-story plants. with costs associated with the digital transformation of the Sand Country Their “berries” (capsules) are Wildlife film by the late Walter Breckenridge. This was a great opportunity yellow. Native American bittersweet to help preserve the legacy of “Breck” and his contributions to natural (Celastrus scandens) has orange history. Especially now, it is an important time to think about donating to capsules. worthy entities, given the economy and budget forecasts. In December, To report an infestation, call the the board was ambitious and decided to donate additional funds. It was department’s pest hot line, 651-201- decided that these funds would go to four different entities that are in line 6684 or 1-800-545-6684, or send with our mission as an organization. We will once again be supporting the an e-mail to arrest.the.pest@state. efforts of Welby Smith to further his publications on Minnesota plants with 6
  • 7. New field guide Plant Lore by Thor Kommedahl identifies aquatic bound book is small and portable but contains a lot of information and 280 photos. What is pussy willow? Pussy willow is a shrub or small Wisconsin plants On the back cover is stated: Aquatic Plants of Wisconsin: “Aquatic Plants of Wisconsin is a tree named Salix discolor in the a Photographic Field Guide full-color, photographic guide to willow family (Salicaceae). to Submerged and Floating- Wisconsin’s true aquatic plants, How did it get its names? leaf Aquatic Plants, by Paul M. highlighting 120 species. This guide Salix is the classical Latin name Skawinski, published by Wisconsin is designed to be comprehensive for willow. Discolor refers to the Lakes, 2010, $34. and user-friendly for professionals contrast in color between the upper and casual users alike.” Review by Russ Schaffenberg and lower leaf surfaces. “Pussy” Because we need more awareness The book uses leaf shapes and denotes the furry male catkin, which in the general public  about aquatic arrangements to separate plants into is appropriate, as catkin means plants, and more people to watch for eight groups; then you look through kitten in Polish. invasive species, this book is a good that section to identify your plant. What does the plant look like? thing and should help the cause. It In the Appendix, traditional keys The pussy willow shrub has an is portable and has photos, which are also provided for three of the extensive root system and usually many people prefer. At only 6” x genera, Myriophyllum, Utricularia multiple stems. The leaves are 9” x ½” thick, this glossy, spiral- and Sparganium, courtesy of Dr. elliptical with a smooth upper green Robert Freckmann, who served surface and a felt-like, lower whitish as a technical advisor. When you surface. The flowers are either open the text, you see two species male or female, borne in structures presented on the two facing pages, called catkins. The male catkin with the photos on the right page and is the silky “pussy,” and a female the text on the left. The text states catkin comprises fruits as  capsules the name, habitat, status, water type, containing seeds that are dispersed distribution, form, what other plant by wind. looks most similar to it, and a short Where does the plant grow? paragraph on identification. Key Pussy willow is an opportunistic characteristics are in bold type. shrub that grows quickly along This book will encourage more streams, swamps, and moist to wet people to learn about aquatic plants locations, but rarely on prairies, in and watch for invasive species. most Minnesota counties. Until now, the popular and widely Are there medicinal properties? used 1997 Wisconsin DNR/Lakes The Greek physician Dioscorides Partnership publication, Through in the first century prescribed the Looking Glass: A Field Guide willow bark for treating fevers and to Aquatic Plants (DNR #FH-207- pain. The active ingredient was later 97), has filled this niche. It remains Salix discolor male catkins (top) identified as salicin, then salicylic an excellent book. It is 8½” x 11,” and leaves. Photos courtesy of acid, which centuries later was paperback, has illustrations rather Welby Smith. modified to acetylsalicylic acid and than photos, and separates plants into synthesized as aspirin. Do we value pussy willows in our four groups: emergent, free-floating, culture? floating-leaf and submersed. What is the legend of pussy willows? Its extensive root system enables Both books include several non- The legend hangs on a Polish the shrub to hold soil together, vascular aquatic plants, such as tale about willows rescuing kittens valuable for erosion control, but liverworts and algae. Skawinski did from the river. Dot McGinnis wrote sometimes incompatible with garden not include emergent plants (cattails, a poem, excerpted as follows: or landscape plants. By collecting wild rice, etc.). He did include a few …To reach the kittens was their stems in late winter and bringing sometimes puzzling species that goal; them indoors, they will bloom and are typically terrestrial/emergent A rescue mission, heart and soul. serve for table arrangements. but often have aquatic forms, such …Tiny fur like buds are sprung Pussy willows are harbingers of as Galium, Glyceria, Sagittaria, Where little kittens once had clung. spring! Berula, and Juncus pelocarpus. 7
  • 8. Minnesota Native Plant Society P.O. Box 20401 Bloomington, MN 55420 Winter 2011 Directions: Take MN Hwy. 52 to the Butler Ave. E. exit in West St. Paul. Go west on Butler 0.2 mile to Stassen Lane. Go south on Stassen Lane to Thompson County Park.